#loz ballet
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jullbnt · 5 months ago
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Zelink ballet!! More under the cut 💜
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And last but not least...
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Pick your favorite ;)
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heros-shade-fanclub · 1 year ago
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Backstage power nap!!
Have this poorly cropped doodle of @jullbnt's awesome LoZ ballet!! These designs belong to them. They posted an ask earlier about other people drawing this concept and I guess I got inspired, teehee :] When things get slow during dress rehearsals, Link and Gan usually nod off for a bit while Zelda takes care of her Animal Crossing island.
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jullbnt · 1 year ago
@nocturnalfandomdoodles oooh thank you!! She's so cute, I'm so happy I could inspire you!
A fic with a dancing Zelda?? Interesting 👀
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zelda for an upcoming fic (for @loz-untold-myths)
i was inspired to draw dance poses for the first time in a while by @jullbnt's loz ballet au!! :) go give it a look if you haven't, i'm obsessed
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inumbrapugnabimus-maybe · 3 months ago
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some Zelda designs :)
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strawbeii · 3 months ago
riddle me this, a twilight princess stage show but it's a ballet
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ellenent · 1 year ago
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link and zelda faeries commission!
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jullbnt · 9 months ago
Aww OoT ballet!! I love this :D
Thank you for tagging me!
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The piano covers I was listening to ran away with me and I was tearing through ballet references like a person possessed. The context to explain the outfits is pretty specific to a story that will almost certainly never see the light of day--just know that Zelda quickly stripped off the outer layers for improved mobility and Sheik has updated clothes in post-OoT years. Obligatory: Sheik appearing in anything created by me is a separate character from Zelda. This was a one off for me based on story and music inspiration but I feel it's appropriate to point people at @jullbnt for much more plentiful and polished LoZ ballet art.
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pumpkinsouppe · 2 years ago
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Tee hee! (Starts sobbing)
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aotymidnights · 9 months ago
i'm very flattered that u think i could fight btw😺😽
maybe only me hahahah
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angrybatart · 2 years ago
Part 2 to my current comic WIP...
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Which is at a standstill because I have no idea how to draw dance poses. *facedesk*
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jullbnt · 10 months ago
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Look who’s dancing 💚
This is just a little snippet of something I’ve been working on (I was missing my ballet AU). The final animation will be around 15 seconds long and will include music! I’ve been working on it for almost two weeks and only have 5 seconds done 😆
Anyway I’m so proud of this turn!! I still have a few things to adjust but I think it’s going pretty well. It’s my first time animating a full body, this is really hard!
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theghostavocadoe · 2 months ago
remnants doing ballet
Yazoo absolutely kills it, because of course. Kadaj is... Surprisingly okay at it. Loz is very much not. But he's doing his best
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wolfy1298 · 10 months ago
Hum for the art request, do Farore from LoZ (however you imagine her), planting flowers/any plants using a skull (human or not) as a pot inspire you ?
Just in case you think I'm creepy for suggesting that I swea' I didn't mean to T^T. It's just idea symbolize the cycle of Life and Death T^T
Well you don't like it, then here is a question to sociolize :D ! I really love your animation, how do you come up with idea for them ?
I probably won’t have time to do the drawing request but it’s definitely a neat idea, so if anyone else is interested, here ya go!
As for my animation, I’m assuming you mean the animatics I’ve made? I don’t know which specific one you’re referring to so I’ll just answer it for all of them.
Ravio Singing about the LU bois: I had that song on repeat for who knows how long and went “ya know, this could be funny”
The AI one: I watch to much Vocaloid/Megaman/Digimon and technology tends to die at my hands so I figured why not combine all of it to explain my curse. I initially came up with the characters back in high school and I’ve just fleshed it out over the years for portfolio pieces. …..I realize that I never posted this? I don’t think???? My bad but here’s art for the characters
The Witch and Cat one: This was for my Storyboard class and we had the prompt “a pet owner drops some food, their pet eats it, and it becomes a monster”. I didn’t want to make my pet a scary monster and I had been researching Grimm’s Fairytales and German architecture for a different class at the same time so I kinda just used what I had and went with a story of a magic potion going wrong.
The Robot one: like the Cat one, this was also for school and based off a (more complex) prompt. Thankfully for me (and unfortunately for all you poor souls thinking that it would be happy), it was based off of one of my favorite tropes so I had a strong idea of what I wanted to do right off the bat. Something about robots discovering human emotions and not being able to handle it or embracing them despite it resulting in their break down always seems to get to me. And I was handed that on a silver platter mwahahaha. I also love ballet and music so I kinda just combined everything for a nice sucker punch right in the heart.
