#low commission agency
helpinghumanrealty · 6 months
Title: Embracing Flexibility and Low Commission: The Rise of the Modern Real Estate Agent 
In the dynamic landscape of real estate, traditional brokerage models are being challenged by the emergence of flexible brokerage and low commission agents. These innovative approaches are reshaping the industry, offering both agents and clients greater freedom and affordability. By adapting to the changing needs and preferences of today's market, these agents are carving out a niche for themselves and transforming the way real estate transactions are conducted. 
Gone are the days when real estate agents were bound by rigid commission structures and inflexible brokerage models. Today, agents are increasingly opting for flexibility, allowing them to tailor their services to meet the unique requirements of each client. Whether it's offering à la carte services or customizable commission rates, these agents are putting the power back into the hands of consumers. 
One of the key benefits of flexible brokerage is the ability for agents to offer a wide range of services at competitive prices. Instead of forcing clients to pay for a one-size-fits-all package, agents can now provide a menu of services from which clients can pick and choose according to their needs and budget. This not only ensures greater transparency but also allows clients to save money by only paying for the services they actually require. 
Moreover, flexible brokerage models enable agents to adapt to market conditions more effectively. In a competitive market where sellers are looking to maximize their profits and buyers are seeking the best possible deal, agents need to be able to adjust their strategies accordingly. By offering flexible pricing structures and commission rates, agents can attract clients from diverse backgrounds and cater to their specific preferences. 
Low commission agents are gaining traction among cost-conscious consumers who are looking to minimize their expenses while still receiving high-quality service. These agents typically charge lower commission rates than their traditional counterparts, making them an attractive option for sellers looking to maximize their returns on investment. By leveraging technology and streamlining their operations, low commission agents can offer significant savings without compromising service quality. 
Furthermore, the rise of low commission agents is leveling the playing field for smaller real estate agencies and independent agents who may not have the resources to compete with larger firms. By offering competitive commission rates, these agents can attract clients looking for affordable alternatives without sacrificing expertise or professionalism. This not only fosters healthy competition within the industry but also promotes diversity and innovation. 
In addition to cost savings, flexible brokerage and low commission agents offer clients greater control and transparency throughout the transaction process. With customizable services and transparent pricing structures, clients can make informed decisions and feel confident that they are getting the best value for their money. This transparency also fosters trust and strengthens the relationship between agents and clients, leading to more successful transactions and positive referrals. 
However, it's important to note that the rise of flexible brokerage and low commission agents is not without its challenges. Traditional brokerages may view these models as a threat to their established practices and attempt to discredit or undermine their competitors. Moreover, some consumers may still be skeptical of agents who offer lower commission rates, fearing that they may compromise on quality or professionalism. 
To overcome these challenges, agents operating under flexible brokerage models must prioritize transparency, professionalism, and exceptional service delivery. By consistently exceeding client expectations and demonstrating their value proposition, these agents can build a strong reputation and establish themselves as trusted advisors within the industry. Additionally, educating consumers about the benefits of flexible brokerage and low commission agents can help dispel any misconceptions and foster greater acceptance and adoption of these innovative models. 
In conclusion, the rise of flexible brokerage and low commission agents represents a positive shift towards greater affordability, transparency, and consumer empowerment within the real estate industry. By embracing flexibility and adapting to the changing needs of today's market, these agents are redefining the traditional brokerage model and revolutionizing the way real estate transactions are conducted. As consumers continue to demand more choice and value, flexible brokerage and low commission agents are poised to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of real estate. 
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sstravelandtours · 2 years
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reasonsforhope · 25 days
"Millions of Australians just got official permission to ignore their bosses outside of working hours, thanks to a new law enshrining their "right to disconnect."
The law doesn't strictly prohibit employers from calling or messaging their workers after hours. But it does protect employees who "refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact or attempted contact outside their working hours, unless their refusal is unreasonable," according to the Fair Work Commission, Australia's workplace relations tribunal.
That includes outreach from their employer, as well as other people "if the contact or attempted contact is work-related."
The law, which passed in February, took effect on Monday [August 26, 2024] for most workers and will apply to small businesses of fewer than 15 people starting in August 2025. It adds Australia to a growing list of countries aiming to protect workers' free time.
"It's really about trying to bring back some work-life balance and make sure that people aren't racking up hours of unpaid overtime for checking emails and responding to things at a time when they're not being paid," said Sen. Murray Watt, Australia's minister for employment and workplace relations.
The law doesn't give employees a complete pass, however...
"If it was an emergency situation, of course people would expect an employee to respond to something like that," Watt said. "But if it's a run-of-the-mill thing … then they should wait till the next work day, so that people can actually enjoy their private lives, enjoy time with their family and their friends, play sport or whatever they want to do after hours, without feeling like they're chained to the desk at a time when they're not actually being paid, because that's just not fair."
Protections aim to address erosion of work-life balance
The law's supporters hope it will help solidify the boundary between the personal and the professional, which has become increasingly blurry with the rise of remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic.
A 2022 survey by the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute, a public policy think tank, found that seven out of 10 Australians performed work outside of scheduled working hours, with many reporting experiencing physical tiredness, stress and anxiety as a result.
The following year, the institute reported that Australians clocked an average of 281 hours of unpaid overtime in 2023. Valuing that labor at average wage rates, it estimated the average worker is losing the equivalent of nearly $7,500 U.S. dollars each year.
"This is particularly concerning when worker's share of national income remains at a historically low level, wage growth is not keeping up with inflation, and the cost of living is rising," it added.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions hailed the new law as a "cost-of-living win for working people," especially those in industries like teaching, community services and administrative work.
The right to disconnect, it said, will not only cut down on Australians' unpaid work hours but also address the "growing crisis of increasing mental health illness and injuries in modern workplaces."
"More money in your pocket, more time with your loved ones and more freedom to live your life — that's what the right to disconnect is all about," ACTU President Michele O’Neil said in a statement.
The 2022 Australia Institute survey... found broad support for a right to disconnect.
Only 9% of respondents said such a policy would not positively affect their lives. And the rest cited a slew of positive effects, from having more social and family time to improved mental health and job satisfaction. Thirty percent of respondents said it would enable them to be more productive during work hours.
Eurofound, the European Union agency for the improvement of living and working conditions, said in a 2023 study that workers at companies with a right to disconnect policy reported better work-life balance than those without — 92% versus 80%."
-via GoodGoodGood, August 26, 2024
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llamagoddessofficial · 8 months
An HMF x OC commission from @radpunch that made me swoon ❤️ any chance to write this big lug, I'll take!!
It was love at first sight. 
Looking out his car window was, oddly, one of the few joys he still had. It was such a strange thing to look forward to. Papyrus wouldn’t allow him to drive anymore, given the state of him, and although it frustrated him to lose his agency having a driver meant he could sit in the backseat and stare out of the tinted window. 
... He was sick and tired of the way everything would stop when he entered a room. He was sick of the world that refused to forget the parts of him he wanted to forget, but at the same time, forgot the things he desperately wished to hold onto.
His eyelight rolled over the street, taking in it all. The colours, the sounds, the sights. He could almost forget what had happened to him. He got the sense of normalcy he had been missing, craving, for so long; nobody could gawk at him like they usually did, nobody even knew he was there. From the safety of that bulletproof box he could see how the normal world went on. People bustling up and down the streets, moving in and out of stores, chatting with friends or arguing with each other, laughing and yelling and living their lives.
How things used to be.
His eyelight landed on something that should’ve been another normal sight. An entirely unremarkable flower shop, sat between a cafe and small family market. It was the kind of area he and his brother would’ve collected protection from in the early days of their ‘business’. There were flowers arranged outside of the store, grey metal buckets full of bouquets set spaced across a low wooden table.
... There was a human woman tending to the flowers. Your apron was the same colour as the store’s green banner.
His Soul stilled inside his chest.
“... stop the car,” he said, before he even knew he was speaking.
You weren’t doing anything particularly incredible, nor noteworthy. You blended in with the rest of the people on that busy street - standing outside your shop. Watering the plants? Pruning them? He couldn’t tell from this distance.
Impressively, the driver had heard his mumbled command, shifting down a gear despite the look from the bodyguard in the passenger seat. 
“Where would you like to get out, sir?”
... It was strange. But Sans missed the days when his drivers would question him. It just wasn’t the same now that nobody ever even thought of challenging his word. Sir, this isn’t where we’re stopping. Sir, Papyrus said we must be there at eight, we cannot pull over. Sir, I’m under express orders not to let you go to the bar. 
Now, even the slightest sign of questioning would probably be considered stupid. 
“... florist.”
Sans didn’t miss the second strange look the bodyguard gave to the driver. He would’ve felt anger at that, usually, but instead he watched intently as you headed into the shop.
The driver pulled up to the side of the road, a few cars’ distance from the entrance to the store. Sans opened the car door. 
“How long will you be, sir?” the guard asked. 
Sans didn’t reply; he often didn’t, these days. He merely stepped out of the car. He knew the driver would wait.
The second he exited the vehicle, Sans saw the world around him realise he was there, and react with its usual amount of terror and disgust. His presence was always a blight. People in the street immediately began to stare, freezing in their path, refusing to cross in front of the giant that had just appeared. A mother with a child who had been walking their way suddenly spotted him, and jerked her child by the arm, turning the two of them around and rushing in the other direction.
Usually, he only had to pretend that he didn’t care. But this time, he genuinely didn’t. 
... He was excited.
Sans made his way over to the flower shop, ignoring all the tiny people that flitted away from him. His Soul was... beating. It was beating, thudding against his ribcage. 
He opened the door, ducking slightly under the frame. A tiny bell chimed.
... It was such a quaint little store. Clearly strapped for space, every corner was occupied with pretty things; while one wall was dedicated to shelves full of decorative pots and bottles of flower feed, the rest of the store was bursting with different kinds of blossoms, arranged in all kinds of creative ways. Every taste was catered to - elegant bouquets of dark paddle-leaves and pale lilies, stringy minimalist green stalks dotted with clusters of tiny blossoms, extravagant bunches of pink that more resembled floral fireworks than anything natural. A blackboard displayed bouquet prices, with sweet little illustrations of the various bridal styles available. *Please note that out-of-season flowers might be more expensive!
And at the far end, behind the counter... by far the prettiest thing in the whole room.
Whatever had happened to him in the car, it happened again. His chest was tight, his head was swimming. His Soul felt heavy, and hot, he was certain it had manifested itself inside his ribcage - it felt as if it was twice its usual size. Everything was brighter, more saturated.
You did look at his head crack when he entered. Everyone did. You glanced up from the bouquet you were organising, a classic bunch of perfectly red roses; but your eyes quickly skirted away from the injury, aware that you were staring, and probably not wanting to be rude. It was more politeness than most bothered to afford him.
... Then you smiled at him.
He literally felt his Soul pulse. All his breath escaped him at the same time. You were smiling? At him? People didn’t smile at him anymore, not genuinely. Their smiles were sly and patronising when they assumed he was stupid, or desperate and weak when they were a cornered animal doing their best to appear nonchalant in the face of a predator. 
This smile... your smile...
“Hi sir,” you said, in a voice like a lullaby. “what can I get for you?”
What could you get for him? He hadn’t even started thinking about that. He had just seen you across the road, and followed you like a lost dog. His eyelight scanned the shelves; he couldn’t say he’d ever been into a florist before, nor that he knew how to order a bouquet.
“... what’s...” For the first time in a long time, he was really really trying to get his words right. He was willing to put in the effort. “... your name?”
“Dove. You?”
It took him a moment to remember his own name. 
Everything about you was soft. You had little lines around your smile that he wanted to trace with his claws. “It’s nice to meet you. Is there anything you’re looking for?”
you. “... just flowers.”
To his surprise, you giggled. It was a small sound, but it shot through him like lightning.
“Of course. My bad.”
“... was lookin’ for... somethin’ pretty.” He stared across the room at you, emboldened by your laugh. “... think i already found it, though.”
You went pink, and looked down at the counter.
Sans was... 
... Well, he was shocked. 
When was the last time his attention had incited anything except absolute terror? Regardless of gender, even just a glance from would make people shudder and cower, retreating into themselves. But here you were, blushing at his first attempt at flirting in what must’ve been years. He almost didn’t know what to do with himself.
... He couldn’t remember a single instance, after his injury, where he genuinely wanted someone. He had a vague aesthetic interest in a member of a rival gang, once, but she’d been so frightened by him staring at her that he quickly gave that up. He hadn’t felt these kinds of feelings in a long time. 
... In fact... now that he was looking at you and your lovely nose and lips, he couldn’t remember a single instance before his injury when he felt this strongly about someone. His younger self had been a playboy who chased anything pretty and distracting. 
He’d never felt these warm, intense, fluttery sensations before.
It felt like love.
“What’s the occasion?” you asked him. “For the flowers, I mean.”
He approached the counter. “... a gift.”
“Are there any particular flowers or colours you have in mind?”
“... which... flowers do you like?”
Your blush hadn’t gone away. Was he just seeing things because he was desperate, or were you leaning on the counter like that to be flirtatious? “Oh... I know it’s stereotypical to say as a florist, but I can’t pick a favourite. I like so many of them.”
His eyelight lingered on your neck. He didn’t want to make assumptions and scare you off. But at the same time, he wanted so much. “how come?”
“Well... there’s a lot of folklore behind flowers. Pretty much all flowers have certain meanings.” You kept fiddling with the roses, changing the position of blooms. “The Victorians were really into it, they got super specific, even down to which hand you gave flowers with. Nobody really cares about that kind of thing nowadays, they just want the bouquets to look good. Which is fair enough. But every time I find out the hidden meaning of a flower, I think about how someone long ago must’ve loved that flower enough to give it so much meaning. And I get all emotional.”
You looked up at him, your eyes glistening in the light. He dug his thumb into the side of his index finger to stop himself from reaching out and caressing your face.
“... Y’know, it does make me laugh, sometimes, when people pick rude flowers without knowing their meaning.” You looked up at him from under your eyelashes. “They have no idea they’re sending a bouquet that would’ve meant ‘I don’t trust you, and I’m extremely disappointed with you’.”
He couldn’t help but smile when you smiled. That... was kinda funny. Papyrus would like this sort of thing.
“what kinda messages... can you send?”
“Almost anything.” You moved the roses to the side. “I can’t say I know many off the top of my head. Romantic love, platonic love, wisdom, bravery. There’s a lot for love. My favourites are the mean ones, though, because it’s so funny to me - orange lilies used to mean hatred. Could you imagine getting orange lilies delivered to your door?”
... He chuckled. He could listen to you talk forever. 
“... could i...” he hummed. “... get somethin’... with a meaning?”
Your whole face lit up. You beautiful thing.
“Of course! I don’t think I’ve ever actually gotten to make a bouquet that uses flower language." You were beaming. "What message were you thinking of?”
He looked right into your lovely, shiny eyes. “love at first sight.”
... He could see exactly how your mind worked, in that moment. There was an instant of surprise, then a glimmer of flattery and embarrassment, it came with another flash of warmth across your face that only deepened the colour in your cheeks. He could tell you were immediately trying to pull yourself back, convincing yourself he couldn’t mean you, reigning in the sudden feelings.
“Whoever it’s for must be very lucky.” You tucked some hair behind your ear. If only you knew. “Hold on, just let me grab my flower language book.”
You rushed over to a shelf. As you did, he looked down to double check that his Soul wasn’t shining through his clothes.
“Here.” You came back quickly, holding the book in question, already leafing through it. It was a faded beige, with beautifully illustrated blossoms on the front, encased in an embossed golden border. “This should help.”
He wanted to purr. You were so cute. Moving around with so much excitement, he liked when you were excited.
“There’s a few, I think. You’re in luck, we have these in stock.” He wasn’t paying attention to the book, he was just looking at you. “Thornless roses - gloxinia too. This one says that lilac roses are good to represent first love. We could make some really nice arrangements with these shapes and colours.”
just keep talking, was all he could think. talk to me forever...
Eventually, you looked up at him, still smiling. He had to physically fight the urge to just pick you up and walk out the door. “What size were you thinking?”
“... whatever... you think... looks best.” He wanted you to have fun with it. “... money’s... no object.”
“I think something medium would be good for these flowers. Anything bigger and it'll just look silly. Any particular styles?”
“... somethin’ romantic.”
You gently giggled. He guessed that that wasn’t a proper bouquet style. Usually, when people laughed at him, he felt the urge to cave in their skull... but when you laughed at him, he laughed too, a soft chuckle escaping his massive chest. His mind was racing to figure out why you laughed, so he could make you do it again. 
“i like your laugh,” he said, before he could stop himself.
“... I like yours, too.” Your voice was sweet. Almost... coy?
He was daring to hope that, despite his gruesome injury, you liked him too. 
... The store bell let out a little chime.
