grievousomen · 1 year
[from Yoona] ​❝ please, enough with the pumpkin spice. ❞
autumn/halloween sentence starters! 🍂🍁🎃
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                     "I'd say I'm sorry but what better time than now to engage in an excess of pumpkin spice scented and flavored goods?" Except this had to be the tenth candle Katsumi was holding up to his nose and smelling, not to mention the various scented oils, soaps, and whatever else he could get his hands on.  Even he could admit that they were all blending together—and that he was starting to get a slight headache, no matter how pleasant and relaxing he viewed the scent to be.  "Then again, pumpkin spice lattes sort of taste like a melted fall candle..." A pause, only to hold up the glass jar in his hand.  "Like this one."
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graphitecrystals · 2 years
Tag 9 People To Get To Know Better!
Favorite color(s): pink & turqouise
Currently reading/listening to: Tales from the shadowhunter academy
Last Series: Menigen med livet (the purpuse of life)
Last Movie: A Cinderella story
Currently working on: crocheting a blanket
Tagged by: @pillowxtalk @kxller-kxngs
Tagging:  @unfinishedjulyrain @svnandmccn @flutteringhrts @lupusxdei @fxllxnbx  @xhxnne
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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CONTINUED. || @lupusxdei​​
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          Own mug has long-since finished and refilled , finished and refilled , an endless cycle – a symptom of their TIRELESS MISERY , a debt time over time repaid to a festering guilt of living a life the Faun did not think they fully deserved ; even with the blur and haze of drunkenness addling their mindset , Kaen does not act so s l o v e n l y as most.  There is an unalterable c a l m to them ; those storming irises hidden behind the glare of their spectacles falling lidded as their eyes danced to and fro , keenly watching other patrons , OBSERVANT & WARY , but the godling’s attention shall always find its way back to the wolf as if under a perplexing fixation or the prey-driven instinct to be d e v o u r e d .  And perhaps , one day , a time would come he should grant their wish , but for now they continue to meet as passing creatures on an eternal fracture of Fate.  Though it is as though clarity has been attained in the midst of recklessness – a dangerous due diligence they have subject themself to for YEARS now ( and how many times have they greedily sought the taste of death’s forgiving hand ? only to be wrongfully wrenched back from the precipice into the realm of living— ) . 
          Furred ears perk to attention at his words , head resting in the hold of their hand crooking back in his direction.  Hum of consideration is given , Kaen figures there’s no use being DISHONEST here such as they’ve no real reason to lie , either.  “Truthfully ?”  They ask to preface ‘fore continuing.  “Ah thought it gave me s t r e n g t h , an’ if ye ask anyone –” a lazy gesture of bandaged hand toward no-one in particular , “– they might’ve told ye tha’ WAS a strength o’ mine , yeah ?  Bein’ so resilient after so much o’ life’s shit.”  Silence , eyes closing , the gentle glimmer twinkling in those stones suddenly DARKENING to a smolder.  “But what Ah’ve noticed is tha’ ‘s given me NOTHIN’ ; Ah’ve earned NOTHIN’ .  All tha’ happens ‘s Ah continue ta’ get hurt , an fer what ?  Ta’ start it all o’er agane an’ agane.  Now ye tell me tha’ doesnae sound like somethin’ i n s a n e ta’ ye.”  But still they persist all the same ; he was right in his assumptions , hope has made them stupid and numb and all the rest.  It has forced them to push forth with a life that continues to destroy them purely because it MIGHT be better one day , e v e n t u a l l y .  Thus was the tragedy of hope , and one entirely self-made.
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of-elitiism · 2 years
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Adrianna, not being below basically asking someone to strip down to see their tattoos ON THE FIRST ENCOUNTER. 
Bonus: if they do, she’s doing it too. 
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lupusxdei :@enchantedcrimsongrace Fenrir: I'd like to see 👀
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“You know I am not above doing it. Fenrir jr do not need the abuse ~So do not goad me, wolfie.”
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elysiumxii · 3 years
The Beast starter for @lupusxdei​ ft Daehyun & Hoxmarch
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With a soft rocking back and forth, tatty, off-white trainers scuffing lightly on the ground as he floats in almost a hypnagogic state, Daehyun lightly plucks at the elastic band around his bony waist, nestled amongst bracelets made from tatty bits of thread, the sharp sting helping him stay grounded to his body as his mind searches. The trees above him rustle with a slow, rolling wind that carries a chill of spring, and the moon, full bodied and bright illuminates the park with silvery rays, whilst birds nest and the city falls quiet.
