#mae headers
editfandom · 3 months
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The Acolyte, 2024
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merevide · 1 year
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my favorite video game image ever
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echoesofaheart · 1 month
btw once people who want individual sideblogs actually have them properly set up we're probably going to make a proper pinned. and that will be the closest we get to any sort of alter list
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
i love your theme <3
omg tyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!! i feel like i redo it sm but idk i guess im in a rep mood 🤷‍♀️
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riodoesstuff · 2 months
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I'm MARTIN, but I am pretty sure you already knew that; I am a Multifandom artist, and I make OC content as well! Feel free to follow & Thanks for the support! :-)
(Mobile Version bellow)
> Name: Martin / Rio / Mae
> Pronouns: They / He / Sun / Ender / It / She
> Prefer to be referred with: Masculine / Gender Neutral terms; Is okay with “honey” “dear” “love” and “girl” (but for comedic purposes)
> Username: @viochanchan82  –> @riodoesstuff
> Content: Posts Multifandom and OC stuff; art tag is #martins art
> O.B.S: NSFW blogs will be blocked; I use “dude” “bro” and “dude” as gender neutral terms, let me know if you are uncomfortable with those being used on you;
> My art can be used as Icon and Header WITH credits;
> If you want to use my art in edits, please contact me first;
> If you are an NSFW blog, please don’t use my art at all;
> No reposts, if I find one you will be reported;
> Don’t use my art as video thumbnails or youtube profile pictures if you are a content creator;
> Don’t sell my art or use it to spread hate of any form;
☆ My main tags are:
☆ Art Tag: martins art
☆ Talking Tag: riosaysstuff
☆ Ask Tag: the ask gazes back
☆ Not my art: others art
☆ My OC project: The Doomed’s Vale
☆ You Can Find me on:
Tumblr: RIODOESSTUFF (you’re already there silly)
–> theme is AEIOU by echeladder themes ( https://echeladder.tumblr.com/tagged/theme
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trashmouth-richie · 2 months
lately i have been saying that this fandom just gets worse and worse by the day and honestly it has been. we all know that the lack of stranger things content is making people leave left and right.
everyone is entitled to their own opinions— that’s what should be noted here.
people have left this fandom because of anon hate, being called out for x y z when someone thinks they have dirt on them etc.
it’s fucking tiring.
we are all aware of the “groups” within the fandom and m what was popular last year during this time is no longer and vice versa.
however, shaming people for writing “bimbo” geared smut, only writing smut, or reblogging, commenting etc on smut only— is ridiculous.
block and move along. smut isn’t your thing? that’s totally fine, but shaming others for enjoying it but catering to your friends makes no sense, i’m sorry but ?! cmon.
is it frustrating to spend hours upon hours crafting a fic with words that sing to you our soul and made your own heart flutter just to watch it flop? of course it is. it’s downright frustrating.
but again, what was popular before, is not at the current time and that’s okay. things change and we adjust to it.
that being said, shy! innocent! reader that reads as minor coding (IN MY OPINION) is not okay.
i’m a mother and i have kids, reading verbiage that i’ve quite literally heard out of my own children’s mouths in a smut fic about a character we all love and adore— makes me physically ill.
there are minors on this app who lie about their age (shocking) but these types of fics are gearing towards them and that’s not okay.
DDLG fics in this fandom were also very popular at one time and still are. and do they have similar verbiage? at times? possibly, maybe, yes. it is extremely important to correctly label fics. and people who write DDLG are usually pretty good about it.
we have all made mistakes, fuck you all know i have— i am not perfect in any way shape or form. but this fandom, stranger things, means a lot to me and getting the fucking ick from it makes me feel disgusting.
white coding in fics should not be happening anymore.
plain and simple.
if you make a header —pls refrain from using only skinny, white, women to portray reader unless it is labeled that way.
doing so is alienating everyone who is not a skinny white woman, including but not limited to, POC.
we have all been there and made that mistake, me included—but you learn from it and change your ways. i promise you note count doesn’t go up bc you have molly mae’s dainty body sitting on the lap of on her rocker! bf that is eddie coded.
i have volunteered to make headers for people who struggle with doing so because i genuinely enjoy it. if you would like some help, dm me— i’d be happy to make one for you.
none of us are above learning and changing. we can all do better and should.
i’m around to discuss this in a positive way. if you’re sending hate anon.. peace and grease pal.
