justmi1000 · 16 days
A new ship that I thought
bunzo x luke
Lucky birthday 🍀😸 × 🐰🎉
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I forgot to post this drawing here, sorry
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peonyfanart · 13 days
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🌹 In this crazy life, and through these crazy things, it's you
The art for the final chapter of "The Situationship" written by amazing @mysticraven20 for @mlbigbang ❤
Thank you very much @mysticraven20 for this unforgettable year of our collaboration! It was fantastic! I'm very grateful for all your support and encouragement💗
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nightrae13 · 3 months
LukAdriZoe friendship/platonic trio was a missed canon opportunity ngl.
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(yeah, I don't really have to say this, but since I'm half traumatized then, I want to be clear that I don't hate Marinette like the others; I just like the three together on their own without any malice towards her, so don't attack me haha)
Anyway, both drawings are mid for me, but I'll post both anyway lol.
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Not really my best, and probably messed the colors (art block 😭), but whatever... I was bored and just fulfilled my 14-year old self's desire to draw a fan art of my old OT3(yes, I ship them in fanon) lol. I was just reminiscing after all even if funnily enough, I left the fandom a long time ago and did not know the *full story after season 4 lmaoo. All I know is even if these ships never made concrete sense to be together in canon, it would have been a cute trio even platonically. I mean, look! They would get along so much because they have so many things in common including their love interest!!
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amethyst-starglitter · 9 months
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🌸☁️ Lukzoe~
~merry xmas to my ml secret santa @lynnimaybe !!!! (thank you for your patience as well :))
~i hope you like them <3 (and i explored this ship and ohmygosh i’mmhyperfixating like crazy)
~happy new year’s everyone <3333
~ @mlsecretsanta
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arjengelly · 1 month
Crumbs 😭
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galahadwilder · 2 years
The Time I Got Reincarnated as an Evil Version of Myself
Chapter 3: Disagreements
Link to AO3 in Bio
Akumatization isn't exactly a common experience among Parisians. With a population of over 2 million and under 300 Akumatizations—maybe half that if only count individual victims instead of instances (most of that thanks to Mr. Pigeon)—that's slightly more than a percent of a percent. Still, there are enough of them that there are certain common experiences. Any one of them could tell you that Akumatization is really only traumatizing after the fact, when you find out what you've done. It's a mercy, really, not remembering. Being saddled with the memories of causing mayhem, havoc, and murder would be too much for the psyches of most people, and Paris would look very different.
The number of people who have successfully resisted Akumatization is much, much smaller. A percent of a percent of a percent. Three people, in total, have ever done it. And while they'll gladly tell you how they did it, in hopes that you get the same success, there's one thing all three of them keep very close to their chests—a secret only three people on Earth share.
Breaking an Akumatization hurts. And worse—you remember everything.
Chloé sits curled up on a cot in the nurse's office, pressing her knees to her chest, trying her best to fight down the bile that rises in her throat. Hawkmoth may not have been able to see the memories he dredged up, but he had pressed on the worst emotional response she has, forcing her to relive her most painful moments. All her traumas, all the things she'd buried, front and center. She feels... she feels...
Ugh. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.
The room is too small. And normally she'd be happy for the darkness after a panic attack—she really has to thank Marinette again for helping her admit she has those—but right now it's too much like the darkness, like the black void of Akumatization. She can almost see her mother's face blank with apathy, without recognition, devoid of love. Something inside her chest is tearing, pulling apart, and God she just wants her sister right now.
Zoé is not the person who comes through the door.
"Chloé!" Lila gasps, bursting through the door of the sleeping room of the nurse's station, all false concern and smiles. "I heard you got Akumatized!"
Chloé's pain immediately twists beneath her ribcage into rage and confusion as the most unexpected person in Paris throws her arms around her shoulders. Lila--Lila was expelled, she's been banned from the building, what is she doing here? Chloé wants to pull away, to shove her off, to do something, but she's a deer in headlights, frozen, utterly unable to stop the horror that she's trapped in.
"Are you okay?" Lila asks.
Chloé's whole body contracts, as if making herself smaller will help her escape this. Her throat constricts, strangling her words into a choking whine.