This hadn’t happened in a while. He hadn’t felt the call of a soul so in distress that it pulled him without warning, leaving him stood quite unprepared, backpack of everything he owns in the world hanging from one low strap across his broad shoulder. Defenseless in a park, his hotel for the evening, as he seeks out the location of the newly departed in need of his help to pass. He isn’t sure why he has this gift, that the dead can use him like a bridge, but since it had started it had turned his world upside down and ruined it for what it was at the same time. 
So now he’s searching, following the voice, the feel of it and the sense of it’s panic. Though what he finds with the extension of his own mind, he is not expecting. All of a sudden there are snapping, slashing teeth and an overwhelming sensation of desperation. All to the background sound of deep, animal guttural growls.
snap snap snap his plucking quickens, along with the rising and falling of his chest, panted breaths matching the sounds of a huffing snout and snarling maw that fill his ears. It is then that he realises the he wasn’t searching for the soul, it was searching for him. It was running from something that was hunting it, straight at him. Leading whatever it was straight to him as well. With a sudden gasp his eyes snap open, having just enough time to breath out a “-no!” before he feels the soul rush into his body, knowing the air back into his lungs as his eyes widen and his head tilts back. He’d been tricked!
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obciidian · 4 years
      darkness  fills  the  vision.  jaded  limbs  no  longer  carry  themselves  through  the  hills  --  nowhere  is  safe,  that  should  have  been  known  a  while  ago.  warmth  spreads  around  the  abdomen...  and  pressing  it  was  an  awful  idea  --  ruby  colors  the  tip  of  his  fingers.  a  desolated  man,  almost  deplorable  to  the  sight.  he  should  have  stayed  out  of  trouble,  he  should  have  kept  a  low  profile.
      hunger  controls  the  mind,  overwhelming  --  it  leads  to  what  he  confides  is  intuition,  a  cabin  amidst  nowhere.  seemingly  too  orderly  to  be  neglected,  abandoned...  whomever  he  faces,  will  be  dealt  with  the  last  vigor  within  his  enervated  body,  bruised  as  the  adrenaline  wears  off.  just  at  the  entrance,  he  rests  against  the  wall,  falling  cumbersomely  onto  the  ground.  what  a  foolish  man  he  is,  without  a  single  thread  of  rumination  to  bring  himself  to  this  place.  excruciating  ache  shoots  through  the  limbs,  a  sense  of  peril  tingles  at  the  spine  --  the  small  hairs  on  the  back  of  his  neck  rise,  and  the  shiver  is  discomfiting.  he  abhors  this  sensation...  so  much  that  he  would  rip  his  skin  off  just  to  feel  less  of  it.  
      and  when  he  at  last  confides  to  be  able  to  repose,  his  gaze  settles  on  her  face.  dread.  it  injects  through  him,  a  dirty  needle  to  the  vain,  poisoning  him  with  naught  but  trepidation.  menace  --  his  psyche  is  a  pandemonium  --  he  must  run.  alas,  the  legs  are  quivering,  too  weak  of  the  previous  rush  and  go  thus  far...  there  is  only  so  much  that  he  can  go,  before  falling  on  his  knees  again.
      perhaps,  he’s  destined  to  die  sooner  than  later.  at  the  very  least,  it  won’t  be  by  the  hands  of  the  coven.      ╱      @lupusxdei​
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interxstitial · 4 years
— a starter for @lupusxdei​ (hoxmarch!) »
this is undoubtedly one of the worst ideas jiwon’s brain has ever concocted in all 23 years of his life. of all the terrible decisions jiwon has made, this one is rapidly rising in ranks with every minute that passes, but he has a point to prove. his pride is on the line, and jiwon will not be made a fool of just because he can’t handle a little cold or rain. except it’s not really a little cold or rain. in this awkward phase between seasons, the forecast for sunshine and scattered clouds from this morning has flipped to thunderstorms and some number of warnings, but by that time jiwon had already packed his things and picked a spot to set up camp. it’s too late to turn back, and jiwon will not be a quitter today. 
noon comes and goes, and jiwon has hardly anything to show for it. a short distance away, the pathetic fire he managed to start crackles weakly and flickers precariously in the breeze. it’s practically mere decoration, but he had sparked it on his own, didn’t even cheat by using lighter fluid. now, he’s wrestling with plastic rods and flighty pins, tangled in canvas and on the verge of tears. dark clouds loom ominously on the horizon, painting the sky in broad, threatening strokes, and thunder buzzes like a warning growl. if jiwon doesn’t get his tent up soon, he’ll be doused in rain, frozen to the bone, shivering like an abandoned kitten. hell, even abandoned kittens can find shelter under discarded boxes and bus stop benches. jiwon only has his thickest jacket, a poor excuse for a fire, and what is meant to be a tent but has yet to take form. if worse comes to worst, he could probably find a tree to park under while swaddled in his sleeping bag. that probably wouldn’t count as camping, but jiwon is desperate to stick it out. 
