#loveless and brutal marriages
hrizantemy · 3 months
Wrote this because imagine being a girl growing up in Hewn City.
Darkness seemed to follow me, a shadow that extended far beyond the reach of the sun. It was in every alleyway I passed, creeping through the narrow gaps between buildings, pooling in the corners where the streetlights failed to penetrate. Even in the daylight, when the world should have been bright and welcoming, there was always a sense of something unseen lurking just out of sight, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal itself.
Every man I encountered seemed cloaked in this darkness, their faces partially obscured, their intentions hidden behind a veil of shadows. Their eyes, cold and unfeeling, were windows to a world I could not fathom but sensed was fraught with danger. Conversations were laced with an underlying menace, a threat that whispered through the air like a secret only I was privy to. Trust became an elusive concept, something I could no longer afford.
But the worst of it was when I closed my eyes. The darkness was no longer an external force; it was internal, residing within me. It pulsated behind my eyelids, a living entity that wrapped itself around my thoughts and dreams. Sleep offered no respite, only a deeper descent into a realm where the shadows had full dominion. I would awaken, gasping for breath, the weight of the darkness pressing down on my chest, refusing to let me go.
There was no escape from it. It was as though the darkness had become a part of me, woven into the very fabric of my being. No matter how far I walked, no matter where I went, it followed. It was inescapable, an ever-present reminder that light and hope were distant dreams, perpetually out of reach.
Sometimes, the darkness felt more than just a presence; it felt like a force, an overwhelming tide that threatened to sweep me away. There were moments when it surged, rising up to consume me entirely, and in those moments, I felt an unsettling sense of surrender. The world around me, with its harsh lights and unforgiving realities, seemed less appealing than the void that beckoned.
The thought of being consumed by it wasn't frightening; it was a tempting escape. The darkness offered a strange kind of solace, a promise of release from the endless struggle of existing in a world that never quite felt like my own. It whispered sweet nothings, coaxing me with the allure of silence and stillness, a place where the relentless noise of my mind could finally be stilled.
There were times when I stood on the precipice, teetering on the edge of letting go. The pull was strong, an almost gravitational force that promised to envelop me in its cool embrace. In those moments, I wouldn't have minded if it took me. I would close my eyes and feel its tendrils wrapping around my soul, drawing me deeper into its depths. There, I imagined, I could find peace—a cessation of the ceaseless torment, the unending cycle of fear and uncertainty.
It was worse when I felt this way because it made the darkness seem not like an enemy, but a friend. It was a dangerous comfort, a seductive promise of escape that was hard to resist. The line between surrender and survival blurred, and sometimes, I felt myself slipping. The idea of being consumed entirely, of disappearing into the void, was no longer terrifying but almost desirable. In the face of such an irresistible force, my will to fight weakened, and I found myself wondering if perhaps, just perhaps, it would be easier to let go.
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dunebrat · 6 months
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Feyd Rautha x reader
Summary : you find yourself trapped in a loveless marriage to Glossu Beast Rabban, a man whose brutality knows no bounds. Unable to bear him an heir, you turn to Feyd Rautha, in a desperate bid to secure your position within the ruthless Harkonnen house
As a year passed since your marriage to Glossu Beast Rabban, whispers began to swirl among the women of the court. Their curious glances and subtle inquiries cut deeper than any blade, their judgment heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. You, younger than your husband and eager to prove your worth, felt the weight of their scrutiny like a leaden burden upon your shoulders. Each passing day brought with it a new wave of gossip, their tongues wagging with speculation and thinly veiled accusations.
"Why hasn't she borne him an heir yet?"
"Is she barren, or just unwilling to fulfill her duty?"
"She's too young to understand the importance of her role."
Their words stung like venom, poisoning the fragile bond between you and Glossu. As the months pass by, your husband becomes increasingly frustrated by your inability to conceive. He watches as other noble families celebrate the arrival of heirs, while the halls of the Harkonnen palace remain devoid of the pitter-patter of tiny feet. "Why have you not given me an heir yet?" he demands, his voice laced with anger and disappointment.
You feel a pang of guilt and shame as his accusatory gaze falls upon you. You know the truth that it's not for lack of trying, but rather a cruel twist of fate that has left you barren. You try to explain, to reassure him that you are doing everything in your power to fulfill your duty, but Glossu's fury knows no bounds. "You are worthless to me if you cannot bear me a child!" he bellows, his words echoing through the palace corridors.
You shrink back, feeling the weight of his words like a physical blow. You have devoted yourself to him, to the Harkonnen name, and yet it seems that will never be enough. Women were
Later that night with trembling hands and a heart heavy with guilt, you approached Feyd-Rautha. His aura, both dark and dangerous, sent shivers down your spine. But this was your last chance for a child, a flicker of hope in a sea of despair. "Please," you pleaded, your voice barely above a whisper, "it's not Glossu's fault. Your brother's health that stands in our way. I beg of you, Feyd, help me conceive an heir or I will be sent away if I cannot do this"
His gaze bore into yours, a calculating glint betraying the mask of indifference he wore. Silence hung in the air. Then, with a tilt of his head and a ghost of a smile, Feyd-Rautha spoke, his voice like velvet wrapped around steel. "I'll consider your proposal, but remember, my dear sister-in-law, every deal with the devil comes with its price."
"I understand. Whatever the cost, I am willing to pay it." You responded
He smirks as he turns to leave, you're left alone with your thoughts
Later that night you found yourself underneath him, his cock pounding into you as he took what was rightfully yours. You could feel the power and dominance of him inside you, claiming your body for himself.
He wanted to breed you, to make you his. And as he continued to fuck you with a primal intensity, it was clear that this wasn't just about sex for him-it was an act of possession and control. He wanted to own you, and he was going to take what he thought belonged to him. He went for hours claiming you as your husband was away on another planet handling business. Taking you in every position and using your body for his own pleasure. He doesn't care about your needs or desires-he just wants to use you as a vessel for his lustful urges.
He cums inside you
you feel his hot seed fill your womb. He collapses on top of you, breathing heavily as he tries to catch his breath. You lay there beneath him, feeling the weight of his body pressing down upon yours. You can feel his heart beating against your chest, and you know that he is still inside of you. He slowly pulls out of you with a soft moan as the last drops of cum drip from him onto you.
He rolls off of you and lays next to you, his breathing still heavy. You lay there for a moment, trying to catch your breath as well. You can feel his cum dripping out of you, and it's a strange feeling. It feels like he has claimed your body as his own-like this is what was always meant to be between the two of you. You reach down and touch your pussy, feeling the wetness of his cum on you. It's a strange sensation-one that is both comforting and exciting at the same time.
The affair between you and Feyd unfolded as the nights passed, your meetings became bolder. As the weeks passed, a wave of nausea washed over you, leaving you weak and trembling in its wake.
Desperate for relief, you sought solace in the chambers of the healers, their gentle ministrations offering fleeting respite from the relentless onslaught of sickness. Yet, despite their best efforts, the cause of your affliction remained a mystery, shrouded in uncertainty and fear. Then, one fateful day, Glossu's booming voice echoed through the halls of the stronghold, his announcement sending shockwaves through the court like a bolt of lightning on a clear day.
"Gather round, my loyal subjects," he declared, his voice ringing with pride and triumph. "For it brings me great joy to announce that my beloved wife is with child."
A chorus of cheers erupted from the assembled crowd, their cries mingling with the pounding of your heart as you stood frozen in disbelief.
A knowing smirk tugged at the corners of Feyd's lips as you make eye contact with the true father of your child
Part 2 coming soon 𓏲◜ 🎀
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Dark/yandere king x the queen's lady in waiting mc, perhaps with Anne boleyn vibes👑🌹♟️♥️
Saw the witch x priest post and I have to say that the morally grey protagonist is a really refreshing and unique take
Yandere! King pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Even though you were never assigned to him Yandere! King couldn’t help but want to be by his side no matter what. You are the in-waiting for the queen, you’ve been with her for all her life and you adored her. She was strong willed and she was extremely intelligent. You’ve been by her side ever since you were young and have a tight bond with her. She was cold but you were happy to serve someone like her. Yandere! King was someone that people couldn’t be offended easily. When in his presence, everyone needed to watch their tongues if they wanted to keep it. He was a ruthless man who only cared about his own needs and goals. Even though he was married it was clear to see that the marriage was clearly political. There was no love between the two of them and they would almost daily cheat on each other. He sometimes even forgot that she existed. It was due to this loveless marriage that he became so interested in you.
Any normal person would be intimidated by this but you honestly didn’t care. If his attention would help you get a pay raise then let him stare at you all you want. In this economy, there was no way you were letting this money bag go. Something that you noticed about this man was that he was overly possessive and seemingly jealous of the things that he considered “his”. If he remotely took interest in something then it was his until he got bored and discards it. No one is dumb enough to stand in his way; he's cunning, backstabbing, and absolutely brutal. Morality means nothing when faced in his way.
Right now, your current situation was… strange. In a dining hall filled with luxurious food. There was a centerpiece in the middle of the table that no one could take their eyes off of.
“You’re majesty, please let me go! I repent, please forgive me for my sins! Please just don’t kill me!” The man screams with streams of tears pouring down his face. It was quite a pathetic sight to behold.
