#lyrics from lifetime achievement award by lemon demon
glazeliights · 10 months
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you earned this
new purpose
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bardace · 5 months
MAJOR spoilers for Ghost Trick under the cut, as well as bright colors, blood, and noose imagery! Be careful!
Lyrics from Lifetime Achievement Award by Lemon Demon
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[Plain text: "Delta Echo Alpha Delta" in all caps. End PT]
Image ID in alt, written by @anistarrose, thank you so much!!!!!
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strange-creature-222 · 6 months
can you tell I use this as messages more than messages (I don't know why but there's another person who I do this to and I don't know why)
Heres an actual question so it counts uhhh what's your favourite lemon demon song I must know and album and why and tell me I love lemon demon and talking about lemon demon too
Ooo yeah its pretty much impossible for me to choose one favorite lemon demon song, so here's a list of ones I really really like
Being a rockstar
Hip hop cherry pop
Ask for nothing
The Afternoon
One weird tip
Soft fuzzy man
No eyed girl
Man made object
Ancient aliens
Musical chairs
Go to Hollywood
Pumpkin pie
Without my tonsils
Dizziful bliss
Mold en mono
Lifetime achievement award
Ok longer list than I thought, see that's the thing, I can't just choose one song, especially because I like some of them for different reasons
My favorite album is probably view-monster, because the songs are very catchy and silly and has a lot of songs that are fun to sing, Spirit phone is a very close second because I love the noises and lyrics and all the parts that build up/crescendo, I also love when weird spooky stuff that sometimes seems funny from an outside perspective happens to people (very deep secret about me you'd absolutly never find out on your own: I really like The Magnus Archives), and I got records of both of them fairly recently
I also like damn Skippy but haven't listened to it as much
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ifonotlnow · 10 months
Lifetime Achievement Award: 7.75/10
It took me embarrassingly long to realize that the first letters of delta echo alpha delta spell out “D.E.A.D.”. Anyways, EVEN AS WE SPEAK WERE SYNTHESIZING BLOOD AND ORGANS SYNTHESIZING HEART AND SOUL. 
The slow part’s sick as hell (I’m writing this album review as i listen)
It also took me embarrassingly long to catch the Michael Jackson ref
Touch Tone Telephone: 7.75/10
Fun fact: this was the first lemon demon song I actually liked enough to listen to it repeatdly. After i stopped liking this song, i stopped listening to lemon demon, then I found cabinet man, and i started listening to lemon demon more and started liking this song again.
Caminet Man: 5/10
Ehh. I get why it’s popular cause it’s a great song. I just stopped liking it as much when I listened to the rest of the album. Also, it’s probably too late to say this, but I’m rating on how much I like it, not on how good it is.
No Eyed Girl: 7.5/10
Love how the bass Im this song is Neil with a voice effect. Great.
Also, if i’m correct the lyric is “without proof i know” but i thought it was “without proof, oh no!”
When he died: 8/10
Unfortunately, instead of listening to this on Spotify or something, I’m listening to it on audiomack, so i doubt get to hear the great transition from “no eyed girl” into “when he died” :(
Never noticed the slight echo on Neil’s voice before, sick
Sweett bod: 8/10
Don’t play this one in front of your parents!
Who else but Neil would write a song with the lyric “some sexy shaking tumors”
Sick ass guitar solo
Eighth wonder: 6/10
Don’t LOVE it, but it’s a great song.
Fun fact, this song’s only slightly younger than me.
Ancient Aliens: 7/10
I litened to it too much and now I don’t like it anymore :(
Soft fuzzy man: 8/10
One time in math class, we were listening to the class playlist and this song started playing. My math teacher immediately said “this is horrible, who requested this” and as soon as he read who made the song the whole class looked at me.
As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It: 9/10
This song sounds like the red angry bird
I Earn My Life: 9/10
Reaganomics: 10/10
Hell yeah
With reaganomics
Man Made Object:7/10 
I now realize how good the percussion in this album sounds.
This song has the vibes on an instrumental without being one
I love the delivery of the lines “I am an altogether different man by day / I have the influence to send that man far away”
Spiral of Ants: 8/10
The perfect ending to a perfect album
Probably sweet bod, reaganomics, or as your father i expressly forbid it (yeah i know, not at all consistent with my ratings)
For my least favorite, easily cabinet man
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my short, short drabbles of where I spun a wheel for a ship, took a lyric from the song I was listening to and based it off of that.. 😙✌
Don't let this flop. This was HELL to edit and took like two hours. JUST EDITING.
Warnings: transgender pregnancy (only two) & suicide
Also no Cameron, because I forgot he existed when making this-
I bet you think I'm boring.
Microwave - Ricky Jamaraz
Todd x Meeks
"... Then you plug it in and Tah-Dahh!! " Meeks exclaimed, proudly showing off his new invention.
"Wow, that's incredible, " Todd replied, looking into Meeks' eyes.
Meeks paused, "you probably think I'm boring. "
He looked down, all of a sudden, meek. Todd's face plummeted.
"Hey! Of course I don't think you're boring, Meeks, you're extraordinary, you're so smart, " Todd reassured, moving closer to Meeks and hugging his shoulders.
"You think so? "
"Of course I do. " Todd kissed Meeks lightly on the nose.
Delta Echo Alpha Delta. Suicide!
Lifetime Achievement Award - Lemon Demon
Todd x Charlie
It hurt. Of course it hurt, his best friend had killed himself without warning. But it hurt more than ever. More than anything had ever hurt. Thankfully he hasn't got to go through this alone. He had Todd. Though, he was being expelled for punching Cameron. He shouldn't have done that. Really shouldn't.
