#luka x esteban
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REBELDE 1.02 | Audiciones
#rebelde#rebeldeedit#luka colucci#lukacolucciedit#netflixedit#gifs*#*#luka x esteban#show: rebelde#post type: gifs#media: television#relationship: rebelde: esteban x luka#show: rebelde: season 1#show: rebelde: episode 1x02
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[Sin título] Luka x Esteban
(Probablemente se llamará Mil y Una Noches)
(Ni idea de adonde va esto, lo empecé justo cuando estaba viendo la primera temporada y luego lo abandoné y ahora estoy [intentando] volver a escribirlo, así que que dios me ayude)
(Si a alguien le gustaría ser beta para eso, solo decirme, me quedaré muy agradecido)
“You can't hold on to my heart”
Era lo que decía la canción que oía Luka cuando, caminando por los pasillos de la escuela, vio a Esteban a una distancia. Luka no fue el único que vio a Esteban. Parecía que toda la escuela tenía sus ojos sobre Esteban a cada segundo. Y eso estaba resultando insoportable a Luka.
¡Maldito pendejo, boludo! Pensó Luka volviéndose y siguiendo en otra dirección. Donde estuviera Esteban, estarían también tres o cuatro chicas mirándolo con el deseo dibujado en sus frentes. Ellas ni siquiera lo intentaban disfrazar, la verdad, se les notaba.
Lo que era peor, Esteban se fingía el ciego y actuaba como si no percibiera que todas las chicas a su alrededor lo querían coger. Luka preferiría que él lo asumiera y actuase como un pelotudo, porque así Luka se sentiría mejor pensando “Pendejo jodido, boludo de mierda, ¡que se joda!” Pero se sentía peor haciéndolo.
De todas maneras, Luka tenía suficiente con qué preocuparse, al final estaba en una escuela, ¿no?. Tenía actividades, evaluaciones, todo eso que hacer. No que Luka fuera el alumno más dedicado y preocupado con eso, pero tener a todos los profes –más su padre– en su oído todo el tiempo llamándole la atención para la importancia de los estudios y todo eso era un aburrimiento a veces más grande que el aburrimiento de coger un libro y estudiar.
Además cuanto menos motivos Luka le diese a su padre para que le llamara a hablarle cualquier mierda sobre cómo le ha dado todo solo para que Luka se la cague vez y vez de nuevo y blá, blá, blá, blá, mejor.
Por encima de eso había el concurso de bandas, por supuesto, cosa que sí interesaba a Luka. Y mucho. Pero la cual, interesante o no, no dejaba de ser cansativa.
Y había otra cosa, que le costaba a Luka un tanto más en admitir que las demás – incluso más que admitir que sí le importaban las mierdas que le decía su padre. Por supuesto, Luka no era ningún súper genio a quien todos los temas de todas las asignaturas le salían superfácil y a quien no le hacía falta estudiar. Tenía sus dificultades, como todos. Pero, a diferencia de la mayoría, no tenía quien le ayudara.
Siempre con su armadura, sus miles de camadas de protección contra el mundo y contra todas las personas, nunca dejaba que nadie se acercara demasiado. Y la verdad era que eso le resultaba bastante solitario. No tenía amigos – ya está. No tenía compañeros, colegas, gente a quien pudiese casualmente llamar y decir “Oye, ¿me explicá eso aquí, que no he entendido ni un carajo en clase hoy?”. Y –la verdad– eso también era cansativo.
Y como al destino nunca le basta la ironía, resultaba que en lugar de dormir como una piedra, como esperado después de un día cansativo (especialmente se todos los días son cansativos), Luka se quedaba volviendo para un lado y para otro sin conseguir cerrar los ojos. Cuando lo lograba, no era por más que un par de horas a la vez. Así pasaba prácticamente todas las noches.
Sin lograr dormir, no tardaba mucho antes de abrir los ojos y encarar el techo; encarando el techo no tardaba mucho antes de ponerse a mirar alrededor de la habitación dividida. Mirando la habitación, no tardaba mucho antes de que su mirada se cayera sobre uno de sus compañeros de habitación.
Dormía siempre tan tranquilo – Luka se preguntaba si su sueño realmente lo era. O si habría sueños inquietantes pasando en su mente. No era posible que fuera el chico perfecto que aparentaba. El chico que a todos les gustaba, el chico que iba bien en las clases, aunque Luka nunca lo viera estudiando ni una sola vez. El chico que tenía una voz increíble, la cual Luka estaba determinado a nunca permitirse elogiar.
“¿Y vos qué querés ahora?”
Luka estaba sentado en la nieve mirando las montañas lejanas cuando percibió la figura alta acercándose. Estando solo, no tuvo porqué importarse con las lágrimas que se le mojaban las mejillas. Ahora prefería no saber en qué estado estaba su apariencia después de haber llorado por unos buenos veinte minutos. Lo que no esperaba era que justo este desgraciado aparecería para verlo en este estado.
“Tanto realmente me extrañas que no puedes dejarme en paz nunca?” Luka dijo, un poco más ríspido que era su intención, la verdad.
“Te vine a buscar para que no te quedaras perdido en la nieve. Ya estamos volviendo,” Esteban dijo simplemente. Parado ahí patéticamente. Los brazos caídos patéticamente a los lados de su cuerpo patético, su expresión patética mostrando un patético nada, contento con solamente mirar a Luka en toda la inconveniencia de hacer compañía a alguién que claramente no quiere estar acompañado.
Y ahí parado cruelmente recusando darle descanso a Luka. Parado solamente, ni mención de las lágrimas, del lloro. Luka deseó que le dijera algo, que hiciera una broma, o le lanzara un insulto, o lo que fuera. Address the fucking elephant in the room, pendejo de mierda. Me estás viendo, he estado llorando, señálalo de una vez y ya está, burlate de mí y déjame en paz.
Pero no hubo burla. Ni insulto. Ni cualquier broma. La verdad, no hubo ningún comentario o reacción en absoluto.
Me cago en la p–.
“¿Te pasa algo?” Dijo por fin. Su tono de voz un poco más bajo de lo que solía tener al hablar a Luka.
Durante algunos segundos Luka no supo qué responder. ¿Qué tipo de pregunta era esa? Luka realmente creyó que la relación que había entre los dos ya estaba desde hace mucho tiempo más allá de estas conversacionecitas de elevador de mierda sobre el tiempo o el calor o de preguntas del tipo ¿Cómo estás? o ¿Te pasa algo?. Pero ahí había algo. No era tanto una pregunta como era una… ¿invitación? Una invitación para que Luka le hablara. Le contara qué le pasaba.
Y al fin y al cabo, ¿por qué mentir? Sí, hay algo. Pasa algo. ¿Qué motivo tenía Luka para mentir y decirle que no?
“Sí, me pasa algo. Pero no pienso decírtelo, así que–” hizo señales con las manos para que Esteban se fuera “–ya puedes irte yendo.”
Pero Esteban no se fue. Por lo menos no de inmediato. Y luego hubo un mínimo movimiento de su cuerpo como si se fuera. Pero no. Volvió a la misma posición, mirando a Luka desde arriba.
“Qué? Sácame una foto, te durará por más ti–”
“Luka, puedes desahogarte conmigo,” Esteban dijo súbitamente. “Si quieres.”
Luka furtivamente miró el rostro de la alta figura que estaba ahí, de pie, parada, lanzándole una sombra encima. Todavía no había tono de burlarse. Volvió a mirar las montañas. “No comprenderías,” dijo finalmente.
Por fin, desde que toda esta inquietante y rarísima interacción empezó, Luka percibió movimiento en Esteban. No estaba más de pie. Se había sentado a su lado. “Inténtalo.”