Yandere! King stared coldly at the man nailed down to the dining table. The look on his face could send shivers down anyone’s spine. He was absolutely pissed off right now. Aside from the man in the middle screaming, the room was filled with absolute silence as everyone held their breath. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut it with a knife.
“Your highness please have mercy on my husband! He didn’t mean to! He wasn’t in the right mind! Please forgive him!” The man’s wife begged.
“Listen to him scream like a pig. He touched someone who belonged to me. A sin like that is unforgivable.” Looking your way the king says in a menacing voice. “Tell me where he touched you.” Oh boy, you knew for sure that this was about to get very bloody. Man you really wanted to leave right now. All you could do was hope that he’d increase your salary pay after this for compensation for having to witness this. Like yeah it sucked that someone was going to die right now but there’s no way that you’re quitting. This job paid way too much and you were way too money hungry to quit.
“Tell me where did he touch you? I’ll make sure to gouge out the exact body parts to match.”
“My cheek, my neck, my waist, and my thigh”
Giving you a dismissive look, the king finally allows you to finally leave. On your way out all you could hear were the screams of the man and the sound of ripping flesh. Thank god that was over, it was starting to get annoying. Now you might be wondering where was the queen in all of this? Well, she was with her lover of course! Like I said, the king and queens marriage was only a political one. As long as they didn’t bother each other or get into the other's business, then they did not care about what the other did. It was just truly a loveless marriage.
Making your way towards the queen’s chambers you begin to perform your daily duties. Mindless tasks that bore you to death. The only reason your pay was so good was because of how fond Yandere! King is of you. Any other person in your position would only get a fraction of your wage. You were a bit thankful for this because if he ever deemed you as boring and fired you. You’d still have enough money to live a fairly decent lifestyle. Something that you’ve learned while working for the royal family was that it was always best to stay away from their personal affairs. It gets real ugly once an outsider ever decides to interfere. You honestly wished you knew this before your parents forced you to sign up for this job. Maybe it would have saved you from an annoying king?
Sometimes he’d hand you little trinkets to indulge yourself in. It seemed that he was quite fond of observing you and witnessing your reaction to new devices. With someone like him running the country most people would think that it’d be in ruins. However, he’s definitely smart and knows how to run a country. It’s thanks to him that his kingdom has one of the best economies in the world.
Even though you were primarily assigned to the queen you saw Yandere! King more than her. To you, he was an obnoxious and dangerous figure. One that can easily win wars and conquer any land he so desires. He is a very selfish man that has a habit of being physically and emotionally manipulative. To be honest you can’t say you were any better. Oftentimes you’d use people to your own benefit but he’d definitely take it to the extreme. The amount of people that he used and discarded was insane. Weakness is a word that seems to be out of his dictionary.You could never tell what exactly he was thinking, he was like an enigma. One thing you were certain about was that with the rate of his obsession he’d never leave you alone.
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shewrites444 · 3 months
fire [coriolanus snow x reader smut]
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[Hello! It has been awhile. I wanted to switch it up and try out a fic on young Coriolanus Snow’s character from TBOSAS after hearing about the new Hunger Games movie! Please let me know if you enjoy his character. I also apologize if this story has some imperfections, I did not edit it.]
WC - 4.3k
SUMMARY - The reader is a prestigious pianist and composer for the Capitol. She finds herself in a mental, and physical, battle against her attraction to President Snow throughout his dictatorial rule and loveless marriage as months go on. Attempting to get under his skin through a rather bold encounter, she finds herself back to where she started as he reminds her of their similarities, but she holds more power above him than anticipated. 
WARNINGS - Cheating, angst, cursing, choking, fingering, detailed & unprotected sex. Coriolanus is a bit sexist and also doesn’t know how to shut the hell up, so fair warning on that. 
Coriolanus had spent the past few months focused on nothing but his political reputation, and the power he only continued to gain in the Capitol, along with the Districts. Well, it was more of a submission than anything, fear spread through Panem as his reign as President, or as many called him, a dictator, was unveiled. 
He had no focus on his chosen wife, Livia Cardew, knowing that she was solely a prop for visual acceptance, a showcase of a wife that he was able to find someone who supported him through his political career, and the most important time of the year, of course, The Hunger Games.
When the games were approaching, the Capitol organized several socials and meetings throughout the upcoming weeks in order to network Coriolanus with his political and social allies, the game-makers, the Academy students that were interested in working with Dr. Gaul and the rest of her associates, and any other connections that were essential to the duration of a successful season. 
I found it disgusting, and inhumane, just like those in the Districts, but I, just like everyone else who was ranked underneath President Snow, had to find ways to cautiously approach such a season of brutality. 
Serving the Capitol as a pianist and musical coordinator by trade, I found ways to avoid the Districts and remain in a fairly comfortable lifestyle as the years went on. I had been working mainly for Coriolanus’ wife, Livia, for her social events held with other women of the Capitol on weekends, typically. I had assumed Livia told Coriolanus of my talents, and the orchestra I would often accompany, so that’s when he had me perform before a meeting with several of his associates. That’s when it all began.
Was I just ashamed? Yes, but I was more disgusted with myself than anything. That was the best way to put it.
It was shameful, and quite out of character for me to be a mistress, for one, but it was worse to know the same man I often slept with was the reason for so many innocent and unforgiving deaths across Panem. How the hell was I supposed to get out of this entanglement, though? If I left, or even expressed that I was thinking about it, I’d be as good as dead. 
I hadn’t seen him in a few weeks, but when the buzz amongst the games began to pick up, I knew he’d be in my vicinity soon enough. Livia had asked me to perform for a social before the Reaping Ceremony, which I obviously obliged to. Something in me felt that she knew of my arrangement with her husband, but something else told me she didn’t even care. She had all the power in the world, and Coriolanus wouldn’t dare harm her; it would forever damage his reputation. She had nothing to lose. She knew I had everything to lose. 
“You were wonderful, as always.” Livia chimed, handing me a glass of wine as I walked onto the marble floor soon after my performance. I returned a gentle smile, sipping lightly from the clear glass before clearing my throat to speak up. I was used to being rather quiet, given my nature as a pianist. I spent most of my time practicing and playing in solitary, so I was not much of a talker, especially now that things had changed over the course of the past few months, but I kept my composure, and I remembered who I was conversing with. 
“Thank you, Mrs. Snow. I find it an honor you allow me to perform for such special occasions.” I say, my eyes scanning the room as I watch men and women of heavy rank socialize throughout the floor, some already dining, some already on their second drink of the night, maybe more.. 
Livia looked me up and down briefly, watching my nervous demeanor unwind. She watched me stand still, glancing around the chattery room, my fingertips lightly tapping my glass. A small smile wrinkled onto her lips. “Well, I will leave you be, Miss [Y/N], I’m sure you are quite tired.” She reached to gently hold my shoulder, sending a cold shudder across my bare skin. “Have a wonderful evening, alright?”
“Yes, of course, you as well, Mrs. Snow.” I watch her walk away, feeling as if I could finally breathe again. 
I felt faint, nerves stemming from Livia’s appearance sending me over the edge, and the usual guilt I felt only more demanding as seconds passed. I set my glass down before walking out the ballroom’s door, which led down a dim hallway stacked with offices, and a bathroom more towards the back. I had been here plenty of times before, so I knew a spot where I could cool off and freshen up for a few moments. 
Opening the bathroom door, I felt a hand press against the wall beside me, to stop me. I glanced up, his pale, slim fingers planted to the side of my head, making my face turn white. I slowly let go of the door, turning to face Coriolanus. He looked down at me, a sly look on his already smug expression, no shame in his blue eyes. It made my stomach turn.
“President Snow.” I said, my eyes averting to each side of the hallway, scanning the wide space to assure that no one was around, before looking back up to meet his gaze. “You startled me. I was just going to freshen up before heading back to the party.”
“Please, spare me the formality, [Y/N].” He grinned, taking his hand off the wall before moving it to my cheek, making my face heat up. “Come with me, hm?”
“Your wife is not even two doors down, Coriolanus.” I drip his name out in a cautious whisper, which he had given me permission for ages ago. He struck me as the type of man who’d prefer a formal reference, maybe even find attraction in it, but I suppose he’d rather something else from me. I didn’t question it. “And the rest of your business partners, might I add.”
Coriolanus laughed, almost mockingly, at my seriousness. “You think she is not aware of you and I, [Y/N]? She is not a fool.” He patted my flushed cheek before he grabbed my hand. “Now come with me.”
I didn’t argue further, just nodding silently before following him down the hallway. I recognized where he was leading me, just from a different direction. The Capitol was like a maze, at least the inside of it, but I had memorized much of it from Coriolanus, and my work. We head to his bedroom, the sound of my heels clicking against the glossed floor while he walked me further.
I hear him close the door, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. It’s not like I didn’t want him, because I did, it was more that I didn’t want the reprimands of being caught, or feeling so dirty for what I was doing. There was an underlying guilt each and every time I slept with him, or even as much as I spoke to him, no matter what the circumstances were. 