Now he was sat. Todd sitting on his lap sideways and his face dug in his chest - sobbing. He shushed Todd gently, drawing circles on his back and kissing his dirty blonde hair.
He can't just leave Todd.
Sorry I didn't kiss you, But it's obvious I wanted to.
Bubblegum - Clairo
Knox x Neil
"Knox? " Neil asked, trying to snap Knox out of his long lasting trance.
"Wha- huh? Oh. Hi Neil, " Knox stammered, immediately blushing a little.
"You okay, Knoxious? " Neil leaned in a bit closer, placing his hands on the others knees.
Knox felt the heat build up on his face and neck, "yeah, sorry, some assignment. "
"I can help? " Neil offered.
"That would be great, thanks Neil, " Knox chuckled.
Then, Neil leaned in a bit closer, Knox followed with the same movement, then pulled back, "I'm sorry. "
He got up and walked out the common room, hiding his red face, "I fucked that up. "
Looking at the stars (admiring from afar).
We fell in Love in October - girl in red
Charlie x Meeks
He kept glancing at him. Okay, yes he was helping him with Latin but the way his mouth perfected each Latin phrase and word was immaculate. The freckles on his face uncountable. His glasses as thick as cream. His lips as plump as a marshmallow. He was a perfect human being. He admired him like a star, his freckles like stars almost. God, how he wished he could have him.
Love is an open door.
Love is an Open Door - Frozen
Neil x Charlie
"Hey Charlie? " Neil called, "can you help me unpack a little? "
"Of course, whatcha need? "
"Neil! This trig is making me about to vomit! " Charlie yelled across the hall.
"Char! I think I'm about to have a panic attack, " Neil blurted put, looking hurriedly to the open door across the hall.
"Oh Nell, I'm coming! "
"Hey Nell? What does 'te amo' mean?! " Charlie shouted.
"I love you! "
"'Night Char! I love you! " Neil smiled.
"Te Amo! "
Cute guy, nice face, wrong time, wrong place.
Trees II - McCafferty
Knox x Meeks
Meeks stared into Knox's eyes, his mouth agape. Knox waited impatiently for Meeks' answer. The anticipation stressed Meeks out immediately. He gradually got the courage to grasp Knox's hands and smile sadly.
"Knox, look- " he paused for a little- "I love you, I really do. You're a cute guy, you have a nice face, just.. It's the wrong time and wrong place. It's 1959 in an all-boys school, we're both 16... I'm sorry, Knox. "
Knox looked down and begun to cry softly. Meeks hugged him, regretting everything that just happened.
I guess I knew this would happen to you.
What Once Was - Her's
Neil x Meeks
Neil sat sadly as a diner, swirling his coke around mindlessly and starring at a wall.
"Neil? Is that you? " A voice called.
Neil looked up immediately, his eyes shone quickly.
"Meeks? " He questioned, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Neil! " Meeks smiled brightly, standing Neil up and wrapping him up in a hug.
Neil accepted, hugging him back and digging his face into the shorter man's neck.
'He smells great... And he's very muscular. ' Neil thought.
"Wow, Neil, you don't have anything on you, do you honey? " Meeks pointed out, looking forlorn.
"Yeah, " Neil chuckled awkwardly, "you're very muscular, I always thought you were the weakling? "
"Mhm, times change, I guess. " Meeks scratched his neck.
"I always knew you'd do well, and be well. I guess I always knew it would happen to you. "
Sweet like pancakes and syrup.
Like What - Joey Valence & Brae
Todd x Meeks
"Something smells nice, " Todd muttered lazily, shuffling into the kitchen.
"I'm cooking breakfast, " Meeks replied, smiling as he flipped a pancake perfectly.
Todd lit up and he hugged Meeks from behind, his arms around the others waist.
"You're as sweet as this breakfast. "
"I know I am, Meeksie. "
In my life, I hope that I lie.
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Knox x Charlie
"You're seeing Chris, aren't you? " Charlie snarled, his eyes full of fury.
"What do you mean, Char? " Knox's eyebrows furrowed.
Charlie sighed angrily, squeezing the bridge of his nose with his index finger and his thumb. He then crossed his arms.
"Don't act like I haven't seen you, it's so obvious, Knox! Don't lie, " Charlie growled.
"I- Char... Please, I haven't. "
"Leave, go to your dorm and pathetic Chris. "
'Cause I like it, yeah, I like it.
LIKE IT - Waterparks
Todd x Charlie
Charlie nibbled at Todd's neck, his hands roaming Todd's back under the knitted, wool sweater. Todd bit his lip, pulling Charlie closer by his hips.
"You're desperate, aren't 'ya Hot Toddy? "
"I like it. "
I can tell just what you want (you don't want to be alone)
What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club
Meeks x Charlie
He sat, scribbling down some trig. This wasn't out of the ordinary, he was always studying, or helping a friend. He overworked himself, sure, but it didn't bother him.
Oh god, did it bother Charlie.
"Come on, Meeks! Have some fun, " Charlie exclaimed, sprawling himself out of Meek's bed next to him.
"Go away Charlie, I'm trying to study. " Meeks shot him a look.
"I know what you want, you don't what to be alone. " Charlie smirked, crawled closer and swiped his finger across Meeks' freckled nose.
Meeks blushed, "fine.. "
Two Kids and a Golden Retriever.
History Hates Lovers - Oublaire
And so it was official, Knox and Meeks were a thing. It was a cute, they were very lovey dovey, much to Charlie's delight. But now almost, the Dead Poets had come more of a family dynamic. Knox and Meeks, parents. Todd and Neil the kids. Charlie the golden retriever. Much like a family dynamic, it was cute. Oh, Pitts was the uncle, Meeks' best friend.
