#❧ ━ ❝ ch. KAEN || verse i: MAIN ❞ ━ ☙
strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@imstarwalkin asked : mal is just gonna come closer and plant a big ol' kiss on kaen's lips. why, you may ask. he felt like it.
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Busy , busy , busy — ! Oh , there was so much to do ( & as the saying goes , there was barely ever enough time ) . The kitchen is rife with commotion ; the faun has occupied not solely the oven , but nearly a l l the counterspace with the sweet-smelling mess of whirlwind baking routine. Malzeno’s entire home is scented like a b a k e r y , and although the dragon has come along into the kitchen , perhaps drawn in by whatever it was Kaen had gotten up to , the wee doe is so entirely e n g r o s s e d in their task , they barely take notice of the other redhead leaning ‘gainst the countertop and watching the scene unfold ( it’s cute , isn’t it ? a homemaker by name alone ; covered in batter , singing along to the radio playing nearby , a dance-like gait addling their step every time they shift ‘tween stations— ) . Until they happen to t u r n , and promptly let out a small yelp of surprise seeing Malzeno smiling at them nearby. Pressing a floury hand to their breast to ease their startled heart. “Ah- Ah didnae ‘ear ye come in ! Ye should make some noise next time , ye a’most gave me a feckin’ heart attack.” Even with the scolding , he’s laughing ( not at them , they know , but they can’t help the pout pushing their lip ) .
Using their apron , Kaen cleans off their hands. “Lemme jus’ finish this last batch then Ah’ll be yers fer th’ day. Ah made some extra fer ye , too , o’course !” They point out a small plate of various treats set to cool on the windowsill. “But Ah promised Ah’d get all’a this done by t’night fer th’ sale an’ —” And they hardly realize the dragon is moving around the small counter , coming towards them as they mindlessly ramble about the things they have to get done before sunfall ( such a busy-body , they are , when did they ever have time for anything ? ) . It surprises them when he s t o p s them midsentence , calling out their name in a familiarly TENDER sort of way ( he has that look on his face that says , really kaen ? again ? ) . Effective only a moment , Kaen is about to launch into another tangent when his lips greet their own , his hand warm and comforting ‘gainst their cheek , keeping them anchored into the sweet moment. Whatever they wanted to say is suddenly l o s t on them , the woes and weights of whatever it is they were planning on achieving almost nearly f o r g o t t e n . The tension that had been working through them the whole afternoon begins to ease away , their smaller frame leaning into him , eager to accept the reprieve he offers. When they draw away from each other , the godling feels … More r e l a x e d . With a touch of flustered light glinting in their stoney features , Kaen smiles up at him. “Thank ye , Mal. Tha’- Tha’ actually helped.” Not that they’re sure it was his intention , but it worked.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@bedlamology asked : He’s got his cutest cardigan on and a pair of black slacks. Ever the one to dress nice regardless of what he was doing, he waited patiently for his companion to arrive. Upon spotting them, Kane smooths his clothes out, stands, and waves to them. His name twin as they so proudly had proclaimed (truly an adorable thing). “I saved us a table, but I thought it would be better to wait for you so that way you knew exactly where we were going to be seated. I hope you like this place. Their lunch menu is to die for.”
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His greeting is returned , own hand lifting and offering an energetic wave of their own upon approach.  “Kane !”  Chipper , as always ; simply g l a d to see him ( surprised , too , that he invited them to lunch ) .  “Ah hope Ah didnae keep ye waitin’ too long.”  There was some traffic downtown , after all , which would explain why they were a few minutes l a t e coming off the bus ( & gods alive , did they loathe being late ! ) .  “Oh !  Aye , tha’ sounds great.  Dun’ worry , Ah’m sure Ah’ll love it,” A few notes of a laugh leaves them , “Ah’m not really picky wit’ m’food , an’ Ah’ve ‘eard a lotta’ good things ‘bout this place.”  They turn , looking towards the restaurant in question ( a quaint place , not really a diner , not really a big establishment either ; something pleasantly in-between that makes them smile ) .
