#lovely moot<333
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some flowers for you
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kikruui · 1 year
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@reaurelynios I drew themm,, I really really love themmm,,,
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l3viat8an · 5 months
Leviathan: Have we always called you MC?
MC: Yeah...?
Mammon: Wait what?
Asmo: Seriously?
Satan: Wow I just noticed that...
Leviathan: What if... our life is just a simulation?
(Everyone stares at you irl)
Beel: Who's that?
MC: That's me!
Mammon: But ya right here?
Belphie: I don't really care...
MC: That's me in real life!
Barbatos: Why would you tell them now?
Barbatos: See now I gotta alter the time and erase memories, then I have to find ways to avoid this outcome...
MC: Awww cmon Barb!
Barbatos: It must be done, I'm sorry...
MC: Okay then, do what you must...
Omg i did not mean for that to get angsty, i just thought abt this. It was inspired by another post but i forgot it😭 I LOVE YOUUU❤️❤️
“Wow I just noticed that….” NAHHHH
And why are they breaking the forth wall??! nosy ass demons, can’t mind their business smh 😒 this is why they have so many problems!!! And why MC has to fix them helpsjks
and the end??? Barbatos and MC have to fix another timeline that’s like their part-time job now jsksjsk
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zootopiathingz · 3 months
I love that us charlastor shippers have basically made our own fandom and our own version of the show where everything is the same except Charlie and Al are banging each other nine ways to Sunday and everyone else just kinda looks the other way about it
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Hi!! This is hopefully a fun question to ask! 💚 What are some of your favourite versions of suguru &/or satoru by your moots/non-moots that you’ve read in their fics ? For example your winter satosugu drabble has my favourite satoru 💅💅💅
🥺🥺🥺 ANONNNN first of all i’m so happy you like that satoru…… i’m really fond of him too!!! he’s very Husband + the implied mommy issues are tasty imo…
but wahhh… this is absolutely a fun question!!!! i doooo wanna preface this by saying that i legitimately love . all my moots’ versions of stsg. they’re all a little different so i go to different moots/other writers depending on what i’m looking for :3 i love love love the fact that fanfic births so many different takes and aus…. it’s one of my favorite parts of reading it!!!
i doooo have some versions of stsg that i’m partial to though!!!! gonna throw them under the cut, i decided to only go with my moots because i’m…… really scatterbrained. there are SO many other sugus and torus that i adore my brain just can’t pull them out at command </3 but i hope this’ll suffice!!
first of all…. my favorite gojos :333
niku’s gojo in general is one of my favorites ever ever ever but i’m specifically adding a link to bten because . bten lives in my brain <3 and i adore both bten!reader & bten!gojo more than anything….. ANYWAY . niku’s gojo is my favorite for many reasons but above all else he just…. feels so real to me . sometimes i have to remind myself that i’m reading a fic and not canon content bc her gojo just FEELS like gojo . it’s a little scary. i read bten and heard kaiji tang’s voice in my ear 😭 i think it’s sooo difficult to capture the balance that canon!gojo has, but niku does it so effortlessly!!! he’s so charming and guarded and annoying and kind beneath it all and i’m just….. in love with him . that’s all. i do want to strangle him just a tiny bit but mostly i want to kiss him.
sel’s col!gojo…. my baby my husband the loml. i adoreeeee sel’s take on gojo and the way he views/approaches love ….. and just like niku her gojo feels so real and so grounded!!!! sel has a way of rounding out her characters and making them feel so human, which i. adore. and it works so well with gojo. col!gojo is canon to me idc. he’s so relatable to me and following his story with col!reader was just so touching 🥹🥹 i . cried . every time he blushed or got flustered i fell to my knees . flustered gojo is really hard to get right i think??? bc it’s just….. such a rare mood from him. but it feels so perfect in her fics. col!gojo reminds me of a plant in the softest, most loving way and i just want him to grow and embrace the sun !!!!!!!! i want him to be happy….
