#lucifer's arms and legs were burned after the fall.
lesickun · 3 months
«Your presence eases my pain»
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(Give more glass to the god of glass)
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koolades-world · 9 months
Keeping pictures of him as your lock screen <3
it’s a picture of the two of you, dressed up fancy. you're on luci's back, looking over his shoulder down at a puddle and an arm around his neck. lucifer is stepping over said puddle, both of his arms wrapped around your legs
diavolo took the picture since the three of you were going out after a long night at some big fancy party to get ice cream!
since the puddle was very wide and you didn't want to get your outfit wet, luci offered to carry you over! a gentleman
the two of you didn't even realize dia took it and you got the picture the next morning from him
however luci did buy the both of you ice cream with as many toppings as you both wanted
it’s a picture of the two of you at the beach. both of you are half in the water and there’s water actively dripping down your bodies. your hair is plastered to your heads. you are smiling widely at the camera, both arms around his waist. mammon, however, looks caught off guard and is looking down at you instead of the camera. he looked oddly happy
after arriving to the beach, you insisted mammon put on sunscreen but he kept running away, insisting he was fine
sunscreen is important! not only to avoid burns but skin cancer! can demons even get skin cancer? anyways you half thought he thought he didn’t need it, half he didn’t want you touching him
to resolve the situation, he decided to dunk the both of you in the water, so now you couldn’t put on sunscreen
asmo took the photo, more than happy to embarrass his older brother. mammon demanded the photo be deleted but after you said you liked it, he stopped
it's a picture of him, napping on your bed holding his devilswitch. he's asleep on top of the covers with his headphones about to fall of his head. In levi’s hair, there are lots of little sparkly hair clips that looks like butterflies
his room was getting deep cleaned so he needed somewhere else to hide and who better to turn to?
before you had come back to find him like that, you had placed all the clips in his hair and while he complained, he didn’t stop you and continued playing his game
you originally left to make a quick store run for snacks and was out longer than intended due to shenanigans with the other brothers
after taking the picture, you threw a blanket over him incase he got cold and went back to what you were doing previously, waiting for his reaction once he woke up <3
it’s a picture of the two of you laying out on a blanket that’s laid on in the grass. satan has kisses in lipstick all over his face and he’s laughing, eyes shut. you’re laying basically on top of him, your face squished right next to his to fit in the frame. the lipstick in question is laying next to the two of you, the case catching the light.
he invited you on a picnic he set up and was very cute, but lucifer happened to walk by and throw some off putting comments at satan. obviously he was not happy
you took that picture after giving him a pep talk to give him the boost he needed because you wanted to remember that moment forever. it’s rare to see him so happy
he couldn’t stop giggling the entire time, so you actually reapplied the lipstick and kept going
you always tell him it’s a shame his eye weren’t open during that picture since you love them so much, which makes him flustered everytime. so, you have another picture from the same day as your home screen
it’s a picture he might typically post on devilgram. he’s sitting at a table at a cafe with a cute drink with two straws in front of him. the photo is head on so parts of his surroundings are present. one of his hands is up, waving at the camera, but the other is on the table, holding your hand, your fingers intertwined.
he invited you out to this cafe that launched a drink he just had to have! he got the limited item, but he want to make it special by sharing it with you
you insisted it was fine and that you could get something else but he gave you the puppy eyes
he also refused to let go of your hand for the photo so you had to take the photo with one hand
after the photo he complimented you in your photo taking skills, and of course himself for how beautiful he looked. you promptly agreed with him, making him even happier <3
it’s a photo of the two of you right after beel won a fangoal game! he’s in his uniform and is clearly sweaty. in one arm is the trophy, but in his other is you. you’re sitting on his arm and he’s holding you close to him. you’re pressing a kiss on his cheek, and he looks shocked.
you were rooting for him the entire game especially since this was the championship game. you knew he was going to win but that didn’t stop you from being the loudest voice in the crowd to cheer for him
after his winning goal, and he accepted the trophy, people wanted to take pictures. he refused unless you were allowed to be in them since it was his first big game with you there
you decided to kiss him last minute, but you thought he deserved it
of course another one was taken for official reasons where it was just you two smiling, but Beel promptly found a way to get the first picture to frame it and put it on his bedside table next to a picture of him and belphie
it’s a picture of the two of you in a study hall class. other students can be seen in front of and around you, but that table was just the two of you. belphie is asleep, as usual, but he’s laid out in your lap. you’re reading a book for class, with some colorful sticky tabs and a pen sitting next to both of you. your RAD jacket was laid over him and you had a hand under his head
belphie thought study halls were dumb and used it as nap time, which is what he did in most classes, but you actually had work to get done
you had originally wanted to leave annotation for the book for you own use but belphie had decided to cuddle up with you, so that made it hard
when he inevitably fell asleep, you felt bad and put your jacket over him. at some point you absent mindedly started petting his hair
he still claims to this day that was the best he had ever slept
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trashogram · 2 months
He Chose You (End)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated Explicit.
(There will be a short epilogue after this, but we’ve basically reached the end! Thank you so much to everyone who read, liked, commented and reblogged this fic! I had so much fun writing it!!!)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 13.5 | Part 14 | End
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Light from below your feet rose, blinding you as the glassy exterior of Heaven’s floor dissolved into nothing. 
     The collective screaming, gasping, shouting made your ears ring. It was so loud that you had no choice but to drop the ax to muffle the sound with your hands. Lucifer called for you, but you could do nothing as your senses became overloaded with the sights, the sounds — the smell and taste of angel blood that you couldn’t describe, though it fizzled on your tongue and made your lips pucker. 
Falling reminded you of diving into the deep end of a pool as everything around you started to dull just as soon as it reached a fever pitch. 
      Adam’s corpse bled out, gold dripping into the firelight that swallowed you up. 
      Sera stood head and shoulders above the rest, shrunken pupils flashing upon you. 
      Thunder rumbled over your skin. 
Your sight returned, revealing a billow of darkened clouds above. Lightening rippled through them here and there, but you found yourself unable to do so much as shiver at the close proximity. Something was keeping you paralyzed, hands still clasped over your ears and legs still stuck flexing as they had when you decapitated Adam. 
     Eyes flitting about, the only things free from the forced stillness, you saw that the light that overtook you had expanded, surrounding you like a forcefield. 
   This wasn’t a fall. Not really. Whatever this was was yanking you down with a strength that rivaled gravity.
You can never come back!
              You can never come back!
                              You can never come back!
Sera’s voice was immediately overtaken by your name, shouted out from above you. 
Feathers thrown in disarray, raining on and all around you before you caught sight of Lucifer racing toward you. The frightening sound of a boom like the aftermath of a bomb dropping followed his propulsion, rattling your bones and shifting the energy that cocooned you. 
      He circled round and round the energy field that you could not escape, until he was right beside you. 
Lucifer slammed himself against the barrier between him and yourself. Determination set in his eyes that were now completely normal, totally focused on getting through to you. 
     You tried to communicate the fear you felt with your eyes. It was steadily consuming you as you remained frozen while color and light changed every few seconds. Everything outside of your comet’s tail was growing darker and harder to define. 
     When darkness swallowed up the Devil, you weren’t able to scream. 
“I got ya!” 
Lucifer’s voice broke through before you saw him, crashing into the barrier once again. The light shattered like glass, but you felt solid arms wrapped around your body. Familiar hands gripped you around the shoulders and back, beneath your frozen wings. 
      You gasped, inhaling greedily. 
The blond took your desperate bid to wrap your arms around his neck and press him as close to you as possible in stride. 
      It was a struggle to speak. “I couldn’t breathe!”
“I know! I know, I know, I remember it being like that.” Lucifer said, hand running through your hair. “But it's gonna be okay! The pain won’t last for too long after you hit the ground.” 
You looked at him with watery eyes, lungs burning. “Oh god, Lucifer. I’m so sorry!” 
You hugged him with renewed vigor, tears streaming upward. He clung onto you with equal if not more fervor. 
      “You’re sorry?” He asked. “What d’you… why?” 
When you pulled away, Lucifer was staring at you in concern. 
“I’m sorry you have to experience this again.” You said. “I didn’t even think about it. I-I-I just, I got so desperate and I just wanted out and I wanted to be with you! I didn’t think—”
The devil instantly shook his head, hand cupping your cheek. “No, no, no. It’s okay, don’t apologize. There’s no reason to—hah…” 
     Lucifer was also in tears, giving you a wobbly smile. “I’d fall every day until the end of time for you.” 
You fell into him then, sobbing in earnest as he kept up with you serenely. You were both careening down through the ether, free falling now that your body had been freed from whatever was initially binding you. And you didn’t have a single thought aside from staying with this perfectly wonderful being that had had the audacity to actually love you. 
“We’re headed right for the portal.” Lucifer told you eventually. “We’ll pass right through and into Hell.” 
     He kept his hold on you, but you couldn’t help noticing that Lucifer had maneuvered himself to be beneath your body in the order of your descent. 
“Will we hit the ground?” You asked, the image of making an impact on the hard ground coming unbidden. 
The image of Lucifer taking the brunt of the trauma set your heart racing. Your wings twitched. You willed them to start flapping as they had in Heaven but there was only the vaguest feeling of their roots flexing. 
    Fuck’s sake. 
         You felt panic bleeding back into your body again and you fruitlessly attempted to pull Lucifer ‘up’. The King started to speak, but the adrenaline was filling you up. 
    A sudden shift from black to red (and warmth, sensation, clouds!) and the sound barrier breaking silenced you.
Lucifer’s full set of wings extended before you, arching back to make a powerful sweep upward before he rolled the both of you right side up again. 
     You were back to clinging onto him, squeaking. You heard him chuckle in your ear at the same time you realized that that powerful force-field of light had disappeared. 
“Sorry sweetie.” Lucifer murmured. “I didn’t mean to scare you!” 
     He hovered in the air with you in his arms, patient as you worked up the courage to pull away and look around. 
     Hell’s sky was a deep, deep red. Clouds of a softer shade floated past, little pinpoints of light that might be stars pricked the sky, and a large black moon sat adjacent to the teeming mass of light that you and Lucifer had just fallen from. 
Below you, slices of angular, beaming light zigzagged in a mildly familiar shape. When your eyes adjusted, it clicked instantly that there was a pentagram poised a little ways from you, and under that…
  The pentagram was bright, but through it shone bright lights from the city underneath. Your eyes widened, taking in the chaotic, clashing architecture of the Pride Ring. It was harrowing and strange, the sounds of screaming and laughter somehow audible in spite of the distance. 
     Amidst the sensory overload you found yourself comparing it to Las Vegas. 
           Lucifer nuzzled your cheek, bringing you back to the present. Head lifting so that you are able to look at him fully, you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Helluva a welcome.” You teased, earning a grin from the blond. 
“Ah!” Lucifer startled when you tugged him bodily in your direction. Your wings fluttered quickly with the return of feeling in your muscles, and you glided back with the Devil in your arms.  
You spun him round, twirling in mid-air, until Lucifer laughed with you. The two of you danced together over the glowing pentagram as though it were a stage.
There was no need to further tire yourselves as Lucifer conjured up a shimmering portal into his castle. You could feel the exhaustion of all that had transpired weighing you down before you were led into what would soon become your new home. 
    The opulence and splendor of the Devil’s palace could not be understated. It was gargantuan. His personal restroom alone rose higher than high and would have been roomy enough for everyone that had lived on your floor in the Donner apartment. 
     However, the most you could offer after the day’s events was a drawn-out yawn and a mental note to be amazed at everything later. 
Lucifer half-led, half-dragged you toward one of the sinks in his private bath. He left you only long enough to grab a number of towels and washcloths that piled so high in his arms they obstructed his view. 
      You giggled softly at the sight of rags being rushed over on a pair of short legs, and feebly offered your help. 
Ooh. Not rags — these towels were pure silk. 
The blond positioned you to face him and began to clean you up, scanning your face for any cuts or bruises. You admired him drowsily, trying to do the same. He simply pecked your fingers when they wandered over his cheek, but otherwise stayed focused to tend to you. 
      Silk slid over your face, wiping away the stain of angelic blood from your chin and down the side of your throat. Lucifer passed the cloth over you with utmost care, all while you stared at him silently. 
     It was only when he became aware of your intense staring that you gave into the urge to kiss him again. 
The Devil seemed to have the same idea, mouth already parting for you. Your stomach flip-flopped at the telltale slip of his forked tongue against yours.                    You breathed him in, lips moving against his in between brief inhales, desperate not to part for even one second. 
     Lucifer whined into your mouth, hands rushing to dig into your hips and pull you in. He ran his hands over you, petting at every inch of your body, heavenly wardrobe catching on your hips, over your breasts, around your thighs. It drove you mad, wishing that the damn clothing was off and away. Memories of Lucifer buried inside you, smothering you into the mattress could not compare to the real thing just within reach. 
      You bent over to follow him, teeth clicking against each other as you continued to devour him and his noises. Another whine had you gripping the base of his skull, newly-formed claws digging through his hair. The flush that Lucifer inspired under your skin ran hot; so hot that the feeling of his cold hands against your bare skin shocked you. 
      Glazed-over crimson eyes met yours when you broke away from him abruptly, confused and yearning while you fought to calm yourself down. He too was flushed… in gold. Golden blood. 
“Lucifer…” You swallowed. “We need… we need to get Charlotte…” 
The King hummed, slow on the uptake. But soon his darkened gaze lit up with recognition. 
“Ch… Charlotte!” He exclaimed. “Right! We gotta get our baby!”
You snorted at the theatrics, fondness settling deep down inside your chest. 
     Lucifer let you squeeze his hand as tightly as you pleased while the flames licked over you both. You fought not to manhandle him again, wanting to be brave. At least the change from ornate, colossal palace to inside of the old Donner apartment fireplace was over in a flash. 
     The firebox had warped, growing in size until it was large enough for you and Lucifer to walk through. Briefly you wondered why you had never noticed such a thing happening during Lucifer’s countless visits, but perhaps it was a trick that humans didn’t pick up on. 
Or perhaps Lucifer was short enough that the large fireplace hadn’t had to change so much for him alone. 
     (You didn’t know how to feel about being at least a head taller than Lucifer now. It was another thing filed under ‘To Address Later’ in your mind.) 
Mr. And Mrs. Farrow were not waiting for you when you stepped into their home. They were nowhere to be found. 
But a baby’s cry was coming from further back in the apartment. 
     You dashed toward the noise, with Lucifer at your heels. It led you to the outlet where you’d been only once before, and you were happy for small miracles because so much of this unit was unfamiliar to you, courtesy of your desire to avoid the kooks that had initiated you into their bizarre dealings with the literal Prince of Darkness. 
When you arrived at the spare room, it was practically pitch black. Tea candles had been re-lit here and there, but they barely distinguished the silhouettes of two very frantic, knee-high toys-turned-sentient. 
     The little creatures moved like phantoms in the dark. One was steadily pushing the baby bassinet from side to side, attempting to soothe the crying child within. 
The other was levitating at the edge of the bassinet, staring worriedly at the baby, clearly agitated before it realized that someone had entered the room. 
     Your eyes had already adjusted to the dim little room — purposefully avoiding the cot that lay on the opposite side of Charlotte’s cradle. There was no possible way to prepare for seeing your own corpse, if it was still there. You had chosen to banish the possibility from your mind, and hadn’t dared to bring it up to Lucifer lest he grow agitated if the thought hadn’t already occurred to him. 
You focused on the present. On your child. And the goat butlers that your Love had spontaneously breathed life into. 
“You really are alive.” You said softly in awe. 
     The little goat that had been watching Charlotte from above seemed to recognize you. He floated back down, and allowed you to run your hand over his head as you stepped up to the bassinet, momentarily feeling the fuzz of his red fur. His brother followed, and they bowed, both for you and Lucifer as well as out of your way. 
     Had you been less single-minded in getting to your daughter, you might’ve laughed at the look of relief on their faces. Taking care of a newborn without thumbs couldn’t be easy. 
When you pulled back the little curtains of the pram, you felt as if the wind had been knocked out of you. 
     Your beautiful baby. Your little Charlotte — she was reaching up, crying to be taken out and held. 
Without a thought, you obliged her. 
“It’s alright. It’s alright now.” You whispered, fingers smoothing over her porcelain forehead. “Mama’s here. Mama’s got you.” 
It was stunning to be able to actually touch your child, caress her soft skin and feel her yellow hair on your fingertips. She was truly like a tiny doll, with two dollops of pale red on either side of her cherubic cheeks. 
     You pushed down the compulsion to cry. Everything has happened so fast that you hadn’t had time to recognize what you would be missing upon your death. If you hadn’t done what you did, you wouldn’t have gotten to hold Charlotte ever again. 
You could feel Lucifer’s presence just behind you before he was at your side, solid and comforting. Whatever regrets you may have entertained about leaving Heaven vanished then and there. 
     Charlotte’s cries were dying down, turning into minute whimpers and hiccups. Her eyes opened in the middle of your slow rocking back and forth, focusing on you. 
You beamed. “Hello baby.” 
    She gurgled, barely a blink before a wide, gummy smile of remembrance animated her formerly tear-stricken face. A laugh stuttered out of you, thick with emotion while Charlotte wiggled in her swaddling blanket. The spade of her tail poked out of the confines and tapped against your forearm with delight. 
Charlotte looked from you to Lucifer as he leaned in, having shuffled around so that he was able to embrace you, Charlotte nestled safe and snug between your bodies. She squealed with happiness, eliciting more laughter. 
“Let’s go home.”
Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee, @aquaamythest96, @0strawberrysorbet0, @fluffy-koalala, @washeduphazbin, @rebecca-hvnstn, @velvette3, @kermitdafroggy, @wpdarlingpan, @apatcheworkofproblems, @cherry-cola-100, @pink-apples001, @al-of-the-stars, @backinthefkingbuildingagain, @martinys-world, @alastorssimp, @wobblesthewaffle, @shikiribee, @undertale-anomaly20, @asakura-fangirl-stuff, @ringsofpersonti @angelicwillows, @wingoodlilboymyway, @cimadreamer, @museofzealoushope, @oneiric-rotaerc, @call-me-nyxx, @darling-angel222, @elementwind91, @bloody-delusion-expert, @devilslittlebabyxx, @diffidentphantom, @shamblezzz, @ranposanedogawa, @minamilinaqueen, @1-helluva-hazbin, @naniiiii12, @lokis-imaginary-friend, @zoethespiritwolf, @sakuraluna2468, @qardasngan, @wow-im-gay, @saturnalone, @rexnn, @h3art-l3ss, @its-a-dam-blue-brick, @saturnhas82moons, @im-so-tired52, @klallx
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rileyglas · 4 months
The List ~Pt. 11 - Compromise~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: In a tense meeting with Lucifer to discuss repayment for saving your life, his request pushes the boundaries of what you were prepared to offer. As the conversation unfolds, more unsettling truths about Alastor's soul contract are revealed. The deal leaves you struggling with the daunting terms of repayment.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery, sassiness, cursing, fluff, actual plot, slow burn, Lucifer is in Hell for a reason, eventual smut, and of course 18+
3.9k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 (You're on it!) Part 12
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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“I really don’t think you should be going alone. You’re still weak from -” “I’m fine.” you snap at Alastor, for the hundredth time of the morning. Slamming your book closed, you swing to the edge of the bed. Lucifer’s portal was sure to open any minute now and you still needed to put shoes on. You reach for your heels, but bending at such an angle makes you hiss from the single wound still healing on your lower stomach, “F-fuck - of all places…”
A sigh comes from behind before Alastor appears kneeling in front of you, “Allow me.” He places your foot on his thigh, gently helping set it into the heel. His fingers tease up your leg as presses his lips against your knee, “You still haven’t told me your plans for the King. Should I be worried you will not be returning?” he slides your other heel on, repeating the same erotic affections. 
