#lush body conditioners
louisianimal · 10 months
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Drip, drip.
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hazeltailofficial · 9 months
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Lush Tingle Body Conditioner
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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bunnyb34r · 2 years
Finally used my lush sub stuff!!
I used 1/2 of the Cobweb bath bomb (I break my lush bath bombs up for many uses) and Ghost shower gel
Ghost was surprisingly better than I expected! I usually hate floral scents but this one is subtle enough that it smelt nice lol and while I LOVE the smell of the bath bomb I'm not a fan of it being all gray... wouldve been cooler if the inside was red like LoM or maybe purple or orange or even black would be cool
It was also a sinker not a floater :(
Anyway the boxes have been hit after hit so far!
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victory-cookies · 4 months
I love how my sister refuses to buy any sort of toiletries to share bc she claims she has her own and doesn’t use the ones I use but then with out fail she uses the stuff I buy
#for example she has her own fancy lush body wash that she has forbade me from touching#so I (also out of body wash) just went and bought a regular bottle of body wash yesterday for my own use#and I can tell she used it when she showered earlier. It’s a clear bottle I can see how much she used (and it’s a lot!)#and I also bought cotton rounds which again. she says she doesn’t use!#but I didn’t even open the package last night and now they’re sitting open on the counter#and for a while she was using my dry shampoo so frequently that I was having to buy new stuff constantly#but claimed she ‘only used it if she needed a touch up’ so she wasn’t going to buy her own#and this went on until I complained to my mom and my mom told her to stop being an ass#but that doesn’t stop her from using the rest of my stuff!#makeup remover. conditioner. fucking. toothpaste! she’s been stealing my toothpaste!#and bc she ‘doesn’t use it very often’ she refuses to just buy her own stuff or chip in to buying new stuff when we’re out!#and it drives me nuts! I’m so broke and I’m constantly replacing shit that I used maybe half of!#and there’s nothing I can do really bc if I don’t buy shit she *does* just make do with her own stuff! she can!#so she won’t go buy a replacement#so then I’m forced to buy stuff every time bc I need the stuff! and she doesn’t let me use whatever she has!#it’s so infuriating. I spent twenty fucking dollars yesterday and she’s used the stuff I bought before I’ve even gotten to it#and she’ll keep doing it bc she doesn’t want to waste her fancy soap ig and thinks she just needs a cotton round or two#and just needs to touch up her hair. and forgot to buy toothpaste again.#and all that shit forever and ever and it pisses me off so much!
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tteotlma · 6 days
Whiskey and Wishful Thinking
-- unrequited love and misplaced desires
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Logan/Wolverine x Reader 6.2kw(😵‍💫)
a/n: this idea has been in my head for a while now and i didn’t really edit —
TW: 18+ MDNI AFAB!Reader, alcohol abuse/intoxication, sexual content (explicit), Emotional manipulation, unrequited love, mild violence (Logan crashing into things), infidelity (emotional), sexual encounter under the influence, emotional distress/angst, mild language, p in v
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The quiet whirring of the air conditioner filled the cavernous space of the library, its cool breeze a stark contrast to the sweltering August heat outside. You circled the poster board laid out on the worn wooden table in front of you, your fingertips ghosting over the glossy photos and carefully cut-out newspaper clippings. Your chin rested on your hand as you examined the display closely, brow furrowed in concentration.
The new semester at Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was starting in a week, and you were determined to be prepared. This wasn't just about having a visually engaging classroom; it was about proving yourself. Your second year as a teacher here was right around the corner, and you still had people to impress—or maybe overshadow. The pressure to live up to the legacy of the school's illustrious faculty weighed heavily on your shoulders.
You were in the middle of rearranging a faded photo of Richard Nixon next to a more vibrant one of Mystique—a stark visual representation of the complex history you were trying to convey—when something caught your eye. A small tear in the corner of the Mystique photo made you frown. It was barely noticeable, but you knew it was there. Much like the small imperfections in your own mutation that you tried so hard to hide.
As you reached for the tape to add more photos, a thunderous crash erupted from the direction of the front door, reverberating off the mahogany bookshelves and causing the chandeliers to tinkle ominously. You startled, your elbow catching the edge of the poster board and sending a cascade of photos fluttering to the floor like autumn leaves.
"Dammit," you muttered under your breath, dropping to your knees to gather the scattered images. Each one represented hours of research and careful curation. There was Erik Lehnsherr in his prime, Charles Xavier before the wheelchair, headlines about the Mutant Registration Act—pieces of a puzzle you were trying to fit together for your students.
As you collected the last of the photos, another crash followed, accompanied by a string of muffled colorful curses that could only belong to one person: Logan.
You rose to your feet, brushing dust from your knees and straightening your top. A part of you wanted to ignore the disturbance and return to your work. After all, you weren't one of the X-Men, just a history teacher trying to make a difference in your own small way. But another part, the part that had brought you to this school in the first place, urged you to investigate.
With a last, longing look at your unfinished project, you began to walk down the corridor, your footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. The warm wood paneling and lush carpets couldn't quite muffle Logan's gruff voice, slurred and aggravated.
"Who the hell locked the damn door?" he growled loud enough to be heard through the mahogany, followed by another thud that sounded suspiciously like a body hitting solid wood.
You rounded the corner just in time to hear Logan slam against the door again. Sighing, you approached, your hand hovering over the ornate brass doorknob.
"Logan?" you called out, trying to keep your voice steady. "The door's always locked after midnight. You know that."
There was a moment of silence, then a muffled grunt. "Oh. Right." You heard him fumbling on the other side, likely searching for keys he didn't have. "Must've... must've forgot."
You leaned closer to the door, lowering your voice. "Did you lose your keys again?"
"Didn't lose 'em," Logan grumbled, his words slurring together. "Just... misplaced 'em. Temporarily."
Rolling your eyes, you turned the lock. "I'm letting you in. But please, try to keep it down. Some of us are trying to work."
As you swung the heavy door open, the full impact of Logan's state hit you like a wave. He was leaning heavily against the doorframe, more disheveled than you'd ever seen him.
His usually wild hair was a mess, matted in places as if he'd been running his hands through it repeatedly. His leather jacket was askew, one sleeve pushed up to the elbow while the other hung loosely at his wrist. The strong scent of whiskey wafted from him, mixed with something earthier – had he been in the woods?
His eyes, usually sharp and alert, were unfocused as they landed on you. For a moment, they seemed to look through you rather than at you.
"Work?" he scoffed, stumbling slightly as he entered. "It's summer, kid. Live a little."
The irony of his statement, given his current condition, wasn't lost on you. But as he brushed past, the scent of alcohol growing stronger, you couldn't help but wonder what had driven him to drink so heavily tonight. Logan had his demons, sure, but this seemed excessive even for him.
"Logan," you said softly, reaching out to steady him as he swayed. "What happened? Are you okay?"
He paused, turning to look at you. For a brief moment, his tough exterior seemed to crack, revealing a glimpse of raw pain underneath. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by his usual gruff demeanor.
"I'm fine," Logan grunted, his voice rough as gravel. He shrugged off your hand with a forceful jerk that nearly threw him off balance. "Just need to sleep it off."
As he stumbled towards the stairs, you stood frozen in the foyer, a war of emotions raging within you. Frustration at the interruption of your work battled with genuine concern for your colleague. The sound of his heavy footsteps echoed through the hallway, each thud against the hardwood punctuated by a slight scuff - clear signs of his unsteady gait.
The sound reverberated through your chest, jolting you into action. "Oh my- Logan!" The twisting knot in your stomach unraveled, replaced by a surge of adrenaline as you found yourself on your knees beside the fallen giant. The polished wood floor was cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the heat radiating from Logan's body.
"Are you okay?!" Your voice came out higher than intended, tinged with worry. You gently turned his body, your hands careful but insistent. Logan's face came into view, his rugged features slack, eyes roving aimlessly. They passed over your face without a flicker of recognition, unfocused and glassy.
"Clearly not," you muttered, answering your own question. The words tasted bitter on your tongue, worry and frustration mingling in equal measure. You patted his stubbled cheek, the coarse hair rough against your fingers. The familiar texture grounded you, a tactile reminder of the man beneath this drunken exterior.
"Come on, you big lug." Your fingers curled around his jacket collar, the worn leather an old friend under your grip. You could smell the years of use on it – a mixture of tobacco, whiskey, and that indescribable scent that was purely Logan. You tugged, your muscles straining against his dead weight. It was like trying to move a mountain, and you felt a bead of sweat trickle down your back with the effort. "I can't get you up those stairs, but we can try to find something else."
Logan stirred under your hands, a low groan rumbling from deep in his chest. You could feel the vibration of it through your palms, like the purr of some great, dangerous cat. Keeping a steadying hand on his arm, you helped as he struggled to his feet. His muscles were taut under your touch, coiled with a strength that, even in his inebriated state, was intimidating.
The scent of whiskey hung heavy in the air around you both, an almost visible miasma. It mingled with the earthy smell of his leather jacket and something so distinctly Logan – a heady mix of cigar smoke and pine that usually brought a sense of comfort and safety. Now, it just emphasized the bitter truth that in trying to distance himself from his pain, Logan had simultaneously distanced himself from the man you once knew.
He was mumbling, disconnected words tumbling from his lips like scattered puzzle pieces. You caught fragments – "Jean" and "Summers" among them – each name landing like a small stone in the pit of your stomach. But you weren't really trying to piece it together, not now. Your mind was already racing ahead, calculating the logistics of moving him, wondering if you could manage to get him to the nearby study with its comfortable couch. And, if you were being honest with yourself, a small part of you was wondering how soon you could get him out of your sight and return to the normalcy of your work.
You watched, as if in slow motion, as Logan threw a heavy arm around you. The sudden shift in weight knocked you off balance, causing your body to shove even closer to Logan's as you struggled to support his swaying form.
You closed your eyes, trying to distract itself with thoughts of your discarded project in the library. You tried to reimagine your pre-arranged photos and timelines, hearing them calling to you like a siren song of productivity and purpose. But it was hard to focus on that, not with the heat radiating off of Logan's body making your skin feel like it was sizzling, every point of contact between you a livewire of sensation.
You could feel every hard plane of his body pressed against you, the heat of him searing through your clothes. The closeness was both thrilling and terrifying, and you quickly shook your head, pushing the confusing thoughts away. Right now, Logan needed a friend, whether he (or you) realized it or not.
"Alright, big guy," you said, your voice sounding strained even to your own ears as you adjusted your grip on his arm. Your fingers dug into the solid muscle there, seeking purchase. "Let's get you somewhere you can lay down before you fall again and cause some damage." You began to guide him, every step a careful negotiation between his unsteady feet and your determined support. It was like trying to direct a landslide – Logan's bulk and uncoordinated movements making each step a precarious balancing act.
"I-I'm fine," he slurred, his words thick and syrupy. His head bobbed with each trudging step, reminding you of those drinking bird toys. "Jus' needed a break." The words were punctuated by a hiccup that shook his whole frame, and by extension, yours.
"A break from what?" You grunted, the words coming out breathless as you strained to keep him walking in something resembling a straight line. The carpet runner in the hallway bunched under your feet with each step, creating small obstacles you had to navigate around. "It's the last week of summer."
The reminder seemed to hit Logan like a physical blow. He let out a loud groan, the sound rumbling through his chest and into yours where you were pressed against him. Suddenly, his body went limp, all semblance of cooperation vanishing in an instant. He stumbled again, but this time, anchored to you as he was, he dragged you with him.
"No, no Logan," you gasped, your muscles screaming as you struggled to keep both of you upright. Your feet scrambled for purchase on the polished wood floor, sliding dangerously. For a heart-stopping moment, you thought you were both going down, but somehow – through sheer determination or dumb luck – you managed to keep moving.
With a final, herculean effort, you maneuvered Logan's bulk towards the library. The giant sofa loomed before you like an oasis in a desert, promising relief from your burden. And of course, because the universe seemed to have a twisted sense of humor tonight, it was right next to your craft table. The carefully arranged materials – your planned escape from this chaos – now stood as silent witnesses to your struggle.
As you finally deposited Logan onto the couch, the leather creaking under his weight, you couldn't help but wonder how this night had spiraled so far from your quiet plans. The Logan-shaped imprint of heat on your body slowly began to fade, leaving you feeling oddly bereft despite your earlier desire to be free of him. You stood there, catching your breath, watching the rise and fall of Logan's chest as he settled into the couch, already half-asleep.
As you finally deposited Logan onto the couch, the aged leather creaked in protest under his substantial weight. You couldn't help but marvel at how drastically this night had veered from your meticulously laid plans. The Logan-shaped imprint of heat on your body slowly began to fade, leaving behind a peculiar sense of absence. It was a feeling that caught you off guard, considering your earlier desperation to be free of his burdensome presence.
