#lucas raymond should be there
enteringdullsville · 2 months
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So, here’s an old team of Total Drama OC’s I never got around to posting. Mostly because as much as my art style is based on Total Drama’s, actually replicating it is incredibly hard for me. I might make the remaining nine if I get enough positive feedback.
Lucas, the Go-Getter, looks like the season’s voice of reason…for all of five seconds. He’s joined TD with the express purpose of preventing such world ending threats as Max, so while he’s got the physical and mental training necessary for such an undertaking, he’s clearly a little bonkers.
Jane, the Wallflower, was forced to sign up by her parents solely to help her socialize. In many respects she’s a girl version of Cameron, exchanging some mechanical expertise with a little extra social awareness and physical strength. Probably the season’s pain-magnet.
Kevin, the Hotshot, is ostensibly the leader of his team since he’s the biggest and most “popular”. He’s a good person, but he’s also an oblivious moron so he relies on the advice of less stupid teammates for guidance. This makes him immediately susceptible to manipulation from…
Raymond, the Snitch, is what happens if you take Courtney, cross her with Dave, and give him MK’s subterfuge. Knowing his snobby attitude will immediately put a target on his back, he gains the approval of the team’s leader early on while digging up dirt on everyone else.
Molly, the Rising Star, is the star of every play at her school, so she can be something of a drama queen. She’s willing to share the limelight, but her positivity goes sailing out the window if you ruin her moment or make her look bad. If she looks familiar, she should.
Jamie, the Preppie, is here primarily on holiday. He’s at least trying in challenges, but he doesn’t really do the outdoors. He’s also fairly oblivious to hints that should be obvious, which is a shame because he’s actually pretty intellectual. Probably gonna be the first boot.
Summer, the Artistic Spirit, likes to live in the moment. She’s probably one of the weirder cast members, like Izzy without the energy levels. She tends to spout vaguely cosmic sounding hippie advice that quickly devolves into gibberish, and in general gives the vibes that she’s high off a substance that doesn’t even exist.
Bobby, the Slacker, is weirdly chill about the show in a way that you have to question if he’s even trying to survive. He’s more likely to shirk than to work, and he’ll go out of his way to make it look like he’s done his job. Usually, he ends up doing more work this way than he would have otherwise.
Marcie, the Charmer, is a less latent threat than Raymond, but she’s better at the social aspect of the game. She’s a regular sweet talker who can take the heat off of any tense situation. Possibly her only weakness is the fact she secretly hates all the extra attention and peering eyes on her.
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leafsbabe · 11 months
Moritz Seider & Lucas Raymond - four times Lucas caught you and Mo having sex and one time he joined (SMUT)
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aka 7.2k words of Moritz and you seducing his bestie by having sex in front of him
Lucas knew what he was doing was wrong and creepy but it wasn’t like there was a way to stop it. And it was all Mo’s fault to begin with. Really.
When Moritz had told Lucas about you staying the night, Lucas had made the smart and respectful choice to put in ear plugs before going to bed in order to avoid the exact situation he now found himself in.
Another high pitched moan.
Another deep “fuck”.
Another thump making the walls (damn flimsy American walls) shake. This one was bad enough to rattle the trinkets he kept on his dresser.
He didn’t even want to imagine what kind of wild fuckfest was happening in the other room but there were two things he knew for sure: Moritz was fucking you rough enough to make the walls shake and to wake him up despite the earplugs and Lucas just couldn't help listening.
To him it seemed almost impossible that Mo was simply fucking you on his bed. Him and Moritz had made sure to place their beds as far away from each other as they could, diligently tucked them away against the walls furthest from their shared one and diagonally across for good measure. It should have been enough to prevent the loud noises —it had been in the past.
Yet there he was, stuck listening as his best friend made you cum. Again.
Lucas didn’t want to imagine the way Mo’s strong hands gripped your soft thighs or the way you wound your fingers in his long hair, urging him to go faster. But as he listened to your combined moans through the wall, a pillow pressed to his face, and the damn earplugs he just couldn’t not.
So yes, it was all Mo’s fault. If he’d be fucking you any less intensely Lucas wouldn’t have woken up and he wouldn’t have to listen to you moan “oh god” over and over as if god had anything to do with what went on in that room.
It felt weird to just lay there and listen to the two of you go at it in the room next to his but something was holding him back. He could get up and walk over to their connecting wall or even Mo’s door, pound on it, and yell at you to keep it down. But he didn’t want to embarrass his friend or make you feel too mortified to even look him in the eyes. The best thing would be to just pretend he never heard a thing.
Lucas rolled over until he was laying on his stomach before sticking his head back under his pillow. He was still able to breath, mostly, and even if it didn’t do much the pillow at least muffled the noises slightly. It also silenced his own moan when he subconsciously rolled his hips, grinding his erection against the mattress. 
He didn’t touch himself that night but that didn’t mean he didn’t come.
Lucas didn't tell Mo about the time he heard the two of you have wild sex through the wall. He also didn't tell his friend that he came to the sound of his girlfriend's moans while grinding against his mattress. No matter how loud you were being, Lucas was fairly sure he crossed a line. 
Acting normal around you was hard enough but the thought of hearing you again —of hearing you come again (... and again and again)— was too much. To be fair he tried to be sneaky about it. There was a hotel two blocks from their apartment and the overnight clerk, a scrawny guy their age, was quick to give him a room for the night The third time he brought the dude a jersey as a thank you and he nearly cried so Lucas was sure it would continue to work until he got over himself. Until then all he had to do was slip out of their place when you came over and slip in again while you were still asleep from the night before. The one time it didn't work he came back to Mo and you having sweet, soft, and absurdly loud morning sex so he started adding a morning run to his routine as well.
Everything was going smoothly until it wasn’t.
Lucas did the same thing he always did the morning after you slept over. He left the hotel long before checkout and tipped well. Then he went on a jog around the neighborhood before making his way home. Once he got there he went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and a granola bar to hold him over until breakfast with you nymphomaniacs. At least that was the plan until he walked into his kitchen to find you perched on the counter right next to the coffee machine, both hands buried in Mo’s wild curls while his friend knelt on the floor in front of you, his face buried between your legs.
It looked like a scene from a porno, one of those amateur ones that were clearly homemade by a couple in love that Lucas would deny being his go-to category if anybody ever asked.
The kitchen wasn't quiet, between your moans and his own labored breathing but the only sound Lucas could focus on were the noises Mo made as he ate you out.
The German was feasting, devouring, chasing your pleasure with a single minded intensity that made Lucas question every time he went down on a girl before because nothing could compare to this.
From where he was standing Lucas could see everything and nothing. He could see the individual freckles across his friend's skin and the way the muscles in his shoulders moved as he clung to your legs. He saw the way you threw your head back in ecstasy, revealing the long line of your neck.
You weren’t sitting in front of him naked, either you or Moritz having had the forethought that you shouldn't walk through their shared apartment fully exposed, but Lucas hadn't realized what shirt you were wearing until his eyes wandered further down and saw a familiar print between the outlines of your hard nipples.
It wasn't just any shirt you were wearing.
It was his shirt.
Lucas turned around and walked back out of the apartment without saying anything. Going for another jog around the block didn't sound fun with an erection, but there was nothing stopping him from hiding out in the laundry room for a few hours.
A few days later Lucas still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that he had walked in on the two of you having sex.
It was one thing to listen to you have sex but seeing it... He couldn't get the picture out of his mind.
Moritz, on his knees. The noises he made as he ate you out.
You, sitting on the counter, wearing his shirt. 
His shirt.
It couldn't have been a mistake. Lucas knew that Mo knew that it was his shirt. But there was no way his friend would give you a shirt to wear —and then fuck you in said shirt— that wasn't his. It couldn't have been a laundry mix up either since Lucas vividly remembered putting it on his “too dirty for the closet but too clean for the laundry” chair just days before. 
You had gone home the day after but Lucas knew you wouldn't be gone for long. And as if he had summoned you, there you were, waiting on them after practice with a big smile and an even bigger shirt. One of Mo's, this time. Still no bra. Lucas tried not to stare. He had ended his hotel situation after walking in on you, thinking that maybe now you would stop but luck didn’t seem to be on his side. It was nice at first, having you back around. Before hearing you and Mo, Lucas always looked forward to talking with you but after he felt too awkward. Now it was as if nothing had happened. Lucas excused himself to call some friends back in Sweden and Mo and you stayed in the living room to watch a movie.
He didn't think any of it when he came back down two hours later and found you both still cuddling on the couch.
There were no noises, no movement, nothing to make him think anything other than some clingy couple's behavior was going on.
He should have known the two of you could never resist each other for long.
Lucas had been sitting on the couch next to you for ten blissfully unaware minutes before he noticed the pile on the floor that looked suspiciously like your pants and the sweatpants Mo had put on after training. A single glance at the blanket the two of you were sharing and his peace came crashing down.
"Please tell me you're not fucking under there.”
It wasn't exactly a look of shame that came across your faces but at least a slight blush on his friend's face to indicate he had guessed correctly.
"Not really.”
Lucas ignored his best friend's answer, deciding to focus on your vague not really.
"What do you mean?”
The way you looked between the two men bordered on adorable, something Lucas never thought he would think about a girl that had basically admitted to having sex in front of him right this very minute.
"It's just cockwarming,” You turned around to look at Moritz before looking at Lucas again, "I don’t think that really counts.”
Yeah, right.
He liked you two, he really did, but he wouldn't be sticking around to witness the two of you having sex… again.
Back in his room he didn’t even try to forget about what happened. It didn’t work the first time. It didn't work the second time. Lucas wasn’t holding out hope that it would happen now. Pulling out his phone to look up cockwarming took seconds but it took close to ten minutes for him to look down and read what it was.
Part of him wondered if you had spent the entire time he was gone doing this. Just casually cuddling for hours while Mo's dick was inside of you. Had it gone further at all?
Lucas didn't think he could last hours being inside a woman without fucking. Wouldn't last that long being inside you —no.
He couldn't go there. Wouldn't go there. You were dating Moritz. His best friend Mo. He couldn't be thinking about you like that.
Frustrated, he threw his phone to the other side of his bed, watching as it bounced off the mattress and clattered to the floor.
Lucas should pick it up.
He didn’t.
There were worse things to worry about at the moment.
Lucas continued to spiral for a week. He couldn't develop any feelings for you. He simply couldn’t. That was against all the laws of friendship.
Still, he couldn't get these thoughts out of his head.
It felt like the ultimate betrayal to picture his best friend’s girlfriend while he made himself cum, but at least his brain punished him by making it impossible for Lucas to picture you without Moritz.
He didn't know how to act around you. One day he avoided you at all cost, the next he clung to you like he couldn't bear being more than a meter away from you. It was bizarre.
Thankfully an away game whisked them out of the city. While not ideal at least he only had to deal with one of you and was able to keep his mind busy with hockey. At least that was the plan until the team checked into the hotel.
Server error. Double bookings. A single room with a king size bed instead of two rooms with doubles.
Somebody had to share.
And Mo volunteered them.
It didn't seem like a big deal to the German but Lucas was seriously considering sleeping on the floor the night before a game.
