#love when someone new comes onto the enterprise and asks why mccoy is on the bridge
vulcanhello · 2 years
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mystery-star · 3 years
Waiting for you - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: mentions of injury and death
Words: 1838
Star Trek universe: AOS
A/N: Just a lil thing I wrote because I haven’t written (at least for Spocko) in ages. And didn’t feel like writing on a series.
“She’s here. She’s here” you heard someone shouting beside you and looked around and finally you could see the Enterprise approaching in one of many tunnels above you. You smiled and stepped forward a little and waited for the crew to dismount. When you saw the first of them, your smile got broader and you got onto your tiptoes to look out for your husband. Not many people of the Enterprise had someone waiting for them and those who did seemed overjoyed. It made you look down for moment because you had a feeling that Spock wouldn’t greet you like others greeted their loved ones. Finally, you could see him and slightly raised your hand, hoping he’d see you. When he did, he came straight towards you, stopping half a meter in front of you
“(Y/N)” he said “What brings you to Yorktown?”
“I’ll give you three guesses” you replied and just threw yourself around his neck “I’ve missed you, Spock” you breathed against his skin and he hugged you back slightly.
“Am I therefore right to conclude that you came here in order to see me during my shore leave?”
“Right” you let go of him but only that you could kiss him. He cupped your face and kissed you back. At some point his hand found yours, slowly stroking his first two fingers against yours. But then he pulled away from you all of a sudden, just holding your hand. You turned around and saw two older Vulcans behind you.
“Commander, might we have a word? Alone?” you wanted to ask why you couldn’t come when Spock threw a glance at you and squeezed your hand
“Do you mind?”
“Just be quick” you pecked his cheek “I’ll be waiting for you, okay?” you handed him a keycard of the hotel where you had booked a room for you both. He gave a nod, then let go of your hand and followed the two men. With a sigh you looked after him and returned to the hotel, knowing he would be clever enough to find it when he was done.
But he only came when it was dark and you were already in bed, reading a magazine on your PADD.
“Have you been waiting with sleeping until I return?”
“Well, you got some days of shore leave, then I won’t see you for another two years. I want to use every minute with you that I can” he gave a nod and sat down on the bed, placing a device on the nightstand. “What did they want?”
“I will tell you in the morning”
“Alright” you put the PADD aside and stretched yourself a little before sitting up, crawling closer to him and wrapping your arms around him again, kissing him. “We now have better things to do, don’t you think?” he kissed you back and placed one of his hands in the small of your back, pulling you closer while he ran his other hand over the side of your face. After the kiss he leaned his forehead to yours and you bumped his nose with yours. “Did you have fun out there on the mission?”
“I have written and called you three times per week, as we have agreed on, and informed you about what you call ‘adventures’ and have also answered each question concerning them I was allowed to answer”
“Well yes but your last message was two days ago. I need a recap of the past two days. Or retell me your favorite mission. Doing it face-to-face is much better” you pecked his lips. He gave a nod, pulled you into his lap and started telling you how the Captain had attempted to make peace between two species that didn’t work out as planned. Then he went on to their arrival to Yorktown and suddenly his communicator beeped “Tell me that’s your private comm”
“It is not” he leaned forward to get it and you just wanted to stop him but let it happen with a sigh. Placing you back on the bed, he gave your hand a squeeze, took the comm, opened it and left the room. With a sigh you fell back on the bed, glancing to the PADD and considering if you should continue reading but then looked at the ceiling, repeating everything you had planned to do with Spock in the following days in your mind. Soon Spock returned and you sat up with a smile but his words ruined it “I must go”
“Go? Go where? Aren’t you on shore leave?”
“I am. However, there is a matter that requires my assistance”
“What is it?”
“I cannot tell you much but I must leave Yorktown”
“You’re shitting me”
“I do not joke”
“But… but… will you at least get that time off later on? How long will you be gone?”
“I suppose it should not take longer than 36 hours”
“Oh well…. Then you owe me yet another debriefing upon your return” he gave a nod, came closer to put his comm on his nightstand and pecking your forehead.
“Please make yourself a pleasant day tomorrow”
“Okay. And then I’ll be waiting here for you… again”
But Spock didn’t come home the evening or morning after he had left, so you decided to make yourself another nice day exploring another area of Yorktown. In the late afternoon, you suddenly heard how the station went on alert and after looking around you saw that a swarm of tiny ships tried attacking Yorktown. Around you everyone was in panic, screaming, rallying kids and running away while you stood there frozen, staring at the many little ships on the other side of Yorktown.
“We have to leave. Come. Now” someone next to you shouted, pulling on your arm
“Can we go somewhere safe? Like a… bunker?”
“A bunker on a Starbase?” the man started laughing slightly and shook his head.
“Or can we do something? Something to help? Is there a defense station or militia? Or help evacuate people?”
“That’s Starfleet’s business” as if on cue, there was an announcement, informing the public that there was an attack and that you should not panic. You let out a snort and watched how the people around you seemed to panic even more. You looked around and finally saw a security, officer, going over to him.
“Excuse me, Sir?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll all be safe, just stay calm and…”
“No, I wanted to ask if I can help something.”
“Yeah. Weapons, evacuate people or something” he looked at you, considered it a while then said he’d have to check it out. But before he could return, they managed to somehow blow up all the small ships. Somehow you couldn’t believe that this was everything and sure enough, there was another announcement informing the public that a great part of the ship had been destroyed but that three of them had gotten into Yorktown but that they still had the situation under control and would do everything to stop them. For some reason, you found that three ships hand entered Yorktown almost worse than the initial attack. Because you knew there probably wasn’t much you could do unless the ships came to that part of Yorktown, you sat down in a café, ordered a drink and watched the news on the big screen that gave a permanent update on the situation at the other end of Yorktown. Not even 15 minutes later, you heard that everyone was out of danger and the intruders had been rendered harmless. After a sigh, you finished your drink and then returned to the scene of the action, maybe there now was something you could help, like tidying up damage or helping the wounded. You stayed there and helped until it was dark and the volunteers were sent home, so you returned to the hotel. But you didn’t get far and the receptionist called you over.
“You are (Y/N) (Y/L/N), right?”
“That’s me, yeah”
“I have message for you, from a doctor Leonard McCoy”
“I know him. He’s the doctor on the Enterprise. What is this message about?”
“He lets you know, that your husband… Commander Spock will spend the night in Yorktown hospital”
“Ho-hospital? They’re back? What does he have? Is it bad? Can I visit him? When did they get back?”
“He only told me that so you know where your husband is and in case you wish to see him. I don’t know anything else” you nodded and with a thank-you you ran out of the hotel, to the hospital, where you had brought a few people earlier today. You went to a visitor station to register your visit and once you knew where your husband was and that he currently could be visited, you rushed to the elevator and then to his room. When you saw Spock lying in bed awake, you let out a deep breath and moved closer.
“Spock” you breathed, not sure what to say and having a hundred questions at the tip of your tongue. "How are you?” was the first you asked
“I am well, (Y/N). The doctors insisted I stayed the night to ensure that my condition does not become worse” you nodded and came closer, taking his hand, pressing a kiss to it as you sat down on the edge of the bed. To your delight, he squeezed your hand.
“What happened? To you, I mean?” he explained how on the mission his side was impaled by a piece of metal and that McCoy didn’t have the correct equipment to properly treat him. “At least you’re safe” you ran your free hand through his hair. “When did you even get back?”
“4.2 hours ago”
“That was… that was when the attack happened” he agreed and said it was them who played a great role in stopping them. “Oh so that big ship that destroyed the central plaza was you, the Franklin?”
“And what about the Enterprise?”
“She has been destroyed”
“Oh no. What about the crew? Are they safe?”
“We have not yet been able to ascertain who has survived the attack on the Enterprise and who lost their life, however, I am certain that at least 350 people have survived”
“Out of 428 that’s still a lot that could have died”
“Besides, I also know of at least 16 casualties from the crew” you gave a nod
“And what now? I mean is your mission over? The Enterprise is gone”
“We do not know yet but it is certain that we will remain her for longer than the originally scheduled 12 days of shore leave”
“Well, then we got more time to do something as long as we’re here. And I get to see you longer. Ha that visit was worth it” you leant down to kiss his forehead. “Now we just gotta make sure you’ll be on your feet as soon as possible because I have lot planned for the next days”
Taglist: @softsapphicideals
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space-helen · 3 years
‘Meet My Sister’
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Words: 986
Pairing: Pavel Chekov x Reader
A/N: Hope you enjoy!!
Request:  Oh I may have a Pavel Chekov request... reader is Pavels sibling and visits Pav on board of the Enterprise. He is VERY exited when he shows reader around the ship and "presents" them to his crewmates. He is very proud bc reader was the one who discovered time traveling which is now used in Starfleet (or will be used soon, whatever makes more sense). Does this even make sense?🤔 I hope so.. something cute with Pavel as the big teddy bear brother he is... I hope it's possible 🌹 - @hunters-rose
“Y/N!” you heard your brother call as you materialised onboard the Enterprise. 
“Pavel!” you called back and the two of you were crashing into each other's arms. You’d been separated for a long time.
“I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too.” you replied, pulling away and giving him a smile.
Someone clearing their throat caught your attention and you smiled at the man.
“Oh.” Pavel realised “This is Mr Scott, head of engineering.” 
You shook the man’s hand and he greeted you warmly. “Hi I’m Y/N. Pavels sister.”
“Y/N’s been heading the research into time travel.” Pavel blurted out and you felt your face get warm.
“I’d love to learn more. I’ve been following the progress.” Scotty admitted “However I need to get back to Engineering before Keenser blows something apart.”
You smiled “I’ll be sticking around for a while. I’m sure we can discuss it at some point.”
“I’ll catch you later.” 
You watched the man leave before speaking again “So when can I see my room?”
“I need to introduce you to others first!” before you could react his hand was around your wrist and he was dragging you through the corridors on the Enterprise. 
“Slow down.” you cautioned him.
“Doctor McCoy! Doctor McCoy!” he called down the corridor. The man in questioned turned around with a slight scowl on his face.
“What is it now?”
“Don’t be so grumpy Doctor.” Pavel tried to calm him “I would like you to meet my sister Y/N. She is heading the research and development of time travel technology within Starfleet.”
“Don’t you ever think that it’s going a bit too far?” the man questioned you with a raised eyebrow.
“Nothing is too far” you laughed “it will allow certain personnel to go back and review history and collect information as needed. Of course it needs to be left to the people most trustworthy.”
“Don’t you think the collection of information could be detrimental in some cases? Have we not documented things thoroughly enough?”
“As of the past few decades and possibly centuries we have. However we’ve seen certain illnesses or diseases return from seemingly nowhere especially on new planets. Take this for example, we could travel back to the british middle ages and take samples of the plague and study them properly in the future. Then if we come across something similar we have a base line and possible more effective cures. This isn’t a great need for planets like Earth but new planets we come across.” you paused briefly “Similar to how we meet planets that still have the common cold. We give them our cures and vaccinations to help out. Just because these thing don’t affect us anymore doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect others.”
“You’re a red shirt speaking like a blue shirt… are you sure you’re in the right colour?” The man joked.
“Well my original education was in medicine but I excelled at physics and engineering. You know Pavel graduated early and … well I also fast tracked through.”
“Of course you did.” he rolled his eyes “Well it was lovely to meet you but I have patients to see too. I’ll see you both around.” the man spoke quickly before fleeing down the corridor. 
Pavel stood next to you beaming. “What?” you questioned the man with a smile.
“The Doctor likes you.”
“He practically just ran away.”
“He told a joke. He likes you.” the man grabbed your wrist again “Let's go meet the Captain.”
“Woah. Not yet.”
“Why not.” the man continued to drag you through the corridors.
“He might be busy.”
“He’s not busy or doing anything important. If he was the Doctor would be on the Bridge.”
“What?” you asked, puzzled by the mans words.
“Doctor McCoy is always on the bridge when the Captain is in fear he may do something stupid. Since the Doctor is not on the Bridge the Captain is probably free and not dealing with important matters. He’s probably bickering with Spock somewhere.”
You laughed “I’ve heard a lot about everyone but this makes the ship sound crazier.”
“That’s because it is” he admitted. “Captain Kirk! Captain!” 
You sighed and looked up to see the Captain walking towards you. You knew the man’s face, there was no way you couldn’t know it.
“This is my sister-”
“Y/N” Jim held out his hand to you.
“Yeah” Pavel said puzzled “How did you know?”
“I stay up to date with her research. Who do you think okayed her coming on board?”
“That did not cross my mind. I was just excited for her to meet everyone.”
“Hi” you spoke “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You two know each other?” he looked between the two of you.
“We’ve had some meetings together to discuss bringing my research and development onto the Enterprise.” you looked at your brother and raised an eyebrow “Did you think I was here for a vacation?”
His mouth was slightly agape “Yes I did. But if you’re staying longer that’s even better.” the man began to beam with a smile once again.
“I was going to tell you when I got here but you decided to take me on a wild ride around the ship.” you laughed.
“He’s just doing what big brother’s do best.” the Captain laughed. “Anyway it was nice to meet you and a bunch of us are grabbing drinks later you should join.” 
You agreed and the Captain re-admitted himself to the bridge.
“Do you have any vacation time?” Pavel questioned “I took a couple of days off to spend with you.” his eyes looked slightly sad about not being able to spend whole days together.
“I do. I don’t officially start work on the Enterprise for four days.”
“Excellent because there’s more people I want you to meet.” you smiled and rolled your eyes. Allowing your brother to lead the way.
Tag List: (open)
Star Trek AOS: @spaskaalekha @obiwansjedi
All Star Trek: @morganofthecoves1  @livenerdyandprosper @allthetrek​ @mrs-l-mccoy @huntheimpossible
Pavel Chekov:
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Two Ships Passing in the Night {8}
Part 8
Series Masterlist
Spock x fem!Reader, Bones x fem!Reader
Summary: Time for you and Leonard to face the music.
A/N: If you had any idea how many times I have rewritten this part to get somewhere I was happy with it. But now it’s here and I didn’t delete it this time. Thank you so much for your patience!!!!!
Warnings: Drugged Drinks, Make Out Session, I think that’s it.
Word Count: 2,009
Leonard woke up with a splitting headache. He groaned and rolled over, pulling the covers around his neck. He froze, these weren’t his covers, where the hell was he, this wasn’t his quarters. He recognized the setup of a Starfleet medbay, it wasn’t his medbay.
He sat up quickly and felt his head start to spin. “Mother fu…”
“Finish that and I will finish you.” Dr. Ambrose cut him off, walking in and glancing at his monitors. She glanced over at Leonard whose eyes were flitting nervously about the room. “She’s fine, I sent her to bed. Last thing I needed was her being moony eyed over you all night. If you have any idea how much time I spend making her get out of the Captain’s chair.”
Leonard groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. “What happened?”
Ambrose chuckled, “Someone spiked your drink, you passed out. Captain and the Vulcan brought you back.”
Leonard let out a huff of air. So Spock had brought him in with you, where was he now? He tried to shake that thought from his mind. Ambrose glanced at him, he was broken from his thoughts by a dry chuckle from her.
“I will let her know you’re awake.” She said, walking into her office. Leonard could see her clicking the comms. He couldn’t hear your voice, what you said to Ambrose, who let out a laugh at something you said. His stomach twisted and he wasn’t sure if it was from the hangover or nerves, maybe a bit of both. He cursed himself for the amount of alcohol he consumed, dumb ass. His mind started creating scenarios for what was going to happen when you walked into the medbay. Maybe you’d throw him off the ship, you and Spock were getting married, you and Spock were going to single handedly repopulate New Vulcan. God, he wondered what he’d have to do to get Scotty to toss him into the warp core. His mind continued racing, then he heard soft footfalls and a golden silhouette appeared in the doorway.
Last night hadn’t been what you had expected, well, maybe with Spock, but not with Leonard. Spock had carried him back to your ship, it made sense, the Enterprise medical officer was unconscious, and you knew Ambrose was aboard, she despised shore leave. “Makes more sense for me to stay on the ship, someone always does something stupid and needs me here.” She grumbled, but you didn’t miss the novel she had tucked under her arm.
Spock placed him on a bed and Ambrose shuffled you, Spock, and Uhura away from the bed. Uhura’s eyes flicked between you and Spock, only stopping when he draped his arm over her shoulder. She gazed at you, a question very obvious in her eyes, you gave a small shake of your head. You hadn’t been close, but you respected her and you respected her relationship with Spock. If you were in her shoes, you would have been worried.
“I suppose we should head back to the Enterprise for the night.” Spock said, tilting his head towards the doorway. Uhura started out the door, Spock on her heels.
“Spock.” You murmured, he stopped and glanced back. “For the record, I don’t mind sharing with Uhura.”
The tiniest of smiles came across the Vulcan’s face, he nodded towards Leonard on the bed. “Talk to him.” He left the ship and you turned back to Leonard and Ambrose.
“Hell of a boy, you’ve got here.” Ambrose muttered over the sounds of machines beeping. “Aside from the amount of alcohol in his system and someone dosed him with a strong drug, he’s fine.”
You flinched, moving to Leonard’s side, your hand hovered over the rail of the bed before resting a few inches from his. “Will he be okay?”
“He’ll be fine, have a headache in the morning, no more than he deserves.” Ambrose answered, you didn’t miss the look she gave you over her glasses.
“I could stay, in case something changes.” You started.
“You and that little one are going to go sleep in your quarters. I’ll be damned if you put anymore stress on yourself and the baby. If anything happens with him I will make sure you’re down here.” Ambrose responded, shooing you out of the medbay. You knew there was no point in arguing with her, even though you were the captain, you weren’t going to fight with Ambrose. She and Leonard shared the same affinity for hypos, it made you wonder about what they were teaching in the Medical Corps.
You snuggled into your covers, your quarters quiet, you closed your eyes and willed yourself to sleep. You and Spock had started to heal the rift between you, together you were parents, that was all. That was all you needed from him. Tomorrow, tomorrow you would speak with Leonard. The tension from earlier faded from your shoulders and the weariness started to pull you into dreamland. You drifted off thinking about that southern drawl and the smell of peaches.
In the morning, Ambrose called and Leonard was awake. “He’s fine, headache, dehydration, what you’d expect from someone who partied too hard on shore leave.”
“I doubt he was partying.” You retorted.
Ambrose laughed, “Alright, I won’t say anything rude about lover boy.”
You got into uniform as fast as you could, which was not as fast as you would have liked, but adjusting to your new size just hadn’t clicked. Your mind was racing, what would you say, what would he say. Oh, god, he didn’t know what you had said to Spock, who knew what he thought. Your mind continued as you made your way to the medbay. Leonard was on his back, propped up to the sitting position with pillows and staring up at the ceiling. You stopped in your tracks when his head turned and those hazel eyes fixed on you. A small smile fell onto your lips, “Hey, darlin’.” You murmured, walking to his bedside. Ambrose was in her office, nose stuck in the novel that she had started once the ship had emptied.
He groaned and covered his face as you sat in the chair next to his bed. “I’m an ass.” He mumbled from beneath his arm.
“I mean, there’s a few adjectives we can add to that statement to make it more interesting.” You started. “Dumb, crazy, stupid, to name a few.”
He turned his head to look at you, his eyes meeting yours before traveling down to your bump. “Kid’s gotten big.”
You quirked an eyebrow, “Are you calling me fat, Leonard McCoy?”
Panic filled his eyes and reached out, his hand resting on your cheek, gently turning your gaze to his. “You’re just as beautiful as the day I met you.” Maybe some of last night’s liquid courage was still flowing through his veins. Maybe he was throwing all his cards on the table as a final Hail Mary. Regardless of the reason, the words were out of his mouth as soon as they were in his mind.
Warmth flooded your face, the sound of your heartbeat thrumming in your ears. “In that seedy bar that Jim dragged us to every week?” His thumb brushed against your cheek before he removed his hand, you grabbed his wrist and leaned into his hand, tilting your head to put a gentle kiss into his palm.
“I would go to that bar everyday if it meant I’d get to spend even five minutes with you.” Leonard murmured, his heart racing in his chest. He wasn’t sure what you had said to Spock last night, what you both had decided, but he had to say his piece. He had to let you know, even if it closed the door between you for ever. “I’ve loved you since the day you walked into that bar.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered into his hand, pulling back and taking his hand in yours, your fingers locking together.
