#luna does what luna wants honestly LMAO
aetherose · 3 months
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Funny to consider Luna being able to fly can lead to funny things happening. Like, you won't be able to hear Luna come into rooms so she purposefully may sneak up on you knowing you won't hear her. Or hanging around on the ceiling. May hang upside down from the ceiling bat-style even.
Sometimes you just see her flying to-and-fro all over the place because she's thinking and probably a little frustrated or possibly overthinking, which may be accompanied by much muttering from her. She tends to also sit or lounge about in midair as well.
But also consider she can get the best views of the stars by flying up and she could carry your muse up there. But she may also fly high up into the sky if she wants to avoid everyone if she's mad or doesn't want to be seen 'weak' if she's sad or something, which in that state only Alpha can convince her to come down.
There are a lot of things she uses it for honestly and I think it's quite fun. Luna is a strange person for sure, but to be an Agent you definitely can't be very normal haha.
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sthormiiii · 7 months
What do you like and don’t like about Aaravos ?
omgomg ty for the question i love talking about my man!!!
(this came out wayy longer than i imagined whoops)
okok so.
the things i love about aaravos are many. starting from the obvious, his design!! he is so so pretty i love startouch elves designs in general (all the concept art in the art of the dragon prince made me lose my mind!!) and also the fact you can get a lot about him from his design, like how he changed after he fell and the way he lost many of his accessories which probably represented his status in startouch society- AND THE BLACK HOLE IN HIS CHEST PROBABLY REPRESENTING HIS HEART???? like, he LITERALLY LOST HIS HEART?????
thennn, we go on his personality! that man suffered for CENTURIES, he had to witness so Much Stuff. he got through so much trauma and lost everyone who he ever cared about. but does that bother him? i mean, yes ofc it does...but despise all of it, he still keeps up his silly personality! and manages to still be himself :33
the thing is, my interpretation of aaravos's character is probably very personal, and most of the things i think about him are from my own headcanons, but!!!! we know he is inspired from prometheus, giving humans magic despise the gods (other elves and dragons) didnt want them to have it. but he still did it. he helped them out when they were struggling, and because of it he got punished.
thats the thing!! he loved humans SO MUCH he couldn't help but help them, even if he knew it would get him in trouble.his love for humans, for magic, for xadia, its what keeps him going, he wants to be free and be able to see xadia again, to see the sky, and feel the grass under his feet! him pre-fall was just,, so so filled with love for everything around him
clearly, he also did some really fucked up stuff (like swallowing killing adidi and probably also luna tenebris) he isn't completely good or completely bad. he's in between and everything he does he does it for a reason which he believes is the right one-
rn hes a psycho, he spent 300 years in isolation and he is full of anger and just wants to see the world burn😞😞 he lost everything and everyone and yes hes the villain rn,, but he still has all that love inside of him. his love for humans...for magic...his need to feel someone, anyone by his side, to know hes not alone- him trying to help viren in s5 (in his own fucked up way) shows that he still cares☹️☹️
so yeah, i just- love complex characters!
now, the things I don't like- this is a hard choice bc i honestly love all his flaws too?? but i would say i dont like how the show handles him lmao.
i could talk about this for hours, but to make it simple i think they are totally wasting his character here. like. we're never going to fully see aaravos in all his shades bc
1) we dont have time for all that
2) even if they somehow manage to give us a glimpse of all the pain and suffering he carries on his back,, i think its a bit too late to make the viewers completely emphasise with him
the whole mystery of aaravos arc should have taken a different direction imo. but desides that, i still love the show sm and i cant wait to see more!!
god i love talking about him.
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onecantsimply · 10 months
Headcanons + scenario (if you want to.)
High school au for Jack, Noah, Heracles, and Alaric.
Teacher decides that the students need to learn to prepare for the future and sets everyone up individually to take care of a fake baby that mimics a real one. (None of these characters are shipped together.)
Bet bet-
— 𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕣 —
• He isn’t experienced, but he’s a fast learner. He just needs to learn exactly what to do lmao- Seeing as how he’s never taken care of a baby before, he only knows certain basics, and knows fully well it is NOT gonna be enough-
• So, he decided to ask Adam and Eve for advice, seeing as how they were his best choices. They taught him pretty much everything, and he ended up taking care of the baby by second nature.
• It was slightly bumpy at first, but he got the hang of it eventually- Although he was slightly confused at what to do at times, even with the advice, seeing as how babies give certain cues that are slightly deceitful, he got through it-
• I’m sure the guy got a good grade. Maybe at least a B+ or an A.
— ℕ𝕠𝕒𝕙 —
• He’s experienced in taking care of a baby, and also has experience with taking care of children in general due to his step siblings. He already knows what to do for the most part-
• But even if he does know what to do for the most part, he doesn’t know everything- So he may struggle for a little, but he takes down notes and everything to figure out what to do.
• At one point he might go to Anne or Luna for help, but that’s literal last choice consideration-
• But he doesn’t have much trouble with taking care of a baby. The man is a natural-
• He most likely got a B or an A-.
— ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕤 —
• This can go two ways. Either horrible, or really good-
• I see Heracles as being good with babies and children, but he doesn’t know how to take care of them, additionally to the things that are on his list-
• This man plays multiple amounts of sports, so he’s gotta show up for practice and everything- He can’t exactly take care of the baby, and it has him distracted somewhat, so he can’t pay full attention to anything-
• But whenever he’s done with practice, he’ll always rush back to the baby and try his best to take care of it. He’d definitely go to someone for advice.
• Honestly he might go to Shiva since the guy took care of Ganesha- It wasn’t the same experience considering that Ganesha is… quite different than the biology of a regular baby- However, Shiva taught him the stuff he knew, and even included his wives in it.
• They taught way better than he did HH-
• It was definitely rocky, but the man pulled through with the advice he got-
• B- for effort- But literally it might end him with a flat C.
— 𝒜𝓁𝒶𝓇𝒾𝒸 —
• He’s not good at it, but he’s not bad at it. And he doesn’t dare go to any of the people in the club he’s in. Not even Morton. Everyone in there is busy and he knows fully well none of them are gonna want to take care of it. He’s ignoring Hummer entirely.
• But Alaric searches up how to take care of a baby and remembers everything. Please take note that he doesn’t exactly care for the baby. He just wants the grade HH-
• So, Alaric doesn’t exactly care too much for his grade either. His attention is more focused on helping the club, which is taking control of most other schools.
• He’s getting a Flat C too HH- When he gets his grade, he’s done with the baby. He’s returning it. He’s gone. He’s D O N E lmfao-
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atopearth · 4 months
Court of Darkness Part 13 - Lou Route
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Lou should have the most interesting route (hopefully)! I love how he carried her to him with magic instead of waiting for her to run to him, it is definitely more efficient lol. Aww, it's sweet of Lou to pick the heroine up and take her to dinner, too bad he can't cook but at least he got all the ingredients for her. LMAO when he cheered for her saying "hurrah hurrah" because Haru said that's what he does when the heroine cooks🤣 I like how he agreed to ignore her crying as long as she cried as much as she liked. Honestly, every time we have to experience the heroine's loneliness of being stuck in a fantasy world by herself, it always makes me so sad for her. It's nice to see how relaxing it was for Lou to spend time having tea with her that he fell asleep whilst she was reading books about this world. I'm not sure what his intentions are, but it is true that he is providing the heroine comfort and reassurance in a place unknown to her. Honestly, it wasn't until Lou bought the heroine doughnuts that I realised the heroine legit has no money! She obviously can't work, has to stay at the academy blah blah, so she literally has no money at all! How insecure of a life is that... It's nice that not only did their little excursion outside allow the heroine to get a lot of gifts in terms of clothes and everything, but it also helped her understand that as long as she creates a wall between the people and her, she'll never be able to truly understand this place, their people and the magic that could possibly take her home. It's understandable that she would reject this world to protect her own identity though, since she feels like she'll lose herself if she assimilates into this fantasy world.
I love how forthright the heroine was when she told the S Ranks her boundaries and how she won't tolerate random kissing and touching without her consent. I completely forgot that she hasn't talked to them at all since their first meeting in this route haha! But yeah, I really liked how she stated her thoughts clearly and succinctly and didn't let them step over her. So proud of the heroine that she was able to show how capable she is in magic now thanks to Lou. Lunas is quite cute but I wonder who he is. Lmao at Lou having his own fanclub as well and they're not toxic! They sincerely hope for his happiness! Best fanclub🥹 Lou really casually just holds her hand haha, but I guess the way he so casually does it makes it feel like it's not anything romantic but that of reassurance and care. One thing I always find saddening is that the heroine always thinks it might be better to stay in this world not because she's found people she wants to stay for but because there's no one left in her world that she thinks is willing to go back for.
