#lyredy kid
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obsidianityy · 2 years ago
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Just the silly Lyredy kids! We have: - Isolde (18, Male, He/Him, Pansexual) - Lacie (15, AFAB, She/Her, Asexual) - Cypress (12, Male, He/Him, Questioning AroAce) Isolde is a full fledged member of Lamia Scale, going on quests with his team alongside his best friends. He uses his mothers Maguilty Sense for his magic. The best way to describe him personality wise is that he's a himbo in every sense of the word. He's tall, not very smart but has a heart of pure gold. He gets his siblings in all sorts of trouble. Lacie just recently became a member of Lamia Scale, and is still finding her place in the guild. She's only been going on a few quests with her dad so far. She has her fathers Dynamic Ice Make magic. Lacie is always dragging Isolde out of bad ideas, being much more rational than her older brother. She's calm, a little snappy but she's kind. Cypress isn't quite ready yet to be a member of Lamia Scale, so he stays home with his mother and helping out at the guild hall. Due to an incident where he nearly died as a young child, he's been able to contact Ultear on occasion (not entirely fleshed out yet, subject to change). In turn, he's learning Arc of Time magic, much to his parents surprise. Cypress is a bit of a wild card. He doesn't need to be watched as he's a surprisingly responsible child, but he will make a snarky comment and tell you an inappropriate joke that a child his age should not know.
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the-writing-trash-panda · 3 years ago
Fairy Tail Next Gen
Lyredy (Lyon x Meredy)
Robyn: 14
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These were made with picrew so due to limited options, the designs aren't totally accurate. The younger kids' designs are what they look like as teens.
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sweetmemories2606 · 6 years ago
Happy Birthday (fanfic)
Finally back to writing, so I decided to come back with something happy this time.
Thanks @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate for the inspiration. You’re one-shots about Fairy Tail ships are truly adorable and well written. 
Also thanks to @ship-ambrosia for always supporting me and @allie-and-her-fandoms as well.
You’re all awesome guys and you deserve some fluff! Here’s my attempt:
Title: Happy Birthday
Pairings: Gruvia, Jerza, Lyredy, NaLu, GaLe, very minor Miraxus
Summary: It's Juvia's birthday and everyone joins together for yet another celebration. As they rejoice with their children, a present from Gray reveals a piece of her past; bringing up rare happy memories of her childhood. 
Timeline: This story takes place many years after the end of the manga
Warnings: This all fluff with Fairy Tail ships and their children. Nothing to be concerned about.
Word Count: 1600 words
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13122377/1/Happy-Birthday
Sneak Peek:
“Now it’s time for my present.” Gray called; and Juvia placed the little girl on the ground before standing up again.  
“It won’t be better than ours.” Silver whispered in his sister’s ear; to which she nodded while laughing.
“Nope. We chose the best present.” Shaking his head; Gray looked towards his wife; who approached him with the brightest smile.
“Should I be worried?” She raised a brow.
“Nah. I don’t plan on freezing the room this time.” Both laughed at the memory of the time he had turned their living room into an ice ring.  
“Please don’t.” Lucy pleaded; now over her argument with Natsu.
“If he does, am I allowed to melt it?” The latter wondered and she didn’t reply; but glared at him.
“Am I allowed to kill him?” Lyon jokingly asked; turning to his fiancé.
“I’ll take care of it.” Ultear said; smiling deviously.
“Whoa, she’s scary.” Natsu whispered; to which Lucy nodded.
“I’m sure there will be no need for that.” Juvia told them.
“Nope. I decided to go for something simpler this time.” Gray added; using his magic to make something appear. An envelope.  
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xhusu · 3 years ago
Fairy Tail next-gen hcs since everyone is doing it – big four and crime sorcière only because I have no ideas for the others 
> Born the first year
Gajevy twins
They got along as kids but started to "hate" each other around 10
Lily is like their 3rd parent because he did raise Mystogan and he raised him well, so he's babysitter number 1
Shutora loves singing and playing music, she does concerts once in a while
She uses iron dragon slaying magic (Gajeel taught her)
Sassy and bitter
Her girlfriend is Achlys
Loves to bully Greige (affectionally)
Loves to bully Yajeh (derogatory)
Can't stand Nashi
Has her own team
Unison raids with Achlys
Yajeh is pretty chill and rather calm
He's also nerdy
Transformation magic and some solid script 
Refuses to learn dragon slayer magic because of Shutora (they're pretty stubborn) and because transports are pretty useful
Team Nashi
The serious one of the group even if they're all pretty dumb (they are smart, they just never use their brain)
Kinabra's daughter
Achlys uses both of her father's magic even if hearing everything can be a pain
Girlfriend of Shutora
Doesn't hate team Nashi and even spends time with them sometimes
Bullies Greige with Shutora
Bullies everyone ngl (hearing ppl thoughts has its perks)
Great sister and cousin, she gives incredible advice
Tends to avoid crowds
Likes to sing with Shutora
> A year after them
Nalu's first daughter
Nashi is loud and hyperactive
Loves the stars, she wanted to use the same magic as her mom but Lucy can't give her her keys so she only has like 2 silver ones
Uses Heavenly Body Magic because she really wanted something linked to the stars
Mostly uses fire spells and meteor tho
The first kid to ever use grand chariot (yes even before the Fernandes)
Has a unison raid with Robert and Sami called Summer Lights, she represents Vega
Had a crush on Greige as a young girl but he rejected her, she then hated him, and thus began their team rivalry
Can't stand Shutora
Smart!! She looks dumb but she! is! not!
