#lucy boynton fanfic
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turniptitaness · 1 year ago
Okay, that last chapter got dark. So here's our favorite idiot being dumb. And Astrid, too.
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privatehousesanatomy · 1 year ago
because i can never consume media normally without making an oc for the character that i have fallen in love with...
introducing :
charlotte dior fernsby
charlotte is portrayed by lucy boynton, and she is obviously paired with the airhead that is bertram wilberforce wooster. now i am only a couple of episodes into the series and i have yet to read the books, but i know bertie has a sort of aversion to dating and falling in love, but as charlotte's storyline i was somewhat thinking that perhaps bertie and charlotte could have been childhood best friends turned into high school sweethearts kinda thing, but broke up when she had to move away for post-secondary education and that's kind of what started his aversion to being in love - the one woman he did love ended up leaving him. but obviously she moves home and perhaps they rekindle that old flame.
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del-ightful · 2 years ago
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First sketches of C A M I L L E, my very much self-indulgent reader OC for all those amazing fanfics with Oscar Isaac’s characters
Disclaimer : Even tho her design is based on Lucy Boynton, that does not mean I ship Oscar Isaac and her as people. This is just a silly lil’ OC for me to enjoy (amazing and heart wrecking) silly lil’ stories 💚
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bria-writes · 8 months ago
cast list
This is the cast list for Now I’m Here, my Brian May fanfic, but as always you can imagine whoever you wnat <3
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Mädchen Amick as Emilia Jones
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Brian May as himself
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Roger Taylor as himself
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Freddie Mercury as himself
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John Deacon as himself
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Lucy Boynton as Mary Austin
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sunlightbabe · 5 years ago
to freeze or to thaw
pairing: lucy x reader a/n: in this house, we love vampires 365 days a year babes. vampy hours are 24/7, we are ALWAYS down to clown with the undead. and what’s better than post-halloween vampires??? wlw vampires. as always, special shoutout to @bensrhapsody​ for letting me throw ideas at her and for being incredibly supportive, luv u it’s a vampire fic, so it gets a little dark, so trigger warnings for: mentions of blood, murder, minor character death, and a passing mention of the possibility of physical abuse. there’s no smut, but there’s some sExUaL tEnSiOn and wandering hands, so for my own peace of mind, i’m considering this 18+ summary: Desperate and running out of time, you wander from the safety of your town to seek help from the fabled monster that resides in the ruins of Boynton Manor.
A pair of dark oak doors loomed ominously before you. In the flickering light of your lantern, you could make out the ornately carved details in the wood: jagged spirals and harsh, interconnecting lines that had, at one point, surely formed an elegant design, but time had withered it into a sharp and splintered distortion of what it once was. You pulled your shawl closer to your body to fend off a shiver that trickled down your spine- a shiver that had little to do with the cool autumn air and everything to do with the task ahead of you.
You carefully set your lantern down beside you, candle light dancing across the leaf strewn steps, and pushed against one of the great doors, having to lean your entire weight against it for the door to even budge. The hinges groaned from disuse as the door slowly pushed open and it hit the inner wall with a loud and resounding thud.
With a trembling hand, you picked up the lantern once more and took a step forward to stand in the doorway.
Behind you, the thick forest that encircled your small, isolated village. In-front of you, darkness. Stillness surrounded you on both sides as if the night itself was holding its breath to see what you would do.
It wasn’t too late to turn back and yet you knew, in your heart, that no matter how badly you wanted to turn and run back to the safety of your home, you couldn’t.
You channeled your fleeting inner strength and lifted the lantern higher, arm crossing over the threshold. In the flickering light, you could just make out the faded wallpaper on the walls and the bottom steps of a grand wooden staircase. Everything else was hidden in shadow.
“Hello?” you called out, voice echoing across the foyer. You were met with a resounding and nearly suffocating silence. You swallowed the lump that had gathered in your throat and tried once more, eyes sweeping around the darkness, trying to spot any movement, any thing at all. “P-Please excuse me for intruding and- and disturbing your resting place, Countess, but I-I have come to ask for your aid.”
There was no response from the fabled Countess of Boynton Manor.
You and every other child in your village had grown up hearing the tales of the monster that lived on the outskirts of town, hidden away in the dilapidated ruins of the manor. The adults would warn you all that children who misbehaved would be taken away by the monster, dragged through the woods and into that accursed building, where they would never be heard from again. The threat hung over all of your heads throughout your childhood and you remembered many sleepless nights as you laid perfectly still in bed, the bones of your knuckles jutting against your skin as you held onto your blanket, eyes wide in fright as you watched the window for a passing, monstrous shadow.
The Boynton Beast wasn’t the only monster that plagued your easily influenced imagination. While the Boynton Beast would target those who misbehaved, the Witch of Richdale would snatch up children who didn’t finish their chores and would force them to work in her frog-legged hut. The Banshee of the Eastern River would feast on the eyes of children who wandered too far from home after the sun had set and everyone knew that the Black Dogs hunted down children who lied to their parents.
But while you had outgrown the other stories, and had come to realize what they really were, elaborate ploys by the adults to get you all to behave, the whispered tales of the Boynton Beast followed you into your teenage years.
Each step against the marbled floors of the manor sounded thunderous as you stepped further inside. Everything smelled old and earthy, like mildew and rotted wood. The corners of the ceiling were covered in thick cobwebs that stretched to the tops of the door frames and the walls were decorated with dusty paintings and mirrors.
You didn’t want to disturb anything, lest you offend the monster hiding somewhere within the manor walls, and yet you couldn’t help but approach one of the larger paintings, squinting to try to see the art through the accumulated grime. It was a family portrait, you could tell that much, but the details of each individual was hidden away by the filth. Covering your free hand with your shawl, you gingerly wiped the dust away, slowly revealing a face.
A pale cheekbone, soft blue eyes, a glimpse of perfectly coiffed blonde hair-
“You shouldn’t be here.”
The lantern slipped from your hands, glass shattering as it hit the floor, submerging you in complete darkness.
Your breath came in short, staccato gasps as you stood there, body freezing up like a frightened rabbit at the end of a rifle. Your cunicular heart thumped wildly against your rib cage as you strained to see through the darkness to catch a glimpse of the monster.
Seconds passed you by but the voice said nothing else. You almost wondered if you had imagined it, until-
“It’s dangerous to travel these woods at night.”
The voice was much closer now, just mere feet away from you, and you couldn’t control the frightened whimper that slipped past your lips.
“C-Countess Boynton?” you whispered.
A hand touched yours- impossibly cold and moving impossibly slow as you felt fingers brush against yours. Fingers, not claws or talons, belonging to a human hand, not a gnarled paw like in the stories that haunted you throughout your life.
“You must be freezing,” the voice murmured as her hand curled around yours. “Come. Let’s get a fire started and you can explain why you’ve come here tonight while you warm up.”
A few kind words and a soft tug of your hand uprooted you from your spot as you blindly followed after the monster as she brought you deeper into the manor.
There had been many sightings of the Beast of Boynton Manor over the years, glimpses of dark fur moving between houses, claims of glowing red eyes lurking at the edge of the woods. From time to time, a few brave souls would venture out into the forest, seeking the glory and fame that would come with slaying the beast, but none had succeeded.
The monster was large, some said, larger than an adult bear with razor sharp claws, elongated, dripping fangs, and shaggy black fur. Others claimed that the monster was human-like, save for its unnaturally stretched out arms and wild, dark eyes. Every would-be monster hunter’s story was different from the next but even those discrepancies were explained away, for they said that the monster was capable of prying into your mind and mirroring your darkest fears.
Regardless of what the men all said they saw, they were all in agreement: the monster was something straight out of a nightmare.
The women of your village spoke differently of The Beast.
You came to a stop as the monster’s hand slid from yours. The voice instructed you to stay still and even though you still feared for your life, unsure if you would walk away from this encounter unscathed, you obeyed.
A small fire sprang to life in the center of a large, hewn stone fireplace just a few feet away from you and from the light of the flames, you could finally see the monster.
“There we go,” the Countess sighed as she took a step back from the fireplace. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair looked golden in the flickering light and the way she held herself was regal and confident. With every blink of her eyes, her eyelashes brushed along the tops of her cheeks. Even her clothes were beautiful- you didn’t recognize the style of her dress, but you could see the fine detail of the lace hemmed against her skirts and running along her corset.
Then the Countess turned her eyes to you and your breath hitched in your throat. They were a brilliant blue in color and for a moment, you swore that you saw them glow unnaturally.
The fire crackled pleasantly while you stared at the Countess of Boynton Manor.
“… are you afraid?” she asked, her voice soft and melodic. You could only blink in reply. The Countess smiled gently at you before turning her eyes back to the fire. “What a silly question to ask, of course you are afraid. I can hear it, you know. Your heart.”
A cold pang of dread shot through your chest. You watched as the Countess laughed softly to herself, a sharp exhale of amusement.
“Ah, there it goes. It sounds as if it’s about to go leaping out of your chest.” For a brief moment, you wondered if that was even possible and in the next, the Countess was speaking again, seemingly as if she had read your mind. “I was only teasing, my dear. I can assure you that you are perfectly safe.”
The Countess clasped her hands together and turned to look at you once more, an earnest look now resting upon her face. “You are safe here, understand? No harm shall come to you while you are a guest in my home… as unexpected as your presence may be.”
“Sorry,” you apologized meekly.
The Countess crossed the small distance between you, feet moving soundlessly against the hardwood floors, and reached for your hand once more. “Standing over there won’t do you any good,” she said as she led you closer to the fireplace. Everything about the way she spoke to you, handled you, was delicate and precise.
You stood in-front of the fire and she encouraged you to sit down with a gentle press of her hand against your shoulder and down you went, settling on the floor. You folded your legs underneath your skirt, smoothing your hands momentarily over the fabric- threadbare and held together by uneven patchwork, the entire opposite of what the Countess was wearing- and finally settled your hands in your lap.
Unsurprisingly, the Countess did not join you on the floor. She remained on her feet, moving to stand behind you, hand lingering on your shoulder, the coldness of her hand seeping through your clothes and into your skin, the coldness too sharp for even the fire to warm.
“It has been many years since I’ve had a visitor.” The Countess lifted her hand to play with your hair, fingers idly twirling and caressing the loose strands. The back of her hand brushed up against the sensitive skin of your neck and you shivered as goosebumps rose along your arms. “Not many people are brave enough to knock on my door, never mind stroll right into my home.”
Although you were still acutely aware of your racing heart and the danger you were in, you could feel the tension slowly start to lift from your shoulders. It was a mix of the fire warming your skin, the Countess’s hands carding gently through your hair, and her soft, soothing voice washing over you. You were comfortable.
Or as comfortable as you could be, given the circumstances of your situation.
“I apologize for disturbing you,” you started, voice wavering and unsure. “But I have found myself in a dire situation and I fear that if I don’t get help-”
The Countess cut you off with a gentle shushing noise just as your shoulders started to tremble. “Breathe, my dear,” she instructed as her nails pleasantly scratched your scalp. “Breathe and tell me of your misfortune.”
You inhaled slowly and allowed your eyes to flutter shut.
“I’m engaged.” It wasn’t the eloquent start you had practiced on your way to the manor, but it was what came tumbling out of your mouth nonetheless. “I-I am engaged to a man who I do not love and who in return does not love me. He is powerful and wealthy, you see, and when he proposed, I was unable to refuse. He is brash, and arrogant, and quick to anger and although he has yet to raise his hand against me, I know it’s coming.” Your voice trembled as you spoke, opening your eyes as the Countess’s hand stilled in your hair. Although she was behind you, and therefore you could not see her to be sure, you had the impression that she was listening intently to your story.
“My fiance was married twice before and had another engagement between wives. Each one of them died within just a few months of meeting him and I-” you stopped for a moment and pushed down the terror that made your voice crack and your eyes tear up. “I know, without a doubt, that I am next. If I am to marry this man, I will turn up dead.”
Silence fell between you. It was so quiet that if it weren’t for her hand in your hair, you would wonder if the Countess was even still behind you. You gazed at the fire and watched the flames dance.
“In my village, there are stories,” you explained, voice barely louder than a whisper and yet you knew that the Countess could hear you. “Stories of a savior. The men talk of a fearsome beast but the women whisper of something that lives in the woods, something hundreds of years old, something beautiful. They say that in times of peril, if you venture into the woods and seek out the presence that lurks in the ruins of–”
The Countess’s hand left your hair and you found yourself stopping short, words cutting off suddenly. You tangled your fingers in the fabric of your skirt, eyes wide as you continued to watch the fire, both unable and unwilling to turn your head to look around for your hostess.
Your grandmother had told you the stories, stories echoed by the older women in your village. While the men of your village told nightmarish stories of the monster, the women spoke of gentler tales, full of kindness and retribution. They said that for the right price, the Countess could be persuaded to intervene in mortal matters, that she had a soft spot for the women of your village, that she would aid those in desperate need.
And so there you were, settled in front of the fire, asking a monster for help. Out of options, out of time.
“And do they speak of the price that must be paid?” The Countess’s voice lacked it’s earlier warmth.
“… They do not.”
Silence. You knew that the Countess was still in the room for you could feel her eyes boring into you, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up in primal alertness. Were you too blunt? Too rude? Should you have waited before unloading your troubles on her? A dozen different thoughts clouded your mind.
Faster than you could comprehend, faster than you could see, the Countess was crouching before you. With her back to the fire, her face was cast in shadow, and your breath caught in your throat, eyes widening at her sudden appearance.
“Eliminating your… problem would be simple,” she spoke, voice barely louder than a whisper and yet you heard her as clear as day. “It would be easy. I could free you of your burden tonight, if I so wished. But I ask you, what price are you willing to pay? To be safe, to be content, knowing that your life no longer hangs in the balance, I wonder- what would you give?”
Her words sent a chill down your spine and you had to swallow before you could answer her.
“Anything?” she repeated and you could only nod as her eyes flashed, visible to you now in the darkness, a shining, beautiful blue.
The Countess cupped your face in her hand, her skin so cold against yours that it startled you into a small gasp. Cold as her hand was, it was smooth and tender, her thumb brushing against your cheek with a level of care you were unfamiliar with.
“Oh, you sweet little mouse, you don’t realize what you offer…”
The Countess curled her fingers and you could feel the sharp bite of her nails against your cheek. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from hers, not even as her other hand moved to the back of your head, tangling in your hair, holding your head still as she watched you with half lidded eyes, gaze appraising as she looked you over.
“ ‘Anything’, she says, not knowing what I could ask of her. What if I wanted everything you owned, down to the last coin, the last string of thread? Or, in return for what you’re asking of me, what if I wanted your life? Your blood, spilled here on my floor, or perhaps a promise to serve me until your pretty little heart stops beating in your chest?”
As she spoke, the Countess slid her hand down from your cheek, fingers gliding along your jaw and neck, before resting it over your chest, skin pressed to skin, the icy cold tips of her fingers resting just below your collarbone.
“Where would you draw the line? Your life, the promise of your first born child…. you?”
Her hand slid lower until the edge of her hand brushed against your breast, a mere ghost of a touch, and yet you gasped, hands clutching at your skirts, too nervous to reach out and touch her. Even with her face hidden by darkness, you could tell that she was smirking as she tugged at your hair, firmly, but still with care, and forced your head back further.
“What if I asked for you? For you to remain beside me and keep me company, for now, forever? What if I wanted you with me always, my pretty little mouse, so eagerly by side?” Her hand crept lower still, sliding under the loose fabric of your shirt, her palm pressing more firmly against you, nearly cupping you in her hand. Every inch of skin gliding against skin sent shock-waves through your body. You felt warm in a way you had never felt before- not by the hands of another, at least, and certainly not those of a woman.
It scared you, just how much you liked it.
“If I asked to have you here, with me, underneath me, trembling and begging for me, would you agree? Would you offer yourself to me?”
The Countess leaned in and her face was so close to yours that with every word, her lips brushed against yours. In that moment, her hand over your heart, your breast in her hand, her mouth nearly meeting yours, you knew what your answer would be.
With a smirk that you could feel, the Countess released her grip on your hair and pulled away. You chased after her for a moment, lips searching for hers, before you were brought back to the present moment with a giggle falling from her lips.
“No. Not like this. If you are to offer yourself to me, I wish for it to be of your own free will, of your own desire, and not as payment.”
You swallowed and nodded your head, feeling dazed, almost as if you had just woken up from a dream. The Countess reached out to caress your face, one last fleeting touch as if she couldn’t help herself, before mirroring you, resting her hands in her lap and folding her legs underneath her dress.
The fire started to dwindle behind her and the Countess made no move to rekindle the flames.
“… will you do it?” You surprised yourself by being the first to break the silence that had fallen between the two of you once more. “Will you help me?”
Your eyes were adjusted well enough to the fading light that you could see her face as the Countess regarded you carefully, her eyes never leaving yours.
“I will,” the Countess agreed with a soft exhale. The sense of relief you felt was so strong and sudden that tears once again pricked at the corners of your eyes. “I will help you, but I need something from you beforehand.”
The Countess reached for both of your hands and you gladly gave them to her. She held them carefully and her thumbs brushed along your knuckles as her eyes flashed an eerie blue once more.
“Do you know what I am, little mouse?”
A monster, you wanted to say, but the word felt wrong and sour on your tongue. Your fiance was a monster, but the woman in front of you? As inhuman as she may have been, she was kind, far kinder than most of the people in your small village. You shook your head in response.
“I am vampyr.” There was an audible weight to the word and the Countess waited for your reaction, perhaps a startled gasp or for you to yank your hands from her and flinch away in horror, and yet you remained still. The word was unfamiliar to you.
The Countess smiled. “I do not age, my dear, nor do I succumb to disease. I will remain eternal as I sit before you- unaging, unchanging, forever as I am. I was human once, many, many years ago, but I no longer have human needs. Sleep, water, food… There is only one thing I require for my continued existence.”
Holding your gaze, the Countess brought your hands up to her mouth and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
The fire died out and the room fell into complete darkness.
“Blood?” you repeated, brow furrowed in confusion. Even sitting in the dark, hands intertwined with the Countess’, who had just admitted the horrifying truth of her existence, you felt safe. The fear you had originally felt upon entering the Boynton Manor was no longer present, the feeling nothing but a distant memory, although no longer than an hour had passed, surely.
“Blood,” the Countess reaffirmed. “Your blood. It gives me strength and I will admit, it has been quite some time since I was last able to feed. With your blood, I will have the strength to deal with your fiance. That is all I ask- your blood, enough to strengthen me, and in return, a lifetime of freedom from your betrothed.”
Phrased as such, it was an easy deal to agree to, and yet you hesitated, if only for a moment. “How much will you need?”
“You will feel lightheaded afterwards,” the Countess admitted, a tinge of excitement to her voice, “and will surely need to rest for a few hours before you depart, but what I said earlier still remains true. You are safe here. I will only take what I need from you, nothing more. Within no time at all, you will be able to walk out of my home and return to your village.”
A few hours of your time and your blood. That was all that was asked of you. You squeezed the Countess’ hands in yours.
