#luciana island princess
The island princess is like the only time i've enjoyed a plotline resembling a love triangle.
Like you have 2 characters with feelings for one another, but bc of the circumstances, feel like they can't be together/dont deserve each other, and the person who one of them has been told they should want to be with and is also trapped by the narrative is their no. 1 supporter, bc they know two pining idiots when they see them.
like ugh that's literally the best part of the movie for me so i dislike when people try to just make the island princess about tika hate
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invisible-pink-toast · 6 months
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in my head luciana meets courtney, another princess who loves books and romance and they fall in love....
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barbie-edits · 2 years
Wait was this supposed to be Luciana's love interest?
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No way either of these fuckers is straight, this a beard/skirt marriage
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tangirlisfangirl · 1 year
my favorite two barbie movies growing up were the diamond castle and island princess and THAT’S why i ended up bisexual <3
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purplink8 · 1 month
I love her
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drawing--4--fun · 1 year
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Two rivals in romance, eating cookies together in the royal greenhouse.
They might kiss!
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she only cost $30 too!! I'm so happy. I wanted to find my Emotional Support Barbie after seeing the Barbie Movie. Preferably a Barbie from the early 2000s and hopefully a princess or fairy or mermaid. My inner child is screaming rn. I don't have any of my old barbies unfortunately because I gave them away to friends or family members. I never had the Luciana Barbie though and I'm happy I found her. I love her and I will cherish her always. She's so beautiful.
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balmgoddess · 9 months
So, I’ve already talked about Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus on this blog, but today, I want to talk about Princess Luciana from Barbie as the Island Princess. I just…love everything about her from her design to her voice to her personality. They did such a good job with her characterization. She is sooo kind to Ro even when she wasn’t obligated to and stood up for her when Ariana accused Ro of framing her poisoning the food. I love her sense of justice and knowing when to stick up for people who need it most.
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whatdoiwhisper · 4 months
Ok this is for a niche set of girlies, but does anyone else think that the new actress for Francesca Bridgerton has the same look and mannerisms as Princess Luciana from Barbie the island princess?! I can’t stop seeing it every time she comes on screen!
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i would love to see some barbie as the island princess dolls!! especially luciana and her cat
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today's fashion doll is: Barbie as the Island Princess Luciana (2007)
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luverofralts · 25 days
Arkhelios Adventures
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"What do you think Ulyssa's going to talk about today?" Adrian asked wearily. "Yesterday's briefing on garden maintenance was something else."
"She's just working on the easiest tasks in the court records," Trent replied. "Give her a break. I'd pick garden maintenance over the budget allotted for defense too. She's trying her best."
"And you're being too generous. Ulyssa is just fine at making decisions. She's certainly made some big ones in recent history."
"And there it is," Trent sighed. "You do know that you're not still married to Roman, right? He didn't cheat on you with Ulyssa, though you certainly act like you were the injured party. It's not like you're not benefitting from the queen regent. You did recieve the notice about Adrienne, haven't you?"
Adrian groaned, remembering the gold lettered notice that had been directly delivered to the house from the palace.
"Ulyssa's gone too far. I haven't told Roman yet, because I know that Maura will shut that down the instant she wakes up. Making Roman's daughter a princess? It's unheard of and will only draw attention. People haven't forgotten her affair with the man, and making Rien a rank higher than her sister and her father will only look like favouritism and a desperate attempt to win back Roman."
"I'll keep that in mind. I wasn't intending to lust after Roman with my actions, but seeing as you're something of an expert on that subject, I'll be more careful in the future."
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Adrian and Trent froze in place, mortified to be caught gossiping by the true monarch of Twikkii Island.
"Your Majesty," they said in unison, bowing their heads respectfully and hoping that she hadn't been standing behind them for too long.
"Adrian, I would have thought that you had better political instincts than this," Maura chided her cousin, gingerly sitting on a nearby lounger. "Rien saved my life and likely those of several of my children. There is no greater noble rank than duchess that I could elevate her to without making her her sister's equal. The last time I checked, Luciana hasn't provided the Crown with patriotic service, and her sister has. The two girls are, therefore, not equal to each other and Rien must be raised higher to compensate. When you have to bow to your daughter at royal events, perhaps you'll remember her service and endeavor to act like she would."
Adrian remained silent, bowing his head. The queen was truly back and she was pissed. It didn't matter how well Adrian had acted in the heat of battle, Maura had to punish him and likely anyone else she blamed for the loss of her children. Adrian could understand that need, even if he couldn't defend it.
"As always, you are wise," he replied formally. "I'm sure that Adrienne will continue to serve the crown loyally."
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"Gentlemen, do we have any leads about this unprovoked attack on our great nation? Maura informed me that there were bodies recovered."
"Unidentified still, I'm afraid," Adrian answered. "Crystal Cove has granted us emergency access to their genetic database, but nothing came of it. There was a weak match, but the comparison DNA was too degraded to identify it. The Pleasantview coven is working on a magical solution."
"How nice of Claudia. I'm sure that she'll ask us nothing in return for this help."
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"How are you feeling?" Trent asked carefully. "I wasn't informed that you were conscious. We've all been so worried."
A dark look passed over Maura’s face, but a small smile graced her lips.
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"I was cleared to return to work early this morning. Ulyssa has done her best, but this situation needs an expert to handle it."
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"Shouldn't you be resting? You almost died, Maura. Are you in pain? Do you need us to get you anything? You can take the day off and spend it with your children. No one would think less of you if you did."
"My children need to see action being taken to protect them. They need to see how a monarch devotes themselves to their country. I'll have all evening to spend with them, but first, I have to do my duty and keep them and everyone else safe. Get me everything you can on the DNA match from Crystal Cove. I can ask Claudia for the coven's report, but I want to see to scientific results myself."
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"Of course," Adrian said quickly. It wasn't technically his job to prepare data for the queen, but he would do it anyway. The job of a duke was to serve the crown however they could after all. Maura had teams of researchers and experts, but maybe she was distrustful of non family members at the moment. Adrian certainly couldn't blame her for that.
