#lu bu fengxian
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chen gong friends
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darkdevasofdestruction · 2 years ago
My Most Cherished Friend - Lu Bu Fengxian x Reader
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Life in the Wu Commandery was a tough one, especially for frail women, but the people of the village were united and kind, like the members of one big family, protective over their own, especially the younger generation - The children. Though, even the little ones had to grow up fast and pull their weight in any way they could, be it seaming clothes, carrying fire wood, help with the buildings and maybe hunting also.
Y/N had the privilege of being born in a happy, loving family, and though none were rich, they were content with each other and the kindness they spread around. There was one boy who wasn't as fortunate however, though Y/N couldn't understand why -
Lu Shang, the kindest man in the province, the protector of all children, had adopted a child born under the blood moon - A demon child, as they say. Y/N asked her parents why the village shuns a child, he did nothing wrong! Even the other children strayed away from him, in case they'd also get afflicted with his unfortunate curse.
"Papa, why are they so mean to Lu Bu?" Y/N asked one evening, during dinner. "He just wants to play. He always looks so sad." "Well, darling, what do you want to do?" her father smiled kindly. "I... I want to be his friend!" the two parents looked at each other proudly, before patting her hair. "Then do as you wish." Y/N looked up at her mum and dad before dashing out of their little hut, all the way to Lu Shang's home. She smiled widely at the two surprised residents of that tent. "Do you two want to join us for dinner?" her brilliant smile full of tenderness and kindness shocked the young boy, but more than that, made the father throw his arms around the girl and hug her tightly, thanking her for being his child's only friend.
Y/N guided the two back to her cottage where the adults had a merry time, and the two children, well - Y/N tried to make conversation, hoping to ease Lu Bu into their fresh new friendship. Thankfully, by the end of the night, Y/N spotted the cutest, smallest smile on his face, and the faintest of blushes on his cheeks.
He is so cute.
Since then, Y/N accepted the rejection of her other so-called friends, and the whole village, just to spend time in Lu Bu's company. Somehow, despite being so quiet and supposedly dangerous, he was a far better friend than any other one she had before.
Y/N would cook for the two men, and would tailor them clothes of all kinds - But what Y/N loved the most was to play with Lu Bu's gorgeous hair, though somehow, no matter how much she tried to brush it or braid it in all sorts of ways, it would break any tie, and would get spiked up like a porcupine or a hedgehog.
He really was so adorable.
Y/N was fawning over him shamelessly, complimenting him, kissing him, hugging him - Lu Bu almost felt the need to pull away from her, as she's behaving just like his father - But somehow, he also... Liked it?
"You have such beautiful eyes, Lu Bu! They always look so tender and kind - But also so sad and lonely." she would cup his face and kiss his forehead dearly. "I know I may never be able to erase your sadness, but I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always be here for you, okay? You will always be my most precious and dearest friend." Lu Bu looked at her, his eyes gleaming with surprise and sparkles of hope. He offered a toothy grin and pulled the girl in a strong embrace. "My precious friend."
Every time Lu Bu would go out to hunt and get large game, he would share it with Y/N's family also, and every time he'd see her being bullied by the other kids, he would stand in front of her, defending her. He needn't actually do anything - They all feared his mere presence, let alone even try to confront him. Weaklings. They were all weaklings. How come a small and frail girl like Y/N can brave him, but grown up adults cannot? Ha. Ridiculous playthings.
Y/N continued being his best friend through all of his sadness and hardships, being his only friend and supporting him and his dad. Funny enough, their parents kept talking weird shit about marrying one day and what not - How strange, how peculiar. He didn't need any of that. Y/N was his precious person and he never wanted to part from her. He needn't some silly marriage pact to define their bond - They were inseparable, in life and death, and he was going to protect her at the cost of his life - Though he doubts there's ever going to be anyone to best him in combat. He was born a warrior, will live as a warrior, and will die as the strongest warrior that China ever had and ever will.
Though the years passed, Y/N's misfortunes began to grow - Once, with the death of her mother, due to an unknown disease, and later on, with father's death, out of sheer grief. Y/N was all alone, refusing to exit her tent and crying the day and night out, starving to death.
"Where is Y/N? I haven't seen her in a few days." Lu Bu asked his father, who offered a sad smile. "I think she is in dire need of a friend." Lu Shang explained, patting his head. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused. "Am I not her friend anymore?" the boy gasped, fearing the worst. "Does she not like me anymore?!" "No, no - Nothing of the sort. It's just... She lost both her mum and dad in a short amount of time. I bet she feels alone and scared right now." the father-figure watched the gears of his son's mind rotating. "But she's not alone - She has us, right?" the innocent boy answered quickly. "Sometimes, when stricken with grief, we tend to forget that we have people to rely on." the father explained, patting the boy's head. "We just need a gentle reminder that we have someone out there, still caring for us, even if life feels heavy on our shoulders and we can't see the light of hope through the thick darkness."
Lu Bu was a little confused, but had a good idea on what to do. He rushed out of his tent and into the forest, where he got a bunch of pretty flowers and made a flower crown for Y/N. She always loved flowers, and liked braiding them in his hair - But he wasn't good at braiding her hair, so he settled for a pretty crown. Hopefully, she'll like it.
With afternoon coming quickly, Lu Bu ran into the silent tent of Y/N and watched as she kept herself into a little ball, continuing to weep even after a few days since her father's funeral. She was outright distraught... And so alone.
"H-Hey, Y/N?" she hadn't answered. The boy stepped by her side, placing the crown on her head. "I-... Uh... I'm your friend!" he boldly declared as he wrapped his arms around the girl. "So, uh... So I want to see you smile again."
Y/N looked up at him - For Lu Bu, she was still so pretty, even with her face pale from her unhealthy habits, the dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, and the puffy pink face from excessive crying. She looked at him, deeply shocked that he did all this, just for her. Suddenly, the boy picked her up in his arms and ran outside, and to the flower field on the edge of a cliff. "You can put flowers in my hair if you want!" he declared with a large smile on his face. It seemed that such simple gestures brought some pink hues in her cheeks, and she even had the faintest smile.