Lou is the spirit of Vanum and the heroine is the incarnation of Vane? I didn't think Lou didn't actually have these memories, it always felt like he knew everything. Honestly though, I feel like this makes it as if the reason why Lou likes her because she was Vane and he was Vanum rather than because he likes her for who she is. Like it's nice that the past them are able to reunite in this way but Lou at least seems mainly smitten because of who she once was, I'm sure he's interested in the current her at least but not enough to consider it romantic so it's kinda disappointing that the romance is being handled like this. Lmao at how casually Lou tells all the guys he's Vanum and the heroine was Vane and then asks for tips on how to have a successful first date🤣 I have to admit though, their date was pretty sweet and fun haha. I'm glad it's being addressed whether Lou really loves the heroine for who she is or if it's because she's Vanum because I think it's the latter and have never really felt Lou's love for the heroine herself even though I do think he's fond of her. It was nice to know that Lou found it difficult to tell the heroine that he loves her even if she wasn't Vane because it's undeniable that she is and regardless of what they do or think, she will always be her and resemble her so he can't confidently say he loves her for just her now and I think that's understandable. It made me respect him a bit more at least haha. Lunas was Lou's valet back in the day?! I was really happy with Lou's confession. Despite my actual thoughts on their romance, I think his confession was beautiful in the fact that you could see how genuine he was and how much he noticed all the little things unique to the heroine and his love specifically for her rather than Vane. I guess it was worth the wait haha! The truly strong one is the heroine though! This girl was ready to fight and get him to love her in this life as well if he said he loved Vane rather than her.
Overall, I'm not a fan of Lou's route and I have to say it was quite boring and made me quit the game for a bit lol (real life also got busy). I think it was nice to see them spend time together and simple stuff like that, but I think the Vane and Vanum thing made it difficult for me to believe Lou really loved the heroine for who she was in this life. But, I do admit that I really loved his confession and all the words he said, it made me believe in his love in that moment even if I don't think he loves her as much as he says. Heroine was definitely the highlight of this route because of how headstrong and sweet she is but yeah, sadly not a romance I could really feel in this relationship.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
up to chapter 10. first winter thoughts!!!
thanks to miss marissa meyer because literally everything about winter completely makes up for the fact that i had to go through fairest. also this time i wasn't too lazy to take photos sometimes!! (don't ask me how it's less effort to type up quotes instead of just taking a photo, sending it to my email and downloading the photo from there-- and oh never mind it is still a lot of effort and is only worth it for chunks of paragraphs)
"dark side of luna" made me remember that one side of the moon is perpetually day time. i'm assuming that's where everyone lives since people need vitamin D. hope worldbuilding expands on what it's like during "night time" which is to say when it's late
i think this is the first time we've had a significant time jump between books. it's been months since war started, whereas the past few books only had days between them. idk if i'm disappointed yet because it means we skip a significant portion of the development between winter and scarlet, as well as seeing how kai integrates with the rest of the rampion crew. (note: or it's only been a month????)
ahh do the domes cut off light once it's "nighttime"???
omg she still hasn't seen jacin - i imagine he's also been locked up?? for treason?? but then why not just killed like this father of a shell
APPLAUDED the execution???? cray z
JACIN FINALLY. he's a main love interest so there's no way he will die. i wonder how winter will save him. why was he under arrest for so long??? levana doesn't seem like the type to waste time, unless the war was holding most of her attention
damn that's crazy devoted of winter to die by the blade
i feel like winter hates gingers more than tiktok does LMAO
i can't wait to get jacin's pov and see if he actually tipped off sybil or if it was someone else (which i believe it to be)
why does the name liam kinney sound familiar to me. also, this guard is definitely important since he has been named AND is standing up for jacin. confirmed by kinney looking at winter lol
30 LASHINGS?? there is NO way he can realistically survive that, even if self inflicted. and 40 hours of penance?? sounds vaguely catholic lmao. wonder what it means in this context
"a girl of sunshine and stardust" AYO NEW Y/A FANTASY TITLE JUST DROPPED fskhfsdkhfshk
"Willful determination had stifled any hallucinations." i'm not an expert or anything but like,,, i don't think think that's how it works?? if anyone's got experience with this please let me know if you're comfortable with sharing
why tf does aimery hate jacin so bad (note: probably a jealous bastard?? creeper mccreepface wants winter all for himself)
seeing jacin grin is honestly kind of alarming. i don't remember him smiling ONCE in his first book. but seeing him smile to reassure her after he's literally been through hell is so nice. i am beginning to see why people like him now. i take back the mean things i said
if i had a nickel for every time the most beautiful woman in the land had a scar that accentuated and multiplied her beauty, i would only have 2 nickels but it's weird that it's happened twice (shiori's stepmother from six crimson cranes). it's very slayed of them. more appreciation for scars PLEASE.
"My Selene" HELP THAT'S SO TENDER??? i am already feeling feelings
these childhood best friends have absolutely NO business flirting with each other this hard
i'm sorry but can kai even cook?? i highly doubt it he's literally royalty there is no way (note: i KNEW that he couldn't cook)
17TH KISS?????
scarlet's relationship with ryu is something i didn't know i needed until now. anyway i love them very much. her emotional support wolf
i wonder how scarlet's finger is healing up
scarlet is so helplessly gay for winter lmao
i'm honestly surprised that scarlet is trusting winter's word that her friends are alive
ngl it's very apalling and sickening that a race of people that can use their gift to command someone to do anything they like, such as telling the truth, the lunars instead choose to TORTURE answers out of people. it's the ultimate display of torture being a method of exerting power rather than to actually try and find answers
i LOVE how marissa meyer throws together so many duos of characters and really lets them bond. it's so nice to see cress help wolf now so casually with the benoit farm when she used to be terrified of him during the kidnapping of kai - oh lol nevermind she's still terrified lmao. but this is still good progress and i'm living for it and i can't wait to see them become closer!! imagine him as an older brother figure for her~
since we have no idea who cinder's father is imagine if her nameless father is in fact wolf's father
knowing what wolf and scarlet are like about tomatoes. insufferable fandom culture have probably made tomatoes their entire personalities in like
"Dreaming was for people with nothing better to do." okay emo bastard. try not being blonde and looking like a disney prince and then get back to me (seriously i'm imagining him as those vaguely femboy tiktok guys with like long wispy hair in a manbun and is vaguely elflike and uh oh am i just picturing legolas but with shoulder length hair?? fuck me dead)
TWO jacin chapters in a row?? i'm being treated to the works. thank you miss marissa meyer
i will admit,,, that the banter that winter and jacin have is quite delicious (context: he's just been made her personal guard for the first time)
the way that winter and jacin are literally foils for levana and evret makes me froth at the mouth. will not be elaborating i MUST READ no time (or braincells) for analysation
THORNE CAN SEE AGAIN aaaaaaand he's being weird about cress. i hate it here
i love how instead of being all jealous that cinder and thorne have spent all this time together kai says almost the EXACT same thing about thorne being competition as thorne did when he found out about kai. love triangle except they're only doing it for the meme. so real of them (except thorne please stop creeping on teenage girls challenge)
note: reactions with photos are now gonna be their own posts because trying to figure out the formatting was a nightmare and i'm too tired for this shit. tag list does not apply to that because again i'm too lazy. peace and love <3
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
twenty-two | the story of us
prev masterlist next
the aftermath of everything.
warnings: swearing, use of scara's real name, use of signora's real name, mentions of injuries, signora calls you sweetheart lol, just a bit of angst at the start, not exactly proofread
a/n: this is pretty much a filler chapter cuz it's just you trying to avoid scara lmao. title and overall chapter is heavily inspired by the story of us by taylor swift. happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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you feel like absolute shit.
yun jin eyed you worryingly from the kitchen as she prepared you a drink. walking to the living room with a mug in hand, she carefully placed it on the coffee table in front of you.
“you should have something to drink.”
you didn't reply, opting to only stare at the beverage instead. the hot mist of the steam was still floating around, and the strong aroma of the famous steeped liyuean tea waft through the room.
“do you think i'm a bad person?”
yun jin arched an eyebrow, placing herself next to you on the small couch. “what do you mean by that?” she asked, looking at you.
still staring at the mug, you speak up. “i always sacrifice myself for others, albeit a little too much, you could say.” you chuckled to yourself. “i thought that if i were the one who ended up hurt instead of others, it would be for a good cause. i never see myself fit being saved, because honestly, i don't deserve it.” you said as yun jin eyed your head along with your damp hair, wrapped up in a soaked gauze roll.
you looked out to the small window of yun jin's dorm, taking in the dull view of the still heavy rain. how long has it been? over an hour now? the rain still hasn't stopped.
