interxstitial · 4 years
— a starter for @lupusxdei​ (hoxmarch!) »
this is undoubtedly one of the worst ideas jiwon’s brain has ever concocted in all 23 years of his life. of all the terrible decisions jiwon has made, this one is rapidly rising in ranks with every minute that passes, but he has a point to prove. his pride is on the line, and jiwon will not be made a fool of just because he can’t handle a little cold or rain. except it’s not really a little cold or rain. in this awkward phase between seasons, the forecast for sunshine and scattered clouds from this morning has flipped to thunderstorms and some number of warnings, but by that time jiwon had already packed his things and picked a spot to set up camp. it’s too late to turn back, and jiwon will not be a quitter today. 
noon comes and goes, and jiwon has hardly anything to show for it. a short distance away, the pathetic fire he managed to start crackles weakly and flickers precariously in the breeze. it’s practically mere decoration, but he had sparked it on his own, didn’t even cheat by using lighter fluid. now, he’s wrestling with plastic rods and flighty pins, tangled in canvas and on the verge of tears. dark clouds loom ominously on the horizon, painting the sky in broad, threatening strokes, and thunder buzzes like a warning growl. if jiwon doesn’t get his tent up soon, he’ll be doused in rain, frozen to the bone, shivering like an abandoned kitten. hell, even abandoned kittens can find shelter under discarded boxes and bus stop benches. jiwon only has his thickest jacket, a poor excuse for a fire, and what is meant to be a tent but has yet to take form. if worse comes to worst, he could probably find a tree to park under while swaddled in his sleeping bag. that probably wouldn’t count as camping, but jiwon is desperate to stick it out. 
“what the hell am i doing?” he murmurs to himself and turns the instructions over for the hundredth time. “this doesn’t make any sense...”
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