#macromedia director
macromediac · 2 years
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Game: Garage Bad Dream Adventure
Art by me
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discatte · 2 years
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👁️ See the picture
👆 Touch the picture
🕹️ Play the game
[ PC | dash ]
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crawltime · 2 months
Archive of selected works of Turux 1997 to 2001 by LIA.
Source: https://www.liaworks.com/theprojects/turux-at/
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soapdispensersalesman · 7 months
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skyboxeye · 4 months
Capturing the ambience of Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head Go On Vacation
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Running the game
I had a lot of trouble with this. I tried a Windows 95 and Windows XP virtual machine. Often the game's installer would fail, or it would crash at runtime due to a scripting error. I finally got it to run via a Windows 95 VM inside PCem.
Extracting sounds
Certain sound effect and voice files are located inside the relevant subdirectories of potato\data\audio. You can check the install directory if you performed a full install, or simply check for the files on-disk.
Remaining assets can be extracted from relevant DXR files using a tool like Director Cast Ripper.
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Capturing environments
The majority of the game's assets are contained inside its DXR Macromedia Shockwave files. You can convert these to DIR with a decompiler. From there, you can read the DIR files inside Director. Open the desired DIR file, open the Stage window, and click play.
Exporting to AVI via Director
I couldn't get this working for Potato since it seems to use frames in a non-linear way. For example, frame 11 on the Australia level seems to be used for the idle state. I tried editing the per-level scripts to change how looping works, but gave up.
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Removing UI
To remove these graphics we can simply edit or remove the relevant sprites via Director.
Capturing Spain
The scripting to control this level's scenery is amazingly complex. There are about 20 unique state values for blending between two background bitmaps to simulate various times of day. At certain points, the level's background sounds switch over to go along with this.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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John Henry Michael “JT” Thompson (born June 15, 1959) is the inventor of the Lingo programming language used in Adobe Director and a former Chief Scientist at Macromedia. He is a former professor in the Interactive Telecommunications Program at the New York University Tisch School of the Arts and an instructor at Drexel University. He is committed to teaching and motivating successive scions of tech developers. He is a graduate of MIT and the Art Student League of New York.
He spent part of his childhood in Jamaica. His parents, in search of a better life for their children, moved from the UK to New York. In 2012 he returned to his homeland Jamaica, to implement the Digital Jam 2.0 project. This included directing a course of mobile app development workshops. According to him the vision for the project was to “export an innovative software development strategy to enable Jamaican youth to prosper in the global internet knowledge economy.” He was honored for his innovations and commitment to coaching with the Silver Musgrave Medal for Science in 2012 by the Institute of Jamaica. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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airconditioningbob · 1 year
CSI: Criminal Science Investigation (2003)
From the great minds behind Mario is Missing & Simpsons: Hit and Run, came a Ubisoft published game called CSI:CSI in 2003. I decided that because it was just half a pound, I'd try to mod it.
Well, they've handed out the keys to the proverbial castle. The game's engine is all flat structure, there's no active live 3D parts, it's all video files. Kind-of disappointing.
It seems to use something called 'Shockwave 3D', which can have files authored by Maya 3D - the first level's files have a left-over manifest file that reveals dev paths and software used, Lol!
Largely the files are all flat structures, they're just image files, audio files (SWA files - Shockwave Audio!) and little ol' JPG files. The realisation dawned on me.
This is a flash game.
Specifically, going by the .CXT files sitting around in the game's root, it uses Adobe Director. I'm grabbing Macromedia Director 8.5 to see if I can do anything with that, and if I can't I'll try grabbing a more recent version.
Failing all of this, I can author SWAs and MOVs just fine, so I can quite easily Youtube Poop this game, which will still be a laugh. It's abandon-ware too, so who'd chase me over it if I were to release a YTP-ified version...?
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Neal Hansch, CEO & Managing Partner of Silicon Foundry – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/neal-hansch-ceo-managing-partner-of-silicon-foundry-interview-series/
Neal Hansch, CEO & Managing Partner of Silicon Foundry – Interview Series
Neal Hansch is the CEO and Managing Partner of Silicon Foundry, a Kearney company, where he leverages over 25 years of venture capital, product management, technology operations, corporate development, and trusted advisory experience to lead the firm.
