#luo mai ming
rose-tinted-vision · 1 month
okay I've started Sword and Fairy 6 for Xue Bayi (no seriously have you seen the guy??? my androgynous icon)
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like I'm not too sure what's going on in the plot but:
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also his hands are really pretty
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baoshan-sanren · 1 year
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tempo-takoyaki · 4 months
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From an anonymous freeform prompt for SVSSS Action, may I present to you... Delicious in the Abyss! A SVSSS x DunMeshi AU!
More info about the different characters (with some sketches) under the "read more" :
In Delicious in the Abyss, we follow various groups of adventurers as they explore the "abyss" a mysterious place filled with various fauna and monsters. No matter their race or age, most of them have the same goal: becoming the master of the abyss... However, some have a very different idea of how one should explore the abyss. Take for example a certain group led by an elf named Shen Yuan who desires one thing only... eat as many different monsters as possible!
Shen Yuan's party :
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Shen Yuan: Elf, 87 y/o, Mage. His wish is to eat and study as many monsters as possible. He started exploring the abyss about twenty years ago, but had to stop abruptly after taking in Luo Binghe. On the surface, his studies seem to merely be for the sake of curiosity... But are they?
Luo Binghe: Tiefling, 63 y/o, Tank (and cook). Thrown into the abyss at the age of 38 (since tieflings are a long-lived race, it means he was about 14), he got stuck in the lowest levels for few years before Shen Yuan saved him. He regards him as his savior (and one true love) and would do anything for him... even if it means cooking the monsters (he hates it, he hates it so much).
Shang Qinghua: Gnome, 87 y/o, Healer. Shen Yuan's oldest friend and the author of many infamous books. He stopped writing them about twenty years ago though, after he started to explore the abyss with Shen Yuan. He seems to be looking for something in the abyss, or rather: someone.
Liu Qingge: Tallman, 26 y/o, Swordsman. One of Shen Yuan's friends. He used to be part of the Cang Qiong guild but left it after a disagreement with one of his colleagues. Now he works for Shen Yuan with his younger sister, Liu Mingyan. "Uh? My goal? Get stronger. Mh."
Liu Mingyan: Tallman, 24 y/o, Swordswoman. Liu Qingge's younger sister, she accompanies him on each of his missions. She got an offer to work with Cang Qion mountain once but refused it once she learned her brother had left the guild. She's quiet but efficient, however, Shang Qinghua suspects that she might stick around for other reasons...
Cang Qiong Guild:
Yue Qingyuan: Tallman, 48 y/o, Tank. The leader of Cang Qiong, he's a respected individual amongst adventurers. However, he seems leniant on the vices of his vice-leader: Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Qingqiu: Tallman, 40 y/o, Swordman. Vice-leader of Cang Qiong. He's the reason Cang Qiong is exclusively made of tallmen, as he has a strong distate for any other races, especially elves. The only exception to this rule is his adopted daughter: Ning Yingying, a dwarf. He's the one who abandoned Luo Binghe into the abyss after discovering his true nature.
Mu Qingfang: Tallman, 29 y/o, Healer. The group's medic.
Qi Qingqi: Tallman, 31 y/o, Swordswoman. She wanted to create a branch specifically for women in Cang Qiong Guild's but because of Shen Qingqiu's veto on recruiting other races she couldn't make it work.
Ming Fan: Tallman, 19 y/o, Mage. A cowardly young adventurer. He has a crush on Ning Yingying.
Ning Yingying: Dwarf, 51 y/o, Tank. Despite being older than him, she's Shen Qingqiu's adopted daughter whom he took in when she was merely 30 y/o. She likes her father a lot, however she can't forgive him for what he has done to Luo Binghe. (She'll leave Cang Qiong to join Shen Yuan's part at some point).
(Side note, Cang Qiong is still specialized in cultivation, hence why most of them look so young)
The Tieflings hideout:
Tieflings are a race that I made up for this AU specifically, inspired by D&D. They're inhabitant of the dungeon, tall and sturdy, with pointy ears akin to elves, horns of various shapes and tails. They can also use magic like elves, tallmen or gnomes, however their magic rely on its own set of rules.
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Mobei-Jun: Tiefling, 92 y/o, King of the Northern tribe. Leader of one of the numerous tiefling tribes hidden in the abyss, he met Shang Qinghua twenty years ago in the abyss and has made him swear his loyalty to him since then. He has sensed change in the abyss since Luo Binghe's arrival, and decided to trust Shen Yuan's party to solve this issue... With the compensation of Shang Qinghua.
Sha Hualing: Half-ogre half-halfoot, 15 y/o, Princess of the Eastern tribe. Adopted daughter of the king of the eastern tribe, she's a bastard born from the forbidden union between an ogre and a half-foot and was abandoned into the abyss at birth. Of short stature, with a short life spawn, she makes up for it with her keen senses and her strength. She later on joins Shen Yuan's party.
The first Tieflings:
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Tianlang-Jun: Tiefling, ??? y/o, Master of the Abyss. The master of the abyss, his powers are beyond anything imaginable. He claims to have eaten what has given him those powers and since then has known hunger beyond what any mortal could endure. He has once fell in love with a tallman woman by the name of Su Xiyan, but she has left the abyss years ago, and he doesn't know what her whereabouts are... The only thing he knows is that she's the only one capable of satisfying this hunger that eats him from the inside.
Zhuzhi-Lang: Beastman (snake), ??? y/o, Guardian of the abyss. Tasked by the Abyss' Master to protect its inhabitants, he'll kill anyone who gets in his ways indiscriminately at the exception of Shen Yuan, who saved him years ago when exploring the abyss for the first time. He only obeys the Abyss' Master orders, and because of that, has forced the Tieflings deeper and deeper into the abyss regardless of how they felt about it. As a chimera, he's more snake than the tiefling his soul has been mixed with.
Other groups:
Huan Hua's guild (the governor's guild): The one guild financed by the governor of the state in which the abyss is located. Its members are from various races. Despite the guild stating they're open to anyone, only those from a wealthy background can become a part of it.
Zhao Hua's guild: Specialized in magic. They have rounds to reanimate unlucky adventurers in the abyss.
Tian Yi's guild: Specialized in training new adventurers.
And that's it for now! What awaits them in the abyss? Many adventures and delicious cooking, that is, if Luo Binghe can handle it.
"Freed from the abyss at long last... Forced to cook the monsters with seasoning this time. I've been cursed there's no other way to explain it... Damn it, it's good though, I really am a great cook."
