#love u sm... had to go ham for him
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rat-fanatic · 4 days ago
i do not know if you draw robot but can we get a threepio in these trying times .... lookong at you with my big horse eyes 🐴
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You tell me if i can draw robot. I tried my best HEHE
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kingprinceleo · 4 days ago
I am so sorry I feel like I come to your page like once every couple weeks and then go on an aggressive like spree while I dig through the aus snsndn
Was catching up on fire n water and the way I am ENAMORED,, your mind is so powerful. I had like billion questions and now have immediately forgotten pretty much all of them (smooth brain is my eternal state) but: where did sonic come from if he was adopted? And in that vein why would he be king instead of blaze?
Ty for sharing your aus with us!! I will be back... again.... inevitably <3
YAYYYY I LOVE SPREES its so silly watching someone pick a tag they like and go ham LOL
EEEE THANK UUUU i love fnw sm wahhhh
Sonic came from a hedgehog colony on christmas island ! however hes a bit more strange than that, they say he just washed ashore one day and was taken into care until the royal family chose him
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and hes the older child ! so he has more rights to the throne than blaze does, being the iblis host makes him very important
thank u for looking thru them WAHHH <33 i wait excitedly
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spacehostilityy · 2 years ago
Okie well I can't shut up ever so I'm going to compile my thoughts here on Tumblr as I rewatch nnt fom the beginning !! Also pls feel free to scream and/or rewatch with me👉👈👀
Kinda long so more thots below the cut
Season 1, episodes 1-6
I forgot how good the writing and animation are in the first season, like they truly thrived under aniplex😔 the brief white blood period in I think season 3 shows us just how good we had it
I love seeing Hawk and Meliodas's relationship, and his star Boar earring😭 plus having the Boar hat as the main location is just so comforting !!
Also I JUST realized his name is hawk because of a ham hok😭😭 this is like when I realized toe mater's name was tomato at the ripe age of 18
I miss the holy knights being powerful. Like I get that the Sins are always more powerful than them, had a long way to go in terms of power ups, and meliodas straight up had most of his power sealed but like DAMN. They were so cool in season 1 !! Gil was such a badass😭 I guess I just wish that the holy knights powered up along with the Sins
Seeing the very first episode got me thinking about the original pilot Manga (chapter 0) and how cool it might have been !! Like I love the story we got, but I do think those versions of Mel and Elizabeth maybe would have been better than the ones we got😳 like I just really like Meli's original design, I feel like he looks a bit older, and chapter 0 Elizabeth is simply superior ngl. She's funny, brave, and assertive - a lot more like Liz and goddess Elizabeth, except funnier
The first half of season 1 has one of my fave intro and outros like damn I forgot how fucking cool they were. Some of my fave songs to !! (my all time fave is def howling from season 3 part 2 (i think lol) tho)
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Like look how cool this is !!! It reminds me of this pic from the manga
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Speaking of intros, I miss the title cards !! Like look how cute this is !!
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Everytime the fiddle (?) Music plays I get SO FUCKING HYPED BRO like damn Ik it's through all the seasonal and I'm so glad it is because it's rlly the perfect hype song - here it is on Spotify
Also Gil is such a badass in early episodes, I love his strength !! This moment is the fucking coolest and you can't convince me otherwise
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Overall, I think the attention to detail is just better, the sounds the armor makes, the animation and drawings (esp background characters), Meliodas just sounds a bit older too (and I have theories on his voice here if u want them 👀)
The whole perv thing is really exhausting really quickly. Almost surprised 14 year old me made it through this as the 2nd anime I ever watched and the 1st I watched alone
I feel like Diane got shorter through the seasons. Like she doesn't compare to Hawk Mama like she did in season 1, and I think that's a damn shame. Let my giant girl be giant !!
She's also a decent bit more violent and I enjoy that thoroughly. She's just a silly goofy kween😌
Also her original costume is superior, her boots are just👌
Just realized that Meliodas was like an older brother/mentor to Gil and now they're brothers in law 😭😭
Also young Elizabeth and Gil are so cute😭 I always forget that they grew up together too
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I love Hawk, but I feel like kicking him would just be so satisfying 😔
HOLY SHIT I forgot how badass Ban is when weren't first introduced to him !!
The humming while impaled and bleeding out he really is that girl tm
He's such a masochist. A damn if it isn't kinda hot.
Wow they really introduced Diane's body issues and then almost never bring them up again
Also my plus size Diane headcanon is so real like damn. Body issues girlies are being represented by her fr😔
Ban's slutty waist. That's it. That's the thot.
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Also his pre series hair. First season reminding me why I love Ban sm
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Lowkey miss the dragon handle sword. The broken blade was so cool:( Lostvayne still cool tho
I think it's so funny how they always wore their armor as holy knights, and yet anytime they wear armor in the present time line, it just immediately cracks off😭
Really anything except pants is going to be blasted off🤪
Okay SO in episode 5, when Ban is about to get his scar from the dragon handle sword, he tells Meliodas "you and me have been hanging together for a lot of years now." This scene takes place 12 years before present (bp). Does this mean Ban and Meliodas were friends before the formation of the Sins? Or was Ban the first after him and Merlin? Ban has been immortal 20 years BP, leaving 8 years in between present and the flashback. 8 years before this scene, Meliodas was still in Danafal/Danfor and would be for another 4 years. What does any of this mean? Idk, just thot it was intriguing lol.
