#luna rwrb
all-0f-the-above · 1 year
storylines rwrb movie didn't include that you get if you read the book:
(ok I loved the movie the cute romcom it is is ADORABLE but if you're interested in the characters and storyline then boy do I have a treat for you!) NO BOOK SPOILERS AHEAD
- Claremont v Richards is such a well done, realistic political race oh my god it hangs over the whole book it's immaculate
- leaked emails is like a whole fuckin plot point that gets built up to
- Bea is recovering from a major health issue...
- Alex has a sister her name is June and she's a DELIGHT
- there's a whole poly-ish relationship with Nora, June, and Pez
- Liam, Alex's friend from high school
- Alex, not realizing he's bi until it's blindingly obvious to everyone else
- the fuckery that gets Alex on a plane to London after the emails were leaked
- Luna, a gay hispanic senator who is like the center of politics for 2/3 of the book
- Alex overworking himself on the campaign to try not to love Henry
- disagreements between Ellen and Oscar
- Catherine, Bea and Henry's mum
- a shit ton of nuance into Henry's feelings on the UK's queer history and Alex's finding his queer identity
- Henry goes to therapy! his dad dying is like a major part of his life and it's really beautifully handled
- Amy's life! her wife!
- Cash, another secret service agent
- really detailed morning in Paris! they're adorable what can I tell you
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arse-crack-thistle · 1 year
rip to the real ones 🙏
june claremont-diaz
rafael luna
agent cash
stepdaddy leo
liam (shoutout to bf spencer too)
onscreen catherine
waspy hunter (eh)
queen mary
cornettos (and glasses)
silk kimonos
star wars references
official courtship photos
henry’s j-14 spread
“you are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life” (obvs)
“cornbread knows what i have done, and he is here to make me atone”
bigger bisexual spirals
longer grief talks
more emails (feat. queer couples in history)
“fucking eyelashes”
“your song” by elton john
“dear thisbe, i wish there weren’t a wall. love, pryamus”
“i want you—” “then fucking have me.”
“two homes side by side”
“sería una mentira, porque no sería él”
“history, huh?” t-shirts
“i love him on purpose”
“the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable”
and anything else i (they) missed…
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eusuntgratie · 2 months
already over
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read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57686698
alex/raf, e, 7k
"Let me do this. And then I’ll be–I’ll stop.”  “Then you’ll be good?” slips out of Raf’s mouth before he can stop it, and Alex is looking up at him with huge eyes, full of trust and admiration and want, and Raf may be a lot of good things, but he’s weak too. 
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this is absolutely young ACD showing up at Raf's offices with his Five Guys order
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ninacarstairss · 1 year
friendly reminder that sería una mentira porqué no sería él
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Six Sentence Line Sunday
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Hi, I'm late again. I did a lot more beta reading than writing this weekend, and also did myself dirty by drinking way too much coffee today which resulted in a stomach ache in a big way. Once the nausea receded and the fics were betaed, I finally wrote some words. Like five minutes ago, so, you know, not edited.
Here's six lines from Working Title: Daddy Issues:
“It’s lovely to meet you as well,” Henry says. “Now I know who to contact for embarrassing stories and the like.” Raf grins as Alex scoffs. “Please, June’s already got that covered.” “You can never have too many,” Raf argues. “Plus, there’s that time you called me asking about STD test centers—" “Fuck off, that was fucking terrifying,” Alex complains, though his smile still stretches across his face. Raf ignores him. “I was about to start the Ave María. I just knew Oscar was going to put some kind of curse on me for being a bad Gay Guide for not talking to you about testing earlier. Gracias a Dios, we both learned about allergic reactions to flavored condoms—” “O-kay, that’s enough,” Alex says, laughing. He looks to Henry, his face slightly bashful, as if to check that he’s not completely horrified. 
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Thanks for the tags @littlemisskittentoes @suseagull04 @benwvatt @nocoastposts @itsmaybitheway @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @magicandarchery @getmehighonmagic @leaves-of-laurelin @kiwiana-writes!!