As the door locked, Coriolanus turned to walk towards me, before I took a step back, much to his surprise. He raised one of his light eyebrows, a confused, yet intrigued look on his face. I never denied him, and who’s to say that I was? I didn’t even know what I was doing, other than thinking out loud, which only made my blood run colder.
The tension in the room was tight, and could be cut from a string as thin as the threads that held what was under my gown together. I could hear myself breathing, and my thoughts racing to spit out of my shut mouth. My eyes lifted up to his own, and I stood straight, and firmly.
“Out of all the women in the Capitol, out of everyone you could have in the ways you have me, why did you choose to tangle me into your mess?” I ask, rather impressed with my own forwardness. “Why must it be me?”
Coriolanus shared a similar look as my own, but his expression curated itself into some sort of cheeky grin, almost as if he enjoyed my slight rebellion. He knew I didn’t take orders, so he never bothered ordering me around. He didn’t have to ask, he knew I liked it, and he knew I’d comply, and he also knew I felt guilty every time, but I never posed such a question, until now.
He tucked his hands into his slacks, stepping closer, his slim, tall build hovering before me.
“It is you because I find everything I prefer in you.” He answered flatly, following my questions. “My wife has no regard for anything but her own status, which I can admire, but she does not have any reason to achieve anything more. The women who seek to improve their status, say, by sleeping with me or attempting to, seek to achieve more than they ever will. Then there is you, who is firmly placed in between all of these women, who holds prestige, who holds respect, yet, in every way possible, feels that she is less deserving of it because she holds attraction to the one man she cannot have.”
His words frustrated me beyond my usual measure, and I couldn’t contain the pressure pent up in my chest, eagerly awaiting to push through my quivering lips. He angered me, and he made me feel lesser, when this entire time, he was the one who took out his frustrations on me, and he was the one who ran from every ounce of affection he was once offered, and threw it at me. It was always in the back of my head, yet I found myself in a delusion, one where I would never allow myself to see the truth, but it all came to me as he spoke. 
“You are the one who cannot have me. How could I make that anymore clear? After all this time, all these months of you thinking your usage was one-sided, how could you not see it, Coriolanus?” I loosened up my posture, and stepped forward, nearly closing the irritable gap that was between the two of us. “You are the one who finds me after my performances, you are the one who pursues me, time and time again. I comply, yes, but I am not the one who soughts after you.”
He blinked. I could read it as clear as day that he was taken aback by my words. A satisfying feeling burned in me, yet the tension geared towards the uncertainty of our conversation never left. I spoke up, and I was not pretty about it. What would he do now? Surely a pianist disappearing wasn’t common, but I wasn’t Capitol royalty, so it’s not like he couldn’t disregard me if he wanted to. Would he do that? No, I was too valuable to him in more ways than one. How worked up he got over this affair showed me that.
“Seems we both have our issues.” He hummed. Another foot stepped closer to me, the tip of his shoe nearly stepping on mine, but he knew that. He reached forward after pulling his hands out of his pockets, and cupped my cheeks with both of his cold, large hands. His thumbs pressed against my lips, and I could feel my lipstick brush against his fingers. “Yet neither of us have ended the arrangement between us. Why do you think that is?”
“Don’t make me answer that.” I shake my head, reaching my hands up to pull him off of me, and lightly push him away. “I will not engage in such a conversation.”
“You’re the one who started this conversation.” Coriolanus grabbed my wrists, yanking me forward. He leaned down to press his lips against my own, causing me to gasp, and attempt to fight it, but I couldn’t.
He knew I liked it, and he knew how to use it against me. I sunk into the feeling for a brief moment, before I pushed him off me, my hands planted against his dress shirt as I gripped the material, holding him in place while he looked down at me, his once slicked back curls falling forward, a few loose hairs against his forehead as he grinned, my lipstick against his pale lips. He tilted his head, his hands moving to grip my waist rather harshly, just enough to keep me still.
“Do I have to remind you how crucial this arrangement is to you? To make you answer my question, hm?” He held me, walking me closer to the opposite side of the room. Aggressively, he kissed me once more, flipping my body to face his vanity, while still keeping my face turned to his own.
He ran his hands down the side of my gown, bunching it up enough that he could push it underneath my chest to remain upright. “You claim to despise what happens between us so much, and you hate that you are what stands between my marriage, yet you cannot seem to walk out the door. Come on, [Y/N], you and I both know you are a bit afraid to fully defy me, but you don’t even try to, until now. But it’s all talk, you’ll never really break anything off.” He reached between my legs, which nearly trembled at his touch, as his fingers slipped into my underwear. 
“And you’re already wet.” Coriolanus mocked, looking at me in the mirror as he slowly slipped one of his fingers into me. He watched my mouth open, a pleased, and frankly, egotistical grin on his face, knowing he had gotten to that part of me so quickly. “Is this why you have not ended what continues on between us? Because no man can make you cum the way I do? Am I really so vital to you?”
“You are insufferable.” I gasp, closing my eyes as he began to work his fingers into me, the sounds of my pleasure much more relevant in his room than I’d prefer them to be. “There are many things you refuse to admit to me, too.”
“Exactly.” Coriolanus looked between my legs as I stood before him, the pressure in his pants brushing against the back of my gown. “We are two different people, yes, but we both have secrets that we strongly refuse to admit, yet we can read it on each other’s faces. You know I’m right. I see you more than anyone else, and you hate it. You hate that I can see you.”
“Then why do you treat this with such amusement?” I chime back, opening my eyes to glue them to what was occurring before me. I could feel his free hand move to begin sliding my underwear down. “Why do you mock me, when the scenario applies to yourself?”
“Because I have nothing to lose.” He returns, shooting me a glare as he drops my underwear to the floor as they pass my hips. “My wife is aware of my distaste for her, and for much of any affections. The Capitol will never question me because they know their lives, and their families, are at stake. No one will question me, [Y/N]. They have too much to lose.”
I feel him move his hand behind my back, tugging at the zipper that restrained him. He keeps his rhythm, and he keeps his eyes against my figure. He knew he had the upper hand, it would be impossible for me to overturn his rank, and his power, and nearly everything he had that I did not. I was constantly reminded of it, especially like this. 
“Then why entertain the idea of me holding any sort of power over you through our affections? Why bother administering mockery upon me, Coriolanus?” I hiss through clear annoyance, struggling to hide the pleasure that wouldn’t seem to brush away from my core. He wasn’t giving up any sort of competence. 
Coriolanus lightly pulled his fingers from me, grazing them against my inner thighs before turning me around, and holding them to his mouth. He licked his fingertips, causing my stomach to drop at the sight, while a smirk cracked onto his tinted lips. 
“I have never been with a woman who tastes as good as you.” The sound of his tongue swirling against his fingers made me weak, and the way that someone so manipulative, so cruel, was licking a part of me, felt wrong, yet it didn’t. It was a confusing battle with oneself. “You hold that power, if you must know.”
He pulled his fingers away from his lips, wiping his hand against my dress before tugging it out from under my covered chest, standing straight as he began to pull it off me, and I just let him. Fucking hell.
“You think I’d fuck a woman I didn’t hold any sort of value to? You think I would waste my time with mindless affairs filled with women whose sole purpose in life is to please me, and to please their husbands? The only pleasure they gain from me is validation, nothing more.” He moved my dress down my shoulders. “You want me to fuck you, [Y/N]. Not just any man of rank, me. It makes you sick, doesn’t it?”
“You fancy me just as much as you do anything else you do for yourself.” I feel him move my gown above my head, over my long, slicked ponytail. “You do this for yourself, no one else. You like that I feel such a way.”
He shook his head, dropping my dress on the floor beside my underwear. “Power and value are different. If I wanted to have power over a woman, I’d be fucking my wife, not you.”
My eyes widened at his words. What was his angle here? This argument was endless. “Then why do you act like you have so much power over me? You want to talk to me about value, yet you show none of it. You only exert power, and your ego, against me everytime I feel your touch. You fuck me like you own me, like you hold such a rule, yet you claim that I hold some sort of power. You baffle me.” 
He took my hands and moved them to his length, in which I nearly shivered upon touch, reminded of each and every time he came close to me, and how large he felt when he was inside me. I lightly stroked him soon after I spoke, watching his bottom lip slightly fall at my fingers. He began to unbutton his shirt.
“Am I supposed to make this easy for you?” He teased, sliding his shirt off his shoulders, now standing in nothing but his unzipped pair of pants and boxers that rested just above them. “Must all you women figure things out without assistance for once?”
“Oh, god,” I scoff, my eyes rolling off irritable instinct as I continued my actions against his stiffened cock. “You are-”
“Insufferable?” Coriolanus cued, raising his brows, his hands moving to guide me towards his bed, as we mutually climbed onto it. “I don’t imagine my cock is insufferable, at least, given your generous duration of touch.”
I groan, watching him lay as I motion my body on top of his. If I had some sort of power, as he seemed to suspiciously claim I do, surely I could show it? I glance at him, feeling his hands reach below to grab my ass, toying with the loose flesh as his instinct brought me above him. 
I don’t respond, rather slide on top of him in a swift motion, causing the both of us to moan rather loudly, nearly echoing across his lavish suite of a bedroom. I watched his eyes fall to my bare chest, before gliding down to the movement between us, as I began to move my body forward. 