Maura was silent for a moment, clearly weighing her next words carefully.
"I don't know where my father is buried. If he was buried, that is. I need to know where his grave or remains are or any monument currently standing in his memory. I need the records of who paid for any memorial for him or any artists commissioned to make a monument. I need his itinerary for the day he went missing and where he was last seen. Get Crystal Cove to run a search in their genetic database using a sample that I'm sure they have from me. I want to know where his DNA shows up. Does he have siblings, cousins, or even other children? If they won't grant the search, use Claudia's name and I'm sure they'll comply with our requests. And gentlemen, this is to stay between the three of us. No one can know that I am asking for this. If anyone does ask, say that it is because I am planning my own chamber in the family mauseolem, and I want my father added to rest next to my children. If they ask about the DNA, say that it's Claudia's idea, and I'd imagine most people won't challenge you further."
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"Your father?" Adrian repeated. "That should be easy enough. I'll make some calls."
"I'd appreciate it, along with your discretion. This is a sensitive matter, unrelated to our terrorists. After my brush with death, I just have some personal questions I need to answer."
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"I'll see you tomorrow. I need to cut things here short for another appointment. Remember, be discrete."
Maura paused for a moment.
"Thank you two for doing what you did at the cottage. My life was saved because you two acted swiftly and took control of the situation. You did good work and helped carry Ulyssa through her duties as regent afterward. I trusted you with my life, and you protected me. However, so did Spencer and Alysiara, and you failed them completely. If anything else happens, and my children are hurt again, there will be consequences. You're dismissed."
Adrian and Trent rose and tried to leave Maura’s sight as quickly as they could. Her mixed message of gratefulness and anger wasn't something they wanted to continue to hear. Both of them would try to fulfill her requests, as far away from her as possible, until the queen's mood settled. She was enduring a senseless loss and coming to terms with nearly dying herself in a similar manner to how she lost her mother. It would take a long time for Maura to completely heal from this dark period in her life, and until she had, her half-brother and cousin planned to stay out of her line of fire.
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As Maura began her slow descent to the throne room to openly hold court, a visitor to the castle strained their ears, hoping to pick up any gossip that might be travelling around the many rooms.
It was all above board, of course. The general agreement stated that when Lukas approached a building owned by a monarchy in the living world, they would present themselves in their female form, so that palace security had ample time to identify them. Lukas' female form had been gained after their second reincarnation as an abandoned infant. They had been raised without their memories as a regular human child in an orphanage in Crystal Cove. Because they did not recover their memories until they were a teenager, Crystal Cove had Lukas' fingerprints, DNA, and medical records as they would any other orphan in their system. After Lukas nearly toppled the Crystal Cove monarchy as a young teen, security had been put in place against them, assuming that they could not take another form outside of their reincarnated female body. Lukas proved them all wrong once they came into their full power as an adult and could switch between their various reincarnations at will, making the monarchies tremble at the thought of a god they had no leverage on, who made no secret of their desire to rule the living world even of it was not allowed. All the living world had against Lukas was the information collected on their female form, and Izanami had encouraged his spouse to make some silly peace deal with them under threat of divorce. He really gave the humans too much credit.
Lukas had spent their entire existence sneaking around the living world and influencing certain events to their benefit. Even a known security profile couldn't slow them down, as much as the humans hoped it would.
Lukas needed every piece of information they could gather about the attack on the Twikkii Island monarchy. It was their job to maintain order in the living world and prevent dark forces from tipping that balance to their husband's realm. Death was separate but equal to Life, and balance must always be upheld between the two. A mysterious attack mirroring the murder of the previous queen was something that might just tip those scales, and Lukas needed to know why. Strangely enough, none of the humans seemed to want to help them gain this knowledge, so what other choice did Lukas have but to sneak around palaces, maybe "borrowing" some new earrings if they had time?
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To Maura’s relief, the first person to appear before her throne was Claudia, who had insisted that court be canceled for the rest of the day so that two monarchs could address their nations' security. Maura didn't have the patience to hear from strangers when her energy was already starting to fade. The doctors had warned her not to push herself, and Claudia's arrival had been the perfect excuse to retreat back to a comfy chair and ignore the rest of the world.
"You look better than I'd expected," Claudia began, eyeing her cousin with worry. "I know Mom and Dad said that you weren't scheduled to die, but you gave us all quite a scare."
"How do you think I feel? I thought I was dying. My two children are dead. My...."
Maura trailed off, unsure of what she wanted to say to her cousin. Claudia was her best friend and her family, but she also ruled the most dangerous country to exist in modern times. But there were also things that only Claudia could tell her, and Maura needed answers.
"Claudia, I know we have to talk about how we're going to move forward from this attack on a national level, but there are...things that I need to discuss with you on a personal level. Some things that only you can answer. Can I trust you not to breathe a word about this to anyone?"
Claudia looked intrigued at the question, but didn't immediately say no.
"Even Miruna? I try to make a habit of not lying to my future wife, but if it's that important, I may make an exception. Is it important?"
Maura nodded quickly, only to discover that moving her head too fast was still painful.
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"It is, but Miruna is trustworthy, and she might know a magical solution," Maura conceded. "I don't even know where to start. All of this has just been one giant nightmare that never seems to end. When...when I was unconscious, I dreamt that I saw my mother. Or maybe I did see her, I have no idea what's true or not. But she had Alysiara and Spencer with her and when I woke up, it was true that they had died, so maybe that proves that my dream was something else entirely."
Claudia leaned back in her chair, absorbing her cousin's words before composing her reply.
"You were dying," she confirmed darkly. "For the longest time, we weren't sure that you would make it. My parents didn't have a concrete answer on your condition for days. From what they've always told me, the dying can end up in the afterlife prematurely, visit, and then return to the living. It doesn't happen often, but it's not unheard of. Your experience is probably genuine from what I've learned from having two reapers for parents. What did your mom say? Did she reveal the names of her killers? Maybe something scandalous about the family? I mean, the Siews have always had money, maybe Grandma buried secret treasure just like the Darktides of old. That would be a twist."