Also how did I not notice this is the first time we see demon!Meliodas !! Baby's first sighting as an unnatural creature with otherworldly rage🥰🥰
Also the fact we never see the scar Gil gave him again lol. Plus him presumably needing to do demon mode so hellfire can heal him is actually rlly cool
Just thought about how Elizabeth laying her hand on his chest to check the scar was the first time in years his love touches him with gentleness or concern🥲🥲
The fact that it took me 6 years to realize that when Meliodas says he'll keep the promise he made to Elizabeth, even if she should die is referencing the promise he made to her originally to break their curses🥲😬😤😭😭😭😭
6'11 Ban thinking that he even had a chance in fitting in Jericho's armor is just so... him
Diane calling Elizabeth kiddo is so fucking cute🥺
Also they definitely get away with a lot more innuendos and swears. The words badass and foreplay in the same episode? Impressive
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found-wings · 1 year ago
I love dissecting all the little details in fics and lines it's like crack to me so if you ever have like more little tidbits such as hints that allude to more when it comes to characters reactions to things and their behavior that ppl don't notice please PLEASEEEE share (no pressure LOL) bc sometimes the best part of art like this is always excerpts at the end that contain extra info and the writers thought process is so AAAAAAA amazing 🙏🙏 only if u want to tho and if it wouldn't spoil any plans u got bc omg it's the little things that puncture the hardest anyway all love from me bro this AU is amazing I am harvesting it for the season and using it to survive for the upcoming winter I love it sm - 💿
SO VALID OF YOU!!! I absolutely go ham when I see writers hint at small details and whenever I see that happening I just aggressively point at the line and go THIS!!! THIS IS SO GOOD AAAA
One of my favorite details that I’ll share from the previous writing that I had in mind is that, y‘know how the ‘still here‘ in the line ‘Phil is still here exhausted, and passed out‘??
That actually ( at least in my mind lmao ) can also very much hint and connect back to that Phil won‘t be always there and will be taken back by the Federation as many times as they see fit, and Etoiles knows, he knows that it can happen and he’ll have to watch Phil break further and further if he can‘t protect him, but he doesn‘t want to think about that possibility in that moment yet. Hence why it‘s scratched out, and yet despite knowing that he makes the silent promise of not letting Phil go back again in the end ( o7 Etoiles )
I also already have another writing idea in mind so PREPARE TO SOB AGAIN IN THE UPCOMING DAYS / J
Also I‘m so happy that you enjoy this au so much UEUEUEU
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yourgentlegirlfriend · 2 years ago
hii,, pls dont let the hatenons get thru u and make urself doubt abt how u write. no one has the right to make someone feel sht for doing something that they want to the things that they do,, like how u write the characters in a story. and ffs if they think ur making someone ooc? then they havent seen any prompts in their entire life. no matter how goody or hell of a villain the character, therell always be prompts that makes the character(s) ooc. and like what? say all of the authors stay IN character, wouldn't that just be bland asf?? this place is a plothole for fanfictions, FANFICTIONS. so why not get wild with ur imagination?? go ham because u have the will and right to just do that. isnt it cool to see other self depiction and perspective of any characters that u fancy??? like, "oh no! what if santa was all seriousness and no laugh and blah blah blah" wouldn't that be fun to see and be explored and talked or whatever. and before that hatenon use this in retaliation, "that's santa not blah blah blah" god i hope that u have the brain to be able to analyze that its an example. dont they have any creative idea??? (i mean u can practically see the answer to that). and please, ure right when no one writes RE without going out of character, have they seen the domestic written fics FOR WESKER???? tell me anon, do u THINK that WESKER would be any like that??? or like that?? the closest thing he'll ever be to "domestic" is when involving with a woman in the sheets but then again, purely and only for his own benefits and nothing more (you'd be lucky if he doesnt kill u after all that). hes the most ooc out there in RE imo when written in fanfics bc people dont stay and write him in character bc people already see and know that and thats why and what makes him ooc here. hes literally the biggest example youll see,, my god. im not saying no one had written fics without going out of character, but they make it sound as if u did the most horrible thing by going ooc. and its literally easier to just not bother themself interacting with ur works if it doesnt sit right with them,, that easy. no need to be an ahole and spread sht just bc it doesnt cater u. go write one for urself then bc not all authors write only for us people out there, they also write here for themselves so naturally, youd see and read things out of ur taste. and tbh the og charm and personality of the characters arent lost and not that ooc to me yknow.... they're still them and just like what u said, not everything's to a T when it comes to writing someone,,,. i mean i just enjoy everything yall write bc thats how it should be done here. enjoy and reciprocate to the author
oooookkkay,, this is my piece of mind, and i need to calm down cuz holy sht i just literally woke up and seen this, u having hate anons again. i did not open this app just to see u be drag down. idk man, i feel protective of anyone who encounter this. bc why make someone as miserable as u?? im just tired seeing people being dckhead to someone minding their own business and life,, plus i rlly like u and ur works (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)
sorry