Knox x Meeks
He was sweet, he said I was smart.
Kindergarten Boyfriend - Heather's
Meeks x Pitts
"You're smart, Meeksie. "
His heart fluttered and his face flushed a shade of pink. Pitts was the perfect boy for Meeks. Tall, scrawny, caring, empathetic, sarcastic and everything in between. He was sweet. It was everything Meeks could've ever dreamed, honestly.
"Thanks Pittsie, you're sweet. "
Pitts' heart skipped a beat as his neck heated up. Meeks was perfect for Pitts. Short, secretly muscular, caring, empathetic, sarcastic and everything in between. He was smart. It was everything Pitts could've ever dreamed, honestly.
We both enjoy an empty cafe.
We both - 36 questions, Jonathan Groff & Jessie Shelton
Neil x Pitts (kinda platonic)
"Huh, it's empty. Is it open? " Pitts asked, looking down beside him to the shorter boy.
"Yeah, it said open on the door.. Maybe it's not that busy on Sundays? " Neil replied, scanning the room to see nobody but an exhausted waiter.
They walked to a booth and sat across from each other. They both ordered a coffee and begun to chat about school while absentmindedly holding each other's hands. The waiter secretly smiled and giggled at them, definitely aware they didn't know they were holding hands and were dangerously close. It was cute.
They happen to go to the same cafe a few times after, making friends with the waiter who went to Welton also, Stefan, or Stick.
Us two wanted to get X-rated. SMUT!
Don't Lose Ur Head - SIX, Christina Modestou
Knox x Charlie
"Jesus Knox! You're as hard as the fucking Burj Khalifa! " Charlie grunted as Knox grinded against him.
"Char.. That literally makes no sense at all, " Knox chuckled as he sloppily kissed Charlie's neck.
Charlie moaned quietly, gripping harshly onto Knox's hips as his own almost buckled.
"Nothing makes sense when we're both as hard as the shard.. It's gonna make me turn British in a moment, Jesus Christ Knoxio! "
"You're better than that, Char. "
Knox pushed Charlie harder against the dorm wall, earning another moan from Charlie
"GODDAMN!! LOCK THE DOOR! " Cameron screeched, slamming the door and running off.
But I don't need the comfort of any lies.
Notion - The Rare Occasions
House x Wilson
"How many times did I tell you she was gonna divorce you in under 2 years? " House remarked, a smirk upon his face as he swirled the liquor around in the glass.
"A lot.. But I really thought she was the one! " Wilson exclaimed, taking a swig of his glass.
"You've said that about 3/3 divorces now. "
"Like you've ever been married.. "
"Wilson, we're technically married at this point. "
"Fair point. "
They sat in silence for a bit. Drinking recklessly.
"I've always appreciated your harsh truth. " Wilson smiled.
"You're just special, aren't you? "
"Sure, I guess you can say that. "
Can I sleep in your bed?
Father - The Front Bottoms
Meeks x Todd
Todd panicked silently, his hands trembling slightly and his breathing hitched. Meeks sat behind him at his desk, scribbling down trig at the ungodly hour of 3 AM. it was clear he was exhausted, though he also panicked that he'd fail the trigonometry test two weeks away and needed to study. Todd didn't understand why he was so nervous to ask, he knew he'd say yes. But what if he didn't? What if he thought it was weird at 16-17. He took a deep breath.
"Canisleepinyourbed? " He spluttered out, taking a big deep breath afterward.
"What did you say Todd? " Meeks asked, his eye brows knitting and him cocking his head slightly.
Todd breathed in shakily, "can- can I sleep in your bed? "
"Of course Todd, of course you can. "
He's well dressed (not funny).
Girls & Boys - Good Charlotte
Meeks x Knox
"Whatcha' think? " Meeks asked, stepping out his dorm and into the hallway to be met with Charlie and Knox.
Knox turned red almost immediately, Meeks looked immaculate. Charlie started to laugh.
"You're going to the shops dressed like that? You trying to look like a 60 year old? " Charlie chuckled.
"I- I think he looks nice actually. "
"Of course, because you definitely like him. "
"I do not! "
Has been rough (kinky!). Slight smut!
Sincerely, me - Ben Platt, Mike Faist, Will Roland
Meeks x Charlie
Roughhousing in the dorms was normal, especially for Meeks and Charlie. Meeks usually minded his own business while Charlie swiftly swooped Meeks off of his feet, pinned him to the floor and kissed him.
"God, you're so rough aren't you? " Meeks rolled his eyes, still under Charlie ok the floor.
"It's kinky. "
I could sleep for weeks.
RITUAL - Waterparks
Todd x Neil x Charlie
It was normal now, Cameron was used to having no dormmate most nights. And Neil and Todd were used to having an extra most nights. Non of them minded, if anything they preferred it to normal.
It was an adorable scene. Three teenage, in love boys squished in a single bed in a strict all-boys boarding school. Todd was hugged by Neil who was hugged by Charlie. Neil wrapped his arms around Todd's waist and his face dug into his hair. Charlie spooned Neil, his one arm around his waist and other under his own head, his legs wrapped around the others.
"I could sleep for weeks... " Charlie whispered, then felt Neil smile.
Use the sleeves of my sweater.
Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood
Knox x Charlie
"I just can't do it! " Charlie shouted, hurling his pencil to the wall and harshly getting up.
He then threw himself on his bed and curled up against the wall and begun to cry, purely from frustration.
"Hey, hey. Char, you can, " Knox comforted, getting up and sitting next to Charlie.
Charlie bawled, his face pushed firmly into his arms and knees.