“Will it hurt?”
“It will feel like the prick of a needle against your neck, short and quick.”
You had no more questions. Your mind was made up the moment you set out for Boynton Manor, after all.
“… Okay.”
The Countess let out a slow, shaky breath and you swallowed nervously as she moved closer, the sound of shifting fabric audible in the otherwise silent space.
“Thank you, little mouse,” the Countess smiled and she leaned forward, her lips ghosting against your forehead in a phantom kiss. “You need not ever fear for your life again. I will protect you….”
One of her hands cupped your face gently while the other moved to your side, holding you still as her mouth trailed its way to your neck. You leaned your head to the side, offering more of yourself to her, and the Countess let out a pleased hum, her fingers clutching the fabric of your shirt. Her nose brushed against your pulse point and you could hear her inhale deeply just as you felt the pressure of two sharp points press into your skin ever so lightly.
“I will protect you, because you are mine.”
The Countess sunk her teeth into your neck.
White hot pain overtook your senses, starting in your neck but quickly shooting down your spine, and you could hardly do more than let out a pained noise as your hands flew to clutch at the Countess’ dress. It felt like every nerve was raw and exposed and you didn’t know how much longer you could bare it, the stinging pain, the racing of your heart, the feel of the Countess’ mouth against your skin-
The pain vanished, almost as quickly as it had started, and then you felt oddly at ease. The Countess continued to drink from you but the feeling was far from uncomfortable- it tingled in an almost soothing manner. Cold fingers stroked through your hair as everything started to feel hazy and a euphoric fog overtook your mind.
Seconds passed you by, although they could have been minutes, or hours, or even days, for how aware and coherent you were.
Your eyes fluttered shut, the Countess pulled away, mumbling soft praises against your throat, and then everything went black.
The forest was bathed in a warm, golden light as the sun started its descent against the horizon. Except for the occasional gust of wind that sent the last stubborn leaves falling to the ground, the woods were quiet- save for your hurried steps against the forest floor, leaves and pine needles crunching underfoot. There was a nip to the air and your breath was visible in front of you as you made your way between the trees, careful not to let your shawl get tangled in the bushes you passed.
Two days had passed since you had last walked this path through the woods. Two beautiful, perfect days.
The hardest part had been acting like you weren’t absolutely delighted by the sudden and, at least, for the other villagers, unexpected death of your fiance.
His body had been found behind his house, just at the edge of the woods, half-hidden among the treeline. It had been a violent and nasty affair, according to the men that found him, for they had prevented you from seeing the carnage yourself. After his body had been found and brought to the church, you managed to take a glance at the crime scene, had seen the blood soaked ground where he had spent his final moments.
Funeral arrangements were still being made and as the village mourned the loss of one of their own, no one batted an eye as you slipped away. You were, after all, a grieving woman.
In the fading afternoon light, Boynton Manor looked almost inviting.
A flood of excitement washed over you as the building came into view with its steep-pitched roofs and fading paint. All too eager to cross through the front doors, you took the stone steps two at a time and nearly threw yourself against the oaken doors. Dust particles floated in the shafts of light that came in through the newly opened doors and a few stray leaves came swirling in at your heels.
“Countess Boynton!” you called out, a giddy tremble to your voice as you paused in the foyer to catch your breath, eyes wide in wild excitement. “Countess, you did it!”
As before, no immediate answer came.
The door swung shut behind you just as you walked further into the manor. The lingering daylight crept in through the dusty windows as you made your way from one room to the next, searching for the manors’ only inhabitant.
The Countess was waiting for you in the sitting room, her back to you as she stood by one of the many windows that faced the back of the property, hand resting against the moth-eaten curtains. Her gaze was trained outside but somehow you knew that she was aware of your presence as you came to a stop further in the room, just a few feet away.
“Countess,” you said with a breathy exhale, stopping to curtsy even though she couldn’t see it. “You- I owe you-”
“You owe me nothing,” came the Countess’ reply as she turned her head, not quite looking at you but still speaking over her shoulder. Hearing her voice again had your heart thumping rapidly against your chest. Only two days had passed since your last encounter and yet it was two days too many. “We had a deal and I held up my end of the bargain.”
There was a certain finality to her voice that gave you pause as you fiddled with the fabric of your skirts, eyes cast to the floor. You hadn’t considered the fact that, just maybe, she wasn’t eager to see you again, that maybe she didn’t want to see you again. You curtsied again, if only for lack of anything else to do, feeling uncomfortable and incapable of standing still.
“I- I wanted to see you again,” you admitted, voice honest and vulnerable. “I wanted to thank you, for you have saved my life, Countess, and although I have already paid for your service, I shall forever be in your debt.”
The Countess remained by the window, her gaze caught somewhere between you and the glass. In the fading twilight, you could see something close to amusement flicker across her face.
“… Lucy.”
“I’m sorry?”
“My first name,” she replied with an airy laugh, finally turning to face you, hands folded in front of her. “You may call me Lucy; I believe we are past such formalities as titles at this point, are we not?”
“Lucy,” you repeated, almost savoring the word in your mouth. You decided that it was a beautifully perfect name.
“Had I known you’d be visiting, I would have prepared for your arrival,” Lucy explained with a faint gesture of her hand towards the rest of the room, which was covered in dust and had the musty smell of a place long abandoned. “Forgive me, but I had assumed that our paths wouldn’t cross again.”
“Why wouldn’t they?”
“No one ever comes back here,” Lucy said simply. To her, it was a basic fact, as if she had said that the sky was blue, and yet you couldn’t help but feel saddened by this truth. Even monsters must get lonely, you thought.
You met her eyes and spoke slowly but surely. “Well here I am.”
“Here you are,” Lucy repeated, the ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She crossed the space between you, nearly gliding against the floor for how smooth and gracefully she walked, and once she was close enough, she reached out to you. You eagerly found yourself closing the remaining distance and her hands cupped your face.
“My brave little mouse,” she said fondly, smoothing her thumbs against your cheeks. You leaned into the touch like a house cat. “Although I wonder: is it bravery that sent you back here, or was it foolishness?”
Carefully, and feeling particularly brave, you brought your hands up and encircled one around her wrist, the over moving to lay atop one of hers. You didn’t pull or push her away but instead allowed your touch to rest against hers, enjoying the feeling of your hands against her skin, as cold and smooth as stone. “Perhaps I simply wished to thank you and spend more time in your company?”
“Foolishness it is then,” Lucy decided with a teasing smile.
You frowned, lower lip jutting out in a small pout, and Lucy laughed as she leaned forward and pressed a lingering kiss against your forehead.
“Come now,” she said against your skin before moving back just enough to wind her arm through yours, tugging you to her side as she started to lead you out of the sitting room. “Let me give you a tour of my home and as we walk, you can tell me all about what’s happened these past few days. I hear there’s been a death in your village?”
A small, delighted laugh stumbled past your lips, and you turned your head to stifle the noise against her shoulder as Lucy led you deeper into her home, a mirrored laugh bubbling from her chest just a moment later.
Stars twinkled over head and even though the moon was obscured by clouds, the forest was bathed in a soft and silver light. The air was cold and sharp, the kind of sharpness that was usually followed by snow, and your teeth hadn’t stopped chattering since the moment you stepped out your front door.
You didn’t know what you were going to do once winter came around. You had clothes for the colder weather, but they weren’t made for trekking your way across the woods that separated your village from the Boynton Manor.
Lucy. Just the knowledge that you would be seeing her soon was enough to inspire you to keep walking, even if your feet started to ache from the cold.
It was too late to question yourself, but as you trudged through the forest, closer to the manor than to your nice, warm bed, you wondered if you were making the right decision in seeking out the Countess once more.
Your last visit had been unexpected and Lucy had been pleasant enough, but she hadn’t exactly asked you to return. Not in words, anyways, but as she had walked you to the door later that evening, an evening that passed almost two weeks ago, you could practically see an unasked question waiting on the tip of her tongue.
Lucy had kissed you goodbye, her lips pressed against your cheek, the corner of her mouth meeting yours, and when she pulled her hands away from where they had been resting on your sides, she looked at you wistfully. You could have been imagining things, reading into your goodbye just a little too much, but Lucy had acted as if she hadn’t wanted you to leave.
And the truth of the matter was you hadn’t wanted to leave.
You had only known the Countess for two evenings, and yet already knew you were far more comfortable with her than with anyone else in your village. Had she put you under a spell with those enchanting eyes of hers? Had her feeding from you created a bond that had you yearn for her touch, for her very presence? Or was it simply the start of something beautiful?
You didn’t know. But you’d have your answers soon enough when you finally arrived at Lucy’s manor.
Two weeks. Two weeks had passed since you had last spent time in Lucy’s company and so much had changed for you. Your fiance had been buried deep under the frost-coated ground for several days and yet you had been unable to sneak away from your home. Early winter was a busy and difficult time of year for your village as everyone worked hard to prepare for the colder months and it felt like everyone in the village was determined to keep you busy. You knew that they meant well, that your loved ones were simply trying to keep you busy to take your mind off your ruined engagement, but all you wanted was a moment to sneak away into the darkness.
The rumors of your fiance’s unexpected passing had only just started to quiet down just a few days prior. People had naturally pinned it on an animal attack, an unfortunate occurrence that was not unheard of for your village, and although most people pinned the tragedy on some hungry animal, you had heard in passing whispers that some believed that The Beast was responsible. If only they knew how right they were.
(During the funeral service, you had met the eyes of your grandmother and what you had found there was understanding and acceptance. No words were exchanged between the two of you that night. There hadn’t been a need for it.)
After what felt like hours, you finally reached the edge of the forest and the start of the Boynton Manor grounds and what you saw made you pause, feet stuttering against the ground.
The windows looked cleaner and the debris that had lingered around the front of the building had been removed, but what caught your eye was the doorway. The grand oaken doors were open in invitation and a set of candles were lit just inside the foyer and as you moved closer and walked up the front stairs, you could see more candles leading a path deeper into the building.
Lucy had been waiting and preparing for your return.
You hadn’t been alone in your blossoming feelings towards the other woman.
Pulling your shawl closer around you and with a smile so wide that your cheeks already started to ache, you were all too happy to walk across the threshold of the Boynton Manor, eager to throw yourself into the arms of the monster that was waiting within.
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benmyjet · 6 years ago
Rewind (Lucy Boynton x Reader Fic)
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Pairing: Lucy Boynton x Reader (modern university time frame)
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Despite your pre-existing judgement, you find yourself being pulled towards your new neighbor.
AN: Hi!! This is my first fic ever and I plan for it to be a multi-chapter one! This first part is just more of an expose of reader and lucy’s relationship, you’ll see more of their dynamic (and angst 😈) in the next chapter 🥂I’m baby and a beginner so please let me know your thoughts and ways to improve!
Coming back home from the first year of uni was like entering the real world after 12 years of solitary confinement. Fresh food from a stove rather than a water heated metal dish. A plush queen bed with natural daylight from your room to prick your eyelids rather than the squeaky twin size mattress that you find yourself waking on top of after the boys down the hall set off the smoke alarms for vaping. Again… 
Perhaps the only con to coming back home was all the old retired foggies that surround you. It was refreshing but lonesome after living among the hoards of young adults that don’t know what to do with their lives. Not to mind though, it was sound sleeping for you without any loud music.
“Y/N!” Your mother calls from downstairs.
With the exception of your mother.
You roll off your bed. Glancing in the glass reflection of a picture frame, you don’t look too hot. Your skin greasy from sleep and the acne creams that you applied the night before. 
“What mum?” You drawled as you plopped down the stairs, sitting on the last step
“Look! The new family who bought the house is moving in. They hauled three bookcases out the truck already.” 
Out of the passenger side of the truck popped out a girl with mid length brownish hair. Her frame quickly ducking out of view so she could enter the house.
Your mother continues“She seems like your age, you think she’s from your university?” 
You peer again trying to get a glimpse. Her hair now tied sloppily in a bun as she picks up one of the boxes. You peer down to see an all girls college shirt covering her whole frame. Mary Scott University.
It may have been just your own prejudice or your jealousy of someone so effortlessly beautiful but you didn’t see any hope in the new girl on the street. 
“Jesus Christ” you glance at your mom
“She goes to that all girls school—“
“It’s not a bad school Y/N, your dad’s cousin went there-“
“And look where she ended up! She dropped out of dentistry school and is making jewelry for a living!”
“Y/N, don’t judge people so quickly, how do you even make friends in school?”
Annoyed, you bulged your eyes out. In a normal school not an all girls school where they wait til marriage for someone to sexually awaken them.. you thought.
You take one last look at the new movers and retreat to your bedroom. Under the covers you can only find yourself thinking about the new girl.
The next day your mom calls you down again with more gusto and a sweeter tone.
Interesting… Only until you can hear an unfamiliar voice downstairs you assume there could be some visitors. 
“Yeah, hold on!” You yell out as you try to fix your appearance. You tie your hair up and pull down your night shorts from under your large shirt.
You walk across the catwalk to see below your mom talking to the new girl on the front porch.
She was dressed in a racer back tank top and athletic shorts with a tennis racket bag strapped to one shoulder.
Shit shit shit shit shit!
Your first impression isn’t gonna be strong or even on the same level of confidence that she exudes. Her sweet smile shows off her pristine white teeth. Damn, when was the last time you did a whitening strip?
Her gaze finds yours and you start to feel your hands clam up a little.
Her bright eyes beam and cheeks lift up . “Hi! I’m Lucy!” she says with a small wave 
Your lingering gaze on the way her top hugs her waist is cut short from your mother.
“Y/N, could you walk Lucy to the tennis courts?“
The tennis courts were the first thing that anyone could see when they entered the neighborhood. Right next to the clubhouse and playground adjoined to it. Not too hard to find. But with your mother’s hard smile and urging eyes, you can tell she wanted to make a good impression.
“Uh yeah! Sure let me just-”
“Please don’t go out wearing that.”
“I know ma- I’m gonna go change-”
“Wear something nice—”
“I got it!”
As you see Lucy smile a little bit, you give a flash a teeth before you dash up the stairs in a frenzy to find anything cute. A whole tennis outfit at noon, God she really is Mary Scott material... You suffice for a college T and jean shorts as everything else was either sweaty and stained. You pick off the toothpaste stain on your shirt the best you can before you run downstairs , hearing your mom drawl how you’re not as active as you were before.
“Okay mom you can stop talking about how I’m a glob of fat now.”
Your mother’s eyes narrow at the toothpaste stain and as she raises her hands to examine it you swat it away
You glance at Lucy and give her a big grin “Okay, let’s go!”
As you both walk out of your front yard to the trail to the recreation area you turn to Lucy.
“So it’s Lucy? Right?”
She grins, “Yeah, and is it Y/N? Am I saying that right?”
“Yeah! You’re good.”
She cocks her head to your shirt. You suddenly feel more aware of the toothpaste stain. 
“So.. you go to Baker’s?
“Yeah! Are you in uni yet?”
“Yeah, I go to Mary Scotts.”
“Kind far from here isn’t it?”
“We used to live a bit further, like 5 hours away so I’m happy for some closer storage for all my college shit.”
Thank fucking god! You curse! I don’t have to watch my tongue.
You and Lucy continue to cycle about and discuss normal college student ice breakers. Despite what you thought, all girls college doesn’t seem that bad, There’s a mix of students in Mary Scott’s area with the other universities nearby. 
“So what’s fun around here?” Lucy asks “Besides the elusive tennis courts you’re taking me to.”
You begin to say something but close your mouth and furrow your brows in deep thought. Lucy chuckles as you draw your mouth in a thin line.
“Honestly… I can’t really say. Most of the neighborhood is just older people, but even when I had friends around we just drove around spending money on food. Was it the same where you used to live?”
“ Not really. We lived more out of the suburbs and I had a few friends around. We mostly just sat around my attic and gossiped”
“Gossiping is the universal binding for all teenagers with nothing to do”
Lucy gave a small chuckle to that and you both fell into silence. You start to overthink what you just said. 
Does she think I’m some vapid image obsessed person? Does she think I’m boring? Ffffuckkk Y/N why do you have to be so weird- Your thinking is interrupted as you reach the courts and Lucy turns to you
“Do you.. uhm do you wanna play with me? I was just planning to practice against the wall but I brought my other racket. Not that this was my plan all along ! But that I sometimes bring two just to kinda feel it out until I’m in a groove or whatever…”
Ahh so she’s nervous too. 
“Nah I understand and yeah! But just to warn you I have ZERO hand-eye coordination.”
Lucy smiles and pulls off a corded hair tie from her wrist and hands it to you, “Do you wanna tie up your hair?” 
You smile and nod and flip your head upside down to gather your strands together between the cords. 
After 10 minutes of playing tennis, only one round ending in a very successful back and forth, you both sat down on the court together rolling the ball back and forth with your rackets. 
 Lucy laughed at your jokes and you laughed at hers. With each time you mention the becomings of an inside joke you see her eyes crinkle and a full toothed smile emerge from her face. 
“Have you moved in completely?”, you ask.
“No, not really, like I still have my clothes to fold and books to organiz-”
“ ...and you came out here to play tennis?”
She rolled her eyes and grinned “ I have all summer to move in” 
“ and then move back in for university” you pause for a moment “Do you need any help? I’m very experienced with placing books upright and folding fabric into 4 sided shapes”
Lucy turns and lifts her brows, “ I don’t know in my house we can only fold our linens into 7 sided heptagons… but I suppose we can use your lifting for the piles of books we have”
She glances at your arms.
“Put those arms to work”
You scrunch your face together and glance between her and your arms. 
“Okay! I get it! So you have all summer to move in and I have all summer to build up my guns.”
Lucy face turns to worry “Oh no! I didn’t mean it like that, you have nice arms Y/N that’s what I am trying to say”
“Aw, well these babies only come out when I’m picking up like Cheerios from my floor. And after failing to hit your throws for like 2 hours.”
“Yeah you really weren’t lying about coordination”
“Hey! I can do other things”
You begin to speak with confidence but it falters as you can’t seem to find anything worth bragging about. Until...
“You know what, I’ll show you, whenever you want at your house”
“Okay,” Lucy pauses “are you doing anything tomorrow”
“Might be busy with another girl from Mary Scott university beating my ass in tennis but I’ll push her aside just for you” 
Lucy scoffs “ Okay, so maybe 12?”
“That’s when I wake up”
“You know let me just give you my number and you give me a wake up call.”
“God, you are true Baker’s material.”
 Seeing as the sky was turning pink, you and Lucy returned to your street, earning a few bug bites on the way back.
“Welp, it was nice to meet you Lucy, I’ll see you later”
You reach your arm out for a hand shake.
But Lucy’s arm invited you into a small hug, a distance between both your chests. You were a little stunned, but wrapped your arms around her anyways. Lucy parted first, with a “Bye Y/N” and a small smile. You couldn’t quite place the small jump in your stomach when she said your name. Turning around you walked back into your house, hoping she’ll remember to call you tomorrow.
AN: ty for reading and let me know your thoughts! I’ll be posting the next part in two days!
