#lucy: levy this just says 'no eyebrows' Levy: IS IT WRONG?!
fanstuffrantings · 5 months
As I've gotten older and mulled rewrites let me now inform my fellow Gajevy fans of my personal favorite idea for them in my "gajeel and Juvia join shadowgear" au:
Gajeel, realizing he's into levy, just kind of shrugs and goes "huh okay." But knowing she hates him still just opts to wait it out and see what happens.
Levy upon realizing she's into gajeel, promptly has her own moment of setting up a wall with lists. Pros and cons. She spends the next 2 days holed up trying to convince herself she isn't actually into gajeel before Lucy finds her.
I now present the "Levy noticing her feelings" moodboard
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ciel-yuu · 1 year
"I have something for you."
Scene: You are sitting bored when suddenly remember a trend in the Human World. It is intentionally saying that you have something for them and then rummaging through your pocket and them giving them a heart shape from your thumb and index finger. You get up and immediately go find him to try.
Pairing: The Demon Brothers x gn!reader. Warning: None
You run to his room and politely knock on his office door before entering because you know Lucifer will get angry if you barge in. You are not very interested in being punished right now.
"What's wrong, MC?"
He looks up when you walk in, still holding a fountain pen, mentally preparing to go back and finish the paperwork after he's done with you.
You walk up to his desk with an amused face that makes him raise his eyebrows slightly, he's suspecting that you're up to something no good.
"I have something for you!"
He watches intently as you begin to carefully rummage through the inside pocket of your jacket, braced for some curse or magical device you might throw at him.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
He was totally taken aback by this, he was prepared for something more of a prank, he couldn't have guessed that you will give him something as adorable as this. The cuteness from your smiling face and the small heart in your hand makes him feel like he is being overloaded with cuteness. You truly are the death of him.
"Oh Luci, are you blushing?"
He doesn't realize he's blushing but you do and of course you have to poke fun at him because seeing The Avatar of Pride blush is not an easy thing to do.
You giggled while turning your head to run away when he noticed.
Catch you before you can run out of the room and make you stay in his office with him for the rest of the day because of this. (And he wants to spend time with you too)
You burst into his room causing Mammon to jump from his sofa in shock and look out the door in a panic, when he saw you were the one to rush in he let out a breath of relieved.
"Why did ya barge into my room like that?! I thought you were Lucifer!"
This makes you roll your eyes slightly because he's obviously the one who often bursts into your room without even knocking.
He was about to nag you again when you ran up to him with an amused smile on your face, it made him just shut up, how can he continue nagging you when you smile like that!
"I have something for you!"
He looks at you rummaging through your pocket with an excited look, thinking you're going to give him something precious. (Actually, as long as it is your gift, he will think it is precious.)
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Blushing and starting to stutter when you show him your heart finger with a big smile. Telling you stammeringly that he will accept your love so you should be honored when the Great Mammon takes it.
You pretend to put it back in your pocket to tease him saying you've reconsidered and don't want to give it anymore. This make Mammon quickly grabs your hand and tells you that once you give it to him, you can't take it back!
He blushes a second time because he realizes he's holding your hand now but won't let go for fear you'll want to pull it back again. The fact that you giggle and call him cute doesn't really help much.
Hold your hand and don't let go for the rest of the day while you both watch movies in his room all day. He wants to be near you as much as possible especially after you give him such an adorable gift ^^!
You knock on Levi's door and after reading the password he lets you in. You see him sitting on the floor playing game.
"MC, do you want to play along? I just bought some new two-player games!"
He happily tells you when he sees you walk in, only to be surprised to see that you are smiling the same big smile and walking quickly in front of him causing him to quickly blush.
"I have something for you!"
Pause the game and look at you curiously as you start rummaging through your coat pocket.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Leviathan.exe has stopped working.
How can you be so cute?? It overloaded his little otaku heart you know?! Are you trying to kill him with love? If you are, then it's working because his heart is beating so fast it could fly out of his chest and come hug you!
Blushing fiercely while stammering how a useless and introverted otaku like him is worthy of your love before being interrupted by you saying that you are the one to decide who is worthy and you see how great he is.
Crying out of happiness and wondering how he can have someone as amazing as you by his side.
He give you a handmade Henry plushie as a thank you <3.
He's sitting in the library when you go to find him, a thick book in his hand. He seems to be aware of your presence as he immediately looks up as you push through the door and greets you with a gentle smile.
"MC, you seem to have come across something funny, don't you?"
He commented when he saw your grin face, from his point of view you now look like a cat that just stole something precious and brought it to its owner to show off.
"I have something for you!"
Eyebrows raised in amusement as you rummaged through your pocket and closed the book that he were reading after putting the bookmark in. He has a feeling that what you are going to show him will be much more interesting than this book.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
That is the sound of the Avatar of Wrath's heart skipping a beat at the cuteness of the human before him. You really know how to make him fall in love with you deeper dont you? But he didn't complain either.
He gives you a sweet smile and takes your hand gently, thanking you for the wonderful gift, that he'll cherish it and placing a light kiss on the back of your hand.
He invites you to go on a date with him at the cat cafe as a thank you for your lovely gift.
You go to his room and find him sitting reading a magazine by his dressing table. He gives you a lovely smile when he sees you coming to his room.
"MC! I'm glad that you came to see me hon, I'm starting to get bored."
You nodded and happily walked over to him. Your happy smile makes him happy too because he knows it's your "I have something very interesting" smile.
"I have something for you!"
"Oh what is it?"
He watches you rummage through your pocket excitedly, trying to guess what it will be when he finds you searching for a long time in your coat pocket. Is it perfume or some magic item that Solomon gave you?
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Squeal! He squeal happily before rushing to hug you in a tight hug. Why are you so cute! This is truly the cutest gift in the world!
Fill your face with little kisses while thanking you for this sweet gift. Tell you that he'll appreciate it and that he loves you too. Love you very much - he said while rubbing his face against your cheek.
Posting on Devilgram to brag to everyone about his human cuteness.
Take you shopping with him right after, let him spoil you all day as a thank you gift MC!
Beel is emptying the fridge for the nth time of the day when you run to find him. As soon as he heard someone coming, he quickly turned his head thinking that you were Lucifer, but when he saw that the person coming was you, he immediately greeted you with a small smile.
"Oh MC, did you come here to get some snacks too?"
You shook your head and walked up to him with a cheerful face.
"No, I have something for you Beel!"
He looks at you curiously as you start rummaging through your pockets, he doesn't smell any food so he can't guess what you're going to give him. But for Beel, he's happy to receive a gift from you, so he doesn't really care what it is, as long as you're the one giving it, he likes it all.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Beel will blush and almost drop the dish in his hand when he sees you pull out the little heart in your hand with a sweet smile for him. And in an instant you're wrapped in a warm embrace by this giant orange teddy, who spins you around for a moment before dropping you off.
Put on the sweetest smile in the world and take your hand seriously, telling you that he appreciates your gift and promises to protect it well.
He won't let go of your hand and hold your hand all day protecting it (and you) like he promised.
He'll invite you out for a meal at Hell's Kitchen as a thank you ^^!
You find him sleeping soundly in his bed in the attic. Everyone knows that whenever the Avatar of Sloth sleep he won't wake up even if there's an earthquake, so it takes you a long time to wake him up.
At first he was quite annoyed at being woken up but it quickly disappeared when he realized the person who woke him up was you.
"Ah…so you're the one who called me up MC. What's wrong?"
His sleepy face makes you chuckle and pat his head a bit before backing away a little with a grin.
"I have something for you!"
He slowly sits up when he sees your smile, something he knows usually shows up when you're about to tease him. When he sees you start rummaging through your pocket, he thinks maybe you have a new toy from Thirteen or something.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you"
Blink in surprise at your cheerful smile and the heart of your finger then giggle. You're just too cute for your own good, making him want to keep you in the attic so no one can see your cuteness but him.
Taking your hand and pulling you down to the bed, he said he would gladly accept your gift and that he would keep it forever and then hugged you tightly.
Congratulations, you've captured the sloth demon's heart and your reward is a nap with him. You won't be able to escape his iron grip anytime soon so making yourself comfortable is the best thing you can do right now.
If you're not sleepy, his warm hug and soft hum will also put you to sleep quickly.
Whisper softly he loves you when he saw you fell asleep with a gentle smile and fell asleep soon after to meet you in the dream world <3
master list | thanks for reading ^^!
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Love language: gift giving
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For some reason Lucifer has called you at 7 pm to go for a last second shopping. And for some other reason Solomon decides to tag along
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Wc: 1,2k
"Say… what kind of blanket do you want?"
Lucifer sighs " shouldn't you recommend me? We have barely been here for a year"
Lightly giggling you touch some of the blankets in display " I was thinking of what kind of blankets you like"
" Diavolo said he would find a suitable replacement for me, but we should get one if those for mammon" he points towards a brown and gold blanket
" I'm sure he is going to like it, it almost looks like a Grimm" quickly you push one if those inside the shopping cart
Lucifer stops next to a shelf as he looks over a pack, it's a set with a sun and moon twin blankets " Those ones fit the twins don't they?" He only nods
Looking around you see a fluffy pink throw " isn't that the limited influencer Eisheth throw? Do you think asmo will like it?"
He wraps tte pink and fluffy fabric around his glove" As long as it can last a week or so it will make do" he says sternly before turning to see plain color covers
You lean towards one of the patterned blankets, running your fingers through the fine hairs " Can I ask why the sudden need to call me an hour before bedtime to buy blankets?"
Lucifer leans backwards against the wall tiredly " Leviathan decided to hoard all of our bed coverings and lock himself in his room with the threat of summoning lothan" you do catch his eyes drifting towards the section behind you, the demonus and infused beverages.
"Why did he even steal them out of the blue?" You catch Solomon grabbing some pasta and drinks, for some reason he insisted on coming with you
Lucifer lifts his eyebrow, a face between judging and surprise " According to Diavolo, cold-blooded demons go through a nesting phase during the colder months of the year… Now that I think about it, why are you so normal… aren't you a cold blooded demon? You have scales like Levi " points out to your wings filled with small scales
"O-Oh well" you look around, trying to find Solomon to help you out somehow
Solomon hugs your shoulders, leaning against you "Deeeaarr, don't tell me you want that one too?" He points towards your hand, petting the faux devildom beast fur
He sighs dramatically putting it inside his own cart " you are going to make me run out of money at this pace, three blankets and five different pillows and you somehow hoard everything."
As you look inside his cart you find the faux fur and two teddy blankets, one with blue and other purple "You whined about the blankets being too rough for a while now and these are the softest I could find, do they make do?
" Oh, yes thanks" Solomon smiles at you
" Mh, so you are going through that phase…" Lucifer doesn't seem too convinced that you two are being truthful but is too tired to look into it " I do apologize then. I will make sure to only contact you only when necessary for this week"
Solomon looks inside the shopping cart but seems to be confused "Why didn't you buy something for little Satan?" Solomon ask teasingly
He sighs heavily "Is it even worth buying something for Satan? Whenever I get him something he rips it apart"
" Just leave it to us, okay?" He grabs your shoulders " I'm sure we will make do"
Lucifer gives in, not wanting to deal with the subject any longer " alright. I will get going to the manor, Satan will be waiting downstairs for you" as he walks to the demonus aisle
" That is the wrong direction luci~"
" I know sorcerer."
He laughs softly " Well then, do we agree on what to give to Satan?" He looks at you before you two spouter the say sentence
" Cat blanket"
" Kid section?" You ask
" Most likely"
Just as you enter the section the muted and natural colors transition towards vibrant ones, a green blanket with little baby cats walking around greets you as you enter
" Just what we needed" says Solomon as he snatches it,
" Well, let's get going" you turn around to return the other two blankets but you can't see him "Solo?"
"Here, i just saw these" he pops from a display stand, each hand holding a different blanket " and i couldn't just leave them there"
" We don't have to fake any longer sol, lucifer left" you keep walking towards the teddy fabric section, Solomon following you trying to sell them
" But don't you like them? They have sheeps motifs for you and stars and moons for me"
" Wasn't I drying you of your money? Leave them where they were"
You are suddenly stopped when Solomon hugs your chest pushing you against him "but that's fine~ I'm your husband I will buy my lovely spouse whatever they want" and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek
"We are in the middle of a store, Solomon"
" But I love my demon spouse~" he pushes the cart to the cashier and as she starts ringing the objects up you see some objects that catch your eye
" Why did you get a horn humectant? My horns are quite alright"
" Look" His hands move your hair from the base of your horns, as he does he manages to scratch the base and get a white and gray powder " the base is dry, if we don't treat it it will look like you have dandruff" before flicking his fingers to dust the residue off
"... Okay" you keep putting things down, some food, a bottle of demonus and a bottle of human world alcohol, and some snacks it seems. Newt's legs, bat's wings, fire sauce jelly and… " AH!" You gasp
"Mh? What did you find"
" You got hell's slime popsicle?" You grab the handful of lollipops " you remember I like them"
" Of course I did… whenever I talk with you your tongue is green" he rolls his eyes as he
" Don't act as if you didn't like your tongue getting dyed green too," you hug his shoulders as you look towards the cashier "even if you don't like the flavor"
" Thinking it through please leave the lollipops off" he says to the cashier who is trying her best to not laugh
" Solo noooo" You pull on his arm like a little kid annoying their parents to buy sweets. It seems to be working from the vein popping on his neck
He did, in fact, buy your sweets
" Solo?" You asks him as you walk to the house of lamentation
" Yes?" He answers while chewing on the fire sauce jelly
" Thank for the sweets"
" I'm glad you like them" he smiles boyishly, it has been a good while since you saw him so relaxed, one hand on his pocket and the other holding a bag
" Do you want something from the magic shop? I will get you anything " you point to the dimly lit shop but he only laughs and oats your head
" I'm quite happy like this, let's just go home" his free arm slides across your shoulder, pushing you towards him
" But if you wanted to humor me I would like to cook dinner tonight "
"O-Oh there is no need, i will ask for hell's kitchen delivery"
Satan did not get his blanket that night
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Rachel Daly x Reader
Part Thirteen - Jealous
You woke up first, pulled some joggers on and went downstairs to start breakfast for you all. Finding bacon and sausages at the back of the fridge you decided to do a fry up and started making your own hash browns. While everything was cooking you went outside to call your friends, you didn’t tell them about Millie but told them everything else. Rach had practically asked you to move in and declared your love for each other, albeit inadvertently. You suggested them coming up tonight and all go out to G-A-Y which they were so up for “can you invite Lucy?” Georgia asked, you laughed saying you’ll try before hanging up. You crept back inside and stared at the eggs, longing them to cook themselves just when Rachel appeared hugging you from behind kissing your neck. “Good morning beautiful” you said quietly, spinning round and placing your hands around the back of her neck, she pushed you against the counter and gave you a long slow kiss. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear so you could admire her face “every day I think you can’t get anymore gorgeous and everyday I wake up wrong” you said before kissing her again “everyday I wake up thinking I couldn’t fall for you anymore than I already am and everyday I wake up wrong” kissing you more. “What ya making?” as she picked you up and placed you on the counter “Fry up, but it’s more of a grill up because I know you two can’t eat fried stuff, do you know how to poach eggs?” tilting your head ad longing for her answer to be yes. You can’t cook eggs for the life of you. “Oh step aside babe, I am the queen of poached eggs!” As she took over that task, you made the teas. You both plated everything up and took it upstairs. Gently waking Millie up “oh mate, I could get used to this!” She said sitting up to eat. You and Rach climbed back into bed with yours and turned on the news. The first thing that came on was about the Lionesses, letting out a cheer. Rach took a photo of you all in bed which made you ask why she takes photos of everything; when her dad passed she realised she didn’t have many photos of anyone and vowed to take more to remember the good times. “So the ones of me yesterday?” you quizzed her quietly with an eyebrow raised “Shhh, they’re for my secret folder” she said hushing you “I’ve gotta see this folder Rach!” as you grabbed her phone to find it, there was so many of you that you never realised she had taken “pretty sure this is illegal babe!” you joked.
