Poll Vote Enemies To Lovers
Hi lovely readers, I wish you all a great weekend <3
The Tides That Bind Us by lululawlawlu (M)
It comes to Luffy in recurring dreams—sometimes as clouded visions, sometimes clear as the tropical waters it supposedly rests in. The minute details are ever-changing as the tides, but one thing is always constant—a red string coiled around his finger. It leads him down into the depths of the ocean, pulls him toward the thrill of discovering the holy grail of sunken ships. What was once the pirate king’s is now waiting for him, so what is he waiting for?
fighting tides and chasing you by aloas (T)
Law drops his hand as he watches Luffy escaping, slipping through Law’s fingers once again. His figure grows smaller as the distance between them gets bigger, and yet Law is far from disappointed. This is only their 19th encounter, and Law knows there will always be a next time.
Through the Night by Sakuya_Serenity_Kira (T)
Law saved him. Law really knew, why he saved Luffy, why he had no choice to do so. And all he wanted was to stay with him. But of course, there was no chance. Only for a few days... he tried to carry his heart.
You wreck my plan, I wreck 'you' by KalonThorn (E)
A game of cat and mouse between two outlaws, where no one knows until the end who the mouse in this is.
The Duelists by KalonThorn (E)
Luffy decides to join the dueling club, where he meets one of the biggest prodigies in Hogwarts' history - Trafalgar D. Water Law. They soon begin to butt heads with each other, trying to up one another not only in spell-casting, but also in pranks and other insane stunts. 
Solar Eclipse by quackquackcey (E)
The story of the Hero and the Villain, and the accidental meeting that changed everything.~
Enchanted Ink and Devil's Helmet by quackquackcey (E)
A normal evening during closing hours of Luffy’s tattoo parlor turns sour, and somehow, two bitter rivals-turned-enemies are roped into a supernatural rollercoaster of a night, in which an old ghost comes to haunt them once again.~
Cats and Dogs, or Rather, Ducks by quackquackcey (M)
A story of how two people, who fight like cats and dogs, realize that perhaps, opposites really do attract. Or something like that.~
I hate you, at least I think I do by Anonymous (T)
Luffy and Law can't stand eachother they never could it was like oil and water till well, things change.
Prison of Deception by Orphan_Account (NR)
Luffy, a captain in the Marines, is tasked with guarding and interrogating the pirate prisoner, Trafalgar Law.
Alice, Alice, Don't You Know? by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead (T)
“You let your secret lesser hellhound eat the hat with your secret griffin feathers inside the lining, and you let your secret fireball brother send your stupid Alice brother with the hound?” Law shouted. “What the fuck, Sabo? How am I supposed to get your feathers out of Sunny and back to you without tipping off your brother?” “I’m sure you’ll think of something. That’s why you’re the best, Law. Better think fast, because I waited until he was five minutes out to call you. Thanks, Law!” There was a beep as Sabo hung up, and Law stared at the phone for five full seconds to process and scream internally instead of externally.
Sweets by Skypiea_Lulu (G)
Law hates his neighbor, he is loud, annoying and obnoxious, the problem is that he has to start socializing with him, but not in the way he expected.
The Alpha, the Omega, and everything in between by N_Moonbreeze (E)
The World Nobles were the only Alphas. The Omegas were their appointed servants, fit only to give up their bodies. The Omegas were to be given away and the non-existent Alphas to hide away. These are the ironclad rules of their world. After meeting one Monkey D. Luffy, Alpha Law ultimately decides that he doesn't actually give a shit about said rules. Until the same man, barely coherent on his operating table, utters one word that throws his whole world out of balance. "...alpha!"
-Mod Raiya
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shishisart · 6 years
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“That one!!!” Luffy cries, his excitement echoing off the walls. He throws his arm over Law’s shoulder, jabbing the screen. “It’s the next one! I gotta see it!”