Sans turned around. And, much to his immediate aggravation, he saw his guard standing at the entrance.
“Hello.” Your voice was very different to the one you were just using with him. Far more customer service, far more ‘normal’. “I’ll be with you in a moment.”
The guard ignored you, looking to Sans. “Sir, you...”
Sans’ glare must’ve said shut the fuck up fluently enough to make the man close his mouth again. 
don’t you dare. don’t you fucking dare ruin this for me.
“... Do you two need to speak in private?” You had probably lived in this city long enough to know when it was time to make yourself scarce. “It’s fine, I can go make the bouquet while you talk.”
... He nodded. 
“... sorry. s’cuse me.”
You disappeared away, into the back of the store.
He turned to the guard. He could feel his eyelight starting to burn, sharpening and filling with aggressive magic. 
The guard visibly shrank into himself. Sans didn’t even want guards, he didn’t fucking need them, he could more than handle himself. But Papyrus was still shaken from the incident to this day, and wouldn’t let him anywhere without at least one armed guard.
“S-sir, we’re... we’ll be late,” he said. 
Sans didn’t care. The clowns he was meeting with would wait for him like nervous children, no matter how long he took to arrive. As the moments ticked by, the guard just withered more and more under Sans’ stare. 
He eventually sighed, through his nasal cavity. Being around you had softened his mood significantly. He didn't even feel like breaking anything.
“i’ll tell... pap... you tried to rush me.”
... A wave of relief passed over the guard’s face. Though Sans was the one most feared, Papyrus’ wrath was still nothing to sneeze at. 
“Here!” Your voice snapped him back to attention. He turned around, just in time to see you set an arrangement down on the counter. “What do you think? I’m happy to make adjustments.”
... It was lovely. Really lovely. He leaned in to get a closer look. He knew what lilacs and roses looked like, but he couldn’t say he’d ever seen a gloxinia before; they resembled open roses, lipstick red petals with ruffled white edges. Gloxinia and bunches of lilacs were interspersed by small lavender-hued closed rosebuds... minuscule baby’s breath flowers had been added too, on their thin stalks, floating over it all like stars.
“... s’perfect,” he murmured. You immediately smiled wider. Who would’ve known he’d grow a fondness for flowers?
He took out his wallet, rummaging until he had enough bills. It didn’t take long. He pushed them across the counter to you, and you graciously picked them up. 
“Do you mind me asking who the lucky someone is?” you asked, starting to count what he’d given.
... Sans pushed the flowers across the counter a little, over to you.
“gotta go.” he murmured. “... late.”
You looked up at him, blankly. It was such a cute expression on your pretty face. Again, he was restraining the urge to purr, it would just be too inappropriate to do in public. Especially with someone else right behind him. Maybe if the two of you were alone...
He turned, nodding to the guard, who made his way over to the door and opened it for him. As much as he wished he could just skip the meeting and stay there in that shop with you forever, he did have business to attend to. 
You sounded flustered, behind him. “W-wait. You gave me too much,”
Sans waved over his shoulder at you. 
The walk back to the car was a blur. His soul was still thundering. He genuinely wasn’t looking at the people around him, he didn’t care what they thought. All he cared about was what you thought.
All he was thinking about was the different ways he could make you his.
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Most Wanted (Mafia Boss!Toji x Spy!Self-Insert!Reader 18+ One Shot) [COMMISSION FILL]
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"I’m gonna make sure you remember tonight and what happens when you fuck with a guy like me."
Pairing: Toji Fushigiro x Self-Insert!Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You’re a highly skilled hitwoman. You’ve been doing this for years–getting paid to take hits on the wealthy and corrupt at your agency’s order. You figure taking a hit on the renowned Tokyo mafia boss Toji Fushigiro won’t be any different. However, things take a terrifying turn for you, and your skills are put to the test when you go undercover as a dancer at his favorite club and give him a private dance. But instead of killing you, Toji takes it upon himself to punish you and show you what happens when you fuck with him.
Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+; Porn with Plot; Physical Fighting; Gun Play; Knife Play; Noncon/R*pe; Forced Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Forced Orgasm; Lap Dancing/Pole Dancing; Doggystyle; Spit Play; Degradation + Praise; Rough Sex; Choking; Hair Pulling; Unprotected PIV Sex; Creampie; Some Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Here you go lovely!! @curiouscutie143 I hope you & everyone other toji lovers enjoy this. I had so much fun writing this & I tried to make it as nasty as I could lol. I may write another mafia!toji thing in the future just cuz this shit was soooo fun. Enjoy! -Jazz
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“Peaches, you’re needed in the backrooms.” 
You resist the urge to smile as you turn around from your seat at the bar, sipping on some water after your dance and sweet-talking a middle-aged bank broker into his pockets. It’s important to keep up the facade.
“Comin’,” you tell your coworker and turn to the broker who looks ready to dive into your cleavage. 
“Sorry, but I’ve gotta run,” you sigh, acting apologetic. He frowns at you, making the wrinkles and lines in his face more evident. “But this shouldn’t take too long. Find me afterward?”
The broker puts his hand on yours, accidentally using the hand his gold marriage band sits on. “You’ve got it, baby,” he purrs. “I’ve got some dollars just waitin’ on ya.” 
He gives you a wink before polishing off his whiskey and walking away from the bar, leaving you to breathe and collect your thoughts. You turn to the bottle girl, waving her down. “One shot of Patron, please!” you yell above the music blaring from the overhead speakers. She nods, scurrying to fetch you a much-needed shot. It will be the first alcoholic drink you’ve had since your shift started. 
You suddenly hear a buzz from your right ear and instantly put your hand up against it under your hair. “V,” a gruff voice says into your earpiece. “Come in, V. It’s been 20 minutes since we last talked. Did you get him yet?” 
You scan the upscale strip club pulsing with purple and red strobe lights and booming with activity: businessmen and regular-degular customers tossing money at the dancers on stage who spin around poles and do splits in their thongs and heels.
“Target was sighted five minutes earlier, sir,” you whisper into the earpiece given to you by your agency. “He is currently in the backrooms waiting for me. He came alone. He made eye contact with me ten minutes ago, so he may be asking for me.” 
More like you made eye contact with him and had been since he walked in. He is impossible to miss with how tall and buff he is. His black V-neck tee stuck to his pectorals and abs while his jeans hung low on his hips.
You had expected he’d be flashier with his wealth by wearing obvious designer clothing, but you figured that he had to keep a low profile as well. Beneath the V-neck that hung from his neck, you could see the tattoos that roped over his chest just like his arms. The healed scar at the corner of his smirk as his green eyes scanned the place over told you that this was, indeed, your target. 
He stood between two bodyguards in suits half his size, giving off an intimidating aura, especially with the guns at their hips. But you’d expect nothing less from Toji Fushigiro, Tokyo’s most notorious mafia boss. 
He is powerful. He is wealthy. He is known throughout Tokyo and Japan for being the head of Tokyo’s infamous mafia gang, the spot being passed down by his father. He is also a criminal. White-collar crime, organized crime, drug trafficking––you name it, Toji does it. 
He is also known for his scare tactics on those who owe him a debt. He’s held man over bridges, threatening to drop them in the murky waters below. He’s pistol-whipped. He’s choked. He’s stomped. He’s jumped guys in alleyways and left them for dead. He is a man of his word. If he tells you he’ll fuck you up if you don’t give him his money in a certain amount of time, he’ll do it. 
He is the number one man current on your hitlist…and your agency’s. They knew it was a good idea to employ you, their top hitwoman, to Toji’s favorite club to take him out for good. Though he didn’t show up when you started at the club a couple of weeks ago, you knew it was only a matter of time until he showed up. 
And now, he is. As soon as he was in the club, everyone’s eyes were on him. Dancers scurried to the pole and backstage to change into their best outfits to milk him out of his pockets. Bartenders and bottle girls quickly wiped down counters and took care of customers as quickly as possible so they could tend to him. Your manager barreled toward him with complimentary champagne and a spot in the VIP section. 
As Toji walked with your manager, your eyes met across the room. They met again while he sat in the VIP section when he should’ve been watching a dancer twirl around the pole in front of him. Both times were fleeting, but they affected you completely. His green eyes, like mirrors to a forest, sent chills down your spine and made your stomach flip. His gaze was intense. Intimate. His eyes made it hard to relax or act like a normal dancer working her shift at the club. 
He seemed to know what he was doing to you or he was sizing you up because he would simply smirk and sip on his whiskey on the rocks and puff on his cigar, his soft lips forming Os and blowing the smoke into the strobe-lit air. You can understand why so many women fell for him, but you aren’t one of them. The tiny gun strapped to your hip proves it. 
Your real boss sighs in relief. “Excellent work,” he praises. “Unfortunately, we can’t see what you’re doing from over at headquarters and we’re still working on connecting the audio to hear what’s happening around you, so just fill us in on what you do next until then. All you have to do now is walk back there and complete the mission as we discussed.” 
You toss an arm over the bar, stretching your coffin-shaped nails along the polished bar. “Of course,” you reply with a smirk. “Don’t I always?”
The bartender returns with your shot and you down it at once, relishing the burn and the way it loosened you right up. “I’ll keep you informed,” you say. “Just stay near the phone.” 
“Be careful,” your boss says before the line cuts. You check your makeup in the bar before you get up from the bar and strut over to your beautiful, blonde coworker in her red lingerie and heels. “Hey, Yuki,” you greet her. 
She smiles at you and guides you to the backrooms where the wealthier customers usually take the girls to get a dance…or something more. Sexual exchanges aren’t allowed, but the manager never complains if they bring in more money. You and Yuki peer down the hallway to the double doors of a private room where Toji’s bodyguards stand. 
“Why the guards?” you ask, pretending to be confused. “Is the President here or somethin’?” Yuki turns you to face her, her eyes wide. “Even bigger,” she replies. “He’s the hot guy with the scar who comes in here often. He’s a mafia boss, apparently. Super hot, but very powerful. The bossman gave him his pick of any girl he wanted and he picked you.” 
You do your best to hide your smirk. You knew you had him. “Me?” you ask breathlessly. “Why me?” Yuki shrugs, just as clueless. “Don’t know, but I was sent out to fetch you. He’s willin’ to pay double the amount of a regular lapdance, but he didn’t say if he wanted it topless, naked or not.” She gives you a worried look, furrowing her blonde brows. “You sure you up for it, hon?” she asks. “I know you’ve taken high rollers before, but he ain’t even a high roller! He’s beyond that!” 
To sell it even more, you bite your lip, acting nervous but intrigued. “I can do it,” you reply. “Just hold my hand when you walk me in there.” Yuki obliges and squeezes your hand as you begin to walk toward the guards, heels clicking across the floor. 
“Target is in sight,” you whisper into your earpiece, turning away from Yuki and putting your mouth in your arm to muffle your voice. “I’m walkin’ to the backrooms now where he’s located.” 
“Excellent, V!” your boss says. “Just do it as we discussed. Don’t falter, don’t yield, and don’t lose focus.” The three rules of being a spy. You never forgot them. Finally, you come to the guards and Yuki smiles up at them. “I’m here with Peaches,” Yuki announces. “The girl Mr. Fushigiro asked for.” 
You plaster a bright, charming smile on your face. It must work because the guards budge and step out of the way for you. One of them opens the door for you and Yuki, holding it. “Step in,” he orders. You thank him and scurry inside the dimly lit room with an included mini-bar, a single stripper pole, and leather lounging couches. Toji currently sits in one of them, legs spread and eyes hooded as he puffs on a blunt and sips on his drink. 
His green eyes pierce into your very soul when he eyes you in the doorway. “Here she is, sir,” Yuki says. “Just as you requested. And she’s just as pretty as I told you she is.” She moves your hair out of your face, exposing your pretty false flashes, Fenty Beauty gloss, and accentuated features to the boss. 
Toji hums, liking what he sees. “Yes, she is,” he agrees. “Tell your boss thanks. He can expect some good business out of me once the night is through.” Yuki nods and gives your arm a squeeze. “Good luck,” she whispers before heading off. The doors close and you are left alone with your hit. 
Neither one of you moves toward the other, staying posted to your spots. Toji takes a puff on his blunt and lights taps it above the ashtray next to him. “Y’know, you’re mighty pretty up close,” he purrs. “I’ve been wonderin’ what you’d look like up close instead of across the room.” 
You finally look at him, noticing how big he is even sitting down. “So you’ve been watchin’ me tonight?” you ask. He nods, his eyes trailing down your form. “I knew I hadn’t seen ya before,” he continues. “I come here often and I would’ve remembered seein’ a face and a rack like that.” 
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Charmer, aren’t you?” you sarcastically question. 
He smirks at your wittiness. He likes that bite in a woman. “When I wanna be, but you’ll have to forgive me; the liquor makes me bolder than I already am.” His tongue jets out to lick his lips. “But you’ve gotta give a guy credit for bein’ honest and that lil’ outfit don’t leave much to the imagination.” 
You go to wrap your arms around yourself but then stop. You need to sell this and if you’re forced to stand here in a mini dress that barely covers your ass or titties with heels that could crush a bitch in front of your hit who also happens with me enticingly sexy, then so be it. Toji’s gaze softens somewhat, noticing your discomfort. “You are very beautiful, Peaches,” he genuinely says. “Is it okay if I use your name?” 
“Thank you, Mr. Fushigiro,” you softly reply. “And no, it’s fine. It’s what I’m known as around here anyway. I started here five weeks ago.” He nods, sipping on his whiskey. “Call me Toji.” 
“Toji,” you parrot, slowly striding towards the pole in the middle of the room, an overhead speaker playing soft R&B overhead. “You’re quite the man. The entire club seems to be in a frenzy over you.” 
His smirk widens, proud and cocky. “They always are,” he chuckles. “Don’t know why. This place gets plenty of people bigger than me all the time, especially international celebs. I heard Drake was here not too long ago.” You give a dry “mm-hmm” as you grasp the pole. Toji takes that answer another way. “What, you don’t like Drake?” he snorts. 
“He’s okay,” you reply, short and impatient. “So what are you here for? To talk or to watch me dance?” You wrap a hand around the pole and pop your hip out, waiting for him to give you an order. 
“Depends.” He sits up, leaning forward to get a better look at you. “What are you willin’ to do tonight for me? ‘Cause we can just sit here and talk. I wouldn’t mind hearin’ that pretty voice all night.” His green eyes gleam with mirth and a small hint of lust.
“Definitely a charmer,” you chuckle. “That’s fine if you’re willin’ to pay, though we don’t have a rate for conversation.” 
He laughs at this, the sound deep and raspy yet pleasant to the ear. He takes another puff on his blunt before he lowers it down onto the ashtray. “Then let’s cut to the chase,” he sniggers. “It’s $500 for a 10-minute dance, right? I want 20 minutes, so that would make…”
He begins to count on his fingers but then stops. “A lot,” he chuckles. “I’ll probably ask for you to strip though. Are you okay with that, Peaches?” 
You feel something flip inside of you at the mention of all of that money and how passive he is about it. Any girl working here would do whatever he wanted for 20 minutes! “I’m a stripper,” you reply passively. “What else am I gonna do?” 
Toji tsks, grimacing at you. “Damn, what kinda attitude is that?” he laughs. “A beauty like you should be more adamant about showin’ off her body. Can I offer you a drink to get you in the mood?” He nods at the mini bar overflowing with bottles of tequila, vodka, and liquor.
“I don’t drink on the job,” you reply. “Music helps.” You suddenly hear a buzz in your ear and then your boss’ gruff voice: “Give me the rundown, V,” he demands. 
You want another drink?” you ask. You nod at Toji’s empty glass and he agrees, so you walk over to the bar. To him, you’re seemingly looking for a bottle of whiskey, bent down to look through the racks. “With the target now,” you whisper. “Just waiting for the right time to attack. Give me a second.” 
Once the line goes dead, you walk back over to Toji and pour him a bottle. As you bend down, you give him an ample view of your titties much to his enjoyment. As you do, you slip the gun out of your dress and place it under the couch where only you can find it. Once done, you leave the bottle with him, and step back, hands on your hips. He sits back against the couch, preparing for the show. “Whenever you’re ready, darlin’,” he purrs, his eyes filled with obvious lust and attraction. 
With a slow song playing above and the lights dipping into an almost ominous red shade, you begin to move to the beat. You roll your hips, swaying them side to side and front to back, almost as if you’re grinding on Toji despite him being several feet away from you. You let the music take control of you as you grasp the pole and begin to grind against it, dipping low to wind your ass in his face. 
You do a few tricks on the pole for him–jumping and spinning around it, your thighs wrapped tight around the metal pole; squatting and lifting up your dress to bounce your ass, etc.–before you turn to look at him over your shoulder, flipping your hair. Toji’s eyes are hooded and lustful, all from the weed, the whiskey, and the effect you’re having on him. Despite the situation, it feels good to have an attractive man ogle at your plump frame. 