"No.. Knoxious, you don't understand, I really can't do it! I'm gonna fail so bad oh god... " He whispered, rocking back a forward and little and now begining to hyperventilate.
"Woah, woah Char. " Knox wrapped his arms around Charlie, "you're not gonna fail. "
Charlie lifted his head to look at Knox's tearful eyes. Knox brought his hand up with Charlie's cheeks and dabbed the tears away with the sleeve of his soft, knitted sweater.
"You think so? "
"Of course, Char. "
Three times I nearly came to ruin. Suicide!
Our Word - 36 Questions & Jessica Shelton
Todd x Charlie
Todd held the gun in his clearly trembling hands. Sobbing fiercely. He placed his finger on the trigger but did nothing. He waited, almost for someone to save him. That happened.
"Todd? What are you doing? OUT THE GUN DOWN TODD! " Charlie screamed.
Charlie popped out the 10 pills from their silver foil wrapping. He rolled them around in his hand. As if he were contemplating. Yet he was, though, oh so how he wanted to do it and get it over with. He didn't cry. Until after the tried incident.
"Charlie. Put the pills down, " Todd snarled, his voice becoming unusually deep.
Todd held the rope in his hands, yet not trembling this time. He stared at the thinner ropes tangled together to make a bigger one. He decided to tie it up on a tree, make a loop big enough for his head just to fit in it. He slipped his head in it, tighted it and stepped off of the log.
"Jesus Todd! " Charlie shouted, catching Todd in his arms, both now crying.
You're sayin' all the words I'm dreamin'.
The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes
Charlie x Meeks
'I love you' were the words Charlie wanted to hear. Maybe from his parents, older brother, Neil, Pitts- hell, anyone. Though, there was a lurking feeling that somehow overruled the ordinary. He wanted to hear it from Meeks. The perfect boy, the nerd, the geek, yet the romantic. Charlie wanted to hear him sing it, mumble it, growl it, just say it. He wanted to hear it so bad.
So many missed chances and nothing happened.
Though it happened today.
"Oh, I love you, Charlie! " Meeks exclaimed.
You'll always be a dumb blonde.
Blue Hair - TV Girl
Meeks x Todd
"I can't do it, Meeks, " Todd muttered, rolling his pencil on his notebook and covering his eyes with the palms of his hands.
"Well, you need to do it, or you'll fail, " Meeks deadpanned.
"I-I know, I just can't! The words don't flow nicely, and- and the stanzas are all uneven! " Todd exclaimed.
"Well you're just a dumb blonde, you wouldn't get it, " Meeks chuckled.
He woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. He sat up sharply.
"Are you okay? " Meeks groaned, sitting up next to Todd.
"I-I just had a nightmare, " Todd muttered, rubbing his eyes.
"You sure you're okay, Honey? "
"Yeah- yeah. "
Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door HEAVY SMUT!
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco
Charlie x Knox
Charlie moaned deeply as he gripped onto Knox's brunette hair, guiding his mouth to bob his head up and down. Knox hummed, trying not to gag. He gripped the base, gently stroking it. Charlie shuddered.
"WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?! " Cameron shouted, covering his eyes and slamming the door.
The two boys giggled.
Just sit and talk.
The Me Inside of Me - Heather's
Pitts x Neil (platonic)
Neil perched on Pitts' bed, leaning his back against the wall and snuggling up to Pitts. He swung his arm over Neil's shoulders and looked at him with a tint of concern.
"You okay, Neil? " He asked, cocking his head a little.
"Yeah, just been a little overwhelmed with work lately, " Neil sighed and placed his head on Pitts' shoulder.
"Yeah, I get it. "
"Any advice? "
"Eat, drink, sleep and take a break, " Pitts chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah. I will do that. " Neil smiled.
I will change my ways. Trans pregnancy!
The Cave - Mumford & Sons
House x Wilson
"Are you sure you want this, House? " Wilson asked, his eyes quickly becoming glassy.
House sighed happily and giggled softly. He grasped both of Wilsons hands and smiled as he looked him in the eyes.
"Of course I want this, Honey. I promise, I really do want this. I want to grow old with you, with our kids, " House replied.
"Really? "
"Of course. "
House's hands trailed down to Wilsons presently flat stomach, gently placing his hands upon the dress shirt. Wilson chuckled, pulling House into his embrace.
"I'll change, I promise. "
"You can stay the same, I love you for who you are. "
My baby, My baby.. Suicide!!
I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski
Meeks x Charlie
Meeks held the knife to his throat. Threatening to end it all, a nice big slit through the middle, collapse, bleed out and die. Right on the dirty, old dormroom floor. Perfect way to go for pity. But, he doesn't quite want pity. He wants acceptance and comfort, not pity. Pity meant sympathy and empathy, he hated that as that was his job, nobody needed to worry about him. No, he was fine, he has a great life - from their knowledge - and is incredibly intelligent.
"Meeks, stop, " Charlie's voice yelled.
Meeks immediately dropped the knife and fell to his knees.
Charlie dropped down next to him and embraced the shaking huddle.
"Shhh.. Shh, " he whispered, "my baby, my baby, it's okay, shhh. "
Meeks melted into the embrace, sobbing uncontrollably and hiding his face in Charlie's chest.
Oh god, he blew it.
Return to our normal lives.
Looking Out for You - Joy Again
Meeks x Pitts (platonic)
"You okay, Meeksie? " Pitts asked, eyeing the smaller boy up and down.
"Yeah, just a little cold y'know? " Meeks replied, chuckling softly as his teeth chattered and he shivered.
"Is it because they took your coat? " Pitts gestured to Meeks' now cold, damp coat on the cave floor with crumbs on it.
