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Water Lilies painted by Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)
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turning seasons 🌸🌻🍁❄️
. .
start of new cycle of spring, time to finally posting the full sets!
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(I'm going to assume the position player had in the factory)
(Player will be third wealing so hard this chapter)
"Don't you realise?!" Poppy said, completely outraged. "They collaborated with him, with-with the doctor" Everybody in the haven was looking at her, some of them with distrust in their gaces.
Poppy had arrived after many years with a very injured Kissy Missy and a ex-employee who they've never heard of. Sure (Y/N) was very involved with the experiments but they had been with them for 15 years in that haven, helping with the mental health of the poor souls living there.
Most of the toys that remained sane have chosen to forget or forgiven Y/N because after all, they never really treated them wrong and they had made themselves useful in that community.
Poppy on the other hand, had disappeared without any explanation and had let them to rot, Doey had to pick up the broken pieces.
The situation wasn't the best and even though both Poppy and the psychologist had a doubtful background, the favoritism was clear.
Y/N was looking at Poppy's direction, with a dark gaze. The sudden reappearance of the doll and the ex-employee had been an unpleasant surprise for the psychologist.
They were hugging Kissy while the pink toy embraced them with her only good arm. The way Y/N was clinging to Kissy was not only for worry about the toys health but also about the presence of that god forsaken doll and the exhausted employee. As far as they had heard, he had already defeated many of the bigger toys. To be honest, they was disappointed that Mommy had been defeated by a mere employee, maybe a little sad about it.
While Doey and Poppy were arguing, the doe defending its parental figure; YN got close to the employee and signaled him to sit in one of the improvised beds.
"I am aware of what I've done, Poppy. I'm not ignorant nor I deny being involved in the experiments" They started "I understand that you don't like me, I'm not fond of you either, no one here is. Not after you just disappeared and left me and Doey to pick up the pieces" They started slowly approaching Poppy, as if she was a prey that was waiting to be attacked
"Pick up the pieces that you destroyed in the first place" The doll retorted
"But now you are here and I believe that you, just as everyone else, deserve a chance to live. I'm assuming you had your reasons, I won't ask for them but I do have questions about you." Y/N kneeled at Poppy's level " So I advise you to be wise and collaborate. If you are so kind, please follow me, I would like to talk to you" Poppy swallowed hard and followed the head psychologist to the generator room.
That toy was not dumb, she knew what YN was doing and she knew how volatile their behaviour and loyalty could be. Probably the only thing keeping them in the heaven was Doey and their need for survival.
There were toys with limbs that didn't belong to their original design, prothesis collected by YN, who had sew them the best she could to their bodies.
Y/N themselve had lost a arm in an unfortunate encounter while trying to reach for a back-pack.
It had been Mommy Long Legs, who blinded by rage and hunger, attacked them brutally. Y/N barely made it out, crawling back to the deeper levels bloodied and dizzy. They could remember how at first they didn't register that an arm was now missing.
The pain came after, the wound became infected and the little arm that was left had to be removed and the wound cauterized. With the little medical equipment on the haven it had been hard for Y/N to recover from the injurie but luckily they had made it out.
They had it replaced by one green hand from the Back-Pack. It had been hard to obtain a tool like that but it had been worth it.
But as much as YN depended on the haven, Poppy still didn't trust that their survival was a strong enough reason to not to turn away if given the chance. And she knew that because she would do the same.
And while Poppy and YN talked in the generator room, the ex employee that had managed to get himself this deep into the factory was both surprised and weary about the other human being in the compound.
On one hand, he had heard the tapes about the dark secrets of the factory and in a lot of them the psychologist was present, both them and the doctor were heavily involved with the crimes commited on the factory. But as well, they were here, with Doey in the haven and Kissy didn't seem to afraid of them.
And to be honest he also wasn't sure in trusting Poppy since her behaviour had been suspicious at best.
The doctor had been playing with him since he put a foot on this damn factory, arranging tests and experiments for him to complete all while finding more information about this cursed place.
He found multiple tapes of Dr (Y/N) and their interviews with the experiments, also some recording of the meetings of the executives in which they could be seen almost always near Sawyer.
Poppy and Y/N finally got out of the generator room, the Doll seemed more calmed and both of them went to Kissy Missy's tent.
While he kept thinking and trying to process the situations, Doey approached him.
"Hey friend! I.. want to talk to you, come to the generator room when you are available" [Player] was certainly curious about what Doey had to say to him so he followed the toy.
"Look, I know Poppy means good, but she pretends to destroy this place! Completely! We've been taking care of the toys here-of Mom and...." He paused, he was conflicted and nervous "This is our home, I don't want to lose the thing we have been working so much to maintain... After you beat the doctor, please consider my proposition, until then, consider the safe haven your home to." Doey pat his shoulder and exited the room.
After a few minutes of resting and reading the many documents he had left, Player went to what he thought it was Y/N tent. He had seen something glowing in there and he wanted to take a look.
The shiny object were a pair of grey and black glasses that were on a wooden box. He examined them for a while until someone snatched them from his finders.