���Take off the dress,” he demands, a slight growl in his voice. You don’t turn to face him, instead still facing the wall as you carefully unzip the back of your dress. The thin piece of clothing falls off of your body, revealing all of your rolls, curves, and the matching glittery bra and thong set. 
“Shit!” Toji hisses, ogling at your asscheeks in your glittery thong. “Your back don’t hurt carryin’ that around?” 
You finally turn around and find him leaning forward, his hands clenching his thighs. “You don’t look like you’re ready,” you giggle, winding your hips and toying with your titties in their cups. “Did you talk too much big game, Toji?”
The boss looks like he can’t even speak, his scarred lips parted as he stares you down. “Goddamn,” he hisses. “How some horny fuck didn’t propose to you and steal you out of here yet is beyond me.” 
You give a light, tittering laugh, smiling down at him. “Well, if someone did that, I wouldn’t be here with you.” He looks happy with that response. You then twist around and bend over for him, giving him a full view of your full, round, perfect ass. “Can you handle it, baby?” you purr. “Can you handle me?” 
You quickly pop up and turn around, finding him shifting in his seat and gritting his jaw. “I should be askin’ you that,” he growls. “Come the fuck here.” Deciding not to tease him any longer, you strut over to him, feeling sexy and irresistible. It’s strange that the same man you were sent to kill is doing this to you. 
His eyes have grown several shades darker, reminding you of the deepest, darkest parts of a jungle. “Dance for me,” he demands. “Not on the pole; on me.” He opens his legs wider for you and pats his lap, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Though clients often get handsy when dancers give them lapdances here, you decide that it’s best to do as he says. 
Plus, you’d be lying if you said that you aren’t curious to feel him for yourself. So you place your hands on his thick, muscular highs and begin to roll your body before squatting down, popping up between his legs. You reach up to drag your palms and long nails down his chest, feeling up his abs and toned stomach. He allows it, staring down at you with a look that would make a nun blush. 
You then stand up between his legs before turning around and lowering yourself down into his lap. “Shit,” he whispers, watching the way you work your ass along his lap and the jean-clad bulge that has begun to make an appearance. You twerk and bounce on top of him before he takes a drag of his blunt, blowing the air away from you. “You ever shotgun before?” he asks, his lips close to your ear now. 
Your body grows hot from him being so close, the attraction ironically magnetic. Slowly, you shake your head and Toji chuckles, adoring your mix of cute and sexy. “C’mere.” You lean back and tilt your head up while he takes another puff of his blunt. He holds the marijuana smoke before puckering his lips up and leaning down as if to kiss you. Slowly, the smoke travels from his lips to yours in an indirect kiss that leaves you breathless and your head dizzy. 
You can’t deny it: you’re wet. Your pussy has never been this wet for any man before…and he’s the enemy! Toji seems to feel it too judging by the hard-on you can feel pressing into your thigh. You shift onto his knee and begin grinding your ass back, doing your best to not grind your pussy against his thigh. 
“So you got a name other than that stripper shit?” he randomly asks you. You are immediately taken out of your lustful haze, remembering why you’re here. “I don’t remember us talkin’ about personal shit,” you dryly reply. “I don’t give my real name out to men I don’t know.” 
Then, for the first time tonight, Toji touches you. His big hand lowers onto your thigh and squeezes. You don’t try to move it but you are alarmed. “Oh, but you do know me, darlin’,” he replies, digging his fingers into your flesh. “And I know you, V.” 
At the mention of your real name, you freeze. The world freezes with you, everything seeming to cease their existence including the music that continues to play overhead. But you don’t hear it. All you can hear is your own blood pumping loudly in your eardrums. Toji releases you and you quickly jump off of him, turning toward him. 
He just sits there staring at you, a humorous smirk playing on his lips. The smile is no longer attractive to you anymore. Suddenly, you feel disoriented. You feel like you may vomit or drop to the floor in your heels. Your earpiece buzzes to life again in your ear. “V!” your boss calls. “We just got the audio working again. What’s happening?” He sounds panicked, just as much as you are. 
Toji bares his pearly whites at you as he calmly reaches for his whiskey. “Ah, now them wheels are turnin’ in that pretty little head,” he chuckles. “You know, you dance almost as good as you lie. I can see why you were put here to go undercover.” He takes a sip and licks the remnants away from his top lip, still staring you down. 
“Ain’t that right?” he asks and it feels like a snake has just silvered up your back and sunk its teeth in you, paralyzing you. 
“Y/N, he knows!” your boss hisses. “Stand down! Don’t do anything stupid!” He continues to yell and scream at you about aborting the mission and telling you that someone will be there soon, but you can’t quite hear him. It’s like you’re underwater and he’s standing above ground, his voice muffled and murky. 
For a few seconds that seem like a lifetime, you and Toji stare each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move. Your body kicks into fight or flight, the freeze stage having already been awakened. Inisctively, you shift into fight mode. Quickly, you take the bottle of whiskey and bring it down towards Toji’s head, but he catches your wrist like it’s nothing. 
You grunt, wincing at the pain of his grip. “Oh, you wanna play, huh?” he cackles. “Goin’ against your boss’ little rules just to take me out? How cute.”
With a wail of effort, you swing your other hand at his head but he catches that too. Counting on this, you bring your leg up and kick him hard in the groin. He immediately releases you and lurches forward, holding his junk, giving you a chance to grab your gun from under the couch.
“Don’t move,” you growl, cocking the gun at him. “You move and I’ll shoot.” 
Toji, red in the face and panting, glares up at you. “Please,” he scoffs. “You act like you’re the first bitch that’s put a gun to my head.” Before you can blink, he is swinging the bottle at you. You duck which is a mistake because Toji uses that opening to tackle you to the ground. You struggle and growl, turning into an animal as he wrestles with you for your gun. 
He ends up winning, flipping you over and pinning you down to the floor with his body. “Get off!” you scream, still wriggling around. “Get off me!” Click. The barrel of your gun presses to your temple. “If you don’t shut up, I’ll make you regret it,” he growls. 
His fingers move your hair back away from your ear and pry the earpiece out of your ear. He snarls at it as if it’s nothing but a bug. “God, they made these things so much smaller now.” He stands up, keeping the gun on you, and stomps on the earpiece, breaking it. “Whoops!” he mockingly says. “They should still be able to find ya though. I don’t plan on movin’ ya to another location…if you don’t piss me off.” 
The gun clicks again. “Turn around slowly,” he demands. Despite your reluctance to do so, you slowly turn around and face him, lying on your back with your own shit pointed at you as Toji stands above you. “How did you know?” you whisper. 
He smirks, appearing like the Devil in your eyes. “It wasn’t hard, darlin’,” he chuckles. “Dancers don’t eye me up the way you were. You looked like you were out for blood, not dollars. Not to mention the gun I saw at your hip.” You flush, cursing yourself. You should’ve been smarter. Of course, he would know. He spends his days having people hunt him down. 
His smirk fades, his expression darkening. “Who sent you?” he demands. “And don’t lie. You don’t wanna know what I do with liars.” The gun cocks, his finger trained on the trigger. You glare at him, hating his guts even more than you had before you met him. So you weakly confess. He guffaws, shaking his head in disbelief. “Damn, those guys? They’ve been after me for years!” 
“You’re a criminal,” you hiss despite the gun in your face. “You only got this far because of you dippin’ your hands in crime and gettin’ blood on your fists. I’m here to stop you.”
Toji’s brows raise in shock though he’s intrigued by your stubbornness. He squats down in front of you, still pointing the gun at your head. “And how are you gonna do that, huh, little girl?” he asks. 
Not even thinking, you hollow your lips and wallop a glob of spit in Toji’s handsome face before quickly turning over and scrambling to the door. However, Toji is just as fast and has his big, tatted arms wrapped around you, squeezing you tight. You can’t elbow him anywhere because your arms are stuck in his, leaving you to kick and wriggle.
“Oooh, I love a feisty bitch,” he chuckles. “Makes it a lot more fun to break ‘em.” 
He begins to walk with you over to a nearby wall and slams you against it, knocking the air out of your lungs. You find yourself pressed against the wall and him who is equally as hard and unmoving as the solid wall against your front.
He shoves the side of your face into the wall while he pins your arms behind your back, causing your muscles to explode with pain at being stretched back too far. “Get off!” you cry. “O-Ow, that hurts!” 
Toji tugs on your arms again, emitting a weak whine of pain from you. “That’s what you get for fuckin’ with me,” he growls. “Now what should I do with you? Kill you? Leave your agency to find you here?” The gun once again presses against your temple, cold and unrelenting. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, tears pushing back the ducks. You can’t beat this. You can’t fight this. “Do it,” you sob. “Just do it!” You go limp against him, waiting to feel that bullet penetrating your skull and for the void to come to collect you…but instead, Toji takes the gun away from you, leaving an indent on your temple. “No,” he says. “I’ve got a better idea.” 
You open your eyes, confused but also scared. What else is he planning to do with you? Before you can answer, you hear the undeniable sounds of his zipper coming down and the clinking of his metal belt buckle. Your body instant seizes, fear flooding your insides.
“I’m gonna make sure you remember tonight and what happens when you fuck with a guy like me. Tonight, babydoll, you’re mine. You don’t have a choice. You’re mine and I’m gonna show you what that means.” 
With his belt finally in his hands, he trains the gun on you. “Put your hands against the wall and stick that ass out,” he demands, his voice void of all emotion. “Do it now.” Outnumbered and out of tricks, you do as he says, trembling as you do so. 
“Bad girls like you need to be punished,” he says before the belt comes down hard onto your right asscheek. WHACK! The sharp sound of the leather hitting the soft, jiggly flesh of your ass penetrates the air. It feels like fire has licked your skin and your knees buckle at the pain. “Ow!” you cry out. 
Toji cackles at your agony, finding enjoyment and cuteness in it. “What, that hurt?” he laughs. “You don’t like the pain? I’m sure a girl like you has taken plenty of worse things before.” He raises his arm and whips the same cheek twice.
WHACK! WHACK! You flinch at each sharp hit, each one becoming more painful than the last. “Hurts, don’t it?” he snickers. “Don’t you regret pullin’ that shit with me now, babydoll, hm?” 
He then proceeds to whip your left cheek, not allowing you any time to recover or breathe. 
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! You bite your lip so hard that you nearly draw blood, the burning of your backside too much to bear. “S-Stop!” you whine. “Please stop!” 
Toji’s big hands wrap around your mouth, covering it. “Don’t speak,” he whispers into your ear, his breath the scent of whiskey and mint. “You don’t get to speak. Just take it.” You have no choice but to do so as he wails on your ass again and again, the leather cracking like fire against your jiggly ass. “God, that recoil,” he groans. “I’m gonna enjoy my time with you, baby doll.” 
You don’t answer, too busy holding back tears that have begun to push at your eye sockets. Toji finally stops and tosses his head back to laugh. “Are you cryin’?” he laughs in disbelief. “Damn, and all from some spankings? And here I thought you were this tough bitch.” 
You burn with resentment and humiliation, but all of that is pushed aside when he forces you to stand up straight and tugs your arms behind your back. You begin to panic but don’t say anything as he tightens his belt around your wrists and locks the belt buckle around them. “Turn around,” he finally says. 
Despite your tiny sobs, you do so and face him. His eyes are hooded and dark with obvious lust for you. He uses one big hand to force you onto your knees, right in front of his open fly and hard cock that you can see pressing against his designer briefs. “I’ll give you somethin’ to cry about,” he growls. He points the gun at your face, specifically at your lips. “Open your mouth and suck on it.” 
His expression, dark and chilling you to the bone, makes you feel as if you don’t have a choice..and not the loaded gun pressing to your lips. Swallowing hard, you shakily open your mouth and he slides the pistol in. The metal feels cold and hard in your mouth, making you cringe. “That’s it,” Toji chuckles. “Take that shit, baby. C’mon, don’t you wanna please me?” 
Slowly, you begin to suck, hollowing your lips out against the gun. Though you tremble and shake, you squeeze your eyes shut and try to imagine the gun as a hard, warm, throbbing cock instead. Toji moans as if you’re sucking on him, watching your tongue swirl along the barrel and your head bob. 
“Fuck, baby doll,” he groans. “You’ve got such a mouth on ya.” He slides it in further, the metal scraping against your teeth, until he reaches your throat. You gag and try to pull away, but Toji grips the back of your head.
“Uh-uh, mama,” he snickers. “You don’t get to get outta this. C’mon, just open your throat and breathe through your nose. You can do it.” He continues to push and pull, the gun sliding in and out of your mouth, while you struggle to breathe. You can feel sweat pool under your pits and between your cleavage all from your fear. Toji’s finger isn’t on the trigger anymore, but it doesn’t matter. He could change that in a second. 
So you suck and you slurp and you bob your head up and down like a good little slut, staring him into his eyes while spit drips from your lips. Finally satisfied, Toji pulls the gun out of your lips now coated in your saliva. “You fuckin’ slut,” he pants. “Now I need to try ya out for myself.” 
He pockets the gun and, with one hand, pulls down his briefs. His big, long, throbbing, veiny, perfect-looking dick springs to life. It damn near hits you in the face, making you gasp. “Sorry, mama,” he chuckles. “He just likes you.”
He wraps a hand around his 12-inch dick, pumping it lewdly in your face. “So you finna stare at it or suck it?” he deadpans, but he doesn’t wait for you to answer or recover. 
“W-Wait,” you stammer.
That’s all you get to say before his cock is pushing between your lips and into your mouth. He releases a moan when he first slides into your mouth, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of your wet mouth, soft lips, and tongue wrapping around him. Meanwhile, you’re struggling to take him. His girthy dick stretches out your jaw and your throat as he pushes himself in deep. 
“C’mon, babydoll,” he chuckles. “That can’t be all you can take of me.” He continues to push, filling your tongue and nostrils with the scent and taste of him. The walls of your throat have no choice but to accommodate his size though it burns and you gag as he begins to slowly yet roughly thrust into your mouth. “Maybe this will help ya out,” he says. Suddenly, he retrieves a pocket knife from his pocket and flicks it open. 
Fear flares into your stomach, making you want to jump away, but his large hand keeps you locked down on his cock. He presses the knife to your throat, chuckling as he does. “Careful now,” he warns. “You lean too close and that pretty neck might get sliced. I just wanna encourage you to do a good job.” He grips your hair and wrenches it up to look at him. “And you will do a good job for me, won’t you?” he asks. 
His tone makes it so you can’t refuse, so you say yes and allow him to force your head back down onto his cock before pulling it back. He does that for a while––pushing and pulling your head down onto his dick like you’re his toy while he uses your sloppy, wet mouth like it’s a fleshlight. “Fuck!” he shouts to the ceiling. “This fuckin’ mouth is heaven, baby. I hope your pussy is just as tight as your tight ass throat.” 
You gargle and mumble on his cock, causing pleasurable vibrations to travel throughout his body and his heavy balls that drip with your saliva. He continues to fuck your face and ruin your makeup, marveling at how beautiful you look choking on his cock. “Look at you, you little slut,” he dreamily sighs. “Makeup all fucked up. Hair ruined. You’re just a little mess for me, aren’t ya?” 
He slides his cock out of your throat and you take a grateful gulp of air, strands of your hair stuck to your wet lips and chin. He takes the knife and slides it along your chin, smirking down at you. “Now it’s my turn to taste you,” he murmurs. Before you can protest, he is picking you up, tossing you over his shoulder, and placing you on your stomach with your arms still tied behind you. 
“Please!” you sob, beginning to cry again. Toji straddles your ass, one hand massaging the globes of fat in your thong while the other holds his knife. “Please what, baby?” he mockingly coos. “I ain’t even touch you yet.” You then feel the cool metal of the knife dragging up your spine, sending shivers down your spine. “Time to get your sexy ass out of these fuckin’ clothes,” he growls. 
You flinch when you feel the knife drag up to your left shoulder where it cuts the bra strap. He does the same to your left one before positioning you onto your knees with your wrists slung over the couch arm. Your tits are now exposed, hanging like ripe, juicy fruit beneath you. Then off comes your thong with two swipes of the knife cutting through the thin straps. You sob helplessly as the cool air touches your sodden, wet pussy. 
“Damn, baby!” Toji cackles. “Are you wet from all this? You naughty little girl.” His middle and forefingers gently probe your entrance and slide up and down your slit, dragging unwanted moans out of you. “I’m gonna have some fun with you,” he chuckles. “Make sure you never forget about me.” 
He then bends you over the couch and proceeds to put his hot, wet, experienced mouth on your pussy while the knife stays pressed against your thigh. You whine at the feeling of his soft lips and tongue swirling along your clit and every sensitive part of you, opening your pussy up to more of him. He drowns in your pussy, pushing his face into it as far as he can and letting his tongue do all of the talking. 
