#made another artstyle. yay.
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lem0nicle · 2 months ago
a continuing of lemon being scared shitless about exams~
im so nervous about tomorrow but like its just english i should be able to talk my way through it… but what if i wont?
and also i made this-
tried to experiment a bit with artstyles and this came out. i kinda like it :)
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you know that when im nervous the thing that helps me is drawing and drawing humphrey?? even better lol
EDIT - finished him!!
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seaofreverie · 4 months ago
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Remember, remember, the 14th of November!
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acid-ixx · 6 months ago
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— masterlist !
amazing art made by @questionthegrapevine. i'm posting it through my account rather than reblogging so you can gain more traction! hope u don't mind ^^ !
Transcript from original posts read: This is my oc for again & again by @.acid-ixx
I honestly did this to experiment art styles (and the series has me in a choke hold but let's ignore that-)
His name is either Ethan or Emile (dead name Emily so Emile became a choice). He likes wearing red Because blood brings comfort :D. He only wears the jacket because he didn't wanna worry Alfred (Alfred knows anyway)
I would've tried more but this was just experimentation so... yay (You can tell I truly gave up when I was drawing the jacket)
(Btw the shirt says "your mother" in auslan, courtesy of a friend)
Second Picture: I practiced facial expressions with my boy! I'm not very good at expressions. Or keeping a consistent artstyle... Eh.
You can tell I got lazier in the second row. I still haven't actually decided a name for him. I'm also working on another artwork (one where I actually try) but I need the author of again&again to answer my ask. If he doesn't, I'll just wing it (That's a pun but it doesn't make sense until I actually post the artwork). I hope I don't lose my sanity with the next one!
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tysm for sending this in... i love it and the design!!! you should be an animator since the artstyle reminds me so much of my adventures with superman! he's so absolutely gorgeous, so baby and this is one of the few masc representing mc portrayals i've received and he's absolutely gorgeous!!! i feel like, through my soul, his name would be emile. it just reminds me of me being filipino idk... also, the your mother joke shirt design makes me want to cry comedically because if the mc actually moved on from losing their mother, the next best thing they'll do to cope is through your mom jokes and that's what your portrayal perfectly defines! 😭
again, ilyy for sending this in! and sorry for the late reply :(( this was buried in my notifications and i only found it when i dug through it... argh he's very handsome and i love the ftm portrayal of my mc! makes the angst even worse because they only know you through your dead name and that's only if and only if they actually know what your dead name is...
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kade155 · 2 months ago
hi long time no see but uhhh so i learned how to redesign td/dc characters and make ocs in that artstyle like a few days ago/a week ago i dont remember so now ibispaint has me in a chokehold and that FUCKING app is always calling my name like "miles!!! miles!!! make a redesign!!!" so i made some over the past week and the images are gonna go from my first ones to my latest ones soo ya
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okay soo this was my first one...im not scared to admit that this looks absolutely atrocious but actually this was the most popular one ive made and i dont know why but yay
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i made this one the same night i made the other one and this looks significantly better but i think this is one of my favorites that ive done
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okay ummmm then i started making pjsk characters as td/dc contestants and minori was the first one i did...the idea originally started as natalia as mizuki and isabel as minori and then this blossomed out of it...i was so proud of this one but i think it was just because of the hair 😭
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then theres saki...probably the worst one ive made she looks a little wonky but thats ok 👍
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i made another pjsk one before this but it looks REALLY bad and ive never showed it to anyone but anyway i had an idea...lesson learned that i should NEVER redesign a character as a madoka character EVER again bc why are their outfits so fucking detailed
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i actually just finished this one like not even an hour ago but this is my most recent one...im honestly really proud of this one if you couldnt tell its intern miku i made it to celebrate mikus release in fortnite i havent played fortnite since like april but i might hop on again to grab this skin but uhhh those are the ones ive made over the past week andddd yeah
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missevahpony · 5 months ago
Guys I just made the most peak Friendship is Magic oc ever you're not ready for this shit. This is Skoos Me (pronounced sorta like "Excuse me"); she is a alien from another planet who came to Equestria for the fun of it. She does not look like this because of artstyle, even in the accurate G4 artstyle, she'd still just look like this. She is the most powerfulest unicorn ever birthed, and she loves fun and friendship and yay. She's a filly but she also exists everywhere at every second of every day; she has seen this world crumble and be rebuilt more times you can count, and she is unphased by the horrors of reality. She is also Derpy's long lost cousin twice removed. Her favorite pony ever is Princess Luna, but she and Celestia are terrified of Skoos Me for whatever reason... something about being "the upbringing of a cataclysm that the likes of Equestria could never even comprehend", whatever that means. Skoos Me, my beloved.