“Thanks agane fer askin’ me t’lunch,” Their gaze shifts back to Kane , furred ears flicking upright , wee tail a'swaying behind them.  “Ah hate ta’ admit this but … Ah dun’ really get ta’ ‘ave little outings like these very of’en , so - uh - ‘s nice , y’know ?  Makes me h a p p y ta’ know ye thought ‘bout me.”  Bashful air overtakes them simply to admit something like that ; so SINCERE in the way they say it , they balk in the power of how l o n e l y their words may make them seem.  “So , shall we ?”  The faun motions to the doors up the stairs behind them.  Letting Kane lead the way , they chime in again , “Ah like yer cardigan , by th’ way !  Where’d ye get it ?”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@blccdflcwers asked : [COAT] - sender zips / buttons up receiver's coat for them.  ( Fenrir x Kaen )
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Unprompted is the way the great wolf prevents the faun from going any further , they’re confused , leaning ‘round his towering form to get a view of the door behind.  Hand lifts , points m e e k l y to their only exit , “Fenrir…”  They begin quietly , an uncertain expression falling ‘cross doe-like countenance , “Ah- Ah’ve gotta’ get goin’ fer th’ bus , otherwise Ah could be late fer work.”  And they can’t have that , now can they ?  They’ve spent YEARS building an almost-perfect rapport with their boss and coworkers ( & they were not about to allow another god-creature to ruin that streak , no sir— ) .
For a moment , they’re certain he’s finally lost the ongoing test with his resolve ; for a moment , they can feel the collecting stones of d r e a d begin to weigh heavier in their gut ( this might be it , they think , he might make a move ) .  But relieved are they when he reaches for them , r o u g h l y pulling them in by the collar of their knit-jacket with little preface other than the grumbled words of ‘ you’ll be cold going out like this ’ .  Quick work is made of the buttons adorning their coat , large digits making ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN the coat is both secure and comfortable ‘round their petite form.  How s t r a n g e it is to watch him mutter to himself and futz with their clothes as if they’re a child ( has he forgotten what they are ? ) .  They can only manage to stand there and watch , a haplessly e n d e a r e d look overcoming their features ( how flattering it was for an eoten to be so very overprotective of them that he worries himself silly over something so trivial & unimportant ) .
“Cold ?”  Kaen parrots , laughing at the prospect.  “Fenrir , Ah wun’ be cold.”  Own gloved hands lift to gingerly pluck his away from them , to help prevent them from further messing with their clothes to the point of seeing INVASIVE .  Fingers curl tight ‘round his hands , holding them hostage in a warm , tender grasp.  “Ah like these seasons th’ most , ‘s no bother ta’ me.  Ye dun’ gotta’ worry ‘bout it , Ah promise.”  They were born in the winter , after all , and these chilly climes made them the most comfortable , the most AT EASE .  He doesn’t seem swayed , and they can tell he’s refraining from picking apart their logic.  It’s no use , is it ?  They can’t reason with him on something like this.  Huffing to themself , Kaen shakes their head , lips twisting into a smile.  Leaning up on their toes , they make to lean near enough to press a thankful k i s s to his cheek ‘fore settling back to the ground.  “Ah ‘preciate th’ concern , though.”  Letting his hands go , tucking their own into the pockets of their coat , they carefully move ‘round him to get to the door.  They pause , looking back , “But , y’know , if Ah a m cold when Ah get back… Ye can warm me up yerself.”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@tvstarkuma​ asked : ❛ we might kiss when we are alone. ❜ A flirty bear for Kaen
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          Over time , it became almost n a t u r a l to embrace Teddie and his ways ; no longer did the ask to go on ‘ dates ’ seem quite as world-endingly terrifying as it once had before and no more was the faun quite so stubborn about his affection ( they are quite sure all he says & does is from a sincere place , they’ve no reason to doubt him ) .  And so they find that many of their days are spent alongside him ; where one is , it would be customary to believe the other is assuredly nearby.  This sort of friendship is a RARE THING , Kaen knows.  One of those bonds that is built strong , and built to e n d u r e all that comes its way.  They would venture to say there was very little that could overturn it now , not even for all the oddities Teddie seemed to have nor for all the sorrow they themself still possessed which may rise to challenge their course.
          So when Teddie calls on them that evening , do you suppose they refuse ?  It’s impressive how QUICKLY they get ready ( the humdrum of academics interrupted & easily put to the side ) , the glow of girlish glee spilling through them at the prospect of another date-night ( as friends , of course ) .  So off they go to their usual haunts : a dinner , a quiet walk in the park afterwards where they can talk without being overheard by patrons or interrupted by a waiter.
