#rachel daly x reader
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wlwsoccerfics · 2 days ago
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Warnings: migraines
Summary: you go on your first date.
"look at our Baby!" Your Mama(Sarah) said when you walked out of your room, wearing black jeans, a dark blue flannel and some black Vans. You had a little bit of Makeup on and a Heart necklace on.
"Mama i wore something like that before!" You replied and smiled softly.
"but you have Makeup on. You never wear Makeup! And you are going on your First Date!" Your Mom(Rachel) answered. You were going on a date with Jordans and Erins daughter Avalon. You both happened to Play for Aston Villa as well. Both of you were currently 16 years old.
"Avalon likes that outfit. So i decided to wear it. We are going for some ice cream and then probably to the Bookstore to pick books out for one another!" You explained.
"that's adorable!" Your Mama answered.
"but so fitting for the two of you! You and Avalon are probably the fastest reader i know!" Your Mom said. She wasn't wrong. Both of you read all the Maze Runner books in 2 days, while you had school and practice every day and basically only had like two hours per day for reading.
"can i go now?" You asked, blushing softly.
"yes of course! Stay Safe and If you need one of us to get you please let us know." Your Mama told you. You hugged them both before leaving to pick up Avalon.
"hey." You greeted her with a smile and she hugged you.
"hi!" She replied while you hugged her back.
"my moms are going nuts over our Date!" You let her know. Which had her giggle.
"Tell me about it! My moms are the same. My momma almost cried happy tears!" Avalon stated. Referring to Jordan. "And my Mom wanted to take a picture of me to remember that moment!" She added with a soft chuckle.
"i am so not surprised about that!" You admitted.
You walked to the ice cream shop and ordered some ice cream, sitting down.
"i am glad you asked me out, i always wanted to ask you but was scared it would ruin our friendship." Avalon told you. You looked surprised.
"really? If didn't know you were worried about that. I mean we have been friends since we were little, i don't think our friendship can be so easily ruined." You said softly.
"okay true. i have no idea what you could do that would break our friendship." Avalon stated.
"See me neither!"
You talked for a while and ate your ice cream. Then you paid for the two of you. Walking to the book Store Hand in hand. The walk took twenty minutes. In those twenty minutes you noticed that your vision became a bit blurry. Avalon seemed to notice it cause you were squeezing your eyes shut every now and then.
"y/n? Are you alright?" She asked. Clearly worried about you. Your head was pulsing at this point. The pounding against your skull felt like something from hell.
"my migraine." You whimpered out. She quickly pulled you close. Holding you. You were hiding your face in her shoulder. This wasn't your first time you had a migraine while the two of you were hanging out. You weren't Dating, just best friends back then. But she still knew how to help you. She made a quick call to your moms so they came and picked the two of you up around 10 minutes later. You sitting in the backseat while Avalon held you as close as possible. When you got home your mama carried you inside. Your Mom and Avalon close behind the two of you. She put you down on your bed, taking off your shoes while your mom grabbed a bucket for you. Cause usually it didn't take you long to get sick from the pain.
Good thing that bucket was there cause you started throwing up rather quickly. Your Mom rubbed your back gently.
"i got you angel." She told you. You had tears in your eyes. When you were finally done with throwing up you stayed in your mom's Arms.
"i hate this." You breathed out, it was shaky from the pain.
"i know sweet girl." Your mom replied. Your momma handed you your migraine meds and some water. You took it a small sip from the bottle. Avalon gently stroking your arm.
You ended up falling asleep in your Mom's Arms. Your momma taking Avalon home so she would get there Safe.
Thankfully you felt better the next day. And Avalon came over to ask you If you want to be hers officially. Which you of course said yes to.
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trulyhblue · 1 year ago
Baby England
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Lionesses x Young! Reader (platonic), Leah Williamson x reader (platonic).
Warnings: fluff, a little bit of angst, coarse language, school, young reader.
A/N — still can't get over Sam's ACL. Like I woke up just to cry? No, thank you.
The Games Room was quiet for what seemed to be the first time ever. The team was sprawled throughout the room, some of them on their phones, others by mountains of pillows. Georgia and Keira were in the indoor pitch juggling with one another. Alex was having a soft conversation with Hempo, laughing at something one of them had said.
The serenity of the room was something you didn't catch often. Usually, the hustle of the team would echo across the walls, loud pints of laughter and screaming coming from one corner of the room to the other. Lucy was often yelling at Mario Kart, and Ellie was always strutting around Table Tennis in triumph, while everyone else grumbled on about how she was too good.
But for now, it was silent, save for the low conversations from the different groups. Even Lessi and Tooney were keeping in check, sharing a rocking chair with mounds of blankets hauled over the top of them.
For anyone else in the room, it would've been extremely relaxing.
For you, it was anything but.
You wanted to snap your pen in half, feeling the fatigue of yesterday's game daunting on your muscles. The words on your laptop were dancing behind the blur of your eyes. You struggled to stay concentrated as Leah sat next to you, taking her eyes off her phone every once while to make sure you were actually doing your homework.
The Euros were speeding by quicker than any of you could imagine. The outcome of your results, and the number of fans that had started to compile over the weeks, was indescribable. This was your debut camp for the Lionesses, and while you spent most of your time on the bench, making late appearances in the 70th minutes of games, you wouldn't change it for the world.
However, with all the excitement and privilege that came with representing your country in such a prestigious competition at Sixteen, you were faced with the challenge of keeping up with school.
When you first signed with the Lionesses, your parents were determined to keep you in school. Your education was very important, and if football ever ended badly for you, they wanted you to have something to fall back on. Growing up through the youth groups, and developing skills in the Arsenal Academy, you were used to the physical and emotional demands of a professional football career. Your parents were incredibly supportive of your dream to play, but their underlying worry when you were called up to the National Team was daunted on them.
So, to make everyone happy, you decided to take on the complicated challenge of juggling both football and school. This meant that in your spare time, all you did was study for exams, take the exams, and then study for the next one. It was an endless cycle of school and work, but you knew that it would be all worth it in the end.
The worst thing about it was that none of the girls were your age. Some of them had Uni work to do, but you were still mastering high school subjects. The workload wasn't nearly as draining, and they seemed to have it all sorted out in a few short hours while you were spending all of your extra time peeling away your useless worksheets, essays and papers.
Lots of the girls were lenient. None of them liked the idea of you cooped up in front of a screen. Hempo would buy you some crisps from down the road. Mary would make TikToks with you, Beth would scoop you up for cuddles and a movie. LJ would pull you away for Mario Kart. All the girls believed that you needed a break, especially in such a stressful time.
But Leah was the exact opposite.
You had known Leah since you were seven. You had met her during one of your Arsenal Youth games, immediately looking up to her as an older sister and role model. Even as a teenager, Leah holds a protective arm around you. She was always ready to defend you on the pitch, not only as a Captain, but as a friend. She wasn't afraid to put you in line — she was the only one who could send you running laps if you were too cheeky. She was strict, especially when you parents weren't there to boss you around, and everyone knew that her authority over you was nothing to debate.
You were training with the Arsenal Women's Team while you were still at the Academy. You're not quite sure why you were chosen in the squad, as you struggled to believe you made the cut at such a young age, but the England Captain didn't hesitate to make you put in the work.
She was a bit like your agent, always persuading you to do something when you weren't sure what to do yourself. You still weren't signed with a WSL team, but as the Euros progressed, teams from everywhere were banking up to sign you as soon as possible. You tried hard not to delve too deeply into it. You knew Arsenal was a main contender, and that's where you most wanted to go, but your focus right now was the Euros... and the essay in front of you.
"C'mon, get it done," Leah ordered, scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, her hand carrying the weight on her head against the desk. You had been sitting there for over an hour, a total of one paragraph typed out on your screen. Outside, you could see Beth and Lotte playing Basketball. You threw your head backwards, groaning in respite. This was the last thing you wanted to be doing.
"No use whining about it." She spoke, still not looking at you. "'Might as well smash it out now so it's done."
"'Dunno what to write about." You grumbled, shoving your hands into your pockets. You managed to slip a glance towards Esme, feeling your hopes lift up when she gave you a knowing nod.
But of course, Leah caught the interaction. "Hempo, no." She snapped, sending the Forward back to her seat. "You don't get crisps when you've done nothing to deserve it."
"-Get on with it."
You slouched back into your chair, making sure your Huff was loud and overly obnoxious. Leah had no reaction, leaning back in her chair, and continuing to scroll on her phone.
"Y/N." She murmured in warning.
When you made no effort to keep going, she finally looked at you.
You could tell she was over it. She wasn't obliged to sit with you, but it was an unspoken rule that she did, otherwise, you would never get it finished. The older woman secretly felt bad for making you do it. If it was her choice, you wouldn't be doing school during the tournament. She understood your reluctance, but both of you could guess the consequences of your actions if you weren't handing it in.
"You've got half an hour." She snapped, her glare darkening. If she wasn't strict now, it'd end badly. "If it's not done, I'll bench you."
From the corner of your eye, you could see Lauren stop her Lego abruptly. Esme was no longer looking at her phone, instead tilting her head away from the tension rising in an attempt to not get involved.
Leah didn't have the power to bench anyone, the older girls knew that. But to your virtue, you thought that Leah was capable of anything. An abuse of power, maybe, but it worked all the same.
You begrudgingly tapped at your keyboard, making a point to roll you eyes when Leah set an alarm for half an hour. You were determined to keep your spot as a preferred sub, refusing to let Leah feel all smug at the fact that you couldn't finish the stupid essay.
Lauren continued on with her Lego. Esme was starting a new bracelet. Beth and Lotte's giggles were drowned out by the determination written all over your face. Without your knowledge, more and more people began to cram into the Game Room. First, Lucy, then Kei and Gee. A few minutes later, Alessia and Ella were doing a TikTok, their voices growing louder as the minutes went by. LJ walked past with confusion written across her features. She leaned over your shoulder, eyes slightly widening at the page full of words. She glanced to Leah's phone and the timer, then at Leah, who was staring off into the distance.
By five minutes left, you had written nearly two whole pages. Your hands were cramping, and your feet couldn't keep still. Chloe and Katie were surrounding you behind LJ, waiting for you to snap out of your trance and notice the crowd that had complied.
You were reading over your final sentences when the door crashed open, revealing Millie and Rach running in frantically with a cameraman hot on their trail. Their presence was so boisterous that everyone stopped to see who it was, watching in curiosity when the two women started searching the room.
"We need the Baby!" Millie screamed, scrambling onto the floor to check underneath the lounge. "We need the baby!"
Rachel was running to the bean bags, dashing past Lucy, Keira and Georgia playing Mario Kart. Everyone laughed in amusement at the cameraman struggling to keep up with the two of them.
"Where is she?!" Rach screeched at Esme and Lauren, ignoring the fits of giggle the pair were in. "Where's the baby?"
"Over here, idiots," Zelem stated, causing both their heads to dart in your direction. The girls surrounding you were quick to scatter, knowing the wrath of the two women was not something easily escapeable. Millie was about to yank you from under your shoulders when Leah moved in front of you, her prior amusement halting, replaced with her usual sternness.
You were closing your laptop at the sight of the camera, beaming at the thought of freeing yourself.
"Not now, Bright," Leah uttered, wrapping an arm around the back of your chair. "She's got school."
Instead of leaving you be, the duo closed in on you, beckoning the camera over to your work sprawled across the table.
Both of them held tiny mics, holding them up to their mouths as they spoke.
"Here we've got the Arsenal Protege in her natural habitat. Born and raised in red, she seems to be researching ways to leave."
"Both Arsenal and Leah."
Leah's face contorted into deep offence. "Hey!"
"Yes, it appears she is." Rachel nodded vigorously, picking up your book, pretending to read it. "She has written down Aston Villa as her top contender. Not only is she fast, but smart too."
Millie hugged you from behind. "But we all know what side of London she's thinking of, isn't that right? Smart, little, blue she'll be, am I right, Williamson?"
The camera panned to Leah, who was not looking at all amused. The thought of you being at any other club felt absolutely gut-wrenching to her. Like her, you had grown up bleeding in North London. She wouldn't trade any other player twice as good as you if that meant you'd stay. But while she'd never admit it, Leah wasn't worried about you leaving Arsenal. She was more worried that you'd leave her.
"Over my dead body." She snapped, wrenching the Chelsea woman's arms away from you, swerving your chair back to face your laptop. "Now, off you go, she needs to get this done."
"I've finished it, Lee." You muttered, feeling embarrassed at the fact that fans would prune over the way you were bossed around. When it came to your figure in the media, it was mainly regarding your blamelessness in comparison to your more experienced teammates. You were often babied by the girls, and fans adored the interactions you would have with them, especially with Leah.
Your Captain looked at you, crossing her arms. "You promise me you're done?"
"Promise." Your cheeks heated as the snickers fell from Daly's lips. You nodded, slowly inching off your seat. "Please, Lee, I've been stuck here for hours."
