#lu guang talk to me
lesbianpegbar · 1 year
also when did he travel back in time. when did that happen. he has the stab wound from the end of season 1. but theres literally no time when he wouldve been by himself to time travel post-stabbing. when did he do that. when. when. i need to shake him i need his brain to rattle around i need to know what hes seen
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spilledstars1234 · 4 months
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studio lan WHAT IS THIS
they just casually drop this on twitter with no context except for "summer begins"
but considering that this is Link Click and also considering the fact that this show does NOT know happiness, what IF???? AUGHH GJSHK OML LET THEM BE HAPPY STUDIO LAN PLS-
*stressful overthinking begins*
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curapicas · 6 months
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Oh look, the donghua is doing the heavy lifting for me and juxtaposing them on its own volition. (kind of a continuation of this)
Plot-wise, Li Tianchen's relationship with Lu Guang hinges basically on trying to manipulate and hurt Cheng Xiaoshi to do his bidding through hurting LG (worth noting this implies an understanding of such attachments, and the viciousness stems from a certain resentment of it + his twisted personality). I don't even remember if he's aware LG also has powers.
but tbh the funniest thing coming out of LTC vs CXS&LG is that, in a weird way, he was actually letting off his anger on the "right target", kinda? Technically? Of course I'm not saying LG deserves it nor that LTC was being anything but unhinged. But I do believe there's more than meets the eye (and probably informs the ways Lu Guang can be confronted on the narrative, more on that by the end)
Bc this show is competent, many characters have parallels with each protagonist, and LTC-LG are no different. There's a post I couldn't find that went on their reactions to their most precious people dying in front of them: whereas LTC loses all hope, LG has the means to go back, and thus doesn't even try to let go. Alas, they're both tacticians who, despiste meaning well for LTX and CXS, end up manipulating them into inaction/ignorance;
And they do so bc both feel adrift and out of options - but the show focus a lot on how powerless LTC feels about his life for it to not be a big factor. LTC fights so hard for a modicum of control that I don't even think it registers how he impacts LTX, meanwhile LG has so many variables stacked against him and his empathetic partner that he ends up prioritizing CXS' survival, even above their connection (he keeps to himself Emma's death, for example)
In the twins past, LG was the one that guided CXS into staying on task. And before that, he hid the photo even from the police. Tbh he'd never see it that way, but isn't this accidentally the best revenge for his stabbing? lol
Either way, LTC loses his hope, blames CXS and believes him to be what LTC hates the most, a nice guy who's secretly a jerk. Except. Who is actually closer to this description? A guy who can be polite but will stay passive if that affects CXS too much, to the point of lying about saving Chen Xiao's mom?
Curious to me he was also pretty straight forward in calling LG a jerk, and maybe it's just because LG botched his kidnapping attempt. But maybe he has pretty good instincts bc I don't think he even knows why he hates the man so much, lol. After all, for all Li Tianchen knows, everyone is a jerk who stands by and watch.
And maybe it makes him even angrier because he finally met someone who also has powers and is willing to call him "friend" and "play" with him. Considering his one friendship was with Liu Xiao, someone he's aware has plans, he might've even considered to have his own pet project on CXS. But the thing is, this person already seems to have a way more genuine friendship, and it's with LG.
Summary: LTC, if only he knew, would hate LG for not changing his past + being a guy who's very much capable of standing by and watch + having an actual friendship with CXS
DISCLAIMER: I think on his own right, Lu Guang values kindness in general. But LTC's vision is too black and white to even account for that.
While I'm on the topic of LG: while his passivity keeps him from being of any effective help to the twins, he's also keenly aware of the butterfly effect and that he could possibly make things worse instead, something CXS has been confronting throughought the story.
And yet. His objective is what ultimately makes us see this approach as instead of wise, more akin to the desperation of a grieving man - not unlike LTC who by the end of s2, gives up altogether of hope and follows the Big Bad. Besides, it somewhat clashes with the fact CXS actually does make a difference for the clients, be it by making the past more tender (Chen Bin's wife has sweeter memories, Dou Dou's life was actively made less worse) or the present better (lesbian noodles make up, Dou Dou's father and Qiao Ling reconcile), which is also something LG is aware of, since he agreed to deliver Chen Xiao's messages. So far I don't personally see a clean, objectively correct approach, thus I'm willing to bet it'll be whatever is diametrically opposite of Liu Xiao's, lmao
-kinda unrelated, but I've seen people mentioning an interview where Li Haoling-laoshi (aka the director) said he tweaked a little with Li Tianchen before s2, and he was meant to be (even more) obsessed with Cheng Xiaoshi, making this whole post even more hilarious
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shegoesbyjoy · 1 year
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The final shot of Link Click's season 2 ending theme feels veeerrry reminiscent of the prop used in the 1960 movie The Time Machine (especially that red seat!) but interestingly enough, the actual plot being animated before us—screenshots below—seems to borrow elements from the 2002 release of The Time Machine, which is quite different from its predecessor.