Your hand combs through his hair before sliding down to hook under his chin, “You think you can be rid of me that easily?” Though playful, there is a hint of seriousness in your voice. Is he actually scared I’d stay with Lucifer after everything? He leans into you, using a hand to brace the back of your head as he lays you back onto the bed. His smile is soft, corners curved under half-lidded eyes. 
If you could freeze this moment you would. Any anxiety or worries seem to disappear when he looks at you like this - holding you like you’re his most precious piece of glass. It’s strange to think such a ruthless demon one day, could look and feel like Heaven the next. Your face flushes feeling his warmth above you, “A-Alastor?”
He flutters the tip of his nose across your cheek and down your neck until his lips press against your collar bone. He breathes you in as if it were the last time he’d take in your scent, “Please come back…” he exhales into your skin, sending a chill down your spine. Your hands cup his face to gently bring his lips back to yours, “I’ll always come back to you.” you breathe before kissing him. A tear falls down your temple from the rush of emotion his embrace gives. I never thought this feeling could be possible…especially with someone like him… Alastor reluctantly pulls away, flashing a smirk, “Maybe I should just leave a reminder for Lucifer -” he dips his head into the crook of your neck. His teeth graze your skin, “Don’t even think about it!” you giggle as you push the demon off before he can take a bite. He scoffs, grabbing at his chest in a dramatic show of being hurt, “How dare you deprive me of such fun, dear.” You playfully smack his shoulder and stand up from the bed. As expected, a round portal appears in the center of the room. Your hand finds Alastor’s, giving it a reassuring squeeze, “I’ll be back shortly, I promise.” With a half-hearted smile you let go and hop through into a large living room, the portal closing quickly behind you. The second it closes a part of you feels…empty? You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to calm the feeling but it is intense enough to make you queasy. The fuck? I didn’t feel this last time I came here. “Hello? Lucifer?” you call out. The room is dimly lit by candles hanging on the walls. Only a few chairs and small tables sit around you. The air feels different than it does back at the hotel. Colder. “I’ll admit when I said come alone, I half expected him to still try and slip in with you.” a voice says calmly from behind you. Turning you see Lucifer sitting, cross-legged, in a large armchair. His usual ‘dressy’ appearance was replaced by a half-buttoned shirt, rolled sleeves, and bare hooves under his slacks. His relaxed look is surprising but also draws you in. He knew I was coming. If this is him trying to lure me, it isn’t working…okay maybe a little. 
You clear your throat, realizing how dry your mouth suddenly became, “He respects my wishes. I asked him to stay back.” He scoffs at the idea. With one foot (hoof?) he hooks and moves a chair directly in front of him. You take a seat without hesitation. The unsettling sickness burning in your stomach is starting to make you feel hot. Your eyes meet as you shift to cross your own legs, mirroring his position.
“Are you feeling alright? You look like you’re about to pass out.” 
You shake your head, “I - I don’t know. The moment I got here…well honestly it’s probably just nerves. Things got pretty intense yesterday.” He hums through a smirk, “Yeah I suppose it did. Though I would guess by how he acted, you and him have made a very close connection. One that will not traverse the distance of where this palace sits. Your body is probably feeling the effects of being removed from his presence and power.” That’s why he wanted to see me alone - on his own terms. 
You shake out your hands and try to steady your breathing. This plan has to go without issue. Being overly anxious will only hinder that. “You wanted to speak on how I can repay you for helping me. What did you have in mind?” you clasp your hands together over your crossed knees, leaning towards him to appear confident and open. “Well what I want and what you’re willing to give are two vastly different things. I told you already, your power is something unusual for Hell. Comparable to a Heavenborn Angel. And with him it shines even brighter. But I can’t allow such power to grow and threaten the hierarchy of my domain, as I’m sure you can understand.” he leans forward, challenging your space. “I told you, I’m not interest-” “But he is.“ he sneers, “From where I sit, you have two options. The first is you stand by me. You’ll live here and break your connection with him. You were a leader on Earth - and a damned good one from what I saw. Hell would benefit greatly from having you as my right hand.” You feel your throat tighten and your back straightens, “How - How do you know about my life on Earth?”
A dark chuckle leaves his throat matching the grin plastered across his face, “I have my ways. Shame how it all ended for you. Of course, being a lone survivor, it might have driven you mad knowing you lost everyone who ever meant anything to you. Knowing you couldn’t save any of them.” “Stop.” you whisper through your teeth. 
His smile widens, “Do you still mourn for them? Or do you envy them? They obviously were taken in with open arms to Heaven yet here you are, suffering in the pits of Hell.” 
You bolt up from your chair, “Fuck! Enough! What are you trying to get at!?” Your teary eyes glare down at his smug expression. He wanted to get a rise out of you and knew exactly which buttons to press. 
“You have a chance to save souls here. To help Charlie. To keep the most vile of demons from harming - ” You slam your hands against the arms of his chair, caging his body under yours, “Cut the ‘all mighty’ shit. You don’t actually care about those sinners and their souls. You only care to protect Charlie and your precious rule. So option one isn’t an option. Next.” your voice cuts sharply through the room, echoing off the walls.
His eyes wander your face. You start to feel the heat of frustration burning under your cheeks and neck. The once smug smile on Lucifer’s face drops to a dark glare, “You plan on helping release him from his contract, don’t you?” Is that rage I hear boiling? If he’s already pissed I’m not going to hold back.
“Does the idea of his freedom scare you, your Highness? Do you fear his full power and what I can help him achieve?” you hiss, moving close enough to see his hair flutter under your breath. He should be irate by now. His ego has taken enough hits to push him over the edge from such disrespectful behavior of a sinner. So why is he looking at me with admiration?
His fingers trace up your jaw and hook behind your neck. Your heart jumps into your throat at his sudden warmth. Keeping his hold, he slowly stands from his chair. Though infamously teased to be a ‘short king’ by those around the hotel, he still held a few inches over you, and right now you felt like a mere ant under his gaze. “Fiery, strong, dauntless. It appears he has a type, as do I. It’s just unfortunate he’s now fooled a woman of such power for a second time.” he whispers. The heart which pounded in your throat plummets into your stomach. He hums disapprovingly, “He still hasn’t told you everything, has he?” You shake your head, unease creeping up your spine. 
He tightens his fingers around you, silently commanding your attention to remain on him. His other hand moves to rest in the same place on the opposite side. “He fooled her a long time ago. She watched his sudden rise over the sinners in the city. He smoothly talked his way into making her believe he had the same aspirations, that he’d help her in the rise of Hell. She knew with the boost of her power, he could overthrow me and encouraged it, thinking I had lost my ability to be the ruthless leader she wanted me to be.” Your legs grow weak. You feel yourself stumble back into your chair. He follows you closely, kneeling to not break his hold or the locked in stare he has on you. “She learned he wanted Hell all to himself. He lied and played her like a pawn in his sick game. She used her influence over the most powerful of demons to corner him, nearly tearing his soul apart and making him beg for his life. He agreed to a soul contract to save himself and his power.”
An involuntary deep breath makes your chest heave. Your mind races, unsure how much you should believe. Is he so prideful he would fabricate such a story to persuade you to his side? There’s bound to be some truth but how much? He notices your reeling behind clouded eyes, “When they both disappeared I just assumed they ran off together to plan their overtaking of Hell but, when he returned without her…I didn’t know what to think. At least until he showed up on Charlie’s doorstep offering his help. That’s when I knew she sent him, like a dog, to keep an eye on things. But now he has you. His second chance to finish what he started.”
You shake your head and try to speak but your voice comes out as a mere squeak, “He’s changed. He cares about Char-” “He only cares about himself.” he whispers with confidence, “Once he’s free he will waste no time in getting rid of Charlie…and enslaving you to maintain power.” His words make tears build behind your eyes. You fight to keep them there, wanting to still go through with your initial plan. You can’t lose composure now. Your shoulders pull back and you stiffen your neck in an attempt to hide the walls shattering in your head, “Then what is my second option?” Lucifer retracts his hands from your face and rests them on your knees. His beautiful angelic features harden. You watch the corner of his mouth twitch as if trying to hold back a smile and his eyes begin to take on a red hue. There’s the Devil I’ve been looking for. “I cannot touch him right now due to the terms of his contract with Lilith. And God forbid I harm Charlie’s precious hotelier. It would be quite the controversy for me, the King, to put such blood on my hands. But you…” he finally allows his toothy smile to widen, “...you can take care of him with ease. He trusts you, allows you closer than anyone. And no one would question an Overlord taking out competition.” 
“W-What do you mean? You want me to do your dirty work?” you play dumb, knowing damn well what he was asking. It is exactly what you expected from him. He rubs circles on the inside of your knees, attempting to be soothing but his touch only makes your skin burn under the fabric of your pants. “You’re indebted to me. And if you will not join me, I believe a deal for mine and Charlie’s safety is only fair. You keep that demon of yours under control…or you will end him. Simple as that.” You keep your eyes down mulling over his offer. Your fingers find his hand and trace the lines in his palm, “And if I do neither?” you say plainly and snap back to his face, relishing in the devious flash in his eyes. 
“You know what happens if you go against such a deal. In the end, he is either kept under control or dies…otherwise your soul will be shredded in his place. He is strong, but without extra help, his power is limited. Lilith will not help him. And if your soul is destroyed, well…he can’t use you any further, either.”
Okay slightly different deal than initially planned. “And if I refuse this deal all together?” He moves closer to you, forcing himself between your legs. You feel his lips glide over your neck and to your ear, “If you wish to return to your precious demon and hotel, you will make this deal. I will keep you here for as long as it takes to - “ his hands move up your thighs and dig into your hips, “ - persuade you. Your choice.” Shit shit shit shit, I didn’t plan on being backed into a corner.
“No -” You stand abruptly, nearly knocking the King over. He recovers and stands over you annoyed by the brash response. “No?” he mocks before slowly wrapping his hand around your throat. There isn’t pressure but he uses his hold to push you back, staring like a lion about to pounce. You follow his guidance until backing into a wall. A whimper leaves you from the sudden thud. “Then you will remain here, like a pet. I still get what I want - you’re somewhere he can never find you. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn to love me as much as you claim to love him.” his grip tightens as he leans his body into you. He presses his lips forcefully against your head then hovers them above yours, “What is your choice dear?” he breathes. You shove him away, “Fine. I will make sure he doesn’t become a threat to you or Charlie.” you hold your hand out to seal the deal. He hesitates but takes a step towards you, “And you will ensure he doesn’t become too powerful - or you will kill him. And if you fail…well…it would be a shame for such a beautiful soul like yours to be sacrificed for someone so vile.” He takes your hand as his horns burst through his skull and fire starts to surround him. Fuck this is bad. “D-deal.”
A bright red light flashes from your entwined hands and radiates throughout the room. Large red chains burst from the floor to wrap around your wrists. Another tightly winds around your neck, the immense weight makes you stumble in place. The entire room seems to shake and crack with rays of pink and red from the sheer power between you. I should have guessed a deal with the Devil would be stronger than anything.
After a moment, the chains dissipate into thin air and the room gradually dims. You drop Lucifer’s hand, “I want to leave. Now.” you command loudly, holding back tears once again. He puffs out his chest and bows dramatically, “As you wish, my dear.” A portal opens to your right but before you can step through a hand catches your arm, his voice returning to its honey smooth tone “Please - at least think on my first offer. This doesn’t have to end in death. If you choose to stand by me, I will break the contract.” He yanks your body back into his. You look up to see his eyes back to their dull yellow, wide and pleading, and - are those tears? “Don’t make the same mistakes she did.” his voice breaks before placing a kiss on your cheek and pushing you backwards through the portal. 
The moment you feel your back hit the wooden floor of your room the portal closes. You lay completely still for a moment, ensuring no one was around, before covering your face to release the built up sobs you’ve kept in your throat. No, this is okay. This will work. I have to have trust in him. I have to maintain trust in us. Rule #4 T̴̡͗ǘ̴͚ṟ̵͒n̸̛̤ ̵̫̿y̷̢̍ỏ̷̭ȕ̷͕r̶̥̾ ̶̫̃w̴̗͊e̴̊ͅa̵̘͠ḱ̴̢n̸͕̒e̷̯̒s̴̠̏s̷͖̿ ̵͍̏ī̴͇n̴̊ͅṭ̸̔ö̴̼́ ̸̥̏s̵͓͛ẗ̴̖́ṛ̵͘e̷̗͑n̸̯̿g̷̣̑t̴̪̀ḩ̶̈́ Tears flood your face through muffled wails. For once you’re grateful Alastor isn’t in the room - isn’t there to bear witness to your pathetic display.
You knew someone owned Alastor’s soul. You knew Lucifer would ask you to kill Alastor, or at least keep him from becoming too powerful. You knew he would fight to force the deal.  So why do you now feel like you’ve made the biggest mistake? Going in you had the idea Alastor would do anything for you. He promised to give you his soul in return for breaking his chains. But if he had the gall to do this to Lilith…who is to say he isn’t trying to fool me as well? All for the sake of getting what he wants. Did he make her fall in love with him too? Did he say the same things -
“What happened!?” a distressed voice pulls you back to the room. Between crying and being lost in thought you didn’t hear the Radio Demon make his way into the room. You don’t move at his question. He looks down to you and offers a hand which you ignore. “Is this any different than before?” the words squeak out through your silent cries. Any filter you have had in the past is gone. You want answers and right now, you didn’t care how insane you sounded. Alastor cocks an eyebrow, hand still reaching for you, “W-What are you talking about dear? Why are you on the floor? Did he hurt - “ “Lilith…did you tell her the same things you’ve told me…did you pretend to love her just to use her?” Your voice is hoarse and airy. Through your tears you see him open his mouth but no words come out. You wipe your face once more and sit up to bring your knees to your chest. “He told me everything, Alastor. Or at least what he thought would turn me against you. And I won’t lie, he was pretty convincing.” He takes a long, shaky breath as his cane and jacket are tossed to the bed. You feel him kneel next to you, his large hand stroking your hair, “You know I cannot tell you the terms of my contract. I have told you before, I’ve never been what most consider a ‘good man’. I’ve enacted heinous things for the sake of entertainment and committed even worse atrocities to get what I wanted. Both in this life and the last. She was no exception.” His voice is eerily calm, not a hint of emotion in his words. 
The tears you thought would never stop suddenly go dry. Any sign of emotion leaves your face. You slide your knees under you and turn to look at him face to face. He physically recoils seeing the instant switch of your demeanor. The Radio Demon always made it a point to appear fearless and would never let anyone think otherwise. But right now he looks at you, wide eyed, as if you have the power to shatter him completely. Good, he needs to know how serious this is…Rule #2: D̴̩̈́ǫ̶͂n̷̞̈́’̴̈ͅt̵̋͜ ̵̳͆b̴̹̕e̷̤͝ ̶̥̑a̷̯̅f̷̫͊r̴̖̾a̶̳͒i̷̫͗d̶̛̥ ̴̢̂ṱ̷͊o̵̦̔ ̷̘̒s̷͖̕h̶̭̎ó̶͉w̵̨̌ ̵̘̄y̶̑͜o̸̭̓ụ̸͠r̴̟͗ ̷͖̊p̷̩̄o̴̯͒w̶̭̿e̸͉̽r̵͍̓
“You lied and used her for your own gain. In doing so you paid the price with your soul. Do the same to me, and you will lose more than that.” Your eyes darken to him with your sharp words. Could I really kill him? If he hurt Charlie? If he hurt me? Rule #3:K̷̩͝e̸͎̎ḙ̸̚p̷̯̋ ̷̻͗t̸̪̑h̵̞̎o̸̖͝s̵̭͗e̵͔͋ ̸͜͝ÿ̸̥ŏ̵͉ű̴̢ ̶̭̀l̸̞̾ŏ̷̲ṽ̵͉e̷̯͝ ̷͈͝c̶͔̑l̵̛͚o̸͕͆s̸̩̐ẻ̵̼  “I might have chosen to trust you but I did not choose to love you. That was out of my control. The only thing I can control is our future here. We either play by his rules or one of us will burn.” There is only one true option on who that will be. I just hope I don’t have to make that decision. He stares at you, speechless. Seeing such a cold side to someone who never emitted anything but warmth was jarring. It finally clicks what this is all about. You watch the fear creep across his face, “You made a soul deal with him?” he asks barely audible through his quickening breath.
“He wouldn’t have let me come back if I hadn’t. I made a promise to you, didn’t -” His arms fling around you before you can finish, nearly knocking all the air out of your lungs. He clings desperately to you and buries his face into your neck, “I won’t let him take you from me. I don’t care about the conditions. I will find a way to free you of him.” he mumbles into your skin. You press a kiss to his temple, “I fear there isn’t a way out of this one dear. Not without consequence.” 
“But I made a deal with -”
He is interrupted by a loud knock at the door. Angel pops his head in apprehensively, “Hey uh - Charlie has something she wants to show everyone. It’s about the Exorcists. S’pretty important.” 
You call back to him, “Thank you, we will be right down.” Your attention turns back to Alastor who now stands over you, jacket back on and cane in hand, “This situation will unfortunately have to be put aside. Right now we need to focus on how to handle the upcoming fight with Heaven. And you have much to catch up on.” He helps pull you back to your feet and offers his arm, “Shall we?”
You roll your eyes but take his arm to head downstairs. Though the deal weighs heavily on your shoulders, he is right. With only a few weeks before Extermination Day, you’re going to need all your wit and strength to prepare for the battle to come. For now, you can only hold onto hope that he won’t force your hand in following through with your deal.
Rule #1: B̶̤̉é̸̢ ̶̟̋ó̵͉p̸̩͌ḛ̶̿n̶̛͖ ̸̛͈ẗ̴͇́ŏ̶̗ ̷͍̕t̷̺̓ŕ̸͖u̸͚̽s̵̢̕t̴͕̆,̴̛̙ ̴͍̌b̴̖̈́ủ̷͉t̸͍͒ ̷̫̅n̴̚ͅẻ̴͖v̷̮̅ě̵̫r̵̫̓ ̴̲̐d̶͚͐o̵̭̒ ̴̲͌s̵̒ͅo̶̜͗ ̶͕͒b̵͔̈l̶̦͒ĩ̸̻ṋ̵͗d̶͖͝ļ̴̔y̶͖͂
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers 
@alastorssimp @alastorsgirl48 @mysterisumone @ohnah2022 @catticora
@eris-norwega @kaylopolis @littlebluefishtail @little-slyvixen @laudrawin 
@qu1cks1lversb1tch @diffidentphantom @rapturenyx @purplerose291 @mcntsee
122 notes · View notes
thefallennightmare · 4 months
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Fallen Angel!OC
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, smut, mythological talk, violence.
