#lulu reads cool for the summer
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libraryleopard · 2 years ago
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YA coming-of-age/romance novel
At the start of her senior year of high school, a girl finds herself torn between the guy she's had a crush on for ages and the girl she had an unexpected summer fling with who turns up at school without a warning
Dual timeline split between the summer and the school year
Bisexual, Jewish main character; Syrian American, Jewish, bisexual love interest; F/F and F/M romances
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ladylooch · 1 year ago
The Spiral [Lio Meier] - Part 1
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A/N: I have been working on this for weeks. But this past weekend this was the only WIP I worked on. I ate, slept and drank Lio Meier’s downfall. It dominated every waking hour. But I am really proud of this one. Whew! I was in the writing trenches bbys! But here it is, in all its glory. The time when everything in Lio’s life blows up.
I have some very specific warnings below. This is a deep one, layered, and may be difficult to read for some. Please consume your content carefully 😘
Warnings: Childhood trauma (mental/psychological), a lot of mentions and insinuations of abortion, VERY angsty, drinking/ drunk Lio.
Word Count:4.1k
Crackles and pops of the bonfire embers are highlighted by the inky Swiss night surrounding the Meier and Hischier families on a cool summer evening.
“Maybe like thirty seconds left.” Timo murmurs to Lio as he turns over the marshmallow hanging from the fire stick.
“LuLu and I are going to eat these in the tree house.” Lio announces, leaning back into his dad’s chest.
“Okay.” Timo chuckles, squeezing his son tight to him for a hug. “What do you think now? Is it done?”
“It’s gonna fall.”
“Yeah, we should pull it out.” Timo agrees. “Can you get the graham crackers and chocolate?” Lio does. Together, they work the marshmallow off onto the awaiting ingredients. Lio loves summer in Switzerland. He eats his whole body weight in s’mores with Swiss chocolate. His mama is right. American chocolate is not the same. 
“No Reeses cups today?” Timo asks. 
“No.” Lio says, pressing the crackers together, careful not to break them. 
“Mmm, who are you? Mama usually can’t keep Reeses stocked for you.” Timo chuckles. 
“That’s only in Jersey.” Lio says, bringing the s’more up to his lips. He bites into the gooey and delectable treat. He grins at his dad, having no idea his face is already covered in chocolate. “Best one yet.” 
“Good. Enjoy, buddy. Livy, come here and daddy will make a s’more with you.” Lio books it off to the back corner of their spacious yard in Switzerland, where his best friend and cousin, Lucie Hischier, awaits for him.
“You take too long.” Lucie quips, annoyed. 
“Your marshmallow is burned to a crisp.” Lio scoffs in response
“I like it!” She grins holding up her sticky fingers. She already ate one of the two she made. They both giggle as Lio sits down next to her. They eat in content silence. From their spot in the tree house, they can see down to their whole family mingling together around the warm fire.  Mack and Livy are with Timo making s’mores the long way like Lio did. “When we grow up, are we gonna live by each other?” Lucie wonders. 
“Yeah, LuLu. Maybe by then you’ll have patience.” Lucie may be Uncle Nico’s daughter, but she is nothing like him. Lio thinks if Lucie played hockey, she would spend most of her time in the penalty box. 
“I have patience.” She squints. “Maybe we will live here full time.” If Lio’s mama had it her way, they already would. Lio shrugs. He likes both places they live, but it would be nice to see their grandparents more. “I wanna grow up and have lots of babies after I get married.”
“Yeah. Like our parents.”
“Well, like my parents” Lucie shrugs. Lio licks the bit of marshmallow clinging to his fingers. 
“My parents are married?”
“Yeah, but your parents had you before they got married…” Lucie tilts her head at him.
“Well that’s cause they couldn’t wait to get married to have me.” Lio says matter of fact. “They wanted me first cause they didn’t want to have a baby during the season.” 
Lucie anxiously bites her lip, glancing again at where their parents are sitting by the bonfire. 
“That’s not what I heard.” Little Lucie doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal. So she says “I heard my dad tell my mom that Auntie Em only moved to Jersey because of you. That she didn’t want to leave her life in Switzerland and he isn’t sure they would have ever gotten married or been together without you.” 
Lio stares blankly back at Lucie. His little blue eyes lift beyond his smaller cousin where she munches innocently away on her s’more. His eyes crawl up the wood boards to where they had carved their initials inside on the first day they were allowed up here. From there, he moves to his parents laughing together at the bonfire. His mom is holding Livy’s s’more as she takes cautions bites. They never told him that. Lucie must be wrong.
“No, I don’t think that is what happened. You heard wrong.” Lio tries. His voice sounds small and far away to him because his heartbeat is pounding so hard through his head.
“I guess Uncle Timo had told daddy he didn’t want any kids.” Lucie didn’t hear her dad say the full sentence- Uncle Timo didn’t want kids without Emma. So her innocent repeat paints a different picture. “Guess he had to change his mind.” 
Lio Meier is only 10 years old, but the whole world shifts under him from that moment forward.
- - - 
A decade and a half later, Lio Meier slumps low on the couch in his parent’s living room in Switzerland. His right hand rubs at the splitting headache in the center of his forehead, while his left holds a glass of expensive whiskey from his dad’s collection. If his parents are going to sit him down for an intervention, he is not doing it sober. He brings the glass to his lips, sucking down a big gulp as his mom and dad walk into the room. They’re already on their good cop, bad cop shit. Lio sniffs, rolling his eyes as they sit down in front of him.
Emma purses her lips at her son’s obvious contempt at being called home. But what she is hearing around town is concerning. Rumors swirl in their little mountain village that he has… followed in the family footsteps? Maybe? That some nice, Swiss girl he went to school with has wound up pregnant after a night with him. Apparently, when the girl told Lio, he tossed a few bills of cash at her and told her to take care of it. Emma isn’t quite sure how things came to be this way with Lio. She hopes to find out in this conversation.
Timo sits next to his wife, fingers clasped together, silent as he stares at his son. Lio is unrecognizable today, really since he returned home from his last season. Him and Emma knew something happened in Jersey. Lio didn’t elaborate and Lucie was vague to Emma when she asked. The other concern is this being a reaction to his lack of success so far in his professional career. A Stanley Cup seems lightyears away for the franchise again. 
“We just gonna stare at each other all day?” Lio turns his hands up in annoyance at them.
“Lio.” Timo warns. 
“What? You two called me here and now you’re holding me hostage in silence.”
“Honestly, I’m trying to find the right words to say to you.” Emma begins, shaking her head. “I’m hearing things.” She finally settles on. “And I’d like to hear from you if they are true.”
“Depends on what you heard.” Lio reaches for the whiskey glass again. Timo’s laser blue eyes watch him gulp down the brown liquid. 
“Why don’t you put that back down.” Lio pauses with the glass on his lips. His dad stares him down. Timo wasn’t asking; he was telling. Lio puts the glass back on the coaster with a loud ping.
“I heard… someone in this town may be pregnant with your baby.”
“Maybe she was. I don’t know.” Lio waves it off with a flick of his fingers. He puts those same fingers back on his splitting headache. 
“What do you mean maybe and I don’t know?” Timo asks. “Those seem like things you should be pretty fucking sure about.”
“Her and I talked a few days ago. I gave her money to take care of it. It’s handled. You aren’t grandparents.” Emma’s spine snaps to attention. 
“I told her-“
“I heard what you said.” Emma seethes, getting visibly angry. “So your approach was to tell her to take care of it? Instead of taking ownership of your choices?”
“Look, I’m not having a kid. I know you two made the choice to ruin your lives by having me, but I’m not following in your idiotic footsteps.”
“Excuse me?” Timo scoffs at his son incredulously. “You’re going to judge our choices right now?” He doesn’t see the way his wife is retreating in on herself. It has been over 15 years since Emma last felt judged about getting pregnant with Lio. But her son is now facing a similar situation and his contempt towards her stings. Small tears fill her brown eyes as she watches Lio and Timo jaw back and forth. Timo gets louder. Lio sits up in the chair. Soon, they’re both standing. This is not how she saw this conversation going.
“We are so disappointed in you right now.” Timo shakes his head, exhaling heavily. His cheeks are tight, lips pursed angrily. Emma stands, dashing between the men, one hand on each of their chests. 
“Disappointed?” Lio spits, lip curling in disgust. “She was trying to ruin my life by getting pregnant. All she wanted was my money and to take away the best years of my career like mom did to you, by turning you into the family man you didn’t want to be. I had to protect myself and I would do it again in an instant.”
Shock stills the living room. Timo forgets his son completely. His hands go to Emma, wincing as she retreats from his touch. 
“I never said that.” Timo says immediately to his wife. “Those are his words, not mine, baby.” Timo turns, snarling back at Lio. “Where do you get off?”
“Me!? You made a mistake having me!” Lio screams at his dad. “It’s why you lied to me about it for so long! So I fixed that for us by not doing it all over again!” Angry tears wreak havoc in Lio’s blue eyes. Timo’s face collapses into a twisted frown at the obvious, intense pain on his son’s face.
“Lee…” Timo trails off. 
“I know all about it. I’ve known since I was ten years old that you two didn’t actually want me. You didn’t plan for me or pray for me or wish for me. I was a mistake.” Every moment Timo and Emma uttered their little white lie runs through each of their minds. They never wanted Lio to feel unwanted. They didn’t think the fudging of the truth was hurtful or would cause any damage. But they also didn’t realize their son had known the truth since he was ten years old. Each lie for the last 15 years has chipped away at Lio. Now, being in the same circumstances as his parents, he has reached his boiling point in their living room.
“No. Lio-” Emma starts, voice shuddering with her emotions.
“You shouldn’t of had me.” Lio looks directly at Emma. “You should have pulled the plug when you had a chance and lived your life here the way you wanted to. You ruined everyone’s lives. You choose to have me and dad felt obligated to take care of us.”
“You don’t get to speak down to me about choices that gave you life because your recklessness is trying to make you accountable.” Emma’s previously silent rage explodes through the room as she steps around Timo. “Get out of my house.” She jabs her pointer finger into Lio’s sternum.
“Fuck you guys.” Lio spits out at them. 
Timo leans forward to go after their son for his disgusting display of disrespect. But Emma’s shocked whimper stops any more forward progress. The house shakes at the timber of Lio slamming door.
“We wanted him.” Emma whispers to Timo, big tears raining down from her brown eyes. “We never lied about that. He thinks…” She puts her hand over her mouth and begins to sob.
Timo doesn’t say it, but he knows what Emma would say if she could speak.
Lio believes his parents love him out of obligation. 
And he has for the last 15 years.
- - -
After the fall out with his parents, Lio heads into town and grabs a post-shift beer with Liv, who obviously has not heard from their parents about what is up. Quickly, Liv leaves to head back to her and Luca’s place for an at-home date night.
“We are going to paint headshots of each other.” Liv giggles, knowing Luca is a shit painter. She can’t wait to see how wonderfully bad it is. Lio would rather burn his eyebrows off than do dopey shit like that with a girl. 
Lio sticks around town, ignoring the looks and whispers that follow him. He’s had people talking about him in some way or another his whole life. He not going to start giving a shit about it now. 
One beer turns into 6, which turns into 3 shots of whiskey too, until he is drunk enough to relax from the confrontation with his parents. He wanders his way back towards home, stopping at Lucie and Connor’s lake house to check in on his favorite little girl. Stella Wood sleeps on her dad’s chest in the living room where he is continuing to watch mindless, toddler TV. 
“The show getting good?” Lio quips.
“Fuck no. But the remote is tucked into the cushion and I can’t get it without waking her up. She’s been a Tasmanian Devil today.” Lucie snorts in the kitchen where she is wiping the stone counter off. “And if I wake her up, hot stuff in the kitchen is going to be very unhappy with me.”
“You were the one who gave her cotton candy.” Lucie calls.
“Yeah, that was a bad idea. You were right, baby.” Connor looks at Lio. “Fun though.” Lio chuckles, collapsing into the big reclining chair across from them.
“You want a beer?” Lucie asks, walking in with three beer bottles. 
“Yeah.” Lio sighs, happy to have the coldness in his grip. He pops the top, taking two big glugs. Lucie goes to sit between Connor’s thighs curling her legs up to her chest as she takes a sip of beer.
“So… what’s new?” Lucie asks with insinuation. Lio looks away from where he is stroking his thumb over the raised words of his bottle. Their eyes connect and he knows Lucie has heard the same rumors his parents have. Probably from her parents. 
“Same shit, different day.” Lio takes another pull from the bottle. Lucie, ever the mom now, holds her calm presence. “Had a little fun last month that caught up with me.” He widens his eyes, thinking again of the conversation with Isabella a few days ago. His stomach had dropped from his body and he choked on his beer. He thought they were going to have a drink and head back to his place. Not have a bombshell explode his whole life in three words. 
“What are you going to do?” Lucie asks.
“Nothing. She did something about it.”
“Oh.” Lucie takes another sip of her beer. A slight crinkle appears in her forehead.
“Yeah and apparently now I’m not welcome at my parents’ house.”
“Really?” Connor asks as he smooths over Stella’s wild, brown curls.
“Yeah… things got a little heated today and they didn’t like what I had to say. Apparently holding a mirror up is not appreciated in this family.” Lio takes another sip. “Like, I get they made whatever decision they did with me, but I didn’t ask to be born, and they shouldn’t get pissed at me for not wanting to continue in their bastard child tradition.” Lucie flinches at the harshness of his comment. She’s never liked that word, especially not now after conceiving their child before her and Connor were married.
“What mirror?” Lucie inquires.
“Just that my dad didn’t want kids and was forced into it when my mom got pregnant with me. Or that my mom wanted to stay in Switzerland and couldn’t because of her choice to have me. My dad’s career was never the same after I was born, so that decision cost them a lot career and money wise. This was a mistake I could fix so I did. They could be more grateful for preventing a rinse and repeat.”
The room is silent for a moment as Lio’s words fall between all of them. The TV is the only disruption. Lio tilts his beer bottle back, hoping the liquid will wash down the awkward air in the room.
“You are a fucking moron. Your parents are doing really well and your family is great, Lee. Happy and healthy.” Connor shakes his head. Lio’s out-there way of thinking about being domestic in any situation is once again rearing it’s ugly head. No wonder he lost Savannah. She’s better off without this version of Lio anyway.
“LuLu gets it.” Lio motions to his cousin.
“No, Lee…. I don’t think I do.” Lucie straightens. “Because from what you’re telling me, I’ve also ruined an NHL player’s life, and stole his best years from him, by getting pregnant with his baby for the money.”
