#luffy throwing his sheath
lovemesomefanfic846 · 6 months
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I’ve finally started Wano and I’m soooo excited for Kid to show up I decided moment I saw him he was gonna be one of my obsession characters plus some of the spoilers I’ve gotten of him cuz they are hard to avoid since one piece has been out so long. Luffy pissing off Zoro with his sword fighting skills has been my favorite moment so far 😂
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bitchimasnake-sss · 11 months
"banter, baby!!" ft. the monster trio!
you know sometimes sexual tension turns into petty fights ft. luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader set-up: you knows and he knows and everyone on the fucking crew knows what is up between you two but instead of fucking it out (as you should), you both decide that it's banter time! warnings: petty insults, pettier them, pettiest you m.list
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- was luffy easygoing? yes. was he friends with almost everyone? yes. but was he also a dumbass who started to fight if he felt like it? also yes. - you're not sure how it started to be very honest, maybe you told him off and asked him to leave some food behind for the rest of the crew - that explained how the captain of the ship: strawhat luffy of the strawhat pirates, a man with an immense amount of bounty atop his head sat pouting in front of you with his arms crosses - that also explained why you also sat with your arm crossed, staring him dead in the eye - "luffy." you hiss, "stop being a baby and apologize." he looks appalled, "you stop being a baby and apologize." "you alMOST ATE ENOUGH FOOD FOR LIKE 8 PEOPLE FOR FUCKS SAKE?!" he looks solemn as he whispers, "a growing child has his needs" - what????? - you fold your arms tighter against yourself, causing your cleavage to be more prominent to his keen eyes, "you know somebody who looks at you wouldn't ever realize you're ace's brother." he pouts more, voice whiny now, "what does that mean?" "i mean he's so thoughtful and charming and a sensible human being and look at you, sharp as a butter knife!!" "YOU TAKE THAT BACK. I LIKE BUTTER!" - WHAT???? - "you're impossible." "uh-huh, uh-huh and i'm about to become more impossible now." "wha-" - dragged you to his room and showed you how impossible he can be
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- yeah, roronoa zoro was your sparring partner. yeah, one can say that you were a little bit mesmerized everytime his muscles rippled against his tight t-shirt. yeah, maybe you were drooling just a little - that shouldn't distract everyone from the fact that he was a smug, cocky asshole when sparring (its like you've been training since the age of eleven, stfu zoro) - "tch, yn. you can do better than that you know?" you hold back obscenities, narrowing your eyes, "shut up, how about that?" - he's sheathing the swords, standing against the deck with his arms crossed over his broad chest. he doesn't seem to have broken a sweat. a light hand runs through his cropped hair and he gives you a lazy smile, "you're quite weak, you know?" - he laughs a bit at your fuming state, finding some amusement in the way your cheeks burned an you held onto the dagger more tightly "you're pissing me off." your experienced hands throw the dagger at him, aiming for his head "am i?" his smile broadens as he catches the blade in his hands. he twists the blade on his palm, eying you leisurely, "maybe you should redirect all that anger into trying to land a blow on me, how about that?" - "you know, zoro." you plaster on a fake smile, "i have often heard a rumor about you" "what kind of rumor?" "ahh, just that you have a fourth sword." your smile drops, "just didn't know that sword was stuck up your ass." - his face fell for a second and then a smug smile crept across his face. his calloused hands found your wrist, leading you upto his room "how about we fact-check your rumor?" - uh lets say he does have a fourth sword. thats all.
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- honest to god, you had come here to help him prepare food. was he supposed to just be your cooking partner? yes. but were your eyes running over his flexing forearms as he hiked his shirt sleeves and cut something up? also yes. was it getting too hot here and you knew it wasn't even because of the food? also yes. - you were stirring the pot as sanji hovered behind you, his hand reached into the cabinet above you and momentarily, you were stuck between the stove and his body - and it's making you feel things - "sanji" you spoke abruptly, "get away from me, please." "huh?" he backed away, an apology ready on the tip of his tongue - maybe the blush on your cheek was evident because his expression changed from apologetic to smug. - he inched in closer, "oh, im sorry, my love" "stop it, stop getting so close to me" "oh, why? something wrong?" he drawled out "no, you just smell like fish right now. that's why, move it." - now why would you say that - he just chuckles, "you know, i am a cook, so i would smell like food. why? wanna devour me?" "no." you mumble nervously, "if anything, i am allergic to fish." - why would you say that again??? - "trust me, darling, you should give it a shot. maybe you'd like the taste?" he winked at the last statement - that night, you did give it a shot - maybe the cook is as delicious as the food he makes
a/n: listen to me, i just know sanji's banter will be straight-up flirting, i dont make the rules. hope you enjoyed lmao m.list
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cozage · 1 year
OP Boys and..."I like the way your hand fits in mine."
Gender neutral reader 
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Kid, Shanks
He took off down the street, intrigued by the sudden commotion. You barely had time to grab his hand before he vanished in front of you. 
“Luffyyyy!” You attempt to stand your ground to pull him back, but he has too much momentum already, and you slingshot towards him. “Luffy, slow down!”
You crash into him, sending you both tumbling into a poor couple nearby. Luffy’s gleeful cackle breaks through the stunned silence of the crowd. You quickly stand up and brush yourself off, embarrassed that the two of you have brought so much attention to yourselves. 
Luffy is still laughing as he stands up again with you. “Aw man! I like the way your hand fits in mine!” He grabs your hand again, interlacing his fingers with yours and squeezing it tightly. “Don’t let it go again!” He bounds off again, unfazed by the commotion he’s created, pulling you alongside him. “Let’s go find adventure!”
There was an uneasiness that hung in the air along with the thick fog, and you felt yourself pressing closer to Zoro as you nervously eyed your surroundings. A sudden crash behind you made you jump, and you instinctively grabbed Zoro’s free hand and held it tightly. 
You could feel his eyes shift towards you, but he didn’t object, and you didn’t let go. You felt better knowing he couldn’t wander away. His hand wasn’t tense, despite your intense grip. He looked and felt calm, even though you could tell he was constantly looking for the perpetrator that you both knew was watching you.
Before you could register what was happening, he dropped your hand and drew his blade, slashing out at the unseen man who was charging at you through the fog. The man instantly dropped to the ground, unconscious. As he fell, Zoro sheathed his sword and dropped his arm back to his side. “Thanks,” you whispered, still processing exactly what just happened. Zoro merely grunted in return.
After a few moments, his hand brushed against yours, twitching. You pulled away and muttered an apology for bumping into him, but his hand chased after your own and grabbed it firmly. “I like the way your hand fits in mine,” he mutters, looking away and scratching the back of his head with his free hand. You can see his cheeks have a rose hue dancing across them, and you squeeze his hand in return. 
“Me too.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Kidd demands, confusion dancing across his face. 
“Look, we’re in handcuffs. It’s just easier to hold hands, okay?” Your wrist hurt from being jerked around by Kid’s antics. Perhaps if he could remember that he couldn’t use his hand, he’d be less likely to throw you around while moving it. 
Kid groans, but doesn’t protest any further. “Let’s just find a way to get out of these damn cuffs. I’m tired of not being able to use my devil fruit powers.”
You all quietly sneak through the halls and into the Administrative Office that held the keys to the hand cuffs. After trying three keys, the lock finally releases, and the shackles fall to the ground. 
As you retreat back through where you came, you realize you’re still holding Kid’s hand. Embarrassed, you start to let go, but he grips your hand tighter, refusing to let your hand slip away from his. “Not yet.” He says, pulling you along with him through the maze of matching corridors. 
“But I thought-”
“Yeah, well, I like the way your hand fits in mine.” He grips it tighter, on the verge of being painful. You give him a light squeeze of reassurance, and continue following him without another word, a smile lingering on your face for the rest of the escape. 
The bar was lively, which was commonplace whenever the red-haired pirates were around. Shanks twirled you around on the dance floor, the two of you pushing together and pulling apart in perfect harmony. He was a great dancer, and you complimented each other well. 
The music was cut off abruptly by the sounds of glass breaking and people screaming. Shanks grabbed your hand and pulled you behind him, shielding you from any harm while he addressed the situation that was unfolding.
A young pirate group, about 20 members strong, had entered the tavern and started causing a ruckus. “Listen, fellas,” Shanks tone was lighthearted on the surface but was laced with threats. “We’re all here to have a good time, now. You’re going to have to settle down or head outside.”
The pirate crew laughed maliciously. “Don’t you know who we are, old man?” The leader sneered. “Our crew has a combined bounty of 700 million berries. I think you’re the one who needs to step outside.” You could hear footsteps approaching, but Shank’s frame obscured your vision from seeing the perpetrator. 
“Hey, what the-” the man who was speaking falters, and you can hear fists beating on flesh, swords being drawn. The townspeople scream and flee the tavern, leaving only pirates and those looking for a fight to battle it out.
Shanks turns back to you, still holding your hand. “Sorry about the interruption. Should just be a moment.” He smiles and spins you in a circle again.
You raise an eyebrow at the red-haired pirate. “You don’t want to help?”
“You see, I would. But the thing is,” he pauses for a moment a chuckles softly to you. “I just really like the way your hand fits in mine.”
You blush at the sentiment, and you all resume your dance, this time to battle cries and sword fights. 
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 9 months
Winning against them in a fight - OP!
This includes: Shanks, Luffy and Zoro
TW: blood... only a bit but still including this!
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You watch as he wipes the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. He was smiling, adjusting the hat on his head. Why the fuck was this man smiling at you?
"What's so funny?" You walk toward him, cracking your knuckles with a slight upturn in your lips.
He stands, his build towering over your smaller one. He spits on the ground and tilts his head at you.
"Nothing's funny, I'm just happy a pretty little thing like you is taking the time out of your day to fight little ol' me."
Heat makes its way to your facial features as you place your hand over your mouth to hide your smile. He sure as hell knew how to make you flustered.
"Shut it! Do you yield?" You ready your staff for another attack, eying his movements.
His crew watches from a distance, shocked that a 'pipsqueak like you' could take down their captain.
"I'll yield if you go on a date with me." He holds out his hand to you.
"Deal." You place your hand in his and put your staff back on your back.
You feel his hat sit on top of your hair as you adjust it to not block your sight. He throws you over his shoulder and walks back toward his crew of men.
"Alright men! Drinks on me tonight!"
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"Damn, did you eat a devil fruit too or something?"
Your eyes widened but then you laugh out loud. "You ate a devil fruit, I thought I'd be dead by now...you're pretty weak."
He tries again to hit you. You dodge yet again and smirk.
"You have bad aim too." You click your tongue and shake your head, smile still etched on your face.
He then shoots himself forward, screaming as loudly as humanly possible. You hold out your hand, gripping his neck as he struggles against you.
"Tap out." He doesn't listen to you, he's fading.
"Tap out before you die." He squeezes his eyes shut and then opens them, tapping quickly on your forearm.
You let him go and watch him fall to the ground, taking big gulps of air with tears in his eyes.
"You're not worthy to have me on your crew, small one. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll take my lea-" You look out to the ocean and your boat is sailing away...without you.
"WHATTHEFUCK!" Your hands cover your face and you let out a loud groan.
Luffy puts his hand on your shoulder and smiles at you. "You gonna join my crew now?"
"Yes captain, I will." A soft smile graces your face as he jumps up and down with happiness.
He then groans in pain and you hold out your hands, telling him to sit down. "Dawg, I hit you pretty damn hard in the ribs...do you want me to carry you?"
He tries again to get up and then just sits on the ground still.
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"What the-" Your heel connects to the underside of his face.
He groans and doesn't go down.
You hum and smile at him. "That usually messes people up. Just a little bit of blood for you, cutie."
You point to your nose and he rubs underneath it, red liquid stains his knuckles. "Nice hit, but it won't happen again."
You smile and raise a eyebrow at the man in front of you. "Oh really? Let's see if you can keep up."
You rush toward him and sweep under his feet, causing him to fall. The katana in his hand presses against your neck as you straddle his waist and hold his wrist, pinning it to the ground. Your blood drips down his katana and you hum yet again.
"Very good. You got me but you put your guard down too quickly."
