#lumberjack matt
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fuckyeahmattwalsh · 1 year
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The most beautiful man in the world <3
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 6 months
cookie — cyma your fav fics you’ve written!
omg omg omg omg omg, okay:
you – darling, you get the fantasy extravaganza i'm currently posting (and writing): the eflorr trilogy, but more specifically the first one: fused with the foe, because to me, you are a princess i'd gladly bend the knee to.
@chvoswxtch – my love, you get lilac. duh. i feel like that's a bit obvious, but with how much we've talked about it and DROOLED over lumberjack!frank, i just had to.
@ghostlyfleur – you're always calling me your baker!gf, so here i give you a whole series with a literal baker!gf: buttercup.
@fettuccin-e – uuuuhhh, you get breakfast in bed, because yum domestic!matt smut <3
@fxllfaiiry – well, you deserve something autumny... something a little bit gothic... so, we're gonna go with can’t fight the moonlight.
@cosmal – okay, okay, okay, you're gonna get kelp. a little bit of yo-ho-ho pirate smut for you
@inkluvs – the palace guards, because YEESS! *now imagine that elmo fire meme*
@inklore – i have this feeling deep down that you're a murder mystery hoe, so you're getting the murder at evergreen university.
@reidslovely – well, you're obviously gonna get something with peter, so i'd say cake. cute little neighbours to lovers story.
@skullrock – ooohh, angel & devil!steddie, for sure! more specifically the story entangled or just the tip in that AU, i can't decide...
@appocalipse – daisy. 100% you're getting that story.
@bruisedboys – thistle <3 you deserve for a prince to be head over heels for you.
@bcyhoods – just get to me in time, okay? because 🥺 nurse!reader 🥺 hurt/comfort 🥺 A FUCKING CAT 🥺 SMOOCHES 🥺
@bradshawed – I almost forgot about this one, but orchid. cute old money vibes? enemies to lovers? yes please
@amorchai – yeah, that’s sprained alright. just an adorable little peter blurb for a cutie like you <3
@midniteluv – a little cutie reid blurb for you, madam: you’re pregnant?
@mystcldydrms – brrrr, my eye is twitching out of sluttiness because you get nothing more than a toy with raaaafe
@venuslore – okay but magical mimic because mmmmmm sex magic 😮‍💨
@bunmurdock – i'm gonna give you ring ring for the pure deranged horniness of it all.
@slvttyfied – teamwork... because...i mean...........you, my love, you deserve to be the centre of 7 men's attention <3
@chxrryhansen – uuhhh you gotta get sour summer! the prequel to the murder at evergreen university before all of the murdering when everyone was happy and didn't think too much about the consequences of their slutty actions.
@fushic0re – you get a little bit of boxer!steve rogers yumminess: I still got a few rounds left in me.
「 come join my 10k celebration 」
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anderswasrightt · 1 year
hey if you're trans and taking T and you're disappointed with the results after 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc, try not to fret!
it took me TEN YEARS to finally grow a beard that covers my jaw and most of my cheeks. it took me 8 years to grow a hairy belly. my voice is finally naturally low unless i get really excited about something or use my customer service voice
even my cisgender brother couldn't grow a beard until he was in his late-20s, and he had YEARS of puberty to wait through!
the point is that we all grow at our own paces and there's nothing wrong with slow progress! it may seem like it'll never happen, but you just gotta be stubborn and wait it out!
and some of us just won't grow beards or belly hair or naturally low voices, and that's fine too. i know plenty of cis dudes who can't grow a beard to save their lives. there's no one way to look cis, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
just remember, as my burly lumberjack-lookin friend matt always tells me:
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milkyboybluewriter · 26 days
The Disappointing Case of Wendy Corduroy
Wendy Corduroy has a lot of potential, but too often is pushed to the side by a lot of fans, and even by her creator.  But not for lack of trying, or an interest in the character.  In fact, Alex’s idealised view of Wendy may have been her greatest obstacle in receiving a story of her own.  Dipper isn’t the only one who seems to consider her ‘the coolest person he knows.’
Wendy was inspired by the first girl who ever spoke to Alex Hirsch, as well as several people the creative team thought were cooler than them. These were likely special memories or people in order to base a fictional character on them.  But that puts her on a pedestal.  And when someone puts you up there, it’s hard for them to take you back down.  Either for fear of ruining you or concern that, when others look closer, they’ll be disappointed in what they see.
He wanted her to be a main character (in the same way Soos is, if not Stan, Dipper, or Mabel) but in many ways Wendy feels like a side character.  She never receives her own episode, and lacks the character arc that even some side characters like Pacifica and Robbie received.
Her family, her friends inside the Shack and out, her physical abilities and survival skills, the drama of being a teenager, not to mention being a resident of the weirdest place on Earth.  All of these can lead to a hundred stories across the spectrum.  So why do people not write more stories about her?
Maybe it’s because she wasn’t given the opportunity that others had.  
As a cool, older redhead, Wendy’s main role in the show was being Dipper’s crush.  Which already puts her at a disadvantage because it means they designed her purpose first, character second. In fact, this is probably why she changed so drastically from her vegan-hippie prototype seen in the Gravity Falls bible.  Everything from her boots to her hat has changed since then, save the way she makes Dipper’s heart go faster.  
Most of her appearances in season one featured this one-sided romance and Dipper’s attempts to impress her, which usually resulted in a morality lesson about being yourself and not doing dumb stuff to impress others.  Pretty standard cartoon crush territory.  But between the episodes, a real friendship bloomed. 
In The Time Traveller's Pig, she gives an indifferent shrug as she casually agrees to go to the fair with Dipper, yet before her injury - and in the timeline where she avoids it altogether - she’s shown to genuinely enjoy his company.  A couple of episodes later and she’s outright excited at the prospect of working alongside Dipper at the pool.  They have regular movie nights.  They crack jokes and tease the Shack’s customers.  Climb trees and play at the arcade.  Wendy spends more time with Dipper than any other character.  Which means she must care about him more than she does the rest.
The crush might be one-sided but the affection is not.
But in the DVD commentary of Into The Bunker, Alex Hirsch, Matt Chapman, and Rob Renzetti mention that fan feedback convinced them to end Dipper’s crush sooner rather than later, even supposedly having ‘KILL THE CRUSH’ as one of their main story goals for season 2.  Understandable.  The crush episodes weren’t always the best, and if it was always intended as an unrequited attraction then better to get it over with rather than draw it out.  And it’s a good lesson to have a young boy learn, especially around twelve.  Love and puberty are relatable, but no less frustrating for it.
Into the Bunker is my favourite episode for multiple reasons, not least for Wendy’s presence in it.  She shows off her friendship with Dipper in the cold open, reveals her lumberjack and fighting skills later, and shows she would be an excellent adventurer.  I see it as a prime example of What Could Have Been.  I especially adore the ending, where she lets Dipper down so gently, it’s a beautiful scene.  As sad as Dipper feels, he’s also been told by someone very special to him that he’s very special to her too.  Maybe not in the way he wants, but perhaps in an even more important way.  
I had high hopes after that episode.  I remember thinking this meant she would develop beyond just being his crush, especially now we’d seen her hold her own against the weirdness and danger.  I really wanted to see more of this adventurous, sensitive Wendy we’d missed in season one, and wanted her to be a regular companion and friend to the twins.
Wendy appears in 16 episodes in the first season, and 15 episodes in the second if you don’t split Weirdmageddon 3 into two.  In season one she appeared in but didn’t participate in the adventure of key episodes like Dreamscaperers or Gideon rises.  In season two, she joins the adventure in Society of the Blind Eye, The Last Mabelcorn, and the Weirdmageddon trilogy, but has limited interaction or story impact in most episodes, save Love God.   She only has what amounts to cameo appearances in Not What He Seems and Tale of Two Stans, two of if not the most important episodes of the series.  
Including each of the Weirdmageddon trilogy, she’s referenced via Dipper’s lingering crush six times, including episodes she doesn’t even appear in.  So, after Into The Bunker, Wendy goes from being Dipper’s crush to…his crush that appears less.  