“Luc.” Lio chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s not like you were playing baby roulette with just anyone. Connor was already a millionaire.” Lucie instantly looks taken aback, which confuses Lio because the three of them have definitely joked about this before.
“Oh, so that’s what all the girls in your life have in common? We’re all just gold-digging whores? The girl you knocked up who you told to take care of it? And your mama who wrecked your dad’s life by choosing to have you? And me who found the most expensive rookie in the league to knock me up?” Technically Lio was that year, but that is neither here nor there. Lio is frustrated by the way Lucie is stuffing words into his mouth. 
“At least the one that stuck wasn’t Marco’s. But I’m sure you would of taken care of that one. Not enough commas in his bank account.”
“Alright. Time out.” Connor shakes his head, recognizing how drunk Lio is. Things are about to turn ugly and he doesn’t want to have to time his catch of Lucie’s hand when it inevitably winds up to slap her cousin.
“That is so fucked up, Lio.” Lucie snaps, putting her beer down on the end table with a slam.
“No what is fucked up is that you didn’t take my advice after you two broke up.” He gestures between Lucie and Connor.
“Oh my god.” Lucie gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. The room goes still as tears fill her big brown eyes. She winces, like she is realizing something she never has before. “When I came to stay with you, you told me you would take care of everything. That if Connor and I couldn’t work it out, you and I would figure it out. All this time, I thought that meant you would take care of us. We would be our own family….” Her eyebrows furrow. “But you hoped I wouldn’t pick this at all.”
“Wait, what?” Connor asks, turning to his wife. He looks across the room at Lio who’s eyes are widening.
Of course Connor knows it was Lucie’s choice, always her choice. It was early in her pregnancy when the infamous hit happened. Lucie could have… made a different choice. Connor thinks about how safe it felt for her to be with Lio during that time. Then a cold shiver rolls down his spine, wondering if Lio was really in Lucie’s ear telling her not to go through with it. Did he give her money? Offer to drive her to the clinic? Promise to never tell Connor what happened? It was a miscarriage, Con. I’m so sorry. Connor’s blue eyes darken with storm clouds as his daughter stirs slightly against his chest. What lengths would Lio have gone to cover up their mistake like he is trying to do with his right now?
“Did you tell Lucie to get rid of our daughter?” Connor’s voice is tight as he asks the words he has to. Lio flinches.
“Did you tell Lucie to not have Stell?” Connor repeats louder, more firm. Lucie glances nervously between the two men. Connor laughs in disbelief at Lio’s panicked face.
“I told Lucie I would support whatever choice she wanted to make… that she didn’t have to do this if she didn’t want to. She was really scared.” Lio points to Lucie generally like she isn’t in the room. She is hearing his words from a completely different perspective than three years ago. “I know that sounds bad now because Stell is here and we love her, but at the time, Lucie needed to hear that she had options.”
“Yeah and the option you proposed to her was to end her pregnancy.”
“It was mentioned, yes. But there was also adoption or raising Stell alone or… this. What you two have now.”
“Alone!?” Connor stutters out. “So, what if she wanted to raise Stell without me?”
“As I said, I was supportive of whatever Lucie wanted to do.” Connor inhales sharply. 
“You need to leave, Lio.” Connor stands, passing their whole world over to his wife on the couch. He smooths Stella’s hair down as she cuddles into Lucie’s shoulder. Connor feels his knees almost give out in pain. What would life be like without Stell? Without her soft kisses and baby giggles and huge hugs when he comes home from the road. How could Lio have supported a life for Stell without Connor? Or a life without her ever existing to begin with? 
“I just wanted to support her! Why is that bad?” Lio’s heart is in his throat now, as Connor slowly steps forward.
“What would be good about Lucie wanting to raise Stella without me? You were going to be daddy to my kid? You are right about one thing tonight, you’d be a shit fucking dad, Lio.”
“I…” Lio never thought about any of these scenarios in depth. He really just wanted to show up for Lucie. And Lucie chose Connor so quickly it didn’t seem to matter.
“Would you have told me?”
“W-what?” Lio puts his beer down, moving to sit up straighter. He swallows nervously.
“Would you, my best friend, have told me I had a daughter?” Lio is silent. He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know if he would have. Lucie was so scared and had held so tightly to his shirt those two weeks she had lived with him. He would have protected her, but that doesn’t feel like the right answer to reiterate now. Lio looks at Lucie, needing her to step in and say something. Her eyes are lined with betrayed tears, looking at him like she isn’t sure who he even is. Why have people been looking at him like this lately? What the fuck is going on?
“You’re a fucking coward, Lio. Anyone who thinks our daughter shouldn’t be here doesn’t get the privilege of being in our lives. Get out. You are no longer welcome here.” Lio tries to speak.
“Get. The fuck. Out!” Connor bellows, hands tightened into fists at his sides. Stell startles. She wakes up, immediately sensing the tension in the room and begins to cry. Connor turns away from Lio, rushing back to his wife and daughter. 
“It’s okay, Stell. You’re okay. Mommy and daddy are here.” Connor gathers her back from Lucie. He turns back to Lio. “I’m not fucking asking you again.” 
Lio stands, leaving his half full beer bottle. He rips the front door open and leaves the second home he’s been kicked out that day.
- - -
The next morning, a ping wakes Lio. He wants it all to be a bad dream, but the raw realness of what happened yesterday mars his body with physical aches and pains, including a hell of a hangover. He groans as he grabs his phone, pulling it to his face. He squints, seeing a new text awaiting him from an unsaved number.
Hi Lio, It’s Isabella. I went to the clinic and they told me I’m not pregnant. It was a false positive. Guess we dodged a bullet.
Lio stares at the text, watching his cursor blink in anticipation of him responding. He doesn’t.
Dodged a bullet? Then why does it feel like he is still bleeding out.
Continue reading: Part 2
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 42
He asks if its for real...im getting second hand embarrassment rn but I said im serious lets get married 💀💀 and I really thought this man was going to say nahhhh LOLOL but he said hes wanted this so much for so long and that he obviously says yes.
Alfie and Dana both say congrats and good luck but Kat says she doesnt see this nonsense lasting 🫣
Dana asks if MC will miss the dressing room hangs with the girls, like literally no but I didnt want to be mean so I said yet. Kat's bitchy ass had to say if you and MC are so close, then why is she dating Suresh instead of you. GIRL KICK ROCKS! People can be friends without wanting to date...Kat says her and Finn will probably get married before Suresh and MC...call me after you watch the season back babes.
Suresh says hes nervous and asks how you feel about it all. (also died that he said MC and him could blow through the 50K pretty quickly...OK big baller)
Kat pulls MC and Dana for a chat and basically apologizes without apologizing for her behavior this summer and that shes "matured" and basically wishes everyone luck and that she's loved getting to know the girls.
MC gets a text in third place...Alfie and Dana (no surprise there) Alfie uses your nickname here again 🤣 Suresh asks to hold your hand while you read out the final text...the winners are.......MC AND SURESH (duh!) you can jump into his arms and kiss him, passionately kiss or play it cool. I jumped in his arms 🥰 Kat and Finn are surprisingly good sports about losing. (especially Kat) A SPECIAL VIP IS WAITING TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR SUMMER OF LOVE....BOBBYYYYY (they butchered him so bad 😭😭)
Bobby goes over the best bits of the summer...highs and lows. ITS ALL WORDS AND QUESTIONS not like s2 where you actually saw your best / worst moments...He asks what it feels like to win...if you thought u'd end up with Suresh...if you were happy to see him when you walked into the villa. He asks about excess baggage and says that he'll come back to rings in a minute, Arlo and Meera's entrance and Bobby digs into Suresh how he chose Arlo over MC and Suresh gets mad 🤣 He talks about Casa and how you picked Nic/Johnny and the crowd BOOS LMAO. Bobby says Suresh brought back Lulu and immediately Suresh says he feels terrible for using Lulu to get back in the villa bc shes a great girl. he asks how we feel about the ex drama being over...and one word to describe the summer.
BOBBY GEM SCENE: he asks if Suresh and MC want to chat for a few so he can give them advice. He asks if MC is excited for the opportunities she might get after they leave the villa, Suresh says theyre gonna be celebrities (lmao what?! not Suresh wanting to be an influencer...im dying) Suresh asks Bobby if he thinks he and MC have what it takes to make it and Bobby explains why he thinks yes and its really cute. OMG LMAO U CAN FLIRT WITH BOBBY HERE!!
Time to make decision love or money... Bobby asks MC to choose an envelope I chose Black Heart (but I dont think it matters) MC has the money and the choice...Love or Money...I chose Love. We can kiss Suresh and the crowd goes wild. Suresh can carry you away into the sunset 😭
FB confirmed they are working on a new season and they are "factoring in our feedback from the start" we'll see about that!
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: diluc, kaeya, albedo, zhongli, xiao, childe, scaramouche, dainsleif and tohma
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the summer rain is sudden, warm, but welcomed. and you can't help but lean against his shoulder and listen to the rain.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): cursing
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: gender neutral
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: beneath the rain ー nom
it's raining where i live and i like rain so :D
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Summer rain is unexpected but warm and welcomedー it's like a short reprieve from the sweltering summer days, with the transparent droplets cooling down to Earth, even if just for a short while.
You thought that it was a nice occurrence really, a nice break from the sweltering heat, a nice excuse to not go out and socialize with others, to stay in your pajamas all day without being called a lazy bumーyou heard these kinds of things a lot, so it was nice to kick back and wrap yourself up in your blankets.
So you'd be as lazy as possible.
Yesーprobably even more.
The sound of rain hitting earth was pretty.
You wanted to sleep some more.
If someone called you lazy, that was their problem, not yours.
Okay, normally he's the absolute worst the cuddle with in the middle of summer, but the rain has made the house 10x colder, and you need warmth dammit. So you just hug him close and refuse to let go. Unless it's for bathroom breaks.
He's so easy to rile up for someone who has a good poker face. Your constant nuzzlings against him have his face going redder than his hair. He gets used to it after some time, but you can still see the tips of his ears getting red. How cute, you often think.
Diluc will let you rest your head on his lap as he will scan through any documents he will need to read. You either reading a book you stole from his study, or you fell asleep and it is now on your faceーthere is no in-between. You're pretty sure Diluc saw you like that and chuckledーwhat a nice sound.
Diluc's hawkーbless her soulーhas started getting used to you. This means you can brush your fingers through her pretty feathers and she won't bite you this time. She'll often watch the rain with you, the only sounds being the rain and her occasional soft shriek.
He'll occasionally make his delicious ribs, and while you're not supposed to feed his hawk the food, she's giving you that look. You only give her tiny pieces, all while cooing about how grumpy and mean Lulu is, while said man is giving you a look too.
If you need to go fetch something while the rain is pouring away, Diluc will accompany you, and while he insists that he doesn't need an umbrella, you sure as hell ain't letting him get a damn cold on your watch. So he has no choice but to share the umbrella with you.
You spend the rainy afternoons in your sleepwear all day, not caring to change into regular clothes and often lazing around. Sometimesー yes, sometimes, Diluc would join you, tired from the piles of papers that needed to be looked over. But this time, you welcomed his warmth, and eagerly hugged him close, not wanting to let goーyou wanted to be selfish just this once.
Dear God, he has become your worst enemy whenever it rains. Since the rain has cooled down the once humid and hot summer air, it turns Kaeya into your worst fear. He knows exactly what he's doing and will put his cold-ass hands on the back of your neck.
The only good thing he does with his cryo vision is actually for entertainment purposes, just for the two of you. He freezes several raindrops in the air before they plummet down and shatter into several glimmering pieces. It's much prettier than it soundsーKaeya has a way of making it a beautiful spectacle.
He doesn't mind sharing an umbrella with youーin fact, he enjoys being so close to you. He'll hold the umbrella, but in exchange, you have to hug his arm. It's only fair, right sweetheart? He has such a shit-eating smile spread on his lips, but what the hell. You don't mind hugging him close either.
You'll sit out on the porch with an umbrella over you, as you watch the rain pour down. You watch as the crystalflies, once lazily flying aboutーnow flee from the onslaught of rain. You watch as they fly higher and higherーuntil they disappeared in a burst of crystalline dust. Kaeya will occasionally join you and spectate with you.
Kaeya will absentmindedly play with your hair, a rather monotonous expression upon his features, as he soothingly rubs your scalp back and forthーit's enough to make you drowsy. All the while he just gazes at you, a gentle smile having found itself on his lips while you struggle to stay awake.
You take frequent naps whenever it rains; the rain probably unlocks your lazinessーhaha. So you'll more often than not rest your weary head on Kaeya's shoulder while you snooze away. Sometimes you're so drowsy that you end falling into his lap, which he plans to tease you about when you're fully awake. But for now, he'll admire your cute sleeping face.
Kaeya taught you how to play some board games that he's familiar with, and now whenever it rains, you pull out the boards and get to work. He's kicked your ass far more than you'd like to admit, but the games keep your brain from turning to mush.
Since he's Klee's unofficial babysitter, she'll drag the two of you outside to play in the puddles and splash around in them. She's eager to see the world drenched in rain, so you and Albedo follow her around so she won't get over-enthusiastic and get herself lost.
When Klee gets tuckered out from her excess playing in the rain, you and Albedo take a walk in the rain, enjoying the clouded scenery and each other's presence as well. He'll occasionally seek out the roots of Boom Blossoms since the soil makes it perfect to collect them. You help him carry them back so he doesn't have to walk back and forth.
Since Albedo can't walk to his lab in such poor conditions, especially if it's thundering outside, he'll have to make do with what he has at home. It's honestly like a cozy little world that no one can touch. You get to play the role of a lab assistant for a little bit.
You love to play with Albedo's hairーit's just so fluffy and soft, how can you resist such fluffiness? Albedo doesn't really mind, letting out occasional hums as your nails gentle scrape across his scalp. you'll even put it up in a messy bun for him. That way his hair won't get in his eyes while he's doing anything.
Klee loves doing arts and crafts with the two of you, and Albedo usually comes up with something from his alchemy studies that will produce something safe enough for Klee to try out for herself. The two of you supervise, just in case something could potentially happen.
Albedo will sketch the hydrangeas that tremble with each drop of dew that falls upon themーhow pretty, you'd often think. You'll sit next to him while he sketches anything that catches his eye. The half-eaten lunch that Klee left on the table again, the transparent vials held upon his shelvesーeven you, while you gaze absentmindedly out the window.