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marbarmars-arts · 2 years ago
So...I MAY have been collecting Fawfuls like pokemon cards <3
(and what the heck do I mean by that exactly??) WELL in a discord GC my friend Parmy suggested we’d imitate each other’s art styles as like a collab of sorts? Well...I kinda took that a step further heheh ^^
(And fun fact...this was supposed to be something I was gonna do for AU day of Fawful month too, but that idea got cut due to time)
So may I present...the different Fawfuls I drew!! For my friends/cool acquaintances!
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So the one who led up to this in the first place, Fawful from @parmsnik AU!! He is dating/eventually marrying Naspi depending on where you’re at in the AU haha! Your way of drawing Fawful seems to change a little bit each time you draw him, so I tried to my best to guestimate a consistent looking Fawf! Very cute!
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Up next is Fawful from @the-spacewaffle AU!! Yippee Ronnie’s AU! Thanks for being my friend for so long,,to talk about Fawful and all that stuff y’know? I’ll be cheering you on to complete the story qwq your Fawful is always so nice to my OCs when we crossover khskdjh also...pet the Reddo!
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Eee yay now it’s @snuffydoo Fawful and his AU title I totally made up on the spot! I know you don’t really have a name for that kind of thing and it doesn’t have to be canon but I hope you think it’s cute anyways haha! I had a lot of fun drawing this one!! It’s so stylized! AND IT HAS DIMMY (I enjoy your Dimmy artstyle sm) but I don’t draw Spamton very often kjhskgh
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Here’s @federthenotsogreat Fawful AU of sunshine goodness~! HE RETURNITH (and since I couldn’t think of another character to feature with your AU...not knowing if Cackletta is there or not jhgskg I gave him a cute little swirly sun!) I admire the fact his outfit is mostly YELLOW and also blue those are cool colors OH AND THAT LEG TOO, also super cool :)
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The smol and cute @omgtheywereroomates Fawf! Your ask blog is so neat! I know I don’t ask too many questions there but I just,,,the cartoony fluffy hair?? Love that, and also thank you for your support and the super cool ship as well ^^ 
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Heheee yeah hey it’s @cammiluna Fawful from Immortal Fool! Before you say anything YES I’m aware he’s got the new design since it’s near the end of the comic, you released the page that featured said new design while I was already working on this drawing xD So whoops! I just wanted to give appreciation to your comic series that you continued despite everything, and well...I know I haven’t shown much progress on it, I also want to make a comic series...so you’ve inspired me a lil :D
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Deep down here there’s a little AU by @aliencatwafers which features Fawful in the sewers! With the little baby bros!! You’re a very insightful and inspiring writer with plenty of neat headcanons and ideas for the bean! Ik you mostly draw in pencil but I took the colors from your submissions to Fawful month this year and used em here! Hope it looks cool!
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This little gremlin here with the two moms is Fawful from @bean-n-shroob ask blog! He looks very silly and unhinged (in a good way) and I hope he’s having a good time since after BIS! I love how round your designs are and Fawf is no exception :D
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Last but not least is this VERY soft Fawful from @localdealmaker​ and their AU, whose title I made up too (again doesn’t need to be canon or anything if you don’t want it to be, I just wanted to give every drawing a cute name ^^) I think yours was the most complicated to draw for me but I love how he looks, so squish!! Kaboo is cute too!
WHEW THAT WAS A LOT OF TYPING KSJHKGH but yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this...I might make another part someday full of more Fawful designs from friends but I AM A LITTLE BURNT OUT...doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun tho!
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chiricat · 2 years ago
another ramble about art again so i’m hiding it all under a ‘keep reading’ thingy so as to not clog ur feeds :]
aka thoughts about imposter syndrome, fanart, and what it means to draw stuff loosely disguised as a ‘ramble’. maybe a bit of akito almost-kinnie-isms (and probably ena) in there too because why not. also sorry this gets a lot less coherent as it goes on (i lost my train of thought near the end. it’ll come back someday)
i want to keep getting better. i want to keep growing and improving, so that i can convey the ideas in my head to others. i’m afraid to stagnate for too long, because what if it means i’ve hit my limit? what if i’ll never get better than i am right now? an irrational thought, really, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. hell, i felt like i hadn’t improved all that much from a year ago, when i tried to redraw a few of my older posts.
part of this stems from the question ‘how do people see my art? what kind of artist am i to them?’ which comes from when i got into fanart and fandom spaces, a long time ago. i would categorize the people i looked up to, my idols, my role models. there was the one that made comics that felt like home with your friends, and there was the one that made pieces that felt like i was sitting in a café in the middle of a busy city, and there was the one that made renders that felt like i was looking at liquid gold. i was fascinated by the effects of all these different artstyles, and decided that i wanted to do the same. i wanted to make art that made people feel at home, like a fic that you keep coming back to, or art that conveyed how i felt well enough that others felt the same way, or could understand it at the very least. 