“If you claim that I am of such value to you… and you give into submissions at times, then you’ll allow me to control you… hm?” I speak between heavy breaths, feeling his thick, restless cock bury between my thighs as I create a rhythm above him. 
“Like I said to you before, [Y/N], I’m not supposed to make it easy for you.” His eyes never left our bodies while he guided me down. “You’ll see.”
I lean down, his cock angling itself at a curve as I reach to slide my hands to his shoulders, gently kneading at his flesh before resting both palms against his pale neck, my nails digging into the back of it, sliding into his blonde locks. A grin tugs at my lips while I press them against his own, feeling his tongue slide into my mouth and muffle the moans I made with each stroke. 
I squeeze at his neck, my thumbs pressing against his adam’s apple while I ride his cock. Thrust after thrust, I could feel him twitch, knowing he was growing weaker and weaker as I went on. He liked the dominance, but he’d never admit it. Instead he’d toy with me, attempt to make me feel as if I had to work for his value, when I already had it. I had him, and I had all this time. I had nothing to lose. 
“What if it melts?” I ask vaguely, looking down at him amidst the loose hairs against my face. “What will you do then?”
Coriolanus released his hands from my ass, moving them higher to my chest, his thumbs toying with my hardened nipples as he held me up, but my hands remained on his throat. I could feel it move as he spoke. “What if what melts?” 
“Snow.” I breathe heavily at his stimulating touch, while I begin to pick up my speed between us. “What will you do if the snow melts?”
Coriolanus scoffed, pressing his thumbs down. “It won’t.”
I press down and lean down simultaneously, shaking my head as I laugh, the feeling of my physical position never leaving, only growing as I mocked him further. I knew how it felt now, to toy with the one who peaked your interest so high. No wonder he enjoyed this.
“If I hold such value, such power over you, Coriolanus, it’s bound to melt. Snow cannot be on top if something is to compromise it, hm? Must I remind you of what occurred the last time you allowed someone to hold power over you?”
I couldn’t believe I brought her up. Yes, I knew of Lucy Gray, just as many of us musicians did. I never knew her personally, but I was aware of what lengths Coriolanus went to erase her from existence for his political, social, and mental gain. Is that part of the reason I feared walking away, even if I wanted to? Yes. But I knew he wouldn’t kill me, or send me off. He’d have no one if not. 
“Shut the hell up.” He moved his hands to hold me by my face. “This is different.”
“In some ways, yes.” I feel his hands move my hair behind my ears, his eyes locked against mine. He was angry, but he was allowing me to speak further, so not angry enough. “In other ways, it is quite the same.”
“Damn you, woman. Experiencing quite the power trip, aren’t you? Why don’t you do so after we fuck?” He growled, one of his hands reaching past my face to grab the end of my ponytail, yanking it down to cause my head to rise up, my back arching in the process, gasping as he thrusts upward, sending volts through my stomach. 
Don’t lose control, [Y/N]. Don’t you dare let him fuck you into submission.
“If you think for just a second that this is not changing things for you, then you are a fool.” I spit, opening my eyes to stare down at him, fighting his grip against my ponytail. I feel his other hand move from my face to my jaw, holding my face down to face his own. “You can’t do this without me. You spend far too much time with a mistress to disregard her, and you fucking know it. That’s what makes you sick.”
All he could do was curse under his breath, his grip on my hair, and on my face, loosening. Was he admitting defeat? Was he finally showcasing some sort of disadvantage? 
I leaned down to pull him into a sloppy kiss, my tongue sliding into his mouth as he lightly pressed his own against mine, yet allowing me to hold the dominance. The feeling was strange but enjoyable, knowing that I was able to hold mental and physical assertion over such a man. 
I could feel him grunt underneath me, his body limp as I fucked his restlessly, until I could feel myself tighten against him, and his cock pump into me, lightly thrusting upwards to ride out the high that he pushed into me. I watched his face as I held his neck still, his eyes closed and his mouth agape while he came. His cheeks were flushed. I knew he felt defeated, and I knew in some way, he enjoyed it. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
I slowly got off of him, feeling his cum lightly stick between my thighs while I motioned to lay aside him. My hands were warm from their grip, and I rested one against his cheek, turning him to face me. 
“Do you know what makes snow melt?” He asks through a horse tone, looking up to me. He knew I wouldn’t give him the answer he was looking for, so he watched me silently shake my head. He reached forward to hold my own cheek, pulling me down to his lips, but not for a kiss. He let me hover, before he spoke quietly, his hot breath against me. 
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kataraavatara · 7 months
ACOMAF: "...I prayed it meant no male would take me as a wife, that I would escape what my elder cousins had endured: loveless, sometimes brutal, marriages." Hey Mor. Morrigan. Are your elder cousins still in those loveless and brutal marriages. Has anyone checked up on them
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kingkatsuki · 8 months
omg arranged marriage with dragon king bakugo 😱 imagine you’re a princess from far far away and you’ve heard of the brutality of the dragon king, known for his skills in battle and showing no mercy. You don’t want to be betrothed to such a brute from the dragon lands! you enjoy the crisp air, the twinkling streams and your silken garments. You’re quite spoilt really with your silky hair and soft skin, draped in the finest of fabrics. Such a contrast to katsuki when you meet him at first. Hair coarse and spiked, skin hardened like leather, brash voice and abrasive personality, not a speck of manners to be seen. And their clothing?? leather, furs, dragon skin and skulls; showing off their chiselled forms, how could anyone live like this? with the humid air and suffocating heat. You smile, in politeness only. And he despises you. You’re such a pretty little thing, so fragile.. yet such a fucking brat. You’ve had it so easy, never had to claw your way to the top, fight tooth and nail to survive, so peaceful in your ivory tower. and something something idek I got carried away!!
- 🎀
You were the most prized possession from your Kingdom, but Bakugou would’ve rather taken riches or land to form an allegiance, this just seems like a burden.
He sets an area up for you in his Kingdom, gives you everything you desire to live comfortably and it’s like he just leaves you to it. Makes no effort to say good morning or goodnight, doesn’t eat with you, spend time with you, wash with you or even lay with you at night. Despite the fact that you’re now bonded— it’s about as loveless as an arrangement like this can get.
You suppose you should be thankful, glad that he’s not living up to his reputation by claiming you as his each night or throwing you around, staking his mark and claim on you— but for some reason you’re not.
You spend your days reading, arranging the flowers that your maids bring you each week as they brighten up the dreary, cold four walls you spend most of your time inside. The only times you leave them is to wander around the grounds, admiring the plants that grow here. The flowers made for harsher conditions compared to your homeland, the ones thriving where yours wouldn’t survive.
It’s not until one afternoon that Mina is bringing you in a fresh bouquet to replace the ones beginning to wilt, asking her to leave the petals so you can flatten and seal them in the pages of your books. Your fingertips tracing the new stems as she helps you clip their thorns and you ask where she picked them.
“Oh, I didn’t pick them.” She smiles knowingly, as you look at her in confusion. If she didn’t pick them who did?
“The King noticed how much you loved flowers in your homeland,” She smiles, “He brings these back each week from his hunts, picked especially for you.”
You wonder why a man so cold, so brash would waste his time picking flowers for you when it’s so far from what you picture him to be. Nothing like the stories that circulated your Kingdom about a callous, cruel leader.
“He’s not all bad, you know,” Mina places a warm hand on your shoulder as she leaves you to arrange the stems inside the vase.
“How did he even know I liked flowers?”
“He saw you walking the grounds and picking out flowers. He actually asked Kirishima to try and plant some more for you too, the flowers from your climate would never survive here so he was discussing perhaps a greenhouse.”
“Why would he do that for me when he hates me?” Raising a brow in confusion as you smoothed your fingers over the pointed leaves.
“It might not seem like it, but he does care.” Mina smiled as she exited your room.
And this is the first evening where you actually desire to leave your room, walking the halls in search of your husband—
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ophelieverse · 2 months
One change from the book that I really want and hope to see in the later seasons is the destiny of Jaehaera Targaryen and Aegon III Targaryen.
Jaehaera was born from a loveless marriage and was raised in an very dysfunctional family.Not only her family was divided in two and she could feel the hate,but her life was ruined by a civil war.
At the age of six she witnessed the murder of her twin brother and almost the one of her younger brother Maelor,both her and her mother were threatened of rape and death.After that they weren’t the same,her mother distanced herself and she was mainly raised by her grandmother.Years later her younger brother will be brutally murdered and her own mother will kill herself leaving her alone.
At the end of the dance of dragons,Jaehaera is what remain of her parents.She becomes a tool in the hands of the men around her to bring back peace in the realm.She spends the rest of her days playing with her toys before her destiny will be the same as her mother.
Jaehaera deserved better,what had happened during blood and cheese forever changed her and shattered her pure innocent soul.She deserved to break the cycle of abuse,to survive the dance,something that she didn’t take willingly part of,and to be a good and diligent Queen along side Aegon the Younger who also deserved better.
As much as i like Daenaera,i wanted Jaehaera on the throne,to survive her trauma and taking strength from it making the realm a better place after the war.
