#m. v. carey
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Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators - 20.
1984 UK paperback edition of Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators: The Mystery of Monster Mountain. Originally published in 1974. This was probably the last Three Investigators book I bought as I was so angry that they changed the trade dress. Absolutely livid. To be honest I don't remember ever seeing it 'in the wild' in the previous trade dress that ran from around 1980-1984. It was either very hard to find or was never published in that format as I can't find any pictures online.
Written by M. V. Carey (Mary Victoria Carey, 1925-1994) and based on characters created by Robert Arthur (1909-1969). I don't know who the cover artist is on this one.
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(046) Die drei ??? und der schrullige Millionär
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Als bei der Verlobung seiner Tochter ein Teller zu Boden fällt, erleidet der geizige Millionär Pilcher einen Herzanfall. Er scheint dem Tode nahe, doch dann ist er plötzlich verschwunden. Wurde er entführt? Die drei Detektive versuchen, das Rätsel zu lösen, und Justus fordert seine Kollegen zum logischen Denken auf ...  
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): 043, 1987, M. V. Carey, The Mystery of the Cranky Collector Buch (Kosmos): 045, 1989, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 046, 1989
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Harry Burnside, Partyausruchter / Caterer
Mr. Pilcher, Millionär
Marilyn Pilcher, Tochter von Mr. Pilcher
Raymond "Ray" Sanchez / Luis Estava, Privatsekretär von Mr. Pilcher
Harold Durham, Anwalt von Mr. Pilcher
Mrs. Durham
Jim Westerbrook, Verlobter von Marilyn
Mrs. Westerbrook, Mutter von Jim
Dr. Barrister, Profressor für Anthropologie (keine Sprechrolle)
Dr. Edouard Gonzaga, Sprachwissenschaftler
Ramon / Navarro, arbeitet bei Mr. Burnside (😈)
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Central Coast Marine Corporation, Yachthafen und Trockendock
Uni in San Fernando
George Estava, wurde von mr. Pilcher geschäftlich ruiniert und ist der Vater von Luis Estava / Raymond Sanchez
Sogamoso, Stadt in Kolumbien, Südamerika, mit etwa 50.000 Einwohnern
Tränen der Götter, Begriff der südamerikanischen Natives für "Smaragde"
Mujer Vieja, heißt "Alte Frau" auf Spanisch und ist ein Berg in der Nähe von Sogamoso
Bonnie Betsy, Jacht von Mr. Pilcher
Enrique Jiminez, auch der Blutige Bischof, da er vor rund 400 Jahren die Natives für Mienenarbeit ausgebeutet hat, wandelte sich aber später zum Menschenrechtler.
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Mr. Durham: "Und eine Menge Leute wären sicher nicht traurig, wenn es ihn erwischt hätte. Er hat ja recht rücksichtslos geholzt. Mrs. Durham: "Harald, nun reicht es wirklich." Bob: "Was für nette Leute."
*Telefon klingelt* Peter: "Der Erpresser!"
Justus: "Nein. Es tut nur weh, dass der Kerl entkommen ist." Marilyn: "Ach ihr seid wirklich großartige Detektive. Wo andere einen Revolver brauchen, genügt bei euch eine Taschenlampe."
Sanchez: "Hm, versuchen wir mal 'Ausgetrickst' ... Nein, auch nicht." Marilyn: "Sie sind eine Dreckschleuder, Ray."
Bob: "Freunde! Bitte keine Beifallsstürme, ich habe Sogamoso gefunden."
Justus: "Das sagt mir mein logisch analytischer Verstand." Peter: "Kannst du nicht mal ganz normal reden? So, dass ich es auch kapiere?"
Sanchez: "Wenn Ramon einen Ballermann hat, sehen wir alt aus."
Justus: "Weg! Schnell weg! Ramon hat einen Baseballschläger! Damit kann er uns erschlagen!"
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Mr. Sanchez hat einen fragwürdigen Akzent ...
"Ach ja. Ramon ist der Mann, der das Geschirr gespült hat, richtig. So ein südländischer Typ."
Mr. Burnside: "Wenn ich noch mehr zunehme, dann läuft mir meine Freundin weg." Justus: "Komisch. So was Ähnliches sagte Tante Mathilda auch immer zu mir. Aber das meinte sie wohl nicht ernst."
