#love ya like a sister
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fanclubgraphics · 4 months ago
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"autistic about fonts" blinkie in 'love ya like a sister', 'permanent marker', 'comic sans', and 'papyrus' 📄 requests open
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accirax · 7 months ago
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🎨6 days left until DRDT Chapter 2 continues!🎳
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moeblob · 5 months ago
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So, lore?
Lo'en is a half elf and across the world there are designated elven kingdoms. One of them! Where she was born and her mother (elf) still lives, is frigid and in the north. Humans still have an odd tradition for Santa and so she hides her slightly pointed ears so that she doesn't have to sit through ANOTHER "Saint Nick" story that the northern elf king refuses to be offended by. His name is Niklava and he rather LIKES the association of how giving the cold can be! Lo'en could easily live without hearing another comment about ol' Saint Nick and his elves though.
Hold, while technically human/mortal, is cursed to live life over and over. And he has plant/green powers. He gets a lot of the "oh you'll grow up to be fine one of these days!" "you're still a sprout in this life time" "you still have time to bloom then!" and he also hates it.
Because Hold has to continue living even after he dies (though his body regresses to a child like age as he "recovers from death") he's absolutely enamored with Lo'en who just continues to exist. Her life span is way longer than a humans, longer than his /should/ be. And he admires her a lot and is really grateful to have her around for so many of his lives lived. Lo'en is relieved to have someone she gets along with who won't die and leave her forever. He dies, sure, but he gets better.
Lo'en meets Hold first while during one of his sister's dead phases so that's why the two are much closer than Lo'en is to Hold's sister. The two girls do help keep Hold safe when he's dead but they aren't super best friends or anything.
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pardonmydelays · 6 months ago
i think my biggest problem is that i've always been this kind of friend who's like "i may not understand your favourite thing in the world but i'm here to listen, support it with all my heart and be excited about it with you", so i kinda expect my friends to do the same thing for me. if it matters to you, it's important.
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fumifooms · 1 year ago
I think some inherent comfort of the party’s relationship, of why they’re so tightly knit and wholesome, is that it’s kinda the embodiment of "people that care for each other unconditionally, so much so that you could be the biggest freak on Earth and they would still not turn their back to you". Like, Laios’ whole character arc is that he was scared of others and their judgement, that he should hide a big part of himself and his interests to be tolerated if not accepted… But showing himself to others was the road through which the party bonded and got closer, and by the end of the story Laios literally turns into his monster because it was his biggest wish and everyone sees it and also he eats his human body a lot. After that he runs to the woods and is so scared of everyone not wanting to see him again, but y’know what. It’s fine his party still loves him, and aghhhh ouch my heart
I think also, Izutsumi was central to the party having a found family feel. The party was mostly made of work colleagues acquaintances, but adopting a stray/teenager that has no one on the way in your grand adventure really makes the whole family vibe skyrocket.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year ago
#so my mom's wake thing was today and that was a lot. not in an emotional sense but in a im standing here talking for 3hrs#to ppl i dont kno or barely kno. ya kno? but it was good bc so many ppl showed up to talk abt her#so many people. my mom made a huge impact on the school system. so many ppl relied on her. she encouraged at least 2 ppl to get their#master. for one person to specilize in helping the dyslexic after her experience advocating for 3 dyslexic daughters. she wrote and was#awarded a 10000 dollar grant for special needs and intervention curriculum. which will affect so many lives.#everyone loved her. she's gonna get a track meet named after her and a scholarship created in her honor.#she was an amazing person and she affected a lot of lives and im glad she was my mom. and she raised at least one jem in my littlest#sister who is so sweet and is a great teacher. god but there was some weird stuff too. were pretty sure her old boss was in love with her.#and there were some weird comments abt her being a strong woman or this woman doing so much and its like hm y do i detect a note of sexism#y not say she was an amazing person? y the surprise? weird comments about how pretty i looked. which yes i looked great lol. my funeral fit#was cute. we did bright colors bc it was a celebration not a dower event. and im sure it was ment well but it was a lil weird. and then#everyone was telling my grandma what a great job she did raising my mom and like god fuck off she didn't do jack. my mom was great despite#her terrible mother. ugh. but altogether it was good that everyone was able to express their love for her. it was def a day that was for#them mostly. i mean partly for us but mostly for them. none of us even cried. ay but we have 2 more parties in her honor#bc everyone loved her so much we have to do one in her hometown too. plus a personal friends get together. ugh. im so tired#i wish i wasnt the most awkward. eye contact avoidant person in the room but like ya kno. what can ya do?#unrelated
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thegamingcatmom · 9 months ago
Thinking thoughts...
"What do you mean, together??"
"Well, she was the one who found you, wasn´t she?"
"I´m so happy for the two of you!"
"You make such a lovely pair!"
"Are you alright, dear?"
To someone else: "Oh...she´s a shy one, isn´t she?"
"Shy my ass-"
For the record: A conversation such as this one is entirely possible in the realms of The Sisters.
Did you figure out who is who here? 😏
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dividedskylane · 28 days ago
hm. perhaps the fact that i'm currently in the process of carefully curating the contents of the e-reader i'm gonna give to my sister — pretending of course that i did no such thing — so that, on the off chance that she doesn't just clear out everything to put her own book collection without looking twice at what was on there, it will give off a certain image of me... well perhaps that's not super well-adjusted behaviour. but what do i even know about that
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I cannot have been the only kid CONVINCED that Sokka was going to become a water bender after Yue became the moon, right?
