#luna x knight
cursed-blob · 2 years
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I have zero impulse control when I draw, send help.
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My Knight in Shining Armor
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Pairing: Rendog x Reader
Summary: In which your oath is broken but not by your own measures
Genre: Romance, fluff
Extra notes: Kinda sad in the beginning, 
Content warnings (If any): Y/n thinking scars are ugly (THEYRE NOT BTW)
WC: 2.4k
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You were born to be a guard to a Royal. 
Your Mother and Father were Guards and they needed someone to continue the bloodline. Guarding the monarch is not an easy job, you knew that. Vigorous training prepared you for any and all situations. 
The ruler was more important than your life
That was the thing you were told for most of your life. 
But no one told you how exhausting it would be. You're entire life dedicated to one person, to someone who doesn't even treat you as a human. It hurt but it was your reality. Your kingdom wasn't very nice either. The king who you grew up around was easily exiled right before war and was replaced with an incompetent lover of the essential god. 
This ruler was not kind. Using his men as shields. However, you were his personal guard and you took most of the hits for the king. From the short time that he took over, Your three scars turned to hundreds from blocking the attacks on his life and the non-existent poison tolerance that you had soon became a hefty skill that was needed to protect the king. 
Many nights you cried to sleep or were sick with a raging fever that had to be ignored in favor of protecting your current royal leader. 
Many nights you wished you had never been born for this life. 
No one told you how empty you would feel after leaving. 
You left for another realm when you were on your last life, somewhere calm and nice. Somewhere to relieve you of all stress and somewhere that will allow your true passion to shine through. 
The server was not small by any means but when you stepped through the portal still in your Armor, you expected the scars underneath to vanish.
They didn't
You would have to live with this marking of evil for the rest of your life. 
Sighing you sucked up your emotions and made sure your helm was on tight and had no chance of ever getting off. The People greeted you with warm smiles so you greeted them the best way you knew how by dropping to a knee, putting your fisted left hand over your heart, and bowing your head. 
"A pleasure to be here," You said and looked up "Thank you for having me." 
"Thank you for joining us," A man in front of you said, he was dressed in a red shirt, suspenders, and jeans with what seemed to be wolf ears and a tail "We can't wait to see what you cook up this season." 
You gave him a smile they couldn't see and said "I hope its up to your expectations." 
With that the group split up and for the first time in all of your life... You were alone. 
No one to follow, no one to protect, it felt... 
You appreciated the peace but in the back of your mind, something ached for you to protect. Something told you be wary of everything and everyone when you knew you had no reason to. Still, after punching down a tree the first thing you made was a makeshift wooden sword. An ode to something that was born to be killed. 
You weren't far into the season making friends and cracking jokes and never taking off your helm when Ren himself had decided he would be king. Hearing the declaration you dropped to a kneel, right leg at a 90 degree angle and right arm resting upon it. 
The others were either confused or just kinda agreed. Thus ended the meeting and most people left. 
You, Bdubs and Ren stayed in the room. You never moved from your position, staying as still as a statue. You would until the king dismissed you. 
“Y/n?” Ren asked 
“Yes, my king?” You replied softly 
“Look at me,” He said curiously and watched in surprise as your head snapped up “Stand?” 
You stood so quickly it made you dizzy
“Why do you do that?” Ren asked 
“I am a knight, it is my duty to protect the king. Shall there be a monarch around, I shall play into the role I was born to do.” You replied, voice never wavering despite the tears welling up in your eyes. You never wanted to be in this position again yet here you were 
“At ease,” Bdubs said but you did nothing 
“At ease?” Ren sounded unsure but you relaxed and he sighed “Feel free to speak freely. What was that about?” 
“Old habits die hard,” You shrugged 
"By the way," Bdubs piped up "What do you mean 'play into the role I was born to do?' That was... interesting. Does it have to do with the armor you're always wearing and why we cant see your face under your helmet?" 
"Yes," You said "That's a long story however, and I'm not quite sure how long we have." 
"Right now we have all the time in the world." Ren said with a playful smile "and Dogs are very good listeners." 
"Okay..." You started slowly "Might wanna have a seat though, Your legs may get tired." 
When they sat, Ren in his throne and Bdubs in the chair beside and you on the floor, You began your story. A tale of a baby born to be a guard, a tale of human sacrifice that never died, a tale of a person in complete and utter misery and a tale of someone who is healing and practicing healthy boundaries. 
"Y/n..." Ren whispered and knelt before them "You don't have to do this." 
"I know, but It feels nice having a purpose again." Y/n admitted "Although i do hate myself for knowing I may have to sacrifice so many lives for you." 
"You will never have to sacrifice yourself for me," Ren grabbed your hands and looked at you earnestly "You are a person and you deserve to be treated as such." 
Your heart skipped a beat and suddenly you were glad no one could see your face as you were blushing a bright pink and you felt your helm get ten times warmer.  "I- I thank you My king," You whispered "I deeply appreciate your words and I pledge to stay by your side no matter what will happen and shall I fail you may take my head." 
for it would be easier if you take my head rather than my heart
Y/n was Ren's guard almost immediately and thus began their good deeds around the server. 
As Y/n followed Ren around with a watchful eye and previous paranoia creeping up but as you spent more time with him... you couldn't help but start to feel... Something. An unfamiliar emotion you've never encountered before in your life but when you asked Pearl and Gem about it, they giggled and said that you were in love. 
This had you blushing hard beneath your helm. You had seen love, Every so often when you were allowed to have a free day, you visited the city within the castle walls. There you saw all kinds of love. It was eye opening and had you yearning to leave the kingdom you were born to protect but you never thought you would fall for the person you were serving.
 Ren on the other hand knew exactly what this emotion was, because he was experiencing it with you. It was impossible to leave your watchful eye but he didn't even think he wanted to. Being around you was so... invigorating yet so calming. It made his tail wag at speeds he didn't know of. 
He was so enamored by your presence and your fierce personality. Despite it being a little off-putting at first, Ren began to fall in love with your loyalty, the fact that when he was around he knew he would be safe no matter what but he soon fell for your kindness. 
You were always helping someone. When Grian was spooked out of his mind, you calmed him down and let him rest on your shoulders while you walked and talked about everything and everything that you knew about being a knight. When Xisuma was having a hard time with his base you helped him and gave suggestions and even helped him build. Now, You were helping Jellie out of a tree because she was spooked by some thunder and now you were soaking wet while he and Bdubs stood dry under the umbrella that you made. 
When you finally got Jelly down, You protected the cat all the way to Scarland and even build a small shelter for the kitten in the pouring rain. When you rejoined Ren, you still stood under the rain, letting him and Bdubs have the umbrella so he insisted to head back to the crastle. 
"I think that will be all for today Y/n." Ren said as you entered the crastle "Please take a break and a shower. I don't need my faithful guard getting sick."
"Of course My king," You said and made your way into the Crastle and into the room that was designated to be yours
Ren sighed as he watched you leave, tail and ears drooping." 
"You are down bad," Bdubs said once you were out of ear shot and Ren's ears perked up as he flushed a bright red 
"Yeah- I am." He said "But I don't think Y/n would ever go for someone like me. Didn't they say that it could get them intruble if they fell for the king they served?" 
"That was in their old realm," Bdubs pointed out "This is their new realm and you're king. If you really wanted you could change that for them." 
"You're right..." Ren said, his tail beginning to was ferociously "I'll go tell them right now!" 
You had sighed in relief when you took the warm shower. The rain chilled you to your bones and even through most of your armor deflected the rain it still seeped through the gaps of where you have to move your joints. 
Now within the safety of your room, all your armor was off including your helm. It felt wonderful to not be in that enclosed space but there was still a wary part of you that felt the need to keep it close but you figured you didn't need it as you were half naked after getting out of your shower thinking no one would burst in. 
You thought wrong 
Ren burst in spouting some new decree that slowly sputtered out when he noticed you, half dressed and armor off. When Ren walks in on them changing, he falls in love all over again. Their flushed face is a sight to behold with eyes glittering like the gems below the earth's crust and a mouth so plush he has to physically restrain himself from kissing them. 
"My king?" they ask, shaking from nervousness and the fact that they felt (and was basically) naked in front of the king 
Their crush.
"Y/n?" He asked softly and watched as Panic flooded through you 
"Don't look at me!" You exclaimed and used your hand to try and hide your face, try to hide all the scars that had marred you and made you unattractive 
"Y/n... Your face..." He said softly and stepped forward "You're absolutely gorgeous." 
"Wait- What?" Y/n asked and Ren grabbed your arm and brought it down so he could see your face "What do you mean. I'm hideous. These scars of evil remind me everyday why I wear my helm. Why I stopped protecting kings that didn't treat people correctly. Scars that remind me that I should be dead." 
"Those scars are proof of your victories." Ren spoke up and cupped your face, thumb tracing some of the smaller scars on your cheek "They are proof that You should be alive because if you were really meant to be dead then you would be gone already. You are not hideous, In fact I think you're more beautiful this way." 
A chill went down your spine as he called you beautiful and traced the scars. You closed your eyes and slowly leaned into his touch, cautious in case he ever decided he was joking. 
"Are you sure?" You asked softly "Many of the men in my old kingdom shamed me for my scars. Calling me hideous, a monster, and some other cruel words. After a few times I just never took off my armor in front of other people again." 
"They are liars," Ren said softly and leaned forward to press his forehead against yours "And they were just intimidated by your beauty. They did not see your kindness, your loyalty, your humor, and all the things that make you shine brighter than any diamond." 
You were rendered speechless and before you could stop yourself the words tumbled from your lips 
"I love you so much Ren." The words were said in such a rush eve you could barely catch them but you said them and you slapped your hands over your mouth and turned a beautiful cherry red but ren? 
Ren looked so relieved to hear those words
"I Love you too Y/n," He said "May I kiss you?" 
"Yes," You sighed 
Ren was slow with his kiss, Pressing his lips to yours slowly as if to not scare you. He pulled away after a second and he twitched, as if he was restraining himself. His tail was wagging behind him wildly and he pulled you in for another kiss, this one with more passion and it took your breath away. 