You can’t stop the moans and gasps that escape you. The pleasure is just too much and too good! What a shame that a man who is so good at eating kitty is the same man you were sent here to kill. “Toji,” you moan, using his name for the first time ever. “Please…please!” 
Toji’s one hand massages and smacks your ass, becoming aoslutely obessed with it. “What do you need, babydoll?” he coos against your clit. “You need somethin’?” You nod helplessly though you have no clue what you need at this point. “Tell me you’re mine then,” he growls. “Say it and fuckin’ mean it. Say you’re my good little slut.” 
You keep your lips clamped tight, not wanting to swallow your pride or give up that tiny part of you that hates him still. SPANK! Your ass stings from his assault on your ass, his hand no doubt leaving a handprint. “Say it!” he bellows. 
At the blinding pain, pleasure, and delirium, you break. “I’m yours!” you sob. “I’m your good girl! Your good little slut! I’m everything you want me to be!”
Toji, pleased, presses soothing kisses to your burning asscheek. “Good girl,” he praises. “See how easy that was? Now you get your reward.” Suddenly, you feel his thick cock smack against your pussy once, twice, three times and then he is sliding home inside of you. 
Your mouth goes slack and your eyes grow wide as he begins to rocks his hips into, allowing you to get used to him. He is big. You can feel him stretching out every part of your cunt as he sinks deeper into your velvety, wet walls. “Fuck,” he sighs, one hand clutching your hip. “Not bad, babydoll. Your pussy is definitely the best one I’ve fucked…so far.” 
He begins to fuck you harder, faster, railing you as if this will be his last time doing so. Your moans and huffs of breath become louder and more intense the harder and deeper his cock plunges inside of you. “W-Wait!” you gasp. “Slow down! I can’t…can’t!”
Toji chuckles, watching your ass bounce against his pelvis as he fucks you. “Sorry, honey,” he says, not sounding sorry at all. “I couldn’t help it. You just sound so cute.” 
Your thighs clench and your body writhes as he rails you, unable to take this deep dicking into the couch. You try to move away but the knife suddenly sliding against your throat stops you. “Uh-uh, babydoll,” he growls. “Don’t run from me. I wouldn’t try it if I were you.” He then pops his knee up, his foot up on the couch, and reaches a part inside of you that makes you feel unimaginable pleasure. 
“Just take me like a good girl, okay?” he whispers. “You can do that for me if you wanna live.” You don’t have a choice in the matter, mostly because of the hold he has on your arms, pulling you back as drives himself forward again and again. The sound of your moans, his grunts, and the lewd plap, plap, plap as his balls swing against your overly-sensitive clit and his hips slam into your ass fill the air, drowned out by the music playing outside. 
“Who would’ve thought,” Toji pants into your ear. “C.O.D.E.’s good little spy gettin’ her brains fucked out on a mission, huh? I bet they’d love to see this.” His free hand releases your arms and yanks on a handful of your hair. “I bet they’d love to see you full of me,” he growls. “Full of this dick and my cum.”
He presses the knife deeper into your throat, just enough for you to feel the sharp, jagged edge of the blade. “You wanna cum for me, baby?” he asks. “You gonna be a good slut and take all my cum too?” 
“Please!” you whimper, losing your mind and all of your pride. “Please just make me cum! I’ll do whatever you want, Toji!” He takes the knife from your throat and replaces it with his hand, choking you as he fucks you stupid. “Then do it,” he demands. “Fuckin’ cum on this cock while I fill you up. Cum with me now!” 
“Ah, ah, fuck, I-I’m gonna cum!” you deliriously sob as he continues to pound into you. “I’m gonna…gonna–!”
You don’t get a chance to finish because your pussy has finally reached its limit and explodes all over him, your walls squeezing around him and your clit shuddering. You reaching your peak triggers Toji and he grips your throat and ass as he comes to a still, his entire body tensing. “Fuck!” he bellows, cumming deep, deep, deep inside of you. 
You gasp as you feel a rush of warm liquid flood into your pussy while you gush all over his cock, dripping down his balls. He fills you to the brim, giving you so much that it has no choice but to trickle down your thighs. He doesn’t immediately pull out though––he continues to fuck you, albeit slowly and sloppily, before giving your tit one feeble squeeze and finally pulling out of you. 
You weakly moan at the feeling of being empty yet used, your pussy twitching and aching. “Mmm, now look at that,” he sighs dreamily, staring at your cum-soaked cunt. “Now that’s a properly fucked pussy if I do say so myself.” He takes a handful of your chin, squeezing your cheeks together, and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Not bad, babydoll.” 
You don’t respond, too weak and too tired to do so. You’re too tired to even feel any amount of disgust for him and shame in yourself for failing the mission and enjoying the sex. “Let’s get this off of you,” Toji says, his hands unbuckling the belt from your wrists. “I’m gon’ need it for myself, anyway.” He releases your wrists and lets you lay on the couch, panting and coated in sweat. 
Your makeup and hair are ruined. Your underwear is in tatters. You feel used and fucked-out. You can only stare at Toji as he quickly gets dressed and straightens out his clothes, his cock still covered in you. “I’m sorry, baby, but I’ve gotta go before your people get here.” He gives you an apologetic smile. “But gimme a call since I’m sure you can find that out. Maybe we can do this again.” 
He then moves to the extra bathroom behind the couch and retrieves a robe which he covers you with. “See?” he chuckles. “I ain’t that big of an asshole.” He presses a kiss to your lips before bending down to pick up your thong. “Thanks for this,” he says, dangling it in front of you. “And the dance. I’ll cherish both forever.” 
You don’t say anything, even as you watch him leave, taking your thong and your dignity with you.
Then you are alone. At some point, you find the strength to stand up and wobble to the bathroom where you take a hot shower, washing the scent of sex and cum off of you. When you return, dressed in your robe, the door busts in, and your boss and fellow spies enter the room, guns drawn and masks on their faces. 
“V!” your boss shouts, instantly dropping his weapon and running to you. His eyes widen at your state, looking for any bruises or scars. There are none…that are physical, anyway. “V, what happened?” he asks. 
And as the events of tonight come flooding back to you at full speed, you muster up the most believable lie you can, clutching your robe closed: 
“He overpowered me.” 
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keigo-chan · 2 months
I Don’t Know Where To Put My Hands
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Keigo comes home, just for a bit, in the middle of spying on the League of Villains. He needs you, he needs this. And you love him. What else is there to say?
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings/Tags: Pro Hero!Reader, No Gendered Pronouns for Reader, Reader Has a Vagina, Extremely Dubious Consent, Unhealthy but Loving Relationships, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Emotional Masochism, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injury from Sex, Fluff but Evil
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Communication from Keigo had all but disappeared after the battle in Kamino. He didn’t even text anymore. He certainly didn’t call. He didn’t even send mail, or notes, or anything. Civilians spotted him, even around the very city they lived in, as the tags you had alerts on for notified you, but he didn’t make any effort to contact you.
You tried to be calm about this. He was still alive. That’s what mattered. If he wasn’t trying to talk to you, it was because he couldn’t.
But that was a scary thought, too.
You thought about asking the Commission for a short leave. It was the Holiday season, so many other heroes were beginning to stagger out their own leaves. But that only made you more hesitant to do so in turn. Your agency- Hawks’s agency- was always close to reaching ‘understaffed’ numbers. You wanted to be there to help fill in the gaps. Especially with the biggest gap right at the helm of the agency. What was important these days, as the voice in your mind that sounded a lot like Keigo reminded you, was how the public saw the heroes. The best thing they could do was bring hope- so you kept busy making public appearances, trying to just keep up with him.
When you finally got home at the end of that week, the end of your set of patrols, you were exhausted. You were distracted by your phone when you unlocked your door and went in. You tripped over the threshold of it, barely catching yourself with your wings. You looked back at your stoop for what had made you fall, and saw a red book waiting for you.
Attached was a note. “From: K”.
Your heart dropped. You lunged for the book at once, picking it up and flipping through it. Just like you suspected, there were many highlighted portions.
You and Keigo had been working side-by-side for years, and though actual partners for longer, you knew a couple of the more intimate details of what the Commission dragged Keigo through. You’d known for a long time that skills associated with espionage would be necessary. The two of you had made up your own.
You flipped through the book, barely registering what it was even about, as you hurried to shut the door and locked all the locks behind you. You fluttered about quickly, drawing the curtains and blinds while opening the book with one arm. There was nothing else written not in code. You settled in on the couch and began to decipher.
You used a cipher, always based off of a word or phrase or date only you would know. The cipher that worked would correlate to the level of danger they were in or amount of secrecy they needed. You worked your way up three levels, to the day of your anniversary.
‘Being watched by LOV.’ Reading that alone had made the ever growing anxiety worse. Is that what he was doing? Something involving the League of Villains? ‘No big danger now. Keep ear to ground. Lay low. Attack in four months. Hope to come home for New Years. Miss you. Love you. Be safe. Keigo.’
You sighed out a long breath you didn’t know you were holding, shutting the book and resting your forehead against it. He’d held this book, had written in it with care. You wished he had left anything else, though the messy handwriting on his note was nice. 
All of the feathers you’d had from him had faded, gone a very dark, dull red- a sign that they had died. Keigo no longer had control over them, and could no longer hear or feel through them.
If they were going to attack in four months, did that mean that he would be away until then?
You tried to clear the thought from your head. He was on a mission. Clearly one that even he took seriously. For now, you needed to take over as the cool-headed hero that everyone wanted. For now, you needed to take care of the Agency. Keigo’s image as a hero didn’t need to suffer, even if he was away.
You could do this. You would wait for the next couple of weeks, until you might be able to see him again. Keigo wouldn’t have mentioned it if he wasn’t decently sure that he’d be able to come back.
He’d be alright on his own. He’d be alright on his own. You set the kettle on to boil and made his favorite tea. It gave you an idea.
Over the next couple of weeks, you left things out for him. Boxes outside with small notes, assurances left in code. Sweaters and smooth pebbles and old trinkets they’d collected over the years, so that wherever he laid his head to rest, it would feel a little more like home.
He took them. Sometimes it was overnight, sometimes days or a week went by without them being taken. But he always did, and he always left something in return. A shiny, pink shell. One of his feathers. One of the silver rings he always wore, too big to fit anywhere but your thumb. You took to wearing it around at once, rubbing it when you were nervous or overwhelmed, thinking of him, thinking of his hands.
 New Years came limping around the corner. You sent everyone in the agency home with warm smiles and their much-desired bonuses. You went back to your own home alone, shuddering under your coat. The Christmas tree had already been put away- because it had never gone up. You and Keigo always took it out together, decorated it together.
You hadn’t spent a Christmas without Keigo before since you’d met him. Even before you were dating, when the two of you found out you had no one else to spend it with, the agreement to visit each other came almost immediately. That very first time, you’d waited to put up the tree until that very day, and you hadn’t managed to finish decorating until he’d gotten there. You were ashamed- but he was just excited. He asked you, stars in his eyes, if he could help. He confessed, words rushed and still half-flying, that he’d never gotten to before. You didn’t ask and he didn’t offer. You handed him a box of mismatched ornaments gladly. 
That night, you’d sat around the tree, the sight of threadbare branches and two gifts perhaps looking pitiful to anyone else, but there were lights. Keigo had gone and gotten lights mid-way through, saying he’d been struck by inspiration, and he hadn’t come back for quite a bit since most of the stores were closed, but they were beautiful. You’d turned the rest of the lights in the house off and just basked in the warm glow of them. They reminded you of Keigo’s eyes, a bit. That was the first time you’d rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his wing around you.
You couldn’t help but be upset that he hadn’t even mentioned Christmas, much less apologized for missing it, even if it felt a little childish. You felt homesick more often than not. All you wanted to do these days was lie in bed, lounging around in his baggy clothes, twirling dead feathers between your fingers.
You left him a gift before Christmas. When you saw that he still hadn’t picked it up the next day, all you could do was sigh. By the time New Years came around, the gift remained by your doorstep. You began leaving less and less, just to stop crossing that threshold.
You baked cookies that night. You lit candles and dimmed the lights and listened out for sparkles and fireworks all over. You’d started hating fireworks when you started dating Keigo. He’d made a joke once about having to fly through them and it made you sick to your stomach just thinking about it. He was as flammable as a bundle of dry straw. The heater was on, but you still wore one of his old, tacky Christmas sweaters around. You popped open a bottle of Champagne and poured yourself a glass.
You had a bad feeling, but you pretended like you didn’t. You glanced at the clock. Keigo wouldn’t have given you false hope- no matter how optimistic he was. But eventually, the clock struck eleven, and you were two glasses of champagne and batches of cookies in, and there was no sign of him. 
You groaned when you finally heard the clock mark the hour, resting your forehead on the cold of the kitchen table. 
Why were you so miserable without him? You obviously could never know, but you were willing to bet money on the idea that Keigo was not nearly as shaken up about it when he was away. In fact, the more dangerous a task he was about to embark on, the happier he seemed to send you away. A familiar coil of bitterness rose up in you. After all this time, he didn’t trust you. He didn’t think you could hold your own, not next to him.
But maybe he’s right, You mused, munching miserably on your cookie. After all, he goes away and I spend all my time sick and moping and thinking about him. God, I really am useless.
Maybe you should get a cat. Keigo was never their biggest fan, and they didn’t do well around his wings, but you really wanted one for times like these. And if he was going to spend this much time away from now on, what did it matter?
You were idly scrubbing a dish when the clock went off at midnight. Screams erupted from every direction around you, the sound of illegal fireworks, the cheers of loved ones celebrating with one another.
Honestly, you thought you’d be more sad, and angry, and disappointed. But you weren’t. The hour passed and it was the next year and Keigo wasn’t there to celebrate- like he always was- even though he said he’d try to make it and it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as Christmas. There was no one to call, no one to text. You finished washing the dish and downed the last of your glass, before pouring yourself another.
You settled onto the couch. You weren’t ready for bed yet, not with the sounds outside. You scrolled through a million shows and movies before settling on one you’d seen a million times, like white noise. It was past one am, and you had finished up your millionth game of Sudoku when you heard someone at the door.
Fear rang through you, at first. You were alone, you were tipsy, and your hero brain whispered that nobody would hear your screams with the din of New Years around you. You jumped to your feet the best you could, setting aside your glass and phone at once, preparing to defend yourself when you heard keys turn the lock.
It was Keigo. Of course, of course, it was just Keigo.
All of the resentment, all of the bitterness, all of the anger you told yourself you’d take out on him softened at once when you caught sight of him. Not only because he looked more tired than you’d seen him in a long time- with uncharacteristic bags under his weary eyes, slumped shoulders, and wings noticeably smaller than usual- but just because…
Because it was Keigo. Because, miraculously, he looked like he needed you more than you needed him. 
“You’re awake.” He sounded surprised. He didn’t look it. Maybe he was too tired to even look surprised. He locked the door behind him, but didn’t move from across the room.
”I was-” You words caught around the lie. “I was waiting for you.” But he beamed, and you were glad you hadn’t told him the truth. Oh, Keigo. Always the optimist.
“I’m home now.”
“Yeah,” you walked to him, pace increasing with every step, until you were flinging yourself into his arms. Keigo, for his part, was more than ready. He caught you easily, and no more conversation was needed. When you kissed him, his face and nose and mouth were all cold, and he held you like a dying ember. The way you fell into each other reminded you of the moment you’d managed to catch him after the battle in Kamino, behind the alley, a moment you had been unable to stop yourself from replaying and replaying and replaying.
There was no thinking to be done while you were kissing, your mouths opened immediately for each other’s. You wrapped your legs and arms around him, indulging both of you in the kiss. He turned the two of you, pressing you flat against the wall. His kisses fell against your chin and neck, and then all at once-
“Keigo!” You gasped, which was the only thing saving it from being a scream as Keigo sucked at the skin on your neck hard. You squirmed, thrashed really, in his arms, trying to push him away, but it was fruitless. “What are you- Keigo, oh my God-” Your voice was just a whimper by the end as he barely even reacted to you. “W- wait, you can’t-”
The Commission had strict rules involving appearance. Some were obvious: no alterations may be made to the uniform without going through one of their designers, heroes must appear at the scene relatively kempt (unless coming from another battle), tears or rips must be mended by next appearance. But there were other, unwritten rules, pertaining to the professionalism of the costume. No hero could be caught drinking or smoking in their uniform. No hero should be seen doing non-heroic activities in their uniform. And, of course, famously, hickeys were not allowed to be showing while they were in uniform.
Everyone claimed to have a friend of a friend who had gotten in trouble for it, to the point that it was just something heroes knew to avoid while participating in… more illicit activities. But it had happened closer than that to the two of you. In fact, Keigo had once gotten in massive trouble when the Commission caught him with a hickey that you had given him. It was (mostly) an accident, and they hadn’t suspected where it actually came from, but he was put on night patrol with no breaks for the next couple of weeks.