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borhapstyles · 6 years ago
Home (Lucy Boynton x Reader)
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Happy birthday to this beautiful woman. Lucy’s made all our lives better, and I couldn’t be more grateful. In honor of her birthday, I wrote this imagine for her that combined these headcanon requests that I got;
“Lucy... Like you're best friends and you come out to her as bi (or whatever you wanna write) and one thing leads to another and boom! cute couple !!” -anon
“Hi if you’re still taking requests for headcanons um please bless us with a Lucy proposal because I’m iN LOVE with that goddess and I just want to cry about it a little harder thank you I love you bye” -anon
“oooh! what about some headcanons for proposing to lucy?“ -anon
Warnings: Fluff, allusion to smut <3  Word Count: 4.2k **If you sent me a headcanon request, know that I’ll get to it soon! Thank you so so much for all of them by the way, I’ve never written so much in such a short period lol but you guys push me to do that and I couldn’t be happier. This was my first girl x girl imagine, so I hope it’s alright! I put a lot of love in this so enjoy xx
Lucy. Lucy Boynton. 
In your eyes, the most beautiful person in the world and of course, the one who’s stolen your heart. She lies beside you in a domestic state, hair partially tied up to keep wispy hairs out of her eyes. Her face is bare from any sort of make up as she never quite felt the need to be so jazzed up when she’s around you, she’s said it herself. She breathes peacefully as the film you chose unfolds on her TV. 
You love her home. It’s little bits and pieces of herself that have come together to make Lucy’s flat. Little things you helped her pick out when choosing to decorate, other things you knew she had just thrown there in an effort to make things feel more like her own.
And you want to tell her, you so desperately want to scream out that you had grown these feelings for her that have nestled in between each nook and cranny of your heart, that you can’t bear a life without her and that she must know that you love her.
But something bites at you, the harsh reality that perhaps if you aren’t careful, if you aren’t sure, then you might lose Lucy all together. 
With curious eyes, she turns to you. You feel a wave of nerves come about you as she gazes at you.
“Y/N?” Lucy’s sweet voice pokes at you. You gently swivel your head around, a small smile settling on your lips. 
“Are you okay?” She chortles, lips parted as she blinks at you. “You seem ages away, love.”
Love. You know the terms of endearment are natural to her tongue, she would throw them on anyone she was close to. But your heart perks up just a bit because she always seemed to use them on you.
You examine her visage closely. With her pink lips and glittering eyes, lashes longer than life, you believed she held the whole world. The tendrils of her hair that do manage to fall on her face only make you chuckle, as you know in a minute she’d push them away with slight frustration. 
Lucy is beautiful, both inside and out. The heart of a warrior with the soul of an angel. And she is all that seems to occupy your brain.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” is all you reply with, a sigh escape your body.
But Lucy knows you like the back of her hand and she doesn’t believe a word of it. 
“No, really. What’s wrong? You’ve been distracted all day and I want to help if I can.” 
For a moment you think perhaps today is the day. Now is the moment, it’s reaching out to you with stretched arms, hoping you’ll latch on and take it.
You know you’ll have to tread lightly on the situation. One big revelation at a time, in front of her. 
The topic of sexuality was never one that quite came up simply because you both never felt the need to label or justify yourselves to each other. Everything came natural, everything was accepted. And you were always certain of yourself, until she came along and confirmed any lingering thoughts you had. 
Lucy Boynton, coming in to steal your heart and confirm your bisexuality to the highest degree. 
Who knew you’d get this far, really. With all the hours you spent with her shopping or running through her lines, all the times she gave you a long hug and stayed up late to chat with you about everything in between because she knew you needed it, despite her saying she just wanted to. It took a lot out of you to pretend you didn’t want to kiss her most of the time. 
The lines always were a bit blurred anyways. You didn’t want to assume anything of anyone, and perhaps it was simply in her nature to be touchy, to be so outwardly friendly all the time.
Perhaps today is the day. You think again to yourself. Part of you is wondering why you’ve become so terrified at the thought. You knew that if there was anyone to entrust your feelings with, it was Lucy. Even if she didn’t feel the same way, she would still know how to let you down gently, and that seemed better than secretly hoping someday she’d come forward. 
“I-I,” You stumble, anxiety reaching you as it all becomes much more real. There’s no turning back once you tell her. 
“You know you can tell me anything.” Lucy whispers. She places a hand on your forearm, rubbing it ever so gently. “I don’t want to force anything out of you if you don’t want to but please don’t feel alone in whatever it is you want to say.”
You gulp, knowing if you don’t tell her now, you might never. 
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I’ve really only become certain of it recently, but...” You fix your eyes on the polish of her nails, the two rings she always wore and hope it isn’t the last time you’ll see them.
Lucy parts her lips, nervous about the news you’d present to her. You were her best friend and she would lose it at the notion of losing you.
“I’m bisexual, Lucy.” You want to say it firmly but part of you is afraid of your own voice. 
You watch her carefully for a moment, flicking your eyes up to search hers for any truth.
A grin breaks out onto her lips and relief comes crashing down onto you. “You are?” She asks gently and you nod.
“Y/N, that’s amazing that you know, I’m so glad you’ve discovered more of yourself!” Lucy bubbles over enthusiastically. “H-How did you know, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I, uhm.” Oh shit. You think. Please don’t ask for details when I tell you this story, please don’t.
“Well there’s this girl, I found her lovely from the moment that I met her. And when I got to know her, I realised her personality was even more wonderful.” You utter, swallowing harshly in hopes that somehow, she might catch the hint.
Lucy tugs her arm away, hoping you won’t notice but you do. You suddenly feel all the nerves rushing back and hope it wasn’t a mistake to tell her.
Your voice is shaky as you speak but you don’t stumble as you talk from your heart. “She’s beautiful, the most beautiful person I know. And when I’m with her, I just know everything is going to be alright. She makes me so happy to be alive.” 
“Oh wow,” She says. “you sound like you love her. Does she know?”
“No, she doesn’t. I’m not even sure if she likes girls in that way.”
“Well she sounds amazing.” She replies curtly, and you can’t help but follow a trace of jealousy that’s faint in her voice but it’s there. 
“She is.” You say. “I’m not quite sure how to tell her though.” 
Lucy’s eyes flicker away and to the wall, at the artwork you helped her buy. She was on the fence about it whilst at the gallery but you told her you loved it and she made the purchase soon after. She hasn’t told you yet but she’s so happy she bought it because it brings her comfort in times like this. 
“Do I know her?”
“Yes, I’d say so.” You chuckle. 
“Oh, well,” Lucy swallows before licking her lips. “I think anyway you decide to tell her, it’ll be perfect because you’re incredible Y/N and you deserve all the happiness. Really, she should be lucky to have your heart because-”
“Lucy.” You stop her, this time taking her arm. You inhale sharply, now or never.
"What?” She bites, the green-eyed monster now ferociously standing in front of you. She thinks she’s hiding it but well but she can’t in the face of you, she can’t hide much really. You gain courage now at the sight of her jealousy, knowing even if she doesn’t feel the same way, there was a large part of her that cared. 
“It’s you, Lucy.”
Her jaw drops as her eyelashes bat feverishly. She lets out a short breath, almost like a gasp, but not quite. 
“Me?” Lucy’s voice is high, the voice of disbelief. “You love me?”
“I do.” You almost laugh, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. “I love you. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I just needed to tell you.”
Your eyes are fixed on her as she bites her lip, blinking at the tea set out on the coffee table. You came by earlier with a box of her favorite as she told you she had run out. 
“Lucy?” You prod at her. She opens her mouth for a moment before closing it.
In a split second, she lunges forward at you, pressing her soft lips against yours. Lucy kisses you fervently, as if she’s never quite kissed before but now that she has, it’s all she wants to do. Her supple lips move against yours, tongue peeking inside your mouth to explore.
After a few minutes, you both pull away. You can’t stop the grin that breaks out onto your face as she holds your head against hers, fingers stroking your hair lightly.
“I love you too.” Lucy utters, a laugh simmering out as the two of you realise you both loved each other but were just too scared to say it.
Following the confession is pure bliss. 
You and Lucy adjusted to the couple life rather smoothly. As it turns out, all those moments when you wanted to kiss her, she wanted to you to do so as well. Her lingering embraces, her staying up to speak with you, all because she wanted to hear your voice. Lucy also wanted to be near you and she couldn’t go without you.
It was rather casual, when the two of you decided to go public. You were both strolling through the streets of London, her arm around you as you went from shop to shop. Photographs spread all around, but it wasn’t until you moved to kiss her that everyone was certain.
And the world was supportive, to say the least. They couldn’t get enough of you and Lucy together despite a few harsh critics. But you paid them no mind. 
The Bo Rhap fandom was especially supportive as the people who were also LGBTQ members found it comforting to have such role models around.
The Bo Rhap gang themselves had called it apparently. They had a running bet going of when you two would finally get together, to which you both just laughed it off.
“I was getting tired of waiting.” Joe said to you both once afternoon at lunch. “We were just waiting for the day one of you guys would say it.”
“Was it really that obvious?” Lucy asked. A chorus of “yes’s” filled the room. You only tugged her closer and smiled.
And so began the domestic days and nights with Lucy. The days when you’d both wake up, perhaps make love, then head for breakfast downstairs if not to a trendy London cafe. You had moved into her flat just a couple months later, although you practically lived there with how much of your stuff was there just from being her best friend.
On the days you both had off, you would go exploring somewhere in the city. Concerts and shopping were even more fun now that you could hold her and she, you.
You loved every second with her, and she, you.
Most days, after dinner and perhaps before reading or throwing on a film, you and her would dance gently into the night. 
With her record player, you’d pick out a vinyl and take her into your arms, swaying to the low music that played. Lucy would kiss your neck and tell you how lucky she is to have you.
Your ideal date, however, came one afternoon when Lucy strolled through to your shared bedroom, finding you on your laptop. She sat by the edge near your feet, laying a hand on your leg and smiling.
“Have you got any plans for tonight?”
You rolled your eyes, a gentle laugh coming out of you. “I mean, besides be with you? No, not really.”
“Well, I’ve got plans for us, so get dressed and we’ll head out, yeah?” She grinned like a child who had just received candy. 
“Okay.” You giggled. “May I ask where we’re going?”
“Nope!” She popped, heading into the bathroom.
An hour later, you found yourself in Primrose Hill with Lucy, a picnic blanket set up along with a basket full of yours and her favorite snacks. The sky was an gradient pink and orange, just as the sun was saying goodbye for the day.
“This is perfect.” You sighed, leaning into her chest. Her legs were stretched out and tangled with yours, palms out to hold yourselves up.
“You like it here?” She inquired and you nodded. “I know how stressed you were about work so I thought I’d bring you here for a day, just to remind you to breathe and how beautiful things can still be, even when you feel like shit.” 
You can’t help but bask in her beauty as she looks to you, ever radiant in the glow of the setting sun. You two were only together for six months, but considering your friendship, it’s felt like years. In a good way, however, because you fell more and more in love with Lucy each day.
Lucy’s cheeks grew crimson, still conscious of your eyes on her. You pushed a blonde curl out of her face and tuck it behind her ear.
Sweet gestures such as the one she prepared for you that day reminded you of just how much power she had over your heart. You couldn’t live without her, not that you’d ever want to. Now that Lucy was in your life, it’s never quite been the same, but it’s changed for the better.
And that’s when you knew you wanted her around forever. 
One Year Later 
“Luc?” Your voice pings through the flat after hearing keys rattle, followed by the front door opening.
“I’m home, love!” She calls out. You shuffle into the hallway, meeting her halfway to greet her with a kiss.
“Hi.” You whisper and she smiles. “Good day on set?”
“Yeah, for the most part.” Lucy sighs. The two of you stroll through to the kitchen, but not before she stops to greet your pet cat.
“What went wrong?” You frown at her words whilst reaching into the cupboard to pull out a bag of her favorite tea.
“It’s just,” She pauses. She takes a seat at the breakfast bar, resting her head into her palms. Your heart aches at the sight of her so upset. “I couldn’t get all my lines together for some reason, and I felt so embarrassed because I was in front of Emma fucking Thompson and I kept fucking up.”
You stride over and wrap your arms around her, pulling her in as you feel her break down. Lucy was always one to keep up a front in the face of everyone else but with you she could be anyone or anything she wanted to be. And right now she wanted to be sad, so you let her just for a bit.
“Lucy, baby,” You say gently. She holds onto you tighter, breathing in once more before glancing up at you.
“I don’t even know why I’m doing all this, I don’t even think people on that set like me as much.”
You shake your head. You weren’t going to allow her to feel any bit of regret or self-loathing, not as long as you were around to try and fix it.
“You are one of the most talented actresses I know, and I know a lot of them because you’ve introduced me to them.” You remark and she giggles, ever so softly. “And if there’s anything I know, it’s that acting’s what your meant to do, my love. I see you when you’re on set, when you’re on the screen and so do other people otherwise you wouldn’t have that role in the first place.”
Lucy sniffles as she takes in your words. She gulps, blinking at you sweetly with tears still pooling around her eyes.
“Not every cast and crew is going to be like the one on Bo Rhap but you know what? All of us are still here and we believe in you. I believe in you, Luc. And I just know that this one bad day is not going to mean anything when you’re up there willing your Oscar or Golden Globe for best supporting actress.”
“Bold of you to assume I’ll get that far.” She retorts, causing both of you to laugh.
“I know you will.” You take her chin into your hand, rubbing the supple skin tenderly. “I love you, Lucy. So fucking much, and I know you’re capable of the most incredible things.”
Now crying, Lucy moves to kiss you, salty tears between both your lips as she does so. Though she’s not crying out of grief, but out of pure gratitude for you.
And that’s when she just knows she wants you around forever,
Six Months Later 
Your two year anniversary with Lucy was one you both moved mountains around to make sure you had free. 
This year, you were in charge of planning the anniversary as Lucy did your one year (and rather spectacularly at that.) She had flown the both of you out to the French Riviera for a week, where a lot of it was spent in each others arms, whether it be in bed or on the beach. It was a trip you could only dream of, and she made it come true.
Now, this year, Lucy could not unfortunately a week off due to her next project, but that wasn’t any bother to you when you planned the day out. Butterflies filled your stomach everytime you thought about it despite everyone’s reassurance that it was going to go fabulously. 
But everyone gets nervous at the thought of a proposal, who wouldn’t, right?
You employed the help of Joe, along with another mutual friend you were both close with in order to pick the ring. The Bo Rhap boys were absolutely buzzing when you told them, Ben and Joe even shared a look once you said it.
“I know, I know. You both called it, right?” You rolled your eyes at them.
“Yeah, that’s what it was.” Rami said in a sarcastic voice. You chose to ignore the slight suspicion bubbling inside you and moved forward with your plans.
You planned the whole thing meticulously, as you wanted to be able to capture the moment but you also wanted Lucy to be surprised up until it happened. That’s when you asked Gwil and Allen, perhaps the more secretive of the bunch, to help film the whole thing so that you could look back on it later.
Which brings you to the present day, your actual anniversary. The morning began with lots of sex, of course, and if anyone were to walk by your home they’d truly think a porno was being filmed there. Lucy was fantastic in bed, by the way. Always willing to fill your needs and then some, but could also be very dominating if she wanted to. Just how you liked it.
Following the love-making was lunch, in which you both prepared each others’ favorites. An exchange of small gifts, where Lucy bought you concert tickets to your favorite band and a necklace. You smirked to yourself at the other jewellery that would hopefully be given that day. You gave her two photo albums, the first with pictures throughout your two years together, plus little captions for each one of them. The second one, however, was blank, and she looked at you with furrowed brows.
You only smiled and told her it was to fill with future adventures and memories together, following your two years. She only kissed you harder afterwards.
And now, with Lucy is still in the shower as you check on everything you’ve packed for the day, you eye on the ring inside your bag once more. You breathe out heavily, feeling the same level of anxiety as you did that first night when you confessed to her. However, it’s a different sort. The kind that is, please-spend-forever-with-me-i-might-die-if-you-say-no sort.
Once you’re both ready, you hop into the car and make your way throughout London. She squeezes your hand gently, excitement filling her at the thought. You had been rather secretive about the actual day’s events and she was curious, to say the least. 
The day is filled with exploration, going through cute little neighborhoods of London that you perhaps haven’t seen, taking photos of each other and wandering into little book shops and record stores. Although this was something you could normally do, it filled Lucy with joy because it was her favorite thing to do and despite all the craziness she experiences with her fame, it grounded her, being normal with you.
Afterwards, once you notice the day is winding down, you take her back to the car and begin driving towards Primrose Hill.
A smile creeps onto Lucy’s face as she thinks back to that afternoon when she brought you there. She was a sucker for nostalgic things, and today was full of them.
You arrive and pull out the same picnic basket, Lucy now having a sense of what was to happen. She helps you set up and sighs contently once plopped down onto the blanket.
Lucy lies in your arms, humming a song ‘39 by Queen whilst toying with your fingers. It was the same song you two had danced around to last night in the living room.
“All your letters in the sand cannot heal me like your hand...” She trails off and you take your hand into hers.  
“Today was perfect.” She later says, accent heavy and you know she’s a bit worn out from the day. You hum softly, reaching over to pop some fruit into your mouth before feeding her one.
The sky, now a blend of pink and orange, reminds you so dearly of that afternoon Lucy took you out. Your palms begin to grow sweaty as you think to now ask her. 
You wave your head around before making eye contact with Gwil and Allen, who managed to look inconspicuous as they nod at you, everything in place. If they weren’t careful enough, they’d end up looking like creeps trying to film you two and you giggle at the thought of someone calling them out for it.
“Lucy.” You utter firmly. She looks to you, eyes sparkling with delight. She never quite told you, but she adores hearing her name from your lips. 
“I think I’ve told you this before but I don’t say it enough. Whenever I look at you, I’m home, really. And no matter what terrible things life throws at me, I can just think of you and how much you mean to me and I know it’s all going to be okay.”
Your hands are unsteady as you reach into your bag, hand still covering the box. Lucy’s eyes are welling up and she can already sense what’s going to happen but allows you to continue.
“And two years ago today, when you told me that you felt the same, I just knew I could never let you go, darling.” Your fingers shakily open the box, revealing a ring which causes Lucy to gasp.
“Will you marry me, Lucy?”
“Yes, yes, I will marry you!” She shouts happily. You slip the ring onto her finger before she ardently kisses you, claps from surrounding people dispersing all around. 
Once pulled away, you glance at Gwil and Allen who throw you a “thumb’s up”, having caught the magical moment on camera. Lucy giggles at you whilst examining the ring.
“Oh my god, Y/N, this is perfect. It’s so beautiful, I love it so much.” She says before kissing you once more.
“You know,” She begins to laugh and you raise your brows at her. “I was actually going to propose to you and I was going to do it on your birthday next month.”
“No you weren’t.” You laugh, cheeks reddened at the thought.
“I was! I even told the boys and everything, I’m surprised they didn’t tell you once you told them.”