“Millie, I have a question. Did you talk to Rachel about the chat we had after karaoke?” Millie shook her head “what chat?” Rachel asked, you ignored her and held out your little finger for her to pinky swear which she did with no hesitation. “What chat?!” Rachel asked again but louder “Millie asked where I thought we were going” “and (y/n) said it was up to you to make that decision” “and I wondered as you asked me to be your girlfriend the next day if Millie had said anything” “nope, that was all Rachel” Millie smiled. “Why was it up to me?” she seemed genuinely confused “Because I didn’t know if you just wanted a shag while you were in town or if you actually had time for and wanted a relationship” you said “wherever I go, I see you there with me” Rach smiled holding your hand. “And you Mrs!” she prodded Millie “my two best girls, I don’t ever wanna be without you” she put an arm around each of you and pulled you closer to her.
Millie spoke about Levi and said she’s decided not to be sad, she’s in the highlight of her life and she’s not gonna let some silly boy ruin it. “AMEN!” You and Rach shouted together. “I’ve invited my girls over tonight, thought we could all go out if you two are up for it? They’re already shopping for outfits so you can’t say no really” you cornered them but they were both up for it, Millie is in desperate need of fun. “Georgia asked me to invite Lucy so can you two do that please” you giggled “we should invite all the girls!” Millie excitedly started texting everyone. Mary, Beth, Ella and Alessia replied immediately, Lucy took some convincing but eventually agreed and the RSVPs came trickling in thick and fast… except Leah who left Millie on read.
“Has Leah got a problem with me?” Rachel and Millie let out a big sigh and both rolled their eyes “noo.. it’s with me, she told me she liked me and I turned her down and now a few weeks later I got with you” she responded with no hesitation “oh!” Is all you could manage after hearing that “I don’t like her in that way and I feel a bit bad cause I said I wasn’t ready for a relationship and then I found you” her head bowed. “Hey, you can’t control when people walk into your life Rach, I wouldn’t worry about it” Millie said flippantly “but I do worry about it affecting our team dynamic, we’re so good I’d hate for this to be the reason we don’t win”. “Girl are you hearing yourself?! Leah doesn’t want that either she’s just a bit jealous that’s all! Imagine someone you liked turning you down and then getting with someone else. (Y/n) you’re gonna have to work a bit harder to get her to come round but she will, everyone else loves you!” Millie exclaimed. “Except this one” pointing at Rach “she just likes me” looking at your girl with a smirk on your face. “Shut up!” Rachel jabbed you in the ribs jokingly.
Part Fourteen - Third Wheelin’ 🔞
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Obey Me 25 Days of Ficmas Day 18: Believing in Santa
Pair: Mammon and Levi
Mammon believes in Santa Claus.
It's so stupid. Yet, useful.
Leviathan stopped believing in Santa decades ago, so did everyone else. But, somehow, Mammon still believed? What a loser.
It's not like Mammon was a little kid, he was a grown adult! Okay, maybe he wasn't THAT old. But, still, he's an adult.
Though, he was willing to ignore how embarrassing that was for his brother. Instead, he decided to focus on how helpful it would be for him.
After all, people will do anything to get on Santa's nice list. Finally, Mammon would pay him back in full.
Levi innocently trotted down the stairs, approaching Mammon who was sitting on the couch, scrolling through Devilgram absent-mindedly.
A smirk made it's way onto Levi's face, "Mammon! Pay me back, right now!"
Mammon groaned, "I've told ya! I don't got the money right now. I'll pay ya when I can! Just wait a bit longer."
"You say that everytime, idiot!" Levi stomped his foot.
"Yer not the only one I need to pay back," Mammon reasoned, "The witches are more cruel than ya could even comprehend. They are more important than yer stupid grudge. Now go away. I dont have time for ya screams."
"Well," Levi smirked, "I guess you won't mind getting no presents on Christmas morning."
Mammon looked startled, but tried to hide it, "Wh-what are ya talkin' bout?"
"Santa doesn't give presents to people on the naughty list," Levi shrugged, "Not returning money you borrowed is definitely naughty. Christmas morning all you're gonna get is a stocking full of coal. ROFLMAO. I can see you're distraught face now."
Mammon stood up, "Yer lyin! I'm good! Yer gonna be on the naughty list, Levi. Yer mean! I'm gonna tell Luci that yer being mean!"
"Tattling is naughty," Levi glared.
"I'm not tattlin," Mammon glared back, "I'm reporting bad behavior. Luci is gonna be mad at you. And yer gonna be the one gettin coal on Christmas."
Uh oh. Levi was an idiot. This didn't work out as intended. He looked at Mammon, he was ready to run and tell on him any second. Yikes! What to do? What to do? Oh, "You know, Santa's not even real!"
The room went silent for a second, "Yes he is! Now yer lyin and saying he isn't real! Santa's gonna be real mad at ya, Levi."
"He isn't real," Levi glared harder, "Lucifer drinks the milk and eats the cookies. He's the one who buys the presents and puts them under the tree!"
Mammon gasped, "He is not! Santa is real!"
Lucifer walked in, Levi's blood ran cold.
"Leviathan," Lucifer's face was cold and harsh. Levi shivered, "Ye-es?"
Lucifer moved his pointer and middle finger together, signalling for Levi to move towards him.
This was an awful idea. What was Levi thinking? He's going to die today.
Levi awkwardly and slowly walked towards Lucifer. Mammon had a huge smirk on his face, knowing that Levi was going to get in trouble.
Lucifer led him to his office, sitting down in his chair calmly. He instructed that Levi sat too, so he did.
He hated how Lucifer was about lectures. He always sat there, making you question your entire existence. It's super scary.
They both sat there for a second, Lucifer pulling out paperwork and beginning to work.
"U-um," Levi looked around, "What's wrong, Lucifer."
"What was the reason you decided to tell Mammon Santa was not real," Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"He deserved it," Levi mumbled.
Lucifer stared at him.
"He still won't pay me back," Levi blurted out.
"You guys are so childish," Lucifer stands up.
"Me?" Levi stood as well, "Mammon's the one who still believes in Santa."
"Sure," Lucifer says, "But, you're the one who decided to ruin his dreams over some childish tantrum over something he can hardly control."
Levi grumbled his annoyance, "Hm? Want to say that louder, Leviathan?"
"No, sir," Levi sighed.
"I hope you are going to enjoy your night hanging from the rafters," Lucifer smiled, "If you're going to act childish like Mammon, you can get his punishment."
Levi groaned.
He's such a stupid, gross otaku. Why did he have to act so foolish.
Oh boy, he could not wait to rant to Henry about how wrong this plan went. But first, he needs to hang upside down for however long Lucifer sees fit.
Ugh. This is so lame.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.
Now for some Gemini antics at the expense of Lucy's pride! 
I hope you enjoy!
Gemi and Mini's Plan (Freed x Lucy ft. Gemini)
Lucy sat at a table with Levy, who was talking excitedly about a book that she had recently come across. However, the blonde wasn't able to pay much attention. The voice of her friend muffled in her ears as her eyes drifted up to the second floor of the guildhall. She watched as Freed buried his nose into a book while Bixlow babbled to Evergreen across the table from him. She felt her cheeks warm in a light blush as she took in the rune mage's attractive side profile. 
She hadn't realized that she was staring when Levy suddenly clapped her hands in front of her face, causing her to jump and snap back to attention. She turned back to her friend, finding that the blue-haired woman was grinning at her with a knowing sparkle in her eyes. 
Lucy straightened her back and flicked her eyes away as her cheeks warmed even more, asking, "what?" 
Levy raised an eyebrow, a cheshire grin still on her face. "You were staring at him again." 
Lucy looked away at the floor. She responded, "I, um, don't know what you're talking about." 
She heard Levy sigh. "Come on, Lucy! You've been crushing on Freed for a year now, you need to confess to him already!" 
Lucy snapped her gaze back up to look at her best friend, shaking her hands in front of herself frantically as she exclaimed, "I can't do that!" 
"And why not?" 
"Because...well, because..." Lucy looked down at the table, her cheeks burning and her gut doing flips. She thought about telling Freed how she felt, but was overcome with an anxious feeling and fear of him rejecting her. She groaned and dropped her head onto the table, finally answering, "there's no way that he would feel the same way. He probably likes Laxus or Mira." 
"How do you know that? Haven't you and Freed been getting really close recently?" 
"Yeah, but-"
"But what? You can't know how he feels if you don't tell him about your feelings. Lucy, you could be passing up a chance to date Freed. If he doesn't feel the same way, then at least you'll get some closure." 
Lucy lifted her head to look at her friend. She then looked up at Freed. Letting her friend's words sink in, her brow furrowed as she was overcome with a sudden wave of courage. She smiled at Levy and said, "thanks, Levy!" 
She then stood up and made her way to the staircase that lead up to the second floor of the guildhall. She marched up the stairs and walked toward the Thunder Legion's table, approaching from behind Freed. Laxus wasn't present, so it was just the Freed, Evergreen, and Bixlow at the table. 
Lucy recited in her head what she was going to say. Until, the realization of what she was doing hit like one of Natsu's Dragon Slayer Roars. She stopped in her tracks, her brain instantly short-circuiting. What was she doing? Was she really going to tell Freed that she had feelings for him? Sure, it's possible that he likes her in that way too, but what if he doesn't? What if he rejects her? What was she going to do then? Would she be able to still be friends with him? She and Freed had become surprisingly close recently, so would that relationship be affected at all? Would Freed want to be her friend still? The celestial wizard was staring at nothing in particular as her mind raced with questions. 
"-ucy? Lucy? Lucy!" 
Lucy once again jumped and snapped back to reality when someone loudly called her name. She realized that she had been standing in one spot, staring at Freed's back, when she found that said man was standing in front of her, watching her with his usual blank face, but worry was evident in his sea-green eyes. 
Freed questioned, his tone soft, as though he didn't want his two teammates to hear him, "are you alright? Is something wrong?" 
Lucy took a few steps away, her cheeks burning. Her stomach started doing flips and she raised a hand to cover her face, wanting desperately to disappear. When Freed took a step closer to her, she stuttered out, "I-I need to go home!" 
She then turned around and hurried out of the guild, silently cursing at herself as she made her way back to her apartment. 
Gemi and Mini floated through the Celestial Spirit World. They were incredibly bored, having not been summoned by Lucy and not being able to find another spirit who was willing to entertain them. It was Mini who finally thought of something to do, "let's see what Lucy is doing." Gemi quickly agreed to this and, with a "piri-piri," they disappeared from their realm and appeared in the human realm. 
When they summoned themselves, they found Lucy laying face-down on her bed, groaning. The pair of celestial spirits floated closer to her and questioned in unison, "what's wrong, piri-piri?" 
Lucy gave a yelp and jumped up into a sitting position, causing Gemi and Mini to snicker to themselves. They floated in front of their wizard as Lucy finally took notice of them and asked, "Gemini? What are you two doing here?" 
"We're bored..." Gemi answered. 
Mini picked up from where her twin left off, "...so, we came to see you!" 
Lucy smiled at them and opened her arms, saying, "I'm happy to see you both. I'm sorry for not summoning you in a while." 
Gemini happily accepted her hug, enjoying the feeling of their wizard's warm arms wrapping around them. When they pulled away and resumed floating, Gemi asked, "did something happen?" 
They watched as Lucy rubbed her tear-filled eyes and sniffled as she did so. She then looked back at her spirits and answered, "just some boy problem." She waved her hand dismissively, as if telling her spirits that it wasn't a big deal. 
Mini floated closer to lean against Lucy's shoulder, asking, "tell us about it, piri-piri!" 
Gemi leaned against Lucy's other shoulder as he joined in, "yeah, we want to know, piri-piri!" 
They waited as Lucy chuckled and flopped back onto her bed. She sighed before she began, "I embarrassed myself in front of Freed." She then groaned to herself, covering her face with her hands, "I probably ruined any chance I had with him! He probably thinks I'm weird and have some kind of staring problem." 
Gemini leaned closer to her face, inquiring together, "do you really like Freed?" 
Lucy nodded. "I've been in love with him for a year!" 
Gemini simply shared one look with each other before they flew to the middle of the room. They gave a "piri-piri" and transformed. Once the smoke faded, they cooed to their wizard, their voice now possessing a tenor pitch, "Lucy." 
The blonde once again bolted up into a sitting position and whipped her head around to look at her celestial spirits, her mouth dropping open and eyes widening upon seeing who they had transformed into. After several silent moments, she managed to say, "w-what are you doing?" 
Gemini, transformed into Freed, smirked and answered, "we're accessing Freed's thoughts and memories." 
"How are you even able to turn into him? You need to touch someone in order to do that, don't you?" 
"Yeah, and we did recently. Remember the job you went on last week with the Thunder Legion? We were able to touch all three of them." 
"Oh." Lucy looked the transformed Gemini up and down before she snapped her eyes back up to meet theirs and questioned, "wait, why did you transform into him?" 
Gemini strolled close to her until they stood right in front of her. They then hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her face, watching with amusement as a red blush dusted across her cheeks. "To see if Freed loves you too." 
Lucy pushed them away with a flustered yelp. She folded her hands in her lap and looked back at her spirits, muttering, "I don't know about that..." 
Gemini tilted their head. "Why? Don't you want to know if he feeling the same way?" 
"Well, yes, but...it sounds kinda like an invasion of his privacy." 