You pry both katanas out of his hands, deflecting the one in his mouth and holding the other up in the air, preparing yourself to stab him. Zoro tries to deflect it but misses entirely then the sword goes into the ground a few inches from his ear.
Still holding the sword, you lean down and whisper into his ear.
"We'll meet again. Don't let this happen again, I won't hesitate next time."
You remove yourself from him and walk away from him, not turning back.
He stays on the ground for a while before collecting himself and sheathing his katanas. He was utterly speechless at his performance with fighting you. You almost killed him.
"Definitely not letting that happen again."
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goddessofmischief · 11 months
I see you are taking requests for the one piece bois so I thought I’d throw an idea your way!
(Oh my god I’m so sorry this is so long!)
F!Reader X Mihawk where y/n is fairly new to the straw hat crew. There’s a huge battle between pirates and marines, the battle field is brutal. Mihawk is there fighting the Marines when he sees the straw hats do a group attack together. Y/n was launched by Luffy and Sanji straight into the middle of the battle field with her sword and daggers. Mihawk takes notice of y/n being launched into the battle thinking she was gonna get taken down quite easily. He doesn’t recognize who she is so obviously not strong enough to know who he was.
Little to Mihawks knowledge, she spent her entire life being trained to be an assassin against her will. Once she escaped and joined the straw hats she started training with Zoro and she improved so much. She starts to love the thrill of the fights so she ends up training even harder and goddamn is it noticeable.
As y/n is falling towards the marines she unsheathes her dark black sword covered in haki and lets out a huge attack that split the ground a few miles apart. The straw hats join y/n after she lands in the open field she just mowed down. Mihawk is baffled by how fluid she is with her attacks, not missing a single mark and meshing with her crew so well.
Y/N then gets launched AGAIN by a new admiral through the air straight at Mihawk. He notices and breaks her fall, not wanting her to hit the ground for some reason. That’s how they introduce themselves and they end up fighting the new admiral together.
They end up battling perfect together, perfectly synchronizing their attacks and blocks. Mihawk thinks he might have found his person.
That’s kind of all I got so far, sorry for it being so long! I hope it makes sense and if you do choose to write this I hope you have fun with it as well!!
I love long asks, it makes the fic so much easier to write! (requests still open for mihawk & shanks)
Warrior | Dracule Mihawk x Reader
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Well, this was certainly an interesting way to start a new job.
You'd been with the Straw Hat crew for nearly a month now. As an old friend of Zoro's, nearly equally skilled with the blade, you had proven yourself to be a valuable asset. The longer you knew them, the more you began to feel as if the Going Merry could be your home.
That's when the Marines showed up.
They were after Zoro - of course - and someone else, too, someone you couldn't quite place. Zoro seemed to recognize the name, cower at it, even, but it wasn't familiar to you.
Mihawk. Dracule Mihawk.
So here you were... hopelessly outnumbered, or so it would seem. Hundreds of Marines, and in opposition only you and the Straw Hats, plus a few other pirate crews.
You held your breath as you glanced back at Luffy and Sanji, giving them a nod.
"Are you sure?" Sanji asks, obviously reluctant. You smiled.
"Just do it."
Luffy used his rubber arms to propel you back like a slingshot, straight into the middle of the battlefield, daggers drawn.
You landed on your knees, slightly scuffed, and pointed one of your daggers in the air.
Across the field, a warlord of the seas had begun to notice the other warrior. Nothing much escaped his notice - not the weather, not the weight of his weapons in his hands, not the bodies littering the field.
You were far more subtle, but no less obvious. You moved through the battlefield like liquid, like water, your blades dancing through opponent after opponent until few remained. Then, when it seemed that your smaller blades would no longer suffice, you removed a much larger sword from a sheath on your back - a black sword, covered in haki. The weight of it, sinking into the earth, split the ground and forced both Marines and pirates apart.
He didn't know you, but he felt he knew something about you. Something about how you must have suffered to have gained such skill.
You had. You had been trained to become an assassin from a young age, after all, and it was nearly all you knew. Zoro saved you, trained with you. One day, he left to turn in a bounty at a Marine base and seemed to have vanished forever. A year later, he returned to bring you with him.
Your crew had assembled around you, he noted - you seemed especially close to a man in a suit, another man with green hair - Zoro, Mihawk recognized, Roronoa Zoro.
Well, of course he liked you, of course he appreciated your skill. Zoro would not waste his time nor protection on someone undeserving.
But your crew had been distracted by other assailants, it seemed, and you stood alone. A newer Marine admiral, someone Mihawk recognized as a person he'd rather not mess with, engaged you directly in combat. Your sword hit his shoulder, but did nothing. He was too strong, and you were overpowered.
The force of the sword's vibration threw you back several feet, and Mihawk realized with a start that you were about to land beside him.
It seemed too cruel to let you die, he reasoned. Not merely cruel - senseless. If you died, who could measure the loss of the things you might've done, the lives you may have saved? Someone like you, someone with potential - someone like that deserved to be saved, someone like that deserved to live.
With a considerable sigh, he held out his arms, and you fell neatly into them.
You looked around, wide-eyed, confused as to where you were and how you'd gotten there. Instinctively, you put your arms around the place where you'd landed, hanging on for dear life.
Mihawk cleared his throat. You blinked at him, still struggling to understand what had happened.
"I caught you."
You nodded, still in a state of shock.
"...Who are you?"
"Dracule Mihawk," he said, drawing out every syllable. He sounded annoyed, but he wasn't, not really. He was amused, but more than that, he was curious. Curious about you, a strange little human with a powerful sword and seemingly no Devil Fruit powers to speak of. He wanted to stay with you, to help you.
...You didn't need help, obviously, but if you ever did, he would gladly provide it.
Mihawk set you down, legs trembling. You reached for your sword again.
"I'm trying to kill him," you said grimly, gesturing at the Marine admiral. "Help me?"
Mihawk pulled Yoru out.
comments and feedback appreciated!
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sphireath-wisp · 2 years
#Lover, Lover!
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Sypnosis: Calling them by a pet name for the first time? Make sure you get a good look at their reactions!
Warnings: I'm very rusty so the writing is probably terrible, not proofread, messy tenses, and the reader is perhaps implied to be more on the feminine side, Sanji's part is kinda shorter than the others
Featuring: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji x GN! reader
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You step out of the kitchen, wiping the sweat off of your forehead as you take a breath of fresh air. The aromatics of sweet desserts and mountains of meat filled the air, specially prepared and cooked to perfection by Sanji.
Normally, Luffy would already be in the kitchen, vacuuming all of the food on the table into his stomach before anyone else could arrive. This time though, he happened to be out and off exploring the island with Robin and Ussop keeping him in check. You could've gone with him - since he did insist and whine so much. However, Franky needed an extra hand or two, so you volunteered.
"Do you like Franky more than me? :(("
"Hey, hey Nami! When is Lu supposed to be back?" Nami smirked at the nickname, her suspicions of your budding relationship growing.
"The captain should be back around now actually," She flips through the newspaper in her hand, brown eyes scanning through it. "Sanji's already finished cooking, right? I practically smell the food from here, so Luffy and that extreme hunger of his should be able to as well."
You laugh and thank her, strolling over to the side of the Sunny. As if right on cue, you hear the loud stomps of sandals against the sand.
"Luffy!" You smile, waving your hands at him, joy bursting in you, "Sweetheart, food's ready!"
His smile grows even bigger whilst you immediately cover your mouth to process what you just said - it just slipped out of your mouth. Shades of pink adorn his cheeks, and his already racing heart moving around beats faster. Luffy wasn't sure what it was exactly, but it felt weirdly warm in his body whenever he saw you.
He doesn't know exactly why, but it just felt right to return the favor, "(Name)! Babe!"
You feel rubbery arms wrap around your hip, throwing you off of your feet. Instinctively, your grip tightens on the railing, reeling Luffy up instead of pulling you off of the Sunny. The impact of Luffy's landing causes the both of you to tumble off of your feet, slipping and landing right onto the grass patch on the Sunny.
"Luffy..." One hand holds the side of your head, the other is used to lightly elbow him, "I'm not calling you 'sweetheart' anytime soon."
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"All I wanted was just a burger..." You sighed as you punched the marine in front of you away, who knew being a pirate would be this troublesome? Though, who could blame you for being a pirate on a whim - that captain of yours made such a tempting offer! Treasure? Free food? Adventures? It sounded great.
Kicking away another marine, you began reminiscing the times you bit into that juicy meat patty - just the thought made your stomach grumble. Oh, just imagine, the meat melting in your mouth, the creamy cheese paired with it. Plus the lettuce adds that extra crunch.
You ducked under the marine and got rid of the last one. Crouching down and holding your stomach, you groan.
"Yo, you okay?" You snap out of your trance, staring up at Zoro who had just placed his swords back into their respective sheaths. The concerned purse of his lips and furrow of his eyebrows told you that he thought you had gotten hurt.
You nod, "I'm just hungry and I've been craving a burger ever since the last island we visited." You chuckle to yourself. A hand reaches out to you and he helps you up on both of your feet.
"You wanna grab a bite to eat? I'll pay." He didn't let go of your hand, thumb rubbing your knuckles. His eyes scanned you from head to toe, making sure you didn't get hurt anywhere else.
You grin at his offer, wiping off a small trail of blood on his face with your finger and cupping his cheek in the process, "Thanks, babe. Let's go then!" You proceed to drag him by the wrist to find some food.
Zoro doesn't even realize the pet name he's been assigned, but boy, back on the Sunny as he thinks about the time he spent with you, you can expect the crew to tell you about how Zoro suddenly turned bright red out of nowhere. Chopper even asked if he had a fever.
He honestly doesn't mind, it's just that - hearing you call him by a pet name for the first time is... new. Sooner or later, expect him to call you babe back though.
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Oh man, he already calls you darling, sweetheart, the love of my life, etc. all on a daily basis. Just imagine the heart attack he would have if you actually did call him by a pet name!
Or so Robin mused. For a second, Chopper was wondering if the both of you were planning on Sanji's death with this plan of yours.
He'll be fine, right? It's not as if your breathtaking looks and entrancing voice would kill him! It's not as if he could fall in love with you a million times without getting tired of staring at your face. It's not as if Sanji adores you to heaven (and probably the depths of hell) and beyond!
"(Name)-swan, the forever love of my life! (Robin)-chan~!" He dramatically twirls in your direction delicately placing your refreshments on the table, "Please tell me if you need anything else." He smiles specifically at you.
You glance at Robin. She approves and nods.
You place your hand on him, gazing in his direction. The ends of your lips curve upwards naturally without you thinking. "Thank you, love. You're such a sweetheart."
Sanji eyes form into hearts. Blood rushes to his nose. It's almost astounding to see the fountain of red covering the lower half of his face - in fact, it's concerning.
He feels his heart pound like a drum in his chest, so loud that he could hear it. "(Name)-swan," He claps your hands between both of his with a grip so soft - it felt like he was treating your skin like porcelain, "I'm so lucky to be able to experience this moment, to be called so lovingly by such an irresistible person-"
Sanji continues to ramble, but you can't seem to decide whether to focus on the puddle of blood under you or his words that capture your heart.
You glance over to Robin who was supposed to be sitting across from you, but she's gone. You hope she went to call Chopper because Sanji MIGHT actually lose too much for his own good (or perhaps you're just too pretty for your own good).
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elerinna · 1 year
Thank You
Sorry for the grammar, English isn't my first languages.
Zoro x Reader
Ever since I met Zoro, when he want to nap he come next to my where I paint. I think I know why he do that. It's because when someone need calm I do my best to keep Luffy quiet. Isn't it my job as a big sister to keep him on track ?
So back to Zoro. Actuallly he's here with, right now. But right now he hasn't any need of calm because Luffy. So why there ? Now ? Is it because of habits ?
Everyone is on the island with Luffy. I wanted to paint this new island we just found and Zoro didn't say anything.
So it's just me, Zoro and a group of people with weapon.
Wait, wait, wait .... What ?! I quit my painting to look at those people. My brush fall out of my hand as I try to speak to tell Zoro we have some visitors. But before I make one sound something enter my mouth. I cough taken by surprise and try to put it out by hand.
