elysiumxii · 2 years
open to: m (mutual or not) muse: daehyun plot: daehyun finds you muse bloodied in an alley extra points if they’re actually the bad guy. could get shippy if ya fancied. 
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“Are you okay?” With the soft, wet sounds of rain pattering around them and car tires splashing through puddles, the trees with drenched leaves sway in the night wind - a hand slowly extends an umbrella to cast it’s protective barrier over the body slumped against the alley wall. Drenched, head hung, hair slicked with water as fat droplets fall from hanging strands. Their clothes torn and bloodied, along with a cut lower lip and bruises now marring a handsome face.
They cut a worrying figure, alone in the orange glow of street lamps and not dressed for the weather at all. “What happened?” The voice asks again, unable to mask the concern, as Daehyun looks down at the man who seems to have been a victim of something... a mugging, maybe?
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formorethananame · 1 year
@dencesin​, a closed starter
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Being kept waiting was not something Saemi appreciated. Yes, she understood that work was important. She understood that, with an occupation dealing with the law, work often came home with Daehyun.
But she was here, and she needed his attention. Clearing her throat, Saemi sat up. She had snuck into the room without him noticing - easy to do, vampire skills were awesome for that - and had taken one of his shirts to cover up the special lingerie she wore. White lace, just for Daehyun. “Are you done reading yet?” she asked, kneeling on the edge of the bed. “I’m bored over here.”
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jwyoungforever · 2 years
❛  keep it. it looks better on you anyway.  ❜ [ from Daehyun ]
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Wooyoung hadn't expected the evening to cool off as much as it had despite winter being just around the corner. It was the mild afternoon that had given him a false sense of security; he thought that once the sun had gone down, the air wouldn't bite so hard. That was an unfortunate misjudgment on his part.
Cupping his hands in front of his face to warm his fingers with his breath, he tried to burrow into his coat to protect his ears at least. So much for not being obvious that he was cold– it had been his idea to come out for a bit of last minute Christmas shopping, so he shouldn't be complaining. It was his own fault for not looking into the temperature forecast for that night.
His eyes wandered towards a window display that caught his attention as they walked past it when a warm scarf was wrapped around him. Blinking a few times, he looked up at Daehyun in surprise. He could feel his cheeks, reddened from the cold air, turning a shade darker behind the piece of clothing.
"Thanks," he said, his face and ears already feeling less frozen than they had been. "You'd better not go and get cold now." Smiling to himself, he looked down at his feet as they continued walking down the street. Idle chatter kept them occupied until they arrived at their earlier meeting spot some twenty or so minutes later. Oh– was it time to part ways now?
Standing in front of the lawyer, Wooyoung moved his hands to take off the scarf to return it to them. He froze, however, at their words. Brown hues widened in surprise at the gesture that was as kind as the first. "Really? I can keep it?" It wasn't until he heard them say 'it looks better on you anyway' that he laughed and smiled up at them. "Fine, if you're going to insist that way~ Thank you, hyung. Really. I know– it's just a scarf to you. But this means a lot to me."
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brigidandair · 1 month
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Oooooh my gosh, I got to do my very first video call ever, and it was with my ults! One minute goes by SO FAST, but I'll treasure this call forever. I told Yongguk that I've been a BABY since debut, and that B.A.P has dones so much for me, so I just wanted to thank him for everything. He seemed so genuinely touched, and how he replied by saying that these moments (getting thanked like that) were special made my heart so incredibly full. I was also going to ask about how Tigger was doing, but despite having notes ready, I blanked entirely and forgot to look at them. That's where the "see me" moment happened, and gosh, he's such an amazing soul! For Daehyun, he opened immediately by pointing out my albums behind me, and his reaction to them made me smile so much it hurt! I mostly just got to tell him I was a singer, and his voice has been a huge influence on me, which you can see in the gifs above. He also seemed really touched, and I'm so glad I could give him that. He's taken such a leap coming back with the troubles he's been having, and I just wanted him to know how much BABYz appreciate and love him. Again, I meant to ask about Ganji, but forgot to check my notes lol. For Jae, I'm afraid I may have been speaking too fast in general to him. I kept having to remind myself to slow down when he got a confused expression, and I felt bad about it. I asked him if he planned to do a solo album after his musical, and he said that he doesn't plan to right now. I told him that whenever he does, I'll be looking forward to it. Then there was an awkward pause, because again, I blanked, but I did get to tell him I've been a BABY since debut, which seemed to make him happy! Jongup was such a sweetie! I thanked him for getting the four of them back together for Curtain Call, and told him that I was so grateful. I also complimented his hair, because gosh, it looks so good! Then he noticed the albums as well, and I showed him like I had Dae, and he was also quite impressed haha! His little eyebrow raise at the end of his heart was the cutest thing! I know it's not a lot, but I hope that this recounting makes some BABYz out there smile at least a bit. I've been following B.A.P for so long, and they've meant so much to me, and this experience only made me love them more (if that's possible). I have no words to express the fullness of my heart right now, so I'll leave it at that!
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mirisss · 10 months
Heartfelt Choices Gunwook arc
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wordcount ≈ 8.5k
warnings: bullying, bruises,
pairing: ZB1 Park Gunwook x afab! Reader
Thank you for the request!
A stand-alone fic from this post, does not reference the original at all
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The halls of Daehyun High School echoed with the usual chatter of students, the rhythmic tapping of footsteps, and the occasional laughter that permeated the air. Among the bustling crowd, one figure stood out—Park Gunwook. Tall and strikingly handsome, he moved through the sea of students with an easy confidence that drew both admiration and envy.
In the heart of the school, in a quieter corner, was (Y/n), a shy and reserved girl who often went unnoticed. Her days were spent navigating the halls with her head down, avoiding eye contact, and keeping to herself. She had resigned herself to the shadows, finding solace in the company of books and the quiet corners of the library.
One day, a surprising announcement rippled through the school corridors. Park Gunwook, the charismatic heartthrob, had joined the girls' dance team. The news spread like wildfire, and soon, the once-overlooked dance team found themselves in the spotlight. The whole school began to take notice, and their performances became the talk of the town.
What many didn't know was the reason behind Park Gunwook's unexpected decision. Unlike the rumors that painted him as a conceited heartbreaker, he had a side to him that few had glimpsed—a kind and genuine soul that thrived on helping others.
As the dance team flourished, there was one student who remained on the periphery of the excitement—(Y/n). Unbeknownst to her, her life was about to take an unexpected turn. The school administration, recognizing her academic struggles, decided to assign her a tutor. And who better for the job than Park Gunwook, the embodiment of both brains and charm?
On a quiet afternoon, (Y/n) found herself seated in the school library, nervously flipping through the pages of her textbook. The door creaked open, and in walked Park Gunwook, his smile illuminating the room. The contrast between their worlds couldn't have been more stark—his popularity, her invisibility—but fate had woven their paths together.
"Hey there, (Y/n), right?" Park Gunwook greeted her with a warm smile, pulling up a chair beside her. Little did they know, this tutoring session would mark the beginning of a story that would rewrite the narratives of both their lives.
"(Y/n), right?" Park Gunwook repeated with a friendly grin, confirming her identity. His eyes, warm and welcoming, met hers, and (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise. How did he know her name?
"Yeah, that's me," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. The shy girl adjusted her glasses nervously, her eyes flitting between the open textbook and the charming boy who now sat beside her.
"I'm Park Gunwook. Your tutor," he said, as if stating the obvious, but his tone was filled with genuine enthusiasm. He pulled out a notebook and a pen, ready to dive into the world of academia.
(Y/n) blinked, trying to process the unexpected turn of events. She had expected a tutor, but she hadn't expected someone like Park Gunwook. The guy who had brought life to the once-overlooked dance team and was adored by the entire school was now here to help her.
"Why me?" she blurted out before she could filter her thoughts. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she immediately looked down at her textbook, regretting her sudden outburst.
Park Gunwook chuckled, a sound that was both friendly and reassuring. "Well, I heard you could use a little help, and I thought, why not? I'm not just about dance and looks, you know. I'm pretty good with academics too."
He spoke with a casual confidence that made (Y/n) feel at ease. It was evident that he wasn't here out of obligation but genuine willingness to assist. As they began to delve into the subject matter, (Y/n) discovered that Park Gunwook's intelligence matched his kind nature. He patiently explained concepts, answered her questions, and made learning feel less like a chore.
Park Gunwook couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration as he sat across from (Y/n) in the quiet library. His initial decision to tutor her had been fueled by a desire to help, but now, as they delved into the intricacies of the subject matter, he found himself captivated by more than just academics.
Her determination to understand the concepts, the furrow of her brow when faced with a challenging problem, and the way her eyes lit up with comprehension—each aspect of (Y/n)'s learning process intrigued him. He appreciated her effort, her genuine curiosity, and the unassuming beauty that emanated from her quiet presence.
As they worked through the material, he couldn't help but notice the subtle transformation in her demeanor. The initial shyness began to give way to a growing confidence, and the reserved girl before him seemed to bloom with newfound assurance.
"You're catching on quickly," Park Gunwook complimented, a sincere smile playing on his lips. "I knew you had it in you."
(Y/n)'s cheeks flushed at the praise, and she managed a small, grateful smile. The atmosphere between them became more relaxed, and the library, once a place of silent solitude, echoed with the soft hum of conversation.
After the tutoring session with Park Gunwook, (Y/n) couldn't wait to share her experiences with her two closest friends, Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo. The trio had known each other since childhood, their friendship enduring through the ups and downs of adolescence. As vibrant and sweet as they were, Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo were the anchors in (Y/n)'s life, providing support and companionship in a world that often felt overwhelming.
Spotting Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo near the school courtyard, (Y/n) waved to get their attention. The two boys turned, their faces breaking into warm smiles upon seeing their friend approach.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Mun Junghyun called out, his energetic demeanor infectious.
"Hey, guys!" (Y/n) greeted, a subtle excitement lingering in her voice.
Ji Yunseo, always the calm and collected one, observed her with a knowing look. "You seem different today. Something good happened?"
A shy smile played on (Y/n)'s lips as she recounted the tutoring session with Park Gunwook. She shared the surprising news of him being her tutor and how, beyond the initial awkwardness, the experience had been unexpectedly enjoyable. Mun Junghyun's eyes lit up with curiosity, while Ji Yunseo nodded approvingly.
"That's awesome, (Y/n)! Who would've thought Park Gunwook would be so nice?" Mun Junghyun exclaimed.
"Yeah, he's not just a pretty face. Turns out, he's a great tutor too," (Y/n) replied, a newfound confidence evident in her words.
The trio continued their conversation, discussing everything from school gossip to weekend plans. As they walked together, (Y/n) felt a sense of belonging and comfort that only true friends could provide. Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo, with their vibrant personalities, added color to her world, making even the ordinary moments feel special.
Little did they know that the dynamics of their friendship were about to shift. Park Gunwook's presence in (Y/n)'s life would not only bring academic improvement but also new connections and unexpected adventures. The quiet girl who had once lingered on the fringes of the school's social scene was now stepping into the light, supported by the unwavering friendship of Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo and guided by the unexpected bond with Park Gunwook.
After the tutoring session with (Y/n), Park Gunwook was eager to share the details with his best friend, Lee Jeonghyeon. The two had been inseparable since childhood, navigating the highs and lows of life together. As they met up at their favorite hangout spot, a small café near the school, the aroma of coffee filled the air.
"Jeonghyeon, you won't believe what happened today!" Gunwook exclaimed, a wide grin on his face as he took a seat across from his best friend.
Jeonghyeon raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Spill it, Gunwook. What's got you so excited?"
"I've got a tutoring gig," Gunwook began, leaning in with an air of mystery. "But it's not just any tutoring. I'm helping out this girl named (Y/n). She's cute, shy, and absolutely brilliant."
Jeonghyeon chuckled at his friend's animated description. "A shy genius, huh? Sounds like an interesting combo. How did you end up tutoring her?"
