junkyard-gifs · 2 years
Jerrie and Jelly say FUCK OFF MATE
Macavity says wot i was only going to disembowel him a little
meanwhile Munkustrap is swooning very prettily
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Oasis cast 11: Benjamin McMillan as the damsel in distress, Benjamin Stacey as Mungojerrie, Katie Hahn as Jellylorum, Domenico Ramelli as Macavity.
And for bonus angst or crack, depending on your feelings: on this night, due to a lack of covers, Macavity's two minions who carried off Deuteronomy were none other than our favourite two orange stripey kids!
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(Look at the shoes: hers are almost white, his are almost black. We also get a glimpse of orange and white under his mask in another frame but it's too blurry to translate well into stills. The only other cats offstage at this point are Plato (who is Macavity), Misto (busy getting ready for his solo), and Alonzo and Gus (Mac decoys).)
Since Rumpelteazer had to participate in the 'Macavity' song, Mungojerrie brought fake Deut in alone... but honey you're not subtle we see that orange and black wig under that mask.
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Usually I assume the henchcats/minions are completely separate characters, but this time? Oooh this is too juicy. I'm gonna call this canon for this night: that was actually them under the disguises!
M&R carried him off, then Demeter sang I might mention Mungojerrie with Rumpelteazer right there onstage with her. Guys, they're onto you. They know where your silly little side gig has led you, even though you didn't mean for it to go that far...
... and now where's it got you?
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"wait what's going on I didn't realise this was actually serious please don't OH SHIT I got him hurt worse by distracting him I'M SORRY MUM"
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Jerrie's day keeps getting better and better. Look what you did. You messed up a perfectly good tribe protector is what you did, look at him, he's got lacerations.
... and Teazer is on the other side of the stage. Is that an incitement to cowardice ("she isn't by my side, I am paralysed by indecision") or bravery ("I must get to her somehow!")? Who knows, but eventually....
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... a decision is made.
And when he stands up, the whole tribe stands with him.
(Oasis cast 11, 13 April 2022)
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totallyaccuratecats · 3 years
Macavity: hello?
Mungojerrie: what's up?
Mac: I need your help, can you come here?
Mungo: I can't, I'm buying clothes
Mac: well hurry up and come over here
Mungo: I can't find 'em
Mac: what do you mean you can't find them?
Mungo: I can't find 'em, there's only soup
Mac: what do you mean there's only soup?
Mungo: means there's only soup!
Mac: then get out of the soup aisle!
Mungo: alright, you don't have to shout at me!
*Mungojerrie moves to another aisle*
Mungo: there's more soup
Mac: what do you mean there's more soup?!
Mungo: there's just more soup!
Mac: go into the next aisle!
Mungo, after doing so: there's still soup!Mac: WHERE ARE YOU?
Mungo: AT SOUP
Mungo, honestly unprompted: FUCK YOU
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Hey, i figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I have been looking for Mungocavity content and have been coming up pretty empty handed. Any pictures or GIFs you might be able to find will be appreciated.
Not much, sadly: onstage it's mostly Mungojerrie briefly attacking him and getting smacked down, and offstage there's very little since the actor isn't usually in Macavity get-up for long enough for shenanigans.
Oddly enough, the only photos I've been able to find are both from the same production: the Mexico revival!
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2013 above and 2018 below: Dante Hernández as Mungojerrie in both cases, with Gerry Pérez as Macavity in the first and Erny Crúz in the second.
You can look through the ship tag on this blog and on junkyard-gifs, but most of the content for it is fan-made. A case of us determinedly building our own ship and shaking our fists at canon's refusal to hand us the materials..!
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years
back in the day 😭
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(they're scared, somebody get them away from Macavity! it is not a positive work environment!)
Brittany Tooms-Peel as Rumpelteazer and Ben Stacey as Mungojerrie, Oasis cast 11.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
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27/12/2021: the US tour's 100th performance, and Aiden Pressel (Plato/Macavity) has an important message for Munkustrap. 👀
(Also Max Craven as Mungojerrie, Brianna Kim as Sillabub, and Zach Bravo as Tugger.)
This photo is just after the Macavity reveal (the moment shown in this gifset of the 2019 tour). Before Macavity is revealed, until Demeter attacks him, Tugger is stage right: he hovers, apparently wanting to reach out to Deuteronomy, but doesn't approach. When the cloak is thrown off, Tugger stares at him then runs upstage and leaps onto the tyre (as here); he stays there for a few seconds, then he and Mungojerrie zoom downstage left when Macavity starts enchanting the queens. He stays long enough to see Munkustrap grab Macavity and the two of them square off, then he must dart off into the wings around the moment when the lights flick to red.
None of the footage we have (for the 2019 tour or the 2016 revival) shows the moment he leaves. In fact, he's usually out of shot after he goes up onto the tyre - just a glimpse of a leg or a mane here and there - so he's impossible to gif! But you can see this general pattern by keeping your eyes on Tyler Hanes in this footage from July 2016 (starting at c. 12:45):
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
Mungojerrie (almost) saves the day!