“what the hell am i doing?” he murmurs to himself and turns the instructions over for the hundredth time. “this doesn’t make any sense...”
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gwyynbleidd · 4 years
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reuniting with @lupusxdei​’s hoxmarch
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          Herbology had never been her strong suit, having left those judgement calls to Quinn, instead. Still, Saengdao, ever willing to learn, sought to change this about herself. Reading books did only so much. Experience came from doing. Having to mind her shop during the day, a moonlit night such a this provided her with the opportunity to try her hand at some herbal identification. Book in hand, wicker basket swinging from the other, the sorceress set out, wandering between the forest’s trees and shrubbery.           Saengdao’s attention was not easily held, a trait quickly holding true the deeper she ventured. By her count, she had collected a few bundles of celandine and allspice, not nearly enough to garner a sense of accomplishment if she were to head back home just yet. Every sensible part of her mind urged her to continue searching, as it would be another month before she had the chance. These responsible thoughts fought furiously against the growing ball of flame hovering in the palm of her right hand. The controlled blaze lapped gently at her skin, reaching for the oxygen around it, and illuminating the immediate area around her. Plants be damned; the sorceress was in need of a more familiar challenge.           The moon’s cool rays of blue were interrupted, shooed away by heat that should not have yet touched the forest for five hours at most. Careful not to lose focus, Saengdao tossed the sphere from hand to hand, experimenting with its intensity as she wandered aimlessly about. Between the familiar crackling of her magick and her own soft steps, she felt confident that she were alone. Minutes had turned to an hour, and on and on she played practiced.  CRACK           It was a sound that would startle anyone unawares in the wilderness. Slender digits closed themselves over the flame, reuniting her with pale moonlight. Her eyes snapped forward in search of the source, spotting it rather quickly. She recognized it as it sounded a second time. Sticks, no matter how thick, did not match the effect of crunching bones and snapping sinew. Silver light shone down upon a great beast, wolf-like in appearance, but gargantuan in size. She should turn back, she thought, there was still time -- until there wasn’t. Spotted and in the beasts’ sights, Saengdao allowed the basket’s handle to slide down her forearm, its contents toppling onto the forest floor below. Both of the sorceress’ hands engulfed themselves in flame once more, fiercer, hotter than before, ready to defend if need be.
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nouvelis · 4 years
blessed with quick wits and sharp memory, kyungsoo has always been good with names and faces. perhaps it has something to do with the way people came and left the orphanage he grew up in, but he tends not to ponder about the whys too much when they can often get depressing. it is another night shift in the newly opened branch his boss makes him supervise, the opening in the hip area has been nothing less than triumphant but then comes nights like this, with most people stuck in their offices doing overtime instead of having the free time to spare, drink to their heart’s content and tell everyone things that will never make it past their mouths in sobriety. she’s still here, though — seolju, with her silky locks and lonesome eyes. kyungsoo has seen her a couple of times since he began working here, even had a few conversations that ended in flighty smiles and warm giggles. not a rarity at all for the bartender that mingles well with just about everyone.
he has always been good with names and faces, especially when it comes to the pretty ones.
wait, isn’t she the one who patched him up the other night? his eyes narrow as the thought catches up on him, however blurry the fragments are from the disorientated state he was in, with only vague glimpses of her captured in-between the blackout. normally, kyungsoo prefers to keep his two lives separated, his identities as the spellbinding smooth-talker behind the bar and the unrelenting fighter in the ring a complete mismatch in the eyes of just about anyone — but perhaps he can make an exception tonight. just because he is somewhat curious and occasionally ( always ) relishes in chaos. he makes his way to the other side of the bar at a leisurely pace, the night is slowing down and some kind of distraction would be well-appreciated. “another drink, maybe?” he asks with an affable smile, casting a glance at her almost emptied glass before his gaze falls back on her. yes, it’s definitely her — the question is if she recognises him, too, given how different he looks now all neat in his shirt than he was cladded in bruises weeks ago. “it’s on the house.” it’s the least he can do, whether she remembers the night or not. “haven’t seen you around in a while. busy?”
ft. park seolju @lupusxdei.