Gunwook went on to recount the story, from the unexpected assignment by the school administration to the quiet library sessions with (Y/n). He painted a picture of a girl with untapped potential, someone he found intriguing beyond the academic context.
"And you won't believe it, Jeonghyeon, she's friends with Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo. Our worlds are colliding in the most unexpected way!" Gunwook laughed, the excitement contagious.
Jeonghyeon leaned back, sipping his coffee thoughtfully. "Well, it sounds like you've got your hands full, my friend. But hey, who knew the heartthrob Park Gunwook would become the academic savior for a shy genius?"
Gunwook rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh, stop it. It's not like that. She just needed some help, and I figured, why not?"
His best friend grinned mischievously. "Sure, Gunwook. 'Just helping out.' We'll see how this tutoring thing unfolds. Who knows, maybe this (Y/n) will be more than just a student. Maybe she'll be the plot twist in the heartthrob's life."
Gunwook laughed, shaking his head. "You watch too many dramas, Jeonghyeon. But who knows? Life has a way of surprising us."
Friday arrived with an air of excitement, anticipation, and a flurry of activities. The upcoming dance competition featuring Gunwook, Jeonghyeon, and the dance team had become the talk of the school. The hallways buzzed with discussions about the event, and the anticipation reached a fever pitch.
(Y/n) had initially planned to spend the evening quietly, perhaps catching up on some reading or working on assignments. The prospect of a crowded auditorium didn't appeal to her introverted nature. However, Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo had other plans.
"(Y/n), you can't miss this! Gunwook and the dance team have been practicing so hard. It's going to be amazing!" Mun Junghyun exclaimed, practically dragging her by the arm.
Ji Yunseo joined in, offering a persuasive smile. "Come on, (Y/n). It'll be a fun night out. Plus, we can cheer for Gunwook together!"
Reluctantly, (Y/n) found herself being pulled into the enthusiastic orbit of her friends. As they entered the bustling auditorium that evening, the energy was palpable. The seats were filling up fast, and the anticipation hung thick in the air.
The stage lights dimmed, signaling the beginning of the competition. The dance team took their positions, and the crowd hushed in anticipation. The performance began, a dazzling display of skill, choreography, and passion. Gunwook moved with a grace that transcended the typical expectations of a high school dance competition, and the crowd erupted in cheers.
As (Y/n) watched from her seat, something stirred within her. The rhythmic beats, the synchronized movements, and the collective energy of the audience created an atmosphere she hadn't expected. Her reserved self couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement.
By the time Gunwook and the dance team finished their performance, the auditorium was filled with thunderous applause. Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo were on their feet, cheering with unrestrained enthusiasm. Even (Y/n) found herself clapping, a small smile gracing her face.
After the competition, amidst the celebratory chaos, Gunwook spotted (Y/n) in the crowd. A genuine smile lit up his face, and he made his way toward her.
"(Y/n)! You came! What did you think?" he asked, enthusiasm evident in his voice.
"It was... impressive," she replied, her reserved nature softening as she met his gaze. "You guys were really good."
Gunwook beamed with gratitude. "Thanks! I'm glad you came. Maybe we can celebrate with the team after this. What do you say?"
With Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo joining the conversation, the impromptu celebration plans took shape. Little did (Y/n) know that this unexpected Friday night outing would mark the beginning of more shared moments, blurring the lines between her quiet world and the vibrant, dynamic life of Park Gunwook and his friends.
As (Y/n) stood amidst the post-performance excitement, she couldn't shake off the shock of Gunwook spotting her in the crowd. The fact that he had not only noticed her presence but had invited her and her friends to celebrate with the dance team left her pleasantly surprised.
While the group made their way backstage to join the celebration, (Y/n) couldn't help but steal glances at Gunwook. The stage lights had highlighted his features during the performance, but up close, she noticed the subtle beads of sweat on his forehead and the genuine joy in his eyes.
As they mingled with the dance team and the energy of celebration filled the air, (Y/n) found herself drawn into the lively atmosphere. Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo chatted animatedly with the dancers, sharing laughter and congratulations. Meanwhile, Gunwook took a moment to approach (Y/n).
"Thanks for coming, (Y/n). I'm really glad you're here," he said with a warm smile on his face.
"Oh, um, yeah. It was great," she stammered, her heart racing more than she'd like to admit.
Gunwook chuckled, seemingly at ease. "You know, you should come to more events like this. The school has a lot of exciting stuff going on. Plus, it's always better with friends."
Friends. The word lingered in the air, and (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder if the connection she felt with Gunwook was evolving into something beyond the roles of tutor and student.
As the celebration continued, (Y/n) found herself enjoying the company of Gunwook and his friends. The initial shyness began to fade, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. She laughed at their jokes, shared in their triumphs, and, in the process, discovered a side of herself that she hadn't fully explored before.
By the end of the night, as they said their goodbyes, (Y/n) couldn't deny the flutter in her heart. Gunwook's invitation to future events echoed in her mind, and the realization hit her—it wasn't just about the dance competition or the celebration. There was something about Park Gunwook that had sparked a warmth within her, a connection that went beyond the textbooks and tutoring sessions.
Gunwook's popularity had always been a constant in the halls of Daehyun High School. His charm, good looks, and talent made him the subject of admiration for many girls. However, despite the attention, Gunwook had always maintained a friendly but distant demeanor, never reciprocating the feelings of those who harbored crushes on him.
When the whispers began circulating about Gunwook's newfound interest in (Y/n), the atmosphere among the female student body changed. The other girls, who had once vied for his attention, were not pleased. The sudden focus on someone who had been on the periphery of the social scene was enough to raise eyebrows and spark a hint of jealousy.
In the hallways and classrooms, hushed conversations unfolded like a trail of gossip. Girls exchanged glances and speculations, trying to make sense of the unexpected development. Why (Y/n)? What did she have that they didn't? The air was thick with unspoken tension as the rumor mill churned.
Gunwook, oblivious to the brewing storm, continued his interactions with (Y/n) in a friendly and genuine manner. The tutoring sessions persisted, and they found themselves sharing more moments beyond academics—laughter, shared interests, and a connection that seemed to transcend the typical dynamics of high school.
As the days passed, the disquiet among the girls grew more palpable. Some tried to decipher the mystery of (Y/n)'s appeal to Gunwook, while others couldn't hide their frustration at the perceived injustice. The charismatic heartthrob, who had remained beyond the reach of their affections, was now seemingly showing interest in someone who hadn't been part of the popularity contest.
The dynamics of the school's social scene were shifting, and (Y/n) found herself unintentionally at the center of attention. The whispers and glances, the subtle exclusion from certain groups—she navigated the uncharted territory with a mix of confusion and discomfort. Despite the newfound challenges, her focus remained on the genuine connections she was building, both with Gunwook and her two best friends.
As (Y/n) stood by her locker, preparing for her upcoming tutoring session with Gunwook, a hushed tension hung in the air. In the bustling hallway, a group of girls, commonly referred to as Gunwook's fan club, approached her with determined expressions. The whispers that had followed her in the past few days seemed to culminate in this moment.
The leader of the group, a girl with a reputation for being assertive, stepped forward with a challenging glare. "So, (Y/n), what's the deal with you and Gunwook?"
(Y/n) looked up, taken aback by the confrontational tone. "We're just friends. He's helping me with my studies," she replied, keeping her voice steady despite the unease.
The girls exchanged incredulous glances, and another one chimed in, "Friends? Really? You think we believe that? Gunwook has never shown this much interest in anyone before. What makes you so special?"
The accusations hung in the air, and (Y/n) felt a knot tighten in her stomach. The group seemed determined to challenge her presence in Gunwook's life, as if her connection with him threatened the status quo of their infatuation.
Before she could respond, the leader leaned in, her voice dripping with disdain. "Just remember, (Y/n), Gunwook belongs to all of us. Don't think you can just waltz in and take him away. We're not going to let that happen."
The threat lingered, and the group of girls departed with a parting glance filled with resentment. Left alone by her locker, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and frustration. She had never sought this attention, nor did she want to be a source of conflict among her peers.
As the clock ticked closer to her tutoring session, (Y/n) took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead. The unexpected consequences of her connection with Gunwook were becoming more apparent, and she couldn't help but wonder how these dynamics would influence the journey she had embarked on.
The concern lingered in Gunwook's mind as he continued the tutoring session with (Y/n). Despite her apology and assurance that everything was okay, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Her usual focus on the academic material seemed clouded by an underlying emotion that he couldn't quite identify—fear, sadness, or perhaps a mixture of both.
As they worked through the study material, Gunwook stole glances at (Y/n), attempting to gauge her emotional state. Her usually bright eyes were dulled, and a shadow of unease lingered on her features. The concern deepened within him, and he couldn't resist addressing it once more.
"(Y/n), seriously, is everything okay? You don't seem like yourself today. If something's bothering you, you can talk to me," Gunwook said, his tone gentle and reassuring.
(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "It's just... personal stuff. I don't want to burden you with it. Let's focus on the tutoring, okay?"
Gunwook respected her wish, but the worry didn't dissipate. His desire to help extended beyond academic matters, and he couldn't bear to see (Y/n) in distress. However, he nodded, deciding to prioritize her comfort in that moment.
"Okay, if you ever feel like talking about it, I'm here for you. We can take a break if you need one," he offered, a genuine warmth in his words.
(Y/n) managed a small smile, appreciating his concern. "Thanks, Gunwook. I'll be okay. Let's finish the session."
The tutoring continued, but the unspoken tension hung in the air. Gunwook couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to (Y/n)'s emotional state than she was letting on. As the session concluded, he made a mental note to check in on her, recognizing that sometimes, the most significant support goes beyond textbooks and study sessions. 
As the days passed, the confrontations from the group of girls continued, each encounter leaving (Y/n) more distressed and isolated. Their threats and warnings for her to stay away from Gunwook cast a dark cloud over the budding connection between them. (Y/n), burdened by the escalating pressure and fearing further repercussions, started to distance herself from Gunwook.
Gunwook, oblivious to the external turmoil, couldn't help but notice the change in (Y/n)'s demeanor. The once vibrant atmosphere during their tutoring sessions began to dim, replaced by a palpable tension. He sensed her growing reluctance to engage in conversation or share the small moments of camaraderie they had developed.
One day, after a particularly strained tutoring session, Gunwook decided to address the elephant in the room. "Hey, (Y/n), is everything okay? You seem... different lately. Is there something on your mind?"
(Y/n) hesitated, her eyes betraying a mixture of emotions—fear, frustration, and a hint of sadness. "It's nothing, Gunwook. Just personal stuff. I think it's best if we don't spend too much time together."
Gunwook's heart sank at her words. He felt a growing sense of confusion and hurt, not understanding what had caused this sudden change. "But we're friends, right? If something's bothering you, you can talk to me. I want to help."
(Y/n) bit her lip, torn between the desire to confide in him and the fear of putting him in a difficult situation. "It's not that simple, Gunwook. I appreciate our friendship, but I need some space right now."
As (Y/n) distanced herself further, Gunwook couldn't shake the feeling of loss and confusion. He pondered over their interactions, wondering if he had unintentionally done something wrong. The realization hit him like a wave—the growing distance wasn't just about external threats; it was also about (Y/n)'s own internal struggles.
Amid his contemplation, Gunwook found himself acknowledging a feeling he had been avoiding—a budding crush on (Y/n). The realization added a layer of complexity to the situation, leaving him torn between respecting her need for space and a longing to understand and mend what was broken.
Feeling a heavy weight on his chest, Gunwook decided to confide in his best friend, Jeonghyeon. As they sat in their favorite hangout spot, the atmosphere was more somber than usual.
"Hey, Jeonghyeon, can we talk?" Gunwook began, his usually confident demeanor replaced by a hint of vulnerability.
Jeonghyeon nodded, sensing the gravity of the situation. "Of course, Gunwook. What's on your mind?"