“So you have a ring for me then?” Lucy nods. “It’s back home, in the blue box on the top shelf, behind the other shoe boxes. I hid it away from everything.” 
The two of you laugh harder at the thought, you were rather perfect for each other in every sense. You couldn’t quite believe your fate, as just two years ago and perhaps the day before, you were fighting with yourself at the thought of telling Lucy how you truly felt about her, and yet two years later you’re engaged to her.
“You’re the love of my life.” You whisper, taking her hands in yours. She grins, massaging the back of your hand but only for a moment.
Lucy then moves her hands, clasping them around your head as she strokes your head gently. She lays a chaste kiss on your lips before pressing her forehead to yours, just as she did the first night you confessed to her.
“And you are mine.” 
This is the first time I’ve ever written a girlxgirl thing, so I do hope you enjoyed it. I’m bisexual myself so this was actually rather liberating and I myself loved doing it. Know that I’m always here to talk about anything, sexuality, personal issues, whatever, I’m here. I won’t ever judge and I’m just full of love, I promise! 
More Lucy things to come in the future, darlings. All my love xx
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unknownauthor · 6 years ago
Separate Ways
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For @siriuslovesmarlene thank you so much for always being there for me no matter what. I know I'm not always the easiest person to deal with but I really couldn't live without you in my life. You are one of the most amazing people I know and I freaking love you💕
“I’m so ready to leave.” Ally grumbled as she stood at the host stand. It’d been a long day already and she would be working a double.
“Ms.” Ally lifted her head, a snooty looking couple stood annoyed in front of her. “Those tables are open. Why haven’t you seated us?”
“No one’s manning that section right now. So they aren’t available.”
“But they’re open.” she wants to scream. Before she could say another word they turned and walked out the door. She shakes her head, pulling out her phone to text her best friend. Engulfed in the exchange she doesn’t realize someone else is waiting for her attention.
“Excuse me?” Ally jumps. The accent is english, the voice is soft and polite. When she looks up her eyes widen and her own voice catches in her throat.
A pretty blonde girl smiled at her. She had short hair, cut into a sharp bob and bright blue eyes framed by long black lashes. Ally tried her best to smile.
“Hello,” she cleared her throat. “How may I help you?” she asks. The girl looks at her for a moment, Ally can feel her heart pounding in her chest. “Have you been seated yet?”
“Actually I was just getting ready to leave.” the girl waves at a group of people behind her. “We’ve been here for quite a while….I watched you come in earlier and I’ve seen how hard you’ve been working.” She’s been watching me? Ally’s cheeks heat up, she can only imagine what she actually looks like right now.
“O-Oh?” the girl laughs, it’s like bells, probably one of the prettiest sounds Ally’s ever heard.
“And I saw how rude that last couple was,” her eyes fill with sympathy, “I can’t imagine what that’s like for you. Dealing with that everyday….” the girl’s cheeks start to turn a light shade of pink as she finally looks away from Ally. “You’re too pretty to have to deal with that.” Ally almost passes off what she hears as a misunderstanding, until the girl slips her a piece of paper.
“What’s this?” Ally asks, unfolding the paper, a stream of numbers is across the white slip, along with a name. Lucy. Lucy Boynton.
“I don’t know what it was about you. But-and do forgive me if this is a bit much- I felt drawn to you. I wanted to get to know you. In some way, anyway.” she shakes her head, blushing madly now, she’s absolutely stunning. ‘I work a lot but if you text me or call….I’ll answer you when i can.” Ally’s mouth drops open, she doesn’t know what to say, her hands are shaking slightly.
“I um….I….” she tries to form a sentence, “Okay.” she finally manages. Lucy’s eyes light up with triumph. She reaches out, taking Ally’s hand and placing a light kiss to her fingers before letting go again, Ally can feel butterflies flutter in her stomach as the girl grins at her.
“I’ll be waiting for your call.” she says, throwing over her shoulder, “Ally.” Ally’s almost surprised Lucy knows her name. Until she remembers her name tag. Of course.
The rest of Ally’s shift goes by in a blur. She’s dazed and happy, itching to text Lucy and talk to her. It was so unexpected, but it wasn’t bad.
At the end of her shift, when all the dishes had been cleaned and all the tables cleared and all the doors locked, Ally went to  her car. She sat down and buckled herself in. But before she turned the car on, put music on or anything else, she sent one simple text.
“Hey Lucy.  It’s Ally.”
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benismyqueen · 4 years ago
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Resumen: Después de meses de intensos coqueteos en el set de Bohemian Rhapsody, decides dar a Ben el mejor regalo de cumpleaños.
Advertencias: +18 (smut)
A/N: Es mi primer smut así que lamento los fallos y si os incomoda.
Palabras: 5.126
Te miras en el espejo observando el reflejo que proyecta. Solo eres tú con unos pantalones de cuero negro muy ajustados, tus amadas botas negras con un poco de plataforma y un jersey blanco medio metido en tus pantalones. Sabes que estás guapa, así quieres lucir. No quieres lucir demasiado arreglada y desentonar entre tus amigos, pero sí llamar la atención.
Ya han acabado oficialmente las grabaciones de la película Bohemian Rhapsody, y no sabes si estar emocionada o triste. Te has acostumbrado a volar alrededor de los chicos y Lucy, pese a ser una actriz extra sin lineas. Probablemente los mejores meses de tu vida. Echarás de menos las charlas con Lucy detrás de las escenas, las bromas con Joe incluso dentro de escena provocando muchas tomas falsas, incluso los momentos de Rami siendo una persona extremadamente cariñosa.
Pero al que más echarás de menos es a Ben. No pudiste evitar caer profundamente enamorada en el primer momento que lo viste. Definitivamente los rubios no eran tu tipo, pero esa cara bonita con esos ojos verdes tan llamativos te llamaron la atención. Tuviste que luchar mucho para evitar que se te cayese la baba cuando lo veías en esas ropas de los 70'. Pero además de ser increíblemente guapo, es una persona muy sencilla y humana. Siendo muy tímido la mayoría del tiempo, siempre con una sonrisa genuina cuando estás cerca y sus mejillas sonrojadas cuando Joe hace alguna broma. Realmente encajásteis.
Y con los días creció una tensión bastante fuerte entre vosotros. Todo el mundo pudo notarlo. Esas miradas constantes, incluso cuando cada uno estáis en un extremo diferente del estudio. La forma en la que siempre parece mantener el contacto, incluso cuando no es necesario, estando extremadamente cerca. Pasando detrás tuyo bastante pegado con una mano en la parte baja de tu espalda. "Disculpa, amor" mientras busca su camerino. O cuando estás preparando un café y se sitúa detrás tuyo muy cerca, casi puedes sentir su aliento en tu cuello, y toma una taza con una mano mientras la otra da un apretón cariñoso en tu cadera.
Todos pudieron verlo.
Lucy tuvo muchas conversaciones contigo sobre Ben y la tensión dolorosa que ambos desprenden. "Necesitas hacer un movimiento" Pero nunca lo pensaste realmente. Él te gusta, lo quieres, lo deseas, es malditamente horrible lo mucho que deseas besarlo y quitarle la ropa. Pero acaba de salir de una relación muy larga. Casi 10 años. Casi comprometido.
Definitivamente no serías la chica que rompe su mala racha, la que deja su ropa a los pies de su cama y por la mañana se va sin tomar una ducha. La chica a la que promete llamar y no lo hace, y no quiere que sea el chico que olvida todos estos meses después de una noche en la cama.
Pero hoy es su cumpleaños. Hace una pequeña reunión con el cast, también en modo de despedida, no se verán hasta que hagan la promoción, y tú tendrías que esperar a la premiere. Puede que sean los últimos días que pases a su lado, y quieres hacerlo. Estás destinada a no verle más de todas formas.
Recoges tu chaqueta y el regalo de Ben y vas a su casa.
"¡Mackenzie!" Lucy grita y envuelve sus brazos en tu cuerpo. Ya ha tomado  varias copas de champagne.
"Siempre un placer, Macky" Rami aparece detrás de Lucy y deja un beso sobre su cabeza.
"¡No me lo puedo creer!" Un Joe algo bebido grita cuando Mackenzie entra en el salón de la casa. "¿En serio has traido como regalo un sobre con dinero? Eso lo hacía mi abuela cuando era un niño"
Rueda los ojos y siente como sus mejillas se encienden.
"No sabía que regalar a un hombre rico, disculpa"
"A su favor diré que no hacía falta ningún regalo" Ben aparece por la puerta con algunas cervezas. Parece ser el único junto a Rami sobrio. "Has tardado"
"Perdona, me costó encontrar la dirección." Envuelve los brazos en su torso mientras Ben algo incómodo por  intentar no tirar las cervezas envuelve un brazo en sus hombros y deja un beso en su cabeza. "Feliz cumpleaños, Ben"
"Sabes que podía ir a buscarte" Ben frunce el ceño pero enseguida sonríe y deja un beso en su frente. "Gracias"
Se separan y mientras Ben deja las cervezas en la mesa, Mackenzie se sienta junto a Lucy. Le extiende el sobre para que pueda cogerlo, y Ben rodando los ojos con una sonrisa lo coge y lo deja sobre un estante con libros.
La tarde pasa rápido, con risas y recordando los momentos más locos y divertidos que habéis pasado estos meses. Las fiestas los días de descanso de rodaje, y todas las borracheras de Joe que dejaron momentos épicos. Casi lloras de risa cuando recuerdas aquella vez que Lucy rompió una jarra de agua en el set y para que nadie se diese cuenta la ayudaste a retirar el agua con las toallas de los camerinos, aún así el suelo quedó algo resbaladizo y cuando Gwilym llegaba tarde se cayó de culo en el suelo. Y ahora meses después sois capaces de admitir vuestra travesuras.
"Creo que ha llegado mi hora" Empiezas a sentir un poco el paso del tiempo y de las copas por tu organismo. "Debería irme"
"Pero si es muy pronto, ¿que dices?" Lucy pone un puchero mientras Ben se mueve incómodo.
"Puedes quedarte, Joe se queda a dormir."
"Que va, mañana tengo el vuelo muy pronto y aún tengo que terminar las maletas. Vuelvo a casa." Lo dices con una sonrisa triste mientras te levantas.
Miras el sobre que le has dado a Ben en la estantería del salón. Ni siquiera lo ha mirado. Suspiras mientras niegas con la cabeza. Este es el último día. Se acabó.
"Puedo llevarte mañana" Ben quiere que te quedes, te mira ansioso. Aún está bastante sobrio mientras los demás están demasiado bebidos.
"No, no. Tranquilo, es tu cumpleaños, disfruta. No quiero que mañana tengas que levantarte temprano por mi."
"No me importaría."
"Ben, insisto" Sonríes mientras te pones la chaqueta. "Muchachos estáis todos muy borrachos para recordarlo mañana, pero os echaré de menos. Nos vemos en la premiere."
Ben se levanta y te acompaña a la puerta. "Entonces... Nos veremos en la premiere" Está con las manos dentro de los bolsillos de sus pantalones.
"Feliz cumpleaños, Ben" Te acercas y vuelves a envolver tus brazos sobre su torso. Ben suspira mientras envuelve las suyas en tu espalda e inclina su cabeza sobre tu pelo, inhalando tu olor. "Nos veremos en la premiere."
Levantas la cabeza y te encuentras con sus ojos verdes. Te está mirando de esa forma peculiar. Tiene los labios entreabiertos, intentando decir algo.
"¿Sabes? En unos meses tendré la premiere de 6 underground, sería bueno verte"
"Suena como un plan"
Sacas las llaves del coche alquilado de tu bolso y te diriges al coche.
"Espero que te guste el regalo Ben, úsalo bien" Antes de que pueda reaccionar te metes en el coche y huyes a tu habitación del hotel. En algunas horas verá tu regalo y podrás morir de verguenza. Solo tendré que verlo una vez más. Solo una más. Ni siquiera lo recordará ese día.
Cuando llegas al hotel te encargas de sacar la ropa para el día siguiente, y tener todo preparado para levantarte de la cama e irte al aeropuerto. Tardas unas dos horas en concienciarte de que tienes todo bajo control y no te olvidas de nada. Así que te metes por fin en la cama en ropa interior, y dejas el móvil cargando en tu mesita, junto a los auriculares y la mochila con tu libro favorito, el pasaporte, el billete de avión y la cartera. Será un viaje largo.
Desde la cama puedes ver en la esquina de la habitación el regalo de navidad que te dió Lucy. En verdad fue unas semanas antes. Sabe lo mucho que te gustan los calendarios de adviento, y que los sigues día a día, así que decidió hacer uno a mano, y metió pequeñas chocolatinas, bombones y mensajes bonitos en cada cajita. Es todo rosa lleno de corazones.  Comiste cada chocolate todos los días, y guardaste con mucho cariño todos los mensajes de amor que te dejó. Pero obviamente en su mente retorcida no podía ser todo tan bonito, así que para el día 24 te dejó un regalo muy especial. Ese día cenaste con los chicos y algunos familiares que pudieron asistir a la cena en el restaurante.
Te pidió que llevases la pequeña caja en el bolso, quería ver tu reacción cuando descubrieses el regalo. Y minutos antes de medianoche, cuando la mayoría ya estaban pasados de copas, te pidió que vieses el interior.
Rodaste los ojos mientras sentías el fuego en tus mejillas. Miraste a todos los lados verificando que nadie se había dado cuenta. Era un preservativo.
"¡Lucy!" Casi te ahogas con tu propia saliva. Tu amiga a tu lado sonríe con una mirada cómplice. "¡Da mala suerte no seguir el calendario de adviento día a día!"
"Aún te quedan 10 minutos para media noche, deberías agradecerme te voy a dar el mejor regalo de navidad!" Te da un golpe en la rodilla mientras mira a Ben. Está hablando con Rami con una copa en la mano.
"¡Ni de broma!"
"¡Vamos, Mackenzie! Solo necesitáis un empujón" En ese momento Ben mira a las chicas y sonríe a Mackenzie mientras guiña un ojo. "¿lo ves? Realmente lo tienes ahí."
"Tienes una mente muy retorcida, ¡sabes lo supersticiosa que soy!"
Lucy rueda los ojos y se levanta del sofá.
"Me voy con los chicos. Tienes 10 minutos. Úsalo bien" Y con una sonrisa se gira y va al otro extremo de la sala junto a Joe.
Por supuesto que nunca llegaste a usarlo, cuando llegaste al hotel dejaste la caja dentro del calendario, y desde ese día no volviste a tocar ni una caja. Tienes varios días sin abrir, pero te da igual. Suspiras y te giras para evitar mirar el dichoso calendario. Cuando cierras los ojos sientes unos muy leves golpes en la puerta. Sientes como el corazón se detiene y verificas en tu móvil que son casi las dos de la mañana.
Ignoras los golpes. ¿Quién demonios puede ser a esas horas? Quizá tu mente paranoica lo imaginó. Pero cuando vuelves a cerrar los ojos, vuelves a oirlos, esta vez más fuerte y más insistentes. Te levantas con mucho cuidado de no hacer ruido, y cuando llegas casi a la puerta escuchas una voz.
"Mackenzie" la voz de Ben al otro lado vuelve a parar tu corazón. "Soy yo"
Corres con ansiedad hasta la silla cerca del balcón donde has dejado un jersey, golpeándote en la pierna el armario y te lo pones por encima. Enciendes la luz esta vez y mirando el reflejo en el espejo colocas un poco tu pelo. Cuando abres la puerta Ben está con una mano en la nuca. Te mira con los labios entreabiertos y rápidamente su vista va a tus piernas desnudas. El jersey te tapa poco más que la tanga en encaje. Te mueves un poco incómoda y cruzas tus piernas.
"Eh..." Ben aclara su garganta y mueve sus ojos a los de ella. "Abrí el regalo." Lleva su mano al bolsillo trasero de sus pantalones. "Hubiese sido muy humillante si lo hubiese abierto con Joe delante" saca del bolsillo el preservativo y te muerdes el labio con fuerza. "Me ha costado una hora llevar a Joe a la cama y llamar un taxi para los demás"
"Tenías prisa"
"Bueno, quería abrir mi regalo." Ben se acerca un paso, sin sobrepasar el umbral de la puerta. Está junto a ti, sin tocarte, pero puedes sentir su aliento sobre tus labios.
"¿Quieres pasar?" susurras.
"Estaría decepcionado si después de venir aquí no me invitas a pasar" Se te escapa la risa mientras das un paso a un lado y lo dejas entrar. Antes de poder cerrar la puerta sientes los brazos de Ben sobre tu cintura, abrazándote. Te acerca a él, sin dejar ni un centímetro entre vosotros, y con los labios cerca de los tuyos.
"¿Está bien?" con un suspiro asientes con la cabeza. Un segundo después Ben junta sus labios con fuerza con los tuyos mientras con la pierna cierra la puerta de la habitación. Ambos suspiráis cuando vuestros labios se tocan y Ben aprovecha ese momento para intensificar el beso metiendo su lengua en tu boca. Lo abrazas mientras el rubio pone una mano sobre tu cuello, evitando que te alejes, y pone la otra sobre tu muslo, rozando la tela del jersey y con los dedos jugando subiendo y bajando la tela unos centímetros.
Jadeas sintiendo los dedos de Ben sobre tu muslo y te alejas del beso en busca de oxígeno. Ben no te deja alejarte mucho, ya que pone sus labios sobre tu cuello, besando la piel expuesta mientras retira el pelo con su mano, y la vuelve a poner sobre tu cuello. No puedes más, sientes que algo explota en tu interior cuando sientes sus labios en tu cuello y su mano en la otra parte.
"Ben" gimes su nombre mientras buscas apoyarte en la pared, sientes que en cualquier momento tus piernas pueden fallar. Ben aprieta tu muslo cuando la escucha gemir.
"Joder" Apoya su frente en la tuya. "¿Todo bien?"
Esta vez eres tú quién lo besa, mientras tiras de su cinturón hacia ti, juntando las caderas. Esta vez es el turno de él de gemir, mientras te coge por tus muslos y hace que enredes las piernas en su cintura. Subes tus manos a sus mejillas, y lo besas. Gimes en su boca cuando sientes su erección contra ti. Sientes la tela del pantalón vaquero contra tu núcleo medio desnudo por la tela de tu tanga, y te mueves un poco contra él mientras gime.
Ben sonríe en mitad del beso, y aprieta tu culo. "¿Podemos tomarlo con calma?"
Intenta regular tu respiración. Tienes las mejillas sonrojadas y a penas sientes las piernas. Llegados a este punto no crees que puedas ir muy despacio, pero si el lo quiere así, lo intentarás. Asientes con la cabeza mientras Ben contigo en brazos se dirige a la cama.