Luka lo miró. Su boca empezó, pero falló en hablar algo. La cerró. Volvió a mirar a los lejos. Miró hacia el suelo. Hacia sus manos. Ni modo – volvió a mirar a las montañas y había decisión en su semblante.
“Lo que me digas aquí,” Esteban dijo, “no lo diré a nadie. No lo voy a repetir a nadie.”
Luka no tenía motivos para tenerle confianza. Pero tampoco tenía motivos para no fiarse de las palabras de su insoportable irritante archienemigo compañero de cuarto y de banda.
“Es mi padre.” Y le contó toda la historia.
#rebelde#rbd#rebelde netflix#luka colucci#esteban torres#luka esteban#luka x esteban#esteban x luka#rebelde esteban#rebelde luka
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Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 29, 2023)
23:57 Lemongrass - Feel Good 23:54 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 23:50 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 23:43 Dj Disse - Riders On The Storm (Original Mix) 23:41 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 23:39 Mount & Illian - Fool 23:35 Mark Brown - The Journey Continues (Acoustic Version) 23:33 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 23:28 Esteban Garcia Junior - Deep Blue 23:20 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 23:17 Tiësto & Ty Dolla $ign - The Business, Pt. Ii 23:11 Kosheen - Hungry 23:04 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 22:59 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 22:56 Enigma - Return To Innocence 22:52 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended) 22:49 Kamrad - Feel Alive 22:44 Axwell / Ingrosso - Something 22:40 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 22:35 David Guetta, Robin Schulz, Cheat Codes - Shed A Light (Blank & Jones Remix) 22:31 Emmit Fenn - Blinded 22:24 Julian Wassermann - People 22:18 Hacienda - Sci-fi Saloon 22:13 Eelke Kleijn - Woodstock 22:08 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 22:04 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Void 21:57 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 21:52 Victoriya - Nothing Remains 21:46 David Devilla, Mauro B & Gerard C Feat. - Someone Told Me (Mladen Mande Remix) 21:43 Hbz, Anna Grey & Agent Zed - Aloha Hey 21:39 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 21:36 The Underdog Project - Summer Jam 21:32 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 21:27 Mr.da-nos - San Francisco 2k20 21:23 Jens Buchert - 1000 Miles 21:19 Passenger 10 - Serving The World 21:17 Lost Frequencies & Zonderling - Crazy 21:13 Dvine - Ever After 21:09 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 21:04 Sine - Smooth Relaxation 20:58 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 20:54 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Good Things 20:48 Cell - The Gate 20:45 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Erase Rewind 20:42 Thrdl!fe & Sleepwalkrs - Outta My Head 20:37 Groovecatcher - Neonstrasse 20:30 Beyhude - Akasha 20:27 Goldfish Feat. Nate Highfield & Dan Silver - Forever Free 20:23 Justin Robertson Presents Revtone - Love Movement 20:20 Kygo With Avicii & Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Tribute) 20:17 Madison Park, Beechkraft - Parts Of Me (Original Mix) 20:14 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 20:11 Chris Avedon - The Letter 20:03 Edx - We Can't Give Up 19:59 Arden - Open 19:56 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 19:52 Loungertrip - Brighter Day 19:49 Sum Wave - Passing Clouds 19:47 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 19:42 Blondee & Marc Werner Feat. Fabienne Rothe - Wonderful Days 19:39 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 19:36 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 19:32 Federico Aubele - Postales 19:26 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 19:19 Nora En Pure - Polynesia (Extended Mix) 19:15 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers 19:09 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 19:03 Parra For Cuva Feat. Anna Naklab - Swept Away (Original Mix) 19:01 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 18:58 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 18:54 Faberge - Close Your Eyes 18:48 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 18:45 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 18:38 Chris Coco & Captain Bliss - Harmonica Track (Deep Mix) 18:34 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 18:28 Blank & Jones - Coh 18:24 Ganga - The Wind 18:21 R3hab, Timmy Trumpet, W&w - Distant Memory 18:18 Calvin Harris Feat. Sam Smith - Promises 18:14 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 18:11 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 18:04 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 17:58 Rìfìs Du Sol - On My Knees (Oliver Schories Remix) 17:53 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 17:48 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 17:45 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 17:42 A-ha - Take On Me (Kygo Remix) 17:38 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 17:35 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 17:31 Moonlight Breakfast, Golan - Promises (Bazooka Edit) 17:28 Kai Schwarz, Cayus & Yass - My Love Is Your Love 17:24 Melloton - See You Again (Extended Mix) 17:21 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 17:16 Faithless Feat. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi - I Need Someone 17:13 Nora En Pure - Sphinx 17:08 Fous De La Mer - Luces 17:01 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 16:57 Mahmut Orhan - Schhh (Feat. Irina Rimes) 16:51 Edx - Conundrum 16:48 Gibbs & Code X - Close To Your Heart 16:44 Ganga - Time Spent 16:39 Valante - Rissa 16:36 Vievie - Sea Roses 16:32 Hagen Feetly - U Got Me 16:29 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 16:26 Disciples - On My Mind 16:23 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 16:20 Italobrothers - Stay 16:16 Schiller & Jan Blomqvist - In Between 16:12 Tomas Skyldeberg - Chillin With You 16:09 Nora En Pure - Life On Hold 16:04 Schiller & Giorgio Moroder - Lichtjahre 16:02 Nora Van Elken - Honshu 15:59 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 15:53 Aware - En Busca Del Sol 15:50 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 15:47 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 15:42 Levitation Feat. Cathy Battistessa - More Than Ever People 2015 15:35 Le Roy - See The Light Ahead (Extended Mix) 15:28 Plus Minus - Meeting Of The Worlds 15:25 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 15:22 Shouse - Won't Forget You 15:17 Ivan Jack - The Dock Of The Bay 15:09 Armin Van Buuren & Avira Feat. Sam Martin - Mask 15:07 Dj Antoine Feat. Ablai - My Corazon (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 15:03 Sanavé - Deja Morinor 14:59 Armin Van Buuren & Avira - Illusion (Mixed) 14:57 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 14:50 Stan Kolev, Yuji Ono - Try (Original Mix) 14:46 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 14:43 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 14:39 The Alan Parsons Projekt - Mammagamma (Instrumental) 14:36 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 14:32 In Credo - Siesta Del Sol 14:28 Sons Of Maria - Elevate 14:25 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 14:22 Eelke Kleijn - Mistakes I've Made 14:18 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 14:15 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 14:12 Blank & Jones - Fall In Love 14:07 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 14:04 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 13:59 Maestro & Cabal - Rocklands Beach 13:57 Buchs Feat. Nokyo - Cheverolet 13:54 Olga Scheps - How Much Is The Fish? 13:48 Hotlane - On My Own 13:45 Mila Feat. Uwe Worlitzer - Teil Von Mir 13:40 Melounge - Too Much Sugar 13:38 Lizot - Daddy Cool 13:34 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 13:27 Fac15 & Jay C - By The Pool (Jay C's Classic Mix) 13:22 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 13:19 Nora En Pure - Fibonacci 13:13 Consoul Trainin & Pink Noisy Feat. Anastasia Zannis - Tango To Evora 13:10 Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan - In The Air Tonight (Sons Of Maria Remix) 13:06 Tycho - Horizon 12:57 Rapossa - Oriental Tales 12:54 Undressd - Forever Young 12:51 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 12:46 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 12:41 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 12:37 Set Mo Feat. Deutsch Duke - White Dress (Radio Version) 12:33 The Ocean Piano - Piano Mi Camino (Blue Wave Mix) 12:29 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 12:25 Fine Young Cannibals - Johnny Come Home (Mousse T. Cocktail Mix) 12:22 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 12:11 Monkey Safari - Hi Life (Cheeky Bold Cover) 12:07 Hearts & Colors - Lighthouse (Andrelli Remix) 11:56 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 11:53 