Gunwook took a deep breath before delving into the complexities of his feelings. "It's about (Y/n). I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong, you know? She's been distancing herself, and it hurts."
Jeonghyeon listened attentively, understanding the weight of unspoken emotions between friends. "What do you think is going on?"
"I don't know. She keeps saying it's personal stuff, but I feel like there's more to it. And, Jeonghyeon, I think... I might have a crush on her. The thought of losing our friendship is tearing me apart," Gunwook admitted, a vulnerability in his eyes that Jeonghyeon hadn't seen before.
Jeonghyeon studied his friend for a moment before responding. "Gunwook, it's tough when feelings get involved. But if you care about her, you need to give her the space she's asking for. Maybe she's going through something she's not ready to share yet."
Gunwook sighed, acknowledging the wisdom in Jeonghyeon's words. "I know, but it's just so frustrating. I want to help her, be there for her, but it feels like she's pushing me away."
Jeonghyeon offered a supportive nod. "Sometimes, people need time to figure things out on their own. It doesn't mean she doesn't value your friendship. And as for your feelings, well, that's a whole other challenge."
Gunwook nodded, appreciating his friend's understanding. "I just don't want to lose her, you know? She's become an important part of my life, and the thought of not having her around... it hurts."
Jeonghyeon placed a reassuring hand on Gunwook's shoulder. "Give it time, Gunwook. Things have a way of working themselves out. And if (Y/n) is a true friend, she'll appreciate your patience and understanding. Just focus on being there for her when she's ready to open up."
As (Y/n), Mun Junghyun, and Ji Yunseo settled in for their planned movie night at Ji Yunseo's place, a subtle tension lingered in the air. Mun Junghyun noticed (Y/n)'s distant expression and exchanged a concerned glance with Ji Yunseo.
"Hey, (Y/n), everything okay?" Mun Junghyun asked, sensing that something was amiss.
(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering between her two best friends. Finally, she took a deep breath, deciding it was time to open up about the challenges she had been facing.
"Guys, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "For the past two weeks, I've been dealing with confrontations from the so-called Gunwook fan club girls. They keep telling me to stay away from him, and it's been really getting to me."
Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo exchanged surprised glances before offering reassuring expressions. "Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?" Ji Yunseo asked, concern evident in his voice.
(Y/n) sighed, "I didn't want to burden you guys with my problems. But it's been affecting me, and I thought it was time to share."
Mun Junghyun shook his head. "We're your friends, (Y/n). You're not burdening us. We're here for you."
Ji Yunseo nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. Confrontations like that can't be easy to handle alone. What do they even have against you?"
(Y/n) shrugged, frustration evident in her expression. "I don't know. Maybe they think I'm getting too close to Gunwook or something. It's been affecting our friendship too. I've been distancing myself from him to avoid any more trouble."
Mun Junghyun's eyebrows furrowed. "That's not fair to you or Gunwook. You shouldn't let those girls dictate your friendships. We'll figure this out together, okay?"
(Y/n) smiled gratefully, feeling the weight of her secret lifted by sharing it with her friends. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate your support. It just feels good to have someone to talk to about this."
As the movie night continued, the trio enjoyed the company of one another, finding solace in friendship and the shared understanding that they were there for each other through the highs and lows of high school life. 
Jeonghyeon's steps faltered as he caught snippets of the heated argument between the girls. The jealousy and resentment directed at (Y/n) became evident, and he couldn't help but connect the dots with the strained situation between her and Gunwook.
Curiosity mixed with concern, Jeonghyeon decided to approach the source of the commotion discreetly. As he rounded the corner, he saw the group of girls, the same ones who had been confronting (Y/n), engaged in a heated discussion. Their expressions ranged from frustration to anger, and their words were laced with resentment.
"Can you believe Gunwook is spending all his time with her? It's like she's taken him away from us!"
"Yeah, and now he's hardly even acknowledging us. It's all because of that stupid girl!"
Jeonghyeon frowned, realizing the extent of the animosity towards (Y/n). He discreetly continued toward the library, his mind racing with thoughts about how to address the situation.
Entering the library, he found Gunwook and (Y/n) engrossed in their tutoring session. The atmosphere was tense, the unspoken rift between them palpable. Gunwook's concern mirrored the unease he had witnessed in (Y/n) during their movie night.
"Hey, guys," Jeonghyeon greeted, trying to keep his tone casual. "Mind if I join you for a bit? Just need a break from the chaos outside."
Gunwook nodded, grateful for the distraction. "(Y/n), is that okay with you?"
(Y/n) forced a small smile, "Sure, the more, the merrier."
As they continued the session, Jeonghyeon subtly probed the dynamics between Gunwook and (Y/n). The unspoken tension in the room was undeniable, and he couldn't shake the feeling that the external pressures were taking a toll on their friendship.
After the tutoring session, as they left the library, Jeonghyeon turned to Gunwook with a knowing look. "We need to talk, man. About (Y/n) and what's going on. It's affecting both of you more than you realize."
Gunwook sighed, the weight of the situation evident in his expression. "I know, Jeonghyeon. I just... I don't want to make things worse for her."
Jeonghyeon placed a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "Sometimes, facing the issue head-on is the only way to resolve it. Let's figure this out together."
Jeonghyeon carefully recounted the overheard conversation to Gunwook, detailing the jealousy and resentment the girls harbored toward (Y/n). As the words sank in, Gunwook's expression shifted from anger to a deep concern for (Y/n).
"I had a feeling it was something like that," Gunwook muttered, clenching his fists in frustration. "Those girls have no right to make (Y/n) feel this way. She's done nothing wrong."
Jeonghyeon nodded in agreement. "It's definitely unfair, but we need to handle this carefully. Confronting those girls directly might make things worse. Let's focus on supporting (Y/n) and figuring out a way to ease the situation."
Gunwook took a deep breath, his worry for (Y/n) evident in his eyes. "I just hate seeing her like this, Jeonghyeon. She's been pushing me away, and I don't know how to help her."
Jeonghyeon offered a supportive pat on Gunwook's shoulder. "We'll find a way. Maybe it's time to have an open conversation with (Y/n), and let her know we're here for her, no matter what. She might need to know that she's not facing this alone."
The two friends contemplated their next steps, knowing that addressing the issue required a delicate touch. They decided to approach (Y/n) together, offering her a safe space to share her feelings and concerns.
Later that day, they found (Y/n) in the school courtyard, looking lost in thought. With a shared glance, Gunwook and Jeonghyeon approached her.
"(Y/n), can we talk?" Gunwook asked gently, concern etched on his face.
She looked up, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions—surprise, apprehension, and a hint of gratitude. "Sure, what's up?"
"We've noticed that things have been tough for you lately," Jeonghyeon began, choosing his words carefully. "We overheard some things, and we want you to know that you're not alone in this. We're here for you."
(Y/n) hesitated the weight of the situation apparent in her eyes. "I... I appreciate that, but I don't want to drag you guys into my problems. It's my mess to deal with."
Gunwook shook his head. "You're not alone in this, (Y/n). Whatever you're going through, we want to help. And those girls have no right to treat you this way."
With a moment of silent understanding, (Y/n) finally let down her guard, opening up about the struggles she had been facing. The trio found a quiet spot in the courtyard, the beginning of a conversation that would not only bring their friendship to a new level but also set in motion a process of healing and understanding. Little did they know that facing the challenges together would strengthen the bonds between them, paving the way for a resolution that would redefine their high school experiences.
Gunwook's emotions swirled within him as Jeonghyeon shared what he had overheard. The anger at the unjust treatment of (Y/n) by the jealous girls, coupled with worry for her well-being, fueled a determination to set things right. As he headed home, a plan began to take shape in his mind—an attempt to mend the strained situation and ensure (Y/n)'s comfort and peace of mind.
That evening, Gunwook sat down with a pen and paper, drafting a thoughtful message to (Y/n). He wanted to address the elephant in the room, acknowledge the challenges they were facing, and assure her that he valued their friendship. The goal was to provide her with a sense of support and understanding, letting her know that she wasn't alone in navigating the complexities of high school life.
The next day at school, Gunwook sought out (Y/n), aiming to catch her before the tutoring session. He approached her with a sincere smile, hoping to convey his genuine intentions.
"(Y/n), can we talk for a moment?" Gunwook asked with determination in his eyes reflecting his commitment to resolving the issues at hand.
(Y/n) looked at him with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Sure, Gunwook. What's on your mind?"
Gunwook took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "I've noticed things have been difficult for you lately, and I want you to know that I'm here for you. Whatever you're going through, I want to help. Our friendship means a lot to me, and I don't want you to feel burdened because of it."
He handed her the carefully crafted note, hoping that the sincerity behind his words would come through. (Y/n) read the message, her expression softening as she absorbed the genuine concern and support expressed in each line.
"Gunwook, I appreciate this," she said, her voice genuine. "I've been dealing with some challenges, and it means a lot to know that you care."
As they headed into their tutoring session, a subtle shift in the atmosphere hinted at the beginning of a resolution. Gunwook's commitment to supporting (Y/n) and addressing the underlying issues marked a significant step towards healing the rift that had formed between them.
The meeting between Gunwook, Jeonghyeon, Mun Junghyun, and Yunseo took place at their usual hangout spot after school. The atmosphere was a mix of determination and concern as they gathered to discuss the situation involving (Y/n) and the escalating tensions with the Gunwook fan club.
Gunwook initiated the conversation, his frustration evident. "Guys, we need to do something about this. (Y/n) doesn't deserve to be treated this way, and it's affecting her and our friendships."
Jeonghyeon nodded in agreement. "I overheard the fan club girls talking. They're spreading rumors and making (Y/n) feel isolated. We can't let this continue."
Mun Junghyun clenched his fists, his protective instincts kicking in. "They've crossed a line. We need to put an end to this, for (Y/n)'s sake."
Yunseo, usually the voice of reason, spoke up, "We have to be careful about how we handle this. Confronting them directly might make things worse."
As they brainstormed ideas, little did they know that the Gunwook fan club was having their own meeting. The atmosphere in their gathering was less civil, fueled by jealousy and resentment.
"(Y/n) is ruining everything. We can't let her take Gunwook away from us," one girl asserted, her frustration echoing the sentiments of the group.
Another chimed in, "We need to make it clear that he's ours. We can't let some nobody come in and steal him."
As they plotted their actions, (Y/n) found herself unwittingly thrust into a confrontational situation. The animosity in the air escalated, and the clash between the two groups seemed inevitable.
Back at their meeting, Gunwook and his friends strategized, considering how to approach the situation without exacerbating the tensions. They acknowledged the need to support (Y/n) while finding a way to address the fan club's actions.
"We should let (Y/n) know that we're here for her, that she's not alone in this," Jeonghyeon suggested.
"And maybe we can talk to some teachers or the school counselor about it," Yunseo added. "They might be able to intervene in a way that ensures everyone's safety."
The group agreed on a plan of action, each member contributing ideas to navigate the delicate situation. They were determined to support (Y/n) and put an end to the toxic environment created by the fan club.
As the two groups unknowingly prepared to face off in the complex landscape of high school dynamics, the fate of their friendships, alliances, and the resolution of the ongoing conflict hung in the balance. Little did they anticipate the twists and turns that awaited them in the days to come.
As Yunseo and Junghyun were on their way home from the meeting with the other boys, their phones dinged, indicating they received a text. It was from (Y/n), “I won’t be coming to school for a few days,” was all the message said. 
The abrupt and distressing message from (Y/n) sent shockwaves through the group chat, immediately grabbing the attention of Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo. Concern etched across their faces, they urgently responded to (Y/n), seeking more information about the concerning situation.
"Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" Mun Junghyun typed, his fingers racing over the keyboard in his anxious attempt to get a response.
The reply from (Y/n) came in the form of a chilling photo—her bruised legs laid bare for them to see. It was a stark visual representation of the pain she had endured, leaving Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo speechless for a moment.