Wow, they really failed that Kill the Crush mission, didn’t they?
Perhaps the biggest issue is that she is so keenly tied to Dipper.  I love the Dipper and Wendy relationship, I could write a massive essay on that alone.  But it is such an incredible waste that she didn’t get a chance to interact with the others nearly so often. Every other main character has relationships with others.  Soos has a father-son bond with Stan as well as a friendship with the twins.  Ford was introduced later in season 2 and still interacts with Soos and Fiddleford as well as his family.  It’s a hindrance to her character that most of her interactions were for Dipper’s arc, yet she received nothing of her own.  
Wendy spends some time with Mabel, trying to help her with boy trouble (not the best person to get dating advice from, Mabel) in Hand That Rocks the Mabel and Society of the Blind Eye, then goes along with the girls to keep them safe in Last Mabelcorn.  This lets us see her affection and big sister vibes don’t end with Dipper, and should have been explored far more.  Her interactions with Soos and Stan are also limited, mainly to the workplace.  Her only dialogue with Ford is one line in Journal 3.  
Yet we also never see her be by herself.  We never see her home life, or how she entertains herself away from her friends or work. She's always interacting with a main character or her group of friends.  No alone time or personal interests are seen beyond pranks and reading magazines to avoid work.
We even get to see Robbie Valentino’s home life and musical hobbies, but not hers.
This lack of independent material has even continued in the Book of Bill where two of her very limited mentions is in regards to Dipper being stuck on a tree and another is his search history.  Even her own dream is made into a joke at Dipper's expense.  Ten years later, and so much of her is tied to Dipper, specifically to mock his feelings for her.  I don’t know if that’s more insulting to Dipper or Wendy at this point.
Speaking of dreams, let’s get to another issue: her mother.  Who we know nothing about.  In a show so heavily focussed on mysteries, the fate of Mrs Corduroy is a question that’s been left hanging since season one and we have come no closer to an answer of any kind.  Even a direct question from fans on both the Alex Hirsch and Bill Cipher AMAs were answered so vaguely they told us nothing.  She’s no longer with her?  A Fountains of Wayne reference?  Even the Book of Bill’s reveal that Wendy dreams about her most nights says nothing.  Are these good dreams?  Nightmares?  Memories?  The implication is that she’s dead, yet not even that has been confirmed.  For all we know, Mrs Corduroy could be dead, missing, abandoned her family, or could be working on an oil rig for the summer.  Your guess is as good as anyone’s by this point. 
We know she’s Manly Dan’s oldest and his only daughter, but we didn’t even learn her brother’s names until a paste up sheet was released in 2017.  She barely shares a scene with any of them, and when it happens it’s in the background.  The only exception I can think of is their group hug in the Fearamid.  A tender moment which would have been so much better if we’d actually seen her engage with them beforehand.  Her lack of interaction is especially jarring considering her confession in Society of the Blind Eye:  "Okay, I'm not actually laid back. I'm stressed, like, 24/7. Have you met my family?"
Not really, no.  And for a show that’s about family as much as it is about mystery, it’s a shame that Wendy is let down in both areas.  
Even side characters like Robbie, Pacifica, and Grenda receive more character development, despite their limited importance or screen time.  In fact, it was recently pointed out to me that Archibald Corduroy, Wendy’s ancestor, is more integral to Pacifica than his own descendant.  Once again, Wendy’s interactions come up short, including from her own family.  
With the release of the Book of Bill, some people were hopeful that she might finally get some attention.  I wasn’t.  Personally, I think Bill simply has a low opinion of Wendy anyway since he called her a pushover in his AMA, so it can be fitting he doesn’t mention her often.  But it’s also the context of these mentions, and those on the website.  On Thisisnotawebsite.com she’s referred to twice - Her one contribution is a simple note where she pranks the reader.  Then she’s mentioned in Stan’s list of embarrassing moments.  
Ten years later and not only are her contributions incredibly minor, but they’re as much to do with other people as herself, if not more so.  She’s supposed to be a main character but she might as well be a cameo.
Her lack of representation is so bad, that I realised my friends were celebrating her being mentioned in The Book of Bill.  That’s how desperate we’ve become for Wendy material.  And I’m sick of it.   At this point, I’m anticipating a Wendy story as much as I am Winds of Winter.
Last month I was discussing some of my writing ideas with my father.  And he gave me a very hard truth: it doesn’t matter how good your ideas are, if you don’t act on them, they’re only ideas.  And he was absolutely right.  It doesn’t matter how great these ideas are in my head, if they’re only in my head then what good are they? 
Hirsch has been saying for years he’s wanted to do more with Wendy, but he hasn’t. Not in the show, the comics, or the other material.  Intentions, like ideas, are useless if you don’t do something about them.
I honestly hate how harsh this sounds.  I love Gravity Falls.  And I love Wendy.  And I believe Alex Hirsch does too, he just…doesn’t know what to do with her.  As he says in the Inconveniencing commentary: “We wanted to honour her so much that we couldn’t figure out the right episode with her because we didn’t want to mess her up.”  He’s put her on a pedestal just like Dipper did.  And I think she needs to come down so we can see how awesome she really is.
So, what can be done to fix this?  Well, when creators don’t have the time, interest, or ability to do something for a series, that leaves the fans to fill in the gap.  
I urge other Gravity Falls enthusiasts to try and give her the attention and character development she sorely deserves, especially now there’s a resurgence of activity and interest.  Draw or write her if you can, have her interact with other characters, not just be a crush, explore her depths.  And if you can’t, seek out those who have or can and ask their advice, or thank them for their work, offer encouragement.  For Wendy if not for them.
I want to leave this on a happier note and say that I’m going to follow this up soon with another essay, this time offering advice on writing Wendy.  Even talented writers I admire have surprised me by saying they struggle to write her, yet I’ve found it pretty easy.  So hopefully I can encourage other people to write her too.   
But if I could summarise what I want to see and what I think will help people write Wendy, it would be this: She’s not just Dipper’s crush, and she’s not just the cool girl.  She’s bigger than that.
She’s Wendy Flippin’ Corduroy and she deserves so much more.