"Yeah, c'mon, Williamson, let her come to the dark side." Millie barked, causing Leah to grumble at the notion.
It took her a few moments to decide whether or not to let you go, huffing in defeat when she turned off her phone. "Fine. But no Chelsea or Villa talk, swear to Go—"
You were off before she could finish her lecture. Millie had picked you up, lifting you over her shoulders as Rach followed behind. The three of you ran into the indoor training pitch, with the poor cameraman following after you hopelessly.
When Millie plopped you down, you engulfed the warmth of someone's lap. You craned your head back to find Jordan looking back at you, her beady, toothy grin beaming back at you. The Arsenal midfielder wrapped her arms around you as you made the effort to snuggle into her body. Jordan was like your second mother when you were away from home. She was an ongoing support that wore her heart on her sleeve. She was different from Leah's opposing relentless, being more of a calm before the storm, less sentimental but effusive nonetheless.
You were supposed to be Jordan's substitute during your time at the Euros, but her knee injury had ruled her out. Therefore, the woman was only there when the squad wasn't training.
You noticed the multiple cameras surrounding the couch you were all squeezed on, but the attention felt a little less daunting with the comfort of the girls around you.
"We've got some questions for you," Millie spoke, revealing some palm cards from God knows where.
You nodded, keeping your head on Jord's chest. "Ask away."
"Who is your favourite teammate?"
You thought to yourself for a second before shrugging. "Jordan."
Rach scoffed. "Boring."
"Yeah, next!" Millie rolled her eyes. "Who would win in a fight, me or Daly?"
"Why am I answering these?!" You laughed, shaking your head. "You could've asked anyone."
"Those aren't the real questions." Jordan prodded, leading the two women to laugh their heads off at their supposed humour. You looked around at everyone, extremely confused about what you were here for. There were a few PR Managers behind the media setup, all with clipboards in their hands. You managed to catch Jordan eyeing Bright and Daly, squeezing your body a little tighter.
"Yeah, yeah, we're just having a laugh." Mils chortled, straightening up before continuing. "We're to announce that Baby England here has been asked to answer a few questions on behalf of the team."
You watched the centre-back intently. "Why me?"
"Dunno." Rach shrugged, followed shortly by Mil's voice. "Just 'cause."
"Alright, then, by who?"
"God, you'd think with all that schoolwork you'd be a bit brighter."
Jordan huffed from behind you. "Hurry up!"
"Alright, alright." Rachel scoffed, taking out the same cards as Millie had, the England Lioness logo plastered on the back. "So, seriously now, how do you think the Lionesses have worked throughout the Euros?"
You were never the one to be faced with serious questions in interviews. In fact, you had only ever attended one or two. At Arsenal, you were in the Academy, meaning the media surrounding you and your team was very scarce. As a representative of your National Team, the two interviews you had been a part of were your induction and your Player of the Match award at the end of one of the games. You weren't used to being in the spotlight like your England teammates, but you were not opposed to being overshadowed by them either. You knew you had a lot to learn, you were happy to play alongside them.
“Erm, I'm not quite sure.” You posed, blushing at the laughter that followed. “I'm very proud to be a part of it… this is a big opportunity for me, and I'm grateful for having the chance to represent my country.”
“True English,” Mils said fondly, finding the camera with her eyes. “Modest as always.”
Jordan hugged you tighter. “Let her finish, Millie.”
“But I think all of the girls think that, even to a bigger scale than me.” You continued, fidgeting with your hands. “It's a home Euros so… we all want to bring it home. I think that's one of the main contributors — the pressure, but also the idea of winning. We all want our families and country to be proud. So, yeah, and because we all love football. That's a given.”
“That was a bloody good answer, Baby England,” Rach commented. Her hand was rubbing your shoulder, her legs crossed over each other on the lounge. The Defender behind her was smiling, propping herself into a more comfortable position before she spoke.
“Speaking of,” She smirked. “Are you bothered by your nickname ‘Baby England?’ Do you feel a bit bugged by it?”
You giggled into Jordan, your cheeks inevitably heating up. “Erm, yes and no. I mean, I know I'm the youngest but I’ll go back to training and the girls will be teasing me for it.”
“Do you want to stay in the Academy?” Rach asked. “What’s your plans after the Euros?”
“Not sure.” You shrugged. “Hopefully we finish with Gold, that's the hope, obviously. But, I’ll just have to see.”
Both women looked at each other, then the camera, hiding their smiles concurrently. Jordan and you watched in confusion.
“Should we start the list of offers you've got right now?” Daly chortled. “I can think of five on the top of my head.”
“Who’s your top five?” Millie continued, leaning in and mouthing her club Chelsea.
“Leah would kill me!” You laughed, shaking off the question. “I was talking to Lessi and Lotte about the States, cause my parents still want me to have an education. But to be fair, my agent hasn't told me any offers. I don't think she will until the Euros are over.”
“Well, you heard it hear first.” Rachel beamed. “Baby England to Villa!”
The Cameraman was about to end the video when a booming fury echoed from across the room.
All heads turned to an enraged Leah storming over. “I said no Villa talk!”
yourusername (pretend it's you and Leah)
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yourusername — sorry @ rachdaly, no Villa talk
milliebright — u say nothing about Chelsea, right?
^ leahwilliamson — don't even go there.
lionesses — football’s coming home 🫶🏼
racheldaly — I’ll find a way
^ leahwilliamson — no you won't.
user1 — Leah fighting for Y/N’s spot at Arsenal more than Arsenal themselves LMAO
^ user2 — she really said North London Forever
lottewubbenmoy — Baby England 🫶🏼
alessiarusso99 — beautiful girls
*liked by yourusername, leahwilliamson
User3 — is this an Aston Villa denial confirmation?
^ user4 — I think shes just referencing the YouTube video or Her, Jordan, Mils, and Rach.
^ user5 — shes got all these offers, who knows
^ user3 — she practically confirmed she was going to North Carolina in that video tho
^ user4 — 🤷‍♀️ you could say that is is an Arsenal Confirmation since Leah’s in it. Fr tho idk.
Leahwilliamson — my 🌟 girl
^ user6 — their friendship is so cute
User7 — All these clubs want her, WHERE WILL SHE GO
^ yourusername — 👀
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br7ght · 1 year ago
Pretty Girl Rachel Daly
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summary: your girlfriend is on an important call and you decide to go and grab her attention
warnings: softdom!rachel, sub!reader, messing around under her desk, praise kink, gentle, fingering, oral sex.
pairing: rachel daly x reader
word count: 2000
turns out I struggle to write smaller fics, so let me know what you think :)
Thank this request for my spurt of inspiration
“Is your camera turned off?” You whisper as you walk into your girlfriend’s home office, Rachel sat looking mildly disamused at the online meeting she was dragged onto this morning. She nods, pressing her index finger to her lips to indicate that she was not muted. You placed her coffee on the desk, brushing your hand against hers that was lying flat against the desk, so she pulls your finger up to her mouth, planting a gentle kiss against the tip as a thanks.
She was beaming at you, her smile one of your greatest weaknesses and you can’t help but walk around to the back of her chair, tracing your finger up her bare arm, following the line of her tattoo that winded all the way up to her shoulder. Your finger continued all the way up to her ear before trailing it back down. She hummed in response, your grin growing wider as you found yourself stood behind her, leaning down to place your lips against her exposed neck, kissing her softly.
“Baby, stop.” She whispers, turning her head to look at you with a warning gaze, hoping that the others on the call hadn’t heard her. You didn’t stop, this time taking her skin between your teeth, slowly sucking against her neck. “I’m not going to ask you again.” Her voice was dangerously low, the rasp in her tone making you want to do more than just tease her a little.
“Okay okay I’m going.” You whisper back, grazing your tongue against her ear. As you walked away, she wanted so desperately to pull you back to her and take you on her lap, but she couldn’t. This meeting was going to be at least another half an hour and you both knew that Rachel needed to be present.
When you reach the edge of the desk you drop down to your knees, hearing Rachel talk to one of the voices through the laptop, her eyes following you and her head shaking in disbelief as she watched you crawl underneath her desk. Her legs were crossed but this soon changed without you having to ask, making eye contact through the slight gap between the room and the desk.
You slide her grey joggers from her legs, she allows you, lifting herself up off the chair. You’re left eye level with her boxer shorts, already a wet patch emerging through her underwear. You touch her through the material, dragging the back of your finger up the length of her slit, looking up at Rachel who had her bottom lip between her teeth in a worthy attempt at staying completely silent. You trail your finger upwards again, watching carefully as her body jolted when you found her clit underneath her boxers. You keep your finger there, dragging slow circles around her clothed bundle of nerves, just teasing her ever so slightly.
She reaches for the hem of her own underwear, swiftly pulling them down her own legs letting you do the rest for her, giving you a silent reminder that she wasn’t going to have you on your knees teasing her like that. Once her legs were out of the boxers, she spread her legs for you, letting you see how her arousal was glistening through her folds and you nearly moaned at the sight itself.
You waited between her legs, just lightly breathing against her cunt hearing her breaths getting quicker as she leaned back in her chair, her head tipped back in desperate frustration as you wouldn’t give her what she wanted. You made your way to her toned stomach, grazing your lips over her navel, watching her chest rise and fall as her breathing became laboured. You positioned your shoulders under her thighs, planting gentle kisses between her tanned thighs.
She opened her mouth to speak and that’s when you struck, placing a gentle kiss against her folds, feeling her hips meet your mouth as she lifted them towards you. You giggle silently at how riled up she was, your hands holding her thighs into place. Your tongue licked the entire length of the slit, relishing in the taste of her, she was addictive, and you were planning on doing this until she couldn’t take it anymore. With a long, flat tongue, you tasted her. It felt so gratifying, her flavour making you groan quietly, wrapping your arms around her thighs and pulling her closer to your face. You could feel Rachel’s wetness soaking your lips, but as it seeped through to your tastebuds there was no way you were going to stop now.
Her voice was shaking slightly, every so often her head snapping back into reality when she heard her name come out of the computer, knowing she had to respond without suspicion. When you reached her clit again you circled your tongue lightly around the bud, her hands gripping the arms of her chair, her head thrown back in silent ecstasy. Her arms were straining, her muscular tones flexing as her lips were clasped shut in an attempt to remain as quiet as she could, not wanting the entirety of the meeting to know how her girlfriend was tasting her from under the desk.
When you increased the pressure, you felt her hips grinding down on your tongue in time with your movements, her hands moving to the back of your head, tangling her fingers into your hair, and holding your face close to her cunt, circling your tongue around her clit quicker and sloppier than before. The short breaths she let out when she readjusts your head slightly, moving you exactly where she wanted you was telling enough, knowing she wasn’t going to last much longer.
She keeps a tight hold of your head as you push her nearer to the edge, forcing you in place as if you’d ever want to stop. The animalistic need to please her grows stronger, matching her desperation to get over the edge so you double your efforts. You take her clit into your mouth, sucking harshly on it before circling it again and she lets out a small groan. You look up at her, smirking at her shock at her own noise, coughing slightly to cover it up. Her legs were trembling against your face, squeezing them around your head, her bottom lip remaining between her teeth.
It didn’t take much longer for her to reach her peak, her back arching beautifully as she rides out her orgasm on your tongue, pulling against your hair making you whimper against her folds. She doesn’t allow your head to move away from her, her foot planting against your back as she uncontrollably feels her orgasm crash over her, nothing but heavy breaths leaving her mouth. In the aftermath of her orgasm, barely seconds into recovery you heard the rest of the voices on the call say goodbye.
“Bye, bye, bye.” She let out, immediately clicking the red button, and closing her laptop. She untangled her hands from your hair, her head still lied back against the chair. “Get up here.” She demands softly, pushing the chair back on its wheels allowing you to stand between her legs, her strong grip against your ass, pulling you to her lips. You moved together in desperate passion, the taste of her lingering on your mouth and it made her moan against you, taking your bottom lip between her teeth and pulling sharply back against it before letting it go again.
“Baby if you wanted my attention, you should’ve just asked.” Rachel hummed, tasting herself on your lips making her hungry to kiss you again. “Tell me what you need.” She was pleading with you, her hands on your body as you leaned into her touch.
“I need you to fuck me baby, on top of the desk.” You requested, your thighs tightening around her lap, watching as her cheeks grew pink at your words. You kissed her messily and panted breathlessly when she grabbed your waist, drawing you closer to her. She gripped the backs of your legs, lifting you onto her desk and hitching up your skirt. Rachel was obsessed with you, the way your thighs looked pressed up against the surface driving her into a sense of oblivion that she couldn’t turn away from. You purposefully clasped your legs together as her hands massaged up your legs, pleading for you to let her in.