Lucy's spirits are her babysitters
Always pulls pranks with Happy
Bff with Yajeh and Robert
Gruvia's son
Greige is a pretty boy and a cold one
 (He's shy but he pretends he's just mean)
Water magic is his main but can do some ice makes
Mama's boy
Carries an umbrella and dresses more like his mom
Has a crush on Nashi but he rejected her by fear as a kid, still regrets and tries not to be heartbroken
Achlys bullies him for that (it's their secret)
Prefers women's company for some reason
Not very talkative but when he talks, it's always useful and relevant
 Caring and sweet big brother
Sorano's daughter
Fatherless and couldn't care less
 Bitchy and sassy
 Not in Magnolia since she's from Sabertooth but appreciates Achlys and Shutora
The kind of cousin that's always on her communicating lacrima during family dinners
Always as chewing gum in her mouth
> A year after them
Jerza's first son
You could think that jerza would make serious kids but you're wrong
Robert had a great childhood and got spoiled because his parents, uncles, and aunts were ✨traumatized✨
Kind, smiling, and fun
Everyone calls him Robbie
Uses Requip magic (archery) and Heavenly Body Magic + some enchantments for his arrows
Had a baby crush on Greige when he was like 5
Very close to Nashi since Jellal taught them magic at the same time, so yeah team Nashi
 Apples > strawberries almost got disowned by Erza
 Encounters some problems with the council because of his last name (it happens to every Crime Sorcière's kid tbh)
 Unison raid with Nashi and Sami, he represents Deneb
> 2 to 3 years after him
Lyredy's daughter
Ur is a troublemaker but a discreet one
Sami is her partner in crime
Ice make magic taught by her father
Isn't always in Magnolia since her parents aren't in the same guilds, she's there 1/2 weeks
Considers the CS kids and the Fullbusters as her cousins
Loves to annoy them
Thinks before acting
Jerza's second son
Sami is a troublemaker and NOT discreet about it
My boy is getting arrested in the future
Ur is his partner in crimes
Acts before thinking
Encounters tons of problems with the council already
Very curious about his parents' families and past
Uses Requip Magic (swords) and Heavenly Body magic
Has a celestial sword, he called "her" Nova. Once he got it when he was 12, he used it in every fight even tho it's pretty destructive
Unison raid with Nashi and Robert, he represents Altair
Is the kind of kid that could use Altairis even tho his father made him promise not to
Sami is not the clown he is the entire circus
Milianna's favorite
Is probably the cause of his parents' first gray hair
> One year after them
Nalu's second daughter
Unsure about her name, probably Layla
Just a little princess really
Doesn't understand her sister's rivalries
Bff with Sylvia
Is interested in various kinds of magic, she isn't so sure about what to choose but Natsu taught her dragon slaying magic
If Happy isn't with nalu, he's with her
Sometimes acts more like the older sibling than Nashi because she seems more serious
Daddy's girl
Loke always treated her like a princess and it ended up making her feel like one
She feels too entitled sometimes
Gruvia's daughter
Sylvia is also a daddy's girl
Shy but more talkative than her brother
Dreams of a knight in shining armor saving her and marrying her one day
Learning Meredy's magic
Loves hot chocolate
Protective of her brother
Follows him a lot even if he asks her not to
Loves to wear pretty dresses
She and Layla are always together
 > One year after them
Lyredy's son
Not much to say about him
Is a sweet kid that loves spending time with Sylvia and Layla
Not always there, just like his sister
> 1 to 2 years after him
Kinabra's son
Baby boy, baby
Not talkative at all
Shy but that's not the reason, he just doesn't talk much
Also glued to his sister when he can or his parents
Was unexpected but not unwanted
Doesn't like change and unknown people
Jerza's daughter
Jellal wished for a scarlet haired princess, well at least she does have scarlet hair
Seems cute but is brutal
 Can and will fistfight you
Takes too much after Sami, a troublemaker in the making
People don't feel much magic energy coming from her and she may not be able to use magic at all
Parent's baby girl leading to her hating the council the moment she understood they didn't like her dad or Fairy Tail
Ngl every Fernandes kid despises the council
Bonus point to :
Husui's son, the Prince of Fiore – whom Sami accidentally hit once
Gajevy's maybe second girl, still unsure about her
Anna and Ichiya's could-have-existed-daughter, because it would have been funny
Bisca and Alzack's second child that I need to think of
And every other kid but since I'm not sure of which ship I want to be in this timeline 🤷🏻‍♀️
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smartcookie727 · 7 years ago
Ahhh this is too cute! I love how he's such a dork and Meredy is a sweet angel. He'd do just about anything to get there and what a fun coincidence :) thanks for giving lyredy a shot on my bday it was such a lovely surprise! You are too sweet and I've loved becoming your friend this year 💖
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Date @Hargeon
Happy birthday @smartcookie727! Hope you had a wonderful day! This is my bday gift for you and I hope you like it :D first time writing lyredy so I hope I did them some justice haha
Buy cookie a bday ko-fi guys! And if you haven’t checked her writing before, then you need to do it right now because it is fantastic!! Let yourself be consumed by the great writing skills of the queen of smut!
Pairing: Lydery (LyonxMeredy)
Word count: 2k
Rating: K+
Lyon is running late for his date with Meredy
“You gotta be kidding me.” Lyon gritted his teeth in annoyance. The repeating sentence on the screen just fueled his irritation and panic.
All trains to Hargeon have been cancelled for today.
Something about a fire mage destroying the train rails or something, Lyon didn’t care enough to pay attention anymore. The only thing racing through his mind was the idea that he would be late for his date with Meredy.
Their relationship was complicated enough already without Lyon pulling out things like this. With Meredy needing to constantly hide from the Magic Council, their meetings had to be quick and planned and sometimes cut short as she would be called for an impromptu job by Crime Sorciere. He had seen her twice in the last month and even when they talked all the time through the communication lacrima, it wasn’t the same as holding her in his arms and kissing her soft warm lips.
Yes, Lyon had been missing her so much and he had been eagerly looking forward for this date when she had texted him to tell him she would be in Hargeon for a day and a half.
I’ll be at Edolas coffee shop Monday at 5 o’clock. Can’t wait to see you! - M
Keep reading
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smartcookie727 · 7 years ago
Tell us more about your ships and why do you ship those... both my hero academia and ft cus I'm looking for more ships to fill my life
Sure thing! Let’s start with FTcause bnha has soooo many characters and is a hodgepodge of ships.
Fairy Tail:
Gajevy -My true OTP. They are the halves that make each other whole. Both are greatcharacters on their own but together they make each other better. Levy isanalytical and shy with the intellect and work ethic beyond anyone else. Gajeelknows how to get the job done; he is fiercely protective and very in touch withhis emotions. He doesn’t care what others think of his attitude, and to him actionsmean more than words. Both could be classified as people who like to work aloneyet they both have small teams (Shadow gear and pantherlily / dragonslayers).Levy is the planning to Gajeel’s punch and Gajeel is the confidence behind Levy’swords. I love their dynamic so much. They have gone through pain, recovery,trust, friendship, and love. There is so much to explore with both of theircharacters and life in general. The flirty banter is strong with these two.They fall into the “world melts away” relationship. They sometimes don’trealize how obviously in love they are because neither is good at hidingemotions, and both are direct, passionate people with their feelings. Levy andGajeel push each other just enough to foster growth without crossing the lineof fighting all the time. In a word they are balanced. I can’t see them withothers because they make for the most supportive, balanced pair long term.
