#esteban colucci
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mortalandstupid · 24 days ago
screaming into the void here because im pretty sure no one cares about rebelde (2022) anymore. what pisses me off SOOOOO bad is that luka would’ve been such a good brother and friend to esteban if esteban wasn’t such a slimey loser backstabber. he knew what it’s like to be in marcelo’s grasp and he could’ve been his support. esteban never cared about luka and the second he could backstab him he did. telling gus about him selling which he knew would get back to marcelo, just to get ahead. that being marcelo’s last straw and taking luka out of school to send him to probably the most homophobic school he could. esteban didn’t even seem to really care when luka told him. the piece of shit didn’t even care that his half brother was in the hospital because of an alleged suicide attempt good lord he was the worst. even AFTER knowing everything about gus (literally attempted to kill his brother) HE STILLLLLL WENT AGAINST HIM AND LET OKANE TAKE THE FALL!!!!!! and i’m 100% certain he wouldn’t have done anything to help if we got a third season. you’re telling me he was stupid enough to believe that was the only option? with marcelo as a father??? nope he knew it was deliberate to hurt luka, but since he gets off free it’s good to him.
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ryanatwoodenthusiast · 1 year ago
luka and esteban's story as brothers is so important to me you don't get it
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smuganya · 2 years ago
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REBELDE 1.02 | Audiciones
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gracesworks · 1 year ago
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Guide - Fluff🦋 - Angst🐛 - Personal Favorites🧚 - Smut💐 - Implied Smut🌼 - Under Reconstruction/Redoing🍄 - Popular🍀 - 100+ Notes🌻 - Requested🕷️
Rebelde x You
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i-kvr · 1 year ago
[Sin título] Luka x Esteban
(Probablemente se llamará Mil y Una Noches)
(Ni idea de adonde va esto, lo empecé justo cuando estaba viendo la primera temporada y luego lo abandoné y ahora estoy [intentando] volver a escribirlo, así que que dios me ayude)
(Si a alguien le gustaría ser beta para eso, solo decirme, me quedaré muy agradecido)
“You can't hold on to my heart”
Era lo que decía la canción que oía Luka cuando, caminando por los pasillos de la escuela, vio a Esteban a una distancia. Luka no fue el único que vio a Esteban. Parecía que toda la escuela tenía sus ojos sobre Esteban a cada segundo. Y eso estaba resultando insoportable a Luka.
¡Maldito pendejo, boludo! Pensó Luka volviéndose y siguiendo en otra dirección. Donde estuviera Esteban, estarían también tres o cuatro chicas mirándolo con el deseo dibujado en sus frentes. Ellas ni siquiera lo intentaban disfrazar, la verdad, se les notaba.
Lo que era peor, Esteban se fingía el ciego y actuaba como si no percibiera que todas las chicas a su alrededor lo querían coger. Luka preferiría que él lo asumiera y actuase como un pelotudo, porque así Luka se sentiría mejor pensando “Pendejo jodido, boludo de mierda, ¡que se joda!” Pero se sentía peor haciéndolo.
De todas maneras, Luka tenía suficiente con qué preocuparse, al final estaba en una escuela, ¿no?. Tenía actividades, evaluaciones, todo eso que hacer. No que Luka fuera el alumno más dedicado y preocupado con eso, pero tener a todos los profes –más su padre– en su oído todo el tiempo llamándole la atención para la importancia de los estudios y todo eso era un aburrimiento a veces más grande que el aburrimiento de coger un libro y estudiar.
Además cuanto menos motivos Luka le diese a su padre para que le llamara a hablarle cualquier mierda sobre cómo le ha dado todo solo para que Luka se la cague vez y vez de nuevo y blá, blá, blá, blá, mejor.
Por encima de eso había el concurso de bandas, por supuesto, cosa que sí interesaba a Luka. Y mucho. Pero la cual, interesante o no, no dejaba de ser cansativa.
