#luka would love to see this
floorish · 2 years
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superhero presentation night! :D ladybug makes the best presentation as an attempt to get chat noir to lay off
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sopuu · 9 months
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top ten creeper trickshots
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theongp · 2 months
There are two things I need desperately
One, we have some bloopers or behind the scene ✔️ Checked, we already got it (even it's a little short, it's not enough, I need moreeeee 🥹)
So that left out the 2nd thing, I really really want to see our boys George and Jayden with Joshua Colley and Lukas Gage together in some interview or promo videos for DBD. I'm thirsty for more of their interactions outside the show
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I use this gif not only it has both Cat King and Monty but also because I love Edwin's reaction here, in just 1 split second we can see he changed from disgust by Cat King's kiss to embarrassment of the memory of his kiss with Monty (reminded by cat boy himself)
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wodimewoahtime · 2 months
thinking about alien stage ace attorney au.....
it would be great to have mizi as a defense attorney and sua as the prosecutor methinks....... childhood friends who where torn apart after sua found mizi at a crime scene (sua erased all evidence and distanced herself)
ALSO IVAN AS THE DETECTIVE!!!!! hyuna would also make a great detective but ivan sua worst coworkers on earth save me
anyways so hyuna takes the place of mia (NOT DEAD) but here's the thing. who's the weird girl?!?!?!
its till. till would be the best weird girl companion ever. he makes funny comments about all the witnesses and tries to pick a fight with detective ivan. he stuck around after mizi saved him from being framed in the middle of his music competition (crushing on her rip)
i feel like luka is also a prosecutor (manfred von karma 100% guilty rate style) hyuna da and luka prosecuted is good....... throwing him in jail for the murder of hyun woo that hyuna has been unearthing for years........
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shakingparadigm · 28 days
and if we get till playing his recorder instead of his guitar WHAT THEN. if tills rock rebel guitarist image is overwritten now that he's more docile and dead inside what then. if more content pre-round 7 is released of till and he's a shell of who he once was WHAT THEN.
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dulcelem · 2 months
I love thinking about how Ivan had the potential needed to go against Luka. Luka has been widely loved for much longer, sure, but Ivan could be something similiar in the future. He was also a child loved by the aliens and the moment he sang for the first time he was an absolute success. The investment his owner made was not in vain(until round 6 🤪) because this boy was genuinely very good. A confrontation between him and Luka would have been interesting, I'm sure the audience would feel conflicted
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saphflare · 3 months
I know Mizisua is like the main doomed yuri thing here, but like can I talk about MIzihyuna because like I feel normal about them, so much.
Just Mizi, and her loving her saviors. That we have Sua who was in the dark and Mizi had showed kindness to, shining a light for them. But return they were someone human that understood them and stayed by her side enduring and reciprocating of her affection. That in the end saved Mizi by sacrificing her own life, whether fully planned or not so that she may advance the round and live on.
Then there is Hyuna who saved Mizi from the stage where she was supposed to die. That despite the tragedy and the loss of her world, she is given another one by the grace that is the rebellion and shown something that could be hope. That perhaps it isn't the same kind that she once had before, but it is another chance from Hyuna that guides her to loving life again.
And another point in that Mizihyuna is its own flavor of tragedy because oough I can't see this ending well.
That Mizi still grieves Sua and even if she was with Hyuna, she likely hasn't moved on from her old universe, after all how could she when it had defined her for so long. How could she ever do so without it hurting and perhaps making it feel like a betrayal to the person that died so she could life. Moving on from the one she devoted herself to for so long in loving. That despite everything that Hyuna has become to her and might ever be, it will never replace the empty half that was taken from her. And that even Hyuna might not be long either when there is a darkness in them, something seeking the destruction of not only a system greater than either than them but Hyuna's old shadow of her past. Because the narrative has its pattern and the world it is rooted in is one that is uncaring for any kind of love between those trying to survive and live again.