They didn't really speak the entire time, instead, Y/N found comfort and peace simply from his presence next to her. Together, they watched the Sun go down, painting the sky in numerous gorgeous colours, before it got dark and the stars started twinkling. "Do you think they are up there? Sparkling brightly and watching over me?" Lu Bu looked at the girl, before looking up - A star was shining very brightly, right in front of them - He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, I think so. I think they are right there. Happy." he pointed at that star. Y/N smiled. "That's reassuring." she said as she threw her arm around his body. "Thank you. Friend." Lu Bu said no words - Instead, he mimicked a gesture she'd often do for him. He kissed her forehead.
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When Fengxian was around nine years old, he experienced sickness - Or rather, his father's, and nothing that Y/N did, nor even the elder medics, could save him without the aid of expensive medicine that wasn't available within their district.
"All of this is the country magistrate, Li Tang's, fault!" Lu Bu heard Y/N's grandfather mumble as he tried to care of Lu Shang. "It's become nothing but heavy tax and tributes since that fucker came." he growled lowly. "Did you hear that he wants young girls as tributes now? What if he wants our sweet Y/N next?" her grandmother was evidently in distress. "That fucker is ruling as if he's the king of the country. He doesn't even consider us humans. At this rate, he'll make us commit suicide. We have no choice but to leave these lands soon, if it continues this way." Lu Bu and Y/N remained by Lu Shang's side as he rested, never once moving, though the worries of the adults weren't ignored by him. "Don't worry, Fengxian." despite his delirious and weakened state, Lu Shang mustered the strength to ruffle his boy's hair. "If I get some sleep... I'll get better." they both knew he wouldn't. But that's a parent's duty, isn't it? To care for his children and their happiness?
That night, Lu Bu went to the magistrate's mansion to 'ask' for some medicine - Y/N knew he was going to get in trouble, so she followed stealthily behind him. She watched as he easily killed the guards and forced his way within the mansion, taking just about all the important medicine in a huge sack. Silly boy. With such a noticeable bounty, he was bound to get noticed.
Before she left, Y/N left a handmade jewellery, evidently a girly one, and left it at the crime scene, as evidence. The guards will surely blame her instead. And so it happened, though the massacre and destruction was far larger than she ever anticipated. Li Tang's guards burnt the village to the ground, captured Lu Shang and all the children while all the other adults had to watch as they cut off the man's entire arm. They were surrounded by the magistrate's army, but the only happiness Y/N and Lu Shang had was that Fengxian wasn't there - They didn't want him to get killed because of his kindness.
A tall man garbed in regal armor and a sun-like mask walked in front of them, wearing a nasty grin. "I am the magistrate of the Han Empire. There is a child who committed robbery in my mansion, and apparently, she is a child of this village. Her name is Y/N." the disgusting man held up the tassel in his hand. "If the girl steps forward willingly, I may have a little mercy on these filthy slaves."
The elder of the village stepped forward and kowtowed to the ground, his forehead glued onto the ground. "Master Li Tang, we offer you the criminal Y/N without hesitation. These children don't deserve punishment for anything. I beg you... I beg you...! Please spare their lives!" the elder got stepped on harshly with the heel of his boot, getting kicked and hit by the flickering magistrate. "There's NOTHING you can say - Why I would need to punish some dirty nomads - I will give them a painful death, one that you all will find unforgettable! If you keep provoking me, I'll spill their filthy nomad blood everywhere!" "It was me." Y/N stepped forward, her head held high and with the dignity of an Empress. "You gave us no choice. We are people also, and have every right to live. If you are going to oppress us, then we must retort to crimes to survive." she spoke bravely, allowing the elder to return to his people. "I don't regret raiding your expensive house for medicine to save a worthy man." The magistrate looked down at the small girl, a sadistic grin twisting his face. "A little whore like you dares speak so bravely?" he took out a huge scissors-like weapon, and slashed at her, ripping at her clothes and slicing her skin. You could see blood pouring through the ripped material. "I will give you an easy death, if you kneel to the ground and lick my boots - Repeat this phrase - You will say - We, Nomads, are the whores of Li Tang, the county magistrate in Jiuyuan district of the Han Empire." he opened the blunt-edged scissors, taller than her, and pointed the tip to her nether regions. "I'm going to fuck you with it if you don't obey." "I will not soil the name of my people for a cruel imbecile like yourself!" Y/N pride was met with a demonic expression from the magistrate, who rose his arms up in the air. "Kill them all." he growled like a rabid dog as his army rose their bows up to aim.
Quickly, Y/N extended her arms to the side and stood tall in front of the kneeling Lu Shang, ready to protect him with her life. But death never came.
Instead, Lu Shang, with his remaining arm, grabbed Y/N by the back of her outfit and pulled her down to safety as he tanked all the many arrows, shielding the children of the village.
"Are all of you okay?" Lu Shang asked the children, barely standing up from the over twenty arrows stuck in his body. "No! Why did you do this?! I was supposed to protect you! When Fengxian finds out you died, he's going to go crazy!" Y/N yelled at the man, sobbing as she fell to her knees in front of him. "Why...?" he smiled gently as he fell to the ground. "Protecting the smiles of children is the duty of an adult." "THEN WHO WILL PROTECT FENGXIAN'S SMILE?!" Y/N cried out at him, desperate and frustrated with him. "You."
A psychopathic laugh, followed by the magistrate grabbing Lu Shang by the hair, and pinning Y/N on the ground, strangling her with a single hand, sent terror through everyone's heart. "It's useless - Useless! From the very beginning, I decided to massacre all the nomads." "LET HIM GO, YOU SICK FUCK!" Y/N tried to claw at his hand and struggle away, only to get a punch in the diaphragm, knocking her breath away.