You've taken naps with Klee before, the two of you curled up next to each other, lazing the day away. Albedo will walk in on the rather sweet and cute sight, and he'll watch silently, before pulling the blanket up further and wishing you a good sleep before heading off to finish up his sketches and alchemy.
Zhongli makes all sorts of warm teas for youーyou'll take anything he makes, since it always comes out so delectable. It warms up your body from the cold air that the summer rain brings, and it puts you in a better mood. It's so cozy and nice.
You told him to read any Liyue book of his choice while you rest on his lap, and he agrees with a chuckle. His deep voice, combined with the sound of rain? Oh yeah, you think that you're in heaven now. He'll stroke your hair while reading away, his voice becoming a baritone lullaby for you.
Zhongli likes to take you out for walks in Liyueーwhether it is the harbor or out in the wilderness of his nation. He makes sure that you won't catch a cold afterward, however. You favor visiting the ancient ruins from ancient civilizations long since forgotten to time. It feels nostalgic, but at the same time just calming to be there.
Every once in a while, when the thunder crashes violently about in the sky, Zhongli will prepare his Bamboo Shoot Soup, made just for you. You're about to cry, because he's so sweet, and it tastes so good?? Who the hell let him be such good husband material?
You both have poem-writing mini-contests, no matter how bad or good you are, Zhongli loves them. He wants to know what kinds of thoughts flow through that mind of yours, and how you would write it out on paper. No matter how embarrassed you are, he'll give out good pointers and writing tips.
Zhongli won't mind if you just want to be lazy the whole day, and he'll smile and chuckle when he sees your blanket-wrapped form waddling towards him, and he'll let you rest upon his lap while he reads over a new contract.
When the rain begins to slow, Zhongli will invite you to come and pick some Violetgrass alongside in. Well, you could use some more to try and make that Black-Back Perch Stew that Xiangling had recommended a few days ago, so you agree. You hold his hand the entire time, as he doesn't want to lose your foot holding on to the slippery rocks that adorn Liyue.
You asked Xiao to supervise you while you dance in the rain. Yes, you spoke correctlyーyou dance in the rain. Xiao scoffs and calls it another strange human activity, but he still does watch over you while you skip about in the rain, not caring if you look strange.
Most of the time, he's out patrolling Liyue, even in the rain, which makes you concerned, since he could get sick. He has to remind you that no, he doesn't get sick ' like you mortals' as he puts it. But you tell him that he's welcome to stop by your house during the rain whenever he wants. He almost scoffs but instead lets out a gruff, but quiet ' thank you.'
You've made Xiao Almond Tofu on many occasions, and even making some for yourself. It's become comfort food, as well as a rainy day dessert. You're not too confident in how you always make it, but Xiao calls your insecurity confusing, going quiet for a few beats, before telling you that the tofu tasted good today.
Xiao never understands your tendencies to wrap yourself up in thick blankets and laze around all day. You're too busy being lazy to care about his judgemental stare, or emerging from a pleasant nap whilst stretching and yawning. Sleep is the best form of self-care after all.
You sometimes like to walk around outside and crouch down in front of plants drizzled with raindrops, and you'll even spot some cute frogs and snails hiding amongst them. Xiao stumbled into you like this and stood over you, to which you looked back up at him and only gave a carefree smile in response.
When he's not out on his usual patrols, Xiao will accompany you when you go out to buy a couple of novels that were needed. He stays silent for the entirety of it, but he's the one who actually holds the umbrella and holds your now purchased books before you can even protest.
Half of the time you just walk around your house wearing nothing but an oversized shirt and undergarments. You're too damn lazy to change into anything else, and your mind is half asleep a nice majority of the time. So Xiao is going to have to get used to the sight of your nice ass legs, whether he wants to or not.
You find yourself more often than not nuzzled into his chestーany noises you make are muffled out by his toned chest. He's surprisingly good hug material, and you need your damn naps so you just use him as a rainy day pillow. A nice and muscular pillow.
Childe more often than not trains in the rain, to which you think that he must have a damn death wish or something, but what the hell, let him have his fun. He knows damn well that when he comes back inside, you're practically drooling because of the water making his shirt stick to his chest and abs.
You really remind him of Teucer, jumping around and splashing in the puddles outside when you think no one is looking. You like to flick the outside plants, effectively making the raindrops drip down onto the damp earth. It's pretty satisfying to doーjust as simple as that.
Childe likes to occasionally cook steaming meals once it starts raining, and won't let you in the kitchen to aid him. He just kicks you right back out with a cheery smile and a closing of the door. Well in his defense, the food comes out rather tasty, and it always warms you up.
If you have to do your commissions out in the summer rain, just know that Childe can and will join you. He will gladly think of the downpouring rain as an extra challenge for practicing his fighting skills and honing them even more.
When he's not out trying to train his ass off, he's trying to playfight with youーyes he tries to playfight with you. If he's not trying to lock you in a losing position, then he's chasing you around the house like a crazed man, complete with a happy grin while he hones in on you.
When it rains, you either make it a lazy day or head over into the city to complete some errands. Childe will happily hold the umbrella and you close to him. All while you're busy picking out some desserts to try out. He has a shit-eating grin the entire time as if to say ' yeah, this my partner, look at me be such a good boyfriend. ' He's puffing out his chest whenever some elderly people gossip about what a lovely couple you are.
He's staring you down whenever you decide to be extra lazy and calls you a lazy-ass, to which you just stare at him and just flip over and sleep more. He either gives you the shock of your life or he ends up cuddling close to you later on.
The two of you open up the sliding doors and just sit there, admiring how the plants jostle as the raindrops fall down on them. He makes fun of you at first, but he eventually joins you and the two of you talk about whatever comes to mind, whether it be him raging about how Childe called him a midget yet again, or anything else.
The sakura trees are especially pretty during the rain, so you drag Scara there to just admire the view. He's practically hissing at you for dragging his ass all the way for some damn tree, but you've learned to drown out his angry voice from time to time.
You have definitely picked up his nasty habit of watching people slip in the rain and laughing at their misery. Yes, Scara will literally drag you out to do this when he's not being a bitch in the Fatui. You definitely cackle at them alongside him, and now you're learning from him. He's rubbing off on you.
Did you think chucking a pillow at his face was a good idea at the time? Yes, yes you did. Are you probably going to die by his hand because he's chasing you down like a maniac while you're screeching? Yeah, definitely.
He's surprisingly sweet when you have to head out somewhere, holding the umbrella for the two of you while you walk outside. He makes it seem like it's an absolute waste of his time, but you know that deep down he does care enough to make sure that you don't get struck by lightning.
The one time you wanted to try out some Inazuman games, he taught you all alright, but he turns it into a damn competition and the two of you are throwing insults like it's a food fight. If it weren't for the fact that you like this damn midget so much, you'd have probably strangled him from the shit-eating smirk he has while beating you at everything.
He looks so funny when you're building a pillow and blanket fort because he just looks so serious, and then he's just surrounded by fluff?? Yeah, you're gonna smother that handsome eyepatch man with affection and not let go.
You love to use him as a heater and pillow whenever it rains, because he's nice and warm, and his chest is a nice pillow. You get an excuse to coddle him while it rains, and he honestly doesn't mindーeven enjoys it since he gets to be close to you.
You once brought in a cute green frog from the rain, and he had to spend a good minute just wondering how in the hell you managed to catch a frog. He spent even more of a good chunk of time just trying to convince you to put it back, but you wouldn't stop calling it ' our son. '
He taught you how to make bookmarks with pressed flowers, and he's actually pretty good at it. He makes really pretty ones, and you're internally dying because he's so fucking cute and talented. He can't look this attractive while gluing the flowers togetherーit's illegal to be this cute.
You like to bake cute cakes because you need your daily dose of sugar, and if it's something Dainsleif is familiar with, he'll help you by passing along the ingredients and stirring them for you. But he sometimes likes to watch youーhe thinks you look adorable, your concentrated face is cute to him.
He always holds the umbrellaーno exceptions. It's mostly because he towers over you and he's whipped for you. You hold his hand because it's really warm, and handholding is embarrassing for you. He always holds whatever you buy as well, and will not budge. You can't even physically pry it away from him because he's so damn strong, and he has the will of steel.
You hung up the glass wind chime you had bought for him, and like to listen to the sound of the soft music it produces in the rain-soaked winds. Dainsleif will occasionally join you and rub soothing circles on your head, to which you gladly accept. You wonder if he'll hear the sound of that windchime later on and think of you.
You threatened to throw mud at him jokingly, but whenever it's just the two of you, it's a full-blown war zone. You have to make sure that you're not wearing anything nice because Tohma will ruin it within the next 45 seconds.
Tohma can and will carry you over his shoulder just to trap you against the bed and refuse to move. Unless it's for the bathroom and food, then no. He requires attention and affection and you're gonna give it to him. You considered kicking him in the crotch because he's so damn heavy.
He's your personal heater, so when the summer rain makes you feel extra lazy, you're the one who's trapping him and refusing to let go. When you're not smothering him in bed, you're hanging onto him like a koala and absorbing his heat. His vision becomes your savior in the cold summer rain.
Despite his goofy attitude, he insists that you read at least one book whenever it rains. You're pretty sure he does it on purpose and planned ahead because he pats his lap a little too eagerly and looks a little too giddy.
Tohma is incredibly giddy when you ask him to accompany you on a rainy nature walk. He'll hold the umbrella, and he also insists on holding your hand the whole time. He looks like his usual goofy self, but internally? Oh yeah, you've killed him. The mantra that's going through his mind is They're holding my hand! They're holding my hand!
He offers to clean your ears, lap pillow, and all! You'd never tell it to his face because his ego would just get bigger, but he's actually pretty good at it. You'll end up falling asleep because of how soothing it is. Unbeknownst to you, Tohma's a blushing wreck, because ear cleaning is something that you only do with loved ones, and that includes lovers.
You had baked him cookies just one time, and now he's like an eager puppy, constantly prodding at you and giving you eager eyes whenever you enter the kitchen. You had just been experimenting with baking, so you suppose this could count as a success. Hell, you could add a tail to him just from how eager he looks.
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20cm · 4 years ago
curiosity tag ! ! 💕💕
tagged by: @hyukaheart (who also made the game <3) && @yeonjuins !! thank you both mwah mwah 💛💖💛
sorry in advance that this is long.. if anyone reads this<3 u deserve a medal 💕✨
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Q: which artists make you instantly smile when you hear their laughs?
A: ohhh hmmm wonho ! beomgyu + kai also .. and taehyun!! i think felix also :].... yj<3
Q: what’s a song you’d like to recommend to the person who tagged you?
A: ooooh yes! 💖
for hope: 何��でも by Michita ft. MouthPeace for woo: Lose My Cool by Amber Mark
Q: which artist(s) have your favourite voices?
A: jjong + onew from shinee, kihyun + joohoney from monsta x, hanse + seungwoo from victon, beomgyu + taehyun + yeonjun from txt.......probably forgetting some </3
Q: what are some of the sets from the wonderful ccs here that you find yourself thinking about often?
A: buckle up i have a lot </3 off the top of my head uhmm 💕💕
made by ana @yjunies: this blue orangeade one that makes me smile when i see it // this set of yeonjun on tingle interview because its special to me // this fairy of shampoo one that is just... beyond gorgeous
im SO obsessed w/ literally every gfx work that woo @yeonjuins has put out but the first one i ever saw tht made me speechless was this netflix 0x1=lovesong edit because not only was the gfx itself great but the video editing!!!!! was so cool
from ryu @gyukai: this 2 year anniversary set because its so so creative and cool! // and her get to know me set for the japanese ver mv of run away bc its so so bright and pretty
erin's @jaehyukkies REALLY beautiful ab6ix close set that i rb on sight. literally so so so obsessed w/ it
THIS set meg made putting lovesong to a siken quote that made me tear up ngl
lulu's @cherriki dear sputnik set has been living in my head rent free since i first saw it
this 3 part set of parallels between the dooms night & other mvs that @/songofastar made because its SO cool [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]
this other set from @/songofastar that puts quotes from the storybook over mvs
this really cool logo/mvs gifset
this set from @/jjunies mv aesthetics series
this fucking gifset of yeonjun w/ pink hair from the we lost the summer mv shoot
this set of yeonjun during a stage performance of blue hour that makes me bark like a fucking wounded dog
Q: if you could steal (affectionately) an idol’s pet, who’s would it be and why?
A: odi!!!!!!! soobin im willing to share but u have to let me have custody on weekends or something 🙄🙄!!! and because i really would love a hedgehog of my own <3 but also im just so obsessed w/ odi help...........also ik taehyun has probably given aengdu to a different home but ive always wanted a snake so >:) ...... OH and kkoongie . taemin give me your fucking cat.