naturally, as i continued to draw and admire these artists from afar, i wondered why exactly their art appealed to me. at first, the answer was simple: i like looking at it. but that wasn’t good enough - what about the things i didn’t really care to look at, then? what made this piece any different?
so i tried to understand, why i liked something, or why others liked something. after studying art for a little (yay classes) i understood more, i understood why those artists made the choices they did. for one, it was their powerful composition, and how they wanted to pull the viewer in with the characters. for another, it was their color palettes, which were always balanced yet strong and guaranteed to catch your eye because of it. other times, it would be the lighting, angled to present the characters in such a way that it made you feel like you were there too, or linework that made you feel just how much the artist cherished the characters. there were other, less technical things too, but i was trying to build a foundation before diving into things that were harder to learn.
in short, there was so, so much more to everything than i had realized as a kid.
so i asked myself the same question. why do people like my art? why is my art appealing and worthy of your time? and where did i fit in, if i were to categorize myself? 
these questions got a little worse. incredibly irrational. imposter syndrome was kicking in when i saw that more people were liking my art, especially when i compared it to myself from a year ago. or when my favorite artists were following me back. (it was weird, somewhat. i had always seen them as worlds away from my own space, artists that i had admired from afar and thus never believed that they would turn around and see me.)
‘do people actually like my art? is my art actually worth anyone’s time?’ i wonder. ‘do i deserve these nice comments, or even these likes?’ 
‘am i even getting better at all?’
these are a bit foolish of me to think. it shouldn’t matter, really. as long as i’m enjoying drawing and having a fun time, then why should it matter whether others like it or not? i don’t have to be doing my best, giving it 110% all the time, i’m allowed to make goofy art or self-indulgent art. this is my motto, for the most part. as long as you’re enjoying the craft, then it’s worth it.
but with the goal of improvement, i don’t always want to stay in my comfort zone. i want to keep pushing my limits, even if its just a little at a time, so i can make something impressive, something that really resonates as much as i want it to, as much as certain pieces resonated with me when i was younger. the same way that i kept coming back to certain pieces (and still do), i want to be able to do that too. i don’t want to feel like a kid playing at an adult’s game, like someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing and it shows.
it’s a tricky balance. i’m not sure if i’ll ever truly feel like i’ve ‘finally done it’. i think that most artists are never truly content with their work as a whole, anyways, and that’s okay. that’s something i should be more okay with. i can make art just for fun, and i can also make art with the intent of solely improving or practicing. i can even combine the two, and most of the time, i try to anyways.
(sorry, i lost my train of thought after writing the last few paragraphs... i dunno where i wanted to go with this exactly HHH.
tldr; i’m always stuck between ‘i’m happy making this art even if its bad’ and ‘i need to get better and leave people in awe to feel like i deserve the love and nice comments i receive’.
if you somehow managed to get to the end of this, ty for reading, even if it was a hot dumpster fire LMAO)
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zippy-reacts · 8 months ago
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 91
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I'm hoping we can get a little bit of development for Charmy soon, so far he's been a relatively one-note gag character.
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Woah, I think thats the first time StC has made a big mistake like that! Good of them to own up to it though. …I actually didn't even notice it myself. Maybe these scans fixed it?
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Good old StC Sonic back to his asshole ways. Also, those are extraordinarily detailed hands for what is otherwise a simple, cartoony artstyle.
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It's kinda funny that both StC and Archie both kinda agreed that bees are the species that they'll depict with similar social hierarchies as they do in real life. Although I suppose StC did have that herd of sheep too
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I do like how this little spaceship has a rowbow design
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Definitely an interesting looking place
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Neat concept. I guess the idea is that it's analogous to honey, since they are similar colours?
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Ooooooh, lots to like about this panel, from the lovely background art to the interesting design of the queen herself
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And there we go! Another thing in common with Archie's Charmy! …I mean I really can't blame them though, it's low hanging fruit but that doesn't make it any less juicy. I've have a similar thing going on with my own personal headcanon full AU sort of thing that I have.
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Well hey, there's the development for Charmy that I've been hoping for
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Ok so bees are very sci-fi-fantasy looking in aesthetics but wasps are pretty much ancient mongolians???
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Yay it's these guys!! I was literally just wondering when they'd turn back up
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Lot's of details in these panels
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Simpson my beloved
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Just look at this guy, he has to be related to Grimer, right?
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This is really just great artwork
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Sure Amy, the cyborg couldn't withstand that attack so let's send the small fleshy child.
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What in the heck is in that fruit???
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Tekno!!!!! It's so great to see you again.