Gemini hummed before they smiled at her and replied, "at least we'll be able to tell you if you should tell him how you feel! We'll be saving you the rejection!" They didn't wait for Lucy to say anything else before they began their search through Freed's memories and thoughts for how he felt about Lucy. 
However, they frowned when they weren't able to find much of anything. That was weird. They looked back at their wizard when she asked, "is something wrong?" 
Gemini answered, "we are having trouble accessing his memories and thoughts." 
Lucy responded, sounding a bit disappointed, "that's alright. I'll probably confess eventually." She then went back to laying on her stomach on her bed, her head facing away from Gemini. She added, "you two can go back to the Spirit World." 
Gemini, not wanting to give up just yet, silently conversed with each other. After reasoning that they weren't able to access Freed's thoughts and memories due to it having been a while since they last touched him, they quickly decided that what they needed to do was get closer to Freed in order to find out if he loved Lucy back. They quietly sneaked out of the apartment, managing to close the door soundlessly behind them. Once they accomplished this, they transformed into Lucy and made their way to the guild. 
Freed sat at his usual table with his teammates, his book closed and forgotten next to him. His eyes were set on the guildhall's closed doors. He couldn't deny the worry that bubbled within him. Was she alright? He had been reading a book, trying to keep his eyes on the page rather than on her, when Evergreen had gotten his attention and pointed out that Lucy was standing behind him. He had turned around to see that his most recent friend was standing a ways away behind him. She was just staring and, when he got closer to her to talk to her, seemed to be internally panicking. She then just ran out of the guildhall, her face red. 
"What was that about?" 
Freed looked at Evergreen when he heard her question. He was unable to give an answer due to not knowing the answer himself. He gave a shrug and looked back at the doors. He then heard Bixlow laughed, "maybe she was gonna tell you that she loves you and chickened out." 
Freed felt his cheeks warm and his body stilled as Evergreen giggled before she added, "I'm sure Freed would've loved that." 
The rune mage turned his head to look at his teammates again, giving them a glare. This resulted in Evergreen and Bixlow looking back at him before their laughter became renewed. He supposed that his glare didn't hold the fierceness that it usually did because of the obvious blush on his cheeks. 
He rolled his eyes at the two and looked back at the guildhall's doors. Maybe he should go to Lucy's apartment and make sure that she was alright. His mind thought back to his friends' words. He felt a fluttering feeling in his gut at the recollection. He couldn't lie, he wouldn't really be opposed to Lucy confessing to having romantic feelings for him. In fact, he would like for that to happen. He's recently taken notice of his own fast-developing feelings for Lucy. 
Freed gave a short thoughtful hum and stood up, deciding that he was going to make sure that Lucy was alright. Her behavior was strange, worrying even. He muttered to his teammates that he would return soon and made his way down the staircase and to the guildhall's doors. He was just about to open them, when they suddenly opened, causing him to stumble backward, managing to stable himself before he could fall.
He looked up to scold whoever it was that almost caused him to fall, but stopped when he found that it was Lucy. The blonde was standing in front of him, a wide smile on her face. She threw her arms around him as she cheered, "Freed! I'm so happy to see you!" 
Freed felt a blush reappear across his cheeks. His arms were slightly raised at his sides and his brow was furrowed in confusion. What was going on? Not even an hour ago, Lucy was red with embarrassment and had run out of the guildhall in a panic. Why was she suddenly so cheerful and didn't seem bothered by what had happened? 
When she stepped away, Lucy clasped his hands in hers and beamed, "let's spend some time together!" 
Freed hesitated. He and Lucy have been spending quite a bit of time together recently, bonding over a shared love of literature and having annoying teammates, but she's never requested a hangout like this. Whenever she did, she would ask if he would meet her at a certain place at a certain time on a certain day. His suspicions raised, Freed responded slowly, "alright. How about in the library?" 
Lucy nodded her head furiously before she bounded in the direction of the library, dragging Freed behind her. Once they entered the library, Freed managed to take his hand from Lucy's hold and walked over to a table, sitting down as he kept a close eye on the blonde. She was acting strangely, but he didn't want to say something just yet. 
Almost immediately after he sat down, Lucy hopped into the seat next to him. Freed watched as she scooted her chair closer and took hold of his upper arm and nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder. Freed froze where he was sitting, his cheeks burning with a red blush. Butterflies fluttered their wings furiously within his gut and his heartbeat picked up its pace. His mind was suddenly jumbled. Lucy was being more affectionate than she is with her own team. She's snuggling up against him as if she was his girlfriend. 
He was enjoying it, of course he was, but he couldn't ignore how out of character it was for her. The only conclusion he could come to was that this wasn't his Lucy. Managing to regain control of his thoughts, he prayed the fake Lucy off of him and stood up, slowly backing away from her. 
When the fake Lucy stood and started walking toward him, confusion on her face, he took a defensive stance and questioned sternly, "who are you? What did you do with Lucy?" 
The fake Lucy tilted her head slightly, asking, "what do you mean?" 
Freed gritted his teeth. The gull of this person to act like they didn't know what he was talking about. He sneered, "you know what I mean! Why are you impersonating Lucy?" 
The fake Lucy walked closer, but instantly stopped when he drew his rapier and pointed it at her. The blonde laughed and raised her hands defensively, fear clearly seen in her eyes. She responded, "look...it's not what you think." 
"I find that hard to believe." He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 
Freed was about to attack when the doors to the library burst open, causing both occupants to jump and snap their heads around in the direction of the entrance. Standing there, slightly out of breath, was Lucy. She walked further into the room, toward the fake. Freed was about to stop her and tell her to stay back from the possibly dangerous person, when Lucy crossed her arms over her chest and commanded, "turn back Gemini!" 
Freed dropped his arm that was holding his rapier, eyes wide with disbelief as the fake Lucy disappeared in a puff of smoke, and was replaced with two small, blue, floating creatures. Celestial spirits, he was able to recognize. Gemini flew around Lucy's head, saying in unison, "we were just trying to help, piri-piri!" 
Lucy sighed, "we'll talk about this later. Just go back to the Spirit World until I summon you to talk." 
The pair of spirits poofed away without a single complaint. Freed sheathed his rapier and looked at Lucy with a critical stare, asking, "Lucy?" 
He watched as Lucy glanced at him before she turned away and groaned, "sorry about them, Freed." 
Freed stepped closer to her, his suspicion rapidly easing until it quickly disappeared altogether. He asked, "what were they doing?" 
There was a rather long pause before Lucy sighed, "if I know them as well as I think I do, they were trying to see if you liked me." 
Freed raised an eyebrow. "Like you? Of course I like you." 
"No, romantically like me." She sounded almost exasperated. 
Freed didn't bother to suppress the smirk that made its way onto his face. "I know." Of course he knew what she meant. It was hard not to from how Gemini was acting. 
Lucy turned to him, surprise clearly written on her face. Her mouth was slightly agape and her eyes wide. She managed to get out, "what?" The word was quiet, disbelieving. 
Freed chuckled before he asked, "what do you think about a date?" 
"...you and me?" 
"Yes. A date. You and me." 
To his enjoyment, Lucy looked away as a blush bloomed across her cheeks. She nodded as she answered shyly, "I would really like that."
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lancermylove · 2 years
Mama (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me 
Pairing: Demon Bros x fem!Reader
Warning: Suggestive.
Requested by: @pansexualweeb​
Prompt: I actually have a request if that's okay with you I just got this idea where the brothers react to a kid running up to MC and saying "Mama!" I wanna see their reactions ☺️
A/N: If anyone wants to be tagged for OM (or any fandom) let me know.
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Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the child before shifting his gaze to you, “My dear, you never informed me that we had a child together. When did this miracle arrive?” 
“W-What? Luci!” You quickly turned your gaze away from your smirking boyfriend, who was enjoying every bit of your reaction. “We haven’t...I mean...no child yet.” 
“Yet? So you wish to have a child with me? Then what are we waiting for? Shall we return to my bedroom?” 
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If Mammon was drinking something, he would take a sip and spew the liquid out. 
This kid was making a mistake, right? There was no way you would have a kid and not tell him, right? Mammon was not going to sit around and let someone else’s kid call you mama. 
He protectively wrapped one around your shoulders and pulled you closer to his side, “Hey, kid, you got the wrong woman. She ain’t your mama, and the only kid she’s havin’ is mine! Ugh...I didn’t say anythin’.”  
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Levi’s jaw dropped, and he quickly backed away from you and the child. “EHHH? You have a kid? Since when? Why didn’t you tell me? Does this mean I am the father? Wait, that can’t be possible. This kid is too old, but we are dating...so am I the adoptive father?” 
Though you tried to tell him this child was making a mistake, he didn’t listen and continued. “I don’t know how to take care of kids. But, (y/n), I will learn quickly...I might mess up, but don’t get mad at me. I will be a good father!”
Hearing his statement made you blush, and you couldn’t stop yourself from hugging him and telling him how cute he was. Meanwhile, the kid stared cluelessly at the two of you.
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Satan uncomfortably cleared his throat and closely observed your reaction. It didn’t seem like you knew the child, but he held his breath and waited for your reaction. 
“Do I remind you of your mother? How cute, but I’m not your mom. Want me to help find your mom?” 
Satan exhaled quietly but continued to watch you interacting with the child. If the two of you had a kid together, is this what he would get to see everyday? Adorable. Wait, what was he thinking? 
You turned around to see Satan with a beet-red face as he tried his best to avoid making eye contact with you. 
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Asmo dropped all his shopping bags and covered his mouth with his hands. You had such an adorable child and didn’t tell him? He was ready to hug the kid and introduce himself, but much to his dismay, you quickly cleared the misunderstanding. 
“Wait, Asmo! It’s not what you think. This is not my child. Maybe I have the features as their mom.” 
“Oh...,” he would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed. Asmo was ready to spoil the child with gifts, affection, and loads of hugs. 
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Beel tilted his head, shifting his eyes between you and the child. Did they call you mom? You have a child? Does that mean you already have someone else in your life? Beel’s chest hurt. 
“B-Beel? Why do you look sad? Wait, I don’t have any kids.” 
“So, you don’t have anyone special in your life?” Just the thought of someone being in your life made the knot in his heart grow tighter. 
“I do have someone special in my life, and his name is Beel!” You giggled while giving him a tight hug. The Avatar of Gluttony couldn’t have been happier to hear those words and returned your hug. 
The child smiled and ran towards you with arms wide open. While the three of you hugged in the middle of the market, the bystanders couldn’t help but “awww” at the cute scene in front of them. 
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C-C-Child!? You have a child? Belphie frowned at the thought of you getting close to another man and turned around to walk away, but you grabbed his arm. 
“Hey, dear,” you cooed at the kid, deciding to play along with them. “Remember I told you I would introduce you to your father? Well, meet Belphegor, your beloved dad.” 
The Avatar of Sloth felt like someone pulled the ground from under his legs. When did the two of you have a kid? Why didn’t you tell him? Hold on, you were joking, weren’t you? He sighed and pinched your cheek, “Don’t joke around with me.” 
Belphie quietly watched you talking to the child with a smile. Having a kid with you didn’t seem like a bad idea. Besides, taking a nap while holding onto his tiny hybrid offspring sounded nice. 
➣  Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
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tags: @underratedbitch-number13​
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Obey Me Opposites Attract (2)
Part 1 is here (Luci, Mammon, Levi and Satan)! 
Hope you enjoy! ^^
While Asmo is a natural flirt, charming, shameless for causing troubles to others, HIGHLY narcissistic, secretly insecure and very dirty minded,
then you’re someone who has a romance as cold as ice, not repelling but nothing attractive, modest, actually quite proud of yourself (not too much), and a mind as pure as the heavens.
Asmo didn’t really thought much about you at first. All he wanted to do was woo you like what he did with every other human. But you proven yourself to be a tough nut to crack.
Every flirt he threw at you only gotten a raise of an eyebrow, eyes looking at him with pure confusion.
And if he tried to crack a dirty minded flirt with you, would only result you in taking his hint literally and telling him that’s not humanly possible.
Man oh man-
Each attempt of flirting with you made him more and more frustrated, and Satan asked him, “Why do you bother?”
And Asmo wonders why too. Why does HE, the most beautiful demon in all of Devildom, wants to get your attention from someone as... well... plain and boring as you? (I’m so sorry- blame Asmo-)
But he can’t help it. Eventually one day you looked at him with a straight face. 
“I... I’m not sure if you want to start a conversation with me, which I really appreciate it but... I don’t really understand the topics you bring up..”
And that’s where Asmo realised. For so long, so long of throwing flirts and receiving confusion, neither of you knew anything about each other.
And... now you’re thrown into the threshold of him now glomping you with so much beauty products and makeup to try on, clothes, fashion, and you talk about your favourite things, hobbies and interests with him.
Eventually, you guys had such a close relationship.
“You look so pretty in that dress, s/o!”
“Hehe! Thanks, Asmo! But that’s because you have such good taste after all!”
Oh, stop! You’re too modest! But in all honesty, Asmo has gotten over of grasping for attention. Because of you, and what he learnt from you, he’s more focused on spending time with you and family than anything else, and he actually received far more attention because of it.
Now it’s his time to be modest! It’s because of you!! <3
Beel is a really hungry, active, an emotionally mature man who treasures family, naive and childlike.
You are someone who’s, well, not usually hungry, quite lazy or not as active, more practical than emotional, crafty, intelligent and jaded.
When Beel first met you, he thought you would get along with Lucifer the most.
You were no-nonsense and no funny business, very smart and acted like a mature adult. You were definitely the type Lucifer would appreciate and get along. That’s only until he realised you can’t stand Lucifer at times, in fact, you’d rather not go all friendly with him.
Beel finds himself with you in Hell’s Kitchen, introducing you to the many delicious food out there that can be considered light for you (he had to REALLY search up, ask everyone else including Satan and Lucifer what light food is since he knows humans can’t really eat his diet size, and you don’t even eat a lot as well-), as you only nod, trying the food he recommended.
Beel thought of you as someone cold, and maybe a little intimidating because of the mature frame you presented yourself with. He thought you must be some high ranking official of Diavolo.
But Beel could see something quite off. You were... struggling. In something. He notices that every time you talk to someone like Mammon or Levi, you sharply remark them in a harsh tone and way, and then when they leave dejectedly, your frown. Frown... to yourself it seems?
He straight up went up to you with a poker face while munching on his burger. “Why do you look upset after you speak to someone?”
You were a little shocked by his sudden comment, but you looked at him with a frown, eyes a little softer however, “I never mean to be.... harsh..”
Beel blinked. From that point onwards, Beel was truly the only person who gets pass your blunt comments. You don’t mean it, and he assures you he’s alright. By talking to him a lot, getting over your rudeness and getting over his own guilt and be happy with where he is today... you and him feel a lot better. And you two are so truly inseparable.