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itsawitchharold · 6 months
Die drei ??? und der schreiende Zug
Die drei ??? und der schreiende Zug
Was soll ich sagen? Heute hat die Post endlich das langersehnte „und der schreiende Zug“ Buch gebracht! Wie vermutlich fast alle im Fandom hat das Rätsel um „Ghost train“ mich seit Jahren beschäftigt und ich musste das Buch sofort vorbestellen, als ich erfahren habe, dass das Manuskript gefunden wurde und bei uns veröffentlicht wird! M.V. Carey gehört seit je her zu meinen Lieblingen (irgendwann lese ich die Bücher von ihr auch im Original, aber noch ist mir keins begegnet. Jetzt gings also zurück und damit auf direktem Weg zurück in die Klassiker! Und das merkt man sofort- irgendwie sind Justus, Peter und Bob eben doch noch jünger und anders… Super aufregend und etwas sehr besonderes als Erwachsene nochmal in die Klassiker zurückzukehren und einen Fall zum ersten Mal zu erleben- ohne die Nostalgie, die den Fall überzieht aber dennoch begleitet von den Kindheitsgefühlen. Tatsächlich ist es auf den ersten Seiten schon direkt ein Heimkommen. Ich hab das Buch aufgeschlagen nach dem Motto „nur kurz 5 Seitenreinlesen“. Was soll ich sagen, ich habs am Stück verschlungen. Stadt aus Gold und dreiäugiger Schakal liegen hier seit Wochen und irgendwie komm ich nicht weiter. Aber „schreiender Zug“? Instant. Werde ich heute Abend auch nochmal lesen.
Ein paar Highlights meinerseits (Achtung! Spoiler!) Mr. Norwood lächelte. „Marie, du warst sehr unhöflich. Vielen Dank dafür.“ Peter interessiert sich für Autos- hier wird ein bisschen Grundstein gelegt für Peters späteres Interesse an motorisiertem Fahrzeug, was in den neuen Geschichten nicht mehr so oft vorkommt.
Es beginnt mit einer ultra deutschen Szene. Bobs Onkel ist Viehzüchter in Arizona und hat ihm einen schicken schwarzen Hut mit silbernem Hutband geschenkt! Die Jungs brauchen Westernoutfits. Bob wird von einem Baby angekotzt. Peter macht einen der Bösen dingfest indem er ein Bein stellt. Justus setzt dann drauf.
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justusjonas · 2 years
justus & allie sind eig schon fast charakter foils… ich muss mir singende schlange und silbermine nochmal in ruhe durchlesen
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torpublishinggroup · 10 months
Books for every Spotify Wrapped listener class! 
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Masters of Death by Olivie Blake
Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
Mordew by Alex Pheby
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The Library of the Dead by T. L. Huchu
Daughter of Redwinter by Ed McDonald
Spring’s Arcana by Lilith Saintcrow
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The Bone Orchard by Sara A. Mueller
The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang
The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey
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Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
The Warden by Daniel M. Ford
Wolfsong by TJ Klune
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Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree
The Fragile Threads of Power by V. E. Schwab
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Kinning by Nisi Shawl
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab
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The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow
Exadelic by Jon Evans
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The Wolfe at the Door by Gene Wolfe
Cassiel’s Servant by Jacqueline Carey
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan
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todaysdocument · 10 months
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Discharge Petition for H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: General Records
This item, H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, faced strong opposition in the House Rules Committee. Howard Smith, Chairman of the committee, refused to schedule hearings for the bill. Emanuel Celler, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, attempted to use this discharge petition to move the bill out of committee without holding hearings. The petition failed to gain the required majority of Congress (218 signatures), but forced Chairman Smith to schedule hearings.