How could the taller man be so chill after everything that had happened in the past weeks?
In the end Lucas didn’t sleep on the floor. He couldn't risk it with the game tomorrow and everything. So after team dinner and an uncomfortably cold shower he got under the covers, shoved his head into his pillow hand enough to drown out the soft light coming from the bedside lamp on Mo's side, and pretended to sleep.
He didn't necessarily want to avoid all contact with Moritz but he just couldn't. Not tonight.
Usually sleep came easy to him. Lucas loved sleep, sleep loved Lucas. But that night it was evading him.
He listened to Moritz brush his teeth and get ready for bed with his eyes closed and his back turnt.
Things were going okay. His friend was a considered roommate, stayed up but kept mostly quiet, didn’t hog the blankets or turnt too much.
Lucas could hear his phone chime periodically while he was attempting to beat a level on a game but nothing loud enough to wake him had he actually been asleep.
It was fine until it wasn’t. 
The familiar tune of an incoming FaceTime call disrupted the soft sounds of Mo tapping away on his phone screen. 
“Hey.” Your voice sounded breathy, the slight distortion of the phone speaker doing nothing to conceal the neediness and Lucas already knew what was about to happen. 
Sure enough Moritz shuffled down until he was laying next to Lucas. There was still an entire bed between them but to him it seemed like a handful of centimeters at best. Lucas had his back turned towards his friend and Mo had no reason to assume he was anything other than fast asleep but the tone of his voice as he answered you made Lucas think his friend wouldn’t have minded either way. 
“You have to be quiet for me, baby. Lucas is sleeping right there.” The area around him got lighter for a moment. Mo must have turned his phone around to show you his sleeping form instead of just flipping the camera like a normal person but before he could really think about it the light stopped and he found himself once again swallowed by darkness. 
“I’ll be quiet.” You promised and Lucas felt bad for a second —it didn’t matter how quiet the two of you tried to be, he was awake and heard every single rushed breath— before the rustling of the starchy hotel sheets brought him back to reality. 
You wouldn’t actually…
You did. 
Lucas froze for a moment before he remembered he was supposed to breathe. Still, he didn’t dare to move. Beside him Mo moaned, the sound quickly becoming familiar to him in a way he didn’t like to question. At least he tried to stay quiet even if nothing could prevent Lucas from hearing the sounds coming from his friend and the phone he was holding.
“I miss you.” God, you sounded so sweet. Lucas could almost imagine the pout on your lips as you looked at your boyfriend —like the one you gave Mo when he hid your favorite candy on the top shelf or the one you gave him when he refused to join you two for a movie night the days after the couch cockwarming incident. 
Mo just let out an amused little huff at your antics but by the sound of his voice he was only teasing. Lucas once again questioned how he became so involved in your love life where he could discern the subtle tone shifts in his friend’s voice. “We’ve only been gone half a day.”
“I know. I still miss you though.” There was a sharp intake of breath —definitely Moritz— before your voice continued. “Your bed is so big without you here to hold me, to touch me.”
There was another soft ruffling of sheets, followed by a choked off moan, and Lucas felt more thankful for the fact that his friend tried to stay quiet than angry at you two for doing this while he was close enough to touch.  
“Yeah? Gonna show me how much you miss me?”
Lucas just closed his eyes, but it was no use. There was no way he could relax enough to fall asleep. The noises —whispered commands and hushed love confessions, choked off moans and faint buzzing— coming from the other side made it hard for him to fall asleep but he’d be lying to himself. The low sounds didn’t keep his mind quite as occupied as the question why he wanted to turn over and reach out to touch his friend so badly.
In his mind there was no way that you and Moritz knew he’d been awake while the two of you got each other off over FaceTime but Lucas started to notice small changes in your behavior after the roadtrip that he couldn’t otherwise explain. You still talked his ears off over breakfast —about making Mo take you on a vacation to Sweden in the summer, about Lucas tagging along, about the three of you heading to Germany after so that Mo can repay the favor and show you around— and the two of you still invited him to watch movies together (Lucas still declined) but something was just off. 
The two of you seemed to spend more time keeping secrets, talking in hushed voices with your heads close together only to abruptly stop when he entered the room. If seeing you two so secretive didn’t give him that shameful feeling deep in the pit of his stomach he’d find the almost comical display amusing but alas he was left to drown in his own worries. 
It also seemed that at least Moritz had caught on to what had been happening lately —that the amount of times he stumbled upon you two having sex had picked up exponentially— and had begun to question Lucas about his off ice schedule; when the team had him scheduled for filming, plans to hang out with the boys, what time he planned on heading to the gym.
Lucas on his end tried to get out of the apartment more and more. The time after he heard you fuck and all but moved into a hotel had nothing on the time after the FaceTime fiasco. Accidental voyeurism was one thing. Fantasizing about your best friend’s girlfriend was a whole other thing. And fantasizing about your best friend…
Yeah, he’d rather avoid that whole situation altogether. 
But just because Lucas wanted to avoid thinking about his thoughts didn’t mean he could avoid their apartment. Still, he tried to prolong his time spent away from home, taking a detour after another extra gym session to pick up groceries before making his way back. He would put them away and then he’d go straight to bed. With headphones this time, to cancel out all potential noise.
The universe —or rather Mo and you— seemed to have other plans for him though. He had brought in and put away his bags, carefully stashing away your favorite snacks in the bottom drawers Mo didn’t like to use and were thus safe from the German, in mostly silence. There was no indication that the two of you were busy doing each other so he made his way up the stairs to their bedrooms. His bed was calling and who was Lucas to ignore it. 
The moans started suddenly, shocking him enough that he missed the last step and nearly tumbled down the stairs. That would have been fun to explain to the team. Not that he would have to do it since he’d be at the hospital or worse. No. That honor would fall to Mo. But that would also mean he’d have to explain to his poor mother that Lucas got injured in a freak sex accident and he didn’t want that. Would it even count as a sex accident if he wasn’t one of the people having sex?
He felt torn between turning around and walking back out (running away…again) and hurrying along to his room (listening to you have sex like a creep…again). That choice was taken from him when Mo spotted him on the stairs. Of course you’d be fucking with the door open. 
“Hey Ray.” He called out, followed by a small whimper and a quiet “Behave.”
Lucas stood frozen, one hand gripping the stair’s banister like his life depended on it while wondering if this was all just a dream his subconscious came up with to torture him.
The two of you looked straight out of a fantasy and Lucas tried his hardest to commit the view to memory before the moment was over. Mo with his broad back and that ridiculous little bun in his hair. He briefly wondered how long it would stay before your desperate fingers tugged on his hair hard enough to undo it. And you. Oh so delicately perched on the bed, not quite sitting, not quite kneeling, but completely captivating. His eyes trailed from your wide eyes, down your neck and to your chest, miles and miles of skin laid bare before him. Your whole body moved under the weight of your heavy breathing but he couldn’t be blamed for getting his gaze stuck on your breasts. In his defense, they looked at him first. 
Lucas was staring. He knew the situation was uncomfortable but he couldn’t look away. Soft flesh and hard nipples. Mo had left two marks on the curve of one breast, close together as if he had gone to pull away but couldn’t help himself after the first. Small and dark like the only piece of clothing still covering you, preventing him from seeing every last centimeter of your body. 
“Hi Lu.” 
His eyes snapped up only to meet yours, looking back at him. You continued to look at him as Moritz reached out and touched your naked form. Lucas stood frozen as he watched his friend run a large hand down the path his gaze had taken moments earlier, down your neck and towards your chest, before covering one of your breasts with his palm. 
Neither of you moved to break eye contact, not even when your sweet smile gave way to a moan so filthy it almost made him choke on air.
The two of you made such a pretty dirty picture. Mo’s thumb moved, toying with your nipple and you gasped. It made Lucas want to lean down and fit his mouth right at the space where your skin met. Wanted to wrap his lips around the hard nub and suck. To taste the rough skin on Mo’s hand before biting down, not enough to hurt but just enough to make sure it’s real. 
It wasn’t another moan that snapped him out of his daydream. Mo had stepped away from your side and by the time Lucas noticed, his friend already stood in front of him, reaching out to take the arm that wasn’t clinging to the banister. Lucas let himself be pulled the last step until they were both standing at the top of the stairs. Moritz was still holding his arm, running his thumb over the inside of his forearm. Lucas got lost in the feeling until it pulled away.
The other man’s hand didn’t leave his body entirely though. Gently —and slow as if he was afraid Lucas would run— Mo’s hands came up to cup his face before the other man bent down and brought their lips together. By the time his brain caught up with what was happening and moved to reciprocate the kiss the other man had pulled away already. Lucas chased him, without thinking about it, rising up on his tiptoes to catch Mo’s mouth again before he realized what he was doing. Their lips didn’t touch again though. Instead he opened his eyes to find Moritz looking down at him, a single eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips. Lips that had kissed his just seconds before.
They looked at each other for a moment before Mo took his hand again. “Komm.”
He led him into the bedroom behind him, grasp gentle. You were still on the bed, looking at them while —oh— touching yourself. Mo deposited him right next to you, close enough to touch but Lucas didn’t dare to reach out.
You didn’t seem to have that reservation, pressing yourself against his side and making him swallow hard. “You joining us?”
Lucas could feel both of your eyes on him as he looked at the floor. Was he?
The moment the yes left his lips you were on him, pushing at his chest until he fell back onto the bed and swinging a leg over his middle to sit on him. “Awesome.”
Your lips were softer than Mo’s, he noticed, as you bent down and kissed him. It wasn’t a sweet kiss like the one between your boyfriend and him had been. No. You kissed like you wanted to devour him. And Lucas would gladly let you.
He hesitated for a moment, maybe one or two of his racing heartbeats, before he let himself touch you. The sounds you made when he finally got his hands on your chest, —honey sweet and muffled against his own mouth, so painfully familiar after everything that happened. Lucas had been growing hard since he saw you and Moritz on the bed but now he could chase that pleasure. With you squirming on his lap, almost completely naked with the exception of your tiny underwear.
Lucas let his hands wander. He wanted to, needed to, feel more of your body. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he knew every centimeter of you. He let his hands dip lower, wandering down your sides only for them to bump against Mo’s hands where they were resting on your hip.
It wasn’t like he had forgotten that Moritz was there (there was no possible situation in which he could ever forget about Moritz) but this —touching him while touching you— made him feel exhilarated in a way he couldn’t place. Their fingers overlapped for a second but instead of pulling his hands away like Lucas had thought, Moritz put them on top of his own and pulled them the last few centimeters until they were resting on your ass. You moaned against his mouth and kissed him harder.
His own whine was silenced by your tongue as Moritz moved his own hands away. It was just a simple touch but Lucas already found himself missing it after seconds. His hands didn’t stay gone for long though. 
Lucas jumped as Mo’s hands landed in his lap, pulling away from you and trying to look around your bodies as his friend fidgeted with the waistband of his pants, working on the knotted drawstring while skillfully avoiding touching his bulge. 
“Great idea.” Lucas had no idea how your voice already sounded so wrecked as you addressed Mo before turning back to him. “Take off your clothes!”