You were extremely apologetic, but not enough to accompany him out all of those times.
Ever since then, you were both careful about it. After all, they really didn’t need the scrutiny that the Commission was trying to protect them from in a roundabout way. Not only would Hawks’s fangirls go ballistic if they thought he was actually seeing someone, but it would invite people to speculate on who. And nothing good would come of that. 
This was to say, it wouldn’t be good if either of you showed up to your job with a lovebite visible on your necks, and concealer could only last for so long in a job like yours. The two of you whined and bitched about it, but for the most part, you reserved your marking for things below the collar, even if the ‘claiming’ of it all was half the fun.
Until tonight, apparently. Keigo was still sucking and biting at your neck like a man starved. “Sorry- sorry,” It sounded genuine, he sounded almost hurt him, but he didn’t stop. “Need- Need something permanent- need it to last-”
And it did hurt. You weren’t prepared for the sharp heat of it- but it was good. It was so good, Keigo’s lips wrapped around such a sensitive part of you, making you feel a mind-numbing pain derived intimately from his own mouth, his face buried into your neck, while he was holding you close together. And he was marking you. He was marking you and everyone would know you belonged to someone and entirely irrationally, for a split second, you hoped they would know it was Keigo.
He growled and pressed open-mouthed, sloppy kisses to your neck, before licking a stripe up your throat and swirling his tongue over what must have been the forming bruise. your head was going fuzzy from the abuse of your neck. You barely recognized the usual care he treated you with, even in their most morally bankrupt moments of fornication. Instead, he bit down on another part of your neck and started the process again.
You threw your head back and gave in, moaning and bucking your hips against him. This only seemed to egg him on, as his kisses grew more frantic and messy, and a heavy sort of note joined his panting, like he was moaning with every breath. 
Your neck was starting to feel wet at this point, but you didn’t care. You could feel every move he made down to your pussy, and it was leaving no room for anything to go to your brain.
Several marks later, Keigo finally seemed to remember that there were possibly other ways that he could have you- though he didn’t give you any warning of this thought at all before he pulled you away from the wall and fell to his knees. This would have been alright, hot even, if you weren’t still attached to him. You yelped as they dropped, performing a clumsy combination of your arms flailing and still clinging to Keigo as he went down. 
But you didn’t collide with the floor, you were simply on his lap now, nails digging into his clothes and back. He took the second of your confusion to tear off his work jacket and reveal the compression shirt underneath. You dearly loved the eyeful of his lithe muscles you got through the tight fabric. You ran your hands over his chest and shoulders appreciatively.
”You know, you could have given me a heads up,” You meant to scold him, but it came out more as a sort of pout. But Keigo didn’t laugh like he usually would have, didn’t even smile. He sort of frowned distantly as you spoke, staring only at your lips. “Keigo?” You brushed a lock of flaxen hair behind his ear. “Are you oka-”
”No,” He shook his head, his voice thick with something you couldn’t name. He took an unsteady breath and shook his head, looking somewhere just past you. “N- no, I’m-” The glint in his eyes wasn’t right. You were contemplating it when he sprang back into action. He lunged, pinning you under him on the floor, but his arms had broken the worst of your fall. Still, you cried out in surprise, Your world suddenly in an entirely different orientation. Keigo licked and nibbled at your ear as he pulled off your- his- sweater roughly, the friction of it burning for a second. He tossed it aside carelessly before returning to his position right on top of you. His hands squeezed and groped at your chest painfully- and not in a good way.
Your head spun. What was going on? This was nothing like Keigo. Even when he was rough, it was usually only because you had asked for it, or confirmed it was what you wanted at least once. Every once in a while, you even had to egg him on. But this- this felt careless and crude, bouncing between the two extremes of him being too intense and not there with you at all. 
“Ow,” You hissed, but it was really more of a whisper. You were almost afraid to snap him out of the trance, even as he bruised you in places you weren’t accustomed to. “Ow-”
”Please,” He whined. His mouth was against your chest, he had begun to work his way down. He sounded… truly pitiful. “Please, I- I need- I can’t-” He sat back up and away from you, running a hand through his hair, only for half of the strands to fall back into place right after. You finally got a good look at him, closer now than across the room. He was frantic, searching. His eyes darted around your face wildly, but he didn’t seem to find what he was looking for. “Please.” He slumped down again on top of you like his strings had been cut, all at once, landing hard onto you.
“Are you on something?” You wondered aloud. “It’s- it’s fine if you are, but you should tell me, Kei-chan-”
”No, no.” He shook his head frantically. “No, I swear, I just-” He tugged at your pants. His eyes grew pleading, beseeching. “Please-”
This wasn’t how you pictured their reunion. But he was looking at you with those desperate eyes, and you could only ever be the personyou were. 
Keigo was hurting. You could help him. As always, you could do your service by helping him, by being at his side.
You didn’t speak. You just nodded. Keigo breathed out what could only be a sigh of relief and tore your pants off. You were wet, your moments of hesitation unable to strip that awaym  especially not when Keigo spread your legs and dipped his fingers into the place that you had wanted him for weeks. Thankfully, he didn’t finger you. You shuddered a bit to think of what his thick, rough fingers would have felt like inside you in this state. Instead, he pressed a kiss to your knee and then tapped you gently on the ass. ”Flip over.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice.you turned and assumed your position, ass in the air and face against your arms on the floor. There was a second where it was just ou, in the dark, your face warm with your breaths and the sound filling your ears. Maybe- maybe it would be easier this way, unable to see his face.
There was no preamble before Keigo slammed in.
”Oh my GOD!” You shrieked, nails digging into the hardwood floor in front of you and leaving gouge marks in their wake. “Oh my fucking God,” He took you with a speed and strength that truly belonged on a battle field. Every other stroke or so hit your cervix, entirely bottomed you out with that thick cock of his, a Russian roulette of pain that entirely cleared your mind. 
”Fuck,” He cursed. He gripped your hips brutally, but you didn’t even feel it over the flood of sensation below it. He pulled you back and forth against him like you were an to for him to use, something small and thoughtless he could move as he pleased. “Fuck, yes,” He hissed through his teeth sharply. “Holy fuck, you take it so good, look at you- taking my cock so fucking good.” He babbled.
”Please,” You choked out, eyes rolling back so faryou couldn’t see anything other than stars. “P- please,” A broken gasp wracked through your chest like a sob. In fact, you rather thought you were sobbing. Your fingers and hands jumped and convulsed, just trying to hold on, to regain any sort of footing as he fucked you into the floor. you didn’t even know what you were begging for. For him to stop? For more? For him to hold you, just hold you, so you could sit in the silence and look at the Christmas tree?
Your safeword danced on the tip of your tongue. You wished you could say that you hadn’t used it to be a good girlfriend, that you’d suffered through it all silently because it was clear he needed you, that you were kind and benevolent- but the truth was that you simply couldn’t even string enough of a thought together to control your tongue enough to say it.
”Please-” He panted, pleaded, “Baby, say my name-” His voice broke around the syllables. “I- I need to- pl- please, saymyname-”
“Kei- ei- go- oh-” Each sound was broken up by the bounce of you against his cock. You couldn’t speak properly even if you wanted to. You slurred his name, your tongue too heavy in your mouth, too confusing to move properly. “Kei- go!”
“Yes, yes, yes,” He whined, bending over your body. His chest pressed against your back. He was all over you, inside you, above you, all-encompassing. Each thrust sent your body back and forth against the floor, scraping against the skin of your face and arms. Your knees ached from holding yourself up on the hard surface. Your legs trembled, weak with the strength it took to even stay up. “So tight, so fucking tight-”
”Keigo- w- wait, please-“ You gasped out, but the words were unintelligible to even your ears, too breathy and muffled and confused, too pierced through with your moans. Instead, all Keigo heard was ‘please’. The next couple of thrusts were even harder.
Your mind and body couldn’t take it any longer, you tensed, trembled so much your limbs began to hurt, and came so hard you saw white. The scream you let out was guttural, and gave its way into sobs. Your whole body gave out, but unfortunately, Keigo’s grip didn’t relent, he hardly even noticed. “Pleasepleasepleaseplease-”. You keened pitifully. “Keigo-”
His grunts and noises had become animalistic. There were no more words or pleas from him. Instead, he moaned his own release, slamming into you with absolute abandon, finishing inside you by using his body’s weight to pin you all the way to the floor. You were squeezed between the two unrelenting surfaces, as Keigo came as deep as he could possibly go, gravity assisting him in his terrible mission.
Finally, finally, he was still.
He breathed heavily above you as you shook and trembled and just tried to do the monumental task of catching your breath or moving your limbs. Your hands shook so hard it looked like you had tremors when you tried to draw them back into yourself.
Every body part that you could think of ached in one way or another. You tested different parts of yourself, operating them like a puppet who had just gained control of their own body. It was a long while before Keigo let up, long enough that you had almost forgotten it was him on top of you. You lifted your own face from the floor. It was wet. You hadn’t even realized you were crying or drooling. Your hair stuck to your face with tears and sweat. you took a deep, shuddering breath.
Keigo pulled out. You felt his soft cock slip out of you and were astounded that the now-feeble part could have done what it just had. You remained on the floor, little will to move, no capacity to consider what he might think about it.
He laid his hand on your hip. ”Hey, do you wanna-” But you jumped. You hadn’t meant to. But it was a motion so sudden it startled him. He blinked. And it came to him. The scene, the house, his love- it all finally appeared in front of him. “Oh my God-” He breathed, expression stricken and horrified. “Oh my God, baby bird, I- oh my God-” You tried to push yourself off the ground, but your arms gave out underneath you, and it looked downright painful as  youfell. Keigo pulled you up at once and flipped you over, as gently, but quickly, as he could.
Keigo hoped, prayed, that it wasn’t as bad as he suddenly remembered it all was- 
When you turned, something in the back of your head warned you to school your expression into a more neutral mask, but it was too slow and quiet. But every bit of the shock and confusion you felt must have been evident on your face, because when Keigo turned you around, he shattered.
He dissolved into sobs, curling and melting onto you, into you. It only took a split second before you, too, were crying, until you were both wracked with it, holding each other. Clinging tighter than ever before.
There was nothing else to do.
You woke first the next morning- and you woke in pain. The way your insides ached made you feel like maybe the phrase ‘rearrange their guts’ wasn’t as fun as it was before. You realized, when you went to the bathroom, that you had been bleeding. A wave of sickness. You put on a pad and walked carefully back to bed.
The noise of the bathroom alone had woken Keigo. He locked eyes with you as soon as you came out of the restroom. Your heart sank. You immediately tore your own away. You were really hoping he wouldn’t wake for a while. He sat up as you got into bed, back towards him. Neither of you said anything for a long moment. 
You gave in. You flipped over towards him, tossing an arm around his lap, your forehead against his hip. He rubbed a hand down your back, almost on instinct. You hated the way his hand jumped away once he realized what he was doing like nothing you’d ever experienced before.
You gave a gentle demand, ”C’mere.” He obliged at once, shifting down to rest next to you. You were careful not to make eye contact, even as he stared at your face, watching your expressions like- well, like a hawk. You adjusted until you were lying on his chest, arms curled around him. He was sleep-warmed. Comfy. Smelled familiar.
It was still Keigo. 
Just Keigo. 
Always Keigo. 
Only Keigo.
”I’m bleeding.” You said softly, shutting your eyes. You didn’t know why. You didn’t want to guilt him. You didn’t really even want him to know. But you felt like he needed to. Deserved to, even. You listened to the sharp breath he took.
”Fucking shit,” He breathed, and that was it for a moment. You pretended like you couldn’t hear him crying. He pretended like he couldn’t feel you do the same.
”Will you make me some tea?” You asked quietly, when you had both gone still and silent again. Keigo jumped up at once. He was just in his boxers, the ones he had pulled on last night when you had finally gone to bed in a daze.
”Yes. Yeah. Of course.” He nodded, looking grateful for something to do. He hurried off to the kitchen at once. You laid on in warm space he had left on the bed. You tucked yourself in and sniffed the pillow he’d been lying on deeply. It smelled like him- like the man you knew and loved. In the kitchen, pots and pans moved around, water ran, the stove clicked to life.
It wasn’t long before the smell of food filled your nose instead. It smelled like grilled fish and rice. After another couple of minutes, he walked in, holding your favorite mug.
”What kind?” You asked, pointing for him to set it down on the bedside drawer.
”Your favorite.” He didn’t even let you react before he hurried out, “ButIcanmakeyouadifferentone! I just- I thought that I- I guess I could have asked-” He winced at his own words, and you sighed.
”It’s fine, Keigo.” But your voice sounded tired, even to you, and his name rang cold. ”Thank you.” He hesitated. You buried yourself deeper under the covers. You just… didn’t want to hear it right now. Thankfully, whether he got the message or simply couldn’t decide what to say, he walked out of the room once more. After another ten minutes, you finally stood and came to the kitchen, wincing as you did so. He smiled when he caught sight of you, but the worried furrow in his eyebrows didn’t unknot.
”H- Hey, good morning. I made breakfast.” He gestured around at the spread. You eyed it over. “I- um- there’s fish and rice and miso soup and a rolled omelet- I made coffee, too, just in case- or we could- we could always order takeout or-”
”Hey.”you put your mug down on the table and walked towards him. His wings drew up, somewhere between fear and shame. He seemed to balance on a knife’s edge as you stood in front of him. You leaned forward and rested your forehead on his bare chest. “It’s okay.” You said softly, wrapping you arms around him and stroking at his back, between his wings.
Keigo nodded shakily, before finally hugging you back.
”I- I just- I didn’t feel like me when I came in last night,” He babbled against the top of your head, “And I’ve- I’ve felt really lost in the mission, all of my interactions are being watched, I could only step away last night because-” He took a breath. You felt the shudder in his body. He was tense, like he wanted to hold you tighter, but was too afraid to. “I wanted to come back and feel like me, I wanted- I-“ You hushed him. Keigo buried his face deeper into your hair. ”I’m…” Keigo started. You tensed. “I’m so-”
”Don’t.” You snapped.
You had an unspoken agreement- the two of you never apologized. You were almost proud of it, your ability to move on from mistakes and stupid things the other had said. You gave each other space any time you had an argument, and came back with level heads and open arms. This was the first real thing either of you had, they were both bound to make mistakes. You were happy you both knew that, and found something that worked for you guys, even if other people didn’t understand it.
Hearing him almost do so now made your throat tight and eyes burn.
”No, really, what happened last night-”
”Takami Keigo.” You wrenched yourself out of his grip, instead grabbing him by the arms, pinning them to his side. The cruelty in the sneer and look and touch and name shocked him like ice water. “It’s fine. I said yes. I could have used my safe word. I ask you to be rougher all the time. It-“ You cleared your throat. You removed your hands. “It is fine. I need you to drop it.”
Keigo stared, face to face with bared teeth and anger. “Okay.” His voice was just a whisper.
You stared for one last minute before letting go and turning away, back to your tea.you took a long, deep draught, before something caught your eye. He looked where your gaze fell. It was a mirror, in the hall. You touched your neck. “I forgot about those.” You hummed, looking thoughtful. Keigo couldn’t discern anything else from your expression, so he said nothing. 
He turned away and grabbed a couple of dishes and began to plate everything up for the two of you. Before you sat down, he grabbed a pillow from the couch and placed it under you without a word. For this, at least, you were grateful. 
You ate in silence for a while. It wasn’t exactly comfortable. He found it a little hard to look at you, now, close up. He wished he could have been pleased to see you all marked up, but instead, you just looked… bruised. Battered. The way you did after a battle didn’t go your way. There was an exhaustion in your eyes you couldn’t fake and you didn’t bother to hide.
“When are you leaving?” You asked, your voice carefully free of any inflection. He bit his cheek. Usually this question would be asked with the clear wish that it wouldn’t be for as long as possible. But today, he was unsure.
“I was-” Any strength in his voice broke. “I need to leave tonight.” He admitted. You were entirely still for a moment, but just a moment. You resumed eating, without even looking at him the whole time.
“Alright,” Was all you said, soft and small and sad. Your utensils clicked, but otherwise, it was silent.
The first day of the New Year was difficult. For once, you found yourself glad that Keigo was leaving. No matter what you did, you couldn’t get rid of the silent stiffness that permeated all of your interactions. Perhaps the distance would do you good for once.
When night fell, Keigo had to leave. He stood by the door and you came to say your goodbyes. He held his arms out tentatively, and you fell in at once. He squeezed you tightly. You squeezed back.
”How long will you be gone?”
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly. ”…Probably at least another three months.“ Your heart sank. You knew that, but to hear it was another can of worms. “But I will visit before then, I promise.”