"A little, but I'll be fine. " Meeks smiled and rubbed his hands together desperately.
With a swift motion, Pitts removed his coat and placed it on Meeks' trembling shoulders.
"Better? "
"Thanks, Pittsie. "
"Here's your coat, as he have to go back to out normal lives, " Meeks giggled.
"Yeah, thanks. It's a shame, isn't it? "
"Yeah, yeah- it really is. "
Meet my pregnant boyfriend. (Pt.2 to I will change my ways) trans pregnancy!
Lone Star - The Front Bottoms
House x Wilson
"Ducklings! I have some spectacular news on the physical toll on your other dad, " House declared, swinging his bag on the chair as Wilson trailed behind him.
The three gave a confused look, all seeming to cock their heads in the same direction.
"Other dad? " Foreman spoke up.
"Yes! Remember, dad H and dad W? " House replied, matter-of-factly.
Wilson rolled his eyes and sighed, "he still hasn't told you? "
"No, what's happening? " Cameron questioned.
"I can't believe you haven't told them. " Wilson shook his head at House, "me and House are married, have been for over a decade now. "
"I'm sorry, what? " Chase's mouth opened agape.
"Ducklings, are you familiar with the term: 'transgender'? " House asked innocently.
The three nodded their heads slowly.
"Well, my husband here happens to be that. And addition to that information, we're having a kid, " House explained, smiling proudly as he hobbled behind Wilson and placed his hands on Wilsons 3 month-swollen stomach from behind.
Wilson sighed.
"Congratulations, you two. "
"I was not expecting that. "
Love is a doing word.
Teardrop - Massive Attack (House intro)
House x Wilson (again)
"I'm not physical, " House declares, plopping himself down next to Wilson on the couch.
"I know, isn't it quite obvious by now? " Wilson retorts back, shooting House a glance.
"Well I hope so. "
House looks down and twiddles his thumbs. Oh, how he secretly longed for Wilsons soft, gentle, chaste touch. They were married, he's experienced it, but oh how he wanted more.
"You know, love is a doing word, " Wilson suddenly explains, looking over at House with an unreadable expression.
"Oh, is it now? " House remarks with a snort.
"Yeah." Wilson reaches for House's hand, gently grasping it. "Like it? "
"Yeah.. I do. "
There's darkness all around.
Messages from the Stars - The Rah Band.
Meeks x Charlie
It was their first night in their new, shared apartment. They slept together, huddled on an old, cheap double mattress on the floor, taking in the atmosphere. It was dark all around them. Meeks hugged close, his head rested on Charlie's chest, intertwining their hands and smiling. It was nice to have their own place.
"I love you, Meeksie. "
"Love you too, Char. "
You are sweetness.
We'll Never Have Sex - Leith Ross
Todd x Meeks
"I love you Todd, " Meeks said as he kissed Todd.
"Awh, I love you too. " Todd smiled into the kiss.
They kissed for a while. Chaste, passionate, slow kisses. No greed or hunger, just acceptance and pleasure. It was a nice.
"Your lips are so sweet, " Meeks muttered.
"I ate some ice cream before this, " Todd giggled.
"Nah, they're sweet anyway. "
Wondering if your hearts still open.
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Neil x Charlie
Neil had recently been dumped by his now ex-girlfriend and acted as if it was indeed the end of the world. Charlie half wanted to be supportive, half wanted to tell him to stop being melodramatic and half ask him out. Charlie had liked Neil for years, from age 7 to age 15, aka, now. Charlie chose to comfort Neil, yet he really, really wanted to ask him out.
"I don't understand! She really liked me, " Neil muttered.
"Yeah, sorry bud. "
They sat in silence for a little longer until Charlie went out on a limb.
"Is your heart still open? " he asked.
"Wha-? "
"Will you go out with me? "
Hey little boy, gee, you sure look fine.
Hey Little Girl - Professor Longhair
Knox x Charlie
"Is that your way of cat calling? " Charlie questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in a concerned matter.
"Yeah, what's up with it? " Knox asked.
"It's horrendous, that's basically sexual harassment at this point, " Charlie chuckled.
"It's more than whoops! Here, let me show you how to flirt. "
Charlie stepped away.
He approached Knox with a smile on his face, "hey, beauty. "
Knox blushed, "hi."
Charlie grabbed Knox by the hips and immediately kissed him. Knox kissed back, turning as red as blood. Charlie's hands made their way down to Knox's arse, placing his hands in the pockets, snagging his wallet and bolting off.
"Charlie! " Knox sighed, accepting his wallet was just stolen, and there wasn't anything he could do.
Pain is never Permanent.
December - Neck Deep
Neil x Meeks (oooh new one)
Meeks walked into Neil and Todd's dorm, scanning the room to see Neil curled up on his bed, trembling a little.
"Hey, hey. It's alright, " Meeks comforted, quickly sliding next to him and wrapping his arms around the frame.
Neil recognized the voice and nuzzled into him, sobbing harder.
Once Neil had calmed a little, he looked up to see Meeks. Meeks cupped his face with his one hand, stroking his cheek gently with his thumb.
"Pains never permanent, you know that right? "
Watch a sad film with your boyfriend.
If I Saw Him, I'd Still Kiss Him - McCafferty
Meeks x Todd
"He could've definitely fit! " Meeks exclaimed, tossing the remote to his side while tears streamed down his face.
"I know honey, but it would've tipped, " Todd explained, hugging Meeks close.
"Why did you make me watch this? " Meeks asked.
"It's a classic film. "
"It was traumatising! "
"Fair point. "
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s1lv3rp4w3dc4t · 1 year
Won't she be surprised?