Q: which artists that share your star sign do you like? ​
A: hmmm god time to find libras. the only one off the top of my head is joohoney!! and yes <3 i do like him a lot :] OH CHAN. BANG CHAN. and hanse!! and yangyang .. why the fuck are all the libras rappers. OH JONGHO ATEEZ<3333 jongho my beloved vocalist maknae also ....... HOW DID I FORGET KEY!!!!! .... my god wait. woong ab6ix, jeonghan svt, hanbin/b.i my beloved also......... why are a lot of my biases libras 😭
Q: do you have any favourite photoshoots that your ults have done? ​
A: oh YESSS okay !! ^_^ 💛
yeonjuns ul:kin shoot!!!!!!!!!! new york fashion week <3
weverse magazine nov. 2020 ........ (yeonjun specifically)
txt's recent tmrw magazine shoot (some of the photos here on tumblr</3)
wonho's fault magazine shoot
whatever the fuck floor granola was taemin did for dazed korea
wonho for dazed korea too
Q: what songs do you always get stuck in your head? ​
A: given-taken + drunk-dazed by enhypen, salty + o sole mio by the boyz, baby don't stop by nct u, chronosaurus by stray kids, ....pied piper....., anti-romantic + puma + frost + magic by txt, scaredy cat + nerves + no blueberries by dpr ian, love me or leave me by day6, killing me by ikon................. those ALL get stuck in my head
Q: who are your favourite dancers in kpop right now? ​
A: taemin !!!!! hyunjin for sure... yeonjun of course. shownu + wonho <3, felix and juyeon also were really impressive during kingdom :]
Q: are there any photos of your ults that you find yourself thinking about a lot? ​
A: oh jesus. sorry this is ALL yeonjun im mentally ill. yes i made this in photoshop FOR this post ... the one where hes covering his mouth is for funsies bc its my discord icon and i love his dramatic ass
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Q: which artist(s) do you feel you can see yourself in? ​
A: ok not. to sound insane i guess but anyways. yeonjun
i really relate to his history of struggling w/ self confidence and honestly just faking it til you make it. like just saying it often enough until you believe it. it helped me a lot when i was a teenager + going into college and helped me be more extroverted + talk to people.. also his sense of dramatics. like ik it may not seem like it because im a lot more mellowed out on tumblr dot com but im . dramatic and hyperactive in real life. like i call him annoying (affectionate) bc i look at him and go "me too lol<3"
also his drive + hating losing + wanting to be better while also knowing you have a long way to go + knowing you havent really made it....like oh for SURE i relate to just how he feels about work and drive + passions ... its really how i felt in school and college.. even my hobbies . i take pride in being really detail oriented + a perfectionist and i like knowing im doing well...when i was younger i definitely could be a little cocky but it was mellowed by that lack of self-confidence at the same time 💀
anyways. enough psychoanalyzing myself and my kpop guy. im also a huge fan of dancing, fashion, and i like taking care of others <3 so idk i see myself in him a lot actually
Q: who’s rapping do you always find yourself vibing with? ​
A: joohoney + i.m from monsta x.. i love their solo work, i really like dpr live's stuff! and dpr ian, suggi, b.i, and woodie gochild !! ☀️
Q: are there any artist/s who’s talking voice you could listen to forever? ​
A: OHHHHH BEOMGYU i could fall asleep to his talking voice.. same w/ felix<3 .. oh and taehyun could spend 1hr explaining the chemical makeup of paint from the hardware store and i'd listen to him 💖💖
Q: is there anyone who always manages to give you gender envy? ​
A: yeonjun + beomgyu give me wardrobe envy.. and hair envy. so does felix. OH and juyeon ^_^💕
Q: and finally, which idol do you think the person who tagged you is most like? ​
A: yesss <3 ok so
hope you give me HUGE felix (stray kids) and hyuka vibes youre so sunshiney and bright! 💛
woo gives me san (ateez) + minhyuk (monsta x)!! i like your artistic sense and aesthetics! 🖤
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okay that was SO long. if you read it all im giving u a big hug LOL 💖
idk who has or hasnt been tagged sooooo <3
@sodrippy @gaemin @slowrabbitpd @chaotichae @cherriki @heeseunq @97choi @minki-s
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collecting-stories · 4 years ago
Broke Me First - Rafe Cameron
Request: I just read your Exile fic and it was soo good! If you have the chance, could you do a Rafe fic about “You Broke Me First” by Tate McRae, totally fine if you cant! Have a great day😊💕 @k-n-e
A/N: So...totally obsessed with this song now lol. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
☮︎ ☮︎ ☮︎ ☮︎
You slipped passed the group of party-goers in the hallway, ignoring the person calling your name though you knew that he knew you had heard him. Why else would he be following you through the house, weaving around drunk couples and friends of friends as he called your name again. The sound of your name wasn’t completely drowned out by the bass of the sound system in the living room but you pretended it was as you opened the door and walked outside, the cool night air hitting you like a wave, washing over you as your feet hit the driveway. You were almost free, almost to your car.  
The door slammed behind you and a warm hand grabbed your upper arm, turning you around and forcing you to come face to face with Rafe Cameron.  
Despite the look on your face, on of complete shock, you weren’t surprised at all that he had followed you outside. It had been months since the two of you had talked, since he told you that he was “over” the two of you and moved on. And just when you thought unblocking his number didn’t matter, he started calling you again, texting you about how much he missed you and asking for another chance.  
“Let go.” You insisted, standing there slack and not bothering to fight against the hold. As if Rafe would simply go back inside, poof away like smoke.  
“Can we just talk?”
You blinked, looking up when you felt the familiar sting of tears. You’d given him months of them and you wouldn’t cave again. Not this time. He was the one who showed up to this party with his new girlfriend, how was he going to follow you outside like this now.  
“Just go back inside. She’s probably waiting for you.”  
Rafe scoffed, “I don’t give a shit about her.”
“You didn’t give a shit about me until two weeks ago. So what else is new?” You replied, pulling away this time. Stepping back so there was space between you. The further away the better, you kept telling yourself.  
The further away the easier to remember who he really was.  
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“About her or me?” You asked. He’d been through plenty of different girls since he broke it off with you. You’d seen them all on his timeline. And maybe you shouldn’t have been looking or maybe you shouldn’t have let yourself believe that him hoping from girl to girl meant he was unhappy but you couldn’t do this. You wanted to, you wanted to let yourself trust him, to let yourself listen to whatever excuse he could muster.  
You weren’t the center of universe though. You weren’t his other half, his partner in crime, his confidant. You weren’t anything but another way to pass the time.  
“Why do you have to make this so hard?” He commented, running a hand through his hair. The frustration showed as he cracked his knuckles and tried to regroup, to say something.  
“It’s hard cause you don’t mean any of it and I know that.” You replied.  
“I just-”
“What?” You asked, “weren’t in the right headspace? Didn’t mean it? Was afraid? Of me, of commitment, of your feelings. What Rafe? Which one is it?”
“Why can’t you just let me fucking apologize?”  
“Because you don’t mean it!” No amount of blinking could stop the tears this time, your voice cracking at the end as you tried desperately not to lose your composure. You could feel it slipping out of your fingers though and there was nothing you could do.  
“I came all the way out here.”
“Congratulations. You forced me to pay attention to you. Once again.” You replied. “It’s always the same with you. Screaming ‘look at me’, you always have to be so important.”  
When you turned this time Rafe didn’t follow after you, watching you walk to your car instead. “So that’s it?” He called after you, “you just don’t care anymore?”
You stood at the door, clutching the handle. Deep breaths, the outside lights were bright enough that you could see your reflection in the car window and you wanted to put your fist through the glass. “No.”  
You waited, holding your breath as you listened to the slamming of the front door, before you got into the car. You shut the door, leaning back against the seat and screaming. It was loud and awful and you imagined it smashing all the glass around you but the car was still intact when you opened your eyes. Alone, in your car, in the dark. You slumped over the steering wheel, pressing your forehead to the leather and crying.  
“I’m losing my fucking mind.” You muttered, hands shaking as you reached for the seatbelt, a knock on the window making you jump in your seat, startled in the dark of the car. You look out the window before opening the door. “Did Rafe send you out?”
“No, I saw you guys come out here and when Rafe came back in I figured it was worth it to check that you were okay.” Kelce replied, holding the door as he stepped into your space a little more.  
“I’m fine.”
“Okay.” He nodded, looking back at the house, “I’ll head back in.”
“Wait, Kelce.” You stopped him, though he hadn’t moved at all. He turned his head to look back down at you, “I can’t drive.”  
“Scoot over.”  
You climbed over the center console, falling into the passenger seat as Kelce climbed in the car and took your keys. You pressed your hands against your face, as if you could soak up the tears that had already fallen, trying desperately to erase the image of Rafe asking you to forgive him. When you got home you knew there would be messages from him, ones that you would stare at, tempted to read them even though you knew that all it would be was the same meaningless bullshit he’d tried to feed you outside.  
“Can we go somewhere?” You asked, “I’m not ready to go home.”
“Sure, lets take a drive.” Kelce agreed, passing the street for your house and continuing on toward the beach.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts  @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects  @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @under-a-canyon-moon @calums-betch @dpaccione 
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deepdeepjoyandpain · 3 years ago
I wrote a happy, yay life is good post last week and man has life been super hard since. October is a month with some trauma triggers for me, plus I believe I’ve read that the rapid decreasing light can really start affecting seasonal depression stuff. So I’ve felt lousy and have cried several times and felt alone and isolated. Thursday night two friends came over and we made it such a safe vulnerable space and it was wonderful. But it ends then. Figuring out how to keep navigating life on my own: as close and as supportive as various friends are, it is me in my daily life.
Lulu had one explosive episode but calmed well and I handled it well. We had therapy tonight and she brought it up all on her own, no prompts or requests from me to, and owned it. Love love our therapist.
Call from after care and she’s been disrespectful and sneaking off to vending machines. Ughhhh.
Yesterday we came home and she says mom the fridge is all wet. Oh. Yes. What a great time to decide to die on us! It appears to be a slow death at least (will cool to 46 degrees, freezer 22) and I have a mini fridge i pulled from the garage to use. And I put off going to Costco for a week before this! So time to decide, to order, to schedule delivery. $$ I don’t want to spend on this but knew it would happen. I’m also anxious about getting the old one out and new one in but that will not be my job.
And it is hot today. It was a hard mask wearing day. I always mourn summer but do love fall::: can we have a little please?!
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mayraki · 4 years ago
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when school started
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read their story here
>>> the troublemakers start another semester of school and they have to deal with their fame. but never mess with someone who gets into trouble for fun.
“Is that JJ and Max... holding hands?” “Maybank and Belinsky?” “Who would’ve thought those two would end up together?” “WHAT?!” “I never wanted to be Maybank so bad.” “That Belinsky is a lucky one.” and other things JJ and Max got used to people saying when they walked passed since they started being a thing two weeks ago.
It wasn’t a surprise, two people who had their reputation together as a couple wasn’t a thing that would pass unnoticed, specially around the Pogues and Kooks. But they didn’t care, all they wanted was to enjoy the end of those long thoughts and confused questions, but unfortunately for them, they are Max Belinsky and JJ Maybank, trouble was always around the corner, even if they didn’t want to. They are the troublemakers! They had to live up to their name, but they didn’t thought that they were going to go to the principal’s office on their first day back in high school.
“Ms. Belinsky, please come the principal’s office immediately.” Max lifted her head from her notebook and furrowed her eyebrows confused.
“Uuuh, she’s in trouble.” JJ teased next to her with a smirk on his face. She got up from her sit and then quickly slapped JJ on the back of his head.
“Belinsky.” The teacher said. She lifted her hands into the air surrendering, and on the moment before she could walk some steps towards the door, the megaphone spoke again.
“And Mr. Maybank, come to the principal’s office.” Max, with a little smile and a lifted eyebrow turned to JJ, who was now confused.
“Get up, you little bitch.” Max said loud enough so only JJ could hear her, but John B, who was in front of JJ let out a tiny laugh.
“You two, go, now.” The teacher said, and just like that, JJ and Max were out of the classroom not before all of their classmates followed them with their eyes.
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“Did we do something?” JJ asked while him and Max were waiting to get inside the office.
“I have no idea why we’re here.”
“Maybe we did something but we can’t remember.”
Max shook her head. “Nah, I always remember what I do. Unless I’m being questioned by the police.”
“Yeah, we’re professionals at that.” He nodded and then let out a tiny laugh. “We sound like criminals.”
Max was about to say something but Princial Gomez walked out of his office with his grey suit on and his white hair. He looked at JJ and then Max, who were standing there with innocent smile on their faces.
“What’s up, Ricky? Had a good summer?” Max asked walking closer to Gomez. Since the serious expression he had didn’t change, Max lifted his fist towards him. “Give me some.” But he just kept the eye contact with her. Max felt the tension and without bringing his fist down, she slowly nodded. “I guess that’s a no.”
“I got you.” JJ said and gave her the fist bump.
“Thanks, man. Appreciate that.” Max nodded.
“No problem.”
“Inside.” Principal Gomez said with a firm tone before walking inside his office. JJ and Max looked at each other confused and then walked through the door. “Close the door, Maybank.”
After doing what Principal Gomez told him, JJ sat down next to Max, who sat down on one of the chairs Gomez had in front of his desk.
Max and JJ waited for him to talk, but he just took his sweet time to cross his arms around his chest and stare at both of them for a couple of seconds.
“Ok, you’re killing me here, man, with all of this suspense.” JJ said impatiently.
“Do you know how many times you two visited my office last year?” Gomez said for the first time since they all walked into the office.
“I’ll say five.” JJ said.
Max nodded. “Yeah, I would probably say like, 6? That sounds better.” JJ nodded while looking at each other but when Princial Gomez spoke more loudly they both went back to him.
“35!” He said frustrated and angry. “Each!”
“Really? A tie?” JJ asked.
“Get over it, dude, you’ll never win.” Max said with a laugh but once Gomez clased a book with strength making a loud noise, she quickly went silent turning to him.
“I’m extremely tired of you two ending up in my office! And I’ve heard you didn’t rest on the summer, either.” Gomez said and that’s when JJ and Max looked at each other. JJ winked at her before turning back to their principal and his frustrated and angry expression. “And this time, the first day of school! What were you two thinking?!”
“You know,” Max said. “I respect you, principal, you’re a cool dude. But I have to say, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Same here.” JJ said lifting his left hand into the air.
“You’re not going to get away with this, I’m sure of it. Detention, a month.”
“What?!” JJ and Max said at the same time. “Sr, we’re saying the truth, we swear. We didn’t do what you think we did.”
“Really?” Gomez said sarcastically. “You two didn’t set off a smell bomb in the cafeteria?”
“Sr, with all due respect.” Max said. “I wouldn’t do that. I’m a little bit more creative than that.” Immediately, Gomez turned to JJ who quickly shook his head.
“I’m more creative than her, so I wouldn’t do that either.”
“You wish.” Max said almost in a whisper.
“And why would I believe you two? You always try to get away with the thing you do lying all the time!”
“Look at it this way,” JJ said getting closer with his face to Gomez’ desk. “Think of all the things we did last year, separately. You know us, principal, do you really think we would pull that off?”
Max looked at JJ with a smile, proud of his words, and then turned to Gomez. “JJ’s right, principal, liked it to admit it or not. We were cuestioned by the police two times this summer, do you think that we would put a smell bomb? We would totally go harder than that.” Max said and immediately added once Gomez gave her a warning look. “But we won’t, of course.”
Gomez looked at Max and then at JJ before letting out a big sigh. He looked down to his desk and then said, firmly: “Belinsky, Maybank, you can go back to class.”
JJ and Max gave each other proud smiles before getting up from their sits and walking out of the office.
“That was good.” Max said giving JJ a high five once they both started to walk back to their classroom.
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“But tell me!” Sam said to Max with her lunch on her hands while she and the rest of the Pogues, John B, Pope and JJ were walking to the little outdoors the school had. “Did you do it?”
“No!” Max said. “I would’ve told you!”
“Then who did it?” Pope asked when they all sat down on the grass.
“We have no idea.” JJ said.
“Aren’t they gonna do something?” Max asked looking around. “I mean, if someday stole the credit for something that I did, I would be pissed.” JJ nodded agreeing with Max.
