loveswrites · 1 year
can you pls do a poly mikealsons? 🙏
Curtains Poly Mikealsons x reader
Time it took me: About a month
word count: 1581
To anon: Hello lovely, I hoped you liked it! <3
Love <3
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“Why can’t I leave?” You questioned frowning your eyebrows.
“Because it’s not safe Love. Understand that.” Kol said, sighing softly.
You had been asking the same question for about 5 minutes and each person you asked gave you a dull short answer. You knew everything about your mates. Well everything that they would tell you that is. 
You were a witch who didn’t belong to a coven who was surrounded 24/7 by original vampires and one original hybrid. You're definitely not a skilled witch though, Klaus often refers to you as his little witch. You’ve set things on fire in anger when you’ve gotten into a fight with just about anyone. Things or people.. You’ve never tried running from your power as much as you’ve thought about trying to find a way to lock up your magic and seal it away for a better day. The world is just too dangerous to sit around defenseless regardless if you know or don’t know how to work with the weapons you’ve been given.
“Why is it not safe? What’s going on? I woke up and none of you were there just for me to come find you all and you basically give me the side eye when I ask something!” You said starting to raise your voice. Kol looked at you and he could see the fire in your eyes. You were getting upset and that wasn’t something that they could deal with right now. 
Kol walked closer to you grabbing both of your hands with each of his he put them both on each side of his cheeks. It was a little habit that you’ve grown when showing affection to any of your four lovers. When they’d ask why? you’d always just say “Two hands to ground you. Two eyes to calm you.” It always worked so much that when you would freak out or get anger they started using your calming tactics on you themselves.
“Darling please calm down or else you’ll bloody burn the house down.” Kol said softly staring into your eyes rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs. So you started focusing on the feeling of his hands and you felt yourself relax and doing so slowed your heart down. Him hearing this he gave you a sly smirk "Good girl." He kissed your forehead and not a second after he was gone. 
"What the hell Kol!" You yelled out feeling all of your 5 second relaxation get thrown out of the window.. 
Sighing, you shook your head and went on a journey through the rest of the compound to look for your mates. When you did they all were in the same room huddled up together basically whispering with the occasional yell from each other.
“What’s going on?” You asked, smiling softly in hope to soften them up to spill the beans.
“Nothing of your concern.” Klaus said immediately.
While Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Kol were huddled up Freya was off to the side mixing up some herbs. You couldn’t tell what they were but off the back you knew they were very strong protection herbs. 
“What’s going on?” You asked sternly, shifting your eyes between your four loves and Freya.
“It’s nothing-”
“Stop fucking with me and tell me what’s going on! Tell me why you have the walls sealed up like were all stuck here in hell on earth it’s fucking hot in here! Why is it so hot!” You ranted as your mates watched you with wide eyes. Some eyes were full of shock, others were filled with admiration.  
“Oh my god the curtains!” Freya said, jumping up, making you turn around to see that you set the curtains in the room on fire. 
“My what is your constant need to try to burn us all to oblivion my little witch?” Klaus questioned. Turning to him you only saw admiration from him. 
It was one of the things that made you love him more and more. The fact that you could burn the whole world to ash he would be right next to you cheering you on with a smile on his face. Elijah would lecture you on how you’d feel after the world was finished burning. Kol would be on the same page as Klaus, just happy to start some chaos with his love by his side. And Rebekah well it would all just depend on her mood of that day.
It made you feel less of a freak. An uncontrollable freak. 
“I didn’t mean to.” You said calmly. 
Freya tamed the fire with her powers but they've all learned that your flames only go out depending on your mood. And as long as you were upset or irritated the flames could and would raise at any given time. So the only reasonable thing would be to tell you what’s going on.
“Come on Nik wouldn’t you rather her know or burn down the bloody compound?” Rebekah asked, looking at Klaus.
“It will upset her. And you see what happens when she’s upset.” Klaus said frustrated that this was even still a conversion.
“It will bring her some peace, knee Klaus.” Elijah said always thinking of your well being. 
“Fine bloody tell her and if we all burn don’t look at me for help.” He said plopping down into a chair further away gesturing at someone to go ahead and tell you the news.
“Marcel is planning on killing us all.” Kol said calmly.
“What?!” You yelled out with wide eyes causing the fire around to come back full force.
“Calm her!” Freya said no longer able to tame the flame.
“What did I tell you?” Klaus said, rolling his eyes.
“Bloody hell I liked those curtains.” Rebekah said, shaking her head. 
You didn’t know much about they’re history with Marcel. All that you knew was he was supposed to be a friend of some sort and sometimes family? It was complicated, They said something that you never found yourself interested enough to pry about. So you didn’t. If you didn’t ask any questions you wouldn’t see him as anything more than a friendly vampire who they throw hands with sometimes. You never thought it was that deep. Until now.
“Why is he trying to kill you-”
“Never mind the reason why thousands of people want to kill us for so many different reasons.” Elijah said plainly like it was just so simple.