Behind him, he found Y/N who looked irritated by his invasion of their space. But the glance they had changed quickly once they looked at the glasses, the eyes were nostalgic and their eyebrows slightly twitched, accentuating their growing wrinkles.
"So... You like snooping don't you? I bet you have some very interesting things in those pockets of yours" Their good hand fell on his shoulders "Let me accompany you through your little quest, not all the way, of course, I can only go so far..." They joked refering to both her status in the factory and her relationship with the doctor.
"Why, because of doctor Sawyer" [Player] quietly asked, that left Y/N silent, however, they swiftly re-dominated the conversation "I think I remember you [Player]. You were one of those guys on human resources right? The one who stayed late night cleaning the offices even though it wasn't your work. Am I wrong?" You weren't wrong, but he was surprised that after so long you could remember someone as irrelevant as him
"I never thought you or any of the executives knew me" He murmured "I have a good memory, not even this madness of a factory can change that"
"Though I have to thank you for avenging my arm, I've been told what you did with Mommy long legs. I've never though one person along could best her but here you are"- Just as Sawyer, you were recounting his 'achievements' in the factory and added little notes of your own, but unlike him, your tone was less monotonous, more cheerful.
[Player] player looked at Y/N with an unreadable face "If you ever get the chance, are you going to betray the haven for the doctor?" The question was made bluntly and neutrally, Y/N knew that at some point someone would question that, but they didn't expect him to be so direct.
"What kind of question is that? It's like I ask you if you are going to betray the haven just because Poppy tells you to do so." The ex employee seemed surprised by the comeback and quicky went to defend himself but you intervened before that could happend.
"I do not have the advantage of the cameras as Harley has but I have ways of knowing what's happening around" Your gaze now turned serious "I don't care if you trust me or not but do yourself a favour and don't trust Poppy, nothing she says is genuine."
He understood what you were saying, since the train incident he had become very wary of the doll and as time went by, he trusted her less and less.
"How do I know I can trust you? I remember that while working here, you and Sawyer always isolated yourselves in the deeper levels. Hell you are the responsables of this mess!!" The lack of sleep and food had turned [Player] tired and full of rage, not only because of the atrocities that were down here but also for the nonexistent hope of ever making it out.
"You can't." You answer was simple " You cannot trust me, or Poppy or basically anyone down here, and with the red gas, not even yourself" You were both now ok the sewers, on the path to 'The Land Of No One'
"The only thing you can do is keep going and don't trust blindly, I understand that Poppy has helped you somehow until now but, has she been honest? " Scarely enough, your question made sense.
"Has she ever changed plans last minute for them to adjust her personal agenda? Has she ever consulted you about it or cared for your opinion on the matter? Do you even know why was she trapped in that cage?..."
In that moment, [Player] player understood what little he knew about everything, how much had he trusted someone that really hadn't been anything but trouble.
"Are you really Poppy's angel?... Or Poppy's Scapegoat?" That last sentence was said in a whisper with a mocking tone and followed by a deep chuckle. He didn't have words
At this point you had already accessed another part of the factory and that chuckle had caught someone's attention.
15 years... In 15 years you had been on sight for at least 7 times and the last one had almost caused him a blackout.
He had seen you getting almost tested apart by Mommy long legs and in his mind there was nothing more than a desperate shout saying 'I told you so'... One day you were going to get teared apart, destroyed, devoured....
You couldn't just listen, no. Always doing things your way. He had been lucky that he was able to mobilise Yarnaby fast enough to distract Mommy long legs and let you make an escape.
He knew you knew he had facilitated you acces to certain door. His original plan was to guide you back to him but sadly Doey and a bunch of other toys found you first and he lost track of you again.
His paranoia and obsession had only grown over the years. A hatred deeply rooted on all of his wires. Hate for that stupid patient of yours 1322 and hatred for the Prototype who wasn't letting him take more control over the situation.
He was angry at you, for leaving him alone in that place, for escaping the situation, for being to prideful. After all he did to get you, how he bargained to maintain you alive
You were a germ that was growing out of control and he hadn't found a vaccine yet.
After so many years together, he felt that, even after so many nights pretending he didn't hear your nonsense; or so many lunch breaks spent on conversation with you, he didn't understood you at all.
Your behaviour had always been unpredictable but now it was even worse. Why would you not accept his offer? Why?
Very deep inside him, he felt hurt. Hurt that you didn't try to reach over the years, hurt that you wouldn't even consider it, hurt that you were basically gone.
He had to crawl for the little and strange times you decided to go into the factory. Causing trouble so you would be sent to try and deal with it. Surviving on little the little glances you would spare to the cameras, knowing he probably was there.
You knew he was watching, you would sometimes get entranced by the cameras, as if trying to figure out if he was there. Edging him into calling you.
You never said anything, you still had his lab coat, and you would caress it in a way he could see it. A little and almost imperceptible 'i still care'
He still had your name tag on the only piece of cloth he owned. His metal fingers would play with it, feeling the engraved letters.
Deep down, you still cared for each other and he knew that, but he was angry, furious even at the fact that you wouldn't just go back to him.