When we get your heart to start tomorrow,
When you see the charts tomorrow--
Lyrics from the song below.
(it's really good btw)
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
For your song recommendations: honestly no idea where to start as some of my favorite songs are oddly artistic(? Like have lore or I interpret more as art pieces rather than entertainment) but I think I'm gonna go for something that would "fit" your "vibe"(???)
An obvious one: Lemon Demons Album "Spirit Phone" (specifically the songs "Touch-Tone Telephone", "Caninet Man" and "Lifetime Achivement Award"). Album is kinda based on conspiracy theories, at least from my interpretation.
An odd one: Tom Cardy who... basically makes more humourous music? My personal favourites being "Mixed Messages", "Not Quite Almost Christmas", "Artificial Intelligence" and "Read Between The Lines". (NOTE: some of his songs do have more crude humor (nothing offensive, just d!ck jokes), dunno how uncomfortable it makes anyone but I do wanna let you know just in case)
Imma leave that here (cuz it's already long)! There's also songs that I like that sound like absolute bangers (the artists have not been mentioned!) but the content can be very sensitive. If you want me to share the artists names and specific songs lmk!
SO TRUE bhjsdadhbjdj i get where ur comin from im not a conspiracy kinda person!! so this is interesting!! /gen touch tone telephone- MAN I LOVE THE INSTRUMENTAL, i am not a fan of the vocalist tho >< - cabinet man- i swear to GOD ive heard this before.... but i cant place where or how, again the instrumental is so cool, but the lyrics.... they REALLY gross me out im sorry :[[ - Lifetime achievement award- same problem wahh, dont like how they sing... and it was also a lil uncomfy but not as bad as previous i could apply this one to one of my shadows tho LMAO yeah no, i have a friend who listened to mixed messages and straight up, its too bad for me i have watched the red flags video!! i that one is. BARELY on the edge of what im comfortable with, but god the visuals are fucking incredible, the art is stunning
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rubberhoze · 5 years
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when we get your heart to start tomorrow when you see the chart tomorrow, you'll be number one 🌟
fanart for @apathetic-coffee‘s synthetic fic!!!! this fic is so good i really recommend it :’)
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mothcpu · 5 years
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quick ish simon cuz i played soma for the first time a bit ago
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lovewiredz · 2 years
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From the grave to the stage—You're unnatural, babe!
hii lyric from lifetime achievement award by lemon demon, go listen to it . ok thats all im going 2 bed now lol!
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[All art shown is by koro-is-caffeinated April 9th 2022. Do not repost/trace/edit and do not use commercially] Lyrics are from the song Lifetime Achievement Award by Lemon Demon
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fall-out-boytoy · 3 years
Invader Zim playlist sharing time!!
It's shuffleable, just play the first song first! On second thought you probably SHOULD shuffle it, I didn't sort this at all. If you have any suggestions GIMME!
List of songs w/ short, sometimes witty, and sometimes rambly explanation:
"Invader Zim (From "Invader Zim")" by Geek Music - it's LITERALLY the theme song.
"Touch Tone Telephone" by Lemon Demon - do I even have to say anything at this point?
"Bulletproof Heart" by My Chemical Romance - zim and dib Vibes
"You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" by the Offspring - zim singing to dib, perhaps? "And no one even knew, it was really only you"
"Alien Boy" by Wipers - title says it all, 'tis zim
"Cabinet Man" by Lemon Demon - GAZ
"Planetary (GO!)" by My Chemical Romance - vibes
"No Eyed Girl" by Lemon Demon - zadr from dib's perspective
"Really Cool Wig" by Lemon Demon - zim's disguise
"The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" by Lemon Demon - zade. rather predictably this playlist is heavy on the lemon demon
"The Greatest Show - Bonus Track" by Pentatonix - have some meta! Also, yes, it's the Pentatonix version because I like them
"E.T." by Katy Perry - incredibly cheesy zadr
"Cryptid Hunt - Demo" by Averno, Sushi Soucy - swollen eyeballs and dib vibes
"We Will Commit Wolf Murder" by of Montreal - zadr duet!
"Bad Romance" by Halestorm - zadr
"I Miss the Misery" by Halestorm - yet another zadr
"A Mask of My Own Face" by Lemon Demon - zim's disguise
"Basket Case" by Green Day - when I first heard this I went "hmm yes, zim" but upon further reflection it probably applies to dib even more
"Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)" by My Chemical Romance - vibes
"Lifetime Achievement Award" by Lemon Demon - I have absolutely no idea why this is on here, none of the lyrics fit, but it has some mighty good vibes. If you can think of a reason why it's on MY OWN PLAYLIST do tell!