your weird friend,
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stateofcharles · 2 years
family time - GR63
pairing: dad!George Russell x mom!reader
word count: ~ 4,4k
warnings: fluff, labour and birth, fluff again, just fluff really be ready
summary: (requested by Anon) Please do dad!George part 2, pretty please! Him and Jack are making my hormones go crazy + (requested by Anon) Please please write part of Dad George, I am obsessed with the first part and need more.+ prompt n.3 was suggested as well by Anon, thank you lots, i loved writing it! Some glimpses into parenthood with George
a/n: this can be read as standalone or as a part II to this. I HAD TO SORRY, the photo of george meeting little jack made my hormones fly as well and i couldn’t resist. it took me quite a while but i’m actually really proud of this and i also gave the best of myself, so here enjoy this +4k! <3
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1. Meeting the twins
It was a calm, sunny, spring day when your babies decided to make their appearance. Your waters had broken early in the morning and as soon as you had realised it you had let out a scream that woke up George immediately. When he noticed the soaked bed sheets it took him only a couple of seconds to join the dots. He helped you to put on some comfortable clothes before grabbing your hospital bag and guiding you to the car. During the ride you could only focus on breathing, while your boyfriend was calling his parents to tell them what was happening.
When you reached the hospital you were laid on a stretcher and brought to the maternity ward. The rest of the day passed almost in a blur, you were too concentrated in your pain to remember clearly what was going on around you.
You just had a vague memory of your midwife, at some point during the evening, telling you that the moment to push had come: you had grabbed George’s hand and poured all your energy into bringing your babies to the world. 
After almost two hours you heard the first crying and the little girl was placed on your chest. You were completely captured by her tiny fingers and her buttoned nose, but what made you sob even harder was George sticking out his pinky and the baby grabbing it almost immediately, as if she knew that he was her dad and that she was safe with him. You turned towards him, finding his eyes glistening as well and you tilted your head backwards to leave a kiss on his lips. 
Your moment of heaven was interrupted by another contraction, which reminded you there was another baby on their way. The nurse temporarily took the newborn from your arms so that you could push with all your strength, and it was a matter of just 10 minutes before another newborn was crying on your chest, another babygirl. The twins were soon reunited and they both latched on your nipples, whilst both you and your boyfriend were staring at them in awe.
It felt so surreal, the four of you were engulfed in your bubble of pure happiness. George leaned his forehead on yours and then moved slightly to nuzzle your noses together. “Thank you for everything love” he murmured before placing a kiss on your daughters’ heads.
Suddenly a nurse woke you up from your state of trance to ask you whether you already had the names for the babies. Your boyfriend threw you a glance and you nodded, still completely sure about your choices. 
He smiled at you before turning to the nurse again, “Amelia Joy and Emma Mae Russell”
2. Visiting the paddock
When your girls were a little older than 1 you and George agreed that it was time for their first race weekend. It was the second race of a double header and you had decided to join your boyfriend only for Saturday and Sunday.
The previous monday your daughters had cried when they had realised their dad hadn’t come home as usual and your heart had broken a little. Their giggles when they had seen him at the airport on Friday night, though, those were music to your ears. They had started getting so excited in their double stroller that you were almost afraid they would fall from it. George had picked Emma up, while you had taken Amelia. Both girls started waving their arms and laughing and you could swear George’s eyes were glistening.
On Saturday you arrived at the paddock late in the morning. The babies were asleep in the stroller, so you swiped your badge and you calmly headed towards the Mercedes hospitality. On your way you met Alex, whom you greeted and you had a word with, mainly about the babies and his plans with his girlfriend to join you and George for a dinner once back in England. In the meantime the girls woke up and they received plenty of raspberries on their tummies from uncle Alex.
At the hospitality you were welcomed by Lewis, who embraced you in a tight hug before focusing on the babies. Amelia literally lightened up when she saw the man and started kicking her legs; Lewis threw you a glance, as if asking for permission, and when you smiled he picked up the little girl. On the contrary, when Emma saw that the man was wearing the same T-shirt her daddy had, she started babbling “dadadada”, which you knew was the word both babies used when they wanted your or George’s attention.
Lewis then, who was playing with little Amelia in his arms, told you that George was speaking to the engineers and that he could take the three of you to see him. You gladly accepted and the older man guided you through the garage. 
Your daughters soon became the main attraction of the whole team. Whenever you would walk next to someone who knew who you were, they would immediately stop whatever they were doing and they would greet the girls. You had lost the count of how many times you had repeated “This is Emma, while Lewis is holding Amelia”.
Finally you got to your boyfriend, who had his back to you and was speaking with his engineer and Toto. When the twins noticed their daddy’s presence they didn’t waste their time to make themselves heard. They simultaneously started their babbled “dadadada” and George immediately turned around. 
He smiled brightly when he saw the girls and quicked excused himself to the others to hurry to you and take Emma from your arms. He peppered with kisses her whole face but before he could even turn Amelia started stretching her arms towards him, wanting to be held. George took her from Lewis’ arms as well, so that he was now standing proudly with one twin per arm. In the distance you saw Mercedes’ social media manager snapping photos of the moment, and you knew it was just a matter of time before the whole F1 fandom would start going crazy for daddy George. 