Nalu - Whata dynamic and friendship! These two have a great connection and trust in eachother. They are playful but caring with corny innuendos sprinkled in. They makesense. They have moved from friends to partners who have saved each othersasses enough times for them to think…why do I run headfirst into danger foryou. I find them interesting since they have a different dynamic than my otherdragonslayer/bookworm duo. There are threads of similarity but they have adifferent core bond. They are a couple that shows that love can grow andchange, relationships develop at different speeds and love doesn’t have to be asudden burst where you just know.
Jerza -Being a leader is a lonely job. These two are really interesting to me. Theyare the stoic captains that put everyone before themselves. Erza cares deeplyabout her guild and puts the weight of everyone’s happiness above her own. Shemade what she believes to be a selfish decision long ago that defined her andhas been trying to make up for it since. Jellal is similar. He made terriblechoices he is unwilling to forgive. Neither believes they deserve the love andaffection they desire. There is a constant inner turmoil is fun to play with.Head vs heart. I believe these two are each others’ home. No one understandsthe pressure they feel like the other can. When they can be together the wallscome down and both can enjoy the simple things they normally give up. Together,neither has to be the person people will turn to for help or guidance, they canjust be themselves. Let your hair down Erza, you deserve love andrelaxation.   
Bixanna -Mischief making matchmakers! I love these two. They both are the cutewisecrackers of their respective groups. Bickslow has this gruff edge, keepcalm and kick ass side, and totally dorky jokes. He’s not afraid to get sillyand gives zero fucks. Lisanna is the total support he needs to be himself.Wanna be silly and go play pranks? Lis can keep up. Wanna go fight monsters?Lis can keep up and look cute doing it. Wanna chill on the couch and thinkabout how strong of a bond your team has? Lis does too. They work well in thesense of balance too. Lisanna tends to be the person that is quietly friendswith everyone but is close with a select few. Bickslow brings her out of hershell. She’s had a strange distance since returning to the guild and primarilyhangs with fam…I think that those years people thought she was dead made herreturn bittersweet. They tried to move on as best they could and she got leftbehind. When she gets back it’s hard to find her place. Her old dynamics havechanged…the bond is still there but things aren’t the same. Theirrelationship isn’t built in the past or defined by her return. They are peoplewho found each other unexpectedly…one of those relationships that suddenlyhappened when neither was looking for it. I think I’d categorize them ashope and future. Both have had dark times that may haunt them occasionally, butthey give each other a clean slate and zero judgment. 
Merelow -My official crack babies. I was randomly thinking one day and this ship fellinto my lap! Bickslow: badass jokester. Meredy: badass bubblegum girl. Put emtogether and magic. These two are ready to try anything and everything. Theybring out the adventurous spontaneity in each other. Both have been on thewrong side of the fight and have moved forward. They have a core team thatmeans the world to them and are supremely loyal to each other. These two aresimilar to the bixanna dynamic with more of a wanderer side thrown in. They’vehad their breakdowns and have forgiven themselves and grown. They both give somuch love and cheer to their friends. I also love how compatible their magicis. Soul control and soul link. These two aren’t afraid to fight and cry andlove and sing. Neither tries to hide anything from the other. They are socomfortable together and they truly understand each other. They make everyeffort so that the other will smile, and I just love them.
Sildarts -OK. so. @gsut​ and @sanguine-fairy got me on this ship. Grumpy kickass dudes withgrumpy kids. They’ve been through many hardships in life and have loved andcried and have so much more life behind them than most of my other ships. They havea deeper connection by their love for their kids and their strain to have alife of their own. These two experienced individuals kinda trip over themselveslike teens as they explore a new side of themselves in this relationship. Noone knows how it’s supposed to go. Silver has many of the qualities I admire in Gray and kindareigns in Gildarts’ craziness. Gildarts gives him balance. He throws stoicSilver and all caution to the wind and make them both laugh and fill the piecesof their hearts that have been empty. Also these men know how to brood and beangry and glum…they have held in their emotions so much that both understandthe subtle cues when the other is upset…though it doesn’t always stop somepretty intense fights. They are passionate guys that hold each other up whenlife tries to punch them in the gut. 
Lyredy - Two sweet, sensitive cuties. These two are harmony. Lyon is hella romantic and is always doing things both large and smallto show how much he cares for her. Meredy can see through the bravado he putson to the core person he is. She helps Lyon not to take himself too seriouslyand he always makes her laugh and smile. Meredy has insecurities about her pastand Lyon understands this himself. He will be as over the top as her can or asdown to earth as he needs to make her feel better. Both talk big about love butfind themselves remarkably shy when it actually happens. They are a mix ofadventure and shyness and pull each other along to find new things to love.They are a softer romance and I adore them.
Gruvia - Pushing through barriers these two truly stumbledinto romance. She could see his walls from the start and has felt the pain ofbuilding them herself, but Gray showed her such kindness that she truly felt achange. Gray and Juvia are elements that shape each other, pushing each otherto grow without necessarily trying. They became friends who feel a strong senseof responsibility to each other. Time turned friendship to love and I enjoy theway they play with the intensity of their romance. At times they are soft andsweet and others they are hot and heavy. She gives him a place to be candidwith his emotions and he reigns in her dramatic side. At their cores they carefor each other deeply and rely on their mutual support more than they realize.They will always drift back to each other, even when things tough.
Miraxus/Laxana/Canajane/Fraxus - idk why but I love them ALL. Miraxus is so cute andfun. They both have a calm and wild side. They are the heads of theirrespective groups and take things very seriously. When they’re together theycan let their hair down. Laxus sees through the smile she always wears down tothe fragile person she can be. Laxus is so stoic and Mira can always tell whathe’s thinking. They are more reserved as a couple and just enjoy each other’scompany. Laxana is fun and flirty. They rile each other up and don’t let thefun stop. They can laugh at anything and take great fun in jokes and quips witheach other. Always exploring and having an adventure with these two! Canajane.Talk about flirty cuteness and innuendos. They truly care about each other andCana is always pushing Mira to try new things. Mira keeps Cana grounded andwill always support and carry her. Fraxus. Mutual love and support. They aren’tfond of pda but the love can always be seen in their eyes. These two trulyhave each other’s back and always understand what each other needs.