And I don't see it ending well. That in some way, when we finally see Hyuna and Lukas get their own little number together, it won't end well for whoever is going to be involved. And all I can think about is the fact that the hope in Mizi's life is going to be taken from her again and I fucking can't do this T-T
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maspers · 7 months
Ranking the Miracucast by how willing they are to attempt bingewatching the entirety of One Piece in one sitting.
(Disclaimer do not actually attempt this unless you have zero regard for your health)
Marinette: She wanted to when she heard Adrien was going to be there. So she's willing. But she just doesn't have the TIME. Between school and heroics and helping out at the shop and commissions and literally everything else ever, watching One Piece in one go doesn't have a chance of ever happening. 3/10
Alya: She and Nino are the ones who set up the bingewatch party, but a reporter's work is never done so she just kind of has it on in the background while she works on her latest post. It's on continuously, but she's definitely not there for all of it. 5/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: See Alya, except he actually tries to watch it because he wants to ensure all his friends are having a good time. Of course, the group lasted about a day before they gave up, but the attempt was there. 6/10
Chloe: Two options: she thinks the whole idea is ridiculous and isn't watching (0/10) OR she thinks the whole idea is ridiculous but also wanted to join Adrien. She makes the mistake of watching a few episodes and now she's INVESTED (8/10). Could go either way. 4/10 on average.
Sabrina: This girl watches so much anime in her downtime. Look at her. You know it's true. She would never tell Chloe, but after the great Boss/Minion Breakup of Season 5 Sabrina has all the time in the world and she is using it to watch One Piece. 8/10
Mylene: Thinks the show is charming but not all that interesting to her. But can bingewatch it with Ivan and cuddle up against his giant teddy bear body while basically ignoring the show and that's fine with her. 4/10
Ivan, Rose, Juleka, and Luka: Kitty Section as a whole loves this show to bits and when they all realized they had a two-week vacation they knew what they would be doing. Anarka basically had to host a One Piece summer camp on the Liberty for the six of them (including Adrien as part of the band, and Mylene as Ivan's +1), and they slept in shifts to ensure that they didn't have to stop the show. It was a whole fiasco. They will never do anything like this ever again. They returned to school tired and sore and in agonizing pain. Luka's hands are in excruciating pain because he just HAD to play along with the sheer emotion of the show, Ivan accidentally passed out and crushed his desk, and Adrien's modeling shoots had to be postponed until he could fix his posture after sitting so long. Even Juleka looked tired, and she never looks tired. Mylene was fine because she basically slept though most of it, but Rose is somehow still bursting with energy. "We should do that again sometime! That was really fun!" Cue a chorus of groans. 11/10
Kim: I'm not sure if Kim knows what anime is. Like, I want to say he knows, but at the same time, does he really? I genuinely have no clue. Can someone please help me here? The mind of Kim is a mind I don't think anyone can truly decipher. ?/10
Max: He has done the math. He knows how long it would take. He's not suicidal. But he does like the show, and will make token appearances at his friends' watch parties. 2/10
Alix: Sorry Alix, this is not a situation you can cheat your way through using time travel. No, Alix, having each episode open on a different viewing port playing simultaneously does not count. No points for you. -Alix/10
Nathaniel: Tried to get Marc to do it. Marc thankfully talked him out of it. Nath still dreams of doing it one day. 4/10, potential to eventually reach 9/10 if he can wear Marc down.