Prior to joining Silicon Foundry, Neal was Managing Director of the emerging markets technology training, investment, and incubation program at the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST), where he managed a global team of 150+ professionals, over twenty startup investments, and partnerships with Google, Samsung, and Vodafone.
Neal previously served as a General Partner at Rustic Canyon Partners (RCP), an early-stage focused VC fund with $500MM under management. He also worked in the Corporate Development group at Macromedia (Nasdaq: MACR, acq. by ADBE), where he was responsible for global M&A transactions and strategic equity investments. In this role, he traveled extensively throughout Asia and learned firsthand the challenges and impact of building relationships and executing cross-border transactions.
Silicon Foundry, is an innovation advisory firm, catalyzes opportunities and accelerates change to push the frontier of what’s possible. The firm is dedicated to expanding its network and capabilities to further support the global innovation ecosystem. Corporate leadership teams increasingly seek to tap into this ecosystem for strategic partnerships, investments, and acquisitions.
You’ve been in Silicon Valley for over 25 years, in your opinion what are the unique factors that have positioned San Francisco as a burgeoning AI epicenter?
I think it’s many of the same factors that have made Silicon Valley the epicenter for other once new technologies, like the internet and search engines. When we talk about what is happening in San Francisco right now and compare this buzz to the sound of innovation and progress that has constantly permeated through Silicon Valley, it’s kinda like déjà vu. Think back to the early days of semiconductors, way back in the 50s and 60s. Talent was the name of the game then, and guess what? It still is now. The city’s emergence as an AI epicenter is rooted in its rich reservoir of talent. This critical mass of expertise serves as a foundation for innovation, a phenomenon compounded by the presence of tech giants like Google and Meta (formerly Facebook), with Microsoft also contributing from its nearby base. When talent and innovation converge, vibrant business and tech ecosystems thrive. The nexus of venture funding, rich talent pool, and established incumbents deeply invested in AI fosters an environment ripe for innovation in San Francisco. While AI itself isn’t novel, the city’s emergence as its epicenter mirrors its historical role in shaping other major platform shifts.
How does Silicon Foundry leverage these regional advantages to benefit its members?
Silicon Foundry is situated in a major innovation hub. We’re surrounded by some of the world’s most vibrant companies and forward-thinking startups who are on the front lines of change and progress. Our location serves as a natural advantage, and we leverage this advantage by actively curating connections between our members and the foremost innovators in areas where AI intersects with various aspects of their businesses. Whether it’s exploring AI’s impact on product design, customer support, or other crucial areas, we ensure that our members gain direct access to best-in-class AI applications. Moreover, our physical proximity to these emerging solution providers enhances the efficiency of our matchmaking process. Imagine a scenario where a member visits our headquarters with specific interests in using AI to create a better customer experience. Within a short timeframe, often just hours or days, they can engage in face-to-face interactions with relevant companies, many of which are conveniently located within walking or driving distance from our premises. This seamless connectivity accelerates the pace of collaboration and fosters meaningful partnerships that drive innovation and growth.
Regarding AI as an enabler for extracting insights from data, what challenges do corporations face in data utilization?
A critical challenge for corporations utilizing AI for data analysis is ensuring quality data organization within the company. As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out,” highlighting the importance of quality data inputs for effective outcomes. Quality data is like table stakes for implementation. You need to establish a solid data infrastructure that becomes foundational, before fully integrating and leveraging AI applications. 
Silicon Foundry emphasizes strategic partnerships and corporate investments. Can you provide examples of successful partnerships and investments that have accelerated innovation for both startups and corporate members?