“They've crafted yet another weapon to try to unleash downfall upon us. It is yet another useless thing that will cease to exist once we're all done.” Klaus said, walking to you. 
As he walked to you he held eye contact with you making your heart yet again flutter. Grabbing both of your cold hands with his warm ones giving you a sly smirk he then said. 
“You have nothing to worry about. Especially if your worries are about us love. What you should be worried about is what curtains are going to replace the ones you’ve just burned down for no reason.” He finished kissing your lips gently but quick as he pulled away he let go of your hands and speedily walked away. Not even giving you time to say goodbye and good luck.
The flames being gone Freya also turned to leave the room. But before she left completely she said “Try not to burn anything else while we're gone yeah?” 
“I didn’t mean to.” You said shuffling from one foot to another.
“I think it’s sexy how destructive you are.. As long as you are nowhere near my closet.” Rebekah said smiling kissing your forehead following behind the two who just left the room. You watched as she walked away and when you turned another there were only two left. Kol and Elijah 
“Kol-” You started but was rudely cut off. 
“Nope, I've already said my greetings and dismissals to you love. I couldn’t bear to do it all over again.” He stated giving you a forehead kiss on his walk out of the room.
“What the hell?” You whispered to yourself shaking your head.
“You should eat something. Read what I’ve laid on your bed, It should give you what you need to know on how to control your magic. It was my mothers.” Elijah said, taking a few long strides to you and stopping in front of you. 
“Are you going to kill him?” You asked in hopes the answer was going to be no. You knew Marcel was like an on and off family member. 
“If we must, I will lay down his life myself for the sake of my family.” He said sternly, smoothing down his suit.
“I thought he was family?” You questioned looking up at him.
“Sometimes family turns to foe and there's nothing you can do but save the family you have left.” After he said that you saw he was in deep thought. His eyes looked to be lost in the mist of fog. Right when you were going to say something he opened his mouth.
“I’ll make sure they control themselves. Please eat.” And with that he laid his hands on the sides of your face and kissed the top of your head. Your daddy issues were screaming, not even gonna lie. When he let go he walked away leaving with the others which left you alone with yourself and the one thought you had.
“What the hell is there to eat in this house besides blood?”
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old-bongwater · 2 years
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Mahmoud Darwish
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lonngwaydown · 8 months
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Tell me u want me, without telling me u want me
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patleclerc · 5 months
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Have a blessed day, BE kind ⭐️ Be special.. Excerpt from patleclerc.com/tooth-in-sincerity/ Art Changes Lives; patleclerc.com/book/ Photo by Liane Blanchard Illustration by @patleclerc_official
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thalia-s · 7 months
Feeling anxious isn’t just wondering if some one loves you and cares for you or not. It’s the pondering of whether someone will always care for you and love you and whether you will too and whether it will last and how much it would break you if it didn’t and whether you will make it and whether it’s all worth it and whether you are even worth it and whether they want it and whether they see your intensity and match it and whether
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loverhorror · 6 months
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3tanishqa · 8 months
What is love? (Part One)
Love is sitting in the gallery at midnight staring at the moon and writing a note to your people. Love is creating a playlist with your comfort person and then singing that 10 minute song on top of your lungs on the terrace whenever you meet them. Love is being cringe and not being judged for being cringe. Love is sending Diwali post cards to your best friend knowing that no one uses them nowadays. Love is writing the radom stupid messages and sending voice notes that have no meaning at all. Love is being able to write what Love is and probably posting it too soon because you're too excited to share it. Love is writing a poem to yourself knowing that you have your back first.
Love is million little things. Love is like the moon it has it different forms and phases but it's there always. It's the joy in those little things. Sometimes little things do matter the most and that's what brings happiness to life . It's like the moon; different phases but it's there always, so we have to look up at it and admire it as much as we can.
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awackowriter · 2 years
—i simply wish i had talked to you during those times when you wanted to.
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thecreativemystique · 2 years
If manifestations are real
You’re here. You’re finally here on my side of the country, in my city where you always said you’d be. I’m in the city with you, not living together yet but I made it, and you did too. We’re dating, we’re together. We speak daily, see each other a few days a week unless we’re busy - which happens to be often. Us artists take our work home with us but I love every second of it. But sometimes you come over just to watch me work while I sip my wine and have music playing in the background. These nights we spend together that end in us tangled up together. Sharing details about our day as you watch from over my shoulder and place a kiss on my neck. My favorite spot as you know.
On the weekends we hang out with our friends, with my brother and sister and their significant others. We go places, do activities, find new places to try, all the fun things we said we’d do together. We have dinner at 12 chairs, fornino, and of course Joe’s Shanghai because that place is, and always will be a favorite. I take you to Calexico and you brag about how California tacos are better than here in BK which I don’t disagree. You just love to push my buttons but I let you because it makes both of us laugh. I show you all my favorite spots in a city that I call my home, a place where I always felt like myself, my REAL self. Sometimes we go out east to visit my family, spend tie with my parents, aunts, uncle and cousins. I’m not afraid if introducing you, especially to my mother. Seeing you in the dynamic doesn’t scare me as much as I thought it once would. But as I see it happen my fear ceases to exist. 