For a moment, you stood there, your chest heaving as you caught your breath. Your eyes traced the rise and fall of Logan's broad chest as he settled into the couch, his features already softening with the onset of sleep. The furrows in his brow, usually so pronounced, began to smooth out, giving him an almost peaceful appearance that seemed at odds with the tumultuous events of the night.
Shaking your head, you turned back to your project, eager to lose yourself in the familiar comfort of organization and creativity. Each piece fell into place with a satisfying click, the world narrowing down to the careful arrangement of photos and timelines. Time seemed to slip away as you worked, the rhythmic sound of Logan's breathing fading into white noise.
Despite the rhythmic process you had created, your mind managed to stray to the man beside you. Logan's presence, even in his unconscious state, was impossible to ignore. Your eyes drifted from your work to his sleeping form, tracing the rugged lines of his face that you'd memorized long ago.
A familiar ache bloomed in your chest, a bittersweet mixture of longing and resignation. How many days and nights had you spent like this, stealing glances at Logan when he wasn't aware, allowing yourself to imagine a reality where his eyes would light up at the sight of you? But that was a fantasy, and you knew it.
Your fingers absently toyed with a photo of Jean Grey that had fallen from your timeline. Even in this candid shot, her beauty was undeniable. Logan's voice, slurred with alcohol, echoed in your mind: "Jean." Of course, it always came back to Jean.
You couldn't blame him, not really. Jean was everything - brilliant, powerful, compassionate. And you? You were just... you. The history teacher who helped patch him up after missions, who listened to his rare moments of vulnerability, who silently loved him from afar.
A soft murmur from the couch drew your attention. Logan's face had contorted, his lips moving soundlessly. Was he dreaming of her even now? The thought sent a pang through your heart.
"She's with Scott, Logan." You shook your head.
The words tasted bitter on your tongue. Because that was the cruel irony, wasn't it? Jean was utterly devoted to Scott Summers. Her love for him was as clear as day to everyone - everyone except Logan. He clung to hope like a drowning man to driftwood, blind to the fact that Jean's heart belonged to another. Just as he was blind to your feelings for him.
You turned back to your work, trying to lose yourself once more in the familiar task. But your eyes kept drifting to the leather jacket draped over a nearby chair - Logan's jacket. How many times had you imagined him placing it around your shoulders on a cold night? How many times had you dreamed of being the one he looked at with that intensity, that raw need?
But those were just dreams. Reality was this: Logan, passed out on the couch beside you, murmuring another woman's name in his sleep. A woman who would never return his feelings. And you, silently loving a man who would never see you as anything more than a friend.
The spell was abruptly broken by a loud, guttural grunt from the couch. Startled, you whirled around, your heart leaping into your throat. Logan's peaceful demeanor had vanished, replaced by a mask of distress. His forehead was creased, beads of sweat forming at his hairline. His hands twitched at his sides, fingers curling as if grasping for something just out of reach.
The realization hit you like a splash of cold water: he was having a nightmare.
Pushing your chair into the table with a soft scrape, you rose to your feet. Your movements were slow, deliberate, as you approached Logan. Years of living in a school full of mutants with varying degrees of control had taught you the value of caution, especially when dealing with someone as potentially dangerous as Logan in a vulnerable state.
You positioned yourself at the head of the couch, carefully staying out of range of his arms - and more importantly, his claws. Your eyes flicked nervously to his hands, half-expecting to see the glint of adamantium at any moment. Swallowing hard, you steeled yourself and reached out, your hand hovering uncertain over his forehead.
For a heartbeat, you hesitated. The man before you was a far cry from the intimidating, gruff Logan you knew. In sleep, trapped in the throes of a nightmare, he looked almost... vulnerable. It was a side of him you'd never seen, never even imagined existed.
Taking a deep breath, you gently placed your fingertips on his temple. The skin there was hot to the touch, almost feverish. You could feel the rapid pulse of his temporal artery beneath your fingers, a testament to the intensity of whatever visions were plaguing him.
"Logan," you whispered, your voice barely audible even in the quiet of the library. "It's okay. You're safe." He let out a soft moan. Your fingers comb through his unruly hair, something you had never dared to do before. His usual gruffness is stripped away, and what remains is raw, untethered vulnerability—both his and yours.
His breath is uneven as he shifts under your touch, but your movements remain steady, soothing him. The weight of unspoken feelings that have built up over the years presses down on you. The sight of Logan up close so troubled and lost pulls at your heartstrings in a way you can’t ignore anymore.
"Logan," you whisper again, this time more firmly, urging him back to reality. His eyes flutter open, hazy and disoriented. For a moment, they lock onto yours. There's no Jean, no Scott, no X-Men—just the two of you in this quiet, dimly lit room, the air thick with unspoken tension.
His hand moves up to catch yours as it rests on his hair, his grip surprisingly gentle despite the strength behind it. "Why... why are you here?" he mumbles, voice still hoarse and thick with sleep, but there’s something else beneath the surface.
"I'm here because you needed me," you reply softly, the words feeling far too loaded but still true. The tension in his grip tightens, and for a split second, you wonder if you're imagining the way his eyes darken, the hint of desperation and something else swirling within them.
"Don't you have someone else to take care of? I'm not worth the trouble..." His words are a mixture of bitterness and regret, and it cuts deep. You shake your head slowly, heart pounding in your chest.
"You are worth it, Logan," you whisper, barely able to believe the words have left your mouth. Maybe it’s the weight of the years you’ve spent suppressing your feelings, or the heavy air filled with alcohol and desperation, but something shifts between you two in that moment.
Without thinking, Logan sits up, his grip on you tightening as he pulls you closer to sit beside him, bodies pressed together. The sudden movement leaves you breathless, your body leaning against his, faces only inches apart. His breath is warm and carries the sharp, smoky scent of whiskey, but beneath it lingers something else—something raw, unspoken, and heavy between you. The proximity feels electric, the tension between you simmering just beneath the surface.
For a split second, neither of you moves. You can feel the thrum of Logan’s pulse where his chest presses against yours, and his eyes, dark and stormy, search your face for something—maybe reassurance, maybe an answer to a question neither of you has dared to ask aloud. The weight of unrequited love hangs between you, an invisible thread that pulls you closer even as you hesitate. You've both been running from this, denying it, but now it feels inevitable.
Logan's hand lingers on your arm, his rough fingers brushing against your skin in a way that sends shivers down your spine. His jaw clenches, and you can see the battle raging inside him, the unspoken words on his lips threatening to spill out. "I—" he starts, his voice rough and hesitant, like he's about to confess something too heavy to bear, but you don’t let him finish. You can't, not when you're both teetering on this razor's edge.
You lean in and kiss him, your lips meeting his in a soft, tentative press. For a heartbeat, Logan freezes, his body going rigid with surprise, but then something in him snaps. His right hand snakes down your left side pulling you even closer, as his other hand cups the back of your neck, and he pulls you deeper into the kiss, his lips urgent, almost desperate. It's not gentle—it’s raw, filled with the intensity of everything he's never said. The kiss is a release of all the years spent pining for someone else, all the nights spent wishing for what he could never have.
You know this isn’t love, not the kind either of you have been hoping for. It’s about filling the hollow space left by the people who’ll never look at you the way you want them to. You’re both seeking something that’s just out of reach, using each other to drown out the ache of unrequited love that’s settled deep in your bones. Jean's name might as well be carved into the air between you, but tonight, that pain is dulled, replaced by the heat and urgency of the moment.
His grip on you tightens as the kiss deepens, a silent understanding passing between you. This isn’t about forever. It’s about right now—two people grasping for something real, even if it’s fleeting, even if it doesn’t fill the spaces you need it to. You know that come morning, things will be different, but for now, you both allow yourselves this escape.
Logan’s tongue licks tentatively at your lips, you give him the permission he’s silently seeking as your lips part. You feel lightheaded as his tongue slides into your mouth, and your groin feels hot as Logan lets out the filthiest groan into your mouth.
You let out a soft whine as you grab at his shirt, his muscles hot and firm under the fabric. As Logan continues to indulge in the taste of you, fingers trail down the front of his shirt all the way to and under the hem. Your fingers lightly drag across the thin sliver of skin and you feel Logan’s hip twitch, and he pulls away sighing lightly into your mouth.
He adorned the sexiest look on his smug face. Granted he still looked inebriated but this time instead of being drunk on whiskey.. he was drunk on you. Mother of all that is good and well, you know you should say something, be reasonable, smart, but dammit if there’s one thing you will stick by it’s that you will always help a friend in need…
You bring him close, hands clasping behind his neck and pulling him in as you swing your leg over his lap straddling him. His hands immediately meet the small of your back, and he leans in to kiss you again pulling you flush to his chest.
Now its your turn to take control in the kiss, Logan pliant as you lap at his mouth. He lets you think your in charge until he takes you by surprise and uses one hand to grab the hair at the back of your head. You lose your rhythm for a second and he takes the opportunity to push his tongue along yours, saliva pooling in your mouths and melting in the middle. He begins to suck on the slick pink muscle and you give in.
Whatever ounce of worry, hesitation, anxiety, any reservation whatsoever you could have had left your body and you gave in to desire. That bitch, that deliciously sinful demon had got her way as the muscles in your legs gave in and you relax onto Logans lap. He continues to slurp at your mouth, and you mewl. Never in your life had anyone done this to you before. Not only was it filthy, it was incredibly hot.
The heat in your groin burned your insides leaving you with an ache you needed to relieve. Your hips buck reflexively as you feel a wetness pool on the fabric of your underwear. You let a moan slip out of your mouth, and Logan let out a deep and throaty chuckle. His fingers go back beneath the waistline of your pants, fingers gripping the flesh of your hips and grinding you down against his pelvis.
You threw your head into the crook of Logan’s neck as he began to buck his hips into yours at a steady rhythm. His fingers digging harder into your skin, as he applied more pressure. You could feel the thin fabrics of your underwear and sleep shorts soak the more you rubbed against Logan. You began to gyrate your hips in tighter circles.
“Ah, fuck.” You breathed out as you pressed your forehead to the brute of a man beneath you. “Logan, Logan, come on, stop teasing.” You panted between breaths. Logan shifted a bit beneath you causing your neglected clit to get caught during your motions. Your head lolled to the side and then back as a whimper turned into a full cry of frustration. God, you wanted this pain, this ache you were feeling to go away and you’d do anything to make it stop.
Logan’s grip tightened on your hips, as he stilled your body for a second.
“What the fuck,” You hissed, trying to slide your wet heat on Logans definite show-er and grower but the man loved to tease. Logan continued to hold your hips and you began to grow frustrated. The feeling of his smirk against your neck causing tears to come to your eyes.
“Logan, please.” You whimpered, your voice shaking. You feel him freeze and you mentally shoot yourself in the foot— You didn’t want this to be a thing with emotions, it was bad enough that the first time you’re having sex with the man you’ve loved for five years is as a one night fling. You didn’t want to have to think about the emotional repercussions before having what you’re pretty sure is going to be the best orgasm of your life.
In a moment of panic, and wanting to shift the focus you lean forward, and your hands find the button of Logan’s pants. You unbuckle the belt, and he peppers kisses along your shoulders, your fingers fumble with the button, and he noses your jaw, you slide down the zipper and he pecks your neck. All of a sudden the intimacy becomes too much so you trail your hands at the band of his underwear and you begin to pull the fabric down. Coarse hair grazes your fingers, and before you can stop yourself your hand runs up his stomach, and down back to his groin— his breath shudders against the nape of your neck as he begins to nip at your skin.
Before you can fully expose the man he grabs your hand and puts it on his shoulder as if saying to let him do the work. You obey and lift your hips to give him space. Next thing you know your being guided back close to him, hovering over his groin.
While you hadn’t seen his dick fully yet, you knew the mutant was big. You could tell regardless of the scenario. The way he walks, the way he sits— legs spread so wide it’s like he’s constantly inviting you to kneel between them. Missing the opportunity this time didn’t make you think any different though, this man was massive. The heat within your body was already painful enough, but now the heat you feel outside your cunt was unbearable.
Your right hand slid between your bodies as you reached for Logan's thick dick. He let out a low growl as your fingers wrapped around his shaft. Logan's fingers reached for the fabric between your thighs, moving the soaked cloth to the side urging you to put his cock inside.
You guide the tip to your entrance and you can feel your cunt clench around nothing in anticipation. You feel heat rise to your cheeks in embarrassment, but the aggression in Logan’s breathing gives you relief that you’re not the only one desperate. But for who it was is a different story.