Summary: "Blinded by a fear of feeling, these are the kings we chose. Lost and looking for the meaning, I've been searching high and low" It came crashing down on him. This is the story of the highest banished angel from where she came only to find home in the arms of a mortal man. This mortal realizing he'd face Lucifer himself to keep her.
Lethia: Archangelus Oneironaut also known as Archangel of Dream Walking. Across worlds and dimensions, she walks within. Uncovering dangerous secrets, leaving her cast out, isolated- that is until she begins to learn what it means to feel.
Authors Notes: thank you to everyone who was incredibly patient in the long two and a half months it took for me to update this. I am so proud of myself for busting through this chapter this past weekend. I am VERY excited for what's to come! Huge thank you and shoutout to @thescarlettvvitch for all the LOVELY ideas. I had so much fun creating the gif.
Tags[OPEN]: @happi-goth @thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @malice-ov-mercy @respectfulrebel @themortaljessica @crimson-calligraphyx @blackveilomens @lyschko666 @iknownothingpeople @collapsedglasshouses @iamamatus
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With a sigh, I rolled over in bed and stretched out an arm towards Lethia, hoping to feel her warmth again but was met with cold sheets. I removed my head from underneath the pillow to see that the space next to me had been empty for a while. 
“Lethia?” I called out while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 
After I got into bed with her last night and we said our goodnights, neither of us said a word. Letting the silence that encased my bedroom be the eerie white noise we needed to fall asleep. My dreams were filled with all the information I had found out moments before coming to bed and the feathers tucked away in the studio's closet. I hadn’t told Lethia what I knew, I wanted her to be the one to tell me. It was her secret to tell. 
If she ever did.
Slowly dragging myself out of bed, I let my feet guide me over to the bathroom across the hall. 
Do angels even go to the bathroom? 
I shook my head with a chuckle and peeked into the bathroom only to be met with darkness. Once I made it downstairs and through the quiet house, I noticed the back patio door open, the cool breeze wrapping around my bare legs. 
“Lethia?” I called her name again when I stepped outside. 
Just past beneath the trees to our backyard was a path that led down to the beach less than a mile away and something in my gut was telling me to follow the path. I only made it a few feet away when something black on the fence caught my eye. 
One of Lethia’s feathers. 
I hesitated slightly, not knowing if it was a good idea to touch it now knowing what I do. It would take me into a part of her memories and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to see something else I couldn’t understand. It felt as if the memories were getting stronger, more intense, and there was a part of me that feared I might not be able to pull myself out of it. 
“Fuck it,” I muttered.
With my fingers wrapped around the soft feather, I felt the darkness creep in, pulling away at my subconsciousness. My breath caught in my throat as my soul went through a black tunnel, throwing my body from left to right, and when the oxygen was constricted any longer, the white haze around my eyes cleared. I blinked rapidly before gazing around at my surroundings. 
There was an eerie calm. But the ringing in my ear caused me to cover them for a moment. It was an annoying sound but after a moment, I got used to it and pocketed my hands in my sweats. 
Movement from my right caused me to whirl around and what I saw took my breath away. 
Lethia stood in front of me, in her old form. The exposed skin from her sheer white dress was clean and innocent; not a mark of ink anywhere. 
The only way I knew it was Lethia was from her smile. It radiated comfort and solace, something I found myself falling for. There was a connection between us that I couldn’t explain and it drove me absolutely mad. I couldn't figure out why she felt so familiar. 
Lethia was standing on a mountain's edge, the soft and quiet breeze blowing through the feathers of her wings. Her hair danced over the freckles on her shoulders and from my position behind a tree, I watched as a smile graced her face. 
“I was wondering when you would show,” her angelic voice rang out. 
My heart skidded in my chest and for a moment, I thought she was talking to me and I was ready to step out from behind the tree. But then another figure stepped forward, his wings breaking the branches as he emerged from the forest. 
“It was hard for me to slip away, Lethia.” 
She turned to face the man and I tore my gaze away from her to take in the sight of the angel. Large stone gray wings extended from his back but unlike Lethia’s, he had a design to them. 
Gold lines, almost like veins, vibrated with color as he shook them out. His hair long and dark, pulled back out of his face, and Lethia brushed away a loose strand; tucking it behind his ear. From my position, I could only see the man’s back. 
The white shirt clung to the muscles as he moved his arms around Lethia to bury his face in her neck. I expected to feel jealous at seeing how close they were but instead, I felt at peace. 
“The King has you caged like one of his peasant animals,” she sighed deeply. “How can we ever be together?” 
The man gave her a small smile. “It will all be worth it, Lethia. Soon we can go wherever we like. Leave the Kingdom.” 
Her eyes widened. “Leave the Kingdom? Are you mad? Where would we go?” 
“There are places outside of here. I’ve seen them and they are gorgeous. Vast fields of green, the colors here in the Kingdom pale in comparison to what I’ve seen there. The light creates a humming glow and the sounds of the birds make you want to dance.”
The two of them began to sway, dancing in the wind, and Lethia laid her head on the man’s chest. 
“Oh, Knoa. This place sounds wonderful,” she sighed. “Can you take me there soon?” 
He kissed the top of her head. “Soon. We can create a home there, rule the two of us. Anyone who is tired of the King’s ruling will join us.” 
“How are you so sure?” Lethia gazed up at him. 
“They’re all lost and looking for the meaning. I've been searching high and low for it. Some think that we will fade into nothing, going up in the smoke, and fail. Some may think we will beg the King for a mercy that we both know he would not show.”
Blinking rapidly, I looked around to see that I was back in my backyard and it took me a long moment of staring straight ahead to process what I’d seen. Lethia was with a different angel this time, not Lucifer. 
Was this angel before or after Lucifer?
Pocketing the feather, I continued down the trail behind my house and towards the beach. The waves crashed against the rocks, echoing loudly into the dark sky above. There wasn't anyone on the beach and when I was ready to give up, I saw a flash of black off in the water. 
Enormous wings lapped up the salty brine of the ocean water and the figure stood with their arms outstretched. Lethia’s face made my heart leap in my throat when I took in the euphoric bliss on the soft feature of her face. 
Her wings looked heavy but the way she moved through the water at a rapid pace made it seem like they weighed nothing. I already knew what she was but seeing her in her true form silenced the lingering doubt that plagued my mind.
Lethia tip-toed out of the water, standing on the shoreline and that's when I noticed she was naked. Her perky nipples begging to be tasted and the water droplets between her breasts slipped down over her navel and towards her pussy. 
“Shit,” I muttered while adjusting my cock. 
Her crimson eyes snapped up at me and we stared at each other for a long moment, neither of us saying anything. 
“I knew it,” I breathed. 
Lethia’s lips twitched. “What?” 
Taking a tentative step towards her, her wings shook causing a gust of wind to blow through my hair. They were even larger close up and the darkness of them felt like I was staring in the depths of someone's subconsciousness. 
“I knew it,” I repeated without taking my eyes off the wings. 
“How?” Lethia questioned, unmoving. 
My eyes finally darted to her face. “I found some of your feathers and slowly things started to come together. I researched some things last night.” 
Her shoulders went even more stiff. “My feathers. You’ve seen-?” 
“Your memories,” I finished for her with a nod. “I’ve seen Oblivion, Lucifer, and Knoa.” 
Her brows furrowed while shaking her head. “Knoa?” 
“He talked to you about a new kingdom. A place where the two of you could rule,” I explained. 
The confusion never left her face and that’s when I realized she had no idea who I was talking about. For a second, I thought I might have slipped into someone else's memories but I was certain it was Lethia who I saw in that particular scene. 
“I saw you in your old form,” I closed the distance between us. 
Her lips turned down in a scowl. “Oblivion. Do you still prefer what you see in front of you now?” 
I cupped her cheek. “Definitely.” 
There was a strong urge to run my fingers through the feathers but I was hesitant. If merely touching her dropped feathers dragged me into her memories, what would happen if I touched her wings?
“You can only see my memories from a dropped feather,” she answered my thoughts. 
“Can you read minds?” I asked, not being able to hide the excitement in my voice. 
She giggled. “No, but the hesitation in your eyes was clear.” 
I raised my hand slowly. “Can I?” 
When she nodded, I let my fingers brush along the softness of her wings and marveled at how they felt against the roughness of my palm. Lethia gasped which caused me to rear my hand back in worry. 
“Did I hurt you?” 
“No,” she shuddered. “Touch them again.” 
I did and she gasped once more. 
“I can feel your touch. The roughness of your fingers on each feather,” her eyes sparkled. 
“I thought fallen angels couldn’t feel humans touch,” I said. 
Lethia nodded while linking our hands together. “I can’t feel you here but I can feel you touch my wings.” 
They encased us, protecting us from the outside world, and I felt a sense of peace fall around me. I couldn’t stop staring at them, marveled at the sheer strength and power they could possess. 
“You’re not afraid?” Her voice was quiet. 
I raised my brows. “Why would I be?”
Her tongue darted out to wet her lips and I wanted to taste them so bad but refrained with the look of disgust in her eyes. 
Not at me but at herself. 
“They’re darkness. Evil. Every part of who I am now shows my transgressions,” she said. 
“That’s not who you are anymore, Lethia,” I lifted her chin with a knuckle. “I don’t know the reason why you fell but think of it as a way to leave that part of you behind. Start fresh.” 
“Fresh,” she repeated, as if mewling over the word. 
We stayed like this for a long moment, letting the warmth of her wings block out the chill brought on by the ocean. It was then that I realized she was still naked and I let out a low cough, trying to keep my gaze on her face still. 
“Did you want to get dressed?” 
“Shit,” she cursed. “I almost forgot. I was taking a bath in the ocean. The salty brine helps my wings. They’re beginning to deteriorate from hiding my true form.” 
Stepping away with the opening, I watched in awe as the large wings retreated into her back, hidden away beneath the slits of skin. 
“Deteriorate?” I asked while she slipped on her clothes. 
My eyes cast downwards for a moment and a flash of ink on her ribs caught my attention. A green snake. 
“That’s why you keep finding my feathers. They’re falling off,” Lethia explained once fully dressed. 
Linking her hand with mine, I brought her into my chest to lay a chaste kiss on her lips. Even if she couldn’t feel it, she still kissed back with equal force. 
“You never have to hide from me, Lethia. I want to see all of you,” I said with a stern gaze. 
Crimson eyes danced between mine and with a curt nod, she let out a long breath. 
“I can’t believe you figured it out on your own.”
With a smug smile, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and began leading her back up the beach towards my house. 
“I’m quite perceptive with these things,” I informed as we slipped back inside the quiet house. 
It was nearing four in the morning and everyone was still asleep as we quietly ascended the stairs back to my bedroom. 
“Let’s get some sleep,” I suggested while tossing back the blanket. 
“Angels don’t sleep,” Lethia informed while sinking low beneath the mounds of blanket on my bed. 
Once I was lying next to her, I brought her into my chest and shivered when long black nails dragged over the tattoos. 
“Does that mean you can’t dream?” I asked. 
“Well funny story about that. One of my powers is that I dreamwalk in others dreams. I actually walked in yours a few times, unwillingly. I go wherever I’m needed I suppose. I have this familiar that follows me in every dream; leading me,” she said. 
“Wait,” I gazed down at her. “A crow? With a white stripe of feathers?”
She rested her chin in her palm. “You see him too?” 
“In my dreams. So that means when I dreamt of you, that it was actually you?” 
Her cheeks reddened, thinking back to the dreams I had of her. “Yeah. I don’t know why it was your dreams I always found myself in. There’s a lot of things I’m still trying to understand.” 
“Could you feel it when we would have sex?” I asked slyly. 
A darkness crossed her features, the one that I found myself gravitating towards. 
“Right now, I can’t feel your heartbeat,” she placed a palm on my chest. “But in your dreams, I could feel every inch of you.” 
Now Lethia’s hand dragged down my stomach, those sharp nails leaving red marks in their wake, and when she reached my cock, I hissed out in pleasure. She palmed my cock and I let my eyes flutter shut. 
“I can’t feel you physically, but I get this feeling inside of me; almost like a fire. It’s urging me to continue because I know it’s making you feel good.” 
Lethia adjusted herself so her mouth was hovering over my sweats before she hooked her fingers in the waistband, slowly dragging it down over my hips. 
“You don’t have-,” I tried to say but my voice was seized from me when I felt her cool lips around the warmth of my cock. 
She hummed but I couldn’t tell what it was for. I knew she couldn’t feel the way my cock hit the back of her throat but could she taste the precum that gathered at the head? 
Did it taste bitter? 
Was it sweet? 
Fuck, I wanted to taste her so bad.
“Lethia,” I moaned, grasping at the sheets beneath me when her tongue flattened against the base of my cock. 
Her movements were precise, like she knew what she was doing. Even if she couldn’t feel how perfect her mouth was on me, Lethia used my moans and sighs of pleasure to guide her. 
“Just like that,” I snaked my fingers through the short tendrils of her hair to keep her in place. 
Our eyes met in a blaze of seduction and the way those crimson pupils shined with curiosity of if she was doing it right, I dragged a finger over her cheek. 
“So good. You’re doing so good,” I praised. “I don’t know how it’ll affect you but tap on my thigh three times if you need me to stop.”
Lethia winked and with both hands at the base of her skull, I kept her in place to fuck into her throat. My pace was relentless as the head of my cock reached the back of her throat with ease and when her fingernails grazed over my balls, I felt my body ignite. The base of my spine tingled as I let out a guttural groan, her name falling from my lips as I came into her mouth. 
Her hums of tasteful pleasure intertwined with mine as I spilled every last drop down her throat. She let go of my cock with an audible pop and wiped away the drool from her mouth with a slick wipe of her finger. 
“You taste so fucking good,” Lethia whispered while placing tender kisses along my stomach. 
“You were able to taste me?” I asked, still breathless from my orgasm. 
She nodded with a wide smile. “I couldn’t feel your cock in my mouth but I could taste you. Everything I feel with you, I feel it here.” 
Her finger traced a heart over my own. 
“That was better than any dream,” I mused as she tucked herself underneath my arm again. 
“And no little friend watching us,” Lethia teased with a wink. 
Just to add to the humor, I made a show of looking around my bedroom for the crow with the white stripe of feathers but breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Thank fuck,” I murmured while tucking us deeper underneath the blanket. 
We were quiet for a long moment until Lethia kissed the tattoos on my chest. “Thank you for being so understanding and not running away after you found out about what I am. There’s still a lot I don’t understand about myself.” 
I squeezed her shoulder. “One day at a time, angel.” 
The lines in her forehead creased when the realization of what I called her sinked low in my gut. 
“To on the nose?” I asked. 
“No, surprisingly I like it,” Lethia patted my chest before laying her head there. “Goodnight, Noah.” 
My face twitched at hearing my name on her lips but thought nothing of it as I brought the blanket higher up over us. 
“Sweet dreams, angel,” I teased with a smile. 
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I was falling down to the depths beneath the earth. 
My body felt weightless as the darkness underneath me started to creep without warning of when I would hit the ground. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears as I reached up towards the space in front of me, hoping by some miracle I’d be able to latch onto something. 
Just as I braced for impact, the scenery changed and no longer was I falling. Instead I was standing in this unknown darkness in my angel form and my wings shook with the uncertainty of what would jump out. 
“Hello?” I called out cautiously. 
The silence was deafening and I couldn’t tell which way was right as I spun on my heels, my wings not even making a sound in this unknown void. 
“The faith and the fighter.” 
I froze at the deep voice. It sounded far away yet at the same time like it was spoken right in my ear.  
“Lighting up the streets, singing for the damned.” 
I whirled around, the voice now sounding farther away but I could feel the breath on the back of my neck. There was something so familiar about the richness of the voice but ice cold fear crept into my bones. 
“Confessing to the choir.” 
It was as if the voice was right in front of me, the warm breath fanning over my lips and I shuddered when the familiar smell tickled my nose. 
No, it couldn’t be. There was no way he could be here. He couldn’t have found me. 
Although, Maraxa did know where I was hiding and she could have easily told him where I was. 
The all too familiar heat spread in my veins that made my wings flutter, the noise absent in the darkness. He was so close now, the anger radiating off of him in droves and I nearly collapsed with how it crushed my throat, making it hard to breathe. 
Suddenly loud footsteps smacked on the ground at my feet, closer and closer. It came from in front, behind me, and on both sides. It sounded as if someone was running but I couldn’t figure out which direction. 
A face appeared out of the darkness, bathed in a red glow but the even darker circles around those eyes made a broken cry fall from my lips. 
“Bury every beast and we are born again!” Lucifer’s wicked smile spread across his face, showcasing the sharpness of his teeth. 
The scene around me shifted, the warmth now overtaking me as I found myself standing in the middle of flames. It licked up my arms but I couldn’t feel the sting of pain. Through the lick of fire, a lone figure stood out and the pain from his screams stabbed me in my chest. 
No, no, no. 
It isn’t. 
A hand outstretched towards me, begging to be pulled from the fiery depths of Hell, and my eyes took in the sight of a tattoo; some kind of mandala flower. 
I took a step towards the hand but hissed in pain when the flames caressed my skin. 
“Please. Help me!” 
Tears welled in my eyes as his name choked on my tongue. “No-Noah!”
“You can’t save him, my sweet Oblivion. His soul is mine,” Lucifer’s voice tickled my ear. “Just like yours is about to be.” 
I woke up with a start, sitting up in bed and feeling the cool beads of sweat trickle down my back. My breathing was erratic and my veins were pumping the blood in my body so violently, I could hear it in my ears. 
Noah stirred next to me and reached for me, wrapping the mandala flower tattooed hand on my thigh. I watched as his hand squeezed but felt absolutely nothing. Then that hand reached up to cup my cheek, dragging his thumb over the sharpness of my cheekbone. 
Once again not able to feel anything. 
I watched as his hand wrapped around behind my neck, bringing our lips together. The base of my spine vibrated, telling me that Noah’s tongue was brushing over mine. But the images of what I’d seen were hindering me, useless, unable to respond. 
“What’s wrong?” 
His voice was laced with exhaustion and there was guilt eating away at me for waking him up. 
“I’m fine,” I dragged through my hair, trying to ease the pounding of my heart. 
Noah sat up in bed, his own sleep tousled hair a mess, but he still looked gorgeous. 
“It doesn’t seem like you’re fine. You’re acting like you had a nightmare?” 
I thought about for a moment of lying, keeping up the ruse that I was fine, but deep down I knew I wouldn’t be. 
“I don’t dream, so whatever this was,” I let out a shaky breath, trying to compose myself. “It felt too real. The flames when I tried to reach for you.” 
Noah stiffened. “Flames?” 