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youngjusticerulez · 7 days ago
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I present to you redraw
The sketch was made in Biology class cuz I don't wanna learn about the fucking Respiratory system- (this is probably my artstyle yay)
And another one with the same tutorial with more drawing experience let's go betch
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I drew this picture of Conner...i fricking messed up the logo i know don't come at me
Yes this was a drawing tutorial on YouTube here's the link
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monpetithl · 3 years ago
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pierrot's tears 🌙
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sanyastraightfrombrain · 2 years ago
Throwing ideas on the internet again
Since pizza tower's artstyle is inspired by the cartoons of the 90's I thought it would be funny to come up with some ehh... things? for the "Pizza Tower cartoon"
• Peppino has to make pizza with ghost pepper so he has to die(tm) to get the ingredient meanwhile the Noise tries to annoy Peppino's dead body (he thinks he's just sleeping or smth). And yes, the customers that ordered ghost pepper pizza are ghosts. Maybe even Peppermans dead parents because ha ha pepper.
• "it's summer and its hot" episode where Peppino got air conditioner so a lot of people around visit his pizzeria because he has the only one in miles. Peppino is happy at first because yay, customers, but quickly realises that nobody is ordering pizza so he tries to get people to order food and hijinks ensue. (Bonus joke is that Peppino accidentally almost made a pizza out of Vigilante because he's cheese and he melted)
• Peppino's oven breaks so he has to find a new one. The word gets out and a lot of characters offer their help but in reality they just want to mess with him:
-Peppermen's oven only makes pepper pizza in the shape of Pepperman's face no matter what ingredients you put in
-Vigilante's oven works on gunpowder and bakes stuff with explosions. Peppino wasn't a fan of this to say the least
-Noisette gives him a seemingly normal oven but with bizarre modifications. Like the chocolate dispenser, an iron inside "in case your pizza isn't flat enough" ect. The Noise later comes angry at Noisette for helping his rival but once he sees the oven she gave Peppino he kisses her instead
-Fake Peppino gives him a perfect oven. Suspiciously too perfect. Peppino is ready for something to go wrong but loses his patience because "I don't have time to figure out what's wrong with this!" But in the end Fake's oven is really just a good normal oven and Fake genuinely wanted to help.
• Obligatory body swap episode. But the thing is Peppino swaps bodies with Brick. Somehow. Peppino in Bricks body tries to get help from anybody, but everyone just hear rats squeaks from him because yea, rat. So he tries to get Brick in his body to actually look after the pizzeria while he goes out to find the solution. But Brick is also Gustavo's pet/friend so Peppino has to actually pretend to be a rat and his anxious ass stresses so much about "being a rat in a correct way" . In the end Peppino actually relaxes a little but also realizes that Gustavo understands him (because after he met Brick he learnt rat language) and had the "cure" for the situation for a while (he realised that Peppino was in Bricks body and just thought that he had to relax a little, even if like that). In the end, they go back to the pizzeria to swap bodies again and realize that Brick was actually great chef and made Peppino's pizzeria much more successful in one day.
• I have no idea for the plot but imagine Vigilante-centric episode named "the cheese of truth"
• Peppino didn't pay his rent so mr. Stick finds him a sponsor/investor. It's Pepperman. Of course Pepperman uses his privileges to completely redesign Peppino's pizza in his own image. In the end Peppino is so fed up with Pepperman that he actually quits. Without chef however, the new "Pepperman's pizza" loses customers and this time Pepperman misses the rent so he goes back to Peppino asking him to take back the pizzeria. But Peppino is also broke. But fear not, because mr. Stick found another sponsor! The Noise.
The episode ends here
• Not really an episode idea but imagine seeing Pizzahead in the background of the episodes doing Bugs Bunny hijinks with dressing up.
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moiloru · 3 years ago
(Another) Your Lie In April Review!
When I began watching anime in earnest last summer, I didn't know what to expect, to be perfectly honest. A good time would be my best guess.
Definitely not a punch in the stomach and waterfalls of tears, at least!
Maybe it's a little cliché, but this is the month of April, so I'll be reviewing... Your Lie In April today! Yay! As mentioned in the title, this was my second time watching this anime, and while I had already written a review for this anime the first time, I feel like this masterpiece deserves better than that.
Yes, masterpiece.
First off, the basics: Your Lie In April is a romance/drama/music anime long of twenty-two masterful episodes. It first aired in 2014 and immediately was a resounding success.
Rightfully so.
I'm definitely biased, and I know that, but this anime is to me as close to perfection as you'll find. I could mention some tiny, tiny flaws, of course, but my goal isn't to write something 100,000+ words long, so I won't.
Everything, from the plot, to the characters, to the music and the openings, to the artstyle, is way above average. Let's dive a little deeper...