“Let me touch you pretty girl.” She grazed her lips against your ear and who were you to deny her, spreading your legs at her soft request and you instantly felt her fingers trace over your drenched underwear, your body trembling against her teasing hands. She pressed delicate kisses along your exposed jaw, and you suck in a sharp breath as you feel her skilled fingers push your lingerie to the side, knowingly dragging her filed nail along your slit, gathering your arousal, spreading it up to your swollen clit. Your whines were sinful to listen to, but the softness of Rachel’s touch all over your body, her hand stroking the loose strand of hair that fell over your face behind your ear, her thumb caressing small circles into your cheek.
“Oh Rach, please, I need you baby.” You gasp, her gentle smile making your eyes melt into the older woman’s gaze. You brought your hands up to cup her face, a tender heat leaking into your hold.
“Shh, don’t worry, I’m going to take care of you.” She whispered against your hand, planting a kiss to the side of your palm, letting you wrap your arms around her neck, holding her face close to yours as she edged closer towards your entrance. Her finger outlining you, drawing small shapes against your wetness, each stroke pushing slightly deeper into you. She was working you up, ready to start her thrusts into you, desperate to hear you whimper and sigh against her fingers. Once you started breathlessly rocking your hips against her hand, she captured your lips within hers, her spare hand reaching up your baggy top and massaging your breast, your nipple hardening with immediacy against her touch.
“You make such pretty sounds when I touch you like this.” Rachel observed hungrily, your little gasps driving her to nibble against your earlobe as she pushed her finger inside of you, slowly beginning to thrust into you, her digit curling upwards and brushing against your g-spot like it was her second home. She knew every inch of your body and how to turn you into a whining mess as she prepared to stretch you out a little further. You go to kiss her, but as your lips touch hers, she quickens up her thrusts, adding her second finger and you whimper desperately against her mouth, not able to keep up with her.
“You feel so good Rach, please don’t stop.” You stuttered, knowing that Rachel got off on knowing how good she was making you feel. Your hands were tangled in her hair again, pulling her bun out of its tight hold, liking to have your fingers exploring her blonde strands as she fucked you.
“I’m not going to stop until you come, can you do that angel? Can you get yourself close for me pretty girl?” It wasn’t even a question as her lips trailed against your neck, speeding up her movements, re-adjusting her hand so her thumb could nudge your clit with each pump of her wrist. You were nodding at her question, unashamedly moaning as you felt her silky upwards touch stroke your clit so carefully, knowing how to push you over the edge. You could feel your orgasm building at an embarrassingly quick pace, your legs wrapping around her waist, forcing her body closer to yours in a moment of desperation to feel her flushed against you.
You were thrusting your own hips against her hand, “Yes Rach, I’m going to cum for you.” Your words coiled in your throat, coming out as a string of broken moans as she stopped her thrusts, just forcefully curling her fingers against your now over-sensitive spot, her gentle strokes against your clit becoming sloppier as she knew exactly what you needed.
“That’s it, cum for me baby, you look so pretty with my fingers inside of you.” Rachel groaned against your neck, her body flexing as she put the final effort into you, feeling your walls clench around her fingers in response to her praise and that gave her enough signal now to know to continue the same consistent movements until you toppled over the edge. She was entranced by the noises you made as your orgasm washed over your body, your hips meeting her hand as you pull her in for a fierce kiss, uncontrollably moaning against her tongue as she locked her lips with yours. You could feel her smile against your mouth as you called out her name at the peak of your climax, your hands tugging against her blonde locks until you felt the shockwaves still, breathing heavily against her mouth.
Rachel waited for you to open your eyes, calming down from your orgasm before pulling her fingers out of you, devilishly allowing her tongue to run up against her fingers, cleaning herself up. You just watched in awe of your girlfriend as you crossed your leg over the other, rubbing small circles against the back of her hand.
“That was incredible, I need to interrupt you more often.” You smile, barely catching your breath back as you leant forward, your legs slick with sweat against the wooden surface, your skirt still hitched above your hips.
“If you’re going to sound that pretty while doing it, I’ll have you up on my desk every day.”
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totaly-obsessed · 11 months ago
Rachel Daly Appreciation
woso appreciation masterlist | with @alotofpockets
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Congrats on an incredible international career! You will be missed dearly on the pitch.
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futbolfatale · 4 months ago
Social media AKA Hell on Earth
Pairings: Rachel Daly X Reader, Millie Bright X Reader, Alessia Russo X Reader, Ella Toone X Reader,
Tags: Pre-Established Poly Relationship, Minor Cyber Bullying, Minor Angst to Fluff
WordCount: 0.6k
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Instagram could be a cruel place if you knew that and still, it hurts to see people saying negative things about you. You had attended the Germany game the night before like you always did. You would never miss one of your girl's games. But There had been multiple times Less and Toone had gotten mildly distracted by you while they were supposed to be playing.
These trolls posted pictures of you they had deemed attention-seeking and tore you apart in the comments about how you wanted them to lose and that it was all your fault. It's frustrating to see people who have never even played professional football criticize you and your family. “Whatcha Looking at” Rachel startles you out of your phone-induced haze. ‘ just looking at Instagram” you force a smile as Rachel sits down on the couch next to you. “Mills and I were thinking of going out for ice cream if you wanted to join us?” you gladly accept Rachel’s offer and you head out to the car where Mills is already Waiting.
“There are my favorite girls”  She teases as you both load into the car. “Do you know what you are going to get?” Mill Questions as you pull out of the drive. “I Dunno, Maybe Cookie dough ohh or cotton candy. What about you?” It’s Easy For you to settle back into this calm space they've provided for you. “Raspberry I think”-” This is my song Mills turn it up” You laugh as Rachel starts singing along to River Deep, Mountain High “ Sing It with me baby” You roll your eyes but join in on the fun.
After The Ice cream is acquired you decide to walk around the park. It’s just dark enough to be comforting and Weirdly quiet. “Do you guys think It is my fault We lost?” You ask barely loud enough for them to hear. “No one is saying that I will beat them up for you.”Mills stops walking and holds your shoulder in her free hand. “Millie You Can’t Beat up our Fans you would cause an uproar.” Rachel jokes wrapping her free arm around your waist. “Well, the fans Don’t know Anything. It was a hard game and you not Being there would have only made us play worse. We always do better When our lucky charm is in the stands.” You smile softly holding in a couple of tears. “How about We head home and we can watch a movie and have some pasta,” Rach Suggests with a slight smirk on her face. She already knows you will agree it is your favorite way to spend a night in. “Let's do it” You laugh as Mills shoves the last of her ice cream cone in her mouth before picking you up and spinning you in a little circle, almost forcing you to drop your ice cream. “Come on Ladies, we should get home before Toone and Less burn the house to the ground. Rach takes off running towards the car and you can’t hide the smile that takes control of your face as you chase after her.
By the time you get home you're buzzin you've decided on watching Man on Fire. You bounce into the house ready to stealth attack toone and less. Knowing them they are sat on the couch playing FIFA. You slip your shoes off and creep in behind the couch where they are both sat. They don’t even break away from their game as you creep up behind them. “Who is winning?” You ask, throwing your body over the couch and landing on top of them. “Baby girl you scared the piss out me my god” You laugh as they return to their game. Life is good even if the Fans Will never truly understand your world it doesn't matter because you have the people you love.
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zeezelweazel · 1 year ago
Rachel Daly & Millie Bright| New Experiences|
I was planning on writing more fluff but all the smut ideas hit me like a truck so here you go ig, also this is loooong
I'm kinda nervous to post this idk why (the proof reading was very rushed, not my best work)
TW: Strap on use, fingering (reader receiving), oral (Millie receiving), face sitting, praise kink, dirty talk, slight breeding kink
You've been dating Rachel for almost a year now and obviously you've met Millie more than once. The two best friends were soulmates and you won't lie, at first it bothered you a little. How they were so impossibly close with their matching tattoos and their inside jokes. It made you feel like you have to compete for Rachel's attention and time.
Then you realised how crazy that sounded so you shifted your attention to trying to be friends with Millie. You two bonded really fast and Rachel was delighted over your new found relationship.
Now some time has past and the three of you have settled into a comfortable dynamic. Although no matter how much time you spend with someone, there are always things about them that you must discover.
You and Rachel are cuddled up on the couch with Millie on the other side with your legs draped over her lap as a boring rom com plays on the tv. The movie was something that you guys found playing already and decided to leave it, the plot being about a woman discovering her love for women after years of dating men.
Everything was going smoothly until the two best friends decided to make an innocent joke.
"Good for her, but I'm sure that it's not that easy to realise you like women after dating men your whole life."
"Pssh please, one night with us and you'd be head over heels Bright."
Millie turned to Rachel so they can continue their little scramble but your mind had simply stopped working. Surely Millie must be joking. There's no way she's not only straight but also has never been with another woman before. Sure, you've never talked about her sexuality with Millie before but you had simply assumed. Which sounds bad but at the same time, could you really be blamed?
"Wait wait wait. Millie, you've never been with a woman before?"
Rachel looks at you with a smirk you can't identify at the moment and Millie just smiles and shakes her head.
"Nope. Never. Shocking ain't it?"
You only hum in response and focus your attention back towards the screen. Just when you thought the night was about to continue as normal, Rachel reached down and squeezed your thigh. You gulped knowing that this conversation isn't over just yet.
It was almost midnight when Millie left. You and Rachel were getting ready for bed. You noticed your girlfriend throwing pointed glances at you but not really saying what she wants. Finally you've had enough so with a huff you pull her into your side on the bed. Rachel chuckles slightly before finally revealing her thoughts.
"So about what happened earlier... You were a tad bit disappointed that Millie isn't interested in women."
Rachel said it so confidently that it made you laugh at first but once you noticed she was serious you started playing with your hands anxiously.
You'll admit you've spent a fair share of time ogling your girlfriend's best friend. It's not like cheating, of course not, it's just that Millie was an objectively attractive woman. A gorgeous, tall, mascular woman that you've fantasised about once or twice. Or more than that.
You thought you were not being obvious about it but Rachel knows you better than you know yourself. It's also fortunate that Rachel knows Millie better than anyone. She's caught her best friend looking once or twice. She couldn't blame Millie, you're drop dead gorgeous.
The recent events tied everything together, it's just too good of an opportunity for Rachel to brush it off without doing anything.
When Rachel realised you weren't going to answer she tugged you to her side and pulled you in for a side hug.
"I've seen how you look at Millie babe." Rachel leaned in and whispered in your ear. You froze completely at her words, not knowing how to react. Rachel smirked teasingly and you blushed trying to hide your face in her shoulder.
"I don't blame you. Millie is really hot."
Your eyes almost bulge out of your skull after hearing your girlfriend's words. You move back to look at her, trying to gauge her reaction to see if she's lying or joking. When you realise she's completely serious you bite your lip in thought.
"Are you really saying what I think you're saying?" Rachel only nods in response looking at you with an almost hopeful look." I don't want Millie to be uncomfortable. I mean she's never been with a woman before and what if she thinks we're creepy, or disgusting or-"
"Woah pause. Millie would never. If she doesn't like the idea she'll simply tell me that and then we'll forget this ever happened."
You ponder over it a few moments as Rachel quietly runs her hands up and down your sides. When you finally nod, Rachel grin in triumph and lays down on the bed.
"Good. I'll talk to her tomorrow."
When Rachel came home grinning from ear to ear and pulled you in a passionate kiss you thought she was just in a mood. But after she pulled away she told you that Millie had miraculously agreed. You really didn't expect her to but you'd be lying if you said you weren't giddy at the thought of a threesome with your girlfriend's best friend.
It took a lot of preparation and long talks with Millie about your boundaries and your kinks but everything was finally sorted and ready. You were almost pacing in your living room waiting for Millie to arrive. Rachel is trying to play it cool but you could tell she was nervous as well. It's not like you two have done this before.
The tension in the room is broken by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Rachel jumped up from the couch and all but ran to the door. Millie seemed to be anxious as well, her more than you and for good reason. With everyone anxious the atmosphere was a little awkward. You didn't dare to make the first step, opting to look at the floor instead.
After a few seconds of silence Rachel finally decides to break the ice. She pulls Millie closer by the fabric of her shirt and frames her face with her hands. Millie's face flushes red and she nods her consent. Rachel finally pushes their lips together, softly at first, expertly sliding their lips together. Millie groans softly into the kiss and her hands fall on Rachel's hips to pull her closer. You watch as the two best friends kiss and warmth grows in the pit of your stomach as the kiss turns more passionate. Rachel gasps when Millie squeezes her hips and grinds down on her which allows the taller blonde to slip her tongue in Rachel's mouth.
Your eyes are dark with lust as you watch the scene in front of you progress and you rub your thighs together desperate to relieve some of the pleasure in between your thighs. You weren't expecting Millie to take the rains so easily, especially with Rachel usually being the dominant one in the bedroom, but it's definitely a welcome surprise. When the defender sucks on Rachel's tongue she whines and her hips twitch. Millie pulls back then and Rachel chases her lips only to be lightly pushed back by her best friend's strong hand. Millie is smirking confidently when she turns to look at you.
"Can't let you have all the fun now can we, Rach?"