The two of you watched as Lucas stripped down, sat on the edge of the bed, giving him your full attention. Some time between him losing his socks and him pulling his shirt over his head your hand had found its way into Mo’s boxers but Lucas didn’t mind. Your eyes were still on him.
It wasn’t until he was standing in front of you in his underwear that he wondered what you were even doing.
“What now?”
It was Moritz that stood up while you leaned back on the bed. “Now,” he wrapped an arm around Lucas’ middle, leaning close enough that his hair tickled his cheek, “Now you’re going to fuck my girlfriend.”
His hands didn’t leave his body, staying wrapped around Lucas as he rid himself of his boxers and guiding him to climb on the bed until he was holding himself up above you. The knowledge that you were beneath him, completely bare and just waiting for him to take you apart, drove him wild. Your arms wrapped around his neck and Lucas wanted nothing more than to lean down, get his mouth on your skin and his dick inside you when he remembered something.
“Hold on. Uh… condoms?”
You looked past him, sharing a look with Mo before the other man spoke up from beside you. “We don’t- Do you have any? We don’t use them but I can… get you one if you want?” 
He turned to look between you two, trying to figure things out. “If-”
“I’m on the pill.” You interrupted them. “So you don’t have to use one.”
He looked between you two again, seeing Mo shrug before you pulled his upper body down to you again.
Mo’s voice was low as he spoke. “Go on. Make her feel good.” 
Lucas didn’t know if it was an order or permission. Truthfully, thinking about anything beside you and Mo and him and Mo and you seemed impossible to him at the moment. All he could focus on was your face as he entered you, Mo’s hand on his back as he pressed inside, the way you felt around him. He was lost in the feeling, lost in the way you pulled him closer, lost in your mouth. A tangle of limbs and soft skin.
The bed dipped beside them and Lucas pulled away from you to see Moritz stretched out and watching you. His hair had come undone, falling into his face, and he wanted to reach out and run his hands through it, tug on it, watch his friend react to the touch.
You beat him to it though, grabbing for Mo with ease and pulling him in for a kiss. He had to move a little to give you space but he didn’t mind stopping his thrusts because the picture in front of him made up for everything. Up close he could hear your kiss more than he could see it, the deep rumble as Mo groaned, your sharp intake of breath. Lucas felt you shift beneath him so he started to move again. Slower this time. Almost teasing you.
Mo moaned again as you tugged his head lower by the hair. Lucas watched as he kissed his way down the valley of your throat before reaching your chest. He felt the moment Mo wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, the way you tightened around him, head thrown back and eyes closed. He was lost in the sight of you, hips moving in a rhythm of their own making as he tried to keep giving you pleasure for as long as he could.
Lucas was so focused on you and Mo’s mouth on your breasts that he didn’t notice his friend’s hand wandering between your bodies until he felt it, right where you were connected. Mo didn’t look up as his skillful fingers moved and Lucas tried to continue fucking you like you deserved but the combination of you clenching around him and Moritz tracing around his shaft where he was fucking into you was too much. He barely managed to hold himself up in order to not squish you two beneath him but Mo’s arm still ended up trapped, his head bumping against Lucas’ chest as he lifted it from your boob.
It was you who took charge, commandeering them to your liking. Mo withdrew with a deep sigh and Lucas couldn’t help but watch his friend for a moment. He was flushed, hair a mess and his mouth so plush he wanted nothing more than to lean over and connect their mouths. How had they only kissed once so far? Instead it was you who pulled him in for a kiss, soft and sweet, barely more than a peck even if you tightened around him again causing him to moan against your lips. 
“Can you pull out real quick so that I can turn around?”
He did. A little slow so that he could savor the moment. When you turned to lay on your stomach he only mourned your boobs the normal amount. 
Lucas positioned himself again. Right at your entrance, fingers on one hand pushing the soft flesh of your ass aside so that he could see. “Can I…?”
“If you don’t fuck me right now…” The rest of your words were swallowed by a moan as he pushed inside again. 
The angle was different but no less intoxicating as he started to move. Slower than before. Savoring it. His eyes followed the line of your spine from your butt up to —oh. 
Mo had moved again while Lucas had been so distracted by you. He was now sitting against the headboard of his bed, legs spread and long on either side of your body, as you took him into your mouth. Mo had his eyes closed, his own mouth hanging open as he focused on your mouth and your mouth only, but Lucas couldn’t blame him. While he couldn’t see you he was sure you made a pretty picture. 
Lucas was careful as he picked up the pace. Every push of his hips against yours also pushed you onto Moritz and he didn’t want you to choke on his friend while he mindlessly chased his pleasure. 
Mo was similarly holding back. One of his hands rested on the back of your head but he was careful not to push. 
You were a precious thing, laying between them and taking them both. 
Lucas leaned down a little, his movement just enough to change the angle at which he was fucking you a little bit. Your response was instantaneous, clenching around him while also humming around Mo’s dick. Both men swore at the sensation. 
When he opened his eyes he saw that Mo was staring back at him and for a split second Lucas  wondered if his friend would kiss him again. The angle was off but if they leaned just a little bit or maybe if you… he didn’t get to finish the thought because Mo’s eyes squeezed shut and a tell-tale shudder ran through his body. 
His own hips stuttered at the sight but he hoped you wouldn’t mind too much that he ruined his rhythm yet again. He didn’t know how anybody could watch Moritz come and not get distracted.  And really, it was incredibly unfair that his friend had a pretty o-face on top of everything. When he looked up to look at you two again Lucas let out a quiet laugh at the sight in front of him, more involuntarily than not. Mo had shuffled out from under you and had flopped back on his side next to them. He laid there, violent blush spreading down his heaving chest and softening dick out without a care in the world. The authenticity of it burned. 
“Ja, ja. Laugh all you want; tomorrow she’ll blow you and we’ll see how long you’ll last.”
You laughed too, walls fluttering around him as you did. The pace of his hips picked up again as he started to fuck you in earnest. With Moritz no longer in front of you he didn’t have to worry about fucking you into him too much. Instead he could listen to the way you moaned for him, the way your breath hitched when he changed the angle at which he was hitting you, the way you begged for him. 
Lucas moved harder, arms on either side of your body holding him up above you while he thrusted into you. The whole bed was moving and in the back of his head he thought about that first night he heard you and Mo before you tightened around him and he couldn’t think anymore. 
Your orgasm took Lucas by surprise, even more than Mo’s did, but it only took him a handful of thrusts to follow you. Too tight to resist any longer. He collapsed onto your back, too overwhelmed to hold himself up any longer, while he continued to grind into you with shallow little thrusts. 
It wasn’t until the two of you had completely stilled that Moritz kissed him. It was similar to their first kiss, sweet and languid, only this time Lucas managed to kiss him back. Mo moaned against his lips as he did, pressing back harder before pulling away. 
Lucas was gentle as he pulled out. He didn’t miss your little whine at the feeling so he pressed a kiss against your shoulder blade before fully rolling over to lay next to you. On the other side of your body Mo was just becoming active again, reaching out to touch you now that Lucas wasn’t on top of you any more. 
He watched as your boyfriend helped you turn over until you were laying on your back again, kissing you so filthily that Lucas had to swallow even though he had been inside you only moments ago. He sat up a little more, resting his head on one of Mo’s pillows until he could rest comfortably and watch you. His own private show. 
He was too exhausted to touch himself when Moritz started kissing down your body but the image would be burned into his mind forever. His friend kissed his way down your body, adding another mark to the ones on your boob before moving lower. You were gasping again, hands fisted in his curls, but you weren’t pulling Mo up or pushing him down, you were simply tugging on the strands as Mo moaned. 
He reached out to you just as Mo reached your middle, palming one of your boobs as Mo licked into you for the first time. Lucas was torn between watching your face or watching him eat you out but that decision was quickly made for him when he remembered that he didn’t wear a condom. 
He had come inside of you. 
And Mo was eating you out. 
Something about his best friend possibly tasting him in you made his head feel fuzzy. His stomach grew heavy with need while he watched. One hand absentmindedly thumbing at your nipple as he cupped one of your boobs, the other hand reaching down to play with himself. He didn’t think he’d come again so soon after but the movement of his hand felt more like drawn out pleasure than overstimulation so he continued to slowly jerk himself. 
Mo was grinding against the mattress but the lazy way he moved made it clear to him that he wasn’t chasing another release either. He was focused on eating you out. Lucas was focused on him eating you out, too. 
It didn’t take long for you to come again. Not with the way Mo was devouring you. Watching you come was different than feeling you come around him. Obviously. But Lucas could have sworn you didn’t shake like that when he had made you come, a full body shiver against the sheets. One of your hands left Mo’s hair and gripped his thigh instead as you fell apart and Lucas couldn’t even flinch at the pain of your nails leaving little indents on his skin because the knowledge that you seemed him out, unconsciously as it be, in the throes of pleasure made up for it tenfold. 
He reveled in the feeling. Watching Mo pull away from your pussy while your biting grip on his thigh slowly turned into a gentle pet. 
Lucas was expecting the two of you to gather yourselves soon, to send him on his merry way to the room next door never to talk about this night again. Mo might’ve been talking about another time in the morning but that was simple dirty talk in the moment and not something he’d cling to, if only to protect his heart from getting attached. 
He was preparing himself to leave when you tugged him down from where he was lounging until you could roll over, keeping him on the bed with your body on his. Your head came to rest on his chest and he felt nervous, wondering if you could hear how fast his heart was beating. Hesitantly, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer, relieved when you snuggled closer. 
Lucas hadn’t even realized that Moritz had left until the older man walked in holding his own blanket. He didn’t realize why he had gotten it but then Mo started to try and get his own blanket off the bed with Lucas and you still on it. Oh yeah, they had fucked on top of the duvet. It was awkward but all it did was make you laugh, not get up or attempt to help him in any way. When he had finally wrangled it free he simply dumped it on the floor before throwing Lucas’ over them. It fell in a way that covered your head completely and the way he could feel your giggle against his skin as he pushed it down a little so that you could breathe made his heart race even more than before. If you hadn’t heard it before, now you surely did.
“Can you move a little?” 
The two of you were laying a little off center on the bed. Maybe if they’d be closer to the other side three people could fit in there but right now it seemed impossible for Mo to get in with you as well. Lucas wasn’t one to leave his friend without a sleeping place. You were still clinging to him though, only lifting your head a little to look at them. Lucas used that opportunity to shuffle a bit closer to the center, moving your body with him, even just for a few centimeters. 
It must have been enough for Mo because he lifted a corner of the blanket and laid down next to them. It was a tight fit but he reckoned that he could turn with you enough that you would lay in between them. Before he could move though Moritz put his arm around you. Both of you. 
Lucas knew that he shouldn’t enjoy this so much but he let himself be held either way. Mo felt warm and solid against his side and when Lucas curled up around you a little more he followed suit and curled up around him. He never really cared if he was the big spoon or the little spoon, usually defaulting to being the big spoon, but being a middle spoon made something he couldn’t describe settle inside him. 
He yawned, wide but silent. They would let him stay the night. Maybe they would let him stay beyond that. His sleepy mind didn’t share the same worries that he had ten minutes ago so he let himself enjoy your embrace. 