I also really hope that Aegon will not abdicate and also learn how to use his own trauma and his mother memory to be a good king.Aegon that was sent away from home when he was a small child,he had almost lost his life and he had lost his brother Viserys.Witnessed the brutal death of his mother before his eyes and put on throne without being asked,used as a way to save the Targaryen dynasty and forced to marry the daughter of the man that killed his mother.
I really hope that in the show Jaehaera and Aegon the third will get a second chance,a better ending.To prove that the young generations are better than the old ones,that the children are better than the parents and that they are the ones to pay for the actions.
I hope that they will rule together and have a long and fruitful reign filled with love,joy,children and peace.They deserved it after what it was done to them.
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jubileemon · 4 months
In Defense of Rei Todoroki
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I think Rei Todoroki deserved some empathy in light of the difficult circumstances she faced within her family, thanks to Endeavor.
Endeavor and his wife Rei didn't have a happy relationship, given how he only married her in order to produce a child strong enough to surpass All Might and she was absolutely aware of that.
Rei endured years of emotional and physical abuse from her husband, as he was more driven by his ambition to surpass All Might. Despite her attempts to protect her children, the intense pressure from her husband's actions within the household took a toll on her mental well-being. While the series portrays Endeavor's abuse as a contributor to her mental state, it's important to note that victims of abuse may find it difficult to escape such situations.
Rei's repeated exposure to Enji's dominance and abuse likely fostered a belief that she couldn't change her circumstances, leading to a passive acceptance of her situation. Victims of abuse can internalize their suffering in real life, sometimes making it challenging for them to break free. Rei's mental state serves as a portrayal of the devastating impact of an abusive environment on an individual's well-being.
We know that Rei deeply loves all her children and wishes to protect them. However, Enji's overwhelming control and abusive behavior render her powerless.
Knowing this, it doesn't take much to infer that he likely forced her to bear his children, just like how he pushed her into a loveless marriage. It gets worse when you realize how Todoroki has three older siblings... 🔥💀❄️
While the series has mentioned Quirk marriages before, it is truly sobering to actually see it firsthand as it's clear this is a marriage of convenience. Rei is marrying Endeavor for the sake of her family name and Endeavor just wants an heir to help surpass All Might.
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We also see Endeavor wailing on Rei for letting Toya train while the young Shoto steps up to his mother's defense. All the while, Natsuo and Fuyumi huddle together in fear. It was a truly explicit and heartbreaking example of domestic abuse. She isn't as outright abusive as Enji is and genuinely loves her children. But as she herself admits later on, she didn't do more than she could've done to stop Enji's mistreatment of their children.
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The look on Enji's face when Rei says that he's not a hero and is running away from his problems. He looks like he wants to hit her for talking back at him like that, but he knows she's right. She tried her best to be a good mother, but despite her strong disapproval, she was powerless to stop Enji from abusing and neglecting their kids. Whenever she attempted to protect Shoto from his father's brutal training, Enji inflicted physical consequences.
Due to her own worsening mental state, she prioritise protecting Shoto from Endeavor, as Shoto is the one to be in direct physical harm. This made her unintentionally neglect her other children in the process, especially Toya.
Their marriage was shown to have a power imbalance. Enji’s horrible actions created an environment where Rei feels unable to assert herself. Over time, this repeated subjugation leads to passiveness and compliance. Enji’s horrid behavior likely instills a pervasive fear in Rei, making her reluctant to stand up to him. The threat of retaliation or escalation of abuse often paralyzes victims, preventing them from acting against their abuser.
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When Rei, crying out in fear and despair, tells she couldn’t stop Toya, Enji, with a straight-up demonic face, yells at her that Toya’s officially her problem and demands her to stop him. This causes images of Enji and Toya’s hatred-filled faces to flash before Rei’s eyes, causing her to snap and attack Shoto when she experiences a mental breakdown and inadvertently harms her youngest son by pouring boiling water on his face.
She was a broken woman at the start of the story, given her loveless marriage with Endeavor, the abuse they went through under his roof, as well as her breaking point where she scalded Shoto with boiling water. Later down the story, it was also revealed how she was hospitalized initially for hurting Shoto, but then she learned about Toya's apparent death in her hospital. Her condition went from bad to worst that she had to be kept there for years.
The icing on the cake? Not only did her family sold her off, but they eagerly sold her off for the financial benefits. Her life has been a wreck from the start. 😭
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A Marriage of Convenience (R. Danaan) Part 1.
Summary: You and Ruhn are forced to marry each other
Words. 1.9K
Requested: Yes
Warings or A/N: I changed it up just a tad bit.
You had only recently learned of the planned marriage between yourself and Prince Ruhn of Lunathion, a mere two weeks ago. Despite the fact that your fathers had been in talks about this arrangement for the past year, the reality of it was now sinking in as you made the trip to Lunathion to formalize the arrangement. The idea of being trapped in a loveless marriage weighed heavily on your heart, but you understood the implications of disobeying your father's wishes.
As the elegant black car came to a stop in front of the magnificent mansion belonging to the Autumn King, a wave of nerves twisted in your stomach. The realization hit that in a mere month, you would be wed. Staring up at the grand and imposing structure, far surpassing the grandeur of your own home, any sense of excitement failed to ignite within you.
Inhaling deeply, you started to exit the car while Felix held the door open. Your faithful bodyguard, a source of comfort and security, extended his hand to assist you. "You're going to be alright, my sweet girl. I'll be with you every step of this fiasco and beyond," He reassured.
Your father decided not to come with you and instead sent Felix in his place. You didn't mind at all, in fact, you preferred it that way. Felix had been your loyal bodyguard for over five years. Even though he was a few years older than you and certainly good looking, you both had always kept things professional. However, despite this, you had formed a close bond over the years, sharing almost every moment together.
As your hand joined with Felix's, he led you out of the car while maintaining unwavering eye contact. The prominent pink scar on his cheek immediately drew your attention, reminding you of his steadfast loyalty. Two weeks ago, Felix had defied your father's commands in order to protect you, enduring a brutal punishment as a result. Your father had been prepared to fire him, but you stepped in, bargaining to save Felix's position.
You had agreed to work with the Danann family and not cause any trouble, as long as Felix was with you. "I appreciate it," you whispered as he led you towards the imposing entrance of the mansion. The King was waiting, with a person who was definitely not Ruhn, likely his bodyguard, by his side.
The Autumn King tried to approach you, but Felix blocked his path. "With all due respect, do not advance towards the princess without her permission," He said firmly, his tone brooking no disagreement. "Once you and my son are married, this will change," the King commented, eyeing Felix.
Felix stood unwavering under the Autumn King's scrutiny, displaying no hint of hesitation. His head slightly tilted, signaling a message that you quickly grasped. As you moved around him, a silent understanding passed between the two of you.
"Are you implying that Felix should be replaced as my bodyguard, Einar?" You challenged, a touch of defiance seeping into your tone.
"I will not tolerate disobedience," the King began.
You raised your hand to quiet him. "He is not under your authority, nor am I. I am to be Prince Ruhn's wife, and my loyalty lies with him. Felix obeys my commands, not yours. If you have a problem with him, discuss it with me. My people fall under my protection and authority alone, as per our agreement. If you try to dismiss Felix, our agreement will be terminated. Is that understood?”
"I question if your father would give his approval," he started, only to be cut off by you.
"Do you grasp the situation? Keep in mind, you need this marriage more than we do," You stated firmly, your voice carrying more authority.
"I understand," he replied, his jaw clenched.
"Good. Now, where is Prince Ruhn?"
"He's running late," the King confessed.
"Fantastic. A prince who can't even show up on time. How delightful," you grumbled, frustration evident in your tone.
"Perhaps if you enter, Axel can escort you to your rooms for some rest while we wait," the King proposed.
You gave him a skeptical look. "No," you firmly stated.
"No?" he inquired, puzzled.
"I have made arrangements for us to stay elsewhere. I will not tolerate your staff invading our privacy or listening in on our discussions. As your son is not here, we are leaving. I will see him at the party later. Have a nice day, Einar," you announced, pivoting on your foot and heading towards the car.
Felix reached for the door handle as you shot a defiant look back at the King. "Just because I'm a Princess doesn't mean I'll follow blindly. There's a reason other kingdoms have turned down your treaties. Best to remember that." You declared before climbing into the car.
As Felix settled in beside you, he flashed a proud smile. "That's my girl," he remarked.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
As you made your entrance into the ballroom, every gaze was fixed on you in your elegant black sleeveless, spaghetti strap high-split maxi v-neck gown. The dress hugged your curves in all the right places, drawing admiring looks as you glided through the room. Despite your father's desire for you to wear a crown, you chose to not wear the accessory, preferring to blend in with the crowd and feel at ease.
As you strolled through the room, Einar came up to you and offered a friendly greeting. You took a deep breath and responded to the king with a polite, albeit insincere smile. "Your home is quite exquisite,"
Einar reciprocated the smile and asked about your accommodations while you were staying there. "I trust your accommodations met your expectations,”
You nodded subtly in agreement. Einar's attention then turned to Felix, who stood behind you but avoided meeting his gaze. It was evident that Felix was observing the room carefully, studying the faces of everyone there. His Fae ability allowed him to recall memories in vivid detail. "You can feel at ease here. Your bodyguard isn't needed," Einar attempted to reassure you.
