itadores · 1 month
thinking abt him modeling some clothes for reader .. this cutie needs a shopping day of his own ! - 🩺
note: wah thank u for the suggestion!! i was actually thinking about shopping for sakura as i was writing some of my other drabbles
pairing: sakura haruka x gender neutral reader
word count: .8k
tags: gender neutral reader, established relationship, fluff
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sakura doesn't know how he ended up in this position- in a fitting room, trying on an outfit you picked out for him like some sort of doll.
sakura was initially under the impression that this shopping trip was meant for you. looking back on it, however, you never explicitly said it was. although, sakura thought it was implied, considering whenever you ask him to go shopping it’s so you can do so as he follows you around from store to store. he didn’t realize that this time you wanted to go shopping with the intention of picking out clothes for him.
he tried to protest when you revealed your true intentions, but they quickly died down when you gave him a look, batting your lashes at him and jutting your lower lip out in a pout, and said that it would make you really happy if he let you shop for him. even if sakura knew you were playing up your reactions and being overly dramatic, he couldn’t deny you and reluctantly agreed.
he thought that you would pick out a few shirts and maybe a pair of pants for him and that would be all. but sakura guesses he should have known better, considering he's more than familiar with your personal shopping habits. as you moved throughout the store, you ended up amassing a pile of clothes, which you handed off to sakura. he grunted under the weight of it. how could clothes be so heavy?
you plucked different articles of clothing from the pile, holding them up to your own body as you showed sakura how you thought they should be paired together. he didn't really understand the importance of matching certain pieces together, used to just making an outfit out of whatever was clean in his closet, but he did his best to follow along to what you were saying.
after you've gone through all the different outfits he can make with the pile of clothes gathered in his arms, you usher him towards the fitting room before he has a chance to process what's going on.
which is how sakura has ended up in the fitting room, dressed in clothes that you paired together for him. he looks at himself in the mirror, his reflection staring back at him. it's weird. the outfit isn't too far out of his comfort zone, a simple plain gray t-shirt and a pair of black slim-fit jeans, but he still feels strange seeing himself in the mirror. maybe, it's because you picked out the clothes for him. it makes him feel a little like a doll that you're playing dress up with.
and the fact that sakura has to go out into the waiting area and show you what the outfit, which you specifically picked out for him, looks like really doesn't help that feeling. sakura doesn't necessarily want to leave the fitting room, but he's been in your position many times and knows that you're probably getting impatient by now. sakura's been in the fitting room nearly as long as you typically are.
sakura shakes his head. what is he so afraid of? it's just you out there. he decides to stop being such a coward and sucks it up. he inhales sharply and exits the fitting room out into the waiting area before he can second guess himself.
you move at breakneck speed. you jerk your head up so quickly upon hearing footsteps that sakura thinks you must have pulled something in your neck. you spring up from your seat to approach sakura.
sakura doesn't know what else to do besides stand there awkwardly. he feels a little bit like a bug under a magnifying glass with the way you're looking at him.
“haruka, you look so good! like really really good!” you exclaim, looking him up and down appraisingly. "the shirt and the pants fit you so well! better than i expected honestly!"
sakura's face becomes increasingly red with each word that falls out of your mouth. you've never held back from complimenting him before, but the constant stream of praise flowing from you is too much for him to handle.
"okay i get it!" sakura abruptly says, unable to take much more. his face is aflame already. you appear to be startled by the interruption, but you quickly recover.
"oops, did i go a little overboard?" you rub the back of your neck, a guilty smile stretching across your cheeks. a little is an understatement. "i couldn't help myself, you just look so good, haruka!" you motion towards his body as if he's the one at fault for your reaction.
“i get it,” he grits out, ears burning. any more of this, and sakura thinks he might just die of embarrassment.
“okay, okay, i’ll stop teasing now.” you put your hands up in surrender, but the grin doesn’t leave your face. “the outfit’s nice, now go try on and another one for me!”
sakura doesn’t think he’s going to make it out of this shopping trip alive.
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ask-harvey · 2 months
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now you can carry me wherever you'd like me to be, right by your side.