"Miss The Misery" by Foo Fighters - zadr vibes
"Voodoo" by Get Scared - pilot dib if he was more paranormal and less real-sciencey. Banger song too
"Nemeses (feat. John Roderick)" by Jonathan Coulton, John Roderick - zad_. I'd specify a letter but it's kinda,,,all of them
"Eighth Wonder" by Lemon Demon - zim vibes. "I might be small but I am the eighth wonder, eighth wonder of the world." I have Plans to make an animatic of this eventually
"Machine" by Regina Spektor - computer/control brains vibes
"Aliens Exist" by blink-182 - DIB
"Lights Out" by Mindless Self Indulgence - the obvious choice for this one would be zim but it also applies to the tallest
"No Children" by the Mountain Goats - zadr
"Do It All The Time" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - it has zadr vibes but, like, that specific type of zadr where they take over the world together
"Alien Freak" by K-Modo - It is LITERALLY about Dib. THERE'S A PICTURE OF HIM ON THE ALBUM COVER. I have Plans to make an AMV of this eventually
"Baby You're a Haunted House" by Gerard Way - idk it has zadr vibes
"Obsessed With You" by The Orion Experience - zim and dib, naturally. I have Plans to make an AMV of this eventually
"Bad" by Michael Jackson - zim vibes
"The Queen of White Lies" by The Orion Experience - vibes
"You're so Vain" by Carly Simon - zim thinks this song is about him
"I Love the Stars" by The Orion Experience - this song is definitely in the running for the zadrest song that ever zadred
"Ruler of Everything" by Tally Hall - hmm I wonder who this could ever refer to. hint it's not who you're initially thinking of. yes I am taking guesses, send it into my ask box
"There's No Love in February" by The Orion Experience - idk it has zadr vibes
"As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It" by Lemon Demon - prof membrane
"We Are the Ones" by The Orion Experience - vibes
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise" by Elvis Presley - zim's disguise, yet again
"I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters - zade
"Leave Out All The Rest" by Linkin Park - zib vibes, as confirmed by zib expert @melodyofthevoid!
"Turn the Lights Off" by Tally Hall - just general vibes
"Necromancin Dancin" by Bear Ghost - raising the dead, hmm I wonder who that could ever refer to
"Revenge" by Mindless Self Indulgence - tak
"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (feat. William Beckett)" by Set It Off - dib to zim, perhaps
"Knife Fight" by Lemon Demon - idk it has zade/f vibes
"Villain" by Stella Jang - hmm I wonder who this could ever refer to. hint it's not who you're initially thinking of. yes I am taking guesses, send it into my ask box
"Mastermind" by Mindless Self Indulgence - zim vibes
"ANTI-HERO" by SEKAI NO OWARI - dib vibesss
"Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance - gaz and dib and zim and also maybe tak. but like, aged-up. look I just like mcr okay? okay
"I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation" by Destroy Boys - zim and dib vibes
"The Sharpest Lives" by My Chemical Romance - *looks at whatever the hell this song is* hmm yes zadr look it mentions both "empires" and "vampires" and that's good enough for me
"Problems" by Mother Mother - zadr vibes, perhaps?
"Wrecking Ball" by Mother Mother - zim
"I'm Gonna Win" by Rob Cantor - zim
"Sarcasm" by Get Scared - just general vibes
"Oh No!" by MARINA - zim vibes, perhaps?
"It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" by R.E.M. - I could go off about how the random nature of this song reflects the random nature of Zim's plans, and how the chorus/title reflects Dib's increasing lack of caring, but instead I'll just say "vibes" again
"Kiss With A Fist" by Florence + The Machine - hmm yes zadr
"I Hate Myself for Loving You" by Joan Jett - hmm yes zadr fun fact I can play this song on bass
"You Give Love A Bad Name" by Bon Jovi - hmm yes zadr gotta stuff this playlist with classic rock as well
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snobgoblin · 2 years
Not gonna tell you to listen to more Lemon Demon songs, instead I'll tell you my favorite thing about his album "Spirit Phone" cuz I think you'll like this aspect of it:
Of course, alot of his work, especially this album, has an 80s feel to it. This album in particular is centered around horror, mysteries, and the like.
Lifetime Achievement Award - about the concept of reviving dead celebrities to continue performing (like the phenomena of holographic performances with dead singers).
Soft Fuzzy Man - a love song from the perspective of a ghost.
Sweet Bod - based on the "melified man" from ancient times. (Surprisingly willing) people would be fed nothing but honey and bathe in honey until they died, then they'd be kept in that honey casket for 100 years. It was used as medicine.
Eighth Wonder - there was a family who claimed a mongoose spirit lived in their walls and the song lyrics are mainly things the spirit said.
ohhhh that sounds really cool 🤔
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it seems that i am back on my lemon demon bullshit in general somehow SO here’s why i love lifetime achievement award:
- the flute. at the start. i hear that flute and my head perks up and my ears prick like i am a beast on the prowl who has just scented prey. i am Ready.
- the fact that the song jumps from 6/4 to 4/4 to 6/4 seamlessly in general is so Good
- idk why but synths are so important to me they are so edible to me theyre my life force so obv im living for the synth solos throughout 
- and the lyrics themselves! im crouched over this song and im fitting stories together in my brain
- to me this song is about a pop star who’s dead, and his management team for whatever reasons (yknow. money reasons) have hired some necromancers off of craigslist. and together they’re trying to soothe poor pop star.
- first verse is manager explaining to a confused pop star what’s happening, the chorus is a back and forth between Death/the grim reaper (”you are dead and buried, you are dead”) and the necromancers (”that’s being revised”), as they both fight for the pop star’s soul. second verse are the necromancers (”bro you look amazing! really put-together”) and manager (”you’ve been gone for way too long”) and the third verse is the manager hyping up pop star, right before they go on stage for their big comeback concert (”don’t be nervous, baby, we put a billion eyes back on you”)
- i also saw a comment somewhere that said the final “oh no”s were the necromancers/manager as the zombified pop star goes crazy and attacks people, possibly the necros themselves, and i like that
- i have to say everything from “you are dead and buried, you are dead” “oh but you never died!” to the end of the keytar solo is fucking GOD-TIER. I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT.
- the casual almost chipper “oh but you never died!”
- when the necromancers growl “ain’t nowhere you can hide!” almost triumphantly, like it’s not a terrifying thing to hear.