”Okay,” Your voice was hollow with unshed tears. As he made to pull away, something desperate in you woke at once, and you held on tighter. “I- I miss you so much when you’re gone.” You rushed out, like he didn’t know that already. “This mission was so sudden, I went from seeing you all the time to not at all, and I don’t know what you’re doing or how dangerous it is, and I don’t even have anyone I can talk to about this because you’re who I talk to about things, please don’t leave me.” Your pathetic plea rang in the air for much longer than was comfortable.
He spoke, “I’ve been seeing you online again.” Picturing him seeing all the embarrassing headlines and memes and photos from your recent appearances made you groan. “You have no idea how proud I am of you, or how much I miss you, too. I’ll tell you all about it the second I can.” He pulled away a bit, cupping your cheek in his large, warm hand, lifting your chin to look at him. “I don’t- I don’t want to do this again, okay?” His gaze was loving, and sincere. You nodded, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks silently. “I don’t like it either, I promise.” He kissed your forehead. “Be brave, okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded, but the lump in your throat and chest hadn’t gone away. He hugged you again, and you both rocked back and forth and back and forth.
”Hey,” He said seriously. “I love you.”
That was another thing you didn’t say. Or, at least, it was very rare. You really only said it when you didn’t have to actually… say it. You wrote it in notes in code or texts. Occasionally, during a very intimate moment, or if you weren’t sure you were going to see each other again.
You swallowed, wondering which one of these things was true now.
”I love you, too.” He wrapped his wings around you. Their hold was soft and strong, and you felt like you could breathe easier, even if your chest was tighter.
Finally, finally, you pulled away. ”I’ll see you soon.” He promised, and your lips met for one last kiss.
”See you soon.” You repeated throatily. You waved with a miserable little half-smile as he slipped out the door, taking his bright red wings, all the color, and your heart from your world.
When you went out the next day, you remembered Keigo’s present and groaned unhappily, having forgotten to remind him of it- but when you went to check it, you saw that he had taken it, and left something in its stead.
It was a tiny box, covered in shiny, red wrapping paper. You stepped right back inside your place and tore it open, finding a ring box inside the first. Inside was a silver band made of metal feathers widing their way into a ring. Your mouth fell open at that alone, only to realize that there was an extra slit in the box.you checked the larger box it had come in. Inside was two photos- one that must have been of the advertisement, with your ring and a thicker-banded version of it- and the other was one of Keigo.
In the photo, he was somewhere far in the sky during sunset, pink and purple and orange and lovely all around him. He was beaming, always so handsome, but glowing with the halo of the sun and his smile. His wings were a blur behind him, but in front of him, his gloveless hand was fanned out, showing off his own ring from the matching set.
You laughed through tears, sliding the ring onto your finger. It seemed he hadn’t forgotten about Christmas, after all.
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maiyami · 7 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽
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Pro Hero Hawks (Keigo Takami) X Pro Hero Female Reader
• Minors Do Not Interact
• All Characters 21+
• One-Shot Unedited
Warnings: One night stand, mentions of drinking, unprotected sex, language, teasing, oral (male receiving), wing play, pinning, open ending, and more.
About: Hawks has always been known to the public as a playboy, even though no one has caught him in the act. He needed to blow off steam from the latest headline of him, but little did he know that you were going to help him with that.
It wasn’t often that Hawks got the night off from hero work. Crime was surprisingly low tonight, so it was something his many sidekicks could handle. They practically begged the number two hero to take the night off, enjoy some freedom. Freedom, that was such a foreign concept to him. Constantly being watched by the commission, the countless articles and news clips of him, shutterbugs following his every move. Yeah, freedom was something he had long forgotten the feeling of. So when his employees quite literally pushed him out of his agency’s door? He had no choice but to try and feel free tonight. Which he desperately needed. Hawks didn’t let much of anything get to him, but the newest article of him having multiple partners within the week surely put him in a sour mood.
That’s how he found himself in one of the most popular clubs Japan had to offer. A club that had a strict policy of no paparazzi, or flash photography within its walls. A little place for many famous people of Japan could go. He felt slightly awkward at first, sure he’s been out before but it had been such a long time…he nearly forgotten how to act like himself. Opting to sit near at the bar and nurse the beer he had in his hand.
Even though he was supposed to be taking the night off, he couldn’t help but scan the room. Scan for anything that might happen, anything to go wrong. Keen eyes never failing to see almost every detail around the room. Picking up on the most insignificant moments others were having. A couple at the book across from him having a fight over money, the guy in the corner while his friends took shots, and then he spotted you.
He had actually noticed you when he first came in, your dress was the same color as his wings. A beautiful crimson color that shined slightly when the flashing lights hit it just right. There was something about the way you carried yourself, the way you didn’t give really anyone a second glance. You were there to be just you, in all your glory. Hair flowing around while you danced, how your dress was tight in all the right places, and the way your eyes looked while you moved around. He noticed he wasn’t the only one that was constantly scanning the area.
As the lights flashed to the beat of the music, your face would light up just enough so Hawks could take a good look at you. You were a vision. A slight shine to your skin, most likely a little bit sweaty from all the moving around you did. The way your nose scrunched up as you smiled, and the way you wouldn’t let one single person touch you on the dance floor. There was one thing Hawks adored most in a woman was independence and you oozed with it. Confidence written all over your being as you were content dancing by yourself. He must have been staring at you for an uncomfortable amount of time because next thing he knew was that you were staring back.
However, you didn’t look away when you caught him, like you had been doing with everyone else that looked your way. Instead, you offered him a small smirk. Your eyes in a low stare as you swayed your body to the music. Almost as if you were inviting him to continue looking at you. You were mysterious yet, inviting. He was curious about you, curious to how a gorgeous woman like yourself was alone in a club. He pondered if he should approach you, maybe ask you to dance. Then when the song that was thumping over the much to loud speakers changed, you made your way off the dance floor. You didn’t come to him though, you just looked at him once more before you started to make your way up the stairs to the second floor of the club. It was now or never, so Hawks quickly finished off his beer to follow you.
The second floor wasn’t anything special. Just a few balconies to get some fresh air and bathrooms. As he was watching your move, he prayed you didn’t head in the direction of the restrooms…he would have felt like a total creep knowing he just follow a woman to the bathroom. Though his fears quickly faded as he watched you swing open the door to one of the balconies. Watching you disappear for a moment, he felt himself stall. Should he even bother you? He thought for a moment until his body moved on its own. Going straight for the balcony.
The cool air brushed against his face as he opened the door, followed by the faint smell of something sweet in the air. Vanilla, it must have been your perfume. There you were, leaning against the balcony. You looked up from your phone, giving him that same smirk you gave inside. He offered one back, shutting the door behind him. Moving to stand next to you, leaning against the railing.
“Now…what’s one of the top heroes in Japan doing following a girl like me around?” You were the one to speak first, a little tease in your voice that made you giggle at yourself. “You know…I’m only in the high teens for rankings. You could do better.” You smiled once again.
Hawks didn’t say anything at first, frankly because he didn’t even know you were a hero. He had been so out of touch with others, it made him a bit upset at first. Though, the teasing nature you were putting on made it better. You weren’t bitter, in fact you were making fun of yourself. He didn’t care for that, he didn’t care where you sat in the rankings. “Better? Please, you’re gorgeous. Don’t think otherwise. Plus, don’t care about rankings.” He said back, now flashing a smile of his own.
It made you smile, shaking your head back and forth a little. “Ahh, there’s that smooth talking the tabloids always mention.” You flashed your eyes at him, chuckling a little to yourself. However, you noticed he didn’t laugh this time. He more looked away from you, gripping the railing tight in his hands. Your eyebrow raised slightly, nudging into him. “Hey, I’m only joking, ya know?” To tried to break the tension a little.
Hawks knew he shouldn’t have been upset, but those damn papers…the rumors are just going to follow him around everywhere. Even among other heroes. “Nah, it’s not that kid. I know you are it’s just…all those stories? They aren’t me. Never been me…hell I couldn’t even tell you the last time I went on a date. Let alone taken someone home.” He shook his head a bit, moving to rub the back of his neck. “I work too much to even think about those things, only reason I’m here is because of my employees shoving me out the door. Andddd…I don’t know why I’m telling you all this. God, I’m sorry.”
You placed a hand on his, it made him jump a bit but you kept it there. “Don’t be sorry. I get it, not that I’m in the news like you are? But I get being watched, rumors being told about you. No one should have to deal with that.” You rubbed his hand a little bit before smirking at him. “You deserve to be rid of all that kind of nonsense, to just be you. Not have to worry about what the next thing is said about you that you can’t control.” You turned to really face him, get a good look at his face. “Next time, give them something to really talk about. Something that you’ve done that is true.”
He doesn’t know what it was about you, but in the short amount of time speaking…it felt like you knew him for him. Not as Hawks the number two hero. That you knew he wanted to be known for things he did that were true, not whatever the public wanted to make up about him. He didn’t know what came over him, but then he found himself leaning into you. A hand placed on your hip to pull you forward, wings instinctively wrapping around both of you before he pressed his lips against yours. It was intense, it was passionate. It was something that words couldn’t describe. It was all of his thoughts and emotions poured into a kiss, a kiss with a stranger no less.
Your hands moved to cup his cheeks, deepening the kiss. Your tongue coming to brush his lower lip so he could open his mouth a little. Your tongues met, dancing around each other. Until you finally broke the kiss off, moving a thumb to wipe some off your lipgloss off the corner of his mouth. You chuckled as he went to pull you back, but you put a finger against his plump lips. “I thought this wasn’t you, pretty bird.” You said with a sly smirk.
The praise went straight to his head, making his wings twitch a little before he unwrapped them. He chuckled himself, shaking his head a little. “You must have some lust quirk, you’re kind of hard to resist.” He joked before you laughed almost too loudly. He shook his head once again, before a thought crossed his mind. “Want to make a rumor?” He asked with a cherisher smile. Which you returned to him.
Just because the shutterbugs weren’t allowed inside, doesn’t mean they weren’t stalking the outside. So when the number two hero came out, the cameras flashed brightly. However, when you were following behind Hawks with his hand in yours? The paparazzi went wild. No one had ever gotten a picture with Hawks and a woman before. Everyone was basically fighting over the angle to get the best shot of the pair of you. A rumor that Hawks started that was true, he was with a woman and taking her home.
Once you got back to Hawks penthouse? You were actually hit with what was about to happen. You were with the number two hero, in his home. Plus, the rumors that will happen tomorrow? You knew when you got back to your agency that everyone there was going to bombard you with questions. What happens will happen at this point, who were you to question it.
What you weren’t expecting was how nervous Hawks actually seemed, when he said this wasn’t like him? He wasn’t lying. He seemed a little tense, almost uncomfortable. It’s probably been such a long time since he has done anything remotely like this, he didn’t seem to know what to do at first. If anything, you were going to make sure he was okay. He was comfortable. Instead of coming on to strong, you walked up to him slowly. Letting your hands trail his arm lightly before letting your fingers slip into his hand. “We go at your pace. If you don’t want to do anything? We can talk…watch a movie? Anything you like, you name it.”
That made him feel a little better, letting you ground him for a moment. He never had anyone read him so well, keep him from floating to high. You were captivating, different from any other woman he met. You weren’t trying to jump him, weren’t trying to make him do anything. You were going along with what he wanted to do. He’s never had a person like you in his life, in the moment he never wanted to let you go. With a nod of his head, he led you to his bedroom. It was pretty bare for someone who had so much money, but truth be told? He only ever came home to sleep, he didn’t actually care for material things. The only thing in his bedroom that could attest to his wealth? Was his extraordinary large bed, of course he would need something to accommodate his wings.
You just smiled lightly at him, moving to run your hands against his chest. His eyes watching you made you feel intimidated but you loved it. As your fingers slipped under the material of his shirt, he took it upon himself to strip himself of it. His body was carved by the gods, his tanned skin looked amazing. You took it upon yourself to undo his belt, letting the object hit the floor before bringing his jeans down. To your surprise, he was already hard in his boxers. Goosebumps littered his skin as you slipped his boxers down. Once he stepped out of them, you backed him up to the bed. Letting him get comfortable sitting before you stripped yourself of your clothing. The small dress that was barely covering your body hit the floor and Hawks couldn’t take his eyes off of you. How your skin looked so smooth, how plump your thighs looked together. Perfect in his eyes. But when his hands went to touch you, you moved them away. Favoring dropping to your knees between his thighs.
“No no…this isn’t about me right now.” You said in the sweetest voice he ever thought he heard. You wanted to please him, something that was almost foreign to Hawks. He was always doing things for others and never getting anything in return. Somewhere deep down, he thought that you must have known that. He almost felt bad, about to say he wanted to make you feel good. But when the flat of your tongue ran up the underneath of his hard shaft? All those thoughts went out the door. Your tongue was hot against his skin, it made his cock twitch. The way your tongue swirled against his head, made him leak a bit of precum.
Your lips wrapped around his tip, giving it a teasing suckle. Hawks head hung backwards in pleasure, making you hum around his head. The way his thighs tensed up made you more excited. Letting inch by inch of his cock slip into the warm walls of your mouth, then you moved your hand to the base of his shaft. Whatever part of his cock you couldn’t fit into your mouth and throat was being stroked by your soft hands. It had been so long since Hawks experienced pleasure like this, it was making his whole body twitch at this point. Rocking his hips upward to feel you take down more of his cock. Bringing his head back up, he looked down to watch you. A blush creeping over his nose as he watched you bat your pretty lashes up at him.
“Fuck…don’t you look pretty sucking my cock- shit baby…” He said almost breathlessly, bringing a hand to hold some of your hair back. Seeing how slick his cock was coming out of your mouth, only to disappear back into it. God, you were addictive. The way some tears gathered in your lash-line, to the way you didn’t stop stroking him. But the most beautiful thing about you was the way you never took your eyes off him. Making sure that he was enjoying this as much as he was. As he watched you pull of his cock to move to suck on his balls a little, he groaned low. Reaching down to pull your face away from them. Taking his cock in his free hand before letting your face go. “Open.” Is all he said.
You took a breath after leaving his balls, watching the way he was stroking his own cock in front of your eyes before opening your mouth for him. Sticking your tongue out without being told too. The feeling of Hawks slapping his cock on your tongue a few times made you smirk slightly. He smirked back himself, leaning down to pull you up. His voice a little horse before pulling you into his lap. “Anymore? I’ll fold, I want you to feel good before that.”
Even though he hadn’t touched you yet, he could feel how wet your cunt was against his shaft once he pulled you into his lap. God, you were fucking perfect. He held you up with one arm, using his other hand to line his cock up to your slit. But before pulling you down, he looked at your face to make sure you were okay with this. Instead of speaking, you leaned forward to lock your lips with his. Moaning into the kiss as you felt his tongue dance around with yours, feeling his want on his tongue. He lowered you down, letting his cock split you in two as he slowly bullied inch by inch into you. The feeling of you shaking against him, made him hold onto you tighter. Peppering kisses against your neck to distract you from the stretch. He knew he was large, knew that it takes a bit to get used too.
Once you finally settled fully down on his cock, your nails were digging into his shoulders. A shaking breath escaping your lips before you started to move up and down on his cock. You were so wet that you were sliding up and down with ease, the sound of skin hitting skin was ringing in the room. Your walls fluttering around his shaft with every bounce you made down on his cock. Hawks ended up moving on of his hands onto your ass, gripping it righting to gain leverage. Moving you up and down on his shaft at a pace that was making you see stars. Each drag of his cock was hitting your g-spot so well that you were dripping down his cock. Your breathy moans so close to his ear, it made his body feel like it was on fire.
Without thinking, your mind being to clouded by lust your hands started to move. Hawks ended up thrusting his hips up a little to sharp, your gripped onto one of his wings. The moan that escaped Hawks, plus the way his whole body shook shocked you slightly. Moving your face from his neck, you looked at him.
His lip was between his teeth, grip tightening on your ass and hip before he just barely cracked an eye open to look at you. “Hurt?” You questioned him, loosening your grip in his wing. But he shook his head.
“N-No…felt so good…touch them again.” He said, but he wasn’t demanding it. It was like he was pleading for you to do it again. So that’s exactly what you did, carding both hands into his wings. It made him shake so hard, burying his face into the crook of your neck before both his hands were on your ass. Holding you so hard that he was moving you up and down with his sheer strength. Fucking into you like his life depended on it. His wings quivering in your hands while his cock throbbed in your walls. It was like he was a new person, not someone trying to be gentle with you like he was at first. You moved your hands more towards the base of his wings, right were they were coming out of his back. This made him almost scream out in pleasure, thrusting into you harder and deeper than before. “That’s it! Fuck fuck fuck…gonna make me fucking cum Angel.”
You were just as close as he was, digging your nails into his wings before you felt your cunt clench around him. “Cum…cum! Fuck I’m gonna cum!” You were now yelling, feeling yourself tighten around him one more time before you fell over the edge. Your body shaking and quivering in his arms as you left a white ring around the base of his cock.
