#loyalty corporate social responsibility
champstorymedia · 20 hours
Brand Consistency is Key: How Small Businesses Can Maintain Their Identity Across Channels
In today’s dynamic marketplace, small businesses face the ongoing challenge of establishing a memorable brand identity while navigating various platforms. Brand consistency is key to achieving this balance, ensuring that your message resonates with consumers regardless of where they encounter it. Establishing uniformity across channels not only helps in building trust but also enhances…
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michellesanches · 1 year
A business case for embracing Ubuntu
We are increasingly spending more time “at work”, if not physically, then mentally and even emotionally. For many, workplace culture is riddled with politics and toxicity, leading to higher and higher levels of work related anxiety, stress and burnout. I am no stranger to this phenomenon. Success, in this fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, is not solely measured by financial…
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hansolz-moved · 1 month
this is the last thing i'll say but honestly, to me this situation is just another glaring example of how hybe's greed has poisoned the entire kpop industry. like, seriously, the way they’re running things is insane and it’s honestly destroying what once made kpop special.
hybe's unchecked dominance has become a poison in the industry. they’ve not only swallowed up smaller companies but have also monopolized platforms and resources, leaving a massive footprint that stifles diversity and creativity. remember when kpop felt like this vibrant, diverse world full of different sounds and styles? now it’s just a hybe-centric machine, churning out cookie-cutter idols and soulless hits, all for the sake of squeezing every last cent from fans.
it’s not just about the music anymore—it’s about the bottom line. and hybe’s obsession with profit has shifted the focus entirely. their approach seems to be about creating a product rather than nurturing genuine talent, and it’s showing. we’ve got groups and artists who are more brand assets than actual musicians, and the whole industry is losing its soul.
and let’s talk about their grasping at every single opportunity to make money. it's overcharging for albums, it's the insanely priced concert tickets, hybe has set a new standard for squeezing fans dry. it’s not just about supporting your favorite artists anymore; it’s about participating in a system designed to extract as much as possible.
the rise of hybe has shifted the entire narrative of k-pop. we used to see variety and innovation, but now it’s all about the same glossy, over-polished products with no room for real experimentation. it’s like they’ve drained the life out of the industry, leaving us with this homogenized, corporate-driven shell of what kpop used to be.
when i'm talking about how kpop isn’t the same, it’s not just nostalgia talking. it’s about how a single company’s greed has changed the entire landscape. and honestly, it’s a shame. we’ve watched as the heart and soul of kpop has been slowly eroded by hybe’s relentless pursuit of power and money.
and let’s not forget the utter lack of accountability for idols, especially the biggest names in hybe’s roster. it’s almost as if these idols are untouchable, the way their fans clear searches, flood the socials with ‘__ we love you’ and ‘apologize to __’ posts is maddening. why are these grown adults are allowed to hide behind their fanbase and evade any real responsibility?
it’s a disturbing trend where serious issues are brushed aside because the fans are doing the dirty work of cleaning up their mess. idols can act without consequences, knowing that their fanbase, and if not their fanbase, their company will do everything in their power to shield them from backlash. the lack of accountability is staggering—these idols can get away with anything because their fanbase’s loyalty means they never face the repercussions of their actions.
at the end of the day... it’s okay to criticize and question the things we love. because if we don’t, we’re just letting this monster ruin everything we cherish.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 23 days
Thoughts on “How Jiang Cheng treats Jin Ling is normal because that’s just Chinese parenting”?
I was explaining to someone why I considered the way Jiang Cheng talks to Jin Ling to be abusive, and got hit with that.
I have noticed that parents and guardians in xianxia works sometimes speak quite harshly to their children in punishment scenarios specifically (plus there is frequently corporal punishment involved), but Jiang Cheng’s way of talking to Jin Ling feels like it’s on a whole different level. I can’t think of any time he speaks to Jin Ling like a normal adult.
Am I being gaslit here?
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This argument in a gif.
First: There is no excuse to say that corporal punishment is a necessity to use against children and has lasting trauma against those that have had it used on them in the form of consistent psychological maladjustment including depression, unhappiness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, use of drugs and alcohol and can alter dopaminergic regions of the brain which hinders long term mental well being and inhibits behavioral responses emotionally and cognitively for themselves and social interactions. Up to some themselves beginning to engage in aggressive and physically abusive behaviors themselves.
Two: Verbal abuse is still... abuse. Some have defined it as the production of psychological and social defects in the growth of a minor as a result of behavior such as loud yelling, coarse and rude attitude, inattention, harsh criticism, and denigration of the child's personality. Other examples include name-calling, ridicule, degradation, destruction of personal belongings, threatening the torture or killing of a pet (and doing as such),excessive or extreme unconstructive criticism, inappropriate or excessive demands, withholding communication, and routine labeling or humiliation. 36.3% of children experience emotional abuse globally.
A consistent usage of this is not something to continue to normalize or excuse in parents, guardians and figures of authority of children. Verbal abuse is also not seen as a pressing issue as it is not physical harm enacted and still considered something that cannot be lawfully punishable despite the widespread statistics of its repercussions on the development of children and their adulthood life interactions.
At any rate, the author of the three novels condemns the abuse of children by several adults that engage in this behavior from Shen Jiu abusing his position of teacher and master over Luo Binghe because of jealousy. To Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu for physically and verbally degrading children they are guardians over and said children participating in dangerous antics to be praised for their skill or continued loyalty theyare said to owe. Jun Wu for trying to groom and gaslight another child (Xie Lian) to become another abuser and killer simply because he did not like the way said child interacted with the world with the position he had socially.
We also see from all three of these same works, is that these characters do also begin to physically abuse these same children as well as engage in isolation and negligence of them more than once. Enough that the audience should understand that these adults are not misunderstood AS THE ADULTS WITH CHILDREN UNDER THEIR CARE.
And as I have said before, whatever love may exist in Jiang Cheng for Jin Ling (and he desperately does, that isn't in dispute at any time unless someone who reads this is that stupid to come to the conclusion and say JiangWanyinscatmom is saying Jiang Cheng never cared or loved his nephew at all), does not negate the abuse that he has exhibited from the start of his very introduction when he threatens Jin Ling with abandonment when he says this:
Jiang Cheng's words were full of thorns, he turned around and said, "Why are you still standing there, waiting for the prey to bump into you and pierce itself on your sword? If you can't hunt down that creature in Dafan Mountain by today, don't you ever come back to me again!"
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bimboficationblues · 11 months
I think that the “vote blue no matter who” disposition that has spread through American social liberals is honestly a fascinating psychological crisis and another instance of magical thinking at work. Trying to convince people to vote is one thing and at least makes some sense. Though given the frequent inarticulate, condescending approach I see so often, I think there’s a psychological urge to do this so that when they lose because their pitch is unappealing, inadequate, and anti-political, they can remain on moral high ground.
But the invocation often goes beyond that - any public critique of the Dems is considered counterproductive to the election, or at least requires a disclaimer that’s like “make sure you vote for them though!” (No concept of leverage at work here - promising your vote and demanding something in exchange for it are incompatible tactics.) And then, when Biden loses, it won’t be because of *the things that he did* which repelled people - it will be because not enough people listened to us, they willed failure into existence by talking about the problems.
“Vote blue no matter who” is not going to persuade Arab Americans whose family members are being murdered with US-funded munitions or disabled people left out to dry by an inadequate COVID response - this isn’t just a problem of Congressional deadlock, even in areas where Biden has meaningful power he has not used it well or in ways that will be lasting if, at any point, a Democrat is not elected President (which, uh, I think is a reasonable likelihood at some point). Getting the nickname “Genocide” is kind of not great for any political career - but confronting that reality would mean having to think up a new plan for making good things happen politically.
What the public performance of unflinching loyalty to the Democrats does do is absolve the speaker from having to confront that uncomfortable reality. It parallels the cultic or corporate invocation of “FUD” in order to tamp down internal dissent or flight; “actually, you can trust us, you should buy in, ignore your skepticism or critical thought - and if you don’t any consequences are your fault, not ours.” In a weird way, despite the catastrophic predictions, it’s a kind of toxic positivity: even if you vote you should otherwise remain silent on your criticisms or demands because those might convince someone else not to vote.