Lila pulls back, holding Chloé at arms’ length. “I’m really impressed you were able to break the Akumatization,” she says with a smile that makes Chloé’s skin crawl. “You’ve been having such a hard time of it lately, you know, and, well…” Lila starts tearing up, wiping her eye with the heel of her hand. “I can’t believe Marinette did that to you,” she whimpers. "All we ever try to do is be nice to her, but—"
Something inside Chloé snaps.
"Nice?" she snarls.
Lila’s expression immediately changes—for a split second, Chloé can see the snake behind her carefully faked expression, and that snake is scared. Some part of Chloé, the part that still likes to hurt people, the part of her that is her mother, is happy with that, and she feels a brief burst of shame, but this is Lila. She deserves every bit of Chloé's vitriol and her own fear.
The rest of her, though? The rest of her is not happy. Another, primal, feral part of her, the part of her that spent ten years in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng in spite of all her attempts to bury it, the part of her that remembers the day Marinette finally gave her Pollen permanently, the part of her that looks at her friends, her hive, and says protect with your life, rises up like a beast and burns in her muscles, her bones, her rage, and suddenly her palms slam into Lila's stomach, Lila is on the ground, stunned, and Chloé is standing over her like a wasp looming in the air above a doomed tarantula.
"I don't know how you got on campus," she spits. “And I don’t care.” She steps forward, her gaze beating Lila down into the ground. "You say one more word about Marinette and... and..."
Lila stares up at her, eyes wide and glistening. "I—I go here," she says, and for once, her voice sounds almost honest. "I—Chloé, we're friends, aren't we?"
Chloé’s brain goes white. "Friends?" Chloé shrieks. Oh, she’s about to get Akumatized again, isn’t she. But if her Akuma form goes after Lila? Worth it. "After what you did?" She bends down, grabs a fistful of Lila's tacky plastic orange lapels. "Marinette may have forgiven you but I. Have. Not."
Now Lila is the deer in the headlights, except she's not on a road or even on a highway, Chloé Bourgeois is a bullet train barrelling down on a fawn that has wandered onto the tracks and Chloé will not stop. "You are ridiculous, Lila," Chloé snarls, barely managing to stop herself from biting the other girl's face. "Utterly. Ridiculous."
"Hey!" Zoé says, forcing the two of them apart. "Break it up, you two!"
Huh, Chloé thinks, suddenly aware of her sister's hand on her chest. She'd been so pissed at Lila, she hadn't even noticed Zoé come in.
"She just..." Lila stammers, and the shock on her face—oh, Chloé hopes it's real. "She just—”
Than her eyes narrow. For a moment, a grin flashes across her face, before her teary shock returns… but with significantly less reality to it.
”You’re—you’re breaking up with me?” Lila sobs.
Zoé’s head snaps around, and Chloé can feel her sister tense. But she—oh, God, haha, Lila thought…
Lila doesn’t know she’s out.
Chloé starts to laugh.
It’s almost a cackle, more than anything. It bubbles up from her stomach, snatching her breath, doubling her over. She’s laughing so hard she fills the entire space of the tiny nap room, so hard that both Zoé and Lila are looking at her like she’s grown a second head.
”You think—” Chloé gasps, clutching at her stomach, “—I’d cheat on Kagami—” Oh, she can’t breathe. She can’t breathe. It’s too funny. “—with you?”
This is, very definitely, not the response Lila was expecting, given the shock on her face. Probably she was thinking Chloé would loudly deny being gay (when of course anyone with half a brain could have seen she was), thus confirming to Zoé their “secret relationship” and making herself look like the victim.
Whoopsie for her!
Chloé’s laughter slows down as she plops back into her cot, and she sighs, wiping tears out of her eyes. “You’re ridiculous,” she gasps through the largest grin she’s had all day. “Utterly, completely, and totally ridiculous.”
The look on Lila’s face is priceless. There are few things more satisfying than outmaneuvering smug assholes, and it’s so rare to catch the liar off-guard like this. Blindsiding Lila is a joy all its own, and Chloé intends to savor the memory of that face for years to come.
“Wait a minute,” Zoé says, breaking the moment. “You know?”
”Of—of course she knows,” Lila begins. “She and I—”
"Shut up," Chloé growls, flexing her perfectly-manicured fingers like claws. "And get. Out."
Lila swallows, frozen for half a second, then she spins and bolts for the door. It slams shut behind her, leaving Chloé alone with her sister.
