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pnwswiftie · 6 years ago
Literally the woman I love
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daphniepearl · 5 years ago
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Only a week late...better late than never is what they say right?! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Happy Birthday Christopher!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Sorry we’ve been sick and your birthday week has been sub-par...I’ll make it up to you, promise! 😘 But probably not until after my birthday week which starts on Saturday!! 😂 -my luck he’ll be sick during my birthday week! #ugh #life . . #us #iloveus #iloveyou #iloveusomuch #thisisus #this #happybirthday #happybday #birthday #birthdayboy #birthdaylove #loveu #loveusomuch #relationshipgoals #goals #relationshipgoals❤️ (at Downtown St. Louis) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7HKI1iJzH1/?igshid=lwmdyaeo8mo9
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chuy0510 · 3 years ago
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🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 Y solo mírame con esos ojitos lindos Que con eso yo estoy bien Hoy he vuelto a nacer #margarita #daisy #flowerslovers #loveislove #moments #loveusomuch (at Guadalajara, Jalisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf1gKo5uqhS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whyte23 · 4 years ago
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It's our 34th year of evolving, learning, exploring, laughing, crying, forgiving, praying, fussing, flourishing, dating, winning, committing, and DECIDING TO STAY TOGETHER AND LOVE each other! Yes i said DECIDING... because it requires a CONSCIOUS DECISION to love someone you know enough about to condemn! Grateful that when a NO has risen along the way, one of us showed up with a YES, THAT WAS STRONGER AND CANCELED OUT THE NO! Thank you … my love Queen Gloria #HappyAnniversary #loveoneanother #togetherwegrow #blessedandthankful #keeppushing #loveyou #loveusomuch #2021goingstrong #SilentMoves #LoudResults #GodsPlan #Godisgood #faithoverfear #grateful https://www.instagram.com/p/CTJSHkRNaMS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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richieibarra · 7 years ago
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You are warm and bright You know you are so good for me With your child’s eyes...🎶 Dos años!!! 😍😙❤ #2ndAnniversary #TwoYears #LoveUSoMuch #Couple #PRAG & #RAIM #Handsome #CrazyPeople #InLove #LoveIsInTheAir #GreysAnatomy #UniverseAndYou #KTTunstall #Bimoyi #Bitmoji #Magic #Spell #GreatTimes
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sowonderflow · 5 years ago
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Les êtres humains sont une espèce pour qui l'attachement, l'amour, l'amitié, l'aide, le partage & tout ce qui lie la vie à celle des autres est capital 😉 Sans cela, que ferions-nous ?🤔 Vivez, vibrez 😍😘 #vivezvibrez #boosterdebonheur #bienetre #mieuxetre #liensocial île #attachement #amour #amitié #partage #aide #soutien #loveusomuch #followthetoucan #citationdujour #citationmotivante #inspirationalquote #instaquote #phrasedujour #donne #coaching #guide #laetitia #rein #selfempowerment #feelgood #wonderflow #sowonderflow (à Ile-de-France, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNJHAnh-cM/?igshid=1uhg6bbmzh8fq
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minnie-ying-ling-yeh · 5 years ago
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#500days 嘿 跟你說一個悄悄話 我們在一起500天了! 我們兩個人 一個外向喜歡交朋友 一個內向喜歡宅在家 彼此是如此不同的個體 卻又有好多相似的地方 相似的默契、相似的笑點 相似愛生氣的脾氣 😹 這麼不同的兩個人這五百天走來著實不容易 前一天才吵到不可開交 但每一次我們還是會努力嘗試講開合好 真的很感謝你 在我最脆弱的時候給我好大的依靠跟力量 在前年12月我開始看心理醫生到現在還是每個月會去回診吃藥,我們是去年三月的時候在一起的 那個時候的我情緒還相當的不穩定,常常莫名其妙發脾氣或沒有什麼特別原因的大爆哭 真的很感謝你的付出、耐心還有不離不棄, 我知道我們都不完美, 都有許多的缺點, 但在未來 我會練習多看看你和我的優點 因為我們還要一起走下去 ❤️ #love #🌹 #loveusomuch (在 Chinese Whispers悄悄話餐酒館) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCv9DufhKu5/?igshid=1j5ikodrwal97
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9plydrummer · 5 years ago
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Yes we do cook and we mostly cook together and of course for each other!👍🏽🥰🥦🥑🥬🌶🧄🧅🥩🧆🥗🥘 #foodstuff #cookingathome #cookingtogether #mexicanfood #koreanfood #japanesefood #couplescooking #couplesdoeverythingtogether #loveusomuch #escovedo #musicianslife #drummerslifestyle (at San Bruno, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4yBNUnkwk/?igshid=k0nizwwirv4t