          Autumn is already sinking into the weather , making evenings colder by the day.  Kaen ( although always warm ) keeps themself close to Teddie , with their hands joined together and their head resting on his shoulder whilst they talk and stroll along the leave-scattered path.  It’s only been a few hours , but as usual … Their face hurts from smiling , their heart is SWELLING with fondness , fit to burst if they’re not careful with it.  It’s his commentary that punctures the moments , earning their s u r p r i s e as they stop walking and lift their head to look at him.  He’s smiling , they notice with slight chagrin , likely f l i r t i n g carelessly again— But Kaen’s baffled expression dissolves into a SMILE , dark eyes bright with a deviously cheeky light ( oh , he won’t get out of this that easily ! ) .  Free hand rises , slipping ‘neath blond tresses to press lightly at the back of his neck , asking him lower.  “Alone ?”  They echo , own lips dangerously close to his , their body leaning n e a r e r .  “But , Teddie , we a r e alone.”  For the most part.  No-one still roaming the park seemed keen on bothering them , anyways.  Voice lowers , a soft little teasing note , “... Will ye kiss me now ?  ‘R are ye jus’ makin’ jokes ?”  The faun knows e x a c t l y what they’re doing ; they don’t play this game often , but it seemed appropriate to make an exception just the once , if only to see Teddie potentially become flustered.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@spriingsprung​ asked : ❝  you’re  alive !  oh,  thank  goodness.  ❞ — for kaen !
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          Death does not grant them a m e r c y this day ; like all other times , the godling finds they are tormented again by the same scene — His hand outstretched and BECKONING them like a child , his voice so kind and inviting , and yet the moment they reach to embrace him … He is gone , plunging them back into the living world.  So alive , yes , but at WHAT COST ?  How many times m o r e would they have to endure this unrelenting / unforgiving cycle ‘fore at last it broke and set them free — ?
          The voice that reaches out to them is not Death they realize as consciousness slowly returns ( but what a pretty melody it carries , kaen wonders if they can lay there & simply listen to it for another few moments , clinging to the fleeting peace it gives them ) .  The glare of sunlight overhead pries at their closed eyes , and the doe wishes they could simply swat the light’s pestering fingers away from their face ( leave me alone ! they want to protest , you’ve done enough already ! ) .  And with a groan , do they begin to push themself into a half-upright position , propped up on their elbows.  A bandaged hand comes to rub at their aching head , for how hard it was to think much beyond the pain driving a blade ‘tween every through every thought that dared enter their mind.  Blinking away the dazedness from their eyes , they set their focus on … The spirit ?  The sprite ?  Furred ears quirk upright , expression flushing with confusion as much as curiosity.  They are NOT SO SURE who nor what they are looking at.  They were certainly not like any creature they’ve come across afore.  Even so , Kaen offers the other a small smile.  “Aye , Ah sure am,” They look at their hand ; no blood , but there was certainly plenty of p a i n .
          “Thank ye fer lookin’ after me , Ah ‘preciate it … Uh — ?”  They dumbly motion to the sprite , wordlessly acknowledging the fact they are unsure as to how they prefer to be addressed ( by name ? by a more proper term ? so many creatures & so many rules , the faun can hardly keep track anymore ! ) .  “But , d’ye know wha’ ‘appened ?”  Kaen asks , hoping they could fill in the gaps in the doe’s own memory.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@blccdflcwers​ asked : ❛ you know my door is always open to you. ❜  ( Kaen from Fenrir )
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          More and more oft’ does the godling decidedly spend time in the wolf’s presence ( & does he deserve you , sweet creature ? don’t you know what he wants , don’t you know what he needs ? ) .  Kaen has disproven the power of instinct – their BOND remains ever-stronger , no matter the hunger which founds their design , they each seem rightly a f f i x e d in one another’s lives.  Perhaps to their fault , too , to give him so much , to lay their faith ‘pon his head and press a kiss to his crown in hopes it may sate the urge to devour within ; but they are GOOD & GRACIOUS , they would not once complain if he ever sought to sink teeth into ripe flesh and tear them apart ( verily i believe the doe would thank him , shower him with praise , make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their friendship if it meant they could be one— ) .  And Kaen would have lied to say that Fenrir does not have a c a l l i n g about him – as such a predator allures his prey , beckons them close and seduces them.  There is no romance here , no desire or fleeting passion that so drives a hunter to his quarry.  There is simply … C o m p a n i o n s h i p .  Or so Kaen would tell anyone who asked.  Fenrir is their FRIEND , and they would stand to believe he would a l w a y s be their friend.
          Wholly absorbed by the novel in their lap , Kaen seems a picture of serenity , tucked away in the confines of a blanket ( scented of the wolf , a smoked smell that brings them comfort ) with thoughtful expression adorning stone-embellished countenance.  This is the second book they’ve gone after that evening alone ; a quick-reader , a DEVOURER of fiction , they engross themself in stories as one may engross themself in work or academics ( a rare leisure for them where time to themself is ever infrequent ) .  Furred ears flick in the midst of a passage , eyes blinking for the first time in what seems like an hour.  There’s a nettling working up their spine – the sense of being watched , or rather , WATCHED OVER .  Antlered head shifts , turning to look towards the other side of the room where stands the Eoten holding two mugs of hot-brew.  It occurs to them he has been idly standing there for at least several moments , observing them.  “Ah thought ye got los’ gettin’ th’ coffee.”  Kaen jokes , hoping to see him smile.  It was his apartment , after all , there’s no reason why he’d get l o s t .