88th CONGRESS. House of Representatives No. 5 Motion to Discharge a Committee from the Consideration of a RESOLUTION (State whether bill, joint resolution, or resolution) December 9, 1963 To the Clerk of the House of Representatives: Pursuant to Clause 4 of Rule XXVII (see rule on page 7), I EMANUEL CELLER (Name of Member), move to discharge to the Commitee on RULES (Committee) from the consideration of the RESOLUTION; H. Res. 574 entitled, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE BILL (H. R. 7152) which was referred to said committee November 27, 1963 in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures, to wit: 1. Emanuel Celler 2. John J. Rooney 3. Seymour Halpern 4. James G Fulton 5. Thomas W Pelly 6. Robt N. C. Nix 7. Jeffery Cohelan 8. W A Barrett 9. William S. Mailiard 10. 11. Augustus F. Hawkins 12. Otis G. Pike 13. Benjamin S Rosenthal 14. Spark M Matsunaga 15. Frank M. Clark 16. William L Dawson 17. Melvin Price 18. John C. Kluczynski 19. Barratt O'Hara 20. George E. Shipley 21. Dan Rostenkowski 22. Ralph J. Rivers[page] 2 23. Everett G. Burkhalter 24. Robert L. Leggett 25. William L St Onge 26. Edward P. Boland 27. Winfield K. Denton 28. David J. Flood 29. 30. Lucian N. Nedzi 31. James Roosevelt 32. Henry C Reuss 33. Charles S. Joelson 34. Samuel N. Friedel 35. George M. Rhodes 36. William F. Ryan 37. Clarence D. Long 38. Charles C. Diggs Jr 39. Morris K. Udall 40. Wm J. Randall 41. 42. Donald M. Fraser 43. Joseph G. Minish 44. Edith Green 45. Neil Staebler 46. 47. Ralph R. Harding 48. Frank M. Karsten 49. 50. John H. Dent 51. John Brademas 52. John E. Moss 53. Jacob H. Gilbert 54. Leonor K. Sullivan 55. John F. Shelley 56. 57. Lionel Van Deerlin 58. Carlton R. Sickles 59. 60. Edward R. Finnegan 61. Julia Butler Hansen 62. Richard Bolling 63. Ken Heckler 64. Herman Toll 65. Ray J Madden 66. J Edward Roush 67. James A. Burke 68. Frank C. Osmers Jr 69. Adam Powell 70. 71. Fred Schwengel 72. Philip J. Philiben 73. Byron G. Rogers 74. John F. Baldwin 75. Joseph Karth 76. 77. Roland V. Libonati 78. John V. Lindsay 79. Stanley R. Tupper 80. Joseph M. McDade 81. Wm Broomfield 82. 83. 84. Robert J Corbett 85. 86. Craig Hosmer87. Robert N. Giaimo 88. Claude Pepper 89. William T Murphy 90. George H. Fallon 91. Hugh L. Carey 92. Robert T. Secrest 93. Harley O. Staggers 94. Thor C. Tollefson 95. Edward J. Patten 96. 97. Al Ullman 98. Bernard F. Grabowski 99. John A. Blatnik 100. 101. Florence P. Dwyer 102. Thomas L. ? 103. 104. Peter W. Rodino 105. Milton W. Glenn 106. Harlan Hagen 107. James A. Byrne 108. John M. Murphy 109. Henry B. Gonzalez 110. Arnold Olson 111. Harold D Donahue 112. Kenneth J. Gray 113. James C. Healey 114. Michael A Feighan 115. Thomas R. O'Neill 116. Alphonzo Bell 117. George M. Wallhauser 118. Richard S. Schweiker 119. 120. Albert Thomas 121. 122. Graham Purcell 123. Homer Thornberry 124. 125. Leo W. O'Brien 126. Thomas E. Morgan 127. Joseph M. Montoya 128. Leonard Farbstein 129. John S. Monagan 130. Brad Morse 131. Neil Smith 132. Harry R. Sheppard 133. Don Edwards 134. James G. O'Hara 135. 136. Fred B. Rooney 137. George E. Brown Jr. 138. 139. Edward R. Roybal 140. Harris. B McDowell jr. 141. Torbert H. McDonall 142. Edward A. Garmatz 143. Richard E. Lankford 144. Richard Fulton 145. Elizabeth Kee 146. James J. Delaney 147. Frank Thompson Jr 148. 149. Lester R. Johnson 150. Charles A. Buckley4 151. Richard T. Hanna 152. James Corman 153. Paul A Fino 154. Harold M. Ryan 155. Martha W. Griffiths 156. Adam E. Konski 157. Chas W. Wilson 158. Michael J. Kewan 160. Alex Brooks 161. Clark W. Thompson 162. John D. Gringell [?] 163. Thomas P. Gill 164. Edna F. Kelly 165. Eugene J. Keogh 166 John. B. Duncan 167. Elmer J. Dolland 168. Joe Caul 169. Arnold Olsen 170. Monte B. Fascell [?] 171. [not deciphered] 172. J. Dulek 173. Joe W. [undeciphered] 174. J. J. Pickle [Numbers 175 through 214 are blank]
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vensulove · 2 months
top 5 movies and books <3
ahhh!!! ok hard questions right off the bat ! these are in no specific order
tops five movies:
• bullet train (2022)
• howls moving castle (2004)
• fresh (2022)
• the conjuring (2013)
• the aristocats (1970)
top five books:
• the girl with all the gifts by m. r. carey
• stolen tongues by felix blackwell
•the haunting of alejandra by v. castro
•the stationery shop by marjan kamali
• we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
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bookquest2024 · 1 year
100 Books to Read Before I Die: Quest Order
The Lord Of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford
Under The Net by Iris Murdoch
American Pastoral by Philip Roth
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Atonement by Ian McEwan
Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
A Passage to India by EM Forster
Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
1984 by George Orwell
White Noise by Don DeLillo
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
The Stranger by Albert Camus
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Oscar And Lucinda by Peter Carey
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carré
Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
Ulysses by James Joyce
Scoop by Evelyn Waugh
Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Are You There, God? It’s me, Margaret by Judy Blume
Clarissa by Samuel Richardson
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
Herzog by Saul Bellow
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes
A Bend in the River by V. S. Naipaul
A Dance to The Music of Time by Anthony Powell
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Go Tell It On The Mountain by James Baldwin
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
The Rainbow by D. H. Lawrence
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
I, Claudius by Robert Graves
Nostromo by Joseph Conrad
The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
Tom Jones by Henry Fielding
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Little Women by Louisa M Alcott
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth
Watchmen by Alan Moore
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
The Trial by Franz Kafka
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Money by Martin Amis
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
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y88smi · 2 years
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Mariah Carey - Boy (I Need You) M/V
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(043) Die drei ??? und der höllische Werwolf
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Ein Werwolf macht Hollywood unsicher. Er verübt Überfall auf Überfall – und dabei geht es ihm nur um kleine Teddybären. Justus, Bob und Peter machen einen seltsamen Fund am Strand und kommen so auf die Spur des Verbrechers. Sie haben ihr vielleicht gefährlichstes Abenteuer zu bestehen …
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): 041, 1985, M. V. Carey, The Mystery of the Creep-Show Crooks Buch (Kosmos): 042, 1988, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 043, 1988
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Diebstahl, Spuk
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Judy Anderson, Mutter von Lucille
Charles Anderson, Vater von Lucille
Kommissar Reynoldss
Mr. Sears, Inhaber der Pizza Shack (😈)
Morton, Chaffeur (keine Sprechrolle)
Lucille Anderson / Arianne Ardes
Larry Evans, Pförtner in Cheshire Square
Pelucci / Craig McLaine, Filmproduzent (😈)
Henry Morell, Filmproduzent (😈)
Alfred Hitchcock, Erzähler
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Fresno, Stadt in Kalifornien
Beach Hill 840, Nummer von Justus / Zentrale / Gebrauchtwarenzenter
Cheshire Square, Wohnanlage auf einem Felsmasssiv mit Blick auf dem Pazifik
Bücherei in Fresno
Pizza Shack, Restaurant an der Küstenstraße von Rocky Beach
Rocky Beach Hotel
R. J. Importers, Großhändler
»Dracula, mon amour«, ein Film der noch produziert werden soll
Cecil B. De Mille, Regisseur, Produzent und Schauspieler
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Justus: "Lass mal sehen, was alles drin ist, Bob." Bob: "Ja, ein ganzes Sortiment Kosmetika. Allein vier Lippenstifte." Justus: "So klein kann die Kleine also nicht sein." Peter: "Ja ja, immerhin schmust sie noch mit Teddybären."
Bob: "Das ist vielleicht eine Schlampe."
Justus: "Hm, aber mal angenommen es wäre etwas in dem Teddybär versteckt?" Bob: "Mann, du hast recht, Just. Das ist es! Schmuck! Schmuck oder Rauschgift."
Peter: "Justus, willst du einsteigen?" Justus: "Nein, auf keinen Fall. Aber wenn das Fenster auf ist, können wir was sehen." Peter: "Warte, ich helf dir." Justus: "Nein! Ah! Haltet mich!" *fällt* [...] Bob: "Komm zurück, schnell!" Justus: "Jetzt bin ich hier. Jetzt seh' ich mich um."
Den schnapp ich mir! Peter schnappt den Bösen … nicht
Fat shaming Justus wird beleidigt
Breaking the Law! Justus bricht das Gesetzt. (mehr oder weniger: Er fällt durch's Fenster und wo er schonmal da ist schaut er sich auch um ...)
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
McLain: "Henry und ich führen ein recht ländliches Dasein. Wir wohnen in den Bergen, ziemlich abgelegen. Das Haus hat früher Cecile B. DeMille gehört. Stellen sie sich vor, morgens weckt uns das Blöken der Schafe. Telefon haben wir da oben nicht, aber meine Sekretärin kann mich jederzeit verständigen."