His anger turned into curiosity once he saw the employee enter the factory. Harley saw how he defeated each on the experiments that control the main areas of the factory.
He knew the prototype feared him and he knew that, being with Poppy and Doey, he would meet you at some point.
Sawyer played with him as if he was an experiment, trying to figure him out.
Once he saw [Player] again, he pulled his attention to him, but that attention was short lived as he saw the only other human being in the factory
"My germ" Was the phrase that was heard loud and clear through the speakers. "You finally decide to show up. Wonderful"
"Harley" You said in a very deep and low voice, barley above a whisper. "Good to see you to"
That was the first time he had heard your voice in probably ages. He fell silence for a moment, almost as if recording the sound for himself.
After almost half an hour of waking and trying to keep going, Harley spoke again, this time towards [Player].
"Why did you came back? Was there someone you loved in here? Or maybe you just couldn't let go of the mystery of not knowing what happened?" He was taunting the ex employee "Whoever you are searching for is probably gone"
"We are aware of that" You said, as if telling him that he was also as absent as you.
While [Player] continued exploring other rooms, you stopped in front of a TV monitor to talk directly to Harley
"Well, quite responsive are we germ?" The purple eye appeared on the screen "15 years hiding like a rat... That's very much gone" His smug tone was something between entrancing and annoying to you.
"I never knew you as someone who subdued to his own experiments Dr Sawyer" You taunted back "I remember you as someone who fights for control"
"And recall you to be someone who does not hide but that experiment of yours has made you a coward." He bitterly recalled each word.
"And you would've made me into someone fearful, Harley" You were starting to get irritated "If you want to be the henchman of the Prototype go ahead but don't drag me with you"
You didn't mean to be so harsh on that statement but you weren't going to apologise for staying true to yourself. It was late for regretting it.
"Dragging.... " You could hear his distorted tone of voice perfectly. The same tone he used when he had an idea. Maybe you fucked up. He disconnected himself from the TV and silence overcame the room.
"What was that" [Player] asked you, surprised of how you talked to the man that had been making his journey down the factory more difficult.
"Nothing. A tantrum. Let's just keep going, don't listen to him, he's just bitter, maybe so am I so it's better not to stir the pot" You continued walking as you hadn't just had a fight with your ex-lover in front of an ex employee.
Meanwhile, Harley already had a plan in mind. If you thought that he was dragging you so much then he would teach toy what dragging looks like.
It was time for Yarnaby to make himself useful.
While he gave Yarnaby the order to kill the ex employee and capture you, he started organising other arrangements for you and that employee.
And a cloth wet with mixed chemicals sat on the table of his lab.
Time had past fast and while you and the employee had managed somehow to get to the doors of his lair, the [Player] had to test his morality in the process and you had been almost abducted more times that you would like to admit.
Thank god you had one hand of the Back-Pack attached to your arm or you wouldn't have had a chance.
Before getting into he wolf's mouth, you grabbed player by the shoulders.
"Look, I will only accompany you until here, but do me a favour, put this USB on the main system before disconnecting the main data base" You said mumbling so the doctor wouldn't hear much.
"You are not going inside?" [Player] asked doubtful "We both know if get in there im not coming out and Doey still needs me, plus I don't trust Poppy to be there unsupervised" You argued
[Player] just looked at you, almost as if believing he wasn't going to make it either. He hugged you as a his last contact with another human. Ironically, while it was going to be his last hug, it had been your first real hug in almost 10 years.
You just pat his back stiffly and stayed on the elevator so if things got messy you could escape.
Due to your exhaustion and the little food you ate down there, you had put your guard down a few seconds, feeling nauseous and supporting yourself with the rail of the elevator.
When you finally put yourself up, you felt a hand on your mouth that was covered on a wet cloth and another hand on your waist, pushing you back against a metallic body.
You started feeling very dizzy and everything around you was spinning, the last thing you heard before falling unconscious was the voice of Harley talking through one of his vessels saying:
"Oh I will be dragging us both, you can be sure of that germ" Finally the last thing you felt was a caress on your jaw, after that your body stopped responding and Harley carried you through another door to the same room where you woke up years ago...
-Unedited fic-
Yarnaby, mom and dad are getting a divorce.
Sorry if this one was shorter than usual, but I'm trying to figure out exactly If I'm giving this a good ending or an angty one.
I also want to work on the dynamics and the character of Y/N and [Player] as the only humans in the factory
Confrontation of Poppy and Y/N (I'll be adding more drawing, maybe)

A little before and after Y/N

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Hihi! I love your Harley Sawyer x Psychologist reader series and love how you wrote the both of them!
I was just wondering if you had any takes on how their relationship would've went? Like, if Harley never got turned into an experiment and the Hour of Joy never happened, what would've life been like? Did they get to go on more dates? Did they ever move in together? Did they ever get married? What was the proposal like? Did they ever have children together? What is Harley like as a dad? Is he gonna end up like his parents, is he gonna change for them, or is he the same old Harley? Does Yarnaby live with them as their sort of pet cat dog lion thing?