“Are you still getting detention?” John B asked before giving a bite to his sandwich.
Max shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t think so.”
“Who would’ve thought that for getting more into trouble, would get us out of trouble?” JJ said before letting out a laugh.
Max nodded with a smile. “Stupid things have good outcomes sometimes.”
“Amen, baby!” JJ yelled before they all bursted out in laughter and continued eating their lunch.
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“Finally, free!” John B yelled once they all walked out of the big door of their school.
Max and JJ locked eyes with each other when he let his arm go around her shoulders.
“Do you want to do something?” He asked looking at her lips.
“Mmmmh, maybe.” Max said with a smirk, but all of that was cut of by the principal walking out of the school with a student by his side to walk towards a black car and what seemed to be two parents waiting.
“What happened?” Pope asked looking at the boy and the principal.
“He’s a freshman.” A random girl said next to Pope. “He was the one who put the smell bomb on the cafeteria, someone saw a package of bombs in his gym locker and told the principal.”
“He kept the evidence?” JJ said and Max turned to him knowing what he was thinking.
“Amateur.” They both shook their heads.
Gomez walked pass JJ and Max and gave them a little nod, they both did the same with smiles on their faces.
“We were right, he’s never going to forget that.” JJ said once he saw the principal entering the school. Max nodded with a smile.
“First day of school and we already went to the principal’s office.” Max said. “I guess we never sleep.”
“You and me?” JJ asked with a smirk. “Never.”
Max let out a smile and then closed the space between their faces to leave JJ and kiss on his lips.
“Get a room you two!” John B yelled.
Max turned around to flip him off, but a better idea came to her mind.
“Hey, JJ!” She yelled loudly enough so that John B, who was a couple of steps away could hear her. “Do you want to go to John B’s room?”
Knowing what Max was doing, JJ looked at her with a smile and then to his best friend, who was shaking his head.
“Don’t you two dare!”
“You told us to get a room!” JJ yelled letting his arm around Max’s shoulders.
“And we choose yours!” Without waiting for a response, with a huge smile on her face, Max grabbed JJ’s hand and started to ran away, leaving the Pogues and the school behind.
>>> are you ready to see how the troublemakers shake everyone’s world?
IMPORTANT! please, read.
ok, first of all, hi :) second, I hope you enjoyed the first little adventure of max and jj. this is simple and short because I want to know how many people are actually interested in reading these type of short stories. I think I’m going to make a new taglist since a lot of people that I’ve been tagging either didn’t finish the story or just don’t want to read this. I have so many fun adventures these two are going to get into and I’m really excited for y’all to read it. so, please, tell me (by commenting, rebloging, on my asks) if you want to be a part of the taglist! thank you for reading, i love you <3
taglist: @iamaunicorn4704 @onceinagenerationrage @lasnaro @k-k0129 @x-lulu @oopsiedoopsie23 @baby-pogue @roamingmarauder @ponyboys-sunsets @agirlwholovescoffee @thorsangel @royalmerchant @deviouscharitos @badbitsh13 @cilorawr @mdlyncline @ilovejjmaybank @corebore123 @starksweasley @allycat449-blog @netflix-imagines @alwaysasadaesthetic @queenofthepouges @jjsmaybcnk @sexytholland @sadcupofcoffee @strawberrydonkey @allielozoya @jjandreidsgirl @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @nevvvv @drewswannabegirl @itsyagirljay @mrsromangodfrey @kay667 @casper17 @jarahisendgame @niya-savage @scooby6 @dustyjjumpwings @sweetlysilent @alternativehp @stilinskingongo @renatafairchild @stfukie @chasefreakinstokes @beloved-vinyl-addict (+)
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shawnssongs · 5 years ago
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𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 ⋄ 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤
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02. 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠
It’s the first day of senior year (also we’re just going to pretend they’re all seniors in high school, the pogues and the kooks, including Rafe at Kildaire County High)
series masterlist 01.
an: sorry this chapter is kind of boring! I promise there’ll be more action in the next one :)
warnings: typos, probably wc: 1.4k ish
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thanks @jjmaybankx for the moodboard!
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It was finally here. The first day of senior year. JJ never cared much about school since it had never been on his list of priorities, but he always loved the first day. He’d usually spend all summer working or hanging out with his friends, so being the social butterfly that he is, he loved catching up with everyone else that he really only saw at school. Plus, at this point, he needed to catch up with his own friends as well. He felt like he hadn’t seen John B, Kie, Pope, and Sarah in months, and other than a few “hey”s here and there, he truly hadn’t.
John B was the same way. Ever since finding out what happened to his father, he’d gotten back on track with his education. His grades improved junior year, especially with the help of Sarah Cameron. John B was ready to catch up with his friends, but he was really just waiting for JJ. His best friend had been MIA all summer.
“John B!” Kiara greeted with open arms when she noticed her best friend standing next to his beaten up Volkswagen.
John B accepted the hug gladly.
Sure, JJ had been absent, but John B had also admittedly been spending more time with Sarah than with the rest of the pogues.
“Where ya been?” He asked her with a smile.
“Around,” Kiara chided, “unlike you, lover boy.”
John B chuckled at Kie when he noticed Pope approaching. They all greeted each other, catching up a bit when Pope asked where Sarah was.
John B shrugged in response. “Met a new girl. She told me she was going to show her around.”
“Sarah loves strays,” Kiara acknowledged.
“There he is!” Pope cheered, gazing behind John B and Kiara at the missing member of their group.
“Man of the hour!”
“Where have you been?” John B asked when JJ was close enough, reaching his hand out for a quick hug.
Kiara prodded. “Yeah, what have you been doing all summer?”
JJ just smiled, playing it off. “I was hanging around at the beach.”
“So were we.” Pope added.
“Guess we didn’t cross paths.” JJ shrugged.
“Or you were too busy checking out tourons to talk to your friends.” Kiara crossed her arms across her chest accusatorily.
“Nah, I did meet this one cool chick though.”
John B noticed the little twinkle in his eyes. “You mean she put out?” He asked, earning a punch in the arm from Kiara and a glare from Pope.
“Is that all you ever think about?” Sarcasm dripped through JJ’s voice. Clearly, he was the one with that reputation, not John B.
The group continues to giggle like children and tease each other as they caught up outside Kildaire County High.
Meanwhile, Sarah Cameron had been incredibly helpful to you so far. You met her just a few days ago when you found out you’d be staying in the Outer Banks instead of moving back home. She agreed to meet you early and show you around the school a bit so you wouldn’t be too lost on your first day.
“Do I look okay, Sarah?” You ask her, noticing all the students walking around in cut off shorts and crop tops. You weren’t allowed to wear just anything like that back home at your private school, so you really weren’t prepared. In a pair of linen shorts and a button up tee, you felt a bit out of place.
“I’m really nervous.”
“You look terrific,” she complimented.
“So this is Kildaire County High?” The school seemed surprisingly active. It was small, and rundown, unlike your school back home, and even though your old school was large and daunting, somehow you still felt more intimidated by Kildaire County. The uncertainty was causing your nerves to run rampant.
Sarah gripped your arm to calm you. “I know it’s not much, but you’ll love it. Come on,” she smiled, “I’ll help you find your first class.”
With Sarah’s help, you managed to make it through your first couple classes of the day until it was finally time for lunch. The cafeteria looked run down and dirty, but luckily Sarah pulled you outside to meet Kiara, who she’d described as her best friend.
“Y/n, this is Kiara. Kie, this is Y/n!” Sarah introduced giddily, excited to have another friend to do girly things with like shop and do each other’s hair and makeup. The boys would partake sometimes, but it wasn’t the same. Kiara was just as stunning as Sarah, the two of them contrasting in every way. Kiara’s skin and hair both darker than Sarah’s golden complexion, the straightened strands of Sarah’s light hair next to Kiara’s curls. As beautiful as they were, somehow you didn’t feel envious. You felt content. You felt sure that these two girls were people you wanted to keep around. Back home you never got that feeling. You were always comparing yourself to the other girls, trying to be like them or dress like them because that was what was most desired. Here, with Kie and Sarah, you knew they’d accept you for you, and you weren’t afraid to be yourself, because they clearly weren’t.
“Hey!” Kiara greets, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Hi! It’s nice to meet you!” You smile as she reached out for a hug.
The two girls caught up on each other’s summers a small bit of time since they’d spent most of it together. You gathered that Sarah is dating a cute surfer boy named John B, and Kiara has a thing for a studious kid named Pope. It wasn’t long before Sarah asked you how your summer in the Outer Banks had gone, and boy were you glad to tell.
“I met a boy at the beach.” You boasted, unable to hold back your smile.
The guys ate their lunch by the Volkswagen because Sarah apparently didn’t want them to scare away the new girl she’d befriended. He didn’t mind though. They had a lot of catching up to do.
“Okay, so what happened with that girl you met this summer? Stop playin’ around.” John B asked his friend sternly, not wanting anymore jokes.
“Nothing!” JJ lied, but he knew he couldn’t get away with it.
Pope rolled his eyes. “Sure, nothing.”
“Come on, you guys don’t want to hear all the horny details, right?”
The guys pestered him until he finally gave in.
“Alright! I’ll tell you.”
“Oh he was so romantic!” You gush. “And cute. Really cute.”
The girls ooh and aww as you continue your story.
“He ran by me, showing off, splashing around.”
“She swam by me and got a cramp. I saved her life, man.” JJ embellished. “She almost drowned.”
Pope and John B didn’t believe him, but they let him keep going. “Took her surfing, showed her the ropes.”
“We went strolling along the beach. We stayed out until ten o’clock.”
“We made out under the dock.”
“Then what?” Pope asked.
“We got friendly.” JJ quirked a brow, smirking at his curious friend. “Down in the sand, if you know what I mean.”
“He got friendly, and he held my hand,” you explain to the girls, recalling the memories. “He was sweet. He just turned 18.”
You pause, the girls watching you in anticipation. “It got colder. That’s where it ends. That’s when we made our true love vow.” You knew it’s sounded extreme, but you wouldn’t explain it any other way. You loved JJ Maybank, even if you only got to spend one summer with him, and losing your virginity to JJ was you vowing your love to him.
“Y’know, I told her we’d still be friends.” JJ shrugged. “I wonder what she’s doing now.” He truly did, more than the guys knew. Y/n was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and now she’s just gone, clear on the other side of the States.
“He sounds real nice.” Sarah smiled. She was a hopeless romantic, of course. She loved the story.
You agree. “He was a gentleman.”
“What was his name?” Kiara asked, sure she’d recognize any of the locals.
“JJ. JJ Maybank.”
Kiara noticed Sarah’s eyes widen and just before she was able to tell you, Kiara kicked her leg under the table.
“Maybe if you believe in miracles,” she started, “he’ll show up again, somewhere unexpected.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course!” Sarah chimed in, a bright smile adorning has face.
The six of them went back to class as the bell rung, all blissfully unaware of the events to come.
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an: kinda hate this ngl... excited for the next chapter though :) thanks for reading, and please send feedback!
also, ty to now both @milaonthemoon​ and @storiesbymads​ for your spotify playlists that helped while I wrote and edited this :)
tags: add yourself! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION AND SPELL YOUR URL CORRECTLY (or comment if you just want to be tagged in the series) series @talksoprettyjjx @hazelgirl355 @ssjiara @socialwriter @milaonthemoon​ all fics @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @harrysbbby @maybe-maybanks @maybankdreams @ilovejjmaybank @i-love-scott-mccall @sarahcxmeron @obx-direction-sos @mahleeyuh @jjmeybank @simonsblue @deviouscharitos​ all obx @thelocalpogue​ @maybankiara @ewgrossiknow @poguelifesurfshop @stargazingstarkey @pogxe @t8-er-tot @amanecer-cora @rudths @x-lulu @pixelated-pogues​ @apoguecalledjj @hiddleless @sungieeeeeee @letsgotothehop @tcmhollnd @jjs--whore @jjswhore @miawantsapuppy @talksoprettyjjx @dani-c2 @hemmoemotional @kennedywxlsh @drew-starkey @beth-winchester21​ jj @teamnick​ @everyonesababe​ @infinitydols​ @ritasunflwr​ @jjaybank @theloveofpeterparker strikethrough means it wouldn’t let me tag you, and PLEASE let me know if there are any mistakes. also sorry this looks so weird..
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sophsicle · 3 years ago
hi !!!!!! i just spent that last 20 hours reading the entirety of choices and oh my god! i've never had a better excuse to ignore schoolwork and all other responsibilities.
you have no idea how badly i wish choices was a real paperback book that i could hold in my hands because i could seriously go through 8 pens trying to annotate every lingering thought i have about each page you write. it's brilliant i love it (even though i know you've heard this all before!!) the way you write the characters with such detail and relatability gets me every time. and more so to see how with each chapter and stage of the story (especially the time skip) they grow, they change, they learn. it truly feels like i'm seeing my friends grow up and start their lives together and it's so meaningful!! seeing the shift in relationship of lily and james going from friends to not friends to friends to lovers, the turmoil of sirius and remus forgiving eachother for keeping secrets and then just keeping more secrets , regulas having to make choices he doesn't want to make but has to time and time again never being able to break the cycle. the way that regulas and sirius both have a different relationship with speaking french. the way regulas speaks about an unborn draco. james trying to balance his feelings of lily and regulas. sirius and remus walking on eggshells with eachother because they both want eachother so badly, but they're so so so fragile. it's gut wrenching
i hate u for being canon compliant, i know it will hurt and nothing will soften the blow of the upcoming chapters. i'll probably make a million alternative endings in my head. always wondering what could've been if regulas had just run away to the potters house one summer during his years at hogwarts and never looked back. but i am at least a little excited to see how much your ending will break me. i've only cried over two fics in my entirely life and yours is one of them (important detail: i cried more at yours) and i hope u feel bad about it!!! thank you!!!
i do honestly hope one day someone finds a way to print this (on lulu or smth?? no idea) or finds a way to annotate on ao3 because i really really do have so many emotions running through my head on every paragraph that i have to find a way to express, either in ur ask box, a 3 hour long video essay on youtube or filling up my notes app until the app crashes.
it's 11:55pm rn, i started at chapter one yesterday morning and just finished chapter 46. im debating starting a spotify playlist for james and reg, making a pinterest board for the story, or just saying fuck it and rereading it from the beginning bc i am!! not going to be able to sleep after what you've done to me. thank you thank you i hate this thank you
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this all out! The only thing I really care about in stories is the characters so it really means a lot to me when people say that they feel like the characters in this fic are well developed and have depth and flaws and arcs etc. (honestly I also hope someone finds a way to print this and then tells me how because I am a lover of a well warn paperback book full of notes and highlights and I think it would be cool to get to hold this story in my hands y'know?) Sorry for the tears!!! But thank you again, I hope you like the rest of the fic! :) :)
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outer-bnks · 4 years ago
Two Burning Hearts Are Dared to Break (JJ x OC) Ch. 7
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
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In which Elle and Topper have a heart to heart after putting a drunk Rafe to bed.