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luxinexitium · 4 years
yeoubi for minjoon and kyungsoo because we need it ♥
ACCEPTING! / wordstuck.co.vu prompts / @lupusxdei​
yeoubi: 'fox rain'; a sun shower – the event of having a light rain while the sun is still shining
it’s raining when kyungsoo arrives. the air, still cool with the remnants of twilight, bristles with just a kiss of static, like the first moment of waking from a deep sleep. although dawn has yet to fully break, the sun’s first rays have already stretched across the city, crawling through the streets with the same sleepiness that hangs over seoul’s citizens. even the rain seems to have fallen victim to the allure of rest after working so steadfastly through the night, now reduced to showers so faint it could be confused for the morning mist. this is the sort of limbo in which kyungsoo finds himself at five a.m., eyes and limbs still dazed from stirring awake not less than an hour ago.
judging by the few movies he’s seen, fathers usually choose activities like fishing, hunting, or even tossing a baseball back and forth to bond with their sons. such moments usually turn into wacky, slapstick adventures with catchy musical numbers and impromptu dancing by strangers, and in the end they learn something important about each other. chopping vegetables at five in the morning, then, seems a bit anticlimactic in comparison, but kyungsoo doesn’t mind so much. (he’s never been very good at dancing anyway.)
few words are exchanged when they meet in the kitchen, just simple instructions on what needs to be done and where. minjoon usually handles administrative matters for the restaurant, poring over documents for who knows what in his office in the back. probably tax stuff. kyungsoo isn’t entirely sure, but he does know that it’s rare for minjoon to be in the kitchen for any real prep work. maybe he wants to remind himself of the responsibilities of his employees, all the work that goes into making a single dish, so he never forgets to appreciate their diligence. or maybe he does this after particularly restless nights, finding comfort in the repetition and the relative quiet.
these are the thoughts bouncing around in kyungsoo’s head as he coarsely chops a few onions, occasionally pausing to blink away some stubborn tears. even after working at lady xian for so long, he still finds himself powerless against these evil onions. beside him, minjoon is working on several bunches of green onions, eyes focused firmly on the knife as he works. kyungsoo wants to say something—maybe ask how he’s doing, or make a joke about onions hating him—but for some reason things are still awkward. minjoon’s never done anything wrong, has never hurt him or hated him. he’s been nothing but a good father (the best father) since their first meeting, but... well, kyungsoo doesn’t always know what that means.
his mother always had breakfast ready in the morning, walked him to school each first day of the year, and packed him lunch. she wasn’t always there when he came home, but most days she was back in time to tuck him into bed. sometimes they would play card games in the summer or build snowmen in winter. so when she was gone, no other parent figure could compare. not the foster families, not the case managers, not the doctors, not the strangers in the streets. no one.
“watch your fingers.”
minjoon pulls kyungsoo out of his thoughts, throws him a line before he drowns in the ocean, and when he looks over, minjoon gestures to the knife in his hand and explains,
“keep your index finger bent, just past the handle like this. this finger and your thumb should guide the blade. it might feel awkward at first, but it’ll become natural before you know it.”
“thanks, dad,” kyungsoo says and tests the grip, starting slow as he resumes chopping the onions, then gradually picking up speed. indeed, it feels a little awkward, but already he’s certain that he won’t even think twice about it in—
so this is what it’s like. the sentiment still stands: no one could ever replace his mother. but this isn’t so bad, and maybe kyungsoo could get used to it.
(they don’t say much more. they don’t have to, but soon they’re both smiling as they work side by side.)
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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s.c. // @lupusxdei​
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          A strangeness befalls them , as it always seems to when they come to the old wolf when injured.  While not an unfamiliar scene , the sensation which unfurls through them is … Less a gratitude and more the loosed grip of primitive FEAR knotting ‘round their neck ( shaking them , asking them : why do you continue to entertain / entice him ? ) .  Truthfully , it might well be the fear which kept them so c l o s e ( too close ) to him ; it gave them some certain , distorted pleasure they did not understand.  The faun – watching him now , careful with his ministrations , attempting to be gentle with them as though they’d likely shatter if he did not mind himself – began to wonder if he noticed it , too ( the fear , the instinctual need & curiosity — ) .