"Be mine Y/n," He whispered, his voice breathy when he pulled away "I may not be king forever but I will do everythin in my power to make sre you are always treated like royalty." 
"Even if you are not king, I will protect you with my life." You replied "For you will always be my king." 
Ren grinned and pressed kisses all over your face. 
"Thank you." He whispered against your skin 
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blazingorchid · 4 months
For the 1st day of LuNami smut week 🔥 Bodyguard AU 🙌🏻
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nerdlydelicious · 1 year
Hello everyone! How’s it hanging? Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth again, but today I bring you something special: a cameo request for Miles Luna, from my friend TheBigEd over on discord, regarding Jaune and Weiss’s relationship and how both it and they have changed throughout the course of the series.
I know I just said it, but I will repeat myself to make it clear: this is not my cameo request, it is TheBigEd’s. I’m sharing it here with their permission since I figured the RWBY tumblr community (in particular the White Knight portion) would want to see it.
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just1more-fangirl · 10 months
Nami: What are you doing? Luffy: Losing. Nami: I don't understand! Luffy: Neither do I.
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lunathebee · 2 years
I'm sorry but would yall like a HC about the moon boys reacting to their tiktok edits? LMAOO I'm sorry I've run out of ideas. I even want to write about Y/N and Layla rating those edits together which rank from "I'd rather be Khonsu's avatar than watch it again" to "THATS MY MANNNN." 😭😭😭
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dailytuxedomask · 2 years
Moonlight Knight
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sunderedazem · 1 year
How did Corrian handle Theron’s betrayal?
Corrain doesn't handle Theron's betrayal well, but it's not entirely his fault. Making it worse, he can sense that it is not a true betrayal, even if he doesn't know what actually is going on, and there's a LOT stressing him out besides his husband Pulling Some Shit.
See, Corrain is fuckoff powerful in the Force, right? But that gift tends to present itself in a few specific ways, one being powerful visions of the future. And right around this point in time, not only is he preparing to take the throne of and actually lead Zakuul while simultaneously trying to democratize their government to some extent, and mediate peace talks between the Sith Empire (which is afterwards divided in half when Malgus escapes with a bunch of pissed off Sith and creates the True Sith Empire and promptly starts a semi-civil-war) and the Republic....but he's also having a series of strong, really-mindfucky visions and for the first time he cannot tell what the Force is trying to guide him toward. Not that his visions are ever clear, of course - they tend to be very metaphorical and only show him little snippets of actual moments of the future - but when Vitiate/Valkorion was his opponent he thought he understood them. Now he doesn't have a clue what they mean, only that something is coming and whatever it is, it's entirely possible it will be worse than Vitiate eating planets.
So, with this kind of Ominous Portent hanging over his head combined with the galactipolicital situation and his own impending coronation and the additional fact that he can sense that not everything is as it seems with Theron and that betrayal...he just doesn't have *any* idea of what's really going on and he's scared. He knows something awful is coming but he doesn't know what it is or how to stop it and he THOUGHT it was Valkorion but he's still having the visions and even worse, the visions seem to be guiding him toward this Awful Thing.
And then Theron crashes the train on Umbara. Corrain can tell something's off the entire time and he's desperate to stop it and the visions from coming to pass but he doesn't know how - and so when Theron turns on him, it breaks him. Visibly. He loses control - and with a strength in the Force like he has, that means a lot of accidental Force Lightning. And, well. He shorts out the control panel on the train as it's accelerating. So it...doesn't stop accelerating. None of them notice until Theron takes off on the speeder stored for his getaway and is horrified to realize that the warning lights are blaring and the sabotaged electromagnetic train pulsars have already been set to blow. This means when the train crashes, Corrain (being a self-sacrificing idiot) tries to break Lana's fall at the cost of protecting himself, and is nearly killed on impact. Lana has to carry him to safety and arrange a medical transport, and he spends a few days in a kolto tank, recovering.
This accidental assassination almost-success has the dual effect of shattering both Theron and Lana, and making the Order of Zildrog FAR more trusting of Theron. It also means 95% of the Alliance, Vaylin and Arcann now included, are furious with Theron. (Keep in mind - the three of them are 'secretly' married at this point, which of course means the entire galaxy knows lmao). And this also means that when Corrain gets on air, about a week later, he's all but begging Theron to come home (because he can sense this wasn't a true betrayal but he doesn't know why it's happening), and pretty much everyone that knows him thinks it's the desperate, delusional plea of a heartbroken man. He also prevents the Chiss Ascendancy from shooting down Theron's ship on Copero with anti-spacecraft guns when they offer to do so. Even Lana only half-believes that he's actually been able to sense Theron's intentions, and it's only because she's generally sensed the same thing - only, she's keeping quiet and levelheaded about it, because she once did something similar to Theron on Rishi, and she knows he'd have clued them in if he were able. (If he were thinking straight about the situation, Corrain would be doing the same. He is not thinking straight. He is terrified because he is an unwilling Oracle for disaster and now THIS is happening-)
This obstinate inability to believe in Theron's betrayal ends up making it somewhat more difficult for the Alliance later, when my Canon Divergence happens with the remainder of the Zildrog arc (i.e. Zildrog isn't the Gravestone wtf bioware). Because sure, Corrain was objectively correct about Theron's betrayal - but now there's doubt about whether that was certainty born out of genuine objectivity, or wilfull blindness to a potentially devastating truth? (Answer: both tbh)
So when he starts having terrifying visions about [redacted], the leaders in the Republic and Empire pay mostly lip service to his warnings and calls for genuine peace and reform and go back to skirmishing. And then, of course, disaster strikes and his credibility comes back in full, but that's another story.
Thank you for the ask!!!!! I'm sorry it took so long to answer.
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otterneuvillette · 10 months
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⋆⚡️— Pairings: jing yuan x fem! reader
⋆⚡️— Sypnosis: You are the oldest heir to the throne of the Xianzhou Luofu and as per tradition, you needed to find a spouse to rule the kingdom with, for diplomatic reasons. Jing Yuan seemed to oppose that.
⋆⚡️ — content: fem! reader, jealous jing yuan, and angst (slight Dan Feng x reader.)
⋆⚡️ — A/N: You and jing yuan had grown up together, he was assigned to you when the two of you were 17.
Also life has been very busy rn, so part two will happen but it'll take a while.
“I will dispose of him for you,” Jing Yuan says, on his knees in front of you. His hands are rough, but so gentle as they clasp your hand.
“Your Highness, please, it is of little consequence to me. I would rot in prison if you asked me to.”
He doesn’t care that he’s been reduced to begging. He cannot stand to let you marry that man. You’re the heir of the Xianzhou Luofu, you should deserve someone better. As your knight, Jing Yuan only wants the best for you.
"There's no reason for you to do so, This is only marriage for the benefit of the kingdom, it is my duty. I will be fine, my dear knight."
Your silk-gloved hands covered his in a soothing manner.
"It will be okay." You whispered softly.
"As you wish, Your Highness,” Jing Yuan said, but he was clearly not at ease with your decision. He keeps his mouth shut and his hands at his sides.
You can't see the tension in his shoulders. He knows it’s not his place to interfere in the affairs of the empire, but he wants nothing more than to protect you from your impending marriage to the Imbibitor Lunae.
Jing Yuan would do anything for you.
You only have to ask.
"I may be blind to some things, my knight. But I'm not blind to the fact that you are concerned about this matter. Be at ease, my knight, there is no need for you to worry."
Your hand ruffled through his soft snowy hair at his kneeled position. Jing Yuan's whole being relaxes. Any tension he held within himself melts away like sunlight melting fresh snow in spring. Your touch is pure magic.
His knighthood is both an honor and his entire world. He has dedicated his life to your service... but your touch makes him forget about that for a moment. He is your best friend, first and foremost.
Your eyes crinkled as your eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh, My knight, My Jing Yuan. Please do not feel anguish, There's still a chance for you to serve another princess...maybe one of my sisters?"
Sighing softly, your gloved hands retract from his hair and rest on your lap.
Jing Yuan shakes his head firmly.
"I...I cannot serve any princess like I serve you," he tells you. "To serve anyone else would be an insult, Your Highness."
It is his duty to be a knight, you see, but it is more than that for Jing Yuan. You are his world. He cannot imagine spending the rest of his life serving another.
"I only want to serve you," he tells you softly.
"Now, don't be like that, my knight. I will not let you wallow in your sorrow because of me."
"I cannot help but feel sorrow, Your Highness," He explains. He takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.
"But you are right… I cannot let that get in the way of my duty to you. No matter what comes next, I will remain faithful to you."
He stands up, finally, and offers you a slight bow.
"My sword is yours to command, Your Highness."
Jing Yuan's expression is resolute.
"But, If I cannot serve you, I will serve no one," he says. "There is no other princess whose life matters to me. I am your loyal knight, and your loyal knight you will always have."
Jing Yuan will not be swayed by your wishes. He will not leave your side and serve some other princess.
You sighed, your frame shivering by the coldness of the royal hall, cold and empty.
"Stand, my knight." You whispered.
JIng Yuan stands up quickly.
"Yes, Your Highness."
He is standing at attention, ready to hear your next wish. Anything you want. He will follow all your orders, even if you wish to marry another, he will stand by your side.
It is his life's purpose. His raison d'etre.
"Please call upon my lady-in-waiting. I must prepare for dinner with Lord Dan Feng tonight."
You leaned against the armrest of the throne for support as you stood, the thick fur coat weighed heavily on your shoulders.
"And please....be on your best behavior, Jing Yuan."
"At once."
He left, and after a few moments, he returned.
Jing Yuan bowed deeply as he stepped in front of you.
"Is there anything else Your Highness requires?" He asks.
"I'll be heading to my chambers."
Your steps were light and quiet against the floor. The sleeves and the ends of your hanfu brushed against the smooth marble floor.
"Oh, and please tell the maids and chefs to get the dining hall ready for dinner at once."
You adjust the fur coat over yourself to protect your body from the cold and you let out a sigh.
You walk towards the doors of the throne room, feeling a heavy weight on your shoulder.
"It will be done, Your Highness," Jing Yuan replies. His voice is formal, but there is a clear pride and reverence in it. He serves you and is happy to be your knight.