One collaboration that comes to mind involves a multinational logistics provider and Fountain, a next-generation recruiting, onboarding, and retention startup. This partnership directly addressed one of the major challenges faced by the logistics giant: the recurring need to hire and retain thousands of employees, particularly during peak seasons like Christmas. By introducing Fountain’s innovative solutions, the logistics company revolutionized its recruitment processes, streamlined onboarding, and enhanced employee retention strategies. This not only optimized efficiency but also mitigated the impact of seasonal fluctuations in workforce demand. Without sharing numbers, the impact and results of this collaboration gained company-wide attention, even at the board level. 
What are some of the upcoming trends in AI and emerging technologies that you believe will be crucial for the next decade?
When we look ahead, there are distinct trends both in customer-facing and internal domains. On the customer front, we’re witnessing a significant focus on enhancing the digital experience through customization, particularly in brand interactions and customer service. This emphasis on personalized experiences is where AI, particularly Generative AI, is rapidly proving its worth. Internally, within large organizations, there’s a growing need for efficient knowledge management. Many companies are already leveraging AI to navigate the vast repositories of insights and content they possess. For instance, consider the scenario faced by a leading global investment banking, securities, and investment management firm. Their use of AI to swiftly address HR queries, such as navigating the complex process of terminating an employee across different jurisdictions, underscores the value of internal AI applications in streamlining processes and improving efficiencies. While it’s challenging to predict precisely which areas will dominate over the next decade, the current focus for most Fortune 500 companies is identifying the most compelling applications.
How should companies prepare to integrate these technologies into their strategies?
Beyond the technical aspect of readiness with quality data (addressed previously), there’s a strategic standpoint to consider. Companies must deliberate on where to initiate testing and piloting these AI technologies. It involves making informed decisions on which areas of the business could benefit most from integration. This strategic approach requires identifying low-hanging fruit—areas where implementing AI solutions can yield significant impacts, such as enhancing customer service. It’s about taking calculated steps, testing the waters, and assessing the effectiveness of these technologies before committing fully. By strategically selecting pilot projects and evaluating their outcomes, companies can gradually scale up their integration efforts, avoiding the temptation to “boil the ocean” and instead focusing on targeted, impactful implementations.
What are the biggest challenges currently facing the AI sector in San Francisco? Conversely, what opportunities do these challenges present for startups and established companies?
One of the biggest challenges is the flood of funding that went into AI companies, much of which was centered in San Francisco, not just Silicon Valley. This surge has led to heightened expectations, but now the challenge lies in moving beyond the hype cycle. Companies must demonstrate tangible efficacy and return on investment (ROI). Essentially, they’re at a pivotal juncture where securing customers and generating revenue is imperative for sustainability and growth. 
For established companies, a significant challenge lies in the considerable costs associated with AI implementation. It’s very expensive to run these large, sophisticated models. However, established companies possess a substantial advantage—their troves of data. This abundance of data positions incumbents, even in traditional industries, as formidable players. They hold the golden asset, which, when coupled with AI technology, becomes a potent force for innovation. However, it’s necessary for them to ensure the accuracy and reliability of this data, as well as having a sufficient volume to yield meaningful insights. This underscores the central role of data in training models and deriving actionable insights, a challenge that smaller companies often face as they navigate the complexities of acquiring and leveraging data effectively.
How does Silicon Foundry assist its members in navigating the volatile tech market and identifying valuable emerging companies?
We start by understanding our members’ needs and parameters and then we map out the landscape of the potential solution providers in those areas. We leverage our expertise to pinpoint the most promising candidates. From there, we assist our members in establishing connections with the leaders of these emerging companies. But our role extends beyond mere introductions. We actively facilitate the ongoing development of relationships between our members and these companies, whether it be fostering customer relationships, forging deeper partnerships, or exploring strategic investment and acquisition opportunities.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Silicon Foundry.
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designaday · 1 year
Sales Mail
You know, it really wasn't that long ago that we didn't have any UX tools. Sure, we had the Adobe suite of products, and we made do with apps like Macromedia Director, but we were too small of a target market for companies to build specialized products. These days, UX is a hot market. We had Adobe, Sketch, InVision, UXPin, and Figma battling it out for UI design and prototyping tools, but that's just the beginning. There are tools for managing personas, creating journey maps, recruiting research subjects, conducting usability tests, storing and analyzing research, whiteboarding, conducting and analyzing surveys, and collecting analytics. I love the explosion of tools aimed at UX design teams.