I feel some paste slide into my throat to my windpipe. Meanwhile the intruders walk toward me without making a sound. Probably not to wake Zoro up, who is still sleeping.
One of them is already before me, make creepy smile, take my wrist and start pulling me into him. I do my best to resist but I cannot really say i have much strengh. But It's the last of my problems as my lungs start to burn. I lost my balance and close my eyes to concentrate as much as I can.
Suddenly I don't feel the hand of the creepy man anymore. I fall on my knee's and resume to take out the thing I have in my mouth and my throat. Finally with really uncomfortable sensation I take outh these paste and can breath. I cough again somtime by reflex but now I am safe. I open my eyes I didn't hear anything, is it because I was to concentrate on my problems of breath ?
I open my eyes only to see a horrible scene. Corpse and blood on the ground. But most importently Zoro is standing in the middle of them with Wado Ochimonji in his hand. He turn his head toward me and look at me up and down before sheathing his katana. Before my eyes and without saying anything He take the body one by one and throw them in the water.
When he's finished he return where he had come from staring at me. I sigh and stand to clean his mess, but with a little smile. After the cleaning I take my brush and return to my painting while he close his eyes.
"Thank you."
I don't know why he had decided to to keep the boat with me. But in case like these. I wont complain.
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fivedayslater · 1 year
Part 9: Stabbed
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
“...A knife,” Sanji says, gesturing towards the knife wound in his chest, “Judging by the angle, it would have been impossible for the wound to have been self-inflicted. The only explanation is that someone stabbed him.”
Everyone’s gaze shifts to Zoro.
“What?” He growls, his eye darting between all of them as Nami takes a few steps back, “Just because I have a knife doesn’t mean I killed him!”
“I’m not saying you did,” Sanji says as he exhales a stream of smoke, “I’m just saying what happened.”
“But, well,” Usopp pipes in from where he’s cowering behind Law, “You do have a knife…”
“That doesn’t mean I killed him!” He repeats, “There’s plenty of knives around! There’s a bunch in the kitchen, hell we each had one at dinner!” He points an accusing finger at the group, “All of you had access to a knife!”
“Can we see your knife?” Sanji asks, as calmly and cooly as possible. The last thing he wants to do in an already tense situation is start pointing fingers and accusations, “So we can at least rule out the possibility?”
“Fine,” Zoro snaps, flipping back his suit jacket as he reaches for his knife.
Only his knife isn’t there. 
The sheath at his hip is empty, and Zoro looks more surprised than anyone at this turn of events.
He glances back at Sanji, face pale and eye wide, “I didn’t do it.”
“I’m not saying you did,” Sanji rubs his temple, “But with your knife missing, there’s a possibility that whoever did kill Ace used it.”
“So, like,” Nami shifts on her feet, glancing nervously between them, “whoever has Zoro’s knife did it?”
“Or maybe Zoro did do it and ditched his knife,” Usopp says, his grip tight on Law’s shoulders.”
Zoro growls as he glares daggers at him, making Usopp shudder and hide further behind Law.
“Enough!” Sanji snaps, quick to stop this in its tracks, “We’re not going to get anywhere by randomly accusing each other.”
“But someone did it,” Law says, his gaze slowly turning to Sanji, “That’s what you said right? That it was murder?”
Sanji takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with nicotine and exhaling slowly, “That’s what it’s looking like.”
“And we’re the only ones here,” Nami says, covering her mouth with a shaking hand, “So it had to be one of us.”
“No.” Luffy says, his words sure as he lowers his hat, throwing his eyes into shadow, “No, none of you could have killed Ace. I don’t believe it.”
Sanji takes another hit from his cigarette as he mulls it over, then turns back to Bon-Chan, “Is there any way someone could have gotten in during the blackout?”
“No,” they shake their head, eyes watery, “All the doors are locked, and with the weather this bad I can’t imagine anyone else making it all the way up here.”
“Just because you can’t imagine it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen,” Luffy says, tilting his hat back to look fully at them, “The doors were locked, but what about the windows?”
“Yeah, the windows,” Usopp nods as he finally comes out from behind Law, “Maybe someone broke a window and got in! Makes more sense than one of us.”
“We can certainly search the house and see if that’s the case,” Bon-Chan nods to the top of the stairs where the rest of the household staff is waiting.
“If you can, that would be helpful,” Sanji says, then adds, “And if one of you could call the police while you’re at it.”
“The police?” Zoro scoffs as the household staff runs off to do what was asked, “What do we need them for?”
Sanji gestures at the dead body.
“At the very least, to cover our bases,” he explains as Zoro huffs.
“It may take them a while to get here because of the weather,” Bon-Chan says, “But I’ll give them a call.”
With that, they follow the rest of the household staff away from the stairs.
Law watches them go, a deep frown cutting across his face, “What if it was one of the staff?”
“It’s not,” Luffy insists, “Ace and I trust them with our…”
He trails off, his angry gaze shifting to the ground.
“They were all together during the blackout,” Sanji waves the suspicions away as he finishes his cigarette, pocketing the butt, “Bon-Chan was the only one who left, and they were only gone long enough to turn the lights back on and come back.”
“So,” Law raises an eyebrow, “You are saying it was one of us?”
“I don’t know who it was,” Sanji glances back at Ace, and heaves a sigh, “Right now I just know who it wasn’t.”
“Well, it wasn’t us,” Usopp says as he comes to Sanji’s side, “We were together during the whole blackout.”
“Right,” Sanji nods his confirmation, his attention switching to the others, “So, I have to ask, where were you four during the blackout?”
They all glance away, looking anywhere but Sanji.
“I was getting a snack in the kitchen,” Luffy finally admits, his teeth clenched in frustration, “Iva was busy, so I figured no one would stop me.”
“I was trying to find the ballroom,” Zoro scoffs, “Not my fault the rooms in this house all shift around.”
“I was in the hall,” Nami says, her arms crossed in front of her, “I was on the phone with my sister, and that’s the best place to get cell service.”
“I was reading in the study,” Law says, “It’s the quietest spot in the entire house, so I knew I wouldn’t be disturbed there.” His gaze shifts to Nami, “Although I did stop in the hall for a moment to check on the umbrella situation. Just in case one of us had to go outside.”
“So, you and Nami saw each other during the blackout?” Sanji asks to confirm.
“It was after the lights went out,” Law shrugs, “So it was too dark to say for sure whether Nami was there or not.”
Nami’s eyes narrow as she glances at Law, “...Yes, it was too dark to see, but I did hear someone walking through the hall. That was probably Law.”
“Okay, not the best alibi, but it’s something,” he turns back to Zoro and Luffy, “What about you guys? Did you see anyone else? Or more importantly, did anyone see you?”
They remain silent, their gazes glued to the floor.
“So it was one of you guys,” Usopp gasps.
Sanji rubs his temple, “We won’t know for sure until the staff finishes searching the house, but as of right now-”
“Fuck that,” Zoro growls as he storms off.
“Wh-where are you going?” Usopp shouts after him, then turns to Sanji, “He can’t just leave, can he?”
“We should stay together,” Sanji says, but that only makes Zoro snort.
“My friend was murdered,” Zoro glares at him over his shoulder, “I’m not going to sit around being accused of it while the real killer is still out there. I’m gonna find them myself.”
With one last growl, he wanders off towards the billiard room.
“Yeah!” Luffy nods, punching his fist against the palm of his hand, looking more like himself since Ace’s body turned up, “I’ll prove to you I didn’t do it!”
Before anyone can stop him, he takes off towards the kitchen.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Law muses as he turns to go too, “If you don’t believe me, I’ll prove to you I’m innocent.”
With that, he heads for the study.
“Well, I’m staying right here,” Nami moves towards the stairs, but stops when she sees Ace’s body. She crosses her arms and glances back at Sanji, “Well, in the vicinity. I trust you enough to do your job and find the proof of my innocence, Mr. Prince.”
“Sounds good,” Usopp shoots him a thumbs up, “I’ll stay in the vicinity too.”
“We really should stay together,” Sanji sighs, his eyes darting between where the other three ran off to, “Since that’s not an option anymore, we’ll have to split up into pairs.”
“Great,” Usopp winds their arms together, “Since I know you’re not the killer, I’ll go with you.” 
Sanji shakes him off, “We’ll each have to go after one of the other three.”
“But,” Usopp whimpers, “What if one of them is the killer?”
“Well,” he places his hands on Usopp’s shoulders, “If your body does turn up, at least we’ll know who did it.”
Usopp groans, but Nami nods, “Fair enough. Which one do you want?”
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andreawritesit · 4 months
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Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Zoro x Princess!Tashigi
Warnings: None in this part
He was tired. Dragging his feet on the coarse ground was becoming harder and harder with every counting second. With an annoyed huff, he cut another branch in his way. Zoro was starting to question if visiting this apparently rich kingdom was worth it after all. Luffy sure had some confidence in him, sending him of all people to this faraway kingdom. He had already lost his way once or twice but this forest was truly testing his nerves. He had heard about the famous Kinokoshima and its magical plants – especially the mushrooms which were said to have miraculous healing abilities. Naturally, the Straw Hats had heard about them and Chopper had very gently requested Luffy to get some healing mushrooms for him. Luffy being Luffy agreed and sent Zoro on the mission. So here he was, Roronoa Zoro, trying and failing to get out of the damn cursed forest. Lost in his thoughts, Zoro almost tripped over a fallen tree branch. As he was falling backward, someone caught him and set him up straight. Before that person could run away, Zoro caught the hand that had stopped his fall and tugged it towards him. The cloaked person fell forward and onto his chest. He quickly lifted the cloak and was surprised to find a woman. Her dark blue hair was tied into a bun which was adorned by flowers. Her eyes widened upon being discovered and she tried to set herself free but Zoro’s grip proved to be stronger than her efforts. 
“Who are you?” he asked with one eyebrow raised. He was confused as to why a woman would be wandering in such a dense forest alone.
“Who am I? Who are you? Why are you here?”
“I am just traveling to the nearest island. This forest happens to be the only way there.”
“Kinokoshima? Why are you going there?”
“None of your business.”
“Is this how you speak to someone who saved you?”
“Oh, how ungrateful of me! Thank you for saving me! I’m sure that fall would’ve broken my bones.” Zoro couldn’t help the eye roll that followed. 
Her honey brown eyes shone with anger and she shoved at him hard. He winced and let her hand go. She rubbed her wrist while throwing glares at him. He stared back at her with an equal amount of anger and annoyance.  
“What?” she asked loudly.
“What what? Stop looking at me like that!”
It was her turn to roll her eyes as she turned away from him and started walking away.
“By the way,” she said without turning, “the way you’re going leads to nowhere. The island is this way.”
Zoro grimaced and followed the direction she went in. This was going to be a long walk.
He had no idea how long he had been walking. The forest seemed so uniform, it was hurting his brain. The trees all looked alike, there was no way to tell if he was even going straight or in circles. After he came across the third fork in the road, he screamed in frustration and kicked a rock by the side of the barely walked-on path. It went flying and hit something. A yell came from the direction he had kicked the rock in and someone came running towards him. Zoro unsheathed Kitetsu quickly, expecting it to be a wild animal like a lion or a tiger. But the one who ran up to him and punched him in his stomach was the woman from earlier. She was holding her forehead with her right hand and her left hand was now laying punches on Zoro’s body.
“You absolute brute! Is this how you treat a woman? Or anyone in general? Whatever did I do to you?!” 
Zoro’s only response was to push her back slightly and put his katana back into its sheath. He sighed audibly and looked to the sky, hoping to just evaporate out of this situation.
The woman had also run out of patience as she walked over to him deftly and slapped him. His head snapped toward her as she stood there rubbing her forehead, which was now lightly bruised. His cheek was now red and stinging.  She looked into his eyes and her face was flushed, probably embarrassed that she had slapped a stranger like that.
“I will have your head for that, you know? How dare you throw that stone at me!”
“First of all, I’m sorry. Secondly, I wasn’t aiming for you. It just happened that the direction I kicked it in was the same as where you were. Don’t take it personally princess.”
Her eyes widened and she took a step back. “H-How did you know that I am a princess?”