And I mean, this is all ignoring how utterly fucking repugnant it is to refocus conversations and activism around a US-financed ethnic cleansing back to the presidential election.
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a-d-nox · 25 days
lenormand cards: key phrases and an example of a card combo (part 2)
this is just a beginners guide to the lenormand. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally - the card / when it is in specific combos can change or alter its meaning in a reading.
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child: innocence, nativity, spontaneity, seeing only the good in people, carefree attitude, an actually child, smallness, newness, beginnings, playing, immaturity, etc.
child + heart = young love, blind devotion, puberty, just happy to be around others, small joys in life, parallel play, nostalgia, an olive branch, etc.
fox: plotting, protection, security, stealth, deviousness, treachery, manipulation, deception, trickery, loyalty, work, routine, obligation, responsibility, duty, cons, etc.
fox + child = white lies, feigning ignorance/innocence, impulsive actions based on opportunity, pretending to be better than you are, avoiding responsibilities, etc.
bear: defensive, fierceness, resourcefulness, power, strength, courage, protection, maturity/matriarchy, stability, security, management, finances, investments, income, possessions, diet, food, etc.
bear + fox = protective yourself, a fierce loyalty, seven of swords energy, white collar crime, savings account, etc.
stars: peacefulness, tranquility, guidance, direction, happiness, hope, encouragement, perseverance, confidence, etc.
stars + bear = protecting your peace, the power of ones mindset, seeing a way out of the red / debt, etc.
stork: esteem, admiration, respect, babies, fertility, fruitfulness, productivity, birth, renewal, change, movement, new job, new home, new person in your life, extra money, improvements, pregnancy, adoption, new activity, new projects, progress, advancement, renovations, evolution, etc.
stork + stars = good self-esteem, becoming pregnant soon, encouragement from the universe to get a new job, don't lose hope in a project/task, etc.
dog: best friend, companionship, protection, loyalty, fidelity, guidance, sincerity, partnership, acquaintanceship, therapist, boyfriend/girlfriend, an affair, advisor, doctor, reliability, etc.
dog + stork = your best friend is pregnant, meeting a new friend, renewal of vows, a reliable new source of income, real estate agent, taking things to the next level in a relationship, etc.
tower: shelter, protection, confinement, imprisonment, government, corporation, judicial system, military, guarding, ego, ambition, isolation, guidance, schools, law, hospitals, high self-esteem, condos, movie theaters, office building, mall, airports, chain businesses, legal matters, bureaucracy, etc.
tower + dog = a sheltered friend, a friend you protect, roommate, an egotistical friend, water cooler encounters at the workplace, needing to visit the doctor for testing, etc.
garden: courting, public gatherings, harmony, beauty, relaxation, birthday parties, concert, play, movies, restaurants, public/private occasions, reunions, conferences, seminars, meetings, crowds, audiences, celebrations, abundance, etc.
garden + tower = little to no dating experience, solitude, hotel stay, movie theater, cafeteria, airport reunions, a convention, etc. 
mountain: immobility, resistance, standing still, endurance, blockage, obstacles, what must be overcame, challenges, delays, interruptions, burdens, postponement, procrastination, remoteness, faraway retreats, etc.
mountain + garden = stage fright, an enduring relationship, social anxiety, social burden, secrets, a rain date for an event, etc.
crossroads: options, choices, free will, multiple directions, doubts, hesitation, double lives, cheating, etc.
crossroads + mountain = analysis paralysis, the many ways to overcome an obstacle, challenges within a relationship ("where do we go from here"), etc.
mice: sickness, fast, smart, group work, damage, reproduction, stress, worry, restlessness, agitation, palpitations, anxiety, nervousness, apprehension, tension, fatigue, lost items, small problems, tediousness, repetitiveness, excitement, eagerness, agitation, etc.
mice + crossroads = options of treatment, anxiety, paranoia, worrying about doing the wrong thing or picking the wrong choice, decision fatigue, etc.
heart: love, passion, devotion, affection, emotions, connections with others, appreciation of others, happiness, joy, contentment, satisfaction, fulfillment, gratification, peace, harmony, delight, pleasure, enjoyment, kindness, charity, generosity, hospitality, feelings, desires, fondness, intentions, fidelity, etc.
heart + mice = heart break, a wave of emotions, instant gratification, manifesting, etc.
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side-vermin93 · 7 months
Long rant below this line if you're just scrolling by.
I normally don't do this sort of thing, I don't post my unfiltered dogshit opinions on any kind of social media, I don't toll the bells when I don't get my way and cry 'Foul Play' unless I truly believe that something is going wrong.
No doubt, everyone has seen the... colourful reaction to TADC's release date being set in May of 2024 (This May) and the Murder Drones tag on Tumblr is exploding for good reason.
Now, before I say my piece, I would like to immediately debunk a common train of thought often used by detractors to devalue the points that others have made when it comes to this controversy:
"Glitch is saying that they are taking their time to make the episodes and the finale as best as it can be." And that we as a fandom are "Overreacting."
To begin with, I personally hope that yes, Glitch is doing everything in their power to make MD as good as it can physically be, I hope that they are giving the finale to the season the sendoff it deserves.
But would it KILL THEM to tell us something? Post teasers, memes, references to Murder Drones or even something as simple as "Hey! You liked TADC, how about you check out Murder Drones while you wait?"
Instead, Glitch has spent months of complete and total radio silence, completely forgot the existence of the anniversary of Murder Drones' pilot, and as they did this, they continued to post teasers of TADC, including a personally vexing post that basically amounted to engagement farming, literally "If this gets 100k likes, we will open the door"
Stuff like this DOES NOT help assuage the fears of fans who believe that Glitch has begun to ignore MD simply because it isn't as popular or as profitable as TADC has become, it smacks of blatant favouritism and foul play when the fans of Murder Drones get nothing, meanwhile TADC is getting WEEKLY teasers, which is only serving to inflame the controversy between TADC and MD fans.
The thing that infuriates me the most is that Murder Drones is in its final stretch for (HOPEFULLY) its first season finale, and yet we have recieved nothing aside from the initial trailers and the release date of "sometime in early 2024" and we are now coming up on the end of the second month of the year, meanwhile TADC gets a concrete release date in MAY, which does NOT excuse the constant teasers and content for TADC that was produced before this point.
As for the overreaction? I think its personally an acceptable response considering the current controversy, but the biggest problem is what Glitch has said today.
"We're also working hard on Murder Drones & will be releasing final episodes soon!"
This, reader, is a very vague statement made by Glitch in their announcement today, and... well, notice how they said "Final Episodes"
Now, this could be Twitter and its word limit screwing them over, but Glitch (and most corporations) is very deliberate with their wording, and this could be no different, do they mean the finale of season one? Or is Murder Drones as a SHOW coming to an end after episode 8? We don't know because Glitch is being vague about this.
Now, because we don't know, we are (reasonably considering how companies often tend to focus on what is most profitable as opposed to any concept of "loyalty") reacting in a negative way towards this wording and believing that MD might very well come to an end before Liam is able to fully finish his story or for us to enjoy the show he has been working on for a long time now.
If it is the end of Murder Drones, then of course people are going to blame TADC for "Killing Murder Drones." Corporations have no loyalties and no qualms about being underhanded, only an appetite for more funding and appeasing their investors, and the most juicy of cash-cows practically fell into their lap.
Now, perhaps we are WRONG, maybe Glitch really did screw up because Twitter loves its word limits, then in which case, shouldn't Glitch try and clarify that in another post as soon as possible? Say that MD isn't going anywhere and that they meant the season finale?
Ultimately, we are in a very turbulent time and tensions are the highest they have ever been, and the next two months will either cool down into something to laugh about later, or there will a shitstorm. No inbetweens.
If it is a false alarm, then I will be there laughing with y'all about how I was doomposting like an idiot, but if it isn't? then I will continue working on my projects in the fandom until I believe I am satisfied, and I will be there when the shitstorm drops.
God, I hope it's the former.
Also sorry if the tags for this are crap, but I don't have the energy left over to fix them.
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The Golf Specialist. stevebrodner.substack.com
* * * *
Sep 20, 2024
JD Vance has proven himself the kind of loyalist for whom nothing exists but the loyalty, with his actions regarding the lies about Haitians in Springfield, Ohio. There seems to be something missing inside Vance, something that being Trump’s vice president fills.