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persephoneofdecay · 1 year ago
My Garden - Bio
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Call me Persephone/Prosepine, Sephie or Peoni. English rose. Fem. Springborne, '98. Chronically afflicted. I hold a passion for many things, though my themes revolve around; creativity, life, death, rebirth, nature, flowers, animals, bugs. As for my personality, that's up for your perspective. As with anyone, I'm as gentle as I am fierce. Embrace your contradictions. Links to other media: TBA
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HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Art | Music | Dance | Literature | Elegies | Dreaming | Animals and Nature | Botany | Bugs | Gaming | Filming and Photography | Weird Stock Images | Animal Care | Rubber Duckies | Collecting | Death Games | Medical Stuff | Psychology | Circus Stuff | Performances | Horror | Comedy | Nurturing | The Dead | Witchcraft | Magic Tricks | Streaking | Playing With Rain | Weird People | Them weirdos online that make weird contraptions out of random stuff | Floristry | Cosplaying | Fashion| Cute Stuff | Creepy Stuff | Bubbles | Monsters | Silent Hill | Noodling/Fishing | Urban Exploring | Puzzles and Jigsaws | Grandfather | Fairies | Florence and the Machine | Exploring | Wandering Off | Dolls | Fog | Purple/Lavender | Noting trivial things about others | Taxidermy | Cleaning | Being allowed to be eccentric, makes me feel at ease not to act all times | Masks | Designing | Selling | Inventing | Survival and Wilderness | Shellder | Sewing | Ballet | Etc
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FANDOMS: Horror Games; The Evil Within, Silent Hill, SCP, Haunting Ground, Resident Evil, Amnesia, Remothered, Spookys House of Jumpscares, etc. Nintendo; Super Mario, LoZ, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, etc. Sega; Sonic, Chaos, Jet Set, Billy Hatcher, NiGHTS, etc. DDR. YouTubers like CallMeKevin, GrayStillPlays, Dashie. Anime; Accel World, Assassination Classroom, etc. Hitman, Resistance, OFF, Space Funeral. Slashers. TF2. Creepypasta/Slenderverse. Etc.
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gust-jar-simulator · 1 year ago
Okay. So. It is time. I've had cookies and alcohol and therefore the real crack AU idea has been unlocked.
I've been obsessed with the idea of a Witchblade AU for LOZ, and particularly in the context of Linked Universe for maximum embarrassment for all involved parties. So! In order to get across the idea, I need to define what I mean by Witchblade for the audience.
The Witchblade is a sentient weapon in the eponymous comics that takes the term "bikini chainmail" to a ridiculous extreme. I don't care what the worldbuilding says, the Witchblade exists to rip its wielder's clothes off under the pretense of stabbing things. It takes the form of living armor that actually covers very little, though it can expand to cover more under extreme circumstances. It can also grow stabby bits like claws or even actual swords and spears. When it's not being used, it takes the form of a bracelet.
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So I present to you: What if the Master Sword functioned like the Witchblade?
In the context of the LU boys, we have:
Sky- Full Witchblade treatment. I'm sorry. It explains way too much about Ghirahim and absolutely nothing about Fi. His version comes with metal wings that function like shields until he figures out what fighting for his life actually entails. He also learns a bit of ballet dancing from asking the sword to puppet him a few times, which helps.
Four- Mercifully, he never dealt with her. He's got a perfectly good enchanted sword and he is both judging the Master Sword and intensely intrigued by the concept of living metal. Not enough to try picking her up though.
Time- The sword is rated at minimum T for Teen for good reason. She gives a respectful nod to his Kokiri origins by changing the avian elements of her previous armor design to curling vines and leaves. He's less embarrassed about this than he should be, but everyone around him is mortified enough to make up for it. The Kokiri might wear clothes but they don't exactly have the Hylian concept of nudity either. Once he properly grows up and is socialized Hylian he definitely thinks the Master Sword is fucked up though.
Legend- He's got so many fucking questions. Who thought this was a good idea, and fuck them actually. Thankfully, he also acquires magic armor that's good enough to not be instantly shredded by the Master Sword, so she just incorporates it instead with some elegant gold accents courtesy of Legend's own smithing. She grows on him, especially once he realizes how the Master Sword and enchanted gear can play together, but they have a rocky beginning. In his personal opinion his version of the Master Sword is the prettiest.
Hyrule- Never wielded the Master Sword and frankly is not sure he wants to. He's got a Shield spell to cover... everything she doesn't, true. But his world is kill or be killed, and he may not have a concept of shame, but he's very concerned about being stabbed and the Master Sword can generously be described as stabby lingerie. The others reassure him that she's very effective but really he's fine with his Magic Sword and leather.
Twilight- I'm very sorry but Midna definitely isn't. Twi might have the kind of werewolf powers where he can keep his clothes, but it's infinitely funnier to give him the double tap of werewolf powers AND a clothes destroying sword. She also generously accommodates his need to get used to wolf attacks by augmenting his body with claws and a bladed tail in human form every time he calls on her. Midna's thriving. Twilight is a little cold, actually, and wishes he could wear a towel or something. He'd rather perish than admit to being the Hero because the rumors got back home and his family is fully aware the Hero runs around with his buns out in combat. It's giving the kids bad ideas. He's suffering.