Zoro wasn’t expecting that response at all so the first thing he did was laugh, trying to dismiss it as a joke. 
“Answer me! How do you know that I’m a princess?” she asked again, ignoring his laughter. 
He stopped laughing abruptly and stared at her. “You mean you’re really a princess?”
“Of course…” Her eyes widened and she smacked her forehead. “I thought you knew so… Oh dear God! I’m so stupid!!” she buried her face in her hands and shook her head.
“Hey hey, calm down. I mean, it’s not that I’m a robber or a kidnapper. It doesn’t matter if you’re a princess or not. Not to me at least. I just want to get to the damn mushroom island.”
“Kinokoshima. That’s my father’s kingdom…”
“You’re the princess of the magical mushroom kingdom?”
“Yes. Why do you wanna go there?”
Zoro deliberated on whether he should tell her or not. “On business. I want to talk to the king, your father I guess”, he responded casually. 
“Fine. I’ll take you there. We’ll reach there before nightfall.”
“Lead the way then, Princess…”
She nodded and motioned for him to follow her.
By some stroke of luck, Roronoa Zoro had managed to make acquaintance with the princess. 
I have an exam in an hour so I wrote this in a rush. IDK where this even came from but I just really wanted to write a ZoTash fic. I have NO idea where this will go from here but I just wanted to write something. Maybe I'll continue it or maybe I won't. We'll see.
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bellarosethefangirl · 3 years
“Love, Fire, And A Baby” (Portgas D. Ace x Pregnant Reader)
Summary: You fall in love with a pirate and eventually become pregnant. Complications arrive due to the baby inheriting it’s father’s abilities. You contact Monkey D. Luffy to be there for your stressed out partner.
Warning: Eventual sexual content. Ages 18+
Word Count: 4k
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You're a waitress at a restaurant at a humble island. It’s home to different pirate cooks. The ship you ride on happens to be a restaurant for all people including pirates. As a wandering pirate you took up a job by befriending the head chef. She's a kind pirate woman with a big heart and appetite too. You first arrived at the area where their ship was docked at the time. You met the head chef at a tournament to earn the cash prize. You found her to be an amazing woman who could kick ass with her rolling pin pegged leg. You felt bad kicking her ass and shared your homemade bento with her. She loved it so much she offered you a job as a waitress on her crew's ship.
The captain loved you too. He was originally a retired pirate but after meeting his crew he decided all people should be allowed in his restaurant, even pirates. They became a crew and you happily agreed to join. You've been traveling for one whole month and it's by far the best time you've had. You love kicking pirates out. You're no push over, you're a tough girl wielding a sword and it doesn't help you’re rather attractive wearing a tank top, tight pants, and high heeled boots. Many think they can take advantage of you but boy do they get surprised when you shove their food in their mouth and throw their ass out the ship/restaurant. 
One day the ship received special guests from the white beard pirates, without knowing you’re beginning your shift in the morning so not too many arrive for breakfast until a pair of men arrive to take some seats. You walk out the doors with your sword on the side of your hip. The two men seem confused by your appearance but notice a small apron with pockets you take out a notebook and pencil walking up to their table.
"Good morning boys, how may I help you?"
They look up at you then at each other a bit speechless. One male has dark hair with an orange hat; he also happens to be shirtless. The other male is shirtless but has a long sleeved purple jacket. He has dirty blonde hair, its spiky almost looking like the top of a pineapple. They order the unlimited pancakes and coffee deal.
"Coming right up." You said with a wink. You walk back behind the doors.
"It really is a pirate owned restaurant. Pops was right Ace!" Marco said surprised.
"It really is. I bet the food is great too! It smells good here!" Ace said with a laugh.
After you gave the boys six plates of stacked pancakes as requested the place slowly became busy. The two men couldn't believe it! The food is better than what white beard said too. A sketchy group walked in eating up a lot of food. They were loud and obnoxious much to the displeasure of other customers. When the bill arrived they laughed at your face.
"You really expect us to pay for this crappy food?? What a joke! It's not like you'll do anything if I don't pay! AHAHAHA!" The presumed captain said.
The rest of his group laughed with him. The man surely wasn't well groomed, his breath stinks as if he didn't brush his teeth in months. He has a long dark ponytail with a greasy mustache. The men sitting with him weren't sleeping beauty's either. Ace stood up ready to defend you when you kicked the table in the air sheathing your sword in a fraction of a second. You cut the group's shirts into shreds in that second. The table lands with a loud thud behind you while the regulars that ate in the restaurant are cheering you on.
"Either you pay or I'll kick your ass." You threaten while the small group of pirates draw their swords.
You fight all four of them head on and use the table to throw them out the restaurant when you're sure they won't pay. The customers applaud you while you smile heading back behind the doors of the kitchen. You come back with beverages ready to serve. You walk to Ace and Marco asking if they're still wanting more pancakes.
"That was quite a show back there I was ready to help you m'am and that won't be necessary." The dark haired male with freckles told you in a very polite manner. 
"Heh around here I have to be with all the pirate guests we get on the daily. Would you two be needing anything else?"
"Not at all we're ready for our bill." Freckles said (Ace)
You gave him a small grin going on to deliver the drinks to your tables. Marco noticed a blush across his friend's face.
"You seem to like her."
Ace laughed at his comment then drank the rest of his drink in one gulp. When you arrived back with the bill they struck you with a conversation about their captain telling them about the restaurant and your friends.
"You should tell your captain to come by if he knows my nakama. We'd be delighted to have better company around here."
They had a feeling you didn't know who their captain is but they're polite about it nonetheless. They tell you their captain isn't in the area due to the both of them having a special mission. You understood and told them to come again after they paid.
From then on you'd see the dark haired male visit the place daily during the week. He sure ate like a wild starving boar. You grew to like him and found out his name is Ace. He is very polite for a pirate. His tattoo on his back is very surprising the first time you saw it because after a while you found out he is actually the fire fist Ace of the white beard pirates. You two became great friends. One day he asked you on a date.
You were doing your job as always and business today was slow after lunch hour. Ace walks in like he usually did but he is holding flowers in his hands this time around. He gave you a bow holding up the flowers to you. He looks up to you with a confident grin.
"I got these for you. It would be a pleasure to go on a date with you if you'd be willing to. I'd be honored if you did." He said.
You instantly smile. "Of course I would Ace. It sounds fun." You took the flowers from his hand smelling them. The few customers on their chairs smile witnessing the scene.
After your shift Ace took you to the beach for a casual walk. Neither of you were dressed up, in fact you're both in your usual clothing. The both of you talked while walking on the beach. He's a gentleman, this pirate. You didn't expect him to ask you on a date. He is very confident so it wasn't a big deal or anything. Ace is definitely a guy you don't mind going on a date with. He didn't know it but you're not much of a dating type of girl. He seems to be enjoying his time with you based on the smile on his face. You two held hands while you sat on the beach chatting until sunset. It was quite romantic.
You and Ace went on numerous dates and did almost everything together. Your nakama knew it was only a matter of time before you 'left the nest'. They were so happy for you. Four weeks have passed since you had your first date with Ace. He finally accomplished his mission with Marco; they finally captured the culprit that took their ship's flag. You kept it a secret but boy was it embarrassing to happen to Ace considering he is the captain of the ship the culprit took the flag from. Marco was a good friend willing to come along with him to help since Marco can fly with his devil fruit ability. Ace couldn't leave without you. He asked you on a date, one you thought would be goodbye while you two shared a long distance relationship.
You met Ace on the beach where the both of you had your first date. You're wearing a one piece swimsuit since you desire to go swimming. Ace blushed at the cheeks seeing you in such a gorgeous swimsuit. It's your favorite color showing your lovely features. You sat next to Ace with a confident smile.
"There is something important I want to ask of you." He said with seriousness.
You had a feeling you knew what it was until he took a deep breath showcasing nervousness he was masking it with a serious face.
“You see I love being with you but I can't be apart with you so long so I thought I'd ask if you'd be willing to come with me."
You gasp. This is not what you expected. You knew your answer and responded with a heavy heart.
"Ace I'd love to join you on a adventures when would we leave?" You know it would be hard leaving your nakama but they knew you took up the job for adventure. They'd understand and be happy.
"We'd leave tomorrow in the afternoon. Is that okay with you?"
"Yes I'll be able to tell the others I'm leaving, they'd want to see me leave too."
You and Ace celebrate with a kiss cherishing the moment. The beginning of a beautiful long lasting relationship.
Your Nakama cried happy tears knowing you're following your quest to romance. They know you're in good hands from the time Ace spent at the restaurant. The whole crew cried seeing you leave with Ace on his shared boat with Marco. The two knew what it's like leaving loved ones for adventure; they had a feeling you'd see them in the near future. Pops was happy meeting you. He scolded Ace telling him he better not ruin the relationship with his nonsense.
After much time spent together the two of you became closer to each other while on the same crew together. He is easily the best boyfriend you've ever had in your life you knew no one could compare to him. In your time spent with the crew time flew by and before you knew it you've been with Ace for six months.
One day the two of you are training together on an island. Ace is helping you with your fast pace and you're helping Ace practice his dodging. While the two of you are training it becomes hot outside it could be ninety degrees out. Ace notices you’re  sweating and he realizes his devil fruit abilities aren't helping. You have your hair in a high ponytail, you wear a white tank top, pants, and boots. Your boyfriend could see your bra through your soaked sweaty white top. You don't know it since you're too busy training but Ace soon can't take enough of the sight in front of him. He can't stop looking at you.
You’re such beauty he doesn't get enough of when he is alone with you and he is sure this is his only chance he'll get to pin you to a wall. You're pinned against the stone mountain deep in the jungle of the island. You know for a fact no one would be around so you look up at your boyfriend with a grin. You've often thought when would be a good time to become intimate in the relationship. This is the perfect chance and you want Ace to know that too.
He has your wrists pinned so you lean in kissing him. He kissed back with a promise of a make out session you'd both favor. When you've had enough of your boyfriend's sweet lips you decide to attack his neck biting up and down along his muscular neck. His groans made you lick your lips, being sure to taste his neck too when you taste his skin with your tongue. It gave Ace blissful goosebumps. You've never seen Ace in such a way, even his face is filled with a wonderful red blush. His freckles on his face add to his attractive face. You just love his cute freckles. Ace looks at you with fiery eyes, his grin warning you for his next intentions he removed your clothes allowing you to help remove his own in return. You ignored his bright yellow boxers removing them so you finally see him in all his glory. You weren't so bad yourself Ace couldn't keep his eyes off you standing in front of him in your sweaty naked body.
He is first to touch your body, being sure to handle you with delicate care. He feels your curves and hips slowly reaching up to your breasts. You moan loving how his hands feel on your sensitive breasts. He had his fingers then press against your perky buds making goosebumps crawl of your chest and back. he leaned down kissing your neck while he pressed his hard dick to your sex. He slowly slid himself against your folds feeling the moist wetness he would feel soon. 
"Ace.." You moan wanting him to start.
He slowly entered you continuing to play with your breasts. His massive dick only did so much to be gentle because your small opening squeezed the life out of him. His eyes close, sweating from the heated feelings you give him alone. He held you by your waist trying to prevent himself from sliding in all the way. You decide to help him by grinding your hips meeting him halfway. At last you both joined together in only a way a couple should.
Ace moaned your name in his deep voice appreciating the wonderful feeling of being inside you. You and the handsome pirate grind your hips together loving the passionate gaze the both of you saw as you look into each other's eyes. Slowly you two lean in to share a steamy kiss while the both of you made love. Panting and moaning against the stone wall soon Ace had to take over using his strength alone. He weakened your body from the couple times you reached your sweet release in that time he hasn't even begun.
He held you off the ground with his hard dick and hands. Ace has his limits and you feel his gush inside you as you scream in entire bliss. Ace is still ready for another round so he continues to slam but not in the same position, no. He turns you around so you face the wall gripping it while he held your lower body up to slam with strong hands holding you. You didn't feel your feet on the ground so your legs twitched with every slam as you’re calling out to your boyfriend to continue making sweet intense love to you.