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tea-cat-arts · 4 months
Ranking mxtx couples by whether or not I think they'd be good parents
(I'm 90% sure I'm forgetting someone)
Yep, next question (S)-
Wangxian: tried and tested good dads. I wish them luck with the whole “trying to get wwx pregnant” thing 
They have some shit to work through, but after that I think they'd be fine (A)-
Ling Wen/ Bai Jin: if we're just going off the original publication, I would put them in a much lower tier, but since the revised edition added that thing about them raising orphans together and said orphans turning out alright before unfortunate circumstances, I'm putting them up here. I think they'll be alright once they work through the miscommunication
Xiao Xingchen/ Song Lan: They obviously have a lot of trauma they're working through, but I'd like to think they and A-Qing will be a loving family in the long run 
One of them would be a good parent, the other wouldn't be a bad parent (B)-
Jiang Yanli/ Jin Zixuan: there's no canon reason for me putting them this low. Jin Zixuan just gives off a mediocre parent vibe to me (and we all know Jiang Yanli is the best)
Yushipei: Yushi Huang has good mom energy, and Pei Ming has been shown to be a not terrible mentor. I'd want the misogyny fully beaten out of him with a mace before I'd think he should have kids of his own though 
Lang Qianqiu/ Little Guy: at the very least, they're making sure Guzi is fed, clothed, washed, vaccinated, and has access to education. Neither of them know what they're doing, but I think Little Guy is good at faking it. I wish them luck in their upcoming custody battle  
You know what, surprise me/ I'll hear you out (C)-
Bingqiu: My first instinct is “no, do not bring kids into this,” but then I remembered tharnShen Qingqiu has a surprisingly decent track record? Like, Ning Yingying and Ming Fan both turned out a lot more health than they did in the original novel, and though I wouldn't call him in a good place, Binghe is doing a lot better than Bingge. The wild card for me here is Luo Binghe because I have no idea how he'd be with kids
Quanyin: Yin Yu had a decent track record until he was pushed into snapping. I think rn, he needs a couple centuries of being a babygirl before he's ready to parent again. No idea how Quan Yizhen would do though 
Born to “dual income, no kids, rich uncles/aunts” (D)-
Fengqing: Feng Xin is canonically a bad dad. I know he's working on it, but it is what it is. Mu Qing has been shown to be decent with kids, but I think he’d have a melt down if he had to deal with the mess constantly. 
Hualian: I mean, Xie Lian has raised three kids at this point and one of them became a god, another became state preceptor and then sorta complicit in a genocide, and one became god AND committed genocide + he babysat a ghost king for months and didn't even realize that's what he was because it was a miracle if he remembered to feed him… so, a mixed bag. Hua Cheng may be schrodinger’s child hater, but I'm intrigued by the idea of him raising kids just because I want to know how his own childhood would influence his parenting abilities. They should probably just stick to babysitting for now though 
Mingling: Liu Mingyan is too busy writing gay porn to be dealing with kids, and I just can't imagine Sha Hualing as a mom
Please don't bring a kid into this mess (F)-
Beefleaf: Do I need to explain this one?
Mobeishang: Shang Qinghua should not be put in any position where he has to teach someone about consent (Binghe’s early attempts at flirting being a prime example of why that's a bad idea). I also think Mobei Jun is still working on the whole “why hitting people is not cool” thing. 
QiJiu: I think the original timeline is a prime example of how they're just not in a place to be raising kids 
Jun Wu/ Mei Nianqing: Xie Lian would like a refund on his adopted father figures. They had one kid and he only made it to age 20 because he was cursed to not die
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morethanwonderful · 1 month
Introducing: The Which MXTX Character Was/Would Be Most Insufferable Online Tournament Bracket
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Beginning the evening of August 23rd, 2024 (USA time), I’ll be running a tournament via tumblr polls to determine once and for all which Mo Xiang Tong Xiu web novel character was or would be most insufferable if given access to the internet.
Why this poll theme?
I thought it would be fun to run another big MXTX tournament bracket, since the bugpoll last year was a blast, and this was the funniest theme I could manage to think of.
Why isn't Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu in the bracket?
Given what we know about our dear Peerless Cucumber, I fear an SQQ sweep would be a foregone conclusion if I included him. Therefore, after the bracket finds a winner, I'll hold a bonus round and pit the winner against Shen Yuan to determine the true most internet-insufferable character.
What is wrong with you?
My goal is to hold one round per day every day for a week, but I'm contending with a full-time work schedule, so things may get slightly more stretched out than that. I'll also be splitting the first round into Round 1 Part 1 (the left side of the bracket) and Round 1 Part 2 (the right side of the bracket) to avoid spamming people's dashes with 32 separate polls in one day.
If you’d like to either search for or blacklist posts related to this event, all of mine will be tagged with “MXTX insufferapoll.”
The full list of matches is under the readmore here. Happy voting!
Round 1 Part 1:
Wen Chao vs Jin Guangshan
Quan Yizhen vs Mobei-jun
Mu Qingfang vs Ban Yue
Pei Xiu vs Jin Zixun
Xie Lian vs Jiang Yanli
Gongyi Xiao vs Lang Qianqiu
He Xuan vs Xue Yang
Lan Xichen vs Xiao Xingchen
Feng Xin vs Tianlang-jun
Wei Wuxian vs Liu Mingyan
Shi Qingxuan vs Nie Huaisang
Pei Ming vs Shang Qinghua
Jian Lan vs Qi Rong
Lan Wangji vs Song Lan
Nie Mingjue vs Liu Qingge
Mei Nianqing vs Lan Qiren
Round 1 Part 2:
Ling Wen vs Jin Guangyao
Sha Hualing vs Mo Xuanyu
Lang Ying (Present) vs Lan Sizhui
Bai Wuxiang vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jiang Cheng vs Ning Yingying
Jin Ling vs Ming Fan
Mu Qing vs Luo "Mianmian" Qingyang
Yu Ziyuan vs Yue Qingyuan
Xuan Ji vs Qiu Haitang
A-Qing vs Yin Yu
Wen Ning vs Zhuzhi-lang
Luo Binghe vs Wang Lingjiao
Wen Qing vs Yushi Huang
Hua Cheng vs Su She
Jin Zixuan vs Shi Wudu
Ouyang Zizhen vs Lan Jingyi
Round 2:
Wen Chao vs Quan Yizhen
Mu Qingfang vs Jin Zixun
Xie Lian vs Lang Qianqiu
Xue Yang vs Xiao Xingchen
Tianlang-jun vs Wei Wuxian
Nie Huaisang vs Shang Qinghua
Qi Rong vs Lan Wangji
Nie Mingjue vs Lan Qiren
Jin Guangyao vs Sha Hualing
Lang Ying (Present) vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jiang Cheng vs Jin Ling
Mu Qing vs Yu Ziyuan
Xuan Ji vs a-Qing
Zhuzhi-lang vs Luo Binghe
Wen Qing vs Su She
Shi Wudu vs Lan Jingyi
Round 3:
Wen Chao vs Jin Zixun
Lang Qianqiu vs Xue Yang
Tianlang-jun vs Shang Qinghua
Qi Rong vs Lan Qiren
Sha Hualing vs Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Jin Ling vs Mu Qing
Xuan Ji vs Luo Binghe
Su She vs Lan Jingyi
Wen Chao vs Xue Yang
Tianlang-jun vs Qi Rong
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Jin Ling
Luo Binghe vs Su She
Wen Chao vs Qi Rong
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Luo Binghe
Qi Rong vs Luo Binghe
Qi Rong vs Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu
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nyoomerr · 2 months
I hope you have a nice week of vacation!!!
For a prompt request perhaps something with a more monstrous or demonic Binghe? Potentially dealing with self hatred/insecurity or dysphoria because of this but with a shen Yuan being VERY into monstrous features actually.
(only if that strikes your fancy though. Have a good one either way!)
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combining these two prompts together to present you both with some cursed dragon!binghe and a sqq that has very little issues with what that means for him, lmao.
Admittedly, when a disciple had burst into the lecture hall to very frantically inform Shen Qingqiu that something was wrong with Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu hadn’t thought much of it.