Chloé collapses back onto her cot, her back slamming against the exposed white brick. Now that the adrenaline is gone, the encounter is starting to leave a really bad taste in her mouth, the way any encounter with Lila does. The bile is rising in her throat again, and she just wants to strip off her own skin and fling it somewhere far away where she doesn't have to live in it. "What is with everyone today?" she mumbles.
"What is with—what's with you?" Zoé says, slamming her hand onto the cot next to Chloé's leg. "First the Pollen thing, then the coffee prank, then…” She points out the door. “Lila is a nice person, who for some reason after all the bridges you've burned decided to be your friend, and you just—"
"She hurt Marinette," Chloé mumbles. "Nobody hurts Marinette."
“And then!” Zoé continues, heedless of Chloé’s interruption. “I’ve been trying to make you feel comfortable enough to admit to yourself that you’re gay for months, and then you just… casually? Out of spite?”
Admit that she's... what?
Wait. Something’s—something’s wrong. That's... not at all something she'd expect Zoé to say.
“I—I came out before we met,” Chloé says, haltingly. She's confused, and more than a little hurt. “You—you know that. You’ve met my girlfriend. We—” When she’d found out about Zoé, she’d been pissed enough for Akumatization—but afterwards, afterwards, it had been such a relief, such a joy, to have just one family member who accepted her as she was. “We went on double dates with you and Luka.” Had Zoé not known, all this time? Had she—had none of it mattered?
Zoé looks at her like she’s grown a second head. “Luka?” she says. “Marinette’s ex? I’ve barely even spoken to him, much less… been on dates!”
Chloé’s pulse is stabbing at her ears now. She has no idea what’s going on. Zoé’s confusion—has everyone else been feeling the same thing, today? Is that why they suddenly all hate her? Did some… Akuma or something wipe all their memories of her?
Except she was Akumatized, and Hawkmoth can’t have two out at once unless he’s Scarlet Moth, and that definitely didn’t happen today, and he’d never bother going Scarlet over her because he apparently still thinks of her as the nasty girl nobody cares about so he doesn’t think anyone would care about her the way they do about Marinette. A Sentimonster wouldn’t have this much reach, wouldn’t be able to make EVERYONE forget—
She can see Zoé going through the same mental calculations in her head. Something messed with someone’s memories. Hawkmoth is the most likely—okay, let's be real, only—candidate.
”You—you can’t be Akumatized, you rejected it,” Zoé says. “That means—” She turns pale. “You’re—you’re not my sister.”
Chloé’s heart stops. “W-what?” she manages.
Zoé backs away from her, eyes wide and immobile. “You’re a Sentimonster.”
The way she says the word—as if it's a swear, as if it's a curse—stabs straight through Chloé’s gut. She wants to vomit. Chloe is better at managing her anger when it comes to people she loves. Honestly, she is. But she never expected... from her own sister of all people... Don't get Akumatized, don't get Akumatized, don't get Akumatized—
Shut up and burn her, says the part of her that is her mother, and Chloé ignites.
She leaps to her feet, heedless of how Zoé is forced back, heedless of the terrified expression on her sister's face, barely aware of anything except her own rage. “OF COURSE I'M A FUCKING SENTIMONSTER!” she screams, reaching for her necklace. “You—you helped me steal my Amok from Mom! It was your plan! You—”
Instead of her mother’s wedding ring, Chloé’s fingers close on the necklace to find empty air.
Her entire body goes cold. She looks at the stunned, horrified Zoé, and suddenly she's in freefall. Part of her wonders if this is how Adrien felt when his bodyguard pitched him off the Montparnasse, but the rest is too caught up in the sickening drop of her gut, the fire in her extremities, the vacuum where her lungs are supposed to be.
"My..." she croaks, barely able to speak. "My Amok. It's—" She swallows as best she can around the lump that is digging spikes into her throat. "It's gone."
@emma-d-klutz @generalluxun @naresar @ninepostsstuff @grotesquewombat @erisluna35 @oblivionhold @all-peristeronic @chaos-has-theories @into-september @claws-and-bee-stings @279ital @drawing2cope @theramendragon @jameskillianreaper @wild-mare-of-prosecution @blessedfatui @luckychatons @ninepostsstuff @sailorladybug @ladybeug @ymfingsteadilyon @steelblaidd @alexseanchai @dravidious @lowbatterylamp @nekoisadumbname @lemonadeready @tobytober @sunny-key @amandayetagain @darkwolf13reblogs @faunina @marichatsajjvv @mugchild @greenbloodedskink @miraculoussly @flightfoot @chaos-has-theories @multimousenette @spookyyarn @cosmictacos @toychicraft-dump @dragonking1987 @thesernotthedroidsurlooking4 @coracal @erisluna35 @merryberry01 @claws-and-bee-stings @princess-of-the-corner
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ml-rarepairs · 1 year
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Dyed hair duo! They're also both artists with different art forms, and they're the kind of people that like to tread their own paths separate from their respective siblings.