Cheers, Milky Boy Blue
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wintersoldierslover · 2 years
my fic recs masterlist
Bucky Barnes:
all bucky barnes
headcanon  -  blurb  -  one-shot  -  series - two-parter
40s  -  The Winter Soldier  -  Avenger  -  TFATWS
dbf!bucky  -  brother’s bff  -  bff’s brother
neighbour  -  housewife reader
lumberjack  -  firefighter  -  bodyguard
priest bucky  -  college
football player  -  hockey player  -  boxer
professor  -  teacher  -  librarian/bookshop
coffee shop  -  soulmate  -  royal
other AUs  -  taboo
moodboard  -  deactivated:(
Stranger Things characters:
all eddie munson  -  all steve harrington
eddie and steve (x reader)
billy hargrove  -  jason carver  -  mike wheeler
dmitri enzo antonov  -  jim hopper
robin buckley  -  nancy wheeler
Outer Banks Characters:
all Rafe Cameron
all JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron and JJ Maybank (x reader)
Pope Heyward  -  Topper Thorton
John B.  -  Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Marvel characters:
Wanda Maximoff  -  Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff  -  Yelena Belova
Peter Parker  -  Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers  -  Stephen Strange
Frank Castle  -  Matt Murdock 
Moon knight  -  Steven Grant
Joaqín Torres - Clint Barton
Loki Laufeyson  -  Druig
Eddie Brock  -  Miles Morales
Miguel O’hara  -  Hobie Brown
Harry Potter characters:
Sirius Black  -  Remus Lupin 
James Potter  -  Poly!Marauders
Lily potter  -  Cedric Diggory
George Weasley  -  Fred Weasley
Severus Snape  -  Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Avatar (James Cameron) charachters:
neteyam  -  aonung  -  lo’ak
rotxo  -  kiri  -  spider
jake sully  -  neytiri  -  tsu’tey
tonowari  -  ronal  -  colonel quaritch
Top Gun chracters:
Fanboy  -  Hangman  -  Rooster  -  Bob
Wednesday characters:
Xavier Thorpe  -  Ajax Petropolus
Wednesday Addams  -  Divina
Bridgerton characters:
Anthony Bridgerton  -  Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Criminal Minds characters:
Spencer Reid  -  Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
The Last of Us characters:
Joel Miller  -  Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
The Devil All The Time characters:
Tommy Matson  -  Lee Bodecker
Uncharted characters:
Nate Drake  -  Sam Drake
Euphoria characters:
Elliot (Euphoria)  -  Fezco
On My Block characters:
Mario Martinez  -  Oscar Diaz
Modern Family characters:
Luke Dunphy  -  Alex Dunphy
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent  -  Jamie Tartt
NHL players:
Matthew Ktachuk  -  Trevor Zegras
Nolan Patrick  -  Tyler Seguin
Sebastian Stan  -  Joseph Quinn
Jamie Campbell Bower  -  Danny Ramirez
Drew Starkey  -  Rudy Pankow
Ben Hardy  -  Bella Ramsey
Jenna Ortega
Miscellaneous characters:
Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz  -  Marcus Baker
Rodrick Heffley  -  Hunter Sylvester
Lloyd Hansen  -  Ari Levinson
Nick Fowler  -  Tangerine
Rhett Abbott  -  Hayden ‘Harvard Hottie’
Colin (Not Okay)  -  Min Ho (Xo, Kitty)
Ash (No Exit)  -  James Maguire (Derry Girls)
Jake Peralta  -  Nick Miller  -  Brian O’conner
Anakin Skywalker  -  Bruno Madrigal
Tadashi Hamada  -  Kakashi Hatake
Miscellaneous real people:
Billie Eilish  -  AEW Hook
*Updated whenever there’s a new character <3
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roszabell · 1 year
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lietpru idea sketches getting dug up, plus lumberjack matt ofc
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elixirfromthestars · 13 days
WIP Game 🖋️✨
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I was tagged by the lovely and talented @nickfowlerrr 🥹🩵 thank you 🫶🏼✨
I have absolutely way too many. So have fun reading through a lot of them🤭💗 and bear with me as a few are untitled &/or the title is not finalized 🗒️💞
Boulevard Confessions (40sBucky)
A Carriage of Convenience (Duke!Bucky)
No Rest for the Wicked (Vigilante!Bucky)
Haunted (Vampire Hunter!Bucky)
Love at a Distance (Artist!Bucky)
What the Heart Wants (Matt)
Royal Duty (Prince!Steve)
A Touch of Your Love (Loki)
Protection (Loki)
Kiss It All Better (Peter)
Really Love to Hate Me (Peter)
Attention (Bucky)
For Worse or For Better (College Bucky)
Faking It (Office Bucky)
Break Me Like a Promise (Ex! Bucky)
Falling For You (Surfer!Bucky)
Axels of the Heart (Lumberjack!Bucky)
Cat Got Your Tongue? (TFATWS!Bucky)
It’s Always Been You (Soulmate Bucky)
Untitled (Prince!Bucky)
Untitled (Biker!Bucky)
The One Where We’re Friends (Mechanic!Bucky)
As you can see there’s so many Bucky ones 👀❤️
no pressure tags: @humanwip @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @peteyprecious616 @malum-forev @marvelstoriesepic @whatever-lmaoo
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thetriplets3 · 4 months
are you in need of some trees being cut down? call lumberjack matt
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the smiles stop it
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It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way, you're happy without me... (Chapter 2)
Hunterverse AU
Sy, Walter, Curtis (Lumberjack & the 2 bears) x POC Reader "Havoc/TG"
Ex Dean x Reader
Platonic Sam x Reader
Numerous SPN Characters
Who said Hunters can't be domesticated...
Angst and Fluff and Smut, Jealousy, Hunterverse AU, Polyamory, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Inappropriate Humor, Angst and Romance, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Additional Tags to Be Added
We get our first POV switch in this chapter. Happy Reading Heathens!
Divider @firefly-graphics Banner @cafekitsune Happy Reading!
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Your little caravan of American muscle trudges down the long dirt road to your isolated cabin in the woods. You’re curled up along Sy, per usual, as he ran point in his matte black ‘67 Ford F100. Dean and Sam following closely in Baby while Walter and Curtis hold up the rear in your ‘family’ vehicle, a Dark Gray Dodge Durango. 
The tree lined road opens up to a large clearing where your home proudly sits. Soft light emanates from the living room window, letting you know the timer you have set up for your dogs is working properly. Sy pulls to a stop beside your detached two car garage and rolls down the window, signaling Walter to park in the garage and for Dean to follow suit. 
Killing the engine, he places a kiss to the top of your head as he rolls the window back up. “Come on babygirl. Let’s go be hospitable and what not. Plus you know Jet and Booga are just itchin to get out and run.”
You pull away from his shoulder nodding as you stretch out your sore work muscles. He climbs out of the cab and holds out a massive hand for you to hold on to. As soon as you place your hand in his he tugs you forward into his arms. “Wrap those gorgeous thighs around my waist sugar. You’ve been on your feet all night. If I let you walk all the way into the house you know Walter will have my hide.”
“Since when do you care about what Walter may do?” You look up at his face with a quirked brow.
“You’re right. I don’t. But I do enjoy spoiling you when I can, so just let me carry you inside without any lip just this once.” He huffs.
“Beasty. All you had to do was say you wanted to show off all this burly muscle in front of my ex.” You chuckle out.
“Ha ha. Very funny. Always with the quips. That mouth has and will continue to get you in trouble little one.” He gripes.
You firmly wrap your legs around his wide torso, placing your hands along the nape of his neck so you can run your fingers through the prickly hairs of his buzzcut. “Promise?” You bite your bottom lip as a low growl emits from his chest, vibrating against your core. 
He slams the door closed and pins you to the truck, twisting his fingers in your hair and arching your head back and to the side, exposing your neck. Before you know it, his sharp fangs are scraping against your pulse point as he latches on to your sweet spot. You can’t help but let out a little whimper. 
You feel him smile against your flesh before he pulls back and catches your glazed over eyes. “Come on pretty girl. Better get inside. Everyone is waiting at the door.” You turn towards the door confused. “You know they won't let anyone into our space they don’t personally know without you. United front remember.”
“Right.” You nod your head once. “Let’s get on with it then. I’m exhausted. Make haste fair stead.”
He smacks your ass at the remark and makes his way to the four men waiting at the door.
“Her legs giving her trouble or are you having one of your caveman moments?” Curtis sass’ Sy.
“Do I really need a reason to have her wrapped all around me?” Sy volleys back.
“Alright, Beasty. Set me down so we can get inside already. I can hear Jet and Booga scratching at the door to be let out.” You interrupt their bickering before it escalates. 
Not wanting to waste anymore time, Walter unlocks the door and pushes it open, releasing a flurry of fur as it whizzes by the six of you down the stairs.
“Whoa. What the fuck was that?” Dean asks in shock.
“That.” You point toward the yard where an Irish Wolfhound and a Blue Nose Pit sniff along the ground, looking for places to mark. “Would be our home security. The tall scraggly one is Jet and the stocky one is Booga. Don’t mind them. They’ll come back in when they're ready. Now how about a tour?”
You head inside, stopping in the middle of your living room, arms spread, giving a little turn. “This is the main living slash family room. It’s where the pups spend most of their time so excuse the dog hair while you binge Netflix.” 
You saunter over to your modest kitchen, open the fridge and pull out a pitcher of sweet tea placing it on the counter as Walter cages you in with his large frame, pulling out glasses from the cabinet above. “The kitchen is small but it gets the job done. Tea anyone?”
“I’ll take some.” Sam responds. 