He flashes you a clumsy, lighted with pure joy grin, crumbs sticking from the corners of his mouth like a goof, as you scoffed, but wore a small, genuine smile. <3
The clever trickster and liar, grudge holding, proactive, efficient, sensible and mellow, rebellious and introverted Avatar of Sloth,
with a truthful and honest, forgiving, passive, I won’t say foolish but you’re more emotionally intelligent, quite harsh and blunt (perhaps unintentionally-), obedient and extroverted human.
How did this even combust well?
Belphie never understood this either. How in Hell did he manage to even befriend a human, much less someone of the complete opposite of him?
While he’s okay with you as acquaintance in the beginning, he was quite irritated by how bubbly and talkative you were. He’ll interrupt you by mumbling curses, lightly throwing a pillow to ask you to back off. He thinks you were quite naive to let him out of that cell, and you’re talkative nature, stereotypically to him, reflects that.
Belphie also thinks you’re really soft. You accepted that you’ll die because of him, and listen to what Lucifer says always. Such a doll, he thought.
Belphie dragged his way down the stairs, yawning as he lazily blinked. He sees you down at the living room... eating and having some crazy fun with a video game on silent..? Yo- Lucifer isn’t even up at this hour- How tf are you awake? How tf is HE awake??
Well, Belphie doesn’t really care by this point, but he walks up to you with a glass of milk he poured for himself. “What the fck are you doing..?” “Playing Levitating Adventures from Levi. Wanna play?”
He blinked. That... used to be him, Levi and Beel. They rarely do that nowadays. He shrugs, plopping himself on the couch as he took a control, playing with you. Eventually, it just became yourself playing as he quietly cheer for you, well, in a Belphie way- 
Belphie quietly listened to you ramble about your day, Beel, what Barbatos made, what troubles Mammon caused, Luke baked a cake with Solomon and so on, like what he does with you one every other day after this event.
He looks down, and suddenly hits you with the question. “Are you... mad at me for... you know... killing you..?” You blinked at him. “Well, I’m alive now, and your intentions had meaning I can’t wrong you for. I mean, having someone die because of a species... I don’t blame you.” He grabbed your shoulders in fast motion, looking at you with eyes filled with shock and disbelief.
“BUT WHY?! I- I-” he lost his ability to speak. You placed a hand on his arm, and gently guided them back to his side. “You... looked so sad that... I couldn’t do anything...” He stares at you with an unreadable expression.
“Belph-” he suddenly hugged you, stuffing his face in the crook of your neck. “Belphie..?”
“Don’t say a word,” he whispers, “just... I...”
You smiled softly, wrapping your arms around him as well. “Sorry is hard to say, but know that I’ll always forgive you.” <3
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jemmahazelnut · 2 years
I miss you
Summary: Lucy goes on a mission with the Thunder Legion and Natsu is worried about her joining them. [Nalu, Lucy & Thunder Legion]
Link: AO3
Notes: I just want more Lucy and Thunder Legion brotp. And jealous Natsu of course. Hope I have kept them as IC as possible. Enjoy it!
I miss you
“No,” Laxus said even before he heard what Natsu had to say.
“No what?” the Dragon Slayer asked confused, sitting down next to him.
“I’m not going to fight with you or whatever you want to do,” Laxus said in annoyance, taking a sip of his beer.
Natsu snorted. “That wasn’t what I meant.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie, even though he’d thought about it five minutes ago. Now he had changed his mind, although if Laxus had proposed to fight he wouldn’t have flinched. It would probably have been the only fun thing to fill that boredom. Boredom Natsu felt ever since Lucy left on a mission without him.
That wasn’t the problem, Lucy occasionally took missions with Levy or Freed or other people, Natsu was used to it. The real problem was that Lucy had taken a mission with the Thunder Legion, and it wasn’t the first time! After Freed had asked Lucy to join them two weeks ago, she was pleased and had decided to do another one with them, because apparently Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen were not as destructive as he, Gray and Erza. They had a plan and they respected it, according to Lucy. They also took the full reward, according to Lucy.
It was probably true, but what did it matter? They weren’t Lucy’s team anyway, he was Lucy’s mate, not them.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Laxus grunted, glaring at him.
“I was supposed to be on a mission with Lucy, and your boyfriend took her away from me.” Natsu blushed slightly after saying the sentence, he seemed to be jealous of Freed, but he wasn’t like that at all! He was just annoyed because they had stolen his teammate. Oh God, wasn’t Lucy going to join them? Absolutely not, there was no way. Natsu began to get annoyed, what if Lucy would rather do missions with them? What if she decided it was better off with Laxus’ bodyguards? No, it wasn’t possible. It wasn’t even possible for Lucy to join the Thunder Legion, right?
Laxus raised an eyebrow. “You’re burning the table, stop it.”
Natsu realized it only in that moment and snorted and crossed his arms.
“Why did Lucy go with them?” he asked without bothering to show his annoyance. He still had every right to be annoyed, he was Lucy’s teammate. Him, not Freed. Not Bickslow, and not Evergreen.
“I’ve no idea. Who cares? In three days she will be back”.
“Three days?!” Natsu exclaimed in shock. “I thought she would be back today!”
“They left today, and Freed never takes day missions,” Laxus said and frowned. “What’s the problem anyway? Go on a mission with Happy, or with Gray and Erza”.
“It’s not the same,” Natsu grumbled. “Lucy is my teammate”.
“Wendy is too, and you didn’t make all these fusses when she went on a mission with Freed,” Laxus said, rolling his eyes.
“It’s not the same thing”.
“Because Wendy isn’t blonde and pretty?” Laxus teased him.
“Yea-no!” Natsu yelled, blushing slightly and Laxus’ lips curled into a small smile, as if he had gotten what he wanted. Natsu was already about to beat him but Laxus surprisingly threw a Lacrima at him, and Natsu took it in confusion.
“Call Freed so you can talk to the blonde,” Laxus told him. Natsu was speechless for a moment, but then smiled.
“Thank you!” he exclaimed, completely forgetting that he wanted to fight him. Immediately afterwards he ran out of the guild, losing the faint smile on Laxus’s face.
“So, don’t you have any news?” Evergreen asked and Lucy frowned, careful not to move as the girl was braiding her hair.
“News about what?”
“On a certain Fire Dragon Slayer, is he ardent even in bed?” Bickslow asked with a grin as he lit a fire and Lucy felt her cheeks heat up. Oh no, did Bickslow feel so comfortable with her already? She had hoped not to be the victim of his jokes like Freed and Evergreen were. And where had Freed gone? He was the only one who could stop Bickslow.
“Don’t listen to him, tell me if there’s any news instead,” Evergreen said. “Did you put into practice the advice I gave you last time?”
Lucy wanted to bury herself. No that she hadn’t put them into practice, and anyway she doubted they would work with Natsu. Not that it was bad advice - Evergreen was the only girl Lucy trusted to ask for love advice - but she doubted that anything would work with Natsu.
“Did you give her advice?” Bickslow asked curiously.
“Sure,” Evergreen said. “The only reason she’s still single is because she had Erza as a mentor, and that says it all. The way she flirts sucks, and...”
“Well, we’re not talking about Erza,” Bickslow interrupted and turned to Lucy, smiling dangerously. “I think you should listen to my advice. You go into his house, undress and get into his bed.”
Lucy blushed. “Thanks, but I don’t need your advice,” she said firmly, hoping to silence them both. It didn’t work.
“You don’t need the advice of that idiot, but you certainly need mine,” Evergreen said with a know-it-all attitude. “Make him want you, now you and Natsu see each other every day so you have to make him miss you, and maybe make him understand that you want a boyfriend. Talk to him, in general, about dating and romance, if he ever liked any girl, if he went out with someone, if he’d like it.”
“He just likes to fight,” Lucy murmured.
“I doubt it, it seems, but it isn’t,” Evergreen said. She was about to start talking again but at that moment Freed arrived and brutally interrupted them.
“What are you doing? I told you to start cooking Ever, not to play around. You haven’t set up the curtains yet, and it’s already dark.”
“The grumpy captain is here” Bickslow commented and Lucy giggled a bit, while Freed forced the two friends to get up.
“We were talking about important things,” Evergreen complained.
“Was it about the mission?” Freed asked.
“No, it was about Lucy’s love life.”
“It was nothing important,” the blonde hastened to say, wanting to end the subject there. Freed’s expression became curious and Lucy groaned internally, no! Not even him! Evergreen and Bickslow must have noticed this too, because they took advantage of it right away.
“I was giving her some valuable love advice.”
“Maybe you could help her since Laxus and Natsu are similar.”
Evergreen and Bickslow said at the same time. And Freed, to Lucy’s surprise, blushed slightly.
“Similar? If Laxus heard you he would strike you,” Freed commented trying to hide his embarrassment.
“But I’m right,” Bickslow retorted. “I mean, Laxus is also an idiot when it comes to relationships, he too has only been interested in fighting for years, and your relationship reminds me of Natsu and Lucy’s. You have been such unsuspecting friends for so long. And once Laxus got into your bed.”
“Really?” Lucy asked curious. Honestly, she didn’t imagine it. Freed glared at his friend and the way his cheeks blushed made Lucy giggle.
“Keep asking him about me and Laxus, and I won’t save you from Bickslow’s lines anymore,” Freed warned. Despite the threatening tone, Lucy laughed.
“Okay okay, I won’t ask for anything then” she promised raising her hands in peace but the sly smile she shared with Bickslow told her that he would tell her all about Freed and Laxus without her needing to ask. Even if the boy would have made jokes at her expense, it might have been worth it. She was quite curious about the relationship between Laxus and Freed. Not for the reasons Bickslow had said, she didn’t need indirect advice from listening to someone else’s love story. Although, in that case, perhaps they could really be useful. Laxus was somehow similar to Natsu...
“Now let’s work. Lucy, first Natsu called on the Lacrima. Call him back, he said he needed you urgently,” Freed said pulling the Lacrima out of his backpack and handing it to her. Lucy got confused.
“Urgent need?”
Freed smiled almost wickedly. “Or rather, he missed you terribly. He’s pretty jealous, he thought I wanted to drag you away from him.”
Lucy blushed. “W-what?” she stammered but Freed didn’t answer. Lucy quickly walked away from the three boys, trying to ignore Bickslow’s annoying jokes about Dragon Slayer’s jealousy.
“Hey, Freed said you needed me,” Lucy said when Natsu answered. She had positioned herself in the woods, far away from where they had decided to camp. The boy’s face was smiling and Lucy settled cross-legged while a spontaneous smile filled her face.
“Ah, yeah, not really, I just wanted to hear you,” Natsu said and that warmed Lucy’s chest. “It’s just that Freed is so boring, he said you were working, so I had to come up with an excuse.”
Lucy giggled knowing full well that Freed might be too loyal to work. “I understand”.
“So, how’s the mission going?” Natsu asked.
“Uh, good. We are looking for…”
“Aren’t they boring?” Natsu interrupted with a grunt. Lucy blinked in surprise at that question. Freed had told her that Natsu was jealous but she had thought he was saying it just to tease her.
“Um, no… actually me Bickslow and Ever were talking, before Freed interrupted us,” she said, hoping not to blush at the memory of what they were talking about and especially what Bickslow had said.
“Freed is boring then. Wait, Evergreen lets you call her Ever? When I did it, she petrified me.”
“I think she petrified you because you burned her fan, Natsu” Lucy commented but smiled a little. Natsu looked really annoyed, for some reason. But she doubted he was jealous, he had no reason. He was probably just annoyed that she didn’t go on a mission with him. It didn’t make sense though, even Erza, Gray and Wendy had taken missions with other people lately and Natsu had never particularly cared.
“Well, anyway, no one calls her Ever. Only her teammates,” Natsu said and then the smile faded from his face. Lucy couldn’t see clearly from the Lacrima but it almost looked like he was disappointed, sad or worried. Was he really afraid of her joining the Thunder Legion?
“I’m not leaving the team if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said at that point reassuringly.
“Of course you won’t,” Natsu snapped and Lucy smiled slightly.
“Besides, I don’t really think they would want me,” she chuckled.
“So why is Freed constantly stealing you? It’s already the second time,” Natsu complained.
“Actually, I proposed myself,” Lucy admitted in a low voice, almost ashamed of it.
“Why?” Natsu asked surprised and bitter.
“Well, I... I just wanted to befriend them a little, you know,” she shrugged.
“You can do it in the guild, or you could have taken me with you,” Natsu complained.
Lucy raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you say they’re boring?”
“Yes, but I make things less boring” Natsu smiled and Lucy laughed.
“Okay, next time you will come too. If they want it too.”
“Next time we will do a mission alone,” Natsu retorted and Lucy smiled and nodded.
“Sure,” she said and then glanced into the trees, hearing footsteps. It was probably her guildmates who were coming to call her for dinner. “Now I have to go, they’re looking for me.”
“Come back soon, right?” Natsu asked and Lucy was silent for a moment.
“The mission lasts three days, Natsu.”
“Well, they have called themselves Fairy Tail’s strongest team for years. If they really are, let them prove it and complete it in one day!” he exclaimed.
“We’ll see” Lucy smiled and remained silent for a few seconds.
“I miss you,” Natsu murmured after a while and Lucy blushed and felt her heart beating madly.
“I miss you too,” she said softly. At that moment she saw a totem flutter a few meters from her and blushed even more. “Now I really have to go, see you when I get back,” she said and closed the Lacrima without letting Natsu speak.
“Oh, you’re so cute, cosplayers,” Bickslow grinned. “I assure you that we will finish the mission in two days, so you can go back to cuddle with your passionate Dragon Slayer.”
Lucy nearly threw the Lacrima at him. “You better shut that mouth, Bickslow.”
“Otherwise what, cosplayer?” the boy laughed. “Don’t worry, I have a lot of jokes for Natsu too, as soon as we get back to the guild.”
Lucy sighed in despair, suddenly she regretted going on a mission with the Thunder Legion.
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jackiebuttcakes · 3 years
How I Imagined Recent Gruvia Chapter Pt. 1
Juvia was sulking by the Fairy Tail bar, resting her sleepless head on the table, arms stretched in front of her with her hands dangling at the edge. Macao was sitting adjacent from her, sipping his beer, watching her with his eyebrow raised.
"Missing him a lot, aren't ya Juvia?" He teased, taking another huge gulp. He almost choked halfway through when he heard the enticing moan of the half-awaken bluenette.
"Juvia always feels uneasy whenever Gray-sama is out. Anything could happen to him out there," She whimpered, staring at her reflection in a empty wine glass. Macao laughed uncontrollably. If she wasn't as exhausted worrying about her beloved, she would've socked the shit out of him.