Y había otra cosa, que le costaba a Luka un tanto más en admitir que las demás – incluso más que admitir que sí le importaban las mierdas que le decía su padre. Por supuesto, Luka no era ningún súper genio a quien todos los temas de todas las asignaturas le salían superfácil y a quien no le hacía falta estudiar. Tenía sus dificultades, como todos. Pero, a diferencia de la mayoría, no tenía quien le ayudara.
Siempre con su armadura, sus miles de camadas de protección contra el mundo y contra todas las personas, nunca dejaba que nadie se acercara demasiado. Y la verdad era que eso le resultaba bastante solitario. No tenía amigos – ya está. No tenía compañeros, colegas, gente a quien pudiese casualmente llamar y decir “Oye, ¿me explicá eso aquí, que no he entendido ni un carajo en clase hoy?”. Y –la verdad– eso también era cansativo.
Y como al destino nunca le basta la ironía, resultaba que en lugar de dormir como una piedra, como esperado después de un día cansativo (especialmente se todos los días son cansativos), Luka se quedaba volviendo para un lado y para otro sin conseguir cerrar los ojos. Cuando lo lograba, no era por más que un par de horas a la vez. Así pasaba prácticamente todas las noches.
Sin lograr dormir, no tardaba mucho antes de abrir los ojos y encarar el techo; encarando el techo no tardaba mucho antes de ponerse a mirar alrededor de la habitación dividida. Mirando la habitación, no tardaba mucho antes de que su mirada se cayera sobre uno de sus compañeros de habitación.
Dormía siempre tan tranquilo – Luka se preguntaba si su sueño realmente lo era. O si habría sueños inquietantes pasando en su mente. No era posible que fuera el chico perfecto que aparentaba. El chico que a todos les gustaba, el chico que iba bien en las clases, aunque Luka nunca lo viera estudiando ni una sola vez. El chico que tenía una voz increíble, la cual Luka estaba determinado a nunca permitirse elogiar.
“¿Y vos qué querés ahora?”
Luka estaba sentado en la nieve mirando las montañas lejanas cuando percibió la figura alta acercándose. Estando solo, no tuvo porqué importarse con las lágrimas que se le mojaban las mejillas. Ahora prefería no saber en qué estado estaba su apariencia después de haber llorado por unos buenos veinte minutos. Lo que no esperaba era que justo este desgraciado aparecería para verlo en este estado.
“Tanto realmente me extrañas que no puedes dejarme en paz nunca?” Luka dijo, un poco más ríspido que era su intención, la verdad.
“Te vine a buscar para que no te quedaras perdido en la nieve. Ya estamos volviendo,” Esteban dijo simplemente. Parado ahí patéticamente. Los brazos caídos patéticamente a los lados de su cuerpo patético, su expresión patética mostrando un patético nada, contento con solamente mirar a Luka en toda la inconveniencia de hacer compañía a alguién que claramente no quiere estar acompañado.
Y ahí parado cruelmente recusando darle descanso a Luka. Parado solamente, ni mención de las lágrimas, del lloro. Luka deseó que le dijera algo, que hiciera una broma, o le lanzara un insulto, o lo que fuera. Address the fucking elephant in the room, pendejo de mierda. Me estás viendo, he estado llorando, señálalo de una vez y ya está, burlate de mí y déjame en paz.
Pero no hubo burla. Ni insulto. Ni cualquier broma. La verdad, no hubo ningún comentario o reacción en absoluto.
Me cago en la p–.
“¿Te pasa algo?” Dijo por fin. Su tono de voz un poco más bajo de lo que solía tener al hablar a Luka.
Durante algunos segundos Luka no supo qué responder. ¿Qué tipo de pregunta era esa? Luka realmente creyó que la relación que había entre los dos ya estaba desde hace mucho tiempo más allá de estas conversacionecitas de elevador de mierda sobre el tiempo o el calor o de preguntas del tipo ¿Cómo estás? o ¿Te pasa algo?. Pero ahí había algo. No era tanto una pregunta como era una… ¿invitación? Una invitación para que Luka le hablara. Le contara qué le pasaba.