"Y/n, this looks serious. Where are you? We need to help you," Yunseo typed, his concern palpable in his words.
But (Y/n) remained unresponsive, leaving the two friends with a growing sense of urgency and helplessness. Mun Junghyun's mind raced, considering the gravity of the situation and the need to support their friend.
"We have to do something. We can't just stand by," Mun Junghyun said, determination in his eyes.
Yunseo nodded, his worry deepening. "Let's go to her place. Maybe she needs someone to talk to, or we can help her get the support she needs."
With a shared sense of purpose, Mun Junghyun and Yunseo decided to act immediately. They grabbed their jackets, exchanged hurried glances, and left for (Y/n)'s place, hoping to provide comfort and assistance in whatever way they could.
As they navigated the darkened streets, their minds raced with questions about what could have led to (Y/n)'s injuries and the unsettling silence in her responses. The night held an air of uncertainty and concern, and the fate of their friend hung in the balance.
Little did they know that the events unfolding that night would unravel a web of challenges, bringing them face-to-face with the harsh realities that sometimes lurk behind the veneer of high school life. The strength of their friendship would be tested, and the bonds they forged in the crucible of adversity would determine the days ahead.
Junghyun's quick decision to reach out to Gunwook amid the urgent situation proved to be a pivotal move. Gunwook, upon receiving the message, felt a surge of adrenaline and concern. Without a second thought, he rushed out of his house and sprinted towards (Y/n)'s residence.
The urgency in his steps mirrored the worry in his heart. He arrived at (Y/n)'s house before Mun Junghyun and Ji Yunseo, his mind consumed by the possibilities of what could have happened to her. The air was tense with the unknown, and Gunwook's thoughts raced as he approached the front door.
He knocked anxiously, the echoes of each tap resonating through the quiet night. After what felt like an eternity, the door creaked open, revealing (Y/n)'s tear-streaked face. Gunwook's heart sank at the sight of her distress, and he didn't need words to understand the gravity of the situation.
"(Y/n), what happened?" Gunwook asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
(Y/n) looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of pain and relief. "I... I didn't know who else to turn to."
Gunwook gently placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a comforting presence. "You don't have to go through this alone. We're here for you."
In the quiet embrace on (Y/n)'s doorstep, Gunwook couldn't help but let the weight of his emotions surface. The concern for (Y/n), combined with the turbulent events of the night, had stirred something within him that could no longer be contained.
As Gunwook held (Y/n) in a gentle hug, he seized the moment to share a vulnerable truth. His whispered confession carried the weight of his feelings, a revelation that went beyond the complexities of the night and into the depths of his heart.
"(Y/n), I... I care about you more than just as a friend," Gunwook confessed, his voice low and sincere. "I think I'm in love with you."
For a moment, (Y/n) was frozen in surprise. The admission caught her off guard, and she felt a rush of emotions—shock, warmth, and a fluttering sensation in her chest. The revelation made her heart race, and a blush tinted her cheeks as she processed the significance of Gunwook's words.
"G-Gunwook, I... I didn't expect... I mean, I never thought..." (Y/n) stammered, her words trailing off as she grappled with the unexpected confession.
Gunwook gently pulled back, his eyes searching hers for any sign of discomfort or reciprocation. "I understand if this is too much, especially with everything going on. I just needed you to know."
(Y/n) met his gaze, her own eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "Gunwook, I... I appreciate your honesty. It's just a lot to process right now."
Sensing (Y/n)'s discomfort he released her from the embrace, and Gunwook swiftly withdrew, giving her the space she needed. The air between them held a subtle tension, a delicate dance of emotions playing out in the quiet of the night.
As Gunwook stepped back, (Y/n) surprised him by seeking out the warmth of his embrace once again. The unspoken connection between them spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities they were navigating—both as friends facing external challenges and as individuals grappling with newfound emotions.
Gunwook's arms enveloped (Y/n) once more, the hug carrying a different nuance this time. It was a shared understanding—an unspoken agreement to navigate the uncertainties together, hand in hand. In the quiet exchange of comfort, the weight of the night's events seemed to momentarily fade, replaced by the reassurance that they were not alone in facing whatever lay ahead.
In the quiet intimacy of the moment, with (Y/n) nestled in Gunwook's embrace, the weight of the night's events seemed to find solace in the connection they shared. The subtle sound of (Y/n)'s sniffling revealed the emotional toll the evening had taken on her.
Sensing her need for comfort, Gunwook held her close, his embrace offering a reassuring haven. As (Y/n) looked up from his chest, their eyes met in a shared understanding that transcended words. In that vulnerable exchange, (Y/n) conveyed a depth of gratitude and connection.
Then, unexpectedly, she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Gunwook's cheek. The soft press of her lips had an immediate effect on Gunwook. His heart skipped a beat, and a blush tinted his cheeks, catching him off guard. The unexpected tenderness of the gesture added a layer of complexity to the already charged atmosphere between them.
"(Y/n)..." Gunwook began, his words trailing off as he navigated the swirl of emotions within him.
(Y/n) offered a small, watery smile, her cheeks tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "Thank you, Gunwook. I needed this tonight."
The arrival of Mun Junghyun, Jeonghyeon, and Ji Yunseo added a somber note to the already charged atmosphere. As they gathered, (Y/n) recounted the horrifying events that had unfolded earlier—how the girls from the Gunwook fan club had physically assaulted her, pushing her down a staircase at school.
The room fell into a heavy silence as Gunwook, Jeonghyeon, Mun Junghyun, and Yunseo absorbed the gravity of (Y/n)'s revelation. Anger simmered beneath the surface, and concern etched across their faces as they grappled with the harsh reality of the situation.
"(Y/n), why didn't you tell us sooner? We could've done something to help you," Mun Junghyun exclaimed, his fists clenched in frustration.
(Y/n) sighed, her eyes reflecting a mix of pain and resignation. "I didn't want you guys to get involved. It's my problem, and I thought I could handle it on my own. But tonight... I couldn't bear it anymore."
Gunwook's jaw tightened as he exchanged a knowing look with Jeonghyeon. The unspoken agreement in the room was palpable—they needed to address the escalating situation and ensure the safety and well-being of their friend.
"We can't let this slide. Those girls need to be held accountable for what they did," Yunseo asserted, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a steely resolve.
Jeonghyeon nodded in agreement. "We should report this to the school authorities. Physical assault is not something to be taken lightly."
Gunwook, his expression hardened, spoke with determination, "I won't let them get away with hurting you, (Y/n). We'll take the necessary steps to ensure they face the consequences of their actions." As the group huddled together, a collective decision was made to address the assault formally. 
Underneath the morning sunlight, Gunwook walked alongside (Y/n), their footsteps falling into a rhythm that echoed the unspoken understanding between them. The events of the previous night lingered in the air, and as they strolled towards the school, the conversation inevitably turned to the heartfelt confessions and the unexpected kiss.
"(Y/n), about last night..." Gunwook began, his voice reflecting a mix of uncertainty and sincerity.
(Y/n) looked at him, a soft smile on her face. "Gunwook, it's okay. I appreciate your honesty, and I needed that comfort last night. It meant a lot to me."
Gunwook nodded, grateful for her understanding. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."
(Y/n) paused, her gaze thoughtful. "And I want to be honest too. I'm not sure what I feel for you yet, but I'm willing to give us a chance. Last night made me realize that there's something special between us, and I want to explore that."
Gunwook's heart skipped a beat at her words, a mix of joy and anticipation flooding his senses. "I'd really like that, (Y/n). Let's see where this takes us."
As they continued their walk to school, (Y/n) took a small, deliberate step, carefully intertwining her fingers with one of Gunwook's larger hands. The simple gesture spoke volumes, a silent affirmation of the connection they were exploring and a gentle declaration of the willingness to let their bond deepen.
Gunwook felt a warmth spread through him at the touch, a subtle yet profound reassurance that they were in this together. He gently squeezed (Y/n)'s hand in response, a silent acknowledgment of the shared path they were embarking upon.
The sun cast a golden glow on the horizon, and the world seemed to slow down for a moment—a moment of shared vulnerability, hope, and the subtle magic that comes with the discovery of something new and precious.
As they approached the school gates, hand in hand, the unspoken promise lingered in the air—a promise to navigate the uncertainties, support each other through challenges, and embrace the joy of unfolding emotions. 
The entrance of Gunwook and (Y/n) into the school did not go unnoticed, especially by the infamous fan club. Murmurs and glances followed them as they walked hand in hand, and the disapproving stares intensified as the news of their connection spread like wildfire.
As the fan club members gathered the audacity to approach the new couple, Gunwook's expression shifted from the usual calm demeanor to stern determination. He positioned himself protectively in front of (Y/n), sending a clear message that their actions were unwelcome.
The leader of the fan club, her frustration evident, stepped forward, "What's the meaning of this, Gunwook? Why are you with her?"
Gunwook's voice carried an undeniable authority as he addressed the group. "Her name is (Y/n), and she deserves to be treated with respect. I won't allow any harassment, and I expect you all to leave us alone."
The tension in the air escalated, but Gunwook's resolute stance and firm tone left no room for negotiation. He had drawn a line, not only defending (Y/n) but also asserting his right to make his own choices.
(Y/n), though taken aback by the confrontation, stood beside Gunwook, feeling a mix of vulnerability and gratitude for his unwavering support.
The fan club, realizing that Gunwook was not to be swayed, reluctantly backed off, casting resentful glances at the new couple. As they dispersed, the hallway returned to a semblance of normalcy, but the ripple effects of the confrontation lingered.
Gunwook turned to (Y/n) with a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand gently. "Don't worry. We'll face this together."
The exhilaration of exam week finally coming to an end had (Y/n) racing through the school corridors, eager to find Gunwook and share the news. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and relief, the anticipation building as she sought out her boyfriend.
Spotting Gunwook in a quiet corner of the school, (Y/n) couldn't contain her joy. With a burst of energy, she rushed toward him, her emotions bubbling over. In an impulsive moment of elation, she jumped up, wrapping her arms around him and planting a big kiss on his lips—their first kiss.
Gunwook, initially surprised by the sudden display of affection, quickly embraced the moment. A smile played on his lips as he reciprocated the kiss, the shared joy and accomplishment making the moment even more special.
When they finally broke the kiss, (Y/n) couldn't help but gush, "Gunwook, I aced my exams! I couldn't have done it without your help."
Gunwook grinned, his eyes reflecting pride and happiness. "That's amazing, (Y/n)! I knew you could do it. I'm so proud of you."
The shared success not only marked the end of a challenging week but also solidified the bond between Gunwook and (Y/n). Their journey, from the uncertainties of the fan club confrontations to the shared study sessions, had brought them closer, and the sweet victory of acing the exams became a celebration of both individual achievements and the strength of their partnership.
As they walked hand in hand, the school corridors seemed brighter, echoing with the shared laughter and the triumph of conquering challenges together. Little did they know that this milestone would be just one of many they'd celebrate on their journey—a journey filled with shared victories, the warmth of mutual support, and the joys of navigating the complexities of high school life as a united couple.
41 notes · View notes
holocene-sims · 8 months
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next // previous
august 16, 2021 11:00 p.m. grandma ong's house
there’s a strangeness to a quiet enclave in a bustling metropolis, unexpected in the same manner as grant and henry’s long, unbroken brotherhood. nothing about the baseline rustle of neighbors carrying in paper grocery sacks and kids kicking a soccer ball resembles the eternal merry-go-round of life–max-capacity subway cars, clueless and loud tourists, and locals who drift through their day–just down the road. and yet above this neighborhood–and the entire sprawling city–hangs a common thread, a bluish hazy night sky.
“that was wild,” henry says, suppressed laughter bursting forth from deep in his chest, “all day everyone’s defaulted to speaking english because, well, look at you, and you even had me fooled. i actually forgot you kind of speak basic korean."