"Claudia, I'm being serious," Maura insisted. "There was no treasure, no ID on any of her killers, nothing. No, it was worse. She said that my dad’s still alive."
"No!" Claudia gasped, looking just like she had as a teenager when they'd play Truth or Dare. "But Grandma killed him, I thought. She never denied it and I thought for sure that she-"
"Nope. They declared him missing and then dead so that my mom could get remarried," Maura confided. "I have Adrian and Trent digging through records and investigating what they can, but it was a long time ago. I might need your help with some of it."
"My help? Sure, but I can't ask my parents to confirm if he's alive or not. They get pissy when you try to get a simple yes or no answer from them about dead people. Well, so-called dead people in this case."
"No, it's not your parents who can help, but the queen of Pleasantview," Maura replied, her eyes pleading with her cousin for help. "My mother said that the Red Queen might have been involved. He was headed for Pleasantview when he went missing and she was a psychopath, so maybe there's something there."
Maura held her breath, hoping that Claudia wouldn't find the question and implications about the country she ruled offensive. To her relief, Claudia laughed.
"Oh, god, yeah, that's a fair assumption. I don't think we've even scratched the surface on half the shit she did. I assume you want me to confirm or deny her involvement?" Maura nodded. "I'll have my best researchers on it. I'll lie to them about why, of course, but I simply don't have the time to do it myself. I've been rather busy these last few days trying to calm the global community down."
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Lukas frowned. The queen's father? How was that relevant? It likely wasn't, and Queen Maura was just venting after her visit to the afterlife. It was fair for her to do, as annoying as Lukas found it. Mortals always got emotional when they first glimpsed the existence waiting for them after death. Still, this sounded like it could be juicy gossip, even if it didn't help Lukas' plans.
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"Is that all you learned from your visit? It must have been incredible to see the realm of the dead. My parents talk about its beauty all the time."
"It was...memorable," Maura replied. "I think I was just in the welcoming center. Lots of skeletal decorations and unsettling things as far as the eye can see. I think I'd rather spend a few more decades in this realm, thanks."
"It's hard to believe that one day, this realm won't be ours to protect. When we're dead, what will we do with all our free time? No more long meetings or ceremonies that seem to last forever. I can't imagine it."
Maura smiled thinly.
"It's too recent a possibility for me to think about. I plan to keep those meetings for as long as I can. Adrion would probably prefer it that way."
"Right, sorry. I was raised by dead people, I have no sense of normal boundaries. Let's just move on from that entirely then. I'll search my records for your dad, and we'll regroup later. How are you managing otherwise? Is there anything you need help with? Purely out of cousinly love, I promise. I swear to god Ulyssa thought I was trying to steal your silverware the way she was watching me. The last thing I need is to conquer a kingdom where the monarchs seem to be targets."
Maura shot her cousin a look that conveyed her disapproval of that last sentence, but Claudia seemed oblivious.
"Oh yes, I've been bombarded with information all morning to catch up, but Ulyssa mentioned something unusual to me," Maura said. "Something about you buying a bedroom in the cottage? Right after an attack that could have killed any one of us, you suddenly want a legal piece of that lot. Why? What possible use do you have with a part ownership in our family cottage? And don't day that it's part of a cunning invasion plan, I'm really not in the mood for jokes."
Claudia smiled, suddenly very interested in their conversation.
"Oh, that. That is part of a cunning plan, though not for invasion. It's for protection. I own most of Pleasantview, a tower in Crystal Cove, the ruins of Sedona, and now part of a royal property in Twikkii Island. I just need something in Strangetown, but honestly, who needs Strangetown? Even when Empress Anastacia ruled the Crystal Empire, Strangetown was the lone hold out. They like being alone on the global stage, so let them protect themselves. It doesn't matter if they're my mom's family or not."
"And your plan is? My painkillers are wearing off, Claudia. You're going to have to skip over your distain for your great-uncle and his weird beliefs."
"Right. Well, you know that I've been following Theo's magical career and helping when I can, right? He's truly talented, and the coven expects great things from him. I was reading a progress report on him a while ago, and it all just suddenly seemed too obvious. Maura, I've been to the archives where they will search for your father's records. I've spent days living in there, pouring over what's possible and what's been done in the past. In the old days, Tredony not only survived, but thrived because of magic. Ancient magic. Blood magic."
"Oh my god, Claudia," Maura groaned, suddenly feeling a headache start in her already sore head. "What have you done? Blood magic? Are you serious? You know that they stopped teaching that for a reason, right? Didn't they have to dust off books in some dark, guarded crypt for Theo to learn from? If no other sensible demon practices blood magic these days, why should you?"
"Because Theo can control it," Claudia replied quickly. "Because no one else uses it, so they can't undo it. Because it's something whoever is after our family can't manipulate. It will keep us safe. It turned the small nation of Tredony into the powerhouse Pleasantview is today. Even Miruna supports this plan, and she's seen what Theo can do."
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"Even if I thought that this was a good idea, how the hell does blood magic figure into your land buying spree? If you've somehow destroyed the cottage even more than it already has been this week with strange magic, my mom might just visit me again as a ghost and murder me herself. I'm supposed to protect it as strongly as I would the palace. I swore an oath as queen to keep it for future generations to enjoy."
"And you are," Claudia insisted. "We are. Blood magic needs names and titles, and ownership of something to be effective. You have to throw yourself fully in the spell for it to work. You give up a part of yourself. You show the world a part of you and bind magic to it. To protect something, you have to claim ownership, that it's now a part of yourself that you can wield."
Maura stared at her cousin, trying to follow her logic. She read reports about Theo from her international security team, but there was very little included about how magic worked.