Somewhere between your soft breathing on his chest and barely there kisses against the back of his neck, Lucas fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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gordiemeow · 1 year
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Mo Seider is already well loved on hockeyblr, but most folks here don't seem to know about his cute, codependent relationship friendship with his teammate Lucas Raymond... like, look at the above GIF, then look me in the eyes and tell me you can't already see how adorable they are together. So because I feel like they’re underrated but have great shipping potential, I decided to write a ship primer!
I'm going to give some info about Lucas and Mo individually first, then I'll dive into why they make a good pairing... Feel free to read or skip whichever sections you'd like, since this is a pretty long post. Oh, and (as best as possible) I'll be linking to my sources, plus a few easter eggs! 😉
Moritz "Mo"/"Seids" Seider
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If he already looks familiar to you, it might be because Mo was the 2022 Calder Trophy winner. In the 2021-22 season, he led all NHL rookies in assists (43), power-play points (21), and average time on ice (23:03) in addition to being one of only 3 NHL rookies to play all 82 games (Lucas being one of the other three). Oh, and before he ever reached the NHL, he won the DEL cup in Germany with Adler Mannheim in 2019 and made it to the SHL finals in Sweden with Rögle BK in 2021, both of which he still happily talks about.
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Mo is known for his confidence, optimism, and "infectious personality." He plays and practices hard (look up any of his highlight clips) and is fairly humble when talking with the media. Although, his teammates are all quick to point out that he brings a lot of positivity, fun, and goofiness—in addition to a “big bod,” according to Lucas—to the locker room. Completely unsurprisingly, Mo loves chirping his teammates as well as his opponents (... and also his family). He doesn't overthink or worry about things, and he absolutely doesn't let himself get worked up—to the extent that he completely refuses to drop the gloves (like, at all).
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Birthday: April 6th, 2001 (♈︎)
Draft: 2019, 6th overall (to Detroit)
Jersey #: 53 (because of Herbie the Lovebug*)
Nationality: German 🇩🇪
Hometown: Erfurt, Germany
Height: 6’4” / 193cm
Teams: Detroit Red Wings (NHL, 2021-Present), Rögle BK (SHL, 2020-21), Grand Rapids Griffins (AHL, 2019-20), Adler Mannheim (DEL, 2017-19)
Position: Defence
Shoots: Right
*personal headcanon: Lucas would definitely call him lovebug as a pet name
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A big part of Mo's appeal off the ice is his childish joy about damn near everything. His favourite breakfast foods are Eggo waffles and Nutella, which makes it not at all surprising that he kept a tub of candy in his locker when he played in Sweden... He just has an enormous sweet tooth. He's also said (more than once) that if he weren't a hockey player, he'd be an Uber driver, of all things (honestly? I feel like the Wings media team should jump on that as a video opportunity... but what do I know...), although he's also admitted he would have been happy to be a pro-biker. And, adorably, he's incredibly ticklish.
As far as media goes, Mo has owned up to the fact that he watches the bachelor (even though Larkin says that he doesn't watch much TV—you'd think Dylan would embrace someone else on the team watching shitty reality TV?). He also has Generic Hockey Boy™ taste in music (rap, hip hop, and a bit of country—all lots of fun, but predictable), but is, some what more surprisingly, constantly dancing and singing (and singing even more... and even more... and there's still more singing later on in this post........). He also enjoys playing video games, especially Formula 1.
Also, Mo talks quite a bit with the other German players in the NHL, who he calls "the boys." He's especially close with Leon Draisaitl, who acts as a bit of a mentor toward him and Tim Stützle... although Leon happily, publicly chirps Mo (and vice-versa!).
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It's also worth delving into Mo’s fashion sense just a bit. He loves Lululemon (in spite of him shitting on "expensive brands" in one of the above breakfast break graphics... we're obviously in different tax brackets...), and Lucas has unhesitatingly said that Mo is well dressed—“Mo has actually a great shoe game… he has a LOT of shoes.” Also, his teammates chirp him about how vain he is about his hair (he's always touching it, even with a hat on). Bizarrely, Mo has said he gets compared to Harry Styles, looks-wise (by who, Mo? who would tell you that???), and oh yeah—tangentially related, but it's in that same link—apparently his hands are "bigger than you may think."
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Mo fell in love with hockey shortly after learning to skate. He got a flyer inviting him and his kindergarten classmates to come skate with the local team, which was a "beautiful moment" for him. After that, hockey was his passion—he loved watching the local, semi-professional team, and wanted to play for them as a kid (he ended up exceeding his dream, though, of course).
Speaking of which, Mo is very close with his family. His parents quit their jobs when he was 14 so he could pursue hockey in Mannheim, in spite of their initial hesitations about the sport because they associated it with fighting—not that they ultimately needed to worry since Mo won't fight! They even ended up buying themselves a hockey ABCs book when they realised he was well and truly head over heels for the sport. His dad, Kay, is particularly enthusiastic, especially when he's with the other Wings' dads. Meanwhile, his mom, Sabine, definitely babies him a little bit, and even decorated his apartment for him. He has a brother Marius, who's 10 years older and played a lot of sports growing up too (although not hockey), and Mo looked up to him quite a bit.
Aside from Lucas, Mo is closest with Joe Veleno, a Quebec native who had his first full year with the Wings during Lucas and Mo's first year. Joe played (and lived) with Mo in Grand Rapids during the '19-20 season before COVID brought things to a halt, and the two have stayed friends ever since. They had a show together during the '21-22 season called the MoJoe show, where they goofed off, chirped each other, sang "Take Me Home, Country Roads" (see, more singing! still more to come, though...), answered silly questions (such as "what would your perfect date be?"), and had Mo try apple cider. I don't want to spoil everything, though... definitely watch the show for yourself—the episodes aren't very long and it's super cute! (Also, there are episodes where Lucas guest hosts that you should absolutely watch. I'll discuss those a little bit in the relationship section of the primer.)
Lucas “Razor”/"Ray"/"Ray-Ray" Raymond
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Lucas has been a strong first line winger, playing (and gelling) well with Wings captain Dylan Larkin. And as mentioned before, he was one of three NHL rookies to play all 82 games in the 2021-22 season. He got his first hat trick just six games into his career, and he was also one of the early forerunners for the 2022 Calder, although he did ultimately hit a little bit of a slump. Oh, and he was the first Wings rookie since Nicklas Lidstrom to score more than 50 points. (Not to mention, prior to all that he was on the first Swedish U18 IIHF team to win gold, and scored a hatty in the gold medal match.)
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Lucas is not-so-secretly as soft as a marshmallow (although his thighs certainly aren't), much as he might try to put on a tough face with the media. He may be a bit less funny/outgoing in interviews than Mo, but he's great at chirping and is well liked by all of his teammates. Also, according to Mo, he's "always good for a joke—doesn’t take himself too seriously.” He can also be very earnest, and has admitted he wanted to go to Detroit more than any other team, in large part due to the Wings' Swedish legacy.
He's a "solution driven player," and is stubborn and competitive ("in everything," according to his mother), and is maybe prone to overthinking things, especially after a loss. "I just hate to lose. Hate it. Even in just a friendly game of poker with my dad. When we play cards in the evening, and he’s really good at cards, he eventually lets me win so that I can go to bed. I could never stop playing without a win," Lucas has said. All that aside, he is generally a very happy, positive person, especially with the people he's close to.
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Birthday: March 28th, 2002 (♈︎)
Draft: 2020, 4th overall (to Detroit)
Jersey #: 23
Nationality: Swedish 🇸🇪
Hometown: Gothenburg, Sweden
Height: 5’11” / 180cm
Teams: Detroit Red Wings (NHL, 2021-Present), Frölunda HC (SHL, 2018-21)
Position: Left Wing
Shoots: Right
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Off the ice, Lucas really enjoys golf (please click that link), although he's definitely more talented at juggling. He was tasked with learning how to juggle by a coach when he played for Frölunda, and he took to it pretty quickly... although he's not the only one on the team who can! (And both Lucas and Mo are pretty talented at puck juggling.) He's also totally a nap-lover, anytime anywhere. And, maybe most adorably, he really deeply loves romantic movies—“I don’t think Lucas wants me to tell this,” his brother Hugo has said, “but he loves romantic films with a great ending… Every night, we try to find a movie, a romantic movie, with a great ending. And if it doesn’t have a great ending, we watch a new one.”
Adorably, Lucas sometimes writes articles in Swedish for nhl.com/sv (five so far: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]). In these articles he talks about everything from his play to his teammates, his distaste for Swedish Christmas food aside from meatballs (way to be an Ikea stereotype, Lucas), him always packing snuff for away game trips (snuff is a Thing™ with hockey players, especially Scandinavians), his love of Swedish pizza, and him going to NBA games semi-regularly... Oh, and he signs off each blog post with "ha det gött," an informal way of saying goodbye that translates to "have a good one."
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In spite of Mo being the more obviously vain one of the two, Lucas apparently spends a lot more time getting ready in the morning, and Mo has said they share an interest in fashion. Unlike Mo, Lucas tragically rarely shows off his curls, instead preferring to keep a backwards baseball cap on off ice almost always (hence there not being all that many good pictures of him without one on). But, again like Mo, he does enjoy singing (if a tad bit less enthusiastically than Mo), and has the same stereotypical Hockey Boy taste in music.
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Growing up, Lucas played a really wide variety of sports, from swimming to gymnastics to golf to soccer (which he might have gone pro in if he didn't love hockey so much) to hockey, as well as wind-surfing, water-skiing, and skiing... his parents just encouraged him to do what made him happy, and constantly practising and pushing himself was what made him happiest. He basically had a constant drive to be better and do more.
Lucas is even bigger on family than Mo is—in fact, he frequently called home his first year (Mo has teased him about it). He has a lot of fond memories with his dad, Jean, who coached Lucas in soccer growing up and played floor hockey with Lucas and his brother (Lucas liked to play goalie), and also took Lucas to visit his family in France (according to that same article, Lucas apparently spoke French fluently as a kid). He's especially close with his mom, Cecilia, though. The two of them are similarly (freakishly) competitive and athletic, even among their already athletic family. Cecilia actually made the Swedish national team in squash as a teenager, and she's a personal trainer and dietician now... so she made sure to emphasize the importance of a proper diet and having fun while working hard to Lucas while he was growing up. (Lucas is still fairly strict about his diet, although his mom does say in that article that he hates vegetables.) Lucas has also always been pretty close with his older brother Hugo, who plays professional hockey in Sweden’s Division 3 league—the two of them grew up playing street hockey and soccer together, in spite of their two-and-a-half year age difference.
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And lastly here, I have no real excuse for including the above photo of Lucas with recent Wings rookie Jonatan Berggren, it just makes me giggle because they both look incredibly dorky. My fake excuse though is that I figured I should mention Lucas's friendships with the other Swedes on the team, including another recent Wings rookie, Elmer Söderblom, who's from the same town as him.
Raymond/Seider (2353)
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So now you're wondering—what makes the two of them so good together? (Especially since they both claim they wouldn't want to be stuck on a deserted island together.)