He made love to you for hours you're sure you couldn't feel his body once he was done with you. You two laid on the grass in your birthday suits sweaty and tired. Your Ace was sweating sure but he wasn't completely exhausted like you. In fact you're sure he could last all day if he wanted to but he knew your limits. He saw tears and felt your body going limp. He knew he couldn't go any longer with you, not that it mattered. Ace would always cherish this day fondly. Patiently waiting for the next time he'd receive another round with you. For now he will kiss and cuddle you waiting for you to relax.
Much time would be needed to relax because in one months time you found out you were pregnant after checking in with a doctor. Ace was surprised by such news at first but then he thought back to all the hours of love making the two of you did then instantly knew it shouldn't come as a surprise. He was happy about such news and told you he would always support you and stay by your side no matter what. Ace truly does love you, his feelings for you come above all else. Ace sure did get the lecturing of his life by the crew which you found to be humorous.
The two of you would spend more time together planning the future together. You didn't want Ace leaving his crew and the others promised to protect you if you stayed so the both of you came to an agreement to stay in the crew until the baby was born. During your pregnancy the two of you couldn't keep that plan because your sickness would become worse and worse. It started with fits of throw ups to high fevers to intense pain. White beard took you to a facility he knew would do you good and plenty of doctors checked on your health. From x-rays the doctors found out your growing baby had inherited her fathers powers. Her small little sparks of flames gave you pain but her little fists didn't do complete damage only burning for the two seconds she would use her powers unknowingly. Luckily for you only three months of the pregnancy to go. Your doctors suggest you stay with them in case something were to happen to you and they'd need to treat you immediately.
Ace was worried about you; he was scared something bad would happen and he could lose you. He wasn't getting sleep and his health worsened from lack of sleep until finally Ace was sent to you by the crew to stay by your side until the baby was born. Ace slept peacefully that day. Seeing him in such a manner prompted you to do something for him until you realized something important! Your foolish lover didn't bother telling his own brother about the baby. You immediately grab your transponder snail calling up his beloved younger brother he's told you so much about. You feel as though you know Luffy enough to tell him of the splendid news. Slowly the transponder snail of your beeps..
"Hello? Yes! I was wondering if I may speak to your captain. I have important news to tell him!" You say in a chipper voice. His female crew member sounded surprised that a girl would call her captain and she certainly didn't recognize your name.
"Hello, who is this?" Luffy said in his loud voice.
"Yes Luffy I'm sure you've heard about me I'm your brother's lover and-" The pirate cut off your words nonchalantly.
"Nope. Never heard of you."
You’re floored since your Ace didn't tell his own brother about you!
"You sure!?"
"Yep" The straw hat pirate replied.
"Well this works out just fine then. I've heard much about you from you big brother. Ace talks about you all the time."
Luffy laughed a goofy giggle.
"So then you called to introduce yourself to me? How is Ace?"
"Actually I assumed he told you about me already. I called for that reason. You see poor Ace is asleep right now from stress. He hasn't slept in days."
You sure got his attention now! Luffy knows his big brother is always asleep and for him not to get any sleep must be for a really good reason.
"What happened?" Luffy said in a very serious tone.
"Well you see he is worried about me and with everything happening with the pregnancy I'm sure he's worried I could be in serious danger."
Luffy's response was quite humorous on his ship.
"EEEEHHH!!? PREGNANT!!?" Luffy's shout could be heard across the entire ship. His poor crew went to their captain wondering who he could be talking to.
"Why yes, I'm pregnant. You're going to be an uncle." You giggled joyously. Ace warned you he is a loud one.
"I-I'm going to be an uncle?? No way!!" Luffy said shocked. His crew became equally shocked hearing their captain's words. You could hear they had the same reactions as Luffy did in the background of the call. 
"You sure are Luffy but there is more I must say to you. It's about the complications of my pregnancy.."
You explained it all to the pirate captain. He listened to all your words and he also made sure to wait for you to finish. You told him you called him because you're due in three months and you'd like for him to come and keep Ace company in case something does truly happen to you. You could already see Ace is so very worried for you and you couldn't bare the thought of seeing him alone. Should you leave him if the birth becomes worse than you imagined. Luffy knew what you meant by your words.
"You're not going to die. I'm going to make sure my ship's doctor is there to help you. He is the best doctor in the world." Luffy said in seriousness.
His ship's doctor surely did hear him. Doctor Chopper was blushing at such a compliment about himself. He knew everything there was if it was health related. After you and Luffy end your conversation the straw hat captain informs his crew of everything. When Ace woke up you had a big conversation with him about his brother, the pregnancy, and future plans.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell Luffy about you hon, I know he is busy on his own adventures with his crew."
"I understand but I truly want him to be there for you if I'm not.." You say sadly.
"Don't worry I trust Luffy's doctor, he is by far one of the best and I definitely trust my brother's judgement."
Months pass and your baby is finally due luckily your health didn't get worse over that time but you did become slightly weaker. You were determined to go through this pregnancy so you made sure you took care of your body and ate healthy. Luffy and his crew came by in the beginning of the month luckily they did because you were due in one week after they arrived. You told Doctor Chopper about everything and the small talking reindeer made sure to speak with your doctors and nurses as well. Your pregnancy did prove to be tough with many complications and in eight and a half hours your child was brought to the world.
Luffy and his crew stayed with your Ace in the waiting room since they couldn't handle being in the same room of a woman giving birth. Chopper made sure to give you the necessary medications to help you and he reassured you that you would be alright so long as you wish it. He was determined you and your child stayed safe. When your baby is born you’re truly exhausted and you felt burns from your baby but the nurses kept helping you as did the other medical staff. Your throat hurt but you felt it was worth it in the end to have your baby in your arms. She looks exactly like you! Down to the eyes. She is truly beautiful with bright eyes and a small smile on her little mouth. Ace and the straw hat pirates walk into your room noticing you’re in good condition. Ace runs up to you with a relieved smile he has dark circles under his eye lids and for once he has a smile across his features. Luffy is relieved his brother won't face loss. He really appreciated you contacting him just in case anything were to happen to you. He instantly approved of you right off the bat. The crew loved the adorable newborn in Ace's arms.
"Luffy, do you want to hold your niece?" Ace offered.
"Really!? Okay!" The straw hat held the delicate baby in his rubber arms while his crew gathered around him looking at her.
You and Ace held hands happily watching her.
"What's her name?" Luffy asks.
You and Ace look at Luffy responding to him at the same time with joyful eyes as a couple would.
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kbstories · 4 years
sig·ni·fi·ca·tion (n.) The process of assigning meaning to something.
Captain and First Mate, two years later.
(Or: Zoro adores his captain a lot, the sequel)
Tags: Reunions, Nakamaship, Late Night Conversations, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Cuddling (!)
Read Chapter 1 here. Set in Wano. Spoiler warning for the First Act of Wano.
The night must be scratching the midnight mark when the ambient noise of the Wasteland finally falls silent. Within Tsuru’s tea house, all that can be heard is Tama’s breathing, soft and even in her slumber, and the quiet sound of cloth on metal.
One by one, Roronoa Zoro cleans his swords, hands in constant motion and mind calm. The girl is at his back, the only entrance straight ahead.
Little has changed in the past hour.
Shusui is the last to go, its black blade speckled with blood and residue bits of straw. In the dim light afforded by the lamp next to him, Zoro’s eye runs along the sharpened edge with precision. No scratches, no tears, no damage whatsoever.
Zoro’s mouth twitches upwards. Good.
The blade sings under his care as it accepts the oil and the gentle swipe of fabric that follows it. Zoro doesn’t have to ponder each individual step – his body has executed these very same movements for most of his life – but being mindful of it… helps, on days both good and bad.
Beside him, a door slides open with the whisper of paper on wood. Shuffling steps come closer, straw against straw. Today has been an excellent day.
“Still asleep”, Zoro reports without looking up from his task. “Fever’s getting better, too.”
A hand settles on his shoulder; it’s warm, fitting the mountains and valleys of Zoro’s muscles like it always belongs there. After a bit of shuffling, a back nudges his own.
Zoro smiles and continues. He’s almost done.
“That tea really worked, huh? I’m glad.”
Leaning against Zoro, Luffy isn’t much of a weight but significant still. He sounds exhausted, now that it’s just the two of them.
“Yeah. Still, Chopper should take a look.” A beat. Zoro hums. “…Wherever he is right now.”
A huff of breath, the kind that precedes a smile. “He’s safe, don’t worry. Sanji’s with him and the others.”
Zoro sheathes Shusui and sets it aside. Hm. Luffy’s head comes to rest against his right shoulder, his hair feathering across Zoro’s skin. It’s crusty with dried salt and carries the scent of the sea.
“You’re really not gonna ask, are ya?”
Jackass. “He’s here. ‘s all I need to know.”
Luffy snickers, as he always does.
“Stubborn. Well, there’s no need to fuss. Sanji apologized and everything. He made that sea king rice stuff, you know the one?” Zoro does. Luffy’s stomach growls. “So yummy…”
Fantasizing about food won’t do them much good. Zoro lets his head knock against Luffy’s (carefully, although his captain is rubber and there’s no real need to). I’m not fussing, he doesn’t say.
They have bigger fish to fry than their moronic cook. It’s… good to know he’s back, regardless.
Luffy hums under his breath, sounding sleepier by the minute. “How’s everyone? You guys got here okay?”
“Yeah, we’re good. Got a bit cramped in Traffy’s submarine but we managed.” An amused chuckle falls from Zoro’s mouth. “Turns out the Hearts are just a bunch of dorks. Strong and loyal but… I don’t know what I expected, with a captain that cynical.”
“Hah! Traffy’s a dork, too.”
They share a grin, quick and easy. Personally, Zoro can’t wait for the two captains to meet again; seeing Law so full of himself and not a perpetual hair’s breadth away from strangling someone was pretty boring, all things considered.
Then Luffy exhales a sigh, content. “He’s got his crew back, though. That’s good.”
And perhaps it’s because they haven’t seen each other in weeks, haven’t had time to sit like this and exist for a while – Zoro hears a touch of melancholy in there, too, and sympathy twists at his core.
“Let’s find the others tomorrow, ‘kay? Without, uh, wrecking Kin’emon’s plan.”
Luffy nods against Zoro’s shoulder, a gentle motion. “Mhmm.”
The night ticks on. The need to move builds slowly, a numb tingling that crawls up his legs like a colony of ants, and yet Zoro sits patiently. Luffy is quiet for a while, dozes off, startles himself awake again.
“It’s past midnight”, Zoro tells him.
Luffy mumbles something resembling an affirmative. Zoro raises a brow, even though the other can’t see it. Who’s the stubborn one now?
“Go to sleep, Captain. I’m on first watch, remember?”
“No… Wanna talk t’Zoro.”
Zoro sighs and he doesn’t fight the way those words that curl themselves around his heart, warm and safe. Luffy could do terrifying things with that sweet-talking of his: a downright absurd thought, given the guy can barely tell manipulation from truth even when his life depends on it.
“I’m not going anywhere, idiot. Let’s talk in the morning.”
“I mean it.”
A long, whiny exhale. “Fine but you gotta come with me.”
“Sure”, Zoro nods. He blinks. “Wait, what do y–?”
And just like that, Luffy’s up and wrapping an arm multiple times around Zoro’s waist. Before he can as much as squawk, Zoro is lifted effortlessly as if he’s a lazy, overgrown dog – he has to pick up his legs so they don’t drag noisily across the tatami mat floor and oh, mutiny is suddenly such an appealing concept. Zoro hisses, “Luffy”, low and indignant; Luffy’s laugh is hushed, breathed right against his ear–
My swords, it’s a stray thought, an important one if he’s to do his duty properly. Zoro pats Luffy’s hand with some urgency. One rubber-stretched grab later, the swords are clutched safely against his chest.
A few feet from where Tama’s sleeping off her fever, two neatly-folded futons wait to be claimed; Zoro is deposited on one of them (which immediately topples under his weight, only his quick reflexes preventing an ungraceful fall). He witnesses Luffy destroy Tsuru’s hard work by half-heartedly spreading his own mattress-and-duvet combination, burrowing into the covers like a hog through forest ground.
With one final huff, Luffy stills. Sleepy, half-lidded eyes shine in the dark.