"You know that Roman and Abe got demon married, right?" Claudia explained with a sigh. Maura looked like this was new information to her, though Claudia doubted it was. "In demonic marriage, you give up a part of yourself and receive a part of your partner in exchange. You cut a part of yourself out and bind it with magic, and in turn, you receive ownership of a piece of your partner. You sacrifice something to own that you want to control. I own parts of various countries and can therefore cast magic on them. I can protect what I need to protect, and help the innocent people that I don't actually rule at the same time."
Maura tried not to visibly recoil at this admission.
"So, you owning a piece of the cottage will let you cast blood magic to protect it? God, Claudia! What if you're wrong? What if someone can undo your magic some day? Every living soul outside of Strangetown could be at Theo's mercy if he ever decided to stage a coup and never even know about it!"
"Victoriana is his sister by blood," Claudia replied soothingly. "My heirs will share blood with him every generation after I'm gone. From what I'm told by the coven, this makes a very large difference magically. It'll be fine."
"Well, at least you only have your hands on the cottage," Maura sighed, rubbing her temples. "At least the palace is safe from your scheme."
When Claudia didn't immediately agree with her, a familiar sinking feeling washed over Maura.
"The palace is safe, correct?"
"Well, it is because of my magic," Claudia replied cheerfully. "Theo and I paid a visit to the palace while you recovered, so it should be safe from now on."
"Did Ulyssa sell you the palace too?!"
"Uh, well, technically, I already do own the palace," Claudia offered, earning a glare from her cousin. "I am the living heir of the oldest heir of our grandmother, and with that blood claim, magic actually sees me as the true queen of Twikkii Island."
"It what?! What the hell are you playing at? I'm the legal queen!"
"Legal, yes, but not magically legitimate. Magic operates by strange rules, you know that. Someone pulls one sword from a stone, and they're magically legitimate. You don't need to throw a fit about it."
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"And Victoriana is going to magically inherit my throne instead of Adrion? She'll have blood magic control of the security of my nation and Adrion won't?"
Lukas glanced around them, hoping that the raised voices didn't attract unwanted attention. So far, very little of their eavesdropping was relevant. The laws of magic weren't unknown to the deity, but it was still good to have confirmation that Pleasantview was messing around with blood magic.
Now, there was a throwback. Lukas had assumed that the days of blood magic were at an end. All those demons fighting against each other in increasingly sadistic ways had been frustrating to deal with. Izanami used to keep a bottle of scotch on his desk whenever casualties of blood magic hit his death list, only to have their carcass resurrected or the ties to their blood magically littered over the centuries, sending false reports that stumped even his reapers. Lukas dearly hoped that those days were behind them.
There were rituals that could transfer magical authority to Maura or her son, but Lukas had no interest in revealing that magic at this time. If the issue festered and the state of the living was threatened, maybe, but some things were better kept quiet until they were absolutely needed. So far, none of this gave the deity the information they needed.
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"Master Maricourt knows what he's doing. Miruna trusts him completely, and with Evren's knowledge of an alternate world and its magic, plus Theo's abilities, the Pleasantview coven can be trusted to attempt controversial magic."
Claudia was still defending her plan when Lukas resumed eavesdropping, making them groan. Someone had to move this conversation on the right direction.
"Something important has been brought to my attention," Lukas intoned, focusing their attention on Claudia.
"Something important has been brought to my attention," Claudia repeated, looking surprised to be speaking.
"Something from the coven. It's very important," Lukas added. With all the dubious sources the queen received her information from, Lukas was betting on her coven being the most likely to have news that would benefit the deity.
"Something from the coven. It's very important."
"More meddling from the witches?" Maura asked with a sigh. "Where else have they put blood magic in my home?"
Claudia frowned, but felt compelled to continue speaking, even if she didn't know why.
"No, it was something brought to me from Master Maricourt. He was informed of a series of prophetic incidents among his coven that the queen should be aware of. Apparently, there is a list of names being spoken from the dead or the supernatural that no one has been able to piece together. Sometimes, it is one simple name, other reports list several names. No one knows how they connect to each other or what they could mean."
"Names?" Maura repeated. "What names exactly? Maybe I've can help tie them together."
"Unlikely. Even my oldest scholars can't figure it out. I was beginning to think that it was just a hoax among the witches, but Edana Darktide has devoted most of her time to solving this riddle lately, and she isn't one to chase after riddles. I'm not really sure why I'm telling you this. This is something still being investigated. I must be getting sentimental after nearly losing you."
"Gee, thanks. It's nice to know that it only takes me almost dying for you to loosen your tongue. What are the names? Maybe while we're searching for my father, we can run down these names too."
Claudia shook her her head.
"No, we have them identified, it's just what they share that we're missing. The first name given was Atem Spector, son of the Grim Reaper. The second was Riley Reeves, we're confident that this is Life’s sister, though we have found very little else about her. The last was Alicia Wenlock, a former resident of Crystal Cove, who married into the monarchy. Alicia lived during the Demon Wars, we think Atem was first written about when Strangetown fell into destruction millenia ago, and we have no timeline for Riley. None of it makes sense yet, but we're working on it."
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"Those don't sound familiar to me. I wonder why these names keep popping up. Has there been any lately, especially after the attack on us?"
"Not that I know of. Things have been quiet since the attack according to Master Maricourt. I'm sure that the quiet won't last long though."
Unknown to the two monarchs, Lukas nearly started hyperventilating in the palace corridor. It was careless to lose focus when they were supposed to be hiding, but their mind and heart were racing wildly and all concern for secrecy was gone.
This was worth the effort of coming here. The mortals were engaging with prophetic visions and the leader of the Pleasantview coven and his ex-wife were collecting a long list of all too familiar names. Lukas could add even more names to that list.
Morganna Grunt. Victoria Evans. There were likely more that they were forgetting, but Lukas had been just a tiny bit busy being discorporated at the time of their deaths, so they felt justified in not having a conclusive list of victims memorized.