"He'll be alright. This is Gray we're talking about," He reassured.
"Macao's right," Mira interjected, taking the wine glass to clean it. "I understand that you're worried because he's Gray... but now, he has a reason to be careful," She grinned. Juvia flushed when she stared at her. "Although it's nice to know that you always want what's best for him"
Juvia adjusted her posture and smiled back at her. "Thank you Mira-san, Macao-kun. Juvia has a lot of faith in him, I'm sure he'll come back soon with everyone," As if the universe answered her, Natsu's powerful kick blasted through the double doors at the entrance of the guild hall. With the iconic grin of his, Juvia had never felt more relieved to see the love of her life beside him.
"WE'RE HOOOMMMEEE!" Natsu hollered. The guild was lively once again, especially when Juvia reached for her beloved. Gray saw her at the corner of his eye, already accustomed to his Juvia-radar.
"GRAY-SAMA!" She squealed with her goofy heart-shaped eyes and outstretched arms ready to embrace him.
"Juvia!" He said excitedly responded with no intention of resisting her hug attack. This time, her embrace was a bit stronger than he had anticipated. "Woah there," he chuckled.
"You aren't injured in any way, are you? Juvia will examine you thoroughly! Come now, get undressed!" She teased, leaving no wiggle room to move around.
"I'm fine," He simply responded, staring at her lovingly. He recalled the many Juvia's he encountered in his recent adventures, and in Hakune's illusions and although each of one them was unique and very Juvia, he knew in his heart that there was only one he wanted to fight for. Getting to feel her warmth again washed away all of his worries. He was consumed by his overwhelming thoughts that he didn't realize he was being dragged to one of the nearby tables. He noticed that Juvia had prepared something for him. "Have you been doing good?"
Juvia quickly spun around showing her handmade bouquet of mini Grays. "Juvia was oh, so very worried, so she made all of these Gray-sama dolls!" She answered cheerfully.
She switched to overdrive once again, showering him with all of her love since they haven't seen each other for a while. As much as Juvia did not want him to leave, it has become routine. Gray would leave with the team without a word about who they were fighting and what they were up against, and then arrive back home with bandages, smiling brightly because Fairy Tail prevailed once again. Because she only had rare moments with him, she decided to optimize every encounter before he left once again.
"Juvia had anticipated your arrival ever since you vanished to Edolas! So, I planned an intricate date plan for the week!" She pulled out a big poster out of nowhere and slammed in on the table to get his attention. "Juvia knows how picky Gray-sama can be, so I made sure that we have a lot of options! We can go to the water park, have dinner on a balcony, go on a picnic-" Her enthuasiasm was put to a halt, when she glanced at him. Her body froze and her heart fell when she saw her beloved, resting his chin on his hand, looking at her with endearing eyes and a smile that was so rare to be seen on his stern face. She felt anxious and confused. Usually, she expected him to look irritated, finding any way to digress. But the way he acted at this moment, it caught her off guard.
"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"J-Juvia is um...." She stuttered, trying to process this sudden change. "Gray-sama... the way you're looking at Juvia... why are you so-"
"Happy to see you?" He finished. Her eyes widened, face flushed. He chuckled at her reaction. "And what if I am?" He asked in a softer tone, his eyes still locked on hers. She bit her lip, trembling at how straight forward he was. Eventually, she averted his gaze, staring at her hands fumbling with her dress.
"T-Then.... that makes Juvia very happy too.." She muttered, too embarrassed to look at him again. His hand came into view, gently bringing her hands to the table, rubbing his thumb softly on her palms.
"Let's have that dinner on the balcony tonight," She immediately looked at him again, competely shocked.
"R-Really? T-Tonight?" He nodded, getting up and lightly patting her hat.
"I have to tell you something important. Something I wanted to tell you for a very long time," He tried so hard to contain himself as she looked at him in awe. "How does 8pm sound?"
Juvia stood up, second guessing why she did it so affirmatively. "8pm is perfect Gray-sama!" She shouted unintentionally which she immediately regreted when she felt everyone's gaze. Gray blushed in embarrassment clearing his throat.
"I'll see you tonight then," He muttered, walking out of the guild to prep himself. Juvia on the other hand, sat back down staring at her poster on the table. Suddenly, Lucy, Wendy, Evergreen, and Levy appeared hovering over her.
"Oh my god Juvia, did I overhear you guys correctly?" Lucy began.
"I can't believe that he agreed to go on a date with you! It's about time," Levy said, nudging Juvia's arm who was still processing everything.
"You were so head on before he dropped that on you huh, Juvs? You really do love him," She lightly teased.
"Gray-sama really does mean a lot to me...." She answered, clutching her heart.
"It sounds like you're unsure about going with him tonight, Juvia-san..." Wendy said.
"Juvia is scared... I don't know what he's going to say... and how Juvia is going to handle it-"
"If Gray wants to spend time with you privately, it sounds like he wants to tell you something important " Lucy interrupted before she continued down the rabbit hole of her whirring thoughts.
"He did say that..."
"Then don't worry too much. Embrace it! We're right here with you," The girls cheered. Juvia felt more at ease now, and gave them a smile.
Gray took a breather outside, surprised that he just asked her out on a date. He leaned his back against outside walls of the guild, feeling his his heart throbbing. He didn't know how he was going to tell her everything, how to pour out his feelings towards her, and how much he was holding back. But, he knew that deep down in his soul, he loved her so much, and he would do anything and everything for her. So, if he was going to confess, underneath the starry night sky, with her and her alone, then that is what he will do.
Anyone want a part 2? XDD
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oriigirii · 3 years
💞 MC is a Genshin Simp 💞
Tumblr media
{ AN: Omg! This is my first ask so thank you anon (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)/!! This is such a vibe too haha, I hope you like it! } Warnings: None [Maybe Refs and Chars you wont get if you dont play Genshin Impact] * Probably a bit OOC too *
Reader: Gender-Neutral [Default]
( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
< Genshin Impact was a game that took the human realm by storm, with its open-world gameplay, its competitive PvE and aesthatic settings, it was truly something that captured you the moment the beta was announced. Although, as with any Gacha games, you weren’t only attracted to the world and its setting.
No no.
The characters were truly the main eye candy of the game. You’d been worried that when you had been sucked into Devildom, you wouldn’t be able to access the game due to, yknow, realm differences, but luckily that wasn’t the case thanks to Levi, and hence why the moment it dropped, you had been spending your life savings simping for characters on every banner.
Yknow theres handsome bois in devildom too... Theyre just kinda waiting for you to put your game down for a moment and kinda notice em ~((Φ◇Φ)‡ >
ฅ⁽͑ ˚̀ ˙̭ ˚́ ⁾̉ฅ Lucifer
He usually doesn’t mind you playing games
Although, He would’ve preferred if you didn’t cause you kinda need to focus on your studies yknow?
But hey he’s not stopping you
Usually you would stay with him as he works, but he can’t seem to focus with you constantly begging beside him
Small little ‘please’ would be heard every now and then, and a sudden look of disappointment would show on your face.
He tried to ignore it, even giving little cues for you to quiet down, like clearing his throat
You didnt seem to pick up the hint though
He was just about to ask you what you were doing in the first place that has you praying beside him (which is hella rude) but your scream of happiness has him a little more irked and kinda taken back
You show him the screen showing your pull results
The character held a giant claymore with bright red hair
Before he can get another word in, you snatch your phone back and just sigh as if youd just had a heavenly (ironic) experience and mumble
“I seriously love him, Im so happy...”
Bro same though, Diluc pls come home
You were truly one of a kind, because youve just managed to break the Avatar of Pride’s... well.... Pride.
Did he just get cucked by a man in a video game?
Truly outrageous.
He seems to scoff and holds back a bit of an eye roll as he tries to focus back on his work
But boy oh boy, his salt is high
“If you are going to be causing a ruckus MC, May i suggest you doing it with Levi instead, I have no time for such games. I dont see why youre so caught up in such a character anyways, he looks quite basic.”
His words were sharp, and that was enough to shake you out of your fangirl/boy mode.
You were literally ready to fight the first born, a literal fucking fallen angel, for dissing Diluc like that
how dare
But then you notice how he seems to avoid your gaze and a small little red tint was on the tip of his ears.
Lucifer wouldve wanted to see you that happy with him, but no, a game character steals that spotlight.
Instead of being intimidated by the sudden coldness, you giggle and finally close your phone and set it aside
You can continue celebrating and bragging about it later, for now, you wrap your arms around his arm and give him a small smooch on the cheek, which definitely makes him blush a tad bit
“Awww Luci dont be like that, Yknow I love you more”
Potential apocalypse has been diverted
But Lucifer does smile the smallest of smiles as he sighs, finding it silly to really get jealous over such a small thing and says
“I love you too, my dear... but you do have to make up for distracting me from my work...”
Well you kinda deserve it, so it wasnt long before both his work and your phone had been ditched
( After a while you do kinda see him quite similar to Diluc and it just makes you smile everytime you think about it, seems you have a thing for the strict cold men huh?)
Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) Mammon
Why you simping for a fictional character when you already have him?!
He’s your first man!
Your homie!
“Yeah well hes my first 5* so can you blame me?”
But for real, this man is just so clingy
He has heard from Levi that you were playing a new game from the human world, and of course, he had wanted to see what it was about by watching you play.
But since it was quite grind-heavy gacha game, he grew a bit bored and asked you to come with him to hang out somewhere else, or even go to the casino and gamble his money away cause he just got goldie back
But no matter what he suggests, you were just so focused on your grinding.
He’d prefer a different kinda grinding right about now with how lonely he is, ya feel me?
But no, you still werent interested.
“Oi! Cmon MC, whats even so important about this?”
“I already told you Mammon, Im grinding for primogems from the event! Theyre gonna be gone soon and I just HAVE to get them! Ugh I swear to Diavolo, if I dont, Imma cry! I didnt get him on their first banner too... ugh!”
Wait no--
Cmon he doesnt want you to cry!
Mammon kinda stays silent for a bit as he watches you struggle to fight the monsters with your low level team, frustration growing on your face.
But as you finish, Mammon seems to snatch your phone
“Hey! whats the big deal Mammon?!”
“Shut up and show me where the store is geez”
Mammon’s demands kinda surprises you and you raise an eyebrow at him, but you do show where it was, and sit back for a while as Mammon just fiddles around with it. You werent sure what he was doing honestly, was he interested? Did you say anything that made him act this way? All you talked about the game was the gacha system so--
“Mammon! Wait you dont have to---”
“There! I got you as much primo things, or whatever theyre called”
He already has tossed you your phone back and he crossed his arms, looking away as the red blush covers most of his cheeks.
You look at your phone and you honestly felt your heart speed up and stop at the same time at the amount of primos on your account, it was enough for a full 180 pull! If you dont get the limited character on the first 50-50, you have another shot!
You felt your own heart speed up and your face burn so hard, but you do mumble him a quick “But... But why though?”
“Cuz! If you start cryin’ Lucifer’s gonna beat my ass! Dont think I did it for you, you human! I just dont want him taking away Goldie again!”
“But I thought this was your gambling money, isnt it?”
“w-well!... I mean... Hmph.. Gachas kinda like gambling right?, I know Lucifers gonna hang me if he catches me in the casino again anyways, so I thought I might as well just do this... with you...or whatever...” Hes dying, help
But so are you!
Hes too fucking cute and you just glomp him and just hug him as tight as you can!!
Flusterred boi 100
But you do spend you afternoon on his lap, both of you rolling the full 180 in excitement, whether you get that boi/gal you simped for on the banner or not, you still were happy to spend some time with Mammon
He doesnt mind losing a bit of cash for you
but you do promise to pay him back (maybe with a few kissy)
But to be honest, Gacha probably will help him with his gambling addiction...
He doesnt go to casinos anymore but he does whale with you now
Lucifer has such a mix feeling with these results.
But he still confiscates Goldie and your card on the end, yall need to chill.
ヽ(。_°)ノ Leviathan
He probably wasn’t even interested on the game at first
He already has enough games to play, and it just looks like another rip off of some other game he saw not too long ago with that elf looking guy
But when you came to him asking for his help to get the game, you bet your ass that he felt a switch click
Suddenly it was incredibly interesting!
You do share your interests to him almost immediately
By interests, of course i mean the peeps you simp for
The sexy ara ara in the library of mondstat, the pirate looking ass of the guards, the pirate looking ass’s brother thats a wine owner and still highkey reminds you of Lucifer, the demon slayer--- You were actually unsure if you should talk about Xiao but hey hes cool
You explain it all!
From their lore to their voice lines and whatever
But honestly what do you expect from the Avatar of Envy?
Of course hes gonna be a bit jealous! He cant compare to any of these characters! Hes not as witty as that eye patch man, hes not as sophisticated as that red head, hes not as flirty as that ara ara either!
As you go on, you notice that Levi was kinda... half listening....
It made you pout, but then, it made you worried
Uh-oh you know that look
its that, ‘im overthinking’ look
So to snap him out of it, you kinda grab his face as gently as you can
“Need Grimm for your thoughts?”
He flushes and he immediately looks away, but you usher him to look at you as you coo and ask him whats wrong
It takes a bit till he kinda explains to you how hes feeling
In your relationship, you both were practicing being more open with each other, hence why you were proud of Levi for saying it
but you did feel kinda sad and frowned as he finishes explaining
“You... feel jealous?”
“Ugh d-dont say it out loud normie....”
He covers his face with his arm and you just cant help but shake your head with a fond smile, but you do need to address this and comfort him.
“Levi... when you fanboy about Ruri chan, did you ever think she was better than me?”
Your question made him frown and look at you in absolute worry
Did you actually think that you were below Ruri chan?
Of course hes an absolute simp for Ruri but.. cmon
Now that he thinks about it, he does talk about her a lot doesnt he? oh no...
“MC O-Of course not! I love Ruri chan yes, but you... I... I Love... you more...” Levi exe do be dying
But you smile at his response and gently kisses his cheek
“I think thats sweet Levi... But thats how I am too... Youre still better than any of these characters, youre real and they arent, youre mine and I am yours~ Youre my personal 5 star!” You wink at him and Levi just dips
his heart couldnt handle the cuteness and he died, ladies and gentlemen
but for real he did pass out
Must be from all the blood on his head from the blush
But ah, he does get it, and after being showered with love from you, He kinda slowly got over his jealousy
its not immediate but with simple reassurances, you can manage to reel him in and have fun with you
He does end up enjoying the game cause he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to show off when events happen 
He also goes out of his way to memorize locations for materials for you, and when youre sick or busy, he pilots your account
true gamer
But ironically enough hed probably start simping for a character too and of course, you both start bonding over that, which just makes Levi absolutely happy
I wonder if hed simp for Barbara, she is an idol afterall like Ruri chan
Probably lowkey for now
Afterall she looks like a minor so-----
( I dunno i searched shes 16-18 lol )
But regardless, I can imagine you both just cosplaying each others fav characters too
Its a wack looking ship cosplay but yall just simp for each other cause of it, its pretty fun but the rest of the brothers just finds it hella weird
I only have energy for these 3 as always, Im sorry! But i promise Ill do the rest!! I hope you guys do enjoy, and Id love some feedback on the characters personalities cause I know they can be a bit Ooc, But feel free to send me an ask! Im pretty open lol 〜( ̄△ ̄〜)
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nyxs-sins · 3 years
Hey hey hey
If you're comfortable with it could you write om boys obsessed with gn!mc's small breast?