another general pick; alexis’s gojo!!!!!! (link goes straight to my personal fav which is a very bold statement to make but i think abt this fic constantly)…. this is another gojo that just feels. so canon to me somehow???? every time i read her gojo fics i’m just like yeah…. that’s gojo satoru. that’s the gojo satoru that i love and adore. it always reminds me of WHY i love him sm and it’s just….. such a wonderful feeling yk??? alexis rlly captures what i perceive as the core of his character!!!!! i can’t tell you what it is exactly but i feel that so strongly!!!!! he’s my baby and i love him so so bad. he makes me so happy and he feels so human:((((( i just love him…. him and his self-destructive little habits….. also special shoutout to idol!gojo bc he’s just soo. yeah.
then we have io’s flower shop!satoru <333 the fic isn’t out as of rn, but i added a link to a snippet that i’m still swooning over….. i ADORE this concept and it’s so perfect for io’s gorgeous and flowery writing!!!! he was made for her fr…… i just really love the idea of a soft, gentle, smitten satoru 🥺 and him being a flower boy rlly scratches an itch in my brain because of his canon ties to flowers!!! the fact that he kind of views other people as flowers. or at least compared them to flowers in ch. 236….. i just feel like this concept is . genius. nature loves satoru and he loves it back . he’s a nurturing soul at his core imo and that’s not something i see people explore super often, but this au captures it perfectly <33
moss’s knight!suguru…. my beloved. not a day goes by where i don’t think about him. there isn’t a single language on this earth that could properly convey the physical reaction i had when i read this drabble . this is . The most attractive suguru in the world. to me. he’s so sexy i’m sorry i need him so bad. we all know how i feel about knights and suguru individually so when you mash em together….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 yeah. my life was changed. the armour the blood the contrast between his polite exterior and gritty fighting … i’ll be so honest just the idea of knight!suguru fighting using his fists instead of his sword is enough to have me falling to the floor in agony like i NEED him. you don’t understand. you will never understand. it physically pains me to know that he will never beat ts out of me. BUT YEAH HE’S JUST SOOO???? he’s so hot and cool and Doomed and i desire him carnally
then we have mickey’s suguru :3 he’s just….. soooo fucking charming? it’s sickening . i can’t stand him. he’s perfect and i need him. mickey always writes him in a very wolfy way while also making him feel so soft and sweet and i just…. adore it. he’s a loverboy first and foremost and he makes me sooooooo happy it’s insane…… i’m linking my personal fav sugu fic of his but i truly adore them all!!!!!!!!! his suguru is just . theee most charming man alive and that’s all i can really say to properly convey my feelings. this particular fic genuinely wrecked me i got soooooo flustered just reading it 💔💔💔 save me sweaty!sugu…….. save me……….. he’s a wolf he’s a romantic he’s a cooer and most importantly he’s my Wife :33
kairo’s suguru is soooo lovely and so hot but i’m especially in love with black is the colour!suguru….. he’s just. so hot i’m sorry. not really though. tattoo artist sugu 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 with his piercings …. his honeyed voice…… his boundless devotion…… heavy breathing . he’s so mommy in this. but also so Father. that’s the best way i can explain it aaaaaaand i’m terribly weak to it……. he’s just so perfect there are SO many scenes in this fic that made my knees buckle 😔😔 he’s so sweet and doting and complex and just hhhhhhhhhhhHHH kairo if you see this you’ve ruined me for life…… specifically thinking about the scene where he worries he acts more like a dad than a boyfriend sometimes + where he calls reader his dove…… i need him in my life i need him to fix me
lily’s poseidon!suguru stole my heart very recently and i have ….. not stopped thinking of him since. i love any take on suguru as a god and lily’s version is just so genius . suguru being a god of the sea????? it’s perfect….. and the fact that he’s so gentle and coaxing and sweet 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 just the way he speaks in this drabble had me captivated he is truly the god of all time….. and his DESIGN . the concept in itself. i know for a fact that he’s the most stunning man you’ll ever see. he’s so almighty and powerful and he speaks so softly and gently but you hear every word crystal clear because he just has this Presence…… i rlly can’t stop thinking about him.