          Instead , he tells them something , something they ought to know already but likely continue to forget.  Blinking a few times , Kaen shifts in their seat , sitting up properly.  “Well , sure , Ah know tha’.”  Do they ?  There have been some times in the past when they h e s i t a t e d to come to him.  Perhaps that was why he brought it up— “... ‘S jus’...”  They put their book aside after marking the page , scratching at their ear in thought.  “... Sometimes - Ah dunno - it feels like Ah’m ‘ere t o o much , y’know ?  An’ ye say Ah’m welcome anytime but , le’s be honest Fenrir , it can be awkward when Ah’m ‘ere.”  Not that it was anyone’s fault , it couldn’t be helped ; the dichotomy of who they both were demanded BALANCE , and being friends was not balance.  “So Ah guess ‘s like Ah feel tha’ Ah’m pushin’ it a bit.”  They bury their nose deeper into the furls of the blanket , inhaling the smell of it – closing their eyes with a soft , appeased hum.  “... But Ah do like bein’ ‘ere.  A lot.  Ah feel s a f e , an’ not as lonely.”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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x .  // @thuganomxcs​
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          It’s true , there was no way they’d be taking his refusal for an answer ; they’d never let a debt for protecting their life go UNPAID , after all !  It simply would not suit !  Like it or not , that neatly wrapped box of berry-tarts is already promptly pressed into his waiting hands.  There weren’t too many , but there were enough to show they’d taken the c a r e to bake each one just for him.  His eventual acceptance earns him a beaming grin , a sweet little thing with a smile to light up the room it seems— Happy simply because they’ve made HIM happy.
          First the hooking comment and now t h i s ?  Kaen internally laments ( the heat of embarrassment quick to sink into fair-freckled cheeks ) ; whatever pride they had is effectively soiled by Yusuke’s remarks alone.  Still , they can’t help but l a u g h ( a crisp , full-bodied sound ) , one hand returning their hat to their head , the other balling into a fist and rather STRONGLY knocking him one in the shoulder.  “C’mon , now , Ah’ve already told ye , tha’s not mah style.”  Did they seriously look the type to him ?  Or was it his goal to f l u s t e r them ?  Either way , it was working.  “B’sides if ye wan’ me ta’ do tha’ kinda’ shit y’re gonna hav’ta work fer it , right ?  Nothin’s comin’ free these days !”  So perhaps … They were a bit of a con , after all.  This cute and innocently weak face of theirs may just be some well-rehearsed schtick ( a rather believable one at that ) .
           “Fauna , huh ?”  They consider the name , a hand lifting in a thumbs-up.  “Y’know , Ah actually like th’ sound’a tha’.”  It fits them.  “Jus’ dun’ go spreadin’ th’ word , aye ?  Ah’m s’pposed ta’ be layin’ low these days.”  Though they can’t help that trouble happens to always catch up with them , no matter where they managed to hide.  “But , Ah’m glad ye like the gift , Yusuke.”  It goes unsaid but there will certainly be MORE in his future.  Blue hues drift to the counter , paces bringing them forward to examine the odd little thing seated there.  “An’ who is t h i s ?  A friend o’ yers , Ah wager ?”  They don’t mean to cut even more into his time , but they’re awfully CURIOUS .
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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s.c. // @tvstarkuma​
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          Sudden is the way they pop up from behind the counter , a burst of red hair and antlers , arms folding atop the earthy marble and form leaning PRECARIOUSLY CLOSE to the blond as they whisper rather conspiratorially , “Soooo , Ah’m offa’ work in ‘bout five minutes , y’wanna do somethin’ after ?”  It’s a Friday , it’d be the perfect day to do something.  It was also one of the rare weekends they have off , one of the rare weekends they managed to squander for themself ( & thus proceed to make it everyone else’s problem ) .  The expression on their face is d a m n i n g ; glinting eyes and cheeky smile.  “An b’fore ye ask , NO , this ain’t a date.  So dun’ go gettin’ tha’ lil’ thought in yer big ol’ head.”  They lightly prod the blond ‘tween the eyes , harmless as it was teasing , though they weren’t here to inflate his ego even more.  “C’moooon , Ah’ll e’en let ye pick where we go !”