A sea of gasps and curses attracted the attention of the nomads, as Lu Bu appeared out of nowhere. "Fengxian..." Lu Shang felt tears in his eyes as his own child had to witness such a horrific sight. "FENGXIAN, RUN! HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!" Y/N yelled at him - The Magistrate quickly realised the demon child wasn't important only to his father, but to this wench also. To taunt Lu Bu, Li Tang threw the father away before grabbing the little girl, his perverted hands crawling all over her skin, despite her futile struggling.
The poor child watched the decrepit state of his father - His arm cut off and still bleeding, his body torn apart by countless arrows buried deep inside his flesh. His only friend was bruised and bloody, her clothes ripped to shreds and body defiled in front of him. Lu Bu felt like crying from a myriad of emotions overwhelming him to the core. He was ready to rip everyone to shreds.
"Ahh, what a scary face! Lu Bu, was it? I was playing with your father and girlfriend because you were taking so long!" the whole army surrounded the feral child. "Kill him! It's your turn to be punished!" "REMOVE YOUR HAND!!!" Lu Bu screamed loudly, his voice echoing through the entire plains.
Everyone watched with awe and wonder as a mere child of nine massacred an entire army, weaponless, right in front of their eyes. Lu Bu Fengxian was truly a monster demon child. Seeing his useless soldiers getting killed, Li Tang threw the girl away and readied his famous weapon to kill the child - But it was futile. Lu Bu needn't a weapon to defeat trash. In a single punch, the magistrate was mauled. "You, who brings misfortune, is a child of evil." were his last words before his head was kicked off his body.
With the fight over, Lu Bu watched as Y/N dragged his father to lean back on a tree, his arrows already taken off, but the bleeding was insane. Her outfit was ripped to shreds in a failed attempt to stop the bleeding - But with such injuries... Not even the Gods could save him.
"N-No... No, you can't! Can't we stop the bleeding in some way?!" the poor boy panicked wildly, only for his face to be cupped tenderly by the man's remaining hand. "Fengxian... Fengxian... S-Show me a good face... Please..." his father looked the boy in the eyes, encouraging him to go search far and wide for the man whose strength will rival his - A man he would be able to call a friend. "Just don't forget... Myself and Y/N will always be with you. You are not alone." Lu Shang touched his forehead to that of his child. "Y-Yes... Yes... I-I understand...D-Dad..." it was the first time Lu Shang got called 'dad' by his child. He was the happiest he's ever been in his life. "It's the first time... You've called me that. Haha... I am the luckiest man..." he smiled gently. "Fengxian. You are my proudest treasure." he died in his child's embrace, with an accomplished, content smile on his face.
It was the first and only time when Lu Bu would wail to the skies, his heart broken irreversibly from grief and mourning - A cry resounding through heavens, as if it were coming from a dragon.
Throughout the day, Lu Bu wailed, and as the Sun began to set, he had to bury his father. "Fengxian..." Y/N held him the whole day, hoping to ease his pain in some way, though she was well aware that there was nothing to mend a shattered heart.
Everyone mourned, but Lu Bu was the most stricken with grief - He wore his black outfit, unable to look away from the grave. Behind him, he heard the villagers mention a future attack of retaliation from the empire, and how they needed to start fighting. They asked for guidance from Lu Bu, to teach them how to fight like him.
Instead, the boy ate away his own mourning and whistled for his mount, a large warg, jumping on it. "I don't need weaklings. I will devour all the troops." he said, his determination infinite. He was going to find that friend his father spoke of. "Afterwards, I will go west. If the Han army comes, pass that on to them." "Fengxian, wait!" Y/N ran to him, looking up into his empty eyes. "I don't want to lose you." He gave a small smile, offering his hand to her. "Come with me, then." he said. Y/N grinned, not hesitating as she slapped her hand over his own, letting him drag her up on his mount, right in front of him as to not fall over from the speed. "I will follow you to the ends of the world, Fengxian. In life, and in death. How's that sound?" "Sounds fun." he smirked.
Following that, believing in the words of his father, the boy continued to travel decisively, all to find someone worth his time.
Years passed, and Lu Bu never knew the taste of defeat. Him and Y/N would grow together, with him protecting her from anything that might threaten her, whilst Y/N would take care of him - Only he knew, he never did bother changing his clothes, cooking anything tasty or caring for his hair. He was a man, after all. A traveler, a warrior - Why should he care about trivial things? That's how women are, always worrying over little things - Though he couldn't deny, he was enjoying her care over him, to the point that he was purposely getting himself in situations to earn her spoiling treatment, like a sly little cat seeking affection.
He relished in her sweet kisses, loving the feel of her lips all over his face - The most beautiful woman in China was his best friend, his companion, his lover, his family, his most trusted and cherished person. Y/N was his everything. She was the only being he ever loved - And through that, he allowed her to abuse his love for her - Whenever she wanted to kiss, he would kiss her. Whenever he wanted his embrace, he would let her sleep cuddle in his arms. Whenever she wanted his love, he would give it.
For as long as this life keeps him, he will seek strong men to fight, a friend to understand him, and keep Y/N happy.
One day, in Luoyang, they brought one of the Three Jewels of China, the strongest horse to ever exist - Red Hare - The most sinister horse in history, that could run 500 km in one single day. A horse that was never ridden before.
Y/N tugged on Lu Bu's hand as he was munching on a carrot, as she excitedly wanted to see the fierce mount. Without any fear, she walked ignorantly past all the screaming people, and the mangled merchant, and stepped in front of the horse. "Hello, beautiful!" she smiled sweetly, raising her hand up to caress his snout. "You truly are China's most treasured jewel. Red Hare. You are fantastic." the woman's gentle compassion seemed to calm the steed's ferocious hostility. "I have brought you a friend. I am sure you will get along well."