On Cang Qiong, ‘something wrong with Luo Binghe’ could be anything from Luo Binghe outright attacking Liu Qingge to something as small as Luo Binghe having disturbed the dirt beneath his feet as he walked. Luo Binghe’s very presence here was something that even occasionally was reported to Shen Qingqiu as ‘something wrong,’ because Shen Qingqiu still hadn’t quite managed to strike down the rule barring Luo Binghe from entry to the sect.
So Shen Qingqiu had sighed, given the interrupting disciple his most withering ‘don’t you know better than to barge in like that!’ glare, and exited the classroom with very little urgency. 
It was only on the walk back to the bamboo house that some of Shen Qingqiu’s irritation began to be replaced with concern. 
Disciples and hall masters from Qing Jing and Qian Cao alike were running about like chickens that had lost their heads - most of them looking as if they’re just running around to be a part of the action and gossip rather than to actually be useful, but running around nonetheless. The Qian Cao disciples in particular seem to be very dedicated to scouring the ground for what appear to be crystalized… feathers? Scales? Whatever they are, they glint a deep red in the sun despite looking near black in the shade.
Alarmingly, many of them seem to be quite bloody.
Shen Qingqiu picks up the pace a bit. Then, when he gets near enough the bamboo house that he can hear the commotion of fighting and the wretched sound of a beast in pain, he abandons his pride and starts running.
“Liu-Shidi!” Shen Qingqiu calls as he approaches, watching with horror as Liu Qingge stabs Cheng Luan through a window to poke at something in the bamboo house. “What on earth is going on?!”
Liu Qingge looks up at the sound of his name, and then promptly gets thrown across the clearing that the bamboo house sits in when a thick tail whips out of the window to knock into him.
Shen Qingqiu looks at Liu Qingge - already standing back up, although looking significantly more irritated - and then back at the bamboo house. He does some quick mental math. 
“...Binghe?” He calls tentatively. 
The awful noises from inside the bamboo house stop. The creature’s tail freezes where it had been slowly slithering back in through the window that it had whacked Liu Qingge through. 
“Oh, Binghe,” Shen Qingqiu sighs, taking that as all the confirmation he needs. “What did you get yourself into this time?”
“Back off,” Liu Qingge grunts, sliding between Shen Qingqiu and the house. “If that’s really your disciple in there, he has even less sense than usual.”
“Nonsense,” Shen Qingqiu says. Hadn’t he clearly displayed a sense of shame just now, when Shen Qingqiu had caught him throwing Liu Qingge about? Actually, isn’t the fact that he attacked Liu Qingge in such a way proof in itself that it’s still his troublesome disciple in there?
“He sent three of your disciples to Qian Cao before I got here,” Liu Qingge says, and Shen Qingqiu winces.
Luo Binghe may not try very hard to maintain good relations with Shen Qingqiu’s fellow peak lords, but he does try to be civil with everyone on Qing Jing. 
Well. Everyone except Ming Fan, usually. Poor Ming Fan.
Still, Shen Qingqiu is quite convinced that the beast inside his house is Luo Binghe. He’d been away for the last week quelling a rebellion in the southern demon lands, fighting against a race of demons known for their particularly potent curses.
The mental math Shen Qingqiu had done adds up: it’s been nearly a full month since the last wife plot he’d had to fend off with his husband. Naturally, the beast inside his home must be a Luo Binghe that’s been cursed in some awful way that will require a truly heinous amount of freaky papapa!
Shen Qingqiu takes a determined step towards the bamboo house. 
Liu Qingge mirrors the step, remaining firmly in the away. 
“...Liu-Shidi, if you don’t mind,” Shen Qingqiu says, pointedly taking another step to try and get around him.
Liu Qingge mirrors the step once more. “He’s attacking indiscriminately,” he says, scowling. “That beast has hurt you enough as it is, no need to -”
Whatever Liu Qingge had been about to say, it’s cut off by the sound of Luo Binghe making another wretched noise, followed by something shattering inside the bamboo house, and then complete silence once more.
Shen Qingqiu sighs. Of all the casualties of this world’s nonsense, the sheer number of fine tea sets that he’s lost to plotlines deciding that something shattering would add some good drama is truly the worst!!
“Try to stay still for now, Binghe,” he calls over Liu Qingge’s shoulder. “This master will help you get untangled once I get in there.”
“Don’t let him out,” Liu Qingge says, blocking Shen Qingqiu’s way with Cheng Luan. 
Shen Qingqiu eyes him distrustfully. “Shidi was the one who locked him in my house?”
Liu Qingge sends a pointed glare around the clearing. The clearing which, in all fairness, is quite a bit messier than it usually is: whole swaths of bamboo have been trampled, and deep claw marks dig ugly rows in the ground everywhere Shen Qingqiu looks. The little garden that Luo Binghe has been tending recently is completely lost; Shen Qingqiu tuts as he thinks about how irritated Luo Binghe will be to have lost his favorite source of fresh vegetables. 
“He’s out of control,” Liu Qingge says. “Containing him in a small space was the most immediate method of getting your disciples out of danger.”
Shen Qingqiu sighs, bringing a hand up to rub at his temples.
“Just to be clear,” he says, “Liu -Shidi heard reports of a beast on a violent rampage on Qing Jing, showed up and saw a creature wreaking havoc, and decided that the best course of action was to corral the beast into my house?”
“...” Liu Qingge says.
“Thanking Liu-Shidi for his assistance,” Shen Qingqiu says with very little real gratitude. “Now shoo; go scare the Qian Cao disciples off my peak if you’re not done playing guard dog. They’re trying to collect Binghe’s blood again, I think.”
Liu Qingge’s expression twists. If Shen Qingqiu feels disturbed watching little baby medics trying to scrape Luo Binghe’s blood up off the ground to research, Liu Qingge undoubtedly detests the idea of their righteous sect collecting that “dirty” blood even more.
Eventually, Liu Qingge huffs, sheathing Cheng Luan and turning away from Shen Qingqiu in one movement.
“Fine,” he grunts. “But when he lashes out at you, too -”
“He won’t,” Shen Qingqiu interrupts, and finally manages to push past Liu Qingge and into the bamboo house.
Although, once he’s inside, he realizes very quickly that there’s very little room for him to go from there. 
Luo Binghe’s current form takes up most of the entire main room of the bamboo house, even with his body curled up tight in one spot to try and avoid knocking into the walls. Every breath Luo Binghe takes seems to move the whole space for how powerful it feels, and Shen Qingqiu can barely make out the crushed remains of the table beneath one massive paw.
A western dragon, Shen Qingqiu thinks, taking in the sight with no small amount of awe. 
Of course, he makes sure to feel an appropriate amount of irritation towards Shang Qinghua about it too.
Still though, Luo Binghe as he is now is truly a sight to behold. A handsome and proud snout with giant curving fangs peeking out from his mouth sits below a pair of reptilian eyes that shine with the same pretty shade of red that Luo Binghe’s eyes normally do when he gets irritated. Large red horns sprout from the sides of his head and curve and twist in front of his forehead in an approximation of his demonic huadian. His whole body ripples in the light, covered in those beautiful crystalline scales - though Shen Qingqiu notes with some regret that he can quite clearly see the bloodied patches where some of those scales have been ripped out. 