He chuckled, “Darlin’ you have nothing to apologize for. I’m sorry I got drunk off my ass last night, I’m sorry I never said anything before, I’m so sorry.” He sighed. “I’m sorry that I have to ask this. But I’ve got to know, where do we stand?”
You stared down at your joined hands, he loved you. You loved him, why was it so hard for you to say it out loud? Last night you and Spock had closed the book on your romantic story, and you knew that was right. In your mind, you knew that the man in the bed, he was the new page, the book that would never end. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze and you looked into his eyes. “I’m sorry that it took me so long, to know that I love you.” You whispered, his eyes widened and a smile across his face. “If I’d have figured it out sooner, maybe things…”
“Don’t think like that.” Leonard interrupted, he pulled himself up to sit taller, he slid his legs over the side of the bed and shifted to the edge so his face was inches from yours. “Whatever has happened to get us here, it happened.” His free hand moved to rest on your stomach. “We’re here.”
You looked up at him, his hand still resting on your stomach, you slid your free hand to the back of his neck and pulled him towards you, your lips crashing into his. For a moment the galaxies stopped spinning, it was desperate, like you were afraid that pulling apart would cause you to wake up from this dream. You could still taste the stale whiskey on his tongue, but you didn’t care, his hand wrapped in your hair, deepening the kiss. You swore he was breathing you in like you were his last breath, his teeth nipped at your bottom lip and a small moan fell from your lips. Leonard gave a gentle peck to your lips then pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you.” He whispered, placing another quick kiss to your lips.
“About damn time.” A voice called from behind you, Leonard groaned and pulled away from you.
“Jim.” He greeted, the familiar surliness strong in his tone.
“Now Bones, I’d think that kiss would’ve at least knocked some of that attitude out of you.” Jim chuckled, coming up beside you. “Captain.” He greeted, giving you a nod and a wink.
“You know that’s just part of my charm.” Leonard responded, his fingers still locked with yours. “What are you doing here?”
Jim pulled a chair beside yours, chuckling as he sat down. “My medical officer was put in a medbay on a different ship, had to make sure he was okay. Especially since the captain of the ship was occupied with diplomatic relations when I tried to contact her.” Jim wiggled his eyebrows and your free hand shot out and swatted at his shoulder. “Hey! That is not very diplomatic of you!”
“Diplomatic my ass.” You grumbled, but there was no menace behind it, and Jim knew it.
“No wonder the Federation hasn’t been making any progress on diplomatic matters with you on the helm.” Jim jabbed.
“It’s a miracle the Federation has an exploration team with you at the helm.” Leonard grumbled, glaring at Jim.
“I have an amazing medical officer who keeps them all in one piece.” Jim retorted, a smile on his face. Leonard rolled his eyes. “Besides, had to say hi to the little one.” His attention turned to your stomach. “Gotta make sure he knows how good it is to be in command gold.” You chuckled as he reached out to your stomach, then glanced up, asking permission. You nodded. He smiled and rested his hand gently against the bump. “Command gold little buddy. It’s the best. Then you can be a captain like Uncle Jim and Mommy.”
“I’m partial to science blues.” Leonard murmured.
You met his eyes, “Seems I am too.”
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noforkingclue · 4 years
Can I request a Star Trek AOS Bones X Reader where they have an away mission to an abandoned/taken over starbase and they get separated from the main group and have to survive (whoever took it over) and get back to the enterprise? Maybe throw in a baby or small child they have to protect?
I don't do a lot of asks lol I have no idea if I'm doing this right. 😅😬 I love your writing by the way it's really, really good!
Yay a Star Trek request!
Thank you so much for this request I had a lot of fun doing it!
Thank you so much! It means so much to hear that :D
Title: Rescue
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary
You could feel Bones’s glare on the back of your head as you made your way through the corridors of the star ship. The Enterprise had received a distress call from them and Kirk had immediately leapt into action. It had been an unusually quiet couple of months and everyone could tell he was becoming restless.
“How much further did you say it was to the emergency shuttles?” asked Bones
“Not long.”
“You said that five minutes ago.”
You sighed and stopped walking and turned around to face him. Bones continued to glare at you but you couldn’t take him seriously when he was holding a small child in his arms. The two of you weren’t meant to be on board the ship but a panicked parent started screaming that his child was still on board. You didn’t give anyone the chance to stop you before you ran back on board. Unfortunately you hadn’t realised that Starfleet’s grumpiest doctor had followed you.
“I know these old ships,” you said, “Had to study them to become an engineer. Starfleet always has a few on commission.”
You moved to fold your arms and winced. When you are Bones arrived back on the ship it had lurched suddenly to the side causing you to smash into a wall. You were pretty sure that it wasn’t broken but Bones wasn’t taking any chances. He had made a make shift sling for your arm until you were back on the Enterprise.
“Now let’s hurry,” you said turning back around, “The soon we find these shuttles the sooner we can get back.”
“And the sooner we can give this child back,” muttered Bones, “You and you bleeding heart.”
“I thought Kirk was the one with the bleeding heart,” you said, “He was the one who-“
You cut off and almost let out a string of curse words but managed to stop yourself just in time. The child looked between you and Bones as Bones said,
“What’s happened now?”
“You know those shuttles.”
“Take a look.”
Bone walked over next to you and sighed.
“Oh shi-“ he looked at the child, “Shoot.”
All the remaining shuttles had been destroyed. You ran your fingers through your hair and started pacing.
“What do we do now? How can we fix these?”
“I’m a Doctor not an engineer. That’s your department.”
“Fu- Shi-,” you managed to stop yourself from wearing and punched the wall, “We’re not going to get out of here are we?”
“Careful,” said Bones, “You don’t want to damage your other hand.”
You slid down the wall and put your head in your hands. You were going to die on a burnt up star ship with someone who clearly didn’t like you. Even if by some miracle the two of you survived you had burnt any bridges with getting close to Bones. Damn him for being so handsome.
“Hey,” Bones sat down next to you, “Don’t be like that. Jim will find a way to get us out of this mess. And besides,” he looked down at the now sleeping child, “You went back to save a life.”
“And you followed,” you said looking up at him, “Why did you follow.”
“Well,” Bones said quickly, “Someone needed to make sure that you didn’t die or injure yourself. Speaking of which,” he held out his hand, “Let me see how badly you’ve injured yourself.”
“Nothing’s broken,” you said, “I can still move my fingers.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
Bones gently took your hand in his and brushed his fingers over your knuckles. You winced slightly which caused him to raise an eyebrow.
“Not broken you said.”
“Just because they’re not broken doesn’t mean that they don’t hurt.”
“Well luckily you’re correct. Just bruised slightly. Easy fix once we get back to the Enterprise.”
“You’re arm in another story. You’ll probably going to have to remain in the med bay for a couple of days.”
“I can think of worst ways to spend my time.”
“Is that so?”
“Well,” you gave him a shy smile, “As long as I’m under the watchful care of Doctor McCoy.”
“I wouldn’t trust anyone to look after you.”
You turned bright red much to the amusement of Bones.
“Umm Bones.”
“You’re still holding my hand.”
“You want me to let go.” Said Bones with a hint of disappointment in his voice
“Not really,” you said, “But I-“
A crackle above your head made you and Bones look up.
“Enterprise to Octavian. Enterprise to Octavian.”
“What the-“
It was Chekov.
“Do you hear me? Enterprise to-“
“Bones!” yelled Kirk, “Y/n! Answer us!”
“Dammit Jim,” yelled Bones as he jumped to his feet and pushed the button on the communicator, “We heard you!”
You heard Kirk let out a sigh of relief. However that didn’t last for very long. The shouting had woken up the child who had started crying. Bones groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I hear you found the child.”
The amusement in Kirk’s voice was clear and you guessed that if he was in front of Bones he would’ve tried to punch him.
“Please give us some good news. Can you get us out of here?”
“Yes,” replied Chekov quickly, “I have locked onto you and should be teleporting you out of there soon.”
“Great,” said Bones as he offered you his hand, “We should be out of here soon.”
You had been trying to calm the child down with no success. Bones just shook his head at your attempts and once you were standing he picked up the child who quickly calmed down.
“You’re a natural.” you said smiling
“Comes with practice darling.”
You gave him a small smile at the nickname and blushed when you felt his hand brush against yours. The two of you moved away from each other as you were teleported off of the ship and back to the Enterprise. Neither of you wanted any rumours to start about the two of you but as soon as you saw the Captain’s face you knew that it was a pointless wish.
Sometimes you thought that Captain Kirk was a little too invested in his friend’s love life.
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to-boldly-nope · 4 years
Snow White- TOS Spock x Reader
Plot: {requested by the lovely @groovyfluxie​ (you seriously come up with the best prompts ever)} You and Spock are transported to a strange planet where each region is centered by a different fairytale and the only way to get out is by living through that tale. So what happens when you get to be Snow White? 
Words: 1388 (yeah I got too excited)
A/N: Yeah, I kinda changed the plot, but not by a whole lot (I hope you don’t mind) and honestly, I’m about to turn this into a series with different characters and fairytales because it just seems so COOL
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One moment you were in your quarters, reading, and the next you were in a castle wearing a raggedy dress. You walked over to the balcony and pulled the red curtain back, looking out into the courtyard. There was a wishing well near your window and you gasped.
"Snow White, go out and clean the courtyard!" A woman hissed while opening your door, making you flinch. The woman had thin, arching eyebrows and a permanent scowl. Her head was covered with a balaclava and a crown rested atop.
"Y-yes, ma'am," you stuttered as you ran past her and out to the courtyard. You didn't know where you were or why you were here but you did know that you didn't want to be there. You found a bucket and went over to the well and drew water. Birds sat on the edge of the well, watching you closely. You gave them a look before going to wash the courtyard steps.
"Cleaning a courtyard, how stupid," you hissed as you dipped a cleaning brush into the bucket. "What is there to clean? It's just going to get dirty again."
You began to scrub the stone angrily. You didn't know if anyone else from the Enterprise was here or if they were trying to look for you. You just wanted to go home. You took the bucket of water and threw it on the steps, rinsing the leftover dirt away. You found yourself going back to the well to get more water.
"Want to know a secret?" You asked the birds still sitting on the well's edge. "Promise not to tell?"
You pulled on the rope, bringing the bucket up. "We are standing by a wishing well. Make a wish into the well, that's all you have to do and if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true."
Inside, you didn't know why you were singing, but you couldn't stop. You peered over the edge of the well and looked at your reflection in the water. "I'm wishing for the one I love. To find me today."
Your voice echoed as if someone was responding to you. At least you know if the rumor was right then your dream will come true.
"I'm hoping and I'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah," you sang with a smile, letting the well respond back. "I'm wishing for the one I love to find me today."
"I do not understand how speaking to a well is logical in this situation."
"Spock!" You exclaimed. "Thank God, where are the others?"
"It appears that we are the only ones here," he stated while putting his hands behind his back. He wore a white dress shirt with poofy sleeves, a blue tunic-like vest, and a red cape around his shoulders.
You tried to walk over to him but a force pulled you away and you found yourself going back to your room. You hid behind the red curtain before forcing yourself to look at Spock.
"Fascinating. It seems as if we are supposed to act out a play. Our characters were not supposed to have a long interaction."
"You mean to tell me for us to get back to the Enterprise then we have to put on an act?!" You yelled while slamming your hands down on the balcony banister.
"I shall see you when time allows," Spock told you before walking away.
You were dusting and humming around the little house. You learned that the Queen sent a huntsman to kill you, but he was kind enough to let you go. After that, you found yourself rooming with seven dwarfs. You had to come up with a compromise, of course. If you wanted to stay, then you had to do their chores and for some reason, you happily obliged. Now, an old peddler woman was gifting you an apple for saving her from your bluebirds.
"And because you've been so good to poor old Granny, I'll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple. It's a magic wishing apple," the lady said while circling around you like a vulture.
"A wishing apple?" You asked, letting your interest and curiosity get the best of you as you cradled the apple.
The old woman smiled as she knew that she got your attention. "Yes! One bite and all your dreams will come true."
"Really?" You gasped excitedly while holding the apple up to your face. The sun reflected off of it so nicely that you saw a perfect reflection.
"Yes, girlie! Now, make a wish and take a bite."
You came back to your senses and eyed the old woman suspiciously. She gave you a reassuring look. "Oh, come on, dear, there must be something your little heart desires. Perhaps there's someone you love."
You though about her statement. You didn't love anyone because you believed that nobody loved you. Then, your mind thought of Spock. You always looked up to him, but you never thought it was love. He would always play his Vulcan harp when he knew you were upset and he always let you borrow his books. There was also all those times he's protected you during away missions. It was discreet, but you always knew because he would always stand in front of you or put his hand out over your torso. Maybe he did love you, but you knew that you loved him.
"Well," you blushed bashfully, "There is someone."
"I thought so," the woman smiled cheekily, "I thought so. Old Granny knows a young girl's heart. Now, take the apple, dearie, and make a wish."
"I wish-I wish," you whispered while clutching the apple.
"That's it. Go on, go on."
"...And that he will carry me away to his castle...where we will live happily every after."
"Fine! Fine!" She roared, "Take a bite. Don't let the wish grow cold!"
You took a bite from the apple and you didn't feel right. Doctor McCoy has injected you with some weird medicines, but you never felt like this before. "Oh! I feel strange."
You groaned and clutched your head and stomach, the apple still in your hand. It felt like you were going to pass out. You let out a gasp before falling backwards, falling into an eternal slumber.
When Spock heard news of a princess in a glass coffin, he knew that he had to look for you. He wasn't sure if the princess was you or not and he wished it wasn't you. He rode by horse throughout the land until a flock of bluebirds caught his eye. Spock followed the flock into a forest valley, where he was met with the reflection of glass.
Spock got off his horse and ran up to the coffin and he saw you. He removed his hat and felt tears well up in his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away. He didn't know what to do this time. He grabbed your hand, making sure your bouquet was still in place, and gave it a Vulcan kiss before kissing you as a final goodbye.
He kneeled beside the coffin and put his head down. He didn't show much emotion, but he failed to keep them inside. He also failed to ignore the noise and movement above him.
"Spock?" You asked, voice groggy from not being in use.
"(Y/N)?" He asked while looking up at you. You saw faint tear lines as the sun hit his face. "Fascinating. It has appeared that a human kiss woke you up."
"Have you ever heard of a true love's kiss?" You asked, blushing as you thought of Spock kissing you.
He simply shook his head, wondering how he revived you, but he soon forgot about his thought and scooped you up in his arms.
"My hero," you giggled while you put your head in the crook of his neck before the two of you were suddenly teleported back onto the Enterprise. Everyone on the bridge stared at you in Spock's arms and he let you down while letting out a nervous cough.
"Nice to see you two again," Kirk greeted.
"Thank you, Captain," the two of you said in unison while you stared at the floor. You only looked up when Spock placed a Vulcan kiss on the back of your hand.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
New Recruit - Part 1
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Pairing: Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Lt. Maggie Parker (OFC). Other Characters: Cmdr Spock, Lt. Nyota Uhura, Lt. Ruthie Warner (OFC), Ensign Miranda Nelson (OFC)
Word Count: 4040+
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my first attempt at a fic outside of the Supernatural fandom. I have @spacedancer1701​ to thank for that little nudge. :) This particular offering got away from me a bit, so I split it in two. Enjoy, and happy reading!
Lieutenant Margaret Parker scanned the crowd as she waited for her turn to report to her assignment. She was one of six new recruits scheduled to board the shuttle that would take her to her next duty station as science officer aboard the USS Enterprise. The lieutenant grinned to herself, barely able to contain her excitement. The flagship of the Fleet. I can't believe this is happening, she thought.
The lieutenant then looked at her watch and frowned. She didn't want to board the shuttle without saying last goodbyes, but she could not be late. She wished that her parents could be here to send her off, but they've been gone for six years now. Her brothers had their families, so they couldn't make it either, due to work and school. This meant no immediate family to say goodbye before she left for her five-year mission.
However, there was one person she really wanted to make sure and say good bye to. Her roommate, best friend and almost-sister, Ruthie Warner. It was Ruthie who had supported her during her Academy years, helped with her studies and made sure she had some fun as well.
The two of them were well-known for their tag-team method of fleecing new recruits at Rocky's Bar by hustling games of 8-ball. Every year, the bar held an 8-ball tournament. Every year for the past four it had come down to Ruthie versus Maggie, as she was called by friends and family. Some of the time Ruthie won, and sometimes Maggie won, but they were always #1 and #2.
"I'm here! I'm here! Don't leave yet!" she heard as Ruthie came running towards her. The two women wrapped each other in a fierce hug, tears threatening for both of them. "You take care of yourself, you hear me, Lieutenant Maggie Parker, Science Officer for the USS Enterprise?" Ruthie whispered hoarsely.
"I will, I promise. You do the same, Lieutenant Ruthie Warner, Head Nurse of the USS Pegasus," Maggie chuckled dryly. "Love, you Sis," Maggie whispered.
"Love you too, Sis. Now get going," Ruthie ordered as she playfully pushed Maggie towards the shuttle's passenger loading area.
The energy waves of the transporter beams faded away, leaving Lt. Parker standing firmly on the pad. Waiting to greet her and the other recruits were Captain James T Kirk, First Officer, Cmdr. Spock and Chief Engineer, Montgomery Scott.
Maggie stepped down from the transporter pad and handed the captain a PADD with a copy of her orders and all of her information. "Lt. Margaret Parker, reporting for duty, Sir," she announced.
"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. At ease, please," Capt. Kirk replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. She waited while he accessed a copy of her orders on the PADD in his hand.
"All righty, Lt. Parker, you are cleared to report to Dr. McCoy in the MedBay for your incoming physical. After that, someone will show you to your quarters," Kirk explained. "Good to have you aboard, Lieutenant." With a smile and a wink, the captain left the transporter room.
"Please follow me, Lt. Parker and I will show you where the MedBay is," said Commander Spock.
The doors to the MedBay slid open, and Cmdr. Spock strode over to a strikingly handsome dark-haired man with sharp, hazel eyes. "Dr. McCoy, this is Lt. Margaret Parker, here for her initial physical examination. Lieutenant, when you are finished, I will have someone escort you to your quarters. Excuse me," Spock turned and left the MedBay.
"Well, Lt. Margaret Parker, welcome to the Enterprise," remarked Dr. McCoy. "Hop up here on the biobed and we'll get this started," he ordered.
"Maggie," she said as she maneuvered herself up onto the biobed.
"Beg pardon?" Dr. McCoy asked.
"Maggie. Short for Margaret, in case you were wondering. It's a family name," Maggie explained.
"Oh. Well, Maggie, let's get this show on the road. I've got a mountain of paperwork to sift through," McCoy grumbled.
"Yes, sir," Maggie said softly as Dr. McCoy gave her an initial scan with his tricorder.
Dr. McCoy was about to give Lt. Parker her final assessment when two members of the engineering team walked in. One of them was holding her head, and looked almost ready to pass out. It took both her co-worker and Dr. McCoy to help her up to sit on the edge of the biobed.
"I'll be right back over, Lt. Parker, so just sit tight," Dr. McCoy called over his shoulder. Turning his attention back to his new patient, he began his examination. After a few minutes, he left the area to get what he needed to treat the young engineer.
While Maggie waited for Dr. McCoy to come back, she looked all around the MedBay to acquaint herself with her surroundings. Her attention landed on the engineer brought in about ten or fifteen minutes ago by her co-worker, who had already returned to duty.
The young lady was swaying a bit from side to side, holding her head. Suddenly, she leaned over too far and was about to fall off the edge. Maggie jumped up and rushed over to the engineer to catch her before she could cause further injury to herself.
"Whoa, easy there, I've got you. Let's get you set back up on here. So what happened that brings you down here?" Maggie asked. She had a suspicion that since the girl had a head injury, it could possibly be a concussion.
"I was down in Engineering, repairing a machine when something exploded and knocked me back," she explained.
"Did you hit your head?" Maggie asked.
"Yes, I did. Can I please lay down? My head really hurts and I'm so tired," she begged.
"No, honey, I need you to stay awake. You might have a concussion, and if you do, going to sleep is not a good idea," Maggie replied. "My name is Lieutenant Margaret Parker, but you can call me Maggie. What's your name?" she asked.