Logan got impatient and lifted his hips to push the tip past, and your mouth fell open as a silent moan possessed your body. God, you were right. He was so thick, the stretch was borderline unbearable but before you could fully adjust Logan began to thrust up even further. His dick going so deep, the tip hit the spongy part.
He let out a strangled grunt as he held your hips down, and you squirmed.
“You needa stop that.” He barked, as he rolled his head back against the couch rest, trying to control himself as he felt your hole clench around him.
“I’m sorry,” You sob, trying to adjust but the pain and pleasure were too overwhelming you could feel yourself losing focus.
“I just–” He shushes you by cradling you against his shoulder, arms enveloping you in a tight hug, and just when you think you’ve calmed down he devours you like you’re his last meal. He wraps his arms around you and lifts you from his lap before he brings you down and he thrusts up.
A sob escapes your lips as his hips fire off like a pistol, thrusting in and out, brutal but so worth it as your desires are finally being satiated. He’s holding onto you like if he let go you’d float away. A string of curses fill the air as he continues to pump into you.
“Fuck, fuck, Logan.” You mumble, words slowly leaving your mouth.
“Awe,” Logan tuts as his hips fall into a normal pace, his hand coming to caress the back of your hair. “Don’t tell me this pussy is lightweight, we’ve only just started and you’re already acting like this?” You don’t respond, and instead let out soft moans as he continues to fuck into your abused cunt. Logan uses the opportunity to pull you back by your hair (again) to examine your face. It’s flushed red, glowing with perspiration, your chest panting as you try to catch your breath.
“No baby that won’t do.” He caresses the hair out of your face and nuzzles his face against yours. His facial hair prickling your skin. He places a kiss on your forehead before he pounds into you faster, deeper than before. You can barely keep your eyes open and all the sounds that leave your lips are just pathetic little whimpers and sobs.
"M'close." He grunts and you can't help but agree. "You gonna come, sweetheart?" You can't find the words and nod, pliant like a ragdoll in his arms. He groans.
"C'mon. You can do better than that, can't ya? Tell me."
"Fuck yes," you pant, your voice barely audible between gasps. You writhe beneath him, desperate for something to anchor yourself to, but with his hands pinning your wrists, the only thing you manage to grab is the rough hair on his lower abdomen, the friction of it grounding you as much as the heat and slap of his body. "Please… don’t stop."
His grip tightens on your wrists, the pressure pushing you to the edge as he moves faster, his breath hot against your skin. Each thrust sends a jolt through your body, every nerve alight with anticipation and need.
"That's it," he growls, voice thick with control as he watches you fall apart beneath him. "Let go."
You can feel it building, the tension coiling in your core, and with one final snap of his hips, you shatter—your body arching, toes curling, a strangled cry escaping your lips. The world blurs, everything outside this moment fading as you hit your peak, wave after wave crashing over you.
But even through the haze, you feel him reaching his own release. His pace becomes erratic, his muscles tensing, and as he finally falls over the edge, his body tight against yours, he groans—a low, guttural sound—before the name slips out.
The word cuts through the air like a knife, your euphoria draining in an instant, replaced by a sharp, hollow ache in your chest.
Your heart plummets, and the warmth of his body that moments ago felt so consuming now feels like ice against your skin. The name he whispered isn’t yours. It echoes in your head, louder than the pounding of your pulse, louder than the ragged breaths you're both still catching. You feel like you’ve been struck, yet somehow, you’re not surprised. You always knew this wasn’t really about you. But it doesn’t stop the ache spreading through your chest.
You close your eyes, swallowing the lump in your throat as the reality of it all comes crashing down. This was always going to hurt.
For a few seconds, neither of you moves. The weight of the moment lingers, heavy and unbearable. His body relaxes, but the guilt etched into his expression is unmistakable, and you can feel the shift in the air. The intimacy that just moments ago had been raw and consuming has evaporated, leaving behind only an awkward silence and a sense of regret so thick it’s suffocating.
You disentangle yourself from him slowly, the warmth of his skin now foreign, a reminder of what you never really had. You sit up, your body still trembling, trying to piece together your scattered thoughts. The room feels stifling now, every breath you take thick with the weight of everything left unsaid.
Logan’s eyes open, still clouded with the haze of pleasure, but they widen when he realizes what he’s done—what he’s said. Panic flashes across his face, but it’s too late. You’ve heard it, and you can’t unhear it.
“Shit…” he mutters under his breath, his hand reaching out as if to apologize, but you’re already pulling away, slipping out of his grasp like sand between his fingers.
“It’s fine,” you murmur, voice barely above a whisper, though the crack in it betrays you. You force yourself to keep moving, pulling your clothes back into place, each motion slow and deliberate, as if trying to hold yourself together with every button and clasp.
He doesn’t say anything, and for once, you’re grateful. You don’t want to hear an apology, you don’t want to hear him stumble over words of regret. You don’t want to hear him say her name again.
You stand up, back turned to him, your chest heaving not from passion, but from the pain you can’t quite swallow down. Your hands are shaking as you adjust your clothes, but you refuse to let him see it. You knew this was a mistake. You knew this wasn’t love.
“This was never meant to fix anything,” you finally say, your voice steadier than you feel. “I was just… trying to help.” The words taste bitter, but they’re true. You’d gotten caught up, you’d let yourself believe—if only for a moment—that maybe it could be more. But it never was.
Logan sits up, running a hand through his hair, looking at you with something that could almost be remorse. But it doesn’t matter anymore. He made his choice long before tonight.
With one last glance over your shoulder, you meet his gaze. His eyes are still shadowed by the weight of his unrequited love, and you can see it all too clearly now. You were never the one he needed. You never stood a chance.
“I’ll be fine,” you lie, turning back to the door, your footsteps heavy as you leave the room, abandoning the project you had started earlier that night, each step pulling you farther away from the moment that should’ve never happened.
But even as you walk away, you can’t shake the feeling that for a second, despite knowing better, you let yourself believe it was real.
a/n: i thrive off of feedback and criticism.
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mochinomnoms · 10 months
Do you ever think about eel cuddles? I feel like there are times when they want to snuggle and be in their eel forms while doing it so it's more comfortable for them. I kinda picture being in a big tub with one, their shrimpy is either nakey or wearing a bathing suit and just chilling in the bath with music playing and talking to them. Maybe you get to mess around with their fins or touch their cool claws all the while getting covered in their slimy love.
I do, I think about it so much and I am a sucker for non-sexual intimacy!!!! As much as I like to think about spicy thoughts with the tweels, there's something so domestic about sharing a bath with your partner, scratching and massaging their scalp and carefully rinsing out the shampoo so that it doesn't get in their eyes. It's easier to scrub your back when you have someone else there to do it for you. Yes, it's not the only time they'll see you naked, but there's something extra vulnerable about seeing all the moles, stretchmarks, and scars on your skin under a warm bathroom light.
Floyd isn't a big fan of bubble baths or using things like bath bombs, surprisingly! The idea of foaming bubbles and fizzy colors is cool at first, but all the smells and colors can overstimulate him when he's trying to relax. If he's trying to relax with his shrimpy, he actually prefers to use products with scents that remind him of home. Allow me to flex my ex-Lush employee knowledge, but he likes products that smell a lot more fresh, salty, and even citrusy! Plus, it makes you smell a lot more like him in the end. Floyd will rub his soap into your skin, pressing his forehead into the back of your neck to revel in the contact. For added measure, he'll rub his face, hands, and tail into you so that you'll be all slick and slimy just like him! He'll even do you the favor of massaging it into your skin if you throw a fit about feeling too wet. By the end, you'll have such smooth, soft skin that Vil is going to wonder if Azul decided to start selling his serum to the public.
Jade is just a tad bit more adventurous, if adventurous means picking all the woodsy, floral, and earthy scented bath products he can get his hands on. His favorite scents are rosemary and chamomile, which sounds weird at first but are actually quite pleasant. Jade will get you your very own shampoo, conditioner, and bath products suited for your hair and skin. He will only keep them in his bathroom, though. He slowly but surely gets you accustomed to his products, lush bathroom, and the soothing scrap from his nails that he repeatedly assured you wouldn't hurt. He'll use his claws to gently trace shapes and his name into your skin as he compares how different your skin's texture is compare to him. He's marveling how your fingertips prune up and your nails get softer, unlike his own hands which stay firm, slick and sharp. You're gonna get so used to Jade taking care of you in the bath that you're gonna be dragging yourself every other evening to wash up with Jade to take care of you. And care he does, for your his shrimp as well!
As a the shrimp to an eel, your their symbiote and they'll also expect you to clean them up too. Easier said than done when they're covered in a layer of mucus that sticks to your fingers and makes it hard to grab a hold of their squirming tail (they move it on purpose cause they think your furrowed brows and pout is funny). You can get them to settle down once you manage to trace the ridges of their fins, a particularly sensitive spot on their body that's the equivalent of tracing nails along your spine, soft and delightful shivers will make them chirp and click as you draw shapes and place kisses. It's a sight that the big bad scary eels reserve just for your eyes. Softness in the sea is reserved for only their mate, after all.
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sexilene · 6 months
smelling like an angel!
here is everything i use and i promise you’ll be smelling and looking angelic! 🪽🌸🐇
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🪽 my daily go to's are for sure, britney spears fantasy and the midnight fantasy for perfumes, they have that soft vanilla scent while also being sooo 2000s! on fancier days i use the casablanca lily perfume from byredo it’s my fave!
🪽 for my hair the tresemme shampoo and conditioner makes my hair smell so good for days im not kidding!! if you are feeling a bit fancier/expensive then i recommend the oribe gold lust shampoo and conditioner it’s also heavenly.
🪽 i also blowout my hair with the extra strength color wow spray orrrrr the oribe royal blowout spray and use curlers so it holds its shape, then i lock that it with the sexyhair shine/weather proof hairspray then oil/serum (kerestase exlir ultime) or the oribe split end seal! i like my hair to shiny, soft and bouncy like 90s butterfly cut with slightly fluffy bangs, sorta like a supamodel!
🪽 i use the tree hut hibiscus ylang ylang body scrub when i’m feeling pinkkk heaven and if im feeling fancy i use the ouai st. barts scrub and the elemis salt glow. i also am using the sticky dates body wash from lush rn and it’s like sooo vanilla i love it! (i'm literally always going to lush lol). oh! and the necessaire unscented bar soap is fabulous as well!
🪽 i use the pink dove deodorant im not sure what its called since ive gotten it so many times but i love the smell! for lotions i do a mix of a body shimmer from ionic london, or the soleil blanc shimmer from tom ford and the ouai st. barts creme which smells like a frosting vacation! i buy the i also use the sleepy dust powder from lush and basically cover my clothes, bed-sheets, inside of my shoes and body with that, go get it seriouslyyy! i also crush up glittery eyeshadow sometimes to mix in with the powder to leave things shiny and so when i offer some to guys to put on their gym clothes or whateverrrr they are slightly glittery and smell like me 😇😇 ‘swoon’
🪽 something i also like to do which is a little odd is that i like to very lightly spray tom ford cologne on my mattress and pillows because it smells like hotel to me!
🪽 always keep a spare mini perfume samples in your bag because you never know when you’ll need a touch up or if a friend need a quick spritz that way you both aren’t wearing the same perfume! 🤍
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Don’t Take My Sunshine Away, Part II
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Title: Don’t Take My Sunshine Away, Part II
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Reader (Sunshine)
Fandom: The Gray Man
Word Count: 3K
Series Summary: You lived your life on a schedule. Everything is planned out from sunrise to sunset. But what happens when you go out on a limb and out of your comfort zone? Will it have dire consequences?
Chapter Summary: Lloyd draws you a bath and prepares brunch.
Warnings: dacryphilia, fingering (f receiving), gun, implied/referenced stalking, oral sex (m receiving)
A/N: I barely edited this one. If you catch anything, tell me, please! Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
Spotify Playlist is here. 
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Lowering your restrained form, Lloyd’s upper body strength is on full display. As your back is finally flush with the ground, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You close your eyes and relax your breathing as you feel Lloyd’s hands roaming over your body before beginning the meticulous work of untying knots and working rope around your sensitive flesh.
As each limb is freed from confinement, you can feel the blood rushing back through your veins. You stretch out each muscle from your thighs to your toes, then again from your biceps to your fingers. Lloyd stands up to tie up the long lengths of rope while you sit up and finally get a good look at the state you are in.
You trace along the rope burns on your body. Trailing down to a purpling bite mark and a swelling “LH” on your inner thigh. You keep your face neutral as you examine your war wounds, careful that Lloyd may be watching. 
Speak of the Devil as he shall appear.
Lloyd crouches next to you, running a hand over yours before looking down at his work. “I bet that hurts like a bitch. But, it is hot to see my initials taking up space on this beautiful skin of yours. Come on, Sunshine,” His arms scoop under your knees and behind your back, standing up to his full height, “What say we get you fed and watered, huh?”