Warning: mild swearing, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of being drunk/intoxicated
A/N: This chapter is a little short but here it is nonetheless. I have recently had a huge surge in motivation to continue this fic so let me know if there’s anything specific that you wanna see in it (fight scenes, confessions etc.). 
Hoping to update again soon, thanks for reading :)
Word count: 758
“And that’s how I ended up with a drunk Rafe on a Wednesday night”, Elle finished her story. She had explained everything to Topper, leaving out certain details about the gold and the Pogue’s that she knew weren’t for his ears. 
Topper nodded his head, studying her face for a second before drawing his eyes down to his hands that rested over the light blanket covering his legs. They’d been sitting on the couch for over two hours, with the lights on the dimmest setting. The cool Summer breeze flowing from the open glass porch doors and the sound of the crashing waves providing the perfect setting for emotions to be spilled.
“So, what’re you going to do about it all?” he pushed lightly, not wanting to make her feel any worse than she already was.
“Well, I don’t know if there’s much I can do. Clearly JJ doesn’t want anything to do with me, Kie and Pope seem to be in their own little world, and the only people who have actually asked how I’m going are you and Rafe”, she let out a slight chuckle, adding on “which is probably the strangest part of it all”.
“I know we’ve had our issues in the past Elle,” he started, making eye contact to ensure she was hearing him, his left hand reaching out and resting atop of her intertwined hands that she’d been fiddling with nervously, “but I’ll always care about you”.
Warmth creeped up her neck and flushed her cheeks, a smile gracing her face. “Thanks, Topp”.
“Um, there’s also something I should probably tell you,” Elle nodded, encouraging him to continue. “You know that night at the Church, when John B and Sarah were on the run?”, he asked, moving his eyes down to their hands still touching.
“Yeah what about it?”
“Well, I swapped clothes with John B”, he rushed out.
Elle stared at him for a moment, trying to understand what exactly he was telling her.
“What do you mean?”
“At the Church, I went up, knowing that they were in there, and I, uh… I was trying to show Sarah how serious I was about her, about us,” listening intently, Elle waited for him to finish. “She said that I could show her, by swapping clothes with John B.”
“So they could escape unnoticed?” Elle questioned, piecing the story together.
Humming in agreement, Topp flashed back to that night. Walking out of the Church with torchlights and guns pointed at him. He would never admit this to anyone but it was one of the scariest, yet proudest moments he’s had. Knowing that he was sacrificing himself for Sarah. His heart ached at the thought of her.
Elle was silent. Both stunned and comforted by Topper’s actions. Maybe some leopards do change their spots, she thought briefly. 
“That’s”, she paused, trying to find the right words, “um, that’s..” she tried again, “just, thank you.”
“I don’t deserve a thank you, I did the bare minimum Elle.”
“Yeah but you could have done nothing, and you didn’t. That says more about your character than you know Topp”.
Meeting her eyes once again, Topper felt his heartbeat accelerate, bewildered by her words. For as long as he can remember his mother has been picking his character apart piece by piece. His gaze flickered between her eyes to the freckles sprinkled across her face, down to her lips, noting how soft they looked. 
Elle could feel the warmth of breath against her lips causing her to inhale from their sudden proximity. The thought of leaning forward an inch to connect their lips briefly passed, before she suppressed it with logic. This guy had nothing but caused issues for the Pogue’s, was she really going to kiss him in a moment of weakness? Her mind flashed to golden hair and blue eyes, different to the ones currently in front of her, pulling back to reality.
She cleared her throat, brushing her hair behind her right ear. “It’s, uh, it’s probably time I head home, I’m exhausted”, she said as she rose from the couch. 
Topper ignored the sinking of his stomach, sighing slightly before nodding his head, “I can drop you home,” he offered, pushing his hands into pockets, an air of uncertainty surrounding them.
“It’s nearly 2am Topp, the Outer Banks isn’t exactly the most dangerous place after 10pm,” she laughed lightly.
“Maybe not, but there’s no way I’d be able to go to sleep knowing you’re walking home at this hour.”
Feeling surprised at Topper’s caring nature was a running theme tonight it seemed. 
Sending a shy smile his way, she nodded, praying that this leopard’s spots had permanently changed.
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thosethatglowgold · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Good Monday morning, lovely people. The summer heat is upon us, so best to stay indoors with a good book and stay cool. Use code SUMMER15 to get 15% off all print products at Lulu this week. Stay cool and Happy Reading!
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ahatintimestorybook · 5 years ago
AHIT Twin AU- Not so First Day
So here is a three part story the focuses on bullying. So a slight warning right there. This story does get angsty mainly in the 2nd part of this three part story, but the angst and hurt/comfort is still there in all three.
Also for the bullies I based them off the Lazy Paw Gang, reason was I’m too lazy to make three new characters so I just said “How about if I just made them based off of some enemies from AHIT”
“You boys ready for school?” Angela asked.
Luka and MJ smiled as they put away their plates. It was the first day of school for them and they were excited. It was a new year and that meant their 4th grade life was behind them; it was their final year of elementary school and time to prepare for middle school.
After putting away the dishes the boys went to grab their backpacks and were ready to dash out the door. “Hold it boys!” Richard called out. The boys skidded to a halt as they looked up at their father. “Now, its your first day of school and all, but this year is different. You know why?” He asked.
Luka and MJ looked at one another confused. “Um...We’re 5th graders now so this is our last year of elementary school?” MJ guesses.
“And were no longer kids and soon we’ll be young men.” Luka added.
Richard chuckled. “No. You guys magic now.” He corrected them. Luka and MJ looked at each other forgetting they got their powers over the summer, and now was their first time going to school with them. “and with that you boys must promise me something. Don’t use your magic.” He wanted them.
MJ and Luka looked at each other and sighed. MJ was hoping he can use his powers for going up against the Lazy Paw Trio, a trio of bullies that’s been picking on him since 4th grade. “I promise!” Luka replied, which got MJ out of his thoughts.
Richard smiled at his youngest son and then turned to his oldest son. “Michael.” He said waiting on his oldest son’s answer.
MJ sighed.”I promise.”
Richard gave a soft chuckle and ruffled his boys hair making them laugh. “Richard.” Angela sighed. “I just did the boys hair and now your messing it all up.” Angela sighed. She gave her husband a light shove before fixing her sons hair once again. “There you two look great.”
MJ and Luka chuckled. Soon they heard their bus arrive and realize they’ll be late. “Oh the bus!” MJ shouted before running out the door. “Bye mom! Bye dad! We’ll see you after school!”
“Bye mom! Bye dad! We love you!” Luka shouted.
“Love you boys too!” Richard and Angela shouted at the same time.
MJ and Luka finally made it on the bus and as usual sat down next to each other. So far they saw many of their old classmates and school mates all talking about their summer and their excitement for school. MJ and Luka gave a small smile, while they both had each other, they didn’t have that many friends. Being sons to a lawyer and being slightly rich it meant kids avoided you or bother you in hopes it would boost their popularity.
There would be times where one kid would like to be with MJ and not Luka and vice versa. There were like two or three kids who liked both the brothers as they are and not use them due to their status, but they were in a different class then them. The twins hoped they had a class with one of them.
The bus then made its stop in Horizon Elementary School and the kids ran out to the playground to meet up with their other friends. The twins stepped out of the bus and went to the playground themselves, but before they got to play kickball or just hang around MJ grabbed a red marker.
“Give me your hand, Lulu.” MJ commanded. Luka rolled his eyes, every year MJ had to write down the twin’s classroom number to make sure they won’t forget. MJ wrote 54 on Luka’s hand before writing it on his own. “Alright. Remember that in case we separate to do our own thing?”
“Yeah. Yeah MJ I know.” Luka sighed.
MJ chuckled before putting the marker back into his bag. As he put away the marker someone threw a ball to his head. “Ow!” He groaned. He turned hoping it was just a kid who missed the catch or a kid who threw the ball too hard. However, surprise, surprise it was three known kids MJ was hoping to avoid.
The Lazy Paw Trio: Robin, Blake and their leader Scott.
“Well, well, well look who it is gang?” Scott said. Blake and Robin chuckled as the trio walked towards the twins. MJ gulped, but Luka stood by his brother hoping to protect him from the trio. “Hello there, Mikey and mini Mikey.” Scott spat.
MJ and Luka glared at their bullies. Mostly they were MJ’s bullies, but that didn’t stop them from picking on MJ’s little twin brother.
“You two are still lame as usual.” Robin insulted.
Luka smirked ignoring the insult. “We’ll we've matured over the summer!” He beamed. “What about you three?”
Robin glared and was ready to swing at the younger twin before MJ pulled him and himself down and Robin punched Blake on the nose. “You missed!” Blake shouted.
“Sorry the runts escaped!” Robin shouted back. Scott noticed the twins were gone and looked around the entire playground for them. However, his two knuckleheads were ready to fight each other and he had to stop them before finding the twin brats.
Luckily, the twins hid behind the big tree of playground and peeked to make sure the bullies weren’t looking for them. MJ sighed and slid down to the ground, “That was close.”
“Yeah.” Luka replied. “Glad I saved your butt.” He nudged his older twin brother.
MJ chuckled and put his arm around Luka pulling him close. “You and your tricks, Lulu.” Luka giggled as his brother wasn’t mad that he was at the risk of being punched in the face. The two stayed behind the tree the remainder of the morning till the bell ran to go back to class.
“Remember our room number?” MJ asked.
Luka smiled and showed his hand where MJ written the number. “I have!” He replied. MJ smiled as her and Luka started their first day of class together.
However, MJ was disappointed on who else joined them in class. That’s right, the Lazy Paw Trio and they also sat behind the twins giving the trio an advantage to throw things, and even put stuff behind MJ’s back.
Luka gulped and gave a smile to his brother as a sign to tell him “it can’t be that bad”, but the glare his older twin gave him made Luka quickly frown and faced the board. Since it was the first day back at school, there wasn’t much other then to relax, get to know each other, and learn what 5th grade had to offer them.
As they were reading and taking notes about what the class had to offer MJ’s eyes started to blur out the words on the board. Like a few kids he sat closer despite he and Luka sitting two rows from the board. The teacher of the class, Miss. Alpine looked at the older twin with worry. “Michael are you okay?” She asked.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine just can’t see.” MJ replied.
Miss. Alpine frowned and went over to her desk and pulled out a piece of paper. She wrote down on it and placed it on Luka’s desk. “Give it to your brother.” Miss. Alpine whispered. Luka nodded and went back to writing.
The Lazy Paw Trio looked at one another and smirked, now they just needed to read what their teacher had gave to their victim. Robin was able to look over Luka’s desk and saw the letter and chuckled at her two members.
“Glasses.” She whispered. Scott and Blake held their laughter so they wouldn’t get caught laughing. As they were holding it in Luka looked behind the trio and saw they were playing it cool now to avoid suspicion. The younger twin glared and signaled to them he’s got his eyes on them before finishing writing down notes.
When MJ was done, he sat back down and Luka handed him the note. MJ read it and sighed; first his bullies are in the same class and now he needed reading glasses. As much as MJ wanted to groan and faint he just put his head down for a moment.
By lunch and recess, the twins were happy to get out of class and at least hide out in the playground to be away from their bullies. As they made it there Scott and Blake pushed the twins away with Scott patting MJ in the back.
The older twin glared as he tried to feel his back and felt a piece of paper. “Read it for me Luka.” MJ said glaring at the bullies.
Luka did what his older brother told him and saw the piece of paper. On it was a poorly drawn picture of his older twin brother with large big glasses over his eyes with insults written all over the paper. MJ glared and crumpled up the paper and throwing it away before walking away.
“M-MJ?” Luka asked.
“Leave me alone Luka!” MJ snapped. Luka jumped from his brother’s anger and stood there as MJ walked away to be alone. Luka frowned and waited a bit before following his twin brother. It didn’t take him too long to find his brother sitting down at the same tree they were sitting under earlier. MJ looked up at his younger twin brother before turning away not wanting to talk.
Luka sat down next to MJ and the two sat in silence as they watched their classmates play together. Luka kept glancing at his twin brother trying to say something to cheer him up. It took him a while, but Luka was able to speak up. “I-it may be bad now, but its just the first day.” MJ looked up and turned to his younger brother. “In the coming weeks I’m sure it will get better.”
“You sure?” MJ asked.
Luka nodded. “Positively.” He replied.
MJ really wasn’t sure, but seeing how positive Luka was being despite yelling at him a moment ago showed how much Luka still loved him no matter what. MJ gave a smile and put his arm around his little brother. “Sorry for snapping at you Lulu.” MJ apologized.
Luka chuckled. “Its alright Mikey!” The two brothers smiled and sat down till it was time to have lunch.
A week has passed, and the bullies continued to mock the twins. MJ finally got his glasses and was worried about wearing them today. “Hey welcome back four eyes!” Blake shouted. The trio laughed as MJ looked down realizing he had to wear glasses today.
“Welcome back Geek!” Scott shouted as well.
“Real mature guys!” Luka replied. The bullies stopped laughing and looked at Luka. “Those jokes about glasses are so 3rd grade. Come up with some 5th grade jokes.” The bullies glared at Luka and surrounded the younger twin. Luka wasn’t scared at all of these bullies.
“Luka stop.” MJ begged trying to pull his little brother away so he wouldn’t cause a fight. Soon, Scott shoved MJ aside making him fall.
“Stay out of this Geek!” Scott snapped.
Luke glared. “Hey don’t push my brother like that!” Luka shouted pushing Scott aside. Scott glared and kicked Luka in shin making the younger twin yelp and hold his knee tight.
“Luka!” MJ shouted.
Scott chuckled. “See you two, I told you MJ’s wimpy little brother was just as week as him.” He revealed. The Lazy Paw Trio laughed as Luka looked up at them with a glare on his face. He found the trio’s backpacks and glared at it.