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
V/A — Red Hot and Ra: Nuclear War LP (Red Hot)
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Since its origins in 1989, the Red Hot Organization has created benefit compilations, enlisting famous performers, usually from the pop ranks, to sing standards from the Great American Songbook. Red Hot and Ra: Nuclear War LP has a different brief. Free jazz and adjacent artists use Sun Ra’s iconic riff on “Nuclear War” (“It’s a m—er f—er, don’t you know, If you push that button your a– gonna go!”) to engage politically and urge de-escalation.
Sun Ra was living near the Three Mile Island disaster site, and this is what spurred him to write “Nuclear War” in 1981. Those of us who came of age during or after the end of the Cold War thought that the fear of mutually assured destruction might be able to be successfully contained; even, eventually, abolished. As the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia demonstrates, the specter of WMD, and concerns for the security of nuclear power plants, have returned to the forefront of our awareness. 
Georgia Anne Muldrow, joined by trumpeter Josef Leimberg, begins the recording with a blues-inflected song that, while referencing the original, provides additional lyrics and loose-limbed riffing. It is a nice touch that the first track isn’t merely a straight cover of the original. In fact, all of the subsequent artists mine the source material for inspiration, but take the music in expansive, often surprising, directions. 
Angel Bat Dawid contributes a three-movement, half-hour long suite that features her group the Cosmic Ensemble, a small instrumental cohort and a group of backing vocalists (“The Cosmic Choir”). While she also sings and plays keyboard, Dawid’s clarinet playing often takes center stage, with bent notes, sustained passages, and fluent soloing all performed with considerable facility. The Cosmic Choir appears in movements one and three, but it is in movement two, “Nuclear War!,” the most referential to the original, that their full-throated cries first rise to the fore. The final movement, “Kiss your a_ Goodbye”, continues to have the chorus chant unison melodies, only to break into harmony with a bright soprano solo. Dawid is at the piano, playing a soulful riff that urges on both vocalists and instrumentalists. Partway through, the texture returns to a cappella chorus, with one-on-a-part overlapping phrases. The ambience is mournful and ominous to the end, which seems altogether appropriate. 
Malcolm Jiyane’s Tree-O, joined by Grandmaster CAP, performs “We’re Not Buying It.” The lyrics include the title as a call and response refrain, with verses about the oppressive nature of warfare and the dangers of WMD. There is strong support from the rhythm section, but plenty of room is left for Jiyane’s funk-tinged piano soloing and flute from Tubatsi Moloi. 
To conclude the LP, Irreversible Entanglements, one of the best free jazz groups around, perform an extended version of the original. Camae Aweya (Moor Mother) provides intense vocals, saxophonist Keir Neuringer and trumpeter Aquiles Navarro play aggressive, angular solos, bassist Luke Stewart uses bow pressure to create scratchy melodies and drummer Tscheser Holmes supplies polyrhythms and muscular fills.  The piece builds to a gale storm of activity, including trippy electronics, one worthy of the Arkestra yet in its own distinctive orbit. The group pulls back near the close, building up from forceful rhythm section playing to modal melodies in saxophone and trumpet. It seems to be a postcard from the maelstrom with which Irreversible Entanglements send off the music. 
Over the next two years, Red Hot plans to release two more LPs related to Sun Ra. The multiverse awaits. 
Christian Carey
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aftermidnightfmk · 9 months
Part 2: April 11, 2024 to July 22, 2024
Tumblr limits posts to 100 links, thus the necessity of splitting of the Guests page into parts. It is inconvenient, yes. Click here for a list of all parts.
Alphabetical by last name, unless they don't have a surname, in which case, good luck.
Looking for the host? Try the Taylor Tomlinson tag.
Is a name misspelled? Link broken? Dear god, please tell me.
Please note: “kill” choices are (usually) not tagged. Therefore the links below may not be inclusive of every guest’s appearance on After Midnight.
