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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
I was in good fun, called Suresh's public defender yesterday and I feel like I need to uphold my title...so here we go
In the case of Suresh vs The People @litglola presented us with evidence as to why Suresh isn't getting a redemption arc, and rather why FB never intended to give him one. I'll proceed with my evidence as to why not only is he getting one, but he definitely deserves one. Not going to go line by line on her theory, more so just showcasing why i feel like we are getting a redemption arc. 
Please no hate to Lola💖 she scared the shit out of me with her theory so I had to write this to calm my own nerves 😭
There are multiple instances this season where people ask MC if she wants to take Suresh back, Suresh asks MC to take her back, and people just give their overall opinion on the matter. And there’s one thing that is said over and over again. IT’S GOING TO TAKE TIME. FB tells you from the beginning that if you want Suresh, settle in because it’s going to be a while. Even if you choose the options where you actively want Suresh back, MC still tells Suresh “he needs to pull out all the stops.” She tells Dana “He’s got a long way to go to win me back.” Alfie says “Yeah, might take a while to work out where your heads at.” Suresh says "It's how it ends, not how it starts. And it feels like we're just getting started again now." And then later, “I’ll give you all the space you need. I'm ready to play the long game.” On the date Finn takes MC on he tells her she shouldn’t look backwards and you have an opportunity to tell you still have feelings for Suresh and he says ``is that enough to heal all the wounds though?” And MC responds “MAYBE IT JUST TAKES TIME”.  TIME. TIME. TIME. They told us from the very start, we’re getting a redemption but it’s going to take time. Why give us all these hints leading us in the path of a long-waited redemption,if they weren’t giving us a redemption arc? And think about it his redemption isn’t going to come overnight, they’ve already told us multiple times throughout the season it’s going to take time. 
This isn’t just true after Casa Amor but throughout the entire season. When they first walk into the villa, he pretends to not be threatened by the other boys but then in the same breath says to MC “Surprised to see you taking a break from riling me up.” And here’s the thing you could’ve kept it SUPER PG with the boys, even pieing them off but Suresh always gives you the same reaction. He always believes that MC is flirting with the other guys and trying to move on from him. But he’s not even the only one, Finn also tells MC that the boys in the villa are crazy about her and Eddie pulls her to tell her that Alfie is crazy about her as well. Suresh has to know all of this. And with MC hanging out with them, laughing at their jokes, going on dates with them, etc. This has to make him MASSIVELY insecure about where he stands with her. It’s why he pulls Alfie for a chat about MC and tells him the only reason why she’s flirting with him is to make him jealous. It’s why he confronts her about it and tells her that she’s just playing games to put him off. Boldly claiming “I’m going to win you back. I know I said I need to convince you, and I will.” But it doesn’t end there, GUYS MC ASKS HIM FOR SPACE atm
the game forces MC to pull back from Suresh when he’s feeling vulnerable about his position with her. Which again is a CONSTANT this season
we will get back to this again.  
I think we learn a lot about MC + Suresh’s dynamics, when they speak to one another and when we hear MC speaking about him to the other islanders. Suresh claims MC plays games and MC claims the same about him. “Suresh has a habit of making things complicated but I don’t think he would sabotage me on purpose.” Honestly, I think FB wants us to see that they’re both toxic and messy. Because let’s remember FB wants you to flirt with Alfie, they want you to be coupled with him and for it to appear to Suresh that you’re moving on. Which is why we see his immature and shitty behavior after he couples up with Arlo. It’s why when you walk in after the skinny dipping rumor, Suresh is going absolutely nuts looking for his shoe. The man is salty, he’s jealous, he knows he’s fucked up but he plays MC’s game right back to her. My MC played FB’s game and she flirts with Alfie and kisses him on the date, Suresh is fuming and does the same. He becomes reckless flirting with MC on his date with Arlo because he’s desperate, he’s finally seeing that he might possibly lose her and he is spiraling and can’t handle it. I never said his actions were good, we know he’s the literal anti-hero, but that’s precisely why he needs to be redeemed. 
After weeks of having absolutely no idea where MC’s head was at, seeing her sleep next to another boy, kiss other boys, Suresh FINALLY laid his cards on the table. He’s VULNERABLE like we’ve never seen him before. He tells her he wants to be with her, he gives her an ultimatum to tell him that night which we obviously know never happens. But I think this speech is the catalyst for all of his shitty post casa amor behavior. AND THIS SPEECH IN IT OF ITSELF we see how much he still loves MC here. He was the ONLY one to go up and check on her. He deserves redemption off of this speech alone 
These past two weeks i’ve been so confused. How could FB give us such a massive break in character? This is quite literally not the Suresh I know but an evil twin. And then NOPE
add up all the evidence you see above and that is precisely why we see his post-CA behavior. Every volume before this the man is extremely expressive, Suresh looks at you, smiles at you, frowns at you, etc. After Casa? NOTHING. He avoids your eye. He doesn’t speak to you. Why? Because he’s been vulnerable, he’s put it all out on the line for MC, ALL SEASON and when he finally went super hard for her and really made a go for it she still didn’t reciprocate his feelings. He’s in his head. He’s lived in his head all season long, it’s not surprising that he’s still in there. During SMP, In my eyes this was Suresh’s moment to redeem himself to finally speak to MC in front of everyone and confess his feelings for her, in front of the entire villa. And then he kissed Gabi. Stab in the heart. And then he married Meera. I GASPED. I was so CONFUSED. I tried to make sense of it, especially Gabi and then I realized that Alfie did the exact same thing. Alfie kissed Kat, if you’re on his route that’s the equivalent of him cheating on you bc he did. So are they killing TWO LIs at one go to introduce Finn as the one and only LI?? No. There has to be another explanation. And then it became more obvious. It just doesn’t mean anything to him. I know that’s shitty but he doesn’t care about Gabi and he probably didn't think MC would care either since in his head, she doesn’t care about him. If MC kisses him, he says it was amazing. When Gabi proposes to him, he looks at MC. When MC proposes to him he thanks her for the second chance and says it means alot to him. I still think because we’re in the middle of this scene it’s still too open ended to finish commenting on the rest but his shitty behavior still deserves an explanation and redemption.  
Exhibit F: THE BOAT!!!!!!! We know from the leaked assets one of the final dates is on a boat.  The second I played Guilty Secrets and when they got to the question about someone having sex on the boat, Suresh gives MC a cheeky grin. BUT SHE’S NOT THE ANSWER, ITS KAT. And I always thought HUH?, that’s so strange why did he look at us? But I kept playing until weeks later when it’s mentioned AGAIN. And this time IT’S A BIG MOMENT FOR THEM. Suresh remembers their Monte Carlo trip and how they almost had sex on a boat one time. This is when they can FINALLY kiss again. The fact that the boat memory was weaved in not once, but twice AND it’s a final date asset it’s basically SCREAMING to be a Suresh date. We need the redemption JUST for bits on the yacht, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! 
Exhibit G: IF NOT SURESH THEN WHO? I mean let’s be honest if we really dead Suresh as an LI are MC’s only choices really going to be Finn, Lulu and Gabi??? FINN?? The guy who hasn't looked MC's way since week one that's who we're going to close the show out with?? And then Alfie... we haven’t seen him lift a finger in a way of coming back to us either and even if he does, and only 2 male LIs??? I know this season lacked cast, period but that’s unheard of. For the sake of replayability this would give us little to no options.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
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Boys Finale Outfits
The finale preload is here! Which includes all the islanders outft preloads, the girls will be in a additonal post but the boys will be under the cut here!
Keep reading
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
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No Other Love - Chapter 1: Flight Risk
After weeks of ignoring her feelings for Suresh, Gemma was finally ready to admit to him that she wanted to get back together. With the Casa Amor recoupling in full swing, she never expected him to walk back into the villa with another girl.
đŸŽ” Song đŸŽ”: Flight Risk You'll never leave if I'm already gone...
Tag list: @katsie @future-mrs-suresh @litg-burnbook @0shewrites0 @bradybunch111 @whati390 @hi-im-karla @fujihime-litg @kunepie @differenttyphoonwerewolf @earlyevenings @pho3nixx67 @sienna2world @kikithegr8 @theesocialintrovert @iamgaryrennells @kiwi-tai @abecerra611 (let me know if you want to be added on to tag list)
Thank you to my girls 💖💖 @katsie @0shewrites0 for looking this through and editing my dumb mistakes and making it so much better than it was and @midnightscinema for the Suresh/Lulu date idea!!!
Read on AO3
Is this where our story ends? After everything he said before Casa Amor, this just can’t be the end. 
Gemma looked down at her hands, absentmindedly playing with her gold ring, then stared off into the fire pit. 
Can it? 
She bit back the tears threatening to pour out of her green eyes. She wouldn’t let any of them see how utterly and completely broken she felt. No, broken couldn’t even begin to accurately describe the feeling of having your heart ripped out of your chest and tossed aside like it was worth nothing. Before they’d left for Casa, Suresh’s ultimatum had forced Gemma to come to terms with all of the feelings she’d long since buried and tried to ignore. And she hated how after all this time, after all the pain he’d caused her, how much she still loved him, even now as she watched him take his seat on the opposite end of the fire pit with Lulu by his side. 
From the very first day, when he walked out to greet her by the pool and she saw those dizzying emerald eyes, her feelings for him rushed to the surface, washing over her in an uncomfortable wave. She tried everything she could to be strong, to not cave in to his many advances and false promises of having “changed.” She tried to flirt with the new guys, move on with someone new, but no one compared to him. They didn’t know that she couldn’t hear someone sing ‘Happy Birthday’ without tearing up, especially if it was her birthday. That despite being a horrible singer, she would sing as loud as her lungs would let her whenever she got the chance. That she hated driving and always begged him to, even though she knew he would never make her do something she didn’t want to do. Suresh knew all of that about her, and he loved her for it. 
Loved. In the past. Not anymore. 
“Babe, it’s your turn,” Kat said, nudging her forward. She sat nestled in Finn’s arms, looking happy, safe. All the things Gemma felt like she should be feeling right now. 
Stick or Switch. 
She stood up and took a deep breath. Should she stick with Alfie? The boy who she had tried to get to know, who she’d tried to move on from Suresh with, but somehow things just never felt right. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, there seemed to always be a gnawing feeling in the back of her mind that something was missing. He just wasn’t him. She looked at Johnny and Nicolas, both nervously standing off to the side. She’d barely gotten to know either of them in Casa Amor, something she now regretted. Again because of him. There was also the matter of Alfie kissing Kat and Gemma kissing Suresh. She knew she had no room to judge Alfie for what he’d done, but she also knew that both kisses had ended things for them before it even properly started. So she knew she only had one choice tonight. 
“Tonight I’m choosing to couple up with this boy because he has shown me that I can have more than what I’ve been offered. That I can have a fresh start with someone new. I’m excited to see where this chapter might take us, so the boy I’m coupling up with is
Both Dana and Kat looked at one another confused.
Nicolas sauntered over to Gemma quickly, wrapped his arms around her and lifted her in the air. He spun her around and pressed his lips onto hers. She wrapped her fingers around his neck, deepening the kiss. From the corner of her eye, she could see Suresh staring straight into the fire pit, eyes unblinking and not straying from the flames. 
“Gems, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now,” Nicolas beamed at her. 
She smiled at him as they sat down and waited for Alfie to return. She pressed her body close to his and he held her tight, keeping her safe from whatever outcome was about to unfold before them. 
Nicolas squeezed her a little tighter when they heard the familiar sounds of heels on the villa floors before she saw Alfie confidently stroll back in with Meera. 
This time it was much less painful, since she had no real feelings for Alfie. 
She tried to listen to everyone’s excited chatter as they welcomed Meera back into the villa, but she couldn’t hear anything over her erratic heartbeat. She willed herself not to look over in Suresh’s direction, but there had always been an unexplained gravitational force that pulled them closer. As the islanders got up to say their goodbyes to Eddie and Johnny, Gemma noticed Suresh was still sitting, staring into the fire pit’s roaring flames like he had done earlier, frozen in place. Lulu grabbed his hand and nudged him out of his trance and he gave her a small smile, kissing her hand as a thank you. Gemma had lost count of how many times Suresh had kissed her hands like that, she had always loved that small gesture, one she had always thought was meant only for her. Even with Arlo he’d never shown her this side of him. 
Does he actually like Lulu? 
“I have to
” Her heart beat faster as she felt the tears pricking her eyes again. This time she knew she couldn’t hold them back for long. She had to get away, she couldn’t let them see her this way. 
“I have to get out of here.” 
“You okay?” Nicolas asked. 
“Yes!” She plastered on the happiest smile she could manage. “I just need some air. I’ll be right back.” 
She didn’t give him a chance to respond. Instead she turned on her heels and hurried towards the villa, the tears already streaming down her face before she even had a chance to step inside. She stumbled as she ran up the stairs towards the beach hut, the unwanted tears blurring her vision. 
“I’ve lived with you and without you. And being without you doesn’t even compare. I want the wild, fun life that we used to have together. I know now that you’re the only girl for me.” She couldn’t stop the words from replaying in her mind over and over.  The words he’d spoken to her before he’d left for Casa Amor. Did she miss something? Had she gotten something wrong? 
How could he do this again? Why was he doing this again? After everything he had said before Casa Amor. How he wanted no one else, how he couldn’t picture his life without her. For him to then waltz back into the villa with Lulu, holding her hand and looking like he’d won a prize. Gemma heard the door click open, and quickly wiped her face clean of tears. When she looked up she saw Nicolas standing there. She tried, and failed, in giving him a smile. He gave her a soft one in return as he sat down next to her, leaving the door ajar. Then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. 
"It's okay, Gem," he said soothingly. "You're all right, I've got you."
She buried her face into his chest, soaking his shirt in her tears. He wasn't the one she'd wanted to hold her, but he was the only one willing, and right now that was all she cared about. As he held her, just letting her cry, Gemma couldn’t help but wonder where Suresh was. Why wasn’t he the one holding her right now? Explaining himself? Explaining why he’d brought back someone new. 
Was any of it real? 
But all of those thoughts made her feel incredibly guilty, especially when another man was holding her, soothing her. Eventually she pulled away from him and used the back of her hand to wipe away the tears. 
"Thank you, Nic," she said, then gestured to her face which she knew would be covered in smudged makeup. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess."
"Gem, you're anything but a mess," he said and wiped under her eyes with his thumbs. "You're absolutely stunning, you're whip smart, and so incredibly strong. What you've overcome since you came in here, what you continue to overcome, it astounds me. You astound me." He rested a hand on her knee, giving it a little squeeze. "A mess? No. You're a wonder, Gemma. You're special." 
She forced her bottom lip to stop quivering, her heart tightened painfully at his words. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, trying to convey how grateful she was. 
She found solace in his chest once more, forcing herself to steady her breathing by listening to his. 
“You’re so sweet, Nic,” she said, making him smile. 
What neither of them saw was Suresh, watching them through the crack in the door, his jaw clenched. He stalked off, hands balled into fists at his sides.
Nicolas pulled away slightly, giving her a warm smile as he brushed her hair out of her face.
"Why don't we get ready for bed, yeah?"
"Yeah," Gemma nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good."
Nicolas met Gemma outside of the dressing rooms, after she’d changed into pajamas and removed the rest of her makeup for the night. 
“Wow,” he gushed. 
“What?” she looked up at him confused. 
“You look stunning.” 
“Thanks Nic,” she blushed. “Come on, let's go to bed.” 
He led the way, holding her hand, stealing glances at her every few steps. This was the exact distraction she needed right now. Because when he looked at her this way, she could forget for a second how broken and empty she felt inside. How this wasn’t the hand she wanted to hold. She searched the sea of beds for her new bed assignment, finding hers right next to his. She crawled into bed laying on her back not wanting to turn to her side and see anything happening two feet away.
She turned over to face Nicolas. He looked a bit nervous like he was lost in thought. 
“I just wanted to say
Thank you,” he paused and bit his lip anxiously before continuing. “I feel so lucky to be here with you. I know that I’m not your first choice tonight.” 
“Just let me finish, beautiful,” he smiled at her, cupping her face. “I know that I’m not your first choice tonight but I want you to give me the opportunity and the chance to prove to you why I should be. Suresh, Alfie, none of these guys see what I see in you. You’re special, Gemma. When it came to stick or twist I had already come to terms with leaving. Because if it wasn’t you who picked me to stay, then I would rather go.” 
Nicolas edged closer to her, until their faces were inches from each other. He took her hand in his and looked deep into her eyes.
“You were the only one for me. From the first day I laid my eyes on you I knew I had to get to know you better. And the more I do, the more I like you.” 
“You don’t have to say anything right now, Gem. I just want this moment with you.” 
He looked deeply into her eyes, leaning in gently and pressing his lips tentatively on hers. The kiss started off slow and languid, but soon his tongue was searching for hers desperately and his hands were roaming her body. 
“Sorry, I lost myself there a bit.” He  blushed. 
“Good night,” she murmured.