Scratching his neck, Zoro sets out to fix his own futon. He folds it out against Luffy’s, quiet hands working to smooth out the ruffles and tuck in the edges there as he goes. Carefully, Zoro reaches into the pile of blankets that is Luffy to pull out the hat that’s been haplessly smooshed in the process. It’s placed on the very edge of Luffy’s bed, within easy reach.
Eyes closed, Luffy makes a pleased noise and snuggles into his pillow. Zoro huffs fondly and ruffles his hair.
“I’m right here. Rest.”
Luffy drops off to sleep a moment after and so Zoro settles in for the night, pillow propped against a nearby wall next to his swords and a blanket thrown over his crossed legs.
The sky lightens with the tender touches of dawn and Zoro shifts, pulls away from deep meditation to hear the change in Luffy’s breathing. Snoring is followed by a sudden snort and drowsy mumbling.
Monkey D. Luffy always wakes with the sun, no matter over which horizon it rises.
Just in time, too, with how heavy Zoro’s lids feel every time he blinks. Suppressing a yawn, he rolls his neck and stretches his back, and his spine pops between his shoulders. The last remnant of battle along with the satisfying ache in his arms and hands – it’s been a while since Zoro got to draw a sword and mean it.
Tama is still snoozing and thus Zoro doesn’t bother to get on his feet properly. Half-shuffling, half-crawling, he leans over the crown of Luffy’s head. “Oi.”
“Huh?” Luffy glances up through tousled strands. His grin is immediate, a little crinkled with sleep. “Oh. My turn!”
Mhm, Zoro makes around a small smile.
It’s been awhile since it was just them and nobody else yet this routine is still familiar: Luffy grabs his hat and hops to his feet, going from slumber to fully awake in seconds, and Zoro takes his place, choosing Luffy’s pre-warmed futon over his own. He has about a minute to get comfortable before – oof – Luffy throws himself against his side, arms crossed and elbows digging into Zoro’s ribs and midriff respectively.
“Captain”, Zoro grumbles.
“… No.”
Luffy chuckles. “Zoro’s going easy on me.”
“Don’t get used to it.”
“Missed ya too”, Luffy sing-songs, and Zoro doesn’t have to look to know he’s grinning, the cheeky bastard.
After that, Luffy keeps himself busy, tinkering with Zoro’s earrings for a moment before he turns to the back of Zoro’s hand to doodle mindless circles with his finger. Breath by breath, Zoro finds himself slipping closer and closer to sleep.
“Ace was here, y’know?”
Luffy says it in such a casual, pensive way, like it’s just like the other tidbits of information Zoro missed out on. Zoro’s eye opens. He’s wide awake.
“He and his crew reached Wano, years ago. Tama told me. People were starving then too and Ace helped them.”
There’s something fragile about this, about the morning light barely starting to spill into the room and the loving way Luffy speaks of his brother. Something precious, and nothing in the world could bring Zoro to interrupt Luffy now.
“Tama wants to sail to sea, did you know that?” Round and round, Luffy draws invisible lines on Zoro’s skin. “Ace promised he’d come back and take her along when she’s older. And a ninja! That’s important.”
The mental image of sweet Tama as a ruthless ninja is a little out there but who is Zoro to judge? She’s certainly brave enough for it but–
Oh, Ace. Quietly, Zoro wonders how old he was at the time. If he, too, was barely past seventeen when started leaving a trail of reckless promises in the hopes of living another day.
It’s then that Luffy pauses, his chest moving against Zoro’s with the slow breath he inhales. Zoro breathes with him, bracing for impact.
“But… Ace is gone. I told her, and she got angry with me.” Walking the line of that old heartache, Luffy laughs and doesn’t break. “She said I don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s better this way, I think.”
Finally, Luffy’s hand stills. Calmly, Zoro offers him his palm instead; Luffy continues with an amused huff, tracing along the deep creases and old scars there.
“What do you think, Zoro? About Tama.”
Years, they have known each other. For Luffy, there’s a great many things Zoro is willing to indulge in – here, at the break of a new day and with the life of a child hanging in the balance, Luffy isn’t asking for indulgence.
Thus Zoro says, “Ace was right”, voice a little raspy this long into his watch. “Children don’t belong at sea.”
Luffy hums and mumbles, “Yeah.” He doesn’t sound particularly surprised. “I want to help them, Zoro. The people of this town, this country. Nobody deserves to cry over bean soup.”
And oh, the anger that seethes within Zoro wells up at that, patiently waiting to be unleashed – an ice-blue fire that burns at his core, fed by the notion of a land poisoned to its very rivers and all the injustices he’s witnessed.
“We will”, he promises his captain, because Ace’s family is Luffy’s family and that makes Tama theirs. It’s how it’s always been. “We’ll get that shitty cook to throw ‘em a feast after, too.”
Luffy nods enthusiastically. “A big one!”
Zoro chuckles. Yawning, he turns into his pillow, eye sliding shut. “With lots of sake.”
With the sound of Luffy’s laughter in the air, he finally allows himself to drift off. That morning, Zoro’s dreams are filled with the smiles of his crew and Sunny's full sails, a new horizon coming ever-closer.
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ghost-kitty · 4 years
how do we send you prompts ? via asks ? Can I please request platonic Zoro & Law "Look like we'll be trapped in here for a while" ?
Why yes, of course you can have the sword buddies @seikyoko! :D
I hope you like it uwu
„It’s no use,“ comes the deep voice from Law behind him. “It’s sea stone.”
Zoro huffs out a breath and throws himself against the door once again, just for good measure. It doesn’t budge though and he can’t slice it either, which honestly pisses him off. Sheathing his blades, he grits his teeth. “Yeah it can’t be helped,” he admits as he places his swords against the wall and slumps down to lean against it with his arms and legs crossed. “Looks like we’ll be trapped in here for a while.”
Law says nothing. He stands motionless a few feet away from Zoro, his golden eyes piercing the swordsman.
“Don’t worry,” he reassures, “Luffy will get us out soon.”
The captain clicks his tongue. “I’m not worried.”
Of course he’s not. After all, worry is an emotion and as far as Zoro can tell, the tall man clearly lacks them. “He better gets us out of here soon. It’s his fault that we’re trapped in the first place.”
Zoro eyes the Shichibukai warily.
He’s not wrong. What only should have been a quick run for some supplies ended up being a complete mess. Like usual. Well, at least for Zoro it’s usual. He can’t blame Law for being slightly annoyed with the whole situation though; it takes a while to get used to his Captain’s antics. But no matter what mess Luffy gets them into, in the end everything turns out fine for them. So really, Law needs to relax a little. And not worry about his ‘plan’ all the time. Shit’s annoying.
The heart pirate’s captain is travelling with them for about a week now and if he’s being honest, Zoro still doesn’t really know what to think of him. Luffy trusts him, so Zoro does too. He accepts his captain’s decision of forming an alliance with the heart pirates of course, and Law was the one who saved Luffy back when none of the straw hats could. Still, all gratefulness aside, Zoro is suspicious of him.
Law is very hard to read. He doesn’t seem like the type of guy who does something out of the pure goodness of his heart. Saving Luffy more than likely serves a greater purpose for him and he probably wants to use the straw hat captain’s good hearted nature and his naivety to his advantage. Only time will tell if he has bad intentions or not though, so for the time being, Zoro sticks with having a watchful eye on him.
“Man, you should relax a little,” he mumbles, “pacing around won’t do anything. Sit your ass down.”
Law glares at him, making no move to sit down. He can practically feel the unspoken ‘don’t order me around’ on the older man’s lips. Whatever. If he likes being uncomfortable, that’s not Zoro’s problem.
Time goes by slow and the tension coming from Law seriously pisses him off. “So Kaido, huh?” he tries to start a conversation, if only to stop him from pacing around.
“Yeah,” comes the short answer.
Zoro lets out a stretched out yawn. “That’s a pretty big goal, to go after one of the Yonkos. Not that I mind.”
“I don’t think that you know what you’re in for with this alliance to be honest,” the green haired chuckles. “Well anyway… I never thought that we would form an alliance with another pirate captain. Could be fun though.”
Law eyes him with a blank expression, not a single emotion to be found on the captain’s face. He remains silent.
How charming, Zoro thinks.
“Well this has been a great conversation. I’m going to take a nap now until the others get here”
He closes his eye and lets his thoughts drift, thinking about all the techniques he wants to work on as soon as he gets the opportunity to train again. His haki is pretty good thanks to Mihawk, but he still has a long way to go. The new world is a dangerous place and their enemies will only get stronger from now on.
Good. He can’t wait to test his new skills on them.
A soft ‘thud’ snaps him out of his musings. Slowly he opens his eye to see that Law is now, like him, sitting on the cold floor, careful to not touch the wall made out of seastone. His long legs are crossed and his nodachi in between them, hugged against his chest in a firm grip. Zoro eyes the beauty for a moment, grin tugging at his lips.
“Cursed huh?”
Law nods shortly, gaze straight ahead and his lips pressed into a thin line.
Zoro huffs. “They can be a pain in the ass. Is it as bloodthirsty as mine?”
No matter how wary he is, Zoro can always appreciate a fellow swordsman; enemy or not. Sadly, he hasn’t seen much of Law in action yet, and what he saw was everything but the ordinary swordsmanship. With his weird devil fruit and all. Still, he knows that Law has the spirit of a real swordsman. He can feel it.
After a while Trafalgar speaks up; his tone cold and distant. As if he calculated every word he is about to say. Weighing what information he can share with his allies, Zoro thinks to himself.
“Not really bloodthirsty. She just likes chaos.”
He perks up at that. “Oh? It’s a she?”
Law nods. “I wouldn’t be the right man to wield her if she were to be bloodthirsty to be honest. But she enjoys the chaos I can cause with my devil fruit.” He hugs the blade tighter against his body. “She’s perfect for me.”
Zoro stays silent for a while. He didn’t think that Law’s connection to his sword is that strong. Interesting. “Well,” he hums, “the blade chooses the owner after all and not the other way around.”
The captain eyes him with a glint in his gold eyes that leaves goosebumps on Zoro’s skin. It’s easy to imagine that a single glance from him would cause many to quaver in fear. It’s absolutely thrilling to him.
“You know,” Law starts cautiously, “I can feel her laugh every time I slice through a body. She’s a damn sadist.”
The small smirk on his lips doesn’t go unnoticed by Zoro. Nor does the look of sheer admiration as he eyes his weapon. Or the way he lovingly traces the white crosses on the sheath with his tattooed fingers.
Huh. He can’t help but think that they might have more in common than he initially thought.
The room goes silent again until a loud bang makes them both grab their swords, both immediately on alert.
“ZORO~!” Luffy’s excited voice can be heard through the thick seastone door, followed by loud crashing noises and shouted curses. “TORAO~!”
Zoro grins devilishly, excitement rushing through his body. He feels the thrill of anticipation in his swords grow as he readies his blades. Law does the same. For a moment he eyes the nodachi in the olders’ hand. And then he hears her.
Laughing like a maniac. Happily calling out her master’s name, like a soft purr. Law’s grip tightens around the handle and the blade rejoices. Enthralled.
His own cursed blade screams - lusts for blood - and together they form a choir; singing a song so beautiful, Zoro’s heart starts racing.
Law hears it too. He sees it in the way his eyes are shimmering.
“Let’s stir this shit up,” Zoro growls just as the door gets pushed open and the happy rubber captain bounces in, the perverted cook behind him with keys dangling from his hand and a flood of enemies rushing in after them.
Law unsheathes his blade; the song getting even louder as the whole rooms gets engulfed by a thin sheen of blue.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “let’s.”
Zoro smiles to himself. Law might not be so bad after all.
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laxuscouldnever · 5 years
Roronoa Zoro x Child!Reader pt. 2
Zoro quickly dodged the blade that came a little too close to his face. He stepped to the side and made a lunge toward his opponent. His opponent was very short, so he had to aim a little lower than usual. 
Y/N was just as face to dodge Zoro’s attack. “You’re getting faster,” Zoro commented, an attempt to distract the boy, which worked in his favor.