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 11:47 Fous De La Mer - Vue Sur La Mer 11:44 Klingande & Bright Sparks - Messiah 11:40 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 11:34 Headstrong - Symphony Of Soul (Reuben Halsey Chillout Mix) 11:31 Sons Of Maria - Always 11:27 Marc Puig - To Start Anew 11:24 Nora En Pure - Wetlands 11:17 Worakls - By The Brook 11:12 White Elephant - Sir John 11:09 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 11:06 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 11:01 Mirage Of Deep - Cloudless Sky 10:58 Edx - Ecletric (Mixed) 10:50 Blank & Jones - California Sunset 10:45 Mari Boine - Gula Gula (Chilluminati Mix) 10:43 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 10:40 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 10:35 Afterlife - Espalmador 10:33 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 10:28 Disco Meets Bossa - Could It Be Magic 10:26 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 10:22 Lstn - Sky & Sand 10:17 Bacaro - Under Presure 10:11 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 10:07 Kidsø - Fir 10:03 Aural Float - Be As You Are 10:00 Zoe - C'est La Vie 09:58 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 09:53 The Timewriter - Soulstickers 09:51 Le Shuuk Feat. Xilions - Goodbye 09:48 Felix Jaehn Feat. Zoe Wees - Do It Better 09:44 Avicii - For A Better Day 09:42 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 09:38 Guardner - All Right 09:33 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 09:31 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 09:25 Boozoo Bajou - Under My Sensi 09:22 Twopilots - Take My Breath Away 09:19 Trinix - Vision Deluxe 09:15 Sono - Twist In My Sobriety (Sans Souci Remix Edit) 09:13 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 09:09 Alan Walker Ahrix - End Of Time 09:04 Fous De La Mer - Aguas Blancas 09:01 Shapov & Avian Grays Feat. Kifi - Light Up The World 08:58 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 08:53 Lenny Ibizarre - Pretty As You Feel 08:49 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 08:43 Cell - Under Your Mind (Live Version) 08:40 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 08:34 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 08:30 Ilo - Soleil D'hiver 08:27 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 08:23 Ambyion - Motion 08:19 Klingande Feat. Daylight - Losing U 08:16 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 08:12 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 08:09 The Chainsmokers Feat. Kelsea Ballerini - This Feeling 08:06 Vize & Leony - Dolly Song (Devil's Cup) 08:00 Röyksopp & Jamie Irrepressible - The Next Day (Mind Against Remix) 07:57 Alok Feat. Bruno Martini & Zeeba - Never Let Me Go 07:50 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 07:43 Prodoxo - Bailanduna 07:40 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 07:33 Nora En Pure - Cognitive Fadings (Club Mix) 07:29 Rüfüs Du Sol - No Place 07:26 Laniia - Fireflies 07:21 Rodriguez Jr. & Liset Alea - Amplify 07:16 Ingo Herrmann - Sundown 07:12 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 07:09 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 07:05 Jaques Raupe, Stereoact, Peter Schilling Feat. Peter Schilling - Terra Titanic 07:01 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 06:58 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 06:54 Sting - Fragile 06:50 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 06:47 Jonas Blue Feat. Dakota - Fast Car 06:43 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 06:40 Mahalo - High Life 06:36 Lions Head - Begging (Rami Remix) 06:29 Boral Kibil & Gulec - Lost Language 06:26 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 06:20 Rene, Alex Hook - Right Now (Matvey Emerson Remix) 06:17 Gesaffelstein & The Weeknd - Lost In The Fire 06:13 Ec Twins, Oda Loves You - Wonderful Life 06:09 Blank & Jones Feat. Coralie Clément - Jardin D'hiver 06:06 Vievie - Blue Island 06:04 Tiesto - Lay Low 06:00 Massive Attack - Three 05:57 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 05:54 Sam Feldt - Show Me Love (Original Mix) 05:50 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 05:46 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 05:40 Antennasia - First Flight (Lemongrass Remix) 05:37 Tiësto - The Motto 05:29 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 05:24 Tosca - Natural High 05:21 Hein Klein & Cheyenne - Every Breath You Take 05:18 Kygo & Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It 05:14 Hein Klein Feat. Lisa Carter - I Was Made For Loving You 05:10 Klangperlenspiel - Million Words 05:02 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 04:59 Jubel - On The Beach 04:56 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 04:53 Depeche Mode - Uselink 04:45 Blond:ish Feat. Bahramji - Omnipresent 04:41 Kygo, Paul Mccartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 04:35 Calavera & Manya Feat. Maja Aleksic - Seta 04:30 Robert Manos - Silver 04:28 R3hab & Marnik - Candyman 04:22 Jody Wisternoff Feat. Sian Evans - The Bridge (Chicane Rework) 04:19 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 04:17 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 04:08 Hraach - Paseo De Los Tristes 04:06 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 04:03 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 03:59 Eelke Kleijn - Mojo's Tale 03:53 Banderas - This Is Your Life (Easy Life Mix) 03:45 Rodriguez Jr. - 2 Miles Away 03:42 Elderbrook - I Need You 03:38 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - Saltwater (Rework) 03:33 2raumwohnung - 2 Von Millionen Von Sternen 03:29 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 03:24 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 03:19 Lustral - Everytime 03:13 Sans Souci - Venice 03:11 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 03:06 Airstream One - Southern Light 03:02 Monolink - Harlem River 02:58 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 02:54 Coldplay - Everglow 02:51 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 02:48 Sixth Finger - If I Can't Have You 02:45 Daniel Portman - Sensual Desires 02:42 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 02:36 Groovecatcher - Never Alone In New York 02:33 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 02:30 Rosa Linn - Snap 02:27 Tom Walker - Just You And I 02:24 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 02:20 Glide - Y Môr 02:16 Thievery Corporation - It Takes A Thief 02:12 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 02:08 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 02:04 Lucas Estrada, Twopilots - Bloom 02:02 Nora Van Elken - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 01:56 Beanfield - Planetary Deadlock 01:53 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 01:50 Edx Feat. Jess Ball - Take Me Home 01:44 Finnebassen - If You Only Knew 01:41 Cotone - Faded Glory 01:38 Blank & Jones Feat. Kyle Pearce - All Of Me 01:33 Fluff - Silent Life 01:29 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 01:22 Beyhude - Alabora 01:19 Hystereo - Velocity 01:15 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 01:12 Audax Feat. Ron Caroll - Falling For You 01:09 Starley - Lovers Strangers 01:04 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 01:01 Spanish Armada Movement - Margarita 00:58 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 00:55 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 00:52 Oovee Feat. Alesha Dixon - Higher Love 00:49 Nora En Pure - Branches 00:43 Hakan Kayis, Furkan Sarikas, Cinar Gedizlioglu - A Night In Alacati (Original Mix) 00:38 Beth Orton - Central Reservation 00:35 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 00:27 Armen Miran Feat. Jivan Gasp - Lost Memories 00:23 M.i.k.e., York, Asheni - Across The Ocean (R.i.b. With Soty & Seven24 Remix) 00:19 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 00:15 Schiller Feat. Jael - Tired (Live) 00:11 Clangusar - I Promised Myself 00:08 Moby - My Only Love 00:03 Jacob Gurevitsch - Lovers In Paris
#Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge#Chillout#Lounge#Downtempo#Ambient#Trance#Deep House#2023#August 2023
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rebelde x gracie abrams
okay, one of my fav things to do while listening to music is associating songs with characters/ships. and bc i love rebelde and gracie abrams, i tried to assign a character/ship to every gracie abrams song - i haven't got them all, but i'll still just write the list here:
andi & dixon:
block me out
andi, dixon & jana:
hard to sleep
andi agosti:
this is what the drugs are for (when just the title of the song was announced, i already knew it would be an andi song)
mj sevilla & sebas langarica (i don't like mebas but associate almost all the gracie songs about toxic relationships with them, so there are quite a few):
the bottom
i should hate you
brush fire
fault line
mj sevilla & dixon alvarez:
the blue
where do we go now?