"Um....I'm Ensign Miranda Nelson," she responded.
"Nice to meet you, Ensign Nelson. Or, is it okay if I call you Miranda? Anyway, today's my first day here, and I can already tell it won't be boring around here. So how long have you worked in Engineering, Miranda?" Maggie kept asking Ensign Nelson questions to help keep her oriented and from going to sleep. Every so often, Maggie would interject pieces of information from her life into the conversation.
Dr. McCoy checked the hypospray to make sure it was the right one, and returned to the main patient area. Maggie was now sitting with Miranda, with her arm around the ensign's shoulder. McCoy took a few minutes to observe the situation currently in play with the beautiful lieutenant.
From the moment she stepped into his MedBay, McCoy knew Lt. Parker was different from any other woman he'd met thus far in his life. She had bright, expressive hazel eyes, and he could see a bit of mischief in them. Her hair was a light chestnut brown, curly and was just long enough to brush the top of the collar on her uniform.
Maggie had a gentleness about her, which was obvious to McCoy from his observations of her conversation with Ensign Nelson. She had a soothing voice and refrained from showing frustration with Miranda's repetitive requests to go to sleep. Maggie looked around and when she locked eyes with McCoy, he returned to Ensign Nelson's biobed to step in and take charge of the situation.
"Well, Lieutenant, I hope I haven't been replaced as CMO for this case, now have I?" Dr. McCoy asked.
"No, sir! Not at all! This is Ensign Miranda Nelson, who almost fell off the biobed, but I got to her in time. She's complaining of a headache and really, really wants to go to sleep," Maggie explained.
"So, why shouldn't I give her a painkiller and send her back to her quarters for some rest?" McCoy inquired.
"Because she said she was repairing a machine in Engineering and there was a small explosion. She said it knocked her off of her feet and she hit her head. My concern would be that she may have a concussion, and it is therefore inadvisable to allow her to sleep," Maggie answered.
McCoy nodded and continued to examine Miranda while Maggie shared her hypothesis. "Well, Lieutenant, it turns out that your suspicions were correct, Ensign Nelson does have a concussion," he said. He motioned for Nurse Chapel to step back over to his position and gave her some treatment instructions for the ensign.
Maggie went back over to her biobed and resumed her sitting position while she waited for Dr. McCoy's assessment of her physical condition. "Thank you for your help with Ensign Nelson. Had you not been here, she would've sustained further injuries," he remarked.
"You're welcome, Dr. McCoy," Maggie murmured.
Returning to doctor mode, "Your vital signs look good, vision perfect. In general, you're in tip-top shape, Lieutenant. Except," he ran the tricorder along her limbs to check the joints. "You have a bit of tendon damage in your right wrist and right elbow. Are you a tennis player by chance?" he guessed.
Maggie smiled and shook her head. "Nope, I don't play tennis, Dr. McCoy," she replied.
"Leonard," he added.
"Huh?" she asked.
"My name is Leonard. You're Maggie, I'm Leonard," he explained. "Forget it, never mind," he grumbled. What the hell am I doing?!? he thought. Is this--Am I--FLIRTING?
Before he had a chance to answer the last question he asked himself, Maggie was asking him what he could do to fix it. She had felt some tenderness in those joints, and was hoping for some relief. Besides, it had recently kept her from doing any real damage at the tables against the new recruits. "Doc? Doctor? Dr. McCoy!" Maggie's voice finally broke through his mental fog.
McCoy shook his head as if to clear it. "Sorry, darlin', didn't mean to check out on you there. I'll just go get a hypo for the pain, then we'll get on to fixing that tendon damage," he told her.
A couple of minutes later, he returned with a hypospray and another device in hand. "I must say, Lieutenant, I'm impressed with your diagnostic capabilities," McCoy smiled at her.
"Well, Doctor, it helps to have a sister for a roommate. She's getting ready to serve as Head Nurse aboard the USS Pegasus. Staying up all those late nights helping her study must have stuck in my head after all," Maggie grinned back.
"So you got to room with your sister, that was convenient," McCoy commented.
"Actually, my roommate became my best friend, and we've been through so much together, we're like sisters. Her name is Lieutenant Ruthie Warner," Maggie explained.
"Friendships like that are rare and priceless. Do whatever's necessary to preserve it," McCoy advised.
"I fully plan on doing that, Doctor. I remember when we first met at Rocky's Bar, near the Academy, one night over a rack of 8-ball," Maggie mentioned.
"You shoot pool?" McCoy asked in surprise. Well, damn if that's not sexy. Wait, what? he thought.
Maggie chuckled. "Yes, Doctor, I sure do. 'M pretty good at it if I may say so myself. Anyway, I'm sure that the tendon damage you detected is because I'm right-handed when I play. In fact, the twinges I've been feeling lately have seriously affected my game," she muttered.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? Let's see what we can do to alleviate some of that pain," McCoy said. Maggie tilted her head to the right to give him access to her neck for the hypospray. After administering the painkiller, McCoy gently rubbed the injection site to ease the sting. Then he took the other device and slowly passed it over her wrist then her elbows.
"That should take care of mending those tendons. Now, all you have to do is keep a cue stick out of your hand for about a day or two," McCoy smirked.
Maggie chuckled. "I'm sure I'll have plenty of work to keep me busy to where that won't be a problem," she grinned. She appreciated his calm bedside manner and the feel of his hands on her neck after the hypo injection. When he smiled, there were these adorable little crinkles around his eyes. What am I thinking? she admonished herself. You just got here and you're already making goo-goo eyes at the doctor? Didn't you learn your lesson with Ryan? you chided.
At that moment, a slender, dark-skinned woman with long hair entered the MedBay and strode over to you. "My name is Lt. Nyota Uhura, and I'm the Communications Officer. Cmdr. Spock sent me to escort you to your quarters, if you're ready. That is, if Dr. McCoy is finished with his examination," Uhura remarked.
"Everything checks out, Lt. Uhura, her physical exam is complete. I'll send my final report over to Jim once I'm finished with it," McCoy replied.
Maggie hastily climbed down from the biobed, suddenly anxious to flee the MedBay and its attractive CMO. She began an almost speed-walk to the door when Dr. McCoy called out to her. She turned to face Dr. McCoy. "Yes, Doctor?" she asked.
"Once your tendons are healed, I'm looking forward to splitting a rack of 8-ball with you," McCoy gave her a wink and a smirk.
"Until then, Dr. McCoy," Maggie replied softly, giving him a small smile. She continued her retreat from the MedBay to catch up to Lt.Cmdr Uhura.
"First day, hmm?" Uhura asked.
"Yep, kinda nervous, too," Maggie admitted.
"I understand that, but don't be. This is the best crew I've ever worked with, and I'm sure you'll be a fantastic addition. Seems like you've already made an impression on Dr. McCoy," she remarked slyly.
"Oh? Why do you say that?" Maggie asked.
"Well, he's usually kind of grumpy, and he's not exactly known for socializing much. But he seemed to have warmed up a little, from what I saw," Uhura answered.
"I dunno," Maggie shrugged. "I didn't get the 'grumpy' impression at all. He was fairly sociable towards me, and we had some pleasant conversation. He seems very dedicated to his patients," she affirmed.
By this time, they had reached the door to her quarters. Once inside, Uhura gave Maggie the grand tour. She explained to Maggie how everything worked and where to find everything, in case it was arranged a bit differently than on her last assignment.
"Things are little informal on this ship, more like a big family than anything. It's not unusual for the captain to join us at meals, or for drinks after shift." Uhura laid a hand on Maggie's arm. "If you ever need to talk, please let me know. I'm hoping we can become friends," she remarked.
Maggie smiled warmly at Lt. Uhura. "Thank you, I hope so as well. Really missing my best friend right now, but she has her assignment, and I have mine," she replied with a watery smile. "I just can't believe I'm finally here, on the flagship of the Fleet!" Maggie exclaimed.
Uhura laughed. "I'm sure you've worked very hard to get here, because the Enterprise only lets in the best of the best. Relax, you have made it to the big show, my dear! Try not to work too hard, though," she advised. "Hey, some of us are getting together later for a drink, why don't you join us? It'll give you a chance to meet the rest of the group," Uhuru offered.
"Hmm. Let me think about it, and I'll let you know, if that's okay? I was just going to relax in my quarters for tonight," Maggie answered. "Wait, what time is everyone getting together?"
"I think Spock said to meet in the rec area at 2100 hrs. It'll be great, got to have fun while we have downtime," Uhura replied, then left Maggie's quarters.
I can't believe I'm here, and making friends already, she thought. The captain was relaxed, easygoing, but Maggie was sure he had the utmost respect of the crew. Nyota was quickly becoming a good friend, and Maggie couldn't wait to meet the rest of the group.
Maggie decided one night out wouldn't hurt, but she wanted to take a nap before meeting the rest of the crew. As she stared at the ceiling, she wondered briefly if Dr. McCoy would be joining them this evening. Nah, he said he had a mountain of paperwork to do, so he probably won't be there. Perhaps some other time, Maggie sighed. Her eyelids began to droop, then finally stayed closed as thoughts of a certain CMO danced in her head.
Captain Kirk made his way to the MedBay to speak to his CMO. He had gotten word from Nyota that some of the crew was getting together tonight in the recreation area. He had also heard that Uhura had invited the newest crew member, Lt. Maggie Parker to join them.
"Hey, Christine, is he in?" Kirk asked Head Nurse Christine Chapel.
"Yes, Jim, he's been holed up in his office all afternoon. Try and get him out of there, would you?" she pleaded.
Kirk nodded and smiled at Nurse Chapel and knocked on McCoy's office door. When there was no answer, he let himself in.
"Well, by all means, Jim, come right in," McCoy remarked dryly.
"Thanks, Bones. Hey, I was wondering if you were almost finished here, some of us are going down to the recreation area for a drink," Kirk mentioned.
"I've got a ton of paperwork, Jim. I don't think so," McCoy answered.
Kirk decided to try a different tactic. "Oh, by the way, thank you for sending over the results of Lt. Parker's incoming physical so quickly. Looks like Starfleet sent us a stellar recruit," Kirk remarked.
"Yes, Jim, she's fine," McCoy replied as he leaned back a little in his chair. "Actually, it was a good thing she was in here, or I would've had a situation on my hands," he added.
"Oh, really?" Jim asked.
Dr. McCoy proceeded to tell him of the engineer that came in with the head injury while he was conducting Lt. Parker's physical. "I left the room for a couple of minutes to get something. If Maggie hadn't been there, Ensign Nelson would've fallen off the biobed," McCoy explained.
"Lucky for you 'Maggie' was there," Kirk responded.
McCoy nodded, then explained how Maggie sat with the ensign and was able to detect her concussion. "She said her sister was on assignment as Head Nurse on the USS Pegasus, a Lt. Ruthie Warner," he remarked.
"Wait a minute. Parker and Warner, why do I know those names?" Kirk wondered aloud.
"Well, now how in the hell should I know, Jim?" McCoy retorted. "Anyway, I've got work to do, so if you don't mind," he said as a way to encourage the captain to leave.
"Come on, have a drink with us, Bones. You need to loosen up a bit. Besides, Nyota said she got Maggie to agree to meet us there," Kirk indicated.
McCoy thought for a moment. A chance to spend more time with the lovely lieutenant outside of a work setting could be promising, he thought. "I'll see what I can do, Jim. What time is everyone meeting?" he asked.
"Spock said something about 2100 hrs. Come on, Bones, don't make me give you a direct order," Kirk warned.
"Jim. I said I'd see what I can do, I'm not promising anything. IF I'm there, I may be a little later than 2100 hrs.--"
"Good! I'll tell everyone you're coming. See you there, Bones!" Jim hollered as he left McCoy's office, leaving the good doctor shaking his head as he returned to his work.
Maggie had contacted Uhura to tell her she decided to join them for a drink after all. She was almost finished getting ready when she heard the chimes at her door. "Come in!" she called as she spritzed some perfume on her wrist. During the course of her unpacking, she had found her favorite pale peach sweater and dark gray jeans.
Uhura and Spock stepped inside Maggie's quarters. "Maggie? Where are you, hun?" Uhura asked.
"In here, just finishing up getting ready. Can't seem to get this earring in--ah, there it goes," Maggie said, stepping out of the bathroom and into the main living area. "Good evening, Cmdr. Spock. It's nice to see you again," Maggie remarked.
"Likewise, Lt. Parker," Spock returned.
"Please call me Maggie. So what brings you two by my quarters? I was just getting ready to head out to the rec area," she asked.
"I thought we could go together, show you how to get there and all," Uhura explained.
"Sounds logical, thank you. Oh, will the captain be joining us this evening?" she inquired.
"He's supposed to be, and I believe he mentioned something about it to Dr. McCoy as well," Uhura replied, watching for Maggie's reaction.
"Oh, well, won't that be lovely," Maggie remarked nervously. Uhura looked to Spock and nudged him out the door, with Maggie following.
"And that's the last time I tried to out-drink my sister!" Maggie exclaimed, to a chorus of raucous laughter. "When I woke up, I had the hangover of all hangovers, then had my final Chemistry exam that morning. Fortunately, I passed my exam. Then I went back to my dorm room, took two painkillers and passed out!" she finished to more laughter.
"Now, you said your sister is Lt. Ruthie Warner?" asked the captain.
"Yes, sir. She's the new Head Nurse of the USS Pegasus. She and I met at the Academy and hung out a lot at Rocky's Bar, playing 8-ball," Maggie explained.
"Parker and Warner....THAT'S where I remember your names from!" Kirk exclaimed. "You and your sister always ended up taking the top two spots in Rocky's annual tournament. Four years running, if I remember correctly," he finished.
"That's us, Captain," Maggie grinned. "Alas, now that I'm here, Rocky's torch must pass to someone else. I just play for fun now, except I'm under strict orders from Dr. McCoy NOT to have a cue stick in my hand for the next day or so."
"Good evening, all, is this seat taken?" Dr. McCoy gestured to the empty seat. He was wearing dark wash jeans with cowboy boots, a burgundy-colored button-down shirt and a thin black leather jacket. He greeted Spock, Uhura and the rest, then placed his drink on the table and claimed the barstool next to Maggie for himself.
"Speak of the devil, Bones! Glad you could make it tonight, pull up a seat," Kirk greeted the doctor boisterously.
"Don't mind if I do, Jim, thank you. Lieutenant, lovely to see you again. How are you enjoying your first day on board the Enterprise?" McCoy asked.
"It's like a dream come true for me. I've always heard that the Enterprise crew is the best of the best, and it's long been my goal to earn my place here. I've already met so many wonderful people like yourselves, and I'm looking forward to becoming friends with all of you," Maggie finished.
"Well said, Lieutenant," McCoy held up his drink in salute, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Thank you, Dr. McCoy, and please call me 'Maggie'. At least when we're not on duty," she requested.
McCoy leaned closer to Maggie. "Only if you call me 'Leonard', darlin'," he replied softly.
Maggie reached over and placed her hand on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Agreed. Leonard," Maggie giggled. She'd only said it once, but already McCoy loved the sound of his name falling from her lips.
Across the table, Kirk and the others paid particular attention to the interaction between their CMO and newest addition to the crew. They exchanged glances with each other about what appeared to be happening between McCoy and Maggie.
It was clear to everyone that the pair were completely oblivious to what was going on around them except for each other. They liked Maggie already, and had hopes that something might happen between her and Dr. McCoy.
Part 2 here!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Star Trek Doctors, Ranked By Crankiness
This Star Trek: Lower Decks article contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 3.
In the very first filmed episode of Star Trek: The Original Series — “The Cage” — Captain Pike drinks itty-bitty martinis with the Enterprise’s chief physician, Dr. Boyce (John Hoyt.) And although it remains to be seen if we’ll be seeing Boyce in Stranger New Worlds, the tradition of the cranky — but wise — Starfleet doctor was started right there. After Boyce and Piper, Star Trek set the standard for cranky, wise-cracking doctors in space with the introduction of Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy; as played by the wonderful DeForest Kelley. 
While Kelley passed away in 1999, the spirit of Bones lives on. Not just in the Karl Urban version of Bones in the reboot films, but also in the foul-mouthed, utterly hilarious Catian medical officer, Dr. T’ana (Gillian Vigman) on Star Trek: Lower Decks. In the most recent episode of Lower Decks, “Mugato, Gumato,” T’ana demonstrated some next-level crankiness, as she avoided her own physical examination, something Bones had to prod Kirk to do all the time, including his first-ever filmed episode, “The Corbomite Maneuver.” But is Bones actually still the crankiest Star Trek doctor? Has T’ana dethroned him? 
The only way to find out is to rank all the Trek doctors from least cranky to most cranky, and find out who is the hardest to please, and as a result, possibly the doctor we paradoxically love the most.
(Note: With some exceptions, we’ve excluded characters who were Starfleet doctors who weren’t regular recurring characters. This is why Dr. Selar from TNG isn’t on this list, even though as a Vulcan, she’s inherently cranky.)
10. Dr. Tracy Pollard (Discovery)
The least cranky doctor on this list is easily Dr. Pollard on Star Trek: Discovery. This woman even puts up with Georgiou, a dictator from an alternate universe who wants to die. As played by the fantastic Raven Daudu, it’s very possible Dr. Pollard is the best doctor on this list. She also may never be recognized as such, because she’s really even-tempered, kind and way too busy saving people’s lives to complain.  
9. Dr. Phlox (Enterprise)
Phlox isn’t just one of the nicest Star Trek doctors ever, he’s actively one of the most likable characters in the entire franchise. Played charmingly by John Billingsley in all four seasons of Enterprise, Phlox projected a childlike curiosity of the universe combined with a ton of knowledge and wisdom of having seen more of the quadrant than most of the other characters. Phlox is also, perhaps, the most tolerant Star Trek doctor, insofar as he never pushes his cultural views onto others, even though, in some episodes, like “Dear, Doctor,” he’s torn apart by his own set of ethics. Oh, and he saved the life of Porthos, Captain Archer’s dog in “A Night in Skybay,” AND while doing so, managed to make a joke that Porthos would develop lizard-chameleon powers in the process. That’s bedside manner!
8. Dr. Hugh Culber (Discovery) 
Who doesn’t love this guy? Since Season 1 of Discovery, Culber has put up with shit from everyone, and very rarely has he snapped. Yes, in Season 2, after coming back from the dead, he was pretty pissed off at everyone. But, as he said in Season 3, “My murderer and I are good now!” In episodes like “Su’kal” and “Die Trying,” Culber is one of the kindest and simultaneously most practical Star Trek doctors of all time. He doesn’t lie to anyone, but he does know how to make you feel better. Out of all the Discovery regulars, Culber feels cut from the same cloth as someone like Deanna Troi or Guinan. He’s smart, insightful and empathic. 
7. Dr. Beverly Crusher (The Next Generation)
Crusher certainly has the ability to sass her patients, but she’s basically a nice person. Whenever Crusher freaks out on anyone it’s always because she’s either in love with a ghost that lives in a candle (“Sub Rosa”), her feelings are being manipulated by a nearby Vulcan (“Sarek”) or Jean-Luc is messing around with her emotions. (All of The Next Generation.) Crusher suffers the fools she works with, but she does it with grace and dignity. That said, you kind of know she hates certain people in certain moments, which can probably just be attributed to Gates McFadden’s flawless talent.
6. Emil, Rios’ EMH (Star Trek: Picard)
Rios has a lot of cranky holograms in Season 1 of Picard, but his medical hologram is not even close to being the most difficult of all of them. In fact, he’s pretty cordigal, and reasonable, which is odd considering the situation he’s in. Clearly, among the holograms on the La Sirena, Emil is one of the most well-adjusted. You wouldn’t want him as your primary physician in real life, and because he’s basically connected to the personality of Rios the possibility that he might become super cranky is certainly there. But, so far, he’s right on the line.
5. Dr. Julian Bashir (Deep Space Nine)
Okay, we’re crossing over into slightly cranky territory here. Bashir began his journey on DS9 as a cocky jerk, which isn’t the same as the kind of crankiness we’re talking about here. The Bones-style of crankiness is the kind of crank we can get down with. Bashir’s off-putting personality was  — at first — not something anyone admired or liked. That said, as Alexander Siddig evolved the character, Bashir didn’t become more cranky, but he did develop righteous indignation. When Bashir got his indignant buzz on in episodes like “Past Tense,” or “Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges,” he was really at his best. To be clear, Bashir isn’t a nice doctor, and this is where we cross the threshold. 
4. Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Although he set the standard for crankiness, in the entire canon of Trek, Bones is somehow not the most cranky Star Trek doctor. The reasons for this are threefold: First, there are three characters on this list who are much crankiner than him. Second, Bones is actually a sweetheart deep down, and demonstrates his love for Spock over and over again, despite his terrible, terrible comments. Finally, Bones can’t be the crankiest doctor on this list because Dax heavily implied in “Trials and Tribble-ations,” that one of her previous hosts — Emony Dax — totally hooked-up with him. For some reason, this detail makes it seem like he’s a lot nicer than he comes across. And again, The Search for Spock exists.
3. Dr. Katherine Pulaski (The Next Generation)
In 1988, Pulaski would have easily been number one on this list. She mispronounces Data’s name, doesn’t feel bad about it, and proceeds to kind of make everyone else on the ship feel awful. Pulaski is a pretty good doctor, and not remotely a bad person, but she’s pretty damn cranky. The brilliant Diane Muldar plays Pulaski like someone who has been transferred to a job she doesn’t really want, which is sort of amazing considering at this point, Roddenberry didn’t want Starfleet characters to have interpersonal conflict.
In “The Icarus Factor ” (which the latest Lower Decks also referenced) Pulaski also thinks Riker’s deadbeat dad is hot and tells Riker this point blank when he’s reminding her that his dad is the worst. This alone gives her deeply strange tastes, and makes her super cranky and weird AF. Don’t mess with Pulaksi! If you talk about how your friend is mean, she might throw it in your face and say she likes them better than you anyway! 
2. Dr. T’ana (Lower Decks)
Okay. So Dr. T’ana is almost the most cranky Star Trek doctor ever. Combining the best qualities of Bones, with that weird go-shove-it-vibe from Pulaksi, Gillian Vigman turns it all up to 11. It helps that T’ana is a cat-person (I.E. the Catian species) but her crankiness is more than that. She’s kind of sadistic, and isn’t afraid to use boulders to knock “strange energies” out of people when the time comes. T’ana is sort of burnt-out, but also, is kind of unflappable too. Like, you get the sense that she’s sick of all this space sickness stuff, but she’s got too much proffensionality to say she can’t do something. The secret crankiness of Dr. T’ana is that seemingly she can fix anything that is wrong with anyone. But, she’s going to make fun of them for it, and get pissed off if you look at her the wrong way.
That said, like Bones, you get the sense that none of it is personal. Which is what makes her Starfleet all the way. 
1. The EMH (Voyager)
Robert Picardo’s Emergency Medical Hologram is the best cranky Star Trek doctor. There are many reasons for this. His arrogance. His constant complaining. The fact that he has good reason to complain, considering he’s a hologram that has to do other people’s bidding. But the reason that tops all other reasons is the way that Picardo can make his crankiness clear with the simple inflection of his voice. It’s not what he says. It’s how he says it. And if you need proof, all you have to do is go back to the very first Voyager episode ever, “Caretaker.” When the Doctor has to start triage on the wounded crew, he asks somebody to hand him a tricorder. He looks at it, and realizes it’s not the right kind of tricorder, and hands it back and says “medical tricorder.” The amount of venom in this comment cannot be communicated in print. The way Picardo says medical tricorder is so dismissive and frustrated, that he basically created a new level of crankiness with one single utterance. 
T’ana may be creeping up the EMH from behind, but this cranky crown will be hard to swipe. Especially from a hologram.
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Lower Decks airs new episodes on Thursdays on Paramount+.
The post Star Trek Doctors, Ranked By Crankiness appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3DID5RI
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Fiery Flirtation
I figured that I would have a go at write for a different fandom besides Game of Thrones, and my friend chose Star Trek. I decided to write for Chekov because he is adorable. I don’t own the characters or the gif.
Description: Chekov meets the reader during her first day on the Enterprise. He is taken aback by her engineering skills, and Scotty helps him plan the perfect way to ask the reader on a date. However, their plan goes up in flames.
Warnings: none, just fluff
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“Mr. Chekov, can you please report down to engineering? Scotty says that he needs to see you,” Kirk ordered from his spot in the captain’s chair.
Chekov turned around, confusion etched on his face. “Sir, why would Scotty need to see me?”
“He didn’t say. Maybe he needs you to fix something.”
“I’m not so sure about that, Captain.”
The last time that Chekov was in engineering, several things went wrong, so the odds of him being called down there to fix something were slim to none. There had to be some other reason. Chekov rose from his seat, and headed towards the elevator. The whole time he was wondering about what he would find on the other side of the elevator doors.
When he left the elevator, he was greeted by none other than Scotty himself. He turned around and smiled at the Russian. “Hello, lad! I have someone I want you to meet.”
Scotty escorted Chekov further into the engineering bay. Eventually, they reached the back corner, where a woman was working on a bundle of wires. Scotty cleared his throat to get the woman’s attention. She stopped her work and removed a pair of large goggles from her face. The woman smiled at the two men as she put her tools down.
“Y/N, this is Chekov. He’s a navigator here on the Enterprise. Chekov, this is Y/N. She’s one of our new engineers, and a bloody good one at that,” Scotty said as Y/N stepped forward to shake Chekov’s hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Chekov. Good to finally meet someone who isn’t super old,” Y/N remarked.
“Hey! I’m not that old,” Scotty retorted. His reply earned a laugh from Y/N. Chekov would have laughed, but he was to distracted by the woman in front of him. Her laughter sounded like music to his ears, and her E/C eyes still managed to sparkle in the dim lighting.
“So, what are you working on,” Chekov asked as a light blush dusted his cheeks.
“Nothing much really. I just had to replace a few capacitors, but they can be a bit difficult to reach. See, you have to get through all of these tiny wires, and if you touch or cut the wrong one, you’re in for a nasty shock,” Y/N explained as she gestured towards the large mass of wires.
“T-That’s very interesting,” Chekov stuttered as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“I agree, and who knows, maybe you’ll be able to show me where you work sometime.”
Chekov simply nodded his head, for if he tried to form another sentence, it would sound like pure gibberish. He quickly said goodbye to Y/N, and started to head back towards the elevator. Y/N couldn’t help but smile as he left. Despite only meeting him a few minutes ago, she was attracted to him. Y/N went back to work, and Scotty ran to try and catch Chekov.
“Hey,” Scotty said as he placed his hand on Chekov’s shoulder and turned him around, “Where are you going in such a hurry?”
“I think I’m needed back up on the bridge. I have been gone a while,” Chekov replied as he tried to get into the elevator. However, Scotty’s grip on his shoulder remained firm.
“Are you sure there’s not another reason why you are wanting to leave?”
“Well, Y/N is a very amazing woman. I didn’t want to embarrass myself any further. We’ve only just met, and I don’t want her to get the wrong impression.”
Scotty couldn’t help but smirk at the Russian whiz kid. He knew exactly what was going on. “Come now, you don’t have to be so shy about it! If you like her, why don’t you just say so!”
“Please, keep your voice down,” Chekov exclaimed.
“Well, Y/N’s not going to be single forever. You’d best make a move soon before it’s to late. Maybe you could buy her some flowers and ask her on a date.”
Chekov pondered the idea. He would love to spend an evening with Y/N, but would it be to sudden? What happens if she rejected him and only remembered him as the guy who tried and failed to ask her out? Then again, she could easily say yes. Chekov slowly nodded his head. “Flowers. I can do that.”
Scotty couldn’t help but cheer. “That’s what I like to hear!”
Chekov simply smiled as he entered the elevator and headed back up to the bridge. His face felt like it was on fire, and he couldn’t get Y/N out of his mind. After Chekov left, Y/N walked around the corner and stood beside Scotty.
“What was all the yelling about? Did I miss something exciting,” Y/N asked.
“Oh don’t worry lass. You’ll find out tomorrow,” Scotty said with a knowing look. Y/N was quite confused as to what was going on, but she would just have to wait and see what Scotty was referring to.
The following day, Chekov was once again heading to the engineering bay. He made sure to clean his uniform the night before, and he bought the best bouquet of roses he could find. He was feeling more confident than the day before, and there was no way that the plan could go wrong.
However, as soon as he stepped out of the elevator, a firey ball launched past him. He managed to dodge it in time, and he let out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t relieved for long though, for the red roses were now a bright shade of orange as the flowers slowly burned to a crisp. Chekov quickly threw the bouquet onto the mental floor, and stamped out the remaining flames. As he looked at the onyx flakes that now blew up into the air, Scotty ran up to him.
“I am so sorry, Chekov. This new machine we have has been malfunctioning all day. I was hoping to have it fixed before you arrived, but you came sooner than I thought. I’ll buy you a new batch of flowers and everything will be fine,” Scotty rambled as he tried to sweep up the ashes.
“Why would he need flowers,” Y/N asked as the two men looked at her. Scotty pushed Chekov forward, and what little confidence he had disappeared.
“Well you see, I was going to bring you some flowers and ask you on a date. I know we just met, and I’m making a fool of myself, but your engineering skills are very impressive. I would love to get to know you more. Still, there’s no point now. I’ll just go back up to the bridge,” Chekov mumbled as he turned to leave.
“Wait, don’t go,” Y/N insisted. What flower petals remained crunched underneath her heels as she slowly made her way closer to Chekov. “I admire what you tried to do, even though it literally went up in flames. I may not know you well, but I can tell that you are kind and honest. So, where you going to take me?”
Chekov was surprised at how forward Y/N was. “H-How about we go to the bar that’s on the fourteenth deck? I could come by to get you at around seven,” he proposed.
“Sounds great. See you then, Chekov,” Y/N answered as she left a small kiss on his cheek. If Chekov wasn’t blushing enough before, he definitely was now. Y/N walked back to her work space, leaving a flustered Chekov and a flabbergasted Scotty in her wake.
“Well done, lad! Looks like you found yourself a good one,” Scotty remarked as he patted Chekov on the back.
“I agree,” Chekov confirmed with a slight smile.
After returning to the bridge, Chekov was greeted by small giggles and glances from his fellow comrades. He sat down in his seat, and even as he tried to get back to his work, the quiet laughter still continued.
“What is everyone laughing about,” Chekov questioned as he looked back at Kirk.
“Oh nothing much,” Kirk replied, “We just listened in on your attempt to ask out the newest engineer is all.”
“I see,” Chekov whispered as he turned back around in order to hide his embarrassment.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Mr. Chekov. We all thought it was smooth. I’m sure you will have fun on your date. Just don’t get to drunk you hear me.”
Kirk pointed at Chekov in an attempt to look stern, but he added a wink shortly after to show he was only joking. Bones, who had just entered the bridge moments before, rolled his eyes at Kirk. “Come on, Jim. We’ve seen the vodka that Chekov keeps hidden in his locker. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“I agree with Doctor McCoy,” Spock chimed in, “Chekov can not only handle his alcohol intake, but his charm and kindness will help him win Y/N over.”
“Thank you, Mr. Spock,” Chekov said as he finally got back to his work. He was glad to have the support of his colleagues, and he knew that if they had confidence in him, the date was bound to go smoothly.
One thing was for sure though, Chekov was hoping that the date would have more romance, and zero fiery accidents.
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ladyideal · 5 years
The One Ring
Haha, I couldn’t not name this after the LoTR. Couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do so. Might either do a McKirk with reader or one with Nyota tomorrow. Already did a Jim, Leonard, and now Scotty, so will see.    
Pairing: Montgomery Scott x Reader
Word Count: 1189
“I got it!”
You were stretched out across Scotty’s couch, finishing up your report for Spock in your boyfriend’s office. It had been a chaotic, but wonderful relationship with him while aboard the Enterprise. The Scot was unlike anyone you’ve met before, and was the reason why you were immediately drawn to him first. 
“Let me hear it again, Monty,” You looked up from your PADD, and grinned when you saw his giddiness.
“Okay, okay lass, hear me out,” The Chief Engineer relented before launching into his presentation of how the new schematics of warp core he had designed would be beneficial over the current one. It was a large project that he had taken on, and if the Admirals agreed, this would be his jumping off point into another rank. 
While all the talks around the technical terms basically flew over your head, you stayed attentive as much as you could. Engineering was never your strong suit, science and research was. From time to time though, you would use your free time to understand more about the gears and consoles so prevalent in engineering, in order to better your boyfriend. 
“What do ye think, lass?” Monty spoke, slightly breathless after going through the entire presentation from top to bottom. 
“I think you nailed it, Monty,” You smiled. “I’m sure the top brass would swoon at your words.”
“Ye think so, Y/N?” Monty turned his worried attention back to his computer. “I cannae mess this up.”
“I know so, Monty,” You swung legs off the armrest, and stood up to stride over to where your boyfriend sat. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing the top of his head affectionately. “Why don’t we take a break from all this and find some dinner?”
“Oh!” Monty stood up, turning off his computer. “I got ye a present.”
“Monty, come on,” You rolled your eyes playfully at him. “Scotch doesn’t doesn’t count as a surprise anymore.”
He chuckled, but shook his head. “It’s a surprise, I cannae tell you what it is. Help me find my comm first. I cannae remember where I last put that bloody thing,”
After another twenty minutes of searching his office and shouting around the lower decks if the others have seen it, you grabbed his comm from an offered Ensign and thanked them with a sheepish grin. 
“Let’s go, lassie,” Monty replied when you returned back to his office. “Or Doctor McCoy will have my head about not feeding ye properly.”
You laughed as you and your boyfriend made your way towards the mess hall. 
He was right on the dot.
“What’s with the hold up, Mister Scott?” Doctor McCoy grumped the minute you and Monty set your trays down on the table with the other senior crew. Dating the chief engineer had its perks. “The infant over there has been placin’ bets on whether you needed to be rescued or not.”
The Captain merely waved at you with his usual shit eating grin. That bastard. 
“Someone lost their comm again,” You shrugged, digging into your food. Both Monty and Jim were eyeing one another.
“That bloody thing keeps disappearing, I tell ya.”
You chuckled, but said nothing more. It was such a normal thing for Scotty to constantly lose his comm, that eventually you’d stop lecturing him to be a little more careful with it. After three years, you’d learned to just comm in through the engineering decks if you ever needed him. 
“Leavin’ already?” Leonard looked up when you and Monty hastily stood up with your plates cleaned of food. 
“Nope,” You popped the p out, letting your boyfriend tug your tray out of your hands so he could take them away to be disposed of. “Early night for us.”
You waved your fingers in the general direction of the senior staff before letting Monty whisk you away. “Where are we going, love?”
“Ye’ll see,” was the only answer you received. Not wanting to spoil the surprise by asking, you kept quiet as you were pulled towards the observation deck. 
“Is something wrong, Monty? You’re scaring me” You asked, nervous as he led you close to one of the windows. The observation deck was where you’d first met the Scot, and then the exact place where he first asked you out. Then from that point on, your boyfriend would pull you there for important decisions regarding you and him together. 
Now, you were worried that something was up. It was unlike him to be so quiet, when his personality was the total opposite. You were the quiet one, while he was the one that could talk your ear off in just a matter of minutes. 
“I dunnae how to do this,” he spoke finally, turning to you. “Close yer eyes for me, lass.”
Stupefied, you did so as ordered. You heard him shuffling around for a moment, straining your ears to better hear what was going on. 
“Open yer eyes now.”
Your mouth dropped open as you stared at the box for a long moment, feeling your heart leap inside your chest.  Forcing your eyes away from the delicate diamonds, you looked up to your boyfriend with shock. Reaching out to take one of your hands away from your mouth, he smiled anxiously up at you from his knee. 
“This,” He glanced down at the ring he was holding momentarily before returning his gaze back on you. “Is a promise. I promise to be with ye everyday, to walk ye through everything, to hold ye, and to cherish ye. I know I cannae get it right all the time, but I promise to do my best. Our line of work on this ship is hard enough, and I want to spend the rest of my days with ye by your side for as long as I breathe. “
Tears welled up in your eyes as you stood in front of him, still unable to reply. Of course, you and him had talked about your future together with marriage and possibly kids in the future, just a couple weeks ago. You and him had agreed on the same things, but you'd never thought he was going to immediately act on it. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, will ye do me the honor to marry me and become my wife?” He asked, watching you as you furiously rubbed your tears away with your free hand. Amongst the beautiful backdrop of space containing other stars, planets, and other systems glowing around the ship, he was amazed at how brightly you outshone them all.  
“Yes. Yes!” You exclaimed loudly. “Of course, I’ll marry you!”
With trembling hands, you watched as Monty plucked the ring out of the box, and slid it onto your finger where it nestled perfectly. You watched in awe as the diamonds reflected what little light that came from above. It wasn’t until your now fiance stood up and pulled you into a hug. 
“Ye make me the happiest man alive, lass,” he spoke against your lips. Without warning, you eagerly smashed your lips against his, beyond ready to spend your life with him. 
ST Tags: @mournthewicked (If you want to be added, please let me know)
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Letting You Go - Leonard McCoy
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Fic #12 of the Mamma Mia! Prompts Song: The Winner Takes it All
Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Reader Word Count: 1,502 Synopsis: The reader and Leonard are reunited after a difficult breakup.
Ever since you were young, and had decided that a life in politics was something that you wanted, your mother warned you that it would come at a cost. So long ago, you couldn’t comprehend what she meant by cost. When you were old enough, you enrolled in Starfleet, hoping that it would add an extra edge when you decided to run for office. Everything was going according to plan until you met Leonard McCoy and fell instantly in love.
You had scheduled to spend two years on the Enterprise, before starting your life in politics. Those two years turned into four, but eventually your call to serve brought you back to Earth. Heartbroken, you left an equally distraught fiancé and the greatest friends in the galaxy, and returned home. You knew what your mother meant by cost.
Now, nearly a year later, you stepped back onto the Enterprise, your heart beating fast. All of your memories came surging back. You tried to listen to your fellow senator as he described new policies he would enact to keep Starfleet running perfectly, but your mind was clouded.
“Ah, and here he is. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meet Captain James T. Kirk.” The bright blue eyes were the first thing you saw, and you couldn’t help but smile. Jim’s smile fell a little when he saw you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said softly, stepping forward to hug you. It felt good to be in his arms again, and when you pulled away, you felt a few tears prick in your eyes. “I didn’t realize you’d be on this expedition.”
“Are you kidding?” your fellow senator said, throwing his arm around you. “Y/N can’t shut up about Starfleet.” You laughed uncomfortably and shook his arm off.
“Glad to know you enjoy my company.” He laughed and kept blithering on about new reforms he wanted to make that would never pass as you walked around the all too familiar bridge. Spock walked in and gave you a curt nod. Although he was immune to emotions, it seemed that he, too, could sense the tension in the room.
"So, when are we going down to Med Bay?"
"Med Bay? Why-why do we have to go to Med Bay?"
"For our fact finding excursion," he said simply, rolling his eyes. Jim gave you a sympathetic look as he led your group down towards Med Bay. Spock looked at you inquisitively. You didn’t really have much choice. Either you stayed on the Bridge, literally hiding from your problems, or you faced the man of your dreams, who hated your guts.
“Good to see you, Spock,” you said, quickly jumping into the elevator with the group. Once you got to the floor, Jim pointed the group ahead and then grabbed your elbow.
“What are you doing here?” he asked under his breath, following slowly behind. 
“I”m a part of this-”
“This excursion group? Y/N, you know the Enterprise like the back of your hand, whatever kind of legislation you want passed you could do without coming here and breaking Bones’s heart again.”
“I’m not here to break his heart.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I need to see him,” you said gently. “I need to talk to him.”
“Captain? In here?” 
“Uh, yeah, right in there. Dr. McCoy will be waiting for you.” A breath caught in your throat, making Jim frown. He leaned in and kissed your forehead. “Just go easy. It really is good to see you, Y/N.”
“Thanks.” You took a minute to compose yourself before walking into Med Bay. Leonard was giving the group an overview of what happens on a daily basis, looking handsome as ever. You stood near the back, and once he was done, he went over to Jim. He spoke to him for a few moments before Jim nodded your way.
When Leonard looked at you, your stomach began to do flips. This was a horrible decision it turned out and you quickly walked out of Med Bay. 
