#loyalist space marines
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skyhammer · 2 months ago
Old forge world books are so cool.
Here what inspired me to create my Tyranid army
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doolallymagpie · 3 months ago
tried to post this earlier and it just went into the void so
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If you’re writing in an answer, it has to be a Space Marine chapter, not a Sororitas order, not a Guard regiment, we work on RT rules here
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jollycryptid · 6 months ago
First time painting a mini from scratch & I used cheap acrylics I had.
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biggestlittleminis · 2 months ago
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Just put spray varnish on these three lads I put together for a campaign league a local game store is putting on. These 3, plus a Ballistus that's just primed, and a tech marine with no enhancements are my current 750 run.
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farsight-the-char · 7 months ago
40k's first Amazon episode will be part of an Anthology (Secret Level) made by Love Death Robot's team.
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Starting Titus of the "Space Marine" game fame.
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supercomputer-lizard · 2 months ago
Ultramarine poll
Blood for the blood god
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The Soul Yearns
Author’s note: More of First Words Can Damn You. Soul Mate Horror AU in the 40k. *bold italics* means it's from Book paraphrased, to be from Honsou's perspective.
Summary: Honsou's reaction to first meeting his soul mate. And one of the people who he'll become utterly obsessed with.
Warnings: Yandere vibes. Honsou. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy , @thevoidscreams, @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Tagged: @felinisnoctis
You are Honsou?
That is the first words that his soul mate will ever say to him. He'd grown up in a version of hell. As a child experiment of Fabuis Bile, learning to fight, to survive, to kill, to hunt, to expect betrayal and cruelty from all around him.
So learning about Soul Mates- was something he'd only heard about in snippets from his older brothers, the bastards, were frustratingly closed mouthed on the subject.
And trying to figure out what a Soul Mate is, and what The First Soul Words are and what to expect had been information that he'd collected over the centuries that he'd lived.
You are Honsou?
Once he'd learned of all of the different things that there is to know about Soul Mates, and First Words, and how different people could be affected by them.
He was pleased- that his soul mate would know his name, would know of him. Although he wonders what the context, ever a very important context for such things.
He'd been told that he would know without a shadow of a doubt, just who his soul mate is. No one, and nothing can fake a soul mate bond. Not with how the soul pain burns, not with how the words glow and pulse in time with the heartbeat of your soul mate.
You are Honsou?
It was such a short phrase, but it was a simple one. Many people could say those words, many people had. It's a casual phrase, but no matter who said it, he would only feel a rush of disappointment that they are not his soul mate.
During one of the many battles he'd fought, a certain blue and gold clad Space Marine- with the Ultima scratched out- but the gleaming of his armor marking him out as a Son of Guilliman.
Rare is it so see one of them on this side of the Eye. And there are two- the one who'd nearly taken off his head, and his large friend who'd fought side by side with him.
"I know you," Honsou says, recognizing the warrior who'd nearly killed him.
"You are Honsou?" said Unnamed Ultramarine, for now at least. As the Ultramarine spoke those words. Instead of the anticipated rush of disappointment, he felt the euphoric rush of soul deep pain.
He keeps his face stone still and doesn't react to the pain to the best of his ability. To Show pain, to show weakness, was to be showing vulnerability to others, and that would have his older brothers tearing him apart.
He was already thought of as a bastard hybrid. Should it be known, without the Ultramarine proving his allegiance, either way, that this one is his Soul Mate.
Someone might be stupid enough to try and use this as of yet unnamed Ultramarine against him in the dance of bloody politics that the Chaos Marines, particularly the Sons of The Iron Lord Use.
*An Iron Warrior stepped in and hammered the butt of his weapon across the back of so far unnamed ultramarine's skull. He dropped to one knee, the wound on the back of his head opening once more and fresh blood soaking his armor.**
With that, his Soul Mate's face was briefly shadowed, hiding the fact- that he's likely reeling from the soul deep agony of a fresh soul mate bond.
Mine. Honsou thinks to himself. This one. He's mine. Now and Forever.
*Honsou nodded, "You know of me, but I don't know of you. What are you called?"*
Honsou has waited so long to meet his soul mate. He had wondered what faction his soul mate could be from. If they were mortal, xeno, dead, alive, or something else.
I finally found you. Honsou thinks to himself pleased as he eyes his soul mate.
"I am called Uriel Ventris," His soul mate says.
"A Former Ultramarine," Honsou says.
His Soul mates jaw jumps and clenches a little at his statement. How curious.
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thegodemperorsmycopilot · 7 months ago
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thenomadclan · 6 months ago
Just made my own Space Marine Legion /Chapter (known as the Silent Legion) and I’ll be trying to make him in the game on September 9th! This is a Homebrew take on one of the “Censored” or missing Legions (which are two).
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You can also make your own Space Marine from Warhammer 40K using this template here I found!
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Can’t wait to see what you guys create!
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skyhammer · 3 months ago
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calspainthole · 6 months ago
#Hobbystreak Day 1.12
The 9th Squad of 5th Company is complete!
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nighthaunter · 4 months ago
Tarik Torgaddon didn't sacrifice himself, just so you could be a misogynist.
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biggestlittleminis · 1 month ago
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Finished my Ballistus Dreadnought by buying a 005 micron, trying some names, fonts, and slogans, before settling on "AEVUM" as a leg motto and "ECTOR" as a name. Gonna give all the dreads Arthurian Knight names to lean in to the Howling Griffons "Vaguely Knightly" motif a little.
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farsight-the-char · 7 months ago
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Highly Detailed GENESEED.
Clusters of Stemcells for the SEED TAX.
From the first episode of The Tithes.
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supercomputer-lizard · 7 months ago
Primarch and Astartes poll
Haha, daily poll bitches
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doolallymagpie · 2 months ago
alright, so you’re telling me this guy’s from a planet called Inwit (say that out loud a few times), he’s the leader of the very Prussian-coded Astartes Legion…
…and he looks like an extremely basic clean-shaven white Englishman
color me skeptical
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