George then introduced the girls to Toto and his race engineer, and when he stepped outside the garage with still the babies in his arms he was met by Charles and Daniel. Knowing your daughters were in safe hands, you allowed yourself to relax a little and you went to the toilet and organised the babies’ bag in case of emergency .
By the time you had come back there was no sight of your boyfriend or your babies. Before you could even panic you heard giggles from inside the garage, so you went to check. You found yourself in front of probably one of the sweetest scenes of your life.
George was sitting in his car with Emma on his lap, while the girl was clicking any button she could reach. Beside the car there was Amelia, who had come back in Lewis’ arms, who was trying to stretch towards her dad to sit there as well. 
After a couple of minutes George took her as well, and now both your girls were on their dad's lap, being still so small to fit at the same time. Your heart skipped a bit at the sight and you had to fight your tears back. The babies were clearly happier than ever to be with their daddy, and you could tell George was having the time of his life as well, spending time in his car - probably one of his favourite places - with two of the most important people in his life. 
Furtively you pulled out your phone and took a photo of the scene, too sweet and spontaneous not to be remembered, and you set it as your lock screen immediately after. 
Later that night you were lying in bed after a tiring day. The twins hadn’t stopped moving not for a minute, too thrilled by everything going on around them, and they started moving even more when the mechanics cheered after George took pole in quali. When he came back to the garage the first thing he did was smash a forehead kiss on your daughters’ and then he bent his back down to kiss you and nuzzle your noses together.
Now he was having a shower and the girls were in their bassinets already asleep. You opened Instagram and the photo you found on your homepage made some little tears escape your eyes. It was the photo the admin had taken at the garage: George was facing away, he had his gaze turned towards Amelia, in his right arm, who was pointing something outside the garage whilst Emma, in his left, was playing with his T-shirt collar. The second was a snap of the babies on his lap in the car: Emma was leaning on George’s shoulder laughing with crinkled eyes and Amelia was focused on pushing the buttons on the steering wheel. What took you a while to notice was that there was a third photo after that one, and it was of you staring at your family with a hand over your mouth and clearly teary-eyed. The caption filled your heart with love, “The sweetest (and best) family ever is here❤️”
You quickly liked it and left a heart emoji in the comment. And the admin was indeed right, your family was indeed the sweetest (and the best). 
3. Stuffed animals and sunflowers
One of the first toys the twins were ever gifted were 2 stuffed animals, the first presents from uncle Lewis: an elephant for Amelia and a bunny for Emma. Both girls had immediately become attached to them, almost obsessed with them - much to their uncle’s delight. 
They would carry the animals literally everywhere: in their bassinets, in their highchairs while eating, in the paddock, when going out for a stroll and you and George almost had to fight every evening when it came to bath time, because the twins wouldn’t let them go even in the bathtub.
You had lost the count of how many times you had to wash them because they were too dirty or soaked in drooling due to the twins teething. When the babies would realise their plushies had disappeared they would start crying non-stop, and calming them was almost an impossible challenge. 
That was why you knew that day you were screwed.
Emma and Amelia had just fallen asleep on the sofa - weirdly without the toys, so you decided to clean their room up. You found Emma’s bunny on the floor and you quickly placed it on the shelf, then bent down again to pick up the elephant as usual. You frowned as you noticed it wasn’t there, normally they would lie in the same place, but still you decided not to worry: it probably had been left somewhere in the house, so you kept tidying.
Terror flashed in your eyes when you finished cleaning but there was no sign of the little elephant. You knew for sure that wasn’t going to end well. You had looked for it everywhere but in vain, it seemed to have disappeared. Suddenly you heard the door opening and you knew it was George even because you could hear the twins babbling; they had woken up as your boyfriend had stepped in, it was like they had a radar and they were always awake whenever their daddy came home. 
You chose to forget for a moment about the whole plushie matter and instead focus on your family. Both you and George played with them for a while on their little mattress in the living room before you noticed it was dinner time. As you headed to the kitchen George went to the babies’ room to get their pyjamas and bathe them. 
“Darling?” you heard him call you from upstairs, “where’s the elephant? I can’t find it” You panicked. Shit. This was going to be a mess, you knew it. 
You reached them in the room, where George was standing in the middle. Emma was peacefully playing with her bunny on the changing table, whilst Amelia was curled in her daddy’s arms, her head tucked in his neck and you could already hear some sniffles: it was just a matter of time before she would start crying frantically.
George threw you a glance, meaning tell me we haven’t lost it please, but you could only panicky nod. He murmured “fuck!”, but it was already too late. As if she had seen her parents’ glances and understood the meaning, Amelia started crying abruptly, her sobs were more heartbreaking than usual. 
“Phan dada,” she managed to say through the sobs, “phan, phan”, it was like a chant at some point.
Emma seemed to sense her sister’s sadness because she started crying as well. Good! Now you had two crying toddlers that you didn’t know how to calm. George started rocking Amelia in his arms and you picked Emma up to do the same, but nothing seemed to work. 