Lila: Says she's done it. But the entirety of Kitty Section knows she's lying. That kind of thing leaves a mark on people. 0/10
Kagami: Adrien told her where he learned most of his Japanese vocabulary from and she just facepalmed. And then sat down to watch it with him. She'd definitely not watching all of it, but she'll enjoy some in her free time? 5/10
Marc: He can see the hunger in Nathaniel's eyes. He can feel it emanating. The One Piece fan in Nath wants to come out and stay out. Marc will not let it. He will hold the line. He will never give up, never surrender. But he can feel the power, clawing at his brain. The secret feelings, deep down. "Don't you want to see if you COULD do it?" He shoves those thoughts deeper. Nathaniel can never know. Must never know. Because then the battle will be lost. 1/10
Ondine: Actually knows what anime is, and probably has the physical fortitude to make it through a One Piece marathon with minimal physical backlash. Unfortunately her actually doing that would be dependent on Kim (see above) so I hope you understand why this ranking isn't a certain as I would like. 7/10
Aurore: Not on your life. 0/10
Felix: He would never marathon the whole thing himself, but he did provide Adrien and the rest of Kitty Section with their sleep schedule for their marathon. 2/10
Zoe: She has dreamed of marathoning an anime her entire life, and now she has friends to marathon anime with! But she's not doing One Piece. That would be an absolute nightmare, only insane people try to marathon all of One Piece. Instead she has Plans. One Piece is cool tho. 4/10
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starrywangxian · 2 days
alien stage round 7
i've seen a few theories of what will happen in round 7 and i'm really excited about how it will play out (i like pain dw).
some theories say that luka will "be mizi" (like how he acted like sua for his round with mizi) and others say that he will "be ivan" and even some where he'll be both mizi and ivan.
the thing is, there has to be a winner, right? and luka pulling the same tactic to win again doesn't seem like the way to go for me. sooooo.
it's common knowledge at this point that till loves mizi (see the aliens tormenting till with mizi's missing article) so my guess is that luka will try to utilise that and will "be mizi". but it won't work this time. (even if luka does "be ivan" or both of them, i still think it won't work regardless).
now, till has changed a lot since round 2. in round 2, till was still fighting and rebelling because he saw what alien stage was doing to his love and that gave him the energy and emotion to rebel. (obviously he's rebellious because of his own abuse too but i don't think the main reason he rebels is to fight against his abuse because he has the opportunity to escape with ivan but he doesn't).
then in round 6, the fight is completely gone from him because he was fighting against the aliens for mizi's sake. now that mizi is gone, he doesn't see the point in fighting anymore.
so if it was mizi's disappearance that made him lose the fight, it will be ivan's death that will bring it back.
so in round 7, till will have his fight back and will slay the competition and will win.
which if you think about it, is kinda ironic because it will be his aggression against the competition that will make him win it.
therefore, i think it's more meaningful if till wins in this way.
also including the fact that luka is the fan favourite, constantly in the number one spot and is very submissive to the aliens and the contest, really playing in the show and the drama (by tormenting his opponents) but he'll be beaten by the rookie, the underdog, the discounted abused one that rebels against the aliens and the contest.
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yamsgarden · 2 years
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I reaaaaally hope its little Cereza 
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coffeeworldsasaki · 13 days
Oh Sylvia Feketekuty wrote the short story in nevarra and luck in the garden!!! I love luck in the garden, in case Dorian appears I hope she's his writer because she really had his tone perfectly
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dirt-str1der · 1 month
I think its cute that vash has one arm (says this all the time) hes like a prawn in that way they love to have a missing arm
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Lonely domain: You had an event you were actually excited for! Maybe meeting with friends you haven't seen in a while, or some distant relatives you like. But when you arrive, no one seems excited to see you back. In fact, they barely acknowledge your presence. You watch as they happily have fun without you, as you have no choice but to trail behind and watch. You wish you could just disappear.
The Lonely grants your wish.
Ouch as the third wheel friend in my friendgroup for a long time (read: neurodivergent) this one hits. But as someone who now has a fucking awesome bestie for life, get fucked Lonely domain!
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polycharismas · 2 months
thinking about how sua vs luka would go .
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bornetoblood · 1 year
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Awful, Haunted Old Man Chess Game
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liquidstar · 1 year
anyway if there is another bracket after ivan vs till... it would come down to either till vs luka or ivan vs luka. which is why i think ivan is going to die next round (assuming it goes normally) because.... it holds a lot more emotional weight for till to go against luka as of rn, since till believes luka is responsible for mizi's death. i dont think he saw that she was saved, all he knows is that luka was taunting her to the point that she snapped and beat the shit out of him. so.... i think he'd be a little mad LOL. and luka would be the type to try and leverage that...
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