Y al fin y al cabo, ¿por qué mentir? Sí, hay algo. Pasa algo. ¿Qué motivo tenía Luka para mentir y decirle que no?
“Sí, me pasa algo. Pero no pienso decírtelo, así que–” hizo señales con las manos para que Esteban se fuera “–ya puedes irte yendo.”
Pero Esteban no se fue. Por lo menos no de inmediato. Y luego hubo un mínimo movimiento de su cuerpo como si se fuera. Pero no. Volvió a la misma posición, mirando a Luka desde arriba.
“Qué? Sácame una foto, te durará por más ti–”
“Luka, puedes desahogarte conmigo,” Esteban dijo súbitamente. “Si quieres.”
Luka furtivamente miró el rostro de la alta figura que estaba ahí, de pie, parada, lanzándole una sombra encima. Todavía no había tono de burlarse. Volvió a mirar las montañas. “No comprenderías,” dijo finalmente.
Por fin, desde que toda esta inquietante y rarísima interacción empezó, Luka percibió movimiento en Esteban. No estaba más de pie. Se había sentado a su lado. “Inténtalo.”
Luka lo miró. Su boca empezó, pero falló en hablar algo. La cerró. Volvió a mirar a los lejos. Miró hacia el suelo. Hacia sus manos. Ni modo – volvió a mirar a las montañas y había decisión en su semblante.
“Lo que me digas aquí,” Esteban dijo, “no lo diré a nadie. No lo voy a repetir a nadie.”
Luka no tenía motivos para tenerle confianza. Pero tampoco tenía motivos para no fiarse de las palabras de su insoportable irritante archienemigo compañero de cuarto y de banda.
“Es mi padre.” Y le contó toda la historia.
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doesyourmotherknows · 4 months ago
my sister is watching a TV series and she told me "I hate her so badly! she's the worst character ever!"
i replied:
worse than Terry milkovoch, Angelina from manifest, Sammi Gallagher, Laila from tua, the principal who tries to kill Esteban colucci in rebelde, esteban Colucci, armando the pedophile from elite, the principal who kills samuel from elite, lila from miraculous, ben hope, dolores umbridge, Walburga black, Sebastian morningstar, valentine morningstar, Gandía, Sandoval, Arturito, thanatos, Voldemort, president snow
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newestmusic · 1 year ago
Listen/purchase: René Eespere - Eleven stories about you by Esteban Colucci, René Eespere, Heigo Rosin, Katariina Maria Kits, Marcel Johannes Kits
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gurlpuwerandcatz · 3 years ago
Someone needs to say this: i hate Esteban in this 2 season.
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skambane · 3 years ago
send me “truth or false” questions about rebelde netflix (or any other show/movie really)
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thatsweeird · 3 years ago
the rich and sarcastic boy with serious daddy issues and the poor boy with abandonment issues who understands that he deserves better thanks to the other one trope? YES <3
the lover in the hospital and the other one at his bedside day and night trope? OMG YES! <3
an enemies to allies to "bandmates" to jealous friends who love to tease each other with a huge sexual tension to, finally, lovers trope? FUCK IT YES!! <3
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PLUS (!!) + Saak's photo with Franco <3
they're adorable and have so much chemistry together!! love them so much!
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lauraisakilljoy · 2 years ago
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season 2 was messy so I’m coping through memes
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ryanatwoodenthusiast · 2 years ago
my thoughts on different rebelde characters
so my opinion on jana is a bit confusing. i don't dislike her unlike a lot of people in the fandom - tbh i like all characters in rebelde except for gus, sebas, kuri and anita - but her character arc in both seasons 1 and 2 revolved around her wanting to show people that she's not who they want her to be but... she fails to show us how she really is. i think she really is the 'basic' person she seems to be and the writers forgot to give her a personality apart from not wanting to seem basic
i just want to let everyone (aka me and my 0 tumblr followers) know that i never gave up hope in him. he was doing stupid things but i knew esteban from season 1 was still in there somewhere. when he told everyone gus was a murderer i was happy because i never gave up on him. and then he killed gus. so, the thing is, i don't like gus. obviously. but couldn't gus have been arrested or something instead? my boy esteban has to deal with having murdered someone now (possible season 3 plot) but all he said was 'wow i'm so happy i managed to make it to graduation with my friends i abandoned and treated like shit but hey who cares :D'. like... idk. esteban from s1e1 would be very disappointed.