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In the 2002 movie, the main protagonist's motivation for building his time machine actually wasn't in the original story (both movies are based on an H. G. Wells novel published in 1895). Care to take a guess at what that motivation was?
His fiancée was murdered, so he travels back in time to find a way to save her.
While the motivations behind the character in Link Click's ED aren't really clear, it sure does imply that this man's (implied) wife is dead.
Now, if you haven't yet and really really want to see the 20+ year old movie I'm referencing entirely unspoiled, you should probably stop reading here. For everyone else...
In the 2002 movie, the time machine inventor travels back in time over and over again to try and save his wife, but no matter what he does...something always kills her in the end. She was destined to die. Hmm, sound familiar?
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These are lines spoken by Lu Guang to Cheng Xiaoshi during the earthquake episode (s1 e5), while Cheng Xiaoshi was still in Chen Xiao's body.
SO. What does the fact that Link Click chose to reference this specific movie and this specific plot point from the movie mean for season 2??? I'm terrified excited to find out—all I know is that the implications here are making me lose my goddamn mind.
(Also the fact that this time machine is only revealed by making the figurines of the couple touch palms which directly mirrors how CXS and LG clap in order to time travel DOn'T tALk tO ME)
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gracetoldmeto · 2 months
i know this prob cant be canon but just bear with me through this hypothetical...
what if Lu Guang doesnt have any powers?
what if he just simply has gone through so many repetitions of trying and failing to save Cheng Xiaoshi that he has almost every single situation memorized like groundhog day simply by the amount of time he has spent in those photos
thats why he knows whats gonna happen in each photo
furthermore its implied that photo powers are transferred upon death so what if the power that LG does have was CXSs to begin with and he's not doubled up with BOTH powers like we assume him to be?
idk im just thinking...
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[ID: A tweet thread between ane @/jinlov3r and isa @/hoseoksreally, edited to feature Link Click characters.
Cheng Xiaoshi, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly: when i was a kid my sister told me that the paper strip thats in the chocolate kisses where edible and i ate them w the chocolate for like a year (A transparent Qiao Ling does a peace sign)
Lu Guang: they are !!!!!! (Transcript: Multiple exclamation marks)
Cheng Xiaoshi, chibi and delighted: WAIT FOR REAL??
Lu Guang, fingers steepled and eyes closed with disappointment: why would you believe in this again 😔😔😔😔😔😔 (Transcript: Multiple pensive emojis). End ID]
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Just had the thought if Cheng Xiaoshi jumping into the pictures of woman for jobs. During those trips he gets fucked as the woman. Being weirded out the first time, but slowly coming to enjoy it. More than that. He barely can get off in the present unless he remembers being a woman getting her pussy or ass pounded by somewhat strangers to him. Begging Lu Guang to go back in pictures to get off. Having Lu Guang tell him how good he sounds and looks getting fucked like that. Such a slut.
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queseraphita · 10 months
I love lu guang so much knowing now what he doesn't say out loud or is rather tsundere about it; some of the music performed throughout in the donghua non-diegetically tells the audience what he's thinking and feeling from his view point.
A real punch in the heart when i realized finished season 2 and went back to relistened to the music and rewatch season 1
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raddestrose · 2 months
this dang show made me cry and stuff
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
Trying to think about what would make Lu Guang open up about going back and am forced to admit that the only times he's in any way opened up in-series are when he's been forced to by outside circumstances beyond his control.
He panics if Cheng Xiaoshi is about to go off plan or he doesn't know what's coming photo-wise, but otherwise is incredibly good at keeping his cool.
That said, the only times he's been "confronted" to any extent so far remain post-earthquake and you could also argue when he was called on his reaction to the idea that powers could be passed on in s2. In these cases, he tends to deliberately underplay his reaction and let others just make their own assumptions. His deflections at present work because no one is truly looking to realise it's what they are. His quietness also absolutely comes to his advantage because his personality doesn't allow him to "slip" in the same way as a more talkative character would. (And doesn't that just make me think about how all the comments about him being "mature" imply he wasn't always like he is now. I doubt it's an entire façade he's putting on, but he has changed irreparably.)
The exception to this is, of course, when Cheng Xiaoshi was shot and he completely lost it. It's not that he's just dead emotionally or anything the rest of the time, but this is the one thing (person) he's sacrificed his beliefs for. And before it got to this stage, there was still some control, but Cheng Xiaoshi getting shot is a double whammy. Not only is Lu Guang no longer in control of the situation (he lost that back when he got stabbed) but if the implication is that Cheng Xiaoshi got shot the first time, then his reaction here is pure instinct. There's no thought in it whatsoever and even after both of them return from the hospital, he's clearly not taking it for granted.