Anyone else…I enjoy mymultishipping (aside from gajevy) so if there’s another couple that I canreally understand I’ll probably enjoy them: Chendy, LaLu, GrayLu, Alzack/Bisca,Stinerva, Minerza, Freed/Rufus, ships with Juvia, peeps from Mermaid Heel, etc.The only problem I have is if I can’t understand the relationshipdynamic…then things just fizzle in my mind.
Hahahaha now onto BNHA! OK I’mkinda tired from FT so I’ll keep these explanations less elaborate
Todomomo - insecure strong kids that lift each other up andbelieve in each other. Momo is such an interesting character and I love her.
Kacchako - fight like a girl. He respects her and she respectshim. They push each other to be better and I just love a cinnamon roll with agrumpy boy
Iihatsu - who better for a machine inventing girl than the guywith the engine built right in? she’s not afraid of anything and helps iida letloose. He’s always there to try her new inventions and she always makes himsmile.
Fuyusei, Bakumomo, Bakushima - love them all and they totally make sense
KiriMina, Jiro/Kaminari - such cute kids
Momo/Iida, Ochako/Iida,Ochako/Deku, Hakagure/Ojiro - cute potential and they have moments that make me smile
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 7 years ago
roleplayers of the fairy tail fandom, your top five fairy tail ships? :) [no double use of characters because I'm evil :3c]
*cracks knuckles*
1.   JELLAL X ERZA — Jerza
This one is a no-brainer. G o d I love them I love them I l o v e them.
Jellal and Erza are like star-crossed lovers; I love the concept of something as innocent as childhood love blooming in a place as dark and as nightmarish as the R-System. I love how Jellal was like a beacon of light and hope back in the Tower, and how the roles ended up reversed when they were older. I strongly believe that once they finally get together, distance will never be able to break them apart again.
Jellal pushes Erza away not only because he believes himself to be undeserving, but also because he thinks that she’ll be much happier AND SAFER if he stays away (the Kyouka incident is exactly what he wanted to avoid IM TELLING YOU). He wants to stay away but fuck, it becomes more and more difficult and she doesn’t want him too and they’re so in love. And they both know it. And they haven’t even kissed. And they get each other on so many aspects and she respects him and he respects her and dasfdhgafksgh   AND IM JUST GOING TO STOP RIGHT THERE BC IM RAMBLING AND IM TOTALLY GOING TO MAKE MYSELF CRY OTHERWISE. WORDS. CANNOT. EXPRESS. HOW MUCH. I LOVE. JELLAL AND ERZA TOGETHER OKAY
I need them to get married and have kids and be happy fuck fuck fuck
( in case you didn’t know this is like,, my otp of otps. im just all over it. )
2.   ERIK X NATSU — Eratsu
@ignicity​ + @cuelebres​ idk how you guys managed this tbh but im like,, the biggest Eratsu fan around. I’m literally going around and telling my Fairy Tail-familiar friends about “how my fav ship is Jellal and Erza and my second fav, Cobra and Natsu” you would not BELIEVE the looks im getting.
I get fucki N G emmotionnal when I witness them babies’s relationship blooming and evolving and everytime they get past an important step (I stg I died™ when Natsu told Erik he loved him). They’re two characters I NEVER thought about as a couple but what the hELL I’m glad I came across them! Nicole, Mandy, bless you both.
3.   LYON AND MEREDY — Lyredy
Another crack pairing I have found myself falling for pretty quickly. i must have spent hours scrolling through @blamedorange‘s blog, every post making me love them more. I have to admit, at first I thought it came out of nowhere — and it did — but they are. so cute. Lyon’s a dork and Meredy loves this dork and fhgdfsjhafdahfhfashgkfdgh im gonna cry I love my ships I love lyredy
4.   LUCY X JUVIA — Luvia
These two are too cute for words??? Wtf??? I love them. Fan art and fanfics converted me; I fell into the Luvia hole and I find myself having trouble climbing out . NOT THAT I WANT TO AT THIS POINT LMFAO.
I feel like this should be higher on the list tbh?? Whatever. God I love those two — and if you feel that it’s because of Jerza for one goddamn second I can assure you that it’s far from being the case. Yes, of course, them being Jerza’s Edolas counterparts drew me to the ship. But I stayed for everything I discovered them to be: the prince and the knight ( gotta fucking love the parallel tbfh ), the inability to at first get along bc of values — the headbutting —, her resenting him for betraying his kingdom, the secret pinning, what it could possibly mean for Knightwalker’s job to make things official with him… God I love them. 
Bonus: Some ships that could DEFINITELY have made the cut but didn’t…
Fr//axus  ( Freed x Laxus )
Gray//tear  ( Gray x Ultear )
Stin//gue  ( Sting x Rogue )
Can//ajane  ( Cana x Mirajane )
Ch//endy  ( Wendy x Chelia ) or Ro//wen ( Romeo x Wendy )
Sora//Beth  ( Sorano x Macbeth )
I have no one to blame for this one its just me
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shiori-nijitori · 7 years ago
Fairy Halloween
Happy Halloween my pretties. I know how much you guys want me to update Passionate Revenge. But its October, I’m STILL trying to get a job and I really want to go to college. So for the time being, update and new stories will be even more strained than before. This a fic exchange on tumblr for capaleran2. also apologies, for I cannot write Miraxus despite sorta liking it.  #ficwriterhalloweenexchange.
fSince its October and near Halloween (Even though I celebrate Trunk or Treat at my church. They say it’s safer to get treats at your church than neighborhoods.) I’ve decided to do a Halloween based Fairy Tail fic. It shall have the following couples: Jerza, Nalu, Gruvia, Gale, Rowen, Rokino, Mirafreed, Laxana, Bixanna, Elfever, Stinervea, Lories, Kinabra, and Lyredy.   For@capaleran2
 Basically this is an AU. No magic, no cute talking cats (Mainly Frosch) and I since I really like Eileen/Irene whatever. She’s going to be Erza’s loving mother and no one and tell me otherwise regardless of what has happened.
 By the way since Halloween falls on a Tuesday which for most should be a school day and I rather this event take place on the weekend or Friday. I’m changing that. Now onwards.
 It was October 31st sup>th, on a Friday in Fairy Tail Academy.  Cute skeleton, pumpkin and ghost decorations decked the hallways, classrooms, and even the cafeteria and library. the lessons in English/Literature, Cooking, History and even film and drama were based around this spooky holiday.