“You really think so?” Y/N asked excitedly, falling prey to Zoro’s distraction. Zoro quickly swept his leg under the boy’s feet, causing him to fall and drop his sword. 
“That was dirty!” Zoro just laughed. Y/N stood up and glared at his crewmate. 
“You shouldn’t be so easily distracted. It could get you killed,” Zoro said more seriously. Y/N just grumbled.
“Lunch is ready!” Sanji announced as he opened the kitchen door.
“FOOD!” Y/N yelled, completely ignoring the pain in his back and rushing to the kitchen. 
Y/N ducked under Sanji’s arm and found his place at the table.
“Quit training him so hard, marimo! You’re gonna hurt him!” Sanji spat as Zoro approached the kitchen. 
“It’s the only way he’s gonna learn. No one’s gonna go easy on him in a real fight,” Zoro said and found his way to the table next to Y/N.
Sanji quickly handed out the food and joined his crew at the table. They ate and laughed with one another, just enjoying their family’s presence. 
Everything was going good with no issues. That is until a loud thump could be heard on the deck, which was followed by quieter thumps. 
“The hell is that?” Zoro wondered out loud. The crew stood from their seats and rushed to the deck. Out on the deck was about 30 to 40 marines, on guard and ready to fight. 
“Straw Hat Pirates! Surrender now or we will take you by force!” their presumed leader announced. 
“We’re in the middle of a meal! Go away!” Y/N yelled. The marines went wide-eyed at the child. 
“How dare you bring a child onto a pirate ship! We will be taking him immediately!” the leader exclaimed. 
“Over my dead body.” Zoro reached for his swords and lunged towards the group of marines, the rest of the crew following his lead. Y/N followed Zoro’s movements and stood his ground against the marines. 
It seemed as though the marines would be soon taken care of until a large man stepped onto the deck. 
“What the hell is taking so long?” he growled in a deep voice. Y/N noticed the man’s presence and went for an attack. 
“Get off our ship!” he yelled and swung his blade at the man. The man dodged the sword and flung Y/N across the ship deck. 
“Should’ve figured you marines wouldn’t mind hitting a kid,” Zoro said as he approached the man. He didn’t attack but waited for the marine to throw the first punch. 
“Says the pirate who has a child on something as dangerous as a pirate ship,” the marine snapped back. Zoro scoffed.
“He’s well taken care of. He has clothes, food, and a place to sleep every night.” Zoro was irritated that this bastard would accuse them of not caring for one of their crewmates. 
“Well taken care of? Is that why he’s covered in bandages?” the marine laughed. Zoro spared a glance at the boy, who had stood up and was fighting off marines who were trying to grab him. 
It had only been about two weeks since Y/N was attacked by those men and he still had a couple of bandages on his face, legs, and torso.
“Don’t worry. We took care of the bastards that did it to him. He’s safe here and not wherever you would put him,” Zoro snapped. 
Zoro lunged towards the marine, thirsty to put this goon in his place. Two of his swords connected with the marine’s chest and the third sent him flying back onto his own ship. Blood gushed out of his chest and his subordinates retreated to their ship, attempting to help their so-called captain. 
The marine ship hurried away, showing no signs of turning around to continue to fight. 
Zoro sheathed his swords and turned to Y/N. “Oi, you alright?” he asked as he approached the boy. 
“Yeah. I did good, right?” Zoro chuckled and ruffled the boy’s hair. 
“You did great. Now, how about we go finish eating?” Y/N’s eyes lit up at the appraisal and he rushed back into the kitchen. 
“Zoro has a soft spot for Y/N!” Nami teased, causing a small blush to form on Zoro’s face.
“Shut it.” 
“Zoro! Come on! We have to finish eating so we can get back to training!” Y/N appeared at the railing once more.
“Calm down, I’m coming,” Zoro said as he walked back to the kitchen. 
Once the two had disappeared, Nami and Robin laughed. “What’s funny?” Luffy asked, wanting to join in on the joke.
“Zoro is such a dad.”
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imaginary-mochi · 5 years
General Fluffy HC: Luffy and Zoro with their S/O!
Hi there, @ohnoluffy! (˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)
Thank you so much for you request, you are my first ever!!! (งˆ▽ˆ)ง These are kinda long, lol. These are some of my general HC for these two lovable pirates, it was so much fun.
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It's not an understatement that he LOVES food. He's gonna drag them to his side to any meal. "C'mon! We are having a feast!" (For the fifth time on the week)
Luffy is NOT fond of sharing, however he will fight for other people's food and then hand it over to his s/o, making sure no one takes away anything that he's given to them.
He's a tamable soul once he's decided that his s/o is now one of his biggest and most important treasures in the world. I'm implying that if they ask him to behave, HE WILL.
It's the most adorable thing ever when they ask him to bathe and he just pouts and clings to them, like a cute little sloth in a tree. His s/o just gives him the silent stare and watch him go to the shower, all "puppy-eyed". (It's good, considering he spends a lot of time with them and Luffy's bathing habits are terrible)
Important and loved people in Luffy's life can count that they will always have him to cheer them up in moments of fragility, specially with his s/o.
Sometimes he just doesn't understand the reason behind it and may come off well, rude and insensitive with his words but his actions make up for it.
He could cuddle for hours in the Sunny's mane, just silently giving them his company in this quiet and calm space.
From time to time, he would take his s/o attention to the coulds to find shapes of animals, friends or even monsters, tell one or two embarassing stories from the crew members or convince them to go fishing and catch dinner, so he could cook it for them. (Sanji is having a stroke, somewhere in the ship)
It was rare for Luffy to find peace in his life, but he truly acknowledged it when he lost Ace. After training with Rayleigh, he realized that meditation, quietness and peace of mind are valuable assets, and he likes to practice it with their s/o.
Everyone is just surprised that his s/o became his safe space. He goes to them when small little things that irritate him happen, just seeking comfort. (When he got upset that Nami did not buy the weird ass stuff he wanted, when he had a terrible cold but wouldn't let their hand go from the hammock he was resting in, or those nights were he goes back to the past, to Saobody, to Marineford... ) Yep. They became the balance in his agitated life. And he needed it.
Makes the stupidest faces and impressions, he loves being the reason for their s/o to smile or laugh. He doesn't care what kind of situation is, if it is appropiate, how embrassing is ir or if it is really, bad timing....HIS GONNA MAKE THEM LAUGH ANYWAYS.
His impression of his s/o is:
- "Oi oi, look at this! Guess who is it!" [Procedes to talk into an INCREDIBLY silly voice by strangling his neck] "I am the prettiest person in the ship"
- "Hard to say. There's a lot of pretty people in here."
-"It's you! Don't be an idiot! Who else can it be?!"
He does not call them pet names. He dumb af and started called them "meat" or "Sanji's meat roll" because he thinks they are precious words by their own, so they are good for someone equally precious.
Number 1 on the Strawhat list of "who shows more PDA". He's just clingy and will hug, carry and kiss his s/o at every chance he gets. He would crave their presence and tender touch. But from you, he's all over with little nose kisses.
Low-key jealous lmao.
- "WHO ARE YOU? NO, you CAN'T have them. Get your own. I know that you want them! You will have to defeat me then!"
- "Luffy I just... I just petted this dog and it followed me..."
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You know someone own his heart when he teaches them how to "have great comebacks for a ugly swirly brows man"... Sometimes his s/o can't help themselves from letting a fight start between these two for their amusement. Together with Usopp, they have a secret scoreboard were they keep tabs of won arguments and the best comeback lines. (Point system goes from "lame" to "Damn I'm calling the sun and ask him to retire cuz that shit BURNED")
If his s/o is allowed to TOUCH and HEAR about his swords, they are in a WHOLE other level. Zoro opening his nerd side for swords to someone is incredibly rare and really cute.
He does not necessary have a thing for swords because of their power stance, sharpness or being cursed or not. He, however, has an extensive fixation on forgin techniques and artistry involved on their crafting.
He goes on and on, about patterns on sheaths, seals, meanings, inscriptions, popular or ancient ways blacksmiths used to leave a signature on their work... His s/o stares at them after hours of his talking and explaining. He suddenly stops and blushes realizing what he's been doing and for how long.
But he blushes even more when they say stuff like: "Look the pattern on that one, kinda reminds me of that one you told me about, or is it the one on the left that resembles it more?"
Zoro is a simple man, if you remember those little special things he's told you he's done riding on clouds the rest of the day lmao.
Honestly if his s/o just so happens to be a nerd for history, legends or myths for swords OR it's some sort of illustrator/artist he's gonna straight up ask them to spend the rest of their life together.
Has a dedicated, exclusive 1-1 time for their s/o needs, away from all those rutinary things. He's not the one to take them out. Cuz you know... [[[ Orientation ]]] But it's all about wandering around and landing some place where his s/o interest peaked.
He's all about their s/o's hobbies, depending of what it is, He would ask stuff from time to time to keep track of the convo. Zoro is a passive input, more hearing than talking, but he's not afraid to ask things he doesn't know about. Sometimes he can ask some pretty weird shit and makes their s/o crack of laughter.
He's actually pretty good remembering what kind of things their s/o like, or things they don't say outloud they like. He just connects the dots and that's it.
BOM, surprise gift.
BOM, a kiss on the forehead accompanied by: "I think you would like this".
BOM. S/O is deceased.
Zoro is the fourth most confident Strawhat on PDA with his s/o around other people. He's not clingy, cheesy or trying to show them off as his only. He still doesn't give a damn what other people think, but he's more subtle, yet constant.
Loves to pat their s/o head, hair and mess it up, lots of tender (or rushed) forehead kisses. Pulls them always by his side, walks with them locking their arms. He will carry them from the bedroom to the deck only to continue napping... Carry them pretty much everywhere with that strenght lol, hello s/o sentient dumbbell. But still, every touch of his calloused hands tells them that they matter, so much to him.
Ocasionally and absent-mindedly will throw around "Love" as petname. But nothing more, he's not trying to become a "second ero-cook".
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 8 months
Meeting Ace for the first time [AC! AU]
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"We've got you now!"
You turn to look at the men that have you cornered in a tower. You look back out the open window and spot a rope... better than nothing. Just hope it's connected to something.
"Gentlemen, we can be civilized and have a chat about this situation...right?" You hold your hands up and give them a smirk.
One of the guards step forward and as the guard did, you jumped and grabbed ahold of the rope. You swing to another building and run across the roof. You blow a kiss at the guards, flabbergasted and frozen, as you run back to your base.
"Now to find those idiots."
An arrow whizzes past your face, missing you by an inch. You slide down the side of the roof that wasn't pierced with arrows and lay against it. You look to your right and see a man watering his plants, shocked by the sight of you.
"Um...hi. You haven't happened to see a-"
As soon as you look down, you see Luffy getting chased by some guards.
"Oh my god."
You let out a low whistle and Luffy continues to push past people. You get back onto the roof fully and make a run for it, barely dodging some of the arrows that go past you. You jump from roof to roof following your comrade as close as possible.
You bump into a man with a hat on the roof. You land flat on your ass and look up at him. A small cigarette hangs from his lips as he eyes you.
"Hello, you wouldn't happen to know where I could find this man, would you?" He pulls out a wanted poster of Luffy.
You quickly run past the man and climb up the building quickly. Looking across the way, you see Luffy. He goes to come over to you but you shake your head.
"There's a bounty hunter after you! Go back to the base, now Luffy!"
He smiles and runs towards the direction of your base. You look back and see that the guy is gone. You look back across the way and see him following Luffy closely.
You pull the grapple off your hip and go over to the other side, trying to catch up to the bounty hunter. Luffy was almost to the base, the others would surely help him out. You pump your legs faster and somehow you pass the man.
"He's right behind us, Luffy. Let's jump through the window."
He nods curtly as you both jump in unison through the window of the abandoned building known as your base. The man behind you both skidded to a stop when you both jumped. You pushed Luffy against the wall in the darkness and hold up a finger to your lips.
You hear the man enter the building and then he stands in the center of the room, searching for you both. You took this as a chance to strike.
You pull the dart off your belt and throw it at him. He catches it with two fingers and looks at it.
"Hm... poison dart, smart. You almost had me." He says sarcastically.