At the feeling of you clenching around his cock, he quickly flipped you over. Your back hitting the bed as he gave three more deep thrusting before spilling inside of you. Panting over you before pushing himself fully inside your walls, holding himself there. He was looking down at your twitching body, the trembling you were doing before leaning down to kiss you. This kiss was different thought, it was slow. It had emotion behind it, you both could feel it. As he took a shallow breath, he finally pulled out of you. Watching his spent leak out of you before moving up behind you. He took you into his arms, pulling your back to his chest. Laying there, neither of you said anything. Just basking in the glory of the after glow, while Hawks never let you go. It was sweet, both of you drifted off to sleep soon after.
The sun was shining bright against Hawks face, making him squint a little before flipping over. As his hand spread out against his sheets, he felt the lack of warmth next to him. Opening his eyes, he noticed that you weren’t there anymore. Taking a moment to listen, to feel with the feathers he left all over his penthouse, he knew you weren’t there anymore. He sighed, sitting himself up for a moment. He didn’t even get your name, let alone your number. How did he not at least get that? As he rubbed his face with his hands, he noticed a note placed on the nightstand next to his bed. He grabbed it quickly to read it.
“𝐻𝒶𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒, 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀. 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓌𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝓊𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓊𝓈. 𝑀𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 𝓌𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃, 𝐻𝒶𝓌𝓀𝓈.”
You didn’t leave your name or your number. But Hawks always had a way of finding people. That’s what exactly what he was going to do. He was going to find you because how could he let the most perfect girl slip through his fingers.
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I low the Cannibalism arc for many reasons and one is that we get to see the last line of defence for the Agency and the Port Mafia.
I just think it’s so cool to see who gets strategically left behind during a large scale attack like this. I think it’s harder to decide that than who’s put on the front lines.
The Port Mafia’s last line of defence is Kajii and Kouyou.
Kajii feels like a no brainer, his ability will take out his allies if he’s not careful. He’s your classic break glass in case of emergency. If the Port Mafia is overwhelmed with its strongest out of reach, deploy the lemon runway.
It’s supposed to force the enemy to flee and take out a bunch of their fighting force. It’s the oh shit we gotta go energy that sends people running. Because nothing makes people run faster than exploding lemons.
It’s not a perfect defence and it’s not supposed to be. There’s cracks that someone can run too, which is where they’ll find Kouyou. Kouyou is an interesting choice because as an executive you’d expect her to be on the front lines.
But it makes sense keeping her behind. Kouyou is a force to be reckoned with and this kind of one on one sneak attack definitely plays to her strengths.
She’s got the element of surprise and after narrowly escaping being bombed, few would be in any position to give her a worthy fight.
The Agency is a bit different. For one they have way fewer members and they seem to prefer to attack together. It’s very rare that they are ever in a solo fight.
Which is interesting because the only established team in the Agency are Dazai and Kunikida but I digress. The true last stand for the Agency is Fukuzawa. He stays back when everyone goes to fight and only comes out when he feels it necessary.
Unlike Kajii and Kouyou, Fukuzawa’s ability is not offensive. His fighting prowess comes from his skill as a swordsman.
His skills which are the reason he was once referred to as ‘one of the 5 great swords alive.’ So suffice to say Fukuzawa is a force to be reckoned with just on his own.
But of course he’s out of commission in the Cannibalism arc so someone else has to take his place. And that person is Junichiro. Left behind by the Agency and told by the Port Mafia he’s signing his off death certificate.
They say until they watch Junichiro just psychological torment and then slip through their fingers. Junichiro is interesting because in a way he’s employing Kouyou’s tactics of taking everyone out one by one.
Using his illusions to throw them off guard and distract them. His main goal is to escape and get back to the others (and you know, kill Mori) which I definitely see Fukuzawa doing too.
Junichiro is there to hold the fort and regroup, it’s not a long term strategy but considering how the Agency operates it works. I think he and Kyouka would make a good team in that regard.
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Day One: And Then There Was One...Bed (BNHA x Reader Smut)
Day One of Amaya's New Year's Event
Summary: After a tiring day assisting your hero at the commission's Christmas party all you wanted to do was collapse in your hotel room and sleep the night away, however, things take a surprising turn when you find out each agency was only given one room...with one bed.
Warnings: smut!!! NSFW, MDNI!! sub Hawks, oral (both receiving), raw sex, dom reader, dom Aizawa, use of words like kitten, fingering
Characters involved: Hawks, Aizawa
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
You shouldn't be doing this.
A small smile tugged on your lips as you allowed your fingers to card through his feathers, the action eliciting a shiver from your pro hero as he leaned further into your touch.
The sight made your grin widen as you felt Keigo trail his hot fingers across the swell of your ass, causing you to softly grind against his touch as you allowed yourself a quick peck before completely pulling away from him.
"We really shouldn't be doing this, Keigo."
Other pro heroes would have taken your words as a reason to stop and never look you in the eyes again, but Keigo was different. He was young. You and stupid and everything you thought you left behind after graduating from UA.
And he was needy. So, so needy.
It was why he allowed a small whine to slip past his lips as Keigo's grip tightened on your bare skin.
Stay, he said. And you listened.
You listened even if you knew better than to kneel between your pro hero's legs and slot his dripping cock between your lips, you listened even if you knew a pro hero's position wasn't between his side kick's legs sucking at her core.
Low groans and moans echoed through the hotel room as the two of you made love to each other. Because that was what this was. Not random sex, but making love.
He caressed your body with the hands of worship and you tainted him with a sinner's touch.
Keigo was clumsy, and clearly didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't have had sex more than a handful of times, not with the commission breathing down his neck day and night, but he was eager. Eager and so ready to learn.
He didn't say anything when you tugged at his blond strands and pushed his mouth close to your core. He didn't protest when you told him to sit up against the headboard and climbed on his lap.
The only sound that escaped his lips were moans of pleasure as he egged you on with his words.
Don't stop. So you didn't. Let me cum for you. So you let him.
You wanted to be meaner, to pull away at the last second and make him whine for your touch. But you couldn't. Not when he was looking at you like you hung the sun in the sky.
He looked at you with the eyes of worship, you looked at him like you wanted to severe his faith.
Nobody would know about what transpired between the two of you that night. But nobody needed to know.
Because Keigo Takami might have been the powerful number two hero to the rest of Japan, but to you, he was the pro hero who fell to his knees for his side kick.
Even if it was just for a night.
Aizawa Shouta
It'll be fine he said. We're mature adults who can handle ourselves, he said. I'll be asleep even before you realise it, he said.
Yeah, right.
Aizawa Shouta might have been a pro hero who prided himself on his self-restraint and poise, but the way his lips trailed hickeys down your neck while his fingers curled into the waistband of your pyjamas certainly made it seem otherwise.
It had been hours since the two of you first stumbled into your hotel room tired and ready to collapse, but neither of you had gotten a wink of sleep since the second you lied down beside each other.
At first, he had used the blaring red 2:00 am on the hotel's alarm clock as an excuse to strike up a conversation about how both of you wouldn't be able to get any work done the next day if you didn't sleep.
Then came the cuddling because it was cold enough for you to feel like your toes were going to fall off.
But somewhere between the clock striking three and your lips find his, the two of you had found yourself tangled in each other's limbs with a salacious need gnawing at your mind.
This was wrong. Both of you knew it was.
Pro heroes weren't supposed to spend their nights with their fingers stuffed into their side kick's pussy. And side kick certainly were supposed to jerk off their heroes at three in the morning.
Especially not when you were on a trip organized by the hero commission and in a hotel surrounded by dozens of heroes who could easily hear you through the thin walls.
But neither of you seemed to care much about that. Not when every fibre of your being just screamed for that delicious release.
"Shouta- I-"
You wanted to say something, anything at all. But it was hard to do anything but muffle your moans in the pillow beside your head when Aizawa was curling his fingers up into you so perfectly.
"It's okay."
He placed a chaste kiss on your jawline as he spoke, causing a small smile to tug on your lips.
"You ready to go all the way, kitten?"
You silently nodded along to his question, allowing your hand to fall limp around his length just as you felt his hand pull away.
As you watched Shouta shift so that he could tower over you with one hand pressed into the mattress and the other stroking his leaking cock, you couldn't help but feel a sudden sense of yearning consume you.
It made you whine in annoyance at the lack of his touch, a sound that elicited a chuckle from Aizawa as he reached down to finally slide his tip inside you. And then more, and more, until you could feel him bottoming out with a loud groan that drowned out your own moans.
The mattress squeaked below the two of you as you felt him began to pull out and slide back in at a painfully slow pace.
This time your call was one of desperation, the sound making him smirk against your neck as he trailed kisses down your hot skin.
"Be patient."
He pulled away from your neck at the weak protest, choosing to stare at you with a raised eyebrow even as his hips rolled against yours.
"Trust me, kitten, I know what I'm doing."
He dropped down to place a quick peck on your lips as he spoke, the gesture causing a small smile to tug at the corner of your lips as you silently watched Aizawa reposition himself above you.
"Now, let your pro hero take care of you."
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ohforficsake · 6 months
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The Margay (COMPLETE)
Series Summary: Santiago recruits Frankie to contract for a covert government agency that pairs them with danger in more ways than one. Two frayed things toe the line between the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. And maybe, just maybe, they make it out alive. A series of one-shot snippets taking place during and around missions. * - Denotes smut.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Sniper!OFC Audrey 'Moose' Goddard. POC OFC. No age gap.
Rating: Explicit 18+ / Minors DNI
Chapter 1 : There was Bogotá That One Time * Chapter 2 : Not So Much 'Squeezing' as 'Crushing' Chapter 3 : The Laughter of Damned Things * Chapter 4: His Other Nickname * Chapter 5: 'That Your Husband?' * Chapter 6: If You're Both Lying to Me, I Swear * Chapter 7: Apologize to Housekeeping * Chapter 8: Benadryl * Chapter 9: Memorize it. Destroy it. Chapter 10: Read the Last Page Chapter 11: What Happens in the After * *NEW 7/7*
Art Commissions from the lovely @kenobiwanx : An Embrace and Frankie and Aud in Jamaica Chapter 8 Moodboard Chapter 9 Moodboard Chapter 11 Moodboard
Margay Universe One-Shots
Down, Boy * - Frankie Morales x OFC Audrey Goddard The boys end up at a dive bar on Frankie’s birthday. Snipers are good at pool. Frankie’s not gonna be able to wait until they make it home. Can be read as a standalone.
Margay-Adjacent One Shots - Written about Frankie x Audrey but flipped to reader perspective. Can be read as stand-alones.
Dominica * He’s like this sometimes. When his demons curl their talon-tipped fingers into the back of his skull. That’s when he replaces them with yours. Barbados * You've been carrying on with whatever this is for months, pushing and pulling, until one night Frankie wants control.
Author Masterlist
Thank you so much for reading.
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collapsedsquid · 2 months
In the U.K., the Health Security Agency recently raised its threat level to 4 out of 6, the stage immediately before large-scale human outbreaks. In Europe, countries are proactively vaccinating dairy and poultry workers against infection, with 15 nations already securing a total of 40 million doses through the European Commission. In the United States, despite having a stockpile of those vaccines, we are not distributing them, instead focusing on standing up voluntary supplies of seasonal flu vaccines to frontline workers. (The hope is that this will prevent animal infections of human flu that might aid in the further mutation of H5N1.) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cited the low number of cases to justify its inaction, but it has also moved remarkably slowly to promote the kind of widespread surveillance testing that could actually identify cases. Only recently has the agency begun to mobilize real funding for a testing push, after a period of months in which various federal groups batted around responsibility and ultimate authority like a hot potato. And as was the case early in the Covid-19 pandemic, the C.D.C.’s preferred test for bird flu “has issues.” Three months into the outbreak, only 45 people had even been tested; six weeks later, the total number of people tested had grown only to “230+.” [...] Most farms aren’t supplying N95 masks, goggles or aprons to protect workers, either, and when Amy Maxmen of KFF News surveyed farm workers to ask why they weren’t getting tested, “no one had heard of bird flu, never mind gotten P.P.E. or offers of tests,” she reported. “One said they don’t get much from their employers, not even water. If they call in sick, they worry about getting fired.” Last month, a crew was deployed to slow the spread of the disease by killing every last chicken of 1.78 million on a large Colorado farm where H5N1 had broken out and six of the workers contracted the virus, partly because the gear they’d been provided was hard to use in the punishing 104-degree heat. In June, Robert Redfield, former director of the C.D.C., echoed many epidemiologists in predicting that “it’s not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic.” In July, Brown’s Jennifer Nuzzo warned that the steady beat of new cases “screams at us that this virus is not going away.” Tulio de Oliveira, a bioinformatician who studies global disease surveillance, marveled that the American effort to track the spread of the disease was absolutely amateurish and the country’s apparent indifference “unbelievable.”
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sstravelandtours · 2 years
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Contact me for me for more info. Get started today
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artflameball · 4 months
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Hey there! I realized constantly reblogging the "please donate to palestine" post again and again wasn't the most helpful strategy, and could've been annoying. So I decided to go for a different strategy: just open commissions, with a full commission sheet!
I do wanna establish something: I'm still not gonna post much art unless commissioned. If someone commissions me for a specific art piece, I'll post it. But for art I do in my free time for fun, I won't post that unless someone donates at least a dollar and requests that I post art I've got backed up.
PLEASE donate if you can. The reason my commissions are so cheap is because if my commissions are cheap, they're more accessible to those with less money. If you can commission me, please do.
If you'd like to commission me, hit me up on Discord or this website here! My Discord is @/joyflameball, and my main account is @joyflameball on this website. My DMs on Tumblr are open. Don't worry, I don't bite.
So, if you can donate to help bring us closer to a free Palestine, PLEASE do. Send me the receipt (with identifying details hidden, I encourage that, privacy first!), and if it's 2$ or over, I'll draw you something. But if it's just 1$, that's okay too! I'll post art I have backed up. Either way, every little dollar helps.
CareForGaza (sending humanitarian aid to Gaza)
PCRF (Palestine Children's Relief Fund, it's one of the MAIN humanitarian organizations)
Operation Olive Branch + GazaFunds (for donating to Palestinians' GoFundMes)
eSims (Palestine is running low on eSims, which allow Palestinians internet access, so this one is urgent)
Most importantly, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA. They're fucking constantly under attack, so they especially need funding.
Again: to commission me, donate at least two dollars to one of these organizations. Send me the receipt (with your personal info censored), and give me your request, and I'll draw you something. If it's under two dollars, I'll either doodle something random, or post something I haven't posted yet. If it's over 15 dollars, I'll make it more complex, eg with backgrounds.
(Examples of my horror art below the cut)
I dabble in horror sometimes. So it will be possible for ask for horror art, or art with a lot of blood. Here are some examples:
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mariacallous · 11 days
Shortly following reports of an apparent second assassination attempt against former US president and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Elon Musk decided to speak up.
“And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔,” Musk, X’s owner, wrote in a now deleted post, in response to another person asking, “Why they want to kill Donald Trump?”
After deleting the post—which could be interpreted as a call to murder President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump’s Democratic opponent in the US presidential election—Musk indicated that it was merely a joke that fell flat given the context. “Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on 𝕏,” he wrote, adding, “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”
The incident was the latest in a long line of increasingly incendiary political posts from Musk, whose substantial defense contracts with the US government may give him access to highly sensitive information even while he makes potential threats against the sitting commander in chief. And they point to the more pressing risk that Musk’s recent rhetoric has posed: the potential to inspire further political violence.
While Sunday night’s post is gone, it appears likely that Musk could receive some attention from federal law enforcement, if he hasn’t already.
The United States Secret Service declined WIRED’s request to comment on Musk’s post. “We can say, however, that the Secret Service investigates all threats related to our protectees,” USSS spokesperson Nate Herring tells WIRED.
“In my experience, the Secret Service would take such a comment very seriously,” says Michael German, a former FBI special agent and a liberty and national security fellow at NYU School of Law’s Brennan Center for Justice. “Typically, agents would go out and interview the subject to ensure that there wasn't an existing threat, and to make the subject aware that the agency takes such statements seriously.”
German notes that it’s possible the FBI could also launch an investigation. However, it’s unlikely that Musk would face any charges for his post. “On its face, the tweet would not meet the ‘true threat’ test, in that it wasn't a direct threat to do harm to the vice president, so it wouldn't likely proceed to prosecution,” German says. Still, “it would create a record of the investigations.”
The FBI declined WIRED’s request to comment on Musk’s post. X did not immediately respond to WIRED’s request for comment.
Both Biden and Harris have released statements condemning the apparent attempt on Trump’s life and political violence more broadly. In a statement to ABC News, the White House condemned Musk’s post. "Violence should only be condemned, never encouraged or joked about,” the statement says. “This rhetoric is irresponsible."