If you dont want to do all of them it's ok, can I at least ask for Luci, Mams, Levi, Asmo and Barb? I need reassurance 'bout my smol breast👉👈95B
And also could you make Levi a kinda obsessed virgin otaku, I think of that manga panel that goes "I wanna touch some boobs."from chainsaw man
Sfw or not, it's up to you thank you very much<3
GN!MC is Insecure About Their Small Breasts
Warning: Slight NSFT (Not Safe For Travel)?
Nyx: I hope I did well enough on this one and that it is acceptable… 👉👈 It’s kinda short, and I’m not great at this kind of writing I don’t think, sorry. 😔
MC sighs for the umpteenth time that evening, wrapping their arms around themself and pouting as they stare at their reflection in the mirror.
“What’s wrong?”
MC glances up at their lover, taking a deep breath before answering. “Are my breasts too small?”
“No? Why would you think that?”
Lucifer does not understand why you would be insecure over the size of your breasts.
He’s also the Avatar of Pride so even if he is ever insecure about anything he’d never allow anyone to find out.
But seeing you so insecure makes him frown.
“It’s just…”
“Nothing. It’s just nothing. You’re perfect the way you are, MC. And if anyone says otherwise, I’ll punish them.”
He gently drapes his coat over your shoulders and kisses your forehead.
He uses his hand to gently brush yours away from yourself, making eye contact with you in the mirror.
“Do you really think I would be with someone who isn’t perfect?”
“How about some tea?”
“Now why would ya think that?”
He glances at you from his phone, raising an eyebrow.
“Someone say somethin’ to ya? If ya want I can kill ‘em.”
“I don’t see the problem with it.”
He’s trying his hardest not to blush and stutter.
“Ya look cute.”
He pulls you so you’re curled up in his side, and then he goes back to scrolling through his phone.
“Here, look at this.”
When he shows you his phone, it’s the search bar of small breasted models.
“There’s nothing wrong with them being- being small.”
His face is so red.
He quickly exists the page once he is convinced his point is made.
He’s constantly glancing at your chest whenever you play together.
You never noticed ad first, but the longer you two hung out, and especially after you started dating, you noticed it more.
Then you asked him that.
He would stutter, face red and unable to produce coherent words.
Naturally, you thought the worse, and got up to leave.
But Levi stopped you, grabbing your wrist.
“D-don’t go… I-I didn’t… I mean… THEY’RE PERFECT!”
He shouts the last sentence, and when he realizes he did, he immediately lets go of you.
He buries his face in his hands, shaking his head.
Just, give him a bit of time to reboot.
But you feel better knowing he wasn’t staring at your chest with disdain.
“No way!! Why would you think that?!”
He throws his arms around you, pulling you into his lap on his silky sheets.
“Whoever put such a thought in your head?”
He would nuzzle and kiss your chest before gently nipping at it.
“Besides, some say that smaller breasts are more sensitive~”
“Wanna find out~?”
His answer is simple, final, decisive.
It’s almost comforting how quickly he said it.
Still, you wanted more comfort and reassurance.
“They aren’t?”
“Do you think they are?”
“They are a part of you, and I love all of you. That includes your breasts.”
The fact that he’s able to say this with a straight face while washing a teacup-
He has to hide a smirk when he sees you flustered.
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wowcool808 · 4 years
Obey Me-A Midnight Encounter Pt. 1-Older Brothers
This is a scenario I made about the brothers stumbling across the MC while they are getting water. I really figured it would be easier to divide the brothers’ experience, so I’ll post the last part with the younger brothers as soon as I finish it. I hope you enjoy!
To set the scene, MC is laying in their bed, staring up at the ceiling. They have been awake longer than they would like, and they don’t know what to do to lull themselves back asleep. After thinking for a while, they finally decide to just get some melatonin. Seems like a smart thing to do first, but it was all the way in the bathroom, which seemed like a mile away in the mellow darkness. MC grabs the suggested amount, and starts to move downstairs to get a drink of water to wash it down. Creeping around in an oversized, cat onesie, MC enters the kitchen and quietly reaches for the cup, when... 
Luci came into the kitchen to check to make sure Beel hadn’t eaten all the food in the fridge, when he saw a figure standing in front of the sink. The soft moonlight and the digital clock light on the oven illuminated their body, showing that the figure was in a large, black onesie. Originally, he thought that it was Belphie, since he was the only one that had ever worn a onesie in the house. But, that’s just because MC was always shy in theirs, and prefered to keep their warm and fluffy habits in their own room. He realized that Belphie wouldn’t be up from out of his bed at all at this time, or at all, for that matter, so he was kind of confused. He approached slowly, arms crossed. 
His suspicions were answered as MC quickly turned around to look behind them after hearing movement. He saw their shadowy face lit by the window next to them, and saw that it was in fact MC who was wearing the onesie. He cracked a smile and shook his head as he walked over to them. “I didn’t know kittens were able to stand up and use the sink.” he said. “Haha, very funny” MC said, trying to hide the fact they're overly embarrassed from being caught in less-than-favorable attire.
Luci walked over to the fridge and opened it up. “Looks like Beel hasn’t gotten to the fridge yet, that’s good.” MC nods and quietly pours themselves a glass of water. They put the pill in their mouth, and gulped the water down, satisfying their throat.
“Why’re you up so late, you have classes tomorrow.” Luci said, closing the fridge. His large figure towers over MC.
“Well, I couldn’t fall asleep, so I decided to take some melatonin and water.”
“Ah, I see. Well, hopefully it works, then.” 
He looked out the window, the big, silver lined moon lighting up his face. His tired yet stubborn disposition almost looked beautiful from this angle. MC can’t help but stand there in awe, looking at him. Luci shifted his body and noticed MC looking at him. Of course, MC looked away, but it was too late. He laughed and cocked his head “What?” he asked teasingly. MC shook their head and turned away. ‘Great now what?’ they think, regretting their actions.
Luci chuckled and leaned against a counter. He raised an eyebrow and said to MC “Well, if you’re not answering me, I presume you should at least head to bed now?” MC nodded and headed to their room. They took a last look at Luci and said 
“Goodnight Luci.”
“Goodnight, kitty” He says, with a slightly mocking tone.
MC rolled their eyes and headed upstairs. Luci watched them leave to their room, and looked at the cup MC drank out of on the counter. He takes it, looks at it, and lets out a small laugh. After putting the cup in the sink, he slowly starts to slink back to his room.
Mammon had crept downstairs to see if there were any new Akuzon (Amazon) packages. Not because he ordered anything, but because he wanted to check to see if there were any packages with anything valuable in them. And since Levi spends all of his money on merchandise and games, it was almost guaranteed.
He  was searching through a rather large box, when he heard something in
the kitchen, so he hesitantly crept into it. Poking his head around the corner, he saw a large, black figure next to the sink, rummaging through the cupboards. He freaked out as he assumed this random figure in no shoes somehow got through the high-security of the house to search the cup and bowl cabinets. Sorry Mammon, you sweet, tsundere dumbass, you’re the only thief in this house!
Mammon prepared himself for the encounter by creeping up behind them,
momentum building in his drawn fist. But, he made one fatal mistake. The poor boy was unlucky and stepped on a creaking floor board. MC turns around abruptly after hearing the sound, and saw Mammon there, standing like a dork with his fist drawn
Engulfed in his own swirl of emotions, and Mammon is not able to even realize who’s in front of him. ‘It’s now or never’ he thinks as he lunges forward, putting his weight in the punch.
Of course, MC saw this coming (since he was standing there for a half a second looking like a deer in the headlights) and ducked their head immediately, causing Mammon to fall forward with his weight. 
Because of the hand he used, he fell forward to the right, colliding with MC’s ducked form. He accidentally pushes them into the counter, and then to the floor. They had ended up on the floor, facing each other about a foot apart.
Groaning on the ground, Mammon turns to see MC facial features illuminated in the moonlight, and he jumps up.
“W-what are you doing up this late, MC?” He asks quickly
“I just needed to get some water” they say, rubbing their head.
“Why are you dressed like that!? In pitch black clothing? I thought you were some guy breaking in!”
“They’re my pajamas, Mammon, stop over thinking everything.” MC says, smiling.
“I’m not the one that dodged my attack and made me fall over.” He says in a whiny voice.
“Well, you didn’t dodge yourself, but you fell on your own.”
Mammon sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Ugh, some humans” (I know he’s a human in this world, but I still like the idea of him calling MC “one of those humans”) “Well, do you need help up?” He said, offering a hand.
MC nodded and grabbed his hand. “Thanks, Mammon”
Mammon pulls MC up and brushes his hands on his pants. “Yeah, well I only did it to be nice, I’m not making it a habit.”
“Whatever you say, Mammon.” MC says as they grab their drink and walk away. 
Levi crept down the stairs silently, avoiding making any sound whatsoever. He wanted to catch Mammon in the act, and he couldn’t alarm him whatsoever. Well, he wasn’t sure Mammon was there, but Levi had ordered a surplus of packages that day, so he was determined to make sure they were okay. As he looked over at the front doors, he counted eleven packages, which was the exact amount he ordered. Figuring he needed a pair of scissors to open them, he walked into the kitchen to check the supply drawer. 
He turned the light on and looked through the drawers. He pulled out wrenches, screwdrivers, pens, and an assortment of related tools, but no scissors. He had pulled out a suspicious, hand made tool with multiple knives attached to it, when he saw something in the corner of his eye. He whipped around and jumped in shock. MC was standing near him in a large cat onesie, staring at him with a curious expression.
“What are you doing, Levi?” they asked, staring at the odd tool.
“I- uh- Er-” Levi stuttered. He wanted to answer, but he couldn’t. They just looked so… Moe that he couldn’t stand it. Why did he just find out MC had a giant, black kitten onesie? Well, obviously, MC was shy enough to keep it hidden, so it makes sense as to why he hasn’t seen it before. He would’ve probably done the same thing if he bought one.
MC had been staring at Levi’s stuttering, flushed self for a good thirty seconds. “What?” They say, raising their eyebrow in a taunting manner. 
“Um, Y-you just...You’re wearing...” He said trailing off.
“O-Oh! Right…” MC said, looking down at themselves embarrassed. “I got this a while ago, back home, but I always wore it in my room here, since it seems too childish to wear it around anyone else. Though, I much rather you see me in a onesie than anyone else. Uh- wait, that came out wrong, sorry”
Levi blinked and slowly started regaining his senses, ignoring the accidental insult. MC looked at the tool in his hand and asked what it was for.
“O-oh, right. I was just looking at this one, whatever it is. But, I originally came here to grab scissors for my Amazon packages. Though, I guess this weird contraption will work as well.” He says, pocketing the various knives. MC helped Levi put all the supplies back, and MC moved to grab a glass of water.
“Is that what you came for?” Levi asks, probably just to make up for the silence.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to take melatonin to help fall asleep, so I needed water.”
“Oh wait, you need help falling asleep?”
“Yeah, I’ve had pretty bad insomnia since I was young, and I guess it just kind of gotten worse over the years.”
“Oh, well, I just got this new serum I found on Amazon. It’s called Hazydew Softsyrup, and you just need to add it to tea to get the full effect. I got it for myself, since the blue light from my PC keeps me awake for a while, but you can use it for the night. I can order another bottle tomorrow too if you want.”
MC’s face lifted and they smiled. “Really? You would actually give me a bottle of that syrup?”
“I mean, sure, if you want it.” Levi says, looking down.
“Yes please, that would be awesome. Thanks.” MC said, releasing a sigh of relief.
“Y-yeah, no problem.” He said, moving towards the front room. MC followed him, and took the bottle eagerly when Levi offered. But, when MC took the bottle, instead of leaving, they linger there hesitantly. After a moment, they lean in towards Levi and kisses him gently on the cheek. Levi blinked, and stared blankly. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
MC smirked “What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?”
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
Babysitting in the Devildom- Asmo: EW
A/N This is based on personal experience with my siblings. If you don't want to read about basic bodily functions, I suggest you skip this chapter, lol. Don't worry, I intend on doing another chapter with Asmo.
You shot Solomon a pleading look. He put his hands up as if to defend himself.
"Mmm, no. I changed diapers. You can go help Asmo."
"You changed the twins diapers. If you take Asmo, I'll change Satan and Luke."
"No. Barbatos actually already changed Luke."
"Are you saying you would rather change Satan's diaper than take toddler Asmo to the toilet?"
"....you know what? Yes. Yes I would."
You sighed. You knew he has just doing this to spite you, and as badly as you wanted to argue, Asmo was currently unattended. You picked yourself off the floor and made your way to the communal bathroom, where you heard Asmo singing from the porcelain throne. What he was singing was unclear, but it would have been very cute if he weren't in the bathroom. You gave the door a light knock, and the singing stopped for a moment.
"Hey Asmo. Are you doing ok?"
"Yup! I peed like a big boy!"
"I peed like a big boy!"
You heard some shuffling from inside. Asmo opened the door, pants still around his ankles.
"Come see! I did it like a big boy!"
Thank the stars, Asmo had actually made it into the toilet.
"That's great Asmo, but pull your pants up please."
"....I can't."
You gave him a confused look.
"You can't? Do you need help?"
He shook his head, and his feet kinda started to shuffle from side to side.
"What's wrong?"
He shook his head again. He was still squirming despite having just gone to the toilet.
"Ok...can you clean yourself, then flush the toilet, and wash your hands? I can wait for you just outside the door if you want?"
He shook his head again. He looked embarrassed.
"...are you ok?"
He mumbled something under his breath.
"Sorry hun, I didn't hear you. Could you say that again?"
He sighed, then mumbled again. The only words you could make out were "go still".
"You have to go still? That's ok. I'll wait for you outside."
"No! I have to go still....but I might fall in." He was dancing now, trying his best to not have an accident.
"...might fall in? What do you mean?"
"Usually he has his own seat he puts on top of the toilet." You turned to see Lucifer.
"LUCI! GO AWAY!" Asmo yelled, his face flushed. Lucifer shrugged and disappeared behind the door, but you knew he was waiting there.