First off, the music! Well, it's an anime about music, so you would expect it to be great, which it is. The pieces themselves are great (and I'm not a big classical music amateur, so true fans of Mozart, Chopin and the like will be even more thrilled than I was!), and they are filled with such great feelings to be made even better.
The two openings, "Hikaru Nara" and "Nanairo Symphony" remain at the very top of my list even to this day, especially the first one. And when you see all the hidden details on your second watching, you feel kinda dumb, haha.
It's not something I've seen in other anime so far, but the art style is really pretty in its own right! It is very distinctive, and the way the artists used the colors is both significant and beautiful. Some scenes are nothing short of breathtaking.
The plot... It's tough to talk about the plot without spoiling, but I'll do my best. To put it in a nutshell, it's nearly flawless. There are no weak points to speak of, it flows well, it uses character development to perfection, the cliffhangers at the end of each episode are beautifully cruel, and the ending is the highlight of the anime. That's as much as I can say without venturing into spoiler territory, but that should be enough.
And, of course, the characters. Everything I mentioned above was already fantastic, but the characters are just on another level. Apart from the two main characters - who are my favorites from any anime - they might not seem like much at first glance. What makes them shine is how well they're all linked with each other. There's this common thread - or threads - that serves as a way to make them all better than they would be individually. There are no "side characters" to truly speak of - as the anime focuses on the main characters - but even the sid-iest of characters are amazing. Maybe one tiny flaw I can point out is how one of the protagonist's friends doesn't get much development, but it's nothing much.
I need to talk about the two main characters now. As I said before, I consider them the two best anime characters I've come across so far. The trope they're based on is quite simple, actually (and I won't say what it is not to spoil), but it works miracles. It's honestly as if they were made for this trope, and that the plot had been shaped around them. They work amazingly well as a duo, and I sincerely doubt I'll find a better duo any time soon. Yeah, that good. Their character development is as close to perfection as you'll find, their dynamic should be an example for the whole anime industry, their designs are simple yet unmatched, and their personalities are much of the same. Shoutout to the voice actors who did an amazing job for the whole character cast, too.
All in all, you've probably realized how much I adore this anime. I could praise it even more than this, but I think it's best if I let whoever will read this discover it by themselves.
Now, this may be surprising, but I'm not sure if I even want to recommend watching this anime. After all, it's great and all, but... are you ready for it?
If you think you are, keep some tissues near you. Could be useful.
Just saying.
Below is the (updated) tierlist for the characters! Thank you for reading!
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(Link: https://tiermaker.com/create/your-lie-in-april-characters--105359)
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rou-luxe · 10 months ago
part 3
next sketchbook on the chopping block
god this one is dusty 💀
I think this was when I started drawing from the back of the sketchbook, not the front
there was some Ace Attorney brainrot in there and then Mary again
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hands the worst enemy
I can't show like most of these so far because they're linked to something I'd rather forget
or they're just heavily unfinished
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my artstyle changed a lot here
ignore my finger
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unfinished, but gay man and butch lesbian
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in the story, it looks like a love triangle for insane girl but it's not... simp just can't come to terms that he's gay
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yeah it's a butler what about it
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I really liked her, she was a mother figure to the insane trio. she's actually a tiger mom
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this was supposed to be an alternate outfit for another oc but it ended up being its own character instead
they're a homunculus (what is my obsession)
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mad hatter also went 180°...
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oh it's this bitch 😔
then a few concepts for another story
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color experimentation, I remember drawing this one because someone walked by and went "hey that's pretty good" and then I felt like I wanted to die
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this one was my obsession for a while
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this one was a shapeshifter who escaped from a research facility to cosplay as a priest
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others from the facility (most of them here were test subjects)
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I made a joke that it was vinegar and it stuck
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I tried drawing them younger
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old sketchbook
I dug up my thick fairy tale collection from half a year ago because I never finished reading it and I'm the mood for The Juniper Tree
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but I also ended up finding my old sketchbook...
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let's cringe together shall we
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I remember I was really proud of these ones^
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^ these were some of my first ocs!! can't say I miss them 😭😭
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these were ocs from a story a friend and I worked on holy shit they're tall
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character from one of my favorite flash games omg it was this fucking bastard from the shop 😭😭 I need to replay those games so bad
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mary (ib) + more of the bastard
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more mary + ib oc...
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I was proud of this one too, this one deserves a redraw. This was the painter from earlier
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the one on the left was sitting on the windowsill. I thought they'd be besties, watching people die from above
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I think I tried more cinematic pieces but they didn't work 💀
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more of the scientist, he was so fucking funny imo
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yeah I have favorites
that pen traumatized me
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this was a turning point for me
the concept was "all the disney princesses are dead, a bunch of people sewed them together and made you". this was the mad hatter (15) who owns a house full of mirrors that reveal the truth
adding more in reblogs
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b1a4seeyou · 7 years ago
Ah! Thank you, anon. (^ ▽^). I have to do a cut cause I didnt expect to be this long haha. And I stupidly reload this page, sorry, please bare with me. ^^”
From this ask
🌷 = favourite blogs 
Hmm, let’s see. I have a lot of favorites but I’ll just go with the ones I really look at!