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mon-ster-chen · 4 months
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💫...i need oxygen, 💗〰️🩺🥼
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..happy sunday for you😘
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zalammander-paradise · 9 months
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hello world i am alive once again to give you whytehead wednesday celebration [ i KNOOOOW I KNOOOWOW ITS OUT OF CHARACTER i just like drawing him ..:3 ]
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flwrchyld · 26 days
I had two patients in the same room today & one family was yelling at me, but when I left the other patient kept asking how I was doing & apologizing on thier behalf 🤧
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bobmckenzie · 8 months
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❝ With the six of us crammed into David's truck, quiet voices musing about Joe's recent journey to the other side, Cait—unacquainted with the late nights of med school, or the even later nights that came with being part of Nelson's deranged experiments—nodded off against my shoulder. It was only a second, maybe two. Our bodies jolted, shifted when David drove over a fracture in the pothole laden street... and she awoke without knowing that for a brief moment, my body had been a respite from her exhaustion. Pressed against her in the confined space, peculiarly aware of my own heartbeat and the lingering sensation of her warmth, I felt... I felt somehow like I had just woken up, too. ❞
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alicewhimzy · 1 month
My Dad and I like to talk about a lot of stuff. One of the things he's been fascinated by is media transmutability and using existing media to make new things. One example he mentioned is "This Spartan Life", a talk show done in the first person shooter Halo 2. This reminded me of the many many animations that many many creators have made over the years out of a game I've liked for a while and unfortunately have only recently been able to start playing; Team Fortress 2. One film in particular stuck out in my mind. I brought it up, we discussed it and after a while he agreed to watch it with me. That was a week or so ago.
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Last night I watched Emesis Blue with my Dad. He was a bit surprised at how little dialogue there was but overall we both really liked it. The stylized design of the nine mercs and the other models works in this film's favor, giving the film a sense of identity that a more conventional live action film wouldn't have. It reminded my dad of the comic Sin City. It is a story with quite a lot of violence, which I think is to be expected considering what it's based on, but even then, it's not gratuitous, not much you wouldn't see in the game proper. It's in support of the plot, and even if there's not as much dialogue as other films, the visual storytelling makes up for it. Also the references to other horror works such as the shining are a nice touch.
One element I like in particular is the fact that the film misleads us so well. At first it seems to be a standard noir outing, especially regarding the storyline of Jacques and Columbo. There's a short fight and a mcguffin in a briefcase is introduced. But once we reach Conagher Slaughterhouse, there's an uncanny eerieness that quickly comes over the audience and never really leaves. We have no way of knowing how much of what we see is real or not, and neither do the characters involved, and nowhere is this doubt in reality shown more prevalently and brilliantly than in Dr. Fritz Ludwig.
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Of all the stories told about the tf2 Medic I think this is the greatest I've ever seen. In game, Medic is famous, or infamous, depending on perspective, for being not quite all there in the sanity department. The kind of person who will brag about stealing someone's skeleton. The kind of person who can and has performed soul-transplantation multiple times. The kind of person who will casually mention implanting someone with a fully functioning baboon uterus pregnant with triplets, only a slight exaggeration. He's crazy, he knows it and we love him for it. In Emesis Blue however, this component of the Medic's character, the concept of being mentally unwell, is shown with care and nuance. He is never referred to by his class, but instead has the full name, Dr. Fritz Ludwig. This well-meaning but unstable man is put on a downward track from the moment we first see him, by forces he can neither understand nor control. He blames himself for Jeremy's kidnapping and later death, and wants to find a way to save or at least avenge him or redeem himself. But once he does so and the brothers are dead, his hope is only to survive. Every time he must fight for his life it deeply affects him as he is faced with unbelievable hallucinations. Is it some twisted effect the malfunctioning respawn machine is having on the world around it, or is it his own sanity slowly abandoning him. We see other characters hallucinating, but him? He has no idea. Fritz is constantly fighting a losing war with his own troubled mind, and the situation he's stuck in and trying so hard to get out of is only making it worse, as he gets closer and closer to what the enigmatic undertaker in black has already become. An unstoppable undying force of violence. Not even the others are safe from this, as Jeremy, Stalingrad, Mundy and Jacques clearly show.
Oddly enough however, the film ends on a somewhat bittersweet, if not uplifting note. The two timing schemer Archibald is dead, so is that asshole Jacques, and with no one else to run the company and its involvement in the gravel war coming to light, it's clear that it's going to crash and burn. Good riddance. Mr. Doe survives and makes it out of the funeral alive, secure in the knowledge that many, if not all crimes against him and the other mercs will finally come to light. Fritz is the last one holding the briefcase and even gets to finally reconcile with Jeremy at Dell's bar in the afterlife, even if he respawns one last time soon after. But by far the greatest thing about this film, and the thing that made up for the minimal dialogue for my dad, is the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is nothing short of mesmerizing, there's very little music, only just enough to supplement the tone in a few scenes. All other times the ambient sounds of the environment are all the scene needs to establish how creepy, surreal or hopeless the tone of a scene is. The nigh-omnipresent contrast of red and blue throughout this film, directly calling back to the opposing teams and their perpetual pointless war, is employed to masterful effect, whether to indicate a turning point in a scene, or to illustrate how conflicted a character is. It's simple, maybe even a bit obvious, but it's great nonetheless.