i obviously didn't like him at the beginning. but when he helped sin nombre/rebelde in s1e8 i was so happy. he's sarcastic and hurts everyone's feelings but he's still luka and doesn't deserve any of the things that happened to him (🖕 marcelo and gus). he had some really good character development and is still an asshole but i love him anyway <3
mj is so sweet and didn't deserve anything sebas put her through. i don't really know what to say about her character apart from that she stayed nice and respectful no matter what happened. she always helped others. like at the battle of the bands when she helped sebas. she didn't do that to abandon her friends but to help sebas because she felt sorry for him. (he didn't deserve that but that's a completely different topic) she wanted to stay friends with rebelde even after she joined sebas's friendship group (except for jana but that wasn't mj's fault)
andi is so cute <3 she's the reason i carried on watching rebelde and even though dixon's knocked her out of the number one spot of my fav rebelde characters i still love her <3 she deserves so much better than what happened in season 2 and i want her season 1 self back. like, how does someone manage to be this soft and cute and adorable but somehow also so badass?? i guess that's a question only andi agosti knows the answer too
i love him sm <3 he can do no wrong. i love that he always wants to help people. and the way he looks at everyone, especially mj. his eyes say everything. from the moment he first saw her sing, you could see he was in love with her (not me though because i thought he was okane and would date luka so i never considered him and mj as a possibility until he tried to kiss her in s1e6. oops.) i just want him to be happy. also, i still think the funniest thing to happen in rebelde was that at the end of s1 everyone was sharing their secrets: luka and esteban that they were half-brothers, mj that she'd lied to her parents, andi that she was dating emilia and dixon that he'd lied and said he was poor because he thought no-one would take him seriously as a rapper if they knew he was rich. it was just so random. and his birth name is guillermo. no offense to anyone with that name, it's not a bad name, i just think it's so funny that that's his name. like, that's dixon. not guillermo.
anyway, in conclusion, i love them all <3
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REBELDE S2 WAS A HOT MESS (major spoilers ahead)
I think conceptually speaking having Gus as a villain this season was a good idea. Who can be a bigger enemy to music than s producer only interested in money who exploits his artists? I hated that he died in the end. Biggest wtf of the season, now he exits the next season completely and our mains are left to deal with the fallout in what most likely will be an attempt to copy Elite. Rebelde is about the music and the highschool drama not an student accidentally killing one of the most important producers in the country, what?????
Esteban was interesting this season, i like that tried to kind of make him the villain. Him getting sucked into Gus bullshit and doing whatever it took to be the best was a nice change from him being really plain last season. I hated him 80% of this seasons runtime but at least this was intentional on the writer's part. I'm so not looking forward to the murder plot with him next season.
Jana works better when she is alone than with Esteban, they make each other lamer, I thought her arc about not having to always please everybody was cool, and i don't think her conflict at the beginning of the season with MJ was nonsensical at all. She's 16, of course she's jealous of someone who could steal her spotlight, not to mention MJ was her friend and left her and the band to go with Jana's shitty ex lol. I like that the girls ended up together at the end and it didn't feel like something forced to me, so many things had happened to them by that point that the reason they were fighting in the first place probably felt stupid anyways.
Dixon is one my favorites lol, this guy is ride or die with everybody. He was willing to keep going with the band, to forgive MJ, he was even trying to help Esteban before he turned into an asshole, i think he's actually the most mature one of the bunch. Whether he was the best in the class depends on personal taste but I think it was well done in the sense that he was the only one to stand up to Gus and remain true to himself as an artist. I like his friendship with Jana cause we almost never get platonic relationship in teen media between girls and boys without feelings being involved, i screamed when they kissed but I hope they keep it as a "we were just too drunk" thing. I liked him with MJ at first, now I think he deserves better.