"I promise I won't let you fall into the toilet."
He looked at you skeptically.
"My bum won't touch the water?"
"Your bum won't touch the water."
"My clothes won't dip into the toilet?"
"Your clothes wont dip into the toilet."
"Asmo, you're about to have an accident, sit on the toilet."
"But you have to hold me!!!"
You hold in your sigh as you wrap your arms underneath his and hold him kind of awkardly over the toilet. He goes immediately. After a few minutes, he announces that he is done.
"Ok, put your hands down on the seat now. You have to wipe yourself now."
"Ew! Ewewewewewewewewewew nooooooo! Yucky! What if I get poop on my finger?! Noooooo! You do it for me! YOU DO IT FOR ME NO DON'T LET GO NOOOOO!"
You knew this wasn't going to go anywhere, and you didn't want to leave Solomon alone for too long, especially with food on the way. So you told Asmo to hold onto one arm, while your dominant hand tore some toilet paper, folded it, and wiped him.
"Don't get any on your finger!"
"Don't worry, I didn't."
After you finished, you helped him off the toilet, and you both washed your hands very thoroughly. Asmo asked if he could spray some deodorizer, to which you couldn't have been happier to oblige. However it was an aerosol can.
"You just need to do a little bit."
"Don't worry! I got it!"
You helped him a little bit, but at least the smell of the deodorizer wasn't way too overbearing
You guys stepped out of the bathroom. Asmo grabbed at your hand and pulled you towards him. "Thanks MC! I don't ever want to fall in....or touch poop. Thank you!" He planted a bit of a slobbery kiss on your cheek, then skipped back to the livingroom upon seeing Lucifer still standing outside the bathroom.
"Dinner will be here soon, ok Lucifer? Join us when you're ready."
He cocked his eyebrow, then realized what you were referring to.
"Oh, uh, no I don't have to go to the bathroom. I just thought maybe you wanted a report from your helper?"
He looked at you with a plea in his eyes.
You smiled and ruffled his hair.
"Of course. Let's walk and talk." He pouted for a moment becauseof your actions, then took a few quick paces to catch up with you.
"Ok, so Solomon started to change Satan's diaper by having Simeon hold your D.D.D over him so he could keep watching cat videos, but when he did that, Beel ate some diaper cream, so I tried giving him some pudding instead, and then he was ok, but when I left him to play with Diavolo again, he started crying because Mammon took his pudding. And when he started crying, Belphie started crying, and when Belphie started crying, Luke started crying, and when Luke started crying," he took a pause to draw in a breath, "Barbatos played peekaboo with him, so then he calmed down. I held Belphie until he fell asleep again, and I got another pudding for Beel.....and then I beat up Mammon and Levi because Levi tried to take the pudding from Mammon and made big mess. Solomon finally finished changing Satan's diaper then used a spell to clean everything up, and then to supersize your D.D.D so it's like a giant TV so everyone could watch cat videos. When everyone was watching TV, I made sure Levi and Mammon were separated, and then came to check on Asmo and you."
You ruffled his hair again. "Thank you Lucifer. You really are the best helper I could ask for." He smiled. "Of course!"
You guys had reached the livingroom again. He rocked on his heels next to you. "...I'm gonna go watch now." He told you. You nodded and made your way to the kitchen, where Solomon was slumped over the counter. You sat next to him, and then saw Asmo on the other side of him, decorating Solomon's hair with a bunch of accessories.
"Hey Asmo, don't you want to watch cat videos with the other kids?"
He looked up at you. "Mm no. Solomon needs to have pretty hair." He slipped a small barrette into his locks and clipped it closed. That side of Solomon's head looked like a twisted version of Candyland with the amount of colour there. Solomon turned his head slightly to look at you and give you a tired smile.
You slumped next to him so that you were eye to eye with him.
"Hey, thanks for...everything, I guess. You've done a lot today. Even though this is kinda your fault."
Solomon scoffed, but his eyes were smiling.
"What would you do without m-ow!"
"Oops, sorry Solly!" Asmo peeked over his head. He chuckled softly. "It's ok." He smiled at you. You guys got a few precious minutes of quiet while Asmo did Solomon's hair, and everyone else watched cat videos. There was a knock at the door.
You groaned. "Food's here." You put a finger on your nose. "Not it." You gave Solomon a cheeky smile.
Solomon rolled his eyes. He stood up and went to answer the door.
"Hello Sir! Here's half of your order! I'll get the other half in just a moment! Having a party tonight?" The delivery person had their arms filled with bags.
Solomon sighed. "Yeah, you could say that. He took the bags and delivered them to the kitchen. You were setting up plates and started to divide the food up for the kids. Solomon made his way back to the door, only to see Beel sitting in the doorway, watching the unsuspecting delivery person make their trip back to the house.
Oh no.
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lilspidermonkey · 4 years
Obey me brothers x MC shorts
My first time writting about the demon boi’s, and hopefully not my last! I hope whoever is curious enough to read enjoys these short stories!
A/n: Obey Me shorts with the bros.
Basically, the bois are up late or wake up and have the urge for water (Stay hydrated my dudes!) but are distracted by MC who is awake and not feeling too great!
Hope thy enjoy!
 Warnings!: Ahhh not really any? There’s maybe some implied things and a bit of groping, kissing and possibly hickies.
We have the fluff gloves on with this one!
  Lucifer: Clearing his throat, Luci got up from his desk where he finally completed a mountain of paperwork, stretching his arms and feeling the urge for some water.
Leaving his room, he headed down the hall to see you sitting on the staircase, back up against the wall, knees to your chest and a sad expression.
Blinking in slight confusion, Lucifer walked over to you, gently clearing his throat to get your attention.
Slightly startled you blinked and looked up at the towering oldest brother, his expression soft and curious.
You smiled, “Lucifer.” You acknowledge him.
He hummed with a smile, “MC, what’re you doing on the staircase at this time at night?” he asked.
Giving a teasing grin you chuckled, “I could ask you the same thing.” You said.
Lucifer raised his eyebrow, making it known that he was not going to fall for your teasing antics.
Heaving a sigh, you clutched your knees more into your chest, “Sorry, I was just having trouble sleeping, and I didn’t want to annoy anyone, but also didn’t want to be in my room.” Your cheeks flushed slightly. “And I wanted to kinda be as close to you as possible without disturbing you.”
Lucifer smiled, stepping down to the step you were on, “May I?” he asked.
You looked up at him and gave a smile with a smile.
The tall man took a seat on the step you were also on, smiling at you, “If you are ever having any troubles, whatsoever, you are more than welcome to come to me. No matter the time or day.” He reached out to grab your hand warmly. “In fact, next time you are having any troubles, I expect you to come to me, and I’ll help you however I can.”
You felt yourself blush more as you nodded.
Lucifer gave a charming smile, standing up and holding his hand out to you.
Returning the smile, you gently slid you hand into his, and he effortlessly pulled you to your feet.
Gently pulling you along with him, he took you back into his room, pressing you up against his desk, he caged you in between his arms and smirking down at you.
You blushed but reached up to cup his face, giving gentle touches to his face.
Approving of the affection, he pushed into the touches.
You chuckled, and he smiled gently at you, as he leaned more to you, connecting his lips with yours, his hands moving to clutch onto your waist, pressing himself more against you, as you moved your hands from his face to neck and into his hair.
“I’ll make sure to be there for you, whenever you need.”
  Mammon: Yawning, the greedy demon stretched his arms into the air as he mumbled complaints to himself about needing water so late at night.
Hearing a small sniffle, his ears perked up and, in his curiosity, he followed the sounds.
Turning the corner of the lounge, he saw the fire going as a small figure curled up into the corner of the couch.
Raising an eyebrow, he moved behind the couch, slouching over the couch, “What’re you doing?”
In completely shock a high-pitched squeak of surprised left you as you turn to meet Mammon’s blue eyes.
Seeing that your eyes were teary and red, his own eyes widened in shock, “W-what’s wrong with you!? What happened, huh!?” he asked in genuine worry.
Blinking and wiping your tears away, you cleared your throat, “Ah, sorry, I didn’t think anyone else was awake.” You said, sniffling and covering up your face.
Mammon growled and came around the couch, taking your hands away from your face and staring into your eyes, “What happened? Why are you sitting here alone and crying, huh?” he asked.
You looked down, “It’s silly.” You mumbled under your breath.
Mammon growled again, “Spit it out already! I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.” He said.
You kept your eyes avoided, “I just had a nightmare, it’s fine, so you don’t have to worry or anything.” You said.
Mammon huffed, “Who said I was worried? Huh? I-I wasn’t worried!” he released your hands and scratched his cheek sheepishly. “But you should know by now that you should come to me whenever and whatever, especially when you’re upset like this!”
Chuckling, you gave a small smile, “Thank you Mammon.” You said.
Mammon chocked on a response but settled on clicking his tongue and grabbing your hand again, “Come with me, dumbass.” He said, pulling you along with him.
Eventually pulling you into his room, but not having much time to say anything, Mammon instantly brought you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
Surprised, you froze at first, but you soon gave into the warmth and returned the hug, snuggling into him.
Mammon cleared his throat, “So, ah, do you want to talk about it? Or maybe you need a distraction or something?”
You could tell from his speech that he was trying his hardest to hide that he was not exactly sure on how to help, and he was failing.
Appreciating the gesture, you shook your head against him, “That’s okay, being with you has already made me instantly so much better, thank you Mammon.” You said.
Mammon turned red, his hold on you tightening as he picked you up, walked over to his pool table, and sitting you down on it.
His beautiful blue eyes glared into yours, “You’re lucky you have The Great Mammon to help you out.” His eyes softened a bit. “But you know, I’ll always be here, so you better come straight to me for anything, you hear me?”
Your heart squeezed as you cupped his face, smiling down at him as you brought your foreheads together, “Thank you, Mammon.” You whispered. “You’re the best.”
Pressing together, you both brought your lips together, sharing a sweet kiss, your hands warming his cheeks and his stroking your thighs.
“You’re my human, I’ll always be here for you.”
  Leviathan: Gaming late into the night and forgetting normal bodily needs, Levi remembered how thirsty he was.
Reaching for his fourth water bottle, the bottle emptied out three drops, resulting in a scowl from the sleep gaming otaku.
Pausing his game, he got up and went to set off onto a mission to get more water.
Opening his door, the boy almost shrieked at the top of his lungs at seeing you sitting beside his bedroom door.
Noticing the demon, you flushed in embarrassment, “Ah, I’m sorry! I didn’t think you would come out!” you said shyly.
The boy cleared his throat as he looked up and down the hallway and back at you, “What’re you doing sitting there this late at night?” he asked, confusion clear on his facial features.
You pushed some hair behind your ear, “I, ah, haha, I kinda was having some troubles sleeping, and I didn’t want to interrupt you, but I really enjoy listening to you play your games, so I was just going to stay here until I got sleepy and head back to bed…or something.” You explained embarrassedly.
The demon of Envy flushed red, “W-well, you really wanted to, you could’ve come inside, I wouldn’t ever mind if you came to see me, for any reason…you still can if you want?” he asked awkwardly, his face red.
You smiled up at him, “Are you sure?” you asked.
Levi groaned and held his hand out to you, “C-common, lets go.” He said.
You held his hand and he pulled you up and into his room, sitting on the ground up against his bathtub bed, he gestured for you to join him.
Smiling and blushing, you made yourself comfortable by sitting into his lap, curling up against him.
Levi turned a bright shade of red as he seemed to be struggling to be functioning.
You chuckled, “Are you uncomfortable?” you asked him.
The boys’ eyes darted to you, “N-no, that’s not i-it.” He relaxed a little. “Sorry.”
You chuckled and cuddled into him as he continued to play his games.
Watching the boy play you glanced up to see his face concentrating but still with slightly flushed cheeks.
You smiled and reached up to cup his cheek and bring yourself up to land a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
Levi froze and shot to you with widened eyes, but you just smiled at him, “Thank you, Levi, you made me feel better.” You said.
Levi’s seemed to calm down as he leaned into you, catching your lips with his.
“Come to me for anything forever.”
  Satan: Reading the ending of a book he had read for the twenty fourths time, Satan realized he was lost in his reading and had not noticed the time.
Deciding to return the book to the library, have some water and finally turn in, the blonde set off.
Turning into the library, Satan walked in to see you curled up in one of the chairs, book in your lap as you read silently.
Satan smiled and walked in, catching your attention, his smile growing at your own.
He looked you up and down, “Caught up in a book to realize the time?” he asked, ready to admit that he had also made the same mistake.
You hummed, “Actually, I was struggling to sleep, and I got a little frustrated. So, I thought that I would come here and just lose myself in a good book.” You showed the cover to him. “Almost finished your recommendation.”
The Demon of Wrath came towards you, “I’m sorry you were struggling to sleep.” He said.
You shrugged with a smile, “It’s okay, happens every now and then to everyone. Plus,” you beamed up at him, “I got to see you, so it’s not all bad.”
Satan brought his hand to his face in an attempt to cover his blush, how could you be so cute?
Snapping out of id embarrassment, he leaned down and rest on the arm of the chair, “Is there any particular reason why you were struggling to sleep so badly?” he asked.
You gave a weak smile as a response, “Can’t get anything passed you, huh?” you asked him.
He tilted his head, “I just know you. Want to talk about it?” he offered.
Heaving a sigh, you lowered your head, “I was just feeling…kinda low. Like,” you heaved another sigh. “It’s kinda hard to bring up.”
Satan reached for you hands, clasping them in his, “You don’t need to force yourself, take your time.” He comforted you.
You gave another smile, “Thank you.” You shrugged, “I just kinda felt…not enough? I’ve been getting along with everyone, but I just feel…unworthy.” You said, eyes glued to Satan’s hands holing yours.
Satan reached up and cupped your face, making you look into his eyes, “You are honestly such an amazing person. I highly doubt anyone is brave enough to put up or put yourself into the situations you do, just to be able to protect the people you care about, or even just met.” He gave your hand a kiss. “If you ever feel like this ever again, I want you to know, that you are so amazing, in my eyes.”
You smiled at him, leaning into his warm touch on your cheek, “Thank you Satan.” You said, blushing in his hold.
Satan grinned, taking the book out of your lap, putting it to the side, Satan pulled you up and into his arms.
The two of you embraced as he walked you back into the bookshelf, smiling down at you as he put his hand back onto your cheek, leaning down, meeting you halfway as you reached up on your toes, lips locking together.
“The best thing to happen to me is you.”