However, it can also be frustrating. As a UX manager at a big-name company, not a day goes by that I don't receive at least one email from a sales person wanting to talk to me about how their tool can solve my team's problems. I used to reply to these messages, thanking them for reaching out, because I remember when UX was a small, tight-nit community, and we were all very friendly with each other. But I just can't do it anymore. It's too much. I just delete them now. I'll get message after message:
“Jack, I know you're busy, but I truly believe that UXWhateverItIs will take your DesignOps to the next level. Please let me know if you have availability to talk at one of these times in the next week.” “Jack, sorry my last three messages have missed you. If you aren't the right person to make purchasing decisions about AwesomeUXTools, could you please put us in touch with the right person on your team?” “Jack, I haven't received a reply from you yet, but I wanted to try one last time to see if you're interested in our app for UXStuff. It's currently in use by all of these companies you've heard of, and they're seeing huge gains in doing UX stuff.”
I don't have time to be polite. Thank you all for creating all of these wonderful tools, but it's not my responsibility to evaluate them or select what tools our teams are going to standardize on, and you have no idea how much time and effort it takes to get a new, cloud-hosted tool approved for use within Boeing. Most of you don't even have an enterprise grade offering, and you wouldn't know what to do when our DevSecOps people start making demands about our SSO and data hosting requirements.
So, I'm sorry, but I'm not replying to your email, or your second email, and definitely not your fifth.
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rajworks · 12 years
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THE MICHAEL JACKSON STORY, 1997. Animation in Macromedia Director. The first animated short I ever made! It’s crude and a little mean-spirited, but I was only 16 years old. I’m still very proud of the work I put into the project. This video is password-protected and, for probably obvious reasons, not for wide public sharing; the password is my last name spelled backward.
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19921227 · 1 year
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macromediac · 2 years
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GIF version
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franglewomper · 2 years
I would make porn but I’d need to release it as a macromedia director app out of moral obligation
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artfolega · 2 years
Wow macropedia
DOWNLOAD NOW Wow macropedia
Very often these are signs of the End Times for a software project. As for Bruce willis, i kept thinking, wow, this is a pretty uncool role.
No one seems to have sufficient overall control of the project and all the original devs are long gone. good edition before they started with the micropedia macropedia silliness. a pristine collection- 42 volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica, Outline of Knowledge, Micro & Macropedia plus more. Express is still the best free IDE out there despite CodeBlocks, Eclipse and Netbeans closing the gap fast but I have been concerned about its future for a while. In an ideal world the two products would be developed by different companies and there would be a genuine third party standard for the interop that neither could argue about and it would be in both their interests to work with it but this is, as we all know, not an ideal world. what an amazing colors on your macropedia fuliginosa to bad it only lasted one year (i am definitely trying that kind next year allthough the seeds. Everybody thinking it's someone else's problem. macropedia essays arranged thematically that are accompanied by shorter. The articles in the Micropdia tended to be short, specific, and unsigned and were followed (until 1985) by index references to related content elsewhere in the set. There are a dozen other IPC mechanisms the two teams could have agreed on to link back to explorer for extra info and additional security but I guess as Mike reckoned this is one that fell down the cracks between teams. Other articles where Macropdia is discussed: Encyclopdia Britannica: Fifteenth edition: Micropdia: Ready Reference and Index, Macropdia: Knowledge in Depth, and Propdia: Outline of Knowledge. Originally designed for creating animation sequences, the addition of a powerful scripting language called Lingo made it a popular choice for creating CD-ROMs and.
It allows users to build applications built on a movie metaphor, with the user as the 'director' of the movie. Probably the VS side doesn't get enough information from Explorer to validate the source to their satisfaction and probably they complained to the Explorer devs but they're hardly going to change D&D for one client. Macromedia Director (now called Adobe Director) is a media application created by Macromedianow part of Adobe Systems. Macropedia fulignosa. Normally with D&D that would be true because it's almost all running in the source process but in this case I think it's at least partly the drop handler. I accidentally visited the Heide Museum of Modern Art last month, WOW it was a pretty.