My illustration for @lululawlawlu-fanfics‘s wonderful fic, the Hardest Part of Living! It’s a super cool idea set in a dystopian au, and I LOVED reading it. Go check it out!
|| read the fic here ||
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aimlysinlove · 6 years
rules: repost and answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better
tagged by: @omelettedufromage-24601 and @lululawlawlu ty \^.^/ <3
height: 162cm
orientation: Asexual
favourite fruit: I don’t really have a favorite now that I think about it 
favourite season: fall
favourite flowers: rose
favourite scent: the sea
favourite colour: silver
favourite animal: octopus, tiger, owl
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea
average hours of sleep: aha like 12 ;;;>.>
cat or dog person: cat
favourite fictional character: oh goodness there are so many ;-; does my oc count? cuz Mari is my special favorite ^.^
number of blankets you sleep with: one to two
dream trip: Greece
blog created: I have no idea like 2013/2014 ish maybe?
number of followers: 125
number of blogs you follow: 408
random fact: I once won a watch for an oreo stacking contest ^.^
I’m not sure who’s been tagged already so anyone who want to do it feel free to tag me so I can see <3
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lululawlawlu-draws · 7 years
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yumenofude · 7 years
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Luffy gotta take care of this husband of his
Xmas Prompt 2k17: Day 3 - Netflix & Chills AND MORE IMPORTANTLY a gift to thank the amazing @lululawlawlu who supported me and bought me kofis, I was thinking about doing something for a long time I hope you like it :D
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plume8now · 7 years
For the drabble prompt, can you write #53 for LawLu?
Thank you for your ask! Wow I didn’t know I only had the white page for my own ideas. :’D Thanking @petite-neko for correcting me!
Sentence: “Who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?”
On AO3!
Luffy frowned, staring at the wall infront of him.
That was a difficult dilemma. Hewasn’t sure completely, but he had to try it. After all, he trustedUsopp and his opinion. If he did say that was worthit…
Let’s do it.
The boy stood up and walkedthrough the room, only stopped at the very last minute by a sleepyvoice. He had awoken his roommate.
“Wha- What the fuck are youdoing in the middle of the night now,” Zoro groaned.
“Shishishi,”Luffy’s laugh replied. “That’s a secret.”
His friend raisedan eyebrow.
“A secret?”
“Well, not really. But you don’tcare, right?”
Zoro shrugged.
“As long as you don’t burn theflat down.”
“Don’t worry, won’thappen!”
“Hope so,” he said before falling asleepagain.
Luffy opened the door and closed it behindhim. He hummed as he scurried downthe hallway, not really worried aboutwaking his neighbors up. Being loud wasn’tsomething he normally was concerned with. They were used to itby now.
He left the building soon and starting to hum one ofBrook’s songs. He felt light, so light –and happy. His smile reached the corner of his ears. 
In thestreets, a woman looked at him andfrowned, whispering something he didn’t hear norcare about. He was on his way to see him, after all. Ithad been a while since they last saw each other and it wasabout time Luffy visited him.
Finally, he arrived in front of thebuilding his boyfriend was staying in. Luffy’slips twitched in a smile that definitely said this wasnot-a-good-idea as he picked some pebbles on the road and justthrew them at a window.
Hemissed a few times, being too eager to talk to him than beingaccurate. Cautious wasn’t a word he was familiar with.
“Whatthe fuck are you fucking doing?!” Aguy with red hair and piercings shouted. “What you think you are,some freaking Romeo asking your Juliet out?! Throwingstones at people’s windows- I’m fuckinggonna throw the damn moon at yourface Mugiwara!”
Obviously, Luffy laughed in reaction to thosewords, which pissed Kid even more than he already was. 
“Sorrymy bad, I was just trying to get to Torao’s!”
“The fuck’sTorao?!”
“My boyfriend~!”
The guy seemed even moredisgusted just looking at the dumb and genuine happiness on Luffy’sface. Urg. Fools in love. That stank.
“If you hitjust one more time my window I’ll fucking kill you,understand?”
Luffy nodded, andlooked like he hadn’t listened at the same time. Thered-haired sighed in anger and closed his window. He would havekilled that twat right away on another day but he really wanted toget some sleep tonight.After a fewmore tries, Luffy grew bored. His last shots had only hit Law’swindow, but he didn’t appear. Now that was bothering him.