“yet i made the person who i treasure the most hate me in just one night, just because i was too busy wanting to be the hero.” you turned your head towards yun jin, eyes puffy from the short breakdown you had earlier. “does that even make me a good person at all?”
yun jin sighed, grabbing ahold of your hands. your hands were as cold as ice, not surprising, she thought to herself. you showed up at her door still clad in your soaked dress from last night, and an unknown black blazer draped over your shoulders. you may be smart in yun jin's eyes, but archons, you couldn't even bring an umbrella along?
“there's nothing wrong with putting others first, luna. but you should also know that you deserve just as much help as others do, you know.” she said, hands smoothing along yours in reassurance. “is this about ivan?” she questioned, and you slowly nodded.
eyes tearing up again, you looked down to your lap. “we were doing so good, yun jin, so, so, good. but i just had to ruin everything, i'm so awful, archons, i shouldn't have stormed off on him.” you sniffled, tears falling down to yours and yun jin's hands.
you recalled back to the things you did with scaramouche before it all went wrong. the dance, the balcony, the night before, everything. looking at it now, you felt like that was all just a fever dream, because none of it could explain why you were breaking down over a heated fight with scaramouche.
how did things get so wrong?
you thought after the grad ball, you would've found leads and close up this case after getting enough evidence, and would continue on your life with a blooming relationship with scaramouche. but now, you're not sure if you could even go on with this case given your situation.
it was your fault, really. if it wasn't for your actions, you would've saved both you and scaramouche, with no one hurt. but you just had to be the saviour and risk your life, only to end up sabotaging your own relationship with him.
it was entirely your fault, even from the start.
maybe you should've never agreed on working undercover for this case.
“i really am a horrible person, huh?” you chuckled, averting your gaze back to yun jin. she had a sympathetic expression plastered on her face, feeling sorry for what you're going through right now.
yun jin engulfed you in a hug, hands rubbing your back. “don't say that, luna. you're just having a hard time. don't beat yourself up for it.” she said, pulling you closer.
you stayed still for a second, in yun jin's arms, before finally breaking down fully, drowning your tears on yun jin's shirt.
the rain was still pouring heavily, with bolts of lightning shattering across the sky, just like how everything was shattering your heart into millions of pieces right now.
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“what in the world happened to you?”
signora stared at you through her computer screen, referring to your very obvious bandaged head.
you looked away, avoiding her sharp gaze. even though it was merely a video call, you can't help but get scared of her. from the tone of her voice, you could already tell that she's worried as hell.
huffing, you replied. “it's a long story.”
“that's not your room.” signora pointed out, looking at the background. “it isn't scaramouche's either.”
“i'm at yun jin's.”
“and why are your eyes red and puffy? did you just finish crying?”
you groaned, grabbing a pillow to bury your face in it. “you ask so many questions.” you complained, voice slightly muffled.
“of course i'm gonna be throwing out a lot of questions, i'm a cop.” she tried joking around, though stopped when you don't respond.
signora sighed, looking at your slouched form with your face deeply buried in a pillow, body slightly shaking.
she's never been like this, she thought. even during stressful days at the precint, or during finals back in uni, you were never one to show such vulnerable emotions to someone, let alone to her, your closest friend.
it must be that bad.
“are you okay?” she finally asked, voice soft, contrary to what it was a moment ago.
chuckling, you perked your head up from the pillow, tears already threatening to fall. signora's face turned even more worried at the sight.
“no. i feel like absolute shit.”
signora didn't reply, looking at you in worry through the screen, waiting for you to continue.
“i had a fight with him.”
the blonde-haired woman raised a brow. “don't you guys always do that?”
you heave out a huff. “this was different.” you muttered, looking down on your laptop keyboard. “we were getting along really damn well for the past week, but everything fell apart when last night happened.”
“i did remember that gremlin texting me that you got in the hospital, which was the main reason why i called you.” signora shrugged. “but i didn't expect for the story to be this complicated. you're gonna have to tell me all about it, y/n.” she said, hands making gestures.
sighing, you averted your attention back to her. “fine. i'll tell you.”
after what felt like forever, you finally finished telling signora about what had happened, from the past few weeks, all the way to yesterday's fight. even though the information were rather a bit too much for one to listen, signora was still able to catch up quickly on the story, humming at your sentences in acknowledgement.
“well, that's about it.” you finished, voice cracking.
“do you like him?”
“what?” you asked, dumbfounded.
signora brought up her hand to look at her nails. “the way you talk about him makes it seem like you have feelings for him.”
widening your eyes, you stared at your friend in disbelief. “wha– no!” you denied almost immediately. you wiped the tears in your eyes with your sleeve, and continued on rambling on how you have absolutely no feelings for the ravenette.
you went on for a couple of minutes, looking elsewhere to avoid signora peering at your flustered state. but when she never replied to any of your retorts, you snapped your head back to your laptop screen, just to see signora smiling mischievously at you.
you pursed your lips in a thin line. what is she smiling about?
oh. this woman.
“you're just trying to distract me from being sad now are you?” you deadpanned, and signora's smile grew even wider.
she let out a laugh. “ah, y/n, what a great detective you are, always catching onto stuff in a heartbeat.”
narrowing your eyes at her, you frowned. “not cool, rosalyne.” you said, crossing your arms. “you always do this.”
“i just don't want you to be sad, sweetheart. surely you two could work this out, no? the balladeer may seem like a bit of a douche, but i doubt he'd be this big of a jerk.” the blonde-haired woman raised her two hands and made gestures as to how big she was referring to, making it a point.
you chuckled. “sure.”
“have you went back to your dorm after the fight?” signora questioned after a moment of silence.
“yeah, kuni would've been in class this morning so i went back to get my stuff.”
signora raised a brow. “kuni? is that a new weird nickname you have for him?”
your eyes widened for the second time, and you quickly fumbled for a reply. “uh–n-no! no, it's um, nothing. just a uh– inside joke, yeah.”
no way in hell would you ever reveal scaramouche's real name to her, even if she was your closest friend. it's not like you wanted to be the only one who knew, but scaramouche had trusted you, and only you, for him to reveal a sliver of his background.
there's no way you would ever go behind his back to expose such a thing.
signora eyed you suspiciously, but didn't question further. clearing up her throat, she speaks up. “are you really going to be okay? if there's anything i could help then i'd be–”
“no.” you cut her off, cracking up a small smile. “it's okay, rosalyne. this'll be over in no time.” you reassured.
oh how you were so wrong.
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the past two weeks have been hell for you.
you've never thought how hard it would be to avoid scaramouche in campus, and given how you only have one class together, you thought it would've been rather easy to not bump into him.
but you were proven wrong. so many times.
the first day without him was the hardest. you both had criminology that day, and you were stupid to think brushing him off would be that easy.
sure, yun jin was in criminology too, but it didn't mean it wasn't easy to not spot the ravenette in a lecture hall full of students with that obnoxious hair of his. you sat with yun jin quite far from your usual seat, which was a few rows back.
the bandage on your head was long gone now. after your last trip to the doctor's, he's informed you that you were free to take it off, which you immediately did right after your got home, cursing about how the thing's been such a hassle for you.
scaramouche still sat at the same place, not even sparing a glance at you, seemingly like he doesn't even know you at all.
but you couldn't take your eyes off his purple head, staring at the way he focused in class, the way he takes notes, everything. there wasn't even any reason for him to be acting like a student when you two were just working undercover, yet he blended in with everyone, listening intently on what the lecturer was talking about.
you, however, could not be subtle at all. yun jin had to keep pinching at you every time you glanced towards scaramouche's seat, which was every single second. it was impossible for you to focus in class when he's just sitting a few rows in front of you, you were practically itching to get over there and apologize for that night.
but you didn't, and would never do that, not even over your dead body. you could never let your pride down and just waltzed right back into his life, not after everything.
so you held your head high, pretending like all of this could be avoided.
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you're convinced that the universe hates you.