Omg I love this!!! Gladly I will answer but I will do it as in character as possible. 🙈👍
Harley never got turned into an experiment:
I certainly believe that both Harley and Y/N would have tried to pursue a relationship, maybe with more initiative into Y/Ns part since Harley still is very awkward in certain matters.
The relationship wouldn't change much, the main thing that would change would be the time spent with eachother out of working hours (Most of your time goes to your work but the spare hours would go to eachother)
He would act more openly affectionate with you (in his own way of course):
He would make the effort to initiate more physical contact, either by fidgeting with your hair strings in private or by touching more your shoulders, arms, and even hands when passing documents.
All of this of course while making eye contact. I think Harley is into that and Y/N basically doesn't know how to talk to someone without looking at them directly in the eyes with little to no blinking so they are a perfect match in that aspect.
Another thing you would notice would be how he takes more care of you in little but heartwarming ways:
If you have your clothes disheveled, like the collar of your shirt is misplaced or your shirt has turned very untidy; he will grab you from the shoulders and with both of his hands he will correct the shirt of your collar.
The first time it happened you gulped instinctively at the touch of his cold and long fingers on your bare neck. His attention was fixated on your collar and after correcting the shirt, he took your arm and started to unroll your sleeves maintaining his hand on your wrist just s little longer than needed.
After that he just looked at you "Be careful with your clothes, they might blend with this recent insistence of yours of having contact with the experiments" He told you in a teasing manner but with a serious face (that will never change, sorry)
Harley also stoped threatening the other employees to shut up when he catches them gossiping about the both of you. Firstly, he reprimanded them reiterating that they were there to work, not to gossip but since you guys actually made it official, he just ignored the comments.
You, on the other hand, started gaining way more confidence than before around him. Harley noticed that when, one day out of nowhere, you took of his glasses and started cleaning them, claiming they were filthy.
His hands tend to be naturally cold and since recently you were having more migraines, you came up with a funny experiment. When one particularly strong headache attacked you while doing paperwork at the end of the night, you took Harleys hand (who by the way was with you in your office) and put it in your head and moved his fingers so they touched your eyelids.
He didn't move, he just looked at you and gave an experimental caress to your left eyelid. Suddenly your migraine seemed to have become weaker just by this action. (He still went out of his way to find you some medicine though)
Refering to dating, you were the one taking the leading role. Harley didn't like to go out much but there were still very good options for you to use.
One of your favourites was dinner at either of your places. You will make dinner together, or order take out from somewhere fancy and later watch a movie or read a fragment of a book and discuss it with one another.
Another great option that was actually Harley's idea was a visit to a Museum.
You were an enthusiastic of both arts and science so he figured that you would like to go to one. He planned out which day would be more empty, scheduling everything perfectly. You were s really quite surprised but ecstatic nonetheless.
He doesn't remember you happier than when you were ranting about the different and pretty toxic materials used in paintings, utensils and other daily tools that people had. You talked about the statistics of the dying population due to this motives.
Harley listened to you and added sometimes some facts about some chemical reactions produced by said material when mixed with other substances.
The day ended in a small bar in one of the many streets of the city. Chatting and eating together.
Another thing to take into consideration will be the conflicts. Every relationship had arguments and yours was not the exception.
You sometimes would get irritated about Harley not listening to your recommendations when handling the experiments which would led to said experiments to become mentally unwell.
You called out his lack of care in regards of their mental healths, arguing that it was an essential part in the whole project.
"I cannot believe I have to repeat this again? Don't you listen? This is damaging m- our project" Was something you often complaint
Another thing that could cause a bridge between you was his lack of management of anger.
When he had a very bad day with the other executives or was just feeling irritable in general he would pay it with everybody around him, including you sometimes.
One thing that Harley didn't really got used to was your stubbornness. Sometimes when arguing you wouldn't back down and later on, you will hold s grudge, making it evident to him of your unsatisfaction about the situation.
Luckily, you both understand that these problems are caused by your own characters and you try to talk it rationally with each other. Compromising and putting effort so both of you could reach a higher efficiency in communication.
He compromised to not become to self absorbed and to recognise you more as a part of his life in a deeper level and you compromised to let go of grudges and communicate more honestly to him
Other little fights you might have are just playful ones that address at your personal preferences in authors of books or just theories you discuss together.
You move in together:
I think he would be the one suggesting it and giving it more thought.
Both of you had fairly comfortable appartments and you weren't necessarily far from eachother (same city after all). But Harley thought that now that you were part of his routine, mind and heart; you could now be part of his personal space.
His apartment was more centric, you usually preferred the outskirts of the city
He suggested it on a lunch break, very casually. "How would you like moving in together?" You looked at him while biting your food. "Moving in... I haven't thought about it, I think it wouldn't be so bad, after all you come a lot to my house.." You responded, he chucked an said "I mean moving you into my home, how does that work for you?
You stayed silent, you knew how protective Harley was of his space and the fact that he wanted to share it with you really made you feel great. "Well, actually I wouldn't mind it at all. I could rent my Appartment and get the extra money" You said happy.