“What,has he gone deaf?” he pouted.
Well, guess there was no other wayto solve this. He dropped the rest of his pebbles and stood in frontof the wall. And just like that, started to climb it.
Toraowas on the second floor, though, so that was okay. The building hadwhat, five stairs? Second floor wasokay.
* * *
People could be so
sometimesduring the night. Law turned for the umpteenth time on the other sideof his bed, trying to go back to sleep and ignore the rest of theworld. Not that he’d slept a lot anyway. He was used to insomnia. Butstill, he hoped that’d change one day. 
Today was obviously not thatday, though. 
“Knock knock!”
Urg. Was he dreaming now? Whatkind of dream started like this? “Knock knock”? That was-
He grumbled.“Who’s this?”
Hesuddenly pushed away his sheets and turned to the window, as herealised how too real and possible thiswas.
Damn it.
There was a head, smiling widely to him, with astraw hat on, waving at him.
Mugiwara-ya, no.Mugiwara-ya,why.Mugiwara-ya, how.
He almost thought he was naked, too,but fortunately he had put on hisshorts. He could have been naked allright. He expected everything and anything with this boyfriendof his.
He took at look at the hour.
4 freaking am.
“Whaton Earth are you doin-” suddenly he realized something else prettyimportant “-fuck this is the second floor what are you doing?!”he stumbled as he ran to the window to open it.
“Shishishi, youworried Torao?”
“The fuck I am, I don’t want a dead body infront of my building. People’ll think I pushed you.”
Luffychuckled as he crawled in.
“You lyin’,” he touched Law’s noseand Law didn’t know how to feel about that. “I know you care.” 
The man sighed. Even if he was… Of course he did…
“Whatare you doing here anyway? It’s late. I was trying to sleep.”
Luffymoved to his bed and sat on it, still grinning like a madman. Hisboyfriend- he really was way too expressive. And this joy of his wasalmost contagious. Or, on the contrary, really pissing people off.Was the case with him from thebeginning.
He just got used to that.
“Let’s go buyice-cream!”
“Let’sgo buy ice-cream!” he repeated as hestarted to play with the sheets.
Law sat down on his desk’s chair,facing Luffy.
“Are you serious?”
He coveredhis face with his right hand, and laughed. Luffy’s attention cameback to Law, surprised.
Law’s laugh… He had a little smile, asmile different from the others. A smile which meant “I love you somuch. I love the way you laugh. I love you. You’re warming my heart,just being around me. I want to be the one making youlaugh forever.” … Or something like that.
“Who crawlsthrough someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream.. ?” Lawfinally asked.
“I do!” The straw hat proudly replied.
Luffy shrugged.
“We haven’t seen each other for awhile now.”
“It’s been only two days.”
“That’s a longtime.”
“And why ice-cream?”
Luffy laiddown on the mattress.
“Usopp told me he tried chocolate andbanana and that it was the perfect combination! Chocolate alwaysmakes me thirsty after all.”
“And banana solves theproblem?”
“According to Usopp!”
“I’m not sure that’sthe best. Lemon could be great too for thirst.”
“Lemonand chocolate?”
“Weird mix.”
Luffy stoodup again.
“Well, let’s check it out!” 
“Please- puta shirt on beforehand. I mean- you’ve just put on your shorts.Nothing else.”
“Oh right,” Luffy looked surprised. “Ididn’t notice.”
How could you not notice that kind ofthing…?
Once heput a shirt on, Luffy stretched outhis hand, offering Law to go with him. Still a bit reluctant– he… wasn’t used to Luffy’s easy touch yet – he tookit, and didn’t let go. Even before the ice-cream store. Because,holding hands with Luffy was one of the greatest feeling ever. And hewasn’t ready to be the one breaking this moment yet. However, Luffydid when they started talking to the seller – who was, yes, sellingice-creams at… 5am, now – that was perfectly normal. They arguedabout whether chocolate had to go with banana or lemon. Once again,normal day.
“Why not choosing all three of them?” the guyasked.