jana cohen gandía:
long sleeves
jana cohen gandía & luka colucci:
mess it up
dixon alvarez & esteban torres:
jana cohen gandía, mj sevilla & andi agosti:
feels like
luka colucci & okane:
wishful thinking
jana cohen gandía & esteban torres:
andi agosti & emilia alo:
painkillers (wildsivy on instagram has a really good edit of them to this song, that's why i associate them with it)
i know it won't work
i miss you, i'm sorry
andi agosti & mj sevilla:
jana cohen gandía & mj sevilla:
the group:
right now
#rebelde#rebelde netflix#gracie abrams#to any gracie fans seeing this in the tag#i'm sorry#but maybe stream rebelde on netflix#:)#and to any rebelde fans#if there are any apart from me#then maybe listen to gracie abrams#🎧
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I watched Rebelde. My ship is actually not shippable at all... I'm devastated! 😭
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the rich and sarcastic boy with serious daddy issues and the poor boy with abandonment issues who understands that he deserves better thanks to the other one trope? YES <3
the lover in the hospital and the other one at his bedside day and night trope? OMG YES! <3
an enemies to allies to "bandmates" to jealous friends who love to tease each other with a huge sexual tension to, finally, lovers trope? FUCK IT YES!! <3
PLUS (!!) + Saak's photo with Franco <3
they're adorable and have so much chemistry together!! love them so much!
#rebelde#rebelde netflix#rebelde 2022#okane#luka colucci#lukane#franco masini#saak#esteban torres#andi agosti#sebas langarica#luka and okane#lgbt series#enemies to friends trope#rebelde season 2#rebelde spoilers#rebelde way#mlm#mlm ship#andi x emilia#gay#bisexual
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Okay, i need to rant about rebelde netflix (and like dexter, i’ll do it in parts)
Disclaimer: i’m a tv critic? No. BUT, not only i watched the original rebelde (i’m not old shut up) i also watched the brazilian version of it, which brings me to disclaimer number two: english is not my first language, so sorry in advance
Ok, jana: i really don’t care about her tbh, but why tf she always has to have a very explicit sex scene? I don’t get it.
Esteban: let´s get controversial, i hate him. his whole personality (not that he has a lot of it) is kind of trash, ditch his friends, being kind of mean to his father, that whole gus fiasco, his ‘’ relationship’’ with jana is just bleh, sorry
Moving on, andi and emila: look, i really wanted this couple to work out. not only i’m bi, the actress who plays emilia is brazilian AND i also have a big fat crush on andi. Why did they have to ruin this? I get the plot with drugs is a common thing between artists and all of that, but i will not forgive them for ruin this for me.
But i digress, dixon: i love him but he was just kind of there this season? i ship him with m.j and i hated the whole jana thing that was going on
m.j and sebas: i could see this crashing and burning from a kilometer away. the ‘’she will change him’’ trope is not only old but stupid, AND the series spent the whole first season building her fling with dixon to throw it away for almost the whole second season? fuck them
luka and okane, a.k.a., the best thing to come out of this season: i love them. i love them individually AND together. (i also have a huge crush on okane but let’s ignore that) they were the highlight of this season. their chemistry was awesome, i hope that the series is renew so i can see more of them (let’s hope the series doesn't ruin them too) i still think about writing fanfic about them, why people are not writing about them? ffs
before i finish this, wtf was that besame sin medo performance? I don’t get the concept till now. The blue cube? Wtf was that about? Anyway bye
#luka colucci#lukane#rebelde netflix#okane#luka x okane#esteban#mj#jana cohen#dixon#sebas#sorry guys#andi#emilia#endi#andi x emilia#rebelde 2022#rebelde#netflix#esteban torres#dixon alvarez#andi agosti
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so i have to live with the fact i was fully shipping luka x esteban for the first half of the season huh?
#rebelde 2022 spoilers#rebelde 2022#listen. i stopped when i started getting suspicious ok...#esteban x jana were just soooooo boring the whole time#luka and esteban had the most rebelde-like dynamic
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#icons#icons rebelde#rebelde netflix#rebelde#icons emilia alo#icons andi agosti#icons luka colucci#icons dixon#icons esteban#andi x emilia#icons azul guaita#icons giovanna grigio#andi icons
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You guys HELP ME a lot with a REBLOG ❤️
Me ayudan MUCHISIMO con un REBLOG ❤️
#Rebelde#rebelde netflix#netflix rebelde#andi rebelde#dixon rebelde#esteban rebelde#emilia rebelde#mj rebelde#mj icons#andi agosti icons#andi agosti#emilia x andi#andi x emilia#andi and emilia#emilia alo icons#emilia alo#emilia and andi#mj x dixon#dixon x mj#luka colucci#luka colucci icons#rebelde icons#giovanna grigio#lizeth selene#andrea chaparro#franco masini#alejandro puente#azul guaita#sergio mayer mori#wlw ship
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Nerves (Emilia Alo x Reader)
Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3
You’ve been tasked to seduce Sebas, but you can’t keep your eyes off Emilia…
Emilia Alo x Fem!reader 1580 words
It starts a bit slow but picks up toward the end
“This party isn’t just so the school sees us play,” Jana said. “I have a more important reason.”
Everyone was gathered in the girls' dorm, minus Luka. There were conversations of the party that night, but Y/N wasn’t too interested. Instead of listening in, she tackled Andi onto her bed for the last chip in the bag. Y/N attempted to pry the chip from her hand as she practically sat on top of Andi, giggling as Andi laughed and wheezed for air simultaneously.
“The fire, the threats, the attack on Esteban: we just need him to confess,” Jana said.
“Who?” Y/N turned her head toward the rest of the group, her mouth full of Andi’s chip.
“Sebas. Have you two dorks been listening?” Jana asked, emphasizing her annoyance.
Y/N only rolled her eyes in response.
“How will we make that happen?” Esteban asked.
“A whole lot of vodka.”
“You’re trusting that a lot of things will fall into place. I don’t like those odds,” Esteban replied.
“Trust me, I know him,” Jana defended her plan.
“It’s too risky. What if he doesn’t want to drink? What if he brings friends or bodyguards?” Esteban said as Y/N released Andi from underneath her only to be tackled in retaliation with a wild scream.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Jana said, ignoring the chaos behind her. “Dixon’s with me, right?” She hopefully smiled toward him to which he sighed.
“Well, it’s not like we have a lot of options.”
“I don’t think it’s that bad of an idea,” MJ piped in.
Y/N managed to struggle out of Andi’s grip and her cruel laughter to get a word in.
“Yeah, but there’s no way you can get him drunk. He hates you.”
“Well,” Jana trailed off, walking toward Y/N with a sly smile. “That’s why we need one more thing that Sebastian Langarica loves,” she said, sitting beside Y/N and placing her hands comfortingly on her shoulders.
Y/N looked confused for a moment as silence fell over the group. But when she caught Jana’s expression, the implications of the plan suddenly made sense.
“Me? Oh god, this truly is the worst plan yet,” Y/N complained, quickly shrugging off Jana’s hands.