You didn’t like how small you felt in his arms. Too small, too close for comfort. “Sir, I…I can walk. You don’t have to carry me–” 
“I know, Sunshine. But if you think I’m gonna trust you to walk on your own, you’re dreaming,” He walks toward the steps and begins the climb, “First off, I don’t trust you not to run off just yet, forgive me. And secondly, I don’t want your blood getting everywhere.” As he gets to the top of the steps, you can see brightness coming from under the door. He turns the knob and the bright mid-morning sun makes you cover your eyes.
How long had you been here? Where is…here?
You are being put down on your feet, the plush rug is soft underneath your toes as you look around the lush bathroom. You weren’t expecting such a pretty display after being in that basement, but here you are as Lloyd turns on the water on the vintage claw-foot tub. He tests the water temperature and adds a generous amount of bubble bath from a bottle you recognize.
“Is that African black soap? I use that…at home…” Your words die as you realize the shelf is full of the same brands of toiletries you use at home. Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner, Native Coconut and Vanilla body wash, Venus razors. The only way he could know what you use is–
–if he’d been inside your apartment.
If you freak out, he will freak out. Stay calm, and he’ll stay calm.
“Yeah, I know everything about you, Sunshine. Come on, get in the tub,” He holds out a hand and you take it and step slowly into the relaxing bubble-filled bath water, “How is it? Too hot? Not hot enough?”
“Sir…,” You trail off, sinking back into the soothing bath, “It’s so perfect. My entire body needed this.” Closing your eyes, you don’t notice the moan that escapes you as your muscles loosen across your body.
“Watch it, Sunshine, or I might get in with you making sounds like that,” He stood above you, reaching for the body wash and a fluffy bath sponge, before grabbing a stool and sitting on the side of the big tub. He shoves the scrubber under the water to soften it, then pours a generous amount of body wash onto its surface. 
Massaging in the gel, he pulls your left leg out of the water and begins to bathe you. Taking care to get every inch of skin he can reach, he moves to your left arm and then the right side of your body. He’s most attentive with your right thigh with the bite mark and initials. For a second, it looks like he wanted to spend more time fingering where the warm water opened your cut but he decides against it.
He slowly washes your back and neck, reaching around the front to cup your breasts. Dipping his hand under the water, his nimble fingers find your clit. Your swollen ignored button finally getting attention perks you up. Your hands go to the sides of the tub and water splashes onto the floor. 
Lloyd moves to kneel at the edge of the tub, the hem of his sleeve getting wet as his arm sinks further into the water. For someone so immaculate, he didn’t seem to mind his shirt getting soapy. He seems to only give a shit about getting you off at this particular moment.
“Relax, Sunshine. Just focus on coming for me,” Quickening his pace on your puffy nub, he groans as unshed tears appear at the corner of your eyes, “You gonna cry for me, Sunshine? Be a good girl and let those tears fall.” 
His other hand, suddenly at your neck, pulls you forward into his personal space. Looking into his bright blue eyes, the sliver of control over your body that you once had is now floating off into space. 
Your breathing picks up and fat tears roll down your cheeks as your orgasm takes you over. You want to lay back but the hand around your throat pulls you even closer. Your moans of ecstasy are swallowed as Lloyd’s lips slot with yours. Your hands go to his shoulders, unsure if you wanted to press into him or push him back.
As your hands move from his shoulders to his neck, you realize that you want him so much closer. Your orgasm settles as he breaks the kiss, your foreheads touching as you both catch your breath. Your brain is still foggy when you speak.
“Sir? What was…that for?”
He just pulls back and smiles at you, but it wasn’t his normal asshole smile. It was almost…sincere?
“Come on, you must be starving. Think you can stand?” You nod and he helps you up, rinsing off what soap clings to your skin. As you step out of the tub, Lloyd grabs a fluffy white towel and dries you off. As he gets to your right thigh, he takes great care in dabbing the towel on the “LH”.
You watch as he lifts your leg and puts your foot on the stool he was sitting on. He moves to the medicine cabinet and comes back with a first-aid kit. He grabs a tube of what you assume is antiseptic cream and spreads it over the lines of his initials. When you wince at the stinging, Lloyd smiles and bends down to blow on the skin. And that feels so good.
This means he knew it would sting and he could have let you be in pain, but he didn’t. Which is…nice of him?
He applies a couple of gauze pads across the lettering and uses the bandage tape to hold it in place. He packs away the first-aid kit and comes back to stand in front of your nude body. He puts a finger under your chin and tilts your head up to look into your eyes.
“Sunshine, as much as I love looking at your tits and pussy, I don’t want my men to see it and get…distracted,” He grabs your hand, leading you into the attached master bedroom’s massive walk-in closet, and motions for you to sit on the bench in the center of the room. He walks over to a portion of the closet with obviously feminine clothing and you watch as he pulls out a long simple yellow silk dress with a slit up the right side, “I’d like you to put this on. Should fit perfectly.” He hands you the dress and he walks around you back to the bedroom.
Just like that, he left you alone to dress, as if he hadn’t seen every part of you already. You stand and pull the hanger off the dress and put it back on the clothes rail. Touching the dress, you realize it’s real silk, and you don’t recognize the name of the designer. Putting it over your head, you pull the material down your body and look at yourself in the mirror. 
Fit perfectly? No. This dress fit like a glove. As if it was tailored specifically for you. You push down the thoughts of how and when your measurements were taken and brush it off as just a lucky coincidence. You take one last look and then walk into the bedroom.
Lloyd sits at the foot of the bed and looks over when you clear your throat. By the facial expression, he thinks you look pretty good. By the sound that escapes the back of his throat, he thinks you look phenomenal. But it’s the words that come out of his mouth that cement what he really thinks of you.
“Fuck, Sunshine,” He gets up from the bed and meets you, “You are perfection.”
You can’t stop the genuine smile that appears on your face. It’d been so long since someone complimented you. “Th-thank you, Sir. I love my gift.”
“Oh, Sunshine, this isn’t your gift. You’ll get that later. As long as you’re a good girl, that is. Can you be a good girl for me?”
If this designer dress wasn’t the gift then what was it? You shook the thought out of your head to answer Lloyd.
“Yes, Sir. I can be a good girl.” 
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Taking your hand, Lloyd leads you out of the bedroom and through a long hallway to the kitchen. Your feet are cold on the tile floor and you are ushered into a seat at the island counter. Just after you notice the time blinking on the oven, 10:19, you feel a presence behind you. Turning around, you see a tall, stocky man holding a very big gun. You can tell he can handle himself and you can see his finger is near the trigger. You slowly turn back around when you hear Lloyd speaking.
“Don’t worry about Tiny, Sunshine. He’s just here to make sure you don’t go running off while I have my back turned. You understand. Anyway, what do you want on your omelet?” There it was, the asshole smile. It was back.
For a moment, you were upset. But then, you thought about it. You’d been alone with him most of the morning and he had been in a calmer mood. Around his men, he had to appear to be the Boss. The asshole smile was just a front, hiding the genuine smile you caused.
“Peppers and onions, please Sir.” You answered carefully, suddenly unsure of what to do with your hands. You decide to keep them on the counter, lacing your fingers together.
“Coming right up.” Lloyd turns around and gets to work on cutting the vegetables, cracking and whipping the eggs, then combining the ingredients to pour into the pan. The smell of the omelet cooking causes your mouth to water, even though you weren’t all that hungry. 
Once the food is plated, Lloyd sits it in front of you. Your eyes light up and you go to take a bite but you don’t have cutlery. Looking up to get Lloyd’s attention, you notice that he is holding a fork and knife in his hands. But he’s not giving them to you. He’s bringing them around the counter and sitting next to you on a stool and pulling the plate closer to himself.
“You didn’t think I was going to give you a knife, did you?” He begins to cut off a bite of omelet and blows on it before holding it out to you, “Come on, eat up Sunshine.”
You debate putting up a fight, but instead, open your mouth and accept the bite of food. Once it hits your palate, you’re surprised that it’s so tasty. A funny thought hits you and you snicker to yourself.
“What’s so funny, Sunshine?” His face is calm, but you know it’s only a matter of what words you use that will make him sway into smiling or scowling.
“I was just thinking if you didn’t want to be…whatever it is that you are, you could always go to culinary school and be a world-class chef.” You smile at him and you see a glimmer of the man from this morning in his eyes.
He only squints before cutting another piece and feeding you. Once you take the offered bite, he studies as you close your eyes and savor the flavors within. Opening your eyes, you notice him watching you. You slowly dart out your tongue to lick your lips and witness as his jaw does ‘the thing’. Biting your bottom lip, you look up into his eyes.
Nothing but fire and desire in those bright blue peepers. He pushes away the plate and grabs your hand, walking before you even climbed down from the stool. He pulls you through the doors of the kitchen that open into a courtyard area with a big fountain. You don’t even get time to look around as you are coming back inside the house on the other side.
You enter what looks to be Lloyd’s office. He lets go of your hand and walks behind the big wooden desk in the center of the room. While he goes about his business, you look around the room at various knickknacks scattered on bookshelves and end tables.
You pick up a ceramic kitten with its tail in the air. It was a dead ringer for the one you had lost weeks ago. Putting it down, you notice a rhinestone hair clip on the corner of the desk. You would know this hair clip anywhere because it’s one-of-a-kind. You got it at the flea market from an old woman who handmade them. But you remembered picking out the iridescent rhinestones because you like the extra shimmer they gave.
You held the hair clip in your hands and squeezed your eyes shut. You didn’t want to see any more of your lost items in this room. And you knew that you would see more if your eyes were open. A hand at the small of your back has you going rigid in an instant.
“Sunshine, I have your gift,” He smoothes his hand over the curve of your backside and you yelp at the smack he delivers when you don’t turn around, “You really gonna make me ask you twice?”
You turn around, eyes downcast. Lloyd puts a hand under your chin, gripping you tight with his thumb and forefinger, and jerks your head up.
“Are you seriously this upset that I took a fucking hair clip?”
“It’s not the hair clip, Sir. I just, I thought we had a…moment. But since then, you’ve been nothing but mean to me. And I know you have to be a certain way around your men but I–”
You’re cut off when Lloyd’s mouth attacks yours. He sucks on your bottom lip, nibbling ever so slightly, eliciting whimpers from you. Lloyd licks into your mouth, tickling your nose with his mustache. When your moan turns into a giggle, you pull away to try and stifle it. But Lloyd feels you pull away and growls before conquering your mouth again and biting at your bottom lip just to the point of pain then stops and pulls back to look into your eyes.
“Nothing but mean to you, huh?” His thumb glides over your bottom lip, your tongue snaking out to taste it, “Look at you, you can’t get enough of me even after I’ve been so mean to you.”
“Sir…you’re all I have.” You try and blink away the unshed tears in your eyes but they have a mind of their own and trickly slowly down your cheeks.
“I know,” Lloyd uses the back of his knuckles to wipe away your tears and puts on a small smile, “Let me give you your gift.” He pulls away and picks up a wide flat jewelry box, opening it to reveal a gold choker that read ‘Sunshine’ in pretty writing.
“It’s…beautiful, Sir. Can I put it on?”
Instead of answering, Lloyd takes the choker out of the box, putting it around your neck when you turn around, and securing it with a hex key. He puts his hand on your hip, turning you back around so he can look at you wearing his collar, so to speak.
“As long as you wear this, you’re mine. You won’t be able to take it off without the key. And I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” You can see the sincerity in his eyes, past the hunger and the urge to rip your dress off and take you over whatever surface he sees fit.
“What would make you take it off?” Your tone held fear, even if you did get all the words out.
“Well, if you disobey me, I’ll just punish you. But if I get the feeling that you’re against me in any way, I’ll not only take the choker off, but I’ll kill you too. That answer your question?” A different kind of fire brewed in his eyes then, and you didn’t want to push him further.
“I understand, Sir. I’m yours. I’ll be a good girl, I promise.” Instantly, you feel like you’re lying to his face. But when he smiles down at you, you smile back. You have no intention of non-compliance.
“Good girl. Now, why don’t you show me how grateful you are for my gift, Sunshine?” You don’t have to be told twice. You’re kneeling before he even finishes the sentence. 
His hands on your face as he cums down your throat scream romanticism and ownership all in one. When he pulls you up, he slides a hand into the slit in your dress and fingers his initials on your thigh.
“Mine.” He says as his other hand slides around your throat.
“Yours, Sir.” 
Maybe one day, you’ll reconcile the double-edged sword of being his. But for now, you can just relax and breathe in his Earthy scent while he claims you.
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Part III
A/N: Good grief, this chapter took me so long to finish. Hope you enjoyed it!!! I think I still have more in me to give to this fic.