“you've gotta be fucking kidding me.” you mumbled under your breath, watching as the bell to the campus cafe chimed, the guy you were trying to avoid for weeks from walking in.
out of all times he could've been here, you thought to yourself. this is gonna kill you.
you were just sitting in the campus cafe with your laptop on the table, trying to continue on the case, but he just had to come here. it was inevitable, no matter how hard you try. scaramouche would always appear in the corner of your eye, wherever you are. oh how you want to dig yourself into a big hole and just bury yourself in it.
covering half of your face with your hand, you turned your head to the window in hopes of scaramouche not noticing you.
maybe you should leave this place, and go somewhere else to focus back on your work. if scaramouche was here, there was no way in hell you'd be able to continue on working.
slowly turning your head back to the busy counter, you watched as scaramouche ordered his drink, with him solely focusing on the menu.
this should be it, you think. this was the perfect opportunity to escape!
you closed your laptop and quickly packed your stuff in your bag on the empty seat beside you. taking a deep breath, you grabbed your bag and drink, heading for the door.
you had your eyes plastered to the floor and head hanging low as you quickly head for the exit, hoping that scaramouche wouldn't turn his head back and notice you.
what you didn't realize was scaramouche trying to find a seat while waiting for his drink, and he was heading towards your direction, as you were heading towards his.
luck really wasn't at your side at all.
next thing you knew, you bumped into scaramouche harshly, the impact making your drink spill. luckily for the ravenette, your drink didn't land a single drop on him. unfortunately for you, your drink spilled all over your clothes.
“shit!” you whisper-shouted, caressing your head that bumped into a stranger's chest. slowly widening your eyes, you snapped your head up, wanting to apologise to the random person you just head-bumped, just to see that scaramouche was the one in front of you, eyes as wide as yours.
oh archons, this is awkward.
“y/n?” scaramouche mumbled in shock. his eyes darted towards your clothes that were now stained from your spilled drink, making him tug you closer by the arm.
he stared at your shirt for a couple of seconds before looking up at you, bringing up a hand to hastily check your face and head for any injuries.
his breath was fanning your face, and heat quickly rushed up to your cheeks from the close distance. you haven't been this close to scaramouche ever since the grad ball, which was around two weeks ago.
his touch felt foreign, but also something that you've longed for.
“are you okay? you didn't hurt yourself, did you? was the drink hot? did you get any burns?”
blinking for a couple of times, you brushed off those thoughts out of your head. this is not the time to be thinking about the past, y/n.
you grabbed his shoulders to push him away slightly, just enough to give you two an appropriate space. “it– it's fine! i'm fine.” you turned your head sideways, avoiding his gaze.
scaramouche furrowed his brows, not used to the idea of you pushing him away, when you've always been the one to pull him close.
“i uh– i actuallly need to get going.” you said sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head. brushing past him, you headed for the door, the bell making a sound as you opened it.
“wait–” turning back, scaramouche tried chasing after you, but stopped when you already left the cafe.
the ravenette frowned, retracting his hand back to his side. were you still mad at him? he asked himself. he pursed his lips into a thin line. maybe he shouldn't have been so harsh on you.
the few weeks without you has been hard for him. before, he'd always come home to your presence, whether it be you watching tv, eating at the kitchen island, or you doing work on the couch. but now, he comes home to an empty dorm, with only silence engulfing the place at all times.
scaramouche hates to admit it, but he missed you. more than anything.
“order for ivan!” a barista called out to him, making him turn his head to the counter. his drink was ready to be picked up, with the fake name of his written on the cup.
he sighed, running a hand through his hair as he headed for the counter. grabbing his drink, he left the campus cafe, the chilly wind automatically nipping his skin.
scaramouche took a sip of his drink, the hot beverage hitting his throat just nicely. he sighed once again, looking to his surroundings to see if you were anywhere in sight, which unfortunately, you weren't. goodness, how fast were you even walking? were you that willing to avoid him?
shaking the thoughts out of his head, scaramouche watched as the wind blows through the trees. he shouldn't be dwelling on such trivial matters. he doesn't need to see you right now. none of this bothers him. he's doing fine.
oh how he wished any of those words were true.
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“you know, you can just go to him if you want to make up so bad.” yun jin remarked, watching as you stare at scaramouche's back.
one hand resting on your chin, you turned your head towards your friend. “hm? did'ya say somethin'?”
“you're unbelievable.” yun jin glared at you, flicking your forehead, which earned a whine from you. the young woman paid no mind as she continued on complaining. “you should go up to him and reconcile. i doubt he'd reject you.”
rubbing the spot she flicked at, you groaned. “no way. he's the one who should come to me and apologize. i'm not gonna just give up and let him win this argument.”
“is this really just about winning your petty fights?”
“...what do you mean?” you asked confusedly, giving her a perplexed look.
“i feel like there's more to it than just that reason.” yun jin crossed her arms. “otherwise you wouldn't be avoiding him for this long.”
you huffed, turning away from her dramatically. “it's only been two and a half weeks. i can go much longer without him.”
“doesn't seem like it to me.”
snapping your head back to her, you arched a brow. “what?” you questioned.
“don't think i've never noticed how your gaze on him lingers longer and longer in each class, how you keep stabbing and staring at your meals, and how you always save a seat at every single place we've been to, because his place was always a spot next to you.” yun jin pointed out, every single fact being shot right to your head like a missile.
not waiting on your response, she continued further. “there's even an empty seat next to you right now!” she pointed her finger at the unoccupied seat to prove her statement.
“that's just coincidence!” you fought.
she rolled her eyes at you, causing you to frown even more. “stop being in denial, luna.”
“'m not in denial.”
“then go and sit next to him right now.”
“wha– no!” you quickly turned down, bringing up both of your arms to make an 'x' sign.
you love your friend dearly, but archons is she annoying the hell out of you right now. you wished she could just keep her mouth shut, even if everything she's said were true. partially.
but then again, you're not gonna just tell her that.
yun jin narrowed her eyes at you for a moment, before sighing. she turned her head back to her laptop, which was opened to the topic you were gonna learn in criminology today. “viktor told me a couple of things about how ivan's been acting these days.”
you accidentally slammed your hands harshly on the table, which earned a lot of stares from other students in the lecture hall, scaramouche included. rubbing your neck sheepishly, you slouched on your seat in embarrassment, avoiding the stares you were receiving. yun jin merely chuckled at your actions.
“what did viktor tell you?” you asked almost immediately, figure still slouching. “did he mention something about me?”
yun jin smirked, finding it amusing how you were so eager to know about what's been going on with scaramouche, when you were the one who kept denying about the fact that you missed him.
catching onto her act, you pouted. “i'm only asking because you were the one who talked about it first.”
“sure, you are.”
“just– just get to the point!”
yun jin laughed, but obliged to your demand. “well, in terms of emotions, ivan is now pretty much emotionless. which is not surprising considering how he wasn't that much of an emotional person anyways. he's like a brick or something.” the black-haired woman said, eyeing the lecture hall doors to see if the professor has arrived.
seeing that he hasn't, yun jin continued. “viktor also told me that ivan's been hanging out at the campus library as of late. no idea why though, he's already gotten the dorms all to himself, he doesn't need to go to the library to get away from roommates anymore.”
“yun jin.” you cleared your throat after she finished her sentence, placing your hands on her shoulder as you turned her to your direction. “i love you, but that's just how ivan is. he's an emotionless prick who likes to do whatever he pleases. i've known that for over five years now.”
“...five? i thought you guys met at your old college?” yun jin asked confusedly, making you widened your eyes at your slip up. “five years ago would be when we're around seventeen. did you meet him back in highschool?”
releasing your hands from her, you scratched your temple awkwardly. “well– i uh, i guess so?”
“what do you even mean by that?”
“we– i um, met him in highschool, yeah, but we didn't really get to know each other until college.” you quickly fumbled for a lie, causing yun jin to eye you suspiciously. “stop looking at me like that!” you complained, avoiding her gaze.
yun jin stared at you for a couple of seconds, and you sweat, silently hoping she doesn't catch on your made up story. who would even believe that a 26 year old was making up a lie that they were 4 years younger?
the young woman huffed, about to say something before the professor suddenly barged through the doors.
you sighed in relief. maybe you were lucky after all.
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or not.
“what do you mean you can't come with me to the library?! you promised to accompany me!”
the black-haired woman sighed, busying herself with her hair. “sorry, luna. viktor made a last minute decision to meet me, said he needs to talk about something.” she turned her head to your direction by the door.
groaning, you pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance. “viktor has the same assignment as me! can't you two just have your little date at the library?”
“i'm afraid not, y'know that viktor has always been a last minute person.”
“please?” you pleaded.
“pretty please?”
yun jin rolled her eyes, heading to the fridge to get a drink. “that's not gonna work on me, luna, i'm not like your dear boyfriend.” she muttered. “why do you even want me to accompany you so bad? you like going places alone.” she asked, gulping down a cup of water whilst waiting for you to answer.
“first things first, he is not my boyfriend.” you denied rather quickly. “and secondly, you said he always goes to the library now, what if he's gonna be there?!”
“i doubt the library is going to be full, you'll be fine. just sit somewhere else if you see him or something.”
you eyed her sceptically. “i'll kill you if you're wrong.”