@theslimeologist - The first Slime Rancher blog I followed! I love their contents. Sometimes they stream a few games which help me pass the time.
@aestheticvalley - The name says it all! Made cute and amazing Stardew Valley mods which I still need to figure out how to use it and very friendly. :D
@ironicicy - THE ONE ART BLOG WHO DREW MY TALES OF XILLIA 2 SHIP, JUDGER!! I love her art style and sometimes filled my Judger needs whenever I see them haha.
@ladyusada, @dimensionslip, @neylakiiroisenkou - These blogs I followed are mostly on updates and translations about the Tales of Series. Not seen often but I really appreciate their effort!!
💕 = tumblr friends 
OHOH BOY, HERE IT GOES!! Sorry, irl friends. Gotta tell the truth.
@hateehateeho & @u-r-n-s - MY CHILDHOOD PALS WHO’RE THE REASON I’M IN TUMBLR!! We’ve been friends for like uh 11 years now? The first one draws a lot and I love her artstyle, you can check it out but mostly she just crap post haha. While the other one rarely logs in but she‘s really good at writing and I’ll be honest, she really beat me on our English writing haha.
@minkh21 - Another irl friend of mine! She normally reblogs on Kpop stuff and writing prompts hehe.
@kirachama, @crytalstellar, @benichi, @plutoparfait, @shadi-ee, @applesr00, @amethystcria, @thehourofthemary, @soinlovewithbandguys, @thew0lfprince - Met these beautiful people in a Mystic Messenger Discord server~! Though I followed them before Mystic Messenger exist but became mutual, thanks to that haha. xD. There’s actually more of them but I’m not sure if I did follow them or forgot their urls.
@jessrine, @nerd-who-draws-too-much - Met them recently, thanks to coincidence and fandom. The first one, to my surprise, is in the same country as me! Yay! The other one does art too. We sometimes talk about Code Realize. xD
📖 = tell a story 
A story?? Hmm….Let’s see. This is probably a short one cause I dont have any interesting ones in the meantime haha. ^^”. So this was like last year’s incident. My family went to this mall to buy some food stock and there’s a grocery store at the lower floor. We were lining at this long queue because there’s only 2-3 counters opened. It was our turn and we’re really in a rush so I was in charge of putting the grocery on the counter, my hands were a lot more faster, not gonna lie. I was too busy with the items, I didnt notice the cashier until I was done. He wore glasses. THAT’S RIGHT, YOU HEARD ME! GLASSES. Anyways, I was really stunned at how professional he looks with the uniform and hairstyle, but my reaction was just “Oh, he wear glasses. Nice.“
BUT THEN, I was helping pushing the items forward to make it more quicker for him. He took one of them and accidentally hit my face. I was so shook but it wasnt that painful. But the one part is how the guy reacted. He was apologizing and his face almost like he’s gonna cry. I told him it was okay and it doesnt hurt. But god, his worried face was really cute, it felt like the world just stopped. He even asked me if there’s anything he could do but I just said “It’s okay, the line is long so I understand that you’re hurrying.“ Even though his face was really guilty but the fact I got to see his clumsy side was really adorable. (-w-)b
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sugirandom · 8 years ago
365 days of writing: day 63
Day 63: changing tastes
               So I’m feeling a little more rested now. I’m still a little bit tired since the last few nights I haven’t really had any restful sleep but I at least don’t have to deal with my family much today and like I mentioned yesterday my best bro will be over later today. I took some time to get caught up on some of my watch later queue and now I’m just hanging out until my best bro calls to say he’s on his way. I had a little mishap with the passport forms and I am currently out of printer ink but I’ll print out a new form at work on Monday.
               I wanted to briefly talk about one of my dilemmas as an Anime fan.  People who follow my blog are probably well aware of the fact that I tend to watch older Anime or at the very least I’m not really up-to-date with all of the current shows. I’m a pretty slow viewer in general and my interest with Anime tends to be a little on the picky side so it’s hard to get together with fellow Anime fans since I’m watching a lot of stuff that’s old news for others. That being said I do have quite a few fans who share in the same Anime as I do interest wise and I’m grateful for that. This just makes it hard for me to interact with the general population of Anime fans. I’ve also gone through different stages with Anime when it comes to what genres or styles I’ll watch.