"Any plans this weekend?"He asked, you denied "Good, how about I help you move Friday afternoon" And it was settled
Just like that, you guys started living together. One thing that the staff noticed, believe me they noticed.
The front security saw you every day arriving together in the same car ( usually yours since you invested on a good one) and started tying the knots almost instantly.
At first his house was pretty neutral, very well organised and tidy, just like Harley but when your belongings strated to come in, the house started to look more of a mix between the both of you.
You had pillows and cushions that you added to his sofa and bed, now shared bed.
Your books invaded his room and living room and all of the spices, ingredients and complements you had from home were now on his kitchen. Plus some magnets that you bought from prior journeys to other countries.
The bathroom now had a extra pair of towels, a whole bunch more of shampoos and other soap's and an extra teeth brush.
You had already slept together before in the past but it took a little while to actually adapt to each others sleeping schedules and mannerisms.
Harkey slept as still as a corpse and you always slept hugging a pillow (Harley was said pillow from now on) but other nights his stiffness would break to hold loosely your waist or arm.
Another difference between you both was your difficulty to become asleep. You needed a lot of time to actually fall asleep and some nights you didn't because of some factors you hadn't recognised yet.
Harley helped you with that offering you to read together until you got bored and exhausted. Even sometimes going as far as to make you come infusion to help you sleep.
Due to his not so usual childhood, Harley suffers from some nightmares every so often. He will just wake up in the middle of the night, harshly and unsettled, having difficulties to breath properly or unable to relax on his own for a while.
That was before, since you came in you woke up with him most of those times and helped him to breath, slowly but surely and later on giving him so water. You talked to him about anything and everything to distract his mind.
One fateful night in which the nightmare was specially harsh, he had to wake you up because again, he found himself hyperventilating and unable to breath.
That night he told you about everything that happened to him and you just listened and stayed there for him. Not judging, not talking, just there, with him, and that was all that mattered to Harley.
He haven't opened up to someone else before. It was a slow process but he finally said it all. Harley wasn't familiar with vulnerability but at least he was glad that it was you who heard it. You at least wouldn't insist about it if you knew he felt uncomfortable. He was grateful for that
Another thing he did was installing a table in your now shared bedroom so you could have a space of your own to do your work at home or just for anything you may want to do.
In general his house became a little more colourful (it was all grey and black before you moved in) and he felt comfortable knowing you were there with him.
Home keeping is also an important thing to discuss with a partner. Luckily you both have your own little habits that make the division of task less conflictive.
Harkey likes to have everything tidied up just as he likes it. He has a very specific place for everything and is low key a cleaning maniac.
He has lots of cleaning supplies in a cabinet of the kitchen just to assure that everything is perfectly cleaned up.
You on the other hand, are very particular on your food and what ingredients you used, there fore while Harley manages the cleaning in the home you do the cooking and the stocking of food.
But something you both participate in is the cleaning and folding of the clothes. You are always very careful with each others clothes and always try maintain them clean to ensure their durability (clothes are expensive guys 😭).
In general the coexisting is pretty efficient and both of you end up being a good team. You do your cooking, he does his cleaning and you both always have a clean house and a home cooked meal to come home to. (And a partner that appreciates you a lot)
Another common thing in your life is Harley waking you if you ever sleep to long on your free days.
Normally, you use the weekends to relax, sleep and organise other aspects of your life that you don't have time to address daily.
Well, Harley always wakes up at the same hour. Every day. He doesn't wake up later than 7:00 am.
In weekends when you are sleeping and he sees you moving and groaning for being woken up he just puts hand on your torso or forehead to turn you back to bed so you could sleep more.
But one day you slept a lot. It was already 13:00 pm and he already had the food made but you were still passed out in bed.
When he went to wake you up you were spread out in bed, in a very strange position. That would give you a horrible pain neck later btw.
He turned your body to be layed normally, accomodating your back as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Y/N" He called you while stroking your shoulder so you would wake up "Mhhh?" You groaned "What time is it?" You asked with a very sleepy tone "It's 13:00, wake up, lunch is ready and you are not being productive today" He was opening the blinds slightly so you would get used to the light, his voice in a whisper was like music to your ears. He sat back again in your side of the bed
"Okay, thanks darling, good morning" You said while incorporating and before you got to the bathroom to wash your face, you kissed him on the cheek.
Harley became as still as a stone. That was the first time you called him darling and certainly it was the first time you kissed him on the cheek as part of your good morning routine.
After that day, he found himself waiting for you to kiss his cheek again as a greeting or even as a farewell. When you started doing it more often, he already expected it every day as part of his routine and if he didn't got one he felt as if something was missing.
(My man is touched starved)
Random head cannon: I think this man is into puzzles and he has those that are really complicated, like 10 000 pieces and all that stuff. Or just a lot of rubric cubes with different shapes and sizes.
You got married:
After a few year of living together, Harley realised that you were already life partners.
At some point, Dr White made a joke asking him when was the wedding and that left him thinking for days.
You have been together for a long time and certainly you were acting as if you were already a marriage.
You had your cooking, he had his cleaning. Your late nights reading together in bed and your Saturday movies. You went for dates occasionally and in both of you were generally already very comfortable with each other to the point of letting both your guards down.