Lucas and Mo have insane chemistry—look, they even clap in time together! (That's weak evidence, I know... but bear with me here...) They basically instantly clicked—as Lucas put it, "It was really nice to have each other in the beginning... Everything was new for both of us, both in the same position, so to have each other to kind of talk to and just... it was not even that much about hockey often, it was just about other things and life ... It was really nice." Although, they quickly clicked on the ice too, in spite of playing different positions—Mo has said that "it’s easy giving [Lucas] the puck, and you know, like, either you get it back or something good will happen," and Lucas has said (in that same video) that Mo is a "complete defender" and that "it's easy to play with him."
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Their instant connection before even hitting the ice makes a lot of sense since, as mentioned before, they have overlapping tastes in music and fashion, among so many other things... And both are frequently described as mature and unusually clean for being young men (although Mo claims to be the messier of the two). They're also similarly competitive, but are both fairly joyful and laugh easily (see the first GIF of the post for proof, or even the first video of this section). And they hang out all the time—either at each other's apartments, or by going out to the movies together or, occasionally, NBA games (see above picture).
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Also, if Mo and Lucas frequently, publicly hanging out didn't make it clear already, they totally live in each other's pockets. They played most of their first two seasons together—aside from when Lucas had a lower body injury in February of 2023—and have been practically inseparable the whole time, starting with their first training camp.
Lucas stayed at Mo's apartment during camp and the start of the 21-22 season, when it wasn't clear yet if he was going to stay up for the whole season. He didn't actually want to move out of Mo's place—he mostly did because they wouldn't have enough room for everyone if both of their families were visiting at the same time (🥺). But Lucas has said that they still, "... live close to each other and spend a lot of time with each other. It was great for both of us to work through the same things [our first] season."
(It also sounds like they might have been/might be road roommates, based on vague comments in a few videos? But I can't find a definitive source on that. Still wanted to mention it, though!)
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Hilariously, Lucas never bothered to figure out Mo’s TV remote while living with him, so he’d just crash on his couch right when they got back from practice and then waited for Mo to come out to the living room to turn it on and pick a channel. He also would make Mo chauffeur him to practice until he got a licence and car.
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Also when they were living together (because there are so many good stories that came out of that), they would go out and play catch with a mini American football. Mo really loved that football, so when they were playing with it one day, Lucas threw it up onto a different apartment's balcony to mess with him a little bit. Kids were playing with it the next day though, so they didn't want to ask for it back... but they were ultimately gifted another one by fans during pre-game warm-ups.
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Their rookie year brought them together in mutual suffering too, beyond just the Wings' losing record. On one of their earliest road trips, they took one of the first elevators up when they got to the hotel, but neither of them had realised that elevators are supposed to be taken in order of seniority, veteran players going first... Lesson learned though (after some chirping and likely some fines), and they both "are waiting very patiently" for the later elevators now. Also, when they first played in Vegas, they were the only underage players on the team, so they didn't get to go out and have fun like the rest of the guys... they just had to hang out together, instead.
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They also regularly hosted Swedish fikas* together during their first season, inviting the older guys and their families over for coffee and snacks. This is kind of surprising (and cute) considering that Lucas can't cook pretty much at all and Mo has only recently gotten better at it. This past season, though, they started cooking dinner together sometimes as their own "tradition" (does Mo do most of the cooking, I wonder?).
*fika = a kind of coffee, snack, and conversation break , which is deeply engrained/treasured in Swedish culture 🇸🇪
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There's been a strong, ongoing narrative with these two since they joined the team. Not only were they pretty much instant best friends, they also frequently talk about each other in interviews, including their pre-game interviews before their mutual 100th game ([1] [2]). They scored their first points (assists) in the same game too—their very first one with the Wings (at home, no less)! Oh, and Lucas scored his 100th career point on Mo's birthday (against Buffalo, April 6th, 2023)—could that be anything other than fate? 🤷‍♀️
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They're also constantly chirping one another in the Wings' social media videos, including the promo video for Lucas's bobblehead night (see above GIFs for the best bit). And just in general, they frequently mention one another when answering questions for the Wings' TikTok account... it's sickeningly sweet.
Speaking of cute social media videos, here are the two episodes of the MoJoe show where Lucas is a guest host. The episodes are totally adorable and chirp-filled, and even if you don't intend to watch the whole series, you should at least watch these two episodes just to admire how terrible these two fools are at keeping a straight-face around one another. (And to cringe at how neither of them can sing on pitch... I told you guys there would be even more singing... 😂)
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When asked for three words to describe each other, Mo said Lucas, "needs a nap" because he takes a nap immediately after practice, then doesn’t reappear until dinner, and Lucas said Mo is, "funny, smart actually—sometimes—and very driven." (Lucas, that’s technically more than three words??? 🤔)
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And because this post is self-indulgence at its finest, I wanted to round things off with my personal favourite dorky quotes from Lucas and Mo about one another…
"I mean, both of us are very young, but the maturity that Mo plays with, I think that's probably his biggest strength." -Lucas (said very seriously, although he smiled a bit afterwards because Mo giggled in embarrassment and said "Stop...")
"I think especially for me, I just enjoy being around [Lucas], and yeah, he's putting a smile on my face." -Mo (said with a soft smile)
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2353 is still very much a rarepair, but it's worth shipping! 🥰
Obligatory RPF Disclaimer: Clearly these two are not and will never be together in real life. This primer presents carefully curated, publicly available information that does not attempt to give a full or intrusive look into either of these players' lives. This is so that people looking to read/write this pairing can build a better mental picture of characters loosely based on real people.
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Betrayal (17) - FINALE. 
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Crossover of Spooks and Pilgrimage (Modern AU)
Pairings: Lucas North x OC/Raymond de Merville x OC
Warnings: Love triangle. Angst. Language. Sexual references/language. Cheating. Stalking. Some spoilers from season 9. Su*cide. Grief.
Summary: Amy Holland is Lucas North’s girlfriend of six months. Amy is aware of his job as an MI-5 agent and supports him. However, Lucas’ cousin, Raymond de Merville, has always loved Amy and uses their one night stand together as leverage for something more.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I’m gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
If you enjoy this fic, please remember that a reblog is always much appreciated and helps us writers out immensely with getting our fics circulated. <3
There is an explicit warning in this chapter for su*cide. Please read with caution if you feel that it something that may affect you.
This will be the final instalment of this fic, so thank you to everyone who has come along on the journey with me. I appreciate all of you so much.
Amy crouched at the gravestone, reading the name John Bateman in gold, italic lettering. Tears dripped down her cheeks as she placed a small bunch of white roses into the font. "I'm sorry, Lucas," she whispered. She said those words every day, still carrying the guilt for his passing. In his sheer terror at the thought of being imprisoned again, after living a lie and carrying another man's name, John Bateman, threw himself from the roof of Thames House in London.
Raymond took Amy's hand in his and helped her back up to her full height. "Come here," he whispered, and took her into his arms.
Amy remembered the funeral, a tiny gathering of only her, Raymond and a vicar, to commend John Bateman to ashes and his final resting place. None of his colleagues had come to the service; none of his family wanted anything to do with the man being laid to rest. Only Raymond and Amy showed any kind of care and compassion.
Back at the car, Amy got in the passenger seat. Her eyes remained focused on her hands which were fidgeting in her lap.
Raymond took a deep intake of breath as he got back in the car. Every day and he saw the pain she carried with her, the guilt of Lucas' death. He knew that she blamed herself for not stopping him taking his life. None of the counselling seemed to be helping her, and all Raymond wanted was to see her smile again...properly.
"He wouldn't want you to live like this, you know?" Raymond said softly, turning towards her. "I think I knew him enough to know that he'd never want you carrying guilt on your shoulders. When he took his life, that was his choice. There was no way you could have stopped him."
"How do I know that?" Amy looked at Raymond with a watery gaze. "Will I ever really know?"
"No, you won't, but his choice isn't something that should define you. Amy, I want to see you live. Don't you think it kills me seeing you like this day after day? Everything that John did was his choice alone. We go over this so many times, and I don't think even your counsellor is getting through to you either."
"I was one of the last people he spoke to, and I heard all that pain in his voice," Amy began. Then the sadness overtook her again, the hole in her gut opening up and outwards.
"Amy, please?" Raymond begged. He reached over the space between them and held her face in his hands. "I love you so much, and I just want to see you smile." Tears also fell down his cheeks. He peppered her face in kisses. "I'd do anything to take this pain from you. Blame me if you need to, just...stop carrying this."
A week after Amy and Raymond's trip to London to visit Lucas' grave, Amy stood in from of her bathroom mirror. She looked at the the two pink lines. Positive. It didn't comprehend for the first few seconds, and then she gasped, dropping the white test into the sink with shaking hands.
Raymond let himself in to the two bedroom flat he shared with Amy in Coventry. After a near twelve hours at work, he was ready to have an early night. The flat was quiet, he noticed. Normally if Amy was home before him then music would be playing, and tonight should have been one of those nights.
He placed his keys down onto a small table in the hallway and then followed it down into the kitchen at the end. She wasn't there. He checked the living room. She wasn't there.
"Amy?" he called.
"In here. I'm in the bathroom."
Raymond opened the bathroom door to see Amy sat on the toilet lid. She was holding a small white object in her hand, and she was smiling. It was a contented smile, a smile that made its way to her eyes.
She lifted the object to Raymond for him to look at it. "I'm pregnant," she said simply.
Raymond stared at Amy, speechless. Like her, the news didn't comprehend immediately. And then it hit. He was going to be a father. The second part of his dream had come true. Not only did he have Amy, the woman he loved, but she was carrying their baby.
Amy waited, growing nervous at Raymond's lack of response. Until his whole face changed and he beamed. He grabbed her tight and pulled her to him, and together they kissed.
As they parted, Amy saw tears in Raymond's eyes. "Our little de Merville baby," Amy said, smiling from ear to ear.
Without another word, Raymond got to his knee and took Amy's hand. "I intend to make you one, too. Will you marry me?"
Amy couldn't help but let the sheer joy of what was happening over take her completely. Tears fell down her cheeks, and she threw herself and Raymond into another tight, love-filled embrace. "Yes. I'd want nothing more."
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @knittastically @meganlpie @luna-xial @middleearthpixie @eunoiaastralwings @asgardianhobbit98 @linasofia @guardianofrivendell @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @xxbyimm @sunflwrnsunnieshine @tschrist1 @quiall321
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poetzproblem · 2 years
If fababy #2 had been a boy, what name would they have picked?
See, there's a reason they had a girl. Naming boys is not my jam.
There aren't a ton of great baby boy names that start with C, so their search for one might have been a bust. Cyrus (sun) would have been the only one to make the list since Rachel vetoed Caleb because she didn't want two Cals. But Cyrus Lucian sounds better than Cyrus Lucas, and we know Quinn prefers Lucas for a boy.
Asher (happy) would have been on the list of serious contenders.
So would Benedict (blessed) and Bennett.
And I think Quinn might have convinced Rachel to consider Raymond (wise protector) Lucas because if they're using a derivative of Quinn's given name then they should be using one of Rachel's too.
Of those, I actually lean towards Benedict and Ben for short, but how they would have gotten to that isn't something I've thought out.