In that moment, human caught the attention of the monstrous horse - It instantly turned to the human because of his odor, the smell of someone strong. "Wanna go?" Lu Bu smirked as he challenged the horse to a race. For the first time in a million years, mankind witnessed a race between a horse and a human. "I'll wait you here, darling!" Y/N cheerfully waved to her childish darling as she went to have her meal at some restaurant.
The man and the horse just kept running as far as they could, until they ran into the merchant and his army who arrowed the animal down - Still, he wasn't about to fall down so easily, and he trampled over the evil man a second time to continue his race, followed by Lu Bu who slapped the man dead to get out of his way.
Fengxian watched with sad eyes as the animal was unable to keep standing anymore. "You can't run anymore, Red Hare?" he picked the large steed on his back, walking him back home, for Y/N to treat. "Let's go home together. Y/N's gonna get worried if we don't return for dinner." seeing the human walking, carrying him on his back; with his body completely exhausted, Red Hare observed his own defeat. "Hey. Can I ride you till your death?" and so, he got his war partner, running together for life. Red Hare's back is made for Lu Bu Fengxian.
Over the course of time, Lu Bu would kill all the people standing in his way, claiming the title of the Strongest Man in China - He destroyed Dong Zhou, and the Seven Grails of Uruk who protected him, and massacred so many who dared attempt to cross him at Hulao Pass, only for Sun Jian Wentai to defeat him by forcing him to cross the self-imposed line he made in the sand.
And so, Lu Bu had found an admirer who looked very similar to his father - And they continued to fight together throughout his life. He simply asked for a friend who could understand him.
The God of War, the Strongest Man in China, the Raging Dragon, the Flying General Lu Bu Fengxian was entirely undefeated.
His greatest distress of all times. Eventually, nothing would stand before him any longer, and in exchange, the number of those following him gradually increased - And so, after 30 years of life, Lu Bu had come to his journey's end; In that moment he realised that under all heavens, there was no longer anything stronger than he.
"I'm done with life." Lu Bu told Y/N one night as they sat by the edge of a cliff. "I can't take it any longer. Disappointment after disappointment. There is no one left to fight. I have reached the pinnacle of strength." "Then, you wish for death in hopes of finding a worthy foe amongst the Gods?" Y/N hummed, looking up at the stars. "Yes. I will let Cao Cao capture me." he spoke bluntly. "Will you let me follow you?" Lu Bu looked down at the calm woman dangling her feet from the edge. "I haven't forgotten your promise to me - But you are still young. Are you sure you wish to forsake your life, just to be with me in heavens?" his voice was as gruff as always. Y/N looked up at him with a sweet smile. "Of course. What's the meaning of life without the one you cherish?" Fengxian let out an amused huff. "I have a single request from you, though." "What is it?" "I want you to be the one to take my life and deliver me into the next." Lu Bu rose a questioning eyebrow. "I don't want to end up as Cao Cao's slave or plaything. They won't just kill me. That's the life of a woman... So - Will you offer me this kindness? Will you let me wait for you in the skies? I promise I'll tell Lu Shang you've been a good boy." she giggled sweetly. The man huffed, looking up at the sky with a smile. "I won't let you wait too long. Take care of Red Hare until I come." "Of course I will."
Fengxian got up to leave for a few minutes, only to return with a beautiful flower crown, which he placed on her head. "As beautiful as always." he knelt down in front of her, pulling her into a strong embrace. "Forgive me, Y/N. For everything." he whispered in her ear. "There is nothing to forgive, my darling." her sweet voice shattered his heart. "I love you, Fengxian." "I love you, Y/N."
Lu Bu pulled her into a deep kiss, keeping her mind away as he drove the dagger into her heart, and he deepened the bittersweet kiss tainted by the metallic taste of blood as she died in his arms with a smile on her face. Just like his dad. "Wait for me, Y/N. I'll be there soon." he cried once again, for the second time in his life, as he buried his dearest friend at the base of a flowering magnolia tree.
Thus, Lu Bu allowed himself to get captures, and as he looked at the noose, he yawned loudly. "Oi, just hurry up and end it, will ya? What's takin' so long? You're borin' me to death here. Y/N's waiting for me."
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As promised, Y/N was there, waiting for Lu Bu to come to her, followed by Gong Chen and his faithful army. For a while, the afterlife was an eternal peace - A boring one - Until a woman called Brunhilde came over with a most exciting proposal - Fight a God, for the sake of humanity. Of course, Fengxian couldn't care less about mankind's fate - He cared only about fighting a most fearsome opponent like he experienced nowhere else on earth.
And thus, he became the first human to fight the Mighty Thor, using the spear made from a Valkyrie's body and soul morphing into the soulbound weapon.
For the first time in his entire life, Lu Bu was truly happy, excited, thrilled even, to be fighting a man equal in strength, or perhaps even stronger than him. A God of War, just like himself. He was beyond a shadow of doubt so enthusiastic to fight Thor at his strongest, without his gloves on, and with that large hammer pulsating with life - Thor considered him a worthy foe, a friend even. He wasn't just a 'human' anymore in his eyes. He was Lu Bu, Thor's friend and his mightiest opponent he's ever faced, with both of them smiling truly for the first time, facing each other.
In this battle, Thor would display his finest smile, and Lu Bu would meet it with his worst.
Though he would manage to injure Thor himself, he blocked his strongest hit yet - At the cost of his own tibia bones breaking, causing him to fall on the ground. Whilst Gong Chen and his army were weeping loudly, Y/N ran to the stables where Red Hare was being kept, and rode him into the arena. She smiled down at him, extending her hand to him.
"My dearest friend, we vowed to live and die together, didn't we? Red Hare and I haven't changed our hearts about you. So - Will you allow us to accompany you for the last time?"
With incredibly strength, Lu Bu used his halberd to get back up and slapped his hand over Y/N's much smaller one as she helped him get up on Red Hare's back.
"Y/N. Red Hare. In this moment, I ask you - Would you entrust your life to me?" the man asked, readying his weapon, happy to be allowed to use his most perfected technique against a worthy foe - The Sky Eater. After thousands of years, Lu Bu finally met the man who could take the brunt of this strike. "Always."