**Tag List**
@motivation-idontknowher @buckysteveloki-me @magnificentsaladllama @gyusbrownie @milknhonies @peyton-warren @raccoon-eyed-rebel
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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whatislovevavy · 1 year
9. Faint Heartbeat
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Jake Seresin x OC (Caledonia Hughes)
WC: 4.5k
Masterlist  Previous Part   Next Part
Warnings: swearing, mentions of smut (18+), mostly angst
AN: Apologies for the wait, but here's the 9th chapter :) Enjoy :) Thank you @sebsxphia for the encouragement to write this story when it was in development, it means the world <3 Also a big thank you to @royallyprincesslilly for the design of the divider 
Please consider leaving a comment, a tip, or reblogging, leaving likes doesn't do anything on this hellsite. It helps with motivation when writing and the tips help since I’m between jobs at the moment :)
All of my writings will be added to my writing side blog @sophs-writing-nook 
These characters, except for Caledonia and Ella, are obviously not my own. This is an 18+ fanfic, so minors scoot pls. You are responsible for the media you consume. Do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate this fic without my explicit permission as it is my own creation. 
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Your honeyed glazed tone met his ears. 
The warm golden glow of his bedroom caressed his visual field, your upright form languidly supported by your hands behind you. 
His eyes traced the expanse of your body; red lace accentuating the curves of your lush breasts and the barely visible lace thong hugging your hips as you crossed your legs over the edge of his bed. 
He audibly swallowed, unable to move. 
You bit your lip softly, pearly teeth almost piercing the bottom lip, trailing your eyes up his form. 
He watched as the cherry red painted nail on your forefinger gleamed in the warm light as it moved in a come-hither motion. 
His legs moved on their own accord until he could feel the sweet, tart scent of strawberries touch his nose.
Only the soft buzz of unsaid electricity separated you both.
Your stare was too intense. Heavy and lust filled. He knew that once his eyes met yours, he wouldn't be able to look away. 
“Come closer.”
Jake didn’t know if he could get any closer. 
But none the less he followed the same honeyed tone, letting his hands softly uncross her legs and place them around his waist. 
Your breaths intermingled as your lips just grazed each other’s.
Your gaze met his, and he was trapped in place.
He swallowed, unable to look away.
Like a fly in a black widow’s web. 
Your eyes were glassy as they seemed to open up his soul for all to see.
Every good memory and bad intention he ever committed, laid before her eyes.
“Why didn’t you want me anymore?”
His throat tightened, regret flashing before his eyes as he took in your now teary eyes and sob wracked tone.
“Caledonia, I-,” he said desperately.
Suddenly, you were cowering away from him, moving further and further up the bed.
“Was I not good enough for you?”
Your tone made his heart clench.
“No, Sweet-”
“Too hard for you to love?”
Tears flowed down your cheeks, eyes red, and bottom lip wobbling with each sob that left your throat like a wounded fox. He could feel his heart sinking like lead into his chest, wanting to reach out, comfort you, and tell you that you weren’t hard to love.
Not in the slightest.
“Just go, Hangman,”
Your snarl made his heartbeat sound in his ears, making it feel like it was getting harder and harder to breath. 
Jake sucked in a breath as he awoke, met with only the silence of his room and subtle wirring of the air conditioner.
He was gasping for breath, feeling his sheets constrict him as his sweat permeated the material. 
His sheets crumpled to the floor as he flung his body upright and over the edge, putting his head in his hands as he tried to gain control of his breathing.
He let his eyes clench and relax.
This was his burden to bear.
His thoughts raced around one set of words, like planets around a star.
We shouldn’t do this arrangement anymore. I’m sorry.
The soft beating of your heart was only sound that registered in your mind that you were still alive.
We shouldn’t do this arrangement anymore. I’m sorry.
Perhaps ‘alive’ was too… optimistic.
We shouldn’t do this arrangement anymore. I’m sorry.
Existing. That was a better word.
We shouldn’t do this arrangement anymore. I’m sorry.
Breathing in. Breathing out. Heartbeat faint.
We shouldn’t do this arrangement anymore. I’m sorry.
You snuggled closer into your covers, letting your eyes clench shut before letting them rest.
The soft sequential knocks on your door met your ears. But you didn’t move.
“Caledonia? Sweetie?”
Penny’s soft voice, made you shift your head up a bit to see her.
Her face was painted in worry, with a tight lip and slight pinch between her eyebrows. 
“You hungry?”
Soft puffs of breath gently landed on your rumpled sheets, shaking your head. 
It had been like this for the better part of three weeks. Three weeks since those pixelated letters pierced your heart like an arrow into an elk. 
Penny softly sighed, “Ella will be here in a few hours, she wanted to do something for you that might make you feel better.”
Silence permeated your room that no longer held it’s usual air of coziness; now it just held the same sombering feeling of going through the wreckage of a tornado-struck house. 
You let out a small ‘Ok,” voice gravelly from lack of speaking that made Penny’s heart clench. 
“Let me know if you need anything, Ok?”
You softly sighed, nodding, adjusting in your bed.
“Ella, I don’t think I’m up for this,” you groaned as your friend dragged you towards Cuticles & Curls, the salon you both frequented when you could together.
He halted, putting her hands on your shoulders and taking a deep breath before bringing her gaze to yours.
“Caledonia, I’m not going to leave you at Penny’s to cry over some idiot manwhore who didn’t have the brains to know that letting you go was a mistake and for not doing what he did in person. You deserve better and… some of this is partially my fault, so let me help cheer you up. Michelle was worried about you, and understands, so she pitched in as well.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. Dr. Cortez, your PhD advisor, pitched in money. For you to get your nails and hair done?
“She knows you’re going through a lot these past few weeks and haven’t been in the lab much because of it. I was surprised too.”
“You shouldn’t feel responsible for this. I was the one who signed that stupid contract. I’m the one who decided to fuck him.”
Your lip quivered, eyes beginning to glaze over. 
“Ok, stop. No. No more thinking about him, ok? Here, “ she gestured towards the salon, “he doesn’t exist, it’s just that strawberry shampoo you like and a million options for nail polish. Plus, we have to get your revenge look in order before you start work again.”
You nodded, wiping your nose with your sweatshirt sleeve, letting out a chuckle and a sniffle. 
“Do you feel better?”
A soft smile graced your lips, a now foreign warmth filling your chest.
“Yeah, I feel better, feel cleaner.”
You looked at your cherry red nails, watching as they gleamed the color of sin in the late afternoon sunset. 
Ella gave you a side hug as you both walked back to her car, admiring the reinvigorated copper shine of your locks and the fresh scent of strawberries wafting off of your locks.
“There is one more thing I had planned for us to do today.”
Phoenix tried to remember the words you told her as she watched Hangman make his way towards his aircraft, helmet languidly swinging in his hand.
"Just-just don't hurt him, ok?"
She could still vividly hear the sniffles and see your red tainted, tear soaked eyes as you begged Halo and Phoenix to not lay a hand on him. 
Phoenix had repressed her anger these past few weeks. For your sake. 
That didn’t mean she didn’t bust Hangman’s balls any chance she got. 
Her jaw was tense, eyes sharp as she pinpointed her glare on the back of his head.
How dare he laugh like he did nothing wrong?
Did taking you virginity mean nothing to him? 
Was defending her at Admiral Cain's retirement ball all for show?
"Phoenix, you hear me?" 
Her eyes darted to the familiar green ones, face still marked in one of steadily brewing aggression and hostility. 
"You fine covering me while I go after Fitch?"
She continued to stare at him, jaw tense before moving past him. 
"What the fuck Phoenix! I thought you had me up there." 
Phoenix continued walking, a stoic expression on her face as she strode. 
“Hey, what’s your problem-”
In a flash, Phoenix turned back to him.
“You are such an asshole, Bagman, you know that?” She hissed, venom dripping with every word. 
She watched his slightly taken aback face and parted lips. 
“Do you have any idea what you’ve put Cali through?”
Her eyebrows rose as she watched him swallow with a deer in the headlights look on his face.
She scoffed, “Nothing to say for your actions, huh?”
Jake took a look around to notice that their interaction had garnered the attention of his fellow aviators. 
She turned away.
“I did it for her, not for me,” His tone quiet. 
She stopped, almost unable to believe what she was hearing, the tone even more so given it was the antithesis of his entire persona.
He watched as she turned back to him, stopping only a few inches before him, holding his gaze like a leopard meeting one of a gazelle’s. 
She scoffed again, “We both know that’s a lie,”
He felt like someone had poured ice water down his back, and it didn’t help that he knew his colleagues were listening.
“You’ve always done things for yourself, it’s the one thing we could count on you for for years."
He swallowed, feeling the San Diego sun beat down on him. 
“Just answer me one thing… Why did you do it?”
Jake swallowed, “Do what?”
Phoenix rolled her eyes, tone sharp, “Do this fucked up arrangement with her? Did you even think about her in this or were you just too engrossed in the idea of being someone’s first?”
“I-I just wanted to help her out… I wanted her first time to be safe and… for her to enjoy herself.”
Her glare sharpened.
“Really? So you just didn’t think there be any repercussions to you being a “good samaritan”? Thought you could just drop her once your “job” was done?”
Her eyebrows rose, waiting for an answer.
Jake watched as her breathing grew heavier with poorly concealed rage.
“I don’t know.”
Wrong answer.
Jake stumbled back, almost losing his balance.
A few noises of surprise left the group of aviators standing in the periphery of the altercation. 
Pain spread from his nose to the rest of his head.
“Jesus,” he groaned, anger spreading through him.
He wiped against the underside of his bleeding nose, keeping his gaze on the woman infront of him, her fist clenching and releasing sporadically. 
But her gaze did not deter.
“Do you have any idea what you mean’t to her?”
The pain in his heart soon rivaled that of what throbbed in his nose. 
She nodded, biting the inside of her cheek at lack of response as she watched the drop of crimson dribble down to his lip.
“You’re a fucking coward,” She scoffed, leaving Jake to deal with his actions on the hot San Diego Tarmac.
“And this one is Ginger, she’s a few months old,” 
You cooed at the small orange tabby kitten on your lap, while Ella cradled an older black cat, Ghost. 
“Aww, she’s absolutely adorable,” you couldn’t hide the excitement on your face as she purred and nuzzled at your hand. 
“Thanks again, Katylyn, for letting us come by.”
The brunette smiled, “It’s no problem, we’re always welcome to visitors, and I owe a lot of favors to Ella.”
You softly smiled, turning your gaze back to the kitten in your lap.
But a pair of small blue eyes caught your eye in the corner crate.
The little thing looked so shy and scared.
Your lip quirked in your pout, “What’s that little one’s name?”
Ella and Katylyn both looked towards the little feline huddled in the corner.
“Oh, that’s Chanel, she’s one of the older cats here. Unfortunately, she’s been here about a year and hasn’t found a home yet. She’s on the shyer side and it kind of deters new cat owners looking to adopt that come in.”
Your lip quirked to the side as you took in each word.
Chanel deserved better than this.
“I’d like to see her, and maybe pet her if that’s alright.”
A small smile blossomed on Katylyn’s lips, “I think that can be arranged, Ella can you hold both Ghost and Gingy?”
“Of course, Oh wait I want to see her too”
You laughed as she got up, trying to balance both cats in her arms.
Katylyn cooed softly at Chanel as she gently unlocked the crate, leaving it open for her to see her surroundings. 
You pouted as you saw her sit up, but still cower towards the back of her crate.
“She’s really sweet, she just isn’t very open around people,” Katylyn reassured softly.
“Aw, sweetie, it’s ok. I’m not gonna hurt you,” you cooed as you softly brought your hand into the crate with a gently closed fist.
Your lip quirked as she gingerly sniffed and rubbed at your hand.
"Aww, you're just a little snuggle bug."
Chanel started to carefully move towards you, letting your hand settle on top of her head. 
Katylyn exchanged a look with Ella, shooting her a small smile. 
"Would you be interested in taking her home?"
You paused your movement on her fluffy, soft tan, white, and black blotched coat. 
"Oh, I don't know if I'd be able to-"
"I talked with Penny beforehand. If you wanna take her home, you can."
Your lips parted. 
Ella only gave you a love-filled smile. 
You gave Katylyn a small smile, biting back a full blown grin, "where do I sign?"
"See the cute man there? That's Agent Mulder, and we would die for Agent Mulder. But we won't die for any man, no matter how good they are at oral sex, but we'll make an exception for him."
You cooed as you scratched Chanel's head as she purred contentedly in your pajama clad lap in your bed, computer propped up and playing reruns of the X-Files.
You shook your head, feeling the visceral reaction to how Hangman used to treat you.