“Y/N, Y/N, wait up!” If it had been any other voice you wouldn’t have stopped, but just hearing his voice was enough to bring you back down. You turned slowly and looked at him. “Hey.”
“Hi, Leo,” you said quietly.
“It’s good to see you again. You look great.” You smiled.
“Thanks, you do, too.”
“How’s the Senate thing going?”
“Good, really good.” 
“Good. I’m glad to hear it. Look, I need to get back to this tour that Jim signed me up for, but-”
“Leonard. I’m sorry.” He stopped and looked at you, smiling inquisitively.
“What are you sorry about?”
“Everything.” His small faltered and he shook his head.
“We don’t have to talk about that.”
“Yeah, but I want to.” He sighed and looked back towards the swinging doors of Med Bay.
“I should really-”
“Please, just let me talk.”
“I don’t want to talk about things we’ve gone through. Although it’s still hurting me, now it’s history.” Hearing him say that your past still hurt him made you tear up inside.
“Y/N, I can’t do this. I’ve played all my cards, and that’s what you’ve done, too.”
“Maybe we haven’t,” you said, taking a tentative step forward.
“What’s that supposed to mean? You left to join the Senate. You said you couldn’t do both.”
“I know,” you said, cringing, “I figured it made sense to build a fence. I figured I’d be stronger on my own. But I was a fool.” 
“You’re not a fool,” Leonard said. You smiled and took another step closer. He looked into your eyes sadly.
“I lost someone dear to me,” you whispered.
“Me too.” You let your heart flutter with excitement that he might actually come back to you, just as he frowned. “But, maybe it was the right thing. The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall.”
“What does that mean?” you asked, wrinkling your eyebrows.
“Rules must be obeyed. You can’t be split.”
“I don’t want to be split,” you said, reaching for him. He smiled sadly and touched your arms.
“You’ve wanted to be in the Senate since you were a kid. This is how it has to be.” You set your jaw and nodded. He leaned forward and kissed your temple. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“So you told her no? The woman of your dreams comes back and tells you she made a mistake and wants to get back together and you tell her no?” Jim asked in disbelief. 
“What can I say? I love her, Jim, but I can’t put myself through this again.”
“Maybe she won’t leave this time.”
“And what if she does?” he asked, taking a drink. “I don’t think I can do it again.”
“Tell her that, then.”
“Jesus, you both love each other. Figure it out. Tell her you love her and you don’t want to lose her.” 
“I did that last time,” Leonard said with a sigh. 
“Well, do it again, because I invited Y/N for drinks and she should be here-” Knocking cut him off as he looked down at his watch. “Now.” He opened the door for you and saw the same pleased disappointment on both of your faces.
“Well, I think I’ve had enough. You two have  pleasant chat,” he said, walking out of the door without another word. You laughed irritably and sat by Leonard.
“Hi,” you said again.
“I don’t want to talk if it makes you feel sad. And I understand, you’ve come to shake my hand, and that’s-”
“No, Y/N, I don’t want to shake your hand. I don’t want things to be over with us.”
“You don’t?”
“Hell no. I didn’t when we broke it off and I don’t now. But I don’t want to break my heart or your heart again.” You nodded, looking down at your lap. He took your hands and pulled your eyes to him. “I love you, but if we’re going to do this, we’re doing this right.”
“No splitting.”
“No splitting,” he repeated. You smiled and brought his palm to your lips.
“You know, this excursion thing was more than just a tour. My friends in the Senate want to expand our worldviews and have talked about getting on one of Starfleet’s ships and studying the politics of other nations.”
“What does that mean for us?”
“Fuck land leave,” you said, shaking your head. He laughed and leaned in to kiss you lovingly. You hummed and touched his cheeks, kissing him deeper.
“I love you,” he said when he pulled away. “And I’m never letting you go.”
“I love you, too, and I’m not going anywhere.”
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cleocat246 · 4 years
Star Trek Chapter 3
Summary: Hailey Pike, a Starfleet officer and daughter goes through Life and Space while trying to help as many people as she can. With species and events trying to destroy mankind and everything in existence. She has to save the people she loves and also the universe with the help of new friends and crew members. 
"Without transporters, we can't beam off the ship, can't assist Vulcan, and can't do our job. Mister Kirk, Mister Sulu, and Engineer Olson will space-jump from the shuttle. You will land on that machine they lowered into the atmosphere that's scrambling our gear. You'll get inside. You'll disable it, then you'll beam back to the ship. Mister Spock, I'm leaving you in command of the Enterprise," My father says to us as we all speed down a corridor to a shuttle, "Once we have transport capabilities and communications back up, you'll contact Starfleet and report what the hell's going on here. And if all else fails, fall back, rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system. Kirk, I'm promoting you to First Officer."
"What?" Jim responds in surprise.
"Captain, please, I apologize. The complexities of Human pranks escape me." Spock says, slightly perplexed and hurt.
"It's not a prank, Spock. And I'm not the Captain, you are. Let's go." Before going into the elevator, my father reassures, "Hailey, you take over Sulu's position, please." making me nod in understanding.
"Sir, after we knock out that drill, what happens to you?" Jim asks, also getting on next to my father as well as Sulu.
"Oh, I guess you'll have to come and get me," My father replied before turning to Spock and me, "Careful with the ship, Spock. She's brand new. Oh, and my daughter too. Hailey, don't rip anyone's heads off." The door then closes, and I shake my head as Spock starts back for the Bridge.
(3rd person)
Once back on the Bridge, Spock takes the Captain's chair as Hailey takes the pilot's chair. Spock then starts talking on the comm, "Doctor Puri, report."
A different voice that wasn't Doctor Puri came on, "It's McCoy. Doctor Puri was on deck six. He's dead."
"Then, you have just inherited his responsibility as Chief Medical Officer," Spock replies.
"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."
Hailey was getting everything ready on her console when the info for the three men of the away team came up on the screen. The three sensors popped up, making both Chekov and the girl get ready.
"Away team is entering the atmosphere, sir. Twenty thousand meters." Chekov says, working on his console some more.
"Approaching the platform at fifty-eight hundred meters," Hailey said, looking up at the screen.
"Kirk to Enterprise." Jim announces over the comm while hurling through the air, "Distance to target, five thousand meters."
"Forty-six hundred meters from the platform," Chekov says.
"Forty-two hundred meters to target," Sulu says, also hurling down through the atmosphere.
"Four thousand meters," Jim says.
"Three thousand meters," Sulu says.
"Three thousand meters."
"Two thousand meters."
"Pull your chute," Sulu says while pulling his chute along with Jim, but Olson doesn't pull his. 
"Two thousand meters!" The engineer says, still hurtling toward his destination.
"C'mon, pull your chute, Olson!" Jim yells frantically.
"Not yet! Fifteen hundred meters!" Olson shouts while laughing.
"Open your chute!"
"Yeah!" Olson cheers as he gets closer and closer to the drill.
"Olson, pull your chute!" Jim yells again, trying to get Olson to cooperate. 
"One thousand meters," Olson yells, pulling his chute and cheering. But instead of landing, he slams into the platform and gets sucked into the energy beam.
"OLSON!" Jim shouts.
"O-Olson is gone, sir," Chekov says, not knowing what to do. Hailey looks down on her console, messing with a few things before looking back up on the screen.
Jim lands and nearly does the same as Olson as the wind drags him close to the edge. Before making it over, he grabs on to a metal opening and retracts his parachute. 
"Ji-Kirk has landed, sir," Hailey stutters a little, unable to take her eyes off the screen.
Jim starts fighting some Romulans that made their way onto the drill to stop them. After fighting and Sulu joining with a sword, they were able to disable the platform with the Romulans' disruptor.
"The jamming signal is gone. Transport abilities are reestablished." Uhuru says, working on her console. "Transporter control is reengaged, sir," Hailey says, making Spock look over to Chekov and order him to run gravitational sensors to know what they are doing to the planet. "Aye Commander, ack, Captain. Sorry, Captain." Chekov stutters but does what he was told.
Jim then comes in over the communicator, "Kirk to Enterprise. They just launched something at the planet, through the hole they just drilled." But no one replied as everyone was busy, "Do you copy Enterprise?"
"Yes, sorry, Jim!" Hailey says while working on a couple things at once and trying to see what the Romulans shot down to the planet.
"Captain, gravitational sensors are off the scale. If my calculations are correct, they're creating a singularity that will consume the planet." Chekov states as he works more on his console.
"They're creating a black hole at the center of Vulcan?" Spock asks, and you can tell that he was worried - well, most wouldn't, but he was concerned. 
"Yes, sir."
"How long does the planet have?" Spock asks, staring at the Russian kid. "Minutes, sir. Minutes." Spock then gets out of his chair and walks over to Uhura to alert the Vulcan command center to signal a planetwide evacuation. Then, the Vulcan makes his way to the door, making Hailey follow suit, "Where are you going?"
"To evacuate the Vulcan High Council. They are tasked with protecting our cultural history, and my parents will be among them." Spock states, making Uhura jump in, "Can't you beam them out?"
"It is impossible. They will be in the katric ark. I must get them myself." Spock says before turning to Checkov, "Chekov, you have the comm."
"Aye. Uh, yay." He sighs.
(Hailey's POV)
I was running after Spock down the hallway while he was getting everything he needed. He put his belt on and was grabbing a gun and strapped it on. We made our way to the transporter room and walked in, seeing Jim and Sulu getting up off the ground. 
"Clear the pad. I'm beaming to the surface." Spock demands getting on the pad. "The surface of what? What, are you going down there? Are you nuts? Spock, you can't do that?!" Jim shouts towards the Vulcan, who wasn't listening.
Before he can leave, I walk up to him and grab his shirt, "Spock, Cyrus was staying with your parents on Vulcan, so he should be with them. Please, please bring back my brother!" 
"I will do everything to bring him back alive with the rest," Spock states, putting his hand on my shoulder and nodding. "Thank you and be careful, please," I say while walking backward toward Jim and Sulu.
"Energize." Spock was then transported to Vulcan to get his parents, Vulcan High Council, and my brother. Please let him be safe! Please bring my brother back to me! Please!
After a while of waiting and panicking, Spock finally comes through the comm, "Spock to Enterprise. Get us out now!"
"Locking on you," Checkov says, getting their location, "Don't move. Stay right where you are."
"Transport in five... four... three... two...," Alarms start blaring, "I'm losing her. I'm losing her, I'm losing her! No, I've lost her." 
The Vulcan High Council and Spock are transported into the room. Spock had his arm out, reaching for someone - it was his mother. They start to get off, and I see Cyrus right behind Spock. We run to each other and hug, tears were falling down my face as I didn't let go of him.
"I thought I lost you," I whisper to my brother, making him hug me tighter. "You won't lose me, sister, don't worry," he reassures while I sniffle.
We were all in sickbay as everyone gets checked for their injuries. The Romulans disappeared, and the Vulcan planet was now gone. The Vulcan council was getting looked over, and Jim was getting his handed wrapped. I was sitting next to my brother, who was also getting checked over.
The Romulan ship, the Narada, was nowhere near us and my father was still on that ship. He is now officially classified as a hostage by the war criminal, Nero. Not knowing what's happening to him hurts, he's alone with those people, and he could either be hurt or dead... please don't be dead.
I get pulled from my thoughts when a hand landed on my shoulder, "Are you okay, Hails?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, Cy," I say, grabbing his hands and looking down, "The Romulans have dad." He stays silent, just rubbing my hands, trying to soothe me. 
"At least you are safe," I say, smiling up at the Vulcan, which makes him smile back, "I love you, brother."
"I love you too, sister."
'I wonder how Spock is.'
Me too, me too.
"Have you confirmed that Nero is headed for Earth?" Spock asks while walking across the Bridge. We were all on the Bridge trying to figure out what Nero's next move is and what we should do.
"Their trajectory suggests no other destination, Captain." Uhura answers. 
"Thank you, Lieutenant."
"Earth may be his next stop, but we have to assume every Federation planet's a target," Jim says while seated in the Captain's chair. 
"Out of the chair," Spock says, making Jim roll his eyes but get up.
"Well, if the Federation is a target, why didn't they destroy us?" Chekov asks, making me shake my head and look at every one. "Why would they? Why waste the weapons? You know... we obviously weren't a threat." Sulu answers from his seat.
"That is not it. He said he wanted me to see something. The destruction of my home planet." Spock states in concentration. "How the hell did they do that, by the way? Where did the Romulans get that kind of weaponry?" Bones asks, looking at all of us.
"The engineering comprehension necessary to artificially create a black hole may suggest an answer. Such technology could theoretically be manipulated to create a tunnel through space-time." I say, rubbing my chin in thought. Everyone was looking at me in surprise, "What?"
"Dammit, Hailey, I'm a doctor, not a physicist. Are you actually suggesting they're from the future?!" Bones grumbles out.
"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth," I answer Bones, making Spock nod in agreement. "How poetic." Bones states.
"Then, what would an angry future Romulan want with Captain Pike?" Jim asks, making Sulu answer, "As Captain, he does know details of Starfleet's defenses."
"What we need to do is catch up to that ship. Disable it, take it over, and get Pike back." Jim says, making Spock look at him. "We are technologically outmatched in every way. A rescue attempt would be illogical." Jim sighs and rubs his face.
"Nero's ship would have to drop out of warp for us to overtake him," Chekov says. 
"Then, what about assigning engineering crews to try and boost our warp gear?" Jim asks
"Remaining power and crew are being used to repair radiation leaks on the lower decks..." Spock says. 
"Okay, alright. There's got to be some way..." Jim started, but Spock talks over him. "...We must gather with the rest of Starfleet to balance the terms of the next engagement."
"There won't be a next engagement. By the time we've gathered, it'll be too late. But you say he's from the future, knows what's going to happen, then the logical thing is to be unpredictable." Jim states, getting frustrated
"You are assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold," Spock says. 
"On the contrary, Nero's very presence has altered the flow of history. Beginning with the attack on the USS Kelvin, culminating in the events of today, thereby creating an entire new chain of incidents that cannot be anticipated by either party," I say, leaning against the Captain's chair.
"An alternate reality?" Uhura asks in disbelief 
"Precisely. Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, our destinies have changed. Mr. Sulu, plot a course to the Laurentian system warp factor three." Spock commands.
"Spock, don't do that. Running back to the rest of the fleet for a-a-a confab is a massive waste of time-" Jim says. 
"Orders issued by Captain Pike when he left-" Spock speaks over him.
"He also ordered us to go back and get him. Spock, you are captain now! You have to be-," Jim tries but gets cut off again.
"I am aware of my responsibilities, Mister-" Spock walks closer to Jim.
Jim then cuts off Spock, "Every second we waste, Nero's getting closer to his next target."
"That is correct, and why I am instructing you to accept the fact that I alone-" Spock says.
"I will not allow us to go backward-" Jim growls. 
"Jim!" Bones yells but doesn't get acknowledged.
"-instead of hunting Nero down!" Jim yells at Spock, making the Vulcan call for security to escort him out. Two security officers grab Jim and pull him, but then he starts fighting them off. I stand up and make my way over to the shouting men, but Spock beats me to it and does his Vulcan nerve pinch. Jim falls to the ground unconscious before the officers pick him up again. 
"Get him off this ship," Spock commands as the officers take him to an escape pod and shoot him out onto Delta Vega.
Well, that's probably not the best idea.
'Yeah, that's a stupid idea.'
But he still did it. We will come back for you, Jim. Please stay safe.
Spock charted the course to the Laurentian system, which we were currently warping too. It had been a couple hours since Jim was shot off the ship. I had to get off the Bridge and clear my head, but it wasn't working that well.
Walking into engineering, there was barely anyone around, so it made it easy to relax. I closed my eyes and sigh, but of course, it was ruined by a body slamming into my own. 
"Seriously," I grunt while rubbing my head. Hands grab my cheeks, making me look up at the damn person who ran into me.
"Hey, sorry, sweetheart," It was Jim. But how?
"How... what?" I start but muffled yelling, and banging got my attention. I look up and see a man in the water pipes, "Holy shit!" I yell, jumping up.
"Help me!" Jim yells, running after the man. I follow until we see the pipes take him directly to the spinning turbines. I start frantically looking around until I see the release valve and a computer. I run over and start typing to open the release valve, which I open in the end, and the man falls to the floor. 
"You alright? You alright?!" Jim runs up and helps him sit. I run over and make sure that nothing is broken. "My heads buzzing, and I'm soaked, but otherwise, I'm fine!" The man says in a Scottish accent after coughing up some water.
"Okay." I start, taking a breath, "Who are you, and how did you both get on the ship? We're in warp!"
"Montgomery Scott or Scotty, at your service, lass!" He says, smiling and holds out his hand, to which I smile back and shake his hand. "Hailey Pike!"
I then shake my head, remembering they didn't answer one of my questions, "But how did you get onto the ship during warp?"
"Mr. Scott here has a theory of transwarp beaming," Jim answers, making my eyes widen. "You figured out how to beam aboard a ship during warp? So cool!" I exclaim. I was going to keep talking about his theory, but a thought passed my mind, "Jim, Spock is going to be pissed once he realizes you are here."
"That's why I have a plan."
"A plan?" My face then falls, and I put my hands up, "Actually, I don't want to know... the less I know, the better."
We then began running through engineering to get to the Bridge when security officers surrounded us on a walkway. "Halt!" He yelled at us, making us stop. It was the man that beat Jim up those years ago at the bar. I was behind Jim, so I don't think they saw me, "Come with me, Cupcake!"
Frustrated, I walk in front of Jim, making the officers tense up, "Commander!"
"What seems to be going on here?" I ask sternly, making everyone flinch.
"We were ordered to bring the trespassers to the Bridge to Commander Spock," He says after taking a breath. 
"Okay, Commander?" He asks, confused.
"Escort us to the Bridge." This made the men nod, and we start our way to the Bridge once again.
Once on the Bridge, we were presented in front of Spock, "Who are you?" turning to Scotty. "I'm with him." He says at the same time, Jim says, "He's with me."
Spock then looks at me, making me shake my head and shrug. He nods and looks back at the two men next to me, "We're traveling at warp speed. How did you manage to beam aboard this ship?"
"You're the genius; you figure it out," Jim says, making Spock irritated.
"As Acting Captain of this vessel, I order you to answer the question."
"Well, I'm not telling, Acting Captain. What di... What, now, that doesn't frustrate you, does it? My lack of cooperation. That, that doesn't make you angry." Jim says, but Spock doesn't give him the time of day.
"Are you a member of Starfleet?" Spock asks Scotty. "I.. um.. yes. Can I get a towel, please?" 
"Under penalty of court-martial, I order you to explain to me how you were able to beam aboard this ship while moving at warp," Spock demands, making Scotty fidget and stutter.
"Don't answer him." 
"You will answer me."
"I'd rather not take sides," Scotty laughs nervously, which makes Spock look over at me.
"I know as much as you!" 
Shut the hell up!
"What is it with you, Spock? Hmm? Your planet was just destroyed, your mother murdered, and you're not even upset." Jim says, testing the waters.
"If you're presuming that these experiences in any way impede my ability to command this ship, you are mistaken," Spock replies to the man.
"And yet you were the one who said fear was necessary for command. Did you see his ship? Do you see what he did?" Jim asks.
"Yes, of course, I did," Spock answered.
"So, are you afraid, or aren't you?" Jim asks, getting closer to Spock, who wasn't moving.
"I will not allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion," Spock replies with a straight face trying to calm down.
"Then, why don't you stop me." Jim taunted at the Vulcan
"Jim, you are dancing on dangerous waters right now," I state, but he keeps going.
"Step away from me, Mister-" Spock starts but gets talked over by Jim, "What is it like not to feel anger or heartbreak or the need to stop at nothing to avenge the death of the woman who gave birth to you?" 
"Back away from me-" But Jim keeps going, "You feel nothing! It must not even compute for you! You never loved her!"
Spock then lunges at Jim grabbing his throat and punching him several times. I yell at them, but they don't listen to me. They then end up at the helm console, and Spock was holding Jim down, strangling him. I run over and try pulling Spock off of Jim, but it doesn't work that well.
"Spock!" The said man then stops and looks behind him at his father. I pull him some more away from Jim and jump in between them. A look of realization took over his face before breathing in, "I am no longer fit for duty. I hereby relinquish my command, based on the fact that I have been emotionally compromised. Please note the time and date in the ship's log." He then leaves the Bridge with his father in tow.