You pour him a glass and hand it over to him, leaning back into Walter as you make you both a glass, like you do every night. You turn your head toward the glass patio doors. “We typically eat out on the porch, weather permitting of course. Tonight’s looking to be a clear sky so once this tour is finished I’ll pour a nightcap to indulge under the stars. It really is the loveliest of views.”
You scoot under Walters bicep and make your way down the hall. “We have one main guest room. That’ll be the last door on the left. We have a bed set up in the study so it counts as one too I guess.” You shrug your shoulders. “First door on the right. The second door is the bathroom. You’ll have to share but you’re used to that already. Let’s take a look at the study so you can decide who goes where.” 
You stand in the door frame as you hold an arm out to usher Sam and Dean in. The room is filled with floor to ceiling built in bookcases stacked with lore. Tucked into the corner is a custom made bed, framed by more built-in shelves full of books.  It looks like a cozy place to curl up. You watch Sam’s eyes light up as they scan the study in its entirety. “I’ll be sleeping here. I don’t care that technically you’ll have more space Dean. I want to get my hands on all this lore as much as possible.”
You just laugh and shake your head. “I had a feeling the bibliophile in you would wind up in here.” You head back down the hall to the set of stairs at the end. “Up these stairs are our room and en suite.”
“You guys use the whole floor for a room and bathroom?” Dean inquiries.
“It’s more of a loft space, but yes we do. Seemed the most logical, seeing as how we all need to fit in one bed.” Curtis states succinctly. Dean just grunts in response as you pass him by back down the hall.
“We also have a gym out in the barn behind the garage. These assholes all get up at an ungodly hour naturally and have all this energy. You can usually find them out there before breakfast. You’re welcome to use it at any time. We keep an extra key for it next to the leashes in the kitchen.” 
You grab the good whiskey and head out on the porch. The men follow suit and find themselves all a place to sit. Sy sets down a tray filled with highball glasses. You begin to pour a generous amount in each. “Just past the barn I have a little greenhouse where I grow everything one may need in our main line of work. So if you need anything for a spell or ritual, just let me know.”
You head over to sit on the wicker couch between Sy and Walter as you all lounge back and converse over good whiskey and the night sky. At some point Curtis slips back inside the house and heads up to your en suite. He grabs all the essentials needed to run you a soothing bath. He knows how tired your muscles are after a night of running the bar. Not to mention the nerves and stress he knows you're trying to hide with the return of your ex. You’ve been open with them about what happened between you two and they know how hard this must actually be for you having him here. 
When the tub is filled to his satisfaction he heads back downstairs to retrieve you. Slinking up behind you sat on the couch, he leans in and places a kiss behind your ear before whispering “Got a nice hot bath waiting for you sweetheart. Come on, let's get you relaxed.”
A sweet smile spreads across your face as you address the men around you. “You’ll have to excuse me. I seem to have a hot date with a relaxing bath. Sleep well when you finally make it inside. Oh and don't drink all my good shit.” You narrow your eyes at Dean at that sentence, he holds his hands up placating you. 
Your bears, kiss each of your cheeks just before Curtis scoops you up and carries you inside up to your waiting bath.
You're completely unaware of the pair of emerald green eyes that follow you until you disappear from sight. A look of longing and regret filling them before vanishing with the finishing gulp of his current glass of whiskey.
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Curtis gently places you in the tub. The smell of lavender and sandalwood wafting into the air as you swirl your fingers through the myriad of neon colors your galaxy bath bomb has produced. 
You hum quietly to yourself before turning to your stoic lumberjack, leaning over the edge of the tub. "You know what would make this bath even better, Axe man?"
He leans his frame against the counter. "What would that be, Dew Drop?"
"If I had a big warm chest to lay against instead of this cold porcelain." You gave him your most innocent look. All doe eyed and soft. 
He quirks that stern brow at you. Trying to resist the temptation of your body and sweet disposition. 
You will not be swayed. Not tonight. You push out your bottom lip just the slightest. "Please, Sir. Don't you want to help me relax properly." 
He sighs, arms dropping from across his chest. "Look at you being all soft. How can I resist such a sweet face?" You smile triumphantly as he begins to undress.
He climbs in behind you, pulling you in between his legs to rest your back against his torso. You close your eyes and let your muscles relax, giving in to the warmth and safety you feel. His fingers dance along your skin in a soothing rhythm. “Mmm. That feels nice.”
“Good. You need to relax. I know Dean being here is bringing back things for you.” You open your mouth to protest. “Uh uh. I’m not accusing you of anything or worried about my place in your life. We know where we stand with you. Things didn't end well for the two of you and that brings baggage along with it automatically. I can only imagine how he must be feeling not only seeing you again but finding you all domesticated with us when his try at the apple pie life didn't really work out.” 
“I don’t want to hurt him though. Do you think I did the wrong thing inviting them to stay with us?” You timidly respond.
He lazily draws random patterns along your collarbone. “No baby, I don't. You wanted them to be safe and there is no other place safer than ours for miles. We’ve housed hunters before. It’s no big deal. Even if he is someone you still might have feelings for.” 
“Curtis!” You slap his forearm.
“What? I’m not upset by it. You can’t tell me there aren't residual feelings there. You are very capable of loving more than one person at once. Our little quad proves that. What’s so wrong with still having feelings for him?” He queries at you.
“He took my love for him for granted C. Then he went and tore my heart out regardless of if I was grieving as well. It took too long to trust my heart, let alone anyone else with it, after what he did. It’s not fair to you all, that after you helped me mend the frayed edges and feel safe to love again that he just waltz’ back in and my stupid heart cant help but beat a tiny rhythm for him still. It’s not fucking fair.” You’re starting to get agitated the more you speak about it.
“Hey. Hey. Calm down babygirl. It’s ok.” He wraps you tight in his arms, gently rocking you side to side. “You're right. It’s not fair. But you're also not alone. We can handle it all together. Whatever you want to do. Whatever way this sorts itself out. We’ll do it together.”
You turn in his arms, straddling his thighs so you can face him. You place your damp hands on his scruffy cheeks. “Promise?”
“Promise.” He strokes his thumb along your cheek, wiping away an errant tear before leaning forward and meeting your lips with his. What started out as a sweet and reassuring kiss is slowly heating up into a full blown make out session.  
This is how Walter and Sy, having finished their drinks, find the two of you.
“Don’t mind us, we’re just gonna wash off the bar stench in the big shower. Continue this tantalizing show. It’s part of the reason we placed the tub where we did.” Sy wink’s in your direction as you come up for air, while he and Walter remove their clothes. 
“I need to get clean too.” You pout. “A bath is great for relaxing, but it’s not the best for cleaning one's body.”
“What are you wanting Sunshine? Use your words.” Walter directs.
“I would like to shower with you and Beasty please, Sir.” You calmly state.
Sy groans as he turns the water on. “She said please, Walt. Someone is extra squishy tonight. This your doing, Axe man?”
“I think our girl is feeling a bit vulnerable with the extra house guests. Needs a little reassurance of her place with us.” Curtis imparts.
Walter, naked as the day is long, walks over to the tub and lifts you off of Curtis’ lap, wrapping your legs around his waist as he turns on his heel and heads into the large open shower.
You're still secure in his arms, the rainfall shower head cascading water down your chest as Sy approaches. “I’m more than happy to oblige any need you have, Sugar. Although right now I have a mighty need for a juicy midnight snack myself. Think you can help me out with that Walt.” 
Before you can even think of a retort, Walter spins you around. Your back is now pressed against his chest, legs spread as far as they’ll go with his iron grip on your thighs. Pussy slick and glistening, an open invitation for Sy to feast upon. 
He wastes no time getting on his knees and licking a slow stripe up your aching slit. “Mmmm. Sweetest little pussy I’ve ever tasted.” He teases your folds with his fingers and watches your little hole clench around nothing. 
“Can never get enough.” He runs his thumbs along your lips and spreads you open before devouring you like the beast he is. He’s not holding back tonight, he wants you coming as quickly as possible. He slides two fingers inside you and curls them just so, to hit that soft spongy spot that turns your brain to mush. 