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looks like she's gonna heave her last breath after all.
you have no idea why, or how, a library this humongous would be filled to the brim, students filling up the place like an ant's nest.
it was painfully unbelievable how much of bad luck you have for the past few weeks (you like to think otherwise), and it'd be the death of you if these things were gonna keep on happening. there was no way you'd be able to finish up this case in time.
peering over the many tables, you attempt on finding an empty seat with your arms full of books, which in your case, seemed to be impossible. you walked around the whole library, in hopes of finding a spot to do your work at, but to no avail.
grumbling, you silently cursed to the students that came to the library today. really, out of all days this library would be full, it just had to be the day you need to get your work done.
after what felt like forever, you finally found yourself a nice and empty seat a few feet away from you, even if the long table was full with other students. you'd accept any kinds of spot at this point, as long as you get to sit and do your work comfortably.
smiling, you walked up happily to the table like a baby duck following its mother, until you stopped halfway when you caught glimpse of the very familiar bundle of violet hair, your smile faltering almost immediately.
this cannot be happening.
absolutely not.
“this has got to be the worst fucking month of my life.” you mumbled under your breath, the thought of your incident actually being the worst month for you suddenly thrown out the window.
this is seriously killing you.
slowly backing away, you turned around and walked over to the nearest bookshelf, hiding behind it.
what in the world are you gonna do now?
you slightly peeked your head to the side of the bookshelf, just enough to see scaramouche doing his work on the table, a few seats away from the empty chair you've been eyeing on. holding onto your books tightly, you quickly think of a plan.
should you just go back?
no, you want to finish up this assignment as soon as possible, you don't want to be late in submitting your work. just because you weren't exactly a student here doesn't mean that you can slack off on work, that's quite literally the only priority you have in life.
should you just look up the topics on the internet?
no, the internet is not the most reliable source, and you'd much rather gather up and use books, they're much more informative and useful. there's no way you'd fully rely on the web. and to add, you already have the books here in your arms anyways, it'd be a hassle to put them all back after everything.
should you just sit there?
it probably won't be that bad, right?
clenching your jaw, you finally decided that, fuck it, you're going there, whether you like it or not. ignoring him won't be that hard, you've basically been doing the same thing for the past two weeks, surely this'd be nothing.
you finally worked up the courage to walk back there and snatch the empty seat, just in time before anyone else could claim it. sighing in relief, you placed the heavy books down on the table and got ready to work as you pulled out your laptop.
after setting up your small work space, you cracked your fingers and did a bit of stretching, the thought of scaramouche being present barely bothering you anymore.
it's fine, just a couple of hours and you'd be out of here, there was no need for you to pay attention to that annoyingly purple headed guy.
speaking of which, maybe taking a teeny tiny peek at him won't hurt...
taking one of the borrowed books, you opened it up to a random page and act it as a shield for you to ogle your eyes at him, slightly peeking your head out to the side of the book to look at what he's doing.
scaramouche was busy working up something on his laptop, occasionally looking at a notebook to his left. you let out a huff at his annoyingly and frustratingly attractive face. why does he have to look this good in such a boring library?
the ravenette raked a hand through his hair, slightly knocking his glasses out of the way. you furrowed your brows, questioning yourself. when has he ever gone to public with his glasses on? you thought to yourself. that's fairly new, you think as you duck your head back down, just enough to hide behind your book.
pondering on the thought, you hadn't realised that, the guy you were thinking of, snapped his head right to your direction, and when you finally looked back at him to take a more closer look, he was already staring at you with a blank expression.
you widened your eyes, quickly hiding your head back behind the book you're holding upwards with heat running up your cheeks. what the hell?! why is he looking at me?! you fought with the demons in your head, cursing yourself over and over for your actions.
maybe this was a bad idea after all, because once you peeked back to his seat, he was still looking at you, with that stupidly forsaken nonchalant look of his.
fuck, you think to yourself.
at this point, you just wanted the ground to open up and swallow you, bringing you the very core of earth, in hopes of avoiding being in a sticky situation like this.
you two held eye contact for a moment, seemingly like time has stopped, everyone and everything stopping in a motion except for you and scaramouche.
it was funny, you thought. you only ever see these kind of things happening in tv shows and movies, yet the same exact thing is happening to you right now, which is fairly weird. is your life just some sort of entertainment?
the one to break the continuous eye contact was scaramouche, as he suddenly turned away to pack up his stuff, slamming his laptop down and shoving it in his bag. you continued staring at him with a confused expression, as you watch him standing up and leaving.
scratching your head, you thought to yourself at what you could've done for him to leave all of the sudden. did you have something on your face? you silently pondered, rubbing your face to see if there was anything there.
after a few seconds of no answer, you shrugged, and continued on doing your work like nothing happened.
maybe he just needed to take a shit.
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how scaramouche wished you knew how crazy you're making him right now, suddenly leaving him with a rapidly beating heart, sweaty palms, and flushed cheeks. he thinks you're utterly insane, because he has no idea why the most subtle things you do is making him feel like this, his chest tightening up every time you were in his presence.
scaramouche shook his head as he left the library, slinging his bag properly onto his shoulder.
maybe he should ask childe about this, if he was even available that is. that shithead, he thinks, he always has to go missing at these times.
maybe pierro? or pulcinella, he guessed, the guy's one of the only few people he could actually tolerate, unlike dottore.
he sighed, cursing to himself over and over again for the whole walk back to his dorm.
you're fucking crazy. absolutely batshit insane for making him feel this way.
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did you really think i was gonna make them reconcile this early
taglist; @beriiov @hopesandlegacy @cloudsandrenoswife @salamiwrites @thenightsflower @bleedingwhiteroses222 @lisiastak021 @yuuki4646 @lez-zuha @ryhie @sleepy-waffle @yoursockstinks @shizunxie @kunikame @kunikuzushiit @anonwhocried @vqqrii @luminesuprrmacy @calxb-do @sixscara @xooya @mobiussdarling @mafukissu @antri13 @ireallylikehamsters @hejtorii @moatsnow @sinnersbyfear
(unfortunately i am unable to tag those that are in bold, i'm sorry!)
want to be added to the taglist?
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anyablackwood · 2 months
OC Headcanons Tag
Thanks, @mysticstarlightduck! I'll go with Luna from Traveling Bards!
Rules: use the headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs, and rate their accuracy!
"Luna always has a knife on them."
LMAO honestly??? Accurate. This goes for all three sisters, tbh. Though Luna's more likely deck you than stab you. 10/10.
"Luna could easily survive The Hunger Games."
8/10. This works only if there are no adorable children younger than her in the games. But on ability alone? Yeah. She'd mow the competition down with surprising skill and strategy.
"Luna does intricate and expensive cosplays."
Meh. Not really? She loves a good excuse to do some dress-up from time to time, though. The fancier the better! I just don't think she'd find the appeal in dressing as another person. 6/10.
"Luna likes being alone."
0/10 This girl gets LONELY!!! Absolute female golden retriever tbh. Loves people. Loves company. Do NOT leave this girl alone unattended, for her well-being and everyone else's!!! She cannot go unsupervised for more than 10 minutes!!!
"Luna knows fnaf lore."
5/10. Out of personal study? No. Unwillingly and forcibly via her sisters? Yes.
"Luna does not know what sleep is."
0/10. This is an Iris thing. Luna LOVES her sleep, more than she loves company.
"Luna is not allowed to drink energy drinks."
10/10. I can see this. She's got too much energy as is.
"Luna is the gay cousin."
HA! 0/10. She's actually the straightest one out of the sisters! The gayness intensifies in birth order. Honestly, as an asexual, I'd say to just assume everyone I write is ace by default until I say otherwise, just because it's never even in my headspace. But Luna specifically is straight, or maybe uninterested? Less in an "I've discovered I'm aromantic" way and more in a "wouldn't know her own feelings if they slapped her in the face" way.
"Luna likes board games, but no one else wants to play with them."
6/10. Her sisters would ABSOLUTELY play with her, if she personally had the patience to play at all... I could see her enjoying a round or two. But she'd be the first to tap out of Monopoly.
"Luna sleeps in until noon."
10/10. This is just canon.
This was fun! I like infodumping and rambling about my OCs <3 Not sure who to tag, so I'm leaving it open!
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Praetorian of Dorn 2
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Meet Andromeda-17!
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two teenagers who aren't teenagers meet and immediately don't get along
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lmao you're both so… it's tragic but it's darkly funny i know enough about what was going on on the moon to know the Selenar are severely messed up anyways the Selenar aren't giving him what he wants also that one group hanging out with the alpha legion is basically a dnd party, lmao i foresee a bad end for them and i wonder what brought them here
Armina POV!