“Oh god, where could we have left them? Georgie?” you asked, almost freaking out. Finding that plushie had out of sudden become the aim of that night, considering that now the twins would refuse to do anything without it.
“I don’t know, last time I saw it was this morning when you went with them to the grocery store.” he answered, as nervous as you were. 
“Wait, what if she left it in the cart? Or somewhere at the shop? Nonono George, it’s the end if this is what has happened, they will drive us crazy.”
From the outside it could seem a funny scene, almost ridiculous, but you actually knew very well that it was a matter of life. Your sleeping - and your headache - quite depended on it. 
George handed you a crying Amelia as he headed downstairs. Great, now you had two crying babies to calm! You followed him ready to throw him the worst insults, when you saw he was picking up his Mercedes’ keys. He checked the clock, 19:28.
“Babe where are you going?” you asked.
“Going to the store, I have about half an hour before it closes. I’ll look for the toy and ask the salesperson if they’ve seen it.” And with that he was out of the door. You knew why he was so determined to find the damn elephant: lately he hadn’t been sleeping very well, too worried about the car’s not-up-to-par performance and a sleepless night was the last thing he needed, his headache was already pounding. 
While he was away you tried everything to soothe the twins’ sobs. After a while Emma’s died down and she - thank god! - decided to focus on the cartoons you had put on the TV while chewing her bunny’s ears. Amelia was instead desperate and you had tried everything to distract her: bottle, food, pacifier, cartoons, cuddling, rocking through the room, but nothing seemed to work.
It was a little after 8pm when you saw the lights of George’s car in the driveaway. You anxiously waited for him to walk in but when he did and you saw his disappointed face you were struggling yourself not to cry. It was going to be one of those nights and you really weren’t ready. You loved your daughters but a night of sleep was really appealing. 
You sighed disconsolately and sat on the couch. George headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat and brought you a slice of the pizza left in the freezer. He sat next to you and switched the TV from cartoons to some sappy movie, but neither of you paid attention to it. Emma fortunately didn’t fuss when she saw the cartoon disappear, but on the contrary Amelia was still whining.
George was clearly losing his patience: he never yelled at the babies when they misbehaved, but you could spot his nervousness. You didn’t want him to take it out on Amelia, so you decided to go out for a while with her, one last attempt to calm her. 
“Babe,” you whispered not to worsen his evident headache, “I’m gonna grab the car and take a drive around here to see if she calms down.” You left one kiss on his forehead and then briefly nuzzled your noses together. 
He nodded and you could see the relief on his face knowing he was going to have a bunch of minutes of silence. Before you could exit the door he called you, tiredness obvious in his voice.
“Y/N,” poor boy, he really was tired “today I drove some people from the team to the circuit when we went testing, I moved the babies’ seats in the trunk.” He rubbed one hand over his eyes, you could tell he was going to fall asleep soon.
“Ok Georgie, thanks.” You left another kiss but on his lips before leaving.
When you were in the driveway you started talking to the baby still in your arms, “Mel you see the stars?” you pointed your fingers to the sky, “look how shining they are! And that’s the moon baby”. Even this attempt was totally futile, instead your baby started again to whisper phan, phan. You sighed heavily, understanding it was a lost fight. You just hoped the car ride would make her fall asleep.
You went to open the trunk to take the seat and that was when you saw it: a glimpse of a plushie ear popping up from under the seat. You quickly lifted it and there you saw the elephant: it had been under there the whole day and now it was a bit flattened from the weight of the seat.
You immediately grabbed it and showed it to the baby, “Mel look! It’s phan!”
That sentence seemed to awaken your whining baby. Her eyes literally lit up when she saw the animal in your hand and she wasted no time in catching it. As soon as she had it in her hands she put it in her mouth and you could see her drooling. Good old habits.
The car ride was useless in the end and you were ready to come back in. However you couldn’t forget George’s tired and sad face. You came up pretty quickly with an idea. While Amelia was still biting her plushie you hurried yourself to collect a couple of sunflowers from the ones you had been growing in your garden and you put them in your baby’s hand.
She stared at you right in the eyes while you were speaking, “Listen Mel,” you pointed a finger to the flowers, “now we give these to dada, because even if he’s tired he went to the store just to look for phan. You give them to him and you say ‘thank you dada’, fine?” She just shook her hands and you could only sigh, hoping she had understood.
George was still on the sofa when you entered, he lifted his head up as soon as he heard the door opening: he clearly couldn’t understand why you were already back. When he saw that Mel had her toy in her mouth he heaved a sigh of relief: he was going to be able to sleep later that night. 
You placed Amelia on his lap and the baby started giggling at the sight of her daddy. George was still tired but this time you saw a little smile he was trying to hold back. No matter how tired or angry he was, his babies could lift his mood in a second. 