Lu Bu instinctively knew that the next swing would be the strongest in his entire life - And indeed, Thor also felt the exact same way. Thor's Hammer against Sky Eater.
In this exchange, Fengxian's left arm was ripped off, while the left was half torn. "Fengxian." Y/N called out as the man bit off his dangling arm. "Red Hare became your legs. Allow me to become your arms." Y/N said, holding the halberd clumsily. "Silly woman, you never held a weapon in your entire life." the man grinned widely at her. "About time, huh?" she said. "Are you happy, my love?" "I gave it everything I had. This... This right here - This is what true joy is, huh?" he chuckled lightly, kicking Red Hare's side. "What would I know? My joy is seeing you happy for the first time."
As Thor struck his hammer, both Y/N and Fengxian were killed at the exact same time, their bodies destroyed and toppling over to the ground in a pool of blood.
Thor looked down at his opponent, smiling - Those 16 minutes of their fight were the happiest he's ever been in his long existence. What a worthy man - Truly the strongest humanity ever had.
The Gods celebrated their victory, while the humans toasted in honor of the greatest general to ever live - But Red Hare and Gong Chen were griefing. "Red Hare, I feel your pain. Heaven or Earth, a land without Milord already holds no value to us. We shall follow him!" Lu Bu's entire army was right behind the strategist and the Jewel Steed. "We're coming, Milord!" the soldiers wept as they rushed into their last, honorary battle. "We are the army of Lu Bu! We follow our general, no matter how many deaths we face! Prepare thyself!" the army attacked, knowing very well the outcome. Thor smiled, his heart trembling with emotion and thrill. "Very well. I'll send you as offerings in his name - To Lu Bu." "To hear Milord's name resonating alongside Thunder...!" Gong Chen, Red Hare, and everyone else experienced the greatest honour of their life, following Lu Bu and Y/N in death, forever, with smiles on their faces.
Though their souls were shattered and reduced to dust in the vacuum of space, unable to return to the cycle of reincarnation, none regretted their actions. Their greatest joy finally appeared in front of them - Seeing their most beloved person truly happy.
For Fengxian and Y/N death was not a cruel end, but the happiest outcome that could befall them. With smiles on their faces and hearts filled with love and bliss - Together, forever, be it life, death, samsara or nothingness - No matter what form their bodies take, or even if their souls are no more - Somehow, Fengxian and Y/N's happiness rang eternal over all realms, like a gentle, warm breeze in Spring.
The strong bond of a most cherished friend.
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morbidoddball · 9 months ago
Multi-Fandom Art Dump Part 1
Demon Slayer 👹🗡️
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(Note: This is part of an AU where Yōkai exist and have varying tensions with Muzan & his demons. The woman with the wagasa ["Japanese umbrella"] is an ame-onna named Riyo. The three woman at the bottom are shinigami; mostly concept designs and will be changed later. Their named from left to right are Akii, Shizuka & Sugi.)
Record of Ragnarök 💪⚔️
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(Note: Some design elements might change. The characters depicted here are Tomoe, Hangaku, Chiyome Mochizuki & Empress Jingu)
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holykhepri · 2 years ago
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berserker-showdown · 2 years ago
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ON the Right wielding a blade too big to be called a sword... Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough more akin to a heap of raw Stone. the bearer of the God Hand and champion of the Greeks. The OG berserker himself: Herakles! and illya
ON the Left stands the General of Repetition, the second half of Red Hare, the famed warlord of the chinese Three Kingdoms Era, a Mobile Fortress of a Servant: Lu Bu Fengxian! and Rani viii
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typemoonsmashorpass · 1 year ago
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hasmashdoneanythingwrong · 1 year ago
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 years ago
Another thing the Extra localization neglects to mention is that Lu Bu is a cyborg, and this one had funny fandom consequences because FGO made so many allusions to Lu Bu being a cyborg that the English fandom convinced itself this was a build up for a major reveal on a upcoming story appearance (generally expected for LB3) when in reality it was something we always knew about the character.
(Though we only know he’s a cyborg from one comment from Archer, so even JP players who only played Nero and/or Tamamo would be just as confused)
Asking my followers who played extraverse. Isn't there a line somewhere implying that fgo francis drake is the queen of england who fucked off to become a pirate. Or did I dream that fate fact.
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zhoudadudugongjin · 2 months ago
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"Amongst men, Lü Bu."
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dragologist · 2 years ago
Lubu if the whole "war general" thing didn't work out:
Thor & Chen Gong are drooling in the crowd as we speak
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yuurii180 · 2 years ago
lü bu had the best depiction in three kingdoms 2010, i love that character a lot
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fledbeast578 · 1 year ago
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Well, good excuse as any! Technically this is a fill for @nasuversekinkmeme, but honestly, it's something I've had in mind for a while, this just gave me a good reason to rewrite and finally post it.
Servant: Diaochan (Assassin)
Ascension Stages
Ascension 1: A similar appearance to Rani, with the same skin color and hair color, but styled in a way more typical to an Ancient Chinese consort. She wears a simple chinese dress, with plain colors.
Ascension 2: A nearly identical visage to Rani from Fate/Extra, wearing Rani's atlas institute outfit
Ascension 3: Her hair is tightly wound into a bun, with her outfit being an elaborate beautiful Hanfu dress, with large sleeves
Class: Assassin
Alternate Class: N/A
Vessel: Rani VIII
Attribute: Man
Strength: E+++
Endurance: E
Agility: C
Mana: D
Luck: A+
QQAAB Deck (4-3-1 hits)
Passive Skills
Presence Concealment D
Standard assassin class skill, due to her history she has little notoriety in terms of evading enemies, and often is better off trying to assimilate into an unfamiliar environment instead. 
Territory Creation C+Item Construction C+Magic Resistance C
The reason for the presence of these class skills are unknown to even Diaochan, perhaps they relate to her vessel in some way? 