Felix's piercing stare moved from the crowd to Einar, his eyes brimming with a silent warning that could have been deemed lethal. A grin tugged at your lips as you noted the brief flash of fear that crossed the Autumn King's features. It was clear that he wasn't used to being challenged in his own home. Offering a comforting touch to Felix's arm, you met the King's gaze head-on.
"As we previously discussed, Felix remains at my side at all times. His responsibilities are not within your worry," you declared firmly.
Einar acknowledged with a nod, trying to ease the atmosphere. "I did not mean to offend-"
Interrupting him, you motioned with your hand for him to be quiet. "Where is Prince Ruhn? Is he here, or is he once late again?”
"He's currently on the balcony with his two friends and roommates," Einar said, pointing in that direction.
"Thank you for letting me know," you replied courteously.
"If you'd like, I can accompany you to find him," Einar suggested.
"No, thanks," you declined.
"I need to take care of some things," Einar said as he got ready to leave.
"Feel free to go, I won't keep you," you replied with a fake smile.
The king nodded and walked off, leaving you and Felix alone. Felix kept his eyes on the king as he left, then turned to you and said, "I have a bad feeling about him.”
"Good. I want it that way," you confirmed.
"Are you certain you don't want me to go with you to see Prince Ruhn?" Felix asked.
"I'll be alright. Remember, he values this treaty more than us. He won't cause me any harm," You reassured him.
"(Name)-" Felix began.
"Felix, I'll be okay. You'll be there right after me," You insisted.
"Yes, your highness," Felix responded, returning to his formal demeanor.
You followed the King's directions and made your way to the window, where three men were deep in conversation on the balcony. "Stand here and you can observe their every move, as well as mine," You advised Felix.
He followed your lead and positioned himself at the window to watch the trio.
As you neared the open doors, the men's voices grew louder. "Can you believe you're tying the knot in a month?" One exclaimed.
"She's probably going to be a spoiled ass princess," Ruhn remarked.
A second man joined in, "I wonder if she's a good fuck."
"Spoiled brats rarely are," Ruhn observed.
"That's been my experience too," Boy three agreed.
"Having her as a wife is going to be a total nightmare. She's going to be so difficult to deal with," Ruhn lamented.
"Can't you do anything to change it?"
"Sadly, no," Ruhn responded with a sense of resignation.
"Sucks to suck," Boy two remarked.
"She's going to be living in our house, you know," Boy one said.
"Yeah, but we can just avoid her. Ruhn won't have that luxury," another person added.
Despite the comments being exchanged by Ruhn and his friends, you couldn't help but chuckle at their banter while rolling your eyes. Their words were familiar, but you remained unaffected. Though you didn't appreciate their antics, you were accustomed to them. As the trio glanced your way, you interjected, "sorry, just feeling a bit overwhelmed," motioning towards the crowded ballroom behind you.
You had opted to maintain your anonymity, leaving Ruhn to uncover your identity on his own. With the wedding arrangements scheduled to start the next day, you anticipated having to face him alone. As Ruhn's gaze traveled over you, you could discern his contemplations, prompting a laugh from you. He wasn't going to touch you ever.
Ruhn asked, "I haven't seen you here before. What's your name?"
"You're getting married soon, so there's no need for introductions," you replied, walking away while they looked at you longingly.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Upon entering the ballroom, you noticed that Ruhn's friends were present but Ruhn was nowhere to be seen. The red-headed friend spotted you and promptly nudged his companion, gesturing in your direction. The other friend turned around, his eyes wide with surprise. "Oh shit," he muttered under his breath.
You couldn't help but smirk as you approached them, causing them to hastily straighten up. "Where's the prince?" you inquired.
"He-He'll be here shortly," The second male stammered.
You rolled your eyes in exasperation. “Is this going to be a regular occurrence? Is he always going to be late? Since you two seem to be his closest friends, what are your names?”
“Tristan Flynn, but everyone just calls me Flynn,” the red-haired one replied.
“Declan Emmett,” the other one added.
“Let’s just get this over with,” you heard Ruhn's voice say impatiently.
You spun around, and Ruhn's eyes widened in recognition when he saw you. "Oh, fuck. Listen, I'm not sure what you heard last night, but-" Ruhn started to explain.
You quickly raised your hand to silence him. "Save it. Say what you will about me. I refuse to defend myself to a Fae male who appears as though a tattoo shop vomited on him while he slept in a dumpster. Let's be clear - neither of us wants this. So, here's the deal. In public, we'll pretend to be a couple, putting on a show for our fathers' sake. But in private, we can ignore each other and fuck who we want. Do we have a deal?”
Ruhn was left speechless, his mouth hanging open in astonishment, but he nodded in agreement.
"Good. And another thing. As I have already clarified to the Autumn King on two occasions, you do not command Felix, my bodyguard. He follows my orders exclusively. His directives are not your concern or your father's, do you understand?"
"Yes," answered Ruhn.
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zdravím všechny kvéry, neurodivergenty a fellow trpitele (mental health struggles squad) ♾️🌈
před nedávnem jsem sdílela post o pražském knihkupectví Atypical Bookshop & Safe Space, s knihami právě o queer, ND, duševním zdraví, nějakých special interests, fidgety a nějakými stavebnicemi etc.
bohužel se bude zavírat - a budou 20% slevy na všechno, i na eshopu 💸
tak kdo ještě chtěl a nestihl navštívit, je nejlepší čas 💛
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moje doporučení na knížky najdete níž, kdo by měl zájem :))
moje tipíky na knížky:
gender, sexualita, queer věci
Ace Notes - im tryna figurin stuff out and i like this Gender Is Really Strange - graphic novel, hrozně zajímavá a není západocentrická Gender Friend Loveless - my ace roman empire Other Ever Afters - queer fairy tales!!! Queer Body Power - am I too feminine for a lesbian? too masculine to be non-binary? too fat for drag?
wlw propaganda
Breaking Character - wlw novel, my roman empire Mistakes Were Made - wlw sleep with ya mom's friend The Brutal Truth - wlw, mirandy vibes, good relationship development, another roman empire for me We Do What We Do in the Dark - age gap wlw my kryptonite, save me The Falling in Love Montage - fun YA wlw, fake dating to tick off experiences but it's fun?
Případ mrtvého redaktora - mlm thriller The Song of Achilles - mlm novel The Inverts - historical, queer, boston marriage kinda thing
The Teenage Girl's Guide to Living Well with ADHD
Unmasking Autism - one of the best autism books Unmasked The Autism-Friendly Cookbook The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy Taking Off the Mask
Duševní zdraví
Terapeutický deník The CBT Art Workbook for Coping with Depression The Sad Ghost Club Bludy v hlavě - komiks The Handbook for Highly Sensitive People
Green life
Domácnost bez odpadu Jak žít ekologicky? Konec plýtvání jídlem Lepší život bez plastů
Wash Day Diaries - adorable graphic novel!!!!! female friendship <3 The Joy Journal for Grown-ups - DIY projects! The CBT Art Workbook for Managing Anger The CBT Art Workbook for Managing Stress Krmíme ptáky – ale správně Náš dům je v plamenech - Greta Thunberg
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jeremywhitley · 8 months
The Cold Ever After
Hello Tumblr, I have realized that I have been very bad at tumblr because I have a new graphic novel coming out next month! And it's queer fantasy! And I've barely even mentioned it on tumblr! What am I doing?! So, with no more ado: Meet "The Cold Ever After"
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Now, unlike a lot of my books, this one is not for kids. This book has sex, nudity, gore, and violence. And drinking. And witchcraft. Basically everything your grandparents warned you about in comics.
Here's the back cover, it has an explanation of what the book is about and it goes exceptionally hard (I think).
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If you can't read the image or just don't want to, here's a quick breakdown.
Noelani was selected at a young age to be the champion of Patria Lupi. She went through extensive and brutal training to be the knight that her kingdom could send on even the hardest errands. And she was very good at it. So good, in fact, that when she was nineteen she was sent to rescue the Queen-to-be, Isadora, whose castle was attacked by a dragon. She saved the Queen-to-be, but there was one problem: she also fell for her. Hard.
When the royal marriage turned out to be loveless, the queen began a torrid affair with Noelani. Noelani was basically the second parent to the princess for the first several years of her life. Until, one day, the church got wind of the affair and gave the queen the option of being exposed or exiling Noelani.
It's been fifteen years since Noelani was sent away and today the Queen has arrived at her island with a quest she only trusts Noelani with: The princess has gone missing the night before her wedding and if she isn't found in the next seven days, her fiancé is going to burn Patria Lupi to the ground. Only Noelani can save her daughter and find out what's really happening in the kingdom and she's only got seven days to do it. And somehow, she has to avoid being dragged into falling in love with the queen all over again.
I've been calling it a queer Arthurian noir and I can't wait for you all to get a chance to check it out! All likes and reblogs would be very much appreciated!
Here are a few preview pages of the first chapter!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hey there author its me again the one who requested the loveless marriage and I want you to thank you for that i love it! And how cute you write triton and poseidon😊😊😊
Also i would like to request again if that's ok of course! How about a part 2 of this where the reader is pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. I imagine that poseidon and his son triton will be very overprotective in readers pregnancy and its still the same when the reader gave birth but this time this little princess manage to wrap both her father and brother in her little finger that's make them love her more and very overprotective.