(He enters when you are showering to take some towels for the kitchen and start a conversation with you as if nothing and vice versa).
Plus marriage wasn't such a bad option either, it could be economically beneficial and most importantly you both would be officially and legally family.
You would have acces to each others medical care and he could add you to his insurances and likewise.
He didn't make a big surprise of it. Harley just waited until you got back home from work and told you about getting married. He had a whole bunch of documents and arguments about the benefits of marriage.
You accepted. You were happy and comfortable with him, it was only natural for you to take that step.
The next day, the first thing you both did was look for rings. It would be more efficient to chose the ones you liked and buy it straight up.
You bough him a simple golden wedding ring with your names engraved on the inner part. He chose it to be simple, but telling of your union.
He bought the you one you chose. It was simple, just as his, but you wanted a little stone on it because you liked shiny things (your basically a bird tbh) also with your names engraved on it.
I don't believe Harley is religious in the slightest. If you were to be, he would have the wedding as you liked, either by your church or other spiritual entity.
If you were good with civil wedding, that would be his preferred route. It would be simple but meaningful. Each of you would take a witness or two and go to sign to a notary. (You invited your mother and a close friend as witness and he brought Ludwig and Bruno White as he was the closest thing to a "friend" that he had)
After that, he would take you to a fancy place to have dinner and then go back home to, as you put it, "make official the union". 😉
On the following week's you would make jokes from time to time. Calling him husband, teasing him, only to see his deadpan face.
Deep down he liked that, though you would never catched him admitting it. But he felt comfortable with the feeling of you both being officially each others family and partner for life.
On your anniversaries, you would probably organise something like going to the theater or visiting different museums together. Those dates are probably the only ones in which you both cook together in the kitchen (You prefer to cook alone but will gladly do it accompanied by him)
Actually having fun and Harley explaining how cooking is basically chemistry, using examples with the dishes you make while you just listen to him talk and taste whatever you are cooking for the moment.
I think that being in a marriage with Harley would be like a middle aged married couple. Calm, tranquil, organised and filled with routine but with sporadic changes and dates that kept it interesting.
For your birthdays he buys you either books, earnings or special foods such as expensive coffees or fancy baskets of fruit and other goods.
For his birthdays you usually buy him more puzzles, journals for his experiments or new jerseys and shirts.
Once you bought him as a joke a jar of pickles and he looked at you with such a annoyed and disappointed look. (Later you gave him the real gift, a new computer, but that didn't stop you from laughing a bit more).
Sometimes, you get sick and he acts like, em, well, like a doctor. Basically he puts a mask on, makes you stay in bed, and gives you medicines and certain types of food during the day to help you heal.
He also checks your temperature and blood pressure to assure you don't get worse. Water is really important so there's alway a glass full of water next to you at your nightstand.
Basically he shows affection taking care of your health.
The marriage might seem boring to some people but when you both go to sleep at night, next to each other, you do it with the security of having found a responsable partner that worries about you and about your happiness.
I think that, precisely because what both your works look like, children wouldn't be an often topic in your home.
If you ever got pregnant, there would be two routes to take.
You don't want to keep the baby because your work with children is already conflicting enough as it is so you don't want to complicate things more.
Harkey would support you in the decision because, mainly because he doesn't know how to handle children and secondly because his work would make it difficult to interact with a child outside work. (And of you don't want the child then you shouldn't have it because it will only bring unhappiness to both mother and baby).
But if you decided to keep it, he would be a responsible partner and shate the responsibility with you. (As he should).
While being pregnant, he would be very observant , watching for any symptoms change or checking if you are comfortable.
The first trimester is hard, you have nauseas and you wake several times to throw up.
He always has water on hand to give you after it and a good herbal tea to help your stomach get settled.
Once your belly starts growing, he gets touchy. He starts caressing it and touching around the area, trying to feel if the baby kicks. As a doctor he is always careful, even more considering that it's his child the one inside.
When you start getting cravings, he just gives them to you without much resistance. (He had to physically restrain you with your bed sheets to stop you from eating the most disgusting mix known to man kind). He also starts feeding you more. He investigates about what foods are beneficial during a pregnancy and always tries to implement them in the cooking.
In the second trimester he gets more chill, already getting used to the new situation but will glare daggers at anyone that touches your growing belly. He tries to convince you to take a sick leave often but needs to just being with you more time to make sure you don't get harmed.
After all, the factory was still a dangerous place and not all of the coworkers had good intentions.
(No one from the staff members and the employees could believe that Dr Sawyer was getting laid fr, though they congratulated you).
He starts getting anxious in the third trimester, when you are around 8/9 months pregnant.
He's constantly worried that you might have any kind of complication. At this point you had already taken your pregnant leave for the remaining months of your pregnancy.
Finally, when you get into labor he rushes you to an hospital (probably in one he worked some time ago because he trusts it more with your heath).
He supervises everything the nurses do and helps you stand up so you would have an easier labor.
Finally when the child arrives he just sighs from relieve, just like when he does after a difficult operation ends successfully.