- when everything goes deadly still and silent with “you’re gonna love us, just remember, this is your last ride. ever. for. ever.” just the abrupt change from chaos to calm like the necros stopped their loud ass machine to comfort pop star
- “fill up your lungs. feel. better.” it’s not advice, it’s a command. + i still quote this to myself to calm down sometimes LMFAO
- notice the connection between “die hard fans adore your hands, they love your throat, and quote-unquote you” and later on “look, it’s you, good as new, new hands, new throat”
- “you’ve earned this, new purpose, lifetime achievement awardddd” *SICKEST KEYTAR SOLO YOU HAVE EVER HEARD OR WILL EVER HEAR!!!!!!!!!*
- i want to live in this solo
- third verse is so short but we’re back to the cool chorus so i have no complaints
- also it’s hard to explain in just text. but one of the synth instruments in the chorus does this cool thing where. my musician friends tell me it’s called pedal. do you notice how the upper notes keep climbing higher while the lower notes sit on the same notes. i do. and i love it. (this image was taken from this transcription’s 120th measure)
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- the final “you’ll be number one!!!” chillsssss
- and the way the synth slowly de-escalates, and we finally break.
- unless. oh? what’s this?
- due to my strong personal convictions, i wish to stress that this record in no way endorses a believe in the occult.
- the robot voices are so Good in this. the little ‘follower’ voices have their own inflections and personalities which i love to pick out. and with each repetition they get more out of time with each other.
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voidsteffy · 3 years
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Now bear with me this might be long:
So Ace is holding a vinyl that says 'Spirit Phone'. Upon a google search, I realized that it was a relatively good album by Lemon Demon in 2016. Now, because I'm me I started looking for meanings in the song descriptions and lyrics:
Lifetime Achievement:
You are dead and buried, you are dead (Oh no) Oh, but you never died! Even as we speak we're synthesizing blood and organs Synthesizing heart and soul Ain't no cemetery you can't shed (Oh no) Ain't nowhere you can hide! Don't be frightened of us Soon enough you're gonna love us, just remember This is your last ride ever, forever Fill up your lungs - feel better? Look - it's you, good as new New hands, new throat, new living tissue You earned this new purpose Lifetime achievement award
Touch-Tone Telephone
I try to call you every day I'm rehearsing what to say When the truth comes out (Of my very own mouth) I've been working on a unified theory If I make it through tonight everybody's gonna hear me out 'Cause I'm the right one On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone I'm the only one (Hey!) On your A.M., A.M. radio (Ooh) Don't hang up yet, I'm not done I'm an expert, I'm the one The one who was right all along Better to be laughed at than wrong
Cabinet Man
I'm happy for years and years and Only eating the occasional maintenance man Only driving a few kids to madness Maybe they were predisposed to madness, who knows? I only want to have fun
No Eyed Girl
( “No Eyed Girl” is a love song about an inter dimensional being. More specifically, it seems to be about an inferior being (probably a human) falling in love from an extra-terrestrial visitor. Its also an allegory for someone who’s madly in love with someone far out of their league, and will do anything to get with this majestic person. )
From the moment that we met, I've been awake Like I've never been awake in all my life If I spoke your language, I could tell you how I feel But your language isn't real In every myth there's a little bit of truth But I cannot say a thing, I cannot say a thing Without proof, oh no
This is gonna change our world I might go insane If I learn your full name If you'd be my no-eyed girl
When He Died
(A wealthy, and most likely famous, man is found dead in his mansion. However, the more the police and the media investigate his death, the more mysteries come to light.)
When he died He somehow left behind Strange symbols on the floor beneath his corpse Investigators said the wood was scorched When he died
Soft Fuzzy Man
Who seeps through your thoughts Who makes you see spots Who blows through the air Who plays with your hair I know it sounds crazy But once you go hazy, you'll understand I'm your soft, fuzzy man
As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It
(A rant from a stressed father trying to get his children to behave for their grandfather so the family can enjoy dinner together.)
Man-Made Object
( “Man-Made Object” is a story about a man who, during the night, becomes overtaken by a desire to build a massive structure. Given the nature of the album, it seems likely that the desire is supernaturally inspired; the Man-Made Object is likely a monument to some powerful entity. )
I have a vision of a man-made object I have the money, I have the means I have the strangest dreams I caught insomnia from looking at the moon I found a picture of a rectangle I drew I am an altogether different man by day I have the influence to send that man far away
You're At the Party
( The song is about a supernatural entity “inviting” you to the party of the afterlife, or rather a realm of non-existence. )
They make you sweat, half-awake, soaking wet Fever dream, people screaming bloody murder Paint chips flaking off the neighboring wall And as the night goes on and threatens dawn
Maybe I'm going mad, but wait... I do have some valid points don't I?
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caestusarchivum · 3 years
Post 5 Songs That Remind You of Your Muse.
Back From the Dead - Halestorm - aside from the general theme of coming back to life, this song feels like it just radiates victory. Yeah, I took back my life, what about it?
I Got Life - Mercy Fall - god this song just gives me Hikari vibes and its all in those lyrics. The whole song. All of it. I love it so much.
Plantera (Otherworldly)/Rage of Taruhnk- Terraria OST - i think the plant monster music is fitting. I don't like the original plantera ost that much-- this one feels more cinematic than trudging. Also the music box melody really hits diff.
Lifetime Achievement Award - Lemon Demon - another song about coming back to life.
Catch Fire - Periphery - the instrumental is a song i peg as her overall 'theme'. This is the music that plays when she's 'around'. All in all its really nice with a good bass and even some synth action.
( Bonus! ) Icarus - Starset - this one is a very recent release but the theme of icarus in this song not only flying too close to the sun, but not being able to go higher, really resonated with me.
Tagged by: @coollyinterferes
Tagging: idk who on my dash hasnt dont it yet but GRABS YOU
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