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strywoven-moved · 3 years
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@hhemeraa​ was reunited with the Faun !! : The familiar old temple has since returned back to its decrepit look, stones missing and fallen, vines twisting high up around the walls and leaves built up in corners along with dirt and the remnants of forgotten offerings. When its occupant had left, the god simply... forgot about the place, it wasn't the temple itself that he had grown fond of, but the being that he let reside in it, so what was upkeep if it wasn't for the occasional follower that might wander in and sleep beneath its roof when the rain was too strong.
Even today as the thunder rumbled in the distance, an old hunch backed man rested on the steps, unkept hair and beard making him look wild, unmoving even when the wind blew with aggression and the heavy smell of rain. When the shadow of familiar stranger falls over him, the old man gruffly mumbles in disapproval, squinting upwards to see their face only for eyes to grow wide and--
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The old man twists about in folds of white and the face to which Kaen was the most familiar with emerges, brightly freckled and excited at seeing one of his favorites. Arms embrace them with loving affection, warm in contrast to the weather that seems to fall by the wayside. He holds them back at arms length to give them a good look over, beaming with eyes that kaleidoscope in oil slick colors, "tell me everything." (God Myles reuniting with him little fawn)
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          Returning to that old temple was easy ; you never forget where your roots b e g i n ( that old place where purpose & courage was first founded , where the way was first paved to strength & peace ).  And no matter how far the Faun may have wandered , they still remembered the way back , the memories of the place coming ALIVE in the all in a rush once they crested the steep hill the temple perched atop of.  What a shock it was to see – as they shielded their gaze from the warning winds ‘round them – that the once-inviting home they knew had again fallen to d i s r e p a i r .  Even walking the path was treacherous , the stones all but broken , uneven and overgrown by the rampant wilds which sought , too , to consume the place.  How they began to forget that time moves on and LEAVES THINGS BEHIND— Picking their way up the path , Kaen wonders if there was a n y heart left in this temple at all.
          The brewing storm ushers the Faun quicker towards the steps , finding that strange man hunkering there.  Stony features dimly shimmer ‘neath the shadow of their hood , prickling at the sense something was not as it seemed.  Fighting a smile , they draw back the hood , opening their mouth to speak , to acknowledge the other , ‘fore all in a moment the God they recognized was upright and upon them in a flourish.  
          With a muffled grumble of s u r p r i s e , arms are quick to return the embrace in kind , and – minding the antlers atop their red-maned head – Kaen presses their face ‘gainst the other’s shoulder.  Still to this moment ( despite the training , despite the trials ) they are easily d w a r f e d by Him , in spirit and power alike.  But no more did they quail , and instead greet it like a welcomed , beloved companion.  As He holds them back , their own hands rest to His shoulders , furred ears perked and stony-embellished features full of a bright grin.  Harmless flickers of embers topple off of them in their JOY .  “Ah’ve missed ye , too ,”  They tell Him , bowing their head a little.  “Ah’ll share everythin’ , but Ah’d rather not do it in th’ middle o’ a storm.”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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CONTINUED. || @lupusxdei​​
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          Own mug has long-since finished and refilled , finished and refilled , an endless cycle – a symptom of their TIRELESS MISERY , a debt time over time repaid to a festering guilt of living a life the Faun did not think they fully deserved ; even with the blur and haze of drunkenness addling their mindset , Kaen does not act so s l o v e n l y as most.  There is an unalterable c a l m to them ; those storming irises hidden behind the glare of their spectacles falling lidded as their eyes danced to and fro , keenly watching other patrons , OBSERVANT & WARY , but the godling’s attention shall always find its way back to the wolf as if under a perplexing fixation or the prey-driven instinct to be d e v o u r e d .  And perhaps , one day , a time would come he should grant their wish , but for now they continue to meet as passing creatures on an eternal fracture of Fate.  Though it is as though clarity has been attained in the midst of recklessness – a dangerous due diligence they have subject themself to for YEARS now ( and how many times have they greedily sought the taste of death’s forgiving hand ? only to be wrongfully wrenched back from the precipice into the realm of living— ) . 