“No,” Luffy said with convictions. “I’m gonna listento Usopp and take banana and chocolate. Torao you take chocolate andlemon!”
“But I-”
“Coming right away then!” 
Hedidn’t say he wanted chocolate. He didn’t want to mix thosetastes.
When they got their ice-cream, Luffylooked at Law just like a puppy asking for food. No way. He didn’t doit again, did he…?
“You didn’t take your wallet. You crawledthrough my window. And you didn’t even wear ashirt.”
“I was too excited…”
That wasn’t even anexcuse.
“And I don’t complain. I love Torao’s shirts. Smellgood.”
Law looked away, refusing to admit that was cute orwhatever this was. His boyfriend was an idiot, and ruining him; hewasn’t going to make him feel proud about it. Even though he didn’treally need Law’s approval to feel proud about it already.
He paidfor the ice-cream, and both of them leftto sit in a park not far away. For the first time since they starteddating, Law took Luffy’s hand first as they walked. The sun was goingto rise soon now, it was pretty useless to go to sleep…
Usoppdidn’t seem to be wrong when he made that suggestion. Luffy’sice-cream did taste good, and the boy really enjoyed it. Lemon andchocolate actually tasted good too, but banana suited chocolatebetter.
They didn’t talk a lot. That, however, was unusual. Aftereating those ice-cream, Luffy started tocoil against his body. Without a word, Law embraced him, with all thewarmth and affection he could give.
When the sun appeared, theyhad fallen asleep together on the bench.
If you liked it please leave a comment to let me know what you liked! :D
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shevoj1207 · 7 years
Happy birthday!!! Your art is amazing and so are you!!! ☆*:.。. o(^▽^)o .。.:*☆ Have a wonderful birthday~~
Thank you~~~~I feel so happy to hear that~!
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It's fanfic author self-rec time! Recommend 3 of your favourite fics that you've written. Then ask at least 3 other writers to do the same! ( ◠‿◠ )~☆
Thank you for your ask ❤ I actually got this message a long time ago but didn’t reply because I wanted to post my big fic and advertise myself about it after but I’m still chapter 2 and still haven’t posted it so
I’m gonna give the fandom I’m currently into (meaning One Piece):
1. Wrong Number
If you want to spend a good time and relax, I think the SMS exchange fanfictions are the best for that purpose. That’s why I wrote Wrong Number with LawLu and a bit of ZoSan and I also get to put all my stupid puns
“Why do you care? We don’t know each other.” – Torao
“Of course I know you, you gave me your number and your name, Torao!” – Luffy“Wait, what? No, it was a mistake. And my name is Law, not ‘Torao’.” – Torao“Torao is good too.” – Luffy
Law only wanted Bepo to help him at the hospital, he never asked to have this “Luffy” guy as a SMS penpal, all of this because he typed a wrong number!
2. Not Gay
ZoSan OS I really enjoyed writting with my dorks! :D
“Person A is harassed by a random stranger in a club and people B is watching. After a while Person B steps in and pretends to be Person A’s partner even though they never have seen each other before. Person A just goes with it, but the random stranger is so persistent and doesn’t believe they are a couple that Person A grabs Person B’s neck and kisses them. Somehow both of them don’t back out of the kiss, because, fuck can we never stop pretending?” AU
3. First Thought
Because that’s my first One Piece complete fanfiction (2 chapters) and it’s LawLu \^o^/ Plus, @petite-neko wrote something with the same prompt later and I was really glad to read his own interpretation of it :3
“Soulmate [AU] where your tattoo shows the first thing your soulmate thought when they saw you” OR How long did it take for them to figure this out?
Would have been a lot easier to give three of my favorite fanfictions than give my own tbh xD
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livinforluffy · 7 years
What are your HCs about Ace? What about Marco?
Gasp! Whitebeard Pirates? Did you mean my only true loves???
Modern AU! Ace plays the guitar, just saying
Everyone calls him very relaxed as an adult but I 300% feel like he’s just as angry a child as ever, just better at controlling it???