In English they assignment was to wrote a Halloween based story. Some twilight fan girls(eye roll)  wrote their own versions of a human, vampire and werewolf love triangle. Others were more original.
One girl with pretty blue hair that fell to her mid-waist in loose curls wrote a story starring her as the mermaid who was ensnared in love by a dark handsome vampire. Two others wrote stories about dragons cursed to change back and forth at night till true love set them free. One was a beautiful busty blonde with baby doll brown eyes. Her long hair falling to her waist in a braid. The other was another bluenette although her hair was shorter and spiky with an orange headband and was more petite. The final girl had pink hair and deep brown eyes. She was the shyest of all her friends and the one full of timidity. She wrote of a lion knight the saving her from a wicked green haired witch.
In cooking they were making either caramel apples and Halloween cake. They all had a blast decorating and choosing flavors. Ranging from chocolate to strawberry and red velvet. A gorgeous scarlet haired beauty was finishing decorating her strawberry cake with ghost-clad strawberries on the top. Her chocolate brown eyes glimmered with hunger at her creation and couldn’t wait to eat it later on. A second girl opted to do cupcakes instead and was finishing a very special one. Though she was about the youngest in the class it was only by two years, she was the scarlet haired girl’s younger sister. Two girls who were sisters, one, the older sister with long hair that fell beneath her breasts, with dark blue eyes. The younger girl had shorter hair. They were making chocolate blanc cupcakes with unique designs for each of their friends.
 History talked about the background of Halloween, or it’s more appropriate title: ‘all Hallows Eve.’ Where children would dress up as monsters and ghoul in order to ward off evil.
  In film they were watching Halloween movies, albeit appropriate ones such as Addams family values* and Casper. Most had no complaints about the movies chosen although there were a few whom complained at the childish movies. But all it took was some threatening about a weekend assignment due on Monday with no doubt nobody would do it, the naysayers shut up.
 When the bell signaled the end of the day many kids swarmed the hallways. Some went over their plans for pranking and scaring little kids out of their hard earned candy. Some discussed which horror franchise to watch, Child’s play, Nightmare on Elm street or the one that was cliched but well placed choice.
 The aforementioned girls met up in the school parking lot. Along with their other friends, Minerva Orlando, Kinana Scales, Cana Alberona, Meredy Sensor, and  Evergreen Gorgon,  They all got in their own car or carpooled heading to Cana’s large house, as her father Gildarts Clive would be out of tending to his work. They all decided to meet up at the meeting point for the big event, s ghost train. There  would be food, non alcoholic drinks, to Cana’s dismay, though everyone knew Cana would sneak a flask or two in.
 Once they got there they immediately went to taking their costumes out of Cana’s closet. Lucy decided to be a Cinderella character though with a baby doll pink dress in lieu of a blue one, while Natsu , of course, decided to be a as he put it”scary awesome dragon.  Erza was dressed as Ariel, her hair in beautiful curls near end, with her seashell top and sparkling green  skirt and her lotus flower, she really fit the part while her boyfriend Jellal Fernandes had opted to be a sexy pirate rather than a prince.  Once Juvia had decided to be a virgin bride once she heard her darling boyfriend Gray Fullbuster would be going as a vampire.  Levy and her boyfriend Gajeel were going as a red riding hood and big bad wolf pair after seeing Dany Darkly’s Wolf song video on YouTube.  Wendy and her boyfriend  Romeo Conbolt decided to be a Tinkerbell and Peter Pan combination.  
 Yukino Aguria and her boyfriend Rouge Cheney had decided to do opposites so she was an Angel, you can thank her older sister Sorano for that one. While Rouge at the urging of his cute and timid girlfriend dressed as Lucifer Morningstar from the hit TV show Lucifer( I love that show, don’t judge meh)
 Mirajane ‘Mira’ Strauss and her green haired boyfriend Freed Justine had decided to dress as a bridal sacrifice and the demon who’d whisk her away.  Her younger sister Lisanna and her boyfriend Bixlow Totems were dressed a Princess Daisy and Luigi from the Mario franchise. The middle sibling Elfman and his girlfriend Evergreen were dressed as Greek figures, namely Achilles and  a nymph, the latter wanted to be a fairy, but grudgingly agreed to couples costumes.
Cana and her boyfriend Laxus had became  a Pokemon Trainer and her Pikachu. Laxus was not too happy about it but softened up when his neighbor little Asuka Conell beamed and smiled up to him when she heard. So he couldn’t be TOO mad.
Aries Rams  and her boyfriend, the infamous flirt Leo Leo ‘Loke’ Lions had decided to become what their respective zodiac members.
Former delinquent turned friend Minerva Orlando and her boyfriend Sting Eucliffe were a tigress and silver dragon, though Sting would argue he wasn’t copying Natsu and instead was doing Chinese Zodiacs, everyone knew that was bull.
Kinana and her boyfriend Erik Venom had became a snake and her snake charmer wearing a tight scale like purple and white  dress and  a snake charmer’s outfit.
Finally Meredy and her boyfriend Lyon Vastia, Gray’s stepbrother were dressed as a miko and a ice spirit.
After getting dressed they all hopped into their cars Erza with Lucy, Juvia, Aries and Wendy. Cana with Levy, Mira, Lisanna, Evergreen and Kinana. Minerva with Yukino, and Meredy.
 After arriving and locking their cars. They meet up with their respective boyfriends and presented their tickets. Seeing all the decorations and food they all went off with their partner to do different things.  Although Wendy had to stick close to Erza since their mother Eileen  said to keep an eye the two of them. She was a really loving mother and wasn’t too keen on boys’ laying their hormone-stained hands on her precious children.’
 They all had the time of their lives and when it ended at 1am, they were ll pooped. Natsu, Gajeel, Sting and Gray got into an eating contest, which in all reality was a bad idea, especially on a train.
The next day while the four idiots were fighting off  stomach aches, the rest spent the day with friends or their lover.
 And that’s all folks. Sorry there wasn’t any dialogue.  But I trust that you guys can use your imaginations
This doesn’t mean I’m back yet.
I’ll be posting this on tumblr and Fanfiction. And maybe wattpad.
Again happy Halloween.