I turned towards him, pulling my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. “I wasn’t in my own dream. I was in his.” 
When Noah gave me a look of confusion, I bit my lip and said his name with fear. 
A bunch of different emotions passed through his face and I wasn’t sure how he was going to react. 
“You saw me in the flames?” He asked. 
I then reiterated the whole scene for him from beginning to end, not leaving any details out. Quickly, Noah left the bed to begin pacing his room and the red LED lights casted him in the same glow I’d seen Lucifer. I shuddered with that same fear, slowly sinking farther away from Noah. 
“It sounds like an omen, Lethia. Lucifer shows up in your dream, tells you my soul is his. Am I going to die?” He stopped pacing to run a hand over his face. 
Your lips parted to speak but hesitated for a moment to which Noah took the opportunity to speak again. 
“Is that why you fell? You were sent here to tell me I’m going to die?” 
“That’s not-,” I shook my head, still in my crouched position on his bed. 
Noah chuckled dryly. “If that’s the case, why didn’t you tell me in the beginning? Why waste my fucking time with everything?” 
My eyes narrowed. “I can assure you that I wasn’t wasting your time, Noah. It’s just that I'm still learning things. Figuring out why I fell into this time and not where Lucifer fell.” 
Noah halted his pacing, dark eyes pinning me. “Is he going to stop looking for you?” 
“I don’t know,” I sighed while resting my head against the wall next to Noah’s bed. 
Silence fell between us for a long moment and Noah remained unmoving, eyes staring straight at me. 
“What’s the point of this, Lethia?” He asked. 
My eyes snapped away from the sharpness of my nails and sliced them into him. “Excuse me?” 
“Lucifer won’t stop looking for you. He wants you back and it’s probably better that you’re with him instead of me,” Noah said with his hands on his hips. 
I couldn’t figure out where the shift in attitude came from and it had me rising from the bed so I could stand toe to toe with him. 
“This is pointless,” he continued. “You can’t feel my touch. You can’t feel anything about me. How would a relationship between us work?” 
My face turned to stone, crimson eyes deepening with his words.
“That’s not fair, Noah. That’s not anything I can control,” I reminded him. 
“Is that why you just magically dropped here?” He scoffed. “If I was going to fucking die you should have told me from day one.”
“I didn’t know. I swear,” I almost begged for him to believe me. 
He didn’t say a thing, simply shrugged before crossing his arms over his chest. The silence between us was deafening and when I felt the tears burning in the corners of my eyes, I stood up straighter. I refused to cry for this mortal, no matter how I felt about him. 
“Fuck this,” I grumbled while ripping my jacket from one of the hooks in his room and throwing it on me. 
When I brushed past him, slamming my shoulder into his, Noah stumbled back but I gave no indication the push impacted me. But when the lone tear slipped down my cheek, I could hear his soft intake of breath. 
“Lethia, I’m-.” 
“Save it! I’m going to get some air,” I spat while slamming his bedroom door shut behind me. 
By now, his roommates were awake and lingering throughout the house downstairs. As I reached the front door, Michael’s voice called out after me. 
“Lethia, are you alright?” 
But I didn’t bother saying anything. It wasn’t worth it. None of these mortals mattered anymore. My life wasn’t something that concerned them anymore and in the haste of my fight with Noah, I had one goal in mind. 
Find Uriel. 
However, my thunderous footsteps stopped when four figures stepped out of the dark street and boxed me in. My head snapped in all different directions and when the one familiar face stepped even closer, a low scowl pulled on my face. 
“Ceecee,” I snarled. 
The man adjusted the black bandana around his forehead before winking. “Nice to see you as well, Lethia. Although I must say, you’ve changed since we've seen you last.” 
I rolled my eyes. “Tell me something I don’t already know.” 
The man with spiked up black hair spoke next. “Do you know how long we’d been looking for you?” 
“For all eternity, Jake?” I joked with not an ounce of humor in my voice. 
“I never remembered you being such a jokester,” said Jinx, one of the other men.
I turned towards him with an unamused shrug. “But I do remember Lucifer always sending his little bitches to do his dirty work.” 
The last man, taller than the others, wore a sour smile. 
“Always the conversationalist, Lonny,” I faux sighed. “Nothing to say this time?” 
His dark eyes never left my face. “I said everything I needed to say before.” 
“Oh, that’s right,” I snapped. “You accused me of keeping Lucifer from his true potential. I was a snake in the grass.”
“Was I wrong?” Lonny extended his hands wide. “We all fell for your transgression.” 
My upper lip recoiled. “Lucifer led me astray. It’s because of his betrayal to the King we all fell.”
Ceecee made a show of groaning while tying away the long strands of hair from his face. “You can come with us the easy way or the hard way.” 
“NO! Please, not the hard way,” I overplayed my helpless voice before a dark chuckle fell from my lips. “We know all of you together are no match for me. I was higher ranked than you four up in the Kingdom.”
“Things are different now,” Jake said, his leather jacket slick from the earlier rain. 
“You know, I’m surprised Maraxa isn’t here,” I clicked my tongue. 
Lonny chuckled low behind me. “Lucifer was upset with her failed attempts so she’s chained in hell.” 
I cocked a brow while glancing over my shoulder at him. “I take it as Lucifer is there, watching her beg for his forgiveness?” 
“No, he’s actually been up here in the mortal realm for quite some time. Closer than you think,” Jinxed explained. 
My arms were extended wide with a playful smirk on my lips. “I’m right here. Tell him to come and get me.” 
“I already have.” 
A voice inside my mind spoke and my wings exploded from my back as I turned towards that voice only to be met with darkness as it overtook all of my senses. 
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I sat in my computer chair, knee bouncing so fast I was sure the guys could hear the floor shaking downstairs. I couldn’t stop biting the skin on the pad of my thumb as the worry began eating away at me. Lethia had been gone for almost an hour and with no way to reach her, I was at a loss of what to do. 
I never meant the things I said. Us being together, whatever this relationship was, wasn’t pointless. I knew it was wrong of me to use the fact she couldn't feel my touch against her but when Lethia told me that Lucifer was not only after her soul but mine as well, I got scared. If you would have told me last month that I’d find myself falling for a fallen angel and had to worry about Lucifer coming after her, I would have laughed in your face. 
My life had been soley Bad Omens until Lethia arrived. Now things changed and Lethia slowly became top on my priority list. For example, finding where she went. 
Just as I sat up from my chair, ready to head downstairs and ask the guys for help, Jesse appeared at the open doorway of my bedroom. 
“Hey,” he said. “Everything alright?” 
No. Far from it. My girlfriend's, who's not my girlfriend, her ex-boyfriend is after her soul and mine. 
I shifted on my feet while stuffing my hands in my pockets. “I don’t think so. Lethia and I had a fight. She stormed out of here almost an hour ago and I thought she’d be back by now but I’m worried something is wrong.” 
Jesse nodded and held out his keys. “We can take my car.” 
Quickly slipping on a sweater, I followed him down the stairs and filled in the rest of the guys in on our plan. To which Jolly and Orie said they’d go out looking as well and Michael would stay in case she came back. 
Two hours later after scouring almost all of downtown L.A and our neighborhood twice, there was no sign of Lethia. But it wasn’t until we were walking back up the steps to the house that my eyes caught sight of the large black feather there. 
How had I missed that before? 
I gently covered it with my shoe as Orie, Jolly, and Jesse walked up. 
“Have you tried calling her?” Orie wondered. 
“Voicemail,” I lied, knowing she didn’t have a phone. 
It was now mid afternoon and I knew the guys had plans to work on the studio for a bit so after thanking them for their help, I told them I was going to hang outside for the time being. 
Once alone, I hastily picked up the feather beneath my shoe and felt that all too familiar feeling of my soul being dragged through the dark subconscious of Lethia’s mind. 
I landed five houses down from my own to see a group of four men standing over the crumbled body of Lethia, who was protecting herself with her large wings. 
“Hm, it’s a shame what she became. Are we sure he’ll even want her back,” a man wearing a bandana asked. 
The tallest of the group and dark curly hair snorted. “If he doesn’t, I’m sure we could find use for her down there. We’re always in need of slaves.” 
One of the men with spiky hair lifted Lethia’s body with ease and it was then I got a good look at her face. No marks indicating she was hurt but my heart stopped in my chest when I noticed how white and vacant her eyes were. 
“Is Lucifer in the same place we left him?” 
The man with the bandana nodded. “As soon as he found out where Lethia was staying, he refused to leave. He wanted to remain close.” 
“Remember what he said Jake, not a hair on her head is to be misplaced. He wants her in all her glory.” 
Jake rolled his eyes while adjusting his grip on Lethia. “How do you think he’ll react when he smells that mortal on her?”
“It will be a death that I cannot wait to experience,” The taller man smirked before all four of them extended their wings, all differentiating in size and color. 
My eyes blinked a few times as I felt the earth tilt back on its axis, everything coming back to me with a force that had my breath shaking. Four angels took Lethia and they had plans to bring her back to Lucifer. I didn’t know where but what I did know was that they were close. And that once he found out Lethia and I had been together, it would only mean one thing for her. 
“Fuck,” I raked a shaking hand through my hair. “Fuck!” 
The sounds of fluttering wings echoed behind me and I swiftly turned on my feet, expecting to see Lethia but instead saw the crow. It was perched on a branch up in the large willow tree in our yard and its wings were extended wide, showcasing the white stripe between its feathers. 
“Where is she?” I asked the bird. 
Its response was a simple caw. 
“You’re her familiar. You know where she is,” my voice raised. 
Now the crow didn’t make a noise. Its dark eyes watched me intently as I did the same to it. I could feel the anger beginning to boil over that stemmed from my fight with Lethia and an afternoon spent trying to look for her, only to be met with this fucking bird that wouldn’t stop staring at me. 
“If you’re not going to be any fucking help, then leave me alone!” I yelled while throwing a rock at the bird, hitting its left wing. 
It cried out in pain before fluttering out of the tree and off into a direction I didn’t bother to follow. There was only one way I could possibly talk with Lethia and figure out where she was. 
I needed to go to sleep.
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My eyes slowly opened, a feeling behind them causing a slight groan to fall from my lips. This was a new feeling; pain. I hadn't felt something like this since I fell to earth all those months ago. 
So why could I feel my insides burning? 
Groggily looking to my left, I took in the chains around my wrist with a curious pull of my brows. There were markings all along the cuffs and my eyes doubled when I recognized those markings. 
Ancient markings. Ones that hadn't been seen in eons. 
Ancient markings that were created for one thing and one thing only. I knew because it was me who created them. 
Power binding markings. To help keep an angel trapped in imprisonment. 
"No, no," I whispered, trying with all my strength to fight against my bindings. 
It was futile. There was no way out. 
When I looked to my right and saw the same bindings, I did my best to remain calm. There had to be a way out of this. I was the one who created these sigils, surely I could find a way out. 
I thought back to what happened moments before my capture. The fight, the accusations, and the hurt look in his eyes. 
"Noah," I breathed while closing my eyes, trying to dream walk into his mind. 
Cursing under my breath, I knew the reason why I was blocked had to be because he wasn't asleep. 
A sudden movement from my left made my head snap up and the rage festered low in my gut when those four familiar men stepped into view. 
"You were always the ones sent to do his dirty work," I chuckled while rising to my knees. 
Ceecee smiled wickedly. "He was tired of waiting. Maraxa clearly wasn't the right one for the job." 
I clicked my tongue against my teeth. "Right, you said she’s chained in hell. Was that before or after trying to get into bed with him?" 
"No, malach. That place belongs to you." 
I froze at hearing that name; it had been so fucking long since it was uttered in my presence. 
Angel in Hebrew.
There was only one being that ever called me that.
No. No. No. It can't be. 
The dark voice loomed in the shadows and I whirled my head to the right in time to see his face emerge from the darkness; those piercing blue eyes locking into my soul. 
"Lucifer," I shuddered while pulling on the bindings, to no avail.
He cocked his head to the side, those eyes drinking in the sight of me before he bent low to his knees. Our faces were mere inches from each other and with one gaze down to those lips, memories of us lying together up in the Kingdom replayed in my mind on a loop. 
I couldn’t figure out why he looked different from the images I had been seeing around town lately. 
“I played with your mind, creating a different version of me. It was easy to control you, Lethia. Your mind has become weak since the fall,” Jinx said. 
I snarled while rising to my feet, ready to attack, but was pulled back by my bindings. 
“I should have known you were inside my mind, Jinx. This entire time, I thought it was Maraxa.” 
He chuckled darkly while crossing his arms over his chest. “Please, she was weak before the fall. She couldn’t hold a candle to the things I’ve done.” 
Lucifer held up a hand when I was about to have a witty remark. 
“Enough!” His voice boomed throughout the small room I was held in. 
The four men behind him slinked farther back into the darkness, like puppies who were just scolded for chewing something they shouldn’t have. 
“Lucifer’s bitches,” I repeated my words from earlier with a smirk.
His hand gently cupped my cheek, forcing me to look at him in those blue depths. 
"I haven't been called Lucifer in quite some time, not since the fall. Humans aren't too keen on it when you tell them your name is literally the devil. You can call me my mortal name." 
I swallowed thickly. "Which is?" 
The grin that spread to his face was a wicked one and made my heart drop with fear.
“You can call me Andy.”
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simp-is-here · 2 years
Obey Me Brothers: reacting to you having a nightmare about Lesson 16
⛔️Warning⛔️: SPOILERS FOR LESSON 16, nightmares, since it’s kinda not specified how it happened I’m gonna throw together some theories I’ve read, kinda angst, first time writing for obey me so I’ll try to get them all right, Belphie’s is gonna be angst but that goes without saying 😈, waking up from a nightmare, some headcanons are a lot longer than others
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• the night would be silent as the two of you laid in his bed. His arms around your waist
• your bodies sudden tension woke him up, you would stiff then you would be limp again.
• his concern grew when the whimpers escaped your throat, that’s when he took action
• your eyes opened to him shaking you, calling your name
• your eyes frantically search around before focusing on his
• he spoke soft low words of assurance to you, all while his fingers stroked your arms to calm you down
• after a few breaths you finally relaxed, deciding that maybe it might be best to stay up for a little bit.
•he agreed and held you close, deciding that he should be by you instead of sleeping. You were more important
• Mammon woke up when he rolled off of the bed, with a groan he sat up from where he landed on the floor
• you were still asleep on your side of the bed, he tried to crawl back in as slowly as possible but paused once he heard it
• you started to choke in your sleep, your body tossing a bit as you tried to let in air
• he tired his best to wake you but nothing would work
• eventually what woke you was the feeling of his head hitting yours once you shot up in your sleep
• you took a moment to regain your breathing as you took in your surroundings
• you were startled by a hand finding it’s way to your shoulder but once the touch was recognizable you latched onto it. Needing something to ground yourself
• he didn’t wanna push you to talk about it so instead he flicked on his side light and pulled you into his chest. Trying to change the topic to something else
•after about an hour you fell back asleep in his arms, but he’ll just stay up a bit longer… just in case
•though it was cramped the two of you had grown accustomed to sleeping beside each other in his tub, it meant that you two could be close
•the sudden jolt of your leg woke Levi up with a pain in his ankle
•his complaint fell short when he noticed how much your body was jolting and how much you burned
• with a flick to your forehead you woke up pushing your upper body so you were hovering over him
•he asked you if you were alright to which you went to nod but ended up sighing instead
•you placed yourself back on his chest and took a breath before shaking your head no
•he wrapped his arms around you and leaned forward till his lips could touch your head
• “that’s alright”
(My first word as the clock hit 3:00am was Satan 🤣)
• Satan was already up, deeply invested into his book while you laid beside him
• he was so invested in his story he didn’t notice yet that streams were falling down your face
•when he glanced at you he dropped his book
•’why were you crying?’
• he shook you lightly which opened your eyes
•you recoiled from his touch, he knew you weren’t one for touch in a moment of vulnerability so he didn’t take offends
• “bad dream?” He asked
•with your gaze on the floor you nodded
• “want to talk about it?”
•you shook your head, your hands hadn’t loosened their grip on the blanket at your waist
• “want me to read to you?”
• you finally looked at him and nodded
•he picked his book back up and started where he left off, reading aloud as you got comfortable once again in the bed
• he stops when he sees your now peaceful face once again sleeping
•he runs a finger across your cheek to get rid of any remaining tears
•you reach up for his hand while he goes to pull away, holding it gently while your breathing remains steady
• he takes that as a sign and puts his book down once more, laying properly in the bed while he holds your hand back
•you went through a lot but he’ll always be here to bring you back
• The two of you laid in your normal sleep position, legs intangled with his face in your chest
• the sound of you mumbling to yourself woke him from his beauty sleep
•he was about to complain when the words “please…stop.” Left your lips
•he stroked your hair with one hand while the other rubbed up and down your waist
•he sweetly reminded in a hush tone where you were and who you were with
• “don’t worry. You’re safe.” “You’re with me” “nothing is gonna happen to you”
•he continued with that until your pained words shifting back into light snoring
•he placed a kiss on your shoulder before snuggling back into you and falling back asleep
• Beel had just come back from a fridge raid, munching on some snacks on his way back to you
•when he went into his room he was taken aback by the pained expression that was cast on your sleeping face
•when he heard you yelp he dropped his snacks and hurried to you
•you woke to familiar hands embracing you
•though he asked what was wrong and what you were dreaming about you couldn’t tell him
•you knew how much he loved his brother, you couldn’t burden him with this
•instead you just said “just a dream” and sunk into his big form (which for some reason auto corrected to mouth)
•he didn’t pry anymore and held you, offering you some of the snacks he tossed aside
•the two of you ate until Beels soft snoring filled the room
•you couldn’t change what happened in the past but what you can do is be here with him, right here, right now
•you kissed his cheek and laid on his chest before you fall back asleep
• he hadn’t originally planned on waking up for a couple more hours
• but your screams and thrashing sent him into a frenzy
•he called your name, shook you, tried every trick he knew but nothing worked
•he last minute poured the glass of water beside the bed on your face which caused your eyes to open
•we went to talk to you but you shuffled away from him trembling
•you didn’t need to tell him what your dream was about, he already knew
• the fear you held in your eyes as you still couldn’t comprehend reality shattered his heart
•you were scared. You were scared of him
• and rightfully so, he was honestly surprised by how fast you forgave him after he killed you
• despite your talk of everything being fine he always had second thoughts
•second thoughts that just got confirmed
• when you finally realized that who you were looking at was real you relaxed a bit, it was obvious that you were still on edge but you allowed yourself to let your guard down
•Belphie sat there silently, not knowing what to say or do, and watched as you went back to where you were sleeping and laid down
• he laid down too, the urge to reach out to you was picking at him, but the fear of you still being scared around him was winning
•with his eyes closed he tried to let himself fall back into sleep, but shot his eyes open again when he felt your hand reach for and gently grasp his
• ‘everything is alright now’ he spoke in his head repeatedly
•intertwining your fingers together he knew that he would have to work hard for those words to mean something. And he was willing to put the effort in
(Please do not post my work anywhere else without mentioning that it’s written by me)
Thank you for reading. If you have any requests just send them to me and I’ll try to write them to the best of my ability
And remember you are a fantabulous human being and that is my opinion to which you can not change my opinion so better just accept that you’re an amazing person who is doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work. Have a good day or night or whatever you’re reading this at
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sassykattery · 2 years
Elusive Slumber
Welcome to a short one-shot smut. I wrote this a while ago, and I thought why not throw this in for my readers. Basically you'll probably see a lot of Lucifer content this month from me.
synopsis: You're having trouble falling asleep, and what better way to find comfort than the eldest brother?