You handed the flowers to Mel and she gave them to George. Seeing his confused face you reminded your daughter, “Baby, what do you say?” She seemed to struggle for a moment but then she babbled “Tek dada phan”
George’s eyes filled with tears, a blend of commotion and tiredness, and he hugged the baby tightly, keeping her close to his chest. “Anytime baby” he whispered on the top of her head before pressing a kiss there. 
The baby then quickly threw herself out of her dad’s arms, falling on the couch next to her half-asleep sister and screaming “EMA! PHAN!” Both then began to play with their animals, mainly smashing one against the other, but happiness was blatant on their faces and in their little laughs. That’s the only thing that matters you thought as you fell into George’s arms, a soft smile adorning both your mouths.
4. Braiding time with super dada
You were running late, extremely late. George had decided to bring you and the twins to the event he had been invited to, an occasion to spend some family time - and also to give the audience the content they loved. 
You had just finished your shower and had worn the suit you had chosen with your best friend: a plain black suit that felt very comfortable and which you preferred to an elegant dress, considering that you would spend the whole night running after two toddlers who loved to walk around everywhere ever since they had learnt how to. 
George was for sure going to spend the night talking to important people and other celebrities, so you had already reckoned that looking after the kids would be on you. You didn’t mind though: Emma and Amelia were becoming more and more of comedians, always managing to put a smile on everyone’s face and laughing for anything. 
When you walked out your bedroom and you arrived in the living room what you found was a battlefield. Emma was running around shouting dadadada - her favourite word apparently - while George was busy trying to braid Amelia’s hair. He was wearing his trousers only and he was clearly in a rush, unsuccessfully attempting to make braids out of your daughter’s hair. The girl wasn’t helping though, too busy laughing and moving her head to follow her sister’s running. 
You caught Emma just before she could bump against the wall and you brought her on the sofa placing her on your knees; George next to you breathed a sigh of relief. Both girls were still laughing out loud for no reason, and in the end you couldn’t help but giggle as well. 
George was staring at you as if you had three heads. You tried to contain your laugh, “Sorry bubs but you know their laughs are contagious.” He slightly shook his head, knowing that deep down you were right.
“Ok girls, listen now,” you called the attention of your babies, “now mommy puts cartoons on the TV and you watch them whilst we do your hair, fine?”
“MOMMY TOONS!” Emma shouted, so you grabbed the remote and set some random ‘Peppa Pig’ episode, a cult classic to make the girls sit still.
“Ok babe now let’s braid these princesses’ hair.” You winked at your boyfriend before starting your work. Both Emma and Amelia loved to be dressed in the same way, so you had picked two identical dresses and decided to braid both their hair, embellishing it with some little bow hair band. 
Halfway through your work of art Amelia spoke, “Mama, dada good wok?” she asked, wanting to know if her dad’s work was coming out well. 
You smiled and nodded to your girl, “Of course baby, your dad is good at everything, isn’t he?” and your baby nodded back.
George had really become a master in taking care of the girls throughout the years, and he would do anything gladly: from brushing their hair to choosing their outfits, cooking them their favourite meal - fruit salad with too many strawberries, and he even loved cooking biscuits with them to surprise you in the morning. 
You made sure to take photos whenever you caught them in one of these moments and you sometimes would share them in your stories. The fans would go insane for those frames you provided them and every time ‘Dad George’ would trend on twitter for hours. 
“Super dada” Emma exclaimed after a couple of seconds; you saw George’s eyes immediately paint with tears, he still wasn’t used to it even after two years - and you honestly thought he would never go to. 
‘Super dada’ was the writing you decided to print on your daughters’ onesies for George’s first Father’s Day: that morning you had carefully placed them on his chest and they had woken him up - well, as much as two two-month-old babies could do, and when your boyfriend had opened his eyes he had found you beside him with his breakfast on a tray and a present in your hands.
When he then had picked Amelia up he had noticed the onesies and that was when he bursted into tears. The twins had quickly followed and in a couple of minutes the four of you were all crying. Needless to say that was one of the most beautiful - and most emotional - days of your lives, one you wouldn’t easily forget. 
After a while your girls’ hair was ready so you carefully placed them on the sofa, Peppa Pig still playing on the screen, hoping they wouldn’t destroy their look while you two finished getting ready. When both of you were standing you gently slapped George’s butt, “Hey!” he exclaimed, turning to face you with an amused expression on his face.
“C'mon Mister, we don’t wanna be late and you still need to finish dressing up!” you encouraged him while you headed to the shoe cabinet to grab your heels.
“I’m sure neither you nor the fans would mind if I showed up like this, I mean-” he pointed at his six pack, “this is some hot sight, right?”
You came back with the shoes in your hand and you couldn’t help but laugh at his foolishness, “I’m sure it is but I’d like to keep it just for me,” you went to hug him, “and besides your fans see already enough in those thirst traps of yours that you love to post.” You crossed your arms falsely pissed whilst he laughed.