You can see it the way his chest puffs out, the way he tries to look tough for a minute before a smile breaks in his response to rally crowds. You can see this reaction over and over again in his love of the response to his “money lines.” He gets filled with the glory of the moment, the crowd’s response giving him such a powerful affirmation for his work as Trump’s attack dog, to the point it seems to be its own reward.
When one considers Vance’s effort to spread the racist lies about Haitian immigrants eating pets, continuing the spew the lies despite numerous fact checks, with the Wall Street Journal, documenting that Vance and his campaign knew from the outset what they were saying was a lie that they went on to spread anyway, that’s all the proof needed of Trump’s genius in choosing Vance: Corporal Six Months In An Air-Conditioned Trailer is a man for whom no lie is too brazen, no attack too low, no step too far in his pursuit of Eminence.
It turns out Vance may be even more broken as a human being than Trump is. A review of how he got where he is demonstrates he is someone who will do anything to achieve the eminence and power he believes he has been denied since birth.
There is irony in the fact that - on the one hand - Vance is a card-carrying member of the upper echelon of America’s ruling elite: Yale Law School graduate, New York Times best-selling author, Silicon Valley venture capitalist, United States senator. And on the other hand, he is now a vociferous conservative critic of that ruling elite, as the Tribune of disaffected Middle Americans/ It’s a role he claims by virtue of his birth in eastern Appalacia, his familys problems as documented in his book, by his upbringing in post-industrial Ohio. He said, “It’s the great privilege of my life that I’m deep enough into the American elite that I can indulge a little anti-elitism,” in one of his first major interviews following publication of “Hillbilly Elegy.”
But how populist can he really be, cozying up to billionaires in Silicon Valley? How does a Yalie attorney and former venture capitalist understand the lives of Trump’s blue-collar voters? This is a guy who owns two million-dollar houses and claims to be a credible advocate for the GOP’s economic populism?
Vance is a particularly good example of the kind of “empty person” who is attracted to authoritarian movements in the belief their true genius will be recognized therein. This is a familiar trope for some of the worst individuals who became involved with Stalinist Communism, Nazism and Fascism. Bernardo Bertolucci gave us a portrait of this kind of person in his film “The Conformist.”
What has been relatively unknown in contermporary politics is that Vance comes from what is now referred to as “The New Right.” For those unaware of this phenomenon, The New Right is a new movement advocating an illiberal and explicitly reactionary political order. While it uses the rhetoric of conservate populism, it is fundamentally elitist. Its goal is to replace the current ruling elite with a new, more conservative one - drawn of course from the ranks of the New Right.
Who are these people? Elon Musk is one, so is Peter Thiel. Also Marc Andreessen, as well as other Silly Con Valley Bros who believe their success demonstrates their worthiness to run more than a computer company. The goal is a to find someone who can lead a right-wing populist movement to political power, then carry out a top-down transformation of American society into an illiberal social order built around conservative values, even if those values remain broadly unpopular with the American people.
Consider that Trump is 78, in poor physical health and obviously “losing it” in terms of mental competence. Should he win re-election, he is unlikely to complete the term, either dying outright or being removed for failure of mental competency under the 25th Amendment.
Which would thus push JD Vance into the White House. Where he could reorganize the cabinet and bring in his New Right allies, installing them in the positions of power that would allow them to institute this plan.
In a 2023 interview, Vance said , “One of the ways in which I’m very much populist is that I think people need to have elected representatives who try to channel their frustrations into solutions that will make their lives better. One of the ways I’m very much not a populist is that I think every populist movement that has ever existed has failed unless it’s captured some subset of the people who are professionally in government. You can’t just run a political movement purely with voters — you need voters, you need bureaucrats, you need lawyers, you need business leaders, you need the whole thing.”
For those who were surprised - given his past criticisms of Trump - by his new-found belief in Trumpism and the MAGA movement, what he did in accepting the vice presidential nomination has been chalked up to either moral collapse or rank opportunism. But considered in light of the ideas presented in the writings of the New Right intellectuals close to Vance, it looks a lot like the first step in their much larger plan.
Patrick Deneen, a New Right Catholic philosopher and political theorist at the University of Notre Dame, has written two influential books that promote the ideas of the New Right.
In the 2018 book “Why Liberalism Failed,” that first got him noticed, he argued that small-L liberalism is inevitably self-destructive; that a political system based on expansion of individual rights and autonomy will inevitably undermine the traditional family, organized religion and local communities - the collective institutions that make political life possible.
In his 2023 book, “Regime Change,” Deneen lays out his vision of an ideal “post-liberal order” that drops liberalism’s protection of individual rights in favor of a social order that promotes “the common good;” this is a purportedly objective set of social conditions that “undergird human flourishing,” which is borrowed from Catholic social teaching. In this analysis the phony commitment of liberalism to egalitarianism gives cover to a corrupt - left-leaning - elite pursuing its own interests, at the expense of the interests of the downtrodden - right-leaning - masses. In this post-liberal social order, a new ruling elite will promote collaboration between “the few” (the New Right) and “the many” in pursuit of “the common good,” in a system governed by the same institutions, infused by a “fundamentally different ethos.” This would include aggressive trust-busting of corporate monopolies; a robust “pro-family” welfare policy to promote the formation of traditional families; strict limits on abortion; and limits on LGBTQ+ rights.
The major point is Deneen’s plan for transition from the liberal order to the postliberal order, which would require the creation of “a new elite” — a “self-conscious aristocracy” as he puts it - who could enter government, academia and the media, take them over and repurpose them to serve conservative and illiberal ends. Having replaced the old, corrupt liberal elite, the new elite would ally with and rule in the interests of the “many,” using their power to foster conservative values like “stability, order and continuity.” Deneen’s term for this is “aristopopulism” which — an alliance between a “genuinely noble elite” and the populist masses, who would together replace secular liberalism with a postliberal system based on a “forthright acknowledgment and renewal of the Christian roots of our civilization.”
Even a casual study of the past 150 years of social change led by “leading forces” - what ended up being called Communism and Nazism - is a good guide to what happens when those in the “leading force” take power.
Vance supports Deneen’s ideas. When he participated in a panel discussion at the launch for “Regime Change,” Vance identified himself as a member of the “post-liberal right,” and said he “sees my role and my voice” in Congress as “explicitly anti-regime.” Significantly, he appeared at this event alongside Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts - the man responsible for Project 2025. Asked how he balances the interests of “the few” and “the many” in practice, Vance answered, “Things in American society are so tilted toward the ‘few’ that I just focus on the ‘many,’ and let the rest of it figure itself out.”
Vance’s suggestion that Trump should ignore the Supreme Court if they step in to block the mass firings called for in Project 2025 is the kind of move that the New Right advocates.
All of this is clear when considering the thinking of Vance’s primary political patron and close personal friend Peter Thiel, who Vance met in 2011 at a talk by Thiel at Yale Law School, which Vance later called “the most important moment of my time at Yale.”
Vance later worked for Thiel’s venture capital firm, Mithril Capital and then founded his own fund with Thiel’s backing. Along the way, Thiel became a tutor to Vance, introducing him to the intellectual influencers shaping the politics of Silicon Valley’s right-leaning Bros
For the record, Thiel has said that “democracy” no longer supports “freedom,” and that allowing women to vote is why the conservatives he supports lose elections. He’s right about that, women are doing a great job of sending people like him back to mommie’s basement. Of course, he believes the 19th Amendment should be overturned.
For Thiel and the rest of the Silly Con Valley Retrogressives, “real political freedom” requires shrinking and eventually abolishing the centralized political state, replacing it with an “anarcho-capitalist” system governed exclusively by markets and social competition - a stateless techno-libertarian paradise in which the only rights are property rights. Under this new order, a “natural elite” - people like Thiel, Musk and Andreessen - would inevitably rise to the top. According to Thiel & Co., democracy existed to protect markets; once it ceased to do that, it is now expendable..
Vance and the people who have worked to put him where he is are united by their opposition to liberal democracy and their fundamental elitism - their belief America is and always will be run by elites, but is currently ruled by the wrong kind of elite. They recognize their ideas are not sufficiently popular to win broad-based political support; thus they propose an alliance between reactionary elites and the alienated masses, channeling popular frustration against the democratic order they hope to eventually replace.