In case anyone wants to slide in late (or use this for another day this week, honestly pick one, especially if you posted and I missed it) I'm tagging @affectionatelyrs @cactusdragon517 @cultofsappho @eusuntgratie @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys @jackzimmermemes @juloviz @leojfitz @msmarvelouswinchester @read-and-write- @rockyroadkylers @rmd-writes @ships-to-sail @sherryvalli @user-anakin @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged @xthelastknownsurvivorx @zwiazdziarka :)
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Happy isn't the right word but I'm not... sad that they omitted June and Luna. I mean, I wish that they were part of it, to be honest however it's a 112-minute movie. If it were a TV show with 12 episodes 50 minutes per episode and they got rid of June or Luna I would have been so mad, but I would really rather have a lot of really nice Alex/Henry moments straight from the book than June and Luna and I can appreciate them wanting to stick to the book and getting rid of some side plots. I honestly think that some June parts can pretty easily be given to Nora and as much as I loved the Luna side plot it's really not all that important
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idealuk · 17 days
ABC: Ryan being the fifth member of the "9-1-1" "Celebrity Family Feud" episode cast might actually mean some thing.
Casey: Rafael's love interest would be Oliver Westbrook.
The pipeline really never stops going hard and congruently.
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jaxlightstairs · 1 year
June Claremont Diaz and Rafael Luna always alive in our minds ☝️
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xthelastknownsurvivorx · 11 months
so you know how oscar basically sent alex to luna's campaign thinking that he might not be completely straight and thus luna's guidance might help maybe move along the process? i'm just thinking about how oscar was probably waiting the first time he saw alex after the internship to see if it worked. like he's waiting for alex to come out and is trying to drop all these subtle hints that he'll be supportive. but of course alex is oblivious and still hasn't figured it out. and oscar wouldn't want to assume so he thinks well maybe not after all. then come to years later alex brings henry to the lake house oscar is probably like ah there it is, fucking finally
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mystinkysocks · 4 months
petition that in rwrb sequel movie alex finds his long lost sister june and his long lost family friend rafael luna
please and thank you!!!!
please no one get pressed over this too thank you!! (this is almost a joke (not really))
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missesmckinnon · 1 year
a few days late, but can i talk about the red white and royal blue movie for a sec?
im so happy i decided to buy and speed read the book before the movies release, because the book was very good, but the movie was disappointing for a few reasons. it wasn’t bad, it was a good movie, but is was kind of a let down. does that make sense?
sorry if this is incoherent, i just need to get all my thoughts out.
first, let’s talk about my biggest issue: june. where the hell was she? she was such a big part of the story, and she is apart of the [??] six, and before that the white house trio. there is no white house trio with only two people. i thought that june showed an interesting contrast to alex, not wanting to pursue a career in politics like he does. she became my favorite character instantly, and it was really upsetting that they cut her out.
second: powder princess bea. i know it wasn’t a big part of the story, but it irked me when they cut that part out. bea didn’t have a lot of character in the films, and the parts of her they did show she was basically there to show that henry had a sister that he liked. in the books, bea had a strong personality and a complicated past.
third: rafael luna. oh my god, why cut him out. alex looked up to him as a young, and openly gay, politician. him leaving to work for richards upset alex deeply, and when raf returned, they had a conversation about richards’ advances toward raf and why raf needed to leave in order to bring richards down. alex and raf had such a sweet relationship, and who tf do they think they are, replacing the rafael luna with some dude named miguel.
fourth: philip. in the movie, philip was kind of shown as some guy who values the crown and the traditions it has, but in the books, he’s a dick. it got so bad that bea and henry didn’t talk to him and turned him away when philip offed to help them. if they’d kept his personality the same, i think it would’ve given more depth to henry’s family and the pressure he’s under.
fifth: liam. liam wasn’t a big character, but, if i remember right, alex called liam when he was having his lil gay crisis, and liam showed up at an event at the end of the story. that’s how alex and henry got the bikes to go to alex house in texas.
sixth: henry’s mum standing up to the queen. considering that henry’s mum being emotionally absent was a big part of henry’s story, when catherine (henry’s mum) stood up to the queen and threatened to have her dethroned for suggesting that henry had to hide was a big moment. it showed that she really cared for her kids but was too consumed with her loss to be there for them.
seventh: pez love interest. in the movies, pez and nora had a romance, but in the books it was pez and june. pez and nora don’t make sense to me at all. junes personality was brought out in the best way by pez, and they complimented each other beautifully. but, since june was cut out, they had to do something i guess.
eighth: dialing down richards. richards is a very bad man, and that’s a theme throughout the book. the book is extremely political, so i understand not going too far into that, but richards made advances on luna and his team leaked the footage and emails between henry and alex. it was really dialed down in the film, which upset me.
let me know what you guys thought of the movie, though. the actors who played alex, henry, nora, and ellen were perfect, and taylor/nicholas had amazing chemistry.