They remembered when Atem nearly set the headquarters of the Strangetown reaper team ablaze, looking for answers about his mother, Morganna's, mysterious disappearance. They couldn't forget the helplessness of watching Alicia and Victoria's bodies turn to nothing, not even ash. How Riley....
No. They couldn't think about her. They refused to think about Riley or the way her death had destroyed their family in ways that hadn't healed over the many centuries.
But why were mortals hearing these names repeated? That was what Lukas should be focusing on. They couldn't change the past, but they could influence the future. No one else should have to suffer the pain the Lane family had suffered. Any mention of the names of the lost had to be investigated. It was severe enough that Lukas would probably have to involve their husband going forward. Izanami would smother them with protective concern, but he needed to be told that his realm might be in danger again. That his spouse might be in danger again.
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"I'd better go catch up on appointments, but I'll be back in an instant if you need me," Claudia vowed, rising to hug her cousin. Despite her irritation with Claudia's magical choices, Maura held her cousin as tightly as she could. They had cheated death and couldn't afford to slip up now. Even the thought of losing her frustrating cousin brought unwelcome tears to her eyes.
"Come back soon. We'll talk when we have more information about our conversation today. And Claudia, next time, just tell me that you're stealing your ex-boyfriend's kid to do dark magic in the place I live. I am the queen, no matter what blood magic thinks of my claim."
"Of course. I don't plan on any more spells involving you in the near future, but I'll keep that in mind."
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Blood magic. People collecting Riley's name like it was a trading card. Memories of a demon with golden eyes cackling as Lukas' body rapidly deteriorated before their family's eyes. It was all too much to handle. They had to leave this place before they were discovered, but Lukas' feet felt glued to the floor.
Izanami. He would know what to do. All they had to do was teleport home and Izanami would fix all of this.
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They have the same flavor of mommy issues.
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bestanimatedmovie · 5 months
Revenge of the Underrated
60. Tinker Bell vs Barbie as the Island Princess
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Vote in the other polls!
Barbie as the Island Princess
The songs are fire and Barbie has two dads. Stan Princess Luciana ❤
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barbie-edits · 2 years
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Courtney x Luciana moodboard
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imsparky2002 · 1 month
Barbie as the Island Princess: First Thoughts
The intro gives me Little Mermaid vibes for some reason.
Man I know this is only five years from Rapunzel, but they really improved in the cgi! The designs look really pleasant!
Ok, the dolphins look a bit plasticy but still!
I’m glad they also have enough confidence to let the tale stand on it’s own without having to establish this is Barbie telling a story to her little sister.
Is it wrong that I’m shipping the peacock and panda? They feel like a middle aged/eldery gay couple and I love it.
Aww! Weeby was right! They totally are Barbie’s gay dads!
Yeesh… I do NOT like the elephant’s design. Why can I see her realistic human teeth? And those eyes!
Overall a very pleasant opening musical number that shows off the island.
Pleasant scene of Ro comforting Tikka during a nightmare.
This goodnight song is making my brain feel weepy.
I love how this is a male love interest who is full of life and isn’t afraid to be in touch with his feminine side. Love the bow on his ponytail.
I love how Antonio’s first instinct when approached by a crocodile is to risk reaching for a branch to put in its mouth.
I love how they go "aww" because they're sad they can't munch on him.
Wait a minute... one of the crocodiles is called Fang. Holy crap, this is the origin story of Jagged Stone’s pet!
I love how Azul found out he’s a prince and is immediately like “fuck this island, come on Sagi, let’s take Tikka and live it up!”
I'm loving the lyrics in this song about Ro being befuddled by Antonio's tech and clothes.
Gerard is a zaddy, not gonna lie.
I’m giggling like a fool at hearing Azul ranting and raving in peacockese.
I wonder if Barbie will try speaking to any of the land’s animals.
WTF is that thing the queen is holding? Is that a monkey or a very unfortunate looking baby?
The king looks pretty young, more like his late 20s instead of 40s. Honestly though, he’s really hot.
Aww, the royal monkey has a posh accent!
Queen Ariana is honestly not that bad looking at all. If I wasn’t gay, I’d find her kinda cute.
It’s nice that the rival love interest is actually a sweet girl. A good subversion of expectations.
The vocals of the villain song reminds me of ABBA. Which is always a good sign.
Great contrast between Ariana’s powerful belting and Luciana’s quiet tone.
Omigod I am loving Ariana’s lyrics in this song, diabolical and hilarious.
Aww, the girls dressed Tikka up!
They really captured the awkward yet respectful dialogue between enforced couples with Antonio and Luciana.
The backing score for the ballroom dance is divine.
Get yourself a man who would abdicate from the throne just to be with you.
Ah, I see Tikka hid the letter, I assume due to attachment issues.
I feel like the Cheese song is kinda unneccessary. A few lines of dialogue would have got the message across.
I do find it kinda ridiculous that nobody can pick up on Ariana’s evil vibe.
Seems that traumatic events are the key to regaining Ro’s memories.
Dolphin ex Machina has arrived.
So this new queen is obviously Ro’s mom, right?
I feel like Ariana would’ve been smarter to not attempt poisoning Antonio and his family so that she can remain in her daughter’s good graces.
Luiciana saving Ro and proving her mother’s the criminal warms my heart.
Ok, I’m happy Ro and Antonio are together, but isn’t marriage rather quick?
Huh… the sudden reveal of Rosella being a princess all along kinda ruins the message of “Love doesn’t care about status”.
Overall, a massive step up from the previous films. The first two were decent flicks, but this one takes time to flesh out each and every character. Also the score was wonderful and I found the animation to be a pleasant upgrade. The ending was a bit of an ass-pull but a enjoyable film nonetheless. @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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msweebyness · 6 months
Miraculous Barbie: Mylene, The Island Princess
Here’s Part 5 of my Barbie movie adaption series, with Mylene taking center stage! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
"There may be miracles awaiting. They may be closer than we know, when we have love to guide us as we go."