"because chlogami solos"
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Out of all the blondes Luka is shipped with,Zoe and Adrien are the only ones that would be healthy.
Chloe and Luka ship is just ‘Luka trying to fix the bully girl who tormented his sister’ and the same can be with him and Felix(minus the sister thing)
Yeap agreed.
Although Felix did torment Juleka too. She was one of the people akumatized when Felix sent that awful video to Adrien's friends mocking them.
I know the fandom likes to joke that Luka is the therapist of the group. But there's a big difference between a heart to heart with your friend, and being with someone to "fix" them.
Even if it worked, it's just unhealthy. Nobody you love should treat you like an emotional battery without a charger
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airi-p4 · 2 years
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lostuntothisworld · 1 year
Lukzoe is such a funny ship (derogatory) because, yeah they do have stuff in common but it’s really random bizarre things like
They both customized their shoes
They are/were both in love with Marinette
They were both born out of wedlock
And an honorable mention goes to the fact that they’re both half American but only in the French dub on Luka’s part so the writers can’t capitalize on this and it’ll be ignored and that’s hilarious
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Semifinals 1
(Round 3 Side A Pair 1)
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Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
-They‘re just so good for each other. Luka is such a calming presence in Marinette‘s chaotic life and helps her relax when she feels anxious and unsure of herself, always willing to be there for her and offer a helping hand during tough times. Marinette has a deep appreciation not only for Luka‘s ability to play music but also hear heart songs, as if she understood immediately what he meant after listening to him play for the first time. They feed off each other‘s creative energy and are just generally so wholesome together. I could talk about them forever, they make me so happy!!
-Luka is the best boy, and deserves love from the girl he adores
-Luka/Marinette had 3900 works on AO3
-I just woke up and am too lazy to think of words for my favorite couple so here's some gifs as propaganda
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Gif de bizarrelovesquare
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Gif de ouiladybug
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Luka Couffaine/Zoe Lee
-Listen, I know that Zoe is recognized as a lesbian Queen, but this lady is giving me bisexual Icon vibes, so I'm rolling with it. I honestly think that Luka and Zoe can bond over the heartbreak for Marinette, and how she chooses Adrien over them. Also, Zoe has grown so much and learned to state her ground in front of people (for example, Chole), which is a quality that Luka it’s in desperate need of learning too. She is kind, gentle, and ground-headed, but fun and I think that her personality would match well with our boy with a heart of gold. Sometimes they could be too similar in personality, but I honestly think that would work to their advantage!!!
-Luka /Zoé had 72 works on AO3
Luka/Marinette: @mikoriin
Luka/Zoe: Instagram @cinh_
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heartofkandrakarz · 2 years
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[old art]
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peonyfanart · 2 months
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Royal Academy - Part 27 - Inner Melody🎻
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generalluxun · 29 days
What do you think about Lukzoe?
No. *With Caveat* I gave it a mental shot, even tried writing gor it once, but just no.
They are too far apart in age. 3yrs(minimum) is huge at that point in life. 13/16 15/18, even 18/21. They are at such different places in terms of development/social circles/etc. Marinette was Maxing it at 14/16 (this is why they Retconned Luka down from 17)
The caveat is if someone wants to do a 'later in life they meet up'/adult Lukzoe, that's fine. It's kind of flat(personality wise) as a ship to me, but it's not terrible.
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I've been thinking about ships for Kagami and Luka and at some point my brain went "Hey, hey. Pssst. Félix and Luka" so now I have to ask you. Do you think it would work. Is my brainworm a good worm.
i'm a luka multishipper. i ship him with anyone and everyone, but just him. he's got that flavor of being able to be the stable one in any relationship (except with zoe which is why i put them together hehe). but yeah feluka is good stuff. quite fun.
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arjengelly · 11 months
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Messing with AI art again! It really wants Zoe to be Kitty Noire for some reason… 🐈‍⬛
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