You slap a hand down around his head, the other latches on to the nape of Walters neck, tugging the curls at the base as you climb closer and closer to an orgasm. You can feel him, hard as steel, resting against your back.
With a deep suck and a flick of his wrist you come hard, all over Sy’s face. He growls and moans as he savors every last drop you have to give him. He pulls back with a smug smirk on his face. 
You open your mouth to give your Beasty a smartass comment, but all that comes out is a pitiful moan as Walter impales you on his length. You're still coming down from the wave of your first orgasm as your walls spasm around him and set you off once more.
Sy pulls you into a heated messy kiss, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. You bite his lip and beg him to let you return the favor. “Please Sir. Let me suck your cock. I need your taste on my tongue. Need to feel you slide down my throat. Need my belly nice and full for bed.” 
He nips your kiss swollen lips, growling as he pulls back to look at a blissed out Walter. “Hold her hips steady. You know how cock drunk she can get.” He lowers your head down to his angry engorged thickness, precum leaking down his length. You give a few kitten licks before opening your mouth wide, tongue flat, looking up at him with hungry lust blown eyes, signaling that your ready for him to fuck your mouth. 
He slowly pushes in, allowing you to adjust until he hits the back of your throat, where you swallow and let out a little moan, causing him to flex his hips and push in deeper. “Fuck Sugar. This mouth is dangerous, ya know that? Feel so good lodged down your throat. I’m gonna fuck this throat so good. You ready baby?”
You nod your head as best you can, with your mouth overly full and place one hand on his thigh. With the other you reach back searching for Walter’s forearm, gripping his wrist, his hips are flush with your ass, cock buried to the hilt. With a look to each other they begin to move, thrusting in and out at a rhythm they have come to perfect over the years. When one thrusts in the other would pull out.  
Per usual, your two bears were ruining you one deep stroke at a time, as they took what they needed from your body. You were nothing more than a mindless, cock drunk mess, only being held up by the massive mean ravaging your body. No thoughts, no memories, just pure bliss.
On one particular thrust Walter seems to pinpoint your sweet spongy spot, forcing a deep moan out of your throat as Sy thrust back in. “Fuck! Do that again Walt. Make her sing around my cock.” He does just that, making a target out of your g-spot, causing stars to dance before your eyes. 
“You’re close, babygirl. This sweet little pussy is squeezing me so tight, trying to milk my cock. Want us to fill ya up baby? Just make a complete mess of you?” Walter grunts out between thrusts.
Sy pulls out so you can speak. “Please. Want to be full of my bears so bad, Sir.” You whimper out.
“Gonna need you to come all over my cock first babygirl. Come for us and we’ll fill you up real nice.” Walter demands.
That was all you needed to finally let go and explode. Writhing and squirming as you rode out the waves of your climax. Your screams muffled by Sy’s girth as they both continued their pace, prolonging your ecstasy and sending you even further into submissive bliss.
As you crest the next peak of your endless orgasm your men find their own ends. Spilling deep inside you, cocks buried as far as they can go, allowing your convulsing muscles to milk them dry. The large open shower fills with a cacophony of groans, moans, grunts and whimpers that echo off the tile, alerting Curtis, who was emptying the bath and tidying up the room, that playtime is over.   
As you all come down from your highs and the men extract themselves with care from inside you, Curtis makes his way into he shower and over to your lax body. Ignoring his raging hard on, he scoops you up, kisses your forehead and proceeds to take you to the unoccupied side of the shower. He sets you down and begins to clean you up, taking extra care to gently cleanse your oversensitive skin. For such a rough and hardened man, he always seems to handle you with such tender care. 
He leans you against the wall, holding you up with one hand as he quickly cleans away the day from his skin, with the other. Sy and Walter, having gotten their bearings back, go through the motions of cleaning themselves up as well. Now clean and satiated, Curtis picks you back up and carries you to your massive bed. His hard dick rubbing against your hip, pinned against his stomach as he makes his way. There is no way you're about to leave him to handle getting rid of it himself. 
He places you in the center of the bed and turns to lay down to the right of you. As soon as he makes himself comfortable, you swing a leg over his thighs and pull yourself up to sit on his hips. He looks up at you with an arched brow. “Can I help you with something Dew drop?”  
“Mmhmm”. You slowly lift your hips, notching your slick core over his leaking head and inch yourself down his massive girth, giving a little swivel of your hips as they touch his pelvis. “Fuck sweetheart, you feel so good wrapped around me, two cocks weren't enough for you tonight huh?” 
You shake your head “Never enough. Couldn't leave my lumberjack unsatisfied now could I? Need to be full of all of you to be able to sleep peacefully.”
You ride him nice and slow, taking your time to bring you both up before you crash back down to the surface. He watches on with glazed over eyes full of lust and adoration. His roaming hands find they're a way to your collarbone, where calloused fingers gently wrap around the base of your throat. Pulling you down to his prone frame, he wraps a strong arm around your waist, holding you close as he takes control. Pistoning his hips, whispering filthy words laced with sweetness, until your velvety walls clamp around him in surrender and he coats them in his seed.
Body worn out and muscles relaxed, you lazily kiss as Sy and Walter, fresh from the shower, join you in bed. You lay your head on Curtis’ chest and melt into him, warming his cock as several sets of fingers dance along your spine, lulling you to sleep along with the steady thrum of the heartbeat beneath your ear. 
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With his room directly underneath yours, Dean, having headed inside right after Sy and Walter, can’t help but overhear you all together. Against his better judgment, he gives in to his body’s response and gets himself off to the free audio porn he’s being provided. 
As he lays there, in the mess he's made of myself, he's inundated with thoughts of the past. He misses being the one to pull all those heavenly sounds out of you. 
"Tsk, tsk there Deano. You better keep it quiet and look like we're just talking. Wouldn't want to get too much attention now would we?"
Currently her hand is in my pants. Her soft fingers wrapped around my stiff length. She’s slowly starting to move her hand up and down my long, hard shaft. Making sure to sweep her palm across my head every few strokes to gather up the precum leaking from the tip.
As she increases her speed, she looks over at me, eyes all innocent and nonchalant. "So, have you seen any good movies lately?" She has the balls to giggle, as she looks me in the eyes, my jaw clenched and eyes staring daggers into hers. Clearly trying desperately to stay quiet. She tightens her grip and I grab her wrist. Pinning her against me, stopping her hand from moving any further.
"Ready to cum already? That was quick." She quips. 
I just smile. "More like, turnabout is fair play darlin’." 
Before she can even fully register what is happening, my hand is down the front of her pants. My middle finger makes small circles against her sensitive clit. I watch as she bites down on her bottom lip to keep from moaning. "Someone's playing dirty. This was supposed to be about you Dean." 
"I just had to see you squirm for me." I declare, sinking my middle finger into her dripping pussy, curving it just right and making light strokes against her g-spot. "Now who's ready to take it someplace else?" I whisper against her ear and pull my hand out of her panties. Licking her juices clean off of my finger. "Mmmm even sweeter than I imagined".
"If you want an even better taste we're certainly gonna have to find some place a little more private." She tells me in a lust filled voice, pulling her hand out of my pants after one more slow and teasing stroke.
Wasting no time, I take her hand and head down the hallway. As we are about to pass the bathroom the door opens and I push us inside and turn the lock.
Grabbing her by the hips, I lift her up and onto the counter. "I wanted to take it slow with you, but you've got me so worked up that I have to have you right now." I pull her in and kiss her hard. Our tongues dance a tango together as she wraps her legs around my waist. Grinding her hot little cunt against the steel rod that's just begging to be released from the confines of my jeans. She moans into my mouth as I tangle my fingers in her hair, trying to get as close to her as possible.
We both come up for air, panting as we try to get our lungs to settle back down. "These leggings have got to go. Hold on to the counter and lift your ass up for me." She does as she’s told, I’ll need to remember that for future play times. In my excitement, I practically ripped them off, panties included.