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muffindragon227 · 8 years ago
Sugar, Spice and Ice
AN: Drabble for @kanarenee, for Lyredy Coffee shop AU. Were Lyon orders cold drinks in the middle of winter and Meredy thinks he’s crazy.
“I’ll take a vanilla bean frappe, low-fat soy milk and half sweetener please,” Lyon said as he fished out his credit card from his wallet.
Meredy noted the absence of gloves on his hands and frowned. “Dude, you’re fucking kidding right?” She stared back at him incredulously. “It’s fifteen below and there’s a foot of snow on the ground.”
Lyon crinkled his nose and frowned at her. “So?”
“So, it’s freezing; and you’re not wearing gloves. Why would you order a cold drink?” “Because I don’t like hot beverages,” Lyon replied indignantly, he folded his arms across his chest. “And I don’t see what your problem is; it’s not like you have to drink it.”
“I have to make it,” Meredy grumbled.
The black look she got in response had her glancing around just to make sure her boss wasn’t around. This wasn’t the first time she’d gotten into it with a customer, and he’d warned her that the next time she’d get written up.
He wasn’t, thank god, but that didn’t mean Lyon couldn’t complain some other time. Juvia wasn’t in either, which was a shame cause Lyon clearly had a soft spot for her and she could have gotten Meredy out of this with ease.
Lyon stared her down, his finger tapping against his arm as he waited.
Meredy bit her lip and averted her gaze trying to think of a way to smooth this over.
The word was barely a whisper and for a second Meredy thought somehow missed the chime and some cute girl had walked in. Only to look up and find Lyon staring at her with a glazed over look and pink cheeks. Her own cheeks heated in response. He thought she was cute?
Not knowing what to do or say, Meredy turned away and started making his drink.
Once the blender whirred to life under her fingers she risked a glance back at him. Their eyes met and Lyon whisked his head away, his blush creeping from his cheeks, down his neck and over his ears.
If she was honest, he was cute when flustered.
Most of the time it felt like he was trying too hard to be perfect, from his suave pick up lines to his perfectly plucked eyebrows, to the designer suits that probably cost a fortune to dry clean weekly, everything about Lyon screamed high maintenance perfectionist.
Except every once in awhile he’d get flustered like this and it was like she could see right through him, and she actually found herself liking the person underneath.
She sighed, shook her head and poured the frappe into its cup and returned to the counter.
Lyon reached for it, but she pulled it just out of reach, feeling a bit cheeky and realizing she’d probably be able to get away with it. “Look, order what you want, but at least go buy yourself a pair of gloves. Frostbite will ruin your mani.”
Lyon’s face twisted into a scowl and he snatched the drink from her hand, slammed down his other palm on the counter and then proceeded to storm out the door.
Meredy sighed and wondered if she’d pushed him too far, then caught sight of the five dollar bill on the counter and smiled.
He definitely thought she was cute.
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budokai3song · 8 years ago
Wendy and mest are a notp of urs I'm assuming bc of the age gap... Right.? How do you think lyredy or jerza are ok when the age gap is larger
It’s not the age gap, it’s more to do with the fact that Wendy is a child and mest is grown. Once Wendy is 18 go for it lmao I don’t have any issues there. I guess I should’ve been more specific💁🏻 I meant tenrou WendyxMest is a notp. Now to the next part, lyredy and jerza are ships with two adults, having a 7 year age gap is really not a big deal (to me anyway?) correct me if I’m wrong, but there has never been an official age for meredy, right? But I would say that when she was introduced she was around 12/13 yeah? Add 7 to that, either gives you 19 or 20 which is an adult (not to mention the additional one year time skip) so Lyon being 27 with a 20/21 year old I *personally don’t have an issue with it, seeing as girls tend to be more attracted to older men (those ages I did include the one year skip) of course they were the same age prior to tenrou but that aside, what I said about lyredy also applies to jerza. I know this was messy, but basically what I’m Tryna say is that I’m just not here for shipping kids with adults ya feel?
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sassyhazelowl · 8 years ago
everybodys-chains replied to your post: Lyredy or Grayedy
There are 2 girls in the Meddlesome verse (alternate canon). Muriel and her little sister who I never named whoops.
And in the Neighborhood AU (modern AU) there’s a baby boy who has no name and I refer to him as Tyke. The kids don’t actually have names in this AU though because Rogue’s child is nicknamed Baby.
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rieriebee · 8 years ago
Hello rie =) do you think there's a high chance of next gen? I'd love to see gru/via, lyredy and jer/za with kids but because of how rave master ended idk if it's possible? =)
Yeah, I do. Gajeel and Levy have kids in the future already (confirmed in the light novel “Trouble Twins” that Mashima endorsed and drew the art for). Those same twins appeared in the manga as well via a fantasy when Gajeel was talking about how he longed for a family. It’s logical to assume that if Gajevy has kids, all the big pairings will have kids. Come to think of it, I remember reading a chapter of the novel and one of the twins said their “friends” are scared of their dad (even though he’s not really scary). What friends could they have been talking about other than the children of the rest of the pairings? To me the story is set up for next gen, because of multiple pairing possibilities Mashima introduced and how he loves to speak of generations in general. It’s a reoccurring theme. lol. While they share some similarities, note that Fairy Tail is already 200+ chapters longer than Rave. He won’t do things exactly the same or else you might as well just read Rave instead of Fairy Tail.This is my take on it. We may not get a full blown series, but at the very least I expect them in the epilogue. ^^
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glowingmagpie · 8 years ago
Okay, let’s get this over with....
If any of you ever find my blog and wonder what ships I ship, here you go: Fairy Tail: * NaLu (yassss) * Gajevy (otp) * Jerza * Gruvia * Bixanna * Miraxus (these two are currently my everything) * Elfever * Juvana (I don’t know why but yuri is my life) * Chendy * Zervis * Lyredy Free!: * Nagisa x Rei * Makoto x Haru I don’t ship Rin with anyone tbh and I ship Gou with Seijuro and Momotaro… Shingeki No Kyojin: * Krista x Ymir (Krista is my bae and Ymir is her bae, okay?) * Eren x Armin * Berthold x Reiner (I CAN’T…) * Mikasa x Annie * Sascha x Connie The gay is strong in aot. I don’t know why. I DON’T SHIP LEVI WITH ANYONE I’M SORRY
Corpse Party:  there is not enough smut in this fandom * Naomi x Seiko * Ayumi x Yoshiki * Mayu x Morishige Kill La Kill: * Mako x Gamagoori
Magi: * Morgiana x Hakuryuu Soul Eater: * Maka x Soul * Marie x Stein * Blackstar x Tsubaki * (idki’m kind of shipping Crona x Kid, but I think Kid is asexual, so i feel really guilty about reading smut and i don’t know what to do with my life.) Yuri On Ice:
WE WERE BORN TO SHIP VICTURIIIII!!!!! I could go on, but I’m too tired….