“Well then-” he stopped to lower his mouth to your ear, “I’ll make sure you’ll be the only one who will enjoy this sight tonight.” As he whispered you felt a shiver running down your spine
“Well, deal.” You replied in the same tone before leaning in to leave a kiss on his lips.
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tuesday again 11/28/2023
tuesday again no problem will be taking a break for the 12/12 edition (not next week but the one after)
previously featured Os Mutantes, a countercultural brazilian rock group, is back bc i heard A Minha Menha on an instagram reel by @/ vintagepulps on a showcase of brazilian pulp magazine covers.
the SECOND that driving riff hit i experienced a brief moment of fuckor bc this is exactly and precisely the kind of song i like. this translation tells me it translates to My Girl. it's got moon/sun imagery. it's exactly the kind of song to drive around to in the summer while having an absolutely crippling crush on the person in the passenger seat. spotify
you wouldn't download a woman...
I'm No Angel (1933, dir. Ruggles) a 1936 black comedy written by Mae West and starring the babiest Cary Grant you've ever seen. i added it to my letterboxed bc i saw screenshots of this one specific dress. that’s so much sideboob. good for her.
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we don't use the term "adventuress" anymore to describe a woman who does various physical or social stunts to land a husband and i think that's a shame. Tira (yes) is a burlesque dancer and (separately) a lion tamer at a down on its luck circus, becomes famous through putting her head in a lion's mouth, and leverages that fame to fall in and out and back into love.
your enjoyment of this movie will hinge on your tolerance for astrologers, circuses with animals in them, and depictions of black housemaids that have not aged super well, even if they're mostly there to stroke her ego. i'm sort of torn on what rating this would get today-- i'm assuming R bc there's a woman expressing desire but nothing actually happens beyond kissing and some sitting in laps. some peril for the lions i guess?
i do not think this particularly nailed its landing, and i'm not totally sure why they got back together, but mae west in straight up burlesque and the shimmiest dresses you've ever seen is so much fun to watch it doesn't really matter. this is sort of sidelining the her very funny, extremely quotable script. apparently any movie she wasn't allowed to write or heavily doctor her own lines just completely flopped, which i also think is very funny.
just straight up on the internet archive
triple header for Things That Came Out This Decade: Genshin Impact (September 2020), Deliver Us Mars (2023) and Gamedec (2021).
brief Genshin update: your main companion in the game, Paimon, the little fairy bitch, has been the recipient of some worrying foreshadowing lately. hey Paimon you wanna tell us anything???
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Deliver Us Mars, free on Epic this week. i want to like this game. i think there should be more weird little eurojank original scifi B-franchises like this and you should be able to feed your family by making them. i do not want to continue playing this particular little franchise.
it's the second game by KeokeN (The Netherlands) and published by Wired Productions (UK, although they are partnered with Koch, which means they’ll be bought up soon), a studio of under 20 counting support staff (some of who are certainly part time or on hourly contracts) and an intern. after doing that basic background research i ratcheted my expectations back a couple notches and deleted a somewhat catty paragraph about video game hair.
this is a sequel to Deliver Us The Moon, which was a successful Kickstarter and Steam greenlight (TM (C) R) and it seems they spent the four interval years mostly polishing up the predecessor Deliver Us The Moon, which i do not own and do not plan on playing.
Deliver Us Mars bills itself as an action-adventure, but during my time with it, it was more of a cinematic movie/walking sim with extremely light puzzle/platform mechanics. there are extensive childhood flashbacks following a dad around as he trains his daughter to be an astronaut. the timing and insertion of these never quite clicked for me-- they take forever and they were never as interesting as what they interrupted.
this game is not good at signposting or tutorializing. i had to restart a chapter twice bc the unique controls popped up for a brief fleeting moment on screen and weren’t in the keybinding settings. i could never quite get the mouse and keyboard camera sensitivity right, and platforming/vertical elements seem to only be partially implemented: you can only really successfully approach certain segments from extremely specific dead-on angles. there are like three big boxes in your path that you have to clamber over at one point and i do not think it should take a solid minute and a half for me to get over them. some reviewers praised the lack of signposting during the launch sequence (causing you to frantically look around at a million unlabeled buttons and levers to see if any of them were highlighted as a thing you can click) as a fun way to ramp up stress but i fucking hated it.
after two and a half hours, and only just making it to a ship OUTSIDE mars, i decided there are other games in the world. this hits some sort of minimal viable story benchmark for me, i can see why some people love it, but i don’t want to find out what happens bad enough to play through a slow game that handles terribly and isn’t much fun to exist in.
does get points for big fuckoff dishes.