Mylene Haprele as Ro
Ivan Bruel as Prince Antonio
Austin Tomassian as Sagi
Jean DuParc as Azul
Jesse Ortega as Tika
Evie Balthazar as Princess Luciana
Lorena Flores as Queen Ariana
Sabrina Raincomprix as Tallulah
Sasha Bruel as Antonio’s Sisters (Composite Character)
Max Kante as Frazier
Iosif Bruel as King Peter
Galina Bruel as Queen Danielle
Fred Haprele as Queen Marissa (but a king obvi)
And so our story begins…
Many, many years ago, on a remote island in the South Seas, something unusual happened. The morning after a terrible storm, Austin, a thoughtful red panda, and Jean, an overconfident peacock, stumble across something most out of the ordinary. A young girl, unconscious on the sand. Jean is initially apprehensive, but with Austin’s insistence, the two decide to take care of the girl.
Years go by, and the little girl, Mylene is her name (it was engraved on a trunk that washed up with her), grows up to be a beautiful young woman. She spends her days happily on the island with Austin, Jean and Jesse, a young elephant who’s her best friend. She considers them her family and couldn’t be happier. She also learns the language of animals and can talk to and understand them. She makes herself a home in the trees with the contents of her trunk, and they spend their days having fun and exploring the island.
One night, Jesse is having bad dreams and can’t get to sleep, so Mylene sings him their favorite song, one she remembers from long ago, though she isn’t sure from where. It works as always, and Jesse falls asleep. Mylene sits awake and stares up at the stars, the song causing her mind to drift once again to where she may have come from…
The very next morning, something most out of the ordinary happens. A ship docks on the island, carrying Max, a devoted royal scientist, and Ivan, a shy but adventurous prince. They come onto the shore and begin to explore the island, unaware that they are being watched…
While her animal friends are wary, Mylene is stunned to see creatures like her on the island for the first time, and can’t help but watch and follow, despite the protests of her three companions. She also can’t help but notice that the taller of the two is very strong and handsome…
After a while of exploring, the two young men accidentally slip over a ridge and are sent sliding into the island’s swamp, i.e. the ideal habitat for…crocodiles. But before Ivan and Max can get any bites taken out of them by the creatures’ snapping jaws, a voice calls the crocs off. The young prince turns up to look, and is surprised to see a beautiful girl, stunning in fact, talking to the crocodiles as she would to people, and they seem to listen! He watches amazed as the crocodiles back off, and the girl assists them in climbing out of the shallows.
Mylene takes them back to her treetop home, and introduces herself and her animal family as they do the same. Max is astonished and wants to know more about her ability to speak to animals, but Ivan is more interested in the girl herself. Not only is she beautiful, but she’s kind, smart, and a bit shy like him. She cares about everything on the island, and shares his curiosity for finding new things. He guesses that from her scattered belongings, her lack of memories, and her telling him that the red panda said she came from the sea that she was likely shipwrecked years ago.
After a few days on the island, with Mylene showing them everything she can, it’s time for the prince and scientist to take their leave. But Ivan invites Mylene to come back to the mainland with him (and bring Jesse, Jean and Austin, of course!), in the hopes of helping her find her family. After some thought, Mylene agrees and they set sail the next morning. Jesse was more than a little afraid to leave the island, but out of support for Mylene and her desire to know who she is, he goes.
As they sail back to Ivan’s kingdom and the island inhabitants get accustomed to sea life, Mylene is curious and a bit confused by the way she’s starting to feel towards the prince. Not only is he handsome, he’s gentle and very sweet, and listens when she has something to say. He makes her feel safe and happy when she’s around him, and she finds she always wants to spend more time with him. It’s a feeling she’s unfamiliar with, but it’s a very nice one and she really doesn’t mind it. Unbeknownst to her, Ivan is starting to grow similar feelings toward the island girl…
After a week or so on the sea, they arrive in Ivan’s kingdom. Mylene is astounded at the sheer number of ‘people’ (Ivan and Max had said that’s what she was, a person), and all the buildings and houses. She had never seen anything like this. Ivan finds her wonderstruck state to be rather cute. They ride back to the palace, Ivan invites Mylene to join them in the royal carriage, but she opts to stay with the anxiety ridden Jesse, as does Austin. Jean, of course, takes the carriage.
When they arrive at the castle, an adorable little girl wearing a fine dress and a tiara rushes out and greets Ivan with a hug. He introduces her as his younger sister, Princess Sasha. The young princess immediately takes a liking to Mylene and the animals, especially Jesse, and the feeling is mutual.
As the animals play with Sasha and explore the grounds, Ivan takes Mylene into the throneroom to introduce her to his parents, King Iosif and Queen Galina. He explains how they met her, and they welcome her warmly, and promise to do all they can to help her find out her origins. They’re also quite surprised to see Mylene communicating perfectly with Sabrina, the queen’s posh and well-mannered pet monkey!
However, this is where things start to go a little pear-shaped. Ivan’s parents introduce him to Princess Genevieve, or “Evie” as she prefers…his arranged bride-to-be. She’s the princess of a kingdom with which the relationship with their own had been… tumultuous, and it’s hoped this marriage will fix this. Ivan is extremely taken aback by this, as his parents never mentioned arranging a marriage before. Not to mention, while Evie is beautiful, polite and very kind, his heart has already been stolen by someone else. However, he isn’t quite sure how to tell his parents this.
They also meet the princess’ grandmother, the haughty Queen Mother Lorena. She’s incredibly strict with Evie and can’t seem to wait to begin preparing the wedding, and speaks grandly of the engagement ball the next night.
In confusion about all these new developments, Mylene flees the room. She ends up in the garden with her animal friends, all three doing their best to comfort her, when Ivan finds her. He apologizes for everything that just happened, stating he had no idea his parents had arranged an engagement. She assures him she isn’t upset with him, and he offers her a room to stay in the castle until they can locate her family, but she chooses to stay with Austin, Jean and Jesse in the royal greenhouse. Mylene feels right at home, even finding scores of her favorite flowers: Island Roses!