CW: no pronouns mentioned, no explicit genitals mentioned. this was written with an afab body in mind, but i do think anyone could enjoy the scene.
Pairing: LuciferxMC
Minors and Ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
It was late, one of the latest nights Lucifer's had in a long while, but Lord Diavolo had business to attend to, and he left his trusted right-hand to take care of some of his duties while he was gone for a few days. He could see the end of his work in sight, and it wouldn't be long before he could finally go to bed.
Meanwhile, it was also one of those nights where you couldn't sleep. Though you tried and tried, sweet slumber eluded you. Your thoughts kept drifting to those of Lucifer, and how he grabbed your waist earlier to move behind you after the student council meeting. Distinctly, you could remember feeling his pelvis brush your ass, and it made you freeze as his deep voice penetrated your ears to say, "Excuse me."
It was as if your legs were moving on their own, because suddenly, you were up and still in your pajamas, closing your bedroom door behind you to make your way to the eldest's office. You rationalized that maybe just being near him would quell your thoughts and you could eventually go to sleep.
After knocking, you heard a very quiet sigh followed by "Enter."
Slipping in silently, you closed the door behind you and approached the working demon. It was only when you were in front of his desk that Lucifer finally looked up at you, with slight surprise.
"MC, it's rather late for you to be awake," he commented, going back to his work.
"I can't sleep," you replied in a hushed tone.
Without looking up from his paper, he held up his free hand and did the "come hither" motion with his finger. Wordlessly, you came around his desk. He moved back slightly from his desk and patted his leg for you to sit on. Though you were a little surprised, you did as told and straddled his thigh, with one of your knees now in-between his legs and the other knee on the outer side of his leg you sat on. Carefully, you looped your arms down low around his waist and leaned into his torso, resting your head on his shoulder, almost like a koala to a tree. This allowed him to scoot back to his desk as he wrapped his arm around your back and continued working.
"I appreciate the company, MC. I'm sorry you can't sleep," he murmured to you, flipping another page. His chest vibrating against your torso as he spoke did wonders for you.
"Mm," is all you mumbled. It was to keep you from saying anything embarrassing, because coming here, you now realized, did nothing but stir up more of the feelings you had felt while thinking about him. To hear his gentle breathing, inhaling his intoxicating scent, feeling him all around you, it drove these thoughts and desires so much higher. It was all you could do just to stay still.
But, unfortunately, that wasn't to be in your favor, because Lucifer then shifted to put some of his papers away into a desk drawer, and his thigh was moving around between your legs, giving you the slightest friction against your crotch. It was just enough to cause you to sharply inhale, just a little, but that little bit was enough to get his attention. He continued what he was doing, but now his focus was divided, between his work and to see why exactly it was you couldn't sleep.
Returning to his original position, he only had two more documents to look through, but he was going to make them last just a touch longer while he toyed with you.
He leaned forward, as if he was trying to look at something, causing you to slide your hips back, creating more friction between the two of you at your burning center. Your body tensed up, and Lucifer fought to contain the smirk that threatened to smear his lips. Leaning himself back, you slipped into your original position, and again, your crotch was drug up his thigh. You seemed to have been holding on to him tighter now, as if you desperately wanted to stay still, but oh no, you were part of a little game he was trying to win.
He stopped moving then, giving you a little reprieve. Though, your body was betraying you to him: he could easily read how your breathing had become shallow, you were warm, oh you were burning up in-between your thighs, and now he could feel your thrumming heartbeat in your chest and down below.
After turning to the very last page, he then bounced the leg that you sat upon. It was just once, as if he were adjusting his foot position, but that one time forced the most adorable squeak from you. Now he definitely couldn't hide the smirk that graced his face. His thigh had bounced into your aching core, the one begging for any kind of stimulation. This vocalization made you freeze, and you waited for him to say something but it never came. Instead, he simply signed the last document, put his pen down, and relaxed back into his chair.
You started to wonder if maybe he didn't hear you, but then you felt his gloved hands sneak around to your hips. Gently, his fingers pressed into your plush flesh. This didn't help the ache that formed deep within your abdomen as the pressure built inside of you, begging you to relieve it. Your cheeks were burning, and you were glad that you kept your face glued to his shoulder, lest he see how embarrassed and turned on you were.
To your surprise, his hands squeezed your hips, and started to push them back, making your crotch slide back against his thigh again, and then he pulled your hips back in. The littlest gasp escaped your lips as it struck your nerves like tiny lightning bolts across your core to feel the drag of contact between you two. It was also because you realized he was now doing this on purpose, as he pushed your hips back and forth, moving you across his leg. Though you fought as hard as you could to contain it, when he bounced his leg again as your crotch drug across his thigh, you let out a little moan of surprise. You felt his head turn, his jaw now rubbing against your temple, as if to encourage you.
It took only a moment for you to consider what you wanted to do, before your hips decided for you, and they slowly rolled back and forth with the guiding motions of Lucifer's strong hands. Your breathing became ragged and the only noises in the office were your stifled moans and the rustling of fabrics. Wanting to hold on, your hands found their way to the front of his waist coat and curled into the fabric.
His hands guided you into a faster rhythm, and your sweet little whimpers increased in volume, like music to Lucifer's ears. Needing to feel closer to the demon, you moved your face to nuzzle his neck, your hot shaky breaths gracing his cool skin. He bounced his leg again, causing you to let out another surprised moan. The heat pooling in your core starting trickling out to the rest of your body, and instinctively you rocked your hips faster, pressing yourself down into his thigh as you ground out your sexual frustration.
Keeping one hand on your hip, he placed his other hand on the back of your neck and pressing the rest of his forearm into your shoulders and back, as if to hold you tight. He knew you were close, you just needed a little more. Seeing as you found your rhythm, his hand left your hip in favor of squeezing your ass, causing you to let out a more desperate whine. Turning his head again, he whispered to you,
"Cum for me."
This ignited your internal inferno, and involuntarily your thighs squeezed tightly the one of his you were riding on. Your eyes screwed shut as the coil that was tightening in your core finally sprung. With your release, your hips stuttered, grinding as hard as you could into one spot.
"L-Lucifer," you cried out to him, like a prayer. Small, light sobs racked through you as the grips of your orgasm sank deeper into you, the pleasure seeping into every nerve in your body. Your whole body was tense in this moment, and you froze except for the little twitches your hips gave.
It seemed like it was forever before your climax finally released its hold on you, and when it did, you slumped into the embrace of the demon that held you during the entire ordeal. Your body was exhausted from finally releasing all that sexual tension that had built up within you all day, and it was when you let out a content sigh that Lucifer relaxed his arms, and started stroking small circles into your back. It didn't take long for your sleep deprivation to start causing you to drift off.
Silently, Lucifer wrapped his arms around you, very tightly, and stood. Barely awake, you clung to him as he whisked you away to his room, where he gently laid you into his bed, changed into his sleeping robe, and returned to wrap himself around your sleeping frame.
There was no need for words, he was just happy he could help you fulfill a need you clearly had, and he was honored that you found a release through him. Though he didn't anticipate such a thing happening that night, he was secretly proud that just little things he did to you stirred up such feelings within yourself. Yes, he knew he riled you up earlier that day when he brushed behind you. He should like to do that again in the future, just maybe with less clothes and you grinding on something else of his.
Thanks for reading!
@delphi-dreamin @leavesandflowers
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
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freyyzu · 2 years
a/n; it’s been getting really chilly here lately which means it’s the perfect time for comfort fics. i’ve been getting back into obey me lately so i wanted to try my hand at writing for the boys a bit. any constructive criticism is welcomed :>
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► Winter in the Devildom was chillier than what you're used to in the Human realm. What you had grown accustomed to as cool suddenly dips further in temperature into cold. Your breath comes out as puffs of white, and your hands redden at the fingertips.
Lucifer dotes on you just a bit more than usual, making sure your room is warm at all times. It never drops below a certain temperature, and even when you tell him that you're perfectly fine, he insists. Nights are a bit too warm for your liking, but you don't have the heart to tell him otherwise — and it's perfect for anyone else who decides to sneak under your bedsheets at night.
That someone just so happens to be Mammon, who finds your body heat even more comforting than usual. "How are ya' still so warm? I'm freezin' my ass off here." With the way his hands crawl up the backside of your shirt and legs tangling with one another you can tell he's lying, but there's no way you're going to tell him to let go even if you were burning up under your sheets.
Levi makes it a point to sit as close as sociably possible next to you whenever you come over to play games. There's one blanket thrown over both of your shoulders, and you coolly let him lie when he tells you it's his only one. Your shoulders aren't quite touching just yet, but whenever you win and throw your arms around him in a victory hug you could've sworn his ears started shooting out steam.
Thankfully, Satan's favorite place to read, other than his chambers, contains a fireplace that burns brightly enough to warm up the entire room. You take quick notice of the way he glances at you from time to time, unable to focus on his own book, and so you relent and ask him to move over to make some space for you. "Well, if you're really that cold I suppose we could just read this one together." You don’t comment on how quickly his arm moves to wrap around your shoulder.
Warm baths have always been a staple of Asmo's daily routine, and now they're going to become a staple of yours for at least the next couple of months. Scented candles, bath bombs, and the gentle caress of his hands helping you wash was more than you bargained for, but not at all unwelcomed. You can say with confidence when it's done that not only are you thoroughly flushed, but all the stress from the day has simply washed away.
The only time Beel decides that it's worth saving snacks is for you. As soon as you walk into the kitchen there's three cups of hot cocoa — one comically larger than the other two — waiting for you. "Ah, I was gonna invite you to the attic with Belphie and I, but since you're here let's go together!" And even though you're sure to find it harder to sleep after this, you just can't deny him when he looks at you with such an expectant expression.
Belphie's favorite resting spot has always been (and will continue to be) your thighs, and the further the temperature dips the more he's determined to make it known. He shifts once, hair tickling your legs, and lets out a pleased hum as your hands rake through his locks down to his cheeks. "Keep it there," he mumbles, reaching up to press your palm closer before finally falling dozing off. Your legs are sure to go numb after this, but it’s worth it to see him so content.
► Winter in the Devildom, while chillier than what you're used to compared to the Human realm, has also never been warmer.
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moonlightstar27 · 1 year
Let me sleep~
Summary: You can’t sleep after having a bad dream so you bug Belphegor till he’s had enough and made you fall asleep
Contains: Cowgirl, pussy eating, cock warming, fluff, reader asking questions that won’t make sense
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You can’t sleep. Not after that horrid nightmare you had just now. You had a little to no little with in the room you laid you head in, it might have something to do with it being night, but you can’t sleep. Not without someone help you go back to sleep. You walked out you room and head up the stairs to Belphegors bed. You thought of it as a bd idea but you needed him and only him.
You lifted up the covers and slipped under and cuddled up to him, but it didn’t go unnoticed, “MC? What are you doing in my room….And in my bed of all things.” You told him about the nightmare you had but her just chuckled at you. “You had a nightmare and came running to me? You think I’m special?” You nodded you head and hugged him close to you, thinking you’d be fine you’d close you eyes trying to sleep.
You tosses and turned trying to find a way to sleep but can’t you faced the back of Belphegor’s back and started to speak up. “Belpie, you up?” No response. “Hey I have. Question, do you guys ever eat random items you’d find? Or become a sea house for star fish?” Still nothing from him, this should’ve given you the sign that he was awake but you kept going. Asking him more and more questions.
“Do you ever look at the stars and wonder if you could eat them whole? Or maybe you stuck on a sour lollipop cause you’re really hungry?” The bed had shifted and you’re meet with his burning purple eyes. “You sound like fucking Mammon, shut up.”
“But i can’t I’m not sleepy and i have so many more questions to ask you” you turn your body towards him and poke at his back. “Come on Belphie, answer my questions.” He groaned in annoyance and turned to looks you dead in the face. “There’s two things things that I hate in this world Lucifer, and people getting in the way of my sleep.” He shifted over on top of you, pinning your arms down.
“I’ll take care of you going to sleep till you can’t take any more and pass out~” Belpheger slides under the covers to where you’re shorts are, and unties the drawstring and slides your panties down. “B-belphie! What are you doing?” He doesn’t take his time and starts eating your pussy, very slowly.
Even with out him being seen you can hear the lewd noises coming from the covers the hard sucking from his mouth on your clit is pleasing you so much. You gently his hair and softly going his face on your clit, spreading your legs for him to get in there. “Fuck, you tasty so good for an annoying person. But I want more.” Belphie then lifted you up on his shoulders and started sucking faster.
You moaned out at the fast attack on your clit, what made it worse was that he started to finger you. You felt your orgasm come in fast and hard. Your legs wrapped around his head as your orgasm came crushing down hard on his face, he happily drank it down. For some reason you felted sleepy after that, and drifted into slumber.
Hours passed since and you felt the sun on your skin, slowly opening your eyes you were meet with the sun… And something in you. You move your head down to see what it is, your panties were still off and what was in place of it was Belphies cock. It’s so filling you can’t believe its in you. “Mmmm MC stay still your so warm~” Belphie grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer, putting you deeper on his cock. A moan lefted both of you mouths. “Belphie~ Stop teasing me like this.” He let out a small chuckle and lift you on top of him and bounced you on and off of his cock at a slow paced, slowly rocking back and forth “Damn, M-mc you feel so good.” He whimpers as you bounce on him a little bit faster now, he’s trying to match your pace but he can’t he’s lost in the pleasure.
He flipped the both of you over and started pounding in you leaving your legs within the air, you grip onto his backs for support and to push him in deeper to hit all the Right places, both of your highs are close and you it now. You close the space between you and him and kiss him softly, you feel his hands on your ass as he lifts you closer and have one more thrust into you and cums deep within you.
“F-fuck~ MC that was… Amazing.” He held on you as he laid back on to the bed. You both were out of breath, but you wanted a little bit more of him. “Hey, Belphie, are you up for a round 3?” Silent, it was quiet. He went back to sleep. Maybe you should too. After all you got him mad once, you don’t wish to get him mad once more…. Or do you~
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cirrus-ghoulette · 1 year
It's 2am, have a 678 word ficlet about Cumulus riding Dew's tdick.
"Oh, fuck…"
A soft, melodic whine rang out around Dew's bedroom. 
"S-Shit." Was the responding grunt. "Didn't think I'd…" 
"But you did." Cumulus giggled. 
She was above Dew, her hands rested on his shoulders as he laid back on the bed. She was seated on his lap, sitting still for the moment. 
They'd been teasing each other for hours, and they'd finally had enough of skirting around it. Especially when Cumulus had held Dew's cock between two fingers and murmured so sweetly that it looked big enough for her to ride now. 
And that's exactly what she was doing. 
Although Dew's cock was only a few inches long, it was thick. Gorgeous, Cumulus had said. 
"Do you want me to move?" She asked softly, though both of them were still in slightly stunned silence over the fact that Dew's cock was actually in her. 
"Yeah. Fuck, yeah, Lus. C'mon." Dew groaned. He reached down, giving her ass a slap of encouragement. "Ride it." 
That was all the encouragement Cumulus needed. She started off by grinding, rolling her hips in wide circles, a sadistic smile on her lips any time she felt Dew's cock pulse inside of her. 
"Mmh, fuck, Dewy…" Cumulus moaned, letting her head fall back, her platinum curls cascading down her spine. "You feel so good…" 
"Never thought I'd be in you." He admitted, gripping a handful of her thigh and kneading it. He rolled his hips to match hers, causing them both to gasp. "Fffffuck. Take it, Lus… *
"You feel better than Aether." Cumulus breathed, her hips bucking against Dew's mons. "Better than Mountain, too. All- all this time, I've been settling for them and you've been right here, honey." 
"Belial… Really? You think I'm better than Aeth and Mounty?" Dew sat up slightly, resting on his forearms. "You're not just saying that?" 
"I'm not just saying that." Cumulus promised. She leaned down, pressing her lips to Dew's as she moved from rolling her hips to instead bouncing on his cock. Again, the pair moaned in unison, muffled by their kiss. 
Dew was the first to pull away. He needed to watch Cumulus riding him. Him. Not a strap. She was actually riding him. 
And fuck, it felt good. 
Above him, Cumulus had one arm over her chest to keep her breasts from bouncing too much. Her other hand had snaked to between her legs, her fingertips pressing and rolling over her clit. She made the most beautiful whines and moans. 
"M'not gonna last long." Dew warned, then bucked his hips with a grunt. He reached up to steady himself with one hand around the headboard, the other hand still groping at Cumulus' softness. "Fuck, faster, Lus…" 
"Faster?" Cumulus hummed in contemplation. She lifted her hips painfully slowly, laughing at the way that Dew cried out in protest, then slammed into his lap again and started bouncing quicker. "Like this?" 
"Shit! Oh, fuck, Lussy… Fuck yeah, that's-" He threw his head back against the pillow and bucked up into her again. "Haaah- Lus-" 
"Close?" Cumulus panted. She knew she certainly was. She bounced as quickly as she could, her thighs burning, the bed squeaking loudly under them. She was sure there was a puddle of their combined slick under them. 
"Gonna come!" Dew managed to strain out, his face screwing up. A few moments later, his body tensed. His back arched as he pulsed inside Cumulus, and came outside of her. "Fuuuck!" 
Cumulus moved back to grinding, though it was at a much quicker pace this time. She soon followed suite from Dew, gasping and shuddering through her own orgasm. She bit her lip, her head tipping down, her hair framing her face. 
"Fuck." Dew panted after a long moment of catching their breath. "Lucifer, fuck. That was… Holy shit." 
"Mm, that was… That was…" Cumulus failed to find the words. She fell forwards, chest to chest with Dew, and wrapped her arms around his waist. "We're definitely doing that again, okay?" 
"Okay, Lus." Dew breathed, pressing his nose into her neck and inhaling her scent. "I love you." 
"I love you too, droplet." 
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lesickun · 2 months
Why does Lilith wear makeup if black is the natural color of her lips?
Everything is simple. Black lipstick looks very good on Lucifer. Both on the face and in other places)
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+ bonus
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timelostobserver · 6 months
@cast-you-dxwn | “Lord, child. Let me look at you, what did they do to you?”
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What had they done?
What hadn't they done...
Those were the questions that churned in Azrael's head. He was dizzy, disoriented from his Fall. His body was wrapped up in bandages, tended to by the Goetia. He was squinting, everything burned, everything hurt.. He'd lost so much of his golden blood that the avian demons tending to him were shocked he wasn't passed out.