Active Skills
Ancient Beauty A+
A variant of the Pheromones skill. Owing to her renowned beauty and wit, Diaochan can easily dissolve the concerns of all but the most reserved men and women. Given an extended period of time, she is able to easily convince most people to give up information or believe a fabrication without question. In combat scenarios, this skill is best used to temporarily distract opponents, throwing them off-guard.
In Game effect:
 -Charm one enemy (up to 100% chance) for 1 turn
 -Decrease their defense (up to -30% defense) for 3 turns
 -8/7/6 cooldown
Scapegoat (Beauty) A
A skill developed during Diaochan’s work as a consort, most notably when she deceived Lu Bu into thinking Dong Zhuo had assaulted her, and soon after deceived Dong Zhuo into thinking Lu Bu had done the same thing. Using her beauty, Diaochan ‘convinces’ her allies to protect her in battle, and make herself look like an unwilling combatant. Alternatively this can be used to make herself look like a particularly alluring target, but Diaochan will be unwilling to reveal this function of her skill to her master. 
In-Game effect:
-Apply Target Focus to an ally (1 turn)
-Increase np gain of ally (up to 30%) for 3 turns
-8/7/6 cooldown
Flying General's Bride
An offshoot of her noble phantasm, not a personal skill, but a reflection of how well she is able to support Lu Bu in battle, increasing his effectiveness and supplying him with mana.
In Game effect: 
 -Increases own np damage (up to 30%) for 3 turns
 -Increases own np gauge by 30%
 -Increases np damage of all Lu Bu allies (up to 30%) for 3 turns
 -Increases np gauge of all Lu Bu allies by 30%
 -7/6/5 cooldown
Noble Phantasm
NP Name: God Force (Love) - Love of the War God
Rank: A
NP Type: Anti-Personnel/Army/Fortress 
Range: 1-40
Maximum Targets: 1-50 people
On her own Diaochan has little combat utility, possessing weak offensive stats even for an assassin. However, due to the fame of their relationship she is able to manifest the servant Lu Bu Fengxian at no additional mana cost. The way this is enacted is closer to a dual summon, rather than Diaochan actively manifesting him with any sort of magecraft, Diaochan himself having no control over when he is summoned or what he does when summoned. However, in most cases the warrior only ever summons himself during combat, where he will obey her dutifully. Their connection is so strong that she is able to even invoke his own noble phantasm while he is summoned, albeit at a great mana cost to herself. 
Ordinarily only the Berserker version of Lu Bu is manifested, any situation in which he would need to be summoned in combat would cause the warrior to be sent in a bloodlust protecting her. 
In-Game effect:
-Deal significant DEF-ignoring damage & Chance to stun <chance increases with Overcharge> to a single enemy
-Hit count: 10
Character Biography:
One of the four beauties of Ancient China and was instrumental in the fall of the tyrannical Dong Zhuo during the Three Kingdoms era. working with Wang Yun she pretended to be Dong Zhuo's concubine to gain his trust. Later she became betrothed to Dong Zhuo's foster son, Lu Bu, and used his affection for her to convince him to kill his foster father.
Traditionally not able to be summoned, but due to her exceptionally good compatibility to Rani VIII, she was able to use the girl as a vessel, retaining complete control over her spirit origin.
Bond 1:
Height & Weight: 157cm/45kg
Source: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Region: China
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female
"Oh me? I'm not particularly strong, perhaps Lord Lu Bu could help you instead?"
Bond 2:
Some stories state her seduction was so well known, that upon capturing her, the Three Kingdoms general Guan Yu would rather kill her than risk letting her tempt any soldiers.
Bond 3:
Although she's not known for killing anyone herself, her pragmatic nature and intelligence make her a strong fit in the class. She was aware she had no hope of killing Dong Zhuo on her own, and as a result looked to others who were in a position to kill the warlord.
Bond 4:
Diaochan's life, in truth, was a mystery to everyone but herself and those close to her. Some sources say she was married to Lu Bu even before she had met Dong Zhuo, an innocent bystander in her husband's murderous betrayal. Others say she merely sought power, abandoning Lu Bu after he successfully killed his foster father. Yet others say she didn't exist at all, or only as a simple maid, whose beauty was far exaggerated past her death.
It is unknown whether she was truly in love with Lu Bu, or if she only viewed him as a simple pawn, but tales of their romance are almost as iconic as the Three Kingdoms itself.
Bond 5:
God Force (Love) Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Personnel/Army/Fortress In life Diaochan was but a human and accomplished no feats of her own worthy of a noble phantasm. However, her seduction of Lu Bu is so well known it allows her to call upon him in battle. While summoned he retains his abilities, and is responsible for Diaochan's unusual strength parameter. Upon seeing Diaochan in danger he will use all functions of God Force, slicing, bashing, mowing, sweeping, and shooting the enemy to reduce them to rubble, as Diaochan encourages him wholeheartedly.
Bond 6/Interlude:
Diaochan cared greatly for China and loathed the various warlords that plagued it. Her wish for the grail is to have crushed tyrants such as Cao Cao for the betterment of her homeland. She of course knows this is impossible without fundamentally changing history but will still fight to save humanity regardless.
She was beside Lu Bu at the Battle of Xiapi, and committed suicide when Cao Cao attempted to take her for himself. She will not tolerate a master who has such similarly selfish ideals and appreciates those who are valorous and defiant against adversity.
Voice Lines
Summon: Greetings Master, I am Diaochan, an assassin class servant, I may not look too impressive, but I promise I have a few tricks up my sleeves.
Ascension 1: What is this strange outfit… I haven’t seen anything like this among the other consorts.
Ascension 2: I wonder what you hope to accomplish giving me so much magical energy… a kiss on the cheek perhaps? Ha ha, no need to show me such an expression, I was only teasing, master.
Ascension 3: This is an outfit I’m much more familiar with, it’s as if I was still serving warlords in Ancient China.