Alaska 5000
Utkarsh Ambudkar
Marcella Arguello
Scott Aukerman
Todd Barry
Kimia Behpoornia
Doug Benson
Hannah Berner
Mike Birbiglia
Ashley Nicole Black
Katherine Blanford
Flula Borg
John Ross Bowie
Guy Branum
Drew Carey
Catherine Cohen
Sherry Cola
Michelle Collins
Kelsey Cook
Stephanie Courtney
Terry Crews
Rhys Darby
James Davis
Lori Beth Denberg
Debra DiGiovanni
Colton Dunn
Alex Edelman
Rich Eisen
Mary Elizabeth Ellis
Felipe Esparza
Nat Faxon
Chris Fleming
Daniel Franzese
Ana Gasteyer
Solomon Georgio
Zach Gilford
Lisa Gilroy
Eliot Glazer
Leo González
Brandon Kyle Goodman
Patty Guggenheim
Harvey Guillen
Dave Hill
Chloé Hilliard
Dave Holmes
Pete Holmes
Sandy Honig
Aaron Jackson
Gillian Jacobs
Penn Jillette
Jay Jurden
Moshe Kasher
Echo Kellum
Laurie Kilmartin
Jessica Kirson
Hari Kondabolu
Bert Kreischer
Thomas Lennon
Joe Lo Truglio
Jon Lovett
Jessica Lowe
Aasif Mandvi
Joe Manganiello
Joe Mantegna
Jack McBrayer
Jess McKenna
Heather McMahan
Kate Micucci
Liz Miele
Kel Mitchell
Mandy Moore
Laci Mosley
Morgan Murphy
Aparna Nancherla
Kevin Nealon
Atsuko Okatsuka
Patton Oswalt
Adam Pally
Punam Patel
Johnny Pemberton
Eddie Pepitone
Diona Reasonover
Laura Ramoso
Franchesca Ramsey
Jim Rash
Chris Redd
Pat Regan
Caitlin Reilly
Andy Richter
Jason Ritter
Kristen Schaal
Reid Scott
Rory Scovel
Josh Sharp
Timothy Simons
Brian Simpson
Jason Sklar
Randy Sklar
Blair Socci
Betsy Sodaro
Chris Sullivan
Carl Tart
Danny Tamberelli
Chrissy Teigen
Sarah Tiana
Jackie Tohn
Steph Tolev
Paul F. Tompkins
Jenna Ushkowitz
Milana Vayntrub
Baron Vaughn
Lisa Ann Walter
Sydnee Washington
Michaela Watkins
"Weird Al" Yankovic
Bassem Youssef
Sasheer Zamata
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nepokisses · 1 year
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im   nayeon.     she / her.     cis   woman.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   dasom   ‘summer’   lee   ,   most   likely   listening   to   cozy   by   beyonce   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the  twenty-eight   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -naive   yet   +confident   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about  sweet,   bunny   like   smiles,   the   sound   of   high   heels   clicking   on   marble   floors,   and   pink   diamond   studded   microphones   ,   followed   by  daisy   love   eau   so   sweet   by   marc   jacobs   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   latest   the   pop   princess   having   to   postpone   her   upcoming   tour   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   tj   ,   21   ,   they / them   ,   est   ,   no triggers   .   )
B A S I C S 
full name: lee dasom. nicknames: summer. gender:  cis woman. pronouns:  she/her. sexuality:  pansexual. age:  28. date of birth:  june 27, 1994. zodiac sign:  cancer. birthplace: manhattan, new york ( lived until age 13 ). current location: manhattan, new york. residence:  she lives in a luxury townhouse on east 64th street. occupation:  former k-pop idol / current singer-songwriter, actress & model. languages spoken: english, korean, japanese, conversational spanish and brazilian portuguese to communicate with south american fans ( one of her largest fanbases ).
faceclaim:  im nayeon. height:  5’3. build:  slim. eyes:  brown. hair:  naturally dark brunette, but dyes it different colors, mostly different variations of brown. piercings:  belly button, standard earlobe piercings.  tattoos:  three small hearts behind her ear, cherries on her right ankle, a kiss mark on her right inner wrist, her parents' birthdates in roman numerals on her shoulder, matching tattoo with best friend on left ankle, butterflies going up her spine. other distinguishing features:  gummy smile, bunny teeth. style:  hyper-feminine. likes to wear bright colors, dresses and skirts. can be seen wearing heels the majority of the time, no matter the occasion, mostly due to her short height. 
traits:  (+) confident, spontaneous, friendly/social, detail-oriented. (-) naive, sensitive, impulsive, anxious.  mental health:  anxiety disorder, depression; medicated for both.  physical health:  good, average. likes:  sweets, playing music loudly and singing along, karaoke, fashion, art, horror movies, amusement parks, dance clubs, smoking marijuana.  dislikes:  arrogance, confrontation, people with no sympathy or empathy for others, stan culture, being babied, being controlled, being manipulated.  fears:  losing her career, the passing of friends or loved ones, the dark.  phobias:  insects, drowning, heights. hobbies:  karaoke, late night drives, drawing, painting. skills:  roller skating, cooking, art, songwriting, singing, dancing, acting, modeling. quirks:  standing on top of things to be taller, subconsciously standing on her toes to be taller, humming under her breath, singing at random times, twirling her hair.