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joyffree · 2 years
Title: The Marriage Class Author: Adesuwa O'man Nwokedi Genre: Adult Romance Release Date: February 14, 2023
One Class. Ten Couples. Ten Decisions.
Abi and Raymond are engaged to be married and have started marriage class. It's an exciting step in their journey to the altar…if you discount Abi's cold feet, and the resurfacing of her ex fiancé, her ex fiancé who is now married to someone else. Abi's heart is torn in two very different directions; the calm and steadfast love she has with Raymond, and the chaotic yet exciting passion she had with Lucas. And they are not the only couple struggling.
In their fast-tracked marriage class, the nine other couples include a billionaire playboy reluctant to get married a third time, a couple engaged after a whirlwind romance and now struggling with the reality of getting to really know each other, a couple engaged after an almost two-decade long relationship, a couple engaged after a surprise and not-exactly-desired pregnancy, a couple who met on social media but who now differ about just how much of their relationship should be for the 'gram and how much should be private, a groom fifteen years younger than his bride, and a bride marrying a man she has never met.
By the end of the marriage class, all ten couples find themselves at crossroads, their relationships tethered by one very key question.
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mainstiny · 2 years
Rage comics week 8
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Sulfur Wells #2 (Cover B Sara Stella Scalia), AR Sulfur Wells #2 (Cover A Daniel Page), $3.99 Ninja Kaidan #2 (Cover D Lucas Meyer Virgin Variant), AR Ninja Kaidan #2 (Cover C Raymond Gay Virgin Variant), AR Ninja Kaidan #2 (Cover B Raymond Gay, $4.99 Ninja Kaidan #2 (Cover A Lucas Meyer, $3.99 World Of Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #18, $8.99ĭevil’s Highway Volume 2 #4 (Of 5), $3.99īroken Souls Ballad Hell Is For Kids #3, $4.99 Sabrina The Teen-Age Witch 60 Magical Stories TP, $14.99 Trubble Town Volume 2 Why-Why’s Gone Bye-Bye GN, $13.99ĭrawing The Vote An Illustrated Guide To Voting In America GN, $16.99 DOLLARS (“AR” means “ask your retailer for the price”)Ĭerebus In Hell Presents Kurtz Vs Kurtz #1 (One Shot), $4.00īelit And Valeria #4 (Cover A Seba Fiumara), $3.99īelit And Valeria #4 (Cover B Fabrizio De Tomasso), $3.99īelit And Valeria #4 (Cover C Michael Rooth), $3.99īelit And Valeria #4 (Cover D Rodney Buchemi Homage Variant), $3.99īelit And Valeria #4 (Cover E Seba Fiumara Virgin Variant), ARīelit And Valeria #4 (Cover F Fabrizio De Tomasso Virgin Variant), ARīelit And Valeria #4 (Cover G Seba Fiumara Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Items with release dates not verified by Diamond Distribution are individually noted. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will arrive in all stores. Visit GoCollect and use their next-generation, near real-time comic book price guide. Subscribe to our New Releases Lists and The Comic Collective. Join us on Discord, Facebook, and Twitter for discussions about your favorite comics. This information is compiled from a variety of sources including Diamond Distribution, Lunar Distribution, Penguin Random House, and our friends at Things From Another World. A more accurate and updated version will be posted next week, and the complete list will be published in two weeks. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, and is © 1995-2022 Charles S. ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, August 31, 2022, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available at your local or online comic book shop two weeks from now.
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0 notes
hot take: while i can appreciate that tz is growing the game with his moves, i can also criticize the nhl for once again choosing an asshole american with a shady history and force-feeding him down our throats as the "new face of the nhl".
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hookingminor · 2 years
"it’s hot when you talk back." and "you look good with my hands around your throat." with mo seider plssssss
“It’s hot when you talk back.”
“You look good with my hands around your throat.”
(18+): mature language, implied sex
You were going to fucking kill Moritz. You were going to strangle him with your bare hands and bury his body in the woods.
“Everyone get the fuck out right now,” you stormed into Moritz’s apartment, apparently in the middle of some guy hang-out or whatever the fuck they called playing video games. Only Lucas and Jakub were there, but they scattered from the couch quickly like scared mice when you stopped in front of Mo.
“Long time no see, Y/N,” Lucas said with a smirk. “I heard you—”
You took a throw pillow from the couch and launched it at him. “Say one more fucking word, Raymond, and it’ll be your last. Get the fuck out.”
“Swearing isn’t really becoming of you—” The door slammed shut a split second before the remote you threw hit it.
“Hey, baby—” Moritz started before you quickly cut him off.
“You can shut the fuck up too,” you seethed. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
His lips quirked in a smirk. “I thought I was supposed to shut the fuck up?”
“Do you want to piss me off more than I already am?”
“I don’t know.” A hand traced up the back of your thigh that you quickly smacked away. “It’s hot when you talk back.”
“Answer the question. What the fuck were you thinking?”
When you started this fling months ago, you both agreed to keep it quiet. With your proximity to the team, it wasn’t something you wanted to flaunt and risk losing your credibility and respect with the guys. Therefore, no one was allowed to know about what you two were doing behind closed doors, which was all purely physical. 
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” He chose to play stupid.
“Right,” you scoffed. “So all the messages I’ve got from a few guys and some girlfriends are nothing, huh? Does you letting Dylan see our messages ring a bell? All the guys finding out about us after that? Any of that sound familiar?”
“It was bound to come out eventually,” was the lame excuse he had.
“That is not what we agreed on!” You shouted. “You should have talked to me about it before telling everyone!”
The smirk on Moritz’s face fell when he saw how well and truly pissed you were at the situation. His hands came back to your waist again, this time to steady you and pull you closer before you blew up in his face.
“It was an accident, okay? I didn’t mean it,” he pleaded, squeezing your hips in comfort, but you were still unamused.
“Really? You seem to be eating all of this up,” you said in disbelief. For weeks, he’d been asking you if he could tell someone about your situation. Anyone.
A hand hitched behind knee to tug it over his thigh, and you begrudgingly settled onto his lap. You kept your arms crossed.
“I’m sorry, it was an accident. Truly.” A serious look crossed his face. “I had my phone opened because I was expecting a text from someone else when you decided it was a good time to start sexting me. Your name flashed across the top and he saw a few saucy words, and I couldn’t lie to him since he saw it. Before I could even tell him to not say anything he said your name out loud and then some other guys heard it and it got out of hand.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I am. Do you think I’d intentionally ruin this? I know you’d shut this down if I ever told anyone.”
“Well you still ended up telling someone, didn’t you? So I should shut this down right now.”
“But you won’t.” And that signature cockiness was back again. 
“Why’s that?”
“Other than the fact that I’m the best you’ve ever had?” You rolled your eyes. “You like me. Admit it. I wore you down these last few weeks.”
Deciding not to answer him, you focused your attention on distracting him instead. You crushed your lips to his and finally let your arms uncross to grip his shoulders. 
Moritz welcomed the kiss and ran his own hands up your sides until he grabbed hold of your face, deepening the kiss with a slide of his tongue as he angled your head to the side. Fingers rested at the base of your throat, tracing over the skin lightly at first before applying the slightest of pressure to catch your attention.
“You look good with my hands around your throat,” he said huskily, eyes hooded as he took in your plumped lips.
“I bet I’d look even better naked. Can you hurry up and fuck me now?” You rolled your hips.
“Go on a date with me,” he said.
“No,” you replied. “Fuck me.”
“No,” he stated. “Go on a date with me.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Agree to a date and then I’ll fuck you. Deal?”
“No deal.” You were getting impatient now.
“We can do this all day, baby. One date. That’s all I’m asking. Then I will bend you over every surface in this apartment if you want.”
“And if I say no?”
“Then we’re done. Not just today but for good.” Something told you he wasn’t bluffing.
You huffed in defeat. “One date.”
And in one smooth movement you were on your back with Moritz’s lips back on yours. He pulled back to shed his shirt, wearing a self-satisfied smirk. “On all fours then, baby.”
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lathalea · 2 years
Let Armitage Summer Splash Begin!
The summer is almost here so it’s about time to have some fun! Are you a writer or an artist? Have you seen at least one movie or series with Richard Armitage? If so, @fizzyxcustard and @lathalea would like to invite you to join us in our little creative event! Our mission this June is to show some appreciation to this great actor!
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🍧 WEEK 1🍧 WEEK 2🍧 WEEK 3 🍧 WEEK 4 🍧 WEEK 5 🍧
It’s all pretty straightforward. Every Sunday (starting May 29th) we’re going to post a set of 7 RA-related prompts for the upcoming week of June. We are going to send the prompts a few days in advance each week so that everyone has enough time to prepare. Posting starts on June 1st. There is going to be one prompt for each day of June consisting of three elements: a trope, a quote, and an image. You can pick one of them, two – or all three of them, whatever inspires you the most. Feel free to create works (fics and ficlets, art and sketches, drabbles, moodboards, gifsets and so on) for all 30 June prompts – or just pick the ones you like. It’s up to you! And now – the details:
☀️ 1. Like and reblog this post. ☀️ 2. Choose a RA character to go with the current prompt of the day, and create a work inspired by it.
☀️ 3. Post your work optimally on the day the prompt belongs to. If you can’t make it, make sure you post between June 1st and July 7th latest.
☀️ 4. Tag each work with #Armitage Summer Splash and with the name of the character you picked. Oh, and please tag both @fizzyxcustard and @lathalea as well so we can see your work!
☀️ 5. We will shower your post with reblog love as a part of our RA Summer Splash celebration!
☀️ 6. At the end of each week, please fill in this form and let us know about your posted works. We will include them in our masterlists for the event! 
☀️ 7. If you complete all the 30 prompts, let us know at the end of the event via a DM - we’ll have a little something for you as a thank you for participating!
☀️ 8. We gently encourage you to, share, comment and reblog works of others creators taking part in this event. Let’s cReAte some buzz and appReciAte all the wonderful creators! ☀️ 9. Have fun, be kind, and stay positive 💙
☀️ 10. And remember, normality is cheese sandwiches! 🧀🍞
🍹 FAQ 🍹
💦 Do I really need to write one fic/create one art every day in June? Not at all! You can choose to use as many prompts as you like.  It can be one prompt a day, one prompt a week or one prompt in total — whatever feels best for you. The only requirement is to post the final works not later than on July 7th. We encourage you to post your works on the days they belong to (so it’s best to post a fic for June 1st prompt on June 1st) , but we know everyone’s lives are busy so it’s okay if you happen to post them a bit later.
💦 How long should my fic be? How detailed should my art be? Because of the nature of this little event, we chose to leave this decision to you. It’s a busy month for everyone! Your work can be as long (or short) and as detailed as you like. No requirements. Your fic can be one sentence long and your moodboard can contain two or three images, including the one in the prompt, and it will still be fine!
💦 Can I write fics/create art in advance? Of course! We only ask you to post it in June (preferably on the prompt dates). In case you are a bit delayed, make sure to post your last works on July 7th latest so we can add it to our masterlists.