“Good night, beautiful.” 
As her eyes fluttered open the next morning, the first person she saw was Suresh. In the middle of the night, they’d both turned and unknowingly faced each other in their respective beds. He was sleeping peacefully only inches away from her now. So close yet so far away. She watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath, staring at his God-like body. She had always loved waking up before him and watching him sleep. There was a softness and a vulnerability that didn’t normally come out when he was awake. 
Gemma had been so lost in thought she didn’t notice he had woken up and was staring back at her. 
A small smirk touched his lips as her cheeks turned a bright crimson hue, evidence that she had been caught red-handed. He seemed to start to say something but before he was able to get a word out, Nicolas snaked an arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him and kissed her cheek. 
“Good morning, beautiful.” 
The moment was gone. Suresh rolled his eyes and turned over in bed, not wanting to witness this scene for a second longer than he had to. 
She turned over to face Nicolas and gave him a small smile. 
“Morning, Nicolas.” 
“I was thinking I could whip us up some breakfast this morning. Maybe some avocado toast?” 
“That sounds lovely. I can help you.” 
“No, I wouldn’t dream of it.” 
As Nicolas walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen area, Gabi walked over to Suresh’s bed and nudged his shoulder. 
“Suresh, I think it’s time we go for a chat.” 
Suresh sat up in his bed and nodded begrudgingly. 
“Okay, but I’d like Gemma to come too.” He turned to her on the bed next to him, his eyes locked on hers. “Gem, will you join us?” 
“What? No, Suresh, I asked for a private chat with you.” Gabi looked like she was gonna stomp her foot in defiance. “I want to talk about what happened between us.”  
Gemma ignored Gabi, looking at Suresh and his dizzying green eyes. This is what she had been wanting from him for so long. A proper explanation, the truth once and for all. 
“Okay, Suresh, lead the way.” 
Suresh led both girls up to the roof terrace, holding the door open for them to step outside first. Then he made a point of sitting closest to Gemma, their knees almost touching. 
“I guess I should start since I owe both of you answers. Gem, I’m so sorry I never told you about the full extent of what happened between me and Gabi. But you have to understand that from my perspective it was just a fling, I never saw it as a serious relationship and I didn’t want to cause more harm and hurt you even more than I already had.” 
“A fling? You call FIVE months a fling, Suresh?” Gabi snapped.
Suresh paused to collect his thoughts before continuing. 
“I’m not trying to hurt you more than I know I already have. But Gab, we were never that serious. I only ever went to your apartment, you barely came to mine and when you did it was only after we’d been together for months. Did you never wonder why that was?” 
She gave him a confused look but waited for him to continue. 
“It was because of Gemma.”
“Me?” Gemma frowned. “What do you mean?” 
He stared at her sea green eyes with a mixture of adoration and longing, while his fingers inched achingly close to her knee. 
“For months I couldn’t take any of our pictures down. It just felt so
final. So I didn’t. It wasn’t until Simon came over one day and forced me to take them down.” 
Gemma didn’t know what to think. When she first found out he had cheated on her, she had every intention of throwing away anything that reminded her of him. Their pictures, ticket stubs to concerts, and all of the many gifts he’d bought her over their year together. She had worked quickly and efficiently, dumping everything in a large cardboard box, overstuffing it to the point where it wouldn’t close. But when she walked to the front door of her flat she couldn’t turn the knob. She couldn’t throw their memories away. She’d hugged the box close, slid to the ground  and cried. Eventually she’d picked herself off the floor and carried the box into her bedroom, putting it on a shelf in her closet. 
“I-I know what you mean, Resh. I couldn’t get rid of your things either,” Gemma said as she stared at him. 
“As much as I’m loving this trip down memory lane for you two, it’s not really about you, Gemma.” Gabi turned to look at Suresh with an exasperated look in her eyes. “Suresh, I asked you up here for answers for me, not to reminisce with your ex. Because a fling does not accurately describe what I was to you. You liked me, the way you acted around me wasn’t just a fling, even if we didn’t go on lavish trips around the world or fancy dates like you did with Gemma. There was something there. You took me to that lovely restaurant, but then I never heard from you again? Why?” 
Suresh sighed and ran his large fingers through his hair.  
“It was because of Gemma.” He noticed Gabi wince but he continued. “I saw her while we were having dinner. Before that night, I had been able to numb my feelings
 I could pretend that I was okay. That I was over her. But that night
that night changed everything. I realized then that I’m still - I was still in love with her and I couldn’t continue seeing you.” 
“Wait, what night was this?” Gemma asked, confused. 
“You were out with your parents at Chez Louis. You looked so happy. I loved seeing you like that. Your parents seemed to be in a really good place too.” 
“Yeah, they are,” she beamed at him. 
“And this,” Gabi  said, motioning to the two of them, “is exactly why I wanted to have a private conversation, Suresh.” 
“I’m sorry. Gabi, I don’t want to hurt you, that’s not my intention here. You’re right, I did like you. You were fun to be around when I was in a dark place, you helped me out of that rut and I’m thankful for that. But Gabi, my feelings for you were never anywhere near what I feel for Gemma. Yes, it was a dick move to ghost you and I’m sorry for that. I should’ve ended things properly and I hope you’ll see this now as me ending things properly with you.” 
“You’re losing out on the best thing you could’ve ever had,” Gabi snapped as she sauntered away from the roof terrace, slamming the door behind her. 
Gemma snorted as she stared at the door. “You sure know how to pick ‘em, Suresh.”
“I picked you once, didn’t I?” 
“Now that was the best thing you ever did,” she retorted instinctively, then froze up as she realized what she'd said.
“Couldn’t agree with you more,” smirked Suresh, but before either of them had a chance to say anything else, Nicolas swung the roof terrace door open.
“Hey beautiful, thought you might need your caffeine,” he said, handing her a large iced coffee, exactly how she liked it. “Also wanted to let you know I just finished breakfast, I wasn't sure if you were done here since I saw Gabi go downstairs.” 
Gemma looked at Suresh, uncertain of what to do. 
“I uhm
“I’ve got a text!” Lulu shouted from the kitchen below. “Oh my god! Suresh!! Where are you?” 
“Hold up Lu, we’re coming right down,” Nicolas shouted over the side. 
Gemma and Suresh looked at each other and he sighed. 
“We’ll talk later?” Suresh asked. 
Gemma looked at him and hesitated. There was still so much left to say. So many things she needed answers to. She needed more time with him. But what if they weren’t the ones she wanted?
“Please, Gem,” he whispered. 
okay, maybe later. Let’s go Nic,” she said with her hand outstretched to him. 
Nicolas interlaced his fingers with Gemma’s and led her away from the roof terrace downstairs to the kitchen, Suresh walking behind them. As soon as they stepped outside, Lulu squealed as she came running towards them. 
“Babe! We’re going on a date!” She showed him the text, barely able to stand still.
“What!?” Kat snarled. “Finn and I have been coupled for weeks and you two get to go on a date. How is that fair?”
“You’ve already been on a date with Finn,” Dana pointed out. 
“That one didn’t even count, it was early days! Urgh! Let’s go, Finn.” Kat grabbed Finn by the arm, leading him away to the loungers.
Lulu grabbed Suresh's hand and tugged. “Come on, babe, let’s go get ready!”
He gave her a charming smile and did as she asked. Gemma stared after them, her chest tightening as she begged for him to turn around.
If you still love me you’ll turn back and look at me. If you still love me you’ll turn back and look at me. If you still love me you’ll turn back and look at me.
Her breathing hitched slightly as a chill ran up her spine when he turned and glanced back at her, giving her a small smile. 
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
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The Story of Us - is a four-part series that will delve into MC (Gemma) and Suresh's relationship pre-villa.
If you missed click here to read Part One + Part Two
"And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands"
Tag List: @squishy-noodles @hi-im-karla @kunepie @brasister @kvngdomheartz @whati390 @smexilexi420 @viperidae94 @misterytull @theesocialintrovert @kiwi-tai @future-mrs-suresh @ordoesshemouthfuckyouforever @kikithegr8 @fujihime-litg @0shewrites0 @abecerra611 @kimberlae @roundbrownlover @novelcurrentmodern @paleslutz-blog
NC-17 đŸ„”đŸŒ¶
I had to call on the queen of sadness @katsie to help me with some of the sad bits, so if it's extra sad - blame her! @0shewrites0 thank you so much for your help too!! You are both angels and Part Three is so much better bc of your help 💖
Is it possible for guilt to eat you alive? Would it be slow and painful or quick and painless? Seems like slow and painful is the only way I know. 
Gemma’s infectious laugh pierced through his thoughts, bringing him back to reality. Suresh looked up to see the waiter joking with her, while he pretended to be engrossed by his menu. He was a corporate lawyer, but somehow could no longer read. All of the words on his menu, jumbled together into a mess on the page. 
Cheater. Cheater. Cheater. 
The singular, painful, horrible word echoed in his mind. It had been a week since he had done the unthinkable. A week since “the incident”. As much as it killed him to hide this secret from her, he knew he couldn’t tell her what happened that fateful night. She meant too much to him to blow it all away on one mistake that he would never make again. With each day that passed, the decision on whether to tell Gemma weighed heavier and the secret seemed to hang like a dark cloud over him. He grew more and more worried that she would somehow find out. But he tried to push back those negative thoughts, especially when his Gemma was back. 
“Have you decided to tell her you cheated tonight?” the waiter asked Suresh with a smile. 
Suresh’s entire body tensed and he stopped breathing. 
“Excuse me?” Suresh choked, looking at him incredulously. 
“Have you decided on what you’re eating tonight, sir?” the waiter asked again. 
Fuck, of course he didn’t ask if I was going to tell Gemma about the cheating. How could he possibly even know?
“The steak frites look good, thanks,” he said, handing him the menu. 
“Resh, you ok?” Gemma asked when the waiter walked away. 
Nope. Absolutely not ok. Not even close. Because I’m so terribly close to losing you. 
“Yes, Gem. Just got assigned this really tough case at work this week,” he said, then reached out and took her hand. “But I don’t want to talk about that right now.”
Fake it Suresh. Fake it till you make it. If Gemma suspects something is wrong she’ll start asking questions and you know you won’t be able to lie directly to her face. You can’t tell her. You have to stay strong. For her.
“You look stunning tonight, you know?” he said, smiling at her. 
Suresh couldn’t help but stare at Gemma. She looked radiant tonight, she positively sparkled. 
“Thank you, babe,” she blushed. The crimson hue on her cheeks bore the same color as the scarlet letter etched on his heart. 
“I think I have an idea on how we can get your mind off work tonight,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eye. 
Under the table he could hear Gemma’s shoe drop to the floor and she started to tease Suresh moving her way up his leg. Slowly caressing him, continually moving upwards finally landing on her desired target, his crotch. She gently stroked it, feeling it harden underneath her. 
” he said, his breath hitching. 
 She responded with a devilish smirk on her face. “Resh
“Wha- What are you doing?” 
“Just having a little bit of fun. Is it helping you forget your work problems?” 
“Yes, babe. You’re the best distraction.” 
And he decided right then and there to push the nagging voice to the back of his mind, to ignore the guilt and instead focus on Gemma. Because he had his Gemma back and he wasn’t going to waste anymore time dwelling on the horrible thing he’d done. 
“Let’s go home,” she said.
Suresh smiled and flagged the waiter over. 
In the car park they found it difficult to keep their hands off one another. Suresh leaned in close to her, his tongue dipped between the seam of her lips as they parted to let him enter.  They lost themselves in the kiss and he pulled her body closer to his, pressing his erection into her thigh. 
Gemma’s phone started to vibrate non-stop in her bag and she pulled away from the kiss, gasping. 
She looked down at her phone screen. “Shit, it’s my boss!” She took a deep breath to try and steady her breathing, calming her pounding heart.
“Hey Fran!” Gemma’s voice was unnaturally chirpy as she answered her boss. Suresh started dotting her neck in kisses, occasionally sucking hard, then swirling his tongue over the soon-to-be bruise.
“The marketing deck? Yes I sent it over on Monday morning
” she said, angling her neck, giving Suresh more room to ravish her neck. “Yes, I can resend it.” She suppressed a moan. “I’m not home but I’ll be home in 10 minutes or so.” Her boss cut the line, and Gemma rolled her eyes as she hung up. 
“Damn, do you need to go home? I was hoping we could go back to my place tonight,” he sighed. 
“I don’t need to go home babe, I just need to get on your laptop.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. “ I already sent her the file earlier in the week, I’ll just log onto my emails and resend it to her.” 
“Amazing.” He gave her a searing kiss. “ Let’s go home then,” he said, as he opened the car door. 
“You drive,” she said, tossing him her car keys. 
When they arrived back at his apartment, Suresh ran around the length of his car to open the door for Gemma, picking up exactly where they left off in the restaurant’s car park. He closed the distance between them, crashing his lips onto her. 
She giggled as she shimmied away from him, watching his disappointed expression.
“We’re going inside first.”
There was a dark glint in his eye. “That didn’t seem to bother you when we were in Sicily.” Gemma blushed at the memory, making Suresh’s grin widen. “I recall you liking that very much.” He reached for her again, but she stepped back. “This is different. This is Edinburgh. Where we live. People we know could see us.”
He winked. “That just makes it more fun.”
“Okay, you have got to calm down,” she giggled, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside towards the elevator. He clicked his tongue and pulled her towards the stairs instead. Gemma pouted. “But my feet hurt,” she said.
Suresh grabbed her thighs and lifted her up. She instantly hooked her legs around his waist.
“Better?” He asked. She answered him with a searing kiss. Suresh stumbled on the first few steps, grabbing the banister to catch himself.
“Careful,” Gemma cooed. “Or we’ll end up in the hospital instead.”
“I’ve always wanted to have sex in a hospital,” he said. She could feel his erection now, and she pressed her hips into him, making him gasp and stop momentarily. She stared down at him through her lashes.
God she’s beautiful, he thought, nearly doing two steps at a time now.
“You are going to hurt yourself,” she gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly.
“The faster I get you upstairs, the faster I can ravish you,” he said, his voice gruff. 
“Then we should hurry,” she purred and leaned down to pepper his neck with kisses. He groaned at the feeling, then pressed her up against the wall next to his door. He fished out his key from his back pocket, unlocked the door and slammed it behind them the second they stepped inside. He pressed her up the wall again, giving her an onslaught of kisses and unzipped her silky, mini dress, sliding it off her body. His fingers greedily roamed her body ready to devour her. 
Laptop and then you can ravish me all you want,” she purred. 
“Fuck. OK
He led her to the office and opened up his MacBook Pro, entering his password. The background a picture of the two of them on their trip to Italy a few months back, he noticed Gemma smiling fondly at the picture before opening the internet browser and logging into her email account. He quickly undressed as she bent over the laptop, clicking a few key words into the search bar. It only took her a few minutes to find the marketing deck and she started to draft a new email to send to her boss. 
Suresh made his way over to her and continued kissing Gemma’s neck and letting his hands roam her body. 
The familiar email sound indicating her email had been sent. Her job was now done and she was now his. 
A text message popped up on the screen. Both he and Gemma could see that it was his coworker Simon, who also was dating Gemma’s best friend, Chloe. 
Simon: Resh, have you looked at the Thomas file yet? I sent it to you an hour ago

“Do you need to get th -” 
Before she could finish her thought, Suresh’s lips were on hers. His tongue reached deeper into her mouth and hers into his, hungrily searching for one another, deepening the kiss as his hands roamed her body. There was an urgency to the kiss that neither had experienced before that bordered on violence. She raked her fingernails over the sculpted ridges of his washboard abs as she made her way down to his dick, twitching at her touch. Suresh squeezed her ass pulling her closer to him, lifting her in his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist, carrying her to the bedroom. 
“Resh! I can walk!” 
He softly chuckled into her neck, “Nope, you said your feet hurt.” 
In the bedroom, Suresh lowered Gemma onto the bed, climbing on top of her, caging her under his muscled frame. His dick pressed into her stomach, as he claimed her lips with a tongue thrusting kiss, while his hands scooped up her perky, needy breasts. He lowered his mouth and flicked his tongue around her nipple, licking and sucking, causing her entire body to come alive as she moaned softly against his touch. His hands gently traveled south, down her taut stomach and between her legs, releasing a delicious moan from her lips. 
“Gem, you’re so wet
” he growled, as he slid two fingers into her wet folds. 
Arching her back into him, he pumped his fingers back and forth in a steady motion, curling them inside of her. 
“Fuck, Resh
He looked up at her with a devilish grin, circled her aching clit with his thumb and continued to pump two curled fingers inside as she gasped. He continued a steady pace as he felt her getting closer and closer to release. 
I’m c-” Gemma moaned in ecstasy as her body collapsed underneath him. Suresh didn’t give her a second to recover before his tongue was devouring her overly sensitive clit. Licking, sucking, and swirling her swollen throbbing nub. Gemma lost all control as he continued to go deeper, pushing her further into another climax. Tasting her as she screamed his name at the top her lungs and her legs quivered and shuddered underneath him as her orgasm washed over her in an intense wave.