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Gamedec is an isometric RPG, where you are a near-future private investigator who handles delicate personal matters inside wildly popular MMORPG VR games. unfortunately all the trailers suck shit.
this is catnip to me. i love a no-combat game where i have to walk around and talk to everyone and click on everything and write things down in a little notebook. i loooooooove being nosy. i've played through the first two and a half chapters (kinky second life, racketeering farmville, and real life uh oh) and i'm having a fucking marvelous time. the writing team clearly had a lot of fun, the VR game worlds feel very alive and vibrant-- there's a ton of possible weird little flavor interactions that go a very long way toward making me forget this is a limited-perspective isometric. this is like praising an RPG for doing what it says on the tin and being an RPG, but the most recent RPGs ive played have been fucking terrible. it's not shoehorning me into one-true or main-path choices. extremely forgiving of failure, which is good bc i straight up accidentally killed my first client. i know he was a kid but he kinda had it coming imo. sometimes kids just suck shit
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im so delighted by this shitty little apartment-- it's got to be fucking bizarre to exist in, bc of the ultra-loft ceilings you need to make it be isometric, but it somehow manages to feel like a studio apartment and a seedy back office all at the same time. a game that is in general very fun to Look at. will have more thoughts as i continue playing but this is really scratching some sort of itch for me. commits to the bit. funny but sincere. a pastiche in ways i personally do not find annoying. has not hit me with like konami code style references yet. due to the fact this is also in my epic games store library i believe this was also free at some point
fallow week for me. phil has been regrowing skin at a good clip and i can no longer feel each individual vertebra, AND we have another vet appt on friday to get more/different antibiotic goop and all of her vaccinations and microchipping done. mack made a hairball and is getting put back on an actual wire slicker brush grooming schedule. my beautiful girl seems to have a particularly dense coat among the domestic shorthairs of my acquaintance, although that may be bc she is a new england girlie and we constantly exist in air conditioning?? mixed feelings about scheduled brushies from her, even with short and light sessions. we’ll get there.
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Outer Range Masterlist
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My Favorite Mistake (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.8K)
Half the reason you're in the middle of nowhere Wyoming is because you’ve always been bad at choosing men. You expect Rhett Abbott will be no different.
Show Me The Ropes (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1K)
Rhett’s talents with roping and knot tying translate well in the bedroom.
The Trouble With Books (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.2K)
You and Rhett discover a surprising new kink together.
I'll Be Your Fantasy (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 2.4K)
Sequel to The Trouble With Books. Rhett helps you play out a new fantasy.
Can't Keep My Hands To Myself (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.5K) Rhett’s a handsy drunk, not that you mind.
Cowboy Trouble (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Rip Wheeler | Explicit l 3K)
When your boyfriend loses a game of poker, Rip Wheeler claims a night with you as the reward. 
Take The Weight of Me (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 570)
You go to Rhett when you don’t want to think anymore.
I get on my knees, but it ain't to pray (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 700)
In the darkness behind the bar, you find yourself on your knees, ready to take everything Rhett has to offer.
Learning to Ride (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 300)
Rhett teaches you the proper way to ride a bull (and him).
Oasis (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Gen l 650)
When you reach your limit, Rhett’s there to help.
Need You Now (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 650)
After the rodeo, Rhett shows you how much he wants you.
Take Me to Heaven (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Arvin Russell | Explicit l 700)
If heaven’s a place you’re certain it can be found between Rhett and Arvin.
Take a Breath (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 250)
You and Rhett experiment with breathplay.
Hiraeth (Rhett Abbott x OC | Gen | 400)
A strange hole on the Abbott farm upends Mae Collin’s whole world.
Stand By Me Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
When a local ranch hand’s attention evolves into something more sinister, Rhett Abbot becomes an unlikely source of comfort and protection for you.
Small Mistakes New Beginnings Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
After you fall pregnant from a one-night stand with Rhett Abbott, both of your lives change forever.
Jealous Rhett
Rhett and Cowboy!Jake Crossover
Being Rhett's Housewife
♡Main Masterlist♡
Thank you @callsignhurricane for my beautiful headers!
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comeontaylorspeaknow · 6 months
Mae's 2k Celebration! 🎉
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Guess what guys I hit 2k followers yesterday!! First off I cannot believe it. Secondly Thank You so much! It truly, truly warms my heart knowing that I know 2000 people and that 2000 people liked my blog is just amazing. I can't express just how happy this makes me! Thank You so so much!! 💖 p.s writing this made me start to tear up a little 🥺🫂 ~love, mae
Anyways only rules I have is you must be following my blog to participate! The way this works is Send me an ask with the following album names and their emojis. So in other words ise debut and the green heart when sending the ask! Hopefully that makes sense but of it does not feel free to send me an ask or message me! 😊
Debut 💚 - Moodboards based on the vibe you give off/your blogs vibe.
Fearless 💛 - gifsets based on any of Taylor swift songs.