Where things get dicier for Musk is his role as a major contractor for the US Department of Defense and NASA. According to Reuters, SpaceX signed a $1.8 billion contract in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees US spy satellites. The US Space Force also signed a $70 million contract late last year with SpaceX to build out military-grade low-earth-orbit satellite capabilities. Starlink, SpaceX’s commercial satellite internet wing, is providing connectivity to the US Navy.
NASA, meanwhile, has increasingly outsourced its spaceflight projects to SpaceX, including billions of dollars in contracts for multiple trips to the moon and an $843 million contract to build the vehicle that will take the International Space Station out of commission.
The US government’s heavy reliance on companies controlled by Musk has repeatedly raised the hackles of national security experts. Concerns at the Pentagon came into stark relief last September after Musk denied Ukraine’s request to enable Starlink in Crimea, a disputed territory bordering Russia, so it could launch an attack on Russian troops. (Starlink was not under a military contract when he denied the request.) In response to previous WIRED reporting, Musk asserted that “Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate US sanctions against Russia!”
Neither the Defense Department nor NASA have responded to WIRED’s request for comment.
Even Musk’s October 2022 acquisition of Twitter (now X) had some experts worried about the national security risks it could pose to the US, given his business relationship and communications with the Chinese government, his alleged outreach to Russian president Vladimir Putin (which Musk has denied), and Saudi Arabia’s continued investment in Twitter following Musk’s buyout. Others raised concerns that China may have leverage over Musk, due to his relationships with Beijing related to Tesla, his electric car company that has a factory in Shanghai. And all that was before Musk—a citizen of South Africa, Canada, and the US—reactivated the accounts of conspiracy theorists and white nationalists, and began heavily pushing his own right-wing political narrative. Immediately following the first attempted assassination of Trump in mid-July, Musk endorsed Trump and reportedly pledged $45 million per month to support a pro-Trump PAC, a funding vow he said he did not make.
Musk’s deleted Sunday night post further complicates matters. The CEO reportedly has security clearance given his companies’ work on classified US government projects. While there are many rules around who gets security clearance, such as abstaining from cannabis use, the designation is awarded and maintained on a risk-vs-reward basis for the US government. Given that Musk is perhaps the world’s richest man and most famous chief executive, it may be tricky to pull his security clearance regardless of his flippant discussions of political assassinations.
“This is where Musk's status might have a greater effect,” says the Brennan Center’s German. “It would be hard for managers to revoke the security clearance of someone in a position of power, whereas they could be expected to take quick action against a regular employee who engaged in similar conduct.”
The most concerning aspect of Musk’s post is its potential to further inflame extremist threats in the US, says Jon Lewis, a research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, who calls the post “merely the latest example of right-wing incitement that has become concerningly mainstream in recent years.”
“That the owner of a major social media platform—and US government contractor—is opining on the assassination of political opponents should be alarming for Americans across the political spectrum,” Lewis says. He warns that “culture war narratives and thinly veiled racism” have already had effects on the real world, which could be exacerbated by the far-right’s willingness to answer calls to arms.
“These extremists are waiting for the justification to engage in violence,” he says, “and rhetoric like this provides the perfect excuse.”
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hii can I request yuuji with a spoiled rich girl gf who invites him over a lil pool day so that she can tease him because its been a while since they had sex? Thank you 🥰🫶🏾
Like A Good Boy 💦 (sub!BF!Itadori x Dom!Black!GF!Reader 18+ One Shot) [REQUEST FILL]
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Pairing: Yuji Itadori x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which Yuji, your adorable, pent-up boyfriend, gets an invite to your fabulous pool to spend time with you, his sexy, rich girlfriend, on a hot summer day that only gets hotter the more you tease him.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+; BF!Itadori; Girlfriend!Reader; Black-coded!Fem!Reader; Teasing; Semi-Clothed Sex; 69ing; Deepthroat; Oral (Giving & Receiving); Fingering; Tit Fuck; FemDom!Reader/msub!Itadori; Public Sex; Cumming Together; Begging; Pussy Drunk!Itadori
Writer’s Note: I’m so sorry this took me so long, anon! I’ve been SO tied up with schoolwork and commissions. But I hope you enjoy this & thank you for requesting! ❤️ -Jazz
“B-Baby, are you…oh, fuck…are you sure none can see…s-shit!…see us over here?”
“I promise you they can’t, Yuji. It’s just you and me in this cabana. Now be a good boy and let me keep strokin’ that big cock ‘cause you clearly need it.”
“O-Okay.” Yuji responded very softly, barely above a whisper, because he was too busy trying to bite back a moan as your hand gripped around the base of his cock and stroked upward so nicely.
He loved watching you stroke his cock. It was always such a treat to see his beautiful, amazing, wealthy girlfriend on her knees for him, treating him so sweetly. It was a treat now, especially since you were in your Fendi bikini.
His mouth watered at the sight of you between his thighs in your private cabana that overlooked the large pool glittering in the hot summer sun. Your warm, brown skin and glossy manicured nails looked so sexy against his pale complexion and thick, throbbing cock.
His yellow swim trunks with palm trees printed on them hung low at his ankles, forgotten and ignored. He had put them on to prepare for the pool day you had invited him to over at your house while your parents were away on a business trip.
Your folks were extremely wealthy because of their professions—your mom was a retired actress who mentored other young souls in the industry with her own agency and your father was a famous food critic who often traveled for TV shows and events. Your mom had gone with him to Italy this time for a documentary on cooking.
“They won’t be home till Monday afternoon,” you had purred into the phone. Today was a beautiful Friday, hot and sunny…and perfect for teasing your boo. “Wanna come over?”
Originally, you had invited Yuji over to only spend the day by your to-die-for pool with some takeout and drinks. But later, you called back and told him to bring an overnight bag. “Pack for 3 days,” you told him. He was over here in an instant.
You couldn’t wait to get your hands on him, neighbors be damned. You knew that anyone could look over the wired fence surrounding the pool and back patio to see you playing with your boyfriend’s dick in your cabana, but you didn’t care.
You realized just how long it’s been since you both had sex and you wanted to make him feel even more desperate than you did.
“You’re so sexy like this, Yu,” you purred, peering up at him under your lashes. “And so, so hard. You been waitin’ for this, haven’t you?”
Yuji nodded as fast as a bobble head, making him that much cuter. His handsome face was as pink as his hair, his eyes no more than tiny slits that gazed down at you as you used one of your other hands to play with his balls.
“Mmm, I bet,” you teasingly said. “I bet you were so excited to come over here ‘cause you missed me so much…especially my mouth.” Slowly, you wrapped your lips around him and engulfed his cock in your hot, wet mouth.
“Fuck!” Yuji moaned, tilting his head back at the feeling of your soft, plush, Fenty Beauty-coated lips wrapped around his hard dick. His toes curled and his hands fisted the cushion below him. You giggled as you popped his cock out of your mouth. “You’re so cute, Yuji,” you cooed, sliding a hand up his abs. “And you’re all mine.”
You slid back down to suck on him again like he was your own personal lollipop, your head bobbing up and down. Yuji couldn’t believe how gorgeous you looked—your brown skin shone from the suntan oil he helped you slather on for your IG pictures, your gold jewelry glittering in the sun. He felt your necklace against his skin as your head came back down again and again, swallowing him.
“God, baby,” he whined. “You’re so good to me. You make me wanna fuck you so, so bad!” You moaned around his cock, his dirty words making your pussy throb in your thong. “You will, baby boy,” you whispered around his dick. “Just noooot yet. We don’t wanna rush it.”
You bent down low, sticking your ass in the air and giving Yuji a perfect view of your behind while you sucked on his balls. The view was way too much for Yuji, combined with the feeling of your soft, wet tongue tantalizingly licking his balls while you jerked him like it was your profession.
“Christ, Y/N!” He moaned, throwing his head back in total pleasure. “I-If you keep goin’ like that, I’m gonna…I-I’m gonna—!”
Immediately, you pulled away, leaving him panting and confused. “Uh-uh,” you tutted, wagging a finger at him. “Not yet, baby. You still need to please me too.” You leaned over to dig into your beach bag and pulled out a bottle of suntan oil. “Can you do my back for me?” You asked, batting your lashes at him. “You forgot to do it earlier.”
Yuji stared at you like you just grew two heads. This is how he can please you? “Uh…okay,” he hesitantly asked despite his cock throbbing and dripping in pre-cum. “Then can I fuck you?”
You took a moment to think about it, tapping your acrylic nail against your chin. “Maaaybe,” you giggled. “Do a good job gettin’ my back oiled up and we’ll see.”
Yuji huffed discouragingly, but squirted some oil in your hands while you straddled him, your ass facing him. He struggled to focus on oiling up your back because his eyes were too busy staring at your soft, perfect ass in that damn string thong.
“You’re goin’ kinda low, baby,” you whispered. “You still gotta do my shoulders.” Yuji’s hands quickly slid back up, unconsciously having gone straight to your waist. “S-Sorry,” he stuttered. “You just look really fuckin’ hot in this bikini, babe.”
You giggled, happy from the compliment. “Thank you, baby! I can tell how much you like it.” You shifted your weight on top of him, causing your fabric-covered pussy to slide against his cock settled beneath you.
Yuji groaned, struggling not to roll his hips up into you and grind himself against your thong. “Y’know, I can please you in another way too,” he murmured.”
“Oh?” You purred, looking back at him. He nearly busted at the sight of you sitting on top of him. “How s—oh, fuck, Yuji!”
Suddenly, Yuji was bending you over, moving your thong to the side, and planting his mouth on your sobbing, wet cunt while his hands massaged oil into the flesh of your ass. His soft lips and tongue tickled your clit and slurped at your folds, each ministration enough to make you fuck his mouth.
“Oh, my God, Yuji,” you sighed. “You’re so, so good at this! At this rate, you’ll be inside me in no time.” He evidently liked the sound of that because his licks became deeper, his tongue exploring you like he hadn’t ever eaten you out before.
You reached down to take his cock in your hands, relishing the way he shivered. “I need to make you feel good too,” you sighed before taking him deep in your throat.
“Fuck!” Yuji moaned into your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your folds and throbbing clit. “Please, baby, take me deeper. I fuckin’ need you so bad!”
“Mmm-hmm,” you hummed around his cock, gagging on him as you did. You could feel him at the back of the throat the more you bobbed your head along his cock, taking every inch that you could while your hands stroked his shaft.
Finally, you pulled away and looked back at him, your lips coated in saliva. “Fuck my throat, baby boy,” you cooed. “And I’ll fuck your mouth until we both cum for each other. That sound like a plan?”
Yuji didn’t even need to answer you. His ministrations grew sloppier as he dove back into your pussy, even adding a finger that slid so easily into your slick, wet folds. You moaned at the sudden, explosively pleasurable feeling, your mouth open agape.
“You’re so wet for me, babe,” Yuji groaned, sounding pained by the sight of his finger sinking into your gleaming cunt. “You make it so hard not to cum right now.”
He dove back into sucking on your pussy, his tongue swirling around your clit while his finger curled up to stimulate that spot. You could hardly focus on giving him neck because of how good he is. “Then do it,” you whined. “Cum for me whenever you want, baby boy. I’ll cum for you too. And then, you can finally fuck me as much as you want.”
You dove back down to suck him off, hollowing your cheeks and taking every throbbing inch of him deep in your wet throat. You just loved how he stretched out your mouth! Every part of you was touched and filled by him.
You knew it was going to feel like heaven when he finally fucked you. When you finally got to feel that big cock filling you up and stroking your insides until you came all over it. Again and again and again. Because your Yuji is a generous lover.
You felt that he was close when you felt his hands grip your ass a little harder and his cock began to throb in your mouth. “Fuck, baby!” He moaned, still finger fucking you in an effort to get you there. “You’re gonna make me cum!”
“Where you wanna cum, Yuji?” You teasingly asked. “In my mouth? On my ass? Maybe on my tits?” You leaned down and peeled off your bikini top, revealing your naked breasts and hard nipples to him and the summer breeze. “Tell me where you want it,” you demanded.
Yuji was losing it, too lost in the pleasure to speak. “I-I don’t care!” He gasped. “I just want it all over you! God, Y/N, please just make me cum!”
You smiled, satisfied with his begging. “Good boy,” you cooed. “Now be a good boy and give me all of that cum. Give me what’s mine and I’ll give you what’s yours.”
You went back to sucking him off, gagging and choking on his cock as you felt him draw his hips up to fuck your throat. You fucked his mouth too, your hips rolling on his face like you would a surfboard, twisting and grinding this way and that.
When you finally felt that knot in your core tighten, you grinded faster and harder against Yuji’s mouth. “Fuck, Yuji, I’m gonna cum!” You whined. “Keep going, baby! Don’t stop!”
Yuji moaned into your pussy and continued to fuck you with his tongue and finger, all worry about the neighbors gone. When you finally exploded on his tongue, he let out a loud moan only muffled by your ass as he finally busted into your mouth.
You moaned appreciatively as he gave you every bit of his cum, shooting it down your throat. Greedily, you popped off of him and let him shoot more onto your tits, putting his cock between them and sliding them along his shaft for more stimulation.
You soared through the clouds together, your orgasm highs taking you on a trip that only you could make happen for each other. As you came, you giggled, delirious from the pleasure and Yuji’s skillful mouth.
Finally, your cries and moans of pleasure died down into sighs and pants accompanied by the soft splashing of the pool water. “Oh, wow,” you sighed, rolling off of him. He grabbed for you instantly, hugging your damp, semi-naked body against his. You fit so perfectly against him.
“Yeah,” he agreed with a sigh. “That was amazing. You always make me feel so good, babe. I really needed that.”
You smiled, looking up at him and his twinkling eyes in the summer sun. “We both did,” you giggled. “But you also know what this means, right?”
Yuji furrowed his brows at you, making an adorable face that made you want to ride it again. You leaned up to press your lips to his ear: “Now you can fuck me,” you whispered.
You swore, you had never seen Yuji move so fast until the moment those words were ordered. You were suddenly on your back with your thighs spread and him on top of you, blocking out the sun.
“What about the neighbors?” You asked, moaning as his semi-hard cock slid against your sensitive pussy.
“Fuck the neighbors,” he huffed. “I need you too badly right now.” He grinned down at you, flashing you that boyish Yuji smile. “I’ve got you for a whole weekend, baby, so get used to this.”
And when he finally slid inside of you and proceeded to fuck you in the cool shade of your cabana, you made a mental note to invite him over for pool days more often.
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Hello! Thank you for your blog, I've found it most helpful.
Do you have any advice for writing a fantasy story set in the real world, i.e. low fantasy I believe, in dealing with the "friction" of magic intruding upon the "real" world? Magical creatures running around London seen by people, magical acts that should not be possible in the "real" world being witnessed by people, how do you deal with the friction? Do you ignore it? Or do you write it in with some sort of resolution that explains it away? Can it be a part of the story itself?
Hopefully this ask isn't completely incoherent. Thank you!
Magic vs Mundane "Friction" in Low Fantasy
When you have magic intruding into a normal world, there's bound to be some friction, though the exact nature of that friction depends on your story and the framework you've set up for magic. And, on a personal note, I think part of the fun of low fantasy is seeing how non-magical people react when magic intrudes on their world.
There are a lot of things to take into account when deciding how to handle the friction when magic intrudes in the non-magical world.
Awareness - Who has magic in this world? How common is it? How secretive is magic kept? In a world where magical traits are random and common, most non-magical people are probably aware of it because they likely know a magical person. In a story where only a certain group are magic--like the fae secretly living in the world--it's likely that fewer people are aware that magic and magical beings exist.
Governance - In some low fantasy settings, there's some sort of governance over magic, either via the magical world or the normal world, to limit its intrusion upon the everyday. There might be places and times where magic is and isn't allowed, or maybe there's a complete ban. In a place with limited or selective governance, it probably wouldn't be unusual for non-magical people to witness magic. In a place where it's highly controlled or prohibited, it would probably be unusual to witness it.
There can also be an agency that exists to downplay magical events, blaming them on a gas leak causing hallucinations, or a potent hallucinogen contaminating the water supply.
Impact - The level of friction also depends on the impact of the magic that's witnessed. If your magical character shows their non-magical friend that they can levitate feathers in the air, that's a pretty low key intrusion. Even if hundreds of people saw, it could be chalked up to some sort of "magic trick" or illusion and could be easily dismissed. But if someone's magic allowed a giant dragon to fly loose in the city wreaking havoc, an impact that big would have some pretty big friction.
Once you've fleshed out the above, you can start to think about how you want to address it. Do magical people simply avoid doing magic in sight of non-magical people? And if they do see it, there some way to make them forget? Or is magic an expected--or somewhat expected--part of everyday life, even for non-magical people?
Again, it all depends on what you establish and the needs of your story. Let me know if you have further questions once you flesh some of that out.
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