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quirkychaoticraptor · 2 months ago
Why didn't anybody tell me about the hilarious "deleted" scene in "The Best Bout" between Daruma and Sannoh?! It just made me adore Kato, even more, and at the same time, make me want to punch his smug face 10x more than usual! I could've also written this scene in my first "HiGH LOW" fanfic! Ozawa's bit was hilarious, too.
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itspileofgoodthings · 11 months ago
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mycological-mariner · 1 year ago
wanna talk about your OCs I would love to hear about your OCs who are they 👀
Oh dear. Sorry I forgot I hadn’t posted this it was in my drafts lol Doing my historical OCs because, well. I wanna and I feel like if I delved into any of my fantasy/sci-fi ones we’d be here ages
Fred Norefleet.
Of all the naval and broadly maritime ocs I have conjured over the years, he’s the most pathetic. By god is he trying his best, but he has continuously come up short in everything he’s done. He tries so hard and his life until recently was just other folk deciding what he was gonna be for him. He’s silent unless spoken to, tends to miss the forest for the trees, stares at you really intently when you’re talking, wishes more than anything to disappear into the background and his first words were probably “I’m sorry.”
That being said, he’s deeply loyal and supports his sisters and uncle financially with his wages. He’s a prime navigator and very detail-oriented, a team player and quite sneaky when need be and might actually make a lieutenant if he didn’t have a spine made from celery. He’s also quite sensitive about his lack of any formal education, receiving the good chunk of it when he became a midshipman. Quite protective, especially after the wreck as a kid. Became a bit of a chronic helper and control freak after that. Absolutely shit at fighting but an excellent sailor. Once dug shot out of his own hip, made it into a coin and carved a ship on it to give to his Friend. He’s that kind of person. He’s trans.
Morwenna Norefleet.
If Fred’s first words were “I’m sorry” then Morrie’s were “WASSON MATE.” The older of the twins by a minute, she and Fred were stuck together like glue until he went away to sea. She taught herself to read by studying the Bible and writes regularly to her brother. As both of them swapped names and gender, they’re quite close. She wants to open her own public house and inn or at least buy one (all the papers in Fred’s name of course). She’s a total flirt, especially with the out of town tinners and any “foreign” sailors (upcountry), even though she’s never settled down what with the whole trans thing. Morwenna embroiders very intricate flowers and landscapes. She once tried to do a ship for her uncle and it was less of a ship than it was a box with sticks. When Fred wouldn’t speak after his shipwreck and time spent stranded when they were 11, she felt really hurt. Especially when he went away to sea the same year, she was really lonely and would often sit in the St Juliot’s graveyard and cry privately. Nowadays she’s alright! Constantly worrying about her brother but also, she’s looking after her other sisters and their children and her uncle and working in an inn and working in the pilchard cellar. Her hevva cakes are amazing. She’s the strongest person in this family, has a deeply rooted sense of self and has boundless self confidence without ever being arrogant. Community and family are what’s important to her most of all, she teaches what she knows of Cornish to her little family members and teaches them to write and read and once hit one unruly patron so hard he woke up crying.
Callum Tredwen.
A mess. Is actively being hunted down by his own brother, is an ex-navy lieutenant, a mutineer and now smuggler. He’s on a suicide mission. He’s a lesbian and has an extremely doomed and unspoken relationship with his first mate. He’s probably committed multiple war crimes, he took a 21-year old doctor hostage and kidnapped him. He ought to be dead but he just won’t die. He’s a dick. An asshole. He’s all the confidence of Morwenna but without any compassion for others (lies, he does, he just rarely acts on it), the anxieties of Fred without any of the perspective. He hits first to avoid ever being hit himself. He refuses to let himself be loved or taken care of. He’s gotten his dearest friends killed and his own self maimed. This man wants blood and he’s going to get it, whether it’s his own or someone else’s. It’s been years and his gender is still “eeeeh.” The 2nd messiest fucker.
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 year ago
I'm gonna be super real with you guys. I'm extremely sad and frustrated that I will be in London less than 2 weeks away from Exploring Birdsong's one (1) headliner show. Also in London 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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sortasp00ky · 7 months ago
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shoot-me-with-a-crayon · 5 months ago
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I call her name Across an endless plain She'll answer me Where ever she may be
Who Is She? by I Monster
JaxsTober Day 6 - Siblings
They look so happy :D I sure hope nothing bad happens to the-
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:( Oh No :(
oh this ones late lol teehee
anyways this one was fun!! so cute!! look at them <3
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theyre so silly :3
but yeah, say hi to Bailey Poppet! Jaxs' little sister! Now say goodbye to Bailey Poppet!! Yaayy!!!!
Idk Im gonna skip some days whenever i want now bc ough. i just gotta get through this, i dont gotta 100%. i just gotta complete the main campaign, i dont care about any steam badges here man. lol.
anyways have the og sketch for this one bc its cute <3
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thelegsofsharks · 2 years ago
the lack of cinderella 3 AUs is really a shame
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