Sometimes we go out west to visit your family, your friends. Sometimes it’s up north, sometimes it’s SoCal. Either or, you know I love both. We watch sunsets, we walk by the water, we share street food with each other. You take my hand as we walk down the boulevard telling me this is the best love you’ve ever had. 
We share our traditions, or culture, stories from our upbringing and what its like to be raised by immigrant parents, or parents raised by immigrants. Things I thought most people wouldn’t understand but you do. The good, the bad, the ugly, the dirty, and the beautiful parts.
In the nights we stay up talking, joking, having sex, watching netflix, laying next to each other in blissful comfort. Neither of us wanted to admit what we feel, what we had been through, but we trust each other. I never thought it was possible to trust someone this much, I thought it was a myth, that it was something I only read or see on TV but you make it real because you ARE real. The closeness, the vulnerability. I overcame fears because I want to be with you more than I’m afraid of being vulnerable. We learned from each other. The lessons we knew we needed to learn. You helped me to rely on others, to be open with others, to be weak and dependent, to ask for help and let people help me. And with my fierce independence I helped you feel safe and secure when you’re alone, to have fun alone, to feel like yourself when you’re alone.To know the difference between wanting and needing. We’ve grown with each other, became better, stronger for each other all with the intention to continue to grow with and for each other.
I open up to you in ways I haven’t opened up to people before. And the best part, you don’t look at me like I’m crazy, or that I’m from another planet. Even if you thought as such you never make me feel alien for it. I don’t need validation, and you know that, but you let me find comfort in you without the fear of feeling like I made a mistake. And though its sometimes challenging for you, you open up to me. I let you be the weak one when you need to be. You want to be strong for me because I AM strong for you and for myself, but you know when to put away the façade and take a break. We lay down on the couch, your head on my chest as I play with your hair. Your long, dark, silky black hair that I love so much. You talk as if no one is listening, opening up about things you keep buried deep. I respect your boundaries and you respect mine but we ask each other questions and tell each other our concerns without having any worry.
And when we look at each other and into each others eyes, we know it, better than we’ve ever known. We’re in love, and we always will be.
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loveswrites · 2 months
Omg hi, I'm so glad you're back.
I just read your new fic and I love it! You absolutely nailed it!!🫶🏻🫶🏻
Thank you for writing it!🫶🏻
Hey Love! I'm glad you loved it, Thank you! I had fun writing it! Request are always open no matter how many times I disappear lol. So if there's anything else you want me to write just ask! <3
Love <3
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old-bongwater · 1 year
she is so perfect in every way. i am infinitely lucky to be able to know her and have her in my life. i thought she was beautiful from the moment i met her and when i got to know her i couldn’t believe it because, how could she be even prettier on the inside than she is on the outside? have you seen the way she laughs? have you seen the way her dimples indent her face when she smiles? my god have you seen her?
simply knowing her makes my life lighter, easier. making her laugh feels like living. like i can stay alive another day because she is here and i am the cause of her smile. her laugh clears the air around me. there is no other feeling like it on this earth. there is nothing and no one like her.
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lonngwaydown · 2 months
Ich vermisse dich. Dabei kenn ich dich doch nicht. Wenn sich unsere Blicke aber treffen, kann ich mich nicht mehr beherrschen. Ich will dich und weiß ich darf es nicht. Deswegen schau mich nicht so an, am besten komm nicht mehr, lass es uns nicht wagen, unsere Liebe müssen wir heimlich voneinander wahren
I miss you. I don't know you. But when our eyes meet, I can't control myself anymore. I want you and I know I'm not allowed to. That's why don't look at me like that, it's best not to come anymore, let's not dare, we have to secretly preserve our love from each other.
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patleclerc · 1 month
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Do you pray? To have a good day ..! Excerpt from patleclerc.com/are-you-reading-listening/ Art Changes Lives; patleclerc.com/book/
Illustration by @patleclerc_official
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authorksc · 6 months
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0 notes
rebornmystixx · 8 months
Lost in the art of your structure
A maze of wonder
A phase I wonder
To lust is blunder
But you hit me like thunder
You maze you phase
Wishing to get lost
In your utterance
your move or your lovely lips
You maze you phase
I fall into your abyss
Places u didn’t know existed
My christmas I’m gifted
With endless treasures
From my wishlist
You maze you phase
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mobstersandlobsters · 9 months
Pour into you poem
Softened and fused as I melt into you.
Welded together, my love for you is steady
and unwavering.
The flame of a single candle cannot compare to the
blinding light of true love and the impetuous
fire felt inside an empty heart that yearns for the
warmth of a loving man.
Yes, I may be guilty for gazing but can you blame
a lovestruck naive fool such as me?
Forgive me for my adoration, but I just
cannot tame the fire that builds inside as I slowly
melt into your loving arms, at your mercy and in
your mind, timeless is my love for you, for eternity
with love so divine.
Let my love pour into you.
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