“No! Dixon heard him talking about you the other day. Seems like Sebas has got quite a crush,” Jana’s smile grew as she elbowed Y/N’s side.
“Don’t blame me, Y/N!” Dixon raised his hands in surrender. “It’s Jana’s plan!”
“Come on! I know him. He’ll fall for it,” Jana enticed. “So?”
Y/N bit down on the side of her cup, lost somewhere in the sea of EWS students. It seemed that the entire school had already shown up in the first fifteen minutes of the extravagant party, which only made Y/N more nervous.
She already had mild stage fright which she had worked so hard to overcome, and now she had people screaming and bumping her left and right before she was even supposed to be performing. It was so claustrophobic she considered walking out the doors and never returning.
But one thing she was more frightened of than social situations: letting her friends down.
Granted, her friends had abandoned her in a large group of people, knowing she was quite introverted. So how much of her friends were they?
Unbeknownst to Y/N, she was being watched. First from afar, then closer as Emilia made a beeline for her, pushing other guests aside.
“Hey,” Emilia said as she walked toward Y/N. Either the music was too loud or Y/N was too deep in her thoughts because Y/N didn’t hear a word. She continued grinding her teeth as her grip tightened around her empty cup. “Hey, Y/N,” Emilia semi-yelled this time.
Y/N instantly spun around at the recognizable accent. She whipped those around her with her high pigtails before facing Emilia. For a moment, she was a deer in headlights, unable to move a muscle in her body. Emilia softly smiled, almost blushing at Y/N’s awestruck reaction.
Emilia had been so amused with Y/N since she first step foot on campus. She was so adorably shy and awkward, yet so insanely beautiful. It was a combination that easily invaded Emilia’s heart. Perhaps it was the contrast to her own personality that made Emilia relentlessly chase after Y/N even when “chasing” wasn’t typically her thing.
But she didn’t understand why Y/N was still so nervous around her given that Emilia had made so many flirtatious advances that practically everyone assumed they would be together by the week’s end. Yet Y/N seemed to run away every time they got close to being more than flirty friends.
Yet something about their interactions was so addictive that Emilia kept coming back for more. And Y/N would be lying if she didn’t love the way Emilia made her feel, even if she was too shy to show it.
“Hey,” Y/N said, attempting to swallow her nervousness.
“Not really your scene, huh?”
“Is it that obvious?” Y/N pouted.
“No, no,” Emilia reassured her, wrapping her free hand around Y/N’s arm, pulling her closer while rubbing circles with her thumb in the crook of Y/N’s elbow. Emilia attempted to ease her anxiousness and nerves as she’d rather enjoy Y/N’s presence in a calm state than in a panicky one. “I just…I know you. You just need some more of this in you,” Emilia said, waving her half-empty bottle of beer in the air. “It’ll relax you.”
Y/N glanced down at the bottle then back up at Emilia.
“You want some?” Emilia asked.
Y/N hesitantly nodded.
“You just have to ask. You know I’d give it to you,” Emilia said. She smiled that big, heart-stopping smile that showed off a bit of her gums. Y/N was a slave to that smile as it contagiously spread onto her own lips.
What she wasn’t expecting was for Emilia to step forward and lift the bottle to her lips and grab her chin. Emilia grabbed her chin, guiding Y/N to tilt her head back and part her lips, allowing Emilia to pour the dark taste of the beer onto Y/N’s tongue. It tasted so much better when Emilia’s hands were all over her.
Emilia allowed the image to melt into her brain where it would be held for safekeeping. She knew, from that point on, that it would be the only thing she’d be able to think about. But eventually, she pulled the bottle away.
As Y/N’s head fell back into place, her lips still faintly separated, Emilia quickly downed the rest of the beer. She pushed the empty bottle into the arms of a random boy before turning back toward Y/N. Their chests were practically pressed against each other, their noses grazing one another.
Too scared that Y/N would run away again, Emilia quickly planted her hands on Y/N’s hips. She scratched her nails against the fabric of the nearly see-through dress Y/N had borrowed from Jana.
“You’re beautiful,” Emilia whispered, her eyes locked onto Y/N’s slightly wide ones. Y/N was still in shock from the moments before, and now this. It was all too much for her. That’s why her nerves usually got the best of her and she ended up running.
But this time seemed to be the exception as the alcohol she had drank previously was impacting her judgement.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Y/N confessed as if it was a secret. It was truly the worst-kept secret. Nevertheless, Emilia smiled, watching Y/N slowly emerge from her shell.
Y/N noticed Emilia’s hips begin to sway with the music as Dixon and MJ began to sing Pensado en Ti.
“Dance with me,” Emilia said, blocking out every scene and sound that wasn’t the girl in front of her.
Her hands still hanging awkwardly at her sides, Y/N moved them to hold Emilia’s upper arms. She looked down at her fingers delicately touching the skin, afraid of making a wrong move. But when she looked back into Emilia’s face, they both suddenly melted into giggles. It made everything feel a little less serious. Just right.
Y/N began to release the tension in her muscles as she allowed her body to move with MJ’s voice. Emilia was impressed by the fluidity of her movements. She was so used to Y/N’s stiffness that her stomach dropped feeling Y/N’s hands rub up and down her arms in rhythm with her hips. It was heavenly.
“Y/N! Y/N, where are you?” Jana’s voice suddenly screamed over the ending of the song. Y/N jumped at the mention of her name, moving a step back from Emilia who lost touch with Y/N’s body. Y/N turned to find Jana storming toward her, causing her to drop her hands back to her sides. “Come on! He’s here!” Jana shouted, grabbing Y/N by the arm as she had once held Emilia, before dragging her away.
It happened so quickly that Emilia couldn’t get out another word before Y/N was too far. Y/N peeked back at her with a look of remorse before she disappeared behind the other bodies. Emilia groaned in disdain. They were so close.
“Fucking Jana.”
#emilia alo#emilia alo fanfiction#emilia#emilia alo x reader#emilia rebelde#rebelde#rebelde x reader#emilia alo imagine#emilia alo x y/n#emilia x reader#emilia alo x fem!reader#emilia alo x you#emilia alo fic#rebelde fic#rebelde fanfiction#lesbian#wlw#female reader
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﹒﹒ male names masterlist !
in honor of my third milestone on here ( thank you sm ) , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+male names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
A : alston, ander, adamo, alex, austen, ace, arian, adrian, atlas, augustus, axel, archer, angel, archie, aaron, abel, asher, amir, adriel, andrew, ace, alejandro, arlo, adonis, atticus, abram, ambrose.
B : bryce, bryson, benji, bellamy, banks, bear, beau, bentley, barrett, brody, brayden, bennett, braxton, bowen, briggs, baker, bruce, benson, bristol, boston, brycen, bryant, brock, brendan, bruno, byron, braden, bronson, braeson.
C : colton, cartier, cyrus, caleb, carter, cedric, carson, cohen, calvin, callum, casper, caspius, chase, cole, connor, camden, colt, caden, cash, crew, chance, clayton, cruz, cairo, corbin, colson, cesar, clark.
D : damon, damien, darren, dylan, dominic, declan, dean, dario, drew, dimitri, dakota, dawson, daxton, dante, desmond, denver, dax, deacon, drake, derrick, darius, duke, deandre, dash, dilan, dayton, duncan, dior.
E : eduardo, edward, elias, emilien, evan, easton, everett, emmett, enzo, ezra, elliot, emmanuel, ezekial, elias, emerson, eric, emory, edwin, elian, esteban, edison, emir, everest, eliseo, everley.
F : florencio, flynn, fabio, forester, francis, flynn, fallon, finn, finnick, felix, fernando, finnegan, fabian, ford, forbes, fletcher, fisher, fox, fitz, flint, fulton.