He doesn’t seem to have wings, but Shen Qingqiu easily spots the long tail that had knocked into Liu Qingge - as Shen Qingqiu examines Luo Binghe, the tail starts to thump rhythmically against the ground, like a dog sheepishly wagging its tail. Ah, that’s really… really too cute!!
“Welcome back, Binghe,” Shen Qingqiu greets. The rhythmic thumping of Luo Binghe’s tail gets a bit quicker. “Can you speak like this?”
Luo Binghe’s tail stills, and Shen Qingqiu instantly feels some regret at the loss. Still, he supposes that answers that, then.
“That’s fine,” Shen Qingqiu says. “Just - ah, make some sort of noise if I do anything that hurts. I’m just going to examine you real quick, alright?”
Slowly, Shen Qingqiu approaches, ducking under Luo Binghe’s massive head to reach his flank. This close, he can get a better idea of what hurt Luo Binghe.
…He almost wishes he hadn’t looked. The bloodied areas missing scales look very much like they’d been inflicted with a giant mouth rather than a sword glare.
“Binghe,” Shen Qingqiu sighs. “One tail wag for ‘yes,’ two for ‘no’: did you rip some of these scales out yourself?”
Luo Binghe stubbornly keeps his tail perfectly still. Frustrated, Shen Qingqiu reaches out to rap his knuckles across an undamaged part of Luo Binghe’s flank in scolding. 
“Your healing abilities may be beyond anything a cultivator could imagine, but you can not heal a curse by trying to rip apart the cursed bits and hope they heal properly, you foolish disciple!”
Luo Binghe’s tail thumps twice against the ground defiantly. Shen Qingqiu can practically hear the retort: It worked the time with the Frost Bees, Shizun!
“The Frost Bees do not count,” Shen Qingqiu sniffs. “Nor does the time with the Crowned Pit Viper Clan: they used cursed objects, which spread the curse from the object to the wearer. Lopping off your arm worked because it stopped the spread from the bracelets, not because you were tearing off an affected piece and letting it heal back to an uncursed state.”
Luo Binghe already knows this, of course. Shen Qingqiu had scolded him quite enough at the times it had happened. Regardless of the fact that it worked, there are better ways to do these things!!
Shen Qingqiu sighs again, suddenly feeling very exhausted, and leans his weight on Luo Binghe’s flank. It’s very warm. Luo Binghe bends the long length of his neck to snuffle worriedly at Shen Qingqiu, and Shen Qingqiu pets at his giant snout reassuringly. 
Slowly, he starts to feed Luo Binghe some of his qi, directing it to the spots that were damaged. They’ve already healed, of course - despite Luo Binghe’s continued reckless abandon for his own wellbeing, he has stopped trying to keep his injuries around for Shen Qingqiu to dote on after realizing just how much it distressed Shen Qingqiu - but Shen Qingqiu offers his healing qi all the same.
It gives him something to focus on, to distract him from just how much he does not want to have this conversation.
“This master… it isn’t a bother to help resolve any curses that may be inflicted upon you.”
That is - if it’s to help out Luo Binghe, it isn’t a bother to cure things in the way traditional to Proud Immortal Demon Way. Er, that is - 
Well, of course Shen Qingqiu is referring to papapa!
Luo Binghe is still for a moment, and then noses at Shen Qingqiu insistently. Shen Qingqiu huffs.
“Well, if you don’t like not being able to be a part of this conversation, maybe you shouldn’t have done anything foolish to prompt it!” He scolds. “If you’d just come to get me normally, instead of tearing at your scales and scaring the disciples and somehow getting Liu-Shidi involved -!”
Luo Binghe noses at him some more. 
“Yes, yes, it’s fine, I sent him away. Honestly, though, I don’t know why you didn’t just come get me! We could have had this all sorted by now, no Liu-Shidi needed to begin with!”
Luo Binghe makes a pathetic noise, shoving his snout into Shen Qingqiu hard enough it knocks the breath out of him.
“Aiya, I get it, I get it, no mentioning other people when we’re about to -” Shen Qingqiu breaks off, clearing his throat awkwardly. 
Luo Binghe does not stop his ugly sounding whines. Finally, Shen Qingqiu is forced to realize that Luo Binghe’s concerns may be different than he’d been assuming.
“...Is there a reason you didn’t come get me, then? Outside of your pride?” 
Luo Binghe only stares at Shen Qingqiu unblinkingly. If Shen Qingqiu were to assign a human emotion to the reptilian face, he’d say it was one of disbelief. 
Slowly, Luo Binghe looks down at his massive paws, and the deadly claws on the ends of them. Shen Qingqiu notes with interest that the shape of them is more like a cat’s than a lizard’s, and he wonders idly if the claws extend and retract in the same way that a cat’s does. How much force would he have to use to push Luo Binghe’s claws into their extended state? Are his toes webbed like a cat’s, as well?
Then Shen Qingqiu blinks, remembering that he was trying to have a cross-species conversation here, not that this input from Luo Binghe makes any sense in the current conversation.
“The house is already a mess,” Shen Qingqiu dismisses. “The bed will surely not be any more damaged by your claws now than it already has been.”
Luo Binghe blinks slowly at Shen Qingqiu; one - two pairs of eyelids! Fascinating! Then he turns once more, this dipping his head to look down and back at -
Ah. Belatedly, Shen Qingqiu understands, and then feels a rush of embarrassment at the fact that he had to be directed to look at Luo Binghe’s transformed heavenly pillar - pillars? There’s two of them down there?!! - to get it at all. Right. Of course Luo Binghe would assume that dual cultivation may not be an option in this form. 
…For being the former protagonist of a stallion novel, Luo Binghe is really, painfully vanilla at times! 
Shen Qingqiu coughs, his face warming.
“That - that’s also not an issue. For me.”
There’s a twitch at the bottom half of Luo Binghe’s body. 
…There really are two of them down there, ah!!
Shen Qingqiu flushes darker.
“It’s really no problem,” he says again. “It’s this master’s job to help when you need it. And -”
Shen Qingqiu cuts off, clears his throat, then clears it again.
“Well,” he eventually says. “Binghe was gone a long time.”
Slowly, Luo Binghe’s tail starts to wag again. 
“...It was far longer than three days,” Shen Qingqiu says, speaking mostly to the ground. “So, mathematically, it makes sense if perhaps what is done tonight is done in ‘double’ than usual, to make up for double the time -”
Gingerly, Luo Binghe catches the back of Shen Qingqiu’s robes between his teeth, picks up up, and carries him back to the bedroom.
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What about an AU where Su Xiyan was actually pregnant with twins and the poison that the Palace Master gave Xiyan successfully killed one of the twin.
In PIDW universe the twin that survived was Bing-ge and the twin that survived in the SVSSS universe is actually Bing-mei.
There are lot of fics about the Shen twins.
I want one about the Luo twins.
In the PIDW universe, Shen Yuan also didn't survive.
What if there exists a universe where both pair of twins survive?
This implies that both Bing-ge and SJ still have their anchors. Neither of them had to grow up alone. There was always someone with them through all their thick and thins. Neither of them were ever abandoned.
The head canon of SJ being a fierce and protective older brother is pretty common. But, I want to see fierce and protective Bing-ge, older twin to Bing-mei.
Bing-ge the one obsessed with power and position so that he could protect his precious younger brother, whereas Bing-mei is the sweet, polite, domestic house wife type.