Thus no doubt spoke of the fortitude of Angels, they weren't human after all. Something like blood-loss wouldn't take them down.
The fact they'd let anyone in the room at all was nothing short of a miracle. But it was on Paimon's orders.. rather for the staff to get OUT of the way of Lucifer's 'Knight' charging in.
Then again, it wasn't every day an angel fell, especially an Archangel.
Azrael's condition wasn't.. ideal, however. Sure they had bandaged him up, but there were glaring, open wounds on his back from where four of his six wings were torn out. Cuts that spoke of shattered glass scoured his body, arms and legs burnt from the fall, and a face that showed that he'd yet to stop crying...
He'd only just run out of tears left to shed.
He couldn't even look up at the one speaking to him, red eyes blurred with pain focused on the floor as his remaining pair of wings lay slumped at his sides. Burned of the raven black feathers they once sported, held together by a burning red membrane much like a bat. His halo.. gone, shattered upon impact, a crown of horns now instead took their place.
"Sera... she.." He barely managed to cough out. Azrael's voice was hoarse from his weeping.
"She kept.. she kept overruling me. S-she kept changing my verdicts.." Azrael's body shook.
"First Adam.. he w-was meant to go to Hell. But.. she said no." The newly Fallen Archangel crossed his arms, hands grasping into his bandaged forearms.
"T-then Abel.. poor sweet Abel.. She tried to say he did something t-to cause his murder.. Then Cain.." A hiccup.
"It kept happening. She kept.. she kept trying to do my job.. Th-the job I was made for." Everything he was. The very thing Father created to oversee the necessary evil of Creation.
An angel created to bring it upon the living, to keep balance in creation. To ensure life ended, and started anew. In a never-ending cycle. To act as the judge and jury of souls into the Afterlife.
"I.. I had enough. I was sick of her taking my work away from me.. I.. I bit her. I lashed out." On the table next to the newly fallen's bedside were two curious objects. A set of golden, radiant weighing scales.. and a black book with a golden skull and motifs.
"She attacked me, tore out four of my wings... cast me out in anger. I took my treasures with me... I wouldn't let her have them. Sh-she would abuse them. She would abuse the tools F-Father gave me." His voice petered out into a whimper at this point, Paimon looking on from the door-frame.
'.. Says his name is 'Azrael'...' He spoke quietly, mainly for Michael's ears. 'The rumored 'Angel of Death'. To think Sera would stoop as low to cast out Death itself from Heaven.'
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androgynousblackbox · 4 months
How I Met Your Father. 15 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
How I Was Welcomed Back Home
One second he was looking at the shocked expression on Sera´s face as she processed what Lucifer said, and the next he was looking at the wall of a room he didn't recognize. But it didn't matter at all, because that oppressive sensation that drenched Heaven wasn't there anymore. The warmth was still there even as the flames of the summoning circles died down, his nostril instantly getting rewarded with the ever present smell of something burnt and comforted by the knowledge that somewhere, surely, even if he couldn't hear it, someone was more than likely screaming in pain.
He was back at home.
He wanted to ask Lucifer if he had really eaten Adam and how he did it to get past his awful tasting blood, but when he opened up his mouth only a strangled groan came out as his whole body tensed up. The pain started out in the center of his chest, as if someone had shot him, but quickly spread to the rest of his torso, creeping down his legs and arms until his vision turned blurry. None of the other wounds inflicted on him during his time as a demon could compare to this.
He didn't know how, he ended up on the bed, curled up on himself with Lucifer at his side. What was happening? Why wasn't he healing him? Soon the paralyzing sensation reached his neck and went over his head, making him squeeze his teeth tight to avoid screaming until his burning lungs gave up.
Through his tears, he saw the stupid halo above his head lose whatever made it shine and fell to the bed, a useless metallic looking ring. That is when he understood.
This is what falling meant. Everything felt like burning because his soul was burning, being cleansed of whatever divine blessing he was granted against his will. The fires of hell were claiming him once again and if that was the case, then he was sure to embrace them, laughing through the excruciating pain. What a warm welcome indeed!
After what felt too long, his nerves suddenly stopped being actively tortured and he coughed against the mattress, burying his face as he had been thrown against it.
Lucifer had stayed at his side the entire time. Alastor sighed when he felt the hand massaging the back of his neck, but as soon he hissed at the lacerating pain on his back. Trembling, he grabbed onto the sheets as Lucifer rushed to clean up the wounds left after he lost the angelic feature there. The smell of his own blood combined with the slow creeping of it down his sides did not surprise him. He almost wished he could be in Lucifer's place to see it entirely.
"Is it bad?" croacked, coughing again.
His throat felt he had swallowed sanding paper for an entire week straight. Lucifer made a bottle of water and kept it floating for him to receive as he kept working, careful to not put any pressure on his back. The relief of something cold after what happened almost took a moan out of him.
"If you consider bad having two long gaping wounds, then yes" Despite the sarcastic words, Lucifer sounded apologetic. "I am sorry, I should have warned you."
"It would have been the same whether I knew about it or not '' Alastor sighed, feeling Lucifer using his magic all along his back. He could perceive himself turning into a puddle, the tension of his muscles melting away like ice in front of a chimney. The mattress seemed to be devouring him as he sank more into it. "That is what you went through when you fell?"
"Mmm" the sound coming from Lucifer was affirmative. "I told you it really, really sucks."
That was going to be the only thing I told you so that Alastor was going to accept without a reply. He swallowed some more water as he closed his eyes before speaking again.
"It could be worse" said, trying to shrug but his shoulders were so heavy and he gave up. He still turned to see his husband, shaking his head, incredulous.
"Worse than having your soul burn from the inside out?"
"I could not have you after it. That would be worse" answered Alastor with ease, hiding his smile on the sheets as he knew that would shut up Lucifer instantly and he wasn't wrong. "I hope you are aware that I would do it again in a heartbeat" added. The last thing he wanted was for Lucifer to believe that he could regret his decision somehow.
"You won't have to" said Lucifer, uncharastically serious. "I won't ever let something like that happen to you again. All eternity is all eternity, babe. You are truly stuck with me now."
Alastor chuckled, a warm feeling spreading over his chest that had nothing to do with the healing magic.
"Is it a threat or a promise?" asked with a teasing tone.
"Then you better carry them out, my king. I don't respond kindly to empty threats."
"You know, I could take that more seriously if I wasn't seeing your tail wagging right now."
Alastor tried to consciously stop his tail, but gave that up. Too much effort and he was feeling so good just doing nothing, letting Lucifer to work on him.
"Quiet" said Alastor still.
The king of hell rewarded him with a small laugh, but at least didn't add any more.
By the moment the pouring of magic stopped, Alastor breathed out a sigh of pure relief as he elevated himself on his arms, noticing how easy it was now. In fact, now he is probably better than before.
"How do you feel?" asked Lucifer.
Alastor sat on the bed. He saw his hand that looked darker, but couldn't quite tell in the dim room if it was the same hand he had before the extermination. When he called onto his shadows, he saw their black shapes dancing in front of him. His shadow too wrapped around Lucifer and hugged him from behind.
"I will take that as better. I missed you too" said Lucifer, his hands over the hands of the shadow and Alastor was surprised that he could feel it too, more clearly than ever before. The shadow kissed Lucifer's cheek and it was like he was doing it. He could even smell some of the essence of Lucifer by proxy.
"Huh" said, making the shadow disappear with a gesture. "Interesting."
"What?" asked Lucifer, tilting his head. "You have your powers back, isn't what you wanted?"
"Indeed, but it is different." He conjured his tentacles now to take out that ridiculous heaven hoodie that unfortunately he still had on and didn't feel bad at all to see two burned holes where his wings were. He throws it to the side before letting them come back to his body. It was definitely easier now, as if it barely cost him any effort. "It will take some time getting used to." That is when he finally took on the place they were in. Mostly the bed that was definitely not like their previous one. "Where are we?"
"Ah, you wouldn't know," said Lucifer, scratching the back of his neck. "This… is the new hotel. We finished it off recently and I have been staying with Charlie. I… I kinda didn't want to be in the palace and she needed the help, so…"
"How recently?"
"Uh, almost a month, actually."
Alastor looked around, definitely taking notice of how empty it looked. How devoid of duckies, finished or otherwise. It looked like no one had actually stayed there or the one who did was just waiting to be called outside at any moment, without bothering to put on any personal touches to make it their own. It was temporary, borrowed, with a thick air of closeness as if nobody had opened up the windows or doors in a while.
A weird lump got trapped on his throat and he swallowed it quickly, turning to Lucifer, who looked to a side, embarrassed and waiting for a comment from his part. All he could think of was the words he had shouted at Sera back in Heaven, about finding his dead body to have to present it in front of Charlie. The entire time he was in Heaven at least he could take comfort knowing where his family was and that they were okay. Out of his reach but existing somewhere. They didn't have that privilege.
"I was hoping you did make a new one" said instead, trying to be casual about it. Lucifer had been through enough already and wasn't about to throw it on his face how he managed to keep moving. Whatever he did or didn't do all that time, Alastor was sure that he would have been a lot worse in his place. "It would have been a waste, now that it turned out our daughter was right all along about redemption. It's just a pity that the opportunity of finding it out didn't go to someone who actually wanted it."
"Even if it did, we wouldn't have ever found out" commented Lucifer with a bitter note on his words. Alastor heard him shuffling on the bed before feeling the arms of the king around his middle from the side. "I shouldn't be surprised at this point about how little of a fuck they give, but I can't fucking believe that they would just let me think you were gone forever."
Alastor moved, hugging Lucifer back from the front. He nuzzled the top of the blonde head with his cheek, breathing in deeply for what felt for the first time since his second death. The hands of Lucifer grabbed his shirt.
"Fuck this" said Lucifer suddenly and snapped his fingers. Alastor shivered briefly when the shirt suddenly disappeared from his body, but relaxed quickly when Lucifer shoved his face on the fluff of his chest, shaking it. "I can't believe I lived without this" came out his voice muffled.
"You would be insufferable if I had actual breasts" commented Alastor, with zero intention of resisting him anyway.
It felt not only good, but right even, to be touched by him like that. He didn't realize how much he missed the physical affection of Lucifer until it was suddenly gone, like he had lived through the longest winter without his favorite blanket and finally had it back. The touch of others was not the same.
"That would be so hoooot" sighed Lucifer, looking up with a goofy smile. "But I like this too" added, running down his now completely healed back with one hand as the other found his tail, caressing it without grabbing.
Lucifer relaxed against him, content. He wasn't intending to take things beyond that, just getting familiar with his body again for comfort. Alastor played with the strands of hairs on Lucifer's nape.
"I always wondered" started softly ", what would you have done if you knew I was there? My mom had the idea that you would storm Heaven to try to take me out."
"Oh, she did?" Lucifer sounded mildly surprised, barely moving from his place on his chest. "Yeah, at the very least. If they wouldn't just let me take you, I wasn't going to let that slide. Charlie convinced the cannibals of help us out once, we could bring them to be as annoying as possible if not to devour new souls that tried to enter until they let you out" He raised up a little to kiss Alastor's clavicle, who had to laugh a little at the pure consternation on everyone's face if news such as that one spread on Heaven. Oh, that would have been hilarious. "I would have only offered the contract as a last resort" added Lucifer, putting a hand behind Alastor's neck to gently push down for his lips to reach.
"I would have accepted it even if it wasn't," said Alastor, moving his head to give him more space.
"Really?" Lucifer was trailing lazy kisses, his hands locking together around Alastor's waist. "Giving your soul to anyone is not a small thing."
"Do you think I don't know that?" asked Alastor with a frown. Lucifer stopped moving. "Being married to someone or having a child with them are not small things either. And I did them all with you. What difference does another commitment make?" He sighed, separating a bit to hold Lucifer's face in his hands. The light that could enter from the windows almost completely covered by the curtains were reflected on Lucifer's eyes, like a cat. "If anyone was going to have my soul, I would choose you over Heaven immediately. That is not a question worth entertaining. But even without Heaven, I would still choose you. Do you understand?"
He could feel the mouth of Lucifer moving as if he was swallowing and his breathing hitched up. A moment of silence passed as Lucifer licked his lips and found the air necessary to speak.
"Y-yes, I do" whispered, as if overwhelmed by his own emotions.
Alastor couldn't say he didn't relate, with the annoying beating on his own chest that threatened to break it apart. Instead of saying more words that would only make it worse, he hugged Lucifer again and brought him with him to bed so they would lay on their sides.
"Now that is clear," said, kissing his forehead. He grabbed his previous halo with a tentacle and threw it away from him like it's mere existence was annoying ", let's go to sleep, darling. Don't think I didn't notice those bags under your eyes."
Lucifer mumbled a wordless sound, resting his head against Alastor's chest. He snapped his fingers quickly to change his own suit for his usual pajama, a sigh escaping him in relief when he could tangle his legs with Alastor's still covered on the light pants he was using.
Alastor really didn't like the idea of keeping anything from Heaven on him, so he had to separate enough to pull them out and throw them wherever the hoodie had landed. Tomorrow he was definitely burning all that trash on the biggest fire he could make. When he fell into the bed again, Lucifer quickly stuck to him again and he hummed soothingly, letting his tentacles bring the bedsheet on top of them.
"Goodnight, my king" said softly, holding Lucifer as strongly as he was being held.
This bed could be new to him, but already felt a lot more comfortable than any other that had those last months. The natural heat emanating from Lucifer's body, combined with the slow rise and fall from his chest, was a better comfort for his tired heart than he could imagine. He could even smell the essence of Lucifer off the pillow, relaxing him with each breath he took.
"If this is a dream, don't ever wake me up" muttered Lucifer, sleepy.
Alastor looked down, but the eyes of Lucifer were closed and his breathing was that of a man that had succumbed to exhaustion already. Just how many nights did Lucifer spend without being able to find rest? It had to be way too many in a row to actually show on his face.
When Charlie was a baby that naturally would require the attention of their parents at night, Lucifer was more usually than not the one to get up in bed, stay with her until her crying subdued and wake up the next morning just as well rested as if there was never any interruption. Being the king of hell himself brought that kind of perks. Everything had to go to the extreme in order to affect him in any visible way. That was the kind of insight that someone that had shared his life with him would have. Charlie herself wouldn't realize how truly worrying a sign like that had to be, because why would any of her parents tell her that?
Alastor sighed deeply, kissing the temple of Lucifer in the dark. Lucifer made a wordless little sound from his throat, without moving. It sounded like a vaguely happy response. Alastor held his head close and stayed there.
There were too many thoughts rising for him to just deliver himself to oblivion like his husband, even more so than he had the night before preparing for the summoning. If anything, last night was the best one he had in a long while because he was sure to be coming home soon, that his freedom was close by. Now that he was there, he realized how much he had to catch on as the rest of the world kept moving.
There wasn't even a hint of ego boosting to imagine what his lost must had meant for them. Just think about how Charlie had to be on her own revolted his stomach, equal parts angry again at what happened to him and frustrated because he didn't come sooner, even as he knew that wasn't by choice. Maybe, by some twisted order he couldn't understand, he did deserve to go through all of that, perhaps, but definitely not his little fawn. Definitely not Lucifer, as far he was concerned.
Eventually the sun started rising on the red sky. Alastor send his shadows to open up the curtains all the way, illuminating the rest of the room. He also took the chance to open the windows themselves to let some new air come in to breath into his lungs to fill his chest. Who didn't love some smell of blasphemy and damnation on the morning? Despite how early it was, the sounds of someone in pain could already be heard.
Lucifer hasn't woken up through none of that since Alastor barely moved, and probably wouldn't in a while. Alastor hummed pleasantly and kissed his head, dissolving into his shadows to appear next to the open door of the bathroom… only to almost lose his balance and needing to grab to the frame. The quick movement was another thing that he had to get used to again.
Inside, he turned on the lights and looked at himself in the mirror. For a man who had kept the same style of fashion since the 30s, there were too many new faces he had to keep accepting as his own. First human, then sinner, then winner and now fallen angel. When he lifted his eyes, he sighed. At least this iteration wasn't as terribly different, but it was still different to bother him. His hair was a darker shade of red, standing out from his skin tone that had become even darker entirely, not just his hands.
But the worst tell tale that something had happened were his eyes, now permanently blackened around green pupils. When he was closer to his full form, his whole pupils went completely black, so at least now he and Charlie could still have that in common. That and their black antlers. After searching on the drawers, he found a hand mirror and held up as he turned to see what actually happened to his back.
The wings were not physically there. If it wasn't because of what he knew about Vaggie pulling out hers after having ripped out, he could have felt relieved that they were gone for good, but he could probably still be taken out if he applied his will into it. Something he very much did not want to do. Those things could stay hidden for as long hell existed as far he cared. But their existence had left two long marks of gray fur where they used to be. He wondered if maybe he could apply a permanent disguise spell to get his old looks back when he came out of the hotel. Not because he was going to answer those curious, but he prefered to avoid those types of questions in the first place.
"Alastor? Babe?" the voice of Lucifer made his ear twitch.
The moment he turned his head to answer the golden shackle appeared around his neck. It didn't hurt him, but it did surprise him enough for Lucifer to suddenly appear at his side on a puff of red magic. His panicked expression only seemed to relax at the sight of him.
"You are here…" sighed, letting himself fall against him to wrap him with his arms.
Alastor rubbed his back without thinking and touched the shackle with the other. It seemed to dissolve just as quickly as it appeared. Lucifer squeezed him harder.
He couldn't have been there more than ten minutes.
"Is this something that I should expect from now on, dear?" asked with a sigh.
"Fuck you" Lucifer's voice almost got cut out by a sob that he tried to keep down. His shoulder started convulsing as he breathed in. "We had two funerals for you. One for royalty and other for the Cannibal Town. So don't you fucking dissapear on me like that again. You have no idea what it was like here."
He was right. Alastor received the stab up front.
"I was checking how I look now, that is all" said gently, now returning the hug fully. He caressed his back and rubbed his thumb over the start of Lucifer's neck. When Lucifer started breathing deep, he nuzzled the top of his head. "I am here. I am not going anywhere, remember? That was our agreement and I wouldn't dare to break it."
Lucifer sniffled. Alastor gave him how much he needed to regain himself. He tried to call some calming jazz music to sound from the center of his body. What came out instead was too strong for both of their ears. Lucifer jumped back, covering his. Alastor grabbed his throbbing head as the mirror behind him cracked with the loud radio static as he forced it to turn off.
"I… I didn't intend for that to happen'' said, his ear going flat as he sneered to himself, displeased and maybe a bit embarrased.
He never had any issue controlling the sounds around him to his own whim. This felt just as stupid as shooting himself on the foot with his own gun. Lucifer waited a second to make sure no other surprise was coming and then gave out a little chuckle.
"It's okay" he said, coming up to fix the mirror easily with a gesture of his hand. "You aren't used to having the kind of energy that you have now. You want to use the same input you always did to do what you wanted, but now end up sending too much at once. Just give it some time and you will feel it naturally again, with some practice" He sighed looking at his reflection before whipping his cheeks.
Lucifer looked over at Alastor. More specifically at his neck.