Jing Yuan watches you as you walk down the length of the hall. Even as you leave his line of sight, your back is still straight, your steps proud, your beauty… unmatched.
Your maid and chefs have quickly turned the dining hall into a place worthy of Lord Dan Feng.
You are seated at the head of the grand table. With Jing Yuan lingering near the door, but still close to you. Servants bustle around the room in preparation for the main course of the evening, but your head chef serves you and Lord Dan Feng a meal of various dishes of meats, vegetables, seasonal desserts, and sweet rice wine.
"Lord Dan Feng, I hope you enjoy the meal."
With elegant movements and a well-mannered way of talking, You started the conversation.
Dan Feng, known as Imbibitor Lunae was a feared emperor in his kingdom. Rumors spread across nations, for his strict and slightly unjust way of ruling.
He had sharp ears, as well as teal horns. A son of a Vidyadhara indeed. But he was beautiful, with a tall, slender figure with black hair, fair skin, and agate green eyes, enhanced by the red eyeliner that underlined them.
He was draped in a green and gold hanfu, paired the the black fur that was once from a magnificent beast that was a disturbance from his kingdom the Scalegorge Waterscape.
"Your Royal Highness, the food in your kingdom is as exquisite as I remembered."
The two of you make polite small talk as you eat your meal. Dan Feng is the first to return to the main topic.
"Your Royal Highness," he asks, as your servants fill the two of you’s glasses. "What is your impression of our latest round of negotiations with your neighboring kingdom?"
"It has been well executed. Our kingdom's affairs will be settled at a much faster and smoother pace now."
Dan Feng nods, accepting your response.
"Indeed. Our kingdom's harmony will only advance from here onwards."
Dan Feng's face becomes serious. He puts his glass down.
"It is a great honor to be invited to your table." His voice is low and measured.
"But I would be a fool to not think about what this dinner could mean for the future." He takes a sip of his wine.
"We have talked business. Now, I would like to talk of union."
Jing Yuan's grip on the sheath of his blade tightened.
"Yes, I've been wanting to talk about that."
Your frame sat straighter, as you examined Dan Feng's expression, he had a sly smirk on his lips and his vibrant eyes looking into yours.
Your rose-colored lips curled into a soft smile after you took a sip from your wine.
"A marriage between our kingdoms would secure a political alliance the likes of which has not been seen by our nation in decades."
He leans closer towards you.
"I wish to have an empress, who is as radiant and wise as you. If our kingdom joined together, the entire world will tremble."
He reaches out to your hand and takes it into his own with a gentle touch.
Jing Yuan felt his jealousy coiling around his heart like a serpent.
Dan Feng has made a direct and deliberate show of his intentions. Not only is this dinner a display of his political strengths, it is also a declaration of his intent to marry you.
Jing Yuan watches this exchange from his station by the door. He cannot hide his jealousy… or his anger.
His eyes are fixed upon you, his princess, his every sense alert to any threats that may come your way.
"I am flattered, Your Grace. Thank you for your sweet words." You were flustered, trying to keep composure.
Dan Feng leans in closer. He seems to be studying you, but it does not feel like an inspection as he looks over your face, your hair, your hands. It feels like you may be the most important, most beautiful thing in the room.
Finally, he leans closer, your breath catches in your throat.
All you can hear are the quiet whispers of the servants, the crackling of the fire....
And Jing Yuan's armor clinking as he moves.
You notice Dan Feng's gaze on you, studying your face like someone who has already decided what they wants to do. He is direct and leaves no room for uncertainty. His words are simple, yet his message is made clear: he wants you to be his wife.
"Lord Dan Feng, I believe this would be inappropriate to do before marriage." You whispered, breathing quite heavily.
It was clear that you were put off by the close distance. The smell of the sickly sweet wine and the scent that Dan Feng had, made your head spin.
"My apologies for my forwardness, Your Highness," Dan Feng replies quickly. Jing Yuan can practically feel in insincerity of Dan Feng's words as his temper boils within him.
"I meant nothing by it."
Dan Feng is a gentleman when he wants to be. He pulls away, leaving the smallest bit of space between you. He is no longer trying to make physical contact.
He has learned to control his emotions and is once again calm and collected.
"The marriage is to be arranged soon," Dan Feng adds, "It will be of benefit to our people."
You nodded.
"It will, I hope this will bring prosperity to our kingdoms."
A small smile plays across Dan Feng's lips. His eyes remain on you.
"I see what my advisors have said is true. You are beautiful and wise."
His words are like poison to Jing Yuan's ears.
"Our unions will be fruitful. Together, we will lead this world into a new age."
His words are laced with honey. His gaze never breaks from yours.
Jing Yuan's jaw clenches.
The two of you continued eating in silence, enjoying the atmosphere as the royal bards were singing a tune. A few cups of wine later, Jing Yuan could see the color spreading across your cheeks, you were never a heavy drinker.
Dan Feng was eyeing you from across the table, like a prize that he needed to grab and keep for himself. The fact that you failed to notice it made Jing Yuan even more possessive.
Dan Feng leaned closer yet again, seemingly wanting to kiss you.
Jing Yuan couldn't stand it anymore. He stood next to you, a gentle and possessive gesture.
"Your Grace," His voice is gentle yet firm, "I believe that Her Highness said that close contact is not appropriate before marriage."
He said that with a mocking tone.
His eyes are focused on the man beside you, who has taken such liberties in his conduct with you, His princess. Dan Feng seems unfazed as he meets your knight's gaze. Jing Yuan wants to strangle this man for his audacity.
"Please refrain from doing anything to Her Highness, or I will-"
"Jing Yuan."
You said in a warning tone.
"At ease."
Jing Yuan snaps to attention immediately upon hearing your voice.
"Your Highness," he bows his head deeply.
He will not let a single thought in his mind or emotion escape his body unless you, his princess allow it.
He stares daggers at Dan Feng, but his expression remains neutral…. but any outside could see the burning, lethal gaze in his eyes. Jing Yuan will not dare say a single word out of turn again.
A servant refills Dan Feng's wine.
Dan Feng drinks deeply and grins wolfishly at your knight.
"I see that you care deeply for the Princess," he says with a sneer, looking over at Jing Yuan. "Your service to her is admirable."
Your Knight stares right back, expressionless.
"I hope you do not mind me being so close." Dan Feng leans towards you again, his green eyes fixed on your face. His voice is sweet, like honey, but the threat in his words is clear.
Jing Yuan does not answer.
He is clearly upset, angry, and jealous at the sight of this man. This man, who is trying to steal you from him.
He stands by your side, unmoving, trying his best to hide his emotions… not only from you but from himself.
His loyalty will never falter, but he wants this man to go away, Jing Yuan gets the impression that Dan Feng doesn't like him either.
The glint in Dan Feng's eyes irked him.
"It's getting late, Lord Dan Feng. Would you like for my maids to prepare a room for you?"
Dan Feng smiles, and puts his glass down.
"Why, thank you, your Highness."
He rises from the table, and bows his head.
"Please, allow me to spend one more night as a guest of the Xianzhou Luofu. I will be on my way tomorrow before dawn."
He gives you a little wink, which you notice, and so does Jing Yuan, who can only give Dan Feng a death glare.
"Then, I'll let my maids see you to it."
Dan Feng is taken away to a guest bedroom.
Your knight stands next to you, looking out the large window into the darkness.
Finally, he clears his throat.
"Your Highness." He whispers. His body language is stiff, almost as if he wants his jealousy to be noticed. It is difficult for him to contain his emotions, but he cannot allow himself to say words that may bring harm to you.
"Could we speak in private?" He says quickly.
But that made you even more agitated.
"What happened back there?!"
Jing Yuan was surprised by the tone of your voice.
"He's trying to seduce you, Your Highness."
Jing Yuan is angry, his arms crossed, his body tense.
He's not sure how to process what has happened. His mind is spinning as he tries to remain calm and professional for your sake.
"He was being…inappropriate. If it were anyone else, I would have removed them from your presence myself."
He is talking as little as he can, in calming his anger.
"That doesn't mean you have to threaten him like that! Did you forget who he is?!" You whisper-shouted.
"His Grace is a guest, Your Highness."
Jing Yuan's face is full of conflicting emotions. He is worried for you, angry at Dan Feng, but even so, he does not want to risk harm upon to you or your kingdom by acting against Dan Feng.
He is used to keeping his emotions in check. But it's almost painful for him not to go over to Dan Feng and throw him out of your palace with his own two hands.
"I cannot allow some foreign prince to touch you so freely, to gaze at you with such lust and hunger…"
Jing Yuan's voice trails off.
"And he is going to be my wedded husband by contract! Do you know the consequences if you harmed him, our nations would go to war !" You exclaimed.
"Yes, I'm aware, Your Highness."
His face is blank, but his heart is full of turmoil.
He hates having to stand by as some foreign prince takes such liberties with the woman he loves.
But he cannot betray your trust. He will not defy your orders.
The knight turns back to you, eyes darting between your face, the floor, and the windows… anything to avoid looking at your face directly.
"Your Highness," Jing Yuan's voice is tense and formal. "May I ask why you are… entertaining his advances?
You sighed, your body seemed to deflate like a balloon.
"Because I thought that maybe, it would assure me that he wouldn't back out from this agreement."
Jing Yuan's face twitches in confusion.
"Your Highness, are you saying you… do not want this marriage?"
His tone and face are utterly blank, but you can tell that he is surprised by your admission.
He clears his throat, hoping to move this subject of conversation into more acceptable terrain.
"Why would he back out of this arrangement? This marriage would benefit both kingdoms, this is simply a political decision. You have no intention of… becoming close with him?"
"The kingdoms' safety is paramount and my hands are tied politically. But you must understand that… I need this marriage to happen. I cannot let the sacrifices of my parents go in vain."
You swiftly avoided his question.
There is a deep conflict in your heart. "I have to marry him. It's the only way this kingdom would survive."
"Little finch," you feel Jing Yuan's eyes burning into you. Your knight yearns to touch you, to kiss you, to hug you. His desire becomes more and more apparent. But he knows this is not the way. He is to be your knight, your protector, nothing more.