I watch as she unbuttons my pants, sliding down the zipper, freeing my cock and dropping to her knees. She licks my head, savoring my abundant precum and I pull on her hair, making her look up at me, doe eyes full of lust. "As much as I want to watch and feel your mouth bob up and down on my dick, I need to be inside you right now." With me still in her mouth she swallows me down as far as she can take me before suctioning her way back up, releasing me with a pop and standing up.
"Turn around, put your hands on the sink and look into the mirror. I want you to watch me ruin you, darlin’." She turns around and slowly places her hands on the counter. Smacking her ass, I rub my dick up and down her soaked folds, teasing her before slowly sinking in and bottoming out, giving her a moment to accommodate me, watching her little pussy stretch out around my girth. She’s already whining as she begins to swivel her hips, clearly looking for some friction, as she looks back at me. "Fuck me, Dean. Please. I don't think I can last much longer. I need to be cumming around your cock." 
I grab a fist full of her hair, turning her to face the mirror and begin moving my hips, fucking her hard and fast. This is going to be quick and dirty. Not at all what I wanted for tonight but she just feels too good clamping down on my dick. I can feel my balls slapping against her clit with each thrust making her whimper out from the pure ecstasy of it all. I'm staring into the mirror watching her face as her eyes roll back, swearing and moaning out while I fuck her hard from behind. 
I throw my head back, enjoying how right this feels. "Fuck baby, your pussy is so damn tight, feels so good wrapped around my cock. You ready to cum for me? I need you to cum on my cock before I can cum down your throat."
As he is released from one of the many flashbacks he’s revisited over the years he gets up to clean up his spunk covered abdomen. Cleaning his fingers and torso free of his spend with baby wipes from his go back, he continues to let his mind wander. 
One of his biggest regrets was choosing to go be with Lisa after Sam’s swan dive and letting you leave. He was too blinded by his grief and pain to notice he already had everything he ever wanted in you. He was a fool to never make it official or tell you he wanted so much more with you. Now it looks like he may not ever have the chance to make it right. 
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The aroma of sizzling bacon mixed with the thick scent of coffee beans rouses him from his fitful slumber. All night he was plagued with memories of the past and futures he may never see. Surprisingly a couple of those futures featured your little harem of men with the added bonus of him. Those thoughts certainly threw him for a loop. He always thought of himself as possessive and unable to share more than when sex was involved.
His stomach alerted him to his need for caffeine and sustenance. It’ll be fine. You can do this. So what if you may have screwed up the best thing that you never knew happened to you and you have to watch three other people get to have what you secretly crave.
He makes his way down the hall, stopping in his tracks at the entry to the kitchen as he watches the scene unfold in front of him. Elvis’ Reconsider Baby is playing from the Bluetooth speaker on top of the fridge. You're swaying your hips to the beat as you crack eggs into a pan. You're clearly relaxed and lost in the music as you carry on about making breakfast. 
The vision of you is obscured by Sy strolling up behind you, hands on your hips, as he places a kiss to your neck before reaching over with his right hand to remove the skillet of bacon from the stove. He takes a moment to move with you, allowing you to swivel and grind against him to your heart's content. He hears him growl out a soft ‘behave’ before he nips your shoulder and pulls away to place the cooked bacon on a plate to take out to the porch. 
A sweet and downright dopey smile fills your face as you return to finishing up the eggs. Losing yourself once again to Elvis’ bluesy tune. You always had this connection to the blues, said that no matter your mood there was always a blues song to capture the feelings and help you sort through them. If that was still true then surely this morning's song had to mean something. 
He can’t lie to himself, watching you be all domestic and sweet with Sy, has him feeling rather jealous. It’s eye opening seeing you so relaxed and happy. He used to be the one to make you smile like that. How can he compete with three men who are so clearly devoted to you? Would you even want that? Could he possibly share if it means he gets you?
Trying to steel himself, he buries his thoughts for a more appropriate time. Gazing around the kitchen, he spots a half complete puzzle on a small table in the corner, and can't help but smile. "You still do the whole group puzzle thing?"
You turn to give him your undivided attention. "Never stopped.” You shrug your shoulders. “Just finished them by myself for a while. Then they came along and well it made sense to let them in on it. Now any time one of us passes by we add a piece or work on it for a bit." You smile sweetly at him. “You can add to it if you like. No obligations though. I know it was more me and Sam’s thing back in the day.”
You return to finishing up the eggs, plating them and heading out to the porch to place them among the rest of breakfast. As soon as your back is turned, he grabs a piece and places it where it belongs on what looks to be a puzzle full of succulents. He follows you out to where everyone is already sitting waiting to partake in the morning feast. 
He watches as Walter pulls you down onto his lap. Locking his arms around your waist and nuzzling your throat, making you laugh out from the tickling of his scruffy beard against your sensitive flesh. He reluctantly takes the last open seat, right next to Sam, currently nose deep in the case file, but across from the two of you. 
He tries to keep his eyes to himself as everyone fills their plates. Ignoring that you don’t even get to lift a finger as they load up all your favorites on the table and place the plate in front of you before they go about filling their own. 
Just look at how good they are to her. She trusts them implicitly. I used to have that. But Mr. Self Sabotage had to go and chase her away.
His slow descent into further melancholy is thankfully interrupted by Sam. "So get this…"
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fuckyeahmattwalsh · 10 months
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
「 series collection 」
so you wanna read something with multiple parts? well, you've come to the right place. here are all of the series I've written all accumulated in one neat place topped off with a nice bow and everything
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist
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long series
spencer reid x neighbour!painter!reader, follows seasons 9-10
spencer reid x bau!reader, follows season 6
steve harrington x private school!reader, very slutty stuff
joel miller x former firefly!reader, very dark and angsty
fused with the foe
king!steve rogers x princess!reader, original fantasy world, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers
the wistful wyvern  
knight!bucky barnes x knight!reader, original fantasy world, ex-friends to lovers, forced proximity
soot and sparks 
blacksmith!peter parker x farmer!reader, original fantasy world, friends to lovers (COMING SOON!)
 lumberjack!frank castle x reader, the wholesomeness of running an inn in a tiny rural town
matt murdock x baker!reader, neighbours to lovers, rape recovery
mini series
spencer reid x gideon!daughter!reader, pre season one + end of season 2
prince!james potter x servant!reader, set in the beginning of the 1920s
evergreen university
reader x various CE characters (Ransom Drysdale, Curtis Everett, Ari Levinson, Steve Rogers, Frank Adler, Jake Jensen, Lloyd Hansen), slutty murder mystery
the night trilogy
bodyguard!bucky barnes x reader, ex!peter parker x reader, reader’s mom is the british ambassador to france
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Omegaverse Scenerio: Alpha Canada falls head over heels for sweet Omega Darling but is too shy to approach her and is afraid she won’t love him back. His brother, Alpha America, finds out about Matthew’s love for his Omega Darling and decides to be an “amazing older brother”and has Darling taken away and decides to give her to Matthew as a “gift”. Matthew is in shock and feels horrible about what Alfred did but since Alfred forged the Omega application documents for Matthew, she has to live with him. Matthew tries to make darling comfortable in her new home and let her know he’s not going to force her to mate with him. Eventually darling falls in love with Matthew and the first time they mate is ✨ immaculate✨
For some reason I felt this ask in my soul. It’s like 2:48am 😆
Anyways enjoy and this also sparked a creative streak in me so thank you for that. Let’s hope I can knock out more asks and create newer and better content ⭐️
Anyways Y’all know the drill : 🌶🌶🌶🌶 post so turn away now.
The Canadian gently placed his hand on your head to try and calm your nerves.
“We don’t have to….if you’re not ready my sweet maple.” Matthew said to you in a feathery voice. He pulled you in closer to him and he rested his head on top of yours. He wanted to feel your warmth. He enraptured you in his arms so he could feel your warmth. The fluffy yet firm flannel rubbed against your reddened cheeks. You were ready. You could feel it. Your fluttering heart knew that you were. And even though your knees were shaking…..