"Did… did that hurt? Being called suddenly like that?" asked, extending his hand but hesitating at the last second before making contact.
Alastor took his black fingers on his and brought them to his lips.
"No at all" answered sincerely, keeping the fingers to caress with him. "You didn't intend to hurt me, just know my location. Without that desire, I barely felt it. I was surprised, that is all."
Lucifer nodded, a little more calm after that.
"I am sorry" sighed, bringing his hand back to rub his eyes with both of them, embarrassed now. "I got scared for a second."
"I don't blame you" assured Alastor, bringing him over by the waist closer again, rubbing his sides. "In your place I would have already locked you up in some cage so I never have to wonder where you are again. Compared to that, you are doing amazing, my love."
Lucifer snorted. He looked up with an endeared smile.
"You would" recognized, bringing him down by the shoulders to kiss his cheek and massaging the zone around his ears. Alastor leaned to him, a little squeak accompanying the movement. "Don't give me ideas, though."
Alastor chuckled. He considered making it known that the idea wasn't especially repulsive for him, but decided against it, for now at least. Maybe at another time they could talk about that properly.
"I was planning to get a bath" said, holding the hands of Lucifer to stop him enough to give him a quick kiss as he straightened up again. "I want to get rid of this Heaven stink as fast as possible. I can't feel it, but I know it's there and it bothers me. Do you want to join me?"
Lucifer blushed. Immediately realizing that the offer wasn't as casual as the tone of Alastor was.
"Don't get me wrong, I do love your natural essence" said, taking his shoulders to turn him to the bathtub. His blonde hair was still beautiful, there was no way to change that, but Alastor as a fine connoisseur knew for a fact that it wasn't as shiny as it used to be. Lucifer hasn't been taking care of it as well as it should. "But I think a bath is exactly what we both need."
"I got it already" said Lucifer, pouting.
Alastor laughed softly as he went to open the water. He noticed the lack of duckies lining up on the border, waiting to accompany Lucifer while he was washing himself. Despite the shampoo and other products put there, it looked utterly empty.
He was never as great a fan of them as Lucifer was, but their total absence was never an option. When he let the water run, Lucifer moved his fingers above so it would fill up a lot quicker. A gentle steam quickly started filling the bathroom. When the water started bubbling, Alastor's smile went wider.
"Oh, love, you still remember how I like it" commented, taking out his underwear that soon was going to join the burning pile of his old clothing before he slipped comfortably inside. He let out a big sigh, relaxing against the interior of the bathtub as he let himself submerge entirely down, eyes closed. When he came out again, he only did under his lips so everything else was still under. "In Heaven the water never gets this warmth."
"You poor baby" chuckled Lucifer, not entirely mocking as he petted the space between his antlers. Alastor was so content where he was he didn't bother with a scathing reply. He let a few bubbles he made with his mouth serve as enough communication. Lucifer smiled. "That must have been awful for you."
"A nightmare. It was cold all the time" agreed Alastor. He opened up an eye to arch an eyebrow towards Lucifer, resting his chin on a hand as his elbow stayed on the border. Making no effort whatsoever to get in. "What are you waiting for?"
Lucifer shook his head slightly.
"I missed seeing you, that is all" said with a shrug, standing up to take his own underwear and putting it on the dirty clothes bin on a side. Alastor followed up his movements all the way until he was back with him and then he sat up, offering his hand to help him. Lucifer laughed a little, amused. "I can enter on my own but thank you" said, taking it as he moved inside.
Alastor admired his hooves as they came in contact with the water, then his thighs, the stomach, the chest and at last his face, relaxing over the water before he went under for a bit to get his face wet.
"You know what" said Lucifer, moving his head from side to side with eyes closed. "I haven't done this in a long time. I am starting to think you had the right idea. This is nice. "
He was sitting over his own legs, but Alastor's hooves were still brushing against his thighs on each side. An unacceptable distance separated them, so Alastor took matters into his own hands and reached over to him. Lucifer opened up his eyes just in time to see him hold his face, joining their lips for a moment. Alastor brushed away any wandering strands of hair off his forehead. Lucifer's skin was always warm, but with the boiling water his lips were almost burning at the contact. Lucifer sighed again as he regarded it with a half lid look.
"Can we just sleep here?"
"No" said Alastor, nuzzling his cheek with his. He wondered if that was something that Lucifer did on the regular. "Turn around, I will get your back first."
"Fine" Lucifer did as much, yawning into his hand.
When they were reclining themselves against the sides, the level of the water reached below Alastor's chest so Lucifer had to elevate himself on his legs for his back to keep him underwater. As Alastor started working on his back using the soap directly, Lucifer cleaned his arms and front with a sponge he conjured up. Alastor massaged the shoulder until it was making a soft foam and then continued with his shoulder blades.
One of the marks of the wings he could conjure was there, shorter than his, above the one who followed around where the ribcage ended and finally the pair on his lower back. Such old scars were that Lucifer already didn't feel anything on them.
"I was wondering," commented suddenly. Lucifer made a noise to notice he was paying attention. "Isn't there a way to get rid of my wings permanently like the halo?"
"I am sorry, babe, but angelic wings are pure magic. They don't work like an arm or a leg that once is gone, is gone. You can control when they are out, though."
"I know that" Alastor sneared, his hands still going over them and around. His own tentacles were gathering the water to rinse it from down to up ", it just bothers me that they are still there."
"Mmm" Lucifer nodded. "How are you feeling in the area? Itchy? Sensitive?"
"Nothing when I touched it, no" He grunted. "I don't know how you can fly so easily. I hated every minute I had to do it."
"Well, it is different when you are just born with it and you just suddenly gain them out of nowhere. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that has to be" Lucifer chuckled when one of the tentacles made him lower his head, while the other dumped more water on his back, taking away all the foam on his body. "My turn" said, perking up.
Alastor shrugged. When Lucifer turned to receive the bar of soap from his hand, couldn't help to notice the half erection between his legs. The sudden realization that was even a possibility took him by surprise for a second. It had been so long since anything related to sex was a thought for him and Heaven wasn't especially eager to remind him either. But it made all the sense of the world that Lucifer would have that kind of reaction if they were both naked in the same space, he supposed.
He sat again with his front to the wall, as Lucifer started washing him. At the start he was doing just that, his long and skilled finger pressing where it was needed to massage his muscles as he went down and down. When the devil inevitably reached for his tail and had to grab it on his hand to rub the soap, Alastor released a sight as he laid his arms and then his chin against the border, feeling his tail twitch slightly. Lucifer snickered, his voice closer as he leaned forward to get at his shoulder and kiss it. Alastor hummed when he could feel the cock brushing against his lower back, no doubt full hard now. He couldn't help to arc a little against it when Lucifer dumped more water on him, getting rid of the soap.
"Al, can I…?"
"Yes" Alastor was sure now that the warmth on his face wasn't just from the steam. Ignoring that, he took the hand that Lucifer had put against the wall next to his head and directed it under water, towards his own member that hanged lifeless. It was never just about sex with Lucifer, so he didn't need the arousal to have it. "But take that away and use the other hole" He turned his head and kissed Lucifer's cheek, licking the red dot. "I want you inside."
Lucifer's whole body shivered for a second, but he quickly regained his composure and smiled big. If not for the intense golden blush on his face, any person could have guessed he was happy for receiving the best gift he had in decades. Just by seeing that, Alastor knew why he even said that in the first place. How could he ever refuse the opportunity of making Lucifer so happy with something that, for him, was so simple?
Lucifer nuzzled the crevice between his shoulder and neck, his one hand already between his legs seeming to press the member back into his body. By the movement of his body, Alastor knew the other hand of Lucifer was working on himself.
"That is it, babe" Lucifer nibbled his neck, his hand slipping between his new folds and opening them up. Alastor sighed against his arm when the familiar tingling started to spread from somewhere deep within him. "You always had the best pussy in all of hell. So pretty and warmth just for me."
"Lucifer" warned Alastor with a sneer, buckling against his fingers with a movement of his hips. "I already said yes. Just get on with it."
Lucifer chuckled against his skin.
"Sssh" The small shushing came with the workings of his hand, drawing circles and pressing on a point that had Alastor's legs twitching slightly. "I want to make sure you are all ready and prepared for me. You realize this means you are a virgin again? I have to honor that now."
"Seriously?" Alastor called his tentacles from his back, pushing Lucifer against him. He rubbed the head of the hardened cock slipping between his legs, making circles with his thumbs over the slit. "I assure you, my king, that I consider myself no virgin. There is no need to be so precious about something I never cared about in the first place" He used another tentacle to bring the chin of Lucifer up, so their lips could make full but brief contact. "We will have all of eternity to take our time, don't we, darling? Right now you must be wishing so badly to just let out, to claim me."
"Always" Lucifer sighed as he took hold of his waist, thrusting against Alastor's hand. He helped his cock to press against the little nub of Alastor with his own, making friction between each other. Alastor swallowed when he heard the throaty moan behind him. "I always want you, babe."
"Then don't make me wait too long." As soon he ended talking, Alastor felt himself being lifted in the air and then turned around.
Lucifer's magic lowered him gently back on the bathtub as Lucifer himself accommodate the long legs over his own shoulders. Alastor supported himself upwards using his tentacles as a pillow for his lower back, huffing until he found it comfortable and send to the other a half hearted glare. He could have warned him at least.
"As you wish, but at least I want to look at your pretty face while I do it," said Lucifer with a chuckle, moving forward.
"Even if the face is different?" asked Alastor, arching an eyebrow.
"You are still Alastor" pointed out Lucifer, as if that was a silly question. "That is all I need, baby."
He guided his cock to rub at the small center above Alastor's entrance before slipping it inside. Alastor couldn't keep his eyes away from following the slow disappearance of Lucifer inside his body. He took a quick, deep breath as he looked up, just in time for Lucifer lunch to kiss his open mouth, stealing the little whiny noises that Alastor failed to contain. The sensation was so weird for the lack of practice or because of the change in anatomy, but at the same time so familiar that it was almost obscene how natural it was to be connected that way.
He wrapped his arms around Lucifer's neck, not wanting to miss on every detail on the devil's mouth and swallow every portion of his flavor, as if getting his saliva on his bloodstream was going to prevent them ever turning apart. When Lucifer started moving, Alastor clung to his shoulder with claws out, digging into the white skin. His whole new parts were throbbing like a heart full of adrenalina before succumbing to a predator.
But there was no struggle here, nothing but against his own will to keep a head somewhat clear as Lucifer was moving faster, whispering praises that turned into grunts. Alastor reclaimed those on his tongue too, as they clearly belonged to him.
"Lucifer" managed to say, taking one of his hands to his own chest.
The fingers of Lucifer tangled themselves on his fluff, but he shook his head a little. That wasn't what he had in mind.
Closing his eyes for a moment, Alastor concentrated on what he wanted to do and kept the magic at the minimum to avoid any other mistake. His hand on top of Lucifers started moving when there was opposite pressure. When he looked again, two breasts had grown over his chest, bigger than he intended to, but soft and malleable like a real pair one would be. Lucky he still remembered the succubus form of Lucifer to take as reference for the tact and shape.
Admittedly, it was probably a stupid idea to try his new power on something like that for the first time in those circumstances. But when he saw the dazzled look on Lucifer's face, as if hypnotized by them, he could only be proud of his job. He directed the hand of Lucifer to touch them further.
"You like that, my king?" asked cheeky, already knowing the answer.
"Fuck yes" was the growling response, a puff of fire coming out for him before he buried his face between his new breast, covered in
Alastor let out a snort, amused that such a thing could have that reaction and thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let Lucifer have it again. But then Lucifer started going even faster, harder than before, to the point his mouth was constantly open for more noises that echoed against the walls of the bathroom. He bites down on the neck in front of him to try to contain them somewhat.
The golden blood that he tasted on his tongue made it even worse. That flavor that he could never conjure up in his dream revitalized his body like nothing else could, electrifying all his nerves at once so everything was amplified on every lick.
The thrusts of Lucifer felt more profound, the open mouth of Lucifer over his breast felt more intense, his bites more painful as if he was ripping entire chunks of meat out of his bones. Without any thinking mind to grab onto, Alastor grabbed Lucifer instead as his insides clamped down. His scream reverberated around him, shattering the mirror that his radio waves cracked.
Neither of them cared for the sound of broken glass falling to the floor. Lucifer especially was still relentless and Alastor had no choice but to hold at the borders of the bathtub, making pathetic whiny noises that he hated only seemed to encourage Lucifer further. When he tried to cover up his mouth, Lucifer took his hand away and held his chin in place to kiss him. Too late Alastor realized that he had bit his tongue down to feed him his blood again.
The ceramic of the bathtub he was holding on his other hand crushed under his fingers, bringing Lucifer closer. A violent spasm ran through his back again, immediately followed by another exploding right behind it. Only then the movements of Lucifer started to stutter and he let out a puff of red fire. Alastor's leg twitches when Lucifer falls on top of him, but that was about as much as he could bother to move.
"Pent up?" asked when he managed to speak.
Lucifer nodded against his clavicle. After a few more minutes, he kissed it gently and lifted an arm to pet his hair.
"Are you okay?"
"I… I am, actually" said, surprised himself nothing really hurt. He looked at the crack he had made on the bathtub and then his hand. "Darling, explain to me again what kind of powers you gave me."
"Essentially a copy of mine" Lucifer sighed, nuzzling his neck. "Not quite the same, but very close. You are probably one of the most powerful beings in all of hell now after me."
"I see" said Alastor, his mind going blank for a second.
Was that really it? He was really at that level? He had signed up for it and a contract never lies, it literally can't. At most could distort the truth, but if Lucifer was being direct then he had truly made his dream come true. Everything he ever worked all his time in hell was already his. He could kill, maim, devour, essentially do whatever is that he wanted to without ever fearing anyone else getting in his way. Nobody else above but his husband, and Lucifer would not stop him. Any restrictions that he ever had were gone. He could rule hell with an iron fist to his heart's content.
Why wasn't he more happy about that?
Why did it felt so empty?
"You will get used to it" commented Lucifer, thinking he was still processing the small wreckage he did without realizing.
With a snap of his fingers, the bathtub was back to normal and the shards of glass all over the floor floated back to the frame, all the crack disappearing. As he was making the hand gesture for that spell, Alastor took notice of the wound he had left and frowned.
"I bite you" pointed out, confused. He had bitten Lucifer before, but never enough to break skin. Everytime that they agreed Lucifer would let him drink from him, it was only possible with the help of an angelic knife or Lucifer's own claws. "Shouldn't that be impossible?"
"Ah, is that what it stings?" asked Lucifer casually, touching on his own wound to then lick his own blood. He let out a light chuckle. "Well, would you look at that. I guess since your intention wasn't to actually hurt me, the contract had that loophole to let you do that. Do you want me to keep it for the rest of the day?"
Alastor tilted his head until he got it. His powers were meant to be to protect his family, so as long he didn't went against that then it would still allow him to affect them. He looked over back to injury on Lucifer and something about the idea of the king of hell walking around with a mark left by his own hand somehow managed to rise above any confusion plaguing him.
"Keep it" answered instantly.
Lucifer chuckled. He lifted his hand so it wouldn't bleed anymore, and Alastor groaned, slapping it away to bring Lucifer closer again. His legs locked him up around the waist, keeping him inside and unmoving as he licked him, suckling against the skin. Lucifer put a hand on the back of his head, but didn't do anything to stop him until Alastor himself finished with a few small licks. The comfort and gentle warmth that always accompanied his blood relaxed him once again, kissing the area in a silent thanks.
"Did you have enough already, big guy?" asked Lucifer playfully. Alastor nodded, kissing his neck and hugging him tight. "I love you too."
Alastor hummed pleasantly as he let himself just enjoy this. This quiet, serene moment that could only dream of in Heaven and now was his for the rest of his life. There was nothing empty about this. It made all his dreams of power seem so small, almost irrelevant in comparison.
The water had gotten cold and a good portion had ended up in the floor around them. Lucifer had to refill it again and warm it up so they could clean themselves again. Alastor was glad to find out that he could make the enlarged breast disappear on his own, ignoring the pouty mouth of Lucifer. The new parts between his legs could be hidden just by using pants, that other addition could not.
But now that he knew the effect they could have, and he could do it on his own, at least he was open to trying them on again. For now, they both needed to finish washing up their heads to only then come out. Alastor put on a towel on his waist and nothing else as Lucifer used his robe on top, another towel wrapped around his head to dry the hair.
As they passed in front of the mirror, Alastor threw a glance to himself. How did Lucifer manage to get used to seeing him like that so quickly, he didn't know, but to him it still felt strange.
After Lucifer borrowed him some underwear to hear, Alastor picked up his old clothing and sniffed them, instantly feeling the difference. A disgusting holy smell that actually made him gag for a moment. Is that how he had been smelling until then? How did Lucifer resist it with a straight face? Although he didn't know how he smelled now either.
"Bye, bye, Heaven, and I may never see you again" sang happily, making all the clothing into a big pile and burning them between his hands. The green fire extended even above his head. A pre-recorded audience celebrated the action as he dumped it out of the window, seeing it all being consumed without leaving a speck of ashes behind. "Now I feel so much better without that horrible burden!" declared with a sight, taking a deep breath. "It smells awful! Just like home should be! Ah, my love, who needs early birds when you have screams as those one to receive you in the morning!"
Lucifer chuckled, hugging his middle from behind. He kissed the space between his shoulder blade and stayed resting his forehead there. Alastor searched for one of his hands and held it on his, taking on the chaotic, horrible, polluted, comforting view of hell from that room with the devil. What else could a man ever want?
"Yes, dear?"
"Would you marry me again?"
Alastor snorted at that and turned around. He lifted the face of Lucifer to caress his cheek, looking at his happy and still tired face. What a silly little man he was.
"My, my, Lucifer, anyone would say that your sin is actually greed instead of pride" commented with a smirk, arching an eyebrow. "You have my soul, my body, the rest of my whole existence and now you even want my hand in unholy marriage? Are you ever going to be satisfied, my love?"
"With you? Never" Lucifer grinned, covering Alastor's hand to hold them on his. "Come on, we could do it properly this time. No weird conditions, no soul requirement and no benders. Just us. Charlie can be part of that story to tell to her own children someday. Or, well, whoever she wants! It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, it could be as small as whatever we want it to be."
Alastor sighed, bending down to kiss his forehead. Lucifer closed his eyes briefly at the gentle contact. Looking at him like that, Alastor already knew what he wanted to do.
"If you really want a different story, maybe this time I can be the one to propose?" suggested, trailing his knuckles under his neck to caress the bite that the robe didn't completely cover. Now he understood what Lucifer felt when he was the one doing the marking. He hoped he still felt that seeing the new ones over his body. "But it will be under the circumstances and moment of my choosing. Then you can say yes to me."
"Let me guess. You won't tell me when you decide to do it."
"Not a single word" promised Alastor, lifting his face up as he bends to find his lips. "A surprise you won't ever see coming if I have any say on it" added against his lips, feeling the smile of Lucifer get larger too.