Gemma tried to catch her breath as he slowly made his way up her body, trailing her stomach, breasts, and neck with soft kisses. 
He brought his lips to her ear, his breath hot on her neck, and whispered, “are you ready for round three?” He grazed his teeth against her earlobe as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. 
“Yes baby, please I need you,” she whimpered. 
He cupped her ass, lifting her up slightly as he filled her up in one swift motion. 
Gemma snapped her head back and moaned as Suresh thrust into her harder and faster. 
She dug her fingers into his back as he continued to thrust, hitting her most sensitive spot. 
Her walls clamped around him and he could feel her nearing her orgasm with every new plunge. Suresh gazed into Gemma’s eyes, and was met with a look of pure unbridled love, desire and heat. He quickened his pace and Gemma matched his thrust underneath, her legs gripping tight around his waist until they both released at the exact same time, his body shuddering against her as his lips reached down to devour hers, desperately. 
He wrapped his muscular arms tight around her, giving her a light kiss on her forehead. 
“Let me get a towel to get you cleaned up,” he said. 
Gemma smiled up at him, “what an absolute gent, thank you babe.” 
Suresh smiled, got up from the bed and started to head into the bathroom when he heard a text ping, coming from his cell phone. 
“Babe, will you check that for me? I bet it’s Simon again about that damn Thomas file.” 
“Sure, babe.” 
Gemma reached over to Suresh’s side of the bed and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. 
She entered in his code, and opened his unread messages. It was an unknown sender. When he walked back in the room, the whole mood had shifted and the silence in the room was deafening. She  was staring at his phone confused with tears welling in her eyes. He could see her body stiffen and her breathing was off. 
Gemma looked down at the phone in her hands again in disbelief. “What the fuck is this, Suresh?” She held up the phone screen facing him. 
“Hey it’s Gabi
Thinking about coming to the bar tonight? Would love u inside me again.” 
And then she scrolled down to a picture Gabi took of them together, her head nestled in his neck so you couldn’t see her face, her turtle tattoo taunting him. 
Tears rushed to her eyes. “You’re cheating on me?”
“Gem, please, it’s not how it looks. It was just one time.” He heard how weak his excuse was the moment he said it.
“As if that’s better?!” she spat. “As if one time doesn’t matter? Suresh, you slept with someone else. It’s exactly how it looks!” 
“Gem, please, just let me explain
I was so incredibly drunk after that fight we had
“The one last week? You can’t be serious,” she growled. “I just
I just don’t understand... I don’t understand how you could do this to me, to us!” 
“Gemma, I never wanted it to happen. I was so upset and drunk and it’s never going to happen again. I’m sorry, Gemma, please forgive me,” he cried. 
“Forgive you? Fuck you, Suresh!” She wrapped the duvet around her small frame as she got up from the bed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with him seeing her naked. “You’ve had multiple chances to be honest with me. And you’ve just been lying and hiding things from me. You slept with another woman after one fight - one fight - and you couldn’t keep it in your pants''. She laughed, but there was no humor in it, only disbelief and sadness. “I know that I pushed you away after my parents’ separation, and I am sorry for that, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to go fuck someone else. We’re done, we-we’re fucking through.” She picked up her underwear from the floor and pushed past him into the living room to gather the rest of her clothes.
“Gemma, no, please!  It was one time, I love you so much Gemma, please don’t leave me.” 
Gemma spun around and glared at him. “This is not what love is,” she said through gritted teeth. 
“Gemma, please, I’m so sorry.” He reached out to touch her but she stumbled back to avoid him.
“I hate you,” she sneered. “I hate you. I can’t believe you’d do that to me! I thought we’d
” She choked on her words, squeezed her eyes shut. Then she opened her eyes and stared at him, unable to hide the heartbreak. “Clearly I should have listened to literally everyone when they told me I shouldn’t trust you. They said you’d be the biggest mistake of my life. They were right.” 
“No, Gemma, please.” He jumped from one leg to another, trying to pull on his pants as fast as he could as he watched her hurry towards the door. He grabbed his shirt from the sofa and barely let himself pull it on as he ran after her. “Gemma!”
Gemma held her head high despite the tears washing down her face, smudging her make-up further. She heard him follow her, then shout, “I love you!”
She whipped around, almost shaking with rage. “Don’t you dare!”
“I love you so much,” he choked, his eyes welling up with tears. She let him approach her, whimpered when he reached out and brushed his fingers along her arm. “Gemma, please talk to me.” 
“All I ever did was love you, Suresh,” she whispered with tears streaming down her face. 
“I know. And I love you so much. You’re the only one for me,” he pleaded with her, tears running down his own face.  
“I love you, too,” she said. “But it doesn’t even matter anymore. I no longer trust you.” 
She turned from him and ran down the stairs, not bothering to turn around and look at him. It wouldn’t change anything. Their relationship was irrevocably broken, and he was to blame. 
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
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No Other Love - Chapter 4: Sparks
Gemma deals with the fallout of a hidden truth from Suresh's past...
đŸŽ” Song đŸŽ”: Sparks
My heart is yours It's you that I hold on to Yeah, that's what I do
thank u to my fave @katsie for editing as per usual 💖💖 my EIC
Tag list: @katsie @future-mrs-suresh @litg-burnbook @0shewrites0 @bradybunch111 @whati390 @hi-im-karla @fujihime-litg @kunepie @differenttyphoonwerewolf @earlyevenings @pho3nixx67 @sienna2world @kikithegr8 @theesocialintrovert @iamgaryrennells @kiwi-tai @sortedchaos @pus-things @abecerra611 @ordoesshemouthfuckyouforever (let me know if you want to be added on to tag list)
Read on Ao3
They always say your life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die. Fast moving images of happier times. Maybe it was meant to be a calming presence to remind you of your best times on Earth before you ventured into the other side. Was she dying? Why were all of her good memories with Suresh flashing before her eyes now? The two of them in a helicopter ride over Dubai, jumping off the side of a yacht and swimming in the Mediterranean, decorating a Christmas tree while his parents’ mischievous cat tried to knock the ornaments off, the two laughing while they sipped wine and danced around in their underwear, drunk off happiness more than the wine they consumed. But she knew she wasn’t dying, she could feel her heart beating erratically like it was trying to escape her body, so she was definitely alive. 
“He was going to propose to me, not her. ME!”   
The words echoed around in her head, causing her actual physical pain. She didn’t know what to do, what to think. She was completely overwhelmed by the tsunami of emotions crashing down on her, taking her under. She felt like she was gonna throw up. This couldn’t be happening. It just couldn’t be. But it was. And it was happening in front of everyone. It was happening on TV. God she wanted to cry. She closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. 
Slowly the white noise around her cleared up. She blinked, clearing the haze from her eyes, and looked up at Kat who was standing in front of her, bombarding her with expletives and evil glares. She heard Finn close by, trying to make his way over, trying to reason with Kat. Meera was demanding Alfie explain why he hadn’t chosen her movie but Alfie was busy lashing out at Suresh, demanding answers about the supposed engagement ring. Suresh ignored him and pleaded with Gemma to have a private chat away from the others, Gabi hot on his heels demanded her own answers while Dana tried to stop her. It was complete and utter chaos. 
“Hey.” Gemma turned when she heard Lulu’s soft voice cut through the deafening shouts.
“You look a bit overwhelmed,” said Lulu. “Do you want to get out of here?”
Gemma nodded. “Yes.”
“Oh, no you don’t,” Kat snapped and grabbed Gemma’s arm as she stood up. “I am not done with you!”
“Kat, please–” Finn pleaded. 
“Fuck off, Finn!” Kat sneered, glaring at Gemma. “You’re not getting off that easy. We need to talk about Finn’s movie.”
Gemma yanked her arm free, barely glancing at Kat as she walked back towards the villa.
“Gemma, get back here!” Kat screamed.
“Gemma, you have to let me explain!” Suresh called out after her.
“Gemma, I didn’t say any of those things!” Nicolas shouted. “It was edited! That movie was completely out of context, the boys were winding me up. They got me to the point of saying those things but it’s not how I actually feel. I’d never say those things about you, it was just banter with the boys, you gotta trust me they didn’t show the full footage.”
That made Gemma spin on her heels, eyes ablaze with fury. “Let me get this straight,” she seethed. “Not only do you think I’m, what did you call it again, ‘desperate and lonely’? But you also take me for an absolute fool? Do you really think I’m that stupid?”
“Gemma–” Nicolas tried.
“Fuck off, Nicolas.”
“No, production needs to answer for the lies they edited together!” Nicolas continued. “It’s very convenient that Pete and Johnny aren’t here to back me up, but I never said those things.” 
Gemma looked at him and laughed bitterly. “The fact that you’re still lying about what was said when it was clear as day, is baffling. So I want to make myself abundantly clear so you aren’t confused by any ‘production edits.’ I will never in a million years be with you. I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to even look at you. Leave me alone.” 
“But Gem-” 
“She said to leave her the fuck alone, Nicolas,” Suresh snarled. He walked the four short steps over to her and cupped her face while he tucked a strand of loose hair around her ear. 
“G, please, let me explain this,” said Suresh, and Gemma’s eyes locked on his. She didn’t try to hide the tears that rushed to her sea green eyes, there was no use. “I promise it’s not what you think–”
“I thought your lies couldn’t get any worse, Suresh,” Alfie interrupted. 
“You were planning to marry Gabi while you were stringing Gemma along?” asked Finn. 
“You’re a real piece of work, Suresh,” Dana snickered while Kat clicked her tongue. “Yeah, good luck explaining your way out of this one.” 
“That’s enough!” Suresh roared, rendering all of the islanders speechless. “This has nothing to do with any of you, none of you know what you’re talking about!”
“How do they not, Suresh?” said Gabi, having pushed her way past the others. “I know what I found.”
“How else do you explain the large emerald cut diamond ring I found buried deep in your closet?” 
“W-what?” Gemma looked between Gabi and Suresh. “Did you say an emerald cut? With smaller baguette diamonds on the side?”
Gabi gave her a confused look. “H-how did you know?” 
Gemma’s eyes locked back onto Suresh’s, and she opened her mouth to speak but words evaded her. She closed her mouth and tried again. 
like we always talked about
like my nan’s ring?” she asked, tears still flowing down her cheeks. 
He swallowed but nodded, then took a deep breath before he continued. “The ring was never meant for Gabi,” he said, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. “It was meant for you.” 
She was trembling, feelings of panic and despair now replaced with confusion and anger. 
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” she whispered indignantly. 
“I felt terrible after Excess Baggage. It was selfish of me not to say something sooner, but it broke my heart to know that I ruined everything between us. That you wanted everything I wanted, too.” 
“So everything you did, our whole relationship, was all based on lies?” Gabi’s question snapped them both back and Suresh turned to look at her. She was watching him with tears in her eyes. 
“It’s always been about her, hasn’t it? I was nothing to you?” 
” He slumped his shoulders and sighed. “I won’t make excuses for myself. I shouldn’t have led you on, and I should’ve been more upfront about my feelings. I wasn’t ready for a relationship so soon, not after
” He cleared his throat. “I-I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through. Both of you.” 
“Whatever, Suresh.” Gabi stalked off towards the kitchen with Dana and Lulu following close behind her. 
“Gem, can we go chat about this, please?” Suresh asked. Gemma swallowed, her chest so tight and filled with more emotions than she knew what to do with. “Please, I need to talk to you. Alone. About everything we’ve seen tonight.”
“Okay.” Her reply came out in an unsure whisper, but he heard it nonetheless. She cleared her throat, then repeated, “Okay. We can talk.” 
The two of them made their way onto the roof terrace, both silent, timid and anxious. Neither of them knew what to do, what to say. Gemma felt a chill from the night air. All she wanted was for Suresh to hold her, wrap her arms around her, tell her everything was going to be okay. Like he’d used to. But at the same time, she didn’t want him to touch her, there was still too much going on, too many emotions she couldn’t control. There was just still too much left unsaid. They sat down in the same spot they’d talked a couple of days prior, but this time closer, no more than a foot of tensioned air between them. Neither made any move to separate or move further apart. 
Suresh nervously ran his large fingers through his hair and looked at Gemma. He carefully reached out and took her hands, relieved when she didn’t pull away. Then he sighed deeply. “Gem
I’m not really sure where to begin.” 
“Why don’t you start with why you didn’t tell me about the ring, Suresh.”
“I’m sorry. I had my reasons for not saying anything, though I know they’re all stupid and I regret not saying something to you sooner. I never mentioned the ring because I realized I don’t deserve someone like you.” 
With her brows furrowed, she didn’t hide her confusion but she let him continue. 
“You’ve never cheated, you deserve someone who has never put you through that pain and hurt. When I found out you wanted to propose too, my entire world shattered. To know that we could’ve been married right now had I not made that one mistake
it broke me.” 
Suresh shifted uncomfortably in his seat, biting back the tears that threatened to spill out of the corners of his eyes. He drew a shaky breath and continued. 
“That’s why I wanted you to move on. I knew Alfie was head over heels about you and at the time it just made sense that you should move on with someone like him. Dependable, caring, someone who had been burned before and would never do something like that to someone else.” Suresh sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes as he continued. “But clearly you can’t trust anyone in here and I ended up putting you through even more unnecessary hurt.”
Gemma considered his words, desperately holding her cards to her chest. Not wanting to reveal anything too soon, terribly afraid that if she revealed how she truly felt for him this house of cards they’d built would quickly come crashing down. 
“Cheating on you
” He paused, chewing on the inside of his cheek to shift the pain to something physical that he could focus on instead of the emotions causing havoc in his mind. “It was the single greatest mistake of my life. I’ve gone back to the moment several times in my head, wishing I could change the outcome, turn back time somehow. But obviously I never could.  So I’ve had to live with that guilt and the pain after what I did. I’ve spent so many nights thinking about the life we could’ve had together, the life we always dreamed about. Anytime I’d see a small little teddy bear looking dog on the street I’d think of you and the dog we always talked about getting after we moved in together. Every time I’d walk in my empty, lonely flat, I was hit with the cruel reminder that I wasn’t coming home to you, in the house we always dreamed about buying.” 
He breathed in sharply, as if the memory alone hurt him too much and he continued.  
“In the early days after it happened, I racked my brain trying to think of ways to get you to forgive me but I soon realized my efforts were futile, you were never coming back. But then Simon told me you were coming on Love Island and it felt like fate or God or whatever was calling out to me. I couldn’t just give up on you. I had to try one more time. For you, Gemma. For us.” 
Gemma bit her lip nervously, she was so confused, there were so many emotions clouding her mind at the moment. They’d been playing a game of hide and seek with their feelings since they first arrived in the villa. But could she continue with this game? Especially if she was the only one playing? 
All she wanted to do in this moment was reach out and touch his face, bring him closer to her, kiss him like she used to so many times before. Tell him how much she still loved him, how much she still wanted to be with him. But her fear got the better of her and she just looked at him with tear-stained eyes and said, “You’ve made a big mess of everything, haven’t you?” 
“I know I have G, and I’m sorry. I truly am. You’re the only person that I’ve ever loved. As much as I’ve tried to forget what we had, I can’t. I’m still in love with you. I will never not be in love with you.”
Gemma knew she shouldn’t, it was still too soon, there were still so many things up in the air, but she felt like she was going to explode. She knew her emotions were clouding her thinking, the rational part of her brain screaming at her to take a step back. But she didn’t listen. Instead she leaned in and their lips met in a single impulsive motion. The kiss started off slow and tender, both too scared to push the other too far. But soon it became feverish and desperate as they both realized how much they missed each other, remembered how much they loved each other. By the time they finally broke apart, he rested his forehead against hers as they tried to catch their breath. He couldn’t help but smile wide. 
“God, I’ve missed you.” He squeezed her tighter. 
A soft sob escaped her lips. “I’ve missed you too, Resh.” 
They just sat in silence for a moment, both drinking in the familiar smell of the other, trying to wrap their collective minds around what had just happened. “Babe, what does this mean for us?” Suresh asked, and although it was only a whisper it tore through the silence like a knife. 
Gemma paused, trying to think. What did this actually mean for them? She couldn’t hide her feelings for him anymore, moreover she didn’t want to. But she was still terrified of what could happen if she got too close again. She shuddered to think of the last time she had and how he had broken her to her core. Shattering any semblance of who she was previously. She looked at him again and knew there was only one answer. 
“I think it’s time I stopped ignoring my feelings for you and embraced what this is, what this could be. I’m done with the avoidance and the resentment.” She felt her throat close up, so she pulled away from him to try and collect herself, trying to clear her mind just a little. “I’ve known for a long time, even if I’ve tried to tell myself I don’t, I do.” She met his gaze, his eyes finally showing the vulnerability she had longed for. 
“I still love you,” she said, and as she did so she felt herself relax, the tension leaving her body and she finally let go of the delusion she’d clung to to keep herself afloat. “I’ve never stopped loving you. But If we did decide to try again, we wouldn’t be the same.”