Se sienta en el borde de la cama contigo en su regazo, una pierna a cada lado suyo. Te quita el pelo de la cara y te besa. Besa tus labios, tus mejillas, y por último se detiene en tu cuello. Suspiras mientras te mantienes quieta en su regazo. Con calma, piensas. Una mano está sobre tu cuello y la otra rápidamente se cuela debajo de tu jersey y acaricia tu espalda. Llevas tus manos a su cuello, y acaricias su nuca con cariño. Tus dedos se encuentran con el pelo de la parte trasera de su cabeza y lo envuelves con tus dedos. Te dejas caer en su regazo sintiendo su erección contra el muslo. Tiras un poco de él para separar la cara de tu cuello y llevas tus labios a los suyos. Ben se deja besar, mientras lleva sus manos a tus caderas, y las mueve contra él. Ambos gemís mientras te separas de él, mordiendo su labio.
"¿Puedo?" Pregunta con los ojos brillosos tocando con sus manos la tela del jersey. Asientes mientras él tira de la prenda sacándotela en un segundo. No tienes sujetador. Ben gime al verte, y lleva una de sus manos a tu pecho. "Eres preciosa" Susurra mirándote a los ojos. Pasa su dedo pulgar por tu pezón y suspiras.
"Por favor"
Ben lleva su boca a tu otro pezón. Primero le da un beso y luego pasa su lengua por su alrededor antes de jugar con él entre sus labios. Dejas escapar un suspiro mientras su mano juega con el otro pezón. Mueves tus caderas de forma automática necesitando sentirlo, mientras llevas una de tus manos a su hombro y con la otra juegas con el pelo de su cabeza.
Lo separas de tus pechos y lo besas. Ben vuelve a pasar ambos pulgares por tus pezones mientras un escalofrío te recorre la espalda.
Cuando consigues separarte de él, tiras del dobladillo de su camiseta y se la quitas. Pasas tus manos por su pecho, y dejas que un dedo recorra sus abdominales. Dejas caer tus labios sobre su clavícula y dejas pequeños besos, para luego succionar con fuerza. En ese momento no eres consciente de que le dejarán unas marcas terribles, pero no te importa cuando sientes las manos de Ben apretando tu cadera. Mueves tu boca a su cuello y lo muerdes. Deja escapar un gemido.
"Vas a ser mi muerte" Dejas escapar una risa. Usando las uñas sin mucha fuerza las pasas por sus hombros mientras lo besas. Deja descansar sus manos en la parte baja de tu espalda mientras sus dedos juegan con la tira del tanga. Tus manos se mueven por su pecho, bajando hasta su estómago, y se detienen en el dobladillo del pantalón, jugando con el botón y paseando tu dedo índice entre el pantalón y su bóxer.
"¿Puedo?" Sientes que vas a morir cuando lo preguntas. Luchas por no estar ansiosa o que al menos que él no lo note. Asiente con la cabeza y sientes como deja de respirar cuando desabrochas el pantalón y bajas la cremallera. Cierra los ojos y echa la cabeza hacia atrás cuando deja de sentir la presión del pantalón en su miembro.
Cuando parece que se recupera, te gira, haciendo que caigas sobre la cama. Con la ayuda de tus talones y tus brazos te mueves hacia el cabecero de la cama. Ben se deja caer encima tuyo sin llegar a aplastarte. Sientes que está a punto de preguntarte si estás bien, así que con una sonrisa pones tu mano en su nuca.
"Está bien" aseguras antes de besarlo. Llevas tu mano a su estómago, y después de acariciarlo, con el dedo índice juegas con la goma de su bóxer. "¿Por qué no te lo quitas?" Ben deja de besarte y te obedece. Se baja de la cama y deja los pantalones por ahí tirados. Es increible. Una cosa es imaginar su cuerpo, o ver alguna foto de alguna sesión, pero verlo en persona, acalorado y con la respiración entrecortada por la excitación es otra cosa. Sonríes viendo su bulto en el bóxer. Tú lo has provocado. Es tuyo.
Ben se deja caer sobre tu cuerpo de nuevo, y deja besos húmedos en tu cuello, bajando por tus pechos, cuando piensas que no puedes estar más excitada, baja sus labios por tu estómago. Se detiene con los labios sobre tu piel, y te observa con una sonrisa. Con tu mano retiras el pelo de su frente, y sin romper el contacto visual, baja aún más sus labios, y con los dientes estira y deja que te golpeé la goma de tu tanga. Gimes elevas las caderas. Ben se ríe mientras deja un beso sobre tu centro por encima de la ropa.
"¿Hay algo con lo que te sientas incómoda?, o alguna sugerencia, que te guste especialmente..." Sube a tu altura y deja descansar su mano en tu estómago.
"Solo... Solo quiero que me toques"
Ben deja un beso en tu frente y baja los dedos hasta tu tanta. Durante un momento juega con el elástico, mientras te mira de costado, con su cabeza apoyada en su brazo. Tienes los ojos cerrados y respiras con dificultad. Sin esperártelo mete dos dedos debajo de la prenda y nota tu humedad. Gimes mientras agarras su brazo con fuerza.
"Tócame" Susurras. Ben mueve sus dedos hacia tu humedad, frota los dedos en tu entrada, recogiendo un poco de lubricante. Lleva los dedos a través de tus labios, gritas cuando llega a tu clítoris. "¡Joder!" Juega con tu centro, acariciando los labios, bajando a tu entrada y volviendo a subir a tu clítoris. No lo toca directamente, juega alrededor de él, haciendo que te retuerzas de placer y de ansia.
Mete aún más la mano, y sin esperártelo introduce dos dedos en ti. "¿Estás bien?" Aprietas el agarre en su brazo y te quedas muy quieta.
"Ben... No creo que dure mucho"
"No hay problema, amor. Tenemos tiempo." Besa tu sien y mueve sus dedos. Al principio de forma tranquila, dejando que te acostumbres a él, a su toque. De vez en cuando con el pulgar frota tu clítoris, haciendo que eleves las caderas y de esa forma sus dedos llegan aún más profundo. Gimes su nombre, sientes que estás haciendo un desastre, notas como el sudor recorre tu cuerpo y el pelo se te pega en la nuca. Estás cerca, y Ben lo nota en sus dedos, nota como te tensas a su alrededor, y no puede hacer otra cosa más que acelerar el rítmo y frotar tu núcleo con su pulgar. El orgasmo te golpea haciendo que tiembles y despues de tanta tensión acumulada, te dejas ir, dejando de sentir otra cosa que no sea el colchón debajo tuyo.
Ben retira su mano. Estás con los ojos cerrados, intentando recuperarte, cuando sientes a Ben retirar tu tanga. Está sentado a los pies de la cama, con una toalla del baño húmeda en sus manos. Con cuidado te limpia haciendo que gimas.
"Lo siento"
"Estoy sensible. Está bien." Se siente bien la toalla húmeda, y se sienten bien las manos de Ben sobre tus muslos. Deja un beso cerca de tu ingle.  "Ven aquí" Con una sonrisa vuelve a subir a la cama y se queda a tu altura.
Buscas sus labios y lo besas. Juegas con su labio interior haciendo que Ben gima y sienta como su polla late. Deja caer la cadera contra la tuya y lo sientes. Bajas una de tus manos hacia sus boxers, y esta vez sin jugar, introduces tu mano. Parece que su pene salta buscando tu contacto mientras Ben gime. Buscas el ángulo para tocarlo, subes y bajas la mano varias veces, hasta que te detienes en su punta. Paseas el pulgar humedeciéndolo con su presemen, y lo usas como lubricante en toda su longitud. Ben deja caer su cabeza en la almohada, junto a tu oido, jadea.
Juegas con la velocidad de tus movimientos, hasta que sientes como está a punto de correrse. Detiene tus movimientos con su mano, intenta regular su respiración. "Espera" se quita los boxers, y frota su longitud en ti. Sientes como vuelves a encenderte. Te está buscando, está preparándote. Busca tu clítoris con su polla y lo frota.
"Ben" arqueas la espalda mientras muerde tu hombro. "Por favor"
Te mira a los ojos buscando tu permiso. Asientes con la cabeza mientras te muerdes el labio. Ben no pierde el tiempo buscando el preservativo en sus pantalones. Se lo pone rápidamente con las manos temblorosas mientras te mira. Estás sobre tus codos viéndolo. No crees haber tenido nunca a un chico luciendo tan sexy. Vuelve a colocarse encima tuyo, y repite el proceso de antes, sientes sus dedos en tu entrada, extendiendo tu humedad como lubricante. Te dejas caer en la cama mientras gimes.
"Ben..." gritas con ansiedad.
"Ya voy, amor." Y justo después notas como entra en ti. Lo hace poco a poco, dejándote que te acostumbres a él. Pero te duele tanto no tenerlo dentro, que con tus piernas lo empujas dentro de ti. Ambos gemís y muerdes el hombro de Ben para no gritar.
Se mueve lento, poco a poco, y no muy profundo. Quiere asegurarse de no hacerte daño, y de durar más de 5 minutos. Mordisqueas el lóbulo de su oreja mientras gimes, y eso lo lleva al límite. Besas su cuello, y dejas marcas en él, en ese momento no te importa. Necesitas hacerlo. Busca tus labios y te besa mientras esta vez entra más profundo en ti.
"Más fuerte, Ben" Lloriqueas cuando te hace caso. En todas las veces que has estado con un chico, confundían fuerza con rapidez. Te sorprende lo mucho que Ben te entiende, y lo bien que lo hace. Lleva sus dedos a tu clítoris, y lo frota con rapidez. "Ben, no creo que pueda durar mucho más" dices sobre sus labios.
Parece no importarle cuando acelera sus embestidas, y sientes en tu interior los espasmos que recorren su polla. Gimes mientras te aprietas aún más sobre su polla, sientes que te corres, pero no importa porque Ben también lo hace unos segundos después. Deja caer su frente en tu clavícula y lo abrazas. Un sudor cálido recorre su espalda, y sientes como vuestros cuerpos quedan prácticamente pegados por el sudor.
Deja caer besos sobre tu pecho, y muerde tu pezón mientras sale de ti. Dejas de sentir ese calor en tu interior y lo miras. Tiene sus ojos en ti. Te quita el pelo de la cara y te besa.
"Creo que es el mejor regalo de cumpleaños que he tenido"
"¿Nunca te han regalado sexo por tu cumpleaños?" Bromeas acariciando su nuca.
"Nunca me han regalado un preservativo en un sobre." Muerde tu labio inferior y te sonríe. "Un regalo original"
"Moriría de verguenza si lo llegas abrir delante de todos."
"No sería mi culpa" Levanta la mano con inocencia. "Me alegro que lo hayas hecho. Esto debió de pasar antes " Mueve su mano por tu cadera. Vuelve a besarte y se levanta de la cama. Te incorporas y apoyas tu espalda en el cabecero de la cama. Ves a Ben moverse por la habitación completamente desnudo y sientes que nunca podrías cansarte de mirarlo.
Entra en el baño sin cerrar la puerta, y por el reflejo del espejo ves las marcas de besos y mordidas por su cuello y su clavícula. Se quita el preservativo y lo anuda antes de tirarlo en la basura. Usa una de las toallas para limpiarse y vuelve a la cama. Sigues su ejemplo y te limpias con lo toalla que dejó sobre la mesilla. Se tumba en la cama te besa. Por todo el cuerpo.
"¿Puedo?" pregunta entre tus piernas. Te incorporas sobre tus codos y lo miras. Besa tu clítoris, besa tu entrada, y utiliza su lengua por tus labios. Suspiras llevando una mano a su pelo, y tiras de él. "Ben, para"
Haces que se acerque a ti, mueves tus caderas y lo empujas sobre el colchón. Lo necesitas a él. Te subes sobre sus caderas, y te mueves. Pone las manos en tus muslos y los aprieta mientras echa su cabeza atrás.
"Mierda" Gime. Pero no de placer. Frunces el ceño. "No tengo más preservativos" recuerda.
En ese momento llevas tu vista al calendario de adviento. Sigue en la esquina de la habitación y en ese momento te alegras de no haberlo tirado. "¡Espera!" te bajas de la cama con rapidez y te acercas al calendario. Sacas la cajita del día 24 y te acercas a la cama. Ben está incorporado sobre sus codos viéndote confundido.
"¿Ese es el calendario de Lucy?"
"Calla. No digas ni una palabra" Adviertes mientras te subes a su regazo y abres la caja. Ben deja escapar una carcajada mientras sus manos descansan en tus muslos. "¡Ben!"
"¡Lo siento!, ¿en serio te regaló eso?"
"Es humillante"
"Un poco" reconoce metiéndote el pelo detrás de la oreja. "¿Por qué lo hizo?"
"Supongo que notó que ambos lo deseábamos" Te encoges de hombros. "Estaba destinado para el día 24"
"¿No es mala suerte no usarlo ese día?" pregunta.
"Lo es." admites. "Supongo que este año tendré una suerte de mierda"
"Bueno, me tienes a mi" Se sienta en la cama contigo encima y te besa. Dejas caer la caja al suelo y dejas el preservativo encima de la cama.
"¿Extra grande?" Pregunta con una sonrisa viendo el preservativo. "¿Lucy y tú habéis hablado de mi tamaño?"
Golpeas su hombro "Para empezar, no." Se ríe con fuerza haciendo que a ti tambien se te escape la risa. "Y que sepas que es un engaño, el preservativo normal se adapta a todos los tamaños, el extra grande es un engaño para que los vanidosos se dejen más dinero"
"Estoy bromeando, amor"
Te acerca con una mano sobre tu cuello y te besa. No con ansiedad, ni con lujuria. Es un beso tranquilo. Un beso de quién tiene todo el tiempo del mundo, y los únicos labios que desea besar.
Después de dos veces, ambos caéis en la cama cansados. Ben no tarda en quedarse dormido después de fumar un cigarro, y tú tapas tu cuerpo con la sábana, y esperas que pase la hora que te queda antes de coger tus pertenencias y coger el avión. ¿Fue un error? No lo parecía cuando lo besabas ni cuando follábais. Pero todo se ve de forma diferente cuando estás en frío. ¿Sería incómodo?, ¿se iría en cuanto se despertase?, ¿te volvería a llamar?, ¿te diría que fue solo una noche?, ¿significó para él lo mismo que significó para ti? Sientes la como te ataca la ansiedad mientras Ben ronca ligeramente.
Cuando llega la hora te levantas con cuidado. Buscas la ropa que hay sobre el suelo, y te la pones en silencio lo más rápido que puedes. No puedes ducharte, eso lo despertaría, y honestamente no quieres tener esa incómoda conversación del "día después". Abres la puerta y con cuidado sacas las maletas. Sientes el sudor recorrer tu espalda, son tres maletas grandes y no es fácil arrastrarlas con cuidado sobre el suelo de madera. Cuando lo consigues llamas al ascensor y dejas las maletas en un lado.
Llegas a la habitación, solo te queda tu bolso, y el móvil con el cargador. Cuelgas tu mochila en el brazo y te acercas a la cama. Ben tiene media cara contra la almohada, y la boca ligeramente abierta. Le apartas un poco el pelo con la mano, y le besas la mejilla.
"Supongo que se acabó" Tus ojos se llenan de lágrimas. Realmente lo amas, es la persona más gentil, divertida y amable que conoces. Y has tenido la oportunidad de conocer su lado sexy. Y solo por una noche ha sido tuyo. Pero no estáis en la misma página. Acaba de salir de una relación muy larga, una persona con la que se quería casar. Y aunque te duela, sabes que aún le queda mucho para superarlo.
"Ojalá me encuentres cuando estés listo" Y con esa última frase, abandonas a Ben en la habitación del hotel. Pero olvidaste que allí también dejaste tu corazón.
¿Segunda parte?
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theloveoftoms · 3 years ago
Senior Year - High School Joe Mazzello au
Summary: It is Alexis Bradley’s first day of senior year. After moving to San Diego during the summer, Alexis is unsure what to expect at her new High School. She wants to make friends, but she knows that can be easier said than done. After having troubles at the vending machine Alexis is introduced to a handsome boy, Joe Mazzello, who both helps her get her lunch from the vending machine and helps her navigate her new life at Cabrillo High.
A/N: Hi darlings!! This is my first ever Joe Mazzello/borhap fanfic. As of right now, it is ongoing, so be on the look out for new chapters every week or so. This story starts off kinda slow - only because I wanted to fully introduce my characters Alexis to you guys before jumping into a fully written fic -  but I can assure you that there will be plenty of swoon worthy moments coming in the next couple of chapters! I hope you enjoy my story! Happy reading. - m xxx
Read the other parts of this story....
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, more chapters coming soon!!!
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San Diego, California 
A new day. A new school. A new city. I whispered to myself as I ran my fingers through my sandy blonde hair. Who known, maybe it’ll be like TopGun and I’ll meet a hottie like maverick and we’ll date and go on motorcycle rides and go to the beach... 
“Gosh,” I sighed, clearing my head from this unlikely fantasy. “Senior year, where on earth did you come from,” I said aloud as I checked the time on my phone, skipping to the next song. 
The clock turned to 8:19 as Queen’s “Seven Seas of Rhye” began to play through on the cars speakers. 16 minutes until class. Only 10 months until school ends and I'm free. 
Humming along to the music, I sent my mom a text, “heading in now. Test u at lunch. xx Lexi.” How cool am I. Sitting here in the parking lot of my new high school texting my mother, listening to music from the 70′s. Popular kids could never! 
Waiting for the song to finish, I turned off my Toyota, an d retired my dusty pink backpack from the back seat. Slinging it over my shoulder as I lock the car door, I notice others in the parking lot walking towards the school. I follow them to the front, where I can see the ginormous building for myself. It is so much bigger than my old school. Not to mention, it seems so much better than my old school. For starters, during my orientation in the summer, I learnt from the principle that there are so many sports teams here (more than just football, volleyball and basketball!). There are lacrosse teams, swim teams, even a freaking golf team! And the food in the cafeteria is supposed to be healthy and nutritions - a much better step up from the undercooked chicken wings from my old high school in Glendale. And for academics, they have just about every class imaginable. 
Beneath the American flag, flapping in the wind are little pods of students, chatting and laughing amongst themselves. On the left by the blue picnic tables, were guys standing in a large circle, tossing a football around. And to the right, infront of potted flowers, there was a hoard of girls taking their first day of school ootd photos. Strange but not unusual. 
Everyone looked so perfect beneath the early morning sun. The girls in their dresses and skirts, and the guys in their monochromatic school sports attire. As I pushed back the glass doors to the school, noticing my green and white blouse and black Levis shorts, I couldn't help but feel already a bit out of place.
With my schedule in hand, I trudged down the hallway until I reached the first set of stairs to the second floor. As I ascended the staircase I noticed how bright and fresh the school felt. There were no grimy stains on the walls, the lockers appeared clean, and there was a surplus of natural light. Pretty nifty for a public school. 
I found my history class at the end of the hall. Behind all of the individual desks, were panelled windows stretching from ceiling to mid-way down the wall. The windows were all behind the desks, letting the sun shine through making the room feel bright and airy. There were a couple of students in the class, but no teacher. So, naturally I took my seat in the third row - the perfect spot - not too far from the front but not too close either. 
As I took my seat, my phone buzzed in my pocket. “Have a fabulous day angel. Luv u, mama.” As cheesy as that reply from mom is, I really do cherish everything she puts into our relationship. 