"Alright" said, kissing him back as he put his hand on his waist again. "Do your worst then."
"Don't I always?"
That time they both snickered together. Lucifer was still laughing as he got on the tip of his toes to reach his mouth, licking his teeth to ask for permission to enter. Alastor was about to give it when a knock on the door paralyzed the two of them.
"Papa" called the voice of Charlie.
"Oh, shit" whispered Lucifer, cringing. "I forgot."
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wepsi · 2 years
Fuck, I wish I could feel you right now- Belphie (smut)
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Female reader, friends with benefit?
Cw: mutual masturbation, tail, praise, voyeurism,exhibitionists, some cursing, hand job
Some soft belphie cause you haven't unlocked dark mode yet >:)
Scenario: Another night spent slumped against the door Belphie is locked behind, inches away from him but out of touch. So you guys do the next best thing...
After meeting the seventh demon brother in the attic you immediately develop a crush on him, the way his soft hair falls over his intense eyes, and his sweet and poisonous voice. You spent many nights by the attic door, talking till both of you feel asleep. The lack of sleep causing you to fall sleep into your breakfast cereal. When asked, you just make a excuse of having a bad sleep schedule like Levi because of online content, I mean Levi completely believed you at least.
Tonight like usual, after everyone feel asleep you tiptoed up the now familiar stairs. Heart picking up pace when you spot the demon sitting next to the door on the other side seemingly dozing off. He was waiting for you, feeling butterflies you pick up your pace then plop by the other side of the door.
Sticking your arm through the holes in the door you pinch and lightly pull on his sleeve, he opens his half lidded eyes and peer at you, flashing a small smile.
"I tried staying awake to wait for you, but I guess I feel asleep anyways."
Belphie then chuckles that laugh that always made you bashful. You look away and fidget with your nightgown telling his it's ok. He reaches his arm through the door to caress your face, thumb tracing and lingering at your lips. He almost looked angry he couldn't kiss you right then and there, brows slightly furrowing.
"I had a dream about you, a dream about us."
He runs a strand of your hair through his hand, and looks up at you with a hint of lust in his eyes. Is he saying he had a wet dream about you? You see his pillow strategically placed on his lap, gulping you hang onto his next words.
"You look so beautiful right now, the only way you'd look more beautiful is without this silly piece of fabric."
He tugs at the strap of your night gown, retreating his hand Belphie waits for your move. You knew what he was insinuating, you guys have done this before. Blushing like mad you take your arms out of the straps and pulling the nightgown down, exposing your chest. Belphie stares into your soul, smirking with approval, then hungrily move his gaze downwards to take in your new exposed skin.
"Mmmmmmm good girl, every part of you looks so sexy. Fuck, I wish I could feel you right now."
You started playing with your chest, putting on a show just like he likes. Belphie likes every part of you that is soft and squishy, he desperately wanted to grip those parts, lay his head on them, maybe give it a nibble, and definitely wanted to feel them under him. You peer up at him, biting a corner of your lip, and massage your breasts moving them in different directions to display the softness.
At this point Belphie is sitting up, giving your show his full attention, making you wet. Seeing him disregard the pillow, and start to palm himself through his pants you decide to take it up a notch, and start pinching and pulling at your nipples. You roll your now hard buds between your fingers, you swear you caught a glimpse of Belphie licking his lips. He snakes his tail through the door to wrap around you, trying to keep some form of skin contact.
"Fuck I wish I could taste you too, there are so many things I want to do to you."
Blushing at the comments you rid the rest of the garment, you hear him let out a purr seeing that you were not wearing any underwear. Feeling his stare and your face burning, you slowly open your legs in his direction, looking away out of embarrassment. What if Lucifer walked up here to check? He would see you stark naked and putting on a full display for his little locked away brother.
While you were busy in your head, Belphie was practically drooling over your dripping heat. The way the folds glisten in the moonlight, and how puffy and inviting it looked. He thought he couldn't hate his brother anymore, but right now he felt even more anger. He wanted to touch you, taste you and bury himself in you. But all he can do is watch you and try to relieve himself.
Snapping back to the present when you felt his tail flick your clit, seeing that he also pulled out his length to relieve himself, you begin as well. You feel his gaze drowning you, following your hand as it nears your heat. You run your fingers up and down your heat, feeling how wet you already became from him. Lubing up your fingers you gently rub on your clit, every now and then moving down to caress your entrance. Other hand still grabbing on your chest, you start whimpering and grinding against your hand.
On the other side as you watch, Belphie was watching you back. Sitting cross legged on his pillow, his cock in hand he exposes himself with no shame. The cocky smile still on his lips, a slight pink flush decorating his cheeks. His tail swishes against you softly, hinting at his excitement . Being locked up here for a while now and everything growing dull, then you fall from the sky into his lap.
Belphie takes in every detail of you, how the sweat is now causing hair to stick to your forehead. Your eyes half open looking drunken on pleasure staring back into his. Your cheeks flushed which he found adorable, and the soft panting coming out of your lips, oh how he wanted to consume your moans. He strokes himself, not wanting to stop looking at you for a single second. occasionally fondling his balls, and focusing on the tip. His spit the only lube around, but if only he could drown in your nectar.
The grunts from Belphie pleasing himself only turning you on more. Finally you slip your hand from your chest into the entrance, it slips in deliciously easy. At this point the embarrassment faded, replaced by a need to fell good while being watched. You pump your fingers in and out of your dripping heat, gradually working faster when you feel the heat building up in your stomach.
At this point it was a struggle to maintain eye contact, you stimulate the g spot with one hand and the clit with the other. Now body twitching all over, toes curled and moaning unintelligent phrases. Belphie notices and tries to help you get your high, wrapping his tail now tighter around your waist, occasionally flicking at your chest, and also grunting praises. You finally come, head thrown back and walls twitching around your hand.
Legs now on the floor from exhaustion, you crawl over to Belphie who hasn't finished yet. He looked pretty disheveled himself, panting but the mischievous glint still in his eyes.
"Hey pretty girl, can you help me out? Please, I need you to touch me"
You gulped, this wasn't the first time you have mutually masturbated, but you've never touched him. Gingerly sticking your hand in the lions cage, a little cautious a little curious you reach between his legs to grab his throbbing cock. He still only looking in your eyes, sighing when you finally wrapped your fingers around him. Feeling shy and inexperienced you try to mimic his movements earlier.
Encouraging you Belphie lets loose whimpers and moans, making your heart race even more than it already was. He starts bucking up into your hand, not sure what to do you pick up the pace. With you touching him and the combo of pace, Belphie couldn't hold back his orgasm any longer. Without warning the cum coats your hand, Belphie leans his head back closes his eyes to soak up the moment, then picks up your hand to kiss the back of it.
You retreat your hand, still horny and curious you put your hand in your mouth, tasting his release. Belphie's eyes slightly widen, his hard on seemly coming back to life again (you think demon lords have cooldowns?) He reaches his hand past the hole in the door and rests it on your heat, raises a eyebrow and smirks
"Wanna go for round two? The night is still young."
Check out my master list for more content!
This is part of my 2022 Kinktober list!
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unknownfrom34 · 11 months
So Small, So Insufficient, and So Soon
For @muzzleroars as an entry of the Rise and Fall AU (Hope you're okay with this prequel to it) and for others to read. I had wrote up what I could think about writing onto here. Michael's lion roar after he was created after a long-butt time since the realm of an alternate version of Ultrakillverse was created. Happy Reading! 👋
The Father is really busier than usual, since... Well, no guessing how much time has past since the very creation of this dimension they must now inherited through the unending yet calming primordial chaos. He mindlessly turned his head towards a small star just in time for it to go supernova. The explosion sounded like a popping of a fire cracker and the ground under him shook with the vibrations as soon as it reached the Ninth Layer.
His divine fire of enteral love and adoration flowed with the winds as it too reached his as he held his arms up to shield himself from the blast until it died down. There were still unstable suns since the Nine Spheres were created and it was getting frantic by the minute; there was nothing for Lucifer to do. It was the Lord's idea that its best to wait them out until there were no more unstable stars to implode on themselves.
They were unfinished after all.
Lucifer stood upright to dust himself off, his ever-burning wings tucked behind him before he widened to see six red wings flying towards him, a Seraphim, before its humanoid form stopped in front of him with a powerful flap and then landed onto the stone wall that reached his knees and porched downward with the lower wings covering their feet.
"What has He up to now, child?" He spoke in an language that an Angel could understand, they all spoke in the same tongues since the Beginning before going over to this new form of communication He calls "English.". The Father's native tonuge.
The Seraphim softly hummed in tongues as they lurched their head down and up before going side to side. He tilted his head to the right gently with great interest. "He wishes to see me?" he questioned. "For what for, child?"
More humming and movements.
"New angels to be made?"
Seraphim then gave a confirming hum. Lucifer nodded, understood.
"Alright then, I will go over there right away." Lucifer walked towards the wall before climbing onto it with feet and hands gripping tightly as he parched on it like a gargoyle as his 'masked' visage with ever glowing white eye staring down the blacken void below him. He soon slowly goes forward and fell downwards head first. The wisps of fire following him down.
Yet, he could've fall if it weren't his wings unfurling right away and fanned out openly as a flare of undying flames burst forth as he used the wing to glide him and rose upwards as a phoenix in the darkness of everything around them all. He flew across all of the Ninth Sphere of Heaven and watched the progress around him were being built by other angels- the forth kind he is as of now- as they chiseled, shaped and planted the world of their own as they only had lanterns of the heavenly Light to shine their work as they pushed and pulled hard in the name of their Father through labor and endurance. Endurance.
Such a word to call when you have everything to bare with determination upon being born.
Lucifer looked at them as his fire's light had reached them and they had noticed with their faces covered with helmets instead of an appearance he 'wore' upon himself. He knows deep down that the mask was in fact his face. Not many of them had noticed that yet they waved to him to get his attention but he paid a little attention to them as he kept going to his destination.
The chamber where he was born, where God had created him as a whole, he noticed the sight he recognized and soon dove downward and soon lunched his legs out and then landed with such grace before walking towards the entrance that seemed to stretched on into darkness as a trail of divine fire were left behind in his wake as he walked through the echoing vaulted halls decorated with angels and cherubim as his light glowed the path laid out to follow. His chest forever shines with white heaved steadily as he reached the end of the hall, from start to finish as he entered the chamber as the trail he left behind him had died down before turning his head upwards at the ever expanding darkness.
Expecting something or someone.
His voice was heard after a moment. It was in tongue but the most beautiful angel very clever and ever vigilant, knows right away what he is seeing. "Do you wish to see me, Father?"
The voice, very divine and very low, hums again as he looked around at first with caution but soon in confusion, the white eye widened a tad little.
"So, you are looking to replace me as the Prince of Heaven?" Lucifer asked with further question. "With who in mind, Father?"
The voice continues onward.
"One of my own brothers? Brothers that you will make as we speak?" He looked around a bit more. "And you wished to have me to help you, to guide them?"
The voice confirms it with a hum.
"Please, don't mind me asking more but how can I help making them?"
As if to answer, he felt a literal shock coursed through him within seconds as a yell left him. It lasted for a moment before he lets out another shout with his chest extended forward and soon afterwards a small ball of pastel-colored fire was extracted from his chest as it heaved outwards as if it was pulled by an invisible string until a piece of his Light was taken.
It floated upwards as the brightest angel panted a little with a hand on his chest, given a chance to recover from such a rush. Eyes closed with his head lowered as he breathed slow yet stable.
He opened them up just in time to see a pair of glowing white hands appearing from the extending shadows encasing the chamber around them both. Four visible strings were coming from the burning fire and tied onto fingers. Four of each two fingers were tied to the very burning-resistant strings hooking at the ball. In silent amazement, he watched as the hands began to pull but with trouble as the threads were being tug at, desperate to hold onto the fire yet the fire itself was being pulled apart as colors being form from the pastel.
Four smaller lumps had begun to emerge from the ball, exactly where the ends of the strings are until with a mighty pull. The piece of Lucifer's light have ceased to exist, no evidence of it was left behind and absolutely no way to be put back together; it was pulled and ripped apart into four smaller lights.
One blue, one green, one orange and the last purple.
The light then shines onto the small balls of light as small sparkles flowed downward onto them like moths to the flame as they rushed and began to encasing them. Shaping and forming to where the chests of children were before soon a blinding light shone forth. Prompting Lucifer to shield himself from it.
The rays of light were shooting everywhere along with shimmering stardust fluttered all around the chamber. It seems that it's not letting up until they suddenly stopped. It was over and Lucifer can finally see what the Father has created now and stunned to see rather quite a sight before him; Four small angels.
A boy. A hatchling. A cattle. And a cub.
With small or long wagging tails of a sheep or a goat they were born with. They giggled and writhe amongst each other. One lion cub was pinning an baby eagle by its head as it squawked to get off of-
"Get off Michael!" The chick squirmed. "Short Tail Gabriel! Shorty!" The cub spat back.
The ox cattle and the boy remained somewhat civil towards one another. The cattle shyly poked at the giggling boy's nose as the eyes on their pure white wings. Calling each other Uriel and Raphael as Lucifer studied them carefully from afar as they all simply sat on the floor, center of the chamber itself. The place of their birth.
Lucifer looked up once more to the Father's voice in tongues.
"Take care of them... nature them... teach them all... their roles will come to them four."
The most beautiful angel looked into the darkness of the chamber for a few moments turning his attention back to the children and then began to walk towards the four. The colored flames of each son can tell who is which due to the names of their creator, the Lord, has given them four.
Blue fire eagle hatchling is Gabriel. Purple burning lion cub is Michael. Orange flaming ox cattle is Uriel. And lastly, the Green blazing boy is Raphael since they are calling each other by their names.
Michael noticed the footsteps and turned to see a big creature before them four that had gained Gabriel the upper hand and lifted himself upwards with such force that his back hit the floor and was turning around to do the same to his brother when he stopped and saw Lucifer with widened eyes before a frighten yet curious chirp came from the hatchling.
That caught the other siblings' attention as they looked up the angel who is kneeling down to their level, hands rested on the ground, wings tucked behind him as a fire burning glowing on and around him. With such gentleness in his voice. He greeted them all "Hello." with a soft tone.
Gabriel seems to coward over to this two brothers with fear yet Michael seemed to ready to stand up on all fours and looking at the angel in the eye. The purple fire he has had a red hue in it before he lets out a weak squeak roar at him with all of his will on display. He turned to his three brothers as if they will cheer him on and not brothering to see their reaction; he turned back to Lucifer and then reared his head towards them and soon ran towards his stomach and headbutts it. An vain attempt to scare him off by verbally and physically attacking him.
Lucifer chuckled lightly at this.
This angered the spit-fire cub more as the red hue is dying the purple flames as Michael lets out another squeak roar and then attempts to headbutt his stomach again but slipped. Quick on his feet; Lucifer grabbed him and cradled him like an newborn. Flabbergasted, Michael looked at his older brother with such shock and surprise.
"It's really nice to meet you too, Michael." He chuckled after the experience. Seeing him no longer a threat, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael carefully head over to Lucifer to be with their two brothers. Small colored halos formed over the small Archangels' heads at they looked up to him as a larger halo of Lucifer's appeared with crosses and a face.
Lucifer looked at Michael as he knew at the moment what the Father had meant: Michael will be his replacement as the Prince of Heaven.
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wcshedup · 2 months
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@fizzarollitm asked " You really are like Tilla. Nothing more than a wife with a man who hates his own children. Making her real proud B. "
counting to ten. writing a letter and throwing it away. driving out to the wastes and screaming her outrage into the soulless abyss. ANY of those options would have been better than engaging with fizzarolli's words, but caught between an exhausting night and one of the twins whining with discontent, barbie falls right back into her OLD way of dealing with him dishing her some shitty piece of advice --
" don't you EVER fucking say that to me like it's something to be ashamed of. my mother was TWICE the woman I'll ever be and THREE times the performer YOU'LL ever be. you ungrateful FUCK. " and there it is, the rolling boil of rage barbie had hoped died with her addiction years ago. obviously not.
the imp is shoving violently away from the table, chair legs screeching against ozzie's perfect marble floors. barbie is quickly turning tail to gather up the contents of her diaper bag and both the twins, both content with the flashing bits and bobs strewn across the blanket they'd been playing on while their mother and auntie had a nice little catchup. HA, nice, right.
" you are SO fucking -- just SO -- " there's a catch in her throat then, the rage threatening to give way to SORROW at the comment. fizz always knew just where to stick the knife, just what to say to inspire the most hurt inside her. but it didn't feel the same as when they were teenagers anymore, little digs about each other's looks or weight or performance -- this declaration that, were tilla here, barbie might be a DISAPPOINTMENT to her. after all the work, after all of the fucking nights of detoxing and vomiting and begging blitzø to just leave her in whatever alley she'd managed to collapse in. ( " PLEASE BLITZØ, JUST LET ME DIE, PLEASE. " ) " you don't UNDERSTAND, you'll never understand. "
because it feels so true. it feels like they're worlds apart now and no matter how she pleads the case, tries to make fizz understand how SHE feels -- it feels like he doesn't hear her. " you've never even ASKED me if i was happy ! you've never once fucking stopped to see if this is what i want, you just stand there on your fucking moral high ground, looking down your fucking NOSE at me like you're so much better. "
barbie continues to shove articles into the bag; tilla's floppy imp doll utters a mechanical-sounding 'mama!' as she does so, and charles' toy saber gives a brandishing swish. " i told you i was getting married and all i got was a fucking LECTURE about how awful he was, a million stories about how OTHER people don't like him, you never asked me how he treated me. and when i told you i was PREGNANT, no fucking CONGRATS, just 'oh barb, don't worry, i know a GREAT clinic'. " the recollections only seem to spurn her rage further and barbie shoves the backpack on with malice, the straps digging into her shoulder providing at least some sense of grounding.
" you'll NEVER fucking understand, NEVER. and you know why ? " she stoops down to gather the twins in her arms, one on each hip as she draws nearer to fizzarolli and leans in with venom, teeth bared in what MOST might interpret as unadulterated rage -- the moisture clinging to her eyes tells a different story if only one has the fortitude to look closely enough. to know her well enough. " because EVERYONE sees you. you walk into a room and you have every set of eyes, everyone admires you and wants you and just -- SEES you. but no one ever saw m-- "
that lump in her throat is swelling then, making her swollen thickly several times to try and fight it down. NO, barbie is NOT going to let this asshole see her cry. she's not gonna give him that satisfaction -- not after he had the gall to bring her dead fucking MOTHER into this.
" no one EVER saw me the way lucifer does. but maybe that's what BURNS you, fizz. that for once, just ONCE, someone wanted to pick me. well, welcome to MY fucking life, asshole. it's so EASY to tell me i should give up what i have, who i love, who loves ME, when you have so much more. "
the cherubic features of each twin peer over their mother's shoulder as she retreats from the room, moving quickly so that the jester won't see the tears now spilling over her lashline. tilla gives a small, open-close wave with her small hand.
" DON'T fucking call me, fizzarolli. "
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