          Kaen flinches when he grazes over a tender wound on their back , a near-bleeding welt splitting the doe-like flesh covering their shoulderblades.  Vulnerable , that’s what this feels like ; EXPOSED .  But somehow , they don’t especially mind.  They t r u s t Fenrir to take care of them ( fangs & all ) .  For all that sought to divide them ( & verily did ) , Kaen … Harbored a known tenderness , or perhaps love , for the Eoten.  Whatever it would yield them , they would be happy with.
           “Ah’m sorreh,” They mumble , breaking the silence at last , abating the tension.  ��Ah- Ah dun’ mean ta’ put ye in a spot like this.  ‘S jus’... Ah dun’ ‘ave anywhere else ta’ go when it ‘appens.”  Their father’s emissaries – the hunters.  “Ah promise ‘s not as bad as it looks.”  They offer him a weak smile ; it’s a halfhearted truth at best , they look TERRIBLE – battered and exhausted.  “... Th’- Th’ blood doesnae bother ye does it ?”  Innocent is the question , only just n o w thinking of asking after having bled all over the floor and his clothes.
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thecosmicsen · 4 years
Leave Seolju noona a voicemail after the beep ☏
send me ‘☏’ for a voicemail my muse would leave yours. +  ALWAYS ACCEPTING  //  @lupusxdei​​ 
“  hello hello  ??  oh my god,  did this shit just go to voicemail  ??  oh—  AHHH okay hi doctor doctor . . .  wait is that your official title now because you have to do your final rounds of exams before you officially become one right after completing residency and all  ??  anyways doctor Seol what I’m about to tell you please pleeeaaaase don’t freak out or get mad at me pleaaase  !!!!  uh shit okay so . . .  THERE IS THIS GUY BLEEDING OUT IN FRONT OF ME HE GOT STABBED IN THE ABDOMEN AND I FOUND HIM MAULED LIKE A BEAR GOT TO HIM EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE NO BEARS IN THE CITY BUT WHAT IF ONE ESCAPED  ??  HOW DO I STOP THE BLEEDING  ??  BY THE WAY I GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS,  I JUST FOUND HIM LIKE THIS IN THE ALLEY WHICH I HAPPENED TO CROSS BY BECAUSE I LOST MY CAT AGAIN DID YOU KNOW I HAVE CAT  ??  NO YOU DIDN’T WELL NOW YOU DO I SPIRITUALLY ADOPTED EIGHT HUNDRED CATS BECAUSE I HELP OUT WITH PET SHELTERS BUT THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW  !!  HOW DO I STOP THE BLEEDING  !!  I KNOW YOU’RE SUPER BUSY IN THE SURGERY RIGHT NOW AND HELPING OUT YOUR HOSPITAL PATIENTS SO COULD YOU TELL ME HOW TO STOP THE BLEEDING BECAUSE I ALREADY GOT PRESSURE DOWN ON HIS WOUND BUT WHAT ELSE DO I DO  ??  SHIT ———  ”   BEEP.
“  hiii doctor noona everything is cool now so if you could forget what I said before that would be great.  so how is work going and all ??  don’t overwork yourself  !!  no need to call me back,  just remember to eat something after you work  !!  ”
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selfsdestruct · 4 years
@lupusxdei said: discrete:  my muse reacting to yours touching them under a table.
Park Soohyun was the center of gravity within the small world of Rue.
Wherever he flowed, she naturally followed with a small step. His shift was matched with her own, hand often reaching out for his even when it was not prudent. The electricity causing fingertips to twitch involuntarily in need to have that closeness that was denied to her because of the situation. 
Surrounded by both of their fellows, she hadn’t wanted to come to the event in the first place. Yet her status as a freshman and this odd inclination that made her have to listen to those with seniority is what put her in the crowded hall close enough to feel the body heat of teachers and student and feel as though she were suffocating the entire time. Though it is easier to hide within a crowd, the relationship that had blossomed between her and Soohyun had eased some of her fears. If anyone found her, she knew that he would protect her as he had done before. 
Admittedly, however, it was not those worries that plagued her now. 
Soft brown hues followed his movements around the room and she wondered if anyone else could see what lay beneath. He wasn’t inherently interested in anyone here and he never had been; yet his smile is charming even when it does not quite reach his eyes and the girls titter over him with their smiles half hidden behind their hands. She is not worried over their attentions, though it does invoke a bit of jealous in her regardless. Not because she thinks he wants anyone other than her but because she is still young and she does not like to share what is hers. 