When I was four, my father, who at the time was serving over seas in the military passed away due to a training accident. He left my mother, Melissa, to raise a four year old daughter and an 8 month old son to raise all by herself. I only have a couple memories of dad, but my brother Matt, due to his age at the time of the accident, sadly docent have any. I’m forever grateful that I was raised by such a strong woman who clearly made lemonade out of the lemons she was given. 
After taking my notebook and pencil case out of my backpack, I checked the time again. Now, 8:40, there is 5 minutes to class. Every so often a student would come in early from the hallway. They would walk in, look around for a brief moment, and then take their seat. So far, no one has sat next to me yet. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad one. please no weirdos I prayed as the bell rang, just someone normal. 
Moments later, the bell rang, signalling the start of the school year. Students weaved into the classroom, finding their seats. The second bell rang, signalling that class was about to start. A girl with dark wavy hair sat next to me, but I’m guessing she only sat there to be near the guy on her left. The two of them have been talking since the moment she sat down.
The teacher walked in with a stack of papers beneath her arm, “Good morning class and welcome to possibly the most important class in high school,” She begun handing out the papers as she introduced herself as Ms. Jennings. As she passed by, she smiled sweetly and the smell of honey was left in her passing. 
“As soon as the announcements are finished you may begin this assignment,” she said, adjusting her sleek black hair into a low bun. “Now before you all go crazy worrying about a pop quiz you had no knowledge about, just give this a try and see how much you can tell me. This doesn't count towards your grade but your participation will be marked down in your work habits.”
Listening to the announcements, in an attempt to make myself look busy, I gazed around the classroom, looking at the variety of posters and paps plastered to the grey walls. There were plenty of maps as well as an assortment of black and white photos of various historical figures. There were photos of Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, JFK, Winston Churchill, Dictator Benito Mussolini, and many other well known figures.
“If you get stuck on any of these questions, you can talk amongst yourself to figure them out,” Ms. Jennings said, taking a seat at her desk, adjusting her lavender cardigan and black inky skirt, “I hope you all will enjoy this course as much as I do teaching it!” 
I grabbed a pen out of my pencil case and dated the paper. What is your name? read the first question. easy peasy. Alexis Bradley. Do you have an interest for history? yes!! Who is your favourite historical figure and why? Alan Turing. What he and his team did for the allies during ww2 was amazing - the war likely would have ended completely differently if he had not been so brilliant! And also... Canadian aeronautical engineer Elsie MacGill “Queen of the Hurricanes” the first woman to earn a aeronautical engineering degree! Why is history important to you? Is it important to you? History is important to me because the more we can learn about the past, we will be better educated to handle the challenges of the future. And lastly, tell me about yourself! I just moved here in the summer from Arizona. I really like it in San Diego and I enjoy walking on the beach during my free time!
The rest of History was spend reading over the syllabus and singing out text books. Ms. Jennings told us that our first assignment would be to complete the reading questions out of our textbook. It wasn't going to be due until Thursday - thankfully!
After History I had my study block. When I got to my next classroom - which was only a couple doors down from history, the teacher, a man well into his 60′s told us to sit wherever we wanted. He then introduced himself as Mr. Dupley and explained that this is the class where students could catch up on homework or just sit and relax on their phones. He said, “There are no grades in this class, just attendance, so its up to you with what you do in your time.” I like this class already!
For all of study hall I worked on my history questions. I got finished most of them, so I wouldn't have to do them on Thursday. 
It was lunch after study hall. As much as I had wanted to stay in the peaceful study hall classroom, I didn't pack a lunch today and boy was I hungry. 
I packed up my things and wandered down the stairs and to the cafeteria. It wasn't incredibly busy, but there were still plenty of students there. Many were waiting in line for fresh hot food served by staff, but there were also vending machines at the back of the cafeteria as well. 
The lines were dreadfully long, so I opted for going to one of the vending machines. There were about five different ones, each with the same assortment of drinks and snacks. I chose the one with the least amount of people, which in this case there was only one girl infront of me. 
After she had finished I took the folded 10 dollar bill out of my pocket and looked at all the snack options. PLEASE MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS BEFORE INSERTING MONEY. 
I clicked buttons b12 - for a bag of salt and vinegar chips - and h11 for a sunrise fruit bar. PLEASE INSERT MONEY IN THE SLOT BELOW. OR TAP YOU CARD NOW. I took the 10 dollar bill and straightened it out before inserting it in the bill reader. Just as the bill was almost all the way in, the machine sent the bill back out towards me. 
I flipped it over, straightening it out again. No use, the machine spat the bill back out again. “Ugh this can't be happening,” I said aloud, as I tried to shove the bill in once more. 
The unsettling noises of the vending machine bill reader sent the 10 dollars back out again. 
“Excuse me?” I heard a male voice from behind say. 
I turned to face the boy who was standing behind me. He was dressed in a black tee and a pair of loose blue jeans. He stands taller than me, with brown auburn hair. “This one can be pretty tricky some times,” he said gesturing to the bill in my hand, “may I?” 
I nodded, “be my guest.” 
The boy took the bill out of my hand and flattened it against the edge of the machine. He straightened it for a couple seconds and then inserted it into the machine. This time, it sucked the bill right up and dispensed my chips and fruit bar. 
“Hey, thanks!” I said as I bent down to retrieve my food and my change, “First day and I'm already learning something new.”
The boy put his hand in the pocket of his jeans, “First day?” he asked running a hand though his hair. 
I nodded, slipping the loose change into the pocket of my shorts. “Yeah, its my first day. I just moved here from Arizona actually.” 
The boy smiled, “Oh wow! Well welcome to Cabrillo. I’m Joe by the way.”
“I’m Alexis. It’s nice to meet you,” I said. 
Joe looked to a table to the right, “hey Alexis,” he begun, “do you want to come eat lunch with my friends and I?” 
am I making a friend? Is this really happening right now?!
“Sure,” I begun, trying not to sound too excited - I don't want to scare him off after all! “That sounds nice!” 
I follow Joe to a table with three others at it. There are two guys, one with tan skin and dark hair, the other with glasses, looks very tall. And one girl with features that appear to have been sculpted by the gods. 
“Alexis,” Joe begun, “This is Rami, Gwilym, and Lucy.” 
The three of them smiled at me, the one with the dark hair, Rami was it? said, “It’s nice to meet you Alexis.”
“She just moved here from Arizona,” said Joe, taking a seat beside Rami. 
“Welcome!” Said Lucy, smiling at me as I take a seat across from her, “It’s so good to finally see another girl at this table!” she chimed in the most posh English accent. 
I smiled, unsure of what to say next, “I love your accent!” 
Lucy took her hand and put it over her heart, “Aw thank you dear. Not too many others have this kind of voice around here.”
Gwilym laughed, “Besides me of course,” he spoke revealing his accent. 
“Gwil here is an exchange student, where as Lucy is a full time resident,” said Joe. 
Lucy nodded, “Yes. I moved here a couple of years ago from Birmingham with my parents.”
“And me, I go back at the end of the year. This will be my second year in America,” said Gwil. 
I nodded, “wow, that so cool!” 
“So Alexis, where about’s in Arizona are you from?” asked Rami, peeling back the plastic lid to his green salad. 
“I moved here from Glendale. It’s a smaller city inside of Phoenix. But I am originally from New York actually.”I said. 
Joe’s eyes lit up, “New York?”
I nodded, “Yeah, I moved to Glendale when I was about four.”
“Joe here is a bit of a New York fan himself. He used to live there too,” said Rami. 
I looked over to Joe, “Wow. Small world!” 
While Rami, Gwil, and Lucy were deep in conversation, Joe once again directed his gaze, and attention to me. “So Alexis,” he begun, “What classes do you have this afternoon?” 
I pulled my schedule out of my pocket, “English and then Biology. What about you?”
“By chance do you have Mrs. Fifield for English?” he asked. 
I nodded, “Yes I do!”
“Looks like I’ll be seeing you later then,” he said, smiling. 
Seriously Alexis. Awesome. What are you, in fifth grade?
“Did you say Biology?” interjected Lucy. 
“Yes. With Mr. Klein in room 244,” I said. 
“Ooh yay!” Lucy squealed, “We have Bio together.” 
I smiled, happy to know of someone in either one of my afternoon classes. 
For the rest of lunch, we al talked as a group. Asking each other questions that would help us get to know each other better. We talked about school related topics, as well as our personal interests out side of school. Everyone was so different but I could see how easily all four of them clicked together. 
Joe and his friends were all so welcoming towards me that I was actually hoping that lunch would have lasted just a bit longer. “Hope to see you again Alexis,” said Rami sincerely as he packed up his lunch. Gwil interjected, “Yeah, it was really nice chatting with you.” I said the same to them, and wished them a good afternoon. 
“See you later Alexis. Save me a seat in English,” said Joe, giving a friendly wave with his hand. 
“Will do Joe,” I smiled. 
Lucy and I walked to biology and found our seats up front. The desks have enough space for two people to sit at them, so it worked out perfectly.
Most of biology was spent going over the syllabus - just like in history - and getting a walk though of the lab. We had to do a quick worksheet on lab safety, which wasn't to hard to do, but it did end up taking the entire class. 
While we worked on out worksheet, Lucy and I enjoyed chatting with one another. She talked about Rami, who I later found out was her boyfriend. And she told me how she met Gwil one day in the library last year browsing the classic literature section. She had told me about everyone but Joe. 
I was beginning to grow curious about Joe, so I decided to ask her, “how did you meet Joe? What's he like?” 
Lucy relaxed in her chair, “Ah Joe. He's great,” she begun. “He is one of the most fun people you will ever meet. I met him though rami actually. The two of them have been friends for like what, 10 years.” 
“Woah, that's such a long time,” I said, “they must be really close.”
Lucy then proceeded to give me the entire back story on Rami’s family, and how he has a twin. It is safe to say that I learnt more about Lucy and Joe and all of their friends that I did in biology that day. 
After the bell rang, I said goodbye to Lucy, “See you tomorrow!” “Bye darling!” she replied. Gosh I love her accent. It is so posh. 
I was looking forward to seeing Joe in English. When I got there, he was already sitting at one of the desks. When he noticed me, his eyes lit up as he waved me over. 
“How does this spot look?” he asked, gesturing around the room. 
“It looks great.”
During English Joe and I both brainstormed ideas for our first assignments. The teacher wanted us to talk with our partners about each one of our interests and then as an assignment, make up a character profile for each other. 
This assignment could have been more perfect. 
“What is your favourite band?” Joe asked me, scribbling something down in his notebook. 
My heartbeat fluttered, I knew the answer in a second. “Queen,” I say proudly. 
Joe’s eyes lit up, “No way! Queen is my favourite too!”
A smile formed on my face, “Oh my gosh really? What’s your favourite song?” 
Joe set down his notebook, “Easily, Somebody to Love.” “And yours?” he asked.
I nodded, scribbling that down in my own notebook. “Mine,” I thought, “hmm. It would probably be Good Old Fashioned Lover boy but specifically the live version.”
“That is such a great song,” he said. 
I agreed, “I must have listed to it, like what, five times on the way here this morning,” I laughed. 
Joe laughed, “Clearly, we both have extraordinary taste!”
For the rest of class, Joe and I talked about music and our love of all things vintage. We were shocked by how much time had passed when the bell ran, dismissing us for the end of the day. 
“Ah shoot,” Joe begun, “we didn't finish the assignment.”
“haha, I think I had more fun talking about queen for an hour than I would have making a character chart,” I laughed. 
Joe laughed, folding up his notebook for the night. 
Joe pulled out a sticky note and scribbled something down on it, “Here’s my number.” he said handing me the sticky, “Give me a text if you have any more questions about me for the assignment, or even if you just want to chat!”
I nodded, “Will do. Have a good rest of the day Joe.”
“You too Alexis,” he said. 
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Lonely This Christmas | Ben Hardy
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Word Count: 4,171
Warnings: None, fluff and I promise it doesn’t end sad
Summary: Ben’s girlfriend has been talking about how excited she was for Christmas, so when she suddenly drops the bombshell that her plans to return home have fallen through, he has to act quickly to make sure his love won’t be Lonely This Christmas
A/N: I’m feeling extremely sad that I can’t go home for Christmas this year (thanks for that Covid) and of course it’s going to be my first Christmas alone, and I’ll be on the other side of the globe. Ironically, I actually wrote this for a Roger fic I scrapped last year, so go figure. I changed it to Ben just because I need a little Ben love right now. Sorry if you’re not American, for my sake please pretend, this was an outlet for me since I’m an emotional wreck right now
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Moving halfway around the world hadn’t originally been part of the five-year plan (Y/N) had been forced to make her final year of university, but when life gives you an amazing opportunity to get your master’s degree in another country you take it. The year the program lasted had been a rough one indeed, one that kept her in the UK the entire time due to outstanding circumstances. Graduating with her master’s degree at the end of it all, however, that made it all worth it. For a time, her plan had been to return home, find a job and start her new adult life out on the right foot, but through connections she made while she was at University, (Y/N) was fortunate enough to be able to apply for a new visa that allowed her to stay in the UK and move to London where she now worked in her dream job. Of course, with this amazing opportunity had come the headaches of settling completely in a new country that hadn’t arisen over the year she had merely been there for school: housing, bank accounts, figuring out how to pay taxes again, all the things she didn’t want to have to think about but had to as a working adult. But of course, with the headaches came all wonderful moments that made the headaches worth it. The biggest blessing on her life, of course, had been meeting her boyfriend Ben Jones, better known to the world as Ben Hardy.
The pair had met by chance on the tube platform one night, each on their way home from work. He had just gotten out of an eight-hour rehearsal for a theatre production he was going to be a part of at The National Theatre, and he was quite tired. In fact, he was so tired, he hadn’t realised that he had dropped his lighter as he took his phone from his pocket as he stood on the platform of the station, starting to absentmindedly scroll through an e-book he had saved offline for something to do in the Underground. Being the good Samaritan she was, as soon as she saw the metal lighter slip from his pocket, (Y/N) was stooping down to pick up it up and give it back to him. “Sorry to bother you...” She started as she tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. At first Ben had been quite annoyed as he turned around to see who had the nerve to bother him as he removed his earbud. It’s not that he didn’t like getting recognised for his work, there was just a time and place for it, and this was definitely not it. He was gearing up to tell the person off when his celadon irises met the lovely, sparkling (e/c) orbs of an equally as tired looking, but still exquisitely beautiful woman holding out his lighter to him. “You dropped this.”
“Oh, thank you. I hadn’t even realised I dropped it.” He smiled tiredly at the female, accepting back the lighter. “I’m so scatter brained after work today I’m surprised I can even stand at this point.” He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He didn’t really know what to say in the moment. He wasn’t really good with words in situations like these. Actor Ben could read and recite a script all day and say anything and everything in front of as many people as were willing to watch and listen, but not real Ben. Real Ben got flustered, he was shy, he absolutely hated public speaking, he was honestly surprised he had made it this far as an actor sometimes with that kind of mindset. In any case, there was something pulling on his heart strings that was practically screaming at him to not let this girl out of his sight before he at least had a coffee date with her.
“I know the feeling; it’s been a really long day for me too.” (Y/N) sighed with a smile, eyes exhausted but sparkling with happiness regardless. It was taking all her will power to keep her eyes locked on those gorgeous twinkling celadon eyes of his. She knew how creepy it’d be if she was visibly checking him out, especially since the only reason she was talking to him was to return his lighter. In any case, he was absolutely breath taking, and as much as she wanted to go home and plop herself down on the couch with one of the meals she had prepped at the beginning of this week and watch I’m a Celebrity with her flatmate, something was drawing her to this blonde stranger.
“I like your accent, are you American?” Ben asked with a curious glance as his ears took note of the different accent. He wasn’t exactly an expert on accents, but he had worked with dialect coaches enough to know it wasn’t completely American. The way she pronounced certain words had a twinge of one of the many English accents mixed in with it showing that she had been living in the UK for quite some time at that point. Where had she been though? Liverpool? Manchester? Wigan? He wasn’t too sure beyond it sounding more northern than anything else.
(Y/N) laughed awkwardly for a moment, a small half smile playing on her lips as she looked away from the blonde for a moment before looking back at him. “Yeah...yeah I am.” One thing (Y/N) had learned living in the north of England was that it was typically hit or miss if people disliked her based solely off her heritage. The longer she lived abroad the more she began to see the so called ‘American Stereotypes’ to be a lot truer than she had originally thought. Some, typically the older crowd rather than a younger guy like the one before her, wouldn’t look past her accent and would immediately write off her and her abilities, something that annoyed her to no end but something she had learned to live with as time went on. It gave her more motivation, a deeper drive to prove them and their assumptions wrong.
“One of my best friends is American.” Ben immediately mentally kicked himself for that one, think of how many times she must’ve gotten that one, he scolded himself. “Look, I’m just going to cut right to the chase.” He paused a moment to gather himself. “I’d really love it if I could take you out for a cup of coffee.” He stated bluntly. “You know, as a thank you for getting my lighter back to me.” He tried to play off coolly as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The damage had already been done though.
She giggled softly at the blonde’s awkwardness as he still managed to be so bold and still trying so incredibly polite. “I’d like that.” She smiled exchanging phone numbers with him. What followed were four subsequent dates, each better than the last as they steadily got to know one another over coffee, climbing, a walk around Hyde Park, and of course dinner where he had asked her to be his girlfriend. They had only been seeing each other for a little over a month and a half at that point, and in a way, it felt like he was moving a little too fast, but at the same time, with (Y/N) it just felt right. Everything always felt right with her.
It was now well into December, and Ben had invited (Y/N) to join him and a few friends, specifically Rami, Lucy, Gwilym and his fiancé, for a few drinks at one of the local pubs. Ben had introduced her to them a couple of weeks after they met. They took instantly to the blonde actor’s latest love interest. It was different with her, she seemed to make him so incredibly happy, and he never spoke ill about her. He was smitten with her, so needless to say they welcomed her with open arms to each and every one of their get togethers. “So (Y/N), I bet you’re excited to be going home for the holidays soon.” Gwilym smiled, taking a sip of his pint as his arm laid lazily around his fiancé’s shoulder’s. He could recall Ben mentioning at some point that he and (Y/N) probably wouldn’t be making an appearance together at his New Year’s Eve get together since she’d be visiting her family in the States.
“Oh, Christmas in America! Such a good time!” Rami cheered remembering all the festivities that take place across the country. It was his first-time spending Christmas in London with Lucy, having moved there to be with her. He was a bit sad he wouldn’t be with his family like he normally was, but he was more than delighted that he’d be spending it with her family. It was exciting experiencing another family’s let alone another country’s holiday festivities and traditions.
(Y/N) felt the colour drain from her face as she bit the inside of her lip. She hadn’t told them; she hadn’t told anyone. “(Y/N/N)? You alright?” Ben asked softly, gently taking her hand whilst he brushed a loose strand of her (h/l) (h/c) locks out of her face. He couldn’t place why she looked so sick all of a sudden, perhaps her drink wasn’t sitting right with her.