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fascinating psyker perspective on primarchs everything from armina's POV is really neat
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malcador possesses poor armina
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you know, dorn isn't a hard man doing hard things and i get the feeling he's not comfy with how much malcador is just little bit lol
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okay we have timeline so path of heaven is 7 years in, this is 5 years owo…
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so he went to luna and they said no
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yeah the selenar are still bitter (nderstandably)
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i love her, she's fun
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again, love her i don't think she's perfectly on with this but she's going somewhere
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i just really love this type of character ok French is…very good at creating great female characters but it's frustrating because it's never about them some of it is predicated by the setting but still
honestly im lovin the astropath POV stuff very neat
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O dark dark dark. They all go into the dark, The vacant interstellar spaces, the vacant into the vacant,
owo alpha legion operative having second thoughts since it now means betraying the imperium …….so, why IS he loyal to them the legion i mean
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bro have you taken a look at the empire you serve an how those ships of yours are built and crewed? ok i feel like this will be interesting
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tldr their duty is to keep the conquests suddenly, orks attack this is an interesting view and methodology, given rogal's position as favoured you know i think this is the first time i've run across the orks in any book i've read wild like not just being mentioned but having an on-page presence why does this battle need to be so LONG aw archamus draws non-military architectural plans in his free time rip tfw your boss who is also kind of your dad comes and sees it
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archamus has received a good grade in architecture i take it back (re Dorn not being hard man doing hard things) he's just a different type note from Future Bluejay: I changed my mind again
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all for The Cause
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French sometimes has some real punchy one liners
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yeah i was SO wrong
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or was i SCREaM im fine it does matter become the means you employ, etc
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it does matter oh man it is going to get into what i was thinking of exactly
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because it doesn't doing good, stopping evil, can't erase the evil you've done but it's still better, immeasurably
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very lorge orb ponder it
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
MTMTE 28-30
man, after seeing so many different lineart and coloring styles over the course of Dark Cybertron there's just something about the combo of Alex Milne's lines and Josh Burcham's colors. There's just nothing else like it lmAO not a thing wrong with any of the other artists or any given combination of them even, but when I think “MTMTE” I think of Alex Milne's lines with Josh Burcham's colors
Rodimus is so ready to get the fuck out of here and get back to the quest, same buddy I am over it lmAO
still love Rung casually taking off his glasses. I remember that blowing my mind the first time I saw it, I thought those WERE his eyes and he was like a chameleon lmAO
hjdfks I forgot about Swerve holding fake auditions for people to be let onto the Lost Light
It's so interesting watching everyone adjust to Megatron after the war because every single person who wants him dead is right for wanting him dead, but also that guy's gonna be your co-captain and you're gonna like. Care about his feelings and well being later on. It's wild lmAO
Skids is a good friend, checking in on Chromedome
I believe Megatron is fully bullshitting but damn, what a laser-targeted thing to say to Whirl
ooh, so Getaway started planning ways to get rid of Megatron like INSTANTLY, and that altercation with Whirl was just the first attempt
local man arrested for every crime ever. He just. Did all of them
oh hey it's the first Swerve recap. Absolutely hysterical that it's plot relevant that he starts doing these
oh Tailgate my fucking beloved it's been a thousand years lmfAO I always forget how long we have to go without him during Dark Cybertron
poor Roddy's trying his best to be good and Atomizer is tempting him, with false info if I remember correctly. Man the mutiny was building up from the instant the quest restarted, huh. I mean it wasn't a mutiny the whole time, it gradually built up into it, but still
does Swerve's just have a little wrassling arena in the middle??? or is it just a space that's being used for wrassling
aww don't be mean to Teebs, his inhibitions are compromised don't tell him to do dumb shit
God. Starscream is so fucking embarrassing during the trial lmfAO he's been waiting his whole life for this moment and there is not a single person present or watching that doesn't know it
I also love that Starscream getting his moment to dunk on Megatron is what inspires him to fuck it all up instead of go quietly like he was originally planning to
god. Seeing Rewind again after so long is still a fuckin punch to the gut
“Ambulon's stuff (untouched)” oof ouch ooughfhgd
“I'm distracted, shut up. Stop expecting things of me.” me every day of my life
love this fucky quantum mishmashing of timelines
intensely fucked up that they show alternate Roddy's corpse before showing our Roddy on the ship in any capacity lmAO cute little fake-out
Magnus is so not happy to have to tell everyone that the trial's about to get stupid lmAO he has just been like :[ since the moment he had to come back from break
eyy I think this is the first time we've seen Magnus's hammer in this series. Feels right to see him with it
EEEYYY first sighting of the best version of Whirl's avatar!!! still such a good design
there's my boy Roddy, welcome back hon, here's your own corpse
for real though Optimus has really just been screwing Rodimus over like near constantly since they reunited, huh lmAO I guess in the case of making Megatron captain of the Lost Light, I get the logic, put him in the public eye so everyone can collectively keep tabs on him and all that, but like. Man, poor Rodimus, my boy can't have nothing on this damn ship
Roddy is so ready to chainsaw his own arm off to dodge death and honestly he's valid for it
it's super adorable how into Tailgate's account of the Luna-1 ordeal everyone is. Except for Getaway, you get the fuck out of here
Cyclonus is jealooouuuuuuusssssss
yeah, the list Atomizer gave Rodimus was fake, because Ratchet's name wasn't on it, oof. I won't say Ratchet's choice was entirely about Drift, but I can definitely imagine Ratchet being the tiniest bit less understanding of how Prowl manipulated him into bringing Overlord on the ship after having to watch Drift get exiled
“Not guilty,” he says. Bitch lmAO on a much sweeter note though, Magnus calling the Lost Light “Our home........”
y'know. I think one of the biggest problems the transformers fandom had while this comic was still coming out was I truly and genuinely think a good deal of them would read each issue once as it came out and then never look at it ever again and forget 90% of its contents because that was three entire issues in a row detailing exactly how and why Megatron got put on the Lost Light and how it's a temporary arrangement until he can be judged properly at a later date, sparing no detail as to how pissed literally everyone but Megatron is about this decision and exactly why they can't just execute him anyway, and I still had to see countless posts about how “Megatron got off scot-free and will never get any REAL punishment and Jimothy Robertson is trying to make us forgive Robot Hitler” lmfAO It's like. Right there. It says it right there just read
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aesadraws · 3 months
Springing for the Latin with the ask game! Arma Deorum Sunt let's gooooooo
WIP File Game
*cracks knuckles* You better strap in because I have been wanting to talk about this fucking behemoth of a WIP for literal god damn months but have been too worried to annoy people about it.
Arma Deorum Sunt is very very loosely translatable to either "the gods are weapons" or "they are the weapons of the gods" according to whatever translator site I used when I was brainstorming a fic title. And it's incredibly on the nose given what this story is about.
The basic pitch is thus: modern day crossover of FFXV and FFXVI (although it's really just taking Valisthea and shoving it east of Lucis lmao) where magic is still prevalent in the world via crystals and Bearers but Dominants haven't been seen in at least a thousand years, fading into myth. That is until within a very short amount of time 4 different children - Lunafreya, Noctis, Dion, and Joshua - are chosen by their respective gods (Eikons, Astrals, however they would be called within their culture) to become Dominants. Which ultimately uncorks the bottle and over time more and more awaken. As the initial quartet are basically children, and either royal or noble children at that, they get to enjoy a few years just being kids who happen to have special powers, but if you know anything about either game's story those happy times aren't going to last long.
The major inciting incident that'll kick everything off is honestly the most serendipitous blend of the tragedies of Fenestala Manor from XV and Phoenix Gate from XVI, as the Niflheim Empire at that time has no Dominant of its own and tries to capture them while the four are all together. How exactly that infamous night goes down I'll leave for whenever I actually have the time to dedicate to writing the fic.
I will however give a few highlights from the outline that I love most.
Luna and Jill grow up together, which I loved the idea of as a mirror to Luna being watched over by Gentiana/Shiva in XV. Jill awakens as a Dominant much later than Luna did so when she finally does come into her icy powers she has a keen understanding of what's going to happen to her from having watched what Luna has to go through as Niflheim's pawn. She knows immediately that she's just become another tool for Niflheim to use.
Joshua survives the tragedy and when the Undying swoop in to rescue him they're granted safe passage to Lucis to help him recover. And there Joshua remains for a long time in secret, growing close to Noctis and the other chocobros while keeping an eye on Valisthea from afar. I admit this is mostly because I wanted to let Joshua and Prompto becomes buds.