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ao3feed-nalu · 6 years ago
Happy Birthday
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QXdivJ
by SweetMemories1998
It's Juvia's birthday and everyone joins together for yet another celebration. As they rejoice with their children, a present from Gray reveals a piece of her past; bringing up rare happy memories of her childhood. (Future AU) (One-Shot) (Gruvia, Jerza, Lyredy, NaLu, GaLe, minor Miraxus)
Words: 1415, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Erza Scarlet, Jellal Fernandes, Lyon Vastia, Meredy (Fairy Tail), Ultear Milkovich, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Levy McGarden, Gajeel Redfox, Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Relationships: Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Jellal Fernandes/Erza Scarlet, Meredy/Lyon Vastia, Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Laxus Dreyar/Mirajane Strauss
Additional Tags: Gruvia - Freeform, jerza - Freeform, lyredy - Freeform, Nalu - Freeform, Gale - Freeform, Miraxus, Fluff, Birthday, Future Fic, Family, Pregnant, married, Kids, Silver Fullbuster - Freeform, Violet Fullbuster, Ur Vastia, Hope Milkovitch, Emma Redfox, Gale Redfox - Freeform, Scarlet Fernandes - Freeform, Luna Heartfilia, Igneel Heartfilia
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QXdivJ
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snowdrop-nightingale-blog · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
Fairy Tail Forever And Ever (see the description for pairings) - 8) Cana's POV : More than one Fairytail's fairytale (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/uG0Xxg6ZsI It begins at the end of the manga with a time skip of three months. Like NaLu, GaLe, Gruvia, Jerza, Zervis and Miraxus or the 'minor ship' such as ElfEver, Kinabra, StingYu, Lyredy, Baccana and Albis? Then, this fic is perfect for you! It will be following Fairy Tail's 4th Generation adventures until 5th Generation kicks in and steals the spotlight! I plan this to be a really long fic 'cause it's going to cover Natsu's generation's relationships AND their kid's. Sorry, the sum's not good. This story is my first fanfic. I originally published it on Fanfiction, then on Quotev and now on Wattpad. As I've had positive comebacks on the other websites, I think you should like it so I hope you will. I update every Wednesday between 5 pm and 9 pm ( French time) except for rare occasions when I will warn you beforehand. CURRENTLY ON HOLD UNTIL THE STORY GETS ONE COMMENT.
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whereisthefood123 · 7 years ago
Date @Hargeon
Happy birthday @smartcookie727! Hope you had a wonderful day! This is my bday gift for you and I hope you like it :D first time writing lyredy so I hope I did them some justice haha
Buy cookie a bday ko-fi guys! And if you haven’t checked her writing before, then you need to do it right now because it is fantastic!! Let yourself be consumed by the great writing skills of the queen of smut!
Pairing: Lydery (LyonxMeredy)
Word count: 2k
Rating: K+
Lyon is running late for his date with Meredy
“You gotta be kidding me.” Lyon gritted his teeth in annoyance. The repeating sentence on the screen just fueled his irritation and panic.
All trains to Hargeon have been cancelled for today.
Something about a fire mage destroying the train rails or something, Lyon didn’t care enough to pay attention anymore. The only thing racing through his mind was the idea that he would be late for his date with Meredy.
Their relationship was complicated enough already without Lyon pulling out things like this. With Meredy needing to constantly hide from the Magic Council, their meetings had to be quick and planned and sometimes cut short as she would be called for an impromptu job by Crime Sorciere. He had seen her twice in the last month and even when they talked all the time through the communication lacrima, it wasn’t the same as holding her in his arms and kissing her soft warm lips.
Yes, Lyon had been missing her so much and he had been eagerly looking forward for this date when she had texted him to tell him she would be in Hargeon for a day and a half.
I’ll be at Edolas coffee shop Monday at 5 o’clock. Can’t wait to see you! - M
He did a little happy dance after reading her text and planned a week ahead to have today free for his date with Meredy.
It was unexpected, and a bit annoying, when Lyon’s Master asked him first to go to Magnolia to give a letter to Makarov. Well, he had a couple hours to spare, so this little errand wouldn’t be too bothersome. By 10 in the morning he entered Makarov’s office, handing off the envelope quickly and waving the old master goodbye. He was supposed to leave immediately, not wanting to waste any more time in case something would come across his way to Hargeon.
Unfortunately, a certain said something had been another ice-make mage that dragged Lyon into a stupid brawl with the rest of the Fairy Tail mages.
And though he thoroughly enjoyed himself during the fight, not caring as he lost some of his clothing out of habit, his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach as he glanced at the clock on the far wall of the guild.
3:30 pm.
He scrambled quickly to grab his clothes, putting them on as fast as he could as he bolted through the guild doors and headed to the train station. He could still make it in time if he grabbed the first train to Hargeon. Just an hour ride by train and a 10 minute power walk to the coffee shop and Lyon would be in time for their date.
It was just his luck that today of all days the rails from Magnolia to Hargeon had been destroyed. It would take him three hours to walk there and he didn’t carry enough jewels with him to rent a magical vehicle to reach Hargeon in time.
“How the hell am I going to get there now?!” His low voice showed his worry as he tried to thing on any other option to get to Hargeon.
“Hurry up! We need get this stuff to Hargeon today!” A voice to his right caught Lyon’s attention. He noticed just then the big blue truck being loaded with lots of cardboard boxes from different sizes. Two men hurried themselves at trying to get every box inside the truck as fast as they could, but Lyon could tell it would still take them a while before they could fit everything inside the truck.
An idea popped in his head and he immediately rushed to the men’s side. “Hey! Need a hand with all of that?”
“Good luck on your date pal!” The driver waved off as he and his partner drove away towards their destination. They had been kind enough to drop off Lyon a block away from Edolas coffee shop since the ice-make mage helped them load the truck faster and saved them lots of time when a flat tire stopped them in the middle of the road.
Lyon sighed as he saw the truck disappear down the road. He looked at a nearby clock and winced when the starking realization dawned on him.