More than anything, watching this film feels like descending into madness in a way that I personally haven't seen an animated film do before now. The feeling that you have while watching Emesis Blue is like swallowing a hungry parasite, and I mean that in the best possible way. It comes upon you slowly but surely, you almost don't perceive it, and by the time you do, it's already got its fangs into you. It nestles deep inside your brain and squirms there long after the credits have run, so that hours later, awake in your bed, you're still thinking about it. Visceral. Terrifying. Beautiful.
Emesis Blue is a modern work of art. My dad thought it was a bit lacking in the script department, but I loved it. If you like your horror with existentialism, surrealism and lots of guns, then I recommend you check it out. It's available on YouTube and I only hope that Fortress Films projects will continue to entertain us in the future. Until next time, how long have I been waiting to do this one?
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irhabiya · 7 months
hii i survived the quiz and my instructor said that my presentation today was the best v_v
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qilinkisser · 9 months
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Some more art of our friend Dr. Webbs, featuring @seafoamselfships' amazing oc Chu Scendo! (Bonus doodles below the cut!)
Reblogs appreciated! Dr. Webbs (left) uses they/them! Chu (right) uses it/she!
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Goddd I don’t think I’ve ever had a character give me this much comfort before the way that Zayne does. Of course, my other f/os all bring me comfort in their own unique ways (no doubt about that), yet I don’t think I’ve felt this deep kind of comfort and safety with the others the way I do with Zayne🥺
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ask-harvey · 3 months
*flirting with you* I have three different jars set up to make my own pickles, in a variety of different types of vegtable and and brine, ranging from a traditional chinese pickling setup with hot peppers, radishes, and carrots to a more modern one using cane vinegar and mini cucumbers.
you sure know how to pique my interest.
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i'm impressed with your dedication to the art of pickling... three jars, you say? i always enjoy a homemade pickle myself. i didn't know there were so many variations! all of those sound delicious.
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liardolls · 2 days
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zalammander-paradise · 9 months
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happy fred friday everyone... it is the day of fred !
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bobmckenzie · 7 months
OKAY my consensus is that the movie is SOOO much better than the script and Randall turned out so much more lovable in the film wkdjskjdk. I'm not even adopting any of this as canon, i'm just sticking to the movie bc... yeah 😵‍💫
this part was funny though
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rachel: he's dead
randy: oh boy *accidentally poisons everyone with asbestos*
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me-myself-and-my-fos · 8 months
The Morning After
Pairing: Casey Acosta x Nic Blake
A/N: A short Casey fic I wrote months ago and I decided to post. Wedding fic will (hopefully) come in March
Warning: Very suggestive
Nic groaned as she woke up, head throbbing from the events of the night before. She had what Casey called a ‘social hangover’ where she was extra tired after a heavy amount of socializing. Opening her eyes, she saw the digital clock read 7:35am. Grabbing her glasses, Nic rubbed the sleep from her eyes and put them on. Sitting up, she held the thin bed sheet to her chest. The space beside her was cold and empty, and she hummed wondering where her husband was.
Her heart fluttered at the thought that she could finally call him that. They had been officially married barely 24 hours and she already wouldn’t stop calling him that. Iggy teased her about it during the reception.
Her phone buzzed with a text, but as she reached for it Casey’s voice called out.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
He stepped into the room and Nic couldn’t stop her snort of laughter. He had in his hands a tray of what looked like a delicious breakfast, but she was distracted by his lack of clothes. More specifically, how the only thing covering his front was the corgi apron he gifted her for Christmas. It looked small on him and hung just low enough to cover his manhood. Nic let out another laugh as he walked over to set the tray on the bedside table.
Casey pretended to act confused. “What? I can’t bring my wife breakfast in bed?”
“You’re such a dork!” She cackled. “And now I have to wash that!” She whined.
He leaned over as she laid down. “But I’m your dork.”
“Yes you are.” Nic kissed him deeply and tugged on the apron to pull him closer. Her fingers traveled to the back and untied the apron, and pulled away for a moment to lift it over his head. Tossing it to the floor, she cupped his face and kissed him again.
“We should eat so we can finish packing for the honeymoon,” Casey managed between kisses.
“A few more minutes,” she insisted.
“A few more minutes,” he agreed, climbing on top of her. “Just for you.”
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