then we have rem’s suguru!!!! who is the acts of service king of All Time. and i’m obsessed with him. i love chatting with rem because i love her but also because we always agree on suguru and her thoughts always make me feel insane….. he NEEDS you to need him. he needs to take care of you. or he’ll literally explode. he’s such a caretaker and i can’t get enough of him….. that’s really the Core of suguru’s character imo!!!! his desperation to take care of others. he wants to take care of you more than he ever takes care of himself because doing that makes Him happy. and rem just captures that so, so perfectly, yknow?????? oughhhh her sugu is just so Mommy i need him to coddle me :(((((
aaaaand finally!!!!! last but not least!!!!!!!! rheya’s vamp!sashisu :33 i know you asked for stsg specifically but i’m throwing in shoko as a bonus bc they’re All characterized so well in this. they live rent free in my silly little brain . there’s not a single person on this planet that i trust to write poly sashisu more than rheya bc she just Gets them!!!!! and….. vamp!sashisu..,… lord save me…….. they could drain me like a capri sun idec. I LOVE THEM!!!!!! their preferred biting spots just feel soooo in character and the fact that they’re all so gentle makes me emotional 🥺🥺 generally speaking i’m not super into vamps but rheya entered my life and i was changed forever . i need them so bad
i wasn’t gonna tag anyone originally, but i want you guys to know how much i love you and think abt your silly little guys actually... thank u for letting me read abt them 🥹
@stellamancer @seiwas @kissxcore @neptuneblue
@mossmotif @dollsuguru @teddybeartoji
@storiesoflilies @hayakawalove @satoruxx
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Hi! Long time no see I know I know, I just wanna talk about the splash art because I saw it and it set off something in my brain... For fragile reader ofc
They're dancing, behind reader's bg is, like you said, nature, outside world, foxttore, blah blah blah, but behind dottore is.... His lab, with his segments behind him, but what's interesting is it's your bed. With IV drips, and behind him, on your wrist that's on his shoulder, is an IV drip (only shows on his side),, the segments have long gloves and face masks as if they're going to perform surgery and. I'm too sleep deprived to continue the thought but basically
Reader is living in a world with their desire to be okay again, outside in nature, dance freely while dottore is represents reality, that they're not fine and they'll be forever confined in his lab, desperately clinging on to life
Yep, I'm still in for angst
(x) WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS... but I love it anyway. The stark contrast between your dreams and his reality. Your dreams are bright and hopeful. You dream of being healthy, so you try your best to ignore reality. But Dottore is the opposite. Dreams have no worth to him, reality is what is tangible, it is where you exist, and you are what matters. You probably know that too but, you can't help but ignore it, after all you've been through. But that's okay with Dottore. He can shoulder the burden with you. Even if another eternity passes and your condition remains stagnant. He can only keep swearing that he'll turn your dreams into reality... maybe not now, maybe not for a while, but one day, for sure.
(Fluff time) Still, in a way you balance each other out. He keeps you grounded in reality even though it's painful sometimes, and you help him relax and forget about the stresses of reality as well.
WBDWDB KAI I MISSED YOU!! I was like :DD!! when i saw you in the inbox and then i turned to 💔 at the angst... classic Kai move... regardless im glad you're here... *huge hug* And i see you've been simping for Boothill eh? Me too. Me too. I love that silly guy.
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This is the gayest shit I have ever seen.