"I like this ship! You know, it's exciting." Scotty then says with a smile, making me lightly shake my head. I grabbed Jim by the hand and helped him up off the console before checking his red throat.
"Well, congratulations, Jim. Now we've got no Captain and no goddamn first officer to replace him." Bones says, frustrated.
"Yeah, we do." Jim coughs before taking the Captain's chair.
"What?" Bones asks, which Sulu answers, "Pike made him first officer."
"You've got to be kidding me." Bones grumbles, shaking his head. "Thanks for the support," Jim says sarcastically.
"I sure hope you know what you're doing, Captain," Uhura says with a glare while walking next to the chair.
"So do I." Jim says lowly before talking over the comm, "Attention crew of the Enterprise, this is James Kirk. Mister Spock has resigned commission and advanced me to Acting Captain. I know you were all expecting to regroup with the fleet, but I'm ordering a pursuit course of the enemy ship to Earth. I want all departments at battle stations and ready in ten minutes. Either we're going down, or they are. Kirk out."
I walk up to the man in the Captain's chair and squeeze his shoulder, making him look up at me. I give him a small smile, which he returns and grabs my hand, squeezing it. 
Standing on the Bridge, we contemplated how to get on the Narada to stop Nero and save my father. But every idea got squished. Chekov was doing calculations on a board; Bones was grumbling while I rubbed my face.
"Whatever the case, we need to get aboard Nero's ship undetected," Jim says after another idea was shot down.
"And just go in there guns blazing, Jim. No..." Bones states as Sulu chimes in. "I'm telling you the math doesn't support..."
"Captain Kirk, Captain Kirk!" Chekov yells in his thick accent, getting the Captain's attention. "Yes, Chekov. What is it?"
"Based on the fastest course from Vulcan, I have projected that 
Nero will travel past Saturn. Like you said, we need to stay invisible to Nero, or he'll destroy us. If Mister Scott can get us to warp factor four, and if we drop out of warp behind one of Saturn's moons, say, Titan, the magnetic distortion from the planet's rings will make us invisible to Nero's sensors. From there, as long as the drill is not activated, we can beam aboard the enemy ship." Checkov states, making me nod while going through all the calculations in my head.
"Aye, that might work," Scotty says.
"Wait a minute, kid, how old are you?" Bones asks while his arms are crossed. 
"Seventeen, sir."  
"Oh, oh good, he's seventeen."
"Doctor, Mister Chekov is correct," Spock says, coming onto the Bridge through the door. "I can confirm his telemetry. If Mister Sulu is able to maneuver us into position, I can beam aboard Nero's ship, steal back the black hole device, and, if possible, bring back Captain Pike.
"I won't allow you to do that, Mister Spock," Jim says, standing up and walking over to him, making me go over too.
"Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestry. Our cultural similarities will make it easier for me to access the ship's computer to locate the device. Also, my mother was Human, which makes Earth the only home I have left." Spock replies to the blue-eyed Captain.
"I'm coming with you." Jim states making Spock raise an eyebrow, "I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it." Spock answers.
"See, we are getting to know each other." Jim pats Spock's shoulder, making Spock blink in surprise.
"Well, let's turn this duo into a trio because I'm coming with." I state, smiling at the two men, "And DO NOT try to stop me because my father is on that ship, and you both are weak as hell and can't physically stop me." Smiling, I walk past the boys who are just staring.
"Well, are you coming or not!" I yell, making them flinch and run after me.
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Star Trek Gold Key #25: Dwarf Planet
Happy New Year everyone! 
Next episode still isn’t coming until the seventh, but while I was re-organizing my excessive amount of books I came across something and thought, hey, this might make for a fun holiday treat. Besides, I felt bad leaving you guys on a cliffhanger for so long. 
So this...
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[ID: A photograph of a copy of Star Trek The Key Collection: Volume 4, with a cover showing Kirk, Spock and McCoy against a background of stars, with Sulu and Scotty in insets.] 
...this is one of my Gold Key comic collections. 
The Gold Key comics were the first Star Trek comics ever made, running for sixty-one issues from 1969-1979. What I have here are volumes three and four of a five-book collection of the comics put out back in 2004-2006, which actually only goes up to #43—the last two books were planned but never published.
Myself, I first found volume four here at a used bookstore not too long after I had first gotten into Star Trek. (I found volume three at another store quite awhile later. I apologize for not starting at the beginning here, but this is what I have. There’s no continuity anyway so don’t worry about that.) I was very much not prepared for what I was about to find inside.
For the thing about these comics is that they are incredibly and hilariously bad. The plots themselves wouldn’t always be out of place for Trek, but the combo of dodgy art, weird dialogue, and overall off-ness that gives the sense that the writers were working off a Wikipedia article about Star Trek instead of ever actually having seen the show, all adds up to a final product that doesn’t resemble Star Trek so much as a weird fever-dream version of Star Trek from an alternate dimension.
Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look.
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[Image Description: A comic splash page titled STAR TREK: DWARF PLANET Part 1 showing Scotty, wearing a blue and white polka-dot loincloth, throwing rocks at a slimy green thing while saying, “What kind o’way is this for a lad like me to be dyin’--trampled by a hairy-legged—MICROBE!” The narration box at the top of the page says “Come along with the crew of the starship Enterprise as they race to solve the mystery of a world in which all life is rapidly shrinking to—oblivion!”]
Our issue for today, Dwarf Planet, opens with a splash page of Scotty in a spotted loincloth throwing rocks at a microbe, which I think gives you a pretty good idea of what we’re in for here.
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[ID: A dark green Enterprise shuttle, landing on an empty airfield with a green field in the distance. The narration box reads, “Captain’s Log, Star Date 19:24:8—Lt. Uhura, Chief Comm-officer, has detected intelligent radio signals from the little explored area of space, sector 199-D!” Inside the ship Kirk is saying, “You were right, Lt. Uhura! There is advanced life on this planet! Mr. Spock and I will investigate!” while Uhura says, “With the captain’s permission, I’d like to accompany you!”]
The story itself, however, begins with an Enterprise shuttle—newly painted green, apparently—landing on this planet to investigate some intelligent radio signals. I don’t know why Uhura waited until they actually got down to the planet surface before asking if she could come with.
Anyway, they find a fully-built city, but it’s completely deserted, no one around. The only living thing are some bushes that turn out, upon closer examination, to actually be miniature trees. Kirk thinks this is weird, which is a bit judgmental of him. Maybe people on this planet just like their bonsai.
The mystery deepens when they find another city within a mile of the first—also abandoned, and much smaller than the first one. And I don’t mean smaller in terms of zoning. I mean the buildings are about two or three feet tall. Uhura speculates that there may have been multiple intelligent species of different sizes living on the planet, but there’s no sign of any of them now.
Kirk then recommends they split up, gang. He heads off into the countryside, where he finds a tiny rocketship that he assumes is a toy belonging to a child. Except it promptly flies off and returns with a bunch more ships, which trap Kirk with a net. He helpfully narrates all this as it’s happening.
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[ID: A page of four panels showing Kirk being surrounded by small rockets which are firing weighted ropes at him, slowly driving him to the ground. First panel: “They’ve opened fire! Shooting heavy stranded wire!” Second panel: “They’re forming a net over me! I’m being captured by a pack of toy rockets!” Third panel: “Can’t break these things! And they’re pulling me down! ARRRRGGGGH!” Fourth panel: “One of them is landing! If I could only get my hands on the child who’s controlling these fantastic toys!”]
Thanks Kirk.
It’s not until the rockets land and open that Kirk finally realizes they’re not toys being operated by a child, but real miniature rockets being flown by tiny people, who shoot Kirk in the face with some paralyzing gas before he can get a message out over the communicator. One of the tiny people—speaking through an unexplained device on his forehead—introduces himself as General Kwy. I have no idea how to pronounce that.
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[ID: Two panels showing Kirk laying on the ground while a small bald man in a red tunic and black pants stands on his chest. In the first panel he is saying, “You would like to say ‘I come to planet Kujal in peace! Why do you treat me so?’ Because you are a giant! And where one has come, others will follow!” In the second panel he says, “My people will become slaves to yours! Household pets or worse—sideshow freaks! Not while I live, giant! Never!”]
General Kwy has some weirdly detailed predictions about what’s going to happen if his people are discovered by ‘giants’ and he’s not having it. So he brings out a couple cranes to load Kirk onto a board, Gulliver’s Travels style,  and has him wheeled off to a third, even smaller, city.
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[ID: Kirk laying on a wooden wheeled board in front of a dais covered cloth, where a woman sits on a gold chair next to General Kwy. The general is saying, “Madame President, I’ve brought the giant prisoner mentioned in my report!” Kirk is thinking, “A woman leader! A more advanced world than many!”]
Kirk is brought in front of Madame President, which Kirk reminds us is So Advanced. Madame President is a little nicer than General Kwy and orders Kirk to be de-paralyzed, but then reveals that Spock and Uhura have been captured also. And stowed under the bunting on the dais. No, I don’t know why.
Madame President lays down some backstory: there was only ever one species of people on the planet, which was once human-sized. They “were a happy world until sudden explosions rocked [their] sun with fantastic intensity.” Don’t you hate it when that happens?
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[ID: A panel with a narration box saying, “But, in time, these ceased and life resumed as before! Until, one day...” Below, someone in a gray robe is approaching a woman sitting at an oversized table, talking into a large rotary phone. The person in the robe is saying, “We are growing smaller with every passing day!” The woman is saying, “Yes! It’s true! Others report the same! But why?”]
Yes! It’s true! Others are reporting the same, right now, on my giant rotary phone.
The shrinking kept happening, causing the next generation to have to build an entirely new city, and the next generation to do the same. Eventually they figured out that because of the sun explosions “some new radio waves have caused all living cells to shrink.” Sure. Anyway, looks like now their civilization is doomed because eventually they’re going to shrink out of existence. Bummer.
Uhura points out that the Enterprise could very easily move them all to another planet, but Madame President gives the standard answer for why we can never just use the easy solution, which is “no we love our planet so much we’re all gonna stay here even if it kills us.”
General Kwy wants to have the three of them executed straight away, but Madame President belays that and lets them all go sit and eat tiny food and talk while she figures out what to do with them.
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[ID: Spock, Kirk and Uhura sitting among the small buildings eating and talking. Narration: “Later, as crowds watch from a distance...” Uhura: “How could they think of altering their sun even if they had the ships to reach it?” Spock: “Quite impossible! All the harnessed power of the inhabited worlds of the universe could not destroy—or even alter—a star!”]
All that harnessed power of the inhabited worlds couldn’t alter a star! It takes inexplicable space explosions to do that.
Since altering the star is out of the question, Kirk proposes making some kind of antidote or shielding to deal with the shrink rays. But to do that, they’d have to fly close to the sun to gather samples of the rays. I don’t know how you capture samples of radio waves but he seems confident. Little does he know, however, that the general has an “audio-magnifier” trained on the trio to eavesdrop on their plans, because just listening would be too easy.
Madame President is okay with this plan. Suspiciously, so is General Kwy, though he proposes that they leave a hostage to guarantee they don’t just escape. Which doesn’t work super well when the people in question have remote teleportation technology, but he doesn’t know that.
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[ID: A very pale-looking Uhura leaning over Madame President and saying, “In that case, Madame President, I volunteer to be the hostage!” Madame President is saying, “I was hoping the woman among you would show that courage! Congratulations, Lieutenant!”]
As a woman, I was hoping the woman among you would show courage! Here on my advanced world, we like it when women show courage. Have I mentioned I’m a woman recently?
Uhura is often—though not always—quite distressingly pale in these comics. With the way it varies I’m not sure whether it was intentional whitewashing or just bad coloring. Or some awful combination of both, maybe.
With Uhura staying behind, Kirk and Spock prepare to leave, although not before General Kwy stops them to give them a container of fruit as a gift. Absolutely no one bothers to check that the box does indeed contain fruit. Surprise! It doesn’t. It contains a couple of stowaway soldiers assigned to sabotage the mission. Because Kwy still thinks the humans want to make slaves of them all. Or something.
Part Two begins with the Enterprise approaching the sun, as Kirk says that they have no way of knowing whether the ship’s anti-radio shielding will stop them all from getting shrunk. That seems like something they should really have made sure of before doing this. Oh well, too late now.
As they get close to the sun, Sulu tries to raise the radio energy analyzer dish—it’s a thing, apparently—but it won’t go up. Apparently there’s a mechanical problem that necessitates someone go outside and unjam the thing. Even in the future, someone still has to occasionally go personally hit things until they work again.
Luckily, Scotty’s on the case, showing up all dressed in special anti-radio foil before Kirk even has a chance to give any orders. Kirk is a little miffed about this since he’s supposed to be the captain and all but Scotty doesn’t have any time for that.
Scotty struggles with the radar dish while everyone stands around watching and making helpful comments.
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[ID: Four panels showing Scotty struggling to lift a radar dish on the top of the ship while Kirk, Spock and McCoy watch on a viewscreen. In the first panel, Scotty is thinking, “But it must be doin’ the job—or those rays would be shrinkin’ me already! Now to get the dish up into position! UGGGGGH!” Second panel, Kirk: “It’s jammed all right! Look at him struggling! I wish we could communicate with him!” Spock: “Our radio signals can’t get through that foil, either, of course!” Third panel, narration, as Scotty raises the dish with a ‘whooosh!’ and ‘klang!’: “Finally, with one mighty effort...” Kirk, from offscreen: “He made it! Nice work! Even you have to admit it, Bones!” McCoy, from offscreen: “Why, Captain? He’ll be telling us all about it for months! Ha-ha-ha!” Fourth panel, showing Scotty collapsed on the top of the ship, McCoy: “Hold it! Something’s wrong! He’s collapsed!” Kirk: “Emergency! Break out another foil outergear! I’m going after him!”]
I wasn’t aware that Scotty and Bones had any particular rivalry, but this writer seems to think otherwise. 
Anyway, as you can see, Scotty promptly collapses, and since as we know there are only about ten people on the whole Enterprise Kirk has to personally go out after him. Instead of Scotty, though, he finds an empty suit.
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[ID: Kirk, wearing a foil spacesuit and holding up another spacesuit, seemingly empty, while McCoy looks on and Spock leans over the suit with his hand to his ear. Kirk: “This is exactly what I found! But how could--” Spock: “Shhhhhh! Listen! Do you hear it?”]
I don’t know why, but that picture of Spock with his hand to his ear is cracking me up.
As you can probably guess if you’ve been paying any amount of attention to anything, Scotty done got shrunk. Apparently the radar dish tore a hole in the protective foil. Don’t design your radar dishes with sharp edges, folks. Since Scotty was so close to the sun at the time, he got a heckton of radiation (that’s a scientific term), so he’s still shrinking. In fact, Spock speculates that Scotty might quickly be reduced to microscopic size, meaning that “the very bacteria in the air will menace him as much as a prehistoric mammoth would us!”
An odd choice of metaphor, but we can’t have Scotty be menaced by mammoth bacteria, so they rig up a sterilized environment for him.
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[ID: First panel, Spock and Kirk are looking at a glass dome with a tube going into it. Narration: “Full technical facilities of the starship are put to work on the problem and shortly...” Spock: “Under that dome is a complete antiseptic atmosphere! The ‘breather’ tube circulates sterilized air!” Kirk: “A microbless world! That should do it!” Second panel, McCoy is holding up a miniature Scotty wearing a blue handkerchief around his waist. McCoy: “I’ll say one thing, Scotty—that kerchief looks better wrapped around you than it ever did in my pocket!” Scotty: “And what’ll I be wearin’ next—a speck o’ dust for a fur coat?”]
This one’s for you, Scones shippers. I...guess. (???)
Luckily for Scotty it doesn’t take long to identify the mysterious radio energy, as someone helpfully announces over the intercom.
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[ID: First panel, McCoy is standing next to the dome and looking off to side, listening to an announcement from the intercom. Narration: “Painful minutes tick away as Scotty continues shrinking..” Intercom: “Attention! We have identified the mystery radio energy!” McCoy: “Did you hear, Scotty? We’re half-way home!” Second panel, McCoy is looking into the dome, now empty with the handkerchief huddled at the bottom. Narration: “And then the dread moment...” McCoy: “He’s gone! Yet I know he’s still in there—too small for the eye to see!”]
Unluckily for Scotty, the two little soldiers have arrived on the scene, and take the opportunity to fire on the breather tube. McCoy quickly captures them and puts them away in convenient storage box, which is just an empty box with ‘storage’ written on it.
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[ID: McCoy putting two miniature soldiers into a box labeled ‘Storage.’ McCoy: “We’ll settle with you later!”]
He seals the tube with a bandage, but it’s too late—down in the land of microbes, a germ has gotten in.
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[ID: First panel, Scotty is facing off against a large green eyeless worm-like thing. Scotty: “Glory be! A microscopic monster! Some germ that broke through the sealed system!” Monster: “EEEYAWWWRRRR!” Second panel, the monster lashes out its tongue at Scotty, who narrowly dodges under it. Scotty: “Missed me! But how long can I keep this little dance goin’?” Monster: “UNNGAWWRRR!”]
Sure, that’s what germs look like. Why not.
As promised by the splash page, Scotty has to engage in some germ warfare, using some microscopic dirt boulders that also got in as ammunition. It’s thrilling. Truly.
With the germ monster defeated, Scotty gets retrieved by McCoy, who’s wearing some sweet micro-specs.
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[ID: First panel, Scotty is being lifted by a thin pointed silver rod. Scotty: “I’m caught! Feel like a whale being harpooned! No—more like a sardine! But what’s doin’ it?” Second panel, Spock looks on as McCoy, wearing goggles with a giant scope in one eye, lifts the rod. Narration: “And, in the world of ‘giants’...” Spock: “Are you sure you’ve got him, doctor?” McCoy: “Yes! I can see him clearly through these micro-specs! He’s struggling like a demon!”]
They stick him under the newly invented anti-shrink ray, which hasn’t been tested because there’s NO TIME, but it works because of course it does. Everyone’s very happy about this.
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[ID: The Enterprise flying away from the sun with a ‘fwooosh!’ while people onboard exclaim “Hurrah!” “Yahoooo!” and “Eeeyowwww!”]
Eeyowwww, indeed.
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[ID: First panel, Spock and Kirk watching a small Scotty gesturing. Spock: “Listen! He’s trying to tell us something!” Kirk: “The first report by a human returned from the land of microbes!” Second panel, Scotty: “--I said, ‘Get me some clothes, mon! I’m poppin’ out of this silly thing!” Spock: “Ha-ha-ha!” Kirk: “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”]
Ha-ha-ha-ha. Yes, that’s Spock laughing. I guess “Spock doesn’t laugh” wasn’t covered in the, I’m guessing, three sentence summary of Star Trek that the writers of this had to go on.
Anyway, they go back to the planet and tell Madame President that they’re going to deliver the anti-shrink rays so the population can be restored to proper size, although ‘proper size’ is not the size they’ve been used to being all their lives so one wonders if they really want that, but, eh, who cares. With General Kwy’s treachery exposed, Madame President has concocted a special punishment for him: he’ll be the last one on the whole world returned to full size. That’ll show him.
A happy ending (?), but of course we have to wrap up with something pithy.
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[ID: Kirk sitting in the captain’s chair while Scotty and Spock stand nearby. Scotty: “--And I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll never make fun of another man’s size again!” Spock: “Experience is a great teacher!” Kirk: “Teacher? This kind of experience is a full professor!”]
Well, they tried.
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randomwritingss · 6 years
Just friends?
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Requested: yes.
Request: "I would love a jealous Bones x reader fic, something where they are head over heels but nothings happened yet and he sees her with a friend or someone and....idk."
*Warnings:" Another vvvveeeerrrryyyy bad attempt at a Russian accent. And like one curse word.
It was no secret on the Enterprise that you and Doctor Leonard McCoy were head over heels for each other. Well, it was a secret to the both of you of your feelings for each other. Jim had been trying everything in his power to get you two alone for about a month. Each time someone, or something, happens and you both are pulled several different directions. One time it was a massive fight with the Klingons; another, it was Keenser was sneezing that green, acidic goo everywhere again.