Without another word you pounced on her, your kiss wet and rough as you tried to consume one another. Realising that you three have been standing in the hall this entire time you string Millie towards the bedroom, your lips not once leaving eachother. Once you reached the bedroom Millie pushed you on the bed. You fell on the cushions with your eyes stuck on Millie who looked a bit uncertain on how to continue. Rachel slipped behind Millie, reaching around to rub chiseled abs over the defender's clothes but her blue eyes were fixed on you.
"Take your clothes of baby."
You nod fast at Rachel's command and take your clothes off slowly, making sure to give the two women watching you a show. You take of your shirt first, revealing the lacy white lingerie you picked out. You bite your lip as you feel your pussy grow wetter when you see Rachel slowly undressing Millie, taking of her clothes piece by piece as she kisses along her neck and whispers in her ear hotly.
"Doesn't she look so pretty? Do you want to fuck her Millie?"
You moaned needily when you heard Rachel's raspy voice. Millie's eyes were dark with lust, she licked her lips and gripped the sides of your bottoms. With a nod you gave your consent and Millie tugged down both your pants and your underwear at once.
Millie was bare on top as well, save for her bra. Rachel had now moved next to you and swiftly unhooked your bra. You whimpered when the cold air hit your stiff nipples and Millie groaned at the sight of your soft breasts completely exposed. Rachel reached over and took her best friend's hands on her own to guide them to your chest. Millie instinctively squeezed and groped your tits, her big palms covering the entire soft expanse of your breasts. Rachel, ever the impatient woman, moved to your neck instead as she nipped and sucked bruises on your skin.
Millie started twisting and tugging on your nipples and you moaned loudly bringing one of your hands to tangle in Rachel's soft blonde hair.
"Please, lower!"
Rachel smirked against your neck when you begged. She pulled back and started rubbing your thighs as you let them fall open. Both women turned their attention on the wet patch that very obviously formed on your panties.
Rachel slowly slid them off and you whined as she took her sweet time, teasing you as much as possible. Now you were lying beneath Millie, completely bare as both women stared you down hungrily.
Rachel moved closer to Millie and positioned her hands once more. Taking the defender's hand in her own, Rachel guided one of Millie's thick fingers through your slippery folds and your hips bucked while your mouth fell open.
"Feel how wet she is for us. Such a good girl, dripping all over and making a mess."
You whimpered and tried to grind up on Millie's finger, tired of the teasing from the blondes. Rachel tutted disapprovingly and held your hips down with her free hand to stop you from moving. She kept their fingers going up and down until she focused on your throbbing clit. Millie's rough fingers making tight circles over the sensitive nub. The sight of your girlfriend teaching her best friend how to touch a woman, how to touch you, turned you on in ways you'd never imagine.
Millie started gaining confidence quickly, her fingers now moving on their own, even dripping lower to tease at your gaping hole. Rachel decides that Millie is fine on her own for now so she reaches back and unhooks her best friend's bra as well. Millie groans when her best friend starts planting wet kisses on her neck. Without wasting any time Rachel's hands moved to her breasts to twist and pull at her nipples, similar to what the blonde was doing to you a few moments before. Millie took pity in your whining and finally shoved two fingers inside your wet pussy. Your hands gripped the sheets tightly, a futile attempt to ground yourself as Millie's fingers set up a punishing pace. Millie turned her head and started making out with Rachel again. Their tongues were moving against eachother, your girlfriend doing a great job of swallowing all of Millie's moans as her nimble fingers continued touching her chest.
"God Millie, fuck! I'm so close don't stop."
Rachel grinned at your words her lips moving down to connect with yours in a bruising kiss. Millie seemed to be more motivated to make you come, using her other arm to rub your clit while her hands kept moving.
"Curl your fingers when you're inside, she loves that." You groaned when Rachel said that but the breathy sound soon turned to a high pitched moan when Millie curled her fingers and hit your g-spot repeatedly. You couldn't control your hips anymore, you started grinding down in time with the blonde's thrusts.
"That's it baby girl, come for us." Rachel cooed in your ear and your thighs started shaking while you toppled over the edge, head thumping on the the sheets while your eyes rolled in the back of your head.
Millie was good with her fingers. Way too good for this to be her first time. Her fingers were thick and big, a huge difference from Rachel's long and slim ones. Your chest was heaving from the deep breaths you were taking desperate to gulp down as much air as you can. When you opened your eyes what you saw made heat immediately pool at your lower belly once more.
Rachel was now sitting on the bed, mouth stuffed with Millie's fingers as she sucked and licked to clean them from your juices. Rachel was still wearing all of her clothes but not for long. you moved closer to the blondes and tugged on your girlfriend's shirt, a silent question to remove it. Millie removed her fingers from Rachel's mouth and quickly got rid of the of the offending garment.
It didn't take Rachel much to push the taller woman on the bed and get on top of her, their lips crashing against eachother. You saw your girlfriend pushing Millie's pants and underwear down, helping the taller woman remove them completely.
"I want to taste you." It was a whisper swallowed by the wet sounds of their lips brushing against eachother with passion but you heard it non the less. Millie nodded hurriedly and pushed Rachel lower. Her cunt was wet and aching and the only thing that will help is Rachel's mouth on her. Rachel looked at you before getting on her knees and she licked her lips before smirking.
"Why don't you sit on Millie's face sweet girl?"
Both you and Millie flushed red at the suggestion but both of you are eager to jump on the opportunity. Millie looks a bit unsure as to what to do when you climb over her face. Rachel pats her spread thighs to get her attention, knowing what her best friend is feeling even without being able to look at her face.
"Just focus on what I do to you so you can do it to her, yeah?"
Rachel doesn't see Millie's strong nod but she doesn't seem to care as she dives in anyway. She runs the flat of her tongue through Millie's sloppy folds and the defender moans, thrusting her hips against Rachel's face. You slowly lower your pussy on Millie's awaiting face and the other woman immediately copies her best friend's movements. Rachel lets Millie grind on her tongue relishing in the moans from both her and you as the sweet taste of Millie fills her senses.
Rachel grips Millie's thighs and pushes her head closer and moves her tongue higher to tease the blonde's throbbing clit. Millie's hips twitch against Rachel's face and her loud moans vibrate against your own clit. You throw your head back your hands clutching Millie's blonde hair as you curse loudly.
Your thighs start shaking, a second orgasm coming quickly since you're already very sensitive. Rachel decides this is the perfect moment to take Millie's clit in her mouth and suck. The blond stops working her tongue against you with her head so full of oust and pleasure. You whine pitifully at being denied but soon enough Millie sloppily takes the swollen bud in her mouth and your mouth drops open in a silent scream. It doesn't take much for you to come again with a yell of Millie's name.
You fell boneless on the bed next to her and watch breathless when Millie threads her fingers through Rachel's hair and tugs her closer. Rachel, you think, always looks so unbelievably attractive like this. On her knees with her face pushed against a wet and hot cunt her expression dazed and completely pussy drunk. Millie is close, you can tell with how her hips seem to be out of control and how her legs are wrapped around Rachel, twisting and pressing down on the sides of her head.
Millie comes with a low groan but keeps Rachel's face pressed against her core using what strength she has left to ride out her high on the blonde's tongue. Soon Millie lets her best friend escape and Rachel comes up for a filthy kiss, letting the defender taste herself on her tongue.
You quickly notice that Rachel is still wearing too much and most importantly the woman has been so focused on Millie and you that she hasn't come once tonight. Your eyes brighten dangerously when a great idea pops in your head.
"Rach is wearing way too much." You turn to Millie who is now propped up on her elbows watching her best friend with a hunger in her eyes. Rachel shifts her eyes from you back to her best friend and her face flushes red at your predatory gazes. Millie finds her dominance back and grips Rachel's thighs to drag her up the bed. Rachel's surprised yelp is muffled by Millie's eager mouth. The defender easily dominates the kiss and tugs Rachel's bra off. She doesn't waste any time before she roughly gropes her breasts and moves down to suck and bite the soft flesh.
Rachel bites her lip to stop any noises from escaping because the blonde always embarrassed about being loud. You move from the bed to the drawer underneath the bed and pull out Rachel's favourite strap to use. Seven inches proud, this strap is rarely worn by you since Rachel has a hard time taking it but this was a special occasion and after all you won't be the one to wear it.
You take the harness and turn to the two women on the bed. Rachel is now completely naked hips grinding down and desperately trying to find much needed pleasure against Millie's hips. Millie pulls back when she notices you, much to Rachel's dismay, and her eyes widen comically when she notices what you're holding. Rachel gasps when she sees her favourite strap and gulps when she realises that she'll have to take the whole thing tonight.
"Let me help you put it on Mills. Baby grab the lube, you'll need it." Rachel scurries off the bed and you make quick work of the harness, tightening the straps around Millie's hips. Rachel hands you the lube and gulps when you motion to her hand with your head. Rachel squirts a gracious amount in her hand and looks directly at Millie's eyes when she takes the strap on her hand, slowly moving her hand up and down. She coats the strap in lube and makes sure to put enough pressure so the strap presses against Millie's clit.
When Rachel deems the strap ready she happily lies down and spreads her pegs for you and Millie, her pussy glisening with arousal. Millie grips her thighs and positions herself, ready to enter Rachel until you stop her with a hand on her stomach. She looks at you confused but you only grin, throwing a teasing glance at Rachel.
"She can't take that yet. Let me get her pussy ready for you."
Rachel whines and hides her face in her hands but the embarrassment is soon overtaken by pleasure when you enter her with two fingers. You make sure to go slow and give Millie a good show, scissoring your fingers and stretching her tight hole. Rachel moves her hips in time with your thrusts but it doesn't do anything to help, the shallow and slow thrusts only serve as teasing. When you meet no resistance you add a third finger in and Rachel throws her head back with a frustrated groan.
"I can take it! Just, fuck, get on with it!"
You chuckle at her desperation and slowly take your fingers out, turning to look at Millie who's eyes are firmly locked on her best friend's dripping pussy." What do you think Millie?"
The blonde doesn't answer, instead she takes the strap in her hand and runs the head up and down Rachel's folds. Rachel's breath stutters when the head teases her hole.
"Fuck Mills stop teasing -"
Rachel's sentence is interrupted by a loud moan when Millie finally enters her, pushing in only a few inches of the thick appendage. Rachel spreads her legs wider, a clear invitation for Millie to go deeper.
The taller woman goes in and out with short but powerful thrusts slowly pushing the strap deeper. Rachel tries to keep quiet but she's fighting a loosing battle. The length of the strap keeps going deeper and deeper stretching her out in ways she's never experienced before. You lay next to her and your hand goes to tease at her nipples while your mouth creates new bruises on her neck.
"No need to do that love. You know I love how loud you're. And you know you're too much of a slut to keep quiet anyway."
Rachel whimpers and clamps down on the strap and Millie groans at the resistance. You perk up and grab Rachel's knees pulling them up until they're almost by her ears. The new angle allows for a better angle and Millie pushes the strap all the way down, her hips flash against Rachel's.
"Gods, fuck! Millie harder!"
You simply stared amazed, Rachel had never been able to take the whole thing before. But with the help of Millie she was being pounded into the mattress seven inches moving in and out of her. Millie's eyes moved from Rachel's face, filled with pleasure and flushed red, to her full tits bouncing in time with the strong thrusts. You decided to help by bringing your hand to her neglected clit, the sensitive bundle of nerves twitching and throbbing. Rachel almost screamed when you started rubbing hard circles against it.
"I'm close, don't stop!"
Of course she doesn't, instead Millie starts moving her hips faster and Rachel's voices closes up as her moans turn into sharp breaths. The most prominent sound in the room is the lewd sound of their hips slapping against. Rachel finally comes with a scream and Millie collapses next to her exhausted.
After a long shower session, cuddle time was due. Rachel was bundled in your arms with Millie next to her. Your usually over confident girlfriend was quite timid and very sore after the pounding she received so she was content with laying in your arms while you and Millie talked.
"This one won't be able to walk tomorrow, you know." You say and tap Rachel's hip teasingly."And since it's your fault you're going to carry her wherever she wants." Rachel only smiles against the soft skin of your neck when Millie gasps.
"I was that good wasn't I?" Millie gloats after a few seconds of silence.
"Oh rubbish! I can make her take a bigger one."
Millie scoffed and Rachel slapped your stomach.