Ascension 4: I know I am not a particularly amazing servant on my own, master. Even besides my physical weakness, I’ve hurt others, watched as those who aided me died, lied to those I love, and I will never forget that. However, I do not intend to let your support go to waste, the past is the past. At this moment, all I can do is fight on behalf of humanity with you.
Dialogue 1: You know Master, in some ways Chaldea is very similar to Dong Zhou’s palace, so many powerful warriors, none who I could hope to compare to. 
Dialogue 2: I have no concern for my safety, Lord Lu Bu is invincible after all, but must you send me out so much? I have not walked so long in years! I miss when Lord Lu Bu was able to carry me between battles.
Dialogue 3: Why can I not summon Lord Lu Bu in between battles? I wish I knew as well, his manifestation is not exactly something I actively control, perhaps he can’t stand to leave me alone. 
Dialogue 4: As a consort I’m more than used to serving my lord, do not worry, I will serve dutifully, Master.
Dialogue 5 (If you have Lu Bu): Lord Lu Bu- I never thought I would be able to speak with you after all this time… please, let me see you fight our enemies yet again, I have missed you dearly.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Chen Gong): I see you have summoned my brother as well! Do not worry, he may seem cruel, and he is! But I promise he won’t do anything detrimental… without good cause at least. 
Dialogue 7 (If you have Red Hare): Oh, it’s that tiresome horse. Hm? Do not worry, I have no hatred towards a beast such as him, it is just… it was as if Lord Lu Bu tended to Red Hare more than he did me!
Like: I really love men of action, those who are willing to fight against their enemies no matter the situation. Additionally he should be skilled at archery, able to ride horses with grace, love his family, and be good in- oh I apologize, I began to ramble on there. 
Dislike: What do I dislike? Those hung up on silly notions like honor and loyalty. Why should anyone feel obligated to remain loyal to a despot? 
Bond 1:  All of the men here are so rowdy… it makes them so easy to deceive *laughs to herself*, what? You do not wish for me to do that, oh fine, no need to be such a spoilsport~
Bond 2: I know my past history, may make it difficult to trust me, Master, but as long as you don’t enslave any peasants, I think I can find it in my heart not to deceive you *laughs*
Bond 3: Just so you know master, that earnest personality of yours will get yourself killed someday. It may seem admirable, but I’m amazed you haven’t gotten stabbed in the back yet… you have? What kind of idiot are you? 
Bond 4: I apologize for being rude, Master, I seemed to have overstepped my place. Just the idea of forgiving so many people who have abused your kindness… it is madness!
Bond 5: It is difficult for me to learn to trust, for the longest time tricking others was the only way I could hope to achieve anything, and after so long, it is difficult to speak completely earnestly. it was a risk to speak earnestly with anyone besides Lord Lu Bu, I couldn’t hope to survive without playing those stronger against me against each other. However, someone like you doesn’t deserve such a thing, I haven’t seen such earnest conviction in anyone for years, it is truly… refreshing. I hope to continue serving with you, both as an ally, as well as a friend, Master.
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grand-theft-carbohydrates · 2 years ago
[extract: cao cao is bisexual dot jpeg] “Ah, Cao Mengde is here!” Dong Zhuo exclaimed, “son, this is the promising young fellow I was telling you about.” 
“Oh, so this is he?” Lu Bu murmured, making a show of looking him over. He stalked a languid circle around Cao Cao, his fingers tapping leisurely on the jewelled pommel of his sword. He wore soft-toed riding boots, and his gait was unnervingly quiet, reminiscent of a leopard Cao Cao had seen once in a menagerie. All that coiled, deadly strength, trapped in a too-small cage. His voice, likewise was a low, throaty, growl as he remarked lazily, “the honour is mine, to be sure.” 
“Tales of your valor echo far and wide, General Fengxian,” Cao Cao made a show of being star-struck—not that he needed to try particularly hard. Call it a foible, but he found handsome, arrogant men as impressive as they were annoying. “As the saying goes; ‘amongst men, Lu Bu has no equal. Amongst horses, Red Hare.’” 
Lu Bu preened “so they’ve been talking about me behind my back, have they?” 
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it!” Cao Cao enthused. Greedy Back-stabber, Wandering Demon, Bastard-with-three-fathers —and those were some of the more pleasant ones. ---------- notes: - main inspiration for this was sima qian's writing. ancient china had this very matter-of-fact, almost refreshingly non-judgemental attitude towards homosexuality and/or male-male sexuality. and idk. i guess it's nice knowing history isn't about linear progress, different time periods can surprise you. - it's kind of refreshing to read stuff like "yeah so the court came togather and brutally assassinated the emperor's male lover. not bc we're homophobic btw (most of us have tried to dress like the guy just to get the emperor's attention), but it was bc he was amassing too much political influence" - diversity win! i guess! - my characterisation isn't so much as "who is gay/bisexual" but rather "this is the han dynasty, guys, and we're spending 80% of our time in the army. who amongst us HASN'T had a homoerotic experience?"
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aishangotome · 5 months ago
Chapter 10-24 An Unyielding and Noble Character (剛烈風骨)
Chapter 10-20
At the dock, a small boat bobs in the water. Several figures stand beside it, awaiting our arrival.
There’s a kite feather symbol on the boat… a Xiuyi Tower boat? What’s it doing here…?
Jia Xu: You two seem to be in a hurry. Was Grand Preceptor Dong’s birthday banquet not to your liking?
Jia Xu: Is someone missing? The valiant General Fengxian, why did he let the young master and Your Highness come alone?
Yuan Ji: He will arrive shortly. Let's board the boat first.
Jia Xu: Leaving just like that, not waiting for General Fengxian?
Seeing that I haven't moved immediately, Jia Xu narrows his eyes, revealing a strange, sly smile.
Through his sleeve, he discreetly taps my finger.
Jia Xu: Young Master, Your Highness, please board the boat.