Jim never quits though. You've begged him and begged him to stop. "No, Y/N, Bones is so in love with you he cannot stand it!" And you are pretty sure he has said something similar to Bones. And you are sure that Bones has told him to stop as well. You wish Jim would just give up.
It's not a bad thing, though. You do wish something would happen between you, it's been an endless game of cat and mouse. Some flirting here, some touching of hands and hips there, and to beat all he's alllmost tried to kiss you; atleast you think he did. You have read signals wrong before.
However, here you are, at Jim's birthday party talking to Pavel. You two were like siblings, always treated each other like such. No one really knew the nature of your friendship outside of Jim and Scotty. He's telling you one of his stories of homeland Russia. You tried to keep up but even after knowing him for years, his accent got a little hard to understand when he got happy. "Pav." You try to say, but he just keeps going on. "PAV!" You place your hands on his shoulders and shake him.
"Yeas?" He says, stopping and looking at you.
"Slow down, bub, you're making my head hurt." You say as you give him a rather pathetic smile.
"I zorry. I'll slow down." He chuckles and starts speaking slower. "Az I vas saying, my mozer was always..." You tried to follow what the whiz kid was saying; but, you noticed that Bones was looking at the both of you, with his arms crossed, and seemingly talking to Jim. You could still hear Pavel talking; but, you didn't really. "Y/N, do yous hear me?" You're pulled out of your thoughts as you look back at Pavel.
You shake your head a little, "I'm sorry, Pavs." You offer, smiling.
He sighs and looks back at Bones, "You should tells him. He likes you too, ya know." You shake your head, "Yeas. Yous do it or I vill." Pavel raises his eyebrows and takes a drink of whatever he has.
"Pavel, he doesn't like me. We barely speak as it is. When we do, he treats me as a friend." You shrug and take a drink of yours. "Besides, I'm not looking.." You trail off as Bones and Jim walk over. "Happy birthday, Captain." You say, hugging him.
"Thank you, Y/N. Are you both enjoying it?" Jim asks, hugging you a little longer than he should've. You hear Bones groan; but, don't think anything of it.
"Yeas, ov course, keptin." Pavel replies, when you and Jim get done hugging.
"What about you, Leonard?" You ask, looking at the taller man.
He grunts and says, "Yeah, sure. Jim."
"OH!" Jim suddenly exclaims, cutting Bones off. "Y/N, I need you and Bones to check out this new, empty planet tomorrow."
"Bones and I, sir? We both are only medical?" You question looking Jim in the eyes.
He smirks and replies, "Just a routine thing." He places a hand on both of you and laughs. "I'm sure Bones here could use some solid ground."
"Ya got that right." Leonard huffs, crossing his arms.
"I'll let you and Mr. Chekov get back to your evening. Bones, I must show you this new... thing." Jim says, dragging Leonard off somewhere.
As they are walking away, you hear Leonard say, "Are you out of your corn-fed mind?! Sending her and I down to a deserted planet?!"
"Relax!" Jim says, looking back at you.
You look at Pavel and frown, "Think Jim will take that I'm sick and need sleep tomorrow?"
"Probazy not." Pavel replies, laughing. "Come on, zen. The party is over and I can tell zat you are tired." Pavel links your arm in his and starts talking about how much he loves being in space. You listen, nod, and speak at the right times; but, you're more focused on tomorrow.
When you and Pavel get to your room, you look at him and say, "Stay with me? I really don't want to sleep alone tonight."
"Of course." He replies, kissing the top of your head.
Unbeknownst to you, a few feet down the hall standing is Leonard. His face drops when he sees Pavel kiss your head. He sighs and walks into his room, it was going to be a long night for him.
The next morning, you are up and ready to go hours before you and Leonard are set to go. You all are on the ship. You are just outside the bridge pacing and biting the end of your thumb nail. Jim hasn't gotten to the bridge yet, so you know you are early. "Nurse Y/N, you are particularly early this morning. May I injure as to why?" The sound of Spock's voice causes you to jump. "I apologize if I may have startled you."
You sigh and look at him, "I couldn't sleep." You shrug and scratch the back of your neck.
"Is this a human joke?" Spock asks, as you lean on the wall.
"A joke? Why no." You reply laughing.
"Fro-" as Spock goes to speak he is cut off by Jim walking up.
"Good morning, Spock, Y/N. I trust everyone is ready for today." He laughs softly when he sees your face. As you are looking at the Captain you do not notice Leonard walking up behind him.
"Yeah, sure." Leonard's voice is particularly grumpy this morning, you notice.
Jim looks back at him and then at you, "So, I want to go over, since you both are here, that while you are down on the planet, there will be little to no comm."
"Then how the hell will you know to beam us back?!" Leonard yells at Jim.
"We'll know, Bones." Jim replies, "Come on. Let's get you to the platform." You groan and follow the captain, doctor, and first officer. When you get down to the platform Scotty is waiting for you. "Good morning, Mr. Scott."
"Aye, good morning." Scotty replies, smiling at you. "Did you tell them about the comms?"
"Yes," Bones says, sounding grumpier than before.
"So, what's going to happen, when you two are done looking at this planet, you will push this button." Scotty says as he holds up what looks to be a communicator. "It'll send a signal back to the ship. Alright, laddies, are you ready?"
"As we'll ever be." You and Leonard say at the same time. Scotty nods and starts the transporter up.
As soon as you both are beamed onto the new planet you shake yourself. "Ugh, I can never get used to that." You say, rolling your shoulders.
"Neither can I, kid." He says, looking at you and walking off.
You raise an eyebrow, "Are you okay?" You ask, running to catch up with him.
You raise your eyebrow again and shake your head, "So this looks like a pretty standard Federation planet." You say, looking around. Leonard just grunts at you. You sigh as you both continue to walk.
"Can I ask you a question?" Leonard says, about 30 minutes later.
"Sure?" You reply, stopping yourself and him.
"Is there something going on between you and Chekov?" He asks, looking from your eyes to the ground. Heading those words you burst out laughing. "What did I say? Do I have something on my face?" He runs his hands all over his face.
You continue to laugh and shake your head, "No." You wrap your arms around your stomach as it is starting to hurt where you are laughing so much. "Leonard, he and I are like brother and sister."
"But, what about him kissing you? And you asking him to stay with you?"
"I didnt want to be alone last night. The kiss was just his way of telling me that he would. It didnt mean anything other than a brotherly gesture." You explain to him. You look at Leonard and he smiles. "Why? Were you jealous?"
He sighs, "Unbelievable." He places his hand on his head and shakes it. "Yes, I was a little jealous, actually. I get jealous of all the men you talk to, especially when they get up close to you."
"Why?" You press, raising your eyebrows.
"I love you, damn it!" He says before he can think. He sighs and looks in your eyes, "I love you. I am head over heels in love with you." Your cheeks go red, "But, it's useless anyhow. You have all those boys, men, after you."
You smile softly, "There is a reason I turn them.all down." You say, placing your right hand on his left arm and rubbing it. "I'm kind of, sort of, head over heels for you, too."
Leonard smiles real big, "Really?" You nod a couple times before he stops.you and kisses you.
Soon enough you feel the transporter beams encircle you both and you're transported back to the Enterprise. "Finally." You hear Jim say.
You break the kiss to look at him, "What?!" You and Leonard say at the same time.
"It was a plan from Scotty, Chekov, and myself. And it worked." Jim replies, smiling all over himself, obviously proud. "You can thank me by me being your best man at the wedding." He laughs before he walks off.
"Hypo-spray him?" You suggest to Leonard.
"You read my mind." He chuckles, wrapping his left arm around you and kissing your head. "Let's go to medbay." You nod and you both walk off.
A/N: Hiii! I'm still taking requests! Tell me if you like it or hate it. I'm open to anything, really. -Shawnee
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I Dare You to Love; Part Six (Star Trek AOS)
Life on the Enterprise is as close to normal as it could be, and Shari and Jim settle into their lives together on ship. However, Jim wants to move things forward, and Shari receives some unexpected news that will turn their lives upside down.
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       God, but it had been a long week. Shari and Jim were all but collapsed into bed together, exhausted. A busy week full of missions, diplomacy, and inter-crew issues had Shari and Jim running around trying to keep everything together.
       Though not a member of Bridge command, or the highest-ranking officer by any means, her status as Jim’s soul mate gave Shari an unofficial role on the ship as someone people could go to for help with anything, to talk to. In emergencies, her orders were followed as often as Spock’s, or Jim’s. Shari had been rather miffed at the breach of protocol, but Jim was rather happy.
       “They respect you, and know that you know what you’re doing,” he insisted, smiling as she pouted about the situation “you should see yourself in a command situation, my queen. You’d definitely be at home commanding your own ship, if you wanted it.”
       “And I don’t’,” she sighed, leaning against Jim as he stood next to her “you know my aspirations. Being a Captain isn’t one of them.”
       “I know,” Jim replied, smiling as he kissed the top of her head “just trying to help you see why the crew holds you in such high regard.”
       An entire week of basically co-commanding the ship and they were exhausted. Shari had fallen asleep the moment she was cuddled against her soul mate, but Jim was still trying to fall asleep. It was then that his PADD started ringing with a video transmission. He bit back a groan to keep from waking Shari up, reaching for the machine and looking at the screen.
       Any frustration he felt went away when Jim saw the name, and immediately answered it.
       “Hey, mom.”
       “Hi, sweetheart,” Winona Kirk smiled at the sight of her sleep-deprived son “this is a bad time, isn’t it?”
       “No, no,” he shook his head, voice still low “it’s okay.”
       Like hell he was going to pass up the opportunity to talk to his mom. There was a lot he wanted to talk to her about.
       “You look exhausted, baby,” Winona insisted, eyebrow quirked at how quiet he was being “are you okay?”
       “Just a long week,” Jim replied “Shari and I have basically been headless chickens running around.”
       “How is that dear soul mate of yours that I have yet to meet?” she asked, smiling “I take it we’re being so quiet so we won’t wake her up.”
       “Pretty much,” he smiled, looking down to where Shari was snuggled into his chest “she’s not used to the role the crew has basically handed to her, but she’s really taken to it.”
       “She’s your soul mate,” Winona mused “it makes sense she’d have a steady head on her shoulders. How else would she get you to take care of yourself, the way you’ve told me about?”
       “Mom…” Jim groaned, smiling a bit “I love you, but were you calling for a specific reason, or just to talk?”
       “Rude, Jim,” he looked down to see Shari blinking awake “she’s got a point about you neglecting yourself.”
       “Woke her up, did we?” Winona chuckled “come on, let me say hello.”
       Jim rolled his eyes, smiling, as Shari adjusted so that she was in frame with him. He knew she wanted to make a better impression, but Jim knew his mom wouldn’t mind.
       “Commander Kirk,” Shari greeted, smiling tiredly “it’s nice to finally meet you. I’d apologize for my state, but like Jim said, it’s been a long week.”
       “Please, call me Winona,” his mom replied “and don’t worry about it. This is refreshingly…real, if that makes sense.”
       “It does,” Shari nodded “I’ve been wanting to meet you for a while, ma’am, and we were going to arrange a call, but things got out of hand before we could do so.”
       “I was Star Fleet, too, sweetheart,” Winona reassured her “believe me, I understand circumstances throwing a wrench into plans.”
       Even after just over thirty years, Jim knew that the loss of his father-his mother’s soul mate-hurt his mom to mention. It was one of the reasons he was so protective of Shari, and so much more careful on missions.
       “I’ve been told so, ma’am,” Shari declared, smiling for the older woman “Jim told me the story you told him, about how you and his father met. Spontaneity must be a Kirk bloodline trait. Something I fell in love with, with Jim.”
       “The bright blue eyes don’t hurt, either,” Winona agreed, smiling “I’m glad Jim got those from George.”
       “As am I,” Shari nodded, leaning up and giving Jim a quick kiss on the cheek “though I wonder just how much he’s told you about how we met.”
       “Not much,” Winona teased “just that a beautiful science officer stood up for him to two bad-talking security team members, when she didn’t even know him.”
       “That’s basically it, yeah,” Shari laughed “people are entitled to their opinions, but they really need to be mindful of where and when they talk about them. Especially if the subject of said opinion could hear it.”
       “Smart, fierce, and lovely,” Winona mused “I can see how you caught my boy’s attention.”
       “Even before I knew he was my soul mate, Jim grew near and dear to me really quickly,” Shari declared, smiling up at Jim “he helped me to become the more confident, outspoken person I am.”
       Winona watched Jim and Shari look at each other, and her heart swelled at the knowledge that her son had found his fated partner.
       “He gets it from his father,” she declared “you’re both shifters, so tell me; just what does my boy’s soul beast look like?”
       “A handsome blonde wolf,” Shari replied, curious why Winona would want to know “with the bluest of eyes.”
       “I’m not surprised,” Winona smiled “his father was the same.”
       “You never told me that…” Jim spoke up, looking at his mother in surprise “you just said dad was the shifter of the pair.”
       “I didn’t want you to feel more pressure to live up to his legacy.” Winona explained, giving her son a sympathetic look.
       “I think George Kirk would be more than proud of the man his son has become,” Shari declared, earning surprised looks from both Kirks “a great captain, and a good man.”
       “I’m glad my son found you,” Winona mused “he deserves to have happiness after everything he’s been through.”
       “I couldn’t agree more,” Shari nodded, remembering Jim telling her about his father, Tarsus IV, the Khan incident, and Altamid “and I promise I’ll do everything to make him as happy as he’s made me.”
       “I know you will,” Winona declared, smile never leaving her face “I’ll let you two get back to sleep. You look exhausted. Call me once you’re fully rested, okay honey?”
       “I will, mom,” Jim replied, smiling “I love you.”
       “I love you, too,” Winona turned to look at Shari, smile turning to a smirk “it was nice to finally meet you, Shari. I have to say, I always wanted a daughter.”
       “You and my mom will get along great,” Shari chuckled “it was an honor to meet you.”
       Bidding farewell, the call ended and Jim put his PADD back on the bedside shelf. Turning onto his side, he wrapped his arms around Shari and pulled her close.
       “Well, that went weirder and better than I thought,” he muttered, nose buried in Shari’s hair “I’m glad you and my mom get along so well.”
       “I figured we would,” Shari declared, smiling as her eyes drifted shut “she’s a wonderful, strong woman. I look forward to meeting her face to face.”
       “We still need to call your mom.” Jim mused, already feeling himself fall asleep.
       “We will,” She promised, pressing a kiss to Jim’s neck as she could feel his breathing even out “sleep well, my love.”
       Shari had been feeling ill for about a week, and Jim was worried about her. She normally didn’t turn down his advances, even months now after Arian and their first night sleeping together, but she had reassured Jim that she was fine. She just wasn't feeling well.
       Trusting her, after she’d promised she would go to Bones if she felt ill for any longer or got worse, Jim went back to trying to plan his next big surprise for her. They were approaching the final year of their five-year mission, and he knew it was the right time. He had the ring, a shield-cut diamond on a gold band, now he just had to figure out how to do it.
       He wanted to ask Shari to marry him, and wanted to make it special. So much of their life together had gone well, but not to plan, and he just wanted this one thing to go the way he planned it.
       Jim had discussed it with his mom, Bones, Uhura, even Chekov. The crew was their family, and he wanted them involved if they could be. Thanks to them, Jim was able to figure out a small plan.
       He’d call Shari to one of the observation decks, under the premise of discussing a ‘promotion’ from command. When she was there, under the stars with him, Jim would speak from the heart, before asking her to marry him. A solid plan, one they would celebrate with their friends once it was done.
       Though Jim still worried that Shari was ill. He really hoped she wasn’t.
       “I thought you said you two were being careful?” McCoy asked, looking sideways at Shari as she sat on the bio bed in a private exam room.
       “We have been!” she insisted “but we both know contraceptives aren’t 100% effective.”
       “Not to mention that Jim would be just that damn lucky,” McCoy sighed, looking over the results of the test “and he still doesn’t know?”
       “Not that I know of,” Shari replied, fingers laced together and squeezing tightly “I’m normally somewhat irregular, so I wanted to wait to confirm before saying anything.”
       McCoy knew what Jim was planning, and couldn’t help wondering who would get to reveal their news first.
       “Well, I can say for certain that you can tell him,” he told her, walking over and showing her the PADD and test results “congratulations, Lieutenant. You and Jim are gonna be parents.”
       Shari looked over the results, smiling at the excited butterflies in her belly. She’d had a feeling that she’d been ill from morning sickness, and finally found some time to go to the med bay without making Jim worry even more.
       “When are you planning on telling him?” McCoy asked, curious “and how?”
       “I’ll have to figure that out,” she answered, smiling nervously “you know, in a strange way, things happening like this makes sense. Nothing in our relationship has been ‘by the book’, or really gone to plan, but that’s what makes it as unique and wonderful as it is.”
       “Probably the only time any of us will see a relationship like that actually work out,” he chuckled “I’d tell him soon, though, so he can make sure we aren’t too far from a Federation base or station by the time you’re due, just to be safe.”
       “I wonder who’ll worry more,” Shari teased, hopping to her feet “Jim or you? Thanks for your help, Leonard. I’ll see you at dinner tonight.”
       “Yeah, yeah, now get out of my med bay.” McCoy waved her off, smiling a little bit all the while as she left the room. Well, it seemed it was time to encourage Jim to put his plan into action.
       It was only a few hours later, right before the end of Alpha shift, when Jim had paged her in her lab. He asked her to come to the observation deck, and he could feel the ring box as though it was burning a hole in his pocket. As confused as his beloved sounded, she agreed readily, saying she’d be there soon. Jim looked to the others who were gathered; Spock, Bones, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, and each of them gave him a smile or gesture of encouragement. Even Spock gave a nod and had a vague semblance of a smile, which Jim knew was a lot.
       A few minutes later, Shari entered the observation deck to see Jim standing in the light of the stars, and he smiled upon seeing her confused expression.
       “Jim?” she started, walking over “what were you talking about over COMM? Something about a promotion?”
       “I’ll get to it,” he promised, reaching out as she drew nearer and taking her hand in his “there’s something I wanted to say, first.”
       Shari looked up at him, sensing the seriousness and nerves behind his tone, as he took their joined hands and kissed the back of hers.
       “I’ll be honest,” Jim started, looking down at their laced-together fingers “I never, in my life, expected to meet you. Yet, on the day of the mixer, when I saw you tearing into those two security officers in my defense, you crashed into my life in the best way. You caught my eye, and soon wormed your way into my heart with your persistent friendship and sympathetic ear and shoulder.
       “You grew to know the darkest parts of me, parts that most still don’t know,” he continued, free hand coming up to caress her cheek as he looked her in the eye “and still you remained. I still couldn’t tell you when it happened, but I knew I loved you after I had the first and only taste of what life would be like without you. It had torn me to pieces inside, thinking that we might not talk to each other again.”
       Shari’s hand came up to cover his hand touching her cheek, and she leaned into his palm to give it a soft kiss. His breath caught at that, but Jim forced himself to continue.
       “Loving you, being loved by you, my koroleva yaguara, made me into a better man, and I love you all the more for it,” Jim declared, smiling through the tears at her approving look of his Russian pronunciation of his pet name for her “I honestly couldn’t imagine spending my life without you now, my soul mate. So, there’s just one thing left to do.”
       Letting her go, Jim reached into his pocket and pulled out the box, opening it before going down on both knees in front of Shari. The surprised look on her face as tears came to her eyes was all the encouragement Jim needed.
       “I kneel before you, my queen, as a man who wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life making you feel as loved and happy as you do me,” he repeated the words from memory easily, having practiced them for days “And it would be an honor if you would give me that chance. Shari Neilson, my love, will you marry me?”
       Shari was quiet for a moment as a few tears escaped, though her grin belayed any worries in Jim’s heart.
       “As though there was ever any doubt?” she replied through the happy sobs “yes, Jim. A thousand times, yes!” Jim grinned as he sprang to his feet, pulling her in for a kiss and tight hug as the others looking on applauded for them.
       When he slipped the ring on her finger, a perfect fit of course, Shari leaned in even closer.
       “Promotion, huh?” she gently teased “then I guess there’s one in store for you, as well.”
       “What are you talking about?” Jim asked, giving her an amused look.
       “Remember how I was feeling ill over the last week?” she replied, giving him a meaningful look “I went to see Leonard to see what’s going on.”
       “And?” Jim prompted, somewhat worried “what is it?”