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reddfoxsparkles · 3 years ago
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My babies 🥰 (minus Oli ... He's upsets) 💙🦊💚🦄💙🐺❤🐶#ourlittlefamily #furryfamily #furrydaddy #furrymommy #ourmorningroutine #ourlittlelife #doomyandraiden #doomageddonandraiden #morningcoffee #oursnapmug #loveourlittlelife #loveusomuch (at Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVZQdGuM8aV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tvcat0104 · 5 years ago
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喝完一瓶9%冰結追加台啤 (真真設計的第15任總統副總統就職紀念啤酒) 然後在滑自己以前寫的音樂祭文章 被自己的熱忱和文字感動 聽5遍小安的「憂愁」和8遍太妍的「Happy」 就會很想哭呢! 今年上半年沒有音樂祭和演唱會 已經被取消好多場囉~ 連草東小巨蛋都已泡湯啊啊啊 但慶幸的是 我們都還��著吧! 我的朋友 現在唯一期待著的 就是我3/8在神腦預購的動森機打來跟我說到貨惹 或是第五人格排位升級戰遇到佛係鬼加神隊友助我一臂之力 再著是許仙女含光那憑運氣的隨意直播 都是生活中點燃火柴般細微卻很期待的小小溫暖 我很愛你們 即使我沒有很常說出口 你們還是知道的 知道的吧 :) #日記 #就是心內話 #有感覺才想說 #loveusomuch https://www.instagram.com/p/B_77Ak_nUrU/?igshid=1vrzmj6d9c72
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shraddhaloversposts · 5 years ago
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Big congratulations to u cutie @jassie.gill for 7MIllion FAMILY 😍🙌🏻 really proud of you 😃🤟🏻 many more to come 😋 keep rocking 🤟🏻, keep shining ✨❤️ We all #jassians are supporting you always #loveusomuch #proudjassian 😇 #blessed 🙏🏻❤️ (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_d_HMMluJx/?igshid=118k1slfmfjfq
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perritis-aguda-blog · 5 years ago
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Queridos PERRIL♥️OVERS!!! 😜Ya hemos llegado a los •500• suscriptores!! Estamos muy emocionados🥰 de contar con vosotros, esperamos que os sirvan de ayuda nuestros post, siempre estamos pensando en como ayudaros a mejorar la relación con vuestros mejores amigos🐕Los hacemos con mucho amor para todos vosotros🧡💛💚💙💜♥️ LOVE US💕 #perritis_aguda #amorinfinito❤ #500 #loveusomuch #graciasportodo #continua #perrosdeinstagram #mejorartuvida #quedateencasa https://www.instagram.com/p/B_U19KnlBBo/?igshid=7z1cii1j9jra
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Το ομορφότερο κόσμημα πάνω στην γυναίκα είναι το χαμόγελο της! Χρόνια πολλά σε όλες τις γυναίκες του κόσμου! Να χαμογελάτε κάθε μέρα!!! #santorini #santorinigreece #santoriniisland #woman #womansday #love #loveus #loveusomuch (στην τοποθεσία Αλεξάνδρα Κολέσνικ, Ψυχολόγος MSc) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9eZThtnviY/?igshid=4s2662xonggo
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richieibarra · 7 years ago
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“Incapaz de percibir tu forma, te encuentro siempre a mi alrededor. Tu presencia llena mis ojos con tu amor, hace más humilde mi corazón. Estás en todas partes” - #TheShapeOfWater #LaFormaDelAgua #Poem #LoveIsLove #TheShapeOfWaterPoem #MovieTime #PRAG & #RAIM ❤ #LoveIsInTheAir #LoveUSoMuch
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aldrummergarcia · 5 years ago
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He visto amaneceres espectaculares, viajando a tantos lugares. Fiestas y paisajes, atardeceres monumentales. Una vida llena de aventuras y experiencias como nunca. Y a pesar de vivir todo, nada se compara contigo, esa mirada que ilumina cualquier anochecer, y una sonrisa que opaca el amanecer. Podría enumerar todo lo que amo de ti, presumir de mi admiración, de tu belleza interior, de esa manera de pensar, la fuerza que inspiras al llegar. Podría decirle al mundo que te amo tanto, pero no se compara, realmente esto es tanto! Y a pesar de haber vivido tanto, quiero disfrutar aun mas estando a tú lado, porque mi vida es tuya, sin pensarlo ni dudarlo. Te amo @katmauv 🖤💜💚 #loveyou #mygirlfriend #loveusomuch https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LoSFJhyAY/?igshid=1qkels543urem
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astrid1229 · 5 years ago
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2020.02.04- 講話不需拘束掩飾 總是可以做最自然的我們💕 一整天黏踢踢也都不會膩👭🏻 謝謝不會嫌棄我的妳們🥰 사랑해 💕 진심으로 💯 #04FEB2020 #groundstafflife #mybestgirls #staytogetherallways #bff #girlsday #foodie #loveusomuch #整天膩在一起 #什麼話題都能聊 #喜歡妳們 #真心感謝(在 Taipei, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qdSX-BJt1/?igshid=57wx45oom02x
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