“I don’t need us to be the same.” He reached out and cupped her face, brushed his thumb over her cheek. “I just need us to be us again.” Then he wrapped his arms around her as tight as he could, almost not believing that this was actually happening. He pulled away just enough to kiss her, trying to convey how much he loved her and how sorry he was and how thankful he was. They both knew tonight wouldn’t solve all their problems, but they were together again and that was enough for now. 
As Suresh looked over the terrace he saw the lawn was completely empty, he noticed everyone else had made their way inside for bed. 
“I don’t want to rush you,” he said, clearing his throat. “But would you want to sleep outside on the daybeds with me tonight?”
“Being that the alternative is sleeping in a bed with Nicolas–” Gemma grimaced, making Suresh chuckle “–I think I’ll sleep with you tonight.” 
“That’s not the only reason you want to sleep with me tonight and you know it,” he snickered. 
“Maybe not,” she admitted, a comfortable warmth settling in her chest. She kissed him again softly before they headed inside to get ready for bed. 
Gemma couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept so well. Even with the insane heat of the Mallorcan sun pounding down on them and Suresh’s leg splayed on top of her, his arm draped over her creating a pool of sweat in between their limbs, she’d never felt happier. She looked at his sleeping face and smiled, lacing her fingers through his hair. 
that feels good.” 
He opened his eyes slowly, bringing her closer to him still, pressing her body into his as he crashed his lips onto hers. His kiss grew bolder and more persistent, their hands exploring each other's bodies for the first time in over a year. As she pulled away slowly she could hear some islanders heading into the kitchen.
“We should probably get up, babe,” she sighed. 
” he groaned, hugging her closer, burying his head in her neck. 
She started giggling, but he slowly started to get up, stretching his toned God-like physique. 
“Yes, please,” she beamed. 
“Come on then. I need my sous chef, I’m gonna make your favorite chocolate chip pancakes.” 
At the prospect of delicious food, Gemma got up quickly. She took his hand in hers, and  they walked to the kitchen together. She couldn’t help but to think of how different this morning was to the many mornings she’d had so far in the villa. The sun seemed to shine brighter, the sea in the distance seemed calmer, bluer, the birds’ songs seemed chipper, happier. It was like the world was righting itself just for the two of them. As they entered the kitchen, the warmth they felt seconds prior was washed away by an icy glare from Kat who sat on a stool, as if she was waiting for them to arrive. Meera and Alfie did not seem to have fully resolved their issues from last night either as they coldly prepared breakfast. 
“Gemma,” Kat spat menacingly. “We should chat.” 
Suresh and I are about to have breakfast. We can chat after.” 
Kat stood up abruptly like a defiant toddler. “NO! NOW! You owe me.” 
“Just go. I’ll get things started,” Suresh said, squeezing her shoulders. Then he leaned down and whispered in her ear to make sure no one else heard.  “Just stay close, so I can see you if I need to come over and save you.” 
She couldn’t help but smile at his words, but she took his advice and chose a lounger close to the kitchen area. 
“Ok Kat, I’m here.” 
Kat leered. “I need to know what’s going on between you and Finn.” 
Gemma couldn’t help but laugh. Other than the movie last night, she’d had no other indication that Finn had ever even been interested in her. He’d barely glanced her way since their first date and the first recoupling. 
“Kat, seriously? Nothing.” She made sure to put extra emphasis on ‘nothing’ to try and knock it into Kat’s head. “Anytime I’ve ever chatted with Finn, it’s about you. His movie caught me completely off guard. But for me, there’s nothing there. Suresh and I are finally starting to work things out, and he’s my only focus right now. I’m not interested in anyone else.” 
“Well you need to let Finn know that,” Kat growled. “I don’t need him thinking he has a chance with you.” 
“I’m saying this because I’m your friend, or at the very least I thought we were until yesterday. I don’t have to do anything. It was his movie, his feelings or whatever they are for me. Not the other way around. And if you think that him pining for me or anyone else would hurt your chances, well–” Gemma spread her arms and gave a slight shrug “–maybe he’s not the guy for you.” 
She stood up and walked back to the kitchen, not giving Kat a chance to respond. She was done, she’d said her piece and there was nothing left to talk about. She came up behind Suresh and wrapped her arms around his waist, watching as he slid the first pancake onto a plate and poured more batter on the skillet. 
“That was quick,” he said as he craned his neck to look at her. “How’d it go?” 
“I just told her I didn’t know why Finn said what he said in his video and that we’re trying to work things out now and I’m not interested in getting to know him or anyone else.” 
“You don’t?” Suresh asked anxiously. 
“You do?!” 
“No!” he laughed. “It’s just really nice to hear that you don’t either though, we didn’t really talk about that last night.” He expertly flipped the pancake, landing perfectly on the skillet. 
She smiled at him gently before she inched her way in front of him and buried her face in his chest. She wordlessly clung to him, breathing in his scent, feeling his chest rise, his strong arms around her waist. Just two days before, she thought she’d never be able to hold him like this again. That he’d never hold her like this again. Caress her hair, like he was now, and kiss the top of her head. He cupped her chin and made her look at him. He didn’t need to say anything for her to know how much he loved her, his eyes said it all on their own. She could see her future in his eyes now. 
“Hey, love birds
whatever you’re cooking is burning,” Dana laughed.  
Breaking them out of their haze, Gemma and Suresh looked down to a black, smokey pancake. Suresh made a face as he dumped the pancake in the bin while Gemma laughed. 
After the chaos of the night before and the residual dust that needed to settle after the whirlwind from that morning, the afternoon seemed to calm down a bit with the islanders hanging out in smaller groups dispersed throughout the villa. Some liaised and swam in the pool, some hung out in the gym, but Gemma found herself nestled with Suresh in the daybeds again. Talking about everything and nothing at all, reminiscing about Suresh’s insane family cat, both in a fit of giggles when a text ping interrupted them. 
“I’ve got a text!” Gabi shouted excitedly from the pool. The other islanders all gathered around her as she read it out. 
Gemma looked up at Suresh but he was already looking down and beaming at her, she smiled back but she couldn’t help but notice she wasn’t the only one looking at him with interest. 
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
MC when she returns back from Casa tomorrow and Suresh walks in with Lulu đŸ˜­đŸ˜«đŸ˜­đŸ˜«
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season 5 casa amor recoupling: michael and amber
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
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No Other Love - Chapter 3: Mad Woman
The islanders head for a night out at 'the movies' where secrets are revealed.
đŸŽ” Song đŸŽ”: Mad Woman
Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy What about that? And when you say I seem angry I get more angry
Thank you to my angel bb @katsie who spoils me with her editing skills and who I love so much and don't deserve. She also added like a full page to this so this was basically cowritten by Kat.
Tag list: @katsie @future-mrs-suresh @litg-burnbook @0shewrites0 @bradybunch111 @whati390 @hi-im-karla @fujihime-litg @kunepie @differenttyphoonwerewolf @earlyevenings @pho3nixx67 @sienna2world @kikithegr8 @theesocialintrovert @iamgaryrennells @kiwi-tai @sortedchaos @pus-things @abecerra611 (let me know if you want to be added on to tag list)
Read on AO3
Gemma was suffocating under the pressure of it all and she couldn’t breathe. She awoke to find herself tangled under Nicolas’ heavy limbs, his leg splayed on top of hers and his arm draped heavily over her chest, preventing her from taking anything but small shallow breaths. She tried twisting her body underneath him but it only made him stir and move closer to her, holding her tighter than before. 
This is impossible. I need to wake him up or I’ll suffocate to death. 
“Nic,” she whispered. 
” he groaned. 
“Nic, I can’t breathe,” she gasped. 
He opened his eyes slowly and smiled, gently lifting his leg and arm off of her. 
“I’m sorry about that, beautiful.” 
She suppressed an annoyed groan. Why did he have to keep calling her that? Suresh had always called her that. It was his thing, and Nic doing it made her uncomfortable.
“It’s okay. I just wanted an earlier start to the day,” she said, stretching as she got up. “But you sleep in.” She noticed Suresh wasn’t in bed and she couldn’t stop herself from wondering where he’d gone. She immediately pushed the thought from her mind. 
He’s with Lulu now, she reminded herself and quickly headed for the dressing room to clear her head.
She could hear the other islanders finally getting up as she finished getting ready, and listened as some of them called dibs on the showers, others headed out to the gym, while the sensible ones announced they were getting breakfast. Her heart skipped a little when her phone pinged, and she listened to see if anyone had heard. Then she was filled with a sense of dread as she realized the text she received was specifically for her, it was production asking her to head to the beach hut for an interview. Oh god, this isn’t going to be fun, she thought as she reached for the door knob. Before she had a chance to even reach it, it flew open and she stumbled back. A pair of hands grabbed her arms, keeping her from falling. She stared up at Suresh with wide eyes, and he smiled down at her.
“You ok, G?” It was like an unspoken electric charge passed between them, drawing them closer to one another. 
“Yeah, sorry about that,” she said, straightening herself out and taking a small step back, out of his grip. 
“Don’t apologize.” His hand twitched at his side as he dropped it. He wanted to touch her face but didn’t know if it would be a good idea or not. As if his hand made up his mind for him, his palm reached for her cheek, taking a strand of hair that had escaped her messy bun and tucked it behind her ear. Gemma took a shaky breath, frozen to the ground, unsure of what to do or say. Words were lost to her at this moment, stuck in the lump in her throat. She smiled up at him and right as she was going to say something they heard someone walking down the hall, towards them. His hand left her cheek, leaving it cold in his absence. 
They both turned to see Nicolas walking towards them. Suresh sighed, clearly annoyed to see him. 
“I’ll catch you later, Gem,” he said as he walked away, stealing one final glance at her. 
Nicolas walked up to her smiling, holding out his phone. “Hey Gem, did you get a text to come to the beach hut, too? Nicolas asked with a big grin. “I think we’re doing a couples interview.”
I did,” she said. “Let’s head inside.” As he closed the door behind them, Gemma briefly touched her cheek. 
Following their uneventful beach hut interview that took up most of the morning, Gemma found herself on the daybeds with Nicolas’ head in her lap as he told her different stories that she’d inadvertently stopped paying attention to. She added in the occasional  “umms” and “ahhs”, laughed when it seemed he was getting ready for a punchline, but she was too distracted to focus. She was absentmindedly playing with his hair when she saw Suresh pulling Lulu for a chat on the bean bags. Until then she hadn’t noticed that they were the only two not spending the day together. Suresh looked awkward, like he was having a hard time saying what he needed to say. Lulu sipped on her water bottle and nodded sadly. She said something with a crease in her brow, but Gemma couldn’t hear any of their conversation from where she sat, and it wasn’t like she could read their lips either. 
Are they breaking up? she wondered as she continued to weave her fingers through Nicolas’s hair. This looks like a breakup chat. 
At that moment, Suresh got up and hugged Lulu. 
That was definitely a break up chat. 
Suresh glanced around and Gemma’s chest tightened when they locked eyes. He took a deep breath before making his way over. Her hands started to sweat. 
He’s coming to talk to me. He’s coming to talk to me. He’s actually coming to talk to me. 
Her heart was hammering against her ribs and she was certain they were being bruised. She couldn’t breathe, her hands stilling in Nic’s hair. He didn’t notice.
She couldn’t help notice that Suresh looked anxious. Why was he anxious?
You’ve got this, Gemma, she told herself as she tried to calm her own nerves. 
Alfie and Meera were in the kitchen when he shouted, “Hey! I’ve got a text!” 
Suresh sighed, but changed course and walked over to the kitchen with the other islanders coming up behind him. 
Alfie made a show of clearing his throat before he read out the text as dramatically as he could, “Islanders, it’s time to get glammed up and hit the red carpet as you attend Mad Movies the premiere! #SpillThePopcorn #ITV2andChill.” 
“Mad Movies? So the movies are about us?” Nicolas asked. 
“It seems to be that way,” Alfie said, then continued reading the instructions. “This will be a boys vs girls challenge. Each team will sit on opposite sides answering questions. Whoever gets the question right, or closest to the correct answer, will get to choose which movie they want to watch.” 
” Nicolas suddenly looked nervous. 
“You look a little green there, Nic. You have any secrets you don’t want shared?” Kat teased. 
“What? No!” Nic answered, his voice a note too high. “I’m totally fine.” He smiled at Gemma, but she could sense something was wrong. He was hiding something.
“Should we go get glammed up then girls?” Lulu asked. 
“Yes, let’s go!” Gabi trilled. 
After finishing up their looks, the girls made their way outside and gawked at the yard, which had been completely transformed in a matter of hours. In the middle of the lawn were two long tables lined up with popcorn, snacks and drinks. A row of chairs were lined up one side, facing a large theater-sized screen that read ‘WELCOME TO MAD MOVIES’.  
“Oh my god girls! Look, that table is for us, I cannot wait to see what hot goss we’re going to uncover!” Kat laughed. 
“Be careful what you wish for, Kat. You and Finn both have movies up there,” Dana cautioned. 
Kat leered at her, flipped her hair and proceeded to ignore her. “Obviously Finn’s been a good boy but if we girls win the first point, that’s definitely the movie we’re watching first. No ifs, ands or buts about it.” 
Gabi rolled her eyes and said, “I’m glad we’re all being team players here.” 
Gemma looked down at her phone and read out the first trivia question, “On average, roughly how many acts of sexual intercourse happen around the world every day?” 
She could hear the boys murmuring but focused on what the girls were saying. 
“OK, there’s eight billion people in the world,” Lulu whispered. We have to factor in babies, kids and super old people. None of them are having sex.”  
“And the text says everyday, too,” Gemma added. “The number can’t be that high.” 
She could hear Nicolas suggest two billion and the boys agreeing. 
“So what are we thinking, like 80 million?” Dana asked. 
“Yes! Let’s go with that,” Gabi whispered. 
Gemma wrote in their answer and a few seconds later they received a text alerting them the girls won. 
“Yes! Girls win, the answer is 100 million and we get to choose the first movie,” Gemma said excitedly. 
The screen suddenly updated and listed the ‘coming attractions’. 
The Sure-shank Redemption 
The Disaster Artist 
Good Finn Hunting
The Fast & The Furious 
“Girls, we obviously want to start with Good Finn Hunting, right?” Kat asked annoyingly. 
“Ugh just let her have it,” Meera said. “If we don’t give her the movie now, she’ll be whining about it all night.” 
The girls looked at Meera surprised and a few chuckled. 
“Personally I want to see The Sure-shank Redemption,” Gabi said and pointedly looked at Gemma. “See what kind of mess Suresh has been getting into behind our backs.” 
“We don’t have time for this
We pick ‘Good Finn Hunting’,” Gemma conceded. 
The screen came to life with Finn and a busty brunette chatting in bed at Casa Amor. She was wearing skimpy lingerie and eyed him seductively. 
“Do you know who you’re sharing a bed with tonight?” she asked. 
He smirked at her and played with her hair. 
“Well I couldn’t possibly kick you out of my bed when you look this good in it,” Finn teased. 
She inched closer to him wrapping herself around him and the clip cut to another scene. 
Finn and Eddie were whispering in what still looked to be Casa Amor. 
“So where’s your head at?” Eddie looked at Finn with a worried look on his face. 
Finn ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Mate, I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, Kat’s a great girl and all, but her kissing Alfie? That changed everything for me. She’s so immature, how can I possibly trust her? And then there’s Millie and Gemma, who I think are way more my type.” 
“Would you ever recouple with either of them?” 
Yes. Millie might be a little high maintenance for me and bringing her back from Casa Amor might prove challenging, but Gemma? She’s special. There’s something about her that I just can’t put my finger on. She’s stunning, obviously, but it’s more than that, isn’t it?”  
Kat looked at Gemma and Finn with fire in her eyes. 
“So I’m not your type then, Finn? You want Gemma now?” She said Gemma’s name as if it were sour and having it in her mouth disgusted her. “And who the fuck is Millie? Was it that bitch you spent the night with, while I slept alone every night?” 
“Kat, I was just mad about the kiss before Casa,” Finn said as he shifted awkwardly. “It  didn’t mean anything.” He stole a glance at Gemma, then quickly looked down at the beer in front of him. 
“I won’t sit around and be made a mug of, Finn,” she hissed, crossing her arms over her chest. “You better come and speak to me immediately after this is done.” 
“Come on guys, it’s all good, let’s move on to the next one,” Alfie said, trying to break the tension. “Let me read the next question.” He took a deep breath. “What precentage of people use their smartphones during sex?” 
“Ok girls, we need to get this one. The last movie was savage and now I'm scared to see what footage they have on us,” Gabi said. 
“It’s got to be high, people film it or watch porn on their smartphones,” Dana said. 
“Ok, so what are we thinking, like 50%?” Meera asked. 
There was a mixture of ‘yeahs’, so Meera sent in their response. 
“Answer is 20%. Boys win!” Alfie cheered. 