ice cream flavour:  strawberry.  time of the day / night:  late night / very early morning, between 11pm and 3am.  weather:  fall weather.  breakfast food:  pancakes, bacon, bagels, danishes.  dinner food:  anything seafood, tteokbokki, ramen, beef. colours:  lots of red and pink.  music: mariah carey, beyoncé, britney spears, ailee, taeyeon, bibi, raveena, fka twigs, rihanna, lady gaga, HER, ari lennox, lizzo, zayn, lil nas x. 
a cherished item:  trinkets gifted to her by loved ones, a picture of her and her parents on a trip to disney when she was 10, a locket given to her by her first significant other, gifts given to her by fans. first love ( celeb crush ):  lenny kravitz usual mood:  upbeat, happy. 1 thing they want to do / experience before they die:  go on a year long vacation with friends and explore the world.  character inspo: blossom ( powerpuff girls ), alice cullen ( twilight saga ), luna lovegood ( harry potter series ), elle woods ( legally blonde ).
childhood: dasom was born in manhattan, new york to a record producer father and vocal coach / former broadway star mother, so music has always been apart of her life. she's the eldest of three children, two girls including herself and a younger brother. she spent her childhood in elite private schools and being vocally trained by her own mother. when she reached the age of twelve, she was scouted by a korean music label that wanted her to be a trainee for them. with her parents' support, she moved to south korea at the age of thirteen and started training. while living in seoul, she stayed with her mother's parents until moving into the idol dorms.
adolescence: dasom debuted at the young, ripe age of fifteen; though she wasn't the youngest in her group. despite her young age, she was one of two main vocalists, apart of the group's dance line, and the center/face of the group. her group quickly gained success and notoriety, not just in south korea, but in asia as a whole ( think girls' generation type vibes ), and with their rising popularity, dasom's personal popularity with the general public grew even more. by the time she was seventeen, her face was plastered on billboards in both south korea and japan ( the country with their second largest fanbase ). but with her popularity, came a lot of hate and negativity as well. there's never any good without bad, and she was experiencing that firsthand.
early twenties: her group was at the height of their career, and then it all went to shit when dasom was twenty years old. she went through a pretty rough break up with her first significant other, and in their anger, they leaked nude photos of her to netizens and the scandal took south korea by a storm. she went from being a national sweetheart to public enemy number one. and the worst part about it was that she was being blamed for it, and her ex didn't get nearly as much hate as she did. although they weren't in the public eye as much as her, they were still known because they were apart of an extremely wealthy family. she just assumed that their wealth and family's influence helped them get off scot-free. meanwhile, her career as a k-pop idol was practically ruined. her company dropped her before the group could suffer anymore than it already had, leaving her jobless.
but she was still determined to continue making music, despite being virtually blacklisted in the k-pop industry. she hopped on a plane back to the states and used connections through her parents in order to secure herself a record deal. on her twenty first birthday the following year in 2015, she released her first solo album. that was also the year that she began her acting career. although she doesn't dabble in it too much, it is something that she enjoys doing every so often.
from that point onwards, it seemed as though everything that dasom, now known as summer, touched turned to gold. she was becoming a household name due to her music, and she loved that people seemed to enjoy her so much. however, what she didn't love, was the negativity that came along with it. being the positive, upbeat and slightly naive, woman that she is, it was easy for her to fall into the trap of consuming online comments and allow it to affect her mental health and stability. and while she tries to keep her positive mindset, it does get overwhelming for her at times. more often than not, actually.
currently: now at the age of twenty-eight, she's still making music, acting and apart of the elite world. it's still taking a toll on her mental health wise, but she's been going to therapy and taking medications for her anxiety and depression, which helps keeps her on the right path - most of the time. she has her days where she falls into a slump and doesn't want to face the world. that's when she dives headfirst into her music and pours her all into her art.
friend / relative of her ex that leaked her nudes: self explanatory.
ex ( multiple ): dasom is a lover through and through, so it's not surprising that she's had a few relationships here and there. some lasting longer than others.