How he used to do sinful things with his tongue.
How he used to find those spots inside you so easily. 
How he used to kiss you and call you "Lass" and "Sweetheart."
How you couldn’t even think about the powder blue dildo in your bottom bedside drawer without thinking about how he filled you so perfectly. 
How he defended you at Admiral Cain's retirement ball.
No one had ever done anything like that for you, any of this before.
No. You weren't going to think about him. 
He made it clear he didn't want you anymore like that. 
He didn’t even want you as girlfriend; only someone he could get his dick wet with.
You should have listened to Phoenix.
A sigh left your lips, letting your thoughts wander to the bouquet of hydrangeas and baby's breath on your desk that Bob and Bradley had gotten to cheer you up. 
Your lip quirked. 
You almost forgot that Halo had tried to set you up on a date with one of her gym buddies on base.
The thought of going on a date didn't sound appealing in the slightest. If anything, you didn't want to become romantically involved with any man in the near future. 
It was all too much and you needed to heal after spending a few months in this situationship.
Plus, you were more than content to live vicariously through Ella and Bradley's newly sprouted relationship. 
It was bittersweet; you were happy for her but it also served as a devastating reminder of what you failed to have with Ja-Hangman. 
God, how stupid you were to do this arrangement with him. 
You couldn't even make use of the sex toys he bought you; they only served as a reminder of your mistake. 
Your libido had taken a hit with your steadily tanking mental health, but when you did feel in the mood you couldn't bring yourself to the same precipice of pleasure that he had been able to so easily. 
It frustrated you to no end when you let your thoughts wander.
He couldn't leave you alone, could he? 
Was the memory of his touch, smile, and gaze supposed to haunt you for the rest of your life?
Every time you felt that familiar tingle in your clit, your heart would drop. 
The reminder of what you had never had to begin with ever present. 
You could feel the dip in your mental state grow steeper as you pulled yourself from thoughts of the green-eyed pilot you gave your body and heart to.
A sigh left your lips as you clued back into the episode playing on your computer, Chanel's soft puffs of breath barely audible above Mulder and Scully's verbal exchanges. 
You both were just two girls that had been abandoned. 
Maybe that was why she warmed up to you so quickly.
You snuggled closer into your bed, mentally preparing for your first night at work in four weeks, Chanel still purring as you scratched the white fluffy coat on her back and under her chin. 
It had been four weeks.
Jake couldn't sleep. 
He hadn't been able to for a while. 
Those same pixelated words haunted each crevice of his mind, both day and night. 
As did Phoenix's on the tarmac. 
And her punch to his nose, which thinking back on it, he deserved. 
The dull pain in his nose came back at the memory. 
As did the continued glares from Phoenix and the looks of pity from Coyote. 
And the uncharacteristic silence from Bob. And the looks from Bradshaw. 
The last one he was sort of blindsided by. 
You’re such a dumbass, his gaze said everytime. 
He hadn’t had the energy or the courage to show his face at the Hard Deck since.
The interactions with his coworkers on base was enough.  
And he didn’t want to give Phoenix the opportunity to punch him again. 
He could feel each and every little thing get to him; Someone standing too close to him, an ill-placed joke, a co-workers gaze staying on him a little too long.
Everything itched his senses in the worst way. 
It didn’t help that his flying had taken a hit these past few weeks.
He couldn’t even drive by Francisco’s or the Biochemistry labs at UC San Diego without his heart turning to lead, sinking into the deepest, darkest pit in his chest.
He couldn’t look at the ocean for too long without being reminded of the dark sapphire hue of your eyes, or the red roses his neighbor had planted as they only reminded him of the way your lips looked when he danced with you at Admiral Cain’s retirement ball. 
He couldn’t think about the contract he made for you. 
The one that he had diligently penned in the activities he got to do with you that he had stowed away in his bottom bedside drawer. 
Maybe this was what an existential crisis felt like. 
Perhaps this decision wasn’t what was best. 
He didn’t understand why everything had gone to shit. 
Sure, it started with your smile and how you greeted him, eyes all bright and beautiful. 
The sex always had sprinkles of something more in it. More than just a friends with benefits relationship. But he tried his best to ignore the feeling, summing it up to just being good friends, and wanting to give her the experience that he knew few men could give her.
It was what you deserved, he reasoned. 
But then the sex became the closest thing he had ever described as love-making; holding hands, cuddling and making breakfast together afterwards, and sweet, loving exchanges.
And then you took care of him like no other woman besides what his mom had done. 
Not even his first real girlfriend. 
The way you looked into his soul with such softness as you rose up and down his cock that one night, was one of the most terrifying moments of his life. 
A soft knock on his door lifted his brain from the dark and murky thoughts that drowned his mind as he watched the overhead fan above his bed.
“What is it, Javy?” He said, voice raspy from lack of use. 
“We need to talk,” Javy closed the door behind him, taking a seat on Jake’s bed. 
“What’s there to talk about.”
“This, you’ve been like this for weeks. Getting snippy with people at work, socially ostracizing yourself, and it’s not everyday that Phoenix clocks you in the nose.”
Jake sighed, putting his head in his hands and groaning. 
It was all becoming too much. He just wanted to feel normal.
And for people to leave him alone.
He wished he could be able to meet a woman at the Hard Deck, take her home and then never have to worry about seeing her again. 
But he had no motivation to do so.
They weren’t you. 
“I’m fine, Javy.”
“Look, I know you’re not fine… And I think it’s because of you ending things with Caledonia.”
Jake’s blood turned icy at the mention of your name.
It still sounded so beautiful. 
He couldn’t bring himself to say your name during the past four weeks. 
He let out a rattled breath, “look, it doesn’t matter, just drop it.”
Javy gave him an incredulous look, scoffing, “No, it does matter, because the way I see it you broke Caledonia’s heart because you can’t handle having real feelings for a woman.”
Jake sent a glare his way, jaw tense.
Javy rose his eyebrows, waiting for his longtime friend to respond.
He couldn’t think a non-incriminating response, electing to stay silent and look towards the window with a softened glare.
But that was the only answer Javy needed. 
Javy looked closely at Jake’s face; the disheveled hair, layer of scruff on his cheeks, the irritability, the avoidance of coworkers and friends.
It all reminded Javy of the first, and only, time his dad broke up with his mom.
Javy’s father used to recount their break up during Valentines day or on his mom’s birthday, saying it attributed to him deciding to marry her.
“I just couldn’t live without your Mamãe, and that time away from her made me realize how much I loved her.” 
Javy’s lip quirked as he remembered his father’s soothing voice, so filled with love for his mom.
“You love her, don’t you?”
Jake’s eyes darted to Javy’s, sitting up.
“I said, you love her, don’t you? That’s why you spent so much time with her at the bartop and decided to do this arrangement. And defended her so fiercely that night of the retirement gala. You love her."
Jake sputtered over his words, scoffing, shaking his head, eyebrows pinched.
“That’s- no, I was just-”
“No? So you just feel so bad about what happened with Caledonia that you’ve just been inducing a deep depressive episode, even though you’ve had situationships with countless other women before, and never showed even an ounce of remorse like this before?”
Jake swallowed, unable to speak, his thoughts racing as fast as his throat was closing up. 
Javy brought his open palm onto his shoulder, squeezing, “look, you need to talk to her, because what you’re doing is only hurting you and her. And contrary to popular belief, you both deserve better than that.”  
“I’m going to be at Delilah's tonight. I hear that Caledonia is coming back for the closing shift at Penny’s… and for what it’s worth, she cares about you. Genuinely. 
Javy gave him a sympathetic smile with a shrug as he turned to leave his room, the door closing with a soft click. 
A rattled sigh left his lips. 
He knew what Javy was implying.
She wouldn’t hurt you like Regina.
He knew that, but he felt love with Regina.
And this was more intense with what he had with you. 
But maybe what I had with Regina wasn’t love?
His eyes widened, sitting up with a look of relization on his face. 
What he felt with Regina wasn’t love. It was a deep infatuation. A dependence on her induced by manipulation and the hope that he would be enough.
Maybe that’s why you scared him so much. 
Because you loved him. 
His thoughts raced to a halt; only one thing on his mind: And I love her. 
He all but clambered out of bed to find you at the Hard Deck. 
“Here you go, guys,” you said softly with a smile as you served drinks to the group of aviators. 
“Thanks, Cal. You feeling better?”
You gave a gentle smile and a shrug towards Phoenix as she gave you a sympathetic smile in return, “doing as best as I can.”
She still hadn’t told you about breaking Jake’s nose.
Bob gave you a comforting smile. 
“How’s Chanel settling in?”
Your eyes drifted to Bradshaw’s kind ones, your smile growing brighter.
“She’s doing well, she’s started exploring the rest of the house and getting more comfortable… you guys are all welcome to come by and see her.”
“Wait, who’s Chanel?”
Your face morphed into an expression of realization as you looked towards Fanboy. You hadn’t told anyone about Chanel besides Phoenix and Ella. 
It made sense that Bradley would know since he and Ella were practically attached at the hip now. 
“Oh, sorry, she’s a cat I adopted about a week ago. Here,” you pulled out your phone, pulling up a few pictures, “isn’t she cute?”
“Oh my God, she’s fucking adorable. Jesus Christ.”
You started giggling as Fanboy’s expression shifted to one of intense happiness as he scrolled through picture after picture of your white, beige and black fluff ball with blue eyes.
Her laying on her back, pearl white belly up. Her snuggling into your side. Her looking expectantly at the foot of your bed.
“Ok, Chanel, I see you. Damn, she’s so photogenic,” you laughed harder as Payback took the phone from Fanboy. 
You were flagged down by a few patrons across the bar.
 “I’ll be back in a few, you can keep my phone if you guys wanna see more pictures, anyone else want anything?”
The group gave various answers of “no.”
As you left to deal with another set of customers during the Friday night rush, the group of aviators gathered closer to look over at your phone.
Rooster and Pheonix didn’t feel as inclined since they knew about her before the others.
They both exchanged smirks as their coworkers were reduced to cooing and awwing messes at the sight of your new companion. 
Caledonia said goodbye to the last of patrons leaving the Hard Deck, as she wiped down the last table. 
Soon, you were gathering her purse and sweatshirt from the backroom and locking the front door. 
A sigh left your lips as you turned around, eyes and hands preoccupied with getting your car keys out of your purse.
Your eyes rose to it’s normal level, doing a double take at what laid before her.
Your heart stopped, body tensing. 
A stubbly cheeked, hair disheveled, basketball shorts and worn t-shirt wearing man was standing a few meters ahead of her.
@marvel-hotchner @nemesis729 @a-lil-bit-nuts@justagirllivinginaghibliworld @mizzzpink @themusingofagothicsoul @mayhemmanaged @sebsxphia @potato-girl99981  @a-beaverhausen @withahappyrefrain @hangmans-wingman  @callmemana @joalslibrary @peachiicherries @mrsjaderogers @entertainmentgal8
@jkbindigo11 @princess76179 @clancycucumber230 @teacupsandtopgun
@chaoticassidy @superskittles @cherrycola27 @nancyxsorbet@h-ngm-ns @emma8895eb @djs8891 @novastories @urmom-999 @taytaylala12 @zombicupcake3 @catsficrecs @abaker74 @kmc1989 @hangmanshoney @caidi-paris @i-wanna-be-your-muse @shara-ne @memeorydotcom @memoriesat30
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s0fthunny · 2 years
my pretty bimbo must haves🎀🧁
dior lip color reviver balm! my fav colors are lilac, raspberry, and coral!
milani fruit fetish lip oil and lip balm!! they’re so hydrating and leave the prettiest and lightest tint on your lips!
tatcha deep cleanse!! (really want to try the rice wash also!)
chanel la mousse, dior off/on cleansers! these are so amazing for double cleansing
clinique take the day away cleansing balm
naturium oil cleanser
neutrogena eye makeup remover
first aid beauty ultra repair cream! so good for my skin during every season
lush bubblegum lip scrub
tree hut lip scrub
tree hut strawberry exfoliator
Victoria’s secret pink mimosa, juicy melon, and kiwi blush lipgloss
too faced lip injection and maximum plump lip injection lip glosses!! my fav shades are stars are aligned, pretty pony, creamsickle tickle, yummy bear, and cotton candy kisses!
Laneige lip sleeping mask and lip glowy balms!
strawberry poundcake diamond shimmer mist!!
Jergens natural glow lotion and l’oréal sublime bronze for a more even skin tone!!
Palmers moisturizing body oil! i use this every single day mixed with my lotion and my skin is literally as soft as a cloud
neutrogena clear face spf 50!! my all time favorites sunscreen i’m always restocking!
kiss edge fixer in strawberry açaí for my baby hairs!!