Wild- Literally living his best life. In Wild's opinion you need a decent amount of time naked in the woods to be healthy. He likes shiny, he likes aesthetic over practicality, and the Master Sword seems determined to accent his scars like a threat and a warning to whatever gave him those in the first place. She'll also give him cool exoskeleton stilt things for jumping up cliffs and trees, and claws for climbing. What's not to love? ...okay, the burning pain of drawing her and also the fact that she powers down and disintegrates off of him sometimes, but hey. It's not a wardrobe malfunction. It's a wardrobe opportunity.
Wind- He's the one who essentially held HER at gunpoint, not the other way around. Wind genuinely took the Master Sword by surprise and she didn't know how to handle him. Wind's not her master but he needs her and didn't take no for an answer, and she wasn't entirely sure how to handle the needs of a pirate anyway. The compromise: he got a gauntlet. A really cool stabby gauntlet. The only time she so much as ripped his shirt was during the fight with Ganondorf, where she gave him TWO gauntlets and some extra armor, plus foot claws for stability. He thought the legends of the Hero riding out to battle naked were thus extremely exaggerated.
Warriors- I am VERY sorry. Cia definitely isn't. However, the Master Sword responds to genuine emotional distress, and I think Cia's... everything constitutes enough of a threat that the Master Sword actually gave Warriors something approaching full plate. Weirdly organic and beautiful plate armor, but even so. By the end of the War of Ages he was very used to walking around in nothing but a layer of living steel. It was safer than anything else, anyway. If it helps, nobody remembers the early days when he and the Master Sword were figuring things out, since he wished it all away with the Triforce.
I hope you enjoy this look into what could be. Maybe I'll write something for this, I don't know. It's just been stuck in my head and I can't stop laughing.
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aikoiya · 8 months ago
"Get to know me" - ask game
RULES: bold or colour the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it
I am white // I am asian // I am middle-eastern // I am native american // I am latino // I am black // I am multiracial // dark(er) skin // light skin (despite my heritage, I'm pale as a ghost) // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // redhead // blonde // brunette // black hair // short hair // medium length hair // long hair // straight hair // wavy hair // curly hair // brown eyes // hazel eyes // green eyes // blue eyes // gray eyes // short // average height // tall // I am pleased with how I look // I have or had braces // I have gotten non-surgical cosmetic treatments (like filler, botox, etc.) // I have gotten cosmetic surgery // I have had non-cosmetic surgury (with a scar to prove it)
Preppy // Sporty // Gangsta // Boho // Vintage // Punk // Goth // other Alt-Fashion style (don't really have a defined style, I just wear what I like) // I have one or more piercings (regular earlobe piercings) // I have at least one tattoo // I sometimes wear makeup (lipstick - yes, mascara - yes, eyeliner - no, eyeshadow - yes, blush - sometimes, foundation - no, coverup - only to hide blemishes which I don't get often) // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (I actually like my natural hair color, so whenever I do dye it, it's just an ombre (blond or copper to highlight) & the side-bangs (orchid purple)) // I paint my nails // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // shirts with geeky prints (I have a Tomba shirt & had a LoZ one, but I can't find the LoZ one anymore ;_;) // I like skirts // I like trousers // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I like to wear hats (fedora, pageboy, cowgirl, ect) // I wear baseball hats backwards // I wear sneakers // I like heels / I own designer clothes
I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I love stargazing // I have slept under the stars // I enjoy cloud watching // I enjoy rainy days (it's a great sound) // I enjoy thunderstorms // the sound of chirping calms me // I know what snow tastes like // I have climbed a tree (I got on my mom's nerves) // I have attended a bonfire // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // I meditate outside // spring is my favorite season // summer is my favorite season // autumn is my favorite season // winter is my favorite season // asking me to choose my favorite season is like asking to choose a favorite child (I very much love all of them) // I have a collection of crystals // I pay close attention to colors // I have a canopy above my bed // I listen to music to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I enjoy visiting the library (I used to, but I haven't in a long time) // I enjoy going to museums (mostly art museums, but I don't go often) // I enjoy going to theatre (mostly movie theatres, but I'd love to go watch a play or ballet or something of that nature, but especially a musical) // I like modern art & architecture // I like older art & architectural styles
my parents are together // my parents are divorced // I am adopted // I am an only child // I have at least one sibling // I have made an online friend (I like to think I have) // I met up with someone I have met online // I give advice to my friends (I like helping people with their writing & giving advice when I can) // I have a best friend who I’ve known for at least ten years // I have dated my best friend // I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have never been in a relationship (but I want to be!!) // I have a crush (do fictional ones count!?) // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I believe in true love
Gen Z // Millenial (like, Elder Millenial) // Gen Y // Boomer // I enjoy spending time with friends // I am the mom friend // I (have) own(ed) a dog // I (have) own(ed) a cat // I (have) own(ed) a bird // I (have) own(ed) a fish // I (have) own(ed) an exotic animal // I know how to swim // I play a sport // I can do a handstand // I can execute a perfect somersault // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition (an honorable mention) // I can play an instrument // I enjoy singing // I am artistic // I can do origami // I can do calligraphy // I know more than one language // I enjoy writing // I have read a new book (series) this year // I prefer movies to tv shows (I like both, if they're good) // I wish I lived in a video game // I live by a certain quote // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I like the smell of sharpies // I enjoy cooking & baking (I'm still learning, but I wanna get better at it) // I can cook or bake without a recipe (only certain, very low level things) // I enjoy Japanese food // I enjoy Mexican food // I enjoy Italian food // I could survive in the wild on my own // I travel during work or school breaks // I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I don’t often smile // I have at least one interest commonly considered as weird (don't ask me to tell you about it, though)
Whoever wants to do this - feel welcome to!