When someone says something to make him blush, he sets his face on fire to avoid admitting he was blushing
Ace is a strawberry, confirmed for fruit head pirates
Ace high key doesn’t know how to comfort people, but like he totally does some sweet shit like unintentionally
Bonus cause Ace is my favorite character: He plans out naps in order to keep his narcolepsy under control, but sometimes he forgets so he’ll end up falling asleep in the middle of conversations but everyone got used to it pretty quick
He’s an absolute dork okay, just an absolute dork, loves puns (except the pineapple ones cause honestly they’re all fruit heads whys he gotta be the only one called out on it the fuck, CURIEL KEEPS AN ACTUAL WATERMELON ON HIS HEAD)
First one to join the Whitebeard crew, joined as a child and there are crew members who’ve known him since he was a child but he ALWAYS had authority over them
Marco on the outside is chill but I’d bet my ass he is constantly screaming internally because he’s just so smart how could he not react to being surrounded by such stupidity the heck
Marco is surprisingly good with children, and tells them the most colorful stories
Marco is such an absolute dork on the down low that like he has glasses for when he fills out paperwork, but he doesn’t need them he just puts them on because he thinks he looks cuter with them on (he’s right 300%)
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petite-neko · 7 years
For the 3 sentence prompt can you write a lulaw with the prompt 'I Never Knew'?
1.) Give me a pairing.2.) Give me a prompt.3.) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
The two of them were idiots; absolute and complete idiots.
Because when Luffy said some shit about liking him - hell even loving him - Law had just dismissed it as the same love he spouted about with his nakama and crewmates, about the same affections he harboured for everybody he took any sort of semblance of liking towards.
And Luffy, well, he was always an idiot and thought that since he apparently confessed his feelings to ‘Torao’ that it was perfectly acceptable to just kiss his ally out of the blue one day; (and it was that action that had finally made Luffy’s feelings for him obvious) ah, well… it wasn’t like Law objected or anything, but he would have appreciated a warning of some sort.
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leafyxthiefy · 8 years
It's fanfic author self-rec time! Recommend 3 of your favourite fics that you've written. Then ask at least 3 other writers to do the same! ( ◠‿◠ )~☆
Oooooh thank you so much! This is so sweet ^^~
And it’s kinda hard when most of my multi-chaptered stories are ahem >> on hiatus. But! I’mma give it a go anyway!!
Can I just say that I would totally recommend the fic I am working on for this year’s OPBB T^T but i can’t give any details because it’s super secret or whatever. Also I am looking for a beta on it soooo if you’re interested hmu?
The first I would say is a sorta combination, because it’s a spinoff story to a collab I made with @emygrl99
Golden Sun is a vampire AU story surrounding the origins of Izo and how she came to be a vampire and taken into the Whitebeard Coven. It is a ThatchxIzo with minor pairings. This story is a prequel to Red Moon that I co-wrote with Emy for the OPBigBang last year [2016].  Of course each story can be read without the other, but if you’d like a deeper understanding of the world I’d advise you read both ;3
You can read Golden Sun here: FF.net ~ Ao3And Red Moon can be read here: FF.net ~ Ao3
Shuffled Playlist I have been into song fics like alot lately, and since these arent usually long I can get them out pretty fast. Most are one shots and can be read by themselves there are different pairings such as LawLu, ThatchxIzo, KidLaw, DoffCora and such, so my advice is pick a chapter you’re comfortable with. [Also the Ao3 one is split into series so I’ll have two links for Ao3
Read on FF.net ~ For Ao3 Shuffled Playlist ~ RarePairs Week
The last one was tough because I had to choose between Strangers and Summer and Winter. But I’m gonna have to say Strangers? It’s essentially a LawxAce, where the two are suddenly thrust into a reality where they are both fathers to a child. It is not mpreg! I feel like I need to emphasize that. 