Back in the throneroom, Ivan tries to tell his parents that while Evie seems like a wonderful girl, he is already falling in love with someone else. However, he is unable to get the message across with Lorena’s constant chatter, though the young princess has a sense she knows what he’s trying to say, having seen the way he looked at the girl from the island. But there’s also the troubling matter that the laws of his kingdom mandate that as the prince, he must marry a princess.
That night, in the grand room where the princess and her grandmother are staying, Evie tries to explain that she can sense the prince is in love with Mylene, and she doesn’t want to stand in the way of someone’s happiness. She dreams more than most things to find love with someone who loves her in return. But Lorena only cuts her off, explaining that love is a pointless, useless thing, before sending her off to ‘make herself prettier’. It’s then that Lorena begins to make plans for her true intent here, bringing down the kingdom she hates more than anything once and for all. She blames them for her own kingdom’s misfortune long ago, and wants to make them pay, which is why she groomed her granddaughter to be the prince’s bride from pretty much the moment she was born, to give her an in!
The next morning, Jesse has struggled with sleeping due to being in a new environment, but Mylene comforts him, assuring him they are all going to stay together. It’s then that Ivan enters the greenhouse, inviting Mylene to join him and his family for breakfast in the outdoor pavilion. However, Evie and Lorena are also there, on the king and queen’s invitation. On the one hand, Evie is kind to Mylene, even helping her sip her tea properly after she accidentally burns her lip, and asking her questions about growing up on the island. But Queen Lorena is rude and condescending to the girl, even commenting that Sasha, a six-year-old child and Sabrina, a monkey, have better table manners than Mylene does, though Evie is quick to scold her for this. But it’s at that moment, Lorena trips the server, causing him to spill his tray of food all over Mylene, who flees in embarrassment. Ivan tries to go after her, but is told by his mother to give her some time to compose herself.
Back in the greenhouse, Sabrina hears Mylene singing her special song, and goes to hear better. She compliments her voice, and Mylene invites her to climb up to get some fruit with her…but it’s been so long that Sabrina has forgotten how to climb! Mylene helps her to remember and the two have fun swinging through the branches together. While this is happening, Ivan and Evie take a walk through the gardens, on their parents’ suggestion, and discover that they have some things in common, such as a love of reading and poetry, but beyond that there isn’t much of a spark or connection, and Evie has a feeling she knows why.
Meanwhile, in the royal courtyard, Sasha has made Jesse a flower necklace and crown, telling him it’s so he’ll look nice for the royal ball. When she’s called by her mother, the other animals approach, and Jesse explains that the royal ball is a big party to celebrate Princess Evie and Prince Ivan’s engagement. Jean says that Mylene definitely shouldn’t go if that’s the case, knowing her feelings for the prince, but Austin disagrees…
Back in the greenhouse, the animals, including Sabrina, try and eventually succeed to convince Mylene to attend the ball, but she has nothing to wear. Austin and Sabrina disagree about which route to take, fancy or natural. Eventually, Mylene gets through to them and they reach a compromise, making a beautiful dress that suits her perfectly from the material they find around the palace! Jean even gives her some of his prized tail feathers as a finishing touch!
In the grand ballroom, Evie is watching as Ivan takes time to dance with Sasha, the little princess laughing as her brother spins her around, before her grandmother insists they dance together. However, after a brief while, Evie excuses herself as she sees someone else arrive that she feels he would like to dance with. Everyone’s eyes are drawn to the entrance, and no one can deny how beautiful the island girl looks, especially not the prince. He invites her for a dance, and though nervous, she agrees. No one can stop watching the two, and everyone can see the spark between them. King Iosif and Queen Galina begin to second guess their decision, but Queen Lorena insists they should move the wedding up, her words almost sounding like a veiled threat…
Meanwhile, outside the ballroom, Austin spots something interesting. A flag that’s identical to the one that washed up on shore with Mylene. This could be a clue to locate her long-lost family!
While they’re sharing their dance, Ivan and Mylene admit their feelings for one another, and almost share a kiss, but Mylene remembers Evie, and not wanting to hurt the kind princess, declines his offer to stay with them, knowing her presence would only cause problems, and with that, she leaves the ball. Outside the ballroom, Austin tells her about the flag, and she talks with the horse pulling the carriage the flag flies from. She asks if the people who came in the carriage had ever had a daughter, but it’s a dead end. Disheartened, she returns to the greenhouse.
Worried about Lorena’s possible intent, Ivan’s parents, with clear reluctance, inform him that he will be marrying Evie in two days, greatly upsetting him. He tells them he can’t marry someone he doesn’t love and who isn’t in love with him, and if they intend to force him, he’ll allow Sasha to supersede him as heir to the throne. He won’t subject both Evie and himself to a life of unhappiness in a loveless marriage! He places his crown on the table, and leaves the room, his parents very distressed.
Ivan then goes to the greenhouse to find Mylene, wanting to explain everything, but she isn’t there, only Jesse. He gives a note to the elephant, asking him to give it to her when she returns. Jesse reads the note when the prince leaves, and finds that it asks her to leave the kingdom with him. Fearing that Mylene will choose to leave them but not wanting to keep her from being happy, Jesse is torn on whether to give Mylene the note. But it quickly slips his mind the next day when things start to go down.
Angry about the condition of things, Lorena decides to enact her plan early. She gives a batch of sunset herb, a poisonous plant that renders one comatose when consumed, to her pet rats and instructs them to put it into the food of every animal in the kingdom, intending to blame Mylene when their state is discovered, effectively getting rid of her. The three devious rodents do as they’re told, and the kingdom wakes to all of their pets and livestock comatose! Including Sabrina, devastating the queen.
The condition of the animals is thought to be a disease, but Mylene knows better, having recognized the scent of sunset herb in the food of the stable animals, as the worried stablehand, a friendly young man named Brecken, tends to them. Thankfully, Mylene knows a cure, a tonic made with Island Roses! She heads to the greenhouse, but Jesse can’t shake the feeling he’s forgetting something.