💦 I want to write a fic about Thorin, but the prompt feels like a Modern AU to me. Can I write modern!Thorin instead? That’s a great idea and yes! Any AUs are allowed, go wild and write spaceship captain Raymond de Merville, victorian Lucas North, pirate John Thornton, inquisitor Father Quart, bodyguard Thorin  - whatever your imagination throws at you. As long as these characters are unmistakably themselves, all is good! (And yes, Everyone Lives AU is also a valid choice!)
💦 Can I create a NSFW piece? Yes, of course you can. Just please remember to tag it in an appropriate way and use all the usual tumblr precautions for posting NSFW content.
💦 I don’t want to miss out on any announcements for the Armitage Summer Splash. Can you tag me in your posts? We’ll be happy to! Just let @lathalea or @fizzyxcustard know and we’ll add you to the taglist.
💦 Can I use the image from your prompt in my work? Feel free to do it! You are welcome to use it as an illustration for your fic or as a part of your art. We don’t own the images – all the credit goes to their respective owners. Thank you, Pinterest!
💦 And what about you? Are you going to sit back and just read our fics/look at our art? No! We’re going to take part in this event too, along with everyone else. Apart from that, each week we’ll create a masterlist of all the fics/art created in this event by the participants!
💦 I have another question… Feel free to send an ask or DM to @lathalea or @fizzycxustard.
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☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ Armitage Summer Splash ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ Weekly Prompts/Masterlists:
🍧 WEEK 1
🍧 WEEK 2
🍧 WEEK 3
🍧 WEEK 4
🍧 WEEK 5
Please let us know if you’d like to be added/removed from the taglist: @legolasbadass @linasofia @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @sketch-and-write-lover @dumbassunderthemountain @enchantzz @justfollowtheroad @thewarriorandtheking @guylty @knitastically @guylty @mezzmerizedbyrichard @jassy2101 @sweetestgbye @shrimpsthings @estethell
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multi-muse-transect · 2 years
Resident Evil Revised TV Series Idea.
The show should be told American Horror Story like meaning its gonna be anthology-ish based with stories bouncing back with returning characters.
Season 1’s cast is Jessica Henwick as Jill Valentine, Kellan Lutz or Sebastian Stan as Chris Redfield, Antony Starr as Albert Wesker, David Harbour as Barry Burton, Charlie Hunam as Richard Aiken, Jack Quad as Brad Vickers and Erin Moriarty as Rebecca Chambers.
Season 1 is an adaptation of RE1 taking creative liberties from the remake and original. The one difference is that Brad’s helicopter is hit by crows leading him to nearly crash and fly away, this results in a subplot of Brad returning to HQ and finds dirt on Irons before returning.
Season 2 has a different set of characters and a bigger budget with Hailee Steinfeld as Claire Redfield, Mason Dye as Leon S. Kennedy, Sadie Sink as Sherry Birkin, Elizabeth Olsen or Laurie Holden as Annette Birkin, Karen Fukuhara as Ada Wong, Temura Morrison as HUNK and Jason Issacs or Paul Bethany as William Birkin. Takes influence from the RE2 Remake.
Season 3 is an adaptation of RE3 Nemesis mixed with the remake. Jill is the same, Oscar Isaac plays Carlos Oliveira, Jonathan Adams as Tyrell Patrick, Tom Wlaschiha as Mikhail, and Michael Fassbender as Nicholai Zinoviev.
Season 4 adapts a story from the Umbrella Chronicles which is the fall of Umbrella and also Code Veronica Jamie Campbell as Alfred Ashford and Natalie Dormer as Alexia Ashford. Also Tye Simpkins as Steve Burnside.
Season 5 adapts the story of Leon and Krauser (John Cena or Frank Grillo) with Jenny Ortega as Manuela Hidalgo.
Season 6 is an adaptation of Resident Evil 4 with Mason Dye reprising his role as Leon and Cena or Grillo as Krauser alongside Fukuhara as Ada while newcomers Ashley Graham and Luis Sera are played by Natalia Dyer and Diego Luna with Javier Bardem as Saddler. A couple of unknowns for Mendez and Salazar.
Season 7 adapts Resident Evil Revelations with Jason Momoa as Parker Luciani, Kit Harrington as Raymond Vester and Alexandra Daddario as Jessica Sherawat.
Season 8 is an adaptation of RE5 but it’s more in line with the original draft albeit the mind controlled Jill part is there. Danai Guerera is Sheva Alomar, Daniel Kaluuya as Josh Stone, Jesse Plemons as Richardo Irving and Monica Belucci as Excella Gionne.
Season 9 adapts Resident Evil 6 with most of the cast returning and a better written Jake Muller played by Wyatt Russell and has been reimagined as a BSAA soldier instead of a mercenary who teams up with Sherry Birkin played by Billie Lourde with Liam Hemsworth playing Piers Nivans and Jill tagging along. Also Simmons is changed from instead of being a member of a secret society, he was just trying to cause global bio terror attacks to promote the his own agendas of a better secured world with Carla Radames being a rogue operative and an ally of Ada’s. Temura Morrison returns as HUNK and is Ada’s partner.
Season 10 is Resident Evil Revelations 2 with Emily VanCamp as Alex Wesker with Harbour reprising his role as Barry Burton, Millie Bobby Brown as Moira Burton, and an unknown actress for Natalia. Steinfeld returns as Claire too.
Season 11 adapted Resident Evil 7 fully with Joe Keery or Chris Hemsworth as Ethan Winters (to make the plot sound more sensical, Ethan is a private investigator and a former RPD cop), Emilia Clarke is Mia Winters, Michael Rooker is Jack Baker, Toni Colette as Marguerite Baker, Rooney Mara as Zoe Baker and Aaron Paul as Lucas Baker with Stan returning as Chris.
Season 12 is an RE8 adaptation with Cate Blanchett or Gwendolie Christie as Lady Dimitrescu (CGI), Eva Greene as Donna Beneviento, Nicholas Cage as Karl Heisenberg, Stellan Skarsgard as Salvatore Moreau, and Emily Blunt as Mother Miranda. Hound Wolf squad consists of Jill, Chris, Barry and Rebecca.
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ocd-kenobi · 2 years
I’ve seen that you and @predator-padawan have said you both are huge classic movie fans. As I am a big fan of both of your blogs and love and respect your guys’ opinions on SW. I was wondering if as a young (and shy hence the anon) person trying to really get into film if you guys have a list of must watch movies?
Hello!! This is the sweetest most wonderful ask we could ask for. @predator-padawan and I are happy to share some recommendations, but I cannot call anything a "must-watch" simply because I don't know your taste in movies and also because they all have different kinds of upsetting content, which I'll try to mention. I'm also going to keep it in the realm of "classic film for Star Wars fans" because I always have more fun getting into something if it's through the lens of something I'm already interested in!! Also, just to be open about bias, I'm capping "classic" at 1970, I don't know anything about silent film, I only like gay movies, and this list is very English-speaking-heavy; if you're interested in a more international exploration of film history, send a separate ask haha.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) - I'm guessing you've seen me and @predator-padawan and @flashbulb-memory yelling about Brick from this movie/play! Played by Paul Newman, he's THE depiction of gay repression/internalized homophobia in film. It's all absolutely intentional, so this movie is a great exercise in catching SUBTEXT, as opposed to shipping. It all takes place in a very tense and hostile white Southern family household, a "return to hometown" kind of thing. So trigger warnings for families fighting, lots! of yelling, alcoholism, threats of domestic violence, infidelity, and yeah, homophobia. It's a very uncomfortable movie to watch and the payoff is great. My other favorite Tennessee Williams movie adaptation, Suddenly, Last Summer, is even more uncomfortable and tense to watch, but I also recommend if you like this one.
Strangers on a Train (1951) - Hitchcock psychological thriller, based on a book by Patricia Highsmith (who wrote the books Carol and The Talented Mr. Ripley are based on, both gay classics) and adapted to screenplay by Raymond Chandler (my favorite noir writer.) Very tense, very horrible people involved, very psychologically unstable gay character. But god, it's so much fun. Also, the carousel fight scene at the end is one of the best fight scenes ever. Up there with the lightsaber duel on Mustafar lol. It's not Hitchcock's best movie and not even one of his most popular, but it's a good primer in how he does gay characters and subtext in the psychological thriller genre. Plus you get the comfort of knowing at least a gay writer was involved in creating the characters in the first place.
Some Like it Hot (1959) - Everyone should watch this movie, that's all.
Seven Samurai (1954) - I recently rewatched this because of Star Wars, and it really is helpful as a framework for what George Lucas thought was cool and inspiring when he made the original trilogy. Also hugely influential on American cinema (at least indirectly, through the rework The Magnificent Seven, which is also great.) It was fun to watch this film eight a very sharp editing style and see how Lucas tried (it appears to me) to replicate with very odd results.
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) - Speaking of sharp editing, this is my favorite film on a technical level. It also has one of the most heartbreaking gay romances of all time. (Again, yes, this was intentional subtext, and while Omar Sharif's character is not historically accurate, Lawrence himself was definitely a gay masochist as depicted in the movie.) It's well over three hours long and is about war, English imperialism, and the imperialist origins of the modern Middle East, so be prepared for that. Pretty much all of David Lean's films can be summed up by "English people are so fucked up, isn't it fascinating how fucked up English people are?" Also, you get to see Alec Guinness in brown face, hmm.
Brief Encounter (1945) - My actual favorite movie :) "English people are so fucked up, isn't it fascinating how fucked up English people are?" Also, the forbidden romance of George Lucas's dreams. (It actually is only romantic because the play/screenplay were written by a gay man.)
Singin' in the Rain (1952) - I want to have one proper musical on here, so here it is. I could go on and on for days about Gene Kelly's dancing :)) but I won't. This movie is just cute and hilarious and probably gives you all the background info about classic Hollywood you need. Plus, Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher's mom :))) For extra enjoyment, keep in mind that it's a jukebox musical; the songs were not written for the story, rather the story was worked around the songs.
Red River (1948) - IF you're up for a Western (which I believe is historically important to understanding all American film), start with this gay cinema classic. It's insanely gay. I lose my mind every time we watch it. We've talked about Obikin AUs of it lol. Horrible depictions of Native Americans, which I always use to reflect on what that indicates about the time the movie was made and the history of Hollywood in general. Also very long; I recommend watching with a friend to chat with during long cattle drive scenes.
I'm going to say that Sunset Boulevard (1950) and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962) are must-watches if you're at all interested in Hollywood history or women/what Hollywood does to women. Sorry all of my recommendations have murder and psychological torture in them lol.
I just keep thinking of more, so I'm going to stop myself for now. Come back if you've already seen these and want a different list!
@predator-padawan do you have any additions?
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Looks like I’m just gonna have to say this, and say it, and say it again: as long as you are treating your characters with respect and bringing nuance to the tropes and shit you use, you can write most things! Just be courteous and aware of the wider social context! It’s not hard to write without being racist!
Kenzarelli can be fun when it’s properly tagged, and actually plays with the characters (not just slapping Luca and Marwan’s faces onto the same tropes over and over again). Just like all fanfiction, it needs proper tags and decent forethought, but it can be fun!