“the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.”
henry rolls his eyes dramatically but in the same split second, throws an arm around grant’s shoulders.
“i was afraid that soup was going to fly out of your mouth.” grant returns the gesture, though it requires him to lean down so as to not smother henry’s face instead. “too close for comfort.”
“well, in my defense, i was not expecting you to reply to my grandma asking me, “daehyun, i haven’t seen your friend since your wedding. how did you meet again?”
grant shrugs. “we met on a playground twenty-four years ago.”
“on my very first weekend as a resident of the semi-good ol’ US of A. in the opposite situation. i remember being so pissed that my parents made me go out to ‘make friends’ that weekend. not moving, mind you, but making friends. i guess they were psychics, though, because apparently, it didn’t bother you that i didn’t speak your language for at least a couple weeks.”
“people say i could talk to a wall.”
henry laughs again. “you could. you’re very chatty.”
“did it bother you that i wrote you some really, really, really shitty letters in korean in the early days based on online translations i found?”
“no, that was sweet.” no question about it–the joy in henry’s eyes is determined. “they were definitely horrendous, but it’s the thought that counted. you could do better now. oh, and i think i still have all those letters. i should. i did box them up when i moved out of my parents’ house.”
they were, all things considered, never very much alike, beyond the fact they both liked cats but weren’t allowed to have any. henry’s mom was allergic, but grant’s parents despised pets. otherwise, they were polar opposites. grant always liked math and science, wanted to work with airplanes, and preferred to spend his free time with others playing tabletop RPGs and computer games; henry always liked art and history, wanted to be a photographer, and preferred to be left alone to his vintage film camera and pottery. grant’s parents raged when he selected aviation over medicine; henry’s parents and grandparents, all artists, were delighted by his dreams of photography. moreover, grant selectively speaks his mind, while henry rarely minces words.
and still–
the shrill honk of a car off in the distance disturbs grant’s thoughts.
“you really could talk to a wall, but hey, why did you approach me on the swing set that day? you were already busy hanging out with your sisters. and your cousins. why me?”
and still, the two have fused into one. the world turned upside down; grant paints these days, henry has long been a willing dungeons and dragons player, and separation from one another is like losing half your body. if henry walked away now–ended this messy half-hug early–grant would turn to ash.
“well,” grant begins, drawing out the suspense with an exaggerated sigh, “first of all...”
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en-thralled · 2 years
Can I request a Yandere enhypen - maknae line when all 3 of them likes you but you have a boyfriend so they decide to team up ? They first beat up your boyfriend, when you confront them , they circle around you , passing you to e/o threatening you and telling you how you cannot escape them bcoz they claim you . After they kidnap you they torture your boyfriend infront of you and kiss you infront of him as you try to get off . Your bf dies from both pain and from the fact that he couldn't protect you and now you would have to go through hell ..... Thank you in advance Nd I realy like your writing:)))
oh hi :D yeah of course! c;
WARNING: enhypen maknae line has yandere behavior, swearing and violence.
[thank you for requesting. you might not see this story because of how long this took to make. I'm very sorry! I'm getting busy these days and I'm getting piled up with a lot of work. If there's a chance you did read this, and is satisfied, leave another ask please (kindly tell me that you were the one who requested this.) :D
I might rethink if I still will leave the requests open. I'm disappointed in myself, because i couldn't fulfill your request on time. I'm really sorry anonymous person! But I hope you enjoy the story.]
You just finished class. You were now waiting for your boyfriend. You had set up a date for the two of you. He received a text message from you informing him that class had ended.
"Hey y/n."
You turn to face the person that has called you, "Oh hey Jungwon," smiling. You couldn't help but smile when you saw him because of his dimples. He asks you, "D…Do you have any plans today?"
You tell him, "Yeah, I'm going out with my boyfriend." You had that giddy expression all over your face. He hated it. He wished you were that excited when it comes to him. You swear you saw his expression change. But you brushed it off, it isn't such a big deal now, isn't it?
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You wonder what happened to him. "Come on Daehyun... pick the fucking phone up," you groan. You were looking forward for today. You dressed up more, put make up more. You spent 30 minutes with choosing your outfit, and finished all your assessments. Where the hell is he now? You were getting impatient.
16 missed calls.
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1 hour later...
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you went home already when he replied;
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You roll your eyes. You were tired of waiting for so long that you couldn't move a leg on your bed. And didn't have the time to reply to him. You yawn, you finally decide to sleep after scrolling through social media.
You slowly close your eyes as you drift to sleep.
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
"Hey y/n!"
"What do you want Daehyun?" you turn to him, brows furrowed. "I'm sorry for yesterday, I'm guessing you didn't see my text-"
you cut him off, "I saw it."
"No reply? Something came up ok-?" you cut him off again.
"I said I saw it." He just stares at you with a worried expression. He looks like he was going to say something but hesitates. Well if he isn't going to say it, its better to go now. "Oh. If you're not going to say it, then I'll be going now." you turn your heel to walk away from him.
"W-wait!" he call out to you, "I gotta say something!"
Your raise your brow, "What is it?"
"Please.. Avoid them." he warns you, you furrow your eyebrows again. "Daehyun. What are you talking about?"
"Just- please avoid sunoo, ni-ki and jungwon." he sighs putting his hands on your shoulders. And he kisses your lips.
"My friends-? Daehyun-?" you question him.
"I love you."
"I love you too." you smiled at him, what was he talking about?
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
"That fucker is in our way of having her." sunoo says furiously. "He has guts. To kiss her after we told him not to." he scoffs.
"We were so close to having her hate him."
"We weren't close, ni-ki. she was only mad, but she didn't hate him." jungwon corrects the younger one.
"I guess we have to teach him a lesson then." they all smile at each other, deviously...
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
"Daehyun, Daehyun, Daehyun..." sunoo lets out a breathy chuckle, "What did we tell you?"
"Did your small brain forget what we said to you?" he lifts daehyun's chin, "Or you're just fucking stubborn?"
"She's ours. We claimed her. So stay the fuck away."
"W...When? When w-was she y-yours?" he still manages to spit out.
Ni-ki scoffs, and jabs him in the jaw. Your boyfriend just groans in pain.
"I'm this close to killing you." Jungwon grits his teeth.
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
It was 8:00pm. You just finished your hangout with your friends at a mall. You were on your way home, until you heard someone grunting and groaning, (no, not in that way,) someone was getting beaten up.
You didn't want to bother with that and planned to just swiftly pass by the alleyway without getting caught. You were going to do it, however you were stopped by a familiar voice,
"S-Stop!" Holy shit. Was that your boyfriend?
"Where's the knife?" another familiar voice.
You quickly took a peek, and there he was... Getting punched and jabbed so multiple times. You watched in terror, there was nothing you can do, honestly.
Heh, you dumb bitch. Of course you were going to help him!
You picked up whatever object you can swing them with. You couldn't bear the look on his face, the knife threatening to cut right through his neck. you had to save him right away.
You slowly approach but the puddles just gave you away. The 4 boys swing their head toward the noise, which was you. The shock was undeniably evident in their face.
"Y/N...." daehyun weakly says.
You were so shocked too. You lost grip of the object you were holding.
"Sunoo, jungwon, niki..." you stare at them terrified. "What the fuck did you do to daehyun?!" rage fills you.
You were distracted on Daehyun, you were helplessly crying...He looked so pitiful.. That was when you blacked out.
🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀🌿🥀 🌿🥀
you slowly open your eyes, you were in an unfamiliar place. You hardly remember anything, you don't remember why you blacked out. Your eyes we're wandering around the room... The only thing you can hear is the faint sound of dripping water. That gave you a clue. You must be in a basement..
"Y/N..Are you... O-okay? " you were startled but the voice.
"oh my god.. Daehyun." You gasp, "What happened?!"
"Great question, y/n." a voice interrupts. you swiftly turn your head to the person, it was Ni-ki.
"Ni-ki.." you weakly say. it was like a stab in your chest. your closest friends, almost killing your boyfriends because of how they brutally beat him up. "Why the hell would you do this?"
"It's because you're ours. " he sighs, "But daehyun here, is fucking wall."
"We have to slowly break him.. Until we can be with you. "
Then two boys appear from the shadows, revealing Sunoo and jungwon.
"Hi y/n!" Sunoo, who shamelessly greets you in a 'sweet' way. You just stare at him with a dead expression.
"Aren't you going to say hi back? " Sunoo firmly grips your jaw making you since in pain. "My, my lady. You gotta learn manners now that you'll be here with us!"
You spit on his face. He slowly backs away from you, with his eyes darkening.
"Should we end it now?" Jungwon steps forward.
"Why, of course yes! " sunoo claps his hand.
They slowly approach daehyun, " Wait- No! Get away from h-him! "
There... You saw such a horrifying sight. He was beaten to death.
"Y/n..I'm sorry.. " your boyfriend's last words.
You ears start ringing and the voices and noises become muffled, " stop crying, we're doing this for you. "
Your stomach dropped because now you will be with them, forever.
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lgcxjasper · 2 months
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♛ - q3 plot call & tracker ❕
hi hi, it's bb, mun of jasper and mimi (@lgcxmimi) and its another day, another quarter. i'd love to write with you all! as usual, if you want to chat for plotting, headcanons, or just to make a friend(me!), feel free to hit me up on discord(dm), twitter, or tumblr chats!
like emi, i'll be dropping very old threads, but will be keeping some. if you want to keep our thread just let me know!
profile. plots.
jasper is officially added to the new kids, new dreams line up, and honestly, that's as big of a deal as any to him; he's got his hands full with proving he can make it and his own brain doubting that. other than that, he's just being-- well, jasper. drinking tea, making deadpanned jokes, and being the perfectionist that he is. he is learning to let go too though, which is easier said than done.
tracker and plot call under the cut! i'll be updating with non-event threads soon so be on the lookout. if you'd like to plot something new or anything, just like and i'll pop into your dms!
NEW KIDS NEW DREAMS NEW SONGS PRACTICE: SOLO PERFORMANCES: in talks w/ @lgchxneul MEETING DAEHYUN: SOLO BONUSES: OPEN to any other members! (@lgchxneul, @lgcsaem, @lgcminki, @lgcbk, @lgcxnoeul , @lgcyichen , @lgcwenjun ) NON-EVENT: slip up w/ @lgcrua - replied ! flew the nest w/ @lgcxmax - replied ! surprise surprise w/ @lgcmilan - to do ! GYESEUNG: plotting w/ @lgcheejin @lgchxneul plotting w/ @lgcsori plotting w/ @lgcmilan
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entityforged · 2 years
under the cut you will find a very long list of very specific plots/dynamics i want to write, organized by corresponding muse. if you're interested in any of them, you can reply below, dm me the plot you're interested in, or just like if you want me to message you first. there's technically no limit on these plots; i don't mind "repeating" plots bc they'll always be different depending on who i'm writing them with, so don't let that hold you back from an idea.
ash: — give me the hot straight boy (or not) from church that they had a crush on. give me the two of them meeting at a pride event, discussing their feelings on gender, sexuality, and religion. give me the rekindling of friendship and feelings, that strange bond with someone who knew you before you knew yourself, the understanding that comes with shared trauma.
brody: — your muse knew him when they were younger, before he got really famous. one day they realize he still follows them back on instagram and send him a message saying they're proud/impressed, hope he's doing well, etc, not expecting him to respond. except he does, and they start talking a lot, and they end up catching feelings. maybe they didn't know each other well before this, maybe one or both had a crush that they never expressed, maybe one or both are in a relationship—idk there's just a lot of fun dynamics we could play with in a celebrity x random guy ship. — just anyone who has an actual crush on him. it'll take a lot of convincing to get him to accept that they care about him as a person, especially if they've already hooked up, but i really want to see someone treat him softly, help him come to terms with the trauma he's endured, and make him realize that he is worth more than his body.