Once more the screen came to life with a curtain closing on the boys’ coming attractions, now listing the girls’. 
There’s Something about Meera 
The Ex Files 
The Truth About Kats & Dogs
She’s Just Not That Into You 
LuLu Land 
The Wedding Planner  
“Finn, you want to see Kat’s?” Alfie offered. 
“Actually, yes,” Finn said. “If you boys don’t mind.”
“I’d much rather watch The Ex Files,” Suresh said, eyeing Gemma. 
“Let’s do that one on the next go,” Nicolas said. “I’m curious about that one, too.” 
“Alright,” Alfie said, rubbing his hands together excitedly. “Let’s see The Truth About Kats & Dogs.” 
The screen faded to black, then an image of Kat lit up. She sashayed into the living room to find Suresh deep in thought. She sidled up close to him on the couch, placing her hands on his shoulders and started gently massaging him. 
“Suresh, it kills me to see you so upset,” she cooed. “Are you spooked by Gemma’s secret, that she was going to propose to you?” 
He shrugged her off his shoulders and moved slightly over, creating more space between them on the couch. 
please. I’d like to be left alone right now, if you don’t mind.” 
But Kat wasn’t taking no for an answer. She gently cupped his face and forced him to look at her. 
“Babe, you said it yourself, you’d both be better off if you moved on. So why don’t you let me help you. I can take your mind off of Gemma,” she giggled and leaned just a little bit closer. “Help you see what else is out there. You might like it.” She attempted to close the distance entirely, but Suresh stood up so fast Kat nearly face-planted into the pillows.
Suresh headed to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. 
The clip cut to a different scene with Alfie and Kat on the roof terrace. 
“Babe, I know what I saw,” Kat said, her lips formed into a slight pout. “Gemma and Suresh were inhaling each other. I honestly think if I hadn’t interrupted them, they would’ve had sex right then and there in the middle of the day, on your shared bed.” 
Alfie looked at her, confused. “That can’t be. Gemma and I
we were finally in a really good spot. And Suresh is with Arlo. How could they do this to me?” 
Alfie looked as if he might cry. With one finger Kat gently stroked his cheek, landing on his chin. She lifted his head and forced him to look at her. 
“You deserve the world, Alf.” 
She looked at him with a hungry desire, then kissed him hard. At first it was clumsy and sloppy as she caught him off guard, but soon he joined in. Their tongues greeting each other for the first time in weeks. Alfie didn’t care that this was wrong, that he was cheating. All he cared about was that someone in this moment wanted him. The clip ended when Gemma opened the terrace door and caught them. 
“So it was you!” Finn shouted. “This whole time you had me thinking it was Alfie who initiated the kiss but it was you the whole time.” 
“Are we disregarding that she also tried to hook up with Suresh?” Dana asked. 
“Especially after I told her that it would make me uncomfortable,” Gemma added, looking at Kat angrily. 
“You’ve got a lot of nerve, Finn! I only kissed Alfie after you kissed Arlo. And Gemma, I told you I was going to put him to a test and he passed, you should be thrilled.” 
“I didn’t ask you to put Suresh through a test, Kat,” Gemma hissed, tensing up in her seat. “You decided that all on your own.” 
“This is exactly the shit I’m talking about. We were coupled up when you inserted yourself in both scenarios.” Finn took a large swig of his beer. 
“Looks like you and Kat will need to sidebar on this convo later, we have a new question,” Suresh said. 
“On average, how often do men think about sex?” 
He glanced up at Gemma and smirked. She tried so hard not to respond, but the corners of her mouth deceived her as they curled up into a smile. She looked away and focused on the task at hand. 
“I feel like there’s not a number big enough,” Gemma laughed. 
“Yeah, it’s gotta be high,” Meera said. 
“Every fifteen minutes,” Dana suggested. The girls all laughed in unison, including Kat who seemed to be getting slightly more comfortable after her and Finn’s outburst. 
“Let’s say, 18 times a day. That’s at least once every waking hour,” Lulu whispered. 
“Every seven seconds, boys win!” Suresh said, squaring his shoulders as his eyes locked on Gemma. “And we already know which movie we’re watching. Let’s play ‘The Ex Files’.”
The screen showed Gemma holding the Casa Amor postcard in her hands, staring at it longingly. She hadn’t let go of it since they received it nearly three hours ago.
“Babe, you’re going to burn a hole through that picture,” Dana chuckled.
“He’s sleeping alone on the daybed,” Gemma said for the umpteenth time, looking at Dana with excitement. “Maybe he really meant what he said, about wanting us to try again.”
Dana nodded slowly, eyeing her friend warily. She wanted Gemma to be happy, of course, but this wasn’t a cut-and-dry situation. 
“Okay,” she said cautiously. “So, best case scenario is he comes back single. Do you think you’ll be ready to take him back?” 
Gemma looked back down at the postcard, a warmth spreading from her chest and throughout her entire body. Suresh was sleeping peacefully on his back, his chiseled body only partially covered by the duvet. One of his arms was bent behind his head, one leg poking out from the covers, nearly hanging off the side. She imagined herself back in those arms, lying next to his warm body again. 
Gemma opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She closed it and tried again. “If he comes back single
” She made a noise, like a groan and a sigh wrapped into one. Saying it out loud would make it real. She wouldn’t be able to pretend anymore. She wouldn’t be able to lie, to say she was fine when she really wasn’t, because someone else would know.
“Yes,” she managed to croak out, staring at the postcard. She couldn’t look at Dana as she spoke, opening her heart knowing she could potentially get hurt again and she wouldn’t be able to fake her way out of it. “Yes. If he comes back single, and still wants to make it work like he said, then I’m ready to give him a chance again.”
“Are you sure, Gem?” Dana pressed, placing her hand on Gemma’s knee. “Could you fully trust him again, truly?”
Gemma finally looked up at her, holding her gaze. “I already do,” she admitted. “I hate to admit it, but I do trust him again. He’s shown a different side lately, I really think he’s changed. And besides–” She nearly choked on the lump in her throat and took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking and she gripped the postcard tighter, memories flooding her mind. “I can’t not try, you know? It’s Suresh.”
The screen faded to black and the silence was deafening. Suresh looked over at Gemma, and for the second time today, the electric charge between them once again ignited a fire. 
“Not now, Suresh. Not  here.” Her eyes pleaded with him to let it go for now. She avoided Nicolas’ glare as she took a big gulp of her wine and continued looking straight ahead. She couldn’t talk about her feelings for him here, not in front of everyone. She’d take him aside after the challenge and speak to him privately. She couldn’t avoid it now. 
“Well at least they’re not all bad,” Dana muttered under her breath. 
Suresh kept glancing at Gemma, hoping she would look at him, but she continued to stare at the screen. He ran his large fingers through his hair as the next text came through. 
“Let’s get on with it then, I’ve got the next question,” Lulu said. “To the nearest hour, how long did the longest kiss without a break reportedly last for?”
“I’ve read this! It was fifty nine hours,” Meera said. 
“Without a break? There’s no way! How did they eat and sleep?” Kat chimed in. 
“No, trust me! I literally read this article before I got here,” Meera said. 
“Okay. Send it, Gabi,” Gemma said. 
“Girls win! The answer was fifty nine hours!” Gabi cheered. “Good on you Meera!” 
“Which one do you girls want? Gemma, should we go for ‘The Sure-shank Redemption’?” Dana asked. 
“I’d like to see that one,” Gabi chimed in. 
“I really want to see Alfie’s movie but I can’t tell which one he is,” Meera whined. 
“Then we can figure that out on our next win,” Gabi said. “We’re going with ‘The Sure-shank Redemption’.” 
Suresh came to life on the screen, slumped over a fruit bowl in the Casa Amor kitchen. He was rearranging them until he found the orange he was looking for. 
“Why the long face?” Eddie asked. 
Suresh sighed and looked around to see if anyone else was within earshot of them. When he deemed the coast clear he whispered, “I’ve just been having a really hard time here. I know you boys all said I should forget about Gemma, that she didn’t give me a response before I left and that that in and of itself is a response, but mate I miss her so much.” 
“What about Lulu? You’ve been chirpsing away all day with her.” 
“Lulu is great. She’s nice and all, but there is absolutely no spark. And the only person on my mind is Gemma.” He sighed, picking at the sticker on the orange. “I actually hate that I have to pretend to graft, right now.” 
“Why are you pretending to graft? Why don’t you just go back single and tell Gemma how you feel?” 
“Because what if it’s a scenario where one of us will get dumped if the other twists. I’m coupled with Arlo right now and I have no faith that she won’t twist. She knows Gemma and I kissed before Casa, so she’s gotta be fuming.” 
“Fair point.” 
“I just wish I didn’t have to hurt Lulu or string her along in the process.” 
He doesn’t want Lulu. Gemma stared at the now-black screen with renewed confusion. He’s only ever wanted me. 
“Well, at least now it makes sense why you dumped me this afternoon,” Lulu stated. 
” Suresh said nervously. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
Gemma finally dared to look over at Suresh, and without saying anything they both instantly understood each other. There was still an undeniable spark between them and apparently neither one of them were ready to let it go. 
“Alright girls, here we go,” Meera said, breaking the silence. “What percentage of women fantasize about other men during sex with their partners?” 
A chorus of ‘I’ve done it’s’ started as most of the  girls admitted to having done it.
“So what are we thinking, then? I think about 45%. Is everyone happy with that?” Dana asked. 
“Yes! And I get my Alfie movie if we’re right, right?” Meera asked. 
“Yes, babe. You’ll just have to decide between the last two because it was unclear which one was his or Nic’s,” Gemma said. 
“Girls win! The answer was 46%!” Meera beamed. “Dana, you smashed it!” She  looked at the screen, trying to decipher the title to figure out which of the remaining two movies belonged to Alfie. 
“It can’t be The Fast & The Furious because that’s probably a sex thing and that is definitely not Alfie.” She  winked at him. “We’re going to go with The Disaster Artist.” 
The screen showed Nicolas pacing back and forth on the rooftop while Pete and Johnny sat on the bench, watching him. 
“What’s the game plan boys?” Nicolas asked excitedly. 
“Game plan?” Johnny looked at Pete with a confused look. 
“Yeah, what are you on about, Nic?” Pete asked. 
“Come on! You can’t tell me that you two came in here with no game plan? We’ve had the opportunity to watch these girls for weeks and you guys are just squandering it away?” 
“I just don’t look at this as a game,” Pete said. “I like Arlo and I have a connection with her, so I’m going to explore that.” 
“Same for me,” said Johnny. “I like Dana and Gemma. But I don’t know either of them well enough to say who I have a better connection with.” 
“First off, you’re wasting your time on Dana. She’s been on Gabi’s ass since she turned up in the villa, which is weird if you ask me since Gemma is supposed to be her ‘bestie’,” he sneered. “I’d say focus on Kat, just play up that Finn is definitely cheating on her.” 
“Why Kat? She’s not really my type,” Johnny said. 
“You can’t have Gemma, she’s mine. I’ve had my sights set on her since she walked in the villa.” 
“So you like Gemma then?” Johnny asked. 
“What does it matter if I like her or not?” Nicolas laughed before continuing. “We just need someone desperate and lonely enough to convince that they should bring us back. I’ve been studying Suresh, I know his mannerisms. I’m just gonna copy the bloke and have her eating out of my hand.” 
“I don’t like this plan, mate. Gemma’s a great girl, she doesn’t deserve this,” Johnny tried. 
“I look at it as me doing her a favor. She’s damaged goods right now. First Suresh pies her off for Arlo, then Alfie kisses Kat. Who's going to come in now and want to deal with that? And besides, now she doesn’t have to go back to her shitty, cheating ex and she can be with a real man for once.” 
Gemma felt her skin burning, her jaw hurt from clenching her teeth so hard. She turned and looked at Nicolas with venom in her eyes and wished she could strike him with a blow so hard that it would send him straight back to Coventry. 
“Desperate and lonely?” she snarled. “Damaged goods?”
” Nicolas held up his hands palm-up, fighting to keep his voice as calm as possible. “This  is completely out of context, it’s bad editing. I didn’t say half of those things in that way, you have to believe me.” 
“FUCK. YOU. Nicolas. And if it wasn’t clear we’re fucking done. Don’t you dare try to come and talk to me after this.” 
“She said she’s fucking done mate,” Suresh barked, nearly getting up from his chair. “Get it through your thick head before I help you understand.” 
“This isn’t about you!” Nicolas snapped back. 
Suresh stood up from his chair abruptly, nearly knocking over the table, and glared at Nicolas. Alfie stood up quickly to block him. 
“It’s calm, it’s calm,” he said with both hands on Suresh’s shoulders, trying to get him to focus on him and sit back down. Gemma acted more on instinct than sense as she hurried over to the boys, pushing herself in between the two men. Her hands replaced Alfie’s on Suresh’s heaving chest. His nostrils were flared, his body rigid.
“Resh, look at me,” she said. His eyes flickered down to her, then returned to Nicolas who was standing behind Alfie, practically hiding. 
“He’s not worth it. Sit down, please,” she begged, and he looked back down at her. His eyes searched her face, brows creasing as he did. She pushed his chest softly, so he took a deep breath and nodded.
“Fine,” he said, ticking his jaw. “For you.”
He gave Nicolas another glare, but did as Gemma asked and sat down. As he watched her make her way back to the girls’ table, his hand twitched. He wanted so badly to just reach out and pull her back, to kiss her and hold her, to just have her back in his arms. 
“Let’s just move on, it looks like this is our last one,” Dana said, then proceeded to read the text. “How long does the average female orgasm last?” 
“This will be embarrassing if we don’t get this one, girls,” Lulu said. 
“I don’t know, like ten seconds?” Meera said. 
“I don’t actually sit there and time my orgasms out,” Kat snorted. 
“It’s gotta be more than ten seconds, I think maybe fifteen,” Gabi suggested. 
“Okay, we’ll  go with fifteen.” Dana typed out and sent in their answer. 
“Boys win!” Finn whooped. “The answer was twenty seconds.” He gave the girls a suggestive wink, then looked up at the titles on the screen. “I think we’re just going to pick this one at random and go with ‘The Wedding Planner’.” 
Meera eyed Alfie suspiciously. “Alf, you didn’t want to watch ‘There’s Something About Meera’?” 
“Have you seen these movies?” Alfie asked, shaking his head. “No, I’ll stay away from the drama, thank you very much.” 
Meera huffed as she crossed her arms and turned to watch the screen come to life with the next movie. 
Gabi sat on the roof terrace, hugging her knees and stifling her tears, when Nicolas walked in. 
“Gab, babe. Why are you so upset? Was it your chat with Gemma?” 
She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face and nodded. 
“But it’s not just my chat with her.  Everyone here looks at me like I’m some homewrecking slut. And I’m not! What I had with Suresh was real.” 
“I’m sure it was babe,” he said soothingly as he sat down next to her. “After all, he left her for you, right?” 
“Exactly!” Gabi exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. “I didn’t even know about Gemma when we were together. He never mentioned her until the tailend of our relationship. And even then he never told me he cheated with me.” 
“It’s not right that he put you through that,” Nic said, placing a hand on her back, rubbing it softly. 
“No, it’s not! And we might not have been together as long as he and Gemma were, but I know he was absolutely crazy about me. He only had eyes for me the whole time we were together and I am tired of being made out to be some dirty little secret,” she scoffed. “What he and I had, you can’t fake that. If Suresh were here right now with the two of us in his face, I know he’d pick me over her and that’s what makes me so mad! Because if anything, she  was the other woman!” 
Nicolas hugged her close, stroking her hair as she continued. 
“She needed to propose to him to get him to commit to her. But I know for a fact he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.”  
“How do you know that for sure,” Nicolas asked, eyeing her skeptically.  
“Because I found a ring,” she said. “He was going to propose to me, not her. ME!” 
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
FB you have one job. ONE JOB. you have relentlessly put us down as the main character this season, and that ends tomorrow. I don't want just one LI's heart rate soaring, I WANT THEM ALL. YOU OWE US.
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75 notes · View notes
luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
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No Other Love - Chapter 2: Shoot
Gemma can't seem to get her mind off Suresh as he heads out on a date with Lulu. Her past and present collide as she reminisces about a special date from their past.
đŸŽ” Song đŸŽ”: Shoot What if it hurts? It's gonna...
Tag list: @katsie @future-mrs-suresh @litg-burnbook @0shewrites0 @bradybunch111 @whati390 @hi-im-karla @fujihime-litg @kunepie @differenttyphoonwerewolf @earlyevenings @pho3nixx67 @sienna2world @kikithegr8 @theesocialintrovert @iamgaryrennells @kiwi-tai @sortedchaos @pus-things @abecerra611 (let me know if you want to be added on to tag list)
Read on Ao3
HUGE THANK YOU AGAIN TO MY QUEENS @katsie and @0shewrites0 who I would truly be lost without. And if the smut section is better u can thank kat for that đŸ’–đŸ„”
He doesn’t love me, why am I making this harder for myself? 