Since they Lazy Paw Trio were focused on laughing, Luka was able to get away with what he was about to do. His eyes glowed golden yellow as smoke started to come from their bags. MJ took notice of his younger twin using magic, and before anyone could notice he grabbed his little brother, picked him up which made Luka stop using magic.
“You okay?” MJ asked.
“I-I’m fine.” Luka replied. MJ took Luka somewhere private to discus what the peck he just did.
They decided to be at the back of the school away from the playground and once they were alone MJ glared at his little brother. “Are you crazy!” MJ snapped. “What did dad tell us about our…” he paused to see if any kid was hearing them. “Magic.” MJ whispered to be on the safe side.
Luka sighed. “Look, I wasn’t going to have these fools keep picking on you like that!” He shouted. “You’ve been picked by them since 3rd grade and all I’ve done was make side jokes and made sure you weren’t going to be sent to the nurses office!” He explained. “They need to be taught a lesson and I will give them the lesson they deserved!” Luka growled his hand turning black as flames re-appeared.
MJ gulped and grabbed Luka’s hands to hide the flames. He looked around and sighed, “I know you want to stop those jerks, but remember we can’t use our magic.”
Luka frowned feeling guilty he disobeyed his dad’s order. “I-I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He whimpered.
MJ frowned and hugged his brother. “Same here. I’d rather take a beating from those fools then seeing you end up hurt.” Luka was ready to cry and hugged his older brother back. Despite the bullying and the first week of school not going as they hoped, the twins knew they had each other’s back no matter what.
The two brothers hugged each other for a while till the bell rang. Once the bell rang the two brothers let go of each other and walked to class together.  “So what did you do to the bullies backpack?” MJ asked.
Luka chuckled and smirked. “Not their backpack, but their homework.” He corrected. MJ and Luka shared a laughed going to class. They couldn’t wait too see the look on their bullies face at what happened to their homework.
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prince-claremont-diaz · 5 years ago
étoiles et fleurs
Summary: Lucas is next in line for the throne, about to be engaged to marry a young noble woman and he hates it. That is, until he runs into the curious florist, Eliott, on a walk through the city. Lucas has little choices in life, but will one of them be Eliott?
Word count: 2.9k 
Warnings: none
ao3 version:
Lucas sighed, putting his book down on his knees and turning to look out the window and onto the grounds. The massive garden was alive with colour, the lawn a vibrant green, flowers of every kind covering the hedges and trees and bushes. Roses and marigolds and lilies and carnations, perfectly trimmed and watered.
That day, it was a particularly clear afternoon, only a few pale white clouds bobbing along the pale blue June sky. Lucas could see one of the gardeners out with his clippers, trimming the hedges neatly.
Lucas looked along the corridor for any signs of life, tilting his head back against the window frame, tucking his knees in closer on the bay window. He could barely get a second of peace anymore now that he was technically dating Chloé. Although it was hardly dating since it was arranged and he couldn't stand the girl. The more he got to know her, the more he realised she was physically incapable of not talking, always going on and on about complete nonsense. She talked his ear off at dinner about annoying servants, complained in the garden about friends back home, babbled in the library about her new clothes she was sent.
Opening his book once again, Lucas pushed all thoughts about Chloé out of his mind and continued to read his book.
He was almost onto the next chapter, starting to get into the scene, when he heard quick footsteps behind him, followed by someone grabbing his shoulders. Lucas startled, dropping his book onto the floor with a thud and spinning around so fast his neck clicked. When he came face to face with none other than Yann, his startled frown melted into a grin. "You gave me a fucking heart attack, Yann!" he whined, shoving his friend and getting off the window sill.
Yann snorted, shoving his shoulder back. "Don't be such a drama queen—sorry, prince. It's not my fault you're jumpier than a kitten," Yann replied, smirking and jumping out of the way of Lucas' swat. "Oho, that's not very nice, is it? I know I'm just a servant, but surely you don't have to be so cruel!" Yann mocked defense, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.
"Can I help you, Yann?" Lucas asked, crossing his own arms.
Yann shrugged casually, plopping onto the windowsill with his back against the window. "Shouldn't I be asking you that, your Royal Highness?" Yann teased. He digressed, straightening up. "But really, no. Mum let me go for a wander and I was bored so I came to exactly where I knew you'd be."
"How'd you know I'd be here? No one else knows about this area," Lucas asked, furrowing his eyebrows together, "No one ever comes here because it's not even near any staff quarters."
"Oh, Lulu, you underestimate me," Yann replied, "Of course I know where you hide from your little girlfriend. You're far too predictable, really." Lucas rolled his eyes. "A distant, mostly deserted corner of the castle which is relatively close to the library and has a good enough view of the gardens? Hmm, I wonder how I figured out you'd be here…"
Lucas leaned against the wall by the window and slid down to the floor with his back against the wall. "Okay, so maybe I am a little predictable," Lucas admitted. He lifted his fallen book and flattened out its pages, closing it properly and setting it down by his side. "But can you blame me for hiding? That girl never stops. I needed a break before dinner later on."
"How on earth would I ever manage to talk to her, Lucas?" Yann deadpanned, staring at Lucas, "I'm just the butler's son and she's a noble who is soon-to-most-likely-be-engaged to the heir to the throne."
Lucas groaned, shut his eyes and hit his head against the wall. "Fuck. Sorry," he muttered, "I don't use my head at all."
Yann poked his nose with his finger. "No, you don't," Yann said, "But it's okay. I forgive you."
They fell into amicable silence, Yann watching the gardener water the plats while Lucas fiddled with the pages of his book, legs outstretched in front of him. If he really strained, Lucas could just about hear the chirping of birds outside the window.
"Do you really think I'm going to have to be engaged to Chloé?" Lucas asked after they had been sitting in silence for almost 20 minutes. He looked over his shoulder, making Yann turn his head from the window down to him.
Yann sighed, placing a comforting hand on one of Lucas' shoulders. "I hate to break it to you, but yes," Yann admitted sadly, "Most likely. She's from a noble family that has pretty much always backed your family and she's been basically living here since late April. And you're of marrying age. I think it's safe to say you'll be engaged at least by the end of summer."
Lucas groaned, falling onto his side on the itchy carpet, burying his face in his hands. "But I don't want to marry her," Lucas whined, distorted by his hands, "She's annoying and talks too much and I'm not even 21 yet. I don't wanna marry anybody yet." Yann climbed off the bay window and settled down beside Lucas, forcing him to sit up. "I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I really hate being the prince." Lucas rested his head on Yann's shoulder, scowling.
Yann reached up and patted his head. "I know, Lucas," he said, "I'm sorry." Lucas frowned deeper, glancing sideways.
"Sorry? What for?"
"Even though you're a royal and have all these privileges, at least I have more choices in life than you."
Dinner that evening was a disaster. Lucas' father called him out for hiding from Chloé all day because she asked multiple people where he was (including the king!). This turned into his father yelling about duty and chivalry and honour and how Lucas would never be a good enough king. Chloé cried, his mother left the dining hall shaking, his father accidentally broke a plate slamming his hand on it in anger and Lucas stormed out of the dining hall with his hands curled into tight fists.
Lucas burst into the hallway, pacing the floor and breathing heavily, tightening and loosening his fists. The doors to the dining hall swung open again and Manon hurried out, holding up her scarlet dress, hair a mess. Lucas was hunched, leaned against the wall, eyes burning with hot tears as he tried to keep himself from punching the wall out of anger.
"Lucas? Lucas, are you okay?" she asked, striding over to him. She held his fists in both her hands, uncurling his fingers to reveal red rimmed crescents indenting his palms. "He's wrong, Lucas. None of that is true. You'll be a far better king than he ever has been, okay? You have more chivalry and honour in your big toe than he does in his entire body." She wiped the tears from his cheeks, smiling sadly.
"But what if he's not wrong? What if, when I become king, I ruin everything?" Lucas cried, sniffling. "And I'm hardly ready to marry anyone nevermind her."
"Maybe if you tell mother—"
Lucas cut her off and shoved her away. "No! I'm never going to be satisfied with my spouse and you know it," Lucas snapped, "I'll never be happy enough with who I marry and our parents won't ever care." Manon started to reply, but Lucas was already marching out of the hallway, heels clicking on the stone floor.
"Lucas, where are you going?" Manon called after him, hands on her hips and worried frown on her face.
"Out! Anywhere is better than here!" he called over his shoulder, storming down a flight of stairs. He heard Manon's heels following him down the stairs frantically, hair flowing behind her and skirt bunched into her fists. "You're not stopping me, Manon."
"Come on, Lucas. Don't do this. You can't just leave the castle."
Lucas stopped and spun around, fresh tears in his eyes, making Manon blur in his vision. "I'm just going for a walk, okay? I'll be back later." And before Manon could protest further, Lucas spun back around and stormed out the front doors once again.
It was sunset by the time Lucas reached the middle of the city. He was mostly calm now, walking through the winding streets. The evening air was cool against his skin, having neglected wearing a coat, which left him in his simple white button down. All the market stalls were shut for the night as well, only a few shops and restaurants still open. The streets were almost deserted and Lucas only passed a handful of people, thankfully. He was considering turning back, shivering with cold, when he stumbled upon a small florists still open, warm light flooding onto the dim street.
Lucas pulled his sleeves over his hands and stepped inside the shop. He was instantly overwhelmed by the strong floral scent filling the air, along with the pleasant heat coming from a small fireplace in the corner. Lucas glanced around the entire store, brushing his fingers over the soft petals and leaves, occasionally leaning down to smell one.
"Hello," a voice said in his ear. Lucas lept to the side, whipping his head up, eyes wide. He found himself barely an inch away from the same florist from the market stall pess than a month ago.
"Fuck, you scared me!" Lucas exclaimed, clutching his chest.
The man chuckled, eyes crinkling as he smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to!" he replied, still laughing, "I was just coming to see if my customer needed anything. Looks like I found my favourite one."
Lucas flushed, distracting himself by fidgeting with the stem of a gloxinia.
"It's been a while. I was starting to think you were a dream," the man continued, "Or at least that you weren't coming back." The man was standing so close to Lucas he could feel his breath on the side of his face and neck. It sent a chill down his spine.
"Yeah, I've been, uh, busy," Lucas replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "And I live just outside of the city, so it's hard to come here often, I guess."
"What a shame," the man said. "Where's your companion from last time? The magnolia girl."
Lucas snorted at the memory. "She's back home. I came here myself."
The man nodded and clapped his hands together once. "Right. Well, can I do anything for you today?" he asked, stepping away finally to gesture towards the flowers surrounding them. "I'm Eliott, by the way. I don't believe I introduced myself last time. Silly me." He held out his hand in front of Lucas.
Lucas shook his hand, lingering for far too long to be considered normal. "Lu—Louis."
Eliott smirked, a knowing glint in his eye. He's onto me. "Well, Louis, what can I do for you? Another arrangement for a special someone?" Eliott asked with a teasing lilt to his voice. He gestured around the shop again. "I can do loads of different bouquets for all occasions."
Lucas stepped past Eliott further into the shop, looking around the room at the seemingly endless array of flowers filling the room. They were set in baskets and vases and paper bags on the wall, overlapping endlessly in a rainbow of petals and leaves and ribbons. Lucas made his way all the way to the back of the shop where he found a bunch of parchment stuck to the wall, adorned with what looked like pressed azaleas and peonies.
"They're my favourite flowers," Eliott said, appearing by Lucas' side, "They symbolise my soul. Like spirit flowers or something."
Lucas walked ever closer to the wall, lightly touching one of the azalea petals. "So like floriography?" Lucas asked casually, glancing sideways at Eliott. Eliott's smile softened, looking down at Lucas through his lashes.
He nodded. "Yeah. Exactly like that."
"So." Lucas turned his entire body towards Eliott, who mirrored him. "What flowers am I? What's my soul flower?" Lucas asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly, suggestively.
A sharp intake of breath. A grin. A pause. Eliott looked Lucas up and down thoughtfully, tilting his head to the side. The silence in the air hung heavy and charged, but no less comfortable. "I don't know. I'll think about it," Eliott said after a moment. "Maybe come back and I'll have one in mind."
"Okay then…" Lucas turned around, circling the store once again. "Will you make me an arrangement at least? Any that you like. Any occasion you can think of," he said, walking backwards, grinning. Eliott followed him, eyes full of mirth.
"Now that I can do." And then Eliott was hurrying around the small shop, knocking down baskets and grabbing flowers here and there seemingly haphazardly. Lucas hopped up onto the cash desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he watched Eliott hurtling around the room collecting the flowers for the bouquet. It was the most fun Lucas had had in weeks, watching Eliott stumble and scatter around, a man on a mission, barely pausing for breath.
After five minutes, Eliott came over to the table with a bundle of flowers, laying them down and searching through the stack of ribbons. He pulled out a baby blue one and went to work arranging the flower assortment into the way he liked. Lucas watched with interest, giggling when Eliott dropped flowers or struggled over tying the neat bow to perfection. Finally, after making sure the bouquet was satisfactory, Eliott presented the bouquet with a flick of the wrist, holding it up for Lucas to take.
Lucas gasped as he looked over the arrangement. It was made with gloxinias, yellow tulips, white carnations and a few sprigs of heathers, all bunched together perfectly tied with the baby blue ribbon. Love at first sight, loveliness, admiration, Lucas thought to himself. The mixture of flowers smelled divine. Lucas glanced back up at Eliott, cheeks burning, and smiled flirtatiously. Eliott watched Lucas inspecting the floral arrangement, smirking, eyes glinting hopefully. Lucas took another whiff of the bouquet, eyes closing with contentment.
He looked back at Eliott and raised his eyebrows. "This is quite the selection of flowers you chose," Lucas said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Well I thought they would suit you, now," Eliott replied simply, "I'm glad you like it." He stepped forwards, closing the majority of the gap between them. He was only a few inches away, warm breath hitting Lucas' face with mint and coffee. Lucas sucked in a breath, eyes wide as he peered up at the taller man with awe and something he thought was attraction. Lucas could have sworn he saw a similar look in Eliott's bright eyes that stared straight into his soul.
"How much is the bouquet?" Lucas asked, taking a step back and clearing his throat.
Eliott blinked, stepping back as well, face falling briefly before returning to a polite smile. Lucas' heart fell with it. "You can have it for free," Eliott said, "Take it as a gift from me."
"Are you sure? I assure you I can afford it—"
Eliott nodded. "I insist. Your sweetheart must get gifts like these often. Perhaps you should get something for a change." Eliott pushed the bouquet closer to Lucas' chest, still forcing a polite smile. Lucas caught Eliott's wrist, staring at him.