But the way you put it so clearly. Your marriage is necessary to keep your kingdom safe. He understands the importance of your duty… but even more so than that… He wants you to be happy and he knows this marriage is the opposite of happiness.
You chuckled sadly. "You haven't called me that in years."
"Just please, Jing Yuan. You have been my best friend since we were 17. Please understand how this means so much to me and this kingdom. It's my responsibility as the oldest heir."
You've never seen Jing Yuan so… sad before.
He's always been disciplined and has never let his emotions get the better of him. But this… this is hurting him greatly.
He takes a deep breath and then looks up at you.
"I will not stand in the way of your marriage, Your Princess."
He kneels before you and puts his head down, letting his hair fall forward. His expression was steady but his voice wasn't.
"The interests of the Kingdom come before my personal affairs."
"Personal affairs? Jing Yuan, what do you mean by that?"
Jing Yuan remains focused on looking at the ground, his voice clear as he answers.
"Little finch, I have fallen in love with you," he says, the words falling from his lips as if it were no big deal, and yet, he feels it weigh upon him like the heaviest burden.
"The thought of you… marrying Dan Feng hurts me greatly. It pains me that I cannot offer you my love and honor in place of his."
There is a slight pause before he continues.
"And yet, I will not interfere."
"Jing Yuan, I— How long have you felt like this?" You stuttered.
"It started as a childish crush," Jing Yuan answers promptly, not bothering to look up from the ground.
You have never seen him show this much emotion around you before. You didn't think he knew how.
"But as time went on, these feelings… this love has only ever grown stronger. I can't put it into words, Your Highness!"
He shakes his head slightly, ashamed of his emotions.
"I will always protect you, to care for you as your best friend, and yet…my love for you is too much to ignore."
"When I saw him touch you... when he took your hand and stared at you... when he winked at you," Jing Yuan takes a deep breath.
"It made my blood boil."
"I wish I could give you everything. I wish I could give you my heart."
This statement rings in your ears louder than anything else before.
It's an admission of love and an admission of how painful it is for him not to be your lover.
"A knight has no reason to fall in love with his Princess. It is a betrayal of everything I am. But I cannot deny it," his voice drops to almost a whisper, but the sheer amount of emotion behind them carries the words far.
"My divine princess, I love you." He whispered.
Your gaze shot up to look at him as those words escaped his mouth,
"You probably will not see me as anything more than your knight, but I cannot deny my feelings. I want you to be happy, and I will continue my duty, but... I wanted to confess my love for you before you married Dan Feng."
The words burn in your ears as more and more emotion pours out of his words
He is not ashamed of his words. He does not hide his love from your eyes. He holds nothing back and tells you the truth.
Jing Yuan, your best friend loves you. He loves you so much.
And he will never be yours.
Your mind is spinning.
Does he think he has no chance with you? Or does he already know and is merely professing his love before it is too late?
"Jing Yuan." You let out a choked sob.
"I can't-"
Jing Yuan's heart breaks as you sob. He cannot help but place a hand on your shoulder.
The movement is gentle and careful, but you can feel his hand tremble slightly. His voice is soft, gentle even.
"My princess, you do not have to say anything. I just wanted… I just wanted to tell you how I felt before you married Dan Feng. That is all."
He looks down at the ground.
"I will not… I cannot be anything more, I know this. But I had to tell you…"
"…you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen…the most wonderful person I have ever met," Jing Yuan whispers.
"I will cherish my time as your knight, as your best friend, until you no longer need my protection."
He bows his head deeply, looking at the floor.
"Your happiness…is my happiness. For as long as you allow my services, I will offer them gladly. Even if you marry Dan Feng and have heirs, I will still guard you," The sliver-haired man says, his voice still filled with emotion.
"Jing Yuan…." You were devastated, you couldn't process this, everything was happening so fast.
He seems to brace himself for the worst— for an outcry from you, for a scream or a slap, anything negative.
But you simply take his hand.
You take your knight's hand without a word.
"I understand…" Jing Yuan says quietly.
"It was selfish of me to tell you this when it will only hurt you, but I do not regret my words. Your happiness is my mission… your joy is my joy, and your sorrows are my sorrows."
He is utterly loyal to you, and you alone.
"You should go, I need a moment to myself." You said quietly.
He stares at you… looking into your eyes. It's impossible for him to look away.
"As you wish," he whispers, releasing your hand.
He stands, turning to walk out—but he takes a second before he leaves.
"Please know that… regardless of how this marriage pans out," Jing Yuan's voice drops to a whisper, "I will always be here for you. Whenever you need me, a whisper of my name is enough."
With this, your knight leaves, allowing you to collect your thoughts.
He just hoped that you wouldn't hate him after this.
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Pspspspspsps- King Ren Lovers ‘mere
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swagreecrow · 4 months
Leo 2012 x Stefany 2012 (formación gata mutante)
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@inspiredwriter @kawaiibunga @hedgehog-dreamer @luna-tmnt @dai-su-kiss @levana-art @razzy-zaz @raphy-the-turtle @raphaelsrightarm @donatello-writes @donnies-fake-eyebrows @rainbow-squirrels-7 @raisans-art @akarihamato04 @wolfroks @another-tmnt-writer @angel-of-the-redacted @android-cap-007 @androgynousenemydetective @lordfreg @psiquic-a-blog @imaginashon @imababblekat @imthegreenfairy86 @angelicdavinci @all-things-tmnt @red-knight-raphael @kathaynesart @rexim-djm @reptile-eye @red-knight-raphael @reddenedsais-inactive @lazyafgurl @theroachsalad-blog @thelostandforgottenangel @mikey-angelo-hamato @mikeyshulagirl @miss-andromeda @mishacakes @mishajeans @venisdemilo @baraturts @foulbonkcolorempath-blog @dragonfairy19 @tmnt-life-of-a-terrapin @tmntvenisxleo @nomonoma @notjustdragonspages @lyzuka @coffeestation @donnies-the-encyclopedia @rl800 @cthonyxa @silverwatergalaxy @s1eepy-0 @the-paty-dude
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dollfaced-erin · 6 months
𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖 (Blade x F!Reader x Jing Yuan)
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16
A/n :
i have JUST finished Penacony, and i have to say, THAT WAS A WILD RIDE FR HELP ?!?! i did NOT expect it to end that way. Okok, hear me out, you might cancel me or whatever, but opinions are opinions right, and i LOVE how they made Sparkle some little gremlin that REALLY knows how to flame people good. ye ye i know about the things happening on twitter, but push that aside. that's merely a reference. all in all, the races in the game still dont exist. and getting mad at a fictional VILLAIN is somewhat hilarious to me ngl...i never even SAW the racism until i watched tiktok. my eyes. anything on tiktok is like...corrupting my brain rn and i hope your fyps are favoring you all too ! But still. We're all humans and we all have our opinions. so dont start messing around and bullshitting people online youre never gonna meet, okay ?
Taglist : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou, @sincerely-aaronette , @prettyliliy , @chibiduck , @hermosacolibri , @la-diablas-thingz , @farelady-fate , @everi-eve , @shadowfoxey , @helloyuki , @immahuman , @samptlay , @boomie-123
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Back then, he was only a young man, staring up at the starskiffs that flew by in the sky. He looked no older than a mere teen, but as a Xianzhou native, looks are VERY deceiving. Even for someone as young as Jing Yuan.
The young man looked up at the sky, his adolescence was only peaking up back then. But even so, he was a splendid Cloud Knight, already the climbing up the ranks to be a Sword Champion like his master. Though she had shielded him from much the horrors she had faced when she was a mere child, she tried her best to raise her student as her very own.
He remembered seeing his friends earlier, during the crowning of Jingliu as the Legendary Sword Master, entitling her with the nickname transcendent flash due to her movements that had seemingly cut through time and space within a blink of an eye. They all came around, wanting to congratulate her.
There was the legendary craftsmen, though hailing from another land and being a short-lived species, he had come to present to her the sword made of alien material, shining ebony matte black even under the bright sun. And not far behind him, was the Imbibator Lunae, coming over adorned with his robes of silk and jewelry of jade. Then, there was the mischievous Baiheng who roamed across the stars and set to stay on the Luofu.
But clinging to the sleeve of the High Elder of the Xianzhou Luofu, like a little lost girl, though he was sure that she was most likely just a couple decades younger than the Imbibator Lunae himself. And with the glaucous horns perched atop her head, he knew that she was inevitably the relative of this royal dragon before him, the one they called Saltator Lunae.
She was a beautiful young woman, with bright, curious (e/c) eyes that shone with wonder for the world. Her silky (h/c) hair was held up with a beautiful hairpin made of glass that seemed to be sturdier than plain ceramic he saw the nobles wear. But it matched her innocent look, and it seemed to him that she had yet to see more of the outside world.
He saw her for a mere glimpse, and she seemed to be talking to either her brother, or Yingxing the craftsman who seemed to be very much absorbed into his conversation with her. The middle-aged man even seemed to adore the young woman.
'Cute...' he remembered thinking as he saw her.
It was hot that day, and he was just fresh after training. But after remembering his master's swordsmanship, he quickly got back up, grabbing the sword he used to train, and went on with his practice. There was still much to learn, much to face before he could even dream of being half the person his master was.
"Jing Yuan, meet Imbibator Lunae's younger sister. Saltator Lunae." Jingliu said, appearing seemingly out of nowhere, as he was in the middle of training.
And he saw her again, from a much closer distance. The pretty girl from the other day, this time with an intricate hand fan in her hold, closed. This time she seemed much more...reserved ? Was it because her brother wasn't around ?
"Huh ? Sister ?"
"Yes, she'll be training with you. Other than Cloudhymn magic, she wants to learn about forming wind and water together to form ice. It doesn't hurt to learn more, especially from someone with core differences like you, Jing Yuan."
"Ah..." sighed the General as he shook his head, pulling himself out of his thoughts. He chuckled softly, looking at the item in his hand, which was a small decorative hand fan.
It was a beautiful oriental fan, with intricate designs carefully inked and dyed with care and professional handling. And it was no ordinary fan, instead it was a beautiful silk fan that he had seen her hold on the day they first met....
And was entrusted to him by Dan Feng who loved his sister very much before he had to part from this world.