G : giovanni, gage, gomez, grayson, griffin, grant, graham, gavin, grant, gianni, gunner, gideon, gregory, grey, gustavo, guillermo, gentry, gadiel, gabriel.
H : halton, herman, holden, hayes, hudson, hayden, harrison, harlow, harvey, hugo, hank, henley, holland, hamza, hugh, houston, hakeem.
I : isaac, icarius, idris, ian, ivan, isaiah, ismael, ilan, irvin, iain.
J : julian, juniper, joao, joaquim, jordan, jaxton, joshua, josiah, javier, jayden, justin, jonah, jace, jasper, jay, jj, jackson, jeremiah, judah, joel, jensen, jaylen, jonas, jamal.
K : kai, kolton, kaleb, klaus, kyrie, kingston, kayden, king, kobe, knox, kyler, kaden, khalil, kane, killian, keegan, kian, kamden, kieran, keanu, kyland, kareem, kasen,
L : liam, lukas, logan, lucien, lawrence, leo, leighton, leon, lindell, lamar, latrell, larson, lance, levi, luke, landon, luca, lincoln, landon, lorenzo, london, lennox, leonel, lawson, luciano, layton, lux, leroy, lamar.
M : micaiah, mateo, marcell, manny, mac, malcolm, mckay, meechie, matias, mason, maverick, mitch, murphy, miles, malachi, maddox, marshall, malik, moses, marvin, milo.
N : noah, nicolai, nasir, nico, nash, neymar, naveen, nehemiah, nixon, nelson, nigel, niles, nolyn, namir.
O : orlando, ozzy, oliver, omar, orion, otto, odin, otis, oskar, osvaldo, owen.
P : peyton, parker, pearce, prince, preston, porter, pierre, penn, patton, paxton, paolo, pope, percy.
Q : quentin, quinn, quint, quang.
R : roman, rowan, reid, riggs, reece, rafael, ryland, roland, ronan, rhett, rhys, rory, rainer, roscoe, rocco, ryder, ryker, remington, russell, romeo, raiden, ruben, ridge, rex, rudy, remy.
S : sawyer, spencer, salem, salvatore, stefan, samson, sebastian, samuel, santiago, silas, sutton, sterling, sully, sergio, seth, santino, santibel, soren, saint, samir, saul, sal, santos, slater, santino.
T : tyson, tyrin, taylor, teagan, tobias, troye, tristan, tucker, theo, torrento, tanner, travis, tripp, trenton, trey, tomas, talon, thad, terrance, teddy.
U : uriel, ulysesses, umar, urbane, uri, ursel, usher.
V : valencio, victor, valence, valentino, vance, victor, vaughn, vincent, virgil, vernon, vander, vito, vero, villard.
W : wick, walker, weston, wyatt, wolfgang, wells, wilder, wesley, walter, warren, wade, winston, watson, wiley, waylen.
X : xavier, xander, xane, xavion, xavi, xiomar, xackery, xan.
Y : yosef, yosan, york, yasir, yoel, yuri, yannis.
Z : zane, zakhar, zavier, zion, zahir, zev, zeus, zacharias.
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Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 24, 2023)
23:55 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 23:49 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Besame Mucho 23:46 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 23:42 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 23:38 Lions Head - Begging (Rami Remix) 23:35 Sons Of Maria - Elevate 23:26 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 23:23 Mahmut Orhan - Schhh (Feat. Irina Rimes) 23:19 Tycho - Horizon 23:16 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 23:11 Armin Van Buuren - Never Wanted This 23:08 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 23:01 Gerrit Van Der Meer - Solaris 22:58 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 22:55 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 22:50 Fous De La Mer - Conmigo 22:47 Emily Burns - Im So Happy 22:43 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 22:39 Five Seasons - In Your Town 22:36 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 22:33 Gamper & Dadoni - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 22:28 M.i.k.e., York, Asheni - Across The Ocean (R.i.b. With Soty & Seven24 Remix) 22:22 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 22:19 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 22:15 Melosense - Polarization (Original Mix) 22:12 Dvine - Unknown Reality 22:08 Groove Da Praia - Is This Love 22:06 Deepend & Graham Candy - Belong (Deepend Edit) 22:02 Alex Breitling - Lilie 21:56 Boris Pillmann - Mood Of Moonlight 21:53 Parov Stelar - Fire 21:50 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 21:45 Eelke Kleijn - Mojo's Tale 21:42 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 21:38 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 21:34 Riccardo Eberspacher - Sunetul De Seara 21:30 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 21:28 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 21:23 Fous De La Mer - Luz 21:20 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 21:17 Cookin' On 3 Burners, Henri Purnell & Revelries - Force Of Nature 21:12 Lyke - Stay With Me 21:09 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 21:05 Air - You Make It Easy 20:58 Mashk & Soul Button - Pensées 20:50 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 20:45 Rodg - Jacqueline (Chill Mix) 20:41 Brendon Moeller - Emerging 20:38 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 20:31 Eskadet - Solitudes 20:28 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 20:25 Dizkodude & Dj Antoine - Your Eyes (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Summer Mix) 20:21 Selena Gomez & Marshmello - Wolves 20:14 Hraach - After Dark 20:08 Esteban Garcia - Para Mi 20:04 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 20:00 Ac Venture - Rain In Spain (Roberto Sol Remix) 19:56 Stefano Saletti & Piccola Banda Ikona - Tagama 19:53 Alan Walker X Hans Zimmer - Time (Alan Walker Remix) 19:46 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 19:42 Van Dresen, Akki & Monteur Feat. Christina Novelli - Beautiful 19:36 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 19:31 David Guetta, Robin Schulz, Cheat Codes - Shed A Light (Blank & Jones Remix) 19:27 Moca - Flotter Tag 19:23 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 19:20 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 19:16 Tim Plvnk - Just Tonight (Extended Mix) 19:09 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 19:05 Dead Composers - Starlight 19:00 Eelke Kleijn - Woodstock 18:54 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 18:51 Schiller - Sommerregen 18:48 Chaël Feat Kaii - Don't Speak 18:41 Julian Wassermann - People 18:38 Alok Feat. Bruno Martini & Zeeba - Never Let Me Go 18:36 Mellowdy - Rise Up 18:32 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 18:29 Dash Berlin Feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter 18:22 Edx - Conundrum 18:15 Colyn - Unstable Gravity Alert 18:08 Calavera & Manya Feat. Maja Aleksic - Seta 18:02 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 17:57 Under Pressure - Near The Ocean 17:53 Nora En Pure - All I Need 17:50 Purple Disco Machine - Hypnotized 17:46 Chicane Feat. Bo Bruce - Still With Me 17:43 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 17:39 Goldfish Feat. Nate Highfield & Dan Silver - Forever Free 17:35 Burak Yeter Feat. Danelle Sandova - Tuesday 17:32 Duboss - Losing My Religion 17:29 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 17:24 Mind Against, Dyzen - Freedom 17:21 Felix Jaehn Feat. Zoe Wees - Do It Better 17:18 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 17:14 Hakan Lidbo Feat. Emma - What Is Love 17:09 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 17:06 Sting - Fragile 17:02 Blank & Jones - High Fly 16:57 Deep Dive Corp. Feat. Dennis Le Gree - Water 16:51 Mads Arp Featuring Julie Harrington - Alive 16:47 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 16:44 Daniel Portman - Sensual Desires 16:40 Rank 1 - T.t.c. 16:37 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 16:34 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 16:29 Jazzamor - Way Back 16:27 Bernward Koch - Flowing Colors 16:23 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 16:20 Robin Schulz - Headlights 16:18 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 16:15 Kygo & Imagine Dragons - Born To Be Yours 16:08 Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 16:05 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 16:01 Discover. - Lost In Music 15:54 Atb - No Fate 15:51 Tiësto - The Motto 15:46 Sean Hayman - See Of Love (Whisper