This is only different from Leninism in how the new rulers will initiate the “dictatorship of the proletariat” andwhat it will look like.
The New Right is committed to identifying and cultivating that new conservative elite. Idiots like Charlie Kirk - who is probably not a current member - take their money to set up organizations like Turning Points Action to attract the future “elite” for recruitment.
This new elite will be made up of people who are steeped in elite culture and reactionary ideas, but who “understand the people” and can credibly claim to govern on their behalf.
In other words, they will look like JD Vance. As he said in an earlier interview, “Maybe the most important role that I have to play from the New Right’s perspective is to help build institutions and to get people engaged in politics who weren’t previously engaged in politics. It’s definitely an interesting thing, but it’s going to take a long time.”
Perhaps not that long if Trump and Vance win in November.
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Michael Serazio at Vox:
For most of advertising history, “red” or “blue” as partisan loyalty signaled more your taste for Coke or Pepsi than your identity as Republican or Democrat. Mass markets, by definition, necessitated selling to both sides of the aisle. As with so much else, the presidency of Donald Trump — built upon a self-conceived human brand — radically upended those norms. Post-2016 election, one Adweek column thundered, “Brands cannot expect to play Switzerland as the rest of the world picks a side.” Consumer culture suddenly became the vehicle for political expression, with Madison Avenue giving voice to countless causes. The staid “corporate social responsibility” morphed into the more muscular “brand purpose,” which beget impassioned activism. Social justice became “trendy;” politics, the means to signal commercial “integrity.”
Today, just as during the Trump presidency, controversial issues abound, protesters convulse public spaces, and a divisive election looms. The world is picking sides — on abortion and Gaza and Trump’s trials. And from brand-land? By and large, the sound of silence. That’s because, despite prior pretense, advertising follows, not leads; it needs markets, not morality. That silence, therefore, says much about our sociopolitical moment: As culture warriors find themselves on the defensive, brands, wary from the backlash against Bud Light’s use of a trans influencer, no longer show interest in advancing their causes. Indeed, today’s primary “cause” — and, arguably, election issue — is lower on the hierarchy of needs: cost of living. That makes for a more practical, less symbolic battleground for commercial content. In 2024, whatever else might happen, the revolution will not be advertised.
During the Trump years, advertising evolved a bit like journalism: It went from ostensible objectivity and pitching its product across allegiances to satisfying partisan preferences and selling to niches. As society polarized and fragmented and everything got politicized — the NFL, safety pins, low-flow toilets — neutrality came across as craven delusion.
This fundamentally shifted the logic and basis of consumer choice. Previously, we thought, “If I’m going to buy paper towels, are they useful? Are they inexpensive?” one marketing executive explained to me. By 2020, “societal issues [had] become brand attributes ... in terms of product purchases.” The question became: How “woke” are your paper towels? If the ads of the 2010s felt like they were talking back to Trump, you're not mistaken. Like other domains of cultural production — journalism, the popular arts, academia — brand-land leans left. For many such news topics invoked commercially — race, guns, the environment — creative professionals couldn’t conceive of there being “two sides” to the story.
[...] Brand-land was arguably taking its cues from market demand: One poll found nearly three-quarters of consumers wanted retail companies to stand up for their political beliefs and another found two-thirds would switch from a brand if those didn’t align with their own. At times, those consumers themselves took the initiative on activism. Much like today’s protesters clamoring for Israel divestment, a #GrabYourWallet boycott of Trump-aligned products and companies went viral. The personal has, of course, long been political, but during the 45th presidency, the civic became commercial as never before. Then, just as quickly as it had stormed the barricades, Madison Avenue abandoned them.
[...] Again, commercial communication follows, not leads. Advertising’s activist retreat mirrors a reversal in public sentiment, perhaps a post-pandemic fatigue. One poll finds just 20 percent of Americans are now interested in corporations taking a stand on political issues or current events, and fewer than 30 percent want to hear brands opine on international conflict. Curiously, among the least supported issues (for brand engagement, at least) are many that defined the commercial battlegrounds of the Trump years: police reform, immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, and abortion.
Perhaps there’s another type of issue that’s more pressing to Americans right now, one that retail companies can uniquely speak to because, historically, that was their primary messaging domain: How much are we paying and for what? After all, rising prices are arguably the defining political issue of the Biden era. That doesn’t allow for sexy, flashy branding — or even the moral, culture war invocations of the Trump years — but it’s top of mind when you have to pay 15 bucks for a sandwich or salad at lunch. In turn, that assumed attentiveness to price and utility treats the consumer as pragmatic rather than performative: someone concerned for what a product costs and does rather than how it might reflect their sociopolitical identity. It also suggests that virtue-signal shopping is a luxury less affordable during inflationary times. Unstated by Pritchard but surely informing his caution is Bud Light’s reported billion-dollar sales slide, attributed to a transphobic boycott following a fleeting partnership with social media star Dylan Mulvaney in early 2023. When that backlash exploded, Anheuser-Busch’s CEO defensively walked back any pretense of activism: “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people."
There had, of course, been brand politics flops before. Starbucks nudged customers and baristas to, awkwardly, “Race Together” by striking up conversations about police-exonerated killings of Black men. Pepsi similarly pissed off the entire internet with its quasi-Black Lives Matter spot attaching the soda, visually and conceptually, to street protests in a way that’s unimaginable now, given the campus unrest of recent months. The Bud Light kerfuffle, though, had more of a financial and cultural impact on the brand because it represented a real mismatch of target audience and their perceived politics. Starbucks and Pepsi fans likely didn’t find anti-racist causes wrong, just the messaging heavy-handed and poorly executed.  And post-Mulvaney, the influencer marketplace — an estimated $20 billion-plus industry — is increasingly scrutinized for risky content that might alienate one side or the other.
[...] Under Trump, brands had appointed themselves vessels for progress, most especially on matters of cultural identity like race, sex, and immigration. In the years since, corporations have backpedaled to more of that “Switzerland” neutrality, reflecting a broader retreat from DEI ambitions across both law and norms.
A trend that was dominant in the late 2010s and early 2020s, the “woke” capital movement that many brands had in their ace has begun to fall apart, owing to the ongoing inflation issue and the backlash over Dylan Mulvaney being in a single Bud Light ad.
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Embrace Tomorrow with the Vivo Y18: A Glimpse into the Future of Smartphones
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In the bustling world of smartphones, few names shine as brightly as vivo. From its humble beginnings to its current global presence, the journey of vivo is a testament to innovation, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us as we embark on a journey through time, uncovering the fascinating history of vivo.
Origins of vivo
Every success story has a beginning, and for vivo, it all started with a vision. Founded in 2009, vivo emerged as a challenger in the competitive smartphone market of China. With a focus on user experience and cutting-edge technology, vivo quickly garnered attention for its sleek designs and innovative features.
The Rise to Prominence
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, vivo transcended obstacles and carved a niche for itself in the smartphone industry. Through strategic marketing campaigns and a relentless commitment to quality, vivo captured the hearts of consumers, solidifying its position as a formidable player in the market.
Innovation and Technological Advancements
At the core of vivo's success lies a culture of innovation. From pioneering in-display fingerprint technology to pushing the boundaries of camera capabilities, vivo continues to set new benchmarks for excellence. With each new release, consumers eagerly anticipate the next breakthrough from the brand.
Market Expansion and Global Reach
From its roots in China, vivo swiftly expanded its footprint across the globe. With a presence in over 30 countries, vivo has become a household name, catering to the diverse needs of consumers worldwide. Through strategic partnerships and localized marketing efforts, vivo has successfully penetrated international markets.
Impact on the Smartphone Industry
vivo's influence extends beyond just sales figures. As a trailblazer in the smartphone industry, vivo has inspired competitors and set industry trends. Whether it's introducing innovative features or redefining design aesthetics, vivo continues to shape the future of mobile technology.
Community Engagement and Brand Loyalty
Beyond products, vivo fosters a sense of community and brand loyalty among its users. Through engaging social media campaigns and interactive events, vivo connects with its audience on a personal level, building lasting relationships that transcend mere transactions.
Sustainable Practices and Corporate Responsibility
As a responsible corporate citizen, vivo is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship. From eco-friendly packaging to energy-efficient manufacturing processes, vivo strives to minimize its ecological footprint and contribute to a greener future for generations to come.