The fan just...was just a reminder of what sunny days he blindly lived through, never anticipating the position he'd assume current day...
"General ?" A young voice piped up, snapping him out of his dampened mood.
The General turned to see his retainer by his side, peering cautiously at the fan in his master's hand, knowing that it must've belonged to someone of position and status. Especially since the wood forming it was no ordinary slice, but rather elaborately detailed to the smallest feature.
"Yes, Yanqing ?" He responded back, the lazy cat-grin on his lips as his golden eyes met one he considered his son.
"Lady Fu Xuan has given signal that she has deployed the anomaly team towards the suspected location of the Plagues Author's devotees." Yanqing said, the young boy nodding his head to signal to his master something.
"Thank you, Yanqing. It is time for me to depart, and reunite with the princess herself face to face. I cannot have the Ace of the deck be pulled out before its time." Jing Yuan said as he placed the fan onto the table, and rose to his feet.
"An...ace of the deck...?" Yanqing asked, cocking up an eyebrow as he suspiciously eyed the General of the Xianzhou Luofu.
"Yes. One of the keys in saving the Xianzhou itself." Jing Yuan said, giving no room for his retainer to further impose on his agenda.
"Now, Yanqing. I will be leaving to coincide with the Master Diviner's troupes, and those stationed in the Alchemy Commission." Jing Yuan said with that same smirk plastered on his lips.
"Do not lay your foot in a trap laid down by yourself, lest you be the hunted instead of the hunter." Was Jing Yuan's final warning before he walked off to leave the Seat of Divine Foresight.
But what he didn't know was that his little apprentice had been exposed to the sights of the legendary without either of them noticing it. And this youngling was very much eager to try his new profound knowledge in bringing justice to the land he served.
Though the General had yet just finished another meeting with the Master Diviner, even issued her with the official warrant to temporarily command the Cloud Knights, it was clear that things were far from over now. Affairs on the Xianzhou Luofu this time wouldn't be so easily averted, not with the interference of outsider hands in this matter.
He shook his head as he remembered the contents of the earlier discussion with Fu Xuan earlier. He remembered the troubled face of (Y/n) who had not dared utter a word as he issued another errand for the Astral express team to run.
He remembered his own words, spoken with his regular slyness and his lax tone in order to conceal what he truly felt inside...
"Miss Tingyun, I would like you to continue to serve as a guide for our Astral friends. And Lady (Y/n)..." he said, trailing off as he turned to look at her.
She looked...troubled. Biting her lower lip was a habit she had built long back during the prime era of the High-Cloud Quintet. Not only did she look troubled, she also seemed quite...saddened. Perhaps...it was the memories that surged her, or even the weight of her duties to reseal the Ambrosial Arbor. And everyone knows that...Lady (Y/n) isn't quite complete in herself...
"I hope you understand the importance of your presence within this mission. I am sure that the team will be able to safely escort you through the paths, and guide you safely to the Alchemy Commission."
He had once again broken the rules and regulations of the Luofu. With the next task he issued...was to get the Astral Express team towards the Ambrosial Arbor through the Alchemy Commission's delve. It was a hard decision, knowing the routes they needed to pass through were heavily infested and affected by the growth of the Ambrosial Arbor and it would be increasingly dangerous for (Y/n) to continue venturing along.
But he had no other choice yet in this matter. She was the King piece in this chessboard. Though her Queen piece...was nowhere in sight.
But he knew that man would appear sooner or later. Along with the young prince, who served the missing half of the current king's severed power.
He just hoped she was faring well.
"Phew ! That deer sure was a tough one !" March said, a relieved smile on her lips after the team had departed from the Alchemy Commission and saying good by to a certain...Furnace Master.
"Quite a deer friend indeed." Replied her companion, Stelle, who earned a tired groan from March due to her pathetic excuse of making jokes.
"But Lady (Y/n)..." March said, looking at the woman who was walking ahead of them, her back turned towards the team. Robes of expensive silk fluttered in the wind behind her, light shining off the material. Her (h/c) swayed in the wind, giving off nothing but an air of royalty.
But despite her ice cold gaze...everyone saw how shocked she looked when Gongshu had introduced himself as the Furnace of Creation's master. The woman was silent, merely staring at the man before her, uttering not a word. But she bit her lip, as a way to prevent herself from saying more than she should.
Then there was the deer, the Ebon Deer that was nothing but an abomination. Colors of blue, gold and green, representing life, vitality and wealth. A beautiful yet horrifying mix of colors forever ingrained in her mind.
"Are you alright, Lady (Y/n) ?" Welt asked, making sure that the young woman behind her was faring well.
Fighting against the Ebon Deer was hard work, at it seemed that even (Y/n) had trouble against it before they dispelled the outer source of power it was extracting from the power of Abundance.
He watched her horrified reaction as it withered and yet regained its former state, almost as if she were haunted by the extremes of power an Aeon can possess...
Or perhaps were those the same eyes of the people who fought in the War of Abundance...? The eyes that witnessed fear and loss time and time again. Maybe...perhaps even those eyes were included in the horrors of the abominations.
Powers of the Vidyadhara were nothing short of the definition of power itself, but she struggled to face it off, as if having second thoughts while fighting, or even extending the period of fighting just to conduct a couple observations and conclude a couple thoughts.
This woman...was trying to learn something. Gain an insight, perhaps...?
Even as Welt was making his own observations and conclusions regarding the change of paths from the Abundance to the Hunt, (Y/n) stood away from them, deep in her own circle of thought.
"I...am alright." Said the regal lady, dusting of the sleeves of her dress. It was tough, but she knew there was more to come, especially with the warning Jing Yuan had discretely yet undoubtedly been trying to relay to her.
Her presence was playing a crucial part in this play of his.
Did that mean...she had to meet...his reincarnation...?
Jing Yuan had never told her what had become past the period of molting rebirth. But did she really want to know...?
"It's just...that deer..." she said softly, shaking her head. "Reminded me of someone."
The man she loved, falling at the hand of the abundance, due to some...forbidden ritual they were trying to pursue. And he too...began one of the Abundance. Healing time after time, without even having a say in his own life.
The woman looked back to meet the gaze of her worried companions. All sorts of gazes landed on her form, pity, worry, concern, understanding...she appreciated them all, but...
"That's enough. We should keep going. The Alchemy Commission...shouldn't be far from here now..." said the dragon lady before she turned on her heel to leave the scene.
Right...there was no need to say anymore. Words...could not convey the feeling of loss she felt etched deep inside her heart. Nor did the memories even fulfil the void that grew day by day, with a certain longing for times of old to resurge...
Through the gates of the Artisanship Commission, it led the team straight towards the Alchemy Commission, a delve where all the medicinal and healing practices were carried out. It was the perfect place for concocting medicines out of herbs and materials of rare items to treat unknown diseases, or a place to jot down prescription after prescription while attending to the endless stream of natives that need the attention of professionals.
Some came here to learn, and some came here to help others. But ultimately, the desire of all here was one, to make the Xianzhou Luofu more prosperous and longevous than it ever was.
But this place...was also the same place for dubious plans to be carried out. With the high-tech equipment, materials only those in the alchemy would be able to obtain, should the Luofu fall into peril, this...would no doubt be their lair.
(Y/n) led the team into the commission, walking past the walls that were once so familiar to her. Though it has been centuries, this place...was almost as same as it used to be back when she was in her prime, looking over the apprentices like a protective mother watching her eggs.
Bodies of the mara-struck, celestial bodies and the Cloud Knights littered the stone ground left and right, for as far as the eye can see. It was no doubt that a fierce war had indeed taken place within these walls, no time to reach out for help since the delve had been sealed off, and the commission was deemed to be deserted.
"Whoa, looks like the battle here was intense..." March said, the poor girl looking around the blood-bathed battlefield with fear and horror in her young eyes. Her hands were to her mouth, almost in disbelief with what had occurred here.
Tingyun sighed, looking behind her to meet the gaze of the young girl. "Looks like the Master Diviner had launched a campaign while we were delayed in the Artisanship Commission."
"She must've divined it at the right time..." responded the usually silent Stelle, only ever opening her mouth to let out the most unheard of jokes (Y/n)'s pointed ears had heard of, or to say something incredibly out of character.
"Seems like she had sent in the Cloud Knights to clear out the way before we arrived. It would've been dreadfully dangerous had she let us in without proper preparation and training like the knights." (Y/n) said, her sharp and luminescent eyes scanning the area, the scene before her like flowers wilted on the ground.
But this...was nothing compared to the flooding blood rivers she had witnessed as a young maiden. Should things continue as they are...well...the Luofu would be drenched in mixed blood once again.
But unlike last time. She would do everything in her power to stop from memories of the past haunt and overshadow her future, refusing it to take shape it once took form as.
She wouldn't dare dream of losing another person dear to her.
Not the warm and kind-hearted General that had embraced her with loving arms the moment her eyes had revealed itself to the world. Not when she had to let go of her lover that remembered so little of her yet yearned for their long lost intimate moments.
Back then...she had so much to lose. And this time was no different.
She just hoped...that his reincarnation was doing well somewhere.
Welt noticed the unease in (Y/n)'s gaze. Being the attentive man he was, riddled with experience and written with history of a distant land, he knew better than to outright voice his concern over the Dragon Lady.
"Time is of the essence. The most important task for the Xianzhou Luofu is suppressing the Stellaron." Said the brunette, his arms crossing over his chest as he too observed the concluded battlefield before him. "General Jing Yuan tasked the Master Diviner with commanding the Cloud Knights-- he would've known she'd act on the results of her divination."
"Maybe that's why they sent us through the Artisanship Commission. To avoid direct contact with the battlefield. It is too dangerous for us here. If fighting the Ebon Deer was already breaking more than our usual threshold, imagine actually engaging in a real battle." (Y/n) said softly, looking sad at the loss before her.
"But...that's out of your scope." She whispered, walking towards one of the knights to check on their conditions.
"Lady (Y/n)..." March said worriedly, and Tingyun looked a little...somber at the Dragon Lady had returned back to her post as the Miracle Healer.
"This...must be hard for Lady (Y/n) to see." Tingyun said softly, shaking her head. "As I remember records...the past Dragon Lady was someone of immense caliber and knowledge, having pulled strings no one dared to interfere with."