“You don’t look at all well…” Lucy pointed out studying her intently. “Perhaps you should call it an early night.”
“Well, you see...I uh...I’m not going home for Christmas…” She mumbled softly almost ashamed that the words were leaving her mouth as she looked down sadly at her hands sitting pathetically in her lap.
She was answered by a slew of questions from the group all at once, all along the lines of: “What?” “How come?” “What happened?” “Why?”
“But I thought you were? All you’ve been talking about for the last few weeks was how excited you were for Christmas whenever it was brought up…” Ben proceeded cautiously. He knew his girlfriend didn’t lie and this isn’t something that she would lie about. If she was saying she wasn’t going home for Christmas out of the blue like this, it had to be true. “I just assumed you were still going home like you had said you were.” The blonde actor was absolutely puzzled as to why she hadn’t mentioned it, especially seeing how Christmas was only a mere twelve days away at this point.
“That was before I found out how expensive the plane fare out of Heathrow was this time of year…” She mumbled with a grimace, answered by a chorus of low ohs from the group. They all knew the struggle of flying for their various gigs around the world. As fun as it was to see new places for their work, getting through airports never got any easier.
“I’m sorry (Y/N) …” Ben sighed sadly, putting an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a gentle hug. “I can’t imagine how hard that must be…” Gwilym leaned over and whispered something into Rami’s ear, who then passed it off to Lucy, who then repeated it to Ben in a weird Bohemian Rhapsody telephone game. They all shared a nod, telepathically communicating with one another before looking at her. “A marvellous idea darling really.” Ben smirked. “Don’t know why I didn’t think of it first.”
“What is…?” (Y/N) asked slowly.
“What if I bought your plane ticket home?” Ben offered. “It would be my Christmas gift to you.”
(Y/N) felt the happiness bubble up in her heart, she was going home, until reality struck again. She and Ben hadn’t even been dating for two months yet. Maybe it would’ve been different if they were a bit further along in their relationship and she was more comfortable with allowing him to spoil her, since that was still a massive struggle for her. But this, an almost £700 round trip economy ticket, and knowing Ben it more than likely wouldn’t be economy if he could help it so it would probably be astronomically higher, this was asking for too much. As much as she wanted to see her family again, she couldn’t do that to Ben. She looked down, an amused smirk coming to her lips. “You really are something else Ben, you know?” She said quietly before looking up. “Look I appreciate the offer, really I do, but it’s too much to ask for. You have your own financial problems, babe, you don’t need to add me to that list.”
“But love, I want to.” Ben tried to convince her, the others nodding in agreement trying to back the young actor up.
“But I won’t let you. I refuse to accept it and should you continue to try and make me, I’m leaving right now.”
A silence fell over the table as everyone quietly sipped on their pints, unsure of how to continue. “So...what are you going to do now?” Lucy asked quietly, the others looking up as well, curious as to her answer.
“Guess I’ll just send my family their presents through the post and stay in my flat. Not much else I can do.” She shrugged taking a sip of her pint. “The time alone will be nice, I’m sure there will be Christmas films on all day and a cup of hot chocolate, and a blanket is always a good friend.” She said with a smile, trying to convince herself more than the others that she was okay with this. It wouldn’t be her first-time spending Christmas alone in the UK, but that didn’t make it any easier this time.
“You mean you’re going to spend Christmas alone…?” Rami asked sadly as he pulled his girlfriend in closer to his side, suddenly becoming a bit clingier than was normal for him. He couldn’t imagine not being able to spend the holiday abroad without Lucy.
“It’s not that bad guys really.” She said with a lighthearted laugh they could all see through in a split second. “It’s just another day when you think about it.”
“A day you don’t deserve to be alone on.” Gwilym continued.
“This is outrageous, I simply won’t allow it!” Lucy exclaimed slamming one of her palms down on the table. “You deserve to be with the people you love and people who love you on Christmas.”
“I’ll be fine guys really. It’s not going to be my first-time spending Christmas on my own.” She said shrugged.
“You mean you have before?” Gwilym asked, furrowing his brow at the female as she sank down further into her seat.
“Yeah...last time I was able to spend Christmas at home would’ve been two years ago now...” She sighed. “But it doesn’t matter.” She stated standing as she fished a tenner out of her pocket tossing it on the table as she pulled on her coat.
“Where are you going?” Rami asked, legitimately concerned for the girl. They had brought this up, it was their fault she was so upset, they hadn’t meant to drive her away and they didn’t want to see her leave in this mood.
“I just feel tired, I’ll see you all later.” She spoke quietly, offering them a half smirk before walking out of the pub. The cold London air hit her like a bus. She sighed to herself as she paused to button up her coat some more and pull on her gloves. Ben had been sweet to offer but she just wouldn’t feel right accepting something like that from him. (Y/N) knew what he could be like with her, always going to extreme lengths to make sure she was happy and cared for no matter what it did to himself. He wore his heart on his sleeve like that. The last thing she wanted to do was seem like she was taking advantage of him, especially considering who he was. God forbid she should ever look like a gold digger to him or his friends. (Y/N) was about to leave before she heard a deep English voice calling her name. “Ben?” She asked the empty street as she turned to see her boyfriend bounding up the steps of the pub they had been in, with only his navy jumper to keep him warm. “What on earth are you doing out here like this? You’re going to catch a cold.” She fussed over him like a mother with her child.
“I don’t care, I can’t enjoy my Christmas with my family knowing that you’re going to be alone.”
“Ben, you can’t just not go home because of me, I’ll be fine on my own, really.” She smiled, gently rubbing his arm. “I know you’re just going to say it’s your job as my boyfriend to worry about me, but you really don’t have to worry about me. I just want you to have a good holiday.”
“Damn it (Y/N/N). I’m not saying that I’m not going to go home.” He laughed with a bright smile before taking her hand in his own. “I’m asking you to come with me.”
“Come spend Christmas with me and my family in Bournemouth, (Y/N/N)! I’m sure they’d love to have you. And it’s high time they get to put a face to the name of the girl I just can’t seem to shut up about when I talk to them.”
“Ben...that’s sweet of you to offer but I…”
“I won’t take no for an answer.” He said crossing his arms across his chest like a stubborn child. “They’ve been wanting to meet you for a while now so why not? What do you have to lose?”
“Well, I…”
“I’ll lock myself in the cupboard until you say yes.” He threatened, taking a bit of inspiration from Roger Taylor once again. It had been a few years since Bohemian Rhapsody had come out and still the drummer was influencing and changing his life.
“You can’t be serious.” She laughed at the Brit before her.
“Completely.” He assured her with a wink before gently taking her hand in his. “Please (Y/N/N) ...?” He spoke a lot softer, in almost a whimper. “It would honestly make this the best Christmas ever if I could spend it with you….” He gently pulled off her glove before softly kissing her knuckles. “Please say you’ll come…” He whispered with eyes closed, breath hot against her hand.
(Y/N) felt her heart melt at how loving Ben was being. She wasn’t yet completely used to seeing this soft side of his, the one that craved her emotionally every moment of every day. She had been with so many assholes in the past, having someone who genuinely cared for her in the way Ben cared for her was such a foreign concept to her mind. (Y/N) gently placed her other hand on the blonde’s cheek, prompting him to look up at her with those dazzling celadon eyes she loved so deeply. “I’d love to spend Christmas with you and your family Ben.” She smiled softly before leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his lips.
The actor smiled happily into the kiss, pulling her close, wrapping his arms tightly around her feeling the heat radiating from her body. It was hard to describe just why and how he felt such a deep love for a girl he had only just weeks prior become exclusive with. Whatever it was that drew him to her like a moth to a flame, he was never going to let go of the happiness he had found with her. He wouldn’t be able to function without her in his life. When they finally pulled apart, they looked up to see delicate little snowflakes falling from the sky the first, and probably only little bit of snowfall London would see over the holiday period. “Now would you look at that.” Ben smiled up at the sky.
“It’s beautiful…” She smiled looking at the frozen droplets of water as they danced along the gentle breeze before latching themselves onto her nose and eyelashes.
“Yes, you are…” Ben’s low, love filled, sultry voice met her ears. She looked back at his slightly hooded, sparkling celadon orbs, finding nothing but love and desire dancing through them. He placed a cool hand on her cheek before pulling her in for another tender kiss, able to convey all the motions he was feeling in just one simple action.
When they pulled apart again, she gently rested her forehead on his shoulder, holding him close. “Come home with me…?” She asked quietly.
“I’ll just go grab my coat.” He kissed the top of her head before quickly bounding down the steps back into the pub.
“You were gone a long time. What were you up to just now?” Gwilym asked suspiciously, eyebrow raised when the blonde returned.
The rest of the group watched as he slammed back the rest of his pint and the remaining half of Emily’s before slamming a tenner on the table to cover his drinks. “I’ve got something, or should I say someone better to do!” He said with a wink as he grabbed his coat and scarf off the booth seat.
“Careful there Ben, your Roger is showing.” Lucy teased with a giggle as the rest of the table chuckled at the young blonde actor’s eagerness to get out of the pub and back to his girlfriend.
“Har, har.” Ben rolled his eyes playfully before saying his final goodbyes to the group. He bounded back up the steps pulling on his black overcoat in the process. Upon reaching the street, the actor was met with the sweet sight of his girlfriend in her own world trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue as the rest of the world hustled around her going about their own business. He smirked softly at the sight, silently walking up behind her. He gently snaked an arm around her waist, his free hand reaching up to grab her by the chin. The girl let out a surprised yelp struggling for a moment thinking it was a random stranger grabbing her. “You little tease.” Ben spoke quickly, to alert her that it was him. He sighed to himself as he felt her relax against him knowing she was safely in the grip that was her boyfriend. “I propose we go put that brilliant tongue of yours to better use…don’t you agree?”
“Only if you return the favour.” (Y/N) smirked turning around in his arms, placing her hands on her chest.
“Whatever you want babe.” He smirked lacing his fingers with hers, as they began the walk back to her flat.
Ben chuckled softly to himself after a few moments as they walked along in silence. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, just thinking about how you could give me the perfect Christmas present a bit early.”
“Oh? And just what might that be?” She asked innocently
“The sight of how sexy you’d look bound to your own headboard.”
“So sure of ourselves, are we?”
“Well, we both know that the moment you look into my absolutely gorgeous eyes, you’ll give in to my every command...” Ben growled playfully, pushing her into a wall, trapping her there with his body as he gently caressed her face with his thumb. “You’re so beautiful...”
“Save it for the bedroom Jones.” She stuck her tongue before throwing her arms around the blonde’s neck, pulling him into a sweet kiss as an elderly couple came around the corner.
“Youth these days…” The old man grumbled.
“Oh, stop it dear, I think it’s sweet. We were once young like them.” The woman responded with a chuckle as her husband pulled her along. Once they had disappeared around the next corner, Ben chuckled softly pulling back.
“Let’s go. I’m freezing.” 
“Well I know the perfect way to warm up.” He winked at her as she smiled at the blonde, interlocking fingers with him before they proceeded down the street once more. It didn’t matter how upset she had been before; Ben always had a way of making all her pain and sadness go away. She had honestly thought it was going to be another blue Christmas this year, but she had been lucky enough to get the ultimate Christmas present a few months prior and that was Ben. With him in her life, the cold December nights and especially the prospect of being lonely this Christmas drifted further and further away until it was gone from sight and mind. He was all she saw, he was all she cared about, he was all she needed, and he was all she wanted this Christmas. Ben and all the love he had to offer alone. Of course, that wasn’t going to stop the blonde Brit from tracking down the perfect Christmas present for the love of his life, after all, he loved her more than life itself, not that she would know that until Christmas.
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mxngekyou · 3 years ago
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Quebre as Regras e Dance
Spirit Fanfics: @.mxngekyou
• plágio é crime — plagiarism is a crime;
• não se inspire, caso se inspire, dê créditos — don't be inspired, if inspired, give credit;
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bensboynton · 5 years ago
evening stroll b.h
summary: you and ben hardy take a lil stroll together and revel in each other’s company.
warnings: none besides cute relationship tings
word count: 961
a/n: hey guys. it’s been... a long time. i was going to log out of this account on my computer when i found this in my drafts. i thought i had queued it up before i took a break from writing, but apparently not. so i edited it very lazily and decided to post it :) i miss you all and i miss writing. if you do by some miracle see this, thank you for following me/reading my work/etc. i love you i hope you’re doing well. 
the TV was on in the background of your conversation with ben, a low mumble that sent sound waves into the air that settled gently in the space around you as you gazed at the blonde man across the kitchen. 
it was the middle of autumn in new york city; the leaves were the most spectacular colors of red and orange and yellow and the air smelt of pumpkins and apple cider. every breath you took while standing outside was crisp; it felt like the first bite of a bitter-sweet apple when you stepped out first thing in the morning. 
you were sitting on the counter, lazily spooning the vanilla ice cream into your mouth as you listened to ben talk. he was wearing that one mustard colored sweater you liked. you were positive he wore it on purpose just to make you smile a little bit. 
his hair was growing in longer now; he had finished filming 6 underground and got to stop shaving the sides of his blonde locks and they were fuller and curlier than ever. 
his low voice drifted across the island in the kitchen as you both talked about anything and everything. you were trying to catch up and remember what it’s like to live in each other’s presence after he recently arrived home from filming his most recent movie. 
the conversation with ben was easy; rather, your whole relationship with ben was easy. everything about him was simplistic and never complicated. you could talk and bicker for hours but also sit in silence for days. it was never awkward with ben, never uncomfortable or weird. 
you’ve never really believed in reincarnation but you’re almost postive in some past life you and ben had been soulmates, because how do two people manage to date and live together for as long as you have with absolutely no issues?
you’ve never had a real fight, never drifted or had to worry about if the spark was dying out. 
like you said. being with ben was simple. 
ben’s piercing eye contact and expectant expression drew you from your thoughts as he giggled at your lack of comprehension. 
“what? sorry i got distracted,” you mumbled, taking a sip of the decaf coffee that was beginning to get a little too cold and was losing its appeal. 
“i can tell,” he giggled, which made your heart flutter.
you hummed, pushing yourself off the counter and making your way over to the tall brit. you put your coffee mug down and made yourself at home in his arms which he had quickly wrapped around you. 
he smelt so authentically like ben that you couldn’t help the smile that made its way to your cheeks. he looked down at you and couldn’t help but smile as well. you just had that effect on him. 
you and ben slowly made your way over to the window, looking outside at the spectacular colored leaves on the trees and the remaining people rushing to get home in the cold. the sun was going to be setting in a few minutes. 
“let’s go for a walk,” you spoke suddenly, causing ben to raise his eyebrows. 
“at this hour?” he questioned amusedly, finishing up his cup of coffee. you nodded eagerly. you could see the gears turning in his brain as he pondered your offer. 
“alright. let’s grab our coats and hats then, it’s quite chilly out,” you nodded with agreement as you slipped on your fluffy winter coat and a beanie you stole from ben’s collection. 
“you might want to bring some gloves, it’s getting colder as the sun sets darling,” ben advised. you were stubborn though, and shook your head. you’d be perfectly fine without them. 
you both promptly left your house, locking the door on the way out and you traveled down the steps and onto the sidewalk. the chilled air slapped you both in the face, your skin already reddening in it’s frigid hold. 
you walked in silence for awhile, admiring the halloween decorations that were set up in the yards and on the porches that you passed. you caught yourself admiring ben a lot, too. 
somehow, he never got tired of your spontaneous compulsions to go on walks in the very cold weather, or to go get chinese takeout at 2 in the morning. he never rolled his eyes or lost his patience. he just cared so much. it was hard for you to comprehend how he chooses to spend his life with you. 
as you continued walking and the sky turned from pinks and purple to black, your fingers were completely numb. your pride stopped you from saying anything to ben for awhile, but now you needed some type fo warmth. all you had to do was lift your hands and look at him with a pout before he was taking off his gloves and handing them to you. not one eye roll or sigh. just immediate action. 
maybe you were just extra emotional, but as he wrapped his arm around you while you slipped the already warm gloves on. you felt pin pricks in your fingertips as they warmed up and you felt them in your heart as well. 
you never quite understood the meaning of love. but this, whatever you felt when you were around ben, was most definitely love. sometimes it’s comforting one in their deepest darkest times of need, and sometimes it’s running out in the rain to stop them from getting on an airplane and leaving. 
but other times, it’s simply giving up your gloves on a cold autumn night just because the person you love needs them too. 
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friccinfricks · 5 years ago
The Princess & the Pauper Pt. 1- Ben Hardy x Reader
Synopsis: Princess Lucy’s kingdom is on the brink of destitution, Prince Ben’s father is growing ill and he’s in search of a wife to join him on the throne, Y/N’s a seamstress with bigger dreams, and Rami is Lucy’s bighearted tutor. Will all four of them follow their hearts or remain devoted to their duties?
Warnings: Bad writing, cursing, you know.
A/N: I haven’t written in FOREVER. Depression or something like that lmao. Anyways I’d love to get some feedback, yes, I re-watched the iconic movie from my childhood, Barbie and the Princess & the Pauper and I just... I had to write this. Please don’t hate me. Also, this concept was loosely inspired by @freddiesaysalright and their Fairy Tale AUs :)Sorry for grammar mistakes and such, I’m pretty rusty ://
“Uh, your highness?” Rami mumbled sheepishly as he knocked gently on the door to the princess’s library. Lucy hummed a soft, “Come in.” as she sat at her desk, book in hand, her eyes not bothering to glimpse up from her current page. Rami, clad in a light blue vest that hung over his white puffy shirt and navy pants, breathed a heavy sigh, knowing she wouldn’t like what he said next. “Your mother... she wants to see you.” Lucy emitted a sigh of her own, rolled her eyes and gently put the book down on the desk in front of her.
“It was just getting good, too.” She mumbled as she stood, straightening her pastel pink gown. She walked to Rami, who had a quizzical look on his face.
“What book were you reading?” He asked as he held his arm out to her.
“Something about horticulture.” She shrugged. Rami chuckled as she took his arm. “What? Don’t laugh!”
“I’m not laughing at you! I’m laughing at the fact that your book about horticulture was ‘just getting good.’ What exactly is the plot of a book about horticulture, Princess?”
“The plot isn’t necessary when there’s a chapter about how to grow roses over an impromptu gravesite.” Lucy deadpanned, trying her hardest to suppress her own giggles. 
Rami had been hired a few years ago to tutor Princess Lucy in the art of science- the only art she seemed to be interested in after her father died. He always knew how to cheer her up, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t have feelings that were more than platonic for him. And though he would rather not admit it out of pure fear of overstepping his place, he returned her feelings wholeheartedly. Although that didn’t stop him from cheekily flirting with her any opportunity he got.
The pair walked down the corridor, cracking jokes about plants until they arrived at the throne room. Sitting on the throne was Lucy’s mother, and to her right was Abigor, the royal treasurer. He stood a little too close to the Queen for Lucy’s liking, but she said nothing. Before leaving her side, Rami whispered in her ear, “Oh, yes, a meeting with the Queen and the royal penny pincher. Your favorite.” Lucy suppressed the urge to smile, and only squeezed his arm as he left.