caspian: — first of all tw for self harm; second of all this could work for ships i already have with him! basically i really want to play out the first time he's getting intimate with someone and they accidentally touch/see his scars. he'll freak out and depending on the kind of relationship there are different ways they can handle it, but it's an aspect of him i'd like to explore (esp bc i have not always dealt with it very well in the past).
daehyun: — idk how to explain this dynamic other than just showing you 1:05-2:07 of this video. give dae the stoic, quiet, very masculine, (maybe still thinks he's straight) counterpart to his bubbly, outgoing, very openly queer self. and if we wanna take inspo from the song he won't be actively gunning for the other guy to break up with his gf but he Will be hoping for it. (also bonus points if they dance together but that is not necessary!) — more professional connections please!! choreographers or fellow dancers or people he is doing backup dancing for!! i have also been toying with a verse for him moving to korea so if anyone has idol muses :eyesemoji:
daisy: — imagine reuniting with your childhood crush except they're now a world famous actor and you have a headache from trying to explain algebra to 12 year olds all day. how do you even handle that.
darcy: — someone that knew him before his family died, maybe even a childhood friend who knew them too. they're the only person allowed to come over during august, the only person he'll talk to about any of it. he definitely has feelings for them—maybe always has—but he refuses to say anything because he can't risk ruining their friendship. — someone else who works at the strip club! could be a bartender or bouncer or another dancer; could be purely platonic, could be romantic/sexual, could be a rivalry! lots of potential here.
lennon: — okay this one is so silly but they love anime and i've always had this idea of them having a secret tumblr or twitter where they talk about that! and they also have a longtime mutual who they're best friends with, they know all lennon's secrets but not who they are. and as they catch feelings they have to decide if they want to lose their one place of anonymity, their friendship, and maybe even their trust. (and maybe for bonus funny points they one day reveal that they have an interest in figure skating and lennon like. sneakily tries to get their opinion on themself lmao)
matthew: — in this house we love tropes so pls i am begging give me the person he is bodyguarding; they're soft and flighty and wear their heart on their sleeve and he's both exasperated and in awe of them. bonus points if they are openly queer! he can't have them and he can't be them so instead he will simply yearn in silent agony. (this one can be totally platonic they can totally just be besties.)
miles: — give this beautiful man his first kiss!!! it can be a joke/dare/casual thing that he puts way too much meaning into despite trying not to; it can be the climax of a sweet romantic slow burn; it can be him asking a friend to just kiss him so he can get it over with but oops he liked it a lot actually!!! idk idc just kiss him
rhys: — "hey hello fellow single parent our kids are besties do you wanna set up a playdate for them? no this is not because i have an absurd crush on you and this is not because my daughter knows and will definitely tell you if i don't at least pretend to make a move"
rijin: — polar opposite besties!! they're loud and outgoing but know better than to try to force him out of his shell; he thinks they're brighter than the sun and are fucking terrified of the day they decide they're tired of trying to shine a light into his dark, lonely world.
taesuk: — modelling rival! modelling rival! they could be a fellow up-and-comer or someone a bit older and more established; either way they definitely super hate each other and don't wanna fuck even a little!
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sarahmadpeople · 2 years
Do you forgive me, hyungs?
Summary: Kingdom Legendary War au - What if during O Sole Mio performance, Eric dropped the staff they were supposed to be holding while dancing?
Tags: pure angst, little to no comfort, sad ending, mcd
Warnings: mcd, physical attack
Word count: 4k+
Disclaimer: i don’t own any of the boys (except original characters) and this is purely fiction,, not a medical expert so medical scenes might not be accurate,,
a/n: back with yet another eric angst fic and this might be one of the most angsty i’ve written for the boyz,, wrote this about 2 years ago hehe do lemme know what you think :)) hope yall enjoyy ~~
It was just yesterday but it felt like it was just a minute ago that Eric made two grave mistakes, possibly costing The Boyz their ranking in Kingdom.
Eric remembered clearly how he stumbled and tripped over his freaking leg during the first chorus of O Sole Mio. He remembered clearly how he dropped the stick during the dance break. Eric remembered clearly how Juyeon, Q and Sunwoo looked so angry and screamed at him when they reached the waiting room. And Eric remembered clearly how disappointed his hyungs were when it was announced they got 6th place.
"ERIC! See what you've done! We're now in 6th place and if it wasn't because of your two stupid mistakes, we wouldn't be in this position now! Everyone's exhausted with the constant practice, and you had to go and ruin all our efforts to climb the ranking! I can't believe this! I'm so done with you!" Juyeon shouted, the first thing he did when they reached home. He was so livid at Eric for making two, not even one, but two mistakes. He couldn't even look at Eric so he stormed to his room leaving the maknae shaking in the living room.
"Yah! If you don't want to help us, then there's no point in practicing so hard and being with us" Sunwoo's words hurt so much. Eric turned to look whether he was joking but the expression on Sunwoo's face said otherwise. Eric froze, looking at Sunwoo's retreating back as he went into his room.
"You are unbelievable Eric. How could you do this to us? Is this not important to you? Juyeon and Sunwoo's right. I'm so done with you!" Q shouted at Eric's face before storming to his room too.
Eric startled from his frozen state by the slamming of the door.
"Eric-ah, let's go" Younghoon gently wrapped his fingers around Eric's wrist and pulled him into their shared bedroom. Younghoon took Eric's sleeping clothes, placed it in Eric's arms and brought him to the bathroom.
"Take a quick shower. I'll wait for you outside," Younghoon went out and heard the shower turn on.
It took Eric only 15 minutes to shower and put on his clothes before going out. Younghoon quietly took Eric back to their bedroom where they both saw Haknyeon sitting on Eric's bed.
Eric took a seat next to Haknyeon and Younghoon joined them. Not even a minute, tears sprang from Eric's eyes and then he was crying. Younghoon and Haknyeon's hearts broke looking at their crying maknae. They knew that the others were being too harsh on their youngest, mistakes are inevitable and although Eric's mistakes were quite serious, he didn't deserve to be shouted at like that.
They sat, huddled together, for about 15 minutes before Younghoon felt a weight on his shoulder. He looked down and saw the poor boy cried himself to sleep.
Haknyeon helped Younghoon tuck Eric in before the both of them gave Eric a goodnight forehead kiss like they always do.
"Haknyeon-ah, do you want to sleep here tonight?" Younghoon suddenly asked, feeling that it's best if Haknyeon slept in their room.
Haknyeon thought about it and replied, "Mian hyung, I'd love to but I don't want Hyunjae hyung to sleep alone."
Younghoon nodded, he understood what Haknyeon meant. "Goodnight Haknyeon, have a good rest," Younghoon hugged Haknyeon before the younger one left for his bedroom.
[present time]
"All right, before we start the practice for the next performance, I want to diffuse the tension here," Daehyun hyung, their choreographer, started off, "I know what happened during the last round upset and disappointed everyone. And it might have cost you your ranking. But I want you to shake it off today so that we can move on from that to the next performance."
"Eric," Daehyun hyung faced the said boy, "I'm going to be honest with you all right, the mistakes were serious in a sense that it affected the performance as a whole. They were not small mistakes but rather big ones that caught audiences' attention. So, I hope that from now on you try your best to ensure you won't make grave mistakes like you did previously. Understood?"
Eric nodded and thanked his lucky stars that their trainer didn't shout at him like his hyungs did.
"Hyungs, I sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart for making the mistakes. I'm sorry for causing us to be in 6th place…" Eric choked up but then he continued, "I know it's hard to forgive me but I promise, I'll try my best to not make anymore mistakes." Eric bowed down on his knees, really hoping his hyungs could forgive him. He couldn't live with his hyungs being angry at him for a long time.
Younghoon approached Eric and pulled him up to stand.
"I don't expect the rest of you to forget about this but I hope you won't be angry at Eric for long. You are together as one group so I hope you'll forgive Eric and move on from this." Daehyun hyung then announced the start of practice.
"The choreography I've prepared for Monster focuses on synchronisation and there's going to be a stunt in it." As soon as Daehyun hyung said the word 'stunt', Eric's face lit up and he immediately volunteered to do it. Fortunately, Daehyun hyung agreed to it and Eric knew this was an opportunity for him to redeem himself.
However, Eric's smile faltered when he heard that Hyunjae and Juyeon were going to be the support. He subconsciously winced as Juyeon's words from yesterday rang in his ears. He prayed that this stunt could help him gain the forgiveness of hyungs.
Daehyun informed them that they were going to practice the stunt first before moving on with the dance moves.
Eric felt Juyeon's hard grip around his left wrist. Eric looked at Juyeon and shuddered when the older glared at him. Eric hid the wince as the grip became harder. He looked over to Hyunjae and the elder didn't seem angry but he was not smiling either, so Eric was unsure if Hyunjae was still angry at him. Despite this, Eric put his absolute trust in his hyungs in order to successfully do the stunt.
Luck was playing with Eric, his first attempt at doing the stunt failed horribly as he didn't manage to land on his two feet. Instead, after he was lifted and yanked to the front, he crashed his back on the floor. The air seemed to leave Eric's chest as he crashed. It took him a minute before trying to get up.
It wasn't his two supporting hyungs who helped him up but Haknyeon who rushed to Eric, after seeing Eric struggling to get up.
"Eric-ah, are you okay?" Haknyeon asked, he was worried if the maknae sustained an injury.
"I'm okay hyung, don't worry, thank you for helping me," Eric thanked him then turned to Daehyun, "hyung, I'm sorry, let me try doing it again."
Daehyun nodded and they got to their position before trying it again. And, it was a successful attempt. Eric smiled, but nobody else smiled except Daehyun hyung, Younghoon and Haknyeon.
"Nice work, Eric. You'll just have to practice more to make it more smooth and to ensure you always make a successful landing because don't think The Boyz could take anymore huge mistakes, okay," Daehyun commented and Eric nodded, he understood the importance of this move.
The Boyz continued practice with other dance moves before they ended the day at 1 am.
The boys were driven back home by their manager, Jibeom hyung. As they arrived, all 11 boys thanked their manager and bid him goodbye before going in.
"Hyungs, do you want to eat? I can cook something for all of you" Eric asked but the only replies were slams of bedroom doors. He heard Younghoon sighed beside him, "Eric-ah, it's okay. Let's just wash up then go to bed, okay."
Eric looked at Younghoon and the latter could see the maknae's eyes glistening with tears. He pulled Eric into the bathroom and told Eric to take a quick shower while he retrieved Eric's clothes.
The routine, Eric noticed, was the same as the night before. Younghoon and Haknyeon were already on his bed and once he sat in between them, the tears came. Eric, once again, cried himself to sleep. Once they tucked Eric in and kissed his forehead, Younghoon pulled Haknyeon aside.
"I'm worried, Haknyeon-ah. I don't want Eric to overwork himself just to redeem himself for the mistakes he did. And the others don't seem to talk to him or do anything with him. I have no doubt that Eric's going to feel down if this prolongs." Younghoon voiced his worries.
"I understand hyung and I feel the same. I think as of now, we'll let the others cool down and if they are still treating Eric like this nearing the performance day, then we'll sit everyone together and discuss again." Haknyeon suggested before telling Younghoon to get some rest and he left for his room with Hyunjae.
The next morning found Eric eating his breakfast alone. After he got ready, he went to their dining table and saw his hyungs there, but as he sat down, Juyeon, Q and Sunwoo immediately got up and went into their rooms. The other hyungs slowly got up, saying they had to get themselves ready before Jibeom hyung came to pick them up. At least, Younghoon and Haknyeon were still there as they were cleaning up.
But Eric couldn't help but feel his heart break. Were the mistakes he made during the performance too severe to make his hyungs ignore and treat him like this? Suddenly, Eric lost his appetite. He nibbled on the toast given by Younghoon and just finished half of it before retreating to his room.