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jarofalicesgrunge · 6 months
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Layne and Jerry My Fav Babies 👶💖
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drunk-on-dk · 2 years
HI SKY <333333
Been thinking about riding junhui a lot more than usual lately......but like lazily i love lazy sex and he is giving body worship ehehehehehhe
JENNA <3333 I'm absolutely BUZZING FROM THIS the second I saw you send this in I WAS LIKE YESSSSSS I'M SORRY IT TOOK A BIT... but what a wonderful way to post my first jun work on here because I NEED this. ily thank you for sending this in because I'm obsessed (also with drowning by bobby coming out WHEW what a suitable song)
warnings: no plot just smut (minors i do bite so please DNI), unprotected sex (no protection is mentioned, but pls stay safe friends), fem-bodied reader but no specified pronouns, riding, body worship, marking, sub (?) jun (idk he'd do anything for the reader he's obsessed), pet names (good boy jun)
w/c: ~850 words
Junhui was in a daze, eyes half-lidded and hypnotized by the slow roll of your hips into his. If the grinding motion was enough to set his body on fire, then each pulse of your walls around his cock was enough to make him feel like he could actually combust. But he doesn't, he can't bear the thought of not having your skin on his, absolutely positive that he'd let you ride him like this all night.
At this rate, it may actually be all night, as neither of you can exactly remember how long ago it was since you climbed onto his lap claiming you wanted to "take care of him" tonight. After all, Jun has been such a good boy for you all week; he deserves a little TLC in the form of you pinning him down to the bed and riding him until you both see stars.
He's too entranced by the curves and dips of your body and the way your features twist into the most beautiful expressions of pleasure as you lazily rotate your hips in a figure-8 pattern.
The large hands that trace your body pull soft moans from you, his gentle touch only amplifying the immense amount of pleasure you feel from the stimulation of your clit rubbing against Jun's pelvis and how he fills you so perfectly. His palms run shamelessly over your torso, roaming aimlessly as if to remember every inch of your delicate skin until landing on your hips.
Jun has been mumbling rambles of praises all night, unable to form a coherent sentence due to the way his mind is clouded by you. He's absolutely consumed by the way you feel wrapped around him, loving that he can watch you lose yourself on his cock with each languid, self-guided roll of your hips.
"Can't believe you're mine," he babbles, hands still finding real estate on your hips and rubbing his thumb almost soothingly. "So perfect, so beautiful."
His words have you gasping, your own hands splayed out greedily on his broad chest that heaves as your walls tighten with each doting word.
"S-shit, Jun," you moan a bit louder when his hands spread to your ass, your body falling limp against his when he grips the muscle a little tighter to stop the motion of your hips.
"Please," he whimpers, nuzzling his nose deeper into your neck and breathing in your intoxicating scent, his mind absolutely fogged by thoughts of you and only you. "Don't want this to end, need you all night."
Jun's mouth traces your neck lovingly, teeth and lips suckling at your skin that you'd almost think he was teasing if you knew he wasn't love-drunk off you. You can't help but pick up the pace, resuming the motion of your hips as you continue to lazily fuck yourself on his cock.
The overwhelming feeling of you sinking onto him again has him sucking in air, his adam's apple bobbing as he gulps, coming up for air, and trying not to drown in the sensation of your warmth surrounding him.
"Let me take care of you, Jun," you breathe against his cheek, goosebumps running down your spine as his fingers trace up and down your torso. "You're so precious to me."
It's dizzying how his lips leave warm, wet spots from your collarbone up until he connects with your lips. He moans in delight, breaking away to pebble kisses all over your body as you lift yourself up just to sink down again.
Jun swears he won't ever get sick of how you wrap so perfectly around him, trying to voice his thoughts but only a raspy groan comes out against your throat when your fingers tangle themselves into his hair. He busies himself by gently nibbling on the thin, delicate skin of your neck, absolutely unaware of the love bites he leaves along the way.
He was all yours for the taking, you could feel the unconditional love he poured into you as you guide yourself to pleasure, ultimately leading to his own pleasure as well. You can feel every twitch of his length when you moan his name, making the fluttering feeling of your walls and the pulsing of your clit more evident.
The orgasm that you had been leisurely chasing was now near, unable to suppress the euphoric ebbing feeling that made your walls contract in delight.