  Asmodeus: Annoyed at having his beauty sleep interrupted by needing to have a drink of water, Asmo went downstairs, the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, and went into the dining room. And that is where he spotted you, sitting in one of the chairs at the dining table, your head resting on the table with your arms stretched out next to your head. With a slight delight going through his body at seeing your form, he walked ever to you, but soon saw the heavy sobs that silently left you that stopped him in his tracks. His delight turning into concern, Asmodeus walked over to you slowly as to not alarm you.
gently placing a hand on your back, you still slightly jolted with surprise, but soon looked up at his concerned loving eyes with sad ones.
The man tilted his head, “My dear, MC, what happened, are you alright?” he asked with concern.
You gave a little sniffle, “I'm fine, I'm sorry did I disturb you?” you asked quietly.
Asmo Gave a little smile, “My dear, if you need to talk about anything, I am here for you. You don't have to put on an act.” he said as he began to rub your back with the hand that was already there.
You gave another sniffle as your face slowly began to break, but you still didn't want to show or talk about anything related to why you will like this.
Sing miss the boy didn't try to press you anymore, but instead, grabbed your hand and ushered out of your chair, enter follow him.
Following along with him, you were soon dragged into his bedroom, where he sat you down on his bed and reached over for his skin treatment basket, that he had away in his closet.
Coming back to join you on the bed he pulled out some playing time and looked at you with a smile, “understand if you don't want to talk about it, but I still want to help in some way, so I'm going to distract you by pampering you!” He cheerfully exclaims.
As you smiled and went along with him and his distractions, you began to calm down and Siri open up just the caring demon.
You curled your legs to your chest, “I ended up staying awake all night because started having really bad thoughts, and I was trying to run away from them by getting out of my room, but they just followed, and I ended up getting really sad. So, I'm sorry and keeping you up so late to be with me.” You admitted.
Asmo reached his hand out to cup your face bringing you forward to kiss him.
Pulled back, the beautiful man only smiled at you, “As important as my beauty sleep is, you should always know that I’ll always be willing to help you, my dear.” He giggled while giving a mischievous smile, as he slowly pushed you down onto the bed and lean over you. “I’ll be more than willing to give you all the distractions you need.”
You blushed, put kept your eyes contact with him, “I wish I was as perfect as you are.” You said.
Asmo blushed also, but his smile grew as he planted kisses along your collarbone and up your neck to you ear.
“You’re my definition of perfect.”
 Beelzebub: Waking up and going on his second midnight snack run, Beel walked into the kitchen, seeing you sitting on top of the countertop, back against the wall and knees tucked up to your chest as you hid your face away in them.
Blinking in confusion and concern, the boy walked over to you with worry, “MC?” he called.
You noticeably jolted in surprise and looked up to meet Beel’s concerned face.
You blinked, “Beel, I thought you already came by for your snack run?” you asked, voice cracking a little.
Beel rubbed the back of his neck, “I sometimes come back for a second one, most of the time I can settle with just one, but sometimes I can’t resist going for a second one.” He explained.
You gave a chuckle, “That makes sense.” You said.
Noticing that your laugh didn’t match the look in your eyes, he tried to catch your attention, “What’s wrong?” he asked, turning it back onto you.
You met his eyes and gave a small smile, “Don’t worry about it, I’m okay.” You said, not wanting to worry him.
Though that didn’t really work.
Beel lowered his head, “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.” He said, his demeanour turning into the sad puppy Beel.
Having this look clutch at your heartstrings, you gave a sigh.
You lowered your legs from the bench, “I’m sorry, it’s just, I kinda went to sleep having bad thoughts, and in turn had a bad dream, so I came here to kinda escape.” You explained.
Beel perked up and walked over to you, “You could always come to me, especially since you helped me with my nightmares.” He said.
You chuckled, “Thank you, Beel, but I didn’t want to disturb you after you had already had your midnight snack.” You said.
Beel blinked, “Did you look for me and find out I already had it?” he asked with curiosity.
You blushed and fiddled with some of your hair, “Well, not exactly, I sometimes come here because…” you bit your lip, hoping down from the countertop and blushing harder. “Because sometimes when I’m in the kitchen, I somehow feel closer to you. Which sounds beyond weird, but it’s like a comfort to come here, since I can kinda sense that you come here so often.”
Beel walked over to you, looking down at you with a blush hiding away in his cheeks, “I get what you mean, the senses are like memories, since me and you do actually come here a lot together too.” He said.
You nodded up at him with a giggle, “You’re right.” You agreed.
Reaching his hands down, he grabbed your smaller ones, entangling your fingers together, “Do you want to talk about your bad thoughts and nightmare?” he asked.
You relaxed into his touch, leaning against his chest as you watched your fingers play together, “I guess I was kinda scared, somehow coming up with scenarios in my head about not being able to come back to the devildom, not being able to be in contact with everyone…with you…and I got scared.” You shook your head against him. “I don’t want to stop making more and more memories with you.”
Beel nodded, reaching his hand free to cup your face and look up at him, “If we ever get separated, I’ll always find a way to get back to you.” He said.
You blushed again, “Me too.” You said.
Beel smiled and leaned down to catch your lips with his.
Reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck, he reached his own down to wrap around your waist, lifting you up with ease and putting you back on the countertop.
He pulled back to give your collarbone and neck some love bites and kissing you more.
“Making memories with you is my favourite thing to do.”
 Belphegor: Since Belphie sleeps most of the time during the day, he’s a little more active at night. Even though he could sleep more, he finds it easier to just not sometimes.
Going into the living room to sit by the fire, he saw that it was already lit and there was another body by it.
He blinked in confusion and walked over to you, “Why aren’t you asleep?” he asked.
You jumped, “Ah! Jeez! Don’t scare me like that!” you exclaimed.
The sloth demon gave a shrug, “It’s crazy late, how are you still awake, you’re usually dead asleep by now.” He said.
You sighed, “Guess tonight just isn’t my night. I tried to sleep, but even though I’m crazy tired, I just couldn’t manage to get to sleep.” You explained.
Belphie thought for a moment, but soon smiled as he grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the ground and ushering you to follow him, “Come with me.” He said.
You followed after him, and once you got dragged to a particular staircase, you knew exactly where he was taking you.
Once arriving at the attic, the boy closed the door behind you, took a seat on the floor that was cushioned by pillows and blankets, and smiled up at you, “Common, let’s sleep here.” He said.
You smiled and joined him, “I should’ve known to come to you about sleep, since you’re the master and all that.” You joked.
Belphie chuckled, throwing a blanked over the both of you as you cuddled close together, “I always know what’s most comfortable for a sleep.” He said.
You blushed, “I don’t always sleep well, but I somehow always manage to sleep well while with you.” You said.
the boy smiled and ushered your chin with his fingers, landing a kiss to your lips, I always have the best dreams when I’m with you.” He grinned. “Because you always seem to make your way into my dreams every time.”
You blushed and smiled, “I hope that doesn’t get too bothersome.” You said.
“Nah.” He gave you another kiss.
“You’re my favourite dream.”
   A/n: Wow! Okay this lowkey took me a little longer than I would’ve hoped, I apologise for any spelling and/or any grammar mistakes!
I hope you liked it!
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested by Bellaboo097023.
The first part was pure angst, so here is some more angst with fluff mixed in.
I hope you enjoy!
Please, Forgive Me Part 2 (Gajeel x Lucy)
Lucy sat at the bar, facing the guild and drinking a strawberry milkshake. Next to her, Natsu was rambling on about a solo job he had just gotten back from. Though Lucy was hearing him talking, she wasn't listening. Her brown gaze was searching for a certain dragon slayer. She found to her dismay that he wasn't in the guild. Again. He hadn't been in the guild at all for a week. She was worried. Of course she was worried. Why wouldn't she be? 
Something was wrong with Gajeel, she knew that something was wrong, but what was it? She spied Levy reading a book alone at a nearby table. Turning to her best friend, Lucy cut him off, "sorry, Natsu, but I need to talk to Levy." 
Natsu whined, "what? But Luce, I'm not done telling you about how I beat up an entire dark guild by myself!" 
Lucy smiled at him, saying, "how about you finish the story in the morning? I can make you breakfast." 
Natsu gave a toothy grin and accepted her offer, jumping off of his stool and rushing off to start a fight with Gray. Lucy made her way over to Levy and sat down, getting the blue-haired woman's attention in doing so. Levy looked at her and greeted her, "Hey, Lucy! What's up?" 
Lucy took a sip of her cold drink. She then sat the cup on the table and asked, "is Gajeel alright? You seem to be the closest to him, so I thought that you might know." 
She noticed that the letter mage froze, looking as though she had just been caught in a lie. Lucy raised a blonde eyebrow, her worry for Gajeel rising. Levy's eyes darted toward the guildhall doors before she answered, "he's fine! I promise you don't need to worry about him!" She then stood up, muttering that she had to go.
Before she could take more than a few steps, Lucy caught her wrist, demanding, "tell me what is wrong with Gajeel, Levy! I know that something is going on with him! Tell me now, please!" 
Levy sighed. She turned around and walked back to the table and sat back down. She gave Lucy a concerned look as she asked, "how do you feel about Gajeel?" 
Lucy was the one that froze this time. Her eyes widened and a blush quickly spread across her cheeks. She sifted her gaze to the surface of the table. She was sure how to answer that question. How did she feel about Gajeel? She knew that she had a positive view of him. She had forgiven him when he helped Natsu defeat Laxus during the Fantasia Incident. She wanted to be his friend, but he didn't seem to desire the same thing. It hurt her to think that Gajeel didn't like her as much as she liked him. 
Finally finding her tongue, Lucy responded, "I-I don't know." 
Levy smiled sweetly at her. "Describe to me what you think and how you feel about him," she requested. 
Lucy nodded, her brown eyes still locked on the brown table she was sitting at and her milkshake forgotten. Taking a deep breath, she began speaking her mind, "well, I think he's very handsome and that he's a great guy underneath his tough exterior. I forgave him for what he did to me pretty quickly. I want to get closer to him, but he doesn't seem to feel the same way. Whenever I see him sitting alone, I want to sit with him. I want to get closer to him. It hurts me that he seems to not like me as much as I like him." 
Levy questioned with a knowing smile, "what do you feel when he looks at you, talks to you, and stands next to you?" 
Lucy answered with a slight blush, "my face heats up, my heartbeat gets faster, my stomach gets this fluttering feeling in it, and I want all of those things to happen more." 
Levy chuckled lightly. The celestial wizard across from her looked up at her, confused and still blushing. The blue-haired woman revealed, "Lucy, you're in love with Gajeel." 
Lucy gasped, the blush on her face becoming just as red as Erza's hair and her eyes widening. How did she not realize sooner? She was in love with Gajeel. Of course she was! She was such an idiot to not see it! But, did Gajeel feel the same way? 
Levy's saddened voice broke her out of her thoughts, "he loves you too, but he thinks that you hate him because of what he did to you." 
Lucy shot up to her feet, asking, "where is he?" 
Levy stood up, walking over to Mira at the bar. After a few minutes, she came back with a piece of paper and a pencil. She quickly wrote something on the piece of paper and then handed it to Lucy. The blonde looked down at the neat writing to see that it was an address. She quickly thanked her friend before running out of the guild and into the night. She ran past the line of shops and houses, hoping that Gajeel wouldn't turn her away when she tried to talk to him.
God! She was such an idiot! A blind idiot! How could she not see that something was seriously bothering Gajeel sooner? Why did it take him not coming to the guild even once for a whole week to realize that something was wrong? How did she not realize that she loved him? Now that she thought about it, it was true. She did love him. She wanted to spend more time with him. She wanted to go on dates with him. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to be held by him, safe and warm in his strong arms. She wanted to tell him that she loves him, that she forgives him. 
Lucy came to a stop in front of a house on the edge of Magnolia. Her legs were tired and she was breathing heavily. She took a few minutes to catch her breath and then knocked on the wooden door, praying that Gajeel would answer and let her speak. 
It took what felt like several torturous hours, but the door was opened to reveal Gajeel. The Iron Dragon Slayer's eyes widened slightly when he saw her. He almost closed the door, but Lucy was able to push it back open. She watched as the man in front of her stepped behind the door. Not to let her in, but to seemingly hide. It was as if he was shamefully hiding behind the door. He asked in a calm tone, "what are you doing here, Bunny Girl?" 
Lucy blushed at that nickname. She remembered how she used to hate it. Now she enjoyed being called that, but only if it was Gajeel that was calling her that. She smiled at him despite the fact that she couldn't see him. She asked softly, "can we talk?" 
There were several moments of silence before Gajeel answered stiffly, "sorry, Bunny Girl, but I don't think that's a good idea." 
Lucy questioned, taking a step closer, "why?" 
More silence. Then, Gajeel spoke, his voice uncharacteristically soft, "because why would you want to willingly talk to a guy that hurt you?" 
Lucy spoke, her voice almost begging, "please, Gajeel! I'm worried about you!" 
The dragon slayer responded sternly, "no, Bunny Girl! Go away!" He then began closing the door with more force than necessary. Lucy, feeling panic rise in her gut, reached out her arm to grab hold of him. However, she let out a yelp when as she felt a shock of pain in her arm. The door was swung open as Lucy pulled her arm away, gripping the part just below her elbow. She heard Gajeel yell out in panic and worry, "Bunny Girl! Oh God, what did I do?!" 
Lucy released her arm, the pain having already lessened greatly. She looked up to see Gajeel staring at her arm in what was akin to horror. She looked down, seeing a red spot just below her elbow on the inside of her arm, a little bead of blood beginning to run down her arm. The blonde looked back. Seeing that this would likely be the only chance she would be able to get in order to talk to Gajeel, she jumped toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him down to her. She pressed her lips against his. 
Before the dragon slayer could respond to the kiss, Lucy pulled away. She guessed from the surprised way he was staring down at her that she had gotten his attention, so she took a deep breath and went straight to the point, "Gajeel, I have long forgiven you for what you did. It's in past and I have moved past it. In fact, I love you. I love you, Gajeel." 
The Iron Dragon Slayer was silent, clearly shocked about what had just happened. There was a long period of silence. Finally, Gajeel came to his senses. He whispered a question, just loud enough for her to hear, "why? I tortured you. Why do you forgive me? Why do you love me?"
Lucy stepped closer. She placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered her answer, "because I know that you've changed. I know that you aren't the same man that had beaten me."
Gajeel looked away from her. Despite the fact that it was nighttime, she could see through the light of the full moon that hung above them that Gajeel had tears in his eyes and that he was struggling to hold them back. 
Lucy's heart broke at this sight. She asked, "do you love me too?" Gajeel simply nodded. In response, Lucy slowly pulled him back down, giving him enough time to pull away if he wanted to. She again pressed her lips against his. This time, he returned the kiss with hesitancy. They pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. Lucy reached up to wipe away the tears in Gajeel's red eyes. 
They then walked into the house and talked all through the night, coming clean about their feelings for each other and comforting each other as they both got emotional. 
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