She couldn't keep the negative thoughts from swirling around in her head as Suresh and Lulu left the villa for their first date. 
First of many

“Babe, at least try to pretend to look like you don’t care,” Dana whispered, her voice cutting through Gemma’s negative thoughts. 
“What do you mean? I don’t care,” Gemma said, fiddling with a loose thread on the brightly colored bean bags the girls were sitting on. 
Dana rolled her eyes and leaned in closer. “You can pretend with everyone else, but I know you wanted to couple up with him before Casa. So tell me
how are you really feeling?” 
Gemma sighed and kept her eyes locked on the loose thread, pulling and tugging at it anxiously. 
“I-I’m fine. Suresh made his choice. And it doesn’t matter what I wanted before Casa, all that matters is where we’re at now. He chose Lulu and I chose Nicolas.” The lies clumsily tumbled out of her mouth. She’d tried to convince herself that if she repeated it enough times to enough people she’d start to believe them as well. 
“But babe -” 
“But nothing. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Gemma stood up resolutely and headed towards the kitchen to fill up her almost full water bottle. Being on Love Island was an opportunity of a lifetime, she knew she was so lucky to be here but she didn’t feel lucky. She just wanted to be back in Edinburgh, somewhere familiar where people knew her and didn’t judge or comment on every move she made. She stopped at the expansive kitchen island and placed her palms on the cool marble counter, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 
I just wish I were home

Gemma nervously adjusted her dress with her one free hand and balanced a bottle of wine and her purse in the other. She sighed deeply, hoping to shake out some of the nerves she felt, or at the very least quiet the butterflies going berserk in her stomach. She pressed down on the doorbell with her perfectly manicured nail and waited. She could hear his footsteps as he approached the door, clicking the lock to unlock it, and then he swung it open with a massive smile on his face. 
“Hey there, beautiful,” Suresh said, his eyes raking over her body as he stepped aside to let her into his apartment. “Perfect timing. Dinner is almost ready.” 
“It smells amazing in here, what are you making?” she raved, but before he volunteered an answer his arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer to him, capturing her lips with his. He felt her body melding into his as he deepened the kiss, softly tugging on her hair while she let out a soft moan. A loud timer rang out in the kitchen, interrupting their kiss. 
He pulled away slowly, resting his forehead on hers and looked into her eyes. 
“Hold that thought.” 
Gemma groaned, feigning annoyance, but smiled back up at him. 
“Fine.” She sighed. “This is for you.” She held out the bottle of wine. 
He took the wine and her hand in his, leading her into the kitchen to turn off the timer. Gemma sat on a stool on the kitchen island, watching him as he moved about the kitchen with ease. He looked so comfortable, so relaxed, so happy. Was she fooling herself to think he was just as happy as she was? She had never been one to fall hard and fast, but five dates in and she felt like absolute putty around him. She couldn’t wipe the stupid, giddy grin off her face when she thought of him. She’d never been this nervous with anyone else she had dated previously. This feeling - the tightness in her chest, the butterflies in her stomach - she had never experienced it this intensely. She cursed her brain for even offering up the "L"-word, it was way too early for that. But there was something there, and she knew she was falling for him hard. 
“Can I help you with anything?” she asked, restraining from resting her head in her hands and gawking at him as he moved around effortlessly, looking like a Greek God. 
“Why don’t you pour us some wine? Maybe the red,” he suggested before spinning around and grinning. “I’m making bolognese. A little birdie told me it was your favorite.” 
She looked up at him with a knowing look and he smirked at her. 
“I’ve never been referred to as a ‘little birdie’ before, but I’ll gladly accept it. Especially if it means I’ll get all of my favorite things.” She slid off the bar stool and got the bottle of red from the wine rack, placing it on the island. Then she walked past him, making sure she was close enough that her hip brushed against him as she passed. “Here?” she asked innocently as she stopped right next to him, opening the cabinet door to retrieve two wine glasses. She pretended not to notice how his eyes wandered, heat blooming in her core. Pouring them both a glass, she handed one of them to him, their fingers brushing against each other as the glass traded hands.
“Cheers,” they said in unison, maintaining eye contact as they took a sip. 
“Fuck, Gem, you look so good in that dress.” His eyes couldn’t decide where to look; her eyes, her lips, her breasts, her hips, the faint outline of her ass. He made an involuntary sound in the back of his throat, prompting her to smirk. 
“You should see how good I look underneath it,” she purred, biting down lightly on her bottom lip. His eyes widened slightly at the insinuation, his pants suddenly felt a bit tight. His free hand flexed as he tried to calm himself down. He had contemplated  this night for a long time, he had a plan. And he was going to follow the plan, be a gentleman, because he really liked her and he didn’t want to fuck this up. But god, she looked so good. She took a single step towards him and he shifted slightly, eyes boring into hers. 
“You’re not making this easy for me,” he said, his voice gruffer than it had been a few seconds ago.
“I’m not sure I understand,” she answered, giving a light shrug and staring up at him through her lashes. He cocked a brow.
“I had a plan for how this was going to go,” he said firmly.
She smirked. “Things don’t always go how we planned.” 
“I’m trying to be a gentleman,” he insisted.
“Who said I wanted a gentleman?”
Something within him lit on fire and in a split second he put down his glass and closed the space between them, crashing his lips onto hers. She pressed back into him and he took the glass from her hands, pushed her back until she was pinned between the counter and his arousal. She moaned into his mouth. He put the glass down, then in one swift movement he lifted her onto the marble countertop and with gentle pressure spread her legs so he could step in between them. The kiss was as hungry as they should’ve felt, with the untouched food still on the stovetop. His hands desperately explored her body through her thin silky dress, she shuddered when he reached her breasts and teased her nipples through the fabric. Even as she shimmied her arms out of the thin straps of her dress, exposing her full breasts to him, she found it hard to let go of his lips. Wanting more of him, she wrapped her legs around his waist. She couldn’t stifle the moans when his lips trailed kisses down her body, reaching her breasts and taking one in his mouth while he expertly teased her nipple with his tongue. He moved his hand down her taut stomach, the sensation causing her to arch her back in desire, knowing what was to come. He lifted her slightly, hooking a finger in the waistband of her underwear and pulling them down, exposing her further.  
” Her voice came out as a breathy gasp. “Fuck me, baby. Please.” 
He moved to her neck, biting and licking, enjoying how she seemed to melt under his touch. He moved his hands slowly up her legs, onto her thighs, pushing up her dress as he went. His fingers twitched knowing how close they were to her center, and from her moans and her writhing, he knew she was wet. Wet for him. 
“Since you asked so nicely
” he teased, lifted her off the counter and started to unbutton his pants. She moved closer and kissed his chin, his neck, the hollow of his throat. Her hand stroked him through his underwear, but nothing could prepare her for the sheer size of him.
“Turn around.” His low, husky voice, thick with desire, made her do exactly as he demanded. She bent over slightly, palms firmly planted on the marble countertops, and wiggled her ass at him. He grabbed one of her ass cheeks and squeezed it hard, making her hum in approval. 
Then he eased himself into her at an agonizingly slow pace, not wanting to overwhelm her. Gemma let out a loud moan and turned back to look at him, her eyes dark with lust. 
“I can take it, baby. Faster.” 
He thrust into her harder this time, eliciting an even louder groan from Gemma. Grabbing onto her waist, he fused their bodies together, plunging deeper than he had before. 
“F-fuck Resh
Maintaining his steady rhythm, his lips descended onto her neck, and she mewled uncontrollably as her walls started to tighten around him. He snaked an arm around her and down between her legs, flicking her sensitive bud. She clenched around him as she gasped.
“Cum for me, G.” 
She lost all control of her body as she reached the paralyzing moment of ecstasy and released a loud moan. He wasn’t far behind her, and after a couple more thrusts he shuddered into her, burying his face in her neck as he groaned. She could barely stand, her legs feeling more like jello than limbs, but he held her tight to his chest, keeping her balanced. As they both attempted to catch their breaths, sweat dripping down their chests, she turned around to gaze at him. She moved to wrap her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his gently.
“Hey beautiful, there you are,” Nicolas said, coming up from behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. 
Gemma’s breathing hitched as she felt his arms tighten around her and she flinched at his touch. Her memories washed away as quickly as they had come. 
Nicolas looked at her with concern. “You ok? You were just staring off into space there for a while.” 
“Yes!” She lied. “Why don’t we head down to the pool? I’m boiling up!” Before he could ask any follow up questions she turned around and shot him a big fake smile. Then she took his hand and led him over to the pool. 
They were still in the pool chatting, when Suresh and Lulu walked back into the villa an hour later, both beaming. 
“They’re back!” Kat squealed as she ran over to a surprised Lulu, grabbing her by the hand and leading her to the swings. “Girls! Come join us! I want all the goss from their date.” 
“Looks like I’m being summoned
” Gemma restrained from groaning out loud. “I’ll see you in a bit.” She gave Nicolas a small peck on the cheek and got out of the pool, water dripping everywhere. As she quickly toweled off she noticed Suresh, eyeing her from the firepit. She quickly wrapped herself up in the towel and headed to the swings.
“Ok, tell us everything.” Kat burst out, clapping her hands together excitedly. “Where did you guys go? What did you do? Any love vibes?” 
“Kat, relax! Let her answer one question before you bombard her with ten more,” Dana rolled her eyes. 
“Oh, where to start? We went on this lovely picnic on this really gorgeous property. We could actually see the sea from where we were, it was stunning
” Lulu continued on about how fun her date was and how she could see herself falling for Suresh, but Gemma tuned it out. She couldn’t make herself listen to it. 
Deja vu

She pretended to care about what Lulu was saying, nodding and smiling weakly when she noticed the girls giggling or teasing her. 
Thank God. Anything to end this convo. 
“I’ve got a text!” Arlo shouted happily and waited for the boys to walk over to the swings before she started reading it. 
Islanders, tonight each couple must vote for who they think is the least compatible couple. The couple with the most votes will be going home. #PowerFailCouple #TwoForTheRoad
Arlo jumped up from her seat and wrapped her arms around Pete. “Me and Pete have nothing to worry about,” she said smugly. 
Copying her exact move, Kat got up and hugged Finn. “Same here. Right, Finn?” 
Finn just looked at Kat and smiled, nodding his head and hugging her closer. 
“I’m feeling confident. Alfie and I proved how we got on in Casa Amor,” Meera said. “Even though we haven’t been together as long as some people here. I’m totally sold on us as a couple.”
“And hopefully you lot are too!” Alfie added. 
“Bring it on! If this date proves anything it’s that Suresh and I are compatible to the max,” Lulu gushed. Suresh looked at her and smiled awkwardly, gazing over at Gemma who quickly looked away. 
“I think it’s a bit weird to have to announce your compatibility with someone. Seems forced.” Nicolas shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Gemma. “I never have to do that with Gemma and I know you can all clearly see how compatible we are,” he said smugly, looking pleased with himself as he walked over to her and took her hand in his. “Now if you’ll excuse us, my lady and I are going to get ready for tonight. I advise you all to do the same rather than trying to prove how compatible you are.”  
They walked off together into the villa to get ready for the night ahead. 
Gemma found herself alone in the dressing room, the others still outside. She stared back at her reflection, smoothing her hair out as thoughts of what the night might bring flooded her mind. 
Are Lulu and Suresh even compatible? Gemma asked herself. Lulu sure seems to think so. 
Dana came rushing into the dressing room, interrupting her thoughts. 
“You’re going to die when you hear this,” she panted, unable to hide the huge grin on her face. 
“What is it?” Gemma asked impatiently. 
“OK, literally seconds after you and Nic came up to get ready, Pete agreed with what Nic said, but then started going off about ‘types’ and well, apparently there’s someone else in the villa that he finds to be way more his type on paper.” 
“Shut up, who?” 
“LULU!” Dana squealed. 
“What?” Gemma gasped, her eyes wide. 
“Yes, and it kicked off with Arlo and Pete, it was a whole thing. At least they made everyone’s job easier tonight.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, we can all vote for Arlo and Pete now, it’s clear they’re not compatible if he’s trying to be with someone else, right?” 
Gemma looked at her reflection and considered this. Surely that wasn’t how we were judging compatibility? But she didn’t care as long as she was safe. 
And Suresh would be safe too. Suresh
and Lulu. 
After getting ready for what lay ahead, the islanders were in the kitchen making drinks and chatting about the compatibility vote ahead of them. Gemma noticed Arlo and Meera whispering in a corner, frequently and not very subtly looking right at her. 
“I’ve got a text,” Gemma said, less enthusiastically than she probably should have. The islanders gathered around her as she read it out.
Islanders in your couples please vote on who you think is the least compatible couple. The couple with the most votes will be dumped from the island. 
“Well, looks like we’ve got to go make a tough decision, beautiful.” Nicolas moved closer to Gemma, putting his hand on the small of her back, guiding her away from the other islanders. She wasn’t sure why, but it was really starting to annoy her when he called her ‘beautiful’.
They found a secluded spot away from everyone else and Nicolas took out his phone. 
“I feel like this is an easy one tonight,” Nicolas smirked. “It’s obviously Suresh and Lulu.” 
“What?! NO!” Gemma shrieked, her tone giving away more than she intended. Nicolas eyed her warily. “It’s just, she told us how amazing her date was, they clearly had a good time. Why would we vote them out?” 
“I think they’re faking it. At least Suresh is,” he said matter of factly.  
Could he be faking it? 
“I don’t think so. I’d know if Suresh was faking it. And besides, didn't you hear what happened with Arlo and Pete?” 
He looked at her confused. “No, what happened?” 
“He said that he wanted to recouple with Lulu. Apparently they had a big blow up out on the lawn, we missed it when we went inside. I’m pretty sure everyone’s voting for them.” He still looked unconvinced so she continued, “I also noticed Meera and Arlo plotting in the kitchen just now, I think they’ll throw us in to split the vote. Voting for Suresh and Lulu would be a burn vote, so we need to vote for Arlo and Pete to be safe.” 
“Fair point. Alright, then let’s send the text.” 
Gemma took out her phone and quickly typed ‘Arlo and Pete’, tapping the send icon before Nicolas had a chance to change his mind. 
“Let’s head to the firepit, then?” she suggested. 
As they walked towards the fire pit, Gemma saw Suresh and Lulu out of the corner of her eye. They were making their way over as well.
Does he look
nervous? I guess they haven’t been coupled up for very long, but no one here has, except for Kat and Finn. 
Suresh glanced in Gemma’s direction. Nicolas noticed this and slipped an arm around her waist, kissing her cheek. 
As the islanders all gathered around the firepit, one by one they received texts to confirm they were not in the bottom and were therefore safe, until only Dana and Gabi as well as Pete and Arlo remained. 
Gemma’s eyes flitted between Dana and Gabi. She wasn’t surprised they were at the bottom with Gabi desperately trying to rekindle what she’d had with Suresh the second they got back from Casa.
Even though he rejected her, that can’t bode well for hers and Dana’s compatibility.
A loud ping cut through her thoughts, bringing her back. Lulu opened the text, then looked at the bottom four. 
“The couple safe tonight and continuing their journey is
Dana and Gabi. I’m sorry Pete and Arlo,” she said solemnly. 
*Text Ping* 
This time Arlo picked up her phone and stared at the text. “Arlo and Pete, you have been voted least compatible by your fellow islanders and are therefore dumped. Please pack your things and get ready to leave the villa.” 
Arlo gasped and looked at Pete in shock. 
“I-I can’t believe this,” she stammered. 
“Yeah, is this some kind of sick joke?” He looked at Nicolas annoyed, as if they had planned to save one another. Nicolas shrugged and held Gemma tighter. 
“Arlo and I might’ve gotten into a little argument today but we’re way more compatible than the whole lot of you,” Pete growled before he stormed into the villa with Arlo closely following behind. 
“Pete! Come on, don't be like that!” Alfie tried. 
But Pete ignored him and kept walking. 
“We should still go help them pack, it’s been a long day,” Finn pointed out.
“Come on, let’s go!” Nicolas said. They all went inside to help out, but Gemma couldn’t bring herself to care about Arlo and Pete leaving. Why should she? Arlo had never been nice to her, and she didn’t really know Pete. Instead she dreamt about being back in Edinburgh for the second time that day. Back in the comfort of her own home, free of islanders constantly milling around her. 
I just wish I were home

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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
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The Story of Us - is a four-part series that will delve into MC (Gemma) and Suresh's relationship pre-villa.
If you missed and of the previous parts click here to read Part One + Part Two + Part Three
PART FOUR: The Hardest Part
So step right out, there is no amount Of crying I can do for you All this time We always walked a very thin line You didn't even hear me out (you didn't even hear me out) You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
Tag List: @squishy-noodles @hi-im-karla @kunepie @brasister @kvngdomheartz @whati390 @smexilexi420 @viperidae94 @misterytull @theesocialintrovert @kiwi-tai @future-mrs-suresh @ordoesshemouthfuckyouforever @kikithegr8 @fujihime-litg @0shewrites0 @roundbrownlover @katsie
NC-17 đŸ„”đŸŒ¶
Thank you thank you to my bra 💖 @katsie for being my editor and fixing my dumb mistakes and leaving way too many reaction emojis on the google doc..love you ❀
The hardest part of finding love and finding that one person you can’t live without, is learning to live without them. 