MJ didn't really have an arc this season, she was just doing her own thing, the actress is a really talented singer so I wish she was more present in the race for Gus's contract. I think she and Sebastian were pretty cute together but I could see their breakup coming from a mile away (more on this in his section). I didn't mind her bit with the pregnancy scare (sin gorrito no hay fiesta, guys) and i just want her to have more to do next season.
Fucking Sebastian. I like to believe that if he knew Gus was such a monumental asshole he wouldn't have done what he did at the end. I thought his arc about being a better person because of MJ was cute however what was wrong from the start is he was changing because of her so I knew the moment she was gone, he was going to go back. My guy just needs therapy and i would have more sympathy for him if his entire villain arc in s1 wasn't based around him being classist lol. (Also I can't believe we were doing the i can fix him in the year of our lord 2022).
I hate what they did to Andi and Emelia. I didn't mind Andi's addiction arc per se because it's pretty common in the music industry, I hate that it made her absent for a pretty good chunk of the major drama this season and that they broke her up with Emelia that way. The thing is, i don't think before the song thing they were actually "bad for each other" their relationship didn't have any major problems before so breaking them up was the most homophobic act of 2022.
Luka is above good and evil in the show, he's kind of an ass but he has been like that since day one and everybody has learned to tolerate him so really, he's just fun. I hope they would've spent more time with him an Okane being actually together but they are only a thing in the last 3 episodes and Luka is literally unconscious in the last one so we were given cruuuuuuumbs. I thought the scarf thing was really cute, I love them, please don't take them away.
I didn't expect much from Okane but he was a pleasant surprise. It's a shame they ruined his storyline with Jana by adding the sex tape thing because he gave her actual good advice (apart from the drugs) and i think they could have s great friendship dynamic, he could certainly make her more interesting. Idk where he went at the end, i just want him to be left alone in this entire bullshit plotline and be happy and home with Luka.
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possuir-se · 2 years ago
Okay, i need to rant about rebelde netflix (and like dexter, i’ll do it in parts)
Disclaimer: i’m a tv critic? No. BUT, not only i watched the original rebelde (i’m not old shut up) i also watched the brazilian version of it, which brings me to disclaimer number two: english is not my first language, so sorry in advance
Ok, jana: i really don’t care about her tbh, but why tf she always has to have a very explicit sex scene? I don’t get it.
Esteban: let´s get controversial, i hate him. his whole personality (not that he has a lot of it) is kind of trash, ditch his friends, being kind of mean to his father, that whole gus fiasco, his ‘’ relationship’’ with jana is just bleh, sorry
Moving on, andi and emila: look, i really wanted this couple to work out. not only i’m bi, the actress who plays emilia is brazilian AND i also have a big fat crush on andi. Why did they have to ruin this? I get the plot with drugs is a common thing between artists and all of that, but i will not forgive them for ruin this for me.
But i digress, dixon: i love him but he was just kind of there this season? i ship him with m.j and i hated the whole jana thing that was going on
m.j and sebas: i could see this crashing and burning from a kilometer away. the ‘’she will change him’’ trope is not only old but stupid, AND the series spent the whole first season building her fling with dixon to throw it away for almost the whole second season? fuck them
luka and okane, a.k.a., the best thing to come out of this season: i love them. i love them individually AND together. (i also have a huge crush on okane but let’s ignore that) they were the highlight of this season. their chemistry was awesome, i hope that the series is renew so i can see more of them (let’s hope the series doesn't ruin them too) i still think about writing fanfic about them, why people are not writing about them? ffs
before i finish this, wtf was that besame sin medo performance? I don’t get the concept till now. The blue cube? Wtf was that about? Anyway bye
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i-kvr · 3 years ago
He terminado la segunda temporada de Rebelde y por dios que temporada de mierda ahre
E incluso me hizo perder el interés en escribir una fic luka x esteban
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morgensterners · 3 years ago
maybe i'm basic but i thought rebelde was great
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