"Thank you, Eliott."
Eliott gulped. He glanced at Lucas' grasp on his wrist and back at Lucas, eyes wide. "I'm serious. No one's ever done something like this for me. So, thank you," Lucas repeated, deadly serious. His heart was racing with the intensity in the air between them, eyes burning from staring at Eliott so long.
"Well, I'm glad I can be the one to do it for you," Eliott replied, finally breaking their eye contact, glancing at the bouquet. "You deserve—"
"Eliott? Are you ready to go?"
Lucas ripped his hand off of Eliott's wrist, jumping back and nearly tossing his flowers behind him. Both men turned towards the door to the shop where a young woman was standing looking at them curiously. She glanced at Lucas and he turned away, avoiding her eyes.
Eliott peered at Lucas and back at the woman. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "Lucille. I apologise, but I was just speaking with this customer and, er, got a bit distracted," Eliott replied, moving towards the back of the shop and disappearing behind the desk. Lucas watched the exchange with his heart at his knees, face scarlet.
Lucas took a deep breath, straightening his trousers and pushing past the woman–Lucille and into the street. "Thanks for the flowers, sir," he said over his shoulder, ignoring the woman and looking at Eliott behind her. "The recipient will love them, I'm sure," he added cryptically, smiling politely. Lucas turned fully away and began his trek back down the street, sighing.
"I'll see you again soon, sir." Lucas stopped walking. He turned back around and found Eliott standing outside of the shop, hands in his pockets. Lucille was unlocking the door to the shop, back turned to them. "Please." Lucille finished, turning to face Eliott and Lucas.
Lucas nodded stiffly, gesturing with the flowers. "If you can find my soul flower, I'll certainly be back for more of these arrangements," he replied. Before Eliott even had the chance to react or reply, Lucas was already hurrying away down the street. He looked down at the bouquet once again and couldn't help but smile despite the discomfort caused by the girl interrupting them.
Maybe he would be coming back to the city more often.
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collecting-stories · 5 years ago
Artwork - JJ Maybank
Request: Hey! I've read your entire masterlist 😶😬😂 I was wondering if you could do something with jj x reader and she's an artist. Idk I was painting and thought of it, maybe a paint fight or something
A/N: I incorporated the pandemic a little lol. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Eyes closed, JJ was laying on your bed, an old quilt stretched out underneath him. It was nearing the 100s outside but inside the air was kicked up and your fan was on, blowing cool air across the bed. JJ was on his back, shirt off, muscles tensing and then relaxing again each time that your brush ran cold paint over his tan skin.  
Quaratine had eaten up most of your summer plans but you had made an entire list of ‘at home’ things that you’d seen on pinterest and tiktok to occupy your time and naturally, you’d roped JJ into most of them. He’d made stickers with you and redecorated CD’s and painted your bedroom. Today’s activity was painting. It had started on regular canvas but had somehow moved to JJ’s back being used as the canvas.  
Bright yellow sunflowers, hints of blue in the background, covered JJ’s skin from the base of his neck to just above his swim trunks. You sat straddling him, a small paint brush in your hand as you finished the last few details. JJ whined at an especially ticklish swipe too close to his side and you bit your lip as he pressed his mouth into his arm to stop from making any more noise.
“I’m almost done.” You promised, careful of the wet paint on his back as you leaned forward to kiss the part of his shoulder that was decorated.  
“Good, I get to do your back after this.” JJ replied.  
“Uh...no.” You shook your head as you grabbed your phone off the bed beside you to take a picture of your handiwork. “I hate to break it to you babe but you aren’t exactly Picasso.”
“I’m assuming that’s some art dude.” JJ said, turning his head slightly, eyes still closed. He smiled like he knew you were taking a picture and you tapped your phone, the flash flickering over him for a second.  
“It is some art dude, yes.” You laughed, climbing off of him as carefully as possible, trying not to smudge your handiwork.  
“Yeah well I could totally paint better than him.” He replied. JJ got up off the bed, stretching his arms up over his head and you bit your lip watching him flex, the muscles in his abs tensing and then relaxing. The artwork on his back was beautiful but you’d argue that nothing compared to actually looking at him. JJ was his own artwork.
“Seriously?” He grinned.  
“Seriously. I’ll let you paint on my back.” You conceded, knowing it was pointless to argue. There was no way you had the will power or discipline to say no to any of JJ’s suggestions, even if that meant your back ended up looking like a three-year old’s finger-painting experiment.
“Alright, you know the drill...strip.”
You rolled your eyes at him but pulled your shirt off over your head. Your sports bra went next, dropping it beside the bed before you laid down, getting situated. “You know how lucky you are, you can just lay down you don’t have to like readjust your boobs so they’re not squashed.”  
“You could sit up,” JJ suggested, climbing on the bed, his knees settling on either side of your hips, “then I could paint and have a nice view at the same time.”  
Even with your eyes closed you could tell that JJ was no doubt looking at the mirrored closet door that sat across from the end of your bed. “I’ll stay laying down. You’ll see enough of me when I wash this off later.”
“Wash it off? Please you’ll be begging them to do a living art piece in the MoMa.” He replied. “That’s what it’s called right? The MoMa?”  
“Yeah...it’s called the MoMa.” You smiled knowing that he had remembered. God knows that you had sent him an onslaught of photos sneakily taken inside of the MoMa when you went up to New York with your mom last summer to look at art colleges in NYC.
The first brush of paint ran across your skin and you couldn’t help tensing, the coolness of it shocking you slightly. JJ’s free hand pressed into your back, just above your ass, thumb massaging your skin gently as he continued to paint.  
Your talent in art was as good as JJ’s was bad. While you were thinking of pursuing a degree in art and had been taking private lessons since you were ten, JJ could barely manage a stick figure. That didn’t matter though, whether he could actually draw or not he could appreciate your art. He was an antsy person by nature but he’d sat almost perfectly still for hours at a time for sketches. Everytime you took part in an art show, even if they were just small, local fairs, he got excited about it.  
“What are you painting?” You asked, trying to tilt your head to catch a peek at what colors he was using. You’d done sunflowers on his back because if anyone reminded you of the flower it was JJ. It helped that they were his favorite, something he’d mentioned in passing once when you first started dating. Followed defensively by ‘guys can like flowers too’ not that you had said anything to contradict that.
“You’ll see.”  
“It better not be a dick or something!”
“It’s not a dick! I’m a serious artist here and I am offended that you would even suggest that to me.” JJ replied, sounding offended.  
You hummed skeptically. JJ dipped his brush in the blue, mixing it around on the palette board with the white. It was messier than yours usually looked but he ignored it, running the brush over your back and smiling a little at the actual picture coming together.  
He took his time, just like you had, mixing different shades of blue and adding detail, shading, all the pieces of technique that he had watched you incorporate when you painted. When he was finally finished he grabbed his phone to take a picture, the same way you had taken his picture.  
“I think it looks fucking awesome, if I do say so myself.” He mused.  
“Can I see it or are you just gonna keep sitting on me?”  
“Tempting but...I’ll move.” He climbed off of you careful of the paint.  
You climbed off the bed, holding your arms in front of you as you turned to look in the mirror. JJ had painted waves across your back with a bright sun over your shoulder. You couldn’t help smiling at his handiwork, better than you’d thought it’d look but also, being islanders there was nothing the two of you loved more than the beach. It’d been there that you’d met and there that you’d had your first date.  
“I think you’re right, I might end up putting myself on display in the MoMa.” You said, looking over at your boyfriend and smiling.  
“Not to shabby huh? I’ll be stealing your scholarship soon.” He teased.  
“Oh definitely.”
“You know what we should get?” He asked, moving your art supplies off your bed and over to your desk to be washed later.
“What?” You asked, skeptical.
“Those edible paints.” He replied, “we could do some finger painting on each other.”
“Oh god you are...” You shook your head at him, already knowing where his mind was going. “You better buy me sheets to cover my bed...I’m not washing that shit out afterward.”  
“So that’s a yes.”
“Unbelievably, yes.”
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @jolomez @timotaychalabae
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lexi-pup · 5 years ago
Perfectly Perfect: Prologue (Self-insert fic)
Title: Perfectly Perfect
Rating: General for the time being. Maybe Teen and up later for possible swearing(Most likely) and sexy times(I doubt it though) but for now it’s G.
Relationship: Steelbeak x Self Insert Lexi
Genre: Family/Friendship and eventually Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Summary: Just a bit of backstory for my oc. Steelbeak will appear in chapter 1.
Other: This takes place shortly after the Double O Duck episode and in the year 2019. So the kids are 12 years old. Launchpad should be about 32 years old. I know Steelbeak is in his 20s but I’m going to bump him to be LP’s age. 5 year age difference(roughly) is a lot better to me than like 10 years. Since I think Donald and Della are about 36 or 37 now and she’s the same age as them.
Author’s Note: 
Here’s the other dumb idea I came up with when I was suffering from insomnia the other night. 
I was going to make her a bird but stuck with dog since the main family is all ducks and Duckworth is the only canine honorary family member/friend that I can think of. 
Also the title was between Perfectly Perfect and Lucky One both by Simple Plan. After listening to both several times on loop, I felt PP was the better choice. So there’s a fun fact.
Prologue(You’re here!) - Next Chapter 
During the summer and after her 6th Birthday, Lexi Lulu, a Dognose, moved from Ohio to Duckburg, Calisota.
Her and her family were fully moved in by the time she started Kindergarten at an expensive private school.
Lexi was always super shy and likely has social anxiety. But she still had friends back in Ohio. So having to make new friends at a new school that she never went to before was making her anxious.
To make things worse, she had to do speech classes due to her speech impairment. And as such, would leave during one of her classes every week to meet with the speech teacher. Usually it was during something fun like Gym or Art Class. But it was only once a week.
It was still the first week of school when a duckling named Della came up to her to see if she wanted to play. As the girls walked over to the little kitchen area, they introduced themselves.
“My name’s Della Duck!” Della said. “You weren’t in my preschool class, right? Or were you in the other one?”
“I’m Lexi. And no. I moved here during the summer.” Lexi replied.
“Oh cool! You’ll like Duckburg!” Della grinned.
As the two continued to talk and play, Della couldn’t help but notice something familiar to her.
“Hey do you do speech classes or something?” Della asked.
“Not yet. I think I’m suppose to start next week.” Lexi said.
“Okay. Maybe you’ll have that with my twin brother! He has a speech problem too. But you talk better than him. He’s in the other Kindergarten class though. I don’t know why they split us up both this year and last year.”
“I don’t know either. Does he have lunch at the same time as us?” Lexi decided to ask.
“Uh huh! You can eat with us and I’ll introduce you to him. You already have something in common!” Della nodded.  
Later at lunch, Lexi and Donald met and instantly hit it off. As they expected, they had the same speech class together too. It made them both feel better that someone else had a similar problem and insecurity.
The years went by and they continued to remain best friends. She was actually at their Uncle Scrooge’s mansion so often that he took to calling her his niece too and allowed her to call him uncle.
When they were teens, she started going on all kinds of adventures with the three of them.
Donald started college about a year or two after high school and met Panchito and Jose. But Lexi and Della chose to keep going on adventures instead of college for a while. Scrooge decided to let Lexi move into one of the rooms in the mansion since she was going on adventures so often.
At one point, Lexi was in a relationship with Jose, but they mutually broke it off when they knew they couldn’t move permanently from their respective countries. So he moved back to Brazil sometime later.
A few years later when she, Donald, and Della were about 25, Lexi decided to go to college and take a break from adventuring. During that time, Donald had joined the Navy and even started going on adventures again while Panchito returned to Mexico.
The summer after her first year, Lexi’s niece was born. Months later in the following year, Della had three eggs. 
Fortunately, nothing happened to her brother or sister-in-law. Yet she was always watching her niece when they needed her to. Della took to helping more often when she found out about her own kids.
But when Della went missing after going into space, Lexi quit college.
The Ducks and McDucks had become like another family to her. With Della gone, Lexi knew Donald would need help raising the boys.
She tried to talk to Scrooge for months but he gave her the silent treatment. Or started yelling and threatening her. Simply misplacing his anger for what happened and taking it out on Lexi, especially after Donald took the boys and went no-contact.
Duckworth helped her move in with Donald for the time being since she was no longer welcomed to the mansion. But it made it easier to help Donald out while being under one roof.
As the kids grew up, she started being called Aunt Lexi by them. It started when her niece, Hailey, was over to play and called her it to get her attention. The boys asked if they could do the same since she was helping raise them and was basically their aunt despite not being related by blood or through marriage. Of course, they were fine with this. Lexi even saw them as her nephews too.
When the boys were about 5 or 6 and going to school, Lexi felt it was time to move out since the house boat was getting smaller as they grew older and bigger.
Lexi found a house nearby and began working from home so she watched the kids after school at her place since Donald, her brother, and sister-in-law worked until 5 or 6 PM.  
They were still mourning Della and Lexi was still upset at how her friendship with Scrooge ended. But overall, everything was fine now.
At one point, they noticed the boys introduce Hailey as their ‘cousin’ just like how Donald and Della did with her. So knowing the kids were getting along great was enough to make them happy.
Sure there were fights, but nothing more than the usual sibling or other relatives fights.
That said, they struggled with money since even though they weren’t living together, she was still paying Donald child support to help out. After all, she lived with herself and her turtle. That was barely two mouths to feed compared to his four. And Donald struggled with keeping jobs.
When the kids were 10 years old, Lexi had gone out of town to visit family back in Ohio with her parents and her brother’s family. So Donald needed a babysitter since she wasn’t home at the time. His only option? The uncle they haven’t spoken to in 10 years.
She was surprised when she returned home and found out that they had reconnected and Scrooge allowed them to move in with him. Especially after the house boat blew up.
Lexi went to visit one day when she was off work and her and Scrooge had a talk that they both knew needed to happen. He apologized for taking his anger out on her all those years ago. And even offered her old room to her so she can officially join the family again.
She gladly took it and moved in shortly after Donald and the boys did.
Soon, she discovered that she would quickly gain another niece that year in Webby. The following year after Lena was brought back, she started considering her as another niece too.
It was now 2019 and about a month or two after the Moonvasion happened. The aliens that stayed on Earth are living peacefully now.
After finding out she quit college to help raise her boys, Della more or less forced her to go back to school despite being in her mid-30s now.
So here she was at the library. Hailey, Huey, and Violet joined her since they made their own little book club. So while they looked for a new book to read and sat at a different table in her line of sight, she sat at a computer to do her homework.
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