“Hello, Mother.”
“Hello my darling... I’m afraid- I’m afraid Abigor and I have some rather bad news for you.” The Queen said, her voice shaky as she averted her eyes from the princess. She stared at the floor as Abigor, dressed in his purple robes and his pompous hairstyle to match his personality looked straight at Lucy.
“The kingdom is broke.”
Abigor rolled his eyes and repeated himself. “The royal mines are out of gold. We are destitute.”
Lucy felt the color leave her cheeks. “Wh-what does that mean?” 
“It means we’ll need to salvage the kingdom by making an alliance with another... we need to combine the wealth of our country with that of another...” Lucy’s mother said softly. Rami listened intently from the doorway, putting the pieces together just as Lucy did. An alliance.
“An alliance? You don’t mean...?” Lucy asked, her lip quivering as her mind raced. Her eyes bounced from Abigor to her mother to Abigor again. Then to the portrait of her dead father hanging on the wall behind his old throne. Her mother nodded silently.
“You are to be married to one of our neighbors.” Abigor said flatly. 
“You can’t go on like this, Father.” Ben said, shifting his weight nervously in his father’s own throne room. The older stout man heaved as he coughed, pain written all over his face. 
“I can tell you’re in pain, the stress is killing you!” Ben exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. His stubborn, stubborn father. He turned to his mother, who shook her head solemnly.
“Benjamin, love, if you’re to replace your father, you cannot do so alone. It pains me to say this, I know you want to see the world, but the kingdom is your responsibility as well. And when has there ever been a great king without a great queen?” She said, her eyes lighting up as she thought of the prospect of her son marrying. It had been time for a few years now, but out of love for their son, the King and Queen of Westenzia had allowed him to go on adventures while he still could. But with the health of his father deteriorating, Ben knew his days of freedom were numbered. He nodded his head, aware of what his parents would say next.
“You need to grow up. Go find a wife so you can rule on the throne together.” His mother said, a certain softness in her tone.
“And don’t complain about love! Love is inconsequential!” His father said, clutching his sides. The Queen shot him a dirty look. 
“I mean... I mean, don’t worry about love. Love will find you if you look for her.” The King restated, pressing a clammy hand to the hand of his wife. She rolled her eyes just as her son did before he walked out of the room. 
Y/N sat at the table, needle and thread in hand as she hummed a tune. She had been sewing for hours, and while it wasn’t the worst of trades, it was just as exhausting as being a lumberjack. Well, she thought it must be, anyways. She wiped her brow as she heard the door open and the bell jingle before setting down the gown she had been working on to approach the customer. Much to her dismay, it was a young woman in one of her gowns but... the woman looked nearly identical to herself. Aside from her blonde hair, this girl could have been her sister.
“Um, how may I help you?” Y/N asked, her own blue gown nearly colliding with the pink one of her lookalike.
“I’m getting my first and last taste of freedom and I... well, I wanted to see where all of my beautiful gowns came from.” The woman said as she looked around.
“Ah, well, welcome!” Y/N said, still slightly entranced by how similar this stranger was to her. “You look... familiar.” She mumbled.
“And you look like my reflection, but with Y/H/C hair!” Lucy chuckled. Y/N blushed, a smile finding itself on her lips. “What’s your name?”
“It’s Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Lucy.” She said shyly.
“Oh, like the princess?” Y/N asked before it dawned on her. What other Lucy’s were in the kingdom? Dumbass. Lucy smiled and nodded.
“You could say we’re acquainted.” 
“Are you looking for anything in particular, your highness?” Y/N inquired, folding her hands together in front of her waist. 
“A wedding dress, apparently.” She mumbled, rolling her eyes.
“A wedding dress? But... but there’s no news of a wedding.” Y/N said softly.
“It’s not exactly my choice... it’s- it’s my duty.” Lucy said, looking down at the ground. Y/N nodded her head. She knew all about duty. Before she could retrieve a book of dress designs, another person entered the store, with a single pink rose in his hand.
“A rose for a rose.” He said as he bowed to the princess. When he lifted his head and saw the two of you standing together he backed up and looked back and forth between the pair.
“Wait, what?” He furrowed his eyebrows. Y/N and Lucy giggled. “The two of you are... indistinguishable. Amazing!”
Y/N and Lucy smiled at one another before Y/N brought out a sketchbook with different designs.
“How long have you been doing this? Your dresses are amazing, I refuse to wear anything that isn’t made here!” Lucy inquired. Y/N blushed and shook her head in disbelief. The princess loved her gowns? Really?
“I’ve been a seamstress ever since I learned how to sew. I was orphaned at a young age and... well, I didn’t want to be in debt forever, so I decided to do something. Something that didn’t involve marriage for money instead of love.” Lucy winced at her words. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said it like that. I um...” Y/N trailed off, feeling guilty for reminding the princess of her rather unfortunate situation. While Lucy hadn’t explicitly told the seamstress the reason for her marriage, it had been easily implied.
Lucy shook her head and put a hand up. “It’s alright. But I’m to be married in a matter of days.” She sighed, motioning to the book of sketches in front of her. Y/N nodded and discussed the different styles and layerings as Rami walked around the shop, observing the variety of fabrics and works in progress, trying to deny his own heartbreak.
“Mother, I don’t even know where to find an eligible princess.” Ben whined as he sat with his parents in the royal dining room. He sipped his wine and nearly spit it out as his cousins, Joseph, Duke of Evania, and Gwilym, Duke of Mundil, entered the dining room.
“Cousins!” He exclaimed, excusing himself from the table and going to greet them. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for babes.” Joseph said, a smile planted nearly permanently on his face. Ben laughed as he took him and Gwilym into a warm embrace.
“Welcome to the club.” He chuckled. Gwilym patted his back and the pair joined Ben for dinner.
“You know, word on the street is that the neighboring kingdom of Dulcinea is looking for someone to marry their princess.” Gwilym stated, looking at Ben.
“You cheeky wanker. Are you trying to sweep Princess Lucy off her feet?” The King chuckled. Gwilym shrugged his shoulders. Ben rolled his eyes.
“I think you should marry her, Benjamin.” The Queen said softly. Ben looked down at his plate, heat rising to his cheeks.
“Well I don’t know about that...” Ben muttered.
“Why not? Why don’t you travel to Dulcinea and meet her? And if it’s meant to be, you can tie the knot.” Joseph said, nudging Ben. Gwilym nodded encouragingly.
“Yes! The three of us can go visit, perhaps she has two beautiful cousins as well.” Gwilym suggested, getting a chuckle out of his two cousins.
“Fine. We leave on the morrow.” Ben ceded, shaking his head. His mother smiled at him, slipping the ring from her finger and handing it to her son.
“If it’s meant to be, I want you to be prepared.” She winked. Ben swallowed. This was really happening. It was bound to happen for months but now... now this was real.
He would be meeting, and likely marrying, Princess Lucy.
Lucy and Rami rode in the carriage back to the palace, her head resting on his shoulder.
“Thanks for taking me out to the village.” She said, sleepily. Rami nodded, trying to control his breathing. 
“Of course, your highness.” He looked down and watched her lashes flutter closed, smiling to himself. She really was beautiful. He pushed a stray lock of blonde hair from her face and stroked her head gently before leaning his own back against the cushion of the carriage and falling asleep himself.
When he awoke, he noticed Lucy staring out the window.
“Hmm?” Lucy turned her head back to Rami, sleep and stress evident in her eyes.
“Are you alright?” She blinked a few times and smiled. 
Nodding her head she gently whispered, “Yes.” Before placing a hand on Rami’s chest. Sparks exploded in his body and fire raced through his veins. Lucy’s soft hand moved up to his neck and clutched gently at his jaw. 
“I-I need to admit something before it’s too late...” Rami said softly, placing his own hand on her waist as he moved his head closer to hers. Their foreheads met and the stared intently into one another’s eyes, searching for a love neither thought the other actually reciprocated.
The carriage came to a halt.
Oh, right. The palace.
Escorting Lucy from the carriage, they walked arm and arm up to the palace doors. Neither seemed to be able to look the other in the eye out of sheer embarrassment, perhaps that was why neither of them noticed the pair of henchmen lurking around. In a swift and sudden motion, Rami was knocked unconscious and as was Lucy. However when the pair woke up, they were no longer together. 
Rami sat alone on the palace steps, searching for the princess while Lucy awoke to a start in a bed that wasn’t hers, and a bedroom that was just as unfamiliar to her as the bed.
Holding his head in his hand, Rami stood, scared for the safety of the princess. Who would do this, and why?
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borhapstyles · 6 years ago
lucy picking clothes for you to wear at a dinner where you’re gonna meet her parents i sent this as a headcanon but i think will be better as a fic, i really don’t know
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hi love! thank you for sending your request in :) I agree, I think this might make a better fic but I decided to do it as a headcanon cause I can’t really write full fics rn but I might include this in a bigger Lucy fic for the future 
also lmao i read your request wrong at first and wrote it as if she was meeting your parents so there’s that in here too xx
you and Lucy had been dating for several months now
and you two had discussed the idea of meeting each others parents
but both of you were rather nervous at the idea of it
no matter how much you both reassured each other that the other’s parents be kind
it was a struggle for both of you 
the time for you to meet Lucy’s parents came first
she scheduled a brunch at her mum’s favorite restaurant 
and even though lucy said you didn’t need to get them gifts
you got them gifts
(which Lucy loved you ten times more for doing)
but in the days leading up to it??
you didn’t know what to do with yourself
and so Lucy came to the rescue
insisting on you two having a shopping date
not only because she knew it would help you destress
but also because she wanted to help you pick out what to wear
and she was never quite tell you this
but she was really really anxious about it, maybe even more so than you
she just really really wanted all of this to go well
as Lucy put it
“you’re my girlfriend, the girlfriend. the only one for me, really, and i know they’ll love you but i just can’t stand the idea of their judgement on you” 
but she put on a brave face and drove the both of you out to the shops of london
she picked out some outfits
some she genuinely thought would be good for the brunch
others she just wanted to see you in
like this cute lingerie set which she insisted she buy as a treat for herself even though you’d be wearing it
but that’s what she said would be the treat, seeing you in it
ahem anyways
she picked out lovely things and you adored them
but none of it quite felt good enough
on her standards and yours
until you guys got to one shop somewhere in kensington
a cute little boutique
Lucy picked out a dress for you and 
there were a couple other shoppers around who couldn’t help but smile with you and Lucy together
cause y’all are so damn cute together ugh we love 
and when you came out in the dress
Lucy could’ve sworn she’d never felt so smitten with a person, so full of love
“oh my god, that’s it, you’re perfect, it’s perfect” she said
then later, on the drive home, she thought about you in the dress
and took your hand and said
“i can’t believe i get to call you my girlfriend”
and when you met her parents
it went better than okay, it went amazingly
her mum took to you with the biggest smile and warmest hug
“you’re the girl who’s been making my daughter smile so much, thank you.” 
and her father couldn’t help but thank you as well for being so wonderful to Lucy
they had seen her go through heartbreak as a teen and as growing into an adult
but you seemed to make Lucy a better person, a happier one
so Lucy’s mother, by the end of the lunch had said 
“Lucy, you couldn’t have found a better person to be with.”
after that brunch Lucy swears she could marry you right then and there
so the stress was more so over for you
but your darling girlfriend was a right mess when it came to meeting your parents
she loved you, so so much
and she wanted your parents to love her even more
no matter how much you reassured her that they would love her
and that she was perfect as she was
Lucy still couldn’t shake all the nerves
she tried to hide it
but you knew it was eating at her
and on the day of, when you strolled into her bedroom
(which again was practically also yours considering how much time you spent at her place)
you found her standing in front of the closet
thumb in her mouth, biting down on the nail
her brows furrowed
staring at the tons of dresses, blouses and other possible outfit combinations
she glanced at you, worry drenched all over her face
“I don’t know what to wear”
“what?” you asked lightly, almost chuckling
“I literally don’t have anything to wear which sounds so cliche and ridiculous because of the tons of clothes that are in here but I just can’t find anything that’s good enough and-“
you cut her off with a kiss
and placed your arms at her sides
and kissed her forehead once more
then looked her in the eyes and said
“Lucy, no matter what you wear, I promise they’re going to take one look at your smile and fall in love with you just as I have, okay?”
Lucy stayed quiet, a small smile on your lips
because you two hadn’t really said I love you before
so that was that
“I love you too” she then said, grinning at the idea of you being in love with her
Lucy was very much loved by the Bo Rhap fandom and Queen family but knowing you loved her
you, who had stolen her heart completely
it meant the world to her
and she would do anything to make you happy so
it made her heart swoon to hear you say you loved her
you then went through all of Lucy’s clothes
her vetoing almost everything
“that one makes me look frumpy.”
“….frumpy? I-I dont see how-“
“I can’t wear that one, I just can’t”
“Luc, you need to wear something.. it’s later in the night when it’s just you and me that you don’t have to wear anything”
she playfully hit u then kissed you after you said that by the way
but then you pulled out a dress
one that you adored on her but hadn’t seen her enough in
and one she forgot existed in her closet
it was light pink
stopped just above her knees, had sleeves and a lovely pattern
and Lucy went for it
and on the drive to dinner with your parents
you stopped right outside the door
grabbed Lucy by the shoulders
looked her straight in her big beautiful eyes
and said “no matter what happens, i love you, and i’m yours, okay?”
she teared up and kissed you hard
then you two went inside
but unsurprisingly, your parents loved her
probably more than they loved u 
and by the end of it they were hinting at when you two were gonna move in together or something
and funny enough
your parents wanted to meet Lucy’s parents
but that’s for another day
all in all you and Lucy went home
and had happy cuddles afterwards in your pjs
she fiddled with your hair in bed and kissed your neck gently
“today went perfectly, i dunno why i was so stressed”
“because you wanted them to love you, which they did”
“you don’t know how relieved i am”
“you don’t know how relieved i am” you said with a laugh
“at least we know they’ll be okay with us getting married” she said casually, fingers tracing over your collarbones
so you looked at her and said “you want to marry me?”
and Lucy looked at you as if it was the most obvious thing
“of course i want to marry you. i’d steal all the stars for you if you asked me to.” 
so you kissed her once more and whispered how much you love her
“i love you so much more” she said
and you’re like, “that’s not possible”
then she leaned in close
pressed her forehead against yours
and smiled
Lucy’s gaze hovered over your lips before going back to eyes and saying
“i’m always going to be yours, darling”
was this shit? i feel like everything i’ve been writing lately has turned to shit, i’m sorry guys it’s midnight for me and i have class tomorrow lol
but this request was cute and i just love writing for lucy, thank you again for sending it in my love
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unknownauthor · 6 years ago
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(By the way, this score^^^^^^^^^ gives me absolute chills. Soooooo good)
"Come on!" Princess Lucy grasped her half sister's hand, tugging her along through the forest.
"We shouldn't be out here." Priscilla said, there was a tinge if fear in her voice, making her older sister give her hand a gentle squeeze, if only to calm the fear in the young girl's voice. "Father and mother-"
"Your mother." Lucy spat. She stopped when Priscilla pulled her hand away. She hadn't meant it. Not the way she said it. She turned her head, looking sorrowfully at her sister. "I'm sorry." She murmered. "I hadn't meant that." She wrapped her arms around Priscilla, kissing her cheek.
Their Father, King Wilhelm, was one of the greatest to ever rule. According to their Nurse, he had defeated the previous King, won the uprising and taken his place, with Lucy's mother at his side. One thing he was known for though, was his wandering eye and he soon fell in love with his wife's handmaid.
He tried to divorce his wife. Much to Lucy's dismay and once his lover had become pregnant he was granted that divorce by the only Monk who would give it. Lucy was a princess, but a bastard all the same. Her claim and right to the throne taken, and passed to her new sister. And though she hated her step mother, for taking her mother's place, taking everything from her, she had not and could not, hate her little sister.
"Do you really believe Gran Magic is here?" Priscilla asked as they started their journey again. Lucy tugged her along, making sure she didn't trip along the way.
"She is." Lucy stated firmly. "And once we find her she'll give my fortune and we can go home." The sun began to set, Priscilla looked out over the trees, noting the pinks and reds that began to paint the sky, fear began to blossom in her belly as she followed her sister, to a small hole beneath the root of a tree, Lucy got down on her hands and knees, pushing the brush out of the way and revealing a tunnel. She looked back at Prisiclla.
"I cannot." Priscilla drew back in fear. "I can't go in there." Lucy rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Stay here then. Don't move." Priscilla nodded, taking residence up in the tree, Lucy watched her sister climb to safety before she looked back at the tunnel and burrowed into it.
It was dark and dank, the smell of mold and musk overwhelming her. Her dress snagged and caught but still she pursued. Only when the hole began to open up and get wider did she finally allow herself breath again.
She toppled from the hole, into a large room, hardwood floor met her body as she slammed into it.
She coughed, sputtering dirt as she slowly brought herself to her feet again. Once she had dusted herself she looked around.
It was a kitchen of sorts. A large cauldron hung over the fireplace, herbs on the hearth and many vials of liquid and other things lay scattered over the table. As she took in her surroundings she didn't hear the sound of footsteps or see the woman out if the corner of her eye.
"What are you doing here?" Lucy jumped, startled, she turned to look at whom had spoken.
The woman was young, hair matted, dress torn, dirt caked cheeks. And glassy eyes. Lucy realized Granny Magic. She was blind. "Speak child. I've not all day."
"How do you know I'm a child?" She asked.
"I can smell it." Lucy shuddered. "Ten at least. What do you want?"
"I've heard it said you can tell the future."
"Indeed." Lucy walked up to the woman, placing her hand in hers. She held Granny Magic's hand tightly.
"Tell me mine." She begged. "Am I destined to be a bastard forever?" She asked. Granny Magic knew immediately who the child was, she tilted her head back and allowed the Spirit to take hold.
Lucy watched as Granny Magic jerked and writhed, her mouth hanging open. She saw those milky eyes dart back and forth as though she was seeing something Lucy was not.
"You will be Queen." Lucy's heart soared, only to be brought crashing back seconds later. "For a time....there is another, stronger, braver. She will fight back. She will take what is hers and you will be disgraced again." The woman relaxed, but Lucy refused to let go of her hand.
"Is there a way to defy this? To change it?" Granny Magic hesitated, then spoke again, her voice slick and smooth as butter.
"Sever the bond. Destroy the sister."
Priscilla jumped when she saw Lucy emerge from the hole. She ran to her sister, throwing herself into her arms, dark had fallen only the faintest light held on.
"I was so scared you wouldn't come back." Priscilla cried. Lucy didnt say anything. Her arms hung closely around her younger sister.
"Lucy! Priscilla!" They heard shouts of their names not to far away. Lucy let go of her sister and took her hand. Priscilla shuddered, Lucy's hand was ice cold.
Sever the bond. Destroy the sister.
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