At first he didn't really had any real emotional connection with he child. He took care of them and worried about their health because it was YOUR baby, but it isn't until later on when the child starts getting a more defined personality, that he starts connecting with them more emotionally.
Don't get me wrong, it's his child, he cares for them and change them and feed them but he starts getting more involved and interested in their life as an individual when they are 3/4 year old and start having interest of their own (space, dinosaurs, animals, drawing etc).
The same goes with you, is your baby and you nurture and love them but you can't help the joy it gives you when they actually get an interest of their own.
You try applying your knowledge on child psychology to educate and raise your children the best way possible so they can end up being functional adults.
Harley wouldn't change much in general, but while the years keep passing and the child keeps growing and learning more he starts insisting on teaching the child things himself and making sure they are informed on various topics.
You both would be very honest with the child, at first masking a little bit the truth since the kid wouldn't totally understand but as they grow older, Harley and you would tell them things they asked very bluntly and without sugarcoating.
I think Harley as a dad is the type dad to be strict and trying to maintain control but letting the kid try things as a learning journey. Experience is the best teacher after all.
Emotionally he would be very constipated but worry not, he married a psychologist. You basically have to intermediate when your child and Harley are talking about feelings.
"Look, feelings often interfere with the original purpose of actions but If they matter to you I think I can make the effort of trying to understand you." Harley had just had a fight with his kid and you had to intervene to make them express each other properly (the kid is just as bad with feelings as the dad 😭)
You child looks at him with a understanding look, thanking silently the effort
"You see how dad is making an effort to understand you? Well, a reconciliation cannot work with only one party working on it, both of you need to put effort on this ok?" You asked taking your child's hand "Yes mom" They muttered brushing your knuckles "Harley, this goes for you as well"
After that, you joked with Harley about having to work at home as well. "Children can be so... " He started trying to express "exhausting, tiring, fascinating... You tell me, I work with them every day" You told him "he just gave a very lazy and breathy laugh. He barely did that so you were feeling pretty satisfied how everything turned out
Some times he just performs little experiments on the kid such as trying to make them understand the relation between colors and shapes or simple and basic motor skills.
You on the other hand would try to make your child learn using association. Like if they manage to say a word like mom, dad or simple things like that you would give them a treat.
The child would learn to talk because they would associate it with a positive stimuli.
You do care for your child and always try to do the best you can to not fuck up their mental health, but sometimes you get so overwhelmed that you just delegate the task to Harley.
Mostly when the child was still little and didn't know how to properly communicate he would just hold them hold reading in the sofa while you took a shower or a nap and the child would end up stop crying and sleeping next to their father.
Considering the body changes and how that could affect your own mental health, you tried to make time for yourself to also take care of your body and mind. Even though Harley doesn't understand the insecurity, he appreciates you for more than a body, he knows it affects you to a certain degree and does his best to show you he cares:
Holding you closer while you sleep, taking the child on walks often so you can have more time of peace and quiet etc.
Some nights you look at your child and think about the experiments. It might even give you some kind of guilt but after all, you are to stubborn and blind with your project to look deeper into the problem. So you chose to ignore it.
Some experiment have started noticing you become more... caring? With them. You get more caring with Doey, he'll you even started giving him hugs when he cries.
In general, Harley's support and care is silent but present. He cares about you, you've been together for a long time and have seem things that could turn mad anyone but after all you still stick together.
He cares about his child at first because it's a connection to you and later on he gets to like them as their very own person. Maybe he doesn't understand them completely or at all but it's his very own little experiment with you therefore, it's special.
If Harley is still working at playtime co and hasn't been turned into an experiment then I'm afraid to tell you but Yarnaby will still be property of the company and couldn't accompany Sawyer wherever he went.
Though, following this story line in which Sawyer gets to marry you and even have a kid then yarnaby will absolutely notice the little changes.
When you were still in your first and second trimester and you had to run some test on the lion, he would approach you putting his head on your stomach as if feeling that someone was there.
He would smell it and rub his head against it, his hairs jiggling in motion. Another thing he would do is sit next to you laying his big ass head on your lap while you ran the tests.
Basically he became more delicate with you, not knowing exactly why you felt different but deciding to be close to you. (Like a child clinging to his mother while she is pregnant with the little sibling)
Harley would be less violent with yarnaby recognising that at least he was intelligent enough to realise your state.
Once the baby was born and you took it to meet Yarnaby (probably not the best idea but anyhow) he would circle it, curious. Just as when you were pregnant, he would tap his head with the baby's head, making the infant giggle.
The moment the lion heard the giggle, he started bouncing happily around the baby and kept taping him with his head very carefully as the baby continued laughing and reaching for the lion.
Yarnaby usually laid on the floor and you would settle your kid in his yarn with you laid next to him. Both of you using Yarnaby as a pillow.
These moments were closely supervised by Harley who, against all odds, entered the cell to supervise both his wife and kid (and experiment)
If you kept bringing the child as they grew older then yarnaby would learn to treat it as some sort of sibling or friend. Playing together.