Thinking to season three though. He's still off-kilter for now and Liu Xiao will likely ensure he remains that way. The fact we've been let into Lu Guang's POV now means we'll get to see those cracks that have been forming throughout season two and watch them widening.
Qiao Ling's knowledge is the key. If Lu Guang is to open up properly, it has to be external. Either a danger to Cheng Xiaoshi so potent he's forced to act without thinking or someone actually pushing and not letting him deflect. Someone with enough knowledge to realise that he's deflecting in the first place.
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forget-me-dot · 20 days
rated M | 2.9k words
“Got it!” Holding them up, he beamed. Cheng Xiaoshi, admittedly lost as to what Lu Guang was thinking, played along regardless.
Still sitting by the desk, Lu Guang had a ghostly tease of a smile on his lips. What wasn't lost on Cheng Xiaoshi was how his eyes would soften, pleased at him for following orders. “Good boy,” Lu Guang praised, his voice low; the words made him squirm with pride.
“Now what, now—”
“You’ll pick one of them, and then hit me with it.” On his chair, he scooted forward. Then, Lu Guang pushed up the fabric of one of his short legs and exposed the soft pale flesh of his thigh. “Here.”
“Eh? You want me to— to you? But I can’t—”
“—I’m telling you to.”
After the earthquake arc, Lu Guang holds onto a little guilt, and makes an order that takes Cheng Xiaoshi by surprise….
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nervocat · 3 months
I've been in like. A mood lately. Idk how to describe it.
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sgdlr · 1 year
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the puzzle piece from the ending doesn't fit but the puzzle piece from the opening does.
the way the puzzles are hiding his face, despite seeing his face in the ED and not in the OP in the scenes these are taken from, but the only pieces they give are small details that wouldnt give away the full picture, like being able to recognize the real from the fake by something seemingly inconsequential that only cheng xiaoshi and qiao ling would be able to notice.
it might be that the lu guang we see in the ending is a fake while the real one is trapped and/or hiding somewhere as seen in the opening.
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clickedwrong · 10 months
i swear the only real urge to write only hits once i have to work
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gh0stmew · 1 year
Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s first time meeting is so sus to me now. This is all speculation of course but the way Lu Guang is acting really makes it seem like he knows Xiaoshi already. Like why was this man just standing right where Xiaoshi happened to be playing basketball? He doesn’t look like he ended up there on accident.
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Why is Xiaoshi talking to Lu Guang like that? Dude you literally met 10 minutes ago and you’re already calling him your trustworthy partner.. 🤨
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Also during a q&a with Director Li, someone asked what Xiaoshi was thinking during this scene and he answered that Xiaoshi felt Lu Guang was familiar even though he hadn’t met him before.
Then Lu Guang just so happens to be passing by the photo studio. He plays it off like it’s totally a coincidence but he’s looking at Xiaoshi all 🥺 before he turns around. Why is he looking at someone he barely knows with so much longing?? Maybe he’s just awkward but with all the other hints there’s probably more to it than that. Not to mention Qiao Ling saying it’s like Lu Guang just magically appeared in their lives one day.
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I think Lu Guang definitely knew exactly where Xiaoshi would be and intentionally went to him. Who knows how many times he’s experienced their “first” meeting.
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ibtw-butsocial · 9 months
Genuinely drives me crazy and wild with the fact Cheng Xiaoshi has no idea how much Lu Guang cares
Think I talked about this before but it fr drives me insane
Cheng Xiaoshi had been abandoned by his parents without any notice, no reason. Just gone one day
He's never had a friend as close as Lu Guang has been, he probably didn't have close friends just casual I guess??
He probably has doubts maybe even silently insecure because fuck ik I would
Does he ever doubt Lu Guang? Does he lay awake staring up at the top bunk.. wondering if Lu Guang would leave too? If he genuinely is annoying and that Lu Guang is only tolerating him for the sake of a home
If Cheng Xiaoshi does have those thoughts, it drives me crazier because he has no fucking idea that Lu Guang would immediately go back and rewrite Cheng Xiaoshi's death
Not even once apparently?? Who knows how many lives Lu Guang has relived with Cheng Xiaoshi, seeing him over and over again
Yet apparently that's not enough because he still needs Cheng Xiaoshi to be with him
He's so desperate for cheng Xiaoshi in his own way and Cheng Xiaoshi will never know just how deep Lu Guang's feelings truly go
I wonder if we'll see Cheng Xiaoshi's reaction to this, to finding out that Lu Guang is just fucking insane for Cheng Xiaoshi. I wanna see so badly bro
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