There are some things, though, that shouldn’t be given the fandom treatment? No one is writing Milosevic fanfic, or Kissinger fanfic— Raymond Westerling should be off limits out of common decency.
I’m not here to use a thousand words to say what could be said in a hundred, and I’m not gonna talk myself in circles with replies. What I will say is that it’s very telling that the author posted anonymously. Because they knew what they were doing. How ugly of them.
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Betrayal (15)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Crossover of Spooks and Pilgrimage (Modern AU)
Pairings: Lucas North x OC/Raymond de Merville x OC
Warnings: Love triangle. Angst. Language. Sexual references/language. Cheating. Stalking. Some spoilers from season 9. 
Summary: Amy Holland is Lucas North’s girlfriend of six months. Amy is aware of his job as an MI-5 agent and supports him. However, Lucas’ cousin, Raymond de Merville, has always loved Amy and uses their one night stand together as leverage for something more.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I’m gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
I also want to thank everyone who has stuck with me so far through this fic. I know it’s probably very different from my normal kind of work and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but your encouragement and support has been amazing, those of you who have shared in this writing journey with me. Again, thank you. 
If you enjoy this fic, please remember that a reblog is always much appreciated and helps us writers out immensely with getting our fics circulated. <3
Lucas glared at Amy and then Raymond, his jaw still clenched. "You're going to come with me, Aim. No arguments. It's not safe." His voice was low and stern. The edge of it made a shiver race up Amy's spine.
"I'm not going anywhere with you, Lucas," Amy insisted. She moved over to Raymond, who was now on his feet, and she took his hand.
Lucas saw the gesture between Raymond and Amy, and chuckled wryly. "I should have known, Ray. From the very beginning when I met her, I should have known that you'd find a way in and ruin everything."
"She was prepared to stay with you, John, but you're the one who has fucked everything up. I won't let you pull her into all of this mess with Vaughan. She deserves better than that."
Lucas reached into the back of his jeans and pulled out a gun, aiming it directly at Raymond. "Come with me, Aim. Now! Come with me or I put a bullet between his eyes. He's already on the grid's watchlist, so I can easily make up some excuse for killing him."
"No," Amy said defiantly. She stepped in front of Raymond. "You won't shoot me." Her heart was thundering in her chest, and the blood racing through her body was pounding loudly in her ears.
"Come with me," Lucas urged again, stepping closer. This time he lowered the gun and approached Amy, grabbing her arm.
Raymond immediately lunged out from behind Amy and grabbed Lucas' right arm which was holding the gun. Both men grappled with the weapon, until it fell out of Lucas' hand.
Amy scrambled for the gun and pointed it at Lucas, who was now in a headlock by Raymond. "Just leave us alone, Lucas," she begged. "You've brought all of this upon yourself. Let him go."
Reluctantly, Raymond let go of Lucas and shoved him away.
Lucas looked up at Amy, tears swimming in his eyes. "All I've ever done is love you...But you had to choose him over me."
"Don't....please...." Amy whispered. Pain hit her in the chest and all that guilt and shame she had tried so hard to bury came back full force. It rendered her breathless.
The next couple of seconds were a complete whirlwind. Lucas dashed at Amy and grabbed the gun from her limp hand, then dragged her towards him, pointing the barrel of the gun at her head.
Raymond stood completely still, his eyes locked on Amy. Her face was contorted in pain and terror.
Suddenly Amy kicked outward, the heel of her foot aiming into Lucas' knee. He shouted in pain, buckling behind her. But as he descended to the ground, he saw Raymond come closer.
A gunshot racked through the air.
Raymond collapsed to the floor with a loud thump.
Amy run to Raymond and dropped to the floor with him, hovering over him.
Lucas stepped closer, looking down at his ex and cousin. "You could have just come with me and made this easy, Aim. You did this to him."
"Fuck you!" Amy spat.
By the time the police and paramedics arrived, Lucas had already disappeared, knowing that any further fighting to get Amy to accompany him was futile. There was no way she would leave Raymond. She would rather die with Raymond than be safe with Lucas.
Raymond was unconscious as he was put into the back of an ambulance, the bullet having pierced through his stomach. Amy remained beside him, holding his hand while the sirens blared and the paramedics made sure he survived the journey.
Amy remained in the waiting room for hours, checking the clock, crying, and asking for updates on Raymond. Finally, after five hours, a young doctor came into the room.
"Are you Miss Holland, here with Mr de Merville?" he asked, looking at her through thick, black rimmed spectacles.
"He's just got back from surgery and the bullet has been removed successfully with no complications. The police do want to talk to you both about what happened. Raymond is awake if you want to go and see him."
However, just as Amy got up from her seat, a lady whom she recognised from the ward reception came into the room. "I have a call here for you, Miss Holland. The man wouldn't say who he is."
Amy's chest tightened. "Oh?"
"He needs to talk to you about the events of today."
Terror racked Amy, but she stepped out into the corridor nonetheless and approached the telephone with trepidation. The receptionist handed the receiver to her.
"Hello?" Amy said, her voice quivering.
"We know where Lucas is and will be sending an officer to come and talk to you. Stay at the hospital. We know that Raymond is innocent."
Then whoever was on the phone terminated the call.
Amy furrowed her eyebrows for a second and then turned her attention back to Raymond. He needed her now. As for Lucas, he could rot for all she cared.
Raymond was now in a room all to himself. Machines beeped and tubes seemed to be attached to him all over. Despite having just gone through emergency surgery, he smiled as Amy entered the room.
She got to the side of his bed and broke down into tears.
"Shhh. It's okay," he cooed, and cupped her cheek.
Amy leaned over the side of the bed and kissed Raymond. "I love you." she whispered.
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @i-did-not-mean-to @luna-xial @linasofia @guardianofrivendell @xxbyimm @knitastically @middleearthpixie @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @asgardianhobbit98 @eunoiaastralwings @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @sunflwrnsunnieshine
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Should I write something for Lucas Raymond? People….give me ideas
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deathbecomesnerds · 3 years
“Services Rendered” -- Raymond/Astrid
ANGST. PURE ANGST. Also some out of character decisions for Raymond. 
This is my contribution for this week’s #WriterWednesday. 
Thank you @autumnleaves1991-blog​ and @clydesducktape​ for keeping this train rolling.
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The men sat in the library, speaking to one another and off in the distance behind closed doors, Raymond could hear Astrid and Ros laughing with the guests while waiting for the business to be done.
“...so, do we have a deal?” Mickey asked the thin Italian man sitting across from him and Ray.
The man hummed “One more thing,” he said with a sly smile before turning to Ray “A night alone with your missus.” he said.
“You can’t be serious!” Ray growled, while Mickey rested a hand on his arm.
Mickey huffed as he looked back at him and forced a smile “What does she have to do with our business, Mr. Donofrio?” he asked.
He shrugged “A gesture of good faith.” he said.
Ray shook his head, there was no way he was going to let this sleazy con artists put a hand on Astrid. His Star. The Love of his Life. Besides, she was too faithful of a wife to sleep with some random guy doing business with Mickey!
Mickey grumbled, he wanted this business done now as he leaned over to Ray “We can hand Astrid over, doesn’t mean she’s gonna sleep with him. She can handle herself. Besides--she’ll use any excuse to kick the shit out of somebody.” Mickey whispered to Ray.
Ray growled as he stared at Luca Donofrio. He wasn’t going to use his wife as a bartering chip for one of Mickey’s deals--would Mickey have said such nonsense if it was Rosalind who was being called upon? Ros would beat him and Donofrio to bits if she did.
I could give her my gun. She can shoot him and then the problem is solved--granted, Mickey will have to find other business, but Astrid stays my pure little honey bee. Ray thought to himself, gripping tightly to his pants before finally nodding and standing up from his seat to leave the room.
Ray slammed the door behind him, walking up towards Astrid and grabbed under her arm before dragging her away from the conversation and into a tiny hideaway room as she yelled at him to let her go.
“You’re gonna go with him,” he said firmly.
“What?” Astrid asked, confused.
Ray huffed “Luca Donofrio. He wants some time alone with you, my love,” he said before grabbing his gun from behind his pants and handing it to her “You shoot him if he puts a hand on you, do you understand me?”
Astrid looked at him aghast “So you’re just gonna pimp me out to some weird Italian!?” she argued.
“You do this one thing, and I will take you wherever you want to go, do whatever you want...fuck--I’ll even let you beat the ever-living shit out of me. Mickey wants this business deal to go through. Please.” Ray practically begged her.
Astrid’s nostrils flared as she looked at her husband “I should just sleep with him to get back at you, you son of a bitch!” she said, grabbing his gun with one and while riding up the skirt of her gown with the other to strategically place the gun in between her stockings and garter belt.
“I love you,” Ray said firmly.
“Yeah, I’m sure you do.” Astrid hissed as she walked away.
She disappeared into the crowd, and Ray watched broken heartedly before retrieving back to the office where Mickey and Luca waited for him to return; Ray nodded at Mickey who smiled in return before looking back over at Luca.
“Consider it a deal,” he said.
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In the early morning hours, as the sun rose, Ray sat in the living room waiting for Astrid to return home.
He didn’t change out of his suit and would occasionally check on Enniss out of boredom and nerves while he waited.
Just as the clock struck 5:30, the front door gently opened and closed while the faint heeled steps of Astrid Smith echoed down the foyer and into the living room where he waited.
Ray met her gaze; her hair was disheveled, make-up smeared, and her dress was slightly torn at the slit. He couldn't stop himself from thinking horrid things when Astrid took a step closer and threw her clutch on the couch in front of her.
“He’s gay.” She finally said.
Ray turned his head, slightly perplexed “What?”
“He’s fucking gay, Raymond…”
Astrid walked around the couch and glared at her husband “He wanted to spend all night with me to discuss how ‘unbelievably fucking hot’ you are.” She remarked “So I spent all night telling him in excruciating detail our sex life. It was the best smut he ever heard in his life and he will finalize the deal with Mickey later this morning, I will be getting a retainer for services rendered, and you will apologize to me after I do what needs to be done!” She lectured.
“Which is…?”
Astrid immediately clocked him square in the jaw, she cried out in pain as she broke her hand against his jawline while Ray loudly groaned into the couch cushion. The couple sat in their pain for a moment before Ray finally composed himself and looked back up at Astrid as tears fell down her cheek from the pain.
“How could you fucking do that to me!?” she whispered in anger “I’m your wife! I deserve better than to be handed off to whichever business partner Mickey has brewing.” she hissed at him, her anger so bad that Ray wanted to die--why did he do this to her?
Ray reached out for her but she shooed his hands away “You don’t get to touch me ever!” she yelled.
“My love!” Ray called out to her.
Astrid shook her head “You get to live with the guilt of what you did. Even if nothing happened, the fact that you even allowed to let it happen…” she trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes “I’m taking Enniss and I’m going to stay with my dad,” she finally said firmly.
“For how long?” Ray asked her, his voice cracking.
“For however long it takes for me to look at your face without wanting to punch it.” Astrid said before backing away from him and leaving the living room and Ray alone with his thoughts.  
Ray closed his eyes, giving himself a moment to compose himself again. He never liked it when him and Astrid fought--it never ended well.
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