Mix) 15:43 Lucy Neville - Shameless 15:39 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 15:34 Aromabar - Renegade 15:30 Golden Tone Radio - Glück 15:23 Timboletti - Dhunche 15:19 Saint Privat - Somebody To Love (Uko Remix) 15:14 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - La Serenissima 15:09 Ganga - Time Spent 15:05 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - One Evening (Lofi Selection) 15:01 Lstn, Arya Noble - Desert Walk 14:56 Estelle Feat. Kanye West - American Boy (Lost Frequencies Remix) 14:52 Lstn - Undecided 14:46 Rodg - Heights 14:42 Emmit Fenn - Blinded 14:38 Kidsø - Finja 14:34 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 14:26 Chris Coco & Captain Bliss - Harmonica Track (Deep Mix) 14:20 Tebra - Suton 14:16 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 14:08 Andre Rizo - Hang 14:02 Twocolors - Together 13:54 Troels Hammer - Trans/ For/ Mation 13:47 Avira & Diana Miro - The Worship (Mark Knight Extended) 13:43 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 13:37 Blüchel & Von Deylen - Gymnopedie No. 1 13:33 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 13:27 Röyksopp & Jamie Irrepressible - The Next Day (Mind Against Remix) 13:24 Sam Feldt X Lush & Simon Feat. Inna - Fade Away 13:21 Lucas Estrada & Henri Purnell & Neimy - In My Fantasy 13:19 Lika Morgan - Ding Dong 13:13 Lovers Lane - Island Memories 13:10 Dize Feat. Aurii - Wenn Ich Nicht Mehr Weiss 13:03 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 12:58 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 12:56 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 12:52 Leslie, Ben E, Falki - Help Myself (Original Mix) 12:48 Klangkarussel & Poppy Baskcomb - This Love 12:46 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 12:41 Blank & Jones - Pure Shores 12:39 Möwe - Bad Intentions 12:34 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 12:27 Sébastien Tellier - La Ritournelle 12:24 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 12:21 Kamrad - I Believe 12:14 Max Melvin - Lo-fi City 12:08 Tebra - Istok 12:05 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 12:00 Mikael Delta - The Last Storm Of Words 11:57 Tom Novy & Dan Le Blonde - Let's Dance (Tom Novy Remix) 11:53 Schiller - Liebe 11:50 Lunax - I Like 11:47 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 11:42 Woolfy Vs. Projections - We Were There 11:40 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 11:35 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 11:31 Adele - Skyfall 11:28 Zoe - C'est La Vie 11:25 Mount & Emdey - Venus 11:22 Hein Klein Feat. Lisa Carter - I Was Made For Loving You 11:16 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 11:13 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 11:08 Remady & Manu-l - Another Day In Paradise 11:05 Deeperlove & Marc Korn - Vertigo (R.i.o. Remix) 11:02 Crying Robot, Abi F. Jones - Different Sides 10:59 Ambyion - Motion 10:54 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 10:48 Phil Mison - Lula 10:45 Sans Souci - Nanda 10:41 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 10:36 Maestro & Cabal - Rocklands Beach 10:31 Mr.da-nos - San Francisco 2k20 10:26 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended) 10:23 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Void 10:18 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 10:15 Matoma Feat. Jonah Kagen - Summer Feeling 10:10 Daniele Mastracci Feat. Allegra - Something Great 10:06 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 10:02 Loopaland - Born To Be Alive 09:59 Mila Feat. Uwe Worlitzer - Teil Von Mir 09:56 Edx - Ecletric (Mixed) 09:50 Guenter Haas - Look Inside Yourself 09:41 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 09:34 Colyn - Lightyears 09:28 Cell - The Gate 09:25 Sans Souci - Fenton 09:20 Kidsø - Fir 09:13 Levitation - More Then Ever People 09:09 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 09:06 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 09:02 Light Of Aidan Feat. Note For A Child - Loving You 08:58 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 08:53 Marc Puig - To Start Anew 08:51 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 08:48 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 08:44 Paul Kalkbrenner - Part Eight 08:41 Together Alone - Let Go 08:37 Christopher Von Deylen - Heliotrope 08:30 Stan Kolev, Yuji Ono - Try (Original Mix) 08:26 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 08:21 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 08:17 Trentemoller - Miss You 08:11 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real 08:07 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 08:02 Jasmon - Sanpo Suru 07:59 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 07:54 Music On Canvas Feat. Tabitha - Upside Down 07:51 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 07:47 Blank & Jones - Coastline 07:42 Phil Mison - Just Landed 07:39 Alok Feat. Alida - Love Again 07:35 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 07:32 The Alan Parsons Project - Mammagamma (Instrumental) 07:28 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 07:18 Moby - Too Much Change 07:15 Sam Feldt - Show Me Love (Original Mix) 07:12 James Carter & Ofenbach Feat. James Blunt - Can't Forget You 07:09 Twopilots - Take My Breath Away 07:05 Klingande & Krishane - Rebel Yell 07:03 Avian Grays & Azteck - Endlessly 07:00 Avicii - For A Better Day 06:52 David Hohme - Fear Less (Hraach Remix) 06:46 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 06:39 Orange & Tusnelda - Stay Asleep 06:35 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Angel Taylor - Make It Right (Trinix Remix) 06:31 Valante - Rissa 06:27 Avec - Under Water (Club Edit) 06:23 Sum Wave - Goodbye Earth 06:20 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 06:15 Slackwax - Midnight 06:09 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 06:02 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 05:59 Kygo & Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me 05:53 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 05:47 Geonis & Wallmers - Stand On Our Own (Mier Remix) 05:41 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 05:35 Sans Souci - Venice 05:31 Drenchill Ft. Indiiana - Hey Hey 05:27 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 05:25 Edx - Neptune 05:21 Rìfìs - Like An Animal 05:18 Kygo, Paul Mccartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 05:15 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 05:09 Depeche Mode - When The Body Speaks 05:06 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 05:03 Nora Van Elken - Honshu 04:57 Fous De La Mer - Ocean 22°e 04:54 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 04:50 Flamingo Star - Lost In Music 04:47 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 04:44 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 04:39 Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy 04:36 Tomas Skyldeberg - Outside The Window 04:34 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 04:30 Alan Walker Feat. Anthony Keyrous & Henri Purnell Feat. Romy Wave - Alone (Remix) 04:27 Kai Schwarz, Cayus & Yass - My Love Is Your Love 04:24 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 04:19 Glenn Main - Message To Spain 04:16 Backstreet Boys - Chances (Instrumental) 04:14 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 04:10 Kygo Feat. Parson James - Stole The Show 04:07 Nora Van Elken - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 04:02 Fous De La Mer - Aguas Blancas 03:59 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 03:54 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 03:49 Gary B - Love Rain Down 03:45 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 03:40 Worakls - Caprice 03:35 Yantra Mantra - Ascension Into Heaven (Chandini Mix) 03:32 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 03:28 Panama, Satin Jackets - The Future 03:23 Nick Sinckler, Lukas Termena - Get Up (Original Mix) 03:21 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 03:17 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Good