fwb ( multiple ): a girl's got needs, and this person never fails to fulfill them whenever she calls on them and vice versa.
inspo: dasom's written songs about / for this person before.
past / future music collaborators: self explanatory.
best friend / platonic soulmate: the peanut butter to dasom's jelly. the patrick to dasom's spongebob. the milk to dasom's cereal.
bad influence: self explanatory.
backbone builder: this person is responsible for helping build up dasom's backbone and help her be less averse to confrontation and stand up for herself more.
tug-of-war: these two go back and forth. one minute they're going on outings and dates and are all cuddled up, then the next they're arguing and fussing. a hot and cold type of relationship that dasom can't seem to get out of. they care for each other, but whenever they try to be anything more than friends, it falls apart.
practically roommates ( multiple ): dasom has a large townhouse in the city, but she hates being by herself. with that being the case, she's always inviting this person over to spend time with her so she won't be alone.
music confidant ( multiple ): someone that dasom works on music with / shares demos of songs she's recorded. she gets ideas from them for her unfinished songs, and she's always willing to give them a helping hand with music when they hit rough spots with their creativity too.
music ( albums ): yours truly ( 2015 ), my everything ( 2017 ), dangerous woman ( 2020 ), sweetener ( 2022 ).
music ( singles ): the way ; baby i ( 2015 ), right there [ album: yours truly ]; problem ( 2016 ), break free ; bang bang ( 2017 ), love me harder ; one last time [ album: my everything ] ( 2018 ), focus [ non-album single ] ; dangerous woman ( 2019 ), into you ; side to side ( 2020 ) ; everyday [ album: dangerous woman ] ( 2021 ), no tears left to cry ( 2022 ), breathin [ album: sweetner ] ( 2023 ) upcoming: god is a woman ( unknown date, 2023 ).
acting ( television ): scream queens as sonya / chanel #2 ( 2015 ), hairspray live! as penny ( 2016 ).
acting ( movies ): underdogs as laura, voice role ; zoolander 2 as latex bdsm ( 2016 ), don't look up as riley bina ( 2021 ), wicked: part 1 as glinda ( 2024, filming ), wicked: part 2 as glinda ( 2025, filming ).
ambassadorships: versace, givenchy, chanel, tiffany & co.
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justusjonas · 1 year
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peter braunhaarig von robert arthur persönlich confirmed! interessiert bin ich daran, wo die roten haare herkamen… in crime busters war er ja zeitweise blond. in drei fragezeichen kids war er definitiv von anfang an rothaarig, weil justus da die braunen haare hatte, aber war das wirklich das erste mal? bestimmt nicht….bjhw hat ihn auch teilweise als blond beschrieben, hat sie ihn dann später rothaarig gemacht? war das sogar andre marx ?! oder kam es schon zu einem split pre-crimebusters, waren es vllt william arden ode m v carey die ihm rotbraune haare verpassten🤔 werde weiterhin auf peters haarfarbe achten
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rpg-material · 10 months
Masterlist - Female Faceclaims
Started: 22/11/2023
Last updated: 11/01/2024
Alexandra Daddario
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Danielle Campbell
India Eisley
Jenna Ortega
Kathryn Love Newton
Leni Klum
Mackenzie Foy
Natalie Alyn Lind
Renata Valliulina/Ri
Sabrina (Annlynn) Carpenter
Sophie Mudd
Thomasin McKenzie
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ranochjart · 1 year
disclaimer: de nombreux avatars datent de 2018-2019, je les poste si jamais ils peuvent toujours intéresser
aaron taylor johnson
alexander o'connor
alex hogh andersen
alycia debnam carey
ana de armas
ariana grande
aron piper
ashton sanders
billie eilish
brie larson
calvin harris
camille rowe
carlson young
chord overstreet
christopher briney
cole sprouse
dakota fanning
domhnall gleeson
dominic harrison
george mckay
halston sage
hande erçel
harry styles
hunter schafer
jack falahee
jackson wang
james lafferty
jennifer lawrence
jessica alba
julian morris
kiera knightley
kim jennie
kim taehyung
laetitia casta
lana del rey
lee taemin
lily james
lim bora
madison beer
magdalena zalejska
maia mitchell
matthew daddario
miles teller
nadia tereszkiewicz
nicolas peltz
philip froissant
phoebe tonkin
plan rathavit
rafael lazzini
rain spencer
salem mitchell
saoirse ronan
tia jonsson
tom hardy
tom holland
ursula corbero
victoria lee
vinnie woolston
zayn malik
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