That's all author-san and have a good day!
-It had been three years since Triton came of age and two years since your ‘loveless marriage’ became love filled.
-Poseidon couldn’t bear to lose you, so he swallowed his pride, for you, and courted you and loved you like you should be loved and he never looked back, as he had never been happier with someone else other than his son.
-Your kingdom adored seeing Poseidon acting soft, but only around you, to everyone else, it was business as usual, cold stares, barely speaking, and commanding respect, but to see him so soft with you, their admiration for him could only grow.
-When the news was announced that you were pregnant, Poseidon’s brain flat lined, like he couldn’t process what you had said. It was nothing like this when Amphitrite announced that she was pregnant.
-He wasn’t the only shocked one however, you had both heard a distant rumbling that was quickly drawing closer, a nonstop yell coming from whoever was approaching.
-Triton ran in, inhaled deeply before he swept you up, spinning you around with such ease, yelling out in glee some more.
-You had quickly dissolved into giggles, even more so when Triton started to cry, so happy that he was going to be a big brother.
-Your pregnancy had both ups and downs, your morning sickness had been brutal at first, but then it calmed, being replaced by cravings of fruit all the time, and you seemed to radiate elegance as you walked around, even when you were at your roundest, you were so stunning.
-Both Poseidon and Triton had become quite territorial and very protective over you, even with your own family, glaring at your father when he patted your swollen belly, and they deemed nobody worthy enough to guard you and your unborn child, choosing to do it themselves.
-You had to worry when you gave birth, Triton had been there to hold your hand but had passed out from excitement about ten minutes in, and was out for the whole six hours of your labor.
-Poseidon didn’t fare much better, he made it to when you were birthing your child and promptly fainted, leaving you and the midwife to handle things yourselves.
-When you realized you had a daughter, you couldn’t help but grin, knowing that she was going to have both her big brother and her papa wrapped around her finger in an instant.
-You teased your son and husband about fainting, leaving you to do all the hard work yourself, which they were both embarrassed about and pouted at you for.
-However, when the mid-wife returned, holding your now clean daughter, swaddled carefully, they were both starry eyed, staring wide-eyed at the little princess as you held her close.
-You knew you had been right when, at only two days old, both Poseidon and Triton were head over heels in love with the little princess, given the name Lapis, completely abandoning their duties to be with her, and you of course as you were still recovering.
-If you thought they were protective and territorial over you while you were pregnant, that was nothing compared to how they acted with little Lapis, everyone and anyone who came close was deemed a threat, except for you of course.
-If she sneezed, the castle was on lockdown as it got deep cleaned to prevent any illnesses from getting in, when Lapis rolled over for the first time, you had to stop both Poseidon and Triton from declaring it a national holiday. They cried when she cried when she was teething, they were the perfect father and elder brother for Lapis and you couldn’t be happier, seeing them dote on her.
-Poseidon doted on you even more, constantly thanking you for everything, raising Triton, giving him a daughter, and loving him so truly, so purely.
-He could never repay you for everything that you had done for him, but he could shower you in as much love as he could give you, and for you, that’s all you really wanted.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
For the ask game: The MLA's curious as a hero?
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Kizuki Chitose was born into the MLA from Quirk Supremacist parents in a loveless Quirk marriage. her Meta Ability was powerful enough for her to be a Hero, and they pushed her to do so like how Slidin' Go is a Hero. This was meant to be a way to spy on the HPSC, but seeing how unhappy her parents were made Chitose start to question if there was a way that people could live happier lives. You might even say she was Curious.
While she was trained by the MLA at MLA training facilities, Chitose had to get her License through official channels, leading to her enrollment at UA High School. This is what you might call A Mistake. Outside of Deika for the first time in her life, interacting with other, non-MLA people her age, Chitose again questioned the MLA rhetoric.
Eventually, Chitose learned about Nedzu (who was still a teacher at this time) and his past made her realize the MLA were no better, considering the circumstances of her birth. She fully defected from the MLA and even wrote an article about her life there, which she gave to Nedzu. The MLA were swiftly and brutally taken down.
As a Pro Hero, Curious specializes in Investigation Work, putting her personality to good work. Her skillful use of her Quirk also makes her a particularly capable Limelight Hero.
Several years later, Nedzu, now a Principal, invited her to be a teacher at UA High School, which she gladly accepted. Chitose's incessant curiosity means she learns all that she can about her students, and she uses that information to help them grow.
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un-monstre · 2 years
Neither Ed nor Stede have any model for healthy romantic relationships. Stede moved from his cruel father's home to a loveless marriage with Mary, and Ed killed his abusive father and presumably fled immediately into the brutal world of piracy. They probably have no idea what the ups and downs of a healthy relationship looks like.
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kataraavatara · 4 months
“I prayed it meant no male would take me as a wife, that I would escape what my elder cousins had endured: loveless, sometimes brutal, marriages.” (Morrigan, A Court of Mist and Fury)
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Morrigan’s Cousins. art by @mossytrashcan, commissioned by me!
I’m so happy I got to commission this! Mor’s unnamed cousins are a classic sjm throwaway line with huge implications that never gets brought up again. they’re my roman empire. what are their names? are they still living? did Mor do anything for them when she ascended as queen of hewn city and rhysand’s third?
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine drifting away into Middle Earth with dragon eggs
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(This was kinda inspired in my discussion with the three wild dragons. I began to think how would Dany’s three eggs end up in Middle Earth and this is what came to mind. A little note: I know little about the Hotd books and only seen the show, so this might not be totally accurate so please don’t attack me for the details. I hope you enjoy)
(Also, reader is a male in this)
Warnings: might have some spoiler alerts, angst, death, violence, poor Helaena who deserves better, violent sea, sea snakes, possible dead characters and near drowning. 
-You were one of the dragon keepers of the Dragonpit. 
-Your father was a dragon keeper. He often took you there to see the magnificent mounts of the House Targaryen. You grew up adoring the dragons, and as time passed, you became a dragon keeper like your father. 
-You understood them deeply and treated them as more than just animals or mounts used for war. You even grew a special bond with one of them, the beautiful blue dragon, Dreamfyre. 
-She belonged to queen Helaena, but since you grew up together – Helaena did not mind you sharing a bond with her dragon. You two often spent time together with Dreamfyre. 
-Helaena was kind and sweet, and you did not mind her fascination with bugs and the strange words she often said. 
-You adored listening to her, and she equally liked listening to you when you talked about the dragons and the latest clutches of eggs. 
-You could even say you were in love with her, but since she was already married to her vicious brother. You did not push your boundaries. Even though: it pained your heart to see her neglected and alone in such a loveless marriage. 
-You were happy to be her friend and a confidant she could talk to when things in the court became too much to handle. You always tried to offer your best advice and comfort her when she needed a moment to cry. 
-It made your heart break when the blood and cheese happened as you knew how much she loved her children. 
-You had a chance to know them since Helaena sometimes brought them to see you and the dragons, so hearing how one of her sons got brutally murdered made you feel sorrow for her and her innocent boy. 
-You wished to comfort her, but you were not allowed to see her because why would a dragon keeper want to see the queen. You had no business talking with her. 
-So, you couldn't go and see her or check how she was handling the aftermath. 
-You learned of her death when Dreamfyre suddenly broke out from her chains, screaming in fright and pain. You knew about the bond Targaryens shared with their dragons, so you knew something was wrong with Helaena. 
-You rushed out of the Dragonpit to find her, but it was already too late.
-She had killed herself, and you couldn’t do anything but hold her dead body and cry for her and the god’s forgiveness. 
-It was a day when the most innocent Targaryen died and the day when your heart shattered forever. And it was all because of her brother’s selfishness to have revenge over an old grudge. 
-After Helaena’s funeral, you broke into tears in the shadows of the Dragonpit with no one but Dreamfyre to mourn alongside you. 
-The wound in your heart never healed, and you watched as the greens and blacks fought each other for the iron throne, people and dragons dying from left and right. 
-It was a bloody massacre. 
-You felt resentment toward the royal family. The greens started the whole mess, but the blacks were no better as they used inhumane tactics to ensure their victories. 
-You were glad it finally ended when queen Rhaenyra took control of King’s landing, and the greens were apprehended. Even though: you did not welcome them when they arrived. 
-You took care of their dragons and had pleasantries meeting prince Joffrey, who was a stubborn-headed boy but equally loving toward dragons like you, so you found something positive about him. 
-You found his presence annoying at first, especially when he knew little about dragons and their nature. You often stopped him from doing reckless things like mounting his dragon without a saddle or trying to feed the other dragons without proper safety measures. 
-You tried teaching him how to interact with dragons, and he listened — most of the time. 
-Other times, you walked him out of the Dragonpit and told him to come back when he had permission from his mother since he had a reckless habit of secretly coming to the pit. You are confident he sometimes comes just to bother you. 
-The little boy infuriated you to the core, but over time you grew to care for him in a way. 
-The little prince was lonely since his mother was still grieving the loss of his two brothers and didn’t allow him often to do anything. He would come to you since you listened to him more than anyone. 