"But this is nothing compared to what she had seen back in her days. Centuries ago, an Emanator of Abundance besieged the Luofu with the aim of the Ambrosial Arbor. They destroyed half our delves and killed most of the Cloud Knights." Tingyun said, looking up at the sky, perhaps wondering what the sky looked like when the ground was bathed in red.
"For long-life species, such events are more like yesterday's memories rather than ancient history. This awful spectacle is child's play in comparison to what they've seen and been through."
"It's...hard to tell if the Master Diviner won or lost here." Welt said with a heavy sigh, that was until (Y/n) walked back, her (e/c) clouded with regret and shame.
"There...are many losses here. I might be able to restore and patch some up, but...it would be too dangerous for me to venture further alone without back up." (Y/n) said, her eyes never leaving the fallen soldiers. "If only Yingxing and..."
She cut herself short, her thoughts snapping back to prevent herself from saying anymore of those forsaken memories of old. She shook her head and cleared her throat, as if to regain composure.
"Nevermind." She said sharply. "There aren't many Cloud Knights here, so I reckon there's a retreat nearby, or maybe they really did make it out with a minimal count of casualties. Deeper into the delve, perhaps."
"Will you try heal those here, Lady (Y/n) ?" Tingyun asked the horned woman before her, noticing her determined gaze. And (Y/n) nodded. "I'll...try my best. I'm a healer, a doctor even, or whoever I used to be, but I'm not miracle granter."
"Please be careful, Lady (Y/n), Stelle. These monsters seem pretty tough..." March warned carefully, fearing the safety of her companions and the lady they were meant to escort safely.
(Y/n) leaned down to inspect the wounds on one of the soldiers that seemed to have been ridden with mara, rooted deep inside its body. As she scanned the figure with her sharp eyes, she noticed how this individual...a woman, perhaps in her early 300s...was far too deep in mara.
Mara was plaguing her body like flies eating away at rotting flesh. Slow, constant, but unbearable. The wounds were shrinking away beyond a usual native's ability, and with the lack of injured vital signs, (Y/n) knew it was best for her to try freeze the cores and quickly move away.
So that was as she did. To those still blessed with life, she leaned down to bestow them the gift of her healing, hoping that they would be able to be to at least endure less pain than they should. She even froze cores, wishing that it was enough to prevent the rapid outbreak of the plague, harming others beyond control.
She knew...those mara struck before her...had their regrets and their ambitions to see another day. She knew another person who was just the same, bringing flesh of a fallen Emanator, striking his beloved with a fatal blow, yet he himself was a victim to another's plan who wished to deny the cruel nature of death.
The beloved who once held her hand so tenderly, an arrogant man who was yet so soft towards her, bestowing her with a gentle kiss on her forehead as he held her close by her waist.
(Y/n) looked up, knowing that those days were no more, and the sky above them...was never a witness to the moments she held dear to her frozen and recovering heart. Her heart that was facing conflict and turmoil with her current identity and her past self, knowing both were nonetheless one of the same.
Though she had forgotten most of her past, only bits and shred able to be brought forward to her current time, she knew it was time for her to step up and once again place the crown high on her head, though it weighed so heavily on her shoulders.
"Look ! There's someone over there." March called out, taking (Y/n)'s hand to point towards a woman wearing an Alchemy Commission uniform, and a kneeling Cloud Knight by her feet.
(Y/n) didn't have a good feeling about this.
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nalgenewhore · 5 months
storm in the castle
elide x lorcan + baby oc, post-canon/domestic/family feels, word count: 2353
Stella looks up at him when he walks into their family’s private living room, but she turns her head aggressively the other way a second after. Her little body twists as she folds her arms. 
Elide eyes the way her husband deflates. It’s almost comedic, how much her five-hundred-year-old demi-Fae warrior cares about their daughter’s quickly-changing moods.
Today, Stella Luna has decided she no longer likes her father because he wouldn’t let her stand on the table and dance while he helped her eat her oatmeal. And then, later, he stopped her from running around the stable and the jumpy war horses.
Lorcan crouches by the toddler. “Good evening, Stella,” he starts, watching her sweet face. Her lips push out in a little pout as her brows scrunch down to touch her nose. 
She doesn’t make a sound.
He tries again, this time reaching out to touch her soft curls. “Have you been playing all day, little one?” Her toys are spread out on the carpet. Two groups are clustered together and separate, facing one another. He thinks that she might be recreating a battle. 
She doesn’t make a sound.
The lord holds in his sigh and kisses her forehead, whispering something in the Old Language. Elide thinks it’s a nickname. Stella wipes her forehead to get rid of his kiss.
He stands to make his way to Elide. She’s stretched across a couch with a book laying on the cushion. She looks up at him, her finger resting on the page to keep her place. “You missed dinner,” she says directly. “And you didn’t send word.”
Neither lady nor lord have an affinity for small talk or mindless greetings. They speak to the point, rather than around it.
Lorcan leans over her with a hand braced on the back of the couch. “Meeting with the guards went late,” he explains in a low voice. He kisses her chastely. “How’s Stelle been?”
“Sulky,” Elide sighs and brings a hand to his cheek. Her eyes glint before she whispers, “Just like her father.”
He rolls his eyes at that but admits to himself the accuracy. Stella, in many ways, takes after him. The ability to hold a grudge comes from Elide, though. Lorcan’s sure of that, even if he will never say that aloud. He kisses his wife again. “Will you have my dinner brought up? I need to bathe.”
She says that she’ll fetch his dinner, and he walks towards their bedroom, his gaze settling on Stella Luna who still doesn’t acknowledge him. Something in his face shutters. Elide presses her lips together. She wants to tell her daughter to be nicer, but she can’t force Stella into behaving differently, and Lorcan thinks their daughter should express whatever she’s feeling.
Elide slips her bookmark into place, setting her book aside. Slowly, she uncurls from the couch and pads over to her daughter. “Little star,” she picks Stella Luna up to place her on a hip. “Shall we visit the kitchens? And see how our treat makers are tonight?”
She nods, subdued and pouty. 
Being mad at her father takes a toll on her as well. Usually from the minute he comes home, Stella is in his arms till she goes to bed. He wows her with stories of the epics he’s lived and plays with her, always following her lead. Missing her routine makes her untethered.
Elide takes Stella to the kitchens to have a plate made up for Lorcan. They pass by manor staff and a stray knight or two that all wave at the toddler. She angrily shoves her forehead against her mother’s shoulder. “Mama,” she growls.
“Why is my baby so upset, hmm?” Elide pats her back. 
“They looking.” Stella flings an accusing hand towards a gaggle of maids. 
“Ah,” Elide nods sagely. As they pass by others, she smiles pleasantly and shrugs when they eye Stella with confusion. Normally, the girl gives an effusive greeting to each and every one. 
Stella moves her face to the crook of Elide’s neck and clutches the loose collar of her shirt. The toddler doesn’t make another peep while they’re in the kitchen. She isn’t even enticed when the baker offers her a fresh, warm cookie. It piques Elide’s concern, but Stella’s been off all day. She couldn’t settle down for a nap, either, so she must be beyond exhausted.
One of the maids offers to carry Lorcan’s plate. Elide smiles, and they chat quietly as they walk back to her chambers.
Stella fusses the closer they get to their room. She squirms as Elide carries her over the threshold, mumbling something. With a huff, she lifts herself up, hands braced on her mother’s shoulder. She arches her spine in an attempt to stretch herself out of Elide’s arms. 
“Stella, don’t,” Elide tuts, cupping the back of Stella’s head to prevent her fall. “I can’t hold you like this.”
“No,” the toddler whines. “Ma, I wan’ down…”
“Not yet.”
The maid, a young woman called Aisling, sets the lord’s plate down. She asks if there’s anything else for her, and Elide dismisses her gratefully. 
The very moment Elide sets Stella down, she runs across the living room to a chair by the fireplace that holds a selection of stuffed animals. She clambers up on the cushion and sits so her back faces the room.
Elide almost gawks at her child. 
The bedroom door opens, and Lorcan steps out in a pair of loose pants as he tugs on a shirt. His hair still drips water even though he’s braided it back. He looks a lot less dirty and marginally less tired than earlier. Elide watches him look to Stella Luna once more. He pivots to her. 
Crouching by her chair, Lorcan smooths her hair down. He loves her little wispy curls. “It’s almost time for you to sleep, isn’t it?” Stella sticks out her bottom lip, shaking her head a bit. He thumbs her little ear. “I think so.”
“No, da, I’on wanna,” she denies his accusation. “Go ‘way. Go!”
He shakes his head, kissing her temple. “My little storm,” he murmurs. Then, he stands and lets her be the way she wishes.
Maybe he’s too indulgent. 
She’s his only daughter.
His wife has returned to her reading couch. He lifts her legs so he can sit down and rests them on his lap. He asks Elide, “Did Stella nap?”
“Not a wink,” she says. 
“Well…” he tilts his head to the girl in question. Half of Stella’s behaviour is explained by that. Elide nods. Lorcan starts eating his dinner, a hearty affair of roasted vegetables, lamb under a gravy with fresh, crusty bread. He washes it down with a tea she makes him drink for his sleep.
Elide switches between reading her book, checking on her daughter, and watching her husband mow through his dinner. She marvels at the amount of food he can put away. He watches Stella playing quietly with her toys, making them talk to each other and walk by bouncing them against the chair.
A relative peace settles over the room. It’s the calm before the storm where Stella will hit a wall. Lorcan pushes his plate aside and leans back with shut eyes. He sighs with content, the loudest sound in the room. 
In a minute or two, he wraps his hands around Elide’s foot and ankle. He slips off her rabbit-fur slipper to knead away the soreness of her injury. She uses a brace these days, built by Yrene. They’ve discussed in length the prospect of fixing it. Before her pregnancy and since Stella, they had a few sessions to lessen the burden of pain. She says she’ll go again someday but right now, the pain is manageable with a brace and diligent conditioning exercises. 
Slowly, Elide puts her book aside, fitting the pillow beneath her head.