Can't think of any others rn...
"Get to know me" - ask game
RULES: bold or colour the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it
I am white // I am asian // I am middle-eastern // I am native american // I am latino // I am black // I am multiracial // dark(er) skin // light(er) skin // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // redhead // blonde // brunette // black hair // short hair // medium length hair // long hair // straight hair // wavy hair // curly hair // brown eyes // hazel eyes // green eyes // blue eyes // gray eyes // short // average height // tall // I am pleased with how I look // I have or had braces // I have gotten non-surgical cosmetic treatments (like filler, botox, etc.) // I have gotten cosmetic surgery (not ashamed of that at all)
Preppy // Sporty // Gangsta // Boho // Vintage // Punk // Goth // other Alt-Fashion style // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo (only my eyebrows, I'm not into tattoos otherwise) // I typically wear makeup (lipstick - yes, mascara - sometimes, eyeliner & eyeshadow - only for events, but foundation - no, I can't stand how it feels on my skin) // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (I used to dye it either black or red with henna in the past, but not rn, though) // I paint my nails // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // shirts with geeky prints (yes, please) // I like skirts // I like trousers // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards // I wear sneakers // I like heels / I own designer clothes (not very much into that, but still, I do own a few pieces - Ralph Lauren Blazer, Prada sunglasses, Balmain watch)
I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I love stargazing // I have slept under the stars (I'd love to) // I enjoy cloud watching // I enjoy rainy days (sometimes) // I enjoy thunderstorms // the sound of chirping calms me // I know what snow tastes like (didn't every kid try that at some point!?) // I have climbed a tree // I have attended a bonfire // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // I meditate outside // spring is my favorite season // summer is my favorite season // autumn is my favorite season // winter is my favorite season // I have a collection of crystals // I pay close attention to colors // I have a canopy above my bed // I listen to music to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I enjoy visiting the library // I enjoy going to museums // I enjoy going to theatre // I like modern art & architecture // I like older art & architectural styles
my parents are together // my parents are divorced // I am adopted // I am an only child // I have at least one sibling // I have made an online friend (RIP Lunna ... I will always miss you!) / I met up with someone I have met online // I give advice to my friends (and vice versa, of course) // I have a best friend who I’ve known for at least ten years // I have dated my best friend // I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have never been in a relationship // I have a crush (do fictional ones count!?) // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I believe in true love
Gen Z // Millenial // Gen Y // Boomer // I enjoy spending time with friends // I am the mom friend // I (have) own(ed) a dog // I (have) own(ed) a cat // I (have) own(ed) a bird // I (have) own(ed) an exotic animal // I know how to swim // I play a sport // I can do a handstand // I can execute a perfect somersault // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can play an instrument (at least I could ... once) // I enjoy singing // I am artistic // I can do origami // I can do calligraphy // I know more than one language // I enjoy writing (sometimes) // I have read a new book (series) this year // I prefer movies to tv shows (I like both, if they're good) // I wish I lived in a video game // I live by a certain quote // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I like the smell of sharpies // I enjoy cooking & baking (primarily cooking, but yeah) // I can cook or bake without a recipe (not in terms of baking, but with cooking - definitely yes ... after 20 years of being the family chef, I've actually gotten quite good at it) // I enjoy Japanese food // I enjoy Mexican food // I enjoy Italian food // I could survive in the wild on my own // I travel during work or school breaks // I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I don’t often smile // I have at least one interest commonly considered as weird (of course, I'm a sperg, after all ... anyway, I'm very much into ET & UFO stuff)
Whoever wants to do this - feel welcome to!
Aside from that, I'm tagging:
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