Speaking of Prompto, he's among the folks who get to become a Dominant in the fic but I'm being mean to him. Given the circumstances surrounding his unique background he would not have been rescued from Niflheim as a baby like in XV canon, and he gets to spend the most one on one time with Ardyn. Sorry Prom :(
Clive, I feel, gets the shortest straw physically possible. Taken prisoner in Sanbreque and forced into their military, no longer just branded as a dispensable soldier but known rather infamously for what went down that night at Fenestala and made use of as the Dominant of Ifrit. Thankfully Dion and Terence will take a much more active role in staying by Clive's side and doing what they can to help him.
I'm also quite eager to write Ardyn in this fic. I had to reconstruct his backstory to better fit the vibe I'm going for but he's still the same slimy bastard we all know and love (to hate). He and Barnabas both have antagonistic roles to play in the fic but I do feel Ardyn shines just a bit more lol.
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siesporamor · 2 years
What are your opinions on all of the main couples in SL?
LMAO, it took me so long to answer this ask, but I just have so mant thoughts. I'm not sure if the question is about endgame couples, so I'll just talk about whatever I want.
Putting this under a cut because I'm not a monster.
Lutteo is... fine. I don't hate them, but I also don't like them. Leaving aside my own headcanons for the characters, they just don't work for most of the show. Matteo in seasons 1 and 2 is a complete asshole who doesn't deserve Luna. Just to list some of the shit he does: flirts with her while he's still with Ámbar, kisses her without her consent, sometimes borderline harasses her, is a dick to her best friend, prioritizes his career over their relationship even when he ends up hurting her, never listens to her perspective and assumes all of her criticism is in bad faith. I especially can't get behind the s2 storyline, where Luna is incredibly upset by Matteo's behavior—saying he doesn't have a girlfriend during an interview and staging PR relationships, or insulting Simón live—, but he brushes it all off with the excuse that it's essential to his career and tells her she's envious of his success. And he's somehow surprised that Luna would defend her childhood best friend when her boyfriend publicly humiliates him online?
That being said, when Matteo finally becomes a decent person in s3, I think they mostly work as a couple (still don't ship them). At that point, though, does it really matter? I'm not going to forget the first two seasons. If Luna absolutely needed to end up with somebody, because amatonormativity, she deserved someone better.
Lumón is objectively the best Luna ship. They're childhood best friends and know and take care of each other like nobody else. Still, when I see such an adorable m/f friendship, I grab onto it and would rather it stayed platonic, because there's enough romance in medias.
Simbar gives me life. I'm honestly obsessed and, as I've already said, they're one of my OTPs and the reason why I started watching Soy Luna. Ámbar and Simón are characters I already love on their own and they complement each other so well. They have a great premise (dating-someone-for-a-revenge-plan trope, my beloved <3), a believable enemies to friends to lovers arc (also a favorite trope of mine), fluffy banter, delicious angst and tension, domestic scenes to balance it out, great chemistry, and the actors work their asses off in emotional scenes. They communicate, support and respect each other like a healthy couple would do. Simón is the first person to see the good in Ámbar and push her to be the better version of herself. Ámbar also challenges Simón and his perspective. While a bit dramatized for narrative purpose (don't date people to fix them), that's what a relationship should do (says the aro who's never even had a date in her life).
Gastina may not be endgame, but they are in my heart. They're adorable, have excellent chemistry, and them bonding over shared interests is both realistic and cute. While cliché, I like the FelicityForNow plotline and I think it gave Gastina a solid basis that makes it impossible not to root for them. Forever mad about the route s3 took, especially because it didn't have to? They had Gastón's actor available for a couple scenes, they could've filmed the finale with him or just slapped a clip of him onto a tablet screen, then keep his and Nina's relationship going through texts, it really wasn't that hard. To me Nina goes to college in Oxford and they get back together again, I will accept no other option.
Pelfi is such a sweet ship! It's a bit of a Simbar 1.0, in the sense that Pedro formed a genuine friendship with Delfi and helped her become a better version of herself. Even if Delfi back pedaling in s2 was random and made their relationship arc a bit weird, narratively speaking, I always enjoy these two. They're such cuties and them staring at each other with heart eyes in s3 >>>
Yamiro is considered a main couple, I guess? They can be cute, but I'm not particularly fond of either Yam or Ramiro and I also headcanon them both as gay, not to mention they hurt each other and argue a bit too much for my taste.
Thanks for the ask, I hope I interpreted the question correctly!
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konniesreality · 2 years
My Sleep Paralysis Experience From Last Night
Hello, guys! Back with another post! Today, I'll be talking about my sleep paralysis experience from last night! Also how I did it! Stay tuned!
What Happened
So, last night, I decided I wanted to have sleep paralysis since I got it a lot when I was younger. I lay on my back, and then almost fell asleep. But then I turned on my side. The reason why was that I was kind of scared to get sleep paralysis so I told myself that I would do it next time. I wasn't rushing anything, and I wanted to just sleep.
But then in my sleep, I turned on my back again. I ended up having a weird but really fun dream (read pink highlights below to read my dream experience) After the dream, I realized that I couldn't move. I was a little freaked out, and for some reason, I was still experiencing the dream while I was awake. I decided to affirm for the void but I got too scared and woke up from the paralysis state.
Honestly, I am not judging the way anyone does stuff, but you really don't need subliminals, affirmation tapes, or any of that stuff, or to set alarms for no reason, you really just need intention. Like I was scared to get into sleep paralysis, but I still had that intention too.
It's very easy and I NEVER see demons in that state, it can be scary but it's pretty relaxing!
I'm going to try again in a few days, It is winter break where I am so I'll have more time. I don't sleep on my back often, and sleeping on your back actually causes sleep paralysis. but anyways, that was a fun experience!
The Fun Dream
So in my dream, I was at my house, and my favorite movie characters were in the dream. They were from Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Draco) and in this dream, a robber broke into our house. I had ice and water powers in this dream, so I threatened to drown the robber if he didn't tell us the truth. Harry tied up the robber on a chair, and water shot out of my hands. I then ended up using my ice powers and that froze and killed him. Then, I was so mad at my dad (I was 15 in the dream, and I'm not even 15 IRL) I was so mad at him that I drove his car and crashed it. And my cousin was in the passenger seat. We got out of the car and then, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Draco and I got locked up in PRISON. Draco got on his broomstick, used his wand, and we all escaped. Then the dream ended. After that, I had a dream about my BFF. It was so weird.
Honestly, dreams are so fun and random! Like you have no choice but to experience it LMAO!
Thanks for reading! Happy manifesting!
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kiichu · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
not tagged by anyone, i just found it and wanted to do it :3
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
According to Ao3: Zero Escape, Legend of Korra, Gotham, Dangan Ronpa, Daredevil, Skyrim, FNaF, Frozen, Hazbin Hotel, Life is Strange, Logan, MCU, Nope, Saw, Spider-Man, Squid Game, The 100, FATWS, The Jungle Book, The Walking Dead Game, The Wolf Among Us, Uncharted, Animal Crossing, Zom 100, Ace Attorney
Top five fics by kudos:
Out on a Limb
Smoke and Mirrors
Electric Sheep
Do you respond to comments?
For the most part! Sometimes I don't really know what to say in response, but I appreciate every single comment I get. Like, I adore them all.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(spoilers lmao) It's a tie I think, between Out on a Limb (in which Troy does die, but he saves Clementine and repays his debt, being remembered for the good choice he made in the end) and Electric Sheep (Dio and Luna's fates are left ambiguous, it's unclear if they're alive but at least they're together wherever they are)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any of the fluffier fics tbh, but a special mention for Taken by Storm. It's the last fic of the Nope series, and it shows that the gang is recovering from their ordeal and have hope for the future.
Do you get hate on fics?
I mean, I've seen offhand comments on Twitter, but honestly I haven't gotten any hate on Ao3 at least. :)
Do you write smut?
A tiny tiny bit. It's very rare. But we have Stay Classy for a direct smut thing, with like two other fics having references to sex. It's not really something I like to read or write, and have to be in a ver specific mood to write.
Craziest crossover:
I don't write crossovers haha.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh god I hope not. Or maybe I do, maybe I want my old deleted (see also: gone forever) fanfiction.net fics to resurface somewhere.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! Electric Sheep is being translated into Polish. Here's the link: Elektryczne Owce :]
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nah. Not my thing.
All time favourite ship?
Dio/Luna. Always always always <33
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I... dunno. I have a few that probably won't ever see the light of day, but I'd rather make that decision and leave it at "everything might one day get posted, but I don't know".