He was late.
5:30 pm.
Thirty minutes late.
He ran his hand through his white hair trying to quell his anxiety. During the entire trip from Magnolia to Hargeon he had forced himself to remain calm and not to give in to the million thoughts coursing through his racing mind.
Everything’s gonna be alright. I’ll get there in time. He repeated to himself over and over again.
They should have made it to Hargeon in an hour or so, but the flat tire halfway through the trip crushed all of Lyon’s hopes to reach the cafe by 5 pm. He tried texting Meredy as soon as he left Magnolia, telling her that he was on his way but might be a couple minutes late, but apparently she didn’t get his text. Lyon assumed then that she must have forgotten her communication lacrima, something that happened quite often whenever she got too excited about anything. So with no way of calling her or texting her and with him arriving late to their date, his only hope was that she had stayed at the cafe waiting for him to show up. He was going to apologize profusely but it will all be okay as long as he’d get to see her today.
Taking a deep breath, Lyon steadied his nerves and he walked around the corner to where he knew he would find Edolas coffee shop. Yet again, he froze on his spot as the cafe came into view.
“No, no, no!” He rushed to the front door, trying to push it open but it wouldn’t bulge. He peeked inside and saw it was completely deserted with the lights off.
What the hell?! Why is it closed?!
By this time of the day, the coffee shop was usually bursting with life and movement from the sea of customers that enjoyed the food and drinks served in this place. It was Meredy’s favorite coffee shop and they used the heavily busy cafe so Meredy could hide amongst the crowd if she needed to make a sudden run from the Magic Council.
Why? Why?! WHY?!
His forehead hit the glass door defeatedly, making it rattle but still not opening. Everything just had to go wrong today, right?
His eyes closed as he bumped his head against the frame again, leaning his entire body into it. How was he supposed to find Meredy now? Without the communication lacrima and with the cafe being closed, he had no idea where to start looking. For all he knew, she might had left Hargeon already, since the cafe wouldn’t suffice the hiding spot they needed for their date.
He slammed his fist against the door repeatedly. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
“Lyon?” A sweet voice called him and he straightened up immediately at the melodic sound. His name always sounded wonderful whenever it left her lips.
Meredy stood a few steps from him with her usual dark-blue hood over her head concealing her bright pink hair as best as it could. When his gaze met her warm eyes, his breath caught up in his throat as a red blush spread over his cheeks. It didn’t matter how long they had been dating for, Lyon would always marveled at how beautiful she is.
A moment passed between them as Lyon remained silent blinking comically at his girlfriend. “Lyon? Are you okay?” She tilted her head to the side. Concern and amusement danced in her eyes at looking at the ice-make mage who had been banging his head against the cafe’s door.
Lyon finally recovered gasping as he turned to face her directly. “Meredy!” He closed the distance between them with two quick steps. His mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish as his mind raced with all the things he wanted to say. “Y-you’re here! ‘M so sorry- it’s Gray’s fault! And t-then the train- and the flat tire- and-and why the hell is the coffee shop closed?!” He waved his hands frantically, growing more flustered by the second.
His rambling halted as she giggled in that unique way of hers that had her eyes closing and crinkling on the edges in mirth with her hand moving to try to conceal the beautiful sounds that would escape her lips. All nervousness, all anxiety and worry left him as Lyon’s lips quirked upwards in a gentle smile.
Gods, how he loved to hear her laugh.
“Lyon, I can’t understand anything you’re saying,” she said between giggles. She locked her eyes with his and noticed he was more relaxed now as his soft gaze make her feel like she was the only thing in the world that mattered to him; the gentle smile was still present on his lips.
Lyon sighed and scratched the back of his head bashfully. “I’m sorry I’m late for our date.”
“Huh? Date?”
“Yeah?” His brow furrowed slightly at the confusion behind her tone. “You texted me to meet you here at 5 today.” Did she forgot about their date?
Her eyes widened for a moment, her mouth forming a small ‘o’ as it dawned on her why Lyon was standing in front of Edolas coffee shop when the cafe was unmistakably closed today.
Then, Meredy laughed.
The type of laugh that one can’t contain and rattles their entire body to the core. The type of laugh that comes in just a few occasions and can be caused by just a few important people in their lives. The type of laugh Meredy had shared only with Lyon because he was the only one able to bring that burst of joy to her life.
Lyon’s frown deepened at her reaction, confusion tilting his head to the side as he watched her clutch her sides from how hard she was laughing. “What’s so funny?” Dammit, her laugh was so contagious that it took all of Lyon’s willpower not to join her in the laughter. He was curious on why did she find this to be so amusing.
She draw a deep breath to calm herself a bit to answer him, amusement and joy still coating her voice. “I said Monday, silly.”
“So? It is Monday.”
“Dummy!” Another set of giggles escaped her mouth. “Today is Sunday!”
Lyon’s jaw dropped as it dawned on him that he somehow had forgot what day it truly was. All his anxiety and stress over getting to Hargeon on time had been uncalled for and now he understood Meredy’s amusement. He dragged his hand over his face and soon enough joined Meredy in her laughter that had resumed at his dumbfounded expression.
“I’m such an idiot.” He laughed. “Is that why the coffee shop is closed then?”
“Mhm!” Meredy nodded. “I finished my mission sooner than I thought. So I came here to pass the time until I could get to see you tomorrow.” She smiled so brightly and sweetly that Lyon’s heart did a somersault in his chest.
She stepped closer to him until he could feel the warmth of her body just a breath away from his. “Since we’re already here,” she gave him a small peck on his cheek that sent his heart racing again, “how about we take a walk around town? I know a great place that serves the most delicious ice cream I’ve ever had!” Her voice took on the happier tone as she clasped her hands behind her back, looking even more adorable than she already was.
All Lyon could do was nod mutely, all words dying in his throat from the flood of emotions washing over him. All his troubles from earlier might seemed pointless by now, but being with Meredy and laughing alongside her was everything he had been looking for. No matter how stressful the day had been, everything was worth it to see that bright smile and shining eyes.
He offered her his arm, which she gladly took. Arm in arm, they walked down the street laughing and chatting about their lives.
Apparently Lyon wasn’t late to his date with Meredy. He was awfully and luckily early.
Hope you liked this cookie! you’re an amazing friend and I’m incredibly happy to have met you <3 never stop being awesome <3 
Everyone needs to wish Happy Birthday to cookie <3
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