Suresh was lost. Figuratively and literally. He’d been driving home from his parents house, after celebrating his mother’s birthday, and he realized that he’d never gotten off on his exit. He looked at the time, he’d driven almost an hour out of his way in a daze. 
Fuck. I’m lost. 
He pulled his car over, wrapping his large arms over the steering wheel and rested his head on top of his hands. He closed his eyes and was transported back to this afternoon, to the chorus of “Where’s Gemma?” ringing out the second he walked in the door, only to be replaced by despondent, sad faces when he revealed the truth. They were done. Over. No more. Finished. His mother’s disappointment somehow shattered him even more than he already was. It had been two weeks. Two weeks of no Gemma, no laughter, no love, only pain and hurt. Pain and hurt that he’d caused, that he’d been the catalyst of. He tried calling and texting her, he sent her a florist shop amount of flowers and called all of her friends begging them to convince her to speak to him, but she ignored every attempt. As he sat in his car now, he thought about typing her address into the GPS and driving to her apartment. He almost stopped himself, but deep down he knew he would never have been able to do that. He needed to see her, whether she wanted to see him or not.
When he arrived he noticed the lights were off and she didn’t seem to be home, but he still tried her doorbell. No answer. He tried again. Still no answer. 
Wait for her. She has to come home sometime. 
The autumn air was cold and pricked his skin. His lower back was starting to hurt from standing and shivering, but he refused to turn back and give up on her. After a few hours, he saw her car turn onto her street and his chest tightened in anticipation of seeing her for the first time since they broke up. He was partly hidden by the shadow of the awning, so Gemma didn’t see him right away, but he saw her. She looked absolutely stunning as she stepped out of the car, too pretty to have just come home from work, and then he noticed she was not alone. Gemma smiled at her new male companion, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. There was a sadness in them that he knew he was the main culprit for. She took his hand and they made their way to the door, but then she spotted him. She stopped dead in her tracks, her feet frozen to the ground as she stared up at him. The fake smile she plastered on her face formed into a deep scowl. She looked at Suresh with determination and turned to her date, pulling him in for a deep, passionate kiss. Even he seemed surprised by it, but returned it with enthusiasm. Suresh felt like he’d been punched in the gut and had the wind knocked out of him. He couldn’t breathe seeing Gemma kiss another man. And he knew what would come next. She broke away from the kiss, then grabbed her date's hand and walked with him up the stairs.
” Suresh tried. 
But Gemma refused to look at him. She focused on her keys and twisting them through the lock, leaving him alone in the cold. 
“Who was that?” the new guy asked as they made their way inside. 
“No one important,” she laughed and closed the door behind her. 
Suresh’s blood was boiling. He balled up his fists at his side as his heartbeat quickened, and his chest felt like it was going to explode. 
Is she fucking serious right now? No one important. Over a year, and what? I’m just nothing to her now? No one important? One mistake and she can just throw us away. To go and fuck some loser who doesn’t deserve her. Fine, Gemma. Two can play that game. 
A storm raged on in Suresh’s mind as he entered The Social for the first time in weeks. Suresh hadn’t been single for over a year and his little black book had been limited to only Gemma, until “the incident.” He didn’t know where else to turn to look for eligible women but he did know one that might still be interested in him, if he played his cards right. 
“Thought I’d seen the last of you, Mr. Fraser,” Gabi cooed, batting her eyelashes at him. 
“Maybe I was playing hard to get.” He winked.
Gabi leaned in close to him and whispered, “I’m off in ten minutes
He grinned. “Then I’ll have a whiskey neat while I wait.” 
Gemma wasn't spending her nights alone so neither would he.  
Fuck. She's moved on. He thought. She doesn't care about me anymore. Maybe she never did... No one important. 
“Alright handsome, your place or mine?” Gabi had come around the bar, now leaning on the counter as she stared up at him and chewed on her bottom lip. Suresh downed the rest of his drink.
“Let’s go to yours,” he volunteered. 
He couldn’t take her to his apartment. Not when it still had so many memories of Gemma all over the place. Her pictures still littered every wall in his apartment, her toiletries still invaded every shelf in his bathroom, and he swore that her side of the bed still smelled like her. He couldn’t bring her back to his place and risk losing Gemma’s scent. 
No one important. No one important. No one important.  
Gabi pounced on him the second they entered her tiny studio apartment, crashing her lips onto his as she pressed her body into him. It didn’t fit his like Gemma’s did, everything about her was different. The way she smelled and tasted was so foreign to him, but he didn’t care. Not tonight. Not when he knew someone else would be touching Gemma the way he should’ve been. 
No one important. 
“Take your clothes off,” he growled.
No sooner than the words were out of his mouth, her top was falling to the ground and she was sliding her skirt off. He did the same, ripping off his own clothes in a hurry and moving closer to Gabi, who was now waiting for him on the bed. His muscular body towered over her, his gaze burned with a mixture of desire and anger. 
No one important.
He swept her in a long, passionate kiss, lacing his fingers through her hair and letting them explore her body. 
No one important. No one important. No one important. Those three words haunted him and whenever he started to get clear of it, they lashed out at him with a fresh wave of pain. 
He groaned in annoyance, but Gabi didn’t seem to notice. He really needed to get his mind off Gemma, so instead he tried to focus on Gabi, kissing her hard. He slid two thick fingers into her slit, and she welcomed him with a soft moan. 
“Mmm,” she panted. “Suresh.” 
As he increased the pace, her cries intensified, and her body wriggled under his touch. 
oh my god
don’t stop.” 
He quickened his pace further as her moans grew louder until she screamed out his name as she came all over him. He snapped his fingers out and plunged into her so suddenly and so deep that she screamed out in pleasurable surprise. 
No one important. No one important. No one important. 
He let out a low growl before starting to thrust into Gabi with a ferociousness he didn’t know he possessed. It left him wondering if she’d be able to handle him, handle his size. With each thrust he felt her orgasm closing in as she clenched around him. He grabbed her thighs, pushing himself deeper into her still as she arched her back and met his thrusts. 
No one important. No one important. No one important. 
Underneath him Gabi screamed as pleasure surged through her body as she neared her climax. 
But all he could see was Gemma. And instead of pushing her away he leaned into her memory. He thrust into Gabi, picturing the last time he held Gemma in his arms. He steadily drove into her now, his breathing intensifying with each stroke. 
“I’m so close,” she screamed. 
He crashed his lips onto hers. He didn’t want her to speak. He didn’t want to hear her voice, to break his image of Gemma in his mind. With one final thrust, Suresh let out a low growl as he came. 
He collapsed onto the bed next to her, trying to catch his breath while Gabi stroked his arm. She inched closer to him, lazily draping her leg over his. 
“That was
amazing,” she purred. 
” He smiled back. He didn’t know what to say, but her leg suddenly felt too heavy on his, and her studio apartment walls felt too small, like they were closing in on him. 
He looked down at his watch and feigned shock at the time. “Shit, it’s already 1:30? I have a deposition in the morning, so I should head out.” 
Gabi looked slightly disappointed as she moved her leg off of him. 
He slinked away from her, grabbing his clothes and dressing quickly. She grabbed an oversized shirt from a drawer and draped it over her body as she walked with him towards the front door. 
“I’ll text you,” he said as she smiled back up at him. 
And he did, about a week later, when the emptiness and void that Gemma left got too unbearable to handle on his own. And again he left in the middle of the night citing excuses of early morning meetings on the other side of town. This became their pattern for a few weeks and before he knew it, it’d been over two months. 
it’s late. Don’t go,” she whispered, and moved to climb on top of him. 
He chuckled in the dark. He was exhausted, but in the two months they’d been seeing each other he had yet to spend  the night. 
“I wish I could, but I don’t have a toothbrush or a change of clothes, and I have to be up early tomorrow.” 
“Hold that thought!” She excitedly jumped out of bed and raced over to the bathroom. She returned with a small bag from Boots, and handed it to him. 
“What’s this?” he asked.
“Open it!” She beamed at him.
He looked inside the bag to find a brand new toothbrush and dental kit. He looked up at her and smirked. “Wow, you really thought of everything, didn’t you?” 
She smiled shyly and shrugged, but he leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the lips.
“Ok, I’ll stay. But I do have to leave quite early so don’t be mad if I wake you,” he said smiling.
Three Months Later
He was comfortably numb. Dull. Complacent. Gabi was a perfect distraction to the hollowness he felt inside. She didn’t make his life difficult like Gemma had, there were no complications with her. She was easy going and didn’t ask too many questions. For one, the fact that she never complained about never having been invited to his apartment in the five months they'd been dating. She didn’t seem to mind that he didn’t text her all day, or sometimes even for a few days in a row, if he was too busy at work. And they carried on this way until one afternoon. 
“You know, babe
 We’ve  been seeing each other for like
 five months now and we never leave my apartment or the bar. I’ve never been to yours, and we’ve never really had a proper date.” 
He was snuggled up close behind her on the couch and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. 
“I’m sorry Gab, work has been so crazy these last few months. I’ve taken on double the workload basically and it’s been so hard to make plans outside of that.” The lie rolled off his tongue with ease. “Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight, somewhere nice. I’ll make a reservation now.” 
“Really? OK! I’ll go get ready!” 
He took out his phone while she went to change, and scanned the restaurants he had taken Gemma to so many times before. If he was honest with himself, the reason he never took Gabi to any of these restaurants was because he hated the thought of being there with someone other than Gemma. So he found a brand new restaurant that had only recently opened and made a reservation for two. 
Perfect. No  memory of Gemma. 
They arrived at the beautiful, dimly lit restaurant, and took their seats in the center of the room. 
“Suresh, this place is so nice! I love it!” Gabi beamed as she looked around. 
It’s so easy to impress her.
“You were right, Gab. We should’ve done this a long time ago,” he said, taking her hand and smiling at her. 
“So tell me, we haven’t talked much about your previous relationships before me.” 
“Before you?” he asked, slightly confused.  
any messy breakups? Ex-girlfriends that broke your heart?” 
He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. For five months he’d done his best to guide his thoughts away from Gemma. Her ghost haunted him less and less frequently, and he was getting to the point where he believed he was finally ready to move on. Maybe he was finally over her. 
“I’ve only had one serious relationship. Gemma. We dated for over a year but things ended badly on my account and I’ve learned my lesson from it. I won’t lie, it was hard at first to get over her, but honestly I feel like I’m in a great place now. My career is skyrocketing and my winning streak has never been this good. I just made an offer on a  new apartment and I can’t wait to move in
“And you have me,” she interrupted with a smile. 
“Yes, and I have you,” he said with a laugh. 
“So you’re over her then?” 
“Oh, god yes. Completely.” 
“Good. I’ve been thinking about us lately, and maybe taking our relationship to the next level and wanted to
Gabi's voice was drowned out by an all too familiar sound that he hadn't heard in months, that he hadn't realized how much he missed. Gemma’s laugh. 
But it can’t be her laugh. Gemma can’t be here tonight. Right?
His heart started to beat out of his chest as he followed the sound, and then finally he saw her. She was walking down the large marble staircase from the restaurant’s second floor with her parents by her side. Her dad held her mom’s hand, and whatever separation they had been  going through before seemed to have been resolved in the months since their  break up. But all he could see was her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She looked stunning. She looked happy. She didn’t have the same fake smile plastered on her face like she did on that night she’d rejected him and left him standing on her doorstep. The night it all ended for him, that made him realize there was no coming back from what he’d done. This was a real smile, a real laugh. 
God, I missed you, Gem. 
“Suresh, did you hear what I said?” Gabi asked. 
“Yes, of course,” He had no idea what she had said, he’d stopped listening to her the second he heard his favorite laugh in the world. The laugh that still made him weak in the knees, that could right all the wrongs in the world. He needed to hear that laugh again. He wanted to be the reason she laughed like that again. 
Fuck. I still love her. 
He watched them as they were leaving, and he was left with the bitter truth that he wouldn't get a chance to see her again. To talk to her. To make her laugh. How would she react if she saw him here now? His chest ached as he nursed the idea that she would probably look away in disgust.
“Are you listening to me? You seem distracted
” Gabi turned around to follow his eye line but by the time she did, Gemma and her parents were gone. 
“Yes!” He cleared his throat. “I just thought I saw a former client of mine. What were you saying?” 
“About us! I’m really starting to fall for you
how are you feeling?”

Her confession alarmed him. It was never supposed to get to that. And seeing Gemma? Even if he didn't want it to, it changed everything.
“Of course I like you too, Gabi. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t, right? Don’t be silly.” 
But Gabi had reason to ask, she had reason to worry. Even in the minutes since he’d seen Gemma, his whole mood shifted. The hollowness, the emptiness that he had been trying to avoid seemed to grow inside him again. He spent the rest of the dinner trying to take his mind off of Gemma, but he was failing miserably. He couldn’t get her smile or her laugh out of his mind. And the harder he tried, the more memories seemed to rush back in with that same smile, that same laugh. That godforsaken, painful, beautiful, gut wrenching laugh. Suresh knew then that he was still in love with Gemma, and anything he thought he had going on with Gabi was done. 
“Let’s grab the check,” he said with a small smile. 
As they walked out of the restaurant, Gabi grabbed his hand and laced her fingers through his. Something that had felt normal just hours before, now felt so strange. 
“Resh, I was thinking maybe tonight we can finally go to your place?” She looked up at him expectantly and he knew this was the last time he was ever going to see her face. He couldn’t keep seeing her anymore, not after tonight. But he couldn’t break up with her right here, he’d find another way. 
“I can’t tonight. Actually I can’t come over either. I have this case I’m working on. It requires my full attention right now.” 
Gabi couldn’t hide the disappointment in her eyes. “OK, I understand. Listen, don't worry about dropping me off, I’m going to meet my friends down the street. They invited me out earlier but I said I was with you, but since my night cleared up I’m going to meet them.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” she said icily.
Suresh turned to her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he jumped into his car. 
Six Weeks Later 
“I still don’t understand why you couldn’t just call Gabi and break up with her like an adult.” Simon glared at his best friend. “She’s reached out how many times now? And you just ignore her every time?”  He was one of Suresh’s closest friends, and always told him how it was. He was also the reason Suresh and Gemma ever got together. After Simon's girlfriend Chloe, also Gemma's best friend, had dragged her along to his birthday party and the two met for the first time. 
“She stopped reaching out two weeks ago,” Suresh huffed. 
“But she’s still looking at your Instagram stories, and she knows we’re here. What if she just shows up to confront you for ghosting her?” 
“Gabi’s not really fussed,” Suresh said running his fingers through his hair.
“Gabi’s not really fussed?” Simon snapped. “The second I walked into her bar the other day she asked where the hell you’ve been.” 
“You didn’t tell me that. You’re supposed to be my best friend, what happened to bro code. What did you say?” 
“I told her the truth
I didn’t want to get involved in your mess and if she wanted to speak to you, she should reach out. But I didn’t realize, you’ve literally been ignoring her all this time.” 
“It’s just
” Suresh sighed as he looked down at the drink in front of him. “It’s Gemma, man.” 
“Gemma?! What do you mean?” Simon asked incredulously. 
“Ever since I saw her that night at the restaurant I can’t get my mind off of her.” 
Simon took a long sip of his drink, then circled the glass with his thumb and groaned. “I don’t know if this is my place to tell you,” he hesitated. 
“What?” Suresh asked. 
“It’s about Gemma
“Out with it already!” 
“Gem and Chlo had a girls’ brunch date, that turned into day drinking, that turned into them coming back to mine and Chlo’s. They were absolutely wasted, watching TV, gossiping, and having even more wine when a commercial came on with some bloke, Rocco selling aftershave. Apparently he was on Love Island
 Well this got the girls talking about whether they would ever do it. And then Gemma said she was going to apply.” 
“Oh. Well, don't thousands of people apply every year?” 
“Yes, they do, but yesterday she got a call from a producer. They want her to come in for a screening.” 
“Wait, what?” 
“Yeah Resh
 and you know Gemma better than anyone. She’s passing that screen test. They’re going to love her.” 
“Well, if they want her, then they’ll definitely want me, too.”
Simon eyed up his friend with uncertainty. “Where are you going with this?"  
“I can go on and win her back, mate,” Suresh said. 
“Suresh, what? You’re not thinking of actually applying, are you? That’s not why I told you.” 
“Why not? Imagine how the producers are going to feel when one of their favorite girls has an ex who wants to come in and win her back. They’re going to eat that drama up.” 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Suresh.” 
“I need to try. I’ve done everything else and she won’t speak to me. If she’s going on Love Island that means she’s ready to find something again. Why can’t it be me?” 