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putellasawfc · 1 year ago
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down again !
rachel daly x lioness!reader
( a/n : sorry i haven’t posted in sooo long omg !! honestly the holiday season drained me & since i’ve been so unmotivated to write :( & i’ve been dealing with stuff in my personal life, nothing serious just so hectic ! but i am slowly coming back. still have a mary earps request & arsenal x teen!reader request to work on and a few of you have asked for a pt2 to the wag in training instagram post i made. they will all be coming eventually ! )
you jogged beside rachel up and down the pitch, you and the others girls were warming yourselves up for the ninety minute game against belgium that was due to commence in twenty minutes from now, the fans had already begun to fill the seats of the stadium and you were eager to win this for them. you were excited for the match, a little nervous but mostly excited.
it had been awhile since you were in the starting line up after recovering from an ankle injury, you had been on the bench for all the recent games and you were more excited than ever to be able to play a full game again, though sarina had advised you to let her know if you felt as though you were pushing your ankle too much and she would take you off immediately, not wanting to risk you causing any further damage to it which could lead to anything permanent.
you felt a nudge against your hip, and turned to see your girlfriend of almost a year smiling at you knowingly. “you gonna score a banger for us today?”
you rolled your eyes playfully, knowing she was only half serious. “what do i get if i do?”
“umm..” she cocked her head to the side whilst she pretended to think, both of you turning on your heel once you reached the end of the pitch so you could run back up again. “a big fat kiss and a box of chocolates?”
“is that it?”
you gasped at the sudden shove you were given, stumbling over your two feet as rachel laughed and continued jogging.
“oi!” you called out, “you can’t do that, i’m fragile remember.” you caught up with her, shoving her in return though not with as much effort she had just given you.
“yeah, yeah.” she shrugged you off, “that’s not what you were saying last night.”
“rach!” you cried out, head whipping around to ensure nobody was nearby to hear what the blonde was insinuating.
she laughed at your reaction, and you almost wondered why you put up with her sometimes, but when you glanced in her direction and saw her already smiling back at you with that fond look in her eye, that look you only saw when she was staring back at you, you didn’t waste another second trying to guess.
“you’re such a pain sometimes.”
you made your way into the penalty box as one of the belgium girls grabbed the ball and made her way to the corner, the red and black kitted team earning themselves a corner after the ball had been kicked out by millie when number nine had gotten too close for comfort. you got in position, standing where you usually always stood which was just outside goal, as closest to mary than any of the other england players with a few girls from the other team pushing and grabbing their ways between you and your fellow lioness.
you sent the blonde a reassuring smile, confident that you would be able to stop the ball from touching the inside of the net with how well you had all been playing so far already.
the ball had been kicked and was now soaring through the air with some speed, you bounced on your feet as you waited to see where it looked more likely to land, your arm stuck out to prevent one of the belgium girls from knocking you out of the way and gaining an advantage on the ball.
the seconds went by in slow motion as the ball got closer and closer to where you stood, and you made the quick decision that you would try and header the goal out of play as it seemed like the best decision, you did not want to risk passing it to another member of the competition and have them get it past your or mary.
you jumped on your feet, leaning forward to connect your head with the leather material when out of nowhere, you felt a harsh push against your back and ribs that had your head flying into something else instead, something that had you crumbling to the floor only a second later with your head in your hands and a mind numbing pain spreading through your entire body.
the crowd exploded into a chorus of boo’s, and the whistle blew not even a second later, the loud sounds doing nothing to soften that pulsing agony in your head. you didn’t want to move, your whole body felt heavy and the thought of stretching even a single part of your body sounded like hell to you. you didn’t even react when you felt a gentle hand on your back, or another on your shoulder, or another on the top of your head where the hairband to your ponytail was positioned. the pain was so intense you were sure that if you weren’t so out of it you would be a sobbing mess right now.
you felt a body loom over yours, and some hair tickle your ear, “babe? can you hear me? are you alright?”
the northern accent that sounded from your girlfriend was heavily coated in an unusual sense of concern that you never really heard from the carefree blonde, but with you down on the floor, seemingly unresponsive the villa player was more scared than she had ever been.
“babe? can you please just say something? or move your hand? just wanna make sure you’re awake okay? please.” she sounded desperate at the end, and your heart clenched at the panic in her voice.
so with all the strength you could muster, which right now wasn’t a lot, you moved your hand until you managed to find her thigh, where you let it sit, feeling comforted by the skin on skin contact you had with your girlfriend. it wasn’t long before she grabbed that hand and squeezed it in her own, her slender fingers intertwining with your own as her thumb rubbed the back of you knuckles.
“you’re gonna be okay, yeah? the medics are here love, they’re gonna make sure you’re good.”
you mentally nodded at that, though didn’t make any move to physically show her you had acknowledged her words. you felt her press a quick peck to the back of your knuckles before she released your hold in hers and moved aside to let the medics in. you frowned at the loss of contact, but there wasn’t much you could do about it until you were at least able to verbally communicate with the people surrounding you.
the medics checking you out was a blur, just a lot of hands touching your face and neck, moving your head back and forth, the gasp from some of your teammates when they caught sight of the nasty gash on your temple that you hadn’t even realised was there until the alcohol wipes came out. a light was shone in your eyes briefly, before it was flickered off and the medic gestured to two other medics who were waiting offside.
a few seconds later a bright orange could be seen from your blurred vision, though you knew what it was straight away. there was no mistaking the stretcher you had seen being brought out more times than you had liked throughout your career, most of the time for other players but today it seemed as you were the lucky girl about to be carried off the pitch. you panicked a little, worrying how serious your injury was if the medics thought the stretcher was necessary.
your eyes sought out the presence of the only person who could calm you at this moment, flickering around wildly in a desperate attempt to find her but it was like she had all of a sudden vanished.
it was hemp who clicked onto who you were looking around for, the man city striker was stood at a distance, biting at her nails as she watched over you almost protectively, and seeing you so frantic in your attempts to place your girlfriend had her feeling even more sorry for you. she was quick to help out, looking around to find rachel, who to no surprise, was with millie just out of sight from you.
millie was holding the smaller girl back with a hand to her chest, as rachel yelled at the culprit who was the reason for your newfound concussion, the woman in question at least having the decency to look guilty. rachel’s face was flushed red with anger, and her hand was flying all over the place as she yelled. it was a good job millie was there, lauren thought to herself. though millie herself wasn’t looking at the belgium player too nicely either.
with the medics ready to lift you and get you on the stretcher, lauren didn’t waste anymore time and jogged over to the duo, placing a hand on rachel’s shoulder which halted her ranting as she looked to see who had approached.
“they’re carrying y/n off rach, i think she wants you with her.” hemp kept the explanation brief, knowing it would be enough to have rachel retreating and joining you.
and she was right, rachel didn’t even bother to look back at the belgium player again before she rushed off to where you were still laid on the floor, some of the other lionesses now wandering off to give the two of you (along with the medics) some much needed space. she fell down on her knees next to you, and you let out a breath you hadn’t even realised you’d been holding.
“come on pretty girl, let’s get you somewhere they can treat you properly yeah? need you all fixed up so we can have you with us again.” rachel did a good job at soothing your racing thoughts, her encouraging smile enough to ease the part of your brain that was coming up with all sorts of scary injuries you were convincing yourself you might have.
with your head still being in immense pain, you were still unable to nod in response, so instead you opted to send her a weak smile to let her know you were listening and appreciated her being there. she smiled back, moving to squeeze your hand in hers once again which added to the comfort you felt with her around.
“just gonna stand back whilst they get you up, okay? then i’ll be with you whilst they carry you off. ella’s gonna be with you whilst i’m still on the pitch but if sarina takes me off i’ll be finding you straight away, alright babe?” she explained, and you squeezed her hand in acknowledgement, feeling more at ease now you knew toone who was on the bench right now, would be with you whilst the medics checked you over inside.
rachel did as she said and temporarily let go of your hand so that she could step away and allow the medics to handle you properly, not wanting to get in their way and cause any issues whilst they dealt with you. a mixture of emotions weighed heavy on her heart.
she was angry at the player who decided to shove you head first into the goal post, just to stop you from getting rid of the ball that mary had caught anyways. no she was livid actually. but she was also upset for you, who had just gotten back on the pitch after waiting almost two months for your ankle to heal after your last incident on the pitch, now you’d be off again and for your sake she just hoped it wasn’t for longer than two weeks at most. and on top of all that she was worried, very worried about the state that you were in.
this wasn’t just a simple hit to the head that you could walk off, clearly. you were bleeding heavily and it was as if you weren’t even aware of where you were, or who you were with or what had just happened. she was just grateful you seemed to be able to understand what people were saying to you, that would’ve been too much for her to cope with she was sure.
millie comforted her whilst she waited for the medics to finish, and she was grateful for the support from her best friend who didn’t speak, only rubbed her shoulder comfortingly in the stressful seconds that passed. it had been six minutes now since the game had been halted because of your injury, and whilst the others girls ran to their managers and listened to advice and new game strategies, rachel refused to leave the pitch with you on it, especially with the state that you were in. if it weren’t for the cameras that were no doubt pointed at her right now, she was sure she’d be a mess until she found out for certain you were going to be okay.
she moved forward the second your body was lifted on the stretcher and squeezed inbetween two bodies so that she could grab ahold of your hand for the third time since you went down, using her spare hand to rub up and down your arm whilst she walked with you all the way off the pitch. the crowd watching erupted into applause as they always did when an injured player was carried off and rachel could only smile at the show of appreciation for you, her super girl who would’ve no doubt been tearing up at the love you were receiving if you were really aware of it.
when you reached the end of the pitch, she quickly leaned down and as gently as she could placed a quick kiss to your cheek, giving you once saddened glance before she moved back. “love you baby, i promise i’ll come see you as soon as i can.”
the only thing keeping rachel relaxed at the moment was knowing that ella would be with you on the other side, one of your best friends on the squad who she knew would look after you in replace of her. she waited until you were out of sight before she turned to make her way back to the pitch, making eye contact with the belgium player who had been sent off with a red card for deliberately pushing you into the goal post, and she was tempted to approach the dark haired woman and do something she’d probably regret in the morning. but before she even had a chance to take a step in that direction, sarina appeared in her line of sight and sent her a look, a look that said ‘you know you don’t really want to’.
and despite the vision of you laying on the floor, body crumpled and unmoving so clear in her mind, she knew sarina was right. so reluctantly, she steered her body in the opposite direction and jogged back to her original position as she waited for the game to recommence.
four hours had passed and you were now laid in bed in your hotel room, the one you shared with rachel as you always did when you were at camp, with the blonde fretting over your every need.
the doctors you had seen had confirmed you had a hefty concussion, and would be out of any form of football based activities for the next two weeks, which was a bummer but you were just glad it wasn’t too long, hopefully two weeks would pass by in a flash.
unfortunately, they had given rachel a list of symptoms to look out for incase your condition worsened and now the poor woman hadn’t relaxed since she’d gotten back, constantly checking up on you and watching over you like a hawk so she could catch any slight change in your current state so she could alert them immediately.
“rach, babe, come sit please. can’t relax with you pacing around like you are.” you stressed, patting the empty space beside you. “i am fine. i promise i will let you know if anything changes.”
she tutted at that but approached the bed as you had asked her to. “will you though? i know what you’re like. wont wanna say anything because you won’t want me to panic.”
“i think it’s too late for me to be worrying about making you panic.” you teased, and she glared in response.
“well i’m glad you can make jokes right now. i don’t think you understand how scared i actually was when i saw you down like that.”
your heart clenched at the sight of rachel with her head down whilst she fiddled with her fingers, and suddenly you felt bad for making jokes when she was so obviously still upset about the whole situation.
“hey, look at me rach.” you reached out and placed your hand on top of hers that were together on her lap. “i am okay, the doctors know what they’re doing and they said i’m fine, yeah? i promise you, cross my heart and hope to die, that i will tell you if i start feeling worse, okay? as soon as.”
she stared back at you for a second, her eyes wandering from yours to the bandage that had been wrapped around your head after your injury had been cleaned, before she let out a sigh and nodded, her tense body finally relaxing for the first time since the game which you took as a small win.
“think you need to start playing in bubble wrap from now on. first your ankle, now your head, what’s next?”
you were relieved to hear your girlfriend joke around with you once again, albeit her tone lacked the usual cheekiness that it usually held when she was messing around with you, obviously still not completely at ease with everything but she was showing signs of getting there.
“think sarina will add it to the next training kit for me? i’ll even offer to put some money towards it.” you smiled, hand moving to cup rachel’s cheek whilst you watched her eyes light up in amusement.
“yeah i’m sure she’ll be proper up for it, especially if it means actually having you on the pitch for more than a game at a time.” she retaliated with a laugh at the end and you playfully rolled your eyes at her light hearted comment.
“i made it almost sixty minutes, better than what i’ve been getting lately, i’ll take what i can get.” you shrugged, and now it was her turn to roll her eyes.
“love you silly girl, even when you’re so accident prone.” she leaned forward and pecked your lips, which you melted into happily.
“in my defence, what happened today wasn’t an accident! i’m a victim.” you told her, which earned you a shove back against the headboard.
