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neuralgray · 14 days ago
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A while back, I did work for the @bloodmoonzine~
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sonocomics · 7 months ago
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It's okay Zelda, we're all afraid of Redeads
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xmascritter · 9 months ago
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I would die for her. Non motion blur under the cut
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link-is-a-dork · 2 months ago
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n64retro · 11 months ago
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Link being harmed by a zombie [ReDead] in what remained from the Hyrule Market seven years later in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo EAD, 1998).
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weepingtalecowboy · 4 months ago
The windwaker redeads are the most evil version lol
Wind waker redeads are only mildly scary because you see them as goofy cartoons but if you would have seen them in like a twilight princess style the whole game would be at least teen rated
Because of how they act in comparison this makes them a fucking unholy nightmare
They screech they jump on you and then start biting your scalp (like you can literally hear nom nom nom when they get you … you don’t hear them eating you alive IN ANY OTHER GAME )
And the fact that you see them only in big groups of like ten they immediately swarm you and when you kill them their corpse stays for serval minutes before evaporating (or worse standing right up and continuously hunting you meaning that you will get jump scared or have to wait serval minutes till they come back to life or die to actually confirm that you won’t be hunted)
Also about hunting even if your not close enough to be screeched at they will always hold eye contact with you and slowly march towards you (they are not passive like ocarina of time redeads they hunt you down CONSTANTLY they will only stop when they die or you get out of their range by using the hookshot but even then they all will be right underneath your ledge waiting for you to fall down and still hold creepy eye contact)
Like they really turned them into full on zombies who actively prey on you
Also looking up realistic pictures of WW redeads those come straight from the pits of hell
The horror that the chain would feel if they end up in wind's basement they would think they were in some creepy dungeon
(Especially if he hasn’t yet cleaned it up… why did the teacher even give a random kid her home with the creepy basement)
Like time will be having flashbacks because first he will calmly try to walk around the redeads (ocarina of time game mechanics because his redeads are blind,… windy's are unfortunately not) when suddenly those guys go and scream at him and then fucking bite him and try strangling him
Dead hand was a nice guy in comparison
Like why the fuck are the redeads in wind waker so aggressive
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skyward-floored · 4 months ago
Things about redeads I learned doing fic research and am sharing because it’s interesting:
Strict redeads are only in five games: ocarina of time, majora’s mask, wind waker, tri force heroes, and echoes of wisdom.
Gibdos, another undead enemy, appear in even more games, but despite their often similar attacks, are technically a different enemy (though it should be noted that in some games when you remove the bandages from a gibdo, they’re revealed to be a redead (or stalfos) underneath).
Redeads in oot, mm, and eow all look nearly identical (with slight variation with the eow version), but the ww and tfh kinds look much different. Attacks vary between them all as well.
Oot/mm redeads are the original redead, undead bodies with wooden masks over their faces. They’re blind, but attack by listening for their pray, then trapping them with a paralyzing gaze, shambling forward and then leaping atop and biting. If you walk by slowly and quietly, they might not hear you and attack. They’re weak to light and fire, and are frozen if you play the sun’s song.
All of this is true for mm redeads as well, though you can make these kind dance with the right masks, which makes them way better in my opinion.
Ww redeads are greyish-blue with black eyes that turn red when they use their freezing gaze. They sport no mask unlike oot redeads, and seem to be weaker, as they only bite Link once before pulling back. They’ll quickly trying to bite again though. These kind aren’t blind, and will attack no matter how quietly you walk past them if you get too close. They’re also weak to light, but not to the same extent as oot/mm redeads, only getting stunned instead of hurt.
Tri force heroes redeads appear very sparsely, and are only in a handful of areas. They are much different from earlier redeads, possessing a mud or clay-like body that sticks up from the ground, and can melt into a puddle to move quickly around an area. They also have a bright blue mask on their faces, unlike the wooden ones of oot/mm redeads. They attack differently from their counterparts, standing in place and screaming out a petrifying shockwave of sound. The redead will then rush over and grab the frozen victim, biting them until it is either attacked by a companion, or the victim loses nearly all their health.
Eow redeads are largely unknown to me so this will be short, but they’re most similar in appearance to oot/mm redeads, though they also bear resemblance to the tfh version. They have the same brownish body as the two mentioned, as well as a purple mask and pants, interestingly. They seem to attack by stunning their victims with a scream.
And because they deserve a mention, redead knights in Hyrule Warriors are a sort of mix between gibdos (specifically the tp version) and redeads, as they shamble slowly and possess a scream attack, but also carry a weapon, which gives them the knight distinction. They have the unusual ability to scream either in a long blast straight ahead, or in a circle around them, which can make them hard to beat. They also possess a poison-based attack, which shoots a sickly purple fog around them in a similar radius to the scream attack.
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heavyrivet · 9 months ago
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When those 2AM cravings hit...
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lemonkatt17 · 1 year ago
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Wind just wanted to get a quick selfie-
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taboonle · 5 months ago
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ballpitbee · 1 year ago
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facesofevilzine · 5 months ago
Linktober Day 10: Undead
You ever seen a zombie break it down.
[Created by @loppori ]
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ordon-pumpkin · 5 months ago
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Linktober Day 6 - Fear/Horror
A ReDead from Ocarina of Time.
ko-fi - inprnt
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veaski · 5 months ago
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a chill runs down your spine
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carbcounting · 5 months ago
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Inktober/Linktober Day 6: Fear/Horror
Those frickin redeads...!
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cyber54prime · 4 months ago
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linktober 2024 normal day 19: reward
Just imagine a redead in a chest
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