          Furred ears perk to attention at his words , head resting in the hold of their hand crooking back in his direction.  Hum of consideration is given , Kaen figures there’s no use being DISHONEST here such as they’ve no real reason to lie , either.  “Truthfully ?”  They ask to preface ‘fore continuing.  “Ah thought it gave me s t r e n g t h , an’ if ye ask anyone –” a lazy gesture of bandaged hand toward no-one in particular , “– they might’ve told ye tha’ WAS a strength o’ mine , yeah ?  Bein’ so resilient after so much o’ life’s shit.”  Silence , eyes closing , the gentle glimmer twinkling in those stones suddenly DARKENING to a smolder.  “But what Ah’ve noticed is tha’ ‘s given me NOTHIN’ ; Ah’ve earned NOTHIN’ .  All tha’ happens ‘s Ah continue ta’ get hurt , an fer what ?  Ta’ start it all o’er agane an’ agane.  Now ye tell me tha’ doesnae sound like somethin’ i n s a n e ta’ ye.”  But still they persist all the same ; he was right in his assumptions , hope has made them stupid and numb and all the rest.  It has forced them to push forth with a life that continues to destroy them purely because it MIGHT be better one day , e v e n t u a l l y .  Thus was the tragedy of hope , and one entirely self-made.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@bedlamology​ asked : kane is here with some freshly baked cinnamon rolls in hand. he wasn't sure if kaen would enjoy them, but he's hopeful. "I made these this morning if you would like some."
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          It’s a rather pleasant surprise to see Kane come to them for once.  After the first few encounters the young godling was almost s u r e they had spooked him off for good ( not that they can especially help it , they hide their timid demeanor behind an open-armed sort of grace ) .  Even so , he’s greeted just as kindly as ever – bright smile and all , the charm of gleeful l i g h t glinting in the crystals flecked ‘cross their doe-like features.  They do their best not to startle him this time , refraining from their typically f o r w a r d approach.  Instead , they wait for him to do the talking , blue hues widening like sapphire saucers when he brings forward a box full of fresh-baked goods ( cinnamon ! they smell cinnamon ! ) .  Mouth falls into a softspoken , surprised , ‘ oh ! ’ , furred ears flicking upright and forward ( though unseen , their wee tail begins to flick to n’ fro ) .  Internally Kaen clutches at their chest , palm pressed to the wall : he bakes , too !  gods alive , we really are twins ! this is the happiest revelation i’ve ever heard — !
          But what a SILLY proposition !  Of course they want some !  Sweets were one of their ( many ) vices.  His hopes do not go squandered as a wee hand appears from the overgrowth of a colorful sweater sleeve , reaching out to pluck one of the buns from the bunch.  “Thank ye , Mr. Kane !”  They chirp , already quick to take a few bites.  A swallow , an appreciative hum.  “‘S very good !”  And they mean it , too.  “Ye said ye made ‘em yerself ?”  This is quite interesting , it piques their curiosity ; perhaps he’s got other hidden talents and interests , too !  The potential for friendship continues to build , the faun is practically riddled with j o y .
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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s.c. // @lupusxdei​
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          A strangeness befalls them , as it always seems to when they come to the old wolf when injured.  While not an unfamiliar scene , the sensation which unfurls through them is … Less a gratitude and more the loosed grip of primitive FEAR knotting ‘round their neck ( shaking them , asking them : why do you continue to entertain / entice him ? ) .  Truthfully , it might well be the fear which kept them so c l o s e ( too close ) to him ; it gave them some certain , distorted pleasure they did not understand.  The faun – watching him now , careful with his ministrations , attempting to be gentle with them as though they’d likely shatter if he did not mind himself – began to wonder if he noticed it , too ( the fear , the instinctual need & curiosity — ) .
          Kaen flinches when he grazes over a tender wound on their back , a near-bleeding welt splitting the doe-like flesh covering their shoulderblades.  Vulnerable , that’s what this feels like ; EXPOSED .  But somehow , they don’t especially mind.  They t r u s t Fenrir to take care of them ( fangs & all ) .  For all that sought to divide them ( & verily did ) , Kaen … Harbored a known tenderness , or perhaps love , for the Eoten.  Whatever it would yield them , they would be happy with.
           “Ah’m sorreh,” They mumble , breaking the silence at last , abating the tension.  “Ah- Ah dun’ mean ta’ put ye in a spot like this.  ‘S jus’... Ah dun’ ‘ave anywhere else ta’ go when it ‘appens.”  Their father’s emissaries – the hunters.  “Ah promise ‘s not as bad as it looks.”  They offer him a weak smile ; it’s a halfhearted truth at best , they look TERRIBLE – battered and exhausted.  “... Th’- Th’ blood doesnae bother ye does it ?”  Innocent is the question , only just n o w thinking of asking after having bled all over the floor and his clothes.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@phantasmaw​ asked : “Yo, Kaen, I’ve been thinkin’,” Arlo starts slowly, eyes fixed on the dusk-drenched sky overhead. Loons call from a nearby lake as they ready for the coming darkness. A summer wind blows through both individual’s hair, tussling stray locks and pinching noses with its stale warmth. The grass tickles against his bare arms as he adjusts his position beside his friend. “You ever been road-trippin’? I think it’s just summer blues or whatever, but… I’ve been feeling restless. Kinda like, I just wanna go down the way for a bit. Get what I’m saying?”