But...but ... Never be mistaken!
Bing-ge may look like a feral, manipulative cat and Bing-mei may look like a docile, sweet pup, the actual master of psychological manipulation is actually Bing-mei. He is in reality much stronger and fiercer than his older twin. He is just super comfortable in being coddled my someone so he never shows his true colours. He has no ambition...well...he has an ambition and that is to become a successful housewife.
Just imagine the Luo twins entering the peak and SJ starts qi deviating after seeing not one but two beautiful boys with promising core. He snatches them for his peak so that he can destroy them but at the base of the peak SY is waiting for him with a fan hiding his face. As soon as he sees the Luo twins along SJ he warns SJ in a stern voice, "Don't even think of it!", and then simply swoops the twins from under his brother's nose.
Obviously SJ is furious but is also too weak for SY. He also knows SY is correct and is going to reprimand him harshly if he does something unsavoury to the twins. Hence, he lets the twins be themselves.
When Ming Fan comes to bully the newcomers, Bing-ge beats the shit out of him for insulting his brother.
I believe Bing-ge would never take stand for himself but if it's his brother who is hurting then it's all hell break loose. SJ sees this and starts to develop liking for Bing-ge because he very well understands Bing-ge's plight.
Gradually both Bing-ge and SJ start bonding over their older sibling trauma and responsibilities. Bing-ge becomes the head disciple and flourishes as a strategist under SJ's tutulege. (I don't prefer any romantic feelings between them)
In this universe Bing-ge develops a crush on his Liu Shibo, Bing-mei on his caring Shizun— SY, while Yue Qingyuan and SJ get together.
Edit: Bing-ge has pin straight hair and Bing-mei has curly poof.
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 5/∞
Most fanworks I've come across call Ming Fan the Head Disciple of Qing Jing Peak-- because of the prevalence of this idea, I even held to it in my own writing for a while. However, in canon, Ming Fan is NOT and never was Head Disciple.
This is another case of a fairly honest misconception, though.
In an earlier translation of SVSSS done by BCnovels, Ming Fan is referred to as Head Disciple:
"Descending the mountain this time is for the sake of gaining experience. This teacher will not be able to help you. Ming Fan, as the head disciple, you will need to vigilantly prepare so the demon won’t harm your fellow disciples." (BCnovels Ch. 6)
Shen Qingqiu said affably, “They were harvested from my head disciple Ming Fan’s family’s tea fields. As for whether they’re high-quality or not, won’t Shang-shidi know if he comes to take a meal at Qing Jing Peak?” (BCnovels Ch. 93)
(Many thanks to @shen-qing-qiu for providing these quotes!)
Even in terms of translation, the mistake is fairly honest as well. The exact position Ming Fan holds is 大弟子 (Da-dizi), and he is called 大师兄 (Da-shixiong) by Ning Yingying.
In some cultivation novels, 大弟子 is also the head disciple (I believe MDZS may be this way, but I do not have a copy of the original on hand to check right now), but what it literally means is "most senior/oldest disciple." It isn't necessarily the oldest of the group, but the one who was first to become a disciple of their master/a sect/etc. and has thus been training for the longest time, and has the most experience.
Ming Fan continues to be referred to as Da-shixiong even after Luo Binghe became head disciple:
Ning Yingying tugged on the battered and bruised Ming Fan. “Da-shixiong, did you hear?” she murmured. “A-Luo and Zhangmen-shixiong are saying that person is…Shizun?” (7S Ch. 13)
Which makes perfect sense-- even if the ranking has changed a bit, he is still the most senior disciple of Qing Jing Peak-- that won't ever change.
However, this is not the same as being head disciple.
In SVSSS, this is a separate category, where instead of being determined by seniority, the head disciple (首席弟子 Shouxi-dizi or 首徒 Shoutu) is a disciple specifically chosen for the role by the peak lord. Huan Hua Palace also has this role, and though less is known about internal sect politics there, it seems to follow the same sort of rule, with favored disciples being given this title.
Ming Fan is never referred to with this title. He is senior disciple, NOT head disciple.
The two quotes from the BCnovels translation above have since been corrected in the official TL:
“This trip down from the mountain is for the sake of your training. Unless as a last resort, this master will not assist you. Ming Fan, as the most senior disciple, you must design careful strategies, lest you let that demon harm your fellow disciples.” (7S Ch. 2)
“They were harvested from the tea fields of my senior disciple Ming Fan’s family,” Shen Qingqiu said affably. “As for whether they’re high-quality, won’t Shang-shidi know if he comes for tea at Qing Jing Peak?” (7S Ch.26)
It appears that when there is no head disciple, the senior disciple fills that role and performs the same duties:
All affairs on Qing Jing Peak, whether large or small, were handed to and looked after by Shen Qingqiu’s trusted subordinate, Ming Fan. (7S Ch. 1)
However, if a head disciple is chosen, many of these duties and authority will shift to the selected disciple:
These past couple of years, Shen Qingqiu had handed all manner of miscellaneous tasks big and small to Luo Binghe to deal with. After all, for now Luo Binghe was so sweet, obedient, and useful, his work thorough and meticulous. (7S Ch. 4)
At this point, though it has not directly been stated, Luo Binghe is the head disciple of Qing Jing Peak (there will be another post on this topic later).
One last note, I have also seen Liu Mingyan being referred to as head disciple in fanworks. This is a similar situation as Ming Fan's, though she is not even referred to as senior disciple. It isn't a big enough issue with enough canonical references to be worth its own post, so I would just like to add onto this post that Liu Mingyan is NOT head disciple either.
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tossawary · 7 months
"Was it really going to make him look on while a child was being abused? This was really too much... Even so, Shen Qingqiu couldn't afford to take risks.
While he was anxiously fretting, a compromise suddenly came to him.
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect had a minor technique, "Plucking Leaves, Flying Flowers." At a glance, it wasn't very useful, just aesthetic and interesting. The novel had described how Luo Binghe used the technique to win the nth woman's affections. As Shen Qingqiu had, since his arrival, been furiously reviewing various manuals, he had also recently seen a description of it."
Chapter 1, page 43.
Shen Yuan may have inherited all of Shen Qingqiu's cultivation skill and he has to fake his way through a lot of interactions, but he does actually study and work to bring himself up to standard! And when he sees Binghe being bullied like this, he goes on to lose over 50% of his B-points driving Ming Fan and his lackeys off. He wants to return the jade pendant immediately, but knows it would count as another System violation and he has only 30 B-Points left.
Admittedly, he gets 100 B-Points for keeping the pendant and seems giddy about potentially being able to use it to curry favor with the protagonist. There are a lot of moments in this chapter where Shen Yuan is clearly still adjusting to his transmigration and he's having difficulty seeing everyone around him as people instead of characters yet - he's having a WEIRD couple of weeks here - so it makes sense to me that his mindset is kind of... detached and mercurial here? He thinks his life is on the line. He's not being nice to Binghe for Binghe's own sake, even if his personal desire and default is to be kind.
Still, this scene did win me over a little. It's not clear if Shen Yuan knows what a punishment from the System entails yet; it's a reasonable question for him to have asked off-screen, but the System was probably very vague at best. (He ends up having to experience having a limb ripped off on a later book. That's pretty fucked up.) But he still takes an enormous personal risk to interfere with what's kind of an average encounter in Luo Binghe's shitty life (though there is the significance of the false jade pendant), even though the System is insisting he can't take any credit for it.