Challenges and Overcoming Adversity
The path to success is rarely smooth, and vivo has encountered its fair share of challenges along the way. From intense competition to unforeseen market shifts, vivo has demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, emerging stronger and more determined than ever.
Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaboration is key to vivo's growth strategy, as evidenced by its strategic partnerships with industry leaders and influencers. By joining forces with like-minded organizations, vivo enhances its brand visibility and reaches new audiences, further solidifying its position in the market.
Future Prospects and Beyond
As we look to the future, the horizon seems limitless for vivo. With a relentless focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, vivo is poised to continue its upward trajectory, shaping the future of mobile technology and delighting consumers with groundbreaking products and experiences.
Ringtones for Vivo
Looking to download an Apple ringtone for your Vivo Y18? It's easy! Simply head over to our website at https://www.setasringtones.com, where you'll find a wide variety of Apple ringtones perfectly compatible with your device. Once you've selected the ideal ringtone, proceed to download it directly to your Vivo Y18 from our site. Alternatively, you can transfer it from your computer to your device. Once downloaded, customize your ringtone settings by setting it as your default tone or assigning it to specific contacts. With these straightforward steps, you'll quickly have the iconic Apple ringtone on your Vivo Y18, adding a personalized touch to your smartphone experience.
Embrace the Future with Vivo Y18
Welcome to the world of smartphones, where innovation meets convenience! In this digital age, finding the perfect smartphone can be quite overwhelming. But fear not, as we unravel the enchanting features of the Vivo Y18. This article is your gateway to discovering the magic of this exceptional device, designed to elevate your mobile experience to new heights. Let's dive in!
The Evolution of Vivo Y18
The journey of the Vivo Y18 has been nothing short of remarkable, marked by continuous innovation and adaptation to the ever-changing landscape of smartphone technology. From its inception, Vivo has strived to push boundaries and redefine the smartphone experience for users worldwide. With each iteration, the Vivo Y18 has evolved to meet the growing demands and expectations of consumers, incorporating cutting-edge features and advancements in hardware and software. From enhanced performance capabilities to sleeker designs and improved camera technologies, the Vivo Y18 has undergone a transformative evolution
Design and Display
The design and display of a smartphone are pivotal aspects that greatly influence user experience and satisfaction. In the case of the Vivo Y18, meticulous attention has been paid to crafting a device that not only looks sleek and stylish but also offers a visually stunning display. The sleek design of the Vivo Y18 is characterized by its slim profile, ergonomic curves, and premium materials, ensuring a comfortable grip and a luxurious feel in the hand. Moreover, the device boasts a vibrant and immersive display that brings content to life with vivid colors, sharp details, and wide viewing angles.
Performance Prowess
When it comes to smartphones, performance is paramount, and the Vivo Y18 delivers in spades. Powered by advanced hardware and optimized software, this device is engineered to deliver a seamless and responsive user experience. Whether you're multitasking between apps, streaming HD videos, or gaming with intense graphics, the Vivo Y18 handles it all with ease. Under the hood, a powerful processor coupled with ample RAM ensures smooth performance, allowing you to breeze through tasks without any lag or slowdown. Additionally, the device comes equipped with intelligent software optimizations that further enhance its performance.
Camera Capabilities
The camera capabilities of the Vivo Y18 are truly exceptional, empowering users to capture life's precious moments with unmatched clarity and precision. Equipped with advanced camera technology, this device ensures that every photo and video you take is nothing short of stunning. Whether you're a photography enthusiast or simply love documenting your daily adventures, the Vivo Y18's camera is up to the task. With high-resolution sensors, intelligent image processing algorithms, and a plethora of shooting modes and features, you have the tools you need to unleash your creativity and capture breathtaking shots in any setting.
Battery Life and Charging
The battery life and charging capabilities of the Vivo Y18 are nothing short of impressive, ensuring that you stay powered up and connected throughout the day. With its long-lasting battery, you can enjoy uninterrupted usage without the need to constantly reach for your charger. Whether you're browsing the web, watching videos, or chatting with friends, the Vivo Y18's battery is designed to keep up with your busy lifestyle. Additionally, when it's time to recharge, the device supports fast charging technology, allowing you to quickly top up your battery and get back to what matters most.
Software Sophistication
The Vivo Y18 shines with its software sophistication, offering users an intuitive and seamless user experience that enhances productivity and convenience. Powered by advanced software features and optimizations, this device ensures smooth performance and effortless navigation. Whether you're navigating through the user interface, multitasking between apps, or accessing your favorite features, the Vivo Y18's software is designed to anticipate your needs and deliver a fluid and responsive experience. Additionally, the device comes equipped with a range of smart features and customization options that allow you to personalize your device to suit your preferences.
Connectivity at Its Best
The Vivo Y18 offers connectivity at its best, ensuring that you stay seamlessly connected to the world around you. With support for the latest connectivity standards, including 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and more, this device keeps you connected wherever you go. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming videos, or staying in touch with friends and family, the Vivo Y18 delivers fast and reliable connectivity that meets your needs. Additionally, the device features advanced antenna technology and signal optimization algorithms, ensuring strong and stable connections even in areas with poor network coverage.
Security Features
The Vivo Y18 is equipped with robust security features to safeguard your personal data and privacy. With biometric authentication options such as fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, you can ensure that only you have access to your device. Additionally, the device offers secure encryption methods to protect your sensitive information from unauthorized access. Whether you're making online transactions, accessing confidential documents, or storing personal photos, you can have peace of mind knowing that your data is safe and secure with the Vivo Y18's advanced security features.
Immersive Multimedia Experience
Experience entertainment like never before with the Vivo Y18's immersive multimedia capabilities. Whether you're watching movies, listening to music, or gaming, this device offers a captivating audiovisual experience that transports you into the heart of the action. With its vibrant display and crisp audio output, every scene comes to life with stunning clarity and realism. Moreover, the Vivo Y18's powerful hardware ensures smooth performance and lag-free playback, allowing you to enjoy your favorite content without interruption. Whether you're unwinding after a long day or immersing yourself in the latest blockbuster, the Vivo Y18 guarantees an unforgettable multimedia experience that keeps you entertained for hours on end.
Value for Money
The Vivo Y18 offers exceptional value for money, providing users with a plethora of features and capabilities at an affordable price point. With its impressive performance, advanced camera technology, and sleek design, this device punches above its weight in terms of functionality and quality. Whether you're a budget-conscious consumer or simply looking for a reliable smartphone without breaking the bank, the Vivo Y18 delivers unbeatable value. From its long-lasting battery life to its intuitive user interface, every aspect of the device is carefully crafted to maximize value for the user.
Conclusion: Your Next Smartphone Companion
In conclusion, the Vivo Y18 emerges as a true powerhouse in the world of smartphones, combining cutting-edge technology with user-centric design. Elevate your mobile experience and embrace the future with this remarkable device by your side.
1. Is the Vivo Y18 waterproof?
No, the Vivo Y18 is not waterproof. It is advisable to keep it away from water to prevent damage.
2. Does the Vivo Y18 support fast charging?
Yes, the Vivo Y18 supports fast charging, allowing you to recharge your device quickly for uninterrupted usage.
3. Can I expand the storage on the Vivo Y18?
Yes, the Vivo Y18 comes with expandable storage options, allowing you to increase the storage capacity with a microSD card.
4. Does the Vivo Y18 have a headphone jack?
Yes, the Vivo Y18 features a headphone jack, enabling you to connect your favorite headphones or earphones without any hassle.
5. Is the Vivo Y18 compatible with 5G networks?
No, the Vivo Y18 does not support 5G networks. However, it offers reliable connectivity through 4G LTE networks for seamless browsing and streaming experiences.
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nishakrishnan1996 · 6 months
Unraveling the Power of Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Exploration
In today's digital era, where virtually every aspect of our lives has migrated online, it's hardly surprising that marketing has followed suit. Digital marketing has risen to prominence, revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their audience, promote their products, and drive growth.
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In this in-depth blog post, we delve into the myriad reasons why digital marketing is widely acknowledged as the premier marketing strategy in today's landscape.