Things 03:13 Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy 03:06 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 03:00 Mozez Feat. Henry Binns From Zero 7 - Beautiful Day 02:58 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 02:55 Mount & Illian - Fool 02:51 Sanavé - Deja Morinor 02:47 Melokind - Tiefgang 02:45 Vievie - Sea Roses 02:41 Coldplay - Everglow 02:37 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 02:35 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 02:28 Tom Odell - Another Love (Zwette Edit) 02:25 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 02:19 Blank & Jones - Coh 02:15 Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle 02:12 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 02:08 Set Mo Feat. Deutsch Duke - White Dress (Radio Version) 02:05 Bernward Koch - Lonely Dream (Solo Piano) 02:02 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 01:58 Fine Young Cannibals - Johnny Come Home (Mousse T. Cocktail Mix) 01:55 Sum Wave - Passing Clouds 01:52 Nora En Pure - Life On Hold 01:47 Owen Ear, Stereoteric - Screaming Heart (Original Mix) 01:42 Röyksopp Feat. Astrid S - 02 Let's Get It Right 01:31 Monkey Safari - Hi Life (Cheeky Bold Cover) 01:27 The Alan Parsons Projekt - Mammagamma (Instrumental) 01:19 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 01:16 Hallmann - Always Be 01:10 Hraach, Armen Miran - Aldebaran (Original) 01:08 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 01:04 Morcheeba - Under The Ice 01:02 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 00:56 Anrey - We Are The Mirrors (Extended Mix) 00:50 Consoul Trainin & Pink Noisy Feat. Anastasia Zannis - Tango To Evora 00:43 Beyhude - Akasha 00:39 Eli & Fur - Come Back Around 00:36 Nora En Pure - Homebound 00:28 Garlington - Falling To Pieces (Extended Mix) 00:25 Kygo With Avicii & Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Tribute) 00:20 Morcheeba - Slow Down 00:18 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 00:14 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 00:10 Dalibor Dadoff, Nacho Lezcano, Grabo Bakos - Sounds Like A Melody 00:06 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 00:03 Mr. Probz - Waves 00:00 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021)
#Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge#Chillout#Lounge#Downtempo#Ambient#Trance#Deep House#2023#August 2023
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He terminado la segunda temporada de Rebelde y por dios que temporada de mierda ahre
E incluso me hizo perder el interés en escribir una fic luka x esteban
#rebelde netflix#rebelde#rebelde luka#luka colucci#esteban torres#esteban colucci#luka esteban#esteban luka#esteban rebelde
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Fandoms and Ships
Disney Ella x Henry Cinderella Lady x Tramp (Human AUs) Lady and the Tramp Mary x Bert Mary Poppins Duchess x Thomas O’Malley (Human AUs) The Aristocats Pete’s Dragon (no specific ships; both original and live-action) Ariel x Eric The Little Mermaid Belle x Adam Beauty and the Beast Nala x Simba (Human AUs) The Lion King Kiara x Kovu (Human AUs) The Lion King Mulan x Shang Mulan Jane x Tarzan Tarzan Kida x Milo Atlantis: The Lost Empire Dory x Marlin (Human AUs) Finding Nemo Janice x Jesse Bridge to Terebithia Clarion x Milori Tinkerbell Tinkerbell x Terence Tinkerbell Tiana x Naveen The Princess and the Frog Alice x Tarrant Alice in Wonderland Rapunzel x Eugene Tangled Brave (no specific ships) Elsa x Hans Frozen Anna x Kristoff Frozen Inside Out (no specific ships) Judy x Nick (Human AUs) Zootopia Coco (no specific ships) Izzy x Buzz Lightyear Miranda x Roland Sofia the First Sofia x Hugo Sofia the First Amber x Hildegard Sofia the First Ruby x James Sofia the First Elena x Mateo Elena of Avalor Isabel x Javier Elena of Avalor Adult!Naomi x Esteban Elena of Avalor Cassandra x Adult!Varian Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure Deadpool x Wolverine X-Men/MCU
Dreamworks Miguel x Tulio The Road to El Dorado Fiona x Shrek Shrek Astrid x Hiccup How to Train Your Dragon Valka x Stoick How to Train Your Dragon Roxanne x Megamind Megamind Rise of the Guardians (no specific ship) Eep x Guy The Croods
Illumination Lucy x Gru Despicable Me
Sony Ericka x Dracula Hotel Transylvania
Blue Sky Linda x Tulio Rio
Harry Potter (in no particular order) Willow (OC) x George Draco x Harry Nymphadora x Remus Sirius x Remus Lily x James Narcissa x Lucius Emma (OC) x Charlie Merula x Male!Rowan Penny x Ben Penny x Skye Molly x Arthur Oliver x Percy Hermione x Ron Seamus x Dean Luna x Neville Luna x Rolf Tina x Newt Queenie x Jacob Albus x Scorpius Andromeda x Ted Victoire x Teddy Fleur x Bill Ella (OC) x Sebastian Anne x Ominis Louise (OC) x Phineas
Other Jedidiah x Octavius Night at the Museum Norman x Ethan Heavy Rain Kara x Conner Detroit: Become Human Connor x Markus Detroit: Become Human Simon x Markus Detroit: Become Human North x Josh Detroit: Become Human Rose x Hank Detroit: Become Human Aloy x Erend Horizon Zo x Varl Horizon Zo x Teb Horizon Beta x Drakka Horizon Elisabet x Sylens Horizon Elisabet x Travis Horizon Alva x Kotallo Horizon Jane x Gunther Jane and the Dragon Jane x Jester Jane and the Dragon Pepper x Rake Jane and the Dragon Gwendolyn x Caradoc Jane and the Dragon Nancy x Jonathan Stranger Things Steve x Dustin Stranger Things Will x Mike Stranger Things Joyce x Jim Stranger Things Fran x Maxwell The Nanny Elisabeth (OC) x Atticus To Kill A Mockingbird Dill x Jem To Kill A Mockingbird Scout x Walter To Kill A Mockingbird Katniss x Peeta The Hunger Games Effie x Haymitch The Hunger Games Lucy x Coriolanus The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Emma x George Emma Elizabeth x Fitzwilliam Pride and Prejudice Marianne x Christopher Sense and Sensibility Elinor x Edward Sense and Sensibility Daniel x Johnny Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Robby x Miguel Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Ali x Amanda Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Dutch x Bobby Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Demetri x Eli Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Kumiko x Chozen Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Ellie x Alec Broadchurch Beth x Paul Broadchurch Rose x Ten Doctor Who Yuuri x Viktor Yuri on Ice Yuri x Otabek Yuri on Ice Marinette x Adrien Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Alya x Nino Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Chloe x Luka Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Luka x Adrien Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Elizabeth (OC) x Ydris Star Stable Online Maya x Alex Star Stable Online Elizabeth (non-OC) x Avalon Star Stable Online Anne x Lisa Star Stable Online Novalee x Forney Where the Heart Is Claire x James Outlander Elizabeth (OC) x Fergus Outlander Brianna x Roger Outlander Aziraphale x Crowley Good Omens Anneliese x Julian Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Erika x Dominick Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Sophia x Nicholas Barbie: Princess Charm School Skipper x Jonas Barbie and Her Sisters In a Pony Tale Barbie x Ken Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures Barbie (Margot Robbie) x Ken (Ryan Gosling) Barbie
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Rebelde season 2 thoughtz
s1 of Rebelde was good but s2 was not it.
Andi and Emilia break up. Breakups are normal in teen shows but this couple barely got any screen time and they just got together.
Andi becomes addicted to drugs and none of her "friends" even noticed
Luka was a pain like usual so he was fine.
Mj looked amazing this season but I think the writers should have had her have more scenes with jana instead of focusing on a love life.
Why do the writers have Jana all over the place?! (car crash, streaming herself having s*x, and fighting with MJ)
Jana and Esteban should have talked more. It should have been Esteban finding it hard to let go of Jana. Esteban was so weird this season.
where is all the music?????
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