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wileys-russo · 2 years ago
golden boot, golden girl II r.daly x reader
this started off as a blurb but about 2.3k words later, it's a fic 🕺
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golden boot, golden girl II r.daly x reader
"go on girls push up on em, hug em tight!" katie cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted to you all from the corner as you began to shove in as close to the goal as you could get. you were two down and though you refused to check, you knew your time to get anything on the score sheet was running out fast.
as katie connected for the kick the ball came in hard and fast, angled almost perfectly for you to get your head on it and hopefully send it into the back of the net. 
however you felt an elbow dig into your back and with a half step forward you lost your footing, falling to the ground and glancing up to see the ball fly right over you toward the back post, quickly kicked out of play by a defender as the final whistle sounded and the crowd errupted with cheers, the villa players all running to celebrate with one another in the middle of the field.
letting out a deep sigh you rolled onto your back and stayed laid down on the pitch, feeling the warm afternoon sun bathe your face as you covered your eyes with your arm. "come on up now, no time for sulking." manu kicked gently at you as you lazily swatted her foot away and mumbled something she didn't quite catch, the older woman retreating to console the rest of your team.
"hey you, you played really well." another gentle poke to your side. 
you removed your arm and squinted one eye open to meet the caring and concerned gaze of your former team mate, jordan smiling sympathetically as she sat down beside you on the pitch. "i missed three sitters and gave away two free kicks, one of which was scored from!" you grumbled in annoyance, slumping your arm back over your face with a sigh.
"that doesn't mean you didn't play well, the better team just won." jordan poked teasingly again at your side, the older girl having been somewhat of a sisterly figure in the years you'd played together you knew she didn't mean anything by the comment. 
"i am at least glad you're getting the minutes you deserve jordy." you pulled yourself up into a sitting position, the older girl wrapping you in a tight hug before excusing herself to celebrate with her team as you once more flopped back down onto the pitch. 
much as you were at first angry and disappointed when she'd informed you of her transfer, with time you understood why it was needed, and her successful season had only confirmed it for you further.
"oi lazy, the grass called and complained you're squashin it!" a much less gentle kick to your side had you glancing up at the grinning irish woman who offered you a hand. though you should have known better than to accept, as just after your fingers touched she was quick to drop her grip, sending you stumbling back onto your bum.
"mccabe!" you brushed yourself off and glared up at her, kicking your legs out to try and sweep hers out from under her but you were much too slow as she sent you a cheeky wink. 
"come on then, up we get now!" with that she grabbed your hands again, this time properly pulling you up and slinging a strong arm across your shoulders. 
marching the two of you across the field she talked your ear off about not being so hard on yourself, which given the nature of the fact you were your own harshest critic, was a speech you'd heard after almost every match you played. and if it wasn't from her, it was just coming from someone else.
after shaking hands with most of your opposition, exchanging friendly end of season small talk with those you knew well from playing at a national level, you found yourself again sat on the pitch but this time sandwiched inbetween leah and katie, across from you were rafa, beth and viv, the six of you sat in a circle soaking up the sun and discussing your upcoming planned holidays during the off season.
"how's it feeling?" you quietly murmured to leah glancing down at her bandaged knee where her crutches lay beside her, resting your head on her shoulder. even without needing her to confirm you knew she wasn't okay, but you'd also known her long enough to know she wasn't someone easily pushed into opening up. 
"physically? it's alright. everything else? story for another time." the blonde pressed a kiss to your forehead, affectionately patting your leg and nodding for viv to give her a hand up. as your circle dispersed you wandered around looking around for the one person you were yet to speak to, who was also the one you'd been dying to all match.
"hi squinty." tattooed arms wrapped tightly around you from behind, rough but warm lips pressed a few soft kisses to your jawline as you spun around in your girlfriends hold. "you promised you'd stop calling me that." you huffed, smacking at her shoulder as the blonde grinned, loving nothing more than to tease and wind you up and boy was she good at it, and in any way that she wanted.
"well if you wore your contacts when you played or your glasses every other day, i wouldn't need to, would i?" rachel teased, hands moving to rest on your hips as she pushed you softly into the barrier behind you, pressing her body into yours and leaning in. you closed your eyes expecting her lips to touch yours however they simply pressed a kiss to your cheek and she stepped away.
"sorry i can't be seen snogging losers, its bad for my reputation." she shrugged crossing her arms over her chest as you rolled your eyes. but your girlfriend knew she was the only person who could get away with sledging you after a loss without you taking it personally, she was avidly also your biggest supporter and made sure not to let you forget it.
"didn't realise your reputation as a naff muppet would be affected by kissing a cute girl." you shot back jumping up to sit on the edge of the barrier, crossing your own arms over your chest with a satisfied smirk. "oh a naff muppet she says does she?" rachel scoffed, slotting her body inbetween your legs as you nodded in confirmation.
"yeah look i've actually been meaning to end this-" you gestured between the two of you, "-we had our fun and all babe but really i'm just...i'm just too out of your league. i can't keep settling it's a bad look, fitties have to date fitties and..." you trailed off, looking her up and down with a wince.
"you were the best 557 night stand i ever had kid." you continued dramatically with a sigh, placing your hands either side of her face and squeezing her cheeks as she stared blankly back at you, waiting patiently for you to finish. 
"it's not you it's me. ahh i like you too much, i'm holding you back. what else? oh! in order for us to be a better we, i have to be a better me." you paused to think before continuing, finishing with a beaming grin at the unimpressed look on the older girls face. "are you done then?" she quipped with a roll of her eyes.
"yeah i think that pretty much covers it?" you stroked your chin mockingly, looking off into the distance with a contemplative hum. though you let out a yell as suddenly you were looking at the ground again, your girlfriend easily slinging your smaller form over her shoulder.
"rach! put me down." you couldn't help but laugh as the blonde smacked playfully at your bum with her free hand. "i will, gonna water board you in this cooler here first though." your girlfriend replied, waving to your team mates who called our their usual teasing remarks, you flipping them off as you were carried past. 
"wait i have to go get my stuff!" you tried to jump down as she walked off the field and toward the villa change rooms, though her hold on you only tightened. "as the one whose just been dumped i get to go first thanks." 
"kiss it!" you struggled underneath the taller girl as she sat on top of you, arms firmly pressed to the bed by her knees as she grinned, the seasons golden boot trophy held tightly in her hands.
"no! i refuse." you pressed your head back into the pillow, shaking your head from side to side as she wiggled the shoe shaped piece of silverware in your face. "baby you either kiss it willingly and i get off ya and we go to dinner, or we continue on like this and you miss out on your pizza." the blonde shrugged, looking down at you.
"are you threatening me right now?" your eyes narrowing at the thought of missing out on eating at your favorite restaurant. 
the two of you hadn't been on a proper date in what felt like months, and rachel had made sure as soon as the fixtures for your final game of the season came out she had a table booked and your evening plans locked down.
though that's not to say the blonde wouldn't keep her word and make you miss out. both of you hot headed and quick to rise to a challenge, sometimes your arguments could last days without either of you willing to compromise, both just as stubborn as one another.
"no i'm promising." your girlfriend smirked, hands resting either side of your head as she slowly lent down, ghosting her lips over yours without any actual contact and pulling away with a teasing smile, wiggling her trophy mockingly in your face once again.
"fine." you muttered with a glare, quickly pecking the cool metal and trying to sit up but your girlfriend pushed you back, head thumping into your pillow. "no, a proper kiss." the girl smiled smugly, feeling your body let out a deep exhale of annoyance beneath her. 
"i am not snogging your trophy just to placate your inflamed fragile ego!" you warned seriously, eyes glaring daggers up at her, only spurring her on further. "well then you're also not getting your pizza baby." rachel shrugged simply, holding out the golden boot expectantly as you threw your head back and let out a loud frustrated groan.
"this is for you, my beloved bella italia." you looked up to the ceiling and spoke, dedicating your actions to your favorite italian restaurant, properly macking on with your girlfriends trophy for a few seconds.
"i hate you daly." you huffed, shoving her harshly off of you as she collapsed onto the bed, clutching at her chest to try and catch her breath, loud booming laughter echoing around the room. "i'm hiring someone to come and take that and throw it in the river when we're in portugal!" you warned bluntly, sitting up and glaring down at your still laughing girlfriend.
"she didn't mean it don't worry you're coming with us to portugal." rachel whispered reassuringly to the trophy in her hands, stretching over to place it down on her side table and grabbing at the back of your shorts as you rolled your eyes and tried to leave, pulling you back down onto the bed and trapping you in a tight hug.
"kiss me like i'm a golden boot." the blonde whispered seductively before her face broke into a grin and she pressed her lips to yours, cold hands wandering up your jersey as her tongue slid into your mouth, your hands pressing on the back of her head to deepen the kiss only spurring her on further.
"you're insufferable." you pulled away, gently biting down on her bottom lip as you did, the girl on top of you holding back a moan. "you're insufferable." she echoed back, a pause lingering between the two of you before your mouth curled into a smile and you pushed your head up to continue the kiss.
your golden boot winning girl, and you couldn't be prouder.
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brighter-by-the-daly · 11 months ago
Rachel Daly x Reader
AN: A follow on fic to my original RD x R series - a look at where the couple is now. (If you want timeline consistency, just imagine that last years FA Cup run was this years).
Feeling a pair of arms wrap around your neck from behind you leant down to rest your cheek on the soft dressing gown being worn by your fiancée. “Come to bed baby” whispered into your ear as kisses were placed on your cheek. “I’ve gotta finish this before midnight” you sounded exhausted, “I can’t believe I forgot about this review, I’m so sorry” you whimpered, longing for forgiveness that you weren’t joining Rachel in bed tonight. Plopping herself on your lap to block your vision and forcing your eyes to look away from the gleaming screen of your laptop, she asked how much more you had left to do. “Too much” you whined, wrapping your arms around her stomach and resting your head in her chest, “if I stop now , I won’t be able to start again” mumbling into her dressing gown, reluctant to let go of her. “Can I help?” she asked optimistically, like she had any idea what your report was on, she just wanted to feel useful; her fingers slowly stroked through your hair, untangling the knots as she went, “you already are” lifting your sleepy but hopeful head for kisses. “I’ll put the kettle on” she said and made her way to the kitchen, “can’t you ask for an extension?” she suggested while dropping teabags into mugs. “This is the extension” you began whining again, placing your head in your hands. Life had been so crazy lately that you forgot that you actually had a job to get back to! Working from home isn’t working for you as there are so many distractions - you found yourself choosing to watch Rachel’s games or hang out with her and her teammates instead of doing your work. It was a much more exciting prospect than paperwork but now you’re so far behind. Rachel placed a cup of tea in front of you and sat herself on the chair opposite, “babe you need to sleep, you have a big game tomorrow” looking up at her with adoring eyes. Thankful that she was here with you but knowing she’ll regret the late night in the morning. “I’m not going without you!” she said folding her arms staging a protest. “That’s not fair” you pouted, she knew how much you’d rather be doing anything other than this but you couldn’t afford to lose this job. “Life’s not fair” she smiled angelically. “If I want to go to your game tomorrow I need to get this done now. I can hyperfocus on this and get it done in an hour, pleeease go to bed” you begged. “If you’re not up in an hour, I’m coming to get you” was her final offer, you smiled and nodded as she leant in for a kiss, holding out her pinky to promise her then shuffled back up the stairs to bed.
You managed to smash out the review and finally crawled into bed with 5 minutes to spare, you tried to creep into the bedroom quietly but Rachel felt the dip in the mattress as you sunk into bed and rolled over to snuggle into you, it didn’t take you long to fall asleep when the love of your life was wrapped around you.
Starting to stir awake when you heard your girl showering you kept your eyes closed to desperately cling onto the extra few minutes of sleep. Feeling the puff of clean, warm air burst out of the ensuite when she opened the door made your eyes squint open to see if she had got dressed in the bathroom or was still wrapped in a towel that doesn’t quite cover everything. Your first sight of the morning being your future wife in her sporty lingerie looking for clothes in the wardrobe. “Well, that’s a nice view to wake up to” you admired, sitting up in bed to get a better look at her. Turning around as she pulled on her joggers she smiled cheekily at you then nodded at the bedside table, “there’s a tea there for you.” Turning to look at the freshly brewed cuppa and sighed, “you are so perfect” you said gazing back at her. You loved Rach in her joggers, probably more than when she’s all dressed up so when she launched herself onto the bed announcing you have an hour to get ready you couldn’t help but try your luck. “Enough time to turn you on then” smirking as you climbed on top of her and slid your hand into her pants. Rachel laid there with her tattooed arms behind her head receiving cockily until she was done and you jumped off, “hey, what about you?” she pined, reaching over to try and grab the little clothing you were wearing. “You can make it up to me later” you winked as you undressed to get in the shower. “But you forgot your...” the bathroom door shut behind you, “tea”, Rachel rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to let it go to waste she drank it herself before packing a bag for you while you got ready to leave.