"Junhui," you pant, the sluggish roll of your hips now becoming more desperate as your pleasure began to wash over you. "I'm close, be my good boy and finish with me."
It's all Jun needs to hear, understanding your body more than you'll ever know, and releasing inside of you when he feels the tell-tale sign of your walls fluttering around his length, filling you deeply with his hot seed. It almost feels as if all the oxygen has been sucked out of the air for Jun, the hazy fog that clouds his head only makes his mind whirl more as he watches you fall apart on top of him. So beautiful, so perfect, and all his. He will always take whatever you give him; you have him wrapped so tightly around your finger and he swears he'll always be your good boy if these are benefits.
taglist | @wonderfulshinee @yourfavoritefreakyhan @jonghour @wonuhour @dkakapizzaboy
please feel free to reach out if you'd like to be included in the tag list, I'm finally starting to add it to my works :)
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Oh lets go Trauma™️
I'm very curious about who the ex is 👀👀
I mean your not gonna see too much of their relationship... him being their romantic partner is implied through the use of petnames but it could also just be a very good friend i guess?
Uh the new part is also not coming today because im a lil sick guy and i dont wanna push myself too much bc my friends asked me to not do that but im sure you all can wait a little longer right?
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uzi-x33 · 2 months
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I LOVE MY MUTUALLLSSSSS‼️‼️‼️‼️<<<<333 @pinkrosylux @iwakuraz @dignityofadog @vivizaii @moongasux @multifandom-no-less-than-a-mess @muffetizdelusional @miztkiz
@zestylemonsz @utterlybrainwrecked @nainainomi @nori-draws-sometimes @c4xcocoa @scronched @dazaistoesss @rado-brisingr
@starracoonagain @starzzify @i-dont-eat-drywall @silly-zai @shortcakedoggie
@ohhcinnybuns @elliott-225 @sorrowsnakahara @rudechickens @juu-su
edit: it’s not actually tagging all my moots guys what the flip AGGGGGJHHHHHH
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luckystar1327 · 24 days
hey moots? I don’t say this enough, but I am genuinely so grateful for each and every interaction we have. Even if it’s just, like, a reblog or a like, it makes me smile because hey, that’s my mutual! Look at them go! Look at that little amazing guy that I am so lucky to know!
anyways. All of you have made my life so much better. Love you guys /p <33333
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triona-tribblescore · 5 months
ITS PRONIUCNED TREENA??? omg im so sorry ive been going TREE-OH-NAH like some american middle aged white mom
I think almost everyone who's not from Ireland that I've personally spoken to has pronounced it that way, Thought maybe I should mention it here for funzies >w<
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marylily-my-beloved · 5 months
do you like mitski 👉👈
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE MITSKI!!! Do u like mitski? What’s your favourite song??
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jenfaery · 8 months
(✿◠ᴗ◠) ͏͏͏ who's the nicest mood board content creator <3
tbh that's a VERYYY difficult question but I'll mention some who are absolutely so supportive and kind here 💕 (don't get discouraged if ur not here, just know that i love u)
✿ : @tookio @gaecoo @y2qi @wiotas @yeritos @iluvrei @koosuvi @jaes1lvr @fairytopea @gigittamic @jnthri @alfaire @jangism
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k-is-for-potassium · 2 months
you moots don't understand how much you mean to me
every "ily", every "<3" makes me so. happy.
it's so beautiful that we form these bonds with each other even if we're from different cities, different countries, different continents
it shows how much love people have to give, even to complete strangers, to people we barely interact with, to people that we only know of because we were crazy enough to follow each other
so yes!! share the "ily"s and the hearts and the love
and i hope you know in your heart that you are really making my day, even if it's a passive "ily!!" on posts about my struggles, my triumphs, my life that none of you would've even thought about before we had become mutuals
and i love you all so much
keep on going on and doing what you're doing, and know that you have at least one more friend to support you as you go on life's great adventure
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