Shen Yuan comes off as really young and stubborn here! Less used to the System's edicts and his character role! A little spoiled and very excited to have superpowers! Inexperienced and maybe more clear-sighted than he becomes when his relationship with Binghe gains genuine affection, followed by guilt, grief, and terror. Luo Binghe is just a kid and Shen Yuan is a brand new transmigrator (probably not much older than 19-20, honestly) who doesn't like bullies!
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mirageofadesert · 9 months
Looking back on my first year as a c-drama fan!
This year I fell - first down a flight of stairs - and then (because I couldn't walk properly for a few weeks) down a rabbit hole of cdramas!
In total, I have watched 28 dramas since May. I actually finished 17 of them. I re-watched 8 of them at least once. My most rewatched show is Till The End Of The Moon, followed by Love Is Sweet and The Untamed!
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Shows I loved
Till The End of The Moon: This drama triggered my hyperfixation, and I still love it so much. Tantai Jin became my new obsession.
Love is Sweet: This one surprised me because I don't usually care for romantic dramas. It made me more open to different genres.
The Untamed: I watched this for the first time in 2019, and now I can appreciate it even more.
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasties: It took me several tries to get into the drama because the political setting was too complicated. I'm glad I didn't give up. Wang Zhi became one of my favorites!
New Life Begins: I was just looking for something light in between and was quite surprised how much I liked the show.
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Things I learned as a newbie:
Cdramas are an acquired taste. Sometimes it's worth going back to a drama that you initially gave up on.
To avoid spoilers, it's best to skip the intro and especially the outro.
I love my characters unhinged.
Apparently it is okay to share leaks from filming.
Never believe anything that comes from yxh accounts.
Shippers are toxic in any fandom.
C-drama fans are a bit older than K-pop fans, but they can be just as unhinged and have trouble distinguishing between how to treat actors and the fictional characters they play.
My ADHD is better regulated when I watch shows in a foreign language while reading the subtitles. I don't get bored watching TV, which is rare!
Shows I dropped, and what I learned from it:
Hidden Love: I still don't like romances that have no significant plot beyond the relationship. Especially if I don't care about the characters at all.
Back from the Brink: Sometimes dramas that start well become an unwatchable, rage-inducing mess halfway through, and it's not worth sticking it out to the end.
Beauty of Resilience: I'm a character-driven audience. If the characters aren't compelling and the story isn't interesting, I don't care about the show.
Ashes of Love: I hate childish FL with baby voices and naive personalities. I need better written female characters. I'm on my 3rd attempt to watch this show and I only have a handful of episodes left, so I'll actually make it to the end (eventually).
I've dropped a lot more shows and actually watched some to the end that I didn't like very much in the end, but those are the ones I learned the most from.
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What will stay with me:
Tantai Jin: I'm still obsessed with this character. He is everything I need in a fictional character.
Luo Yunxi: This will come as no surprise to anyone who follows me, but my obsession with TTJ soon extended to Luo Yunxi.
Bai Lu & Sun Zhenni: While I appreciate both of them as actors, it's their fun and uninhibited personalities that made me fall in love with them!!
Costumes: I adore the detailed costumes and hanfu styles, and do prefer costume dramas to modern ones.
Food & drinks: I'm now looking into more Chinese foot now and how to cook vegetables in more interesting ways. I also bought "moon cake stamps"... so wish me luck!
New online acquaintances: I have made some new friends online who I can fangirl with to my heart's content!
What I'm looking forward to in 2024:
I'm really looking forward to Luo Yunxi's upcoming dramas, Follow You Heart, Shui Long Yin and Immortality (🤡). I'm also looking forward to Sun Zhenni's first leading role!
There are still many dramas I want to watch, but haven't found the time for. Like A Journey to Love, Goodbye, My Princess, Nirvana in Fire, Then Miles of Peach Blossoms and The Blood of Youth.
I'm not sure what else I'll post here next year. Probably more reviews and content related to my favourite actors. Let's see if something triggers my hyperfixation soon!
Happy New Year!
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florizzia · 1 month
FLORIZZIA apresenta: Liu Qingge e os discípulos de Qing Jing. [FLORIZZIA presents: Liu Qingge and the Qing Jing's disciples.] - Part. III
Shen Qingqiu - SEU BRUTO SEM CÉREBRO!!! Céus, eles devem estar tão assustados, sozinhos, machucado... [YOU BRAINLESS BRUTE!!! Heavens, they must be so scared, alone, hurt...]
Luo Binghe - Shizun, por favor, acalme-se... 😰 [Shizun, please calm down... 😰]
•{Enquanto isso...[Meanwhile...]}•
Ming Fan - [...] E é por isso que eu implicava com ele. [[...] And that's why I picked on him.]
Succubus #1 - Cara... Bullies to Lovers é um péssimo plot, garoto. [Man... Bullies to Lovers is a terrible plot, kid.]
Su Qiao - Foi o que eu disse! Mas ninguém me escuta naquela seita!! [That's what I said! But no one listens to me in that sect!!]
Ming Fan - Oh, e quem é você para falar do meu plot de relacionamento?! Hein, senhorita "poligamia com falha de comunicação" e "maluco obsessor"?! [Oh, and who are you to talk about my relationship plot?! Huh, Miss "polygamy with miscommunication" and "crazy obsessor"?!]
Succubus #2 - Agora, isso sim é um tópico quente. [Now, that's a hot topic.]
Succubus #3 - Meh, não gosto muito do plot de falha de comunicação. [Meh, I don't really like the miscommunication plot.]
Succubus #1 - Espera, volta na parte do obsessor- [Wait, go back to the obsessor part-]
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TTEOTM Creative Team: What else did they work on?
For those who are a bit underwhelmed by the summer drama options or still dreaming about TTEOTM! 😎
Kuk Kok Leung (Lead Director)
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Kuk Kok Leung is a veteran director who started his career in Hong Kong's TVB. He's been nominated for the prestigious Magnolia Award and is known for wuxia and serious, warm-blooded historical dramas (he's adapted 7 out of 8 Jinyong novels). His works include...
Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983) as Assistant Director, with Felix Wong and Barbara Yung
The Duke of Mount Deer (1984), with Tony Leung & Andy Lau
Return of the Condor Heros (1983) with Andy Lau & Idy Chan
Legend of the Condor Heroes (2002) with Li Yapeng & Zhou Xun
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (2003), with Hu Jun, Jimmy Lin, and Liu Yifei
Water Margin (2011), nominated for Magnolia Award
Cool Sword (2013), with Julian Cheung & Wallace Chung
The Patriot Fei Yue (2013), with Huang Xiaoming & Ruby Lin
The Stand-In (2014), with Wallace Chung
The General and I (2016), with Wallace Chung and Angelababy
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He's also a frequent collaborator and producer on Johnny To films, including Election, Election 2, Mad Detective.
So you get the picture. He makes TV for men who are ready to bleed for their country. This all makes him a really interesting choice for TTEOTM (and tells you a bit about the ambition and creative vision of the producers), especially since all his more recent idol dramas were widely panned.