Yuan Ji nods and leads me towards the boarding ramp. Before stepping onto it, he suddenly slows down, letting me walk ahead.
He even places his hand on my back, gently pushing me forward, as if urging me to get on the boat.
…Yuan Ji?
Jia Xu: Young Master, aren't you boarding?
Yuan Ji: …What did you just call her?
Jia Xu: Your Highness, the Prince of Guangling… Ah. Hehe… hehehehe…
Yuan Ji turns around, shielding me from those men.
Yuan Ji: Lu Bu only asked you to come and escort me. How did you know that this lady accompanying me is His Highness, the Prince of Guangling?
You: ?!!
If I were wearing my princely robes, it would make sense for him to address me as "Your Highness." But I'm currently dressed as a female musician, he shouldn't know who I am!
Paper Heart: Tower Master, the Sparrow Department received an urgent report from the Hidden Kite Pavilion! The identity of one of the Li Bahua's agents has been confirmed!
Paper Heart: It's Jia Xu, the strategist under the Xiliang army general Li Jue. This man is plotting to incite a rebellion in Chang'an!
You: Yuan Ji, quickly board the boat!
But the mooring rope hasn't been untied! Why are the Xiuyi Tower agents still just watching? The boat is still tied up, even if we board, it won't be able to leave.
Yuan Ji: Jia Xu, we can't escape anymore. May I ask, whose side are you on?
You: Li Bahua… an organization that aims to overthrow the Han dynasty and seize control of the world. Princes, noble families, they are all their targets!
Yuan Ji: “Li Bahua,” a name I hear for the first time… It seems, Jia Xu, you’re here to get rid of us.
Jia Xu: One is the Xiuyi Commandant, the Prince of Guangling, the other is the eldest son of the Yuan clan, both individuals surrounded by countless followers.
Jia Xu: It would be too difficult to dispose of you silently. Today is a perfect opportunity; you are finally alone.
You: Jia Xu, whatever the Li Bahua has promised you, you have a prince and the Yuan clan before you. There is nothing we cannot offer you.
Jia Xu: Really? Then, I want your legs.
The cripple, leaning on his crutch, takes half a step forward.
Jia Xu: You and the young master, each leave behind one leg, and I'll let you go—do you do it yourselves, to each other, or shall I?
Yuan Ji: I am but a scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken. To be reduced to such a state is truly embarrassing.
Yuan Ji: Jia Xu, a scholar can be killed, but not humiliated. There's no need for your soldiers to do it, Yuan Ji will end his own life.
He takes out a small dagger from his sleeve. The blade is inlaid with jewels, more of a scholar's ornament than a weapon.
Jia Xu: Taking your own life with a blade? A noble young master, your character is indeed unyielding.
Jia Xu: Very well. You go first. I will soon send the Prince of Guangling down to accompany you.
He grips the dagger tightly and looks back at me on the boat.
Yuan Ji: This time, perhaps we really are parting ways.
Yuan Ji: Ah… Despite all the schemes and manipulations…
You: Yuan Ji! Don't do this!
You: We still have many old scores to settle! If you dare to leave before me, I will hate you forever!
Yuan Ji: Hate? I don't care anymore. All that hate, conspiracy, and sin, it's enough for me to bear it alone.
Yuan Ji: …For so many years, I have been bearing it alone. There are many things I didn't want you to know.
Yuan Ji lowers his eyes, the blade gleaming like a sliver of moonlight in his palm.
Yuan Ji: Ha… It's really funny. I used to want so much, but at this moment… none of it matters anymore.
Yuan Ji: All I want is for you to live. Leave this place and live.
Jia Xu: Driven to a corner, have you started talking nonsense?
Yuan Ji ignores him. He throws the scabbard to the ground, the jewels on it shattering into a constellation of stars on the ground.
In the next moment, he doesn't kill himself, nor does he fight the enemy. Instead, he turns towards the wooden pole holding the mooring rope—
You: Yuan Ji…
He cuts the rope. Freed from its restraints, the small boat is immediately blown several feet away from the dock. He suddenly seems so far away from me, unreachable…
Yuan Ji: Your Highness, Yuan Ji of Runan has one more request.
Yuan Ji: …I want to ask you…
He struggles with all his might to break free from the soldiers' grip, just to take one step towards me.
One last step.
Yuan Ji: Please… don't forget me.
In my blurred and wavering vision, I see someone approaching him with an oar, raising it high, and smashing it down on his head.
…There is no miracle, no reinforcements…
I watch helplessly as the man in green falls. His always immaculate robes are stained with mud and dirt.
You: Yuan Ji—
You: Yuan Ji—!!!
???: Don't, make, noise…
Is that a Xiuyi Tower agent? No! Something's not right!
I turn around abruptly—behind me, a figure clad in gorgeous brocade has appeared.
Chapter 10-25
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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nu-omicron-alpha-eta · 1 year ago
Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Lu Bu Fengxian
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Left - FGO
Right - A Qing dynasty illustration of Lü Bu
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berserker-showdown · 2 years ago
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the next series of matches will go live shortly, with part 1 launching tonight(may 6th) and Part 2 launching tomorrow evening(may 7th), links will appear as the polls are added and as always, good luck to all our competitors!
Part 1: Round 2:
Humbaba vs Brynhildr (Summer)
Xiang Yu vs Salome
Ibuki Douji (Summer) vs Kijyo Koyo
Ragnar Lodbrok vs Ibaraki Douji
Chacha vs Morgan
Asterios vs Nobunaga (Summer)
Beowulf vs Caligula
Musashi (Summer) vs MHX Alter
Part 2: Round 2:
Nightingale vs Raikou
Arcuied Brunstud (Mooncell) vs Paul Bunyan
Hijikata Toshizou vs Sen no Rikyu
Tamamo Cat vs Frankenstein
Arjuna Alter vs Jeanne Alter
Herakles vs Lu Bu Fengxian
Kriemhild vs Galatea
Cu Alter vs Penthesilea
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