You began to teeter back and forth tremendously because this was a huge thing for you. But you lost your balance…and Matthew caught you like he’d promised you that he’d do, since the day you started living with him 9 months or so ago. And it was his brash older brother Alfred that intervened in one of the most traumatizing ways: using Request to Capture ….Orena style.
Matthew tried not to cringe about the origin of how you two came to live together on a permanent basis….with you as….
“I know there is a power dynamic and you don’t want to abuse it…but it’s been almost a year and a lot has changed….” You take a moment to let him soak in those words. You really wanted him to listen and have the same feelings that you had.
All the muscle’s in Matt’s body stiffened around you like tightly woven straw: hefty and constricting. The blood in your body began to heat up at the gesture.
“And you’re strong and can make your own decisions within reason….” he lets out a stray breath that bristles your hair. You shivered a little and you felt like you were slowly becoming a part of him. Your heart thrummed in your chest like a hummingbird dying to be in lush flora. Before you could drum up more courage to speak again Matthew took the lead. He swept aside your hair from your forehead and planted a kiss there. That kiss ceased all the reckless chatter so that you could be fully immersed in the moment. You allowed yourself to relax and wrap your legs around his waist. Your heart strings were being intertwined with his by invisible butterflies that began to scatter between the two of you.
You were shocked by the sudden shift in gravity and you were brought down to the bed by the sweet lumberjack.
“Ah! Matthew!” You squeaked out surprised. He enjoyed hearing you call out his name.
You clung a little harder to his flannel and flinched, your body was subconsciously reacting to Alfred’s harsh treatment when he was hunting you down. He promised you a minute to get a headstart in reality he gave you 30 seconds, before he pressed his favorite red button.
“(Name) (Name) are you sure you’re actually okay? You’re shaking.” His lavender hue eyes gaze down at you and he felt the tension that you were holding in your muscles. A long sigh leaves your lips.
“Yes, just…….”
“How my brother hunted you? I know.” He grips you tighter within his hold. “I wouldn’t let him- or anyone else hurt you like that.” Your mind trails down to the bear trap bite on your left leg and the bald spot that you have on your fluffy lush (color) tail.
His hands roam to your stitched up leg gently. At first your muscles twitch at his touch but you relaxed as he began to massage the sacred area gingerly. He continued for a few minutes until he placed you on your back. He intertwined his somewhat calloused hands with your smaller softer ones. He placed both legs between yours. He brings his forehead to yours and places a tender kiss there.
“I can be rough …. But you’ll tell me right?” He is cognisant of his tendencies to have a frozen deer reaction when you're frightened. You feel warmth engulf you and you didn’t realize the spell that your smile had on him.
“I can do that.” your voice was barely above a whisper. You reached up to hold the sides of his smooth pale skin that accented his crystal clear orbs that gazed at you lovingly with longing. A smile swept across his face as he nodded and brought himself down to plant a kiss on your lips.
His nimble hands make quick work of unbuttoning your (color) shirt. He continues to kiss you and for once you mind was quiet and your anxiety riddled emotions subsided. You felt alive in this moment, you were going to savor it, just like he was going to savor you.
His kisses create a trail of tingling starlit butterflies on your soul. From your neck to your stomach he paused briefly so that he could remove your pants and continued to indulge you by tenderhearted kissing the inside of your thighs. The sheer amount of glittering butterflies concentrating in your sensitive region was building. You swear you were on cloud nine as you could only concentrate on Matthew and your breathing.
“Aughh…Mattie~” He brings his head up to take a break from your right thigh to look at you.
“Je vous aime (name).”
God you loved it when he started speaking in French. It only added to the passionate atmosphere.
He slid off his flannel showing his abs that had a light sheen of sweat on top. He runs a hand through his golden locks that graced his shoulders. The level of pheromones in the air was steadily rising adding to the intensity of the inferno. You didn’t hesitate to look at the ardor filling his pants. The heavy cotton of his jeans was promptly removed. Only the thin barrier of his boxers blocked his cock from fully being able to spring forth.
Matthew lunged forward at you so he could recapture your lips once more. While doing so, he made sure you could feel his rod prod at your covered entrance. Though covered it was a bit damp. His hands had an ironclad grip on your waist. When he finally released your lips after 90 seconds he paused so that he could take in your smaller form. You were like the Katsushika Hokusai, Peonies and Butterfly piece ready to be pollinated.
When your eyes connected the wings of the butterflies made you linger within his lilac pools. Matthew’s grip loosed from your waist so that he could cup your cheeks.
“(Name).” With slight command in his voice.
Matthew wanted to pull out of the soothing waves just enough so that he could hear your harmonic voice.
You giggle.
“Mattie~” you coo at him sweetly.
That smile. Your voice. These things culminated in his mind, heart, and soul was the signal for him to go for it.
“I’ll do my best to be gentle.”
Before you mind could fully catch up and not be distracted by the hazy glimmer glow that had taken you over. Matthew was already biting the bridge of your bra with his sharp teeth. He tore it off with an animalistic fervor. His kisses got sloppier and moved quickly across your chest. The glitter began to shine on the butterflies that littered your skin and engulfed you. The passion began to sink into your bones.
“Oh!” vocalizing your siren song for him to take you. His face lingered on your chest for an agonizing few seconds before he uttered
“Brace yourself (Name) this might hurt.” You felt sharp canines sink into the side of your neck.
“Ah Matthew!” The melody hitting Matt like an edible that’s finally hit.
“Sorry maple…” He doesn’t look up to meet your eyes. Instead he continues to litter your body with kisses, light nibbles, and the occasional bite. He peppers your jawline for a few moments with kisses before deciding to lick you.
“I mean I am yours right?” being somewhat coy and a delicious smirk found its way to your face. He brings his eyes back to your (e/c) ones. While doing this his hands did not stay idle. They moved to your soft round mounds and sank his thumbs into your nipples. You let out a loud moan that only coaxed him to continue. The two of you disregarded the last item of clothing keeping you apart.
With this member finally free he takes no time in burying himself within you. Slowly his mid length girth filled you and you had some trouble at first. It didn’t stop you from rubbing your fluffy tail against his back to encourage him. Matthew bites his lower lip. The psychedelic wings fill in his vision and his instincts take over.
He drags your smaller frame to the edge of the bed. All while not allowing you to slip away from his cock. Once his feet touch the plush ivory carpet he begins to thrust away into you. His rhythm was like that of a lumberjack chopping trees down for the holiday rush. He loved the way that you relaxed into it and loved watching your boobs bounce.
Your mind was a buzz with a swarm of butterflies lighting up all of your neurons with intense flames of passion. No thoughts just moan. Your encouragement to Mattie consisted of different endearing forms of “Mattie~” “Honey you’re doing great ! Ah!” It all sounded like a sweet melody to Matthew.
“(Name) oh oui~ (Name)~ Maple~” he trails off as he continues to plow into you through pants and whispers.
After some time drifts by you use your tail to take Matthew out of his trance.
“My love if you're ah!” he shoved himself back inside you but he ceases his movements. He brings himself down onto his forearms so that he can look directly into your (eye color) eyes This sends electric shock waves to your stomach causing your cheeks to flush brightly with red.
“I’m not tired….” his eyes are searching for discomfort “but if you are…”
“No, I’m not. Actually feels good to be so close to you.” You smile. You rise up on your arms to regain some ties back in reality although not fully. He brings his face towards yours and kisses you on the cheek.
“Prepare yourself maple.” he whispers in your ear as he places his hands under your bare butt and brings you closer to his muscular frame. He hoists you up so you’re facing him while he’s still within you.
“Cross your legs and watch your tail maple.” With one more kiss to the forehead he shows off his strength while balancing you in midair. You bounced up and down on his hardened member. You rest your head on the crook of his neck and breathe in more of his sweet amber musk that's mixed in with his sweat.
Admittedly due to that it was hard for you to hang on. So you decided to wrap your fluffy tail around his tree trunk leg down to his sinewy calf. You nibble at the size of his neck in an attempt to ‘dominate’ him somewhat. Matthew found this to be cute, but it didn’t stop his current attack on your core.