He throws it to the side and looks straight into the darkness where you both reside.
"You run when I attack him, no matter what." You pull the knife from your belt and prepare yourself.
You rush out of the darkness and try to stab this man. He holds your wrist tightly and eyes you. You scream at him in anger and a hint of annoyance. Luffy leaves his spot and looks at the man.
"Wait, Y/n, stand down! That's my big brother. Ace, let her go."
You and Ace stare each other down. You pull your wrist out of his grasp as he holds up the hand, he held you with, up. You sheathe the blade and pick up your dart off the ground.
Ace greets his brother, laughing and patting him on the back while you sit back and sharpen the knife you had. You couldn't believe that this stupid man was Luffy's big brother. Heavy footsteps approach your spot on the wall, a hand extended out toward you for a handshake.
"It seems we got off on the wrong foot. I apologize for scaring you."
You scoff and look at him once before turning back your knife.
"Yeah right, like a dufus like yourself is scary. If anything, you should be scared of me since I almost killed you."
He lets out a hearty chuckle at you while Luffy watches on, practically begging you to be nice with his eyes.
"Sweetheart, I caught your little poison dart and your wrist when you tried to attack. If anything, I could've killed you."
You eye him again before getting up and walking up the stairs of the base.
"Where are you going?" Luffy yelled to you.
"Somewhere where your dumbass brother cannot speak to me." You eye his brother again, who smirks at you.
"Sleep with one eye open tonight, buddy."
"I definitely will, sweetheart."
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doctorgerth · 5 years
A New Light at the End of the Tunnel
Chosen Characters: Straw Hat Pirates
Chosen Word: Nightmare
Fic Type: Mostly fluff with a hint of angst
Appropriate Warnings: Blood, gore, implied character death
Nightmares were a rarity for Luffy.
It made sense, considering the life he was leading. He was a pirate captain. He was on his journey to becoming king of the pirates with all of his friends and the best part was he’s gotten his share of the best meat ever. With a life like this, Luffy’s never had many nightmares. Most of them just consisted of him not being able to reach the delectable meat before he woke up (which, granted, was a true horror). 
That was until two years ago. That was when the true nightmares began.
For the most part, they always end up the same, with a few variety in between. He was there, in Marine HQ, the scaffold where Ace stood unnaturally high against the dark clouds. Sometimes he’d be by himself, and other times, there would be the screaming pirates and marines all around him. 
But without fail, he’d always be looking for the most important person. The one he ran straight through hell to get to. The one that he needed to find. The panic would start to creep up his spine, his heart beating harder and harder. Sometimes his vision would twirl around, faster and faster, like his head was a spin top, with no end in sight.
And then, like a beacon of light, Ace would be standing there, fire surrounding him, chasing away the darkness. 
Luffy laughed, glee warming him up as the doubt retreated. “Ace!” he cried, throwing his arms up and out. “There you are!”
Ace turned back to him, with a grin as bright as the light around him. “You never could stop yourself from getting into trouble, could you, Luffy?”
Luffy giggled. “That’s no fun, Ace!” 
There was always something wrong, though. Something whispering in Luffy’s ear, words that he couldn’t quite grasp in tones that slicked down the side of his neck like tar. His stomach would roll, in ways different than when he was hungry. He’d push it aside, forcing the grin to stay on his face. Everything’s fine. Ace is here and he’s going to be fine. That thought would be his barrier, but nothing seemed to stop the icy fingers from crawling up his back. 
He ignored it. “Let’s go, Ace!” Luffy cheered, his fists in the air as an unspoken defiance against the people who tried to take his big brother away from him. “I’ve come to save you!”
That’s when the silence would hit him at full force. Regardless of whether he had been by himself before or only now was didn’t matter. He’d only realize it until that moment. His shoulders would tense, like waiting for an enemy to appear just before him. Would it be Aokiji? Or maybe Smokey was waiting for another chance? 
His eyes snapped to his sides and then behind him. His senses went on full alert. Until the bright red would catch his attention. Head whirling back around, no matter how many times he’d beg for it to be different, the results would always be the same. 
The whole in Ace’s chest was large, blood steadily pouring out and splattering onto the ground. A trickle of the red would drip down from Ace’s mouth to his chin. Luffy’s heart stopped, every muscle in his body frozen, despite how he desperately wished to run towards Ace. “You… were always… so reckless…” Ace was struggling to breathe. 
Run. Go. RUN. 
His legs wouldn’t listen. Had Aokiji frozen him like last time? He couldn’t tell. His eyes wouldn’t tear away from the sight before him. “A-Ace…” Luffy gasped. “No. Ace.” He strained his muscles, but something was holding him back, unseen hands grasping at his ankles to keep him in one spot. 
Ace’s eyes lifted up to his. “Sorry, Luffy…” Tears were already streaming down his face, mixing with the blood, turning the bright color dull. “This is it for me.”
A gust of wind and Ace would disappear. His fire was gone and Luffy was back in darkness again. Luffy screamed, but nothing could pierce through it. He didn’t care and continued to yell. He kept at it until his lungs burned. The darkness was suffocating him, and he couldn’t find his way out. He lashed out but there wasn’t any air. He couldn’t make sense of it anymore. 
He was all alone. 
He was all alone. 
Luffy wailed. 
Luffy’s eyes snapped open and he practically threw himself off his bunk. He crashed onto the floor. He gasped for breath, trying to make sense of where he was. I’m on my ship, some part of him insisted. I’m on the ship. 
The silence in the quarters encouraged him to scream, but he fought it as he scrambled up and towards the exit. Throwing open the door, he paused just before leaving and scrubbed his tears away. Then, he stepped out and onto the deck. The light blinded him for a second, and he couldn’t breathe. 
His eyes adjusted quickly.
The sun was starting to set. The darkness was closing in from above his head and his heart was thrumming so painfully in his chest. “Oi, shit captain!” Luffy caught Sanji standing over the railing, chewing on his cigarette. “Geez, I called you like a million times. It’s not like you to miss dinner.” 
Luffy was already running across the deck, but the smile on his face was frayed at the edges as the darkness crept along his back. His muscles were tense and he wished more than anything that he could fight this off like any of the other men that he’s faced before. 
But you fought hard at Marineford and that did nothing to help Ace.
His shoulders tightened, trying to ignore the whispers. “Yosh!” He forced the word out, but it was stale at the back of his tongue. Luffy was always genuine with his emotions and this was as wrong to him as anything else. He didn’t like lying, but he also didn’t like these emotions. He wanted them gone, and he desperately hoped that this would quiet them. 
He threw himself into the dinning room, ignoring Sanji’s angry yelling about not breaking anything. The light in the room made his sight go bright for a second and his head ached and pounded for a minute. 
His vision cleared. 
His crew was sitting at the table. They all turned towards him when he entered. “Ah, Captain,” Robin greeted softly. She smiled over at him. “I was worried that you had died in your sleep when you didn’t come for food.”
“ROBIN!” Usopp smacked his hands on the table, leaning forwards towards her. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying such creepy things!”
Luffy walked over to the empty spot and sat himself down. His shoulders started to relax.
“Don’t you worry, Luffy!” He turned to see Chopper staring up at him earnestly. “I’ll always make sure you’re healthy.” 
Franky stepped in. “Luffy’s never going to worry about that, bro!” Franky yelled boisterously. “Not when we got such a SUPER doctor on our crew!” Franky stood up just to throw his arms together in his famous pose. 
Chopper gasped, and without missing a beat, started wiggling around in his chair. “Don’t think for one second that I’m flattered, you stupid human!” Chopper said with a giggle. “Compliments don’t work on me like that!”
“Pretty sure they’re working just fine…” Usopp muttered.
His heartbeat slowed.
“Here Luffy,” Zoro forced a mug of ale into his hands. “Maybe you finally just’ve grown enough in the two years that you’ve got a taste for alcohol finally!” The grin on Zoro’s face was vicious.
“Yeah right!” Nami came in and smacked Zoro hard in the head. His face hit the table with the force. “Like that’ll ever happen with Luffy!” She snatched the mug right out of Luffy’s hands. “How many times do I have to tell you, idiot?” Nami growled, waving the cup around wildly. “If Luffy is this much of an idiot, then we do not need to find out how what he is like if he ever got drunk!”
His breathing smoothed.
“Why you…” Zoro’s head snapped up, and even with a sizable egg now blooming on his head, he was still terrifying as he grasped onto his swords. Not that Nami even flinched. She gave his glare back to him tenfold. 
“Oi!” Zoro’s natural fighting instincts protected him from Sanji’s kick. “If you even think of using one of those ugly swords on my beautiful Nami, I’ll kick your ass so hard you’ll need a new wanted poster.”
“At least mine came out good the first time!” Zoro threw back, hitting Sanji right where it hurt.
Sanji gave an inhuman roar and Zoro responded instantly. They were already kicking and slicing before anyone could stop them. 
“Ugh…” Nami dropped herself back down onto her chair and rolled her eyes. Everyone knew it was useless to try and break them up. “What morons…” 
The whispers were getting farther away.
Robin giggled. “Seems like some things never do change.”
“Or ever will…” Usopp was happy to lend Nami some company in the pity party. 
“Yohohohoho!” Brook slid in with a joyous laugh. “Now, now, everyone! Why don’t I play us a song that will help those ears be just as full as our stomachs!” 
“That sounds like a SUPER idea!” Franky cheered.
Chopper clapped. “Oh yes, please Brook!” 
Nami put her head in her hand. “Well, at least the nice music will drown them out a bit…” she muttered.
“But first...” Brook appeared next to Nami. She raised an eyebrow. “May I see your panties, Nami?”
Nami didn’t even hesitate. “NO WAY IN HELL!” She swung a leg out and sent Brook flying across the room. He slammed into the other side. Nami flicked her hair over her shoulder. “Seems like this crew is full of idiots…” Nami grumbled.
You’re home.
Robin laughed. Usopp shook his head. “You’d think he’d get it after a while.” 
Nami rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’s clearly never going to happen.”
You’re with your family.
“Sanji!” Nami called to him from where he was still battling it out with Zoro. “Ignore him and serve dinner already! Before the glutton decides to eat it all off the stove.” There was no question who she was referring to.
“Of course, Nami-swan~!” Sanji immediately abandoned Zoro to twirl his way back over to dinner with hearts bursting from his very pores.
Zoro scoffed and sheathed his swords. “Erocook…” he muttered, even as he walked back over to the table.
What’s gone maybe gone, but you still have something left in this world to treasure, don’t you?
Luffy’s world brightened again. The grin that stretched from his lips this time around was as pure and as genuine as it ever was before. Everybody noticed. “What’s with that look, Luffy?” Usopp asked, leaning forward to catch his eye. “What’s got you so happy?”
“What else?” Nami scoffed. “Sanji’s about to serve dinner.”
“The captain does love his food,” Robin cooed. “Let’s hope he doesn’t eat so much he explodes.”
“Robin!” Usopped snapped.
His throat was no longer closed and his words came out easy this time. “I love my crew!” he yelled out from the bottom of his heart. He threw his hands up and out, the joy behind his words warming him to his very bones. “I’ve got the best crew in the entire world!”
There was a pause. Everyone shocked at such an outburst, but then, they all turned bright red. “Don’t think this will work against me~!” Chopper laughed and started wiggling again. 
Nami pressed a hand to her burning cheeks, trying to play it off. “Well of course you do, I mean, I’m the best you’re ever going to get!”
Brook laughed. “Oh dear me, I’m blushing as red as a cherry.” He paused for effect. “I mean, I would be if I had any skin! Yohohohoho~!”
“Aw shucks, Luffy, you’re making us blush.” Franky grinned and smacked Luffy on the back. “But you’re right about that! We’ve got a SUPER crew!”
Robin and Zoro just smiled, as they settled themselves in for the meal. 
“Alright,” Sanji called as he walked over with arms full of delicious food. “Bon appetit!” Luffy was more than happy to dig in. 
Yes, he would sometimes have nightmares. Sometimes the darkness would get a little too much for Luffy to handle. But, no matter where it happened or when, he knew one thing for certain. His crew would always be there to remind him of one thing. 
That, no matter what, there would always be a light at the end of his darkness.
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