Wang Haiqi, Director & Action Director
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We don't know too much about Wang Haiqi because TTEOTM is actually his directorial debut. He started his career in stunts and has worked as the action coordinator on Ashes of Love (2018) and Immortality (unreleased) alongside Luo Yunxi. He was also a stunts man/double in a bunch of Hollywood films, including Mulan (2020) and the Foreigner (2017) through the Jacky Chan stunts team.
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He's responsible for most of the action/battle scenes in TTEOTM, and his experience working on films probably explains why the fight sequences are unusually cinematic for TV.
Luan Hexin, Art Director
Luan Hexin is a Magnolia Award nominated art director best known for Huanyu productions, including Story of Yanxi Palace, Winter Begonia, and Royal Feast. He's a serious art guy, as you can tell from this interview.
(Note: Huanyu is Bai Lu's management company. There is a rumor that Luan Hexin is part of Bai Lu's "dowry", but the parties have since clarified that Luan was brought in after she was cast.)
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He's also an interesting choice, having never worked on costume fantasies before and better known for his authentic representation of the look and feel of bygone eras.
Huang Wei, Costume Designer
Huang Wei is one of the most sought-after costume designers working today, especially for xianxias. She started her career as a Vogue China editor and was in fact the person responsible for TTEOTM's Dunhuang-inspired aesthetics.
Her better known works include A Dream of Splendor (2022), One and Only (2020), Love O2O (2015), Back from the Brink (2023) as well as a bunch of highly anticipated dramas like Immortality and The Last Immortal. (The joke on Chinese internet is that there is an "expensive" vs. "cheap" version of Huang Wei costumes - her design can be much simpler on lower-budget productions.)
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I'd like to think that after designing 40 mostly white costumes for Luo Yunxi in Immortality, she decided to go nuts on color with Tantai Jin.
Tsang Ming Fai, Makeup Designer
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Tsang Ming Fai is a big name in the xianxia circuit. He and his team of “students" have worked on a large number of costume dramas, including Ashes of Love (2018), Love & Redemption (2020), Under the Power (2019), Noble Aspirations (2016), Sword of Legends (2014), as well as the... wait for it... unreleased Immortality and Luo Yunxi's currently filming drama Follow Your Heart.
He's sadly been receiving a lot of hate in fan circles over the heavy makeup in TTEOTM (which may or may not have been his call). What I do appreciate is his ability to help actors craft distinct characters with varied hair and makeup choices. For example you can distinguish between different Luo Yunxi characters and their personalities with Runyu's clean cut tie-back half ponytail (ethereal & straight laced), Tantai Jin's slightly brown hair, messy bangs and heavy eye shadow (dark & sickly), Chu Wanning's angular eyebrows and geometric hair puff (strict & proud).
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He also excels at creating unusual, iconic looks even for side characters, e.g. Chen Yao's dark lipstick paired with gothic jewelry in Immortality and Chen Duling's retro updo in TTEOTM.
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greenflamedwriter · 1 year
Roleplay to a whole new level
Pairings: Airplane/Cucumber
Cumplane AU: What happens if...Shang Qinghua transmigrated as Luo Binghe and became the protagonist, and then ends up going through PIDW but changing it up and ends up sticking a middle finger because "Fuck you I'm the protagonist!" to the system. Although it's not that great, Luo Binghe goes through so much pain and harship and gets beaten up all the time especially by Elder hammer! This sucks!
And Shen Qingqiu is such a Sadist! And yet, Luo Binghe [Qinghua] Can't even get mad, he wrote the scum villain and may have accidently made it worse, he tends to speak outloud when he goes in his daze.
So Shen Qingqiu just see's this usualy smiley annoying disciple look at him with a strange expression on his face, as if he's possesed it freaked Shen Qingqiu out for a moment.
"I feel sorry for you. Nothing has been fair and you fought so hard and it feels as if you havn't progressed at all..."
Shen Qingqiu stiffened, that hit a bit too close to home so of course, he ended up punishing Luo Binghe for 'speaking out of term' But by ignoring Ning Yingying, and forced to follow the rules of the system couldn't do anything. But learned he CAN remove OC protocal so thats great! And by stealing a better manual and hid it in his crappy one, he ended up stealing Ming Fans and swapping it with another disciples and stole theirs.
So now Ming Fan was yelling at them wondering why they had his manual and they denied it but with theirs missing ended up getting in trouble. Luo Binghe snickered flipping through the better manual and ended up improving in his cultivation!
Of course he was doxed points for course correction god dammit!
So when he fell into the abyss, he figured it can't get any worse. But he had one thing to keep him going.
Mobei-Jun, after this protocal maybe he can go by his draft! Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe had a slow burn romance while Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu were supposed to be their parralell of two broken men along with the quiet men who encourage their crappy behaviour.
Mobei-Jun was supposed to call Binghe out on his bullshit eventually and be his most harshest critic but he only did it because he cared he loved Luo Binghe and wanted what was best for him and disaproved of his actions. And Luo Binghe hated it at first not seeing it for the what it was. Just assuming he was like Shen Qingqiu just another one to tell him what to do.
But after all the times Mobei-Jun saves him and vice versa, Luo Binghe see's the love this cold beauty has and sometimes its hard to understand him especially as the Northern demons look down on love and theres some denial in there. God so much stuff- but his happy ending was coming all those plots for the 'wives' were actually adventures of Binghe and Mobei-Jun! He was so excited, to finally have this happy ending after all the suffering he's been through the pain and torment he was going to be gifted his own himbo male wife and it was going to be amazing!
So...imagining his horror when he beats up Mobei-Jun as the syste wants to complete the story, of Mobei-Jun swearing his allegiance to Luo Binghe and be his right hand man.
And after beating up Mobei-Jun and having his loyalty Luo Binghe realised something was off...then it was revealed that Mobei-Jun was a transmigrator!
He...he didn't get his cold beauty who was devoted to Luo Binghe insead a sneering man- Cucumber bro, the anti-fan who despises Airplane but adores Luo Binghe? He's getting whiplash from this fellow transmigrator who has his own system.
He beats Binghe up, abuses him because of his garbage story but then he grabs his tear streaked face and bruised cheeks and scowls, how dare the man be beautiful even when he was angry!?
"Luo Binghe is too handsome and pitiful and has suffered so much but knowing your the author makes me want to bully you more!"
Why!?!?! This was too pitiful for someone like airplane! He didn't want to make a trash story! he just wanted his happy ending!
And to think it couldn't get any worse.
It was strange that Cucumber loved Luo Binghe and was obessed with him, but he was in such denial! Their happy ever after was just a pipe dream...
Or was it?
When Luo Binghe forget during a mission that Xin Mo needed dual cultivation receives a backlash and almost dies, when he woke up, memory foggy he sat up naked and grimaced feeling a sharp pain up his backside. "What?"
He froze as he felt someone shift beside him and saw Mobei-Jun lying on the bed next to him...naked. Did they- did they just-!?
"Shut up, this King wouldn't just let you die."
Luo Binghe was oddly touched his mouth repressing a smile as tears streamed down his face "My king!" He leapt onto the larger men peppering his face with kisses, and Mobei-Juns face flushed blue "Get off!" He slapped his arm but instead moved his body to hold Luo Binghe more secure against him.
It wasn't what he expected but he got that happy ending after all!
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kukuandkookie · 1 year
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🥮🎑🌟 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!! 🌟🎑🥮
I'm glad I could draw something new on time ahaha. I hope you guys get to enjoy tons of mooncakes as tasty as Bunhe's would be!