Lorena speaks to Max, getting it in his head that this ‘disease’ was likely spread by the ‘wild animals’ that have recently come to the kingdom, and he races to tell the king and queen. Reluctantly, they send to have Mylene and the animals placed in an isolated room of the palace to keep the disease from spreading, but Lorena intercepts the written order and has her placed in the dungeons instead!
When Jean eats some of the food they are served in their cell, he falls into a coma as there was sunset herb in this food, courtesy of Lorena, devastating Mylene. Meanwhile, back in the castle, an angry Ivan confronts his parents about them having Mylene put in the dungeons, and while they try to tell him this wasn’t their order, Lorena cuts in and says it’s for the safety of everyone, arousing Evie’s suspicion. The Queen Mother posits that perhaps an arrangement can be made. If he resumes his duties as prince and marries her granddaughter, Mylene can go free and return to her island. Reluctantly, for the sake of the girl he loves, Ivan agrees.
As Mylene and her animals are loaded onto a ship, Jean still out cold, Lorena pays off the captain of the ship to stage an accident to drown the girl and her animals, just as some extra insurance. On the ship, Mylene, Jesse and Austin try to figure out who could be behind this. Mylene knows it’s someone who would want her out of Ivan’s life, but also knows that Evie would never hurt anyone, but as Austin reminds her, the same can’t be said for the princess’ grandmother… Mylene resolves that they must get back to the greenhouse to make the tonic, but it’s then that Jesse finds the note from Ivan tucked behind one of his ears, and breaks down in tears as he explains what it is to Mylene. He explains why he was reluctant to give it to her, and that he had forgotten all about it, stating he understands if she hates him. But Mylene assures him that no matter what, she will always love him, and Jean, and Austin, and she would never leave them. There’s always enough love for everyone!
It’s then however, that the captain fulfills his end of the deal with Lorena, tilting the ship to send Mylene and the animals overboard! Thrashing in the waves and worried for her friends, as Austin calls out to her, Mylene is suddenly hit with memories of being in the same situation many years ago, hearing a voice she knows somehow calling out to her. Thankfully, before they all drown, Mylene’s cries for help are heard by some friendly dolphins, who carry them back to the kingdom’s shore. They quickly make their way to the greenhouse to make the tonic.
Meanwhile, back at the palace, a visiting king, Frederick, gets out of his carriage, here to attend the wedding. He can’t help but feel like something he’s been missing for a long time is close by…
Meanwhile, Evie is getting fitted into her wedding gown when her grandmother tells her not to eat a bite of food today, stating that it’s terrible luck. But the real reason is that she’s poisoned all the food with sunset herb, not knowing that a little bird, who Mylene helped when she first arrived in the kingdom, witnessed the act and rushes to tell the girl.
The wedding commences, as Mylene makes her way into the greenhouse and begins to make the tonic, when the little bird tells her what she saw, and Mylene begins to work even faster. Mylene feeds the tonic to the still unconscious Jean, who awakens, much to her relief. But guards under the order of Queen Lorena arrive to apprehend her. She gives some of the tonic to Austin and tells him to bring it to Sabrina, to show the king and queen she has the cure. The guards chase after Mylene, but Jesse is quick to mow some of them down. Just as the pastor says the required thing about objections, Jesse crashes in with a loud trumpet, Ausrin rushing past to Sabrina’s quarters. Jesse pulls Ivan along to the greenhouse with him, arriving just in time for him to order the guards to let Mylene go. She assures him that she’s alright, and tells him she knows both how to cure the animals and who put them in this state. The king and queen, Lorena and Evie and the rest of the guests arrive, and Mylene learns that Ivan agreed to go through with the wedding so she could return home.
Lorena demands that the girl is arrested, saying that she and her ‘beasts’ are the reason the animals of the kingdom are ill. But Mylene explains the actual situation, the sunset herb and that she can cure them. The awakened Sabrina arrives just in time to back up her story, hugging the girl in thanks. King Iosif asks that if she isn’t responsible for this, who poisoned the animals, and Mylene answers with confidence that it was Lorena. The Queen Mother denies this and calls her insane, only for Mylene to reveal that the wedding food is poisoned too. She suggests that if what she’s saying isn’t true, Lorena should have some of the wedding cake, and the woman is clearly nervous. Before she eats it, she tries to suggest that Mylene poisoned the food herself as a frame job, only for Evie to step up and reveal what her grandmother had told her before the ceremony began: not to eat anything, and why would she have done that unless she knew it was poisoned beforehand?
Sensing she’s backed into a corner, Lorena commandeers a carriage and flees. With Mylene, the prince and her animal friends going after her. Mylene cuts through the trees, riding on Jesse’s back, and uses a tree branch as a spear to jam the wheels, flinging Lorena into a pigsty, before she’s arrested for her actions.
Back at the castle, the queen and king apologize to Mylene for assuming the worst, and Evie approaches Ivan, giving him assurance that she wants them both to be happy, sending him over to Mylene. The two share their first kiss, and Ivan tells his parents that Mylene is the one he loves, and receives their blessing. It’s then that he proposes, and Mylene is more than happy to say yes.
It’s then that the rest of the party arrives, and the visiting King Frederick hears the prince’s new fiancé referred to as Mylene…the same name as his long lost daughter. As they both know the lullaby that Mylene loves to sing, and the resemblance between them makes it clear, Mylene is reunited with her father after so many years, revealing that she is a princess, so they’re actually still obeying the kingdom’s law!
A year later, the whole kingdom has gathered for the joyous wedding of the prince and his Island Princess! King Frederick attends, and so does Princess Evie, in the company of her boyfriend, the stablehand Brecken, who she grew close to on her many visits to the Bruel’s kingdom to see her friends.
With Jesse, Austin and Jean along for the ride, Mylene and Ivan spend their honeymoon sailing and exploring the world!
And they all lived happily ever after!
Here on their island, the fun never ends! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs, and watch for the final installment!
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