Speak Now 💜 - random icons send me an era and I'll make some icons from that era.
Red ❤ - Headers based on any of Taylor swifts songs.
1989 💙 - Graphics based on a certain era or an appearance.
Reputation 🖤 - Send me a song and I'll make a video edit of Taylor.
Lover 💗 - (For my mutuals) Send me an ask saying hi and I'll reply with a sweet message!
Folklore 🤍 - (this is for my mutuals) Send me a song from folklore and I'll write something based on that lyric or general song.
Evermore 🤎 - (For my mutuals) Send me an asking saying hi and I'll tell you which Taylor swift song/lyric you are to me!
Midnights 💖 - Send me an ask talking about anything like how your days been going, how life has been, etc, etc.
Tagging: @misschanadlerbong @hydesjackiespuddinpop @chiara-swiftiedreamer13 @jackys-stuff-blog @sparklezfallsinlovewithbooks @honeyed-sunflowers @miss-taylor-swiftt @mqstermindswift
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editfandom · 3 months
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The Acolyte, 2024
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maepersonal · 3 months
What up, I'm Mae, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
main blog: @lockyle-and-skull
*all likes and follows will appear to come from there, even if we interact here*
about me: name: Mae or Ames age: 19 pronouns: ae/aer, it/its, she/her queer?: aroace + agender :3 why am I like this™?: autism, ocpd, bpd, ocd, adhd, anxiety, depression, alexithymia, aphantasia, dyspraxia, sometimes nonverbal & semiverbal, pots, tic disorder, sometimes agere (9-13ish) MBTI: ISTP :) aesthetic: here! :D element: water (duh) hogwarts house: slytherin ;) (I actually hate hp but I'm proud of my house) favorite colors: blue, green, purple nationality: american (canadian + german parents) shit I like: kpop: Lunarsolar, Xdinary Heroes, Ateez, Yena, Bibi, others more casually music: hardcore punk, punk, hard rock, symphonic metal, alt rock, nu metal, power metal, glam rock, hyperpop, Elliot Lee, Andrew Polec, Meat Loaf, Sick Puppies, In This Moment, Black Market Kidney Surgeons, Anti Flag (fuck justin sane), Iggy Pop, Car Seat Headrest musicals: Sweeney Todd (1982), Newsies, Ride the Cyclone, Bat Out of Hell, The Lightning Thief, Bonnie & Clyde, everything Starkid (but especially Starship, Black Friday, and Trail to Oregon) movies: The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence, Velvet Goldmine, Star Wars prequels, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Narnia, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets tv shows: Lockwood and Co, Julie and the Phantoms, Haikyuu, The 100 games: Palworld, The Enchanted Cave 2, BATIM, YTTD, Children of Silentown, The Mortuary Assistant, Little Witch in the Woods, Until Dawn, The Quarry, SCP Foundation, Project Kat, definitely more stuff I'm forgetting other stuff: wet specimen taxidermy, punk diy, collecting weird shit, tornadoes, alchemy, statistics, photography, The Council <3, insects, being a non-theistic satanist (inspired by LaVeyan satanism), being punk, being an anarcho-communist tech support: op tag: #oh mae oh my pfp: Bronté Barbé as Katherine in Newsies UK header: MUU (ex-LUNARSOLAR) - Shooting Star MV not safe for littles tag: #nsfl - BLOCK IF NEEDED
let me know if you want anything tagged differently!!
why are u reblogging/interacting with therian/DID content? because I am very close with a system that has therians and non-human alters :)
what do you use this blog for? this blog is mostly for irl, kpop, bpd, other mental disorders, anarchy, aroace, agere, vents, and anything else I feel like doesn't fit on my main :)
no DNI, just don't be a dick.
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coven-bloodbath · 1 year
Round 1 - 3
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Mae @monggay propaganda:
Cool person!! Also the only person ive seen w a forgetmenauts pfp (and header)!!
Rowan @the-clockwork-three propaganda:
"Dances! Irish covers! Cooper! What else can one offer that I do not!" -Rowan
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
Ajdhdifnhr help, the cat in the header became a babey 🥹
Speaking of cats I keep telling myself I'm not a cat and then I got hit with "yes? You are? You have a whole witch timeline as Bill Cipher where you got turned into a cat?? Also. Mae Borovski"
Listen I have marbles in my skull, I can't be expected to remind myself of basic facts like this 😭
Dammit forgot to use my tag, The post about header cat being a babey was from
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chaosites · 9 months
HEADER IMAGE BY @astro-arts-inthestars !!!
Chaos sys doodle masterpost
ANN VS CHARA (winner: ANN)
KRIS VS MAE (winner: KRIS)
RAY VS ANN (winner: ANN)
GLASS VS ??? (winner: GLASS)
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youareunbearable · 7 months
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Mae art from my friend @tracks-and-raoul and the meme base from this post
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