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           Kaen is r e s t l e s s as ever , it only worsens with the warm-seasons ; thankful they are for Arlo to come and break the monotony of their routine , they were starting to go a little CRAZY doing the same things everyday for the last several months ( or for the last couple years , more like ) .  Sitting there on the knoll beside their friend , the Faun has their typical cup of flavored coffee in hand – they smell like a fresh bakery , this time it’s the distinct scent of blueberries spilling out of their cold brew and wafting off of them in waves.  Feet have gone tucked off to the side , wee tail swishing idly back n’ forth behind them as they watch the summer-hot sun fall from his throne ; the sky is smeared in vibrant swathes of orange and yellow , Kaen can’t help but feel some moment of p e a c e in the midst of the GOLDEN HOUR which swaddles the two of them.  
          Furred ear flicks at the sound of Arlo’s voice , soon followed by the cant of antlered head in his direction.  One hand raises to push glasses further up the bridge of their nose as they listen to his musings.  “Y’know , Ah’ve ne’er really done anythin’ like tha’ b’fore.  Ah kinda’ planted m’ roots ‘ere in th’ city an’ been ‘ere e’er since.”  A pause , a sip from their cup.  “Might explain why Ah’m goin’ a lil’ nuts these days , huh ?”  They laugh a bit , realizing the dilemma.  The truth was they were DESPERATE to travel and see things , it was in them to wander and to get lost. . . But where would they s t a r t ?  “Ah get wha’ yer sayin’ , Arlo.  Ah wanna get away from this place , too , even fer a lil’ while.”  Gentle digits reach out to push back the fallen locks of hair obscuring his eyes.  “. . . Is- Is tha’ an OFFER ?  D’ye wanna go somewhere ?”  It might be wrong to seem hopeful , but they are ; even as opposites in most cases , Arlo was still considered one of their best friends , it would give them such j o y to go on a makeshift vacation with him ( even if that meant they would just be going out of town for a day or two ) .
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@maljefe​ asked : "kaen." for once loni has a stern, work face on, sitting across from the faun who was currently in her office alongside her. "have you ever thought about joining the family? it'd be good for you, and I think you'd do well with us. you're driven to succeed and you heart. I can't promise it'll be easy or that there won't be days where it feels like the world might collapse on top of you, but... we support each other here, we work towards a singular goal."
she pauses, leaning back in her chair. "you'd have to adhere by the rules in place, but they aren't difficult by any means. there also a rigorous training course to go through before you can even be accepted into one of the branches. the final test being a match with me... after the fact you'd need to learn the job you're selected for, but... it might be good for you. to put energy into something other than just fighting, or rather to put your fighting towards something bigger? I- I was like you, you know? before I came to sit here. I'd fight, bleed, hurt, and start it over again the next day... I still do that, don't get me wrong, but..." voice trails off momentarily. "that's not the point here. kaen, join my group. be a part of this family."
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          When the Faun gets out of class that afternoon , they find there’s a message waiting for them on their phone from Loni.  Fully expecting it to be her usual check-in / check-up reminder to take care of themself and stay out of trouble , their nerves begin to knot when her voice simply asks for their presence whenever they’re able to come down to the office ; there was something they needed to talk about.  This sounded i m p o r t a n t – whatever it was – Loni rarely took such a tone unless the situation warranted such a serious air.  Kaen stares down at their phone , their brows woven together in concern ; had something happened ?  Was something wrong ?  Could it be they’ve done something ( no – no – one of the Lobos would’ve mentioned it by now— ) ?
          It was DAUNTING to be seated in Loni’s office , to see her look so stern and business-like when the Faun was better accustomed to the familial and compassionate face she normally had.  They wanted to pose their questions , to put a voice to their worries , but something about the wolf told them that now was not the time ; they would get their answers if they had a little p a t i e n c e .  Swallowing a bit , Kaen folded their bandaged hands in their lap and sat to attention when they were acknowledged , furred ears flicking forward as Loni spoke her piece.  
          Joining. . .                              The family. . .
          Of all the things Kaen may’ve thought they were here to discuss , this was NOT one of them.  Their weight of the other’s words is such a force , they almost topple out of their chair in complete s h o c k .  Not only that , but they reminded her of herself when she was younger— Kaen wonders if that’s a compliment or a gentle warning to change course ‘fore they push themself in too hard or too far in the wrong direction.  But that word : FAMILY— It echoes through them in such a pleasant and purposeful way.  It would take a lot to join her , it would take a lot beyond that to start training for a position of their choosing.  Yet despite that , Kaen feels the humble ache of excitement brewing within them.  A n e w start ( again ) , another new path to take – one which would give them a chance to work towards a goal and get stronger not only for themself but for those in the family.  