Precision Targeting:
Digital marketing offers unparalleled precision in targeting specific audiences. Unlike traditional methods such as TV or print ads, digital platforms provide sophisticated targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This capability allows businesses to tailor their marketing messages to the right people at the right time, maximizing the effectiveness of their campaigns.
Measurable Outcomes:
One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing is its ability to track and measure campaign performance in real-time. Tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics offer invaluable insights into metrics such as website traffic, engagement, and conversions. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions and continually optimize their strategies for better results.
Digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing channels. With flexible budgeting options and pay-per-click advertising models, businesses can allocate their resources efficiently and pay only for the interactions they receive. This level of cost-control makes digital marketing accessible to businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations.
Global Reach:
Digital marketing transcends geographical boundaries, enabling businesses to reach a global audience effortlessly. Through channels like social media, email, and search engines, businesses can engage with potential customers across different countries and regions, significantly expanding their brand reach and market presence.
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Engagement and Interaction:
Digital marketing offers a plethora of interactive formats that foster engagement and participation from audiences. Whether through videos, quizzes, polls, or contests, businesses can create compelling content that captivates their audience and encourages interaction. This level of engagement helps forge deeper connections with customers and enhances brand loyalty.
Adaptability and Flexibility:
In the fast-paced digital landscape, trends and consumer preferences can change rapidly. Digital marketing provides the flexibility for businesses to adapt their strategies quickly in response to market changes or emerging opportunities. Whether tweaking ad campaigns, refining targeting parameters, or experimenting with new content formats, digital marketers can pivot swiftly to stay ahead of the curve.
Personalization and Customization:
Digital marketing enables businesses to deliver personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences and behaviors. Through email segmentation, dynamic website content, and personalized recommendations, businesses can create tailored marketing messages that resonate with their audience on a personal level. This level of personalization enhances engagement and drives higher conversion rates.
In conclusion, digital marketing stands as the premier marketing strategy of our time, offering unparalleled targeting capabilities, measurability, cost-effectiveness, global reach, engagement opportunities, adaptability, and personalization capabilities. As technology continues to evolve and consumer behavior evolves, digital marketing remains at the forefront of driving business growth and success in the digital era.
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champstorymedia · 2 days
Social Media and Small Business Branding: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market
In today’s digital landscape, social media has become indispensable for small business branding. With a plethora of businesses vying for attention online, standing out is more crucial than ever. This article will delve into effective strategies on how to leverage social media to enhance your small business branding, ensuring you capture and retain your target audience’s interest. Understanding…
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branded-perceptions · 6 months
As we grow up and individuate from our family structures authority concepts our emotional projection habits of social identity making mingle with the cultural habits and storytellings we are surrounded by which each is different for western countries, Russia, China, native African tribes or Muslim cultures, each embodying their own systems customs that via by that convergerted emotional motivations accumulate in different hive mind group dynamics:
The female populations' (🎶ALL THE THINGS SHE SAID - t.A.T.u.)
upon their daily causal life calibrated (metaphorical "eye of RA")
emotional charges (which are the unconscious motivational drivers of each society as most men via their climbing of in each culture differing authority constructs' metaphorical "eye of Horus" simply imitate them via competition of via social signalling converted🛐 social symbols🎅 like authority inhibiting authenticity)
of social constructs
is in eastern European countries like Russia more focused on duties, social obligations and social structures because there women tend to more early get into stable marriages where they instead of getting caught in overconsumption focus on creating their own routines and homemade stuff (instead of like in west competing for men via further chasing consumerism lifestyle products)
while in western civilisation the female population statistically experiments more with their emotional attachments in a social realm whose status is structured less by responsibilities but consumer go(o)d(s) that are crucial to their social independence thereby redirecting the collective social aspirations of western civilisation away from social responsibilities and cultural duties more upon the realm of habitually automatically self-justifying subjective urges and economic incentives as
📚Moral Thinking, Fast and Slow (Routledge Focus on Philosophy) Hanno Sauer
while in Russia the same psychic dynamics condition themselves more upon loyalty, duties and responsibilities felt for by their in-groups relation to the stability-providing over-groups like state as a more localised presence concentrating in 🔍George Orwell notes on nationalism.
Thus, naturally, both geopolitical sides fundamentally interpret the same happenings like geopolitics in Ukraine differently:
Neither perspective is "better" than the other (there is just one causal objective reality whose effects we all judge differently in relation to subjective preferences of our emotional charges of mimetic symbols and explanatory constructs in our minds)
but their motivational group drives naturally contradict each other as the Russian population via their home-made culture is less conditioned upon morally justifying economic fantasy hypes of 🔍"social imbalances Galbraith"
like regarding ressources (🔍Lithium Ukraine needed for climate change) in Ukraine
which the west via
seductive economic fantasies pressures upon Ukraine [[[transferring the profits from private sector towards corporate structures of west while via these bra(i)nde(a)d social imbalances as explained by Galbraith depreciating the local public sector in Ukraine]]]
in ways we as western culture need to become more conscious of and tame (🎵THIS IS NOT ENOUGH)
ourselves via meanings of our entertainment culture to avoid that due to our by the our decision-makers motivationally entraining investment structures propagated group hypes more Ukrainian & Russian mothers loose their sons in war:
🎵Я сошла с ума
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william-r-melich · 6 months
Tik Tok Bill/HR 7521 - 03/16/2024
Bill HR 7521 passed 3 days ago in the house of representatives by a vote of 352 - 65. If this bill passes in the Senate, which looks likely, Joe Biden said he will sign it, which will purportedly ban Tik Tok. It wouldn't really ban it, but what it will do is force Byte Dance, the Chinese company that owns Tik Tok, to divest by providing a description of what assets would need to be divested to execute a qualified divesture. In other words, they would have to sell it. They would also have to shut down their internet hosting service. Someone in the U.S. would buy it. I've been on the fence with this one as well with whether or not Biden will remain on the ticket. After reading a portion of the bill I saw a loophole regarding what can be done with a foreign person. Donald Trump, who back in 2020 wanted to ban Tik Tok, he's now against banning it. He said that banning Tik Tok would give the government too much power and would make Facebook more of a monopoly. I sure hope his 180-degree shift wasn't partly made because he has a big campaign donor from Tik Tok. Elon Musk is against it. He thinks it will lead to the government having too much control of wording and censorship on all media platforms. He argues that it doesn't just involve foreign adversaries. Republican Congressman Thomas Massie on X posted this: "The president will be given the power to ban WEB SITES, not just Apps.--"The person breaking the new law is deemed to be the U.S. (or offshore) INTERNET HOSTING SERVICE or App Store, not the 'foreign adversary.' " The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) controls what content is allowed on Tik Toc, and the version that is used in China is very different to what's allowed on it outside of China, like here in the U.S. In China they're teaching their children strict discipline and loyalty to the CCP without other harmful content, brainwashing them into their collectivist ideologies. Outside of China they are allowing and promoting content that encourages self-harm and suicide. The big concern in Congress is that the CCP is using the platform to collect as much personal data as they can to be later used against us for nefarious reasons.
Bytedance is the parent company running Tik Toc, and it's former CEO, Zhang Yiming, in 2018 wrote an open public letter of apology to the CCP's headquarters. He was in trouble for not directing his tech companies to push the party's communist agenda far enough, including for what they termed as Xi Jinping thought. Here's some of that letter translated in English:
"I sincerely apologize to regulators, our users and colleagues. I have been in a state of guilt and remorse since I received the notice from the regulatory authority yesterday afternoon and stayed up all night."
"Toutino will permanently shut down the app and the Wechat account of Neihan Duanzi. The product has gone astray, posting content that goes against socialist core values. It's all on me. I accept all the punishment since it failed to direct public opinion in the right way."
"I blame myself for failing to live up to the guidance and expectations of the authorities. In the past few years, the authorities have given us a lot of guidance and help, but I failed to understand properly and to correct properly in the past that resulted in the repercussions today."
"I blame myself for failing the support and trust of our users. We one-sidedly focused on growth and scale without paying timely attention to quality and responsibility of guiding users to obtain positive information. We have failed to undertake corporate social responsibility, and lack emphasis and understanding of our roles in carry forward the positive energy, and guide public opinion properly."