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at descriptions, and putting out my best work possible. The latter is a result of my OCD not letting me post something without passing a very strict self-imposed "quality filter," but still. It does show in the final product, stressful as it is to get there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking with something. Sitting down and writing. Also making more happen in scenes, with more dialogue.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've tried to pepper in some Russian in both Out on a Limb and it's just blood under the bridge for the Russian characters, and also some Spanish in Vencido, but it's all Google translated haha.
First fandom you wrote in?
Yu Yu Hakusho :]
Favourite fic you've written?
It'll probably always be Out on a Limb. I worked so hard on it and I reedited it all and made it into a book through a website (I own the only copy so it's not illegal or anything).
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this!! :]
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nevermeyers · 5 months
Nah I finished Nosotros en la Luna (Us in the moon, not currently translated to english thank god), which is a love story about two people meeting randomly in Paris, they exhange emails and from then it begins an insufferable path of 🎀 romatizing toxic behavior 🎀 AND I NEED TO TALK SHIT ABOUT IT RN BC IT'S SO HORRIBLE 😩
Like, she's egoistic, controlling and so so inmature while he's the worst cliché to ever exist, the typical l'm so lost in life boy, incredibly jealous who also has parental issues and was the perfect american boy in high-school with a pretty gf (and now he sleeps with a different one every night) yk what I'm talking about right.
The metaphors are SO forced in the narrative. It's so boring and repetitive. Just another story about how she becomes his rehabilitation center 😍
The author makes an effort to give them depth but, honestly, development and clichés don't help. The worst thing is that after chapters and chapters, the author rushes the end in such an absurd way. Suddenly we discover that he has drug addiction and alcoholism problems and it is implied that he has been consuming for a long time but that subject is never touched in a serious way. It's a mockery.
She has a baby but, again, the topic is never touched in a serious real-life way, she talks about having a baby like all she had to do was go and buy him in the supermarket. It is implied she's a feminist but her ideas are not touched in any single way, in fact all she does is being extremely toxic with him and disrespect herself again and again and again. It feels like listening how your bestie went together with her ex again lol
Also, the whole love solves everything ending?? Lmao. This is written for kids at this point, there's nothing realistic nor enjoyable about this novel. At this point I was just reading it bc I wanted to finish it quickly and move on to read something better, also bc I don't like to left books unfinished. This one was eternal, boring and every single positive reflection or critic the characters do turns out to be trashed in the next chapter by how inmature they behave
If you don't see the toxic behavior in this book, please seek help and inform yourself because it's seriously concerning that some people think this is romantic. This is how love IS NOT supposed to be
Also, someone tell the author no one uses email to talk with people as if it were Instagram ☠️
Another overhyped booktok phenomenon that, for no ones surprise, is actually horrible
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gamerwoo · 1 year
I have a fun question. Who in Seventeen Imprinted Universe do you think is the driest texter with their mates?
I feel like everyone will say Jihoon cause he’s quiet. But my bro is quiet and his use of gif’s would surprise people.
(honestly i feel like eunmi is drier than jihoon lmao)
here's my least dry to most dry list:
least dry texter
soonyoung -- constantly sending memes or photos because "this reminded me of you". will send multiple texts for different sentences but it's okay because rini does the same
mingyu -- another text spammer instead of just sending one whole text but he craves bomi's attention. unlike rini she's always like "DUDE JUST SEND ONE TEXT USE PUNCTUATION". he doesn't listen. will even text her if she's across the room
seokmin -- super animated in his replies. doesn't use a lot of memes or anything but a master of emoji use. always asking how yerin's day is and how she's doing and stuff. loves asking questions about her feelings and what she's doing
seungkwan: very active texter and loves using stickers. likes to double text but will start getting annoyed if other people do it to him (except with luna, of course)
jun -- will randomly send a cute sticker whenever he wants attention (which is often) and loves to use stickers and emojis in his replies
joshua -- texts jaehee pretty often and both of them like sending memes back and forth
chan -- basically the same boat as josh
wonwoo -- very to the point in all of his texts and doesn't often use a lot of memes or emojis or stickers. but he does text often and always makes sure to reply to faye. literally always has to have the last text because he doesn't want her to feel ignored
hansol -- him and kira may not text often but when they do, it's only in memes and stickers so at least it's never boring
jihoon -- like hansol, he doesn't text often but he secretly has the second best meme stash in the house out of the guys
seungcheol -- him and juri don't text super often throughout the day. he tries to throw in cute emojis though so his texts aren't super dry
jeonghan -- he's up aya's ass but he's such a dry texter. his replies are always short because he'd rather facetime or he just texts her to go to him so he can be with her physically. his texts are also usually about himself and how much he misses her and how much he hates class/work/everything lmao
minghao -- such a boring texter. it's almost painful to text him. he will occassionally send a random ass meme video to yoona though and she's like "where tf did this come from???"
most dry texter
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solalunar-eclipse · 9 months
I am thinking incredibly hard about ancient secrets! Shadow and him pretending to be an organic person who breathes and is harmed by fire and can’t contort his body in ways that would absolutely be painful for anyone else. I haven’t read pt 3 of shrodinger’s hedgehog in a while before writing this so please forgive me if I mention stuff that’s noncanon lmao- I remember that he was raised like a normal person so maybe all the stuff I’m gonna mention is habit by now. I dunno.
He’s gotta run actlikeanormalperson.Exe like constantly. Except when he’s alone in the woods. Mental checklist.
- when’s the last time I blinked?
- am I breathing?
- how long have I just been standing here unmoving for?
- am I touching something commonly considered harmful?
- what are normal human joint limits like again
- have I been seen ‘eating’ recently or am i gonna have to worry about people thinking I have an eating disorder
First of all, I just wanted to briefly say how utterly delighted I am that even one person has Ancient Secrets on the brain at all. I’m so happy you’re enjoying it!!
As for Shadow, he absolutely does have to pretend about a lot of that stuff…which is an extremely helpful but unintentional (on his part) bonus of living alone in the woods in a cave! (Also, you haven’t mentioned anything non-canon at all—actually, I didn’t want to infodump too much about Shadow’s schematics in the fic because I was worried it would bore some people, but I’m totally going to take the chance to do it now :] )
By the way, I love the title “actlikeanormalperson.exe”, it’s just perfect both for Boom and Shadow XD I’ve actually only previously considered two out of these six, the others I hadn’t thought of (I was focusing more on “how can I make his body mimic an organic one as closely as possible” than what the differences were, so hopefully my answers will be good enough!)
-I didn’t even think about him blinking, but you’re so right! He does do it in the show, and it looks very natural, so I’m torn 50/50 between “he has an actual program for that” and “when he was little he saw Luna blinking and then practiced it in the mirror for days”, haha.
-as for breathing, that actually is something he does naturally, but not for the reasons organic creatures do! He circulates air to keep his electronics from overheating, because while the Ancients were very technologically advanced, they weren’t perfect (see Sonic’s mech for an excellent example). Luna wanted him to be able to live a life as close to organic as possible, so she tried to find reasons to give him various “living” behaviors. This does mean that she gave him coding for things like hyperventilating when having a panic attack too, though, even if she hoped he’d never have to use it.
-oh he would ABSOLUTELY forget to move sometimes. I feel like he probably learned to do this one while he was fighting Lyric in the defense forces, because people would give him weird looks when he just sat there not doing anything and going over battle plans in his head. Once again, I totally didn’t consider this, but honestly it’s such a good idea!!
-“touching something commonly considered harmful” is a tough one, because he’s had enough self-sacrificial moments that have impacted him to the point where he actively puts himself between harmful things like fire or poison and organic people. If asked about it he’d probably just brush it off and say something like “well, that seems like a you problem” prior to his friendship arc. The thing is, he acts like many people’s interpretations of game!Shadow where he does things that make his Ultimate status obvious but then treats them as things he’s obligated to do.
-luckily for him, he doesn’t have to think of joint limits very often, since most of his interactions with other people have involved fighting (which isn’t designed for people who can rotate their arms and legs 360 degrees, haha). It’s not really something he does much because he hasn’t seen organic people model that kind of behavior—although he did do it a couple of times when he was young and startled Luna, so he has a bit of a “hey maybe I shouldn’t reach over and backwards to pick something up from the counter behind me” reminder in the back of his head XD
-and as for food, eating it actually does give him energy! It isn’t needed to power his body, per se, since the crystal inside him can run indefinitely so long as it isn’t damaged, but he can absorb the Chaos energy from it and it’ll give him a little boost. He can work just fine without food, but he works even better with it. Of course, he doesn’t care what other people think (or he didn’t, rather), and he couldn’t be bothered with food, so he’s eaten very infrequently prior to spending time with his friends. Now, though, he usually gets an average of about one meal every 1-2 days, but his friends don’t know that he eats so little. If they did, they’d probably be trying to get him to eat more often.
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