DOWNLOAD NOW Wow macropedia
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metherwg · 19 years
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Screenshots of the first game project I ever made which I was proud of. Created with a combination of Macromedia Director and Adobe Flash
Contained a puzzle assembling game and a mouse controlled maze where you move an anime head around it without touching the walls. Due to the shape of the head, I learned the perils of when your characters head is one shape but the hitbox is another! The bottom left corner of the hitbox rectangle being much bigger than it seems. If I ever get a good idea I might try making a game again one day, but for now this was a fun little one off experiment.
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nahashealthy · 2 years
Download adobe flash player 18 activex
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uninstall one item at a time from your system.Shockwave (few videos in this format but some games will not play and similar videos) ->.Flash (plays and similar videos and some games) ->.go to the Adobe pages for verifying your installation(s).You can also see your enabled plugins for Firefox (and some other browsers) here -> make a list of the related Adobe/Macromedia items on your system and their locations also list all browser plugins for all browsers before you begin.
As for Windows 7, the directory/folder structure is different, I do not/will never use Windows 7 or beyond and am not familiar with the file structure, except that items in "WOW64" paths are generally 64-bit and items in "(x86)" paths are generally 32-bit. If you are unwilling to do the following, then you will be forever confused. To verify what I said and everyone else who has responded in thread supports. Here is a brief explanation of the differences in Shockwave Player (aka Director) and Shockwave Flash (aka Flash, Adobe Flash, FlashPlayer, etc.) -> ''Ĭonfusion over Flash (aka Shockwave Flash) and Shockwave Player (aka Director) is not new and is caused by Adobe's naming convention for the 2 distinct products.
''EDITED:'' ''This is a simpler and more accurate explanation of what happens when I download and and install those two Adobe plugins than the first description which I attempted. If you download and install the Adobe Shockwave Player, then it will be reported by the Firefox 13.0.1 Tools > Add-ons > Plugins feature as ''Shockwave for Director'' (although there is no such plug-in available from Adobe by that name). If you download and install the Adobe Flash Player, then it will be reported by the Firefox 13.0.1 Tools > Add-ons > Plugins feature as ''Shockwave Flash'' (although actually there is no such plug-in available from Adobe by that name). There is one button for each on the main Adobe downloads page () There are separate download pages on the Adobe website for Adobe Flash Player and for Adobe Shockwave Player, respectively. You can disable them in Firefox but not uninstall them with Firefox.ĮDITED: This is a simpler and more accurate explanation of what happens when I download and and install those two Adobe plugins than the first description which I attempted. They can be uninstalled by using this feature of Windows 7. The Adobe Flash Player and the Adobe Shockwave Player are shown respectively by those names on the Windows 7 Control Panel > Programs and Features list. If you download and install the Adobe Shockwave Player, then it will be reported by the Firefox 13.0.1 Tools > Add-ons > Plugins feature as Shockwave for Director (although there is no such plug-in available from Adobe by that name). If you download and install the Adobe Flash Player, then it will be reported by the Firefox 13.0.1 Tools > Add-ons > Plugins feature as Shockwave Flash (although actually there is no such plug-in available from Adobe by that name). There is one button for each on the main Adobe downloads page ( )
Firefox uses too much memory or CPU resources - How to fix.Why do Java, Silverlight, Adobe Acrobat and other plugins no longer work?.
Cannot upgrade adobe flash player (failed to initialize), shockwave flash does not appear as a plug in.
Why does Support speak of Adobe Flash, but Add-ons>Plugins says Shockwave Flash?.
_current_max_pagesĪticf圆4 aticf圆4 aticf圆4 aticfx32 aticfx32 aticfx32 atiumd64 atidx圆4 atidx圆4 atiumdag atidxx32 atidxx32 atiumdva atiumd6a atitmm64
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