"I reflect that the deep-seated problems for the company are: a weak understanding of the 'four consciousness,' a lack of socialist core values, and a biased guidance of public opinion. 'In the past, we have placed too much emphasis on the role of technology, and failed to realize that socialist core values are the prerequisite to technology. We need to spread positive messages in line with the requirements of the times while respecting public order and good practice.' "
The "four consciousness," to which he referred is described in the following CCP directive as translated into English; CCP Central Committee Publishers Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Agencies. March 18, 2021:
"To deepen reform of the Party and state agencies at this new historical turning point, we must comprehensively implement the Spirit of the 19th Party Congress and persist in taking Marxism -- Leninism, Ma Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Important Thinking of the 'Three Represents,' the Scientific Development Concept, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide. We must firmly establish political consciousness, consciousness of the big picture, consciousness of the core leadership, and consciousness of falling in line with party directives. We must resolutely maintain the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. We must adapt to the development requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, persist in the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and adhere to the proper direction of reform. We must persist in being people-centered, and persist in comprehensively ruling the country according to law."
It seems clear to me that the CCP wants to dominate the world and control how everyone thinks. We can't let that happen. The harmful content on Tik Tok can be found on some of the other platforms, but apparently on Tik Tok it's been more harmful and addictive to kids. Amnesty International 2 reports: "Driven into the Darkness: How Tik Tok Encourages Self-harm and Suicidal Ideation and the I Feel Exposed: Caught in Tik Tok's Surveillance Web - highlight the abuses experienced by children and young people using Tik Tok Outside of China. Between 3 and 20 minutes into our manual research, more than half of the videos in the 'For You' feed were related to mental health struggles with multiple recommended videos in a single hour romanticizing, normalizing or encouraging suicide."
Here's how a portion of the Tik Tok bill reads - HR 7521:
(iii) a subsidiary of or a successor to an entity identified in clause (i) or (ii) that is controlled by a foreign adversary; or (iv) an entity owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by an entity identified in clause (i), (ii), or (iii); or (B) a covered company that -- (i) is controlled by a foreign adversary; and (ii) that is determined by the President to present a significant threat to the national security of the United States following the issuance of -- (I) a public notice proposing such determination; and (II) a public report to Congress, submitted not less than 30 days before such determination, describing the specific national security concern involved and containing a classified annes and a description of what assets would need to be divested to execute a qualified divesture. (4) FOREIGN ADVERSARY COUNTRY, -- The term "foreign adversary country" means a country specified with respect to a covered company or other entity is -- (A) a foreign person that is domiciled in, is headquartered in, has its principal place of business in, or is organized under the laws of a foreign adversary country. (B) an entity with respect to which a foreign person or combination of foreign persons described in "subparagraph (A) directly or indirectly own at least a 20 percent stake; or (C) a person subject to the direction or control of a foreign person or entity described in subparagraph (A) (B). (2) Covered Company -- (A) IN GENERAL -- The term "covered company" means an entity that operates, directly or indirectly (including through a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliate), a website, desktop application, or augmented or immersive technology application.
The loophole I see is that there are people here from China that are legal to work and live here (green card) and who have a residence in China. The President (Joe Biden) could divest any website or app operated by a company with such a person in its employ from China with a green card who happens to own at least 20% of that company. I haven't read through the entire bill, nor am I an expert on Congressional bills or policies, but there might be other loopholes to be found. Given all that I have considered on this, I think divesting Tik Tok is a good idea, but only with no loopholes or wiggle room. I don't trust the government, their too giddy about this and I suspect they may have something up their sleeves. Next to our own ability to destroy ourselves from within, I think China is our biggest threat. This is serious stuff and we're in some very dangerous situations. We've got to get this right and get the right leader in the White House, which, in my humble opinion, is Donald J. Trump.
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csrmagnovite24 · 7 months
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In late 2022, Adidas, a global powerhouse in the realm of sportswear, found itself entangled in a web of controversy following its decision to sever ties with Kanye West due to his series of contentious remarks. This move ignited a multifaceted discussion around corporate social responsibility (CSR) and prompted a deeper exploration of the ethical considerations inherent in business partnerships.
The narrative surrounding Kanye West's departure from Adidas began with inflammatory statements, which escalated from provocative tweets to offensive interviews and podcasts, ultimately culminating in unsettling remarks involving an Adidas manager. The widespread condemnation that ensued left Adidas with no option but to publicly denounce West and terminate their longstanding collaboration. However, this action was just the beginning, as public scrutiny intensified, leading to a reassessment of Adidas' CSR practices.
Despite the termination of their partnership, Adidas' decision to continue selling existing Yeezy stock became a focal point of criticism. Critics argued that by doing so, Adidas was indirectly supporting West financially, thereby, contradicting their condemnation of his behaviour and calling into question the sincerity of their commitment to CSR principles. The ongoing sale of Yeezys was perceived by many as profiting from hate speech, potentially undermining Adidas' professed values of inclusivity and respect, particularly in the eyes of younger consumers who place great emphasis on a brand's ethical stance.
The discord between stakeholder expectations and corporate actions laid bare a fundamental disconnect between rhetoric and reality. This dissonance raised doubts about the authenticity of Adidas' CSR initiatives and underscored the importance of aligning stated values with tangible actions. Critics pointed out numerous inconsistencies between Adidas' professed values and their decision to continue selling Yeezys, fueling scepticism about the efficacy of their CSR efforts and casting doubt on the integrity of their corporate governance. This loss of trust translated into diminished brand loyalty, which could potentially impact sales and market share over the long term.
The fallout from the controversy prompted stakeholders to demand greater transparency and accountability from Adidas. There is a growing expectation for companies to not only articulate their CSR commitments but also to demonstrate tangible progress and accountability in fulfilling them. The Yeezy controversy served as a catalyst for a broader conversation about corporate ethics and the responsibilities of multinational corporations in navigating complex social issues.
Moreover, The Clean Clothes Campaign published a report in 2023 detailing the unfavourable working conditions in Adidas factories located in Vietnam and Cambodia. The report painted a terrible picture of the working conditions faced by employees, describing poor pay that did not keep up with living expenses, excessive overtime that went above the law, and hazardous workplaces without enough safety precautions. The research also highlighted issues with restricted freedom of association and challenges in organising unions, which further impeded employees' capacity to speak out for themselves. Similar complaints have also been voiced by other groups, such as the Worker Rights Consortium, in other Adidas supplier facilities, underlining structural issues with the company's supply chain.
In addition to worker rights, Adidas faces environmental challenges. Ecosystems and human health are at risk from the usage of microplastics, which are microscopic particles emitted from synthetic materials. While Adidas investigates natural alternatives and uses recycled plastic, detractors call for quicker action. Criticism is fueled by the industry's massive carbon impact, which includes Adidas' shipping and production. Ambitious targets aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, but detractors question their relationships with high-emission businesses and say they lack specific measures.
As Adidas grapples with the fallout from the controversies, it faces a crucial decision regarding the fate of its remaining Yeezy inventory, ethical labour practices and strives for sustainability. The company must weigh the financial implications of selling the stock against the potential reputational damage and further community backlash that may result. This decision will not only shape Adidas' immediate response to the crisis but also have lasting implications for its corporate reputation and stakeholder relationships in the years to come.
Imagine yourself as the CSR Head of Adidas, tasked with restoring the company's tarnished reputation. For the same come up with the following:
· Create a problem-solving product line with your assigned brand ambassador, prioritising sustainability, and a clear message for impact.
· Spearhead bold CSR initiatives for microplastic mitigation
· Revamping HR for ethical labour practices.
· Craft a resonant CSR campaign for brand reputation revival.
· Press Release
· PPT not more than 7 slides
· A press release
· Extra deliverables are appreciated
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By: Elizabeth Weiss
Published: Dec 29, 2023
The integrity of science museums has been a subject of ongoing concern, primarily voiced by academics and journalists who have expressed apprehension over the undue influence exerted by corporate interests and religious pressures. For example, George Monbiot of the UK’s The Guardian, in April 2021, expressed dismay that the London Science Museum was accepting funding from Shell, alleging that this shaped certain elements of their climate change exhibit. Similarly, in 2006, Robert Pennock, writing in Museums & Social Issues highlighted a case where the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History initially supported a creationist film after receiving $16,000 for facility use. The Smithsonian later withdrew its support and refunded the money, following publicized claims by the filmmakers that the Smithsonian was open to Intelligent Design–a concept with an “aim to redefine science by allowing an appeal to supernatural beings and powers.”