She holds her breath, his thumb meeting where bone grinds against bone. It’s tight, and it hurts, yet he persists past the initial pain. She groans in satisfaction when there’s a little pop that pacifies the knot. 
They talk about their days as he tends to her ankle. Usually, this discussion happens over dinner. She met with the board of merchants like every month, and Lorcan assessed the Perranth infantry. In the afternoon, she pushed her meetings for another day so she could have Stella Luna. They went to the library when she wouldn’t sleep. He was working on reports for the queen and king, scowling at the irreverent letter Aelin had sent him. 
He complains to his wife about it now.
She laughs and pokes his thigh with her foot, “I thought you two were getting along.”
“She’s impossible, though,” he mutters. “And has too much time on her hands if she can write letters that-“ he’s about to detail what the letter contained, but impressionable ears are listening. He settles on, “Vulgar.”
“She has a large imagination,” she says. “And I’m not sure that you of all people should be criticising someone on how vulgar they can be.” 
Hands pause on her ankle, and Lorcan smirks. He shrugs, “Maybe.”
She tuts her tongue at his non-answer but doesn’t push past it.
Across the carpet, Stella Luna has moved to the floor. Her toys have joined her, though now they’re scattered around her. She plays like she’s fighting against some invisible force, every move sluggish. Elide nudges Lorcan, who’s already aware. He moves her legs to stand after they share a look.
He crosses the carpet in two steps. “My girl,” he sits himself beside her. “Can I have that?” Gently, he takes her stuffed animal, her wee fingers unable to grasp anything.
A yawn erupts from her, stretching her chubby cheeks. Stella’s eyes squeeze shut. She wobbles, and Lorcan balances her. “We have to sleep now,” he says. He scoops her up. She’s too exhausted to fight it, but her grudge rears its little head. A curled fist presses against his jaw like she’s trying to push him away.
“No-no, da,” she mumbles. “I play.”
“You will play tomorrow,” he whispers against her brow. “And we will sleep for now, yes?”
Stella screws up her face, expelling a short cry. “Noooo, no wanna sleep,” she whines. “Da, go!” Her breath hitches. “Go…” Between one second and the next she’s dissolved into great big sobs. She can’t control herself as it comes. Her cheeks turn cherry red and sticky tears make tracks over them.
Lorcan winces at his angel howling in his ear, but she doesn’t mean to. He shifts her so she’s upright against him. She gets like this when she’s so tired that she can’t think straight. One little thing happens, and she’s a puddle. He rubs his thumb over her back, the other hand cupping her head. He kisses the spot above her ear. “It’s alright, I know, I know.” 
Stella Luna clutches his collar, her snot staining his shirt. She cries on with a blubber of ‘Da-da’. 
He stands to sway with her because she likes the back and forth motion, it’s soothing. Lorcan lets her cry it out against his shoulder. 
“Da,” Stella’s chin wobbles with her high-pitched snivel. 
“Oh, Tiny,” he whispers. He picks her head up to lean her cheek against his, his fingers a gentle crutch for the weight. There’s a kind of magic in that position. In seconds, she goes from wails to trembling breaths and sniffles. Lorcan hums as he continues to sway. Stella puffs out little breaths. 
Silently, Elide disappears to somewhere else.
He walks with the baby back and forth across the room. She cries intermittently until something unseen sets her off again, and she bawls. 
“Shh, shh, shh,” he calms her rhythmically. 
She tries to say something, but he can’t understand her through her sobbing. 
 Lorcan shifts her so she’s cradled across him. With a soft touch, he paints his thumb around her face. He wipes the incessant tears and smiles when her chubby hands grasp his fingers. Tears clump together her lashes. 
Elide comes back with a damp cloth in hand. She stands at his side and peers over their baby. “Hello, my darling moon,” she coos with a warm smile. Stella flaps her hands. With the cloth, Elide lovingly cleans the baby’s sticky cheeks.
Almost instantly, Stella sighs in contentment. The sound seems so grown up to Lorcan; he chuckles a bit. “Does that feel good, Tiny?”
She reaches a chunky hand out, so Elide presses it against her face some more. 
Lorcan dutifully rocks and bounces her, then starts humming a lullaby. Their girl doesn’t have the strength to fight sleep anymore; maybe five minutes pass before she’s snoring.
Elide softly brushes her hair back. “She’s so stubborn,” she sighs. “And she’s barely two.” She kisses Stella’s brow.
“Tiny’s strong-willed,” Lorcan amends. He gazes down at Stella Luna and after a minute confesses, “She’s just like you, and being stubborn kept you alive, my heart. If she never grows out of this phase, it’ll serve her well.”
It’ll keep her safe .
“She pushes you away.”
Lorcan shakes his head. “She's still young. She doesn’t always know what she wants.” He looks at his wife, asking, “Does it worry you?”
Elide has a grave expression. “This world does not make life easy for stubborn girls, Lorcan.”
He nods slowly, then says, “I cannot control the world, Elide. In our home, I will learn to take her anger, to weather every storm she throws at us. Our daughter will never cater to my needs or wants first.”
For a moment, she does not answer, merely stares back at him, assessing.
“I promise it,” he tells her.
She nods finally.
When it’s time to put her down, Elide suggests they use the bassinet in their bedroom instead of her nursery. He agrees with a knowing smile, not one to argue that their daughter be further from them. 
And if neither lady nor lord manage to sleep, choosing to watch over the greatest thing that’s ever been theirs, then it is a worthy sacrifice.
an: i hope u enjoyed ! i have missed my girl <3
tag list: @sassyhobbits @empress-ofbloodshed @celestialend @the-regal-warrior @shyvioletcat @icecream52 @elentiyawhitethorn @goddess-aelin @julemmaes @sunshinebingo
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awfulwriter123 · 11 months
Late Night (Rhea Ripley X Reader One-shot)
Hey everyone! Okay so i wanted to write something short and sweet, and this came to my mind. I wanna write something for Halloween i just don't know what yet, might be day of halloween fic for you guys there but idk. As always happy reading everyone!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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"What time do you think you're going to be home tonight?" You asked your girlfriend over the phone as you pet Luna's head as it was laying across your lap.
"I honestly don't know babe, might not be home till like 1 am if im lucky." The thick aussie accent of rhea said with a bit of sadness in her tone.
"I might just wait up for you." You giggled lightly. "Don't do that princess, you need your beauty sleep." You sighed lightly. "Okay I won't." "My plane is getting called love, I'll see you in a bit, love you" "Love you too" You hung up the phone and put down on the table next to the couch when Luna picked her head up to look at you.
"Oh we are staying up to see mommy aren't we baby?" You grabbed both side's of her face lightly and shook her, to which she started licking your face which cause you to laugh.
"Alright, alright, let's see what we can put on while wait for momma." You looked at the clock which said '10:49 PM' 'Only 3 hour's, I can stay up that long' You thought to yourself, you quickly found a movie to put on and sat back to wait for rhea.
~Time Skip~
Rhea walked up to the front door of her house exhausted, after walking around for hours, having a match, and then not getting any sleep on the somewhat quick flight, she was ready to plop herself in bed next to you and sleep.
When rhea unlocked the front door and put her luggage down to close the door back and locked it, she heard little pitter patter of paws and turned to see Barry come at her. Which he immediately jumped her and started licking under her chin, considering that's all he could reach.
"Easy buddy easy, yeah I missed you too, where's your sister and mom hey bud?" She said to him as she deiced to leave her luggage there as she got "injured" and had the next couple of week's off and walked towards the living room.
She walked in to see you laying on the couch with Luna between your legs with her head on your chest and 'The Dark Knight' playing on the tv. Luna did pick her head when rhea walked in and her tail started to wag as she walked over.
"Hey good girl." Rhea said as she pet Luna on the head and looked towards you. "I told ya to not try and wait up for me." She laughed lightly and ushered Luna off of you so she can carry you up to bed.
The dog's went up the stairs first and waited for rhea, with you in her arms, at the door which was already opened. Guessing you left it open, she put you on the bed lightly when the dogs got up to cuddle next to you she shook her while chuckling quietly as to not wake you.
After changing quickly into her pajama's and ushering Barry off her side of the bed so she can cuddle you, she slinked into bed next to you as gently as she as to not wake you. Apparently not gently enough.
"Hey." You said with a tired voice and your eyes fluttering open lightly. "Hey gorgeous." She said with a small smile on her face, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead which cause you to smile.
"When did you get home?" You asked whilst cuddling further into her for warmth. "10 minutes ago, not even maybe." She said whilst rubbing a hand on your back trying to coax you back to sleep.
"Go back to sleep baby, I'll be here when you wake up." She said quietly, to which you quickly leaned up to plant a kiss under her jaw. "I love you." You said before ducking your head back into her chest.
"I love you too." You heard her practically whisper, as you slowly drifted off to sleep with the eradicator's arm's around you.
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mirrormazeworld · 6 months
Silver, The Knight of Dawn and "Sole, Luna, e Talia"
A while ago I came across a tweet on X where the writer was disappointed because Silver's dad has the same face as Silver and accused twst for being lazy (and maybe some of you have been thinking this way as well). But here I have a feeling this is yet another subtle "Easter egg" as tribute to "Sun, Moon and Talia", a literary fairy tale in which it was an inspiration to the original Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault (which later Perrault's version is the main inspiration for Disney's Sleeping Beauty)
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From the main story, particularly from Lilia's dialogue when he found and blessed baby Silver, Lilia said "The golden hair that shines like sunlight was caused by the blessings of the day" and Silver's hair turned to be silver colored as if it had been "lit by the moonlight with the night blessing"
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"Sun, Moon and Talia" also has a similar synopsis to the Sleeping Beauty we know as this was what inspired the original "Sleeping Beauty"
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However, it's widely known that most Disney fairy tales are from folktales all over the world. And those folktales are really dark that Disney must revise them so the animation would be acceptable and safe for children. (Like the Evil Queen in the original Snow White who danced wearing red-hot slippers in the prince's and Snow White's wedding until she dies for example). Sleeping Beauty is without exception, as its darker version, "Sole, Luna e Talia" tells about the "Sleeping Beauty" (Talia) who got r4ped while she was under the curse and gave birth to twins, which she named as Sun and Moon"
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And of course twst also knew it wouldn't be appropriate if they wrote book 7 and included something about r4pe somewhere inside of it, so instead of writing the "Sun" and "Moon" as baby twins, they used the same baby (baby Silver) to represent both Sole and Luna with the changing color of his hair, and also purposely make both Silver and Knight of Dawn like twins, with Knight of Dawn represents as the "Sun" and Silver as the "Moon", even Silver's name was inspired from the moonlight itself.