“Aren’t you missing something?” she said watching you slip your trainers on, she hated how you never undo the laces. Standing up straight after forcing your feet into the shoes you looked puzzled, “errr, my shirt?” her eyes opened wider with a little shake of her head like ‘helloooo, are are you dumb?’. “Do I really have to wear it every game?” you sighed, looking at her holding the shirt out to you and already knowing the answer. “I like knowing you’re there wearing my name” she pouted, knowing you can never resist her exaggerated sad little face. “I know, but does it really matter?” you pushed back, “yes! You know what I’m like for my superstitions!” trying her puppy dog eyes once more. “Fineee” you laughed and pulled her shirt over your head. “You’re so needy!” shoving her lightly in a playful way, “and what?” she retorted, squaring up to you. Taking her wrist and kissing her tattoo of your initials, “I suppose it’s the least I can do when I’m on you permanently” backing down and letting her win, you were never gonna not wear it anyway! Rachel hummed in agreement, her lips vibrating against yours as she kissed you lightly which turned into something much more passionate.
Tumbling into the car together you swung through Costa for tea and coffee seeing as you didn’t drink yours earlier, then headed for Villa Park where the girls were playing their FA Cup quarter final game against Man City today. During the drive Rachel threw around the idea of moving closer to your work and family, originally you objected as that would affect her commute to work and said you’ll figure something out but Rachel insisted. She said it was only fair if we wanted the relationship to work out and started listing off places that are in the middle of both of your bases. Rachel tried her best to sell her ideas to you during the drive, you were starting to come around to the idea of owning your own home and living together in a place that wasn’t just hers. At the moment you are so far away from your family and friends that it makes you feel guilty for not seeing them as often as you used to. Your whole world has become Rachel and although it’s been fun, it’s not sustainable for the future.
Arriving at the stadium, the atmosphere felt electrifying as the crowd shuffled in to fill seats, you said goodbye and good luck to your future wife and went to sit with the other partners of players. This was one of the biggest crowds you had seen show up for Villa and the excitement was contagious. Watching the team take their places, Rachel looked determined and focused as she prepared for kick off, you couldn't help but feel proud of her and crossed your fingers for a win. Watching the game unfold, your mind wandered to the conversation you had in the car about moving closer to your work and family. The idea of owning a home together and creating a life that was a blend of both your worlds started to feel more appealing. You realized that while your relationship with Rachel had been amazing, it was important to find a balance that worked for both of you in the long run.
After a thrilling match that ended in a victory for the underdogs, Rachel climbed into the stands to celebrate with high-fives for the crowd and tightly squeezed hugs for you. Beating Man City was a huge feat for the team, everyone was on cloud 9 and who was to thank for winning? None other than your girl who scored the winner in the 96th minute! As you walked back to the car, Rachel took your hand and looked at you with a soft smile, "I think we can make it work, you know," she said, squeezing your hand gently. "I want us to have a home where we both feel connected and close to the things that matter to us." You nodded, feeling a sense of excitement and possibility for the future. As you drove back home, you couldn't help but imagine the adventures and memories you would create together in your own place, where both of you could thrive and grow. As the sun began to set over the horizon it cast a warm glow over the road in front of you, you knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in your lives, filled with love, support, and endless possibilities.
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gunnerfc · 11 months ago
Rachel Daly NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Rachel will get you anything you after sex and will just lie with you while you catch your breath
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Rachel’s favorite body part is her arms, she enjoys being able to wrap her arms around your body during sex
Her favorite body part of yours is your neck, she loves leaving hickies all over your skin and marking you so no one tries to flirt with you
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Rachel loves when you get yourself off on her thigh because she loves watching you throw your head back when you cum on her thigh
D: Dirty Secret 
She’s down to record the two of you if you’re also open to the idea
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
Rachel is experienced!
F: Favorite Position 
She loves when you ride her strap
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
Rachel will defiantly crack jokes here and there but she’s normally very focused on you and making you feel pleasure
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Sex with Rachel is really intimate
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
She doesn’t have an opinion really but she loves how you always come to her when you’re feeling needy instead of trying to get yourself off
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Rachel loves praising you but she also thrives off hearing you praise her
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Anywhere works for her!
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
It doesn’t take much for you to turn her on
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
She doesn’t want to share you with anyone, only she gets to see and touch you
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Giving, would spend many hours between your legs
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
It’s a mix between fast and sensual
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
Loves them because she just thrives when she’s pleasuring you
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
She’s open to some things, she’s willing to try anything you bring up
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two go for a few rounds, normally on the shorter side
T: Toys 
Rachel has two different straps that she uses often but she also loves just using her mouth
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
Rachel loves to tease you! She always makes cheeky comments during sex because she knows how much her words affect you
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Rachel isn’t the loudest but she groans softly during sex
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
She loves watching you ride her strap as she holds your waist softly and will always lean up to give you kisses along your neck and chest
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s on the higher side, would drop anything she’s doing if you come to her feeling needy
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
You both stay up for a bit after sex and you usually go to sleep before her
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ac3may · 2 years ago
“Stop beating around the bush!” ~ Rachel Daly x Reader
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Was in a Daly mood and wrote a little something, requests are sparking lots of ideas so keep them coming!💙
Prompt: "Stop beating around the bush!"
Words: 2.1k
Getting your first England senior team call up you had never been more excited! You thought that it was a feeling that would fade, but the pride you feel to be one of the lucky ones selected only ever increases, even after eight years. 
Arrival day at camp had to be one of your favourite moments, the anticipation of seeing everyone again. Hanging out like kids at summer camp never got old especially when your two best friends were scheduled to join you! 
After your contract ran out the previous summer, your show-stopping performance in the Euros had clubs across the globe, but specifically in Europe, fighting for you. Eventually, Barcelona won out and you relocated to Spanish soil for the foreseeable future. What you hadn’t accounted for was one of your closest friends making her return from the USA the same month you moved.
You, Millie, and Rachel had been a trio for as long as many people remember. Ever since you made your respective debuts in 2016 you’ve all been attached at the hip. Just the best of friends right?
Wrong. They were your best friends and you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
But you have been in love with Rachel since the moment you walked into your hotel room on your first camp to find her belting Céline Dion at the top of her lungs. You hadn’t ever admitted your more-than-platonic feelings to the girl herself, but your Chelsea counterpart was certainly aware. Millie had been the person to hold you tight after a couple too many drinks had you sobbing on the bathroom floor, wailing about why Rachel didn’t love you.
No matter how much you pretended that night didn’t happen Millie has never let go of what she heard. Sly looks, subtle nudges and occasional desperate begging all a part of her attempts to get you to admit your feelings. 
Despite Covid having taken away your tradition of rooming with Rachel each England camp one that continued strong was the movie night the two of you exclusively shared every first night. 
A knock at the door indicates your best friend's arrival. Shaking your head from your Daly-consuming thoughts you compose yourself with a breath before opening it wide. The way Rachel saunters in so casually you could assume she lived there too. Greeting you with a smile, “sorry! I would’ve been here sooner but I couldn’t get Tooney to stop nattering!” She announces kicking off her sliders before gracefully belly-flopping onto the king-sized bed. 
“I bet!” You say chuckling at the thought, perching on the edge of the mattress, “I was looking through Netflix and I couldn’t find anything good, I was thinking maybe Disney?”
Nodding in absent-minded agreement, still lying belly down, Rachel turns to you over her shoulder, “what are you doing all the way over there?” She asks sulkily, a grin breaking out on your face as she reaches out to you. Wrapping her fingers around your wrist she pulls you forcefully face-down into the duvet, the abrupt movement shocking you briefly before you’re both rolling about in fits of laughter. 
“Stop it! Stop it!” Rachel’s squeals are accompanied by her hands pushing at yours as she fights to stop you from tickling her. With a final giggle, you finally ease your movements watching enamoured as Rachel’s body relaxes and she drops onto your pillows less than elegantly, panting out breaths. 
Relaxing against the headboard, shoulder to shoulder with the Aston Villa player you huff with frustration. “Come on Rach! Pick something already!” You insist, eyes trained on the page of movies she’d been scrolling through for the past ten minutes. 
With an exasperated sigh, she throws her hands in the air dramatically, “I can’t decide!” She declares, “you choose!” Despite rolling your eyes at the antics you’re quick to snatch your laptop back from her, immediately scrolling to the animated movie section. 
“Let’s do a classic,” you decide, cursor moving across the thumbnails of the Walt Disney animated movies. “Okay…” you hum gently as your eyes settle, “Beauty and the Beast? Tarzan? Orrrrrr, Tangled?” 
Turning your head to look at Rachel she chooses the same moment to move her gaze from the screen to you. You freeze. Your faces are so close you can feel the light tickles of her breath against your skin, you can’t bring yourself to pull away as you analyse her bright blue irises, somehow missing the way her eyes flicker across your face and land on your lips.
Clearing your throat harshly you manage to break the moment, ignoring it entirely as you raise your eyebrows to question her film choice. Shaking her head, the blonde directs her attention solely to the screen between you two, “Tangled,” she mutters with a decisive nod of her head. Nodding yours in return, confused by her unusual cold attitude, you press play.
Shifting your body again you try and find a comfortable position, a task which is becoming increasingly difficult as Rachel is very intentionally avoiding all physical contact. Usually, she’s begging to cuddle up for film nights and is always dragging you to squash together on the sofa or share a beanbag. You can help but wonder what you had done to cause the sudden shift, had you been too obvious?
“Can you stop squirming?” The mutter lacks the playful infliction you’re used to and you freeze immediately, unsure of how to tackle your next move. 
You eventually huff out, “sorry," with a roll of your eyes, giving up on watching the princess and criminal duo, rolling onto your back and picking up your phone instead. After five or so minutes of tension-filled silence, Rachel finally resolves to flick her eyes from where they’d been locked on the screen to glance at you. The disappointment which floods her at your clear lack of interest in the tradition is indescribable.  
Unable to manage the fear, confusion and upset whirling within her Rachel channels them all into annoyance, snapping at you abruptly, “you chose this film you know!” She reminds.
“Like you even care!” With a side-eye glance at her you can’t help the impulsive response that escapes you, finally fed up with her sudden mood change. 
“What does that mean?” Rachel is hesitant but with her hothead winning out she can’t help but get defensive, sitting up from her lounging position to confront you properly.
“You’ve been in a mood with me since the minute I touched the laptop! You’re the one who told me to pick a film! I thought Tangled was your favourite?!” All your frustrations release at that moment as you slam your phone into the bedsheets and push into a sitting position, turning to face her too. 
Seemingly taken back the blonde can’t even hold eye contact with you as she mutters, “it- it is!” She’s surprised and flattered you’d remembered such a mundane thing. Seeing the way she’d obviously made you question yourself guilt consumed her. She’d been so distracted trying to protect herself she had lacked any and all consideration for you. 
“Come on Rach!” Unimpressed at the minimal response and more desperate than ever to find out the cause of your best friend's troubles, you yell. “Stop beating around the bush! Just tell me what’s going on already!”
Watching the way her fingers pick at the skin around her nails nervously your eyes immediately soften. Reaching out you gently entwine her digits with yours, adding a whispered, “please,” to the end of your outburst.
Finally allowing herself to meet your eyes for the first time since the movie began you’re given an exclusive look at the fear swimming in them. You desperately want to bundle the woman into your arms and protect her from everything. But determined to avoid anything which will close her off again you simply squeeze her hand with an encouraging nod. “It’s- I, I don’t want to make it weird.” Her words are barely a whisper, a harsh contrast to the loud voices you’d been exchanging previously. 
You smile at her gently, “Rach we’re besties remember? It’s been eight years! If you haven’t scared me off yet I doubt this will.” You can’t help the nervous chuckle that escapes at the words, despite wanting to ease her mind you’re concerned with what would possibly be serious enough for this much hesitancy. 
Rachel nods to herself in some form of self-support before dropping eye contact and whispering a sentence which is completely inaudible to you. Squinting as if it would help you hear you ask, “what?” She speaks a little louder the second time but it’s still too much of a mumble to be understood. “I can’t hear you, Rach,” you stroke your thumb lightly across the back of her hand, still in yours. 
 With a roll of eyes and obvious frustration, the abrupt blurting of words shocks you as she repeats herself a third time.
It's like you’re brain malfunctions at the words, your tongue tripping as you stumble over any possible response until finally, you manage to compose yourself enough for a single word. “What?” 
Your eyes are wide and you practically forget Rachel is in the room, you drop her hands and instead move to pinch your own arm, convinced this is some kind of fantasy. “I told you it would make things weird!” 
Immediately you’re snapped back to reality, the distress in Rachel’s voice feeling too much for you to bare but when you meet her eyes again and see the tears brimming your heart truly breaks and you’re aching to reassure her. “No, no, no Rach! Not at all!” You grab at her hand, holding tightly, “I love you too!” You declare joyfully, the words bursting from you, “I have for years.”  Your final admittance is vulnerable and has Rachel meeting your eyes again. 
“Huh?” Her confusion is evident, “you didn’t say anything!” She accuses, there’s disbelief but no anger in her words. You can’t help the broad grin which has been permanently on your face since her announcement. 
“You didn’t either!” Laughter joins your words.