       “A promotion for you in about seven to eight months’ time,” Shari answered quietly, smiling mischievously all the while “Captain Daddy.”
       She could see everything click behind his eyes, expression morphing into one of excitement and shock.
       “You’re…you’re pregnant?!” he whispered, grinning from ear to ear “we’re gonna be parents?!”
       Shari grinned, nodding fervently, before laughing in surprise as Jim picked her up in a hug and swung her around in a circle.
       “We’re gonna be parents!” he exclaimed in laughing joy, setting her on her feet before turning to the others in the room “she’s pregnant! We’re gonna be parents!”
       Now that was news to everyone but Bones, and the flood of congratulatory hugs and handshakes was almost overwhelming. It was certainly a night to celebrate, and that was exactly what they did.
       After the impromptu party, Shari and Jim were back in their quarters, cuddling together on the bed. Jim hadn’t stopped smiling all night, and his hand caressed her belly as they lay in bed.
       “Never thought this day would come,” he muttered, leaning in to steal another kiss from her “thought I might be the captain who was married to his work, his ship. Yet here I am; engaged, an expectant father. It’s more than I could imagine.”
       “I never thought this would happen, either,” Shari agreed, pressing herself as close as she could to him “but you know what they say about what life does when you make plans.”
       “You’ve got a point,” Jim chuckled “I love you, my beautiful fiancée, mother of my child.”
       “As I love you, my handsome fiancé, father of my child.”
       Shari couldn’t have been happier with how her life was going. Their family was growing, and she absolutely looked forward to the future, and all the plans they needed to make.
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samingtonwilson · 7 years
Return - Part 14 - Jim Kirk
Part 13
Summary: series following the events of loot– takes place during events of star trek beyond. in this chapter, jim resents a bagel.
Warnings: language
A/N: :) one part left!
The forced trip to medical took approximately an hour and thirty minutes. You were fitted for a new, real cast after being subject to the discomfort of the osteogenic stimulator and the feeling of your bones setting themselves, and were administered IV rehydration therapy for a case of dehydration you didn’t even register suffering through.
The debriefing took about an hour— an hour you spent chewing on your fingernails, staring at beads of condensation as they slid down the bottles of water before you, leaning back in your seat and smirking at Uhura each time your chairs exchanged squeaks.
The entire two and a half hour ordeal wasn’t easy on your nerves. Of course, the doctor in the base hospital was no Leonard McCoy and the debriefing was about as boring as the previous days were intense— but none of that tired you and your nerves as much as the uncertainty.
Uncertainty because you hadn’t seen Jim, you hadn’t spoken to Jim, you hadn’t thought of anything other than Jim since he was rescued by Spock and Leonard. Uncertainty because you weren’t aware of his condition, uncertainty because he wasn’t aware of yours. Uncertainty because you’d admitted to yourself that you were in love with the man just seconds before he almost hurtled to his death in deep space, uncertainty because he didn’t let you say it.
Sure, you’d kissed before he left to find Krall but there could have been countless reasons for that. If you were told you only had one last night on Earth, you’d kiss someone the same way he kissed you— deeply, thoroughly so as to get every last bit of emotion out of your system. The reason you wished it was, wasn’t the only possibility— which just made for more uncertainty.
You looped your arm through Uhura’s as your aching legs carried you through the lobby of the headquarters building, your lips pulled into a small smile as each of the mildly scathed crewmembers greeted the two of you.
“You could join us permanently, you know.”
You dropped your smile as you stepped outside, the brightness resonating in your head as a pulsating ache. You looked down at the red dress covered in soot splotches and small tears at the hem, at your legs lined with a few tiny bug bites and several scrapes, and at your boots that seemed to be choking your feet. “Or I could stay on Yorktown, keep my raincloud away from you all.”
“We like your raincloud,” she said with a laugh as she leaned towards you. She traced your profile and sighed at your frown. “Come on, the Enterprise isn’t so bad.”
“The Enterprise is in smithereens on the face of Altamid.” A rueful, sad smile quirked the corners of your lips upwards. “God, I was on that thing for all of three hours and it’s totally destroyed. More than two years ago, I was on it for two months and almost zapped every electronic needed to keep it functioning. I’m bad, bad luck.”
She pulled on your arm to stop your steps and placed her hands on your shoulders. She shook you a bit and offered you a kind smile when you took your eyes from the dirt staining your skin. “You helped save millions of people today— your raincloud isn’t as unlucky as you may think. Filled with showers of self-pity,” she snorted a laugh, shaking her head a bit, “but not unlucky.”
You smiled at her, tilting your head. “I appreciate you continuing with the metaphor.”
“Aced my poetry writing class back in high school,” she bragged with a roll of her large almond-shaped eyes. “Metaphors are just something I’m a little good at.”
You laughed and shook your head, taking a few steps backwards and away from her. “I should go back to my place and shower, get this deep-set stink off me.”
“You aren’t going to see Kirk first?”
Your feet stopped at the sound of his name. “He’s probably a bit busy.”
“He’s never too busy for you, angel,” she said pointedly, grinning from ear to ear when you groaned. “Come on! It was cute! Romantic, even! He called you ‘angel’ and kicked a man to his death for saying something mean about you. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.”
“If it was love, he would’ve let me say it.”
“Now don’t do that!” she clicked her tongue. “He was being optimistic, he was letting you know he would come back for you. This is the nonsense good books and bad movies are made of!”
You couldn’t help your peal of laughter. You shook your head again. “I’m self-pitying again, aren’t I?”
“Yes,” she nodded vigorously. “Yes, you are. Come to my place, shower there rather than walking across Yorktown to your place, and go see Kirk when you’re ready, all right?”
There was never any convincing Uhura otherwise once she’d made a decision so you motioned towards the building in which all the crew’s living quarters were situated and followed her small frame across the base courtyard.
Her room was smaller than your apartment and, because the rescue mission was meant to be short, her civilian clothes remained clean in her closet alongside several spare uniforms and the generic black t-shirt and black trousers Starfleet handed out as a courtesy.
You told her to shower first and busied yourself in the tiny kitchenette, scowling as you opened the mini-fridge to find bottles of iced coffee, a few dimpled oranges, and a sleeve of bagels with no sign of cream cheese, or any spread for that matter.
You pulled the plastic sleeve from the middle shelf and, once the bagel was warming in a chrome toaster, you leaned back against the counter.
You contemplated contacting Leonard, just to make sure he was okay— before you bombarded him with questions about where you could find Jim’s room. You then sighed and shook your head.
You thought you could contact Spock. Spock would know, Spock knew everything. He was Spock, after all. You shook your head again.
A third contemplation was in the works when a set of three loud knocks broke your reverie. You checked on your bagel, frowned at its lack of color, and walked to the door.
It made an exhaling noise as it swung open, masking your soft, personally loathed gasp of surprise at the head of blonde hair it narrowly missed. “Captain.”
He looked up from his boots, his blue eyes wide and his head tilting. “You’re here.”
You traced his features with a sense of urgency, taking in the bandaged wound at his temple and the bruise blooming below his eye. “Yeah, Nyota didn’t think I should walk to my place like this.”
“Like what? Are you hurt?” he asked, the same urgency with which you stared over him staining his voice. He walked through the doorway and placed his large hands on your shoulders, giving you a thorough one-over.
You shook your head when he met your gaze again. You smiled as much as you were able. “I’m okay, really. Your eye looks—”
“Come with me,” he said as he stared down the short hallway beside you having heard the water shut off in that direction. His eyes found yours, the blue pleading with you as if you would ever need to be convinced. “Please.”
“I have a bagel in the toaster.”
He laughed through his nose as his eyes slid shut for a moment. “I’ll pretend being rejected for the sake of a bagel doesn’t sting.”
“The last thing I ate was a nutrition bar Chekov took from his Kelvin pod,” you said, your voice soft as you took Jim’s hand in your own against your better judgement. You pulled his body towards yours before you turned around and towed him out the door which inhaled as it shut. “And it tasted like—”
“Wood chips,” Jim finished, falling into step with you before taking a half a step forward as he knew where to go. “Yeah, they’re just meant for sustenance rather than taste and sustenance.”
A part of you wanted to stay in Uhura’s room and fought with you to go back. It was safer there, safer in your pond of unresolved uncertainty that might have shook your nerves but kept you guarded, kept your comfortable self-loathing intact.
You thought for a moment that maybe you didn’t want answers, maybe you didn’t want to know if Jim reciprocated your feelings and if there was still a chance things could work— maybe the pond’s warm, murky water was better than the ocean of reality Jim was leading you toward.
The pond’s warm uncertainty couldn’t break your heart like the clear, cold water of the ocean’s reality could. The ocean could drown you if it wanted in a matter of seconds, just by answering every question that’d been racing through your mind throughout the previous few hours. You could hold your own heart this way, safe from others, keeping others safe from it.
Seeing Jim and hearing his voice as he asked you to go with him was like beginning to tread the ocean’s water. You were already significantly colder, your nerves freezing over and losing their tight-hold on your control.
Sliding your hand into his was felt as if continuing to kick at the ocean’s water despite inevitable sinking. Your legs were growing tired, less able to keep you planted in Uhura’s quarters and less able to keep you from following him wherever he led you.
You sat atop the counter of his much larger kitchen, taking the bottle of water he offered you and sitting back as he hopped onto the counter so he sat beside you. You knocked your knee against his and nodded upwards when his gaze met yours.
He smiled at you and you felt your legs give up under the ocean, the water climbing and wrapping around your throat. “I had this whole thing prepared— I rehearsed it with the nurse that patched me up. But I—” he laughed humorlessly and sighed heavily. “But I don’t remember any of it.”
You looked forward again. “Prepared for what?”
“To talk to you.”
You smiled and shook your head, biting down on your bottom lip. The water was at your chin. “I don’t like the way that sounds.”
“Why not?”
“If it was good, you wouldn’t need to rehearse with the nurse that patched you up. I mean, you told me you loved me for the first time in a joke about ensigns hearing you and reporting you to Spock,” you shook your head again. The water was too clear, too close to your lips. You could taste salt. “So this just— it can’t be good.”
“That’s what you take from this?” he asked, the tone of his quiet voice practically forcing your eyes back to his. He took the bottle from your hands and rolled it in his. “What you were about to say when I was this close to plummeting out into open space, how much convincing did that take you to say? How many times did you say it in your head before deciding you were going to say it out loud?”
You shrugged a shoulder. “A lot.”
“The first time I said it, I rehearsed the joke in the mirror, asked Bones if he thought it would make you laugh, even consulted Uhura,” he told you, nodding with a reminiscent smile. “I was scared out of my mind and I still am.”
You sucked in a breath and felt yourself treading water again, the sensation in your legs returning. There was some relief, but not enough. “Why didn’t you let me say it?”
“I didn’t want you to say it only because you thought you wouldn’t see me again,” he answered, his voice even softer than before. He set the bottle of water down and took your injured hand in both of his, bringing it to his lips and kissing each of your fingers. “I want you to say it because you want to, because you want me, because you want to be with me— not because there are ten seconds left and you might as well.”
You took your hand from his and placed it under his chin, your thumb atop his lips as he kissed the pad of the digit, his eyes shutting for a moment. “You trying to trap me?”
He smiled and his eyes opened, his lips parting when your thumb moved down to his chin. “You’re kind of a flight risk.”
“I’m an everything risk,” you said, only half-joking. “For all you know, I’m only here to steal something.”
“Take whatever you want.” The seriousness in his voice made your teeth find your bottom lip again, the glint in his electric blues causing an absence of your voice. Your hand fell from his face. “If that’s what keeps you here, take anything and everything.”
There was a tickle at the tip of your nose and a pinch at the border of your throat. Before you could stop yourself, you grabbed onto the dirty black fabric of his t-shirt and crashed his lips against yours, running your fingernail across the rough zipper of the survival jacket he still wore.
It took him less than a moment to kiss you back, the emotion he poured into you with every motion of his lips almost ruining you entirely. You knew then that it wasn’t a man’s last day on Earth that inspired your kiss aboard the Franklin, it wasn’t a desire to have one last kiss.
You wanted to move closer, to feel more of him against you, but your position on the countertop wasn’t helping in the least.
He seemed to understand that, though, disconnecting your lips so he could slide off the counter and stand between your legs. He leaned towards you, his hand wrapping around your neck so it sat under your jaw, thumb against your cheek. His eyes focused only on yours, his pupils wide. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
Your heart almost broke from your chest and the ocean grew harsh again, threatening to rip the thumping organ to shreds. You shook your head and leaned forward to press your lips to his again, your fingers carding through his hair and pulling on the ends.
“You could say you’re glad that I’m okay, too,” he said as his lips brushed against yours, his nose grazing your skin.
A corner of your lips quirked up. “I’m glad you’re okay, too.”
He kissed along your jaw, sponging his lips to your neck as his teeth grazed the skin softly— you thought you might drown. His hands moved down to under your knees, sliding you towards him to hike your dress to your hips and press your pelvis to his so you gasped softly.
“God, I’m so glad you’re okay,” you sighed out, feeling his lips pull into a smile against your throat. Your eyes had slid shut, your breathing a little off. “Surprised, really.”
He ran the tip of his nose along the column of your neck, kissing your cheek once before leaning back. “Surprised?”
You traced the bruise under his eye with your gaze, drawing borders along the purple mark. You shrugged. “I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Before he could ask for an explanation, his mouth agape and prepared to, you explained, “It doesn’t make sense, you know, karmically? This much good luck, all of this… brightness, I don’t know.”
“Karmically,” he repeated, making a face at the taste of the word in his mouth. “You believe in karma?”
You shrugged and half-nodded, stifling a sigh when his fingers unzipped your boots and he tossed them aside. “If I didn’t, the things that happen to me wouldn’t make much sense. I need them to make sense.”
“And, right now, you don’t see them making sense?”
You shook your head and smiled at his immediate scowl. “But I wish they made sense.” You let out a soft breath as you placed your hand against his cheek, running your thumb over the tired skin. The blue before you was comforting as you struggled to stay afloat in the cold ocean that forced every bit of oxygen from your lungs. “I wish you made sense.”
He leaned into your hand, the tiny, almost invisible stubble managing to scrub against your palm.
“You’re so,” you began with another breath escaping you. There was a prickling in your eyes— as if the saltwater surrounding you wasn’t enough. “You’re so good— to everyone, to me. You don’t— I endangered your crew, I lied to you, I messed with Federation business, and what hurt you the most was that I didn’t give you the opportunity to help me.”
You looked away, taking your hand from his skin and running your fingers through your hair. You laughed humorlessly. “The fact that you’re still here is beyond me.”
He stared at you for a long while— silently. His hands were still on your legs, his rough fingers unable to comprehend the softness of your skin.
To him, it made sense, it was rational.
He’d fallen in love. Not because you deserved it, not because his judgement was so flawed he couldn’t see your downfalls, but because he just did— with the qualities he could see when he met you, with the qualities he unraveled as time passed.
Hell, even when he hated everything you’d done, even when you stole the beating right from his chest only to leave with it, he loved you. Through his anger, through his outrage, through the uncomfortable emptiness deep inside him, he loved you.
His heart sat between the teeth you used to cage your bottom lip, the teeth you gritted together in anger, the teeth you flashed brilliantly when you smiled— but you didn’t see it, you didn’t hear the beating that bore your name.
“What can I say to have it make sense to you?” he asked, his voice soft. He nodded upwards when you looked at him, tears pooled in your eyes. “What’ll make it rational for you?”
When you didn’t answer, he sighed. “You broke your wrist trying to save everyone on the Enterprise, you faced people that did nothing other than throw your mistakes back at you to save Chekov, to save me. You ignored every bit of your health to encourage me, to give me some hope about my odds. You make me happy.”
“Jim, —”
“It’s not about deserving me,” he shook his head with an incredulous laugh. “But, if it was, if you need it to be, you do deserve me— and I sure as fuck deserve you.”
Something happened then. Maybe the ocean cleared, maybe the sun was bright, maybe the pond dried up— but it was easier to breathe, even in the certainty, even with your heart firmly in his grasp. It wasn’t magic— most of you still didn’t believe him in the least— but there was a renewed resolve. You wanted to believe him, to not deny any of it anymore.
Plus, you knew you would do anything to make him happy and, if that meant being his, you’d give yourself to him a hundred times over.
“Now,” he said, hitching one of your legs around his waist and placing his hands under your thighs. He offered you a small smile. “Nothing has to happen if you don’t want it to—”
You hooked your other leg around him and pulled him closer, his hips colliding with yours once more. You watched as his smile turned to a smirk, his hands tightening on your thighs. “What if I want it to?”
“And you think I’m the one that’s good to you,” he sighed before pressing his lips to yours, lifting you from the counter as if you weighed nothing to him.
Once in his bedroom, he looked you in the eye as he unzipped your dress, peeling the fabric from you and tossing it aside with a gaze so loving you thought you might melt into his plush mattress. His fingers traced every swell and dip of your body in a way so torturously gentle you thought you might catch on fire.
You were much clumsier than he was, practically ripping the jacket from his shoulders and impatiently pushing the hem of his t-shirt higher and higher. When he broke away for a moment, he helped you remove the bothersome black fabric and kissed you again as you unbuttoned his trousers.
Just as you were able to push the garment down his hips, his arm wrapped around your bare waist and he pulled you to the center of the bed.
He took his lips from yours, looking down at you with wide pupils and unsteady breaths, the muscles of his torso tensing as you ran your fingertips over his skin. He then focused his gaze on the bruises still angrily staring up at him. He shook his head at the heat now running through his veins and pressed his lips to the marks instead, running his tongue against them as if he could somehow remove the colors of hatred with an action so filled with love.
“Jim?” you said softly, your eyes struggling to open when he hummed so the vibrations of his voice ran up your throat. “Can you just—” you shook your head and took your fingers from him to comb them through your hair. Your body seemed to be rejecting your words before you even said them, your voice losing traction, your blood cooling almost uncomfortably. “Never mind.”
Kissing a line back up your neck, sponging kisses along your jaw, to each of your temples, and finally your lips, his tongue sweeping across yours for a moment much too short, his large, warm hands held you securely before he leaned away. His eyes, hooded and electric, met yours. “Tell me.”
You offered him the smallest smile, a smile that didn’t reach your eyes, a smile that hurt him just to see. “It’s okay.”
He sunk down again to kiss the smile away and hopefully inspire a genuine one. When he looked at you once more, he brushed his nose against yours. “Please?”
“Can you,” you had to take a breath and look away for a second, focusing on the edges of the closet doors rather than watching his expression as he took in your vulnerable state. “Can you say it? How you— How you feel about—”
“I love you.” His lips were parted when you let yourself look at him again, not an ounce of teasing, taunting, incredulousness, insensitivity over his features— only adoration, only enough love to rescue you from the grief in your eyes. “I love you.”
He didn’t stop saying it for the duration of the night.
He told you he loved you as he kissed every inch of your skin, he told you he loved you as he buried himself inside you, he told you he loved you as he strained himself to make sure you came undone before he did.
He whispered it into your hair, into your sternum, into the crook of your neck.
He told you twice in the span of four seconds once your breathing evened out and told you once more when your soft snoring began.
He would tell you until his voice gave out if that meant he could see your lips struggle against a flustered smile, see your eyes struggle against shutting, and feel your breath struggle against hitching, and he would tell you until his voice gave out if it meant he’d never have to watch you leave him behind again.
tagging (tell me if you’d like to be added or removed):  @outside-the-government@daughterofthebrowncoats @multifandom-slytherin @buckyy3s @cinema212 @caaptain @dani-fae  @wonders-of-the-enterprise @imaginesofdreams @the-witching-hours12-3 @kaitymccoy123 @anyakinamidala @vevsee @afluffykiwi @curiositywillbethedeathofme @arielsimaginess @captain-what-is-going-on@micheladakenzo@avengers-earths-mightiest-heroes @eufeme @buriedinfandomsandfeels@ididntmeantobutiaccidentally @avoidthoseeyes @emmkolenn @heartofdixie14 @thnk-you-fr-th-venom@captainveromendes@wickedsingularity@vadersdaycare@samaxraph99 @hiimangelique @boldlygo-ing@infinite-exist-ence@cinnamonrollwithit @pabegay1 @red-shirts-always-die4444 @artboysteve @dirajunara @purelittleblueberry
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