          Taking a breath , the Faun nods.  “Ah understand it’ll take much ta’ join.  But Ah think we both know Ah’m not likely ta’ walk away jus’ because o’ tha’ .”  A smile blooms on their face , the testament to their resolve.  “Ah’d like ta’ become part o’ th’ family , big sis.  No matter wha’ it takes.  Ah’ll do mah best.”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@lupusxdei​ asked : “🔥?” (Kaen)
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          “Fenrir ?  Attractive ?”  A little STARTLED to be asked such a question , seemingly unprovoked.  Kaen offers the other a s k e p t i c a l , narrow-eyed squint.  But what could it hurt ?  It was not as though the wolf was here and listening to their conversation.  “... Ah would say so.”  The affirmation comes softly , as if still trying to hold the words c l o s e , unwilling to release them into the world for fear the great beast may actually hear them ( & what then ? ) .  
          Busy are their motions , a constant flurry of filling orders and attempting to maintain over-the-shoulder conversation.  The faun is forced to wait for a break in the chaos so they can continue their thoughts.  When the moment comes , Kaen rests their arms atop the counter , offering the other a sheepish smile.  “Ye know this’s none o’ yer business , right ?”  Can’t help the teasing commentary.  “But Ah think - aye - Ah think he’s ‘andsome.”  Hands fold ‘neath chin , antlered head tilting to n’ fro as they gossip about their thoughts so unabashedly.   “Can ye keep a secret ?”  Not awaiting an answer , they brazenly continue , “E’en in knowin’ we’re pro’ly doomed ta’ be wha’ we are –”  PREDATOR & PREY .  “– Ah still enjoy ‘is company n’ Ah jus’ like lissenin’ ta’ ‘im talk.”  They giggle , “Ye know there’s somethin’ ‘bout a rough voice n’ rougher hands , right ?  Really does it fer me , Ah guess !”  Gods , how grateful they are that Fenrir could not hear them now , talking about him in such a way.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@lupusxdei​ asked : Without any hesitation, without thinking more than twice, Fenrir hugged Kaen, clenching their shoulders with his arms as he pressed their back against his chest. He had understood that he had used the wrong term in the sentences he had uttered a few minutes earlier, without pondering the proper words to say to them: he had no reason to hurt the feelings of the faun; after all, he felt admiration for them, as well as nurturing a certain sympathy.  ❝  I'm so sorry, Kaen, I didn't mean what I actually said. It's just that I'm not used to having someone around, inside the house and who loves my company. I'm a lone wolf after all.  ❞  He kissed their cheek before releasing them from his grip.  ❝  Forgive me.  ❞
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          The faun is such a SMALL & DELICATE creature , it does not take much for the wolf to catch up to them , to envelope them in his embrace and pull them close.  What Kaen anticipates – the rend , the bite , the ANGER – does not come.  Instead they are greeted with something so entirely u n l i k e him ; so uncanny to his disposition that it startles them more than if he would have come forth with aggression ( gentle offerings are not easily taken ; this altar has been long-since ruined by cruelty , you see ) .  Violence was predictable to them , but kindness was not.  It made them falter in an already uneasy course ; it made them cower with uncharacteristic uncertainty.  If the tears had not come by now , they were assuredly set loose with such a well-meaning gesture.  Great , silent , weeping-rivers spilling down those cherub-round cheeks , making his kiss wet and salty.  In his hold , the wee godling t r e m b l e s , all those MISERABLE EMOTIONS pouring out of them , leaking from the seams.  No matter where their hands tried to plug the flooding cracks , another seemed to break and begin.
          Fenrir is SORRY , and Kaen is sorry as well , but they have no voice to say the words – to tell him they simply misconstrued his tone and what he had said— The line ‘tween sorrow and joy is blurry here , they can’t tell which one they feel anymore ( it is often hard to discern when such things lord over them constantly ) .  But make no mistake , they f o r g i v e him ; they would always f o r g i v e him.  Even as he pulls away , seeks to step back and give them room to recover , Kaen is quicker to spin ‘round and CLING TO HIM , small arms hooking about his waist and pressing their wet face into his torso.  It comes out muffled and messy , but they manage at least something for his troubles , “Ah- Ah forgive y-ye…” A quiet sniffle.  “Ah won’ e’er st-stay mad at ye…”  Grip on him is firm , as if they are more than afraid the wolf will leave them again.
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