-It made you feel sad because he reminded you of Helaena. 
-When Joffrey told you about a person named Shepherd, you became concerned about the news and rumors that spread across the city. The whispers about how dragons are the spawns of the devil. 
-It left you anxious since queen Rhaenyra brushed off the rumors despite evident signs of unrest among the people. 
-Before the storming of the Dragonpit, you were doing the simple round, checking on the dragons and Dreamfyre’s latest clutch of eggs. 
-She was protective of them, barely allowing anyone but you to check on them. It made your heart feel warmth that she only trusted you with her eggs and sadness since it made you think how Helaena would have loved seeing her dragon’s newborn eggs. 
-You were startled when you saw the queen’s dragon, Syrax, missing from her den. 
-You were even more terrified when you learned she was outside and Joffrey was riding her. 
-You knew dragons would throw off anyone who was not their rider. As you couldn't ride a dragon, the only plan you could think of was to release Joffrey's dragon, Tyraxes, and tell him to save Joffrey.
-Tyraxes quickly acted when he saw Joffrey fall from Syrax’s back, and you held your breath as you watched the situation unfold, fearing for Joffrey’s life. 
-Joffrey was near hitting the pointy roofs of the castle, but Tyraxes managed to catch him just in time – carefully gliding back to you as Joffrey was hanging from his dragon’s claws. 
-You caught Joffrey when Tyraxes dropped him to you. 
-You checked if he was alright before giving him the biggest scolding of his life. You were mad that he would secretly come to the pit and try to ride someone else’s dragon, putting his life in grave danger. 
-You made sure he knew what would have happened if Tyraxes didn’t catch him in time. 
-Joffrey apologized, then explained he was worried about the dragons and wanted to prove he could be brave like his brothers. He wanted to prove to his mother that he was not a helpless child. 
-You felt pity and hugged him, telling him you were glad he was alright and explained that his death would only cause more pain to his mother, and he took your words for it. 
-You ordered Tyraxed to return into the pit, then tried to walk Joffrey back to the castle, but then Shepherd and his savage flock of people arrived, separating you from the guards and leaving you defenseless. 
-You pushed Joffrey behind you, covering him from the violent mob who sought to cause harm to you and the dragons. 
-You managed to escape by going to the Dragonpit and blocking the door. You were taking the rounds by yourself, so you and Joffrey were all alone with an angry mob banging on the doors. 
-Fearing for the lives of the dragons inside the pit, you told Joffrey to help you unchain them all. 
-While Joffrey was helping you, you yelled in Valyrian at the dragons to warn them that they were in danger.
-You unchained Dreamfyre and told her she needed to leave, and to your surprise, she seemed to understand as she tried to comfort you from the fear and anxiety you felt during the moment. 
-You took a bag and grabbed her eggs. 
-You knew another way out of the Dragonpit, so you guided Joffrey and Tyraxes out of the pit with Dreamfyre. 
-Unfortunately, some dragons did not heed your warnings and were left behind to face the mob when they broke through the doors. 
-Your heart mourned for them, but you hoped they would survive the ordeal since they were not chained. They had a fighting chance. 
-When you found your way out of the Dragonpit. Dreamfyre and Tyraxes took flight as you escaped with Joffrey on foot. 
-You navigated through the path into the city, where you both witnessed a violent battle between the mob and the queen’s guards. 
-You tried to escape unnoticed, but soon some of the people in the mob came after you and Joffrey. They managed to surround you, calling you heathens and protectors of the flying devils. 
-Joffrey cried and hugged you as they held weapons and came closer, ready to kill you in cold blood. You held onto Joffrey and Dreamfyre’s eggs as you feared this was the end for both of you. 
-Tyraxes appeared to your rescue, sprouting fire upon the angry mob, and Dreamfyre landed right behind you, roaring and spitting fire upon those that dared to come near you. 
-You were glad she came to protect you and Joffrey. However, to your surprise, she then lowered herself down to you. You were astonished because she was asking you to mount her. 
-You two shared a close bond, but you always believed only a Targaryen was allowed to mount a dragon. 
-You asked if she was sure, and when she crumbled in approval, you almost saw Helaena in her gentle eyes. You quickly picked Joffrey, telling him to climb on her back before climbing yourself. 
-As Joffrey sat in front of you, you yelled for Dreamfyre to fly. 
-Dreamfyre pushed herself into the sky, saving you from the spears and arrows thrown at you. 
-When you saw the people who stormed the Dragonpit, holding the heads of the dragons that remained. You grew angry and yelled out a command to fire. 
-Dreamfyre heeded out your command and burned the people below you into ashes. 
-However, when you saw Tyraxes getting injured and the battle not calming down. You told Dreamfyre to fly away from the fighting. You didn’t want to risk losing Tyraxes in the bloodshed. 
-Joffrey yelled for Tyraxes to follow, and you both flew away from King’s landing, away from the violent battle. 
-You flew far away till you found a place where you could rest. 
-You looked after Tyraxes’s injuries and then tried to comfort Joffrey, who was crying and shaken by the experience. 
-He was worried for his mother and asked if you would go back with him to see her. 
-You told him you'd see her together once things calmed down. Your assurance that his mother was probably fine gave him some comfort.
-He huddled close to you, and you did not mind since he was a young child. He went through something no child should experience at their age. Even you barely handled it well. 
-You felt regret that you couldn't save the other dragons. They were innocent, yet the people slaughtered them like lambs. It made you feel horrible and like you failed as a Dragon keeper. 
-After resting through the night. You flew together through the sky to seek a safer place for yourself. 
-Joffrey was calmly sleeping in front of you as he was still tired after the long night. 
-You decided to fly to the sea to avoid detection. You were not sure if it was the right time to return to King’s landing, so you wanted to take Joffrey and the dragons somewhere safe before looking into it. 
-You did not realize you had got into something unknown when clouds and mist began to form around you. 
-You began to feel anxious when it was hard to see through the fog.
-Tyraxes kept up with Dreamfyre, so you were not afraid of losing him. 
-Joffrey woke up and asked where you were, but you did not know how to answer because you did not know where you were going.
-The wind suddenly became more powerful, and the sea below you started moving in violent waves. You had a bad feeling when you heard rumbles of thunder in the distance. 
-You told Joffrey to hold on as it began to rain and thunder. 
-The waves grew enormous, so Dreamfyre had to fly higher to avoid getting hit. 
-You struggled to hold on to Dreamfyre as she flew through the violent wind and storm. 
-Joffrey begged you to turn back as he was getting scared. 
-You looked around, trying to find land, but then you noticed something in the water. It was something big, and it was moving. 
-Tyraxes let out a roar, seemingly threatened by something, and before you even knew it, a giant creature appeared out of the sea. It was big and had a long serpentine body, so the only description you could have was a gigantic sea snake. 
-It came right at you, mouth open with razor-sharp teeth. 
-Dreamfyre managed to dodge the attack but then dumped on its tail, causing you and Joffrey to fall off her back into the sea below. 
-You both screamed when you got encased by the freezing water. You held onto Joffrey and Dreamfyre’s eggs, trying to remain above the surface. 
-The giant sea snake roared and came at you, ready to eat you whole. Joffrey screamed in fright as you both hugged each other. 
-Dreamfyre and Tyraxes fired at the snake, turning its attention away from you and Joffrey. 
-You both watched as your dragons tried to battle the giant sea snake, breathing fire through the thundering storm. 
-Dreamfyre attacked, but then the sea snake bit down on her leg, pulling her down into the sea. You screamed out to her, fearing to lose her like you lost Helaena, helpless and unable to do anything. 
-The sea snake’s body caused the waves to separate you from Joffrey. 
-Screaming, you tried to reach him, but the waves swept you away, and soon you lost sight of him in the storm. 
-At that moment, you prayed for God's mercy. 
-You struggled to keep yourself above the surface while holding onto Dreamfyre’s eggs as you drifted away into the unknown. 
-When the storm calmed down, and the sea snake was nowhere to be seen, you couldn't do anything but swim through the foggy sea. 
-Your muscles ache after swimming for so long. You could feel the fatigue trying to take hold of you, but you didn’t let it happen because if you did – you would die. 
-You were tempted because you weren’t sure if you could continue after losing Dreamfyre and Joffrey. 
-You were tempted to let go and allow fate to take you. 
-Your body became too tired to move, so you floated for a while, contemplating if you should give in or continue. 
-Dreamfyre’s eggs were the last thing that held your sanity. 
-You wished for them to live and have a chance of freedom, but you were not sure if you could even give them that anymore. 
-You were ready to die, so you closed your eyes and prayed the afterlife would be much kinder. At least you would be reunited with Helaena, Dreamfyre, and Joffrey. 
-Your consciousness kept you awake when you heard voices and sensed something big moving beside you. You felt hands dragging you out of the water, and your body suddenly became heavy. 
-You dropped against the floor, your muscles screaming in pain, and your eyes dropped down without control. 
-You heard the people talk in a strange language, and before your vision faded, you saw their ears oddly pointy. You then passed out into the dream realm, so you silently prayed these people were not pirates and took the eggs, the only things you had left in this cruel world.
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