You can find this story here: FF.net ~ Ao3
And if you’re curious for more you can find me here :D
Ao3 ~ FF.net ~ Tumblr: Leafyxwrites
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Poll Vote Slow Burn
Hi lovely readers :D Here are your Slow Burn recommendations for the weekend! Enjoy Reading <3
baby it's cold outside by betsib (T)
They meet as children, when Luffy is staying in North Blue one winter and sees snow for the first time. Fifteen years later they meet again, when Law is in desperate need of a date for his uncle's Christmas party. Written for Truffyfest Secret Santa 2023
Warmth by orphan_account (M)
Law Trafalgar is twenty-six, Male Model of the Year, and an absolute wreck. Luffy's the guy he almost punches in the park. Somehow, despite this brief encounter, Law feels a warmth whenever he thinks of the apparent teenager in a straw hat that he hasn't felt since—hasn't felt in a while.
Sunshine smile and bloody teeth. by babyeblue_bb (T)
Five times Law saves Luffy from a certain death. And one time he is the one who needs to be saved.
The boy of sea and storm by AnnieDeOdair (M)
"You are Torao, right?" The boy asked after a few minutes in silence. Law frowned. "I am Trafalgar Law," he corrected, although he didn't know if he was talking about him. "Yeah, Torao," Luffy repeated as if saying it well. “The other Kamabakka doctor. At last I know you, everyone talks about you.” Law raised an eyebrow confused because he didn't think anyone was talking about him. He was just a doctor in the same organization that Luffy had his soccer team on. "I think it's the other way around," Law replied without taking his eyes off the street and his attention on the cell phone. “I feel like everyone talks about you all the time.”
Softly Stained with Spring by lululawlawlu (T)
Law—being with him is the best feeling imaginable. It‘s the perfect kind of happiness mixed with a little excitement. Just having adventures with Law makes those adventures all the more exciting.
Ghost Roommate by vettany2 (T)
Law is a med student in the last grade of uni. For better focus on his final year studies, he decides to leave the uni dormitory and rent a flat just for himself. Little did he know that he's not gonna be alone there.
Addicted to your voice by Sakuya_Serenity_Kira (E)
Luffy was an orphant. He visited school, had friends, but sometimes... he was lonely. Till he found someone to talk to - online. He didn't know anything about this voice at the beginning... but he started liking him...
Law of Hearts by 32Rats_In_A_Straw_Hat (T)
Law thought he was making a deal with a devil when he formed an alliance with Luffy; turns out he was making a deal with an idiot. Now he's stranded aboard the Thousand Sunny with a captain who doesn't know the meaning of personal space, doesn't call him by his actual name, and even forces himself into Law's bed. But you know what? Maybe Law likes it all just a little bit more than he lets on, even if he won't admit it to himself.
-Mod Raiya
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roomshxmbles · 8 years
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coyote1027 · 4 years
Getting to know other People Survey thing?
Rules: Tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions.
Last Song: Mental Breakdown, by Story Untold
Last Movie: Abominable (Don’t judge, that shit was adorable okay?)
Currently Reading: MCR Fanfictions of course, which one? You mean I have to pick one of the infinity tabs I have open because bookmarking is a skill that is outside of my A.D.D. wheelhouse? Well, there’s Inked by @pyrchance, an awesome frerard fic on a03 featuring my two favorite things--tattoo’s and magic--that I’m exciting to catch up on. And Carpe-fucking-Diem by chimneythunder on a03 that I’m rereading because its that fucking good, a frerard fic with magic (are you seeing a trend here?) and werewolves.
Currently Watching:My attention span isn’t really copacetic with television, but I did manage to binge Umbrella Academy season 2 on Netflix last week.
Craving: a cigarette, or two, or ten; dear god if anyone's actually reading this, don’t ever start.
Tagging: @minimainzayas, @pyrchance, @throwupsparkles, @manicshipper, @lululawlawlu, @cemetery-jive (I’m a fucking antisocial professional Lurker, I don’t HAVE 9 people to tag, I’m fucking working on it goddammit XD)
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love---mandy · 5 years
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Hi @lululawlawlu it was fun being your secret santa this year, I hope these are what you were looking for~
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yumenofude · 7 years
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Thank you once again @lululawlawlu for your support! 
I have the urge to apologize for the quality of the fanart (picture badly taken and well, I’m so used to digital now I can’t go back and fix my mistakes). Will certainly draw more for you because I feel like we never get enough LawLu anyway? :D
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