This incident, reported in The New York Times, likely prompted the Smithsonian to reevaluate its sponsorship policies in a way that, according to Christián Samper, is “consistent with the mission of the Smithsonian Institution’s scientific research.” Pennock also cites the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History's refusal to show a film on volcanoes because it included references to evolution that contradicted biblical accounts of Creation.
Pennock emphasizes that science museums have a duty to uphold scientific integrity by maintaining loyalty to facts and evidence. He argues that science itself should be considered a stakeholder in these institutions, and those managing them have an “ethical duty to safeguard scientific integrity.” As educational centers, Pennock asserts that science museums also bear the responsibility of teachers.
In the past two decades, science institutions have faced challenges from another source: indigenous religions. Unlike Christian fundamentalist beliefs, these indigenous beliefs often receive enthusiastic support from academics, scholars, and mainstream media journalists. This support might stem from a desire to oppose Western civilization and align with the “victims” of modernity as part of an effort to “decolonize” museums. Alternatively, it may also be linked to a trend of virtue signaling, which has allowed the misconception that “indigenous knowledge is science” to take root in academic circles.
I recently reported on this trend in City Journal, discussing New York City’s American Museum of Natural History’s Northwest Coast Hall. One exhibit features a display case with a warning label about the “spiritually powerful” objects contained in the case. This exhibit blurs the line between fact and fiction by presenting creation myths as history. It also asserts that artifacts are imbued with spirits that release “mist” visible only to elders, implying that the objects should be repatriated.
What surprised me was the reaction in discussions with other scholars and in comments on the City Journal page. Many seemed to think these deviations from science were not a big deal. For example, one commentator said: “Let Native American [sic] have their day in the museum. I don’t see a huge amount of harm.” One colleague suggested this was merely to entertain urbanites, doubting that New York businessmen visiting the exhibits would ever convert to these animistic beliefs. However, the museum is intended to educate, with hundreds of thousands of impressionable schoolchildren passing through each year. More critically, presenting these religious myths as facts deviates from the museum’s mission: “To discover, interpret, and disseminate—through scientific research and education—knowledge about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe.” They have completely abandoned scientific integrity.
A similar but less prominent example of this abandonment can be seen at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History–the same museum that faced the Intelligent Design film issue previously mentioned. In the temporary exhibit “Our Places: Connecting People and Nature,” there is a display case featuring a clan hat from Alaska. The accompanying information, titled “Restoring Connections, Building Relationships,” tells museumgoers that the hat on display is a replica of an original hat curated by the museum for 135 years. The original hat was too fragile to display, so Smithsonian staff collaborated with Kiks.ádi clan leader Ray Wilson from Sitka, Alaska, to recreate it. They used 3D-scans of the original hat and then “digitally repaired” the hat. Next, following the Tlingit cultural protocol, the Smithsonian staff made a new hat with wood, deer hide, sinew, and ermine skin. This replica of the original hat demonstrates how science and technology can aid in reconstructing historical artifacts.
However, in 2019, the Smithsonian and its indigenous collaborators conducted a Tlingit ceremony in Alaska to “put spirit into the new hat – making it a living sacred object (at.όow), just like the original.” This last action and its portrayal as factual is an abandonment of scientific integrity. The indigenous collaborators are equating religion and science in a manner not dissimilar to the Intelligent Design filmmakers, who also seek to redefine facts through appeals to the supernatural.
Some may still argue that such exhibits and their associated descriptions have little effect on the actual science conducted by museums or taught to children. However, I contend that these exhibits are just the tip of the iceberg. A deeper investigation into behind-the-scenes activities reveals how indigenous religious beliefs threaten scientific progress, mar the scientific environment, and lead to discriminatory practices. I will now provide some examples.
The Willamette Meteorite Agreement of 2000 resulted in the American Museum of Natural History “recognizing the spiritual relationship of the Grande Ronde Community to the Willamette Meteorite.” This agreement allows the tribe to perform ceremonies in the museum, celebrating this spiritual connection. Additionally, it forbade the museum from removing any part of the meteorite for trade with other museums, a practice once common for diversifying collections for exhibition and research. These scientific exchanges benefited both museumgoers and researchers. However, indigenous religious beliefs have restricted these practices. Moreover, the publicity and support for this agreement has led other museums to adopt similar practices. For instance, the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon handed over their piece of the meteorite to the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. 
The negative influence of indigenous beliefs on science is also evident during tribal visits, such as when the Tohono O’odham Nation visited the American Museum of Natural History in 2021. During their visit, the tribe reviewed the items that were being curated, discussed the history of the collection, and “ritually cleansed ceremonial pieces” at the museum, which was closed to the public during the visit. Additionally, in November 2021, David Grignon, the tribal historic preservation officer from the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, “ceremonially cleansed sacred items” in the museum’s Division of Anthropology “smudge room.” For a scientific museum to have a “smudge room” is akin to a chemistry lab having an alchemy room. Museum spaces should be dedicated to scientific research, curation, and exhibits–not to religious activities.
However, none of these examples are as shocking as the protocols established to curate so-called “objects of power.” These protocols were introduced at the 2021 annual joint conference of the American Institute for Conservation and the Society for Preservation of Natural History Collections. Developed in collaboration with Northwest Coast cultural advisors at the American Museum of Natural History, Amy Tjiong and colleagues outlined the necessary steps for curators and researchers when handling these “objects of power,” defined as objects “used in association with traditional/spiritual healers’ practice, sacred ceremonies, or warfare.” The new protocols include the need to “greet” the object and “explain” to it that permission has been granted from community representatives. The objects must also be clearly tagged, covered with “muslin,” and glass cabinets should be “covered with brown paper to prevent disturbance and unintentional encounters.” Lastly, bundles of “Devil’s Club (Oplopanax horridus, a shrub used to contain power)” should be hung in doorways and cabinets where these “objects of power” are stored. 
To further promote the myths that surround these objects, museum staff decided to heed warnings by their indigenous partners. For instance, museum staff were told to “Be wary of any object that incorporates human hair.” This guidance influenced the handling of a Haida orca headdress: “Community members instructed the museum not to put this headdress on view. Museum professionals were warned that handling can be dangerous.” Consequently, this object is not currently on display.
Most absurdly, museum staff and indigenous partners debated over whether to display a whistle. According to Clyde Tallio from the Nuxalk Nation, “Whistles are so powerful they have caused intercultural conflicts.” Museum protocols explain that, “Nuxalk elders say whistles would not normally be on display, but instead are traditionally stored in boxes.” Because of this, Tallio advises that whistles should not be observed directly, but should instead be placed in closed boxes with an accompanying photo and text explaining its sacredness. However, museum staff decided to take extra precautions: one Nuxalk Kusiut whistle was “removed from display entirely, as it is a summoning tool for supernatural beings.” 
Are museum staff actually buying into these beliefs, or are they appeasing their indigenous partners to continue curating and studying artifacts? The influence of repatriation ideology, movements, and laws, notably the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, are increasingly depleting museums and universities of Native American “human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony.”
Perhaps museum staffs know or suspect that if they don’t play along, their indigenous partners will suddenly demand everything back. Regardless of the reason, it seems difficult to trust any science coming from people who take seriously the concept that whistles can be used to summon “supernatural beings.”
Perhaps most offensively, they caution, “DO NOT APPROACH” objects of power “if you are feeling discomfort, i.e., if you are in a physically or emotionally vulnerable state (including menstruation and pregnancy).” This clearly sexist warning abandons science and implies that women, particularly during menstruation and pregnancy, are emotionally unstable and weak. Allowing religious beliefs to be taken seriously in a place of science hinders scientific progress, enables discrimination, obstructs the teaching of science to those who partner with museums, and casts considerable doubt on the quality and objectivity of the research coming out of these institutions.
Carl Sagan wrote a book promoting science, skepticism, and critical thinking titled “The Demon-Haunted World.” Museum staff might benefit from reading this book, recognizing that the “demons” mentioned in the title can’t be summoned with a whistle. Because they’re not real.
If it would trouble you to have Xian creation myths presented in a science museum, it should equally trouble you to have indigenous superstitions, myths and supernatural creation stories presented in a science museum.
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