(Ming Fan may be jealous but we know Luo Binghe is just that powerful 😆)
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morethanwonderful · 2 years
Introducing: The Which MXTX Character do You Most Want to Study Like a Little Bug Tournament Bracket
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Starting February 20, 2023 (American time), I'll be running a tournament via tumblr polls to determine once and for all which Mo Xiang Tong Xiu webnovel character the fanbase most wants to study like a little bug.
What do you mean by "most want to study like a little bug"?
Which character makes you want to pick them up, put them in a glass jar, examine them with a little magnifying glass, and poke them with a stick to see how they react? Which character is so so small and pathetic and also truly deeply bizarre? If you don't get what I'm talking about, this poll may not be for you.
Why on earth are you doing sixty-four characters?
A perfectly even bracket has to have 16, 32, or 64 starting contestants, and since there were 33 characters that I really wanted to include, I decided to Commit.
What is wrong with you?
If you'd like to either search for or blacklist posts related to this event, all of mine will be tagged with "MXTX bugpoll."
You can find the full list of matches under the readmore. Happy voting!
Since there's so many characters, I'll be splitting the first round into two days. Round 1 Part 1 (the left side of the bracket) will begin tomorrow (Monday), and Round 1 Part 2 (the right side) will be on Tuesday. We'll continue with one round per day from there.
Round 1 Part 1:
Yin Yu vs Gongyi Xiao
Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.) vs Quan Yizhen
Xuan Ji vs Mei Nianqing (Guoshi)
Luo Binghe (Bing-ge ver.) vs Pei Ming
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Shi Qingxuan
Jin Ling vs Lang Qianqiu
Ban Yue vs A-Qing
Liu Mingyan vs Lan Jingyi
Mobei-jun vs Lan Wangji
Zhuzhi-lang vs Su She
Bai Wuxiang vs Jiang Fengmian
Jin Zixuan vs Tianlang-jun
Qi Qingqi vs Lan Qiren
Su Xiyan vs Yu Ziyuan
Nie Mingjue vs Mu Qing
Jin Guangyao vs Pei Xiu
Round 1 Part 2:
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Mo Xuanyu
Ning Yingying vs Luo "Mianmian" Qingyang
Xiao Xingchen vs Xie Lian
Yue Qingyuan vs Lan Xichen
Ling Wen vs Shang Qinghua
Jian Lan vs Jiang Yanli
He Xuan vs Nie Huaisang
Wen Chao vs Jin Zixun
Wei Wuxian vs Xue Yang
Wen Qing vs Mu Qingfang
Sha Hualing vs Qi Rong
Song Lan vs Jiang Cheng
Liu Qingge vs Feng Xin
Hua Cheng vs Wen Ning
Ming Fan vs Lan Sizhui
Yushi Huang vs Shi Wudu
Round 2
Yin Yu vs Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.)
Mei Nianqing (Guoshi) vs Luo Binghe (Bing-ge ver.)
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Jin Ling
Ban Yue vs Liu Mingyan
Lan Wangji vs Zhuzhi-lang
Bai Wuxiang vs Tianlang-jun
Lan Qiren vs Yu Ziyuan
Mu Qing vs Jin Guangyao
Shen Jiu vs Ning Yingying
Xie Lian vs Yue Qingyuan
Shang Qinghua vs Jiang Yanli
Nie Huaisang vs Jin Zixun
Wei Wuxian vs Wen Qing
Qi Rong vs Jiang Cheng
Liu Qingge vs Hua Cheng
Lan Sizhui vs Shi Wudu
Round 3
Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.) vs Luo Binghe (Bing-ge ver.)
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Liu Mingyan
Zhuzhi-lang vs Tianlang-jun
Yu Ziyuan vs Jin Guangyao
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Xie Lian
Shang Qinghua vs Nie Huaisang
Wei Wuxian vs Jiang Cheng
Hua Cheng vs Lan Sizhui
Luo Binghe (Bing-mei ver.) vs Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu
Tianlang-jun vs Jin Guangyao
Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu vs Nie Huaisang
Jiang Cheng vs Hua Cheng
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Tianlang-jun
Nie Huaisang vs Jiang Cheng
The Final Round
Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu vs Nie Huaisang
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atamascolily · 7 months
Thunderbolt Fantasy ships, summarized
Lin Xue Ya/Shang Bu Huan - The inherent eroticism of fucking your narrative foil--simultaneously your opposite and complement. More importantly, it's about sexualizing that old man and annoying the hell of out him at the same time.
Lin Xue Ya/Sha Wu Sheng - These two have everything: history, chemistry, betrayal, graveyard drinking dates, and a promised rendezvous in the afterlife. Also, bird themes.
Lang Wu Yao/Shang Bu Huan - If "I would go to the ends of the earth for you AND kill anyone who looks at you funny" makes you feral, this is the ship for you. Bonus: Ling Ya as the sassy wingman.
Lang Wu Yao/Lin Xue Ya - The man who never talks and the man who can't stop talking. Rivals to hatesex to a threesome with Shang, what's not to like?
Lang Wu Yao/Mu Tiang Ming - Is there anything sexier than a duet to the death? I thought not.
Mu Tian Ming/Shang Bu Huan - Lang clearly thinks this is a thing, but IDK?? Make it a threesome and everybody wins.
Shang Bu Huan/Wan Jun Po - The Xi You Hot Dads Squad and old man yaoi at its finest. The inherent tragedy and drama of two morally upstanding people ultimately driven apart by whether the ends justify the means.
Dan Fei/Juan Can Yun - Canon. I'm not the first person to make this joke, but it's true: "She's everything. He's just Ken." Utterly adorable.
Dan Fei/Xing Hai - A cleric dedicated to fighting evil and a demon necromancer whose greatest wish is to crush humanity like a bug. A crackship with surprising potential. Please, tell me more!
Lin Xue Ya/Xing Hai - Technically canon in the light novels, where he tricked her into falling in love with him before humiliating her. No wonder she hates his guts--he's the ex-boyfriend from hell who shows up on her doorstep to ask for a favor.
Xing Hai/Juan Can Yun - This may have actually happened in S3 and neither party is happy about it.
Lou Zhen Jie/Seven Blasphemous Deaths - Another canon ship, this time between a nihilist ex-monk and his evil sword wife. I love that this show asks "Would you really love her if she was a worm a sexy demon lady?" and LZJ's response is "HELL NO". They deserve each other.
Lin Xue Ya/Xiao Kuang Jun - These two fucked at least once in S2, I don't make the rules. How else am I supposed to read Xiao pinning Lin to a bed followed by an immediate cut away, and him leading Lin around the countryside on a leash? There was motive and opportunity, and it's a punishment for both of them for wildly different reasons.
Lang Wu Yao/Xiao Kuang Jun - Remember, Xiao was the one to "discover" Lang and was his first patron at the Xi You court. Make what you will of this.
Lang Wu Yao/Chao Feng - Adding sex to their canon relationship would change almost nothing, but since when has the yandere murder princess ever cared about ethics and boundaries?
Lang Wu Yao/Xing Hai - A crackship for now, but you never know… they were last seen in each other's company.
Xie Ying Luo/Therapy - This woman is not ready for a relationship right now, she needs to find herself and make better life choices. Talking to Di Kong does NOT count!!
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