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supercalime · 4 months
I can not believe I haven’t talked about my wishes for RWRB 2!
While I am ecstatic, I also very weary of what they will do with that sequel, as the book and movie work very well as a stand alone. (Unpopular opinion: I hate the extra Henry chapter so I hope they do something with actual substance instead of the boring fluff fest that that chapter was.)
I also love a romcom like any other basic bitch, so I do wonder if they are gonna go with the hallmark/christmas prince vibes in the next installment(s) with wedding and baby. Which I don’t love, but it’s cute.
Anyway, things I’d love to have in this sequel:
- a montage of scenes that were cut from the first one, maybe to show the passage of time. Or even using it in the actual movie
- a bigger budget. I love rwrb but they had a shoestring budget that hurt the movie at parts (anything with green screen, very few extras in crowd scenes, sets that looked cheap,etc). Give me sets with ceilings! Give me natural lighting! The chucky show had a better White House set, get the funding please
- Rafael Luna (my dream cast is Oscar Isaac but I doubt they could get him).
- Henry’s mom! We got a few mentions of her but I would love to have her appear on screen and for us to understand more about Henry’s dad, his moms depression, his relationship with his siblings, etc
-Bea’s struggle with drugs. I love Bea but in the movie she was just a sister with nothing much to do. There were times that she had some questionable lines like hoping Philip doesn’t push their mom down the stairs or telling Henry to cheer up when he questions the existence of royalty
- Queer Nora! They could have thrown a single line that acknowledges that Nora isn’t straight but for some reason the movie didn’t. This could be a good opportunity to just add something in there. Also give our girl a better wig.
- More Pez! Please! My boy had one line in the movie! We were robbed. I want at least one scene of him and Henry talking.
- Some nod/easter egg/reference to June. Alex can’t have a long lost sister or a brand new baby sister called June. I suggest adding a new character and mixing up their personality with junes and having them, Nora and Alex be besties.
- If there is a proposal/wedding storyline, they better go with the cliche of whoever is proposing/organizing wanting this big thing but in the end they see that what’s important is being with the person so they propose in bed by casually asking or have a impromptu wedding with just friends and family
Anyway, these are just things that came up on the top of my head, what do yall want that could be realistic for the movie to approach?
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So MANY things happened and I want to scream about all of them, but like, im going to make a list (Alex would be proud of me rn)
-June and Nora kiss!! IN CANON!!
-Bea is married???
-Shaan and Zahra have a kid!
-And Shaan is a househusband
-Pez you will forever remain iconic
-Henry learnt how to cook omg
-Also, 12 year old Henry microwaved a sausage until it exploded. Slay.
-Pez is lactose intolerant!
-Alex broke his two front teeth when he got his first bike
-8 year old henry wanting a journal and sea view for Christmas!!
-Arthur taking little Henry to Rome for 2 weeks to go to the set of his movie omg
-“Alex child-of-divorce anxiety” me too Alex, me too
-“Whoever you marry, Henry, make sure they think your mum is a laugh, because she is. She really is.”
-Rafael Luna has a partner. An “astonishingly fit” partner. AND THEY WEAR MATCHING SWEATERS.
-Henry shook the hands of all 5 Spice Girls. As he should.
-Henry grew out his hair and cut it all off???
-Henry canonically has PTSD
-Alex’s childhood quilt!!!
- “A quieter life” SOBBING
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clumsyartish · 4 months
Another RWRB movie?
I hate it
Did I need that in my life?
No, No I don't
Am I going to watch it anyway?Probably religiously
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[Lil fanart since I've been in that mood lately]
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cricketnationrise · 4 months
a silly little scene that grabbed me by the ear and wouldn't let go as i was rereading @cactusdragon517's Dos Bastardos series
warning - second-hand embarrassment is strong in this one, folks.
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