If she had to put a name to it, she thinks it would be petulance. 
The feeling of it causing her lips to purse barely into an attractive pout, plump lower tier jutted just barely past her upper one as they seat themselves for dinner. It is luck that has her right next to him and the same electricity cause her to gently brush her hand against his thigh, if only to remind herself that he is real. They can talk politely but to declare openly that she loves him might cause talk and she would hardly want him to have more negative rumors about himself because of her. So she offers her opinion here or there but largely she talks with those who are next to her, close to her own age. 
One of her classmates, a male, is particularly intent on keeping her attention and she just barely grants it to him. At first she is solely focused on the conversation, Rue could talk for hours when it came to the intricacies of social work and compassion -- it deviates only a little when she feels Soohyun’s hand against her thigh at first. It is warm, comforting, and she offers a small smile as her fingers gently trace over the back of his hand and map the dents between his knuckles. It is innocent, normal even. 
But as her conversation goes on there is a slight hiccup in her voice. Rue excuses herself, offering a slight laugh as she does so but her eyes betray her and they cut to Soohyun who is not giving off the slightest indication that something is amiss. Perhaps to others she just has lost her train of thought but to Rue it is the feeling of his fingers dancing further along her thigh that causes her to stumble. Fingers which had softly traced his knuckles now gently grip his wrist to stop his movements. 
It is not as if physical strength could stop him but his fingers halt for a moment anyway, Rue offering apologies and sorries to her friend as she listens to his argument to her words again. She can barely think because this time it is the feeling of hand barely pressing her thighs apart and touching her at the very center of her being. A small moan threatening to fall from her lips as she struggles to compose her face, watching just barely at the smirk that tugs at Soohyun’s irritatingly handsome face as her body reacts to him. Warmth pooling against his fingers as her teeth dig into her bottom lip and she tries to not combust into a pile of ash. 
If anyone could push Rue it was him, it had always been him....and she wants to give in but she doesn’t. Instead her lower lip trembles and her fingers grip his wrist tighter as if she might pull him away -- it’s only telling when she doesn’t and instead thighs part almost instinctively. 
He was really going to ruin her. 
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bluthcnd-archived · 2 years
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Scenario Prompts || Accepting! @lupusxdei 
Sayomi had been asleep in her office, curled up on the couch, but the scent of blood caught her nose, causing her to drag herself out of her sleep. Shame, it was a hot ass night, and she had to get redressed. Lazily throwing on her dress shirt and pants, before slipping into her boots, she grumbled softly. If there was some demon standing outside of her door, she’d make sure to pound their face in. The one night where she didn’t have to go and track a target down, and here she was about to go investigate. 
Goro of course flanked her, taking on the form of a wolfdog. She wondered just who could be at the door, and soon found herself staring at someone covered in blood.
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“Whoa, yer a big one...Wha’ th’hell made ya drag yer ass all th’way t’my office? ‘Nd please, come on in, jus’ don’ get blood everywhere, it’s a bitch t’get outta th’carpet. May as well patch ya up while ya explain yerself.”
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lunaetis · 2 years
▸▸ [ @lupusxdei​ || misaya starter call ]
─「美沙夜」─  from time to time, the CURSE that was placed upon the back of her neck would remind her of the limited time she was bestowed with, mostly in a form of nightmares haunting her nights or the SHARP PAIN shooting through her body from within. tonight, under the moonlight and the almost empty street, the CHERUBIM found herself hacking away that she had to rest her back against the large tree of the nearby forest just outside tokyo. why was she outside this late, one would wonder.
                it was a CALLING, like that silent beckoning for her to come here. even the lady of the wolves had no idea why.
                a hand over her mouth, there was a stain of crimson plastering over her palm as she sighed quietly. the iron taste tinged at her tongue and throat. ah, how disgraceful. who, or what ever it was that she felt was calling for her, she wished they didn’t have to witness her in such a vulnerable state. the curse sure picked a time to MESS with her.
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                “ sorry about the blood. ” finally, the SILENCE was broken as she seemingly spoke into the dead air, but the magus could feel the powerful presence even when she couldn’t see the other just yet. it was ... almost a FAMILIAR AURA, one similar to the wolf familiars who were appearing around her protectively. she gestured with her hand for them to stand down. perhaps, this was a turn of FATE she had been waiting for.
                “ you feel ... almost familiar. i wonder if i have met you somewhere before. ” in a dream, perhaps.
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