               For example I used to only like certain styles like CLAMP or just more visually appealing Anime and for a while I even watched a few Shoujo Anime but I grew tired of a lot of the troupes that after a while made them very predictable and boring. That’s when I got into Shounen and what my manga teacher calls “Fusion Anime” that have elements of both Shoujo and Shounen. That’s pretty much where I am now except that I was still pretty picky about the look of the Anime I watched and it had to have a certain level of visual appeal. I guess I’m still like that now to an extent but I’m willing to excuse some Anime if the story is really well-written. I also got into Dragon Ball finally…
Dragon Ball and I have had a complicated past. I think it was a mixture of where I was in my life and the dub just not really doing it for me. I guess it didn’t help that I saw Dragon Ball Z first and it was right in the middle of the series. At the time, it was a little too over the top for me. I think the first dub didn’t really help it’s case for me. I haven’t really seen enough of the show in the new dub to judge if it’s much better but yeah, back then I just wasn’t having it I guess. My best bro really spoke highly of Dragon Ball though so I wanted to give it a try. Not to mention that my usual distaste for Toriyama’s artstyle was softened by Chrono Trigger (simply because it worked so well for that game) so I decided to get over myself and try Dragon Ball. I’ve seen two episodes in Japanese so far and I’m enjoying it. If I enjoy the whole thing, I might try to give Dragon Ball Z another try and while I can’t say I’m really into the fandom the way I am with a lot of the other Anime I watch, I am enjoying it…so yay?
I also am a lot more into Gundam than I was when any of the shows were first aired over here. It’s just interesting to see how interests change over time yet I can’t say I’ve stopped liking Sailor Moon or Tenchi Muyo or any of the other shows I was watched back then that I did like. I guess it was just something I was thinking about…. How I just spiraled into Shounen Anime all the sudden and I’m a lot pickier with Shoujo now than I used to be. I guess it makes sense though, to go through different phases in your life but still hold some things dear and I guess discover things you missed out on before or maybe just didn’t need at the time.
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earthdeep · 6 years ago
so I actually finished fe echoes shadows of valentia after *checks back through blog* about one and a half years. or rather, I got totally fed up on my first playthrough and restarted a few days ago bc I was sick of having it semi-complete. I have Thoughts so... under the cut
might as well get the technical stuff out the way. 
loved the artstyle. but the ui fucking sucked. all the important numbers and stuff is WAAAAAY too small to make room for character portraits and the layout of a lot of options is just... weird. oh and there’s no way to look at a zoomed out map and it’s a pain in the arse when I just wanna check where the fucking enemies are.
combat system is... definitely interesting for a fire emblem game. I enjoyed it overall, but it felt a bit lopsided. no weapon durability (yay), no weapon triangle (eh), magic users learn spells in character specific orders (hm), 90% of bow using enemies can’t do shit against fliers (wtf?), absurdly high crit rates (ugh)... lance users ended up near useless by endgame. I had a single one who could hit hard enough to take down an act 5 enemy, and he was too slow to chase them. meanwhile I could keep my archers back way out of enemies’ range and crit them, or field my many mages who could do massive damage AND heal each other constantly. srsly, all hail our lady and saviour delthea, who by the final boss had 30 atk and could oneshot almost every enemy with her lowest level spell. she is the best, and I love her very much.
there was a lot of other fidgety stuff especially on the overworld that really got on my nerves after a while. I’ve never been fond of the point hopping system that’s fairly common in tactical rpgs, but echoes has the infuriating variation that forces u to fight every respawning enemy u cross. fuck those graveyards. fuck them to hell. especially fuck them when I have to pass them so often to complete sidequests in the villages and such. but at least dungeon exploring is still fun. well, I say that, and it leads into another bother.
fates, the previous fe game, did a lot to improve the experience of casual players such as myself. the protagonist being allowed to fall in battle without an insta game over, for example. phoenix mode was nice for replays too, tho since echoes was preeeeetty linear that’s a moot point for me. echoes decides no, actually, fuck that, and also fuck the battle saves introduced in awakening. ur gonna work through duma’s tower for an hour with no way to save and reload and if one of the ten million enemies in there knocks down celica ur losing all ur progress without even a chance to use the in-universe save scum device. bc fuck u.
incidentally, duma’s tower is where I quit during my first playthrough.
buuuuuuuut there’s more to games than mechanics. there’s story too! and... hoo boy. there’s two major sticking points for me that ultimately make it a disappointment. spoilers ahead for literally the entire game.
number one: the broken aesop of alm’s arc. ie, fernand was right.
so, fire emblem games have a lot of birth destiny and divine rights to rule and all that jazz. while it can be just a background fact of life (awakening and imo path of radiance fell into this) or a major problem that causes protagonist centred morality out the whazoo (Y HALLO THAR FATES’ CONQUEST ROUTE), echoes tries to go a different route, especially in the first act. alm butts up against those who don’t think he should be allowed to be a knight, let alone lead an army bc he’s of common birth. even those on his side (*cough*clive) struggle to hold noble and common life of equal worth. but here’s alm, the poster child of destiny caring not for trivialities such as parentage. he’s a good fighter and a good leader, and proves that even a commoner can become a hero!