“You’re going to humiliate yourself on national television! No INTERNATIONAL television, they air this show in so many countries. You’ll be a worldwide laughing stock.” 
“I don’t care. It’s Gemma. I have to try.” 
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 34
Last one for this week 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Spoilers under the cut..
Nic had the AUDACITY to say MC suggested that we fake the compatibility thing so we can win...he slept on the daybeds bc seriously fuck that guy. I cant wait to be rid of him. You can tell the other islanders in the morning that he's a liar and they seem to want to move past the drama. except for dana who still needs to talk to MC about it...bc get this....MC WAS SHADY đŸ˜€ OK DANA Love this narrative u have
DANA Gem Scene- u can basically "make up with her" here...so pointless. literally waste of 10 gems dont do this scene.
Nicolas comes in and gets the SMP text and the girls all go get ready. Meera's thirsty ass says maybe MC will finally get to pop the question to Suresh....FU Meera.
THE FUCKING WEDDING DRESS....đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜« I HATE U FB!!! I still bought it tho...and Suresh says we dressed for the occasion đŸ„č
SMP: Lulu wants to kiss MC - you can tell her to kiss someone else. (I did) She kissed Finn. She marries Alfie, pie Suresh. Suresh đŸ«Ł KISSES Gabi the way he used to kiss u đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜© HE PROPOSES TO MEERA WTF IS THIS SHIT. Gabi kisses Nicolas, and pies alfie. Dana kisses Lulu, marries alfie, pies Nicolas. Nicolas kisses Lulu (peck), marries dana, pies MC. MCs turn!!! I snogged Finn, married Suresh đŸ«ŁđŸ€­, pied Nicolas BC he made me so mad these two episodes. Alfie kissed kat, married Meera, and pied Kat. Meera kisses Nicolas, marries alfie, and pies MC. Kat kisses Nicolas, marries finn, (he looks at MC awkwardly 😭) pies alfie. Finn kisses Kat, PIES Nicolas because he couldnt wait and Marries MC đŸ„č he starts to go into a big speech about why he's choosing MC but CLIFFHANGER....
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 39
Spoilers under the cut
Suresh confirms that the ring was for MC and not for delusional ass Gabi...bitch go home you've embarrassed yourself for the last time! but he was really nice to her and apologetic here. He said he tried to accept the fact that someone like him probably didnt deserve someone like MC and that he should move on đŸ˜­đŸ˜© and he cut off Gabi too and went back to meaningless hookups. He just couldnt give up the ring. He tells MC shes the only real person hes ever loved đŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č
GABI HAS HER BAGS PACKED AND IS HEADING OUT THE DOOR 💀💀💀 LMAO BYE HUN!!! She asks you to couple up with her to stay in the villa....LMAOOOOOO thanks but no thanks babe!
GABI GEM SCENE: Woman to woman chat to hear the full story! So she never knew about MC, that much we knew, she'd always been flirty and when she saw Suresh at the bar she was attracted to him. Over time she got to know him and he became a regular and she started to look forward to seeing him, and one night he turned up looking upset and one thing let to another (literally what I wrote in the story of us...glad to know what he headcanoned turned out to be canon!!) then she didnt see him a while and she didnt know what was happening, this must've been when MC saw the photo and ghosted and then he turned up at the bar out of the blue again and he was apologetic and charming (again same thing I wrote!!) Within a few weeks she was wrapped up in a whirlwind romance and he told her he loved her, then one night he was being evasive and secretive and she snooped around his apartment and found the ring. then after a few weeks later Suresh ended it with her out of nowhere. no explanation nothing. he completely ghosted her and she never saw him again. no replies, dms no contact whatsoever. Aww ok I like her now.
You get a text that its FINAL RECOUPLING! We get the opportunity to chat with the 5 LIs left...LETS GO!
Suresh first obvi! Hes sooooo self deprecating the chat wasnt even satisfying. he tells you about how he always knew Gabi was a loose canon and thats why he wanted to stay to protect you...and basically how he doesnt deserve you. But like boy I need some of your cockiness back...KISS ME DAMMIT.
Finn...blah blah he has loved getting to know us better and wishes he had spent more time with us...where was that energy in that second recoupling Finny boy??? Where was that energy when you were dancing on Arlo? miss me all the way with this!
Lulu...my angel my queen!! says shes loved getting to know you even tho its been limited time, how she felt invisible with Suresh/Gabi and you can tell her you want to couple up with her here if you want to.
I skipped Dana and Alfie...sorry LOL I realized these chats were pointless and were basically just to tell your LI that u wanted them. I had already done that with Suresh.
ALSO LULU WHAT?! Theres still a chance you might get dumped??? ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME?? ET TU BRUTE?!
You stand to make your final decision.....CLIFFHANGER...dumb one if you ask me.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 35
HERE WE GO BABIES...spoilers under the cut
Finn continues with his marriage proposal and explaining why he is choosing MC. Suresh does speak up a little here but not in a jealous way...just filler convo about the fact that MC has had it hard in the villa. Finn and Kat walk off...Kat is mad but not as nuclear as I wanted her to be
Lulu gets a text that the public has been voting for Favorite Boy/Girl and least faves will go home tonight 😏 BYE BYE LOSERS✈
FINN GEM SCENE - he asks you for a one on one...WHEN WILL IT BE OUR TURN WITH SURESH 😭...finn tells u he didnt plan on saying all that or making it a big show. that it might've looked like he was being cruel to kat but that wasnt his intention. he just wanted everyone back on MCs side đŸ€— marriage thing came out without him thinking. He confesses he wants more and you get an option to tell him to stick with Kat, focus on me, or im not sure. I chose focus on Kat 😭 THERES NO TIME FOR DILLY DALLYING FINN I NEED SURESH 😭😭😭😭
Kat pulls you for a chat and says everything we do here in a challenge matters đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜©( suresh why'd u kiss gabi ) I really feel terrible for Kat here and Im glad I told Finn I dont want to be with him...she REALLY likes him and pours out her heart to MC 😭 "It made me feel invisible" got me.
omg omg omg its happening!!!! SURESH CHAT....ok ok he apologizes for literally everything. And if you've read my theory its EXACTLY TO A T what I said (PAT ON BACK for knowing him so well) but im at a loss....like he apologizes and asks if we can forgive him but thats it. Nothing more. I told him I do forgive him 😭
Dana and Gabi were both eavesdropping and you can follow one of them...I followed Gabi...She wanted to know whats up between us and Suresh bc shes keeping her options open. She came here with a game plan to set things straight but being around Suresh made her have feelings for him again đŸ˜©
After the girls get dressed and start heading to fire pit, Meera says you look nice. You can be mean to her. DO IT. you walk down and overhear Alfie and Meera talking (why are we Eddie now?) OH SHIT...MEERA SAYS TO ALFIE IF U GET DUMPED IM WALKING WITH U...And he was SHOCKED...she asks him if he'll leave with her and then MC interrupts with a text ping. You can pretend to have just walked in or eavesdropped on the entire convo. AWKWARD
Firepit time WEEEE...Suresh and Johnny/Nicolas were at the bottom two đŸ˜­đŸ˜© obviously Johnny/Nicolas is sent packing but hes happy about it 🙄. SURESH SMILES AT US.
meera is voted off by public ...thank you public we love you!!! She asks alfie should WE go pack our bags then đŸ«ŁđŸ«ŁđŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł alflie looks at us. meera freaks out đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł again alfie locks eyes with MC.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 42
He asks if its for real...im getting second hand embarrassment rn but I said im serious lets get married 💀💀 and I really thought this man was going to say nahhhh LOLOL but he said hes wanted this so much for so long and that he obviously says yes.
Alfie and Dana both say congrats and good luck but Kat says she doesnt see this nonsense lasting đŸ«Ł
Dana asks if MC will miss the dressing room hangs with the girls, like literally no but I didnt want to be mean so I said yet. Kat's bitchy ass had to say if you and MC are so close, then why is she dating Suresh instead of you. GIRL KICK ROCKS! People can be friends without wanting to date...Kat says her and Finn will probably get married before Suresh and MC...call me after you watch the season back babes.
Suresh says hes nervous and asks how you feel about it all. (also died that he said MC and him could blow through the 50K pretty quickly...OK big baller)
Kat pulls MC and Dana for a chat and basically apologizes without apologizing for her behavior this summer and that shes "matured" and basically wishes everyone luck and that she's loved getting to know the girls.
MC gets a text in third place...Alfie and Dana (no surprise there) Alfie uses your nickname here again đŸ€Ł Suresh asks to hold your hand while you read out the final text...the winners are.......MC AND SURESH (duh!) you can jump into his arms and kiss him, passionately kiss or play it cool. I jumped in his arms đŸ„° Kat and Finn are surprisingly good sports about losing. (especially Kat) A SPECIAL VIP IS WAITING TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR SUMMER OF LOVE....BOBBYYYYY (they butchered him so bad 😭😭)
Bobby goes over the best bits of the summer...highs and lows. ITS ALL WORDS AND QUESTIONS not like s2 where you actually saw your best / worst moments...He asks what it feels like to win...if you thought u'd end up with Suresh...if you were happy to see him when you walked into the villa. He asks about excess baggage and says that he'll come back to rings in a minute, Arlo and Meera's entrance and Bobby digs into Suresh how he chose Arlo over MC and Suresh gets mad đŸ€Ł He talks about Casa and how you picked Nic/Johnny and the crowd BOOS LMAO. Bobby says Suresh brought back Lulu and immediately Suresh says he feels terrible for using Lulu to get back in the villa bc shes a great girl. he asks how we feel about the ex drama being over...and one word to describe the summer.
BOBBY GEM SCENE: he asks if Suresh and MC want to chat for a few so he can give them advice. He asks if MC is excited for the opportunities she might get after they leave the villa, Suresh says theyre gonna be celebrities (lmao what?! not Suresh wanting to be an influencer...im dying) Suresh asks Bobby if he thinks he and MC have what it takes to make it and Bobby explains why he thinks yes and its really cute. OMG LMAO U CAN FLIRT WITH BOBBY HERE!!
Time to make decision love or money... Bobby asks MC to choose an envelope I chose Black Heart (but I dont think it matters) MC has the money and the choice...Love or Money...I chose Love. We can kiss Suresh and the crowd goes wild. Suresh can carry you away into the sunset 😭
FB confirmed they are working on a new season and they are "factoring in our feedback from the start" we'll see about that!
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 40
UGH SO BITTERSWEET....Lets get into it.
OMG WE FINALLY GET TO CHOOSE OUR MAN...and he says hes going to keep every promise he made to us in here 😭😭 (he betta!!) Also he kisses us FINALLY!
Finn looks at you dejected and Im just like...hmm if only you had told Kat you wanted me 🙃
Alfie says he wont get in the way of your happiness...SIR WHAT??? how would you get in the way? I dont like you. and he and finn pull a fake mafia card and say Suresh needs to treat MC right or he'll have to answer to them...lol ok guys. Suresh agrees but im glad MC said she can look after herself (the one good thing FB did all game)
Finn's up next...and his speech is completely catered to Kat "She's had me wrapped up in her since day one." GAG. He couples with Kat. You forgot to mention the shower bits you tried to coerce me into like one night ago?
Alfie's last...and he chooses Dana. He says she's been a friend and he wants to see if they could be more.
I CANT BELIEVE THEY SENT LULU HOME...😭😭😭 so literally everyone in the final is an OG. That's lowkey kind of lame. Her exit isnt as long as Meera's many exits and im glad for that but Lulu deserved better.
LMAO Alfie said all the OGs made it to the final and MC said aren't you forgetting someone and I was like NO MC we aren't and Dana was like EDDIE...JFC already forgot about him 💀💀
SURESH ASKS FOR A LITTLE US TIME....YES BB!!!! He guides you over to the pool. suresh asks for a kiss...LETS GO!
GUYS WE WON A NIGHT IN THE HIDEAWAY!!! SCREAMING!! THEY ARE FEEDING US THIS EPISODE. Dana pulls MC away but this is the FIRST time it makes sense...to get her ready to go for hideaway. Kat says this is a fresh start for you and Suresh and a chance to reinvent your old relationship. they dress you up in lingerie. And BOTH kat and dana are gushing about how you and Suresh are a proper couple and how happy they are. (feels weird tbh)
Obvi Suresh loves the outfit "his jaw practically hit the floor" Suresh is nervous đŸ„č and says MC has him wrapped around her finger. OH then you get an option of what to do...Foot rub, spoon, full body massage, he doesnt need to do anything, or show suresh you can take control. lets see if Nicolas' advice pays off here (im choosing take control) He says its so hot when you take control and you get a bunch of heart emojis...ok nic! Then you get an option to go all the way. It's def not s2 level bits but it was better than Finns shower bits. Cuddle in the morning and Suresh is being cute again
Final dates...the girls are getting ready and they dress you in an ice skating outfit 🙄 and yes I did buy it 🙃 They ask you what type of date you want and based on this that's the date you get in the next scene.. they ask what you think your future will be like with Suresh and my MC said theyre in for the long haul. but this whole exchange is lasting too long...get me on final dates asap
I chose romantic date so Suresh and I got a cabana on the beach with a table laid out for a romantic dinner. (NO BOAT OF DOOM DATE - im thinking thats the adventurous one but will confirm later) Suresh says he'll give you anything and MC is going ham with suggestions on what she wants...a romantic trip around the world, a spa day, shopping (GET IT GIRL!) he asks if you see yourself being in a real couple with him on the outside. I said I do of course. He moves closer to MC and gets super melty talking about how much MC means to him and says she does strange things to him likeeee.....he pulls out the engagement ring. MC is shocked you brought it with you?! Suresh offers it to MC and says its not a marriage proposal but a symbol of exclusivity đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„° WHEW I got scared there for a second lol. I wouldve said yes obviously but much too soon for a proposal
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 36
Spoilers under the cut...
Alfie keeps looking at us...boy your answers aren't in my eyes. AVERT YOUR EYES!! this gave me SUCH season 5 Michael and Joanna vibes. "If you found what you were looking for you'd leave" Johnny/Nicolas keeps inserting himself into their chat...super annoying I wanted to slap him.
Dana asks you here what you think of Alfie staying and you can tell her you're happy, not happy, unsure...I told her me and alfie were NEVER going to happen so he was making a mistake. Just want to make it clear as day I want Suresh đŸ˜©
The islanders go help those losers pack...Meera gets all in her feelings that the public and Alfie dont like her so why should we? GIRLY YOURE RIGHT! WE DONT! again here you can be mean / nice. I will forever choose mean options with Meera...đŸ€·â€â™€ïž she made an enemy out of me. Sorry not sorry. Kat says nice things to Meera 🙄 and the girls rally around her...BOO! but I guess gabi is right she is leaving. AHHH FOR 5 GEMS U CAN PUT MEERA IN HER PLACE!!! WORTH IT!
MEERA GEM SCENE - U can tell her off for being an absolute snake to you since casa, siding with Johnny/Nicolas, being an overall cow. It was great and you do get an apology out of her so worth it in my opinion
MC is left alone in the room with Johnny/Nicolas who is griping about all the drama with Meera/Alfie....this fucking guy🙄. but he tells you he wants to tell you all about his master plan and that he has dirt on your HUBBY...YOUR CHOICE IN WHO U MARRY MATTERS!!!!
Johnny/Nicolas GEM SCENE - I had Johnny so he talks about how much of a liar he is lol and how hes been fabricating stories for ages now...great so why should I believe anything u say now...he tells us how he was going to pick a girl or more than one and basically see what was special about them and ride that out until the end. OK So here's what he said about your hubbys biggest turn on...I married Suresh đŸ«Ł "Good thing its not patience...Suresh told me his biggest turn on is...powerful women" He wants a women in charge, who can take control and not afraid to tell him off. (ARE WE GOING TO GET TO TELL HIM OFF!?!)
Meera and Johnny/Nicolas leave...BYEEEEE and the islanders all find out about his "plan" to turn everyone against each other. They all apologize to MC. LMAOOOO if you said good riddance to her the last time she calls you out on it now....💀💀💀💀💀💀
Alfie is all sad about Meera and being single and collects his things to go sleep outside on the daybeds. I offered to talk to him but he said he wanted to be alone. not sure if that's because I've been pushing him away and choosing the options to not be with him.
Finn pulls MC to go chat in the bathrooms.......and turns on the showers so no one can hear them talking. He is asking about Alfie...again not sure if this is because I pied Finn off earlier - I would assume so. He asks me if I wanted to couple up with Alfie and I said no that we're just friends. Finn says that Alfie might be regretting not going with Meera. (THEN LEAVE THEN) ARE YOU KIDDING ME FB YOU DIDNT EVEN GIVE US THE OPTION TO BONE FINN OR NOT?!?! THATS THE CLIFFHANGER.....😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 I HATE IT HERE .....Also im not going to do it bc clearly our choices are starting to matter and if I want suresh I dont think shower sex is the way to go đŸ˜©
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