Cosrx snail mucin!!
Good molecules glycolic acid toner!! This has done wonders for my skin and any discoloration i have on my body!!
Mielle organics pomegranate and honey leave in conditioner!! I have very thick 3c hair and this does an amazing job of keeping it moisturized!
Tgin rose water curl refresher
these are my daily must haves that i use to be my most pretty and ultimate dolly self i can be!!
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tj-crochets · 2 months
Thank you everybody for the suggestions on caring for my hair now that it's growing back curly!
I have two more questions: 1. Are there any leave-in conditioners you recommend specifically? I have very fine, thin hair (just a lot of it lol) so heavier conditioners would probably be too much, but I have no idea where to start 2. Are Lush's curly hair products good? I mostly use Lush's shampoo/conditioner/body wash*, because they are very very clear on what is in each option and I have a lot of allergies and scent sensitivities, but what I have for them is not from their curly hair products section. The only one I could find in that section that didn't have coconut, mint, or cinnamon was their "Power" conditioner, so if I get something from Lush that's what it will be *I started using Lush shampoo when I first cut my hair super short as a "I can buy a tiny bottle of shampoo and have it last a very long time with short hair and it smells nice!" thing and then when I got asthma it became "uh oh these are now the only shower products I know won't make me wheeze"
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hazeltailofficial · 9 months
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Lush Tingle Body Conditioner
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Pantalone Appearance Headcanons
Or, they’re sort of appearance headcanons? Combination appearnce and self care headcanons. Think of this as a sort of part two of my health headcanons, it’s just an extension of how his childhood/health have affected his day to day life. Brief mention of lice and mentioned/implied self esteem issues.
Pantalone’s body is on the softer side. It just clings onto fat and refuses to let it go. No, he’s not fat or chubby by any means, he’s actually rather svelte, it’s just that he doesn’t have a lot of muscle definition because childhood starvation ate away at his muscle mass and threw his metabolism out of whack.
His skin appears porcelain pure when he’s in public, in both colouration and even texture, but if you get close to him or catch him in private, you’ll see it’s just makeup. He has some imperfections in his skin, from getting kicked around all his life, childhood and even adulthood acne, and a bit of aging. His skin is also a little more sickly in complexion on some days, and he’s got rather prominent eye bags. Some days they’re lighter, other days it looks like he’s been hit in the face, so he usually covers up with makeup.
Which as an aside, I think he would enjoy makeup regardless, but most of the time it’s a coverup rather than anything actually fun.
Has a very thorough morning and evening self care routine, has a wide variety of lotions, ointments, oils, face scrubs, body scrubs, face masks, soaps, cleansers, it is insane. (Eat your heart out, Lush.)
Because he was very poor, he was unable to adequately take care of his teeth among other things. One of the first things he did once he started making money was get dental work done. I have such a strong mental image in my head of younger Pantalone on opening day for the Northland Bank with braces on. 
Since then, he’s gone through several retainers and currently has a metal wire fitted behind his teeth (Thank you Machiko for your contribution). He also takes dental hygiene very seriously with brushing, flossing, mouth wash, etc..
Because of all this dental business, the ever smiling banker is actually very careful about how he smiles. He rarely ever smiles with his teeth due to his experiences with braces. They made him look younger than he really was, almost juvenile, and as such it made it difficult to be taken seriously because why would anyone listen to some crazy kid ranting about economics?
The only time you will see him smile with his teeth is if he is with someone he trusts, or someone has told a really, really funny joke.
He cares so much about his hair. He has all manner of shampoos, conditioners, oils, brushes, combs, accessories, and has put so much thought into how he chooses to style his luscious locks.
During his time in poverty, it was not uncommon for him to go for extended periods of time without washing or brushing his hair, which resulted in it being a tangled, matted mess when it was long. Even if he did have a brush on hand, it was just easier, faster, and less painful to cut it all off than try and untangle it. 
Having long hair, to Pantalone, is a source of pride and comfort to him, as he can not only keep it from getting that bad again, but if he ever gets it cut, it’s because he wants to get it cut. Not because it’s too messy to fix, or too dirty, or full of lice, but because he is actively choosing of his own free will to have shorter hair.
He’s also been dyeing it black. He actually has more grey in his hair than he wishes to admit or show, so he regularly dyes it black save for one lock of grey hair. He thinks it makes him look distinguished and handsome. It does.
This whole thought process came to me because I was wondering if Pantalone would have had any sort of cosmetic surgery, and I think no. Not unless there just happened to be a cosmetic side effect. He’s naturally a very pretty man once you get him cleaned up and cared for, and he doesn’t want to be slowed down by recovery periods if they’re not even necessary.
(That doesn’t include gender affirming operations if you subscribe to the trans Pantalone agenda, which I do on occasion because as a transmasc enby he gives me the worst genderlust imaginable. Gender affirming surgeries are so much more than merely cosmetic, they’re life changing and even life saving.)
Pantalone carries himself with an abundance of confidence and pride in his appearance. He knows he is handsome, he takes great care to maintain his image, and he knows when and how to use it.
Still, when you spend so long trying to get to where you are, especially in regards to your appearance, there are things you cannot shake off so easily. Things people probably won’t even notice or care about if they do, but if you can see it, then so can everyone else. That’s why Pantalone goes to such lengths to appear the way he does, because people eat with their eyes first, and if they don’t like what they see, then they won’t bother. 
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motherthroat · 1 year
estabilished r/s. they share one sink n will has the required amount of products for a lush, well-groomed aesthete like himself while mike only has a bottle of a 10-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, shaving cream, mouthwash, deodorant, peanut butter, gatorade, motor oil
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lovesosweeet · 11 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter twenty two
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
TW: mentions of disordered eating, weight loss, body image descriptions
october 1, 2018 san diego, california calum
I could barely sleep last night with the excitement of reuniting with Orion at the front of my mind. I get to hold her, touch her, kiss her, be with her… today. It’s finally here. The day that we’ve been pining for is finally here.
I wake up early so I can be ready when she gets here. We slept on the bus last night after we drove out here from Denver. It’s quiet when I wake up, unsurprisingly. I grab my duffel bag of clothes and toiletries and head into the venue to take a shower. There’s no show today, but we’re camped out here for now. I’m supposed to stay at Orion’s family’s house tonight, but the rest of the band and crew are at a hotel.
As I get to the door into the venue, Gus is already here. I swear, the man is always working. His shifts are 12 hours at a time. He’s tired as he greets me, but still cheery.
“Orion comes today, right?” He asks me with a knowing smile. He knows the answer. The question is practically rhetorical.
I smile back at him without a second thought. Of course I’m smiling — I get to see my girl today. “Yep, she’s gonna be here around 10!”
Gus nods and opens the door for me. “Only three and a half hours to go, then.”
We leave the conversation there and I enter the building, looking around for signage to direct me to the dressing room. I find it and head that way. It’s nice to be in the venue this early. No one else is awake, aside from a handful of stray security guys and a janitor that’s mopping the floor.
I take what Orion would call an everything shower. It consists of scrubbing my entire body with a container of sugar scrub I stole from her abundant stash, slathering my body in some body wash from LUSH that she got me hooked on, shaving everything, shampoo, conditioner, exfoliating my face… everything. I want to look, feel, and smell my best for her, even though I know she wouldn’t care if I smelled like cat piss and looked like a complete mess.
When I get out of the shower, I text her, since it’s roughly when she will wake up anyway.
To: my love + stars gooooood morning!!!!! ☀️ today is the DAY!!!! drive safe and let me know when you hit the road. can’t wait to see you my love.
Back on the bus, I try to get my bunk in order. I make the bed as well as I can and organize my stuff so it doesn’t look quite as chaotic.
“Cal? What time is it?” Ashton’s voice sounds from the bunk above mine.
“It’s a little after seven,” I answer, trying to whisper.
“Why are you up this early?” He whispers back.
“We’re in San Diego, dude.”
Ashton opens the curtain to his bunk then so he can look at me. “Shit, didn’t even realize. You excited?” He smiles, already knowing my answer. Another practically rhetorical question.
“Can’t fucking wait.”
I spend my morning with Ashton inside the venue, just aimlessly scrolling on my phone while he reads a book. We’ve both downed a cup or two of coffee and eaten a few of the snacks we have backstage. It’s just bananas and granola bars currently, which is fine by me. I’m not really hungry. The excitement is all consuming.
My phone is already unlocked, watching Orion’s blinking blue dot on the Find My Friends app get closer and closer to mine. She stopped at her family’s house on her way here to drop off Duke so we can spend the day together. As her dot gets onto the premises of the venue, she starts calling. I answer instantly.
“Hi,” I answer. Ashton looks over at me then and he starts to smile. I’m sure he’s missed her too.
“Hi, I’m pulling in now. Matt told them I’m coming, right?”
“Of course. You’re his favorite, remember?”
She giggles. “Okay, sure. I’ll see you in a minute.”
“Can’t wait.” And then I hang up.
I get off the couch, brushing crumbs from my granola bar off my lap. I turn to Ash.
“Gonna go meet her. We’ll be back in a minute.”
He nods, looking back down to his book.
I walk around the maze of the backstage area, following signs to the exit. More crew are walking around now, all nodding to me politely as we pass each other. I open the back door to the buses and am greeted by the bright sunshine and Gus’ replacement.
I look around, trying to spot Orion’s silver sedan. I spot it parked behind the buses, but don’t see her.
Then, there she is, walking toward me with a glowing smile on her face, wearing a baggy green hoodie, presumably some shorts that I can't see, and a beat-up pair of New Balances. I take a few jogging steps toward her, but she's running, so we meet after just a few seconds.
I wrap her into my arms as quickly as I can from the moment I see her, but the second she’s there, pressed into my chest, I can’t help but notice she’s… different. Orion has always been tiny. She’s 5 feet tall and has always been pretty thin, but she had some slight curves still. Now, she’s bony and frail. Normally, I don’t like to comment on her appearance unless it’s telling her how absolutely gorgeous she is, except this time. I can’t help it. All I can think is that she’s smaller. I want to comment about it, and I try to hold it in, but I don’t trust myself to be able to do so.
“Hi,” I breathe, my face buried in her hair. I didn’t even remember to take in how short it is now. Her frail frame is the only thing on my mind.
“Hi,” she says back. She’s squeezing me back as hard as she can. Her arms are bonier than normal, somewhat masked by the oversized hoodie, but they’re there.
My hands slide up the sides of the hoodie she's wearing — technically mine — to grip her waist and I can instantly tell just how differently her body is shaped now. She feels fragile, far smaller than she was before. It's so obvious. Has the time apart really been this hard on her? I know it's been bad, but not unhealthily losing 20 pounds bad. Have I just not paid enough attention on our Facetimes? Am I that oblivious?
What happened?
Before I know it, the question falls out. “Did you lose weight?” I can't help it. The words tumble from my mouth and my hands scan her rib cage, feeling how much the bones protrude from her skin. She feels like just skin and bones, but she was trying to hide it under my baggy sweatshirt. Orion steps back so she can look at me.
Now, I notice her face and that her cheekbones jutting out sharper than before. Her cheeks are hollow, her eyes sunken in. She looks sick. 
Has she been struggling so badly this whole time? Why wouldn't she tell me? Did I not look at her at all while I’ve been gone? I’ve seen her face, but I don’t know how I could have missed that it looks like this. My heart aches at the thought of her being too sad to eat, too depressed to move. Things have to have been hard on her if this is how she is now. It’s all my fault.
"Just a little," she mutters. Now she can't even look me in the eye. She's suddenly trying not to cry.
My hands can encircle her waist, completely. She's so much smaller than she was before and there's no way it's healthy for her to be so thin. "Orion, it doesn't feel like 'just a little.'"
Her eyes finally meet mine, holding so much more emotion than I can swim through. What're normally almost orange irises are dark and muddy. "It's fine, okay?"
Her voice is so meek and sad that it pains me to hear. I don't want to press it. We don't need to have a full conversation about her possible disordered eating or stress-starving herself outside of a venue in San Diego. But I can't just drop the fact that she feels like she's down to just her skeleton and organs.
Orion's eyes search mine like she's trying to find the right thing for her to say in the depths of my eyes. I didn't mean to make her cry. I just can't believe that she is so much less of herself than she was two months ago, and I feel like it's my fault for leaving. How can this have happened? Does she need help? I try to put a pin in all the questions I have, but they cloud my thoughts and it's hard to think about anything else. I want to be excited that we’re finally together again, but excited is nowhere near the top of the list of the emotions I’m feeling right now.
"Orion's here!"
"Oh my god, O!"
"Ah! Orion! Cal, why didn't you tell us she was here?!"
"We've missed you so much!"
