#machining and polishing
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RA Power was engaged by Miami US based reputed shipping company to inspect and repair the crankshaft of the Wartsila engine. Due to a Wartsila 12V32 crankshaft failure, the vessel was outside of Anchorage.  Contact us at [email protected], [email protected], and +91-9582647131 Tel. +91-124–4378292 available for more information.
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dictatortirah · 4 months
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You whartttt!!!!!
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 2 months
just think itd be funny if they met irl
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joltning · 5 months
remake of that one image bc it didn’t do it justice sigh
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reel-fear · 3 months
New DCTL Graphic Novel Pages Look Bad
Whose surprised? New ones got released just today, they're bad too! Look at them under the cut while I ramble a bit
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Dot's skinny and generic looking, that's a shame but at this point I'm not surprised but dear god is someone allergic to establishing shots here? It's so hard to keep track of where the characters are, I feel like they just keep teleporting around and I have no idea where anything is in relation to each other?
Also yikes that pig nose Buddy gets in what I assume is an attempt at him looking up? But none of his other facial features inticate that sort of camera angle.
Violinist seems to have just, teleported in, alongside an ink demon that looks stupid [the pose is weird n wonky the proportions look awful] and is the wrong design! So time to become a lot more annoying about how bad BATDR's ink demon design is,,, great-
I like how lively and wispy the ink looks though, very much feels alive in a way I like. Violinist is creepy even though I have no idea what's going on [where she came from, what those poses are? What is even happening here tbh] Everything else though,,, the piss yellow colors used with only pure white highlights + pure black shadows, the fact it's not even sketchy or remotely close to Batim's actual art style [despite how confusing it is they chose to stick closer to batim's when they already retconned the ink demon design from that, why not go the full way and let the pallete be more diverse like BATDR's at that point?]
It's bad, dear god... Can we all agree to just pirate the shit out of this instead of finachially rewarding Mike n Meatly for overworking and underpaying this poor artist? They don't deserve to have this shit stain on their portfolio when all they probably needed was more time to work on it to make it better and read the book to actually Understand the characters, etc.
To put bluntly my expectations have reached the floor, sadly Mike and Meatly are very good with shovels so I ended up upset anyways.
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undefeatablesin · 9 months
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fiddles-ifs · 11 months
Romance options have a ❤︎ by their names
❤︎ LANE BLACK KETTLE | The Off-Gridder [they/them]
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Age: 25 Ethnicity: Aamsskáápipikani [Montana Blackfoot] Height: 6'2/187 cm
Born outside of the so-called "last bastions of humanity," Lane has a unique and nuanced perspective on post-apocalyptia. They're in City 17 possibly illegally, definitely as a fugitive, and they're looking for something -- or someone. They'll stop at nothing, but will you help them? Adaptable, impulsive, hot-headed.
Flavor of romance: The Outsider, enemies to lovers, snark as a love language.
❤︎ MATTHEW "MATTIE" SORENSON | The Genius [he/him]
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Age: 27 Ethnicity: White [USAmerican] Height: 5'10/177 cm
Having spent his entire life inside City 17, Mattie knows very little about the world outside the Walls. A computer genius and mathematician, Mattie is the world's foremost expert on Giants. Still, he isn't content to rest on his laurels. He wants to fix humanity's mistakes -- and you're going to help him. A case of tethered spinal cord syndrome requires him to use an electric wheelchair. Egotistical, charismatic, jovial.
Flavor of romance: The Insider, competing egos, saving the world (and each other).
LUKA MARIK | The Creator [he/him]
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Age: 49 Ethnicity: White [Polish] Height: 5'11/180 cm
The greatest scientist in the world, co-founder of the Rider Initiative, your creator, the Alpha and Omega -- or so he'd have you believe. His complicated feelings for Rider have left him grief-riddled for ten years. Originally, he created the mechs that helped humanity -- now he develops the Rider clones that continue his life's work. Obsessive, melancholic, introverted.
Not a romanceable character.
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thistledropkick · 7 months
Desperado made a few different tweets about Narita Ren joining HoT, some of which are pretty long. I've put them all in one post here.
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"As partners and rivals working hard together, they became such an entertaining team
They developed such a good relationship, and their backstage comments went beyond expectations.
What a damn shame.
Such a half-hearted bastard.
I can see quite clearly why you're so impatient, but I'll deal with you as a member of STRONG STYLE after the Dome.
Don't underestimate us."
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"I was pissed off and went back to the hotel room and drank with my senpai, but now I've cooled down a bit and thought this over.
The three of us didn't have that many chances to fight together on New Japan shows.
We won the belts, but we failed to defend them.
And after that, the timing for the three of us to challenge for them again just didn't work out.
From self-expression to pro wrestling ability, the members of our unit are absolute beasts, and there's nothing we can't do in that ring.
But also, the clumsy way that the company announced the "Reiwa Three Musketeers" and the massive expectations around it resulted in a backlash from the wrestlers in question. And then the whole situation was left awkwardly up in the air.
As for those involved:
Shota has a costume that makes him look like a star, uncontrollable backstage comments, and a Moxley-like entrance and fighting techniques, giving him a royal flush of personality.
Tsuji's next-level lucha technical abilities and all his hard work backing it up, his physical potential and his creative expressiveness, all come together to give him the voice of a champion.
But his studies under Shibata-senshu had too big an impact on him, so when he used what he'd learned under Shibata, people could only talk about him in comparison to Shibata.
Things don't change in an instant.
Especially not a person's value.
A kick that he no longer uses, by his own choice,
and shin guards that he removed as well,
and also the Cobra Twist that we thoroughly discussed the use of.
It hasn't even been a year yet.
What percentage of pro wrestling fans in Japan were able to see him in person and say "That's Narita Ren"?
It can take an entire year for a technique to be seen throughout Japan, and even then you don't know if it'll get over or not.
And that's especially true for guys like you and me, who wrestle in a straightforward and persistent style.
You lack the courage of your convictions."
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"The whole reason STRONG STYLE originally began was because you were being bullied by House of Torture until me and Suzuki-san sent them scattering.
Did you already forget?
Are you stupid?"
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phoenixmetaphor · 10 months
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Leon and Bingo from @thebrandywine ‘s [broken machine]
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readkaijuno8 · 1 year
The best way I can describe the new character visuals is that it looks like every character has been put through a rock tumbler for 100 hours
Case in point:
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wayfinderships · 2 months
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Today has decided to take a turn for the Not Good which sucks-
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gracieo · 2 months
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🎵🥤So slot your pennies in the vending machine of love!💙💜🧡
Hello look at him thank you! <3
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misforgotten2 · 3 months
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Parents Magazine - October 1944
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I remember the first time I started sewing I was so scared of the needle, it had a safe guard, and it's really hard to actually hurt yourself with it
But my father (being the asshole he was) told me about one of his students, that got distracted and stabbed himself with the needle
Mind you, they were hand making LEATHER SHOES
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And I'm there, using a sewing machine for the first time as a 6 or 7yo, and he tells me how it went straight to the other side, and that he damaged a nerve so he couldn't bend his finger right
I honestly don't know if he realizes the amounts of things he told me that just made me so scared of everything in life
Like, the time there was an earthquake (fairly small one but the courtines were moving on a first floor) when I was in his house, and when it ended, his way of "calming me down" was to immediately show me 7-8 Richter earthquakes videos, telling me "don't worry, it could have been much worse"
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tcustodis · 7 months
>spotify wrapped
>fav genre: polish pop
>top 2 musicians: german
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