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Personally I admire how twst team revised a once inappropriate and dark folktale about a sleeping beauty that was r4ped by a lustful king becomes a story about family bond beyond time and blood ties that can make you cry...and I wish they will continue their work this way and exceed my expectations.
Cr: Screenshot translations by Otome Ayui
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deansapplepie · 1 year
Till THE DEAD do us part | Chapter 1
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story. I’m not good with synopses, so sorry about that.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Summary: Y/N Grimes is Rick’s younger sister, when the world ended she had Lori, Carl and Shane. But did she really have them? Her brother was dead, her sister-in-law was sleeping with her brother’s best friend and her nephew was just a small kid. She had him, Daryl Dixon was no knight in a shining armor and she was no damsel in distress, but maybe they were exactly what each other needed.
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*gif is not mine, credits on the gif.
Chapter 1: Vulnerable
Summary: Y/N sees something she wasn’t supposed to see, she need to vent about it but she can’t do it with Lori or Shane, because they are the main reason about it. So she goes to the woods hoping to find some peace.
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, kinda angsty, a little bit of fluffy, comfort, mentions of death, mentions of violence
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader
Word Count: 2,072
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with a lot of love.
Chapter 2
It was again one more boiling hot day in the Quarry near Atlanta, you thought the temperature would for sure kill you, but there was another thing threatening to take your life and it wasn’t a Zombie.
Before everything, before the world ended, life wasn’t easy. You wanted it to be, but you were living one of the worst moments of your life. You had just lost your job as a vet because you couldn’t save a rich man’s cat and he demanded that you were fired. You felt bad for the poor cat, for your lost job, for your name as a professional that was now forever marked and also for your dog a female German Shepherd called Luna that had to see you not acting like your usual self.
On top of that your older brother, Rick, got shot working… he was a Sheriff’s Deputy. That’s what made you stop feeling sorry for yourself, because you couldn’t. You needed to see your brother laying on a hospital bed in comma, you had to hold things together and take care of Carl and Lori.
Lori and Carl had you, but you had no one, Carl was just a kid and Lori couldn’t even take care of herself at the moment. There was Shane, he was like a brother to you, but even with him there… it was as if you were alone. You just had Luna.
You went to their house and stayed there, you were going to stay until Rick got better, yes, he was going to get better and you would stay just a little bit more to help during his recovery, and everything was going to be fine again. But it never was. The world ended. The dead were walking as if they were alive and Rick died.
Now you lived in a Quarry with Lori, Carl, Shane and a bunch of other survivors. Most of people were pleasant and easy to live with, the exception was Ed, Carol’s husband and Merle Dixon, Daryl’s brother, but this was the apocalypse and you don’t have much choice on the people that are going to be around you.
It had been almost two months since everything happened and the camp was created, almost two months your brother had died… and today, while you were picking some wood, you saw something that felt as if someone was pulling your guts out of your stomach and squeezing your heart.
Lori and Shane. Not Lori and Shane friendly doing what they usually do, they were in the middle of the forest, fucking, and there was no other word you’d use to describe it other than fucking. There wasn’t even two months Rick died, and his best friend and wife were fucking.
You felt nauseated, you went back the same direction you came and knew you had to do something to calm down. You couldn’t afford causing an scene or any uncomfortable situation, you could not hurt Carl.
“Hey! Aunt Y/N, did you already pick all the woods?” Carl shouted to you from the spot he was, playing with Sophia and Luna, Carol watching them.
“Er… wood wasn’t good that side, I’m going to the other side see if I find anything better.” You gave a lame excuse, you just wanted to be alone, cry all this shit out, in silence cause you didn’t want anyone to know and you didn’t want to attract any walkers near the camp.
“Can you look after them a little more, Carol?” You asked the woman, you were sure she was not going to say no, she loved being with the kids and even with Luna.
“Sure, don’t worry.” She said, you nodded and then walked to the opposite side from where you came the fastest as possible, looking down so others wouldn’t see you had started to cry.
You walked until you found a place far enough so no one would find you, but not so far that you would have any trouble. You had a gun and knife, you knew how to defend yourself, but you couldn’t make it easy to the dead to kill you, you were not that dumb.
You sat behind a tree, brought your knees to your chest and hid your face crying. Your thoughts were racing and all you could think was about what you saw, your brother and how you missed him. You listened to some light leaves hustle, but You didn’t give it importance, thinking it was probably the wind, it was so light that it couldn’t be a walker. So you continued minding your own business crying what you had to cry so you could look at your sister-in-law’s face without letting her know how upset you were.
“Ya shouldn’t be out here vulnerable like that” you jumped startled by the redneck’s voice. ‘So that was him,’ you thought, ‘of course, only he could walk with light steps, he was a hunter after all.’ You wiped your tears, not that it would help they were still falling and there wasn’t anything you could do to stop them.
“I’m not vulnerable, I just needed some time alone.” You answered, he was really trying to not be too rough on you given to your situation, but his lack of tact was something he had much difficulty to overcome.
“Ya could cry in your tent, it’s safer”
“I don’t wanna Carl and Lori to see me cry. I don’t wanna have to explain myself, things would get bad if I had to. I don’t wanna upset Carl.” You sniffed, that was one of the worst parts of crying, getting a damn runny nose.
“Shane can’t help?” He asked, you didn’t know but he probably already had some idea of the reason you were crying.
“He’s part of the problem Dixon, if I could I’d punch him and kick his balls” you answered, tears still running down but a little bit calmer.
“Did ya see him and…” he didn’t finish the question, because you completed it for him.
“Lori? Yeah”
Talking about them made you remember everything you saw and how it hurt you. You were still mourning Rick, and Shane and Lori apparently were already moving on. What hurt the most is that even mad at both of them, you still loved them. Lori was like a big sister, a sister that you wish you had while growing up, and Shane? He was your brother he taught you how to defend yourself, he gave you shooting classes, he brought you home the first time you got drunk and even took care of you while you were hangover. When Rick wasn’t there, he was. At this moment you hated him as much as you loved him.
“Do you know if anyone else know about them?” You asked after a long time, you were so lost that you didn’t even noticed that Daryl walked a bit ahead and stoped with his back turned to you. He wanted to give you privacy to cry, but he also couldn’t leave you behind, it was dangerous to you staying so vulnerable at the forest. He knew you could defend yourself, but you didn’t even listened him approaching, you sure were not going to listen to a walker too.
“I don’t know. Probably not. I’m much into the woods, so I caught them a few times.” He answered at distance, not turning to look back at you. “Do ya like him?” Daryl asked and right after he just regretted having opened his mouth, why would he ask such an intimate thing to you? He should just stay there and make sure you’d go back alive to the camp.
“Ew! No! He’s like a brother to me. We grew up together.” You answered disgusted to the idea of liking Shane any other way. “It’s not that. My brother, he died. Well, you probably know. And I know Lori needs to continue living and they are adults, but there’s not even 2 months and she moved on that fast and Shane… he was his best friend. I’m still mourning him, the world still doesn’t make any sense without him here and they are already fucking. I know I’m being selfish and emotional but…” you spoke so much that you had already lost your line of thought. Daryl was probably tired of you, he wasn’t one to talk much, but here you were opening all your thoughts to him.
“It’s about yer brother. Ya have the right to feel.” He understood, he had never lost his brother and he hoped he’d not lose him anytime soon. Merle was a dick, and he made him mad most of the time, but he was his brother, so he understood you.
You wiped your tears, calmer and ready to continue. You were still mad and sad about everything, but now you didn’t feel like you were going to die anymore, you were not suffocated. You got up, shook the dirt from your pants and approached the archer.
“I was going to take some wood for fire. I don’t want to go back empty handed. Can you help me?” Now you gave a look at him, and noticed he had some rabbits and squirrels hanging from a rope. He was being essential to maintain everyone fed, he was not one to be socializing around the camp, but he was good and you could see it.
He just nodded and started walking by your side collecting the good woods he found along the way. “Thank you.” You said collecting a branch that you saw.
“For what? I didn’t even take the woods to the camp.” Did he not understand or was he faking?
“Not about the woods. Well, that too… but thank you for staying with me and talk to me, you didn’t have to” ‘but you did’, you completed in your thoughts. “Also, thank you for always bringing us food. I don’t know if I ever told you that.” He grunted, sometimes you wish you could know what he was thinking, you never knew if his grunts mean something good or bad.
“No need to thank me” he never knew how to react at moments like that. Should he say thanks back? Should he give another compliment?
Soon you returned to the camp, he helped you put the woods near the makeshift kitchen and was going to clean the rabbits and squirrels so they could be cooked.
“Luna likes you” you said, you saw how your dog acted around him. He was a little surprised with the comment. “You can take her with you when you want, I see that you like her too.” You smiled, a beautiful one just as if you were not broken or had cried your soul an hour ago.
“She likes my food too” he joked, it was not intentional but after what he said he even got a little smile at the corner of his mouth for some seconds. You giggled before answering.
“I know, she makes the cutest puppy eyes. It’s not her fault if you can’t resist her charms.” He snorted and for some seconds, just few seconds, he thought that maybe she wasn’t the only one he couldn’t resist. As he went to clean the hunt, you went to Carol to say you got the wood and offer to take care of the kids while she started to prepare the food.
You couldn’t take that smile from your face and you didn’t were sure why, you ruffled Luna’s fur while you sat close to the kids and released the dog so she could run around a little. You hated having to let her tied, but you were too afraid of what could happen if she went too far. She ran around the camp and soon approached the archer he pet her and she made her happy tail dance to him, he looked in your direction and you smiled watching their interaction. Your day wasn’t lost, there was still good things to be grateful for, even in a world like this.
Final notes: Please tell me your thoughts. There is a long time I don’t write and publish fanfiction in English so I’d be glad to hear from you.
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