except they can’t. alm isn’t a commoner. he’s a prince. he could never vanquish duma if he hadn’t noble blood in his veins, bc the falchion is locked in a vault only royals can enter, and is a sword only he can wield. were he truly a commoner, he would have failed. and all this would’ve been easily forgotten fridge logic if the characters hadn’t kept bringing the even a commoner bs all the way with them until he found out who his dad was! fernand, the primary voice for this shit, doesn’t die until after seeing alm revealed!
frankly, alm being a lost prince was purely a detriment to the story. oh no, he killed his dad? who fucking cares. blood is the only thing they share. I’ve seen this dude like twice before I cheesed his ass by warping my best units up to his section of wall and zapping him. half his dialogue is only available post-patricide. alm had more of a connection to Asshole Cousin Berkut that to him. also, his plan for preparing for the end of the world as is stood was one of the worst I’ve ever seen.
but there’s also a more fun point. number two: the straight agenda!
ugggggh. listen. on my first round through, I joked a lot abt all the unrequited love going around. and honestly there’s quite a lot of interactions that I found genuinely nice. faye and leon being open about their feelings and accepting they aren’t requited, and alm and valbar being honest and comfortable with that. or delthea mentioning her crush on clive to his sister and having mathilda immediately pointed out. or like, clive and mathilda’s entire relationship during the game. I like me a lovey dovey battle couple.
but then the epilogue slides hit. why the fuck would mathilda become a Good Housewife(TM) after marrying a man who encouraged her as they fought alongside each other. delthea gets the same treatment and settles down with an unnamed husband and becomes “normal” in her slide. then u have mae and boey who get married and have children and argue AND THAT IS IT. like guys, I like me some rivals to lovers as much as the next lesbian, but u can’t be said to have kids that give u more reasons to fight and have me believe this is any way healthy. please find a replacement for celica bc u do NOT work together on ur own. *sigh* at least clair and gray have a nice marriage where they’re both free to be themselves. in my game anyway, idk if she hooks up with tobin if they get higher support, but when he’s an archer and she’s a frontline fighter, they never had a chance.
and then there’s alm and celica.
I could’ve liked alm. I really could. while his base is still Default Fantasy Hero, I like his comments when u examine things, I like that he has the nerve to stand up to clive when he’s on his bullshit. but dude. u met ur fake cousin celica briefly when u were kids, got along well, then obsessed abt her for like a decade. get. over. it.
same to u celica. u were fucked in my eyes from the beginning bc I find devout characters actively dull, but come on. u made a friend who had a birthmark like urs. as far as ur concerned, that’s all. stop reading the script and try learning the politics of running that kingdom ur set to inherit.
beyond the “alm...” “celica...” wistful calls, and the forces of destiny/the writers, I could not tell u what draws these characters together. the one time they’re not staring into the middle distance at each other, they’re in a petty fight that makes celica look like a spoiled child (and keeps her there until after she sells her fucking soul to the shadiest guy in the fucking universe? celica. celica cmon.) like why do these people like each other. with as much as destiny pulled them together rather than human connection, they may as well have been siblings instead.
on my first run, I genuinely thought that was where they were headed. I got given “alm can lift royal sword” and “celica ‘lost’ brother in fire” and put together that OH! they’re brother and sister! like mila and duma! bc it’s history repeating itself! and then conrad showed up and I was confused. also, iirc alm genuinely believed celica was a cousin of his while they were interacting as kids and didn’t learn she was just in Fantasy Witness Protection until later, so for that to turn into poorly telegraphed romance is just... ew.
anyway. at least most of the characters were good. can’t even pick a favourite tbh. I like clair a lot, and tobin and gray. mae and delthea are both fun and adorable. the valbar/leon/kamui trio are great and chill dudes. I even like silque despite being the nun type, bc she just tries so hard and I appreciate that. oh and sonya’s very lovely with genny and DESERVED BETTER THAN BECOMING A LITERAL SOULLESS HUSK IN THE EPILOGUE AS SHE TRIES TO HELP OTHERS, FUCK U ECHOES.
also there are definite immersion hiccups. oh, the land’s barren and we’re facing famine, huh? *stares at trees full of oranges* *stares at wells full of water* *stares at baskets full of fish* *stares at inventory full of meat and vegetables* *stares at knife that can produce food if I kill an enemy with it...*
wait. I turned a lot of enemies into food with that knife. like my inventory for celica’s army filled up with it. was... was I eating people the whole time?! D:
anyway, fe15, 7.5/10 too much swamp
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