“ça chatouille.” (That tickles) He grins and grits his teeth as he finally releases himself into you. His seed spews out and trails down his leg and your fur. You’re slammed back onto the bed once more and he is quick to thrust himself back into you and he reconnects your eyes. He caresses your clammy cheeks.
“(Name)” He drives himself deeper into you.
“Matthew ah!”
“Sing louder for me (name).” His mind began to float higher on the wings of the same viceroy butterflies that have been invasive and consumed you.
“Matthew! Matthew! Harder! HARDER! Ah! Please!” You were beginning to edge closer to the pinnacle of the glimmering orange, white, black, and red kaleidoscope where specks of light surrounded your consciousness.
Your beloved Matthew brought himself down closer to you and rested on his forearms. He slowed down his pace to that of a snail and took a moment to gaze at you encased in his arms. The sight of you covered in sweat and his love juices. A drop of sweat from his brow falls on your face. You couldn’t help but laugh so you intertwined your hands into his long locks. You pulled him down for a lingering kiss. After a few labored moments he pulls away.
“Je t’aime tellement, (name).” (I love you very much)
You could have sworn for a moment that Matt was glowing.
The level of detail that I imagined for this whole scene is WILD. Like …..I had quite the experience.
🌙⭐️Thanks for Reading ⭐️🌙
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bumbleocs · 3 months
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Matt Valois
Name: Matthias Valois Alt. Names: Matt Pronouns: He/Him/His Sexuality: Bi Family: Marion Valois (mother), Beatrice (step mom), Al Juarez (adoptive brother), Amelia Juarez (adoptive sister), Madeleine Valois (daughter) Motifs/aesthetics: Lumberjack, bears, antlers, flannel, cozy, nature Common alternate universes: Fallen DND, standard dnd/fantasy AUs, Steven Universe AU, Superpower AU, GTAverse, Dragon Prince AU, Color Coded AU, Modern Magic AU, Family AU, Spiderverse, Nationverse, SBurb AU
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samrut · 1 year
Lithuania: 🔪 😬
Poland: 😭
Canada: 🍫 🎭
Lithuania: 🔪 😬
😬 A headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done.
I touched on this, but he has cheated on a partner.
Not just once, but cheated on the same partner for years. He was too worried they'd hurt themselves if he broke it off with them.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence.
Skilled with a bow and sword, he has defeated a plethora of enemies single-handedly. As long as they are humans, he could take on and defeat hundreds at a time. He knows the exact number of human lives he has extinguished.
Poland: 😭
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them.
Betrayed by a loved one.
Canada: 🍫 🎭
🍫 A headcanon about food.
Carries around a mini, travel-sized bottle of maple syrup and puts it on everything he eat.
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about.
There are times Matt pretends he is concerned or sympathetic, but is laughing his ass off in his head.
He isn't as kind as he pretends to be.
Faux smiles galore with this lumberjack.
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Hello, hope you're doing well. I had an idea for a one-shot that I had to share. S/O goes to her younger brother's hockey game to cheer for him but can't keep her eyes off the hot coach which is none other than 2p Canada 😏
Not quite what ya asked for, but I hope this is still ok.
(Y/N)’s heavy, winter boots echoed against the tile of the empty halls. Her shadow temporarily covered the frozen faces of poster hockey players as she passed. The large windows allowed the sunset to warm her left side as her stride continued.
Whispering to herself, she muttered about the circumstances that brought her here. Her mother had pleaded with her to collect her younger brother from his hockey practice. Claiming that it would be exciting for him since she just got home from college, and he wouldn’t be expecting her yet.
She stopped in front of door seventeen, eyes rolling at the overabundance of team spirit on the door. With a quirked, closed lip, scowl (Y/N) opened the door. Shivering into her thick, cotton coat as the A/C harshly blew against her.
Forcing a huff from her chilled nose, (Y/N) stepped into the large arena around the ice rink.  Legs stretched as she marched down the stairs. The sound of skates clicking against her ears like a dog’s nails on wooden floors. Young boys were whooping, ramming, and chasing each other for the puck almost like they were young bulls attempting to stake their claim as leaders of the herd.
In the middle of it, was a tall stranger. He reminded (Y/N) of what a humanized lion lumberjack would look like. His tall form had large shoulders barely hidden under a tight red flannel. Blond locks that were like a mane tied in a loose ponytail. Though, she couldn’t see his face yet, his firm butt alone was enough to gain her interest.
As (Y/N) nearly finished her descent; the coach’s roar for a round-up made her jump. Almost slipping down the stairs from a moment of fear.
With balance restored via awkward arms flaps, she closed in. Approaching the team from behind, listening to their coach speak.
He had just finished praising the boys for their good hustle when a loud gasp interrupted him.
Faster than an excited lab, Rowan dashed off the ice into his big sister’s arms. His stringy arms constricted her middle like a malnourished snake.
Face flushing with heat, (Y/N) realized that Rowan’s excitement has attracted the attention of the whole team. Many of the young boys were snickering at the awkward scene while the coach folded his arms with a raised brow and a smirk.
“Row,” He shook golden mane, chuckling; “Get over here. Once I’ve finished then you can embarrass the Chickadee.”
(Y/N) swore that the heat in her cheeks flared to levels that would rival the sun as her fluffy-headed brother chirped out a quick yes. Leaving her to join the team once more.
Shuffling, (Y/N) backed up to the cold benches. She sat once the shining metal bumped the back of her legs. She listened as the team’s huddle ended, each head filled with promises of improvement and future victories as they headed off to the locker room. All except Rowan, who wobbled to a stop, turning to call out to his big sister. Asking her to wait there and that he would return soon.
(Y/N) could only giggle as he sped up to join the jovial pack of boys.
A cough from her right made her jolt in her seat. The chuckled that followed revealed the sight of the one and only coach. His features shine in the rink lights, showing his rugged face with darkening stubble.
“Is it ok if I sit here, Chickadee?”
Umming, (Y/N) nodded and slid to the left making room for the broad man. In uncomfortable silence, they sat for only a moment. (Y/N) licked her lips before opening her mouth, but the coach beat her to the punch.
He introduced himself as Matt, insisting that she call him that. Smiling brightly, (Y/N) a hum of confirmation.
“Well, Matt. You can call me (Y/N), but Chickadee works too.”
Matt smirked and asked how she was connected to Rowan. Sighing, (Y/N) explained her familial connection, giggling as she threw in a couple of stories about the mischief that only a little brother can cause. As they both laughed, Matt included some of his own stories about Rowan and his family.
As their laughter quieted, their eyes meet, and the world became silent. Leaning forward, Matt’s nose started to brush against (Y/N)’s. Lips a hair-length away.
When a loud chorus of ews broke them apart. (Y/N) instinctually pushed Matt off the bench and stared at the team in front of her. Her wide-eyed little brother headed the pack.
Pointing, (Y/N) screeched. “YOU SAW NOTHING! YOU HEAR ME, ROWAN!”
Blinking, Rowan’s shock became a sly smirk. “Only if you pay for me to do the Big Jud’s one-pound burger challenge.”
Huffing with clenched fists, she hissed out a fine. “But it’s your fault if you vomit it back up.”
Rushing over to her younger brother, grabbing his coated arm. She muttered a small goodbye to Matt. Ready to race out and leave her embarrassment behind her forever. Maybe her mom would handle his hockey games from now on.
She turned back. Watched as Matt’s face soured into a small scowl.
“You owe me a date for that push, eh.”
(Y/N) chocked out a small what as Matt came close. He leaned down to her height, as Rowan looked between the two confused.
“Does Friday work well for you Chickadee?”
(Y/N)’s jaw fell, and her tongue felt like mush as she nodded rapidly.
They exchanged numbers. A large smile on (Y/N)’s face while Matt gave her a wink before returning to his group of wild kids.
“Throw in a large strawberry milkshake and Mom will never know.”
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