Younghoon and Haknyeon looked at each other. Although they had hopes that the situation was going to get better, they knew that it was bound to get worse. The two members knew they needed to do something to resolve the issue. But it slipped off their minds as they were kept busy with practice, recordings and other schedules.
As the performance day drew near, Eric kept staying up late to smooth his dance moves and write his rap lyrics.
"Aish, why can't I get this rap to sound nice? I should ask Sunwoo for help, hopefully he'll help me," Eric said to himself, one night, as he was working on his rap.
Eric threw away the fear of asking help from Sunwoo, as the latter was still angry at him, and went to find Sunwoo.
"Sunwoo, can you please help me with my rap? I can't seem to get the rhythm right and -" Eric didn't even finish talking when Sunwoo shut his studio door on Eric's face.
Eric stood there, dumbfounded. He knew his friend was still angry but he didn't expect Sunwoo to shut the door on him and refuse to help him.
Eric walked back to his studio room slowly and after calming himself down, he continued to work on his rap before sending it to their trainer for vetting.
"What the hell is this crap, Eric! You call this rap? It's monotonous and there's no uniqueness whatsoever. I refuse to include this in your performance. You either redo the rap or don't have any part at all!" Their trainer, Hwiyoung hyung, scolded Eric in front of the rest of his hyungs the next day. Eric didn't dare to look at his trainer so he kept his gaze on the floor.
"Sunwoo," Hwiyoung hyung addressed, "please assist Eric in his rap seeing you've done a good job with yours." And boy did Eric's heart break again hearing his trainer's words. Sunwoo just nodded but he was not amused to be tasked with helping Eric; he was still angry at him.
"All of you are dismissed." Hwiyoung hyung announced and the boys went straight to their dance studio for dance practice.
Daehyun hyung saw Eric's sad expression as he went into the room. "Eric-ah, are you okay?" Daehyun hyung asked as he walked over to the maknae. Eric smiled, though half-heartedly, and nodded his head because he couldn't trust himself to say anything without it resulting in him crying.
Daehyun hyung had suspected that Eric was having a hard time ever since he made the mistakes during the previous performance. Daehyun just nodded and asked Eric to get ready for practice, he didn't want to push the younger one and cause him to break down.
They started practice and went over the stunt numerous times. Daehyun hyung decided to cut practice a bit short since he could see the boys looking very tired; he was not stupid, Daehyun hyung knew the members were staying up late to practice.
"Boys, let's end practice. Go home and get some rest. We'll continue tomorrow" Daehyun got the boys and back-up dancers to pack up before sending them out of the practice studio.
As they got home, Eric asked his hyungs if they wanted dinner as they had a light lunch during practice. Nobody answered. Eric sighed and went into his shared room with Younghoon and saw his hyung asleep.
Eric went back out and asked Jibeom hyung to drive him to the company. "Eric-ah, why do you want to go back to the company? I thought you boys were given time to rest." Jibeom hyung asked as Eric entered the van.
"I need to redo my rap, hyung," Eric answered.
Jibeom turned, facing Eric. "Eric-ah, couldn't you do that tomorrow? You should rest, not stay up late again like you've done for the past few days. What would your hyungs say if they know you're not resting"
Eric winced, "Don't worry hyung, they won't care." Then he muttered under his breath, 'they're barely even looking at me, how are they going to care if I'm not resting.'
Jibeom hyung wanted to argue but then they arrived at the building and Eric thanked his manager before rushing in. Jibeom hyung shook his head, seeing the youngest's antics.
The timing on the clock showed that it was nearing 4 am. Eric was still awake rewriting his rap over and over again. Suddenly, the door slammed open and Eric saw Sunwoo coming in.
"Yah! Do your rap! This part here…" Sunwoo began helping Eric and soon he was done and as he was about to thank Sunwoo, the latter stormed off, clearly not wanting to be around Eric anymore than he should.
The tears came again, as it always does for the past days. Eric let himself cry, not bothering to hold in his emotions. No one was coming in to check on him anyway so he had the room to himself.
Truth to be said, Eric didn't understand why his hyungs are still angry at him and why his other hyungs are ignoring him. The past days ever since the previous performance were taxing for Eric; not only was he dealing with his own guilt of making the grave mistakes, he was also feeling very down as he could not lean on any of his hyungs for comfort and support. He got scolded by his vocal trainer due to his rap and nobody seemed to care about it after. He stayed up late almost every night and nobody seemed to care. Well, Daehyun, Jibeom, Younghoon and Haknyeon hyungs might be the only ones who still cared enough to talk to him and check on him.
In two days time, they'll be performing Monster. Eric told himself to bear with it until then because he was sure once he performed with no mistakes, his hyungs would be back to normal with him, cuddling and joking around with him.
But nobody, including Eric, would've thought such a grave incident would fall upon them.
"Good job everyone!" The Boyz just finished performing Monster by Exo.
Daehyun hyung could see, from the place he was standing at, the smile and pride that Eric wore after he slayed the stunt, his rap and overall choreography. As he saw Eric descend down the stairs, Daehyun approached with a big smile, "Good job Eric-ah, you've done a very nice job. I'm very proud of you," Daehyun pulled Eric into a big, warm hug.
"Thank you hyung, for everything. For giving me the opportunity to do the stunt, for guiding me and for believing that I could do it" Daehyun could see tears in Eric's eyes, "Yah, don't cry. You did well, and look who's here," Daehyun turned Eric around for him to see Younghoon and Haknyeon bouncing over to them.
"Eric-ah!" Younghoon shouted, "Although I watched you from the waiting room, I was so proud of you! Good job! You killed it, your stunt, your rap, your dance. Everything!" Younghoon, too, hugged Eric in a tight embrace, feeling so proud of his maknae.
"Your stunt was amazing, Eric-ah, I'm so glad you pulled it off so well" Haknyeon also joined the hug with Younghoon and Eric.
Eric giggled in the hug, "Thank you hyungs. I appreciate it, and I couldn't have done it without Daehyun hyung, you both and the other hyungs," as soon as Eric mentioned the other hyungs, Daehyun, Younghoon and Haknyeon could see the sadness washed over the smile Eric was wearing earlier on.
"It's okay Eric-ah, I'm sure they'll come around soon. You've redeemed yourself already." Younghoon assured Eric, who looked sceptical but nodded along.
They then went ahead to their waiting room. Nobody greeted Eric, telling him he did a good job. The tension was still obvious among them so Eric decided to get some air outside. Besides, his hyung must be glad that he's not in the room with them. Eric quickly went out after telling Jibeom hyung where he was going.
As Eric reached the secluded area outside the building, he took a deep breath in and breathed out. Eric realised that whatever he did for the performance might not be enough to redeem himself. But what was he going to do to make his hyung forgive him? In deep thoughts, Eric didn't notice 4 people creeping up towards him.
Out of the blue, Eric felt a sharp pain in his head and immediately he went down to the ground. The 4 people started to throw punches and kicks to Eric. "You don't deserve to be in The Boyz," one of them said. "You bring shame to them and their fans," Eric heard another person say. The kicks and punches continued and suddenly, Eric felt another sharp pain in his chest followed by the same pain in his abdomen. Eric looked down and saw blood gushing out from what Eric perceived as stab wounds. 'God, this hurts so much,' Eric said to himself.
The 4 perpetrators continued beating Eric until they were satisfied and ran away before getting caught.
In his weak state, Eric was not able to call out for help. He laid there, surrendering to his fate. Eric thought of who did this to him and came to a conclusion that they were anti-fans, of his most probably.
His thoughts then changed over to his hyungs, his beloved hyungs. Although the past few days, they've treated him poorly because of his mistakes, he still loves them. His hyungs were there for him the whole time and he regrets not being able to tell them for one last time that he loves them.
Eric's eyes began drooping and soon, Eric's eyes closed, his last thoughts were of his hyungs.
"Guys, we should stop treating Eric this way. We need to stop ignoring him, shouting at him for no reason. He made no mistakes today, he redeemed himself already so cut the act out," Younghoon addressed the situation at hand.
"Hyungs, if we keep this up, Eric's going to break down and I'm not sure if we could pick him up after. The way we've been treating him is so bad, hyungs. It's not like Eric purposely made the mistakes. Please, let's just forgive him and treat him normally, like he deserves as a human being." Haknyeon added.
The rest of the members kept quiet, pondering upon what was said by Younghoon and Haknyeon.
Finally, Sangyeon spoke up, "You're right, we've been very harsh to Eric. We need to forgive him and apologise for our actions towards him the past week. Younghoon, Haknyeon, could you go and find Eric, so that we could talk about this a bit, at least, before we're called for the evaluation."
Younghoon and Haknyeon went out and went straight to where Eric said he was going. As they reached the place, nothing could ever prepare them for what they were going to see.
"Eric!" Younghoon shouted then ran towards the familiar body of his maknae lying on the cold pavement with blood pouring out of the wounds visible on his body.
"Haknyeon, go and get Jibeom hyung and tell him Eric's hurt badly and needs an ambulance. Go!" Haknyeon never knew he could run so fast and in a flash, he reached his manager hyung and relayed what happened.
Younghoon was panicking but he stayed strong for his youngest dongsaeng. He put pressure on Eric's stab wounds and as he looked up, he saw Eric's eyes fluttered open.
"Eric-ah, hyung's here. Stay with me okay, please stay with me. All the other hyungs forgive you, Eric. We all forgive you so please stay with me. We love you, Eric" Younghoon couldn't fight the tears as they rolled down his cheeks.
Eric placed his palm over Younghoon's hands, a tear slid past Eric's eyes before he went slacked.
"No!!!! Eric-ah!!!" Younghoon screamed at the top of his lungs and Haknyeon never wanted to hear that ever again.
Haknyeon saw the ambulance arriving and took Eric to the hospital as quickly as they could.
The rain that poured over the earth was a companion to the sobs heard coming from 10 members of a boy group. They sat, huddled together, crying as they mourned over their youngest dongsaeng. Guilt hung over them as they were unable to apologise to their maknae for their behaviours, unable to voice out and show their love to their maknae.
"Boys," the 10 members looked up and saw Jibeom hyung, his eyes and nose were red, walking into their living room.
"There's no news about the ones who did this yet but the police assured that they are doing the best they can to catch these people." Jibeom hyung told the boys.
"What about Eric?" Jacob croaked out.
Jibeom looked at them then said, "There are no changes as of yet. The doctor's are still unsure if he's going to wake up. And if he does, he would need a lot of support from us. His injuries are severe; the bleeding in his brain, the blood loss and the broken bones, all might have done major damage. We'll not know for sure until he wakes up. So have faith and pray that he does wake up. And when he does, we're going to be there for him all the way and you boys can tell him how all of you love him very much and that you forgive him. Okay?"
The boys nodded and vowed, when Eric wakes up, they'll be there and be the best hyungs for him.
Hopes were shattered when the boys received news from Jibeom hyung 4 weeks after the incident.
"I'm sorry but Eric is gone," Jibeom croaked out, clearly crying as he relayed the devastating news to the boys.
"The doctors tried everything they could but it was time for Eric to go."
Tears were evident on everyone's face. They lost their maknae, lost a part of their life, lost the chance to redeem their behaviour and apologise to their youngest. Everyone huddled together in the living room, grieving and mourning for their precious loss. Except for one person.
Younghoon retreated to his shared bedroom with Eric. He took the picture frame that was standing on the bedside table. It was a picture of the whole group at the beach during one of their breaks with Eric in the middle and his hyungs hugging him.
Younghoon traced his fingers over Eric's face, "I miss you, maknae. 4 weeks without you and your chatters, your jokes, your pranks. I never stop praying and hoping you'd wake up, but I guess it's time for you to go, like Jibeom hyung said. I wish for you to have a good rest up there and be happy as usual. I'm sorry, Youngjae. Love you brother."
Younghoon embraced the frame and layed on Eric's bed.