Suddenly there's a mini stampede of my bandmates, their partners, and some of our crew, all encircling us. It's a mess of limbs and excitement, and I'm pushed back from my girlfriend unwillingly. Everyone else now gets to feel just how frail she is.
Orion is grinning now, a fake smile plastered on her face while giving everyone hugs back and saying how happy she is to see them. Before I know it, Luke is picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, carrying her inside. Everyone else follows. Orion giggles and tries to answer questions that everyone throws at her. They all are gone shortly, and I don't even realize that Ashton is still standing with me outside until he speaks.
"Alright, mate?" He asks, patting my back between my shoulders. When I lock eyes with him, he's sympathetic, as if he can tell something is wrong.
I don't know what's going on with Orion yet, so I don't want to start talking about it with Ashton. If it's an eating disorder, that's not something I can just share with him without her consent. As much as I want to describe what I just saw in my girlfriend and felt on her body, I can't tell him.
I clear my throat and plaster on a smile. "Yeah, just still in shock that she's here, I guess."
Ashton nods. “C’mon, let’s go save her.”
read next chapter
a/n: !!!!!!!!!!!! hi hope you liked this one!!!! drama is coming :) two cal pov's in a row who am i!!
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bakedbakermom · 1 year
Rated X // 2500 words // Read on A03
Some shameless office smut with praise kink thrown in for fun.
tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
It’s hotter than hell in Washington, D.C., and Fox Mulder is wrestling with temptation.
Resisting was easier before , back when they could still toe the line of that tremulous boundary they kept drawing and erasing and drawing again—leaning too close, staring too long at each other’s mouths, brushing bodies as they navigated narrow hallways and cramped elevators.  Those little moments that before would have just made their hearts thrum a little faster, their breath come a little more ragged; but because it was before , they would back away from each other, crack a joke, find some way to relieve the tension and burst that little bubble of wet heat that bloomed around them in those beautiful, dangerous moments, like the rumbling of a storm just beyond the horizon.
But that was before . Before he had mapped the supple flesh of her breasts with his tongue, before he had felt the whimper in her throat as he kissed his way down her taut little body, before he knew the sweet, slick heat of her—clenching around his fingers, pooling like honey on his tongue, shuddering around him as she came with a gasp that would haunt him to his deathbed.
He’d thought the desperation for her would fade with familiarity, but they’ve been sleeping together for two months now and if anything, it’s getting worse. They’re ravenous for each other, for the lush, wet slide of skin on skin; they keep pulling each other into alcoves and closets and places they know they shouldn’t be to do things they absolutely shouldn’t do. And of course that only makes it better—the secrecy, the need to keep quiet when you want so badly to be loud, the scramble to make themselves decent afterward instead of tearing their clothes off and going again.
Though sometimes, they do that anyway.
How the hell can a man be expected to make it through the workday in a cramped and humid office when the sun is shining outside and the air conditioner is, perhaps inevitably, on the fritz, now that it’s after and he is so hard he wonders how his cock isn’t knocking against the underside of the desk with every thump of his heart.
It’s a conspiracy, he’s sure of it.
Scully has not one but two buttons undone on that sheer little blouse of hers, the one that shows the ghost of her lacy black bra beneath. The one he can’t even look at without experiencing a vivid sense memory of the sweet pinch of her nipples between his fingertips. He thinks she’s doing it on purpose; her jacket had been the first thing to go, hung on the rack beside the door almost as soon as she’d come in that morning, already sweating. 
No, he corrected himself, glowing. One of the more proper girls on the vineyard had always corrected him about that whenever he would comment on the sweltering heat that sometimes rolled through in late August. “I’m sweating,” he’d say, “aren’t you?” and Jessica McIntyre would cluck her tongue and say, “No, Fox , ladies do not sweat. Horses sweat, and men perspire, but ladies glow .”
Scully has been glowing for nearly seven hours now. In fact, there is a delicious trickle of “glow” creeping its way down her right breast, of which he can see quite a generous amount given that, again, she is at least two buttons past propriety. She may have slipped a third loose while he was imagining following that trickle with his tongue and, perhaps, had blacked out for a second.
She’d removed her nylons a few hours ago, as well; shed them like snake skins and stuffed them into the bottom of her purse, and he is thanking whatever god of textiles crafted the skirt that is clinging to damp lines of her legs, her ass, so tightly he’s beginning to wonder if she has any underwear on beneath it. He hears the wet peal of her thighs parting each time she crosses and re-crosses her legs.
So when she walks behind the desk to grab a file that had somehow found its way into the stack growing beside his keyboard, when she stretches her torso directly into his line of sight as she reaches across the desk and—he would swear to this in court—when her soft breast brushes oh so innocently against his shoulder—
Well, the poor man was already out of his mind.
He has his tongue in her mouth and his hand down her shirt before he is even aware of moving. Her skin is cool and damp under his fingers and he finds her nipple with a muscle memory born of fanaticism. His other arm loops around her waist to press her body against his; she gasps as his erection pushes against her stomach. He lifts her so her pert little ass is perched on the edge of the desk, spreads her legs with his knee, and snakes his hand up the sweat-slick velvet of her inner thigh.
She’s already moaning into his mouth, nails scratching through his hair and hips bucking against his hand, every bit as desperate for this as he is. He’s not even disappointed when he brushes up against the barrier of her panties. After all, a man’s reach should always exceed his grasp. He thumbs the fabric aside and sinks two fingers into her wet heat as she whimpers and shakes.
“Mulder,” she gasps, “what if—ohh—what if someone comes in?”
He grins into the skin of her neck and suckles the spot just below her ear, the one that makes her clench around his fingers. “Don’t be coy, Scully,” he growls. “I saw you lock the door ten minutes ago.” The blush that floods her cheeks may be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and he knows he’ll never be able to sit at this desk again without seeing her this way: lips kiss-stung and swollen, shirt unbuttoned and breasts spilling over the lacy top of her bra, skirt hiked up to her hips, panties askew and her wet, glistening pussy on shameless display as she opens her thighs wide for him, leaving a dark spot on the blotter.
His fingers pump in and out of her, his thumb finding the hard nub of her clit and stroking in firm circles. He bends his head to her breasts, sucking at her skin and biting hard enough that he leaves a trail of red marks up one creamy slope and down the other. Her back arches, thrusting her breasts into his face, and he leans her backwards until her shoulders touch the desk. He pulls one rosie nipple into his mouth, tugging at it with his teeth, and pinches the other tightly between his fingers.
Scully moans loudly, rolling her hips as his hand between her legs begins to work harder, faster. He loves seeing her this way, pupils blown out and lips parted as she gasps his name. He loves to see her undone. He curls his fingers inside her, pressing on that slippery, spongy spot until her thighs tremble and her breath hitches; a few more strokes of his thumb across her clit and she explodes with a breathy, wordless cry, pulsing around his fingers and dripping hot into his palm.
His movements slow as she comes down, eyes glassy and the muscles in her thighs twitching and quivering as her breathing evens out. Finally she reaches down and takes hold of his wrist; he can’t resist the self-satisfied smirk that blooms on his face as she makes a visible effort to focus on him, as if her eyes want nothing more than to roll back into her head.
Something hungry flickers in those eyes; she sits up suddenly and pushes him back hard enough that he stumbles backwards into his chair. She practically purrs as she palms the bulge of his cock through his pants. He thinks she’s about to straddle him, but instead she drops wordlessly, bonelessly, to the floor between his parted legs, beneath the desk. It’s a position he’s imagined her in so many times, but as he’s beginning to learn when it comes to all things Scully, the reality is even better than the fantasy. She looks up at him with performative innocence—her blue eyes huge beneath her dark lashes, cheeks flushed and hair wild—and runs her wicked tongue around the wet circle of her mouth.
He slides his fingers into her hair, not sure if he’s trying to encourage her or pull her away; he’s still trying to make up his mind as she undoes his fly, as she pulls out the stiff and swollen length of him to swirl her tongue around the purple tip of his cock. His head falls back and he moans as she takes him into her mouth, and it’s all he can do not to come at the first wet rush of heat. She sucks him slowly, languidly, and when he gets enough control of himself to look down at her, he sees she’s staring straight at him, a satisfied smile in her eyes.
“You look so good with my cock in your mouth.”
She pauses, shudders, and his racing heart skids like someone slammed on the breaks when he realizes he said it out loud. He’s about to apologize, possibly offer gifts and baked goods and swear himself to eternal celibacy, when she moans around his cock and he sees her hand slip beneath her skirt. The shadow between her pale thighs is dark enough to hide what she’s doing from his sight, but he can hear the slick, wet sounds of her touching herself.
“Oh God, Scully,” he groans, inching toward the brink again. He gulps for breath and squeezes the armrests of his chair so hard they creak. Her head bobs up and down in his lap, taking him deep on each downstroke and swiping her tongue across the weeping tip each time she comes up for air.
“Do you like it when I talk to you, Scully?” he asks when he can breathe again. “You like when I tell you how good it feels?”
She doesn’t speak, doesn’t release him from the sultry heat of her mouth; she only flattens that smart, sharp, sassy tongue of hers against the underside of his cock and hums her agreement. The sound reverberates through his pubic bone and he thrusts without meaning to, bumping against the back of her throat. It surprises them both, but before he can apologize, he feels her throat relaxing, taking him deeper. It’s not the first time she’s swallowed him like this, but it has always been brief, a quick plunge or two before she resumes the shallower—but equally pleasurable—sucks and licks and slurps she knows drive him wild. Now she takes him so deep and for so long that she has to take breaks to gasp for air before gulping him greedily down again.
“That’s amazing, Scully,” he moans, threading his hands back into her hair—not to guide or control, but to deepen the intimacy, to show his appreciation. She holds him deeply as long as she can, longer than he would have thought she could, moving up and down to fuck him with her throat; she looks up at him, cheeks pink and eyes watering, and he hears the hand between her legs pick up the pace. The other hand, he realizes, is resting on the chair next to his thigh. She has her fist clenched around her thumb, a trick he recognizes, a trick she taught him as he struggled through one of their early autopsies; it helps suppress the gag reflex.
The next time she comes up for air, a thick rope of saliva stringing between her mouth and the leaking head of his cock, she releases a whimper that he knows means she’s close. He wishes he could see her touch herself, wishes she would hike up her skirt a little more so he could watch as her fingers glide through the wet folds of her beautiful pussy until she comes on her own hand, but he wouldn’t move her out from under the desk for anything. 
He tightens his fist in her hair, stopping her just before she closes her mouth around him again. “Wait,” he pants, fumbling for words through the thick haze of lust clouding his mind. It’s a long moment before she can focus enough to look up at him, pupils huge, eyebrows drawn together in question. He strokes his thumb across her hot, red cheek. “God, Scully, I want you to come, I want you to come with my cock in your mouth, and I want you to look at me while you do.”
She swallows hard, breath coming in ragged gasps in time with the obscene sounds coming from between her legs, and nods briefly. She meets his eyes and opens her mouth wide, one auburn brow raised in invitation. Mulder takes his cock in his own hand and guides it onto her waiting tongue, and slowly begins to thrust.
Her eyelids flutter, eyes rolling occasionally to white as she fights to do what he’s asked—what he’s told her to do. He takes control of own movements now, gently cupping the back of her head as his cock moves in and out of her mouth, letting her focus on her own pleasure. He bumps against her throat again, and her moan as she swallows him vibrates through his entire body; his gut clenches and heat pools at the base of his spine.
“Fuck, Scully, I’m gonna come,” he pants, watching his cock vanish into her mouth and then reappear like a magic trick. “Can I... Oh, I want to come in your mouth.” 
She nods around him, her body trembling. Her eyes roll, drift closed as she loses herself in pleasure, then snap open as she fights to obey him. “So good,” he murmurs over and over, “so good for me. Just like that.” His hand fists in her hair, tugging at the base of her skull where he knows she likes it; he thrusts faster, deeper, as she moans and whimpers around him, both of them racing toward release.
She comes first, her wail of pleasure muffled by his cock, buried to the hilt so that her lips are flush with his pubic bone, and he tumbles over the edge right after, spurting hot down her throat.
He slumps to the floor beside her, into the cool dark beneath the desk, and for a while they simply rest together, fizzing with post-orgasmic bliss. Eventually he reaches up, fumbling blindly overhead until his hand finds a bottle of water and a bag of sunflower seeds. He passes her the bottle, which she takes with a grateful hum, and cracks a seed between his teeth.
“That was amazing, Scully. You been sitting on that trick for long?” 
She blushes and kicks his leg with her little bare foot. “I had a theory,” she says, her voice raspy, and takes a sip of water. 
He cups her cheek and leans in to place a tender kiss on her mouth. “If you’ve got any more theories like that you’d like to test, I will be your guinea pig any day.”
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