“I didn’t know!” She declares, pointing a heavy finger into your chest accusatorially causing you to wince with a chuckle. “That’s why I was late, it wasn’t Ella, I told Millie that over Christmas I admitted to myself I liked you and she was trying to convince me to tell you.”
“Of course, she was,” you roll your eyes, “explains why she wasn’t begging to join movie night for once though!” You laugh, Rachel joins you in laughter as you register the rest of her words.
Breaking the melodic sounds abruptly, “Hey! You better more than like me Daly! I haven’t pined after you for years to just be a mindless crush!” The obvious teasing in your tone has Rachel reciprocating your energy as she rolls her eyes. 
“I can’t believe you thought you could accuse me of not saying when you’ve been hiding it so much longer! I didn’t realise how lovable I was!” She teases, fanning herself with her hand in feign-flattery. 
Swatting her lightly, ever the competitive pair, your response is immediate, “well at least we know who makes the better actress! You were falling all over yourself the moment were within inches of each other!” Rachel simply shakes her head at you, an adoring smile settling on her face. With the reality of the situation finally hitting you you’re able to analyse exactly why Rachel had been acting the way she had all night, it was her defences rising due to the fear of being hurt. 
“How close were we?” Rachel asks, acting innocent but you could sense the ulterior motive. 
Choosing to play her game you hum lightly in response, leaving an obvious gap between you. “I don’t remember, how about you show me?”
Watching her smile morph into a smirk you feel as though your heart physically grows within your chest, all the positive emotions swirling inside desperate to burst. Shifting her weight Rachel kneels on the bed, leaning closer to you, nerves evident in her heavy breaths. “About her-”
Lacking the patience for her slow movements the blonde never finishes her sentence as you crash your lips together. Hers warm and soft. After all these years the moment was everything you had dreamed it to be and more. 
Pulling back mere centimetres was too much, soft breath tickling beneath your nose as you admired each other. Your hands settle on her hips, and pulling her closer she decides to place a knee on either side of your body, straddling you.
You gasp as she settles on your lap, eyes falling closed briefly. You hear the defender’s giggle and then her lips are enclosing over yours again. Sparks ignited in the both of you the kiss becoming heavier as you grew in confidence. A hand reaches up to tangle in your hair, one of yours reaching to cup her face tentatively. 
So absorbed in each other neither of you notice when the heavy wood of the hotel door opens, it's only when the loud northern voice of your best friend makes itself know that your bubble bursts, “Finally! I was beginning to think I’d be stuck in the middle of your pining forever!”
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katiemccabelover · 2 years ago
Master list <3
Leah williamson
Jen Beattie
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wtfjd95 · 2 years ago
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yourwosogirly · 2 years ago
women’s football masterlist 🤍✨.
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fics 🤍✨.
🤍 katie mccabe
opposites do attract
🤍katie zelem
kicking off romance
🤍 alessia russo
sweat and sparks
struggling with change
🤍mapi leon
breaking hearts, healing souls
🤍 lucy bronze
thunder and lightning
🤍 ruesha littlejohn
dont you dare p2
thoughts 🤍✨.
🤍 leah williamson
nothing yet!
🤍 alessia russo
alessia russo
🤍 alexia putellas
nothing yet!
🤍 rachel daly
nothing yet!
🤍 katie mccabe
nothing yet!
🤍 ella toone
nothing yet!
🤍 mary earps
nothing yet!
🤍 jessie fleming
nothing yet!
🤍 millie bright
nothing yet!
🤍 sam kerr
nothing yet!
headcannons 🤍✨.
🤍leah williamson
leah williamson as your girlfriend
🤍 alessia russo
nothing yet!
🤍mary earps
nothing yet!
🤍alexia putellas
nothing yet!
moodboards 🤍✨
🤍leah williamson
dating leah williamson
🤍alessia russo
nothing yet!
🤍mary earps
nothing yet!
🤍alexia putellas
nothing yet!
blurbs 🤍✨
🤍 magdalena eriksson
ain’t your fault
🤍 mary fowler
no worries
🤍zerica musovic
🤍 leah williamson
wip’s 🤍✨.
🤍 rachel daly
eyes on me
we’re meant to be together + millie bright
baby, oh
🤍 aitana bonmati
trapped with you
🤍 katrina gorry
my family
🤍 leah williamson
hidden desires
🤍 millie bright
we’re meant to be together + rachel daly
🤍 lia wälti
hidden desires + leah williamson
🤍 steph catley
golden girls
🤍alessia russo
pamper date
I wanna kiss your lips
🤍 ella toone
embracing strength
🤍 alexia putellas
broken pieces
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zeezelweazel · 1 year ago
So besides the orgy fic (first part is on the works rn 👀) I also have sone other ideas that have been on my head for a while:
Mapi x Ingrid x Reader x Jill
Reader used to date Mapi, Jill and Ingrid were also a thing, now the exes are forced to play eachother in a hotly contested champions league match while also dating eachother's partners. Things get heated and sexy time ensues.
Millie Bright x Reader x Rachel Daly
It really shocked you when you found out that your girlfriend's best friend has never been with a woman before. When your girlfriend noticed your shock and the not so hidden attraction you two had for eachother she set something up.
What do we think?
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enwoso · 10 months ago
You have somehow managed to make me fall in love with this little universe you created with grumpy and Alessia in such a short amount of time!
Would you be able to write something about when the England squad first found about Alessia having a child and how they handled that on camp and stuff? I feel like there would be quite a lot of protectiveness, especially considering how she's part of the younger group, particulalry from some of the older age groups, like Lucy, Leah, Ellen, Jill, Jordan, Millie ect.
MINI ME — alessia russo x child!reader
*oh my god i love writing this little universe!*
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grumpy masterlist
alessia had never imagined that she'd be a mother at such a young age. she had always dreamt of having a baby at the end of her footballing career while being in a stable relationship, living in a comfortable environment with little to no stress allowing her to enjoy motherhood.
the total fairytale fantasy.
however that fairytale fantasy never became a reality as alessia fell pregnant at 20 while in university, after one too many drinks and night with a boy she did trust enough but clearly trusted too much as after she took a test and the two lines displayed on the test telling her she was going to be a mother — he left? he didn't want that type of responsibility at such a young age.
so when alessia moved back to england and signed for manchester united she kept you hidden from her teammates worried about what they may say or think, ella being the only one who knew about you. after all she would sometimes look after you when mummy had important adult things to do or pick you up from nursery when mummy couldn’t.
"y/n? where've you gone?" she whisper yelled, looking around the foyer. you were in that toddler stage of hiding at any chance you got, putting your mum on the verge of a heart attack everytime you went out places.
"this isn't the time to play hide a seek lovie!" alessia said, a slight sterner tone in her voice as she looked around for you.
"boo!" you giggled, coming out from your hiding spot from behind the large indoor plants, looking up at your mum a devilish smile on your small face. a pointed look on your mums face as she kneeled down, grabbing your two small hands in hers.
"lovie, what have i told you about hiding, especially when we are in a new place. what if i had of walked away? you would have lost me" alessia reminded you softly as you nodded, your smile that was previously on your face replaced with a pout.
engulfing your mum in a hug, "sorry mummy" you mumbled into her chest as she kissed your forehead.
"i didn't know you had a little sister?" a voice was heard from a distant as alessia handed her passports over to the staff members, getting her room key. the blonde looking around to see who it was before her eyes landed on mille bright, lucy and leah.
alessia could feel her cheeks going redder by the second, as she stood up picking you up with her and placing you on her hip. the blonde beginning to stutter out a a response however you beat her to it with your innocent smile covering you face.
"that my mummy! i no have a sister!" you smiled at the three girls, their eyes almost popping out their head as you spoke. shock consuming them as their jaws hung to the floor.
"oh my god" lucy whispered as she was the first to break the awkward silence. alessia setting you back down on the floor as you were wriggling to be down.
"this is y/n, my daughter" alessia sighed, there being a slight silence as the information was being processed by the three girls head as you walked a little closer to the three girls, leah being the first to react by crouching down to your height. "hi y/n! i'm leah" you smiled nodding at her name looking to the other two girls standing in front of you.
“i’m lucy”
“and i’m millie”
you said a small hi to them as you moved back a little so that you were standing near to your mum, an arm wrapped around her leg. “and how old are you?” leah asked as you hummed thinking as you held up four fingers, “three!”
the girls giggling a little at your confidence, your mummy putting your extra finger down and correcting you, “lovie that’s three”
“you play football with my mummy?” you asked, looking at leah but directing your question at all three of the girls. as they nodded all in sync.
“we do and there’s a few more of us too” millie said as you looked back to alessia wondering if she was telling the truth as your mum nodded her head as a little gasp came from you.
“where they?”
“through that long corridor, getting ready for a training session later on” lucy commented pointing to the way before you turned to your mum begging her to let you to go and see everyone else.
your mummy nodding as you grabbed her hand, swinging it a little as you followed the three girls you had just met just moments ago.
“auntie ella!” you yelled as you brushed past lucy and leah as they stood in the doorway, running to get to ella as she looked up from her phone, a smile cracking on her face as her arms opened up for you to run into. faces stopping and watching the interaction with both adoration and confusion.
“hey tiny, you alright!” ella asked as you hugged the girl tight, you hadn’t seen her since the last manchester united game a week ago. your mummy having being busy with getting ready for camp and you being at nursery up until yesterday.
“yep, i met lucy, leah and mille” you proudly said pointing to each girl as they had sat down at a table beginning to talk most likely about boring adult things.
“oh that’s exciting, what about everyone else though?” ella said as you began to shake your head stopping moments later as the midfielder began to twirl the two of you around, giggles escaping from you as she did so. stopping when she got back to her original place.
you looking around the room, a few familiar faces that you had recognised from your mum playing with them in manchester seeing them when you went to games with your grandparents — mary, keets and lotte who you only ever saw if you were down in london. the rest were new people, new people to talk to and share you infectious personality with.
ella took you around each person introducing you to each person with the permission from your mum first of course. the news spreading quickly throughout the camp that you were here and whose daughter you actually were much to many’s surprise.
the day going a lot smoother than alessia could have ever imagined, she had spent the past week thinking over and over about how it was going to go. replaying over and over in her head about how her teammates would react to her having a child.
alessia spent a good part of the afternoon after the introductions were over in the garden of st george’s park explaining her story in depth to those who were most interested; leah, keira, beth, lucy, mille, rachel and ella.
“that must have been so scary, you were so young.” beth whsipers still loud enough for everyone to hear, the girls all so intrigued but also immensely proud of alessia for her whole journey since you had arrived in her life.
as alessia told her story from the start, how she found out she was pregnant to how she came back to football.
“it was, but she’s my reason now. everything i do is for her future” alessia said simply a couple of the girls humming.
“if you ever need anything and i mean anything even if it’s just for someone to talk to, don’t be scared to ask any of us. we’ll always be here for you less” leah said softly but you could hear the protectiveness in her voice, alessia nodding taking in the support of her teammates which had grown to be her family as her eyes trailed over to where you were, the other girls following where the blondes eyes were looking.
“she’s literally a mini you” beth commented the rest of the girls agreeing as they began to list the similarities between you and your mum. as alessia smiled looking at you kicking a football with jordan and georgia
“i know, my mum says all the times that’s she’s a copy and paste of me from when i was little - only difference is she’s a bit more chatty than i was” alessia pointed out, hearing you talk away to jordan about the flowers growing in the ground, as the midfielder picked the ball from around them.
“but i think she gets that from her auntie ella!” alessia grinned looking towards her best friend who threw her hands up in shock.
“mummy! mummy!” you yelled out, the blondes head turning from her conversation towards you as jordan passed the ball to you. “watch this!” you added as toy had the ball at your feet and began to juggle with it from foot to foot.
alessia watched on grinning, as jordan counted the amount you got as georgia cheered you on. a small buzz of excitement coming from you as the ball dropped from your control as you ran over to your mum.
“lovie, that was awesome!” mummy cheered, as she held her hand up for you high five. the other girls saying there well dones. alessia watching as you smile got bigger and bigger with each seconds.
the way you had bonded with the team in hours warmed alessia’s heart to no end. knowing that these girls were going to now be apart of your life forever. her two worlds had joined and she couldn’t even to describe how much she loved it.
“any chance we can borrow her when we play on tuesday!” jordan joked as she and georgia came over slotting in on the seats with the other girls as they laughed but agreeing. as they all fell into a deep conversation.
you climbing up onto your mummy’s lap, as her arms wrapped around your front. a yawn escaping from your lips as you slumped back into your mummy’s chest playing with the rings on her fingers.
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liked by keirawalsh and 612,540 others
alessia new day, new faces🩷
comments -
bethmead dibs on being best auntie!
1h 140 likes     reply
-> leahwilliamson no i am
-> georgiastanway no it’s me
-> lucybronze come on guys i obviously win!
-> ellatoone it’s quite clearly me!
-> millebright you all wrong it’s me.
-> maryearps it’s me
-> keirawalsh no me
-> racheldaly its obviously me!
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