"Thanks Younghoon hyung, I love my hyungs too," he heard Eric whispered, and smiled tearfully.
no harm meant for anybody, i love the boyz ~~ sorry for any mistakes and i’d appreciate any feedbacks/comments ^^ thanks for reading!!
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wcvensouls · 1 year
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although he was used to people recognizing him right away with the career he's had, daehyun actually quite enjoyed when people didn't seem to know who he was. looking at the other, he gave him a warm and friendly smile. " gan daehyun, at your service. " he replied in a playful manner. " i'm an idol, a member of 4fusion. "
@notfrsale : continued from here .
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spiderwebbingx · 1 year
“ i’ll get blood on your shirt… “ raehyun to anyone!
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"that's the least of my worries right now, rae.." he replies as he carefully picks him up. the fact that he'd think that daehyun would be concerned about his shirt right now was ridiculous. the only thing on his mind was making sure they both made it back safe. "just hold onto me. it'll be alright."
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
there's an aloe mask on his face as daehyun rests back against the couch, sipping from his straw, a smoothie for breakfast rather than his regular go to. one eye open to peer over at his pa, a content hum leaving him. ❝ ━ we still have a few more hours before anything else that schedule then tomorrow is free. why don't you try to relax a little ? take tomorrow off, go get a massage, do some retail shopping, buy some books ? you deserve it, you're wonderful at your job. zari and river won't let me out of their sight and i promised to cook tonight, so you're invited to dinner, if ya want. ❞
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The smell of the room was calming enough for his usually so tense mind. The relaxation was simple to his being, though it wasn't him doing the majority of the spa day he was enjoying the simpleness of it all. Though his gaze was upon his phone, thumbing through emails and replying to those most urgent in his control. His gaze flicked up at the face masked Idol for a quick second before he hummed in reply. "For you, it's a time to relax. I've got to plan the rest of the week to make sure everything's going well." Because people are unreliable - well, more so the world and fate didn't give a damn for anything they wanted to plan well.
Uten could say it was his mind playing on him, the perfectionist he thrived for was always a number one worry in his mind. "Only bonus I get is that I don't need to drive you anywhere, so I have a chance to sleep in." Not for too long but more than his usual amount. "But thank you for the suggestions, when I have time booked off, I'll do some of those things then. Don't worry about me too much, Daehynnim. I'll see about the dinner." He might be busy on the phone or something with paperwork, so he wasn't going to promise something he could break.
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Sickness Makes New Friends part 3
Final part of the collab fic with @haywire-official This is more so to provide a conclusion than anything else, so there isn't a whole lot of sickness happening. I hope you enjoy
Jehyuk left the staff meeting feeling a bit annoyed. It had run thirty minutes longer than originally planned and he was just ready to go home. However, he still needed to get some practice in. He walked into the practice room and was surprised to see his dongsaengs frantically talking amongst themselves.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. None of the members responded to him as they were all still talking. He didn’t really feel like raising his voice to get their attention, so went over to the light switch and turned off the lights. Everyone quieted down and looked in his general direction.
“Jasper got out of school an hour and a half ago, but he hasn’t gotten here yet. Daehyun hyung had gone back to the dorm to see if was there and he’s not. We’ve tried calling him and texting him, but nothing’s going through.” Wonjae said. Yeah, Jehyuk can understand why the others are freaking out a little. He took his own phone out and sent a text to the manager that was supposed to pick him up from school. He swore when he got a response.
“Apparently, the manager’s car broke down en route to the high school, and instead of arranging for a new ride, he suggested to Jasper that he take a cab. Who even tells a minor to take a cab by themselves when they’re under your care?” “To be fair, Jasper is an adult by US standards.” Supplied Merlin. Arthur smacked him on the back of the head in response. “Right, not helpful. Sorry.”
“I’m going to call the CEO about the manager’s negligence.” Jehyuk said before stepping out of the room. He came back a few minutes later looking rather displeased. “The CEO is going to deal with the manager. Now we just need to figure out where our maknae wound up.” The eleven members began talking about how to even try to find their sick maknae, when Jehyuk’s phone began to ring. He quickly showed the group the CEO was calling him before he answered.
“Hello CEOnim.” The members watched as Jehyuk seemed to deflate a little.
“That’s really good to hear. No, we’ll do it. I just need to get the keys to the van. Text me the address please.” The call ended and Jehyuk grinned. “Apparently Jasper told the taxi driver the wrong company name and wound up at UJ entertainment. I’m going to get the keys to the van and then we can head over there as soon as I’m sent the address.” All of the members visibly melted at that. They all ran to pack up their bags so they could grab Jasper. One member going to pick him up would work just fine, but they all really wanted the reassurance in person that he was fine as soon as possible.
Thankfully, the company invested in a fifteen person van, so there was no need to figure out who would be in which car with who. It was only about forty five minute ride to the address Jehyuk was given. He was a little surprised when he pulled the van up in front of an apartment building instead of a company. “Huh, I would have assumed that he’d be at the company’s building, not an apartment complex.” Jehyuk said as he and the others got out of the van. He quickly took out his phone, and realized that the address was very obviously an apartment building. The eleven men walked to the entrance of the apartment building and quickly realized there was a problem. Even though Jehyuk had been given the apartment number, the doorbells just to the side of the door weren’t labeled by number, just the last name of the owner. Before Jehyuk could text the CEO again to figure out how to get into the building, Junseok went and rang all of the doorbells and they were let in in a matter of seconds. Daehyun and Wonjae gave Junseok a weird look.
“What? Chances of at least one person waiting for a delivery of some kind is rather high. So you just ring all of the doorbells and someone is bound to let you in.” Junseok replied while shrugging his shoulders and opening the door. Jehyuk, Wonjae, and Daehyun looked horrified, while Merlin and Arthur actively high-fived Junseok, the others looked mildly amused. Jehyuk pulled out his phone again to verify the apartment number before leading the group in the correct direction.
It took the group a couple minutes to find the apartment and Jehyuk knocked on the door. Unfortunately, some of the members were unwilling to wait for the door to be answered. Youngbin began knocking on the door not even a second later. Merlin was quick to swat the younger’s hand away as a scolding. A few moments later, the door opened up to a man who looked slightly annoyed.
“Can I help you?” He asked.
Jehyuk nodded. “Uh, yes. I’m Jehyuk and I’m the leader of Zodiac. These are my members. I-we were told that our maknae by accident wound up with you?” Jehyuk wound up asking because he was slightly worried that he was in the wrong place still, even though they had followed the directions. Fortunately, the guy who had answered the door, opened it further. A smile spread across his face. “I’m Hyunwoo. Leader of Haywire. Hyung said something about another group’s maknae getting lost and hanging with us until we could locate his group. Please come in.” He was a bit surprised as he counted eleven men entering the apartment.
Naturally with the addition of eleven men to the apartment, the volume level increased. This caused the other people in the apartment to come out of their rooms to investigate. The Zodiac members were quick to introduce themselves. Minjun, Haru, and Siu all introduced themselves. Haru was very eager to get to know the other group. Meanwhile, Minjun had said that Jasper had fallen asleep in their maknae’s room, and offered to go wake him up. Jehyuk had said that would be great. The sooner they could get their maknae home the better.
A couple minutes later, a sleepy and sick looking Jasper was dragged out of one of the rooms by Minjun, the final member of the group trailing behind looking a bit uncertain. Merlin had walked forward and collected the sick maknae. The first thing he did was place his hand on the younger’s forehead. "Have you guys given him any medicine?" He asked. Minjun shook his head.
"He said he didn't want any."
“Dude, you totally have a fever right now. How about we take you home, get some medicine in you, maybe some soup, and then you can sleep in the living room surrounded by all the animals?”
Jasper nodded into Merlin’s side. “Pet cuddles so-ound HEH-ktchh, hih-ktchh,heh-ktchhhsheishh. Pet cuddles sound great.” Wonjae walked over and handed Merlin a mask to slip over the sick man’s face. The duo then guided him out the door and towards the van. Arthur was the next one to speak. “Do you guys know where his backpack is?” The member that had looked a bit uneasy nodded and left the room maybe a bit too quickly, returning a little bit later with Jasper’s backpack and phone.
"His phone died at some point before I found him." Jae said. Arthur nodded in understanding and slipped the phone into his pocket before maneuvering his crutches so that he could put Jasper’s bag over his shoulders.
“Thanks for taking care of our maknae. We hope to get to know you guys further under better circumstances.” Arthur said. The others echoed similar sentiments before they all left the apartment, clearly more focused on the well being of their sick member than socializing. However, Wonjae had left a sheet of paper with all of their names and phone numbers on the coffee table so the two groups could keep in touch.
The drive back to the dorm was quiet but relaxed. Jasper was dozing with his head on Wonjae's shoulder. The fact that Wonjae was allowing it to happen showed both his soft spot for the younger and the fact that he had also been worried when he never came back after school. Some of the members were softly talking about how scared Jasper must've been when he realized he was in the wrong place and that he had no way of contacting any of them.
The group arrived back at the dorm. Minseok and Woong went to the living room to set up the pull out couch. Jehyuk called one of the managers to get Jasper's schedule cleared for the week. Junseok and Merlin helped carry Jasper inside. Wonjae went to his room to get the medicine. Arthur, Jihoon, and Daehyun got started on dinner for the group, including some soup for the maknae. Taehoon and Youngbin went to round up all of the pets for a giant cuddle pile. The group was gathered in the living room eating dinner and watching Death Note. Jasper was looking slightly better now that he'd taken some medicine. "Hyung is going to call you out of school tomorrow and you don't have to go to practice until that fever goes away." Youngbin told Jasper. Jasper nodded and suddenly his eyes widened and he sat up a bit straighter.
"I never got to properly thank hyungs for taking care of me." He looked rather bothered by this and Wonjae was quick to respond.
"Don't worry. I left a note with all our numbers, so you should be able to thank them soon enough."
"I've also arranged for some gift baskets to be sent over tomorrow or the day after."Jehyuk added. Jasper relaxed back into the couch, and within minutes was asleep again.
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everythingbap · 3 months
📲 Daehyun BBBLE update:
댛니 (Daehni): Y/N hello!
댛니: I came to Seoul! Did you see the photos today??
댛니: It took a long time to receive them, but I thought they came out well, so I wanted to show them, so I received the B cut and posted it!
댛니: You can look forward to it! I also participated in the selection and everything came out well hehe. Which concept do you like the most?
댛니: Sorry for the late reply I was practicing hehe It's been a while since I tried out various concepts. It was fun and great!
댛니: Thank you for saying only kind words
댛니: I'm going to go practice now! Sleep well and have a great day today!!
(Translation by maaatoki)
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vacantgodling · 7 months
thanks for the tag @jezifster! its gonna be more cage stuff, so i'll leave it as an open tag for the masses. your words are: key, rogue, back, & sly
SORRY (chapter 4 - snakes and barbs)
“Now listen here,” Cassidy cut in, stepping bodily in front of Angela. It seemed that a hand on his gun would become a permanent fixture around the elder Shimada. “Ang saved his goddamn life! Something we wouldn’t hafta had done if your sorry ass didn’t fucking kill him.”
SHOCK (chapter 7 - spirit)
“No.” Shocking everyone Hanzo replied and it was just as venomous as he had ever been. A shard of guilt lodged itself in Cassidy’s gut—he wasn’t sure if anyone told Lucio, Hana or Daehyun about Hanzo and now this was a spectacle. 
SMOKE (chapter 11 - life for a life)
Wordlessly, he tipped his Stetson down low over his eyes, and he reloaded Peacekeeper, practiced and easy-like. He took in a measured breath. When he breathed out, golden smoke spewed like a dragon from his lungs. 
STAGGER (chapter 19 - hanzo's ladder)
The second goon charged Cassidy, this time with a bat, and Cassidy used the advantage of his prosthetic to grab the metal bat mid-swing. He crushed the aluminum between his palm, and using it like a lasso, he yanked, dragging the man in to punch him square across the jaw and make him stagger.
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