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This time, Munkustrap doesn't have an Alonzo to help him in the fight. See below for a possible practical explanation; but in character, we can go with the fact that, in this production, Alonzo comes across as barely more than a kitten. Tugger and Munkustrap are the main tribe protectors, and Tugger isn't here. Munkustrap seems to have got Demeter away from Macavity on his own (it happened just out of frame) then Bombalurina dragged her away. Mungojerrie's crouching there in front of the car, and Jenny approaches him from the left, then retreats to her spot guarding Tumblebrutus near the pipe. Alonzo isn't in view: he's sitting on the right side of the stage with Sillabub, Bombalurina, and Demeter.
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But then, Demeter takes action. Seeing the fight going badly for Munkustrap, she approaches Mungojerrie where he's sitting in front of the car, and urges him to step in. He does - but of course, is immediately hypnotised.
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Macavity flings him away with no apparent effort then turns back to (presumably) Munkustrap - though at the moment Jerrie goes down Jenny leaps up, moving upstage to intercept him (and both Tumble and Demeter reach out helplessly for Jerrie).
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Victoria comes over to minister to the fallen Jerrie, and Macavity turns to rush for Demeter in front of the car - only to be met with a snarling Bombalurina, backed by Alonzo and Jemima. Demeter rushes away across the stage while Tumblebrutus and Jenny close in behind Macavity, followed by the rest of the tribe.
Whether Munkustrap's on his feet I don't know, since they obviously had to change the choreography of this fight. He may have stood up to get in the last few blows that Alonzo usually delivers.
This is the German tent tour (17 April 2011), and this is not how this fight usually goes. Usually Alonzo does step in for his part of the fight, even though he is Baby.
I don't have a complete cast list for this date, but part of the explanation might be the fact that that the Alonzo listed is a cover: Jason Winters, who usually plays Plato/Macavity. (I don't know who's covering Macavity, but I assume one of the swings - Adam Margilewski or Shane Dickson.) There must have been some reason why Jason couldn't take Alonzo's role in the Macavity fight - maybe some minor injury (either existing or sustained during the course of that show) which they didn't want to risk with the intense fight sequence? Or that Jason didn't cover Alonzo very often, and wasn't quite confident that he'd be able to do the lifts safely.
In any case, it gave us a Lone Hero Munkustrap, and a Mungojerrie (played by the ever-versatile Tommie Luyben) who rushes in to distract Macavity for those few crucial seconds for Munkustrap to get back to his feet.
The rest of the cast (so far as I know): Jack Rebaldi (Munkustrap), Myrthes Monteiro (Sillabub), Cornelia Waibel (Demeter), Ines Hengl-Pirker (Bombalurina), Anique Bosch (Victoria).
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
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A spot of dramatical Macavity, from Mexico 2018!
Mistoffelees isn't the only one who can sparkle. Macavity has lights under his floof. Good for him.
(Presumably) Erny Cruz as Macavity, with Marco Salazar as Munkustrap. In the third photo, Mungojerrie (Dante Hernández) is the cat crouched on the tyre, looking ready to spring onto his back.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
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Erny Crúz and Dante Hernández as Macavity and Mungojerrie, Mexico 2018 (X).
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Macavity: Any last words? Mungojerrie: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
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Mungocavity time!
Gerry Pérez (2013 Mexico Macavity) posted this and captioned it, "Pingurriento a como molesta" - "Mungojerrie in annoying mode". Which, honestly, is a Mungocavity mood.
The Mungojerrie actor isn't tagged but I think he's first cast Dante Hernández.
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junkyard-gifs · 4 years
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Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, just before the Macavity reveal. They’re cuddling ‘Deuteronomy’ with the other kittens before Demeter scatters them. Rumpelteazer immediately dashes away, but Mungojerrie stays close, even pawing/lashing out at Demeter - and she has to lash out at him again to get him to back away. (Pouncival is the kitten in front of Mungojerrie, and he doesn’t back off until Mungojerrie does.)
In the second gif, Pouncival clings close to Mungojerrie and follows his lead when he tries to edge forward again - but Rumpelteazer tries hard to pull Mungojerrie back, away from the danger.
In the third one, Mungojerrie flinches back when Demeter leaps on ‘Deuteronomy’, edging back a bit but keeping his head up and ready to spring, positioning himself between the danger and Rumpelteazer - and possibly protecting Pouncival as well.
And a few seconds later, after the reveal - he’s one of the first cats to attack Macavity. Even though he’s terrified. 
Hamburg 1999: Deon Ridley covering Mungojerrie, Adrianne Richards as Rumpelteazer, Sean Mcgrath as Macavity, Damian Kacperski covering Pouncival, Juliann Kuchoki covering Demeter.
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junkyard-gifs · 4 years
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The Macavity reveal in Hamburg 1999, before he tries to carry off Demeter.
Interestingly, Cassandra is the first cat to recover from the surprise and go for him (top gif), followed of course by Munkustrap. Then he strikes again at Munkustrap and somebody out of shot - probably Cassandra or Bombalurina, given where they last were when we had a wide shot. He cartwheels downstage, and then guess who has a (very tentative) attempt, and cringes away as soon as Macavity looks at him?
It’s Mungojerrie! That’s our boy!
Sean Mcgrath as Macavity, Deon Ridley covering Mungojerrie, Matthew Pike covering Munkustrap, Marie Dumas as Cassandra.
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