-Unedited fanfic-
Hey guys, I only have to exams left. I just had the biggest creativity bust with this prompt that my dear @sillyfishypeople-arts commented.
I hope you enjoy it as always. Have a nice day, drink water, eat food and Hakuna Matata. 🙈😚
I'm sorry if there are any mistakes but I'm sleeping 4/5 hours a day and English is not my first language. Regards my lovelies.<3
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TW: suggestive!!!. Leith is getting jealous and freaky! This is only cannon on Leith's pov.
It had been a good day for Pierre, after so many days you've finally decided to reappear in the innovation and design department to assist with the designs of the toys.
As usual, you were working late. He could see you through the square glass of his office. Supervising the almost finishes designs, occasionally making little notes.
He knocked a few times on the little window on the door, making you look at him. You both were the only two people left in the offices. Everything was very dark, the light on your desk being the only one turned on. He couldn't tell what time it was, the clock was blurry...
You smiled at him, a tired expression on your face. You had stopped with the third coffee mug.
He saw you raise from your seat and went to his office to give him the designs so he would present them to the investors.
The conversation about the designs ended quieter than expected and you both stayed in silence. You had settled in the sofa, each one of you to one extreme.
After Sawyer had started working again at playtime co, Leiths work had been more tiring, exhausting. He couldn't stand that man and his face was turning limp and painful from all of the fake smiling.
No only that, you had started to spend more time in the lower levels and in the labs. With. Sawyer.
And apparently you both actually got along. The straw that broke the camels bag was when you had appeared in a executive meeting, accompanied by Dr white, with an annoyed look claiming to represent both you and Sawyer.
He confronted Harley himself, asking him to stop distracting you from your actual work. He didn't payed him any attention. Barely pretending paying him any mind.
He had also catched Sawyer entering in your office multiple times, and in your interviews with the children and with the experiments...
The list was endless...
He stopped overthinking everything the moment he felt you fingers on his neck. He instantly opened his eyes and looked at you who, somehow had managed to get dangerously closer to him.
He relaxed to you touch while you draw straight lines from the jaw to the base of his neck with your index finger. The tickle in the neck started to go up to the cheeks and the face.
Suddenly, he felt a weight on him. His whole body remained still. You had positioned yourself half on his lap, with one leg in between his. Your dark pants contrasting his red ones.
Instinctively he spread his legs more... He felt that your touch on his neck had been replaced by you lips.
"(Yn)..."- He said in a murmur, placing a hand hesitantly on your hips and drawing circles around it, trying to reassure himself that this was real. At least it felt real to him." Shhhhhh"- You whispered very close to his lips but without really touching them.
He started spilling little sounds such as laboured breaths and sighs. Now you were completely straddling him, your hands at the base of his jaw while you continue to make out with his neck.
He was already feeling the electricity passing through his body. With his hands he pulled you closer to him.
And just as you were starting to move on top of him, he felt as if he had fallen from very high to the exact same couch he was at.
You were not there anymore. He looked around the room trying to find a sign of you but you weren't there. Instead he glanced at the clock on his wall. He finally could distinguish the hours and numbers. It wasn't night as he thought, it was 18:00 pm. The sun still shining through the windows.
That's when he realised it was all a dream.
A. fuckign. dream...
Saying that he felt embarrassed and disappointed was an understatement. He put his hands on his face and expelled a deep deep sigh.
All that dream had him all worked up. All of him.
He quickly looked through the window on the door at his office. Good, there weren't many people there, and the ones who were, were concentrated on the newer projects.
He quickly bolted to the bathroom to throw some water over his face and trying to cool down.
He was messed up.... Really messed. Now he wasn't even in control of his own emotion and that was never a good sign.
Meanwhile you, on the lower levels, were ending an interview the Prototype.
Just as usual, when you finished the work, Harley was waiting for you at the door. Arms crossed, messy hair and dark circles under his eyes.
You were no different in that aspect. Both of you had been working so hard on the experiments lately... The same thing that made Leith sick, made Harley actually glad that,for once, he could have a coworker, even he dared to say, a friend, that he could stand.
He had two mugs in his hands, one with the pattern of clocks, yours. And the other one, white and plain, his.
While Pierre was trying to hold himself together in his office upstairs, you were sharing a calm moment with Harley and your coffee.
Hey people, I'm feeling like experimenting right now so I'm gonna leave this here and see how you like it. If someone wants something similar with Harley or Leith or whatever character you like, tell me!
The main story will have to wait until next week because I'm on exams and they are being really hard on me. Have a nice day my people 😌
-Unedited fanfic-
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I kept seeing a Lil' Old Lady Pilled(TM) Porcelain figure on a swing, always titled 'Victorian Woman on Swing', but she was in no way victorian
So I revamped the idea with Lizzy repping an Actually 19th Century fit 🤘💜
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Happy pride to whatever these guys have going on
563 notes
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sequel to my other jesus + vocaloid image inspired by confessions of a rotten girl by SAWTOWNE
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SCP-049s (and co.) meme redraws I cannot recall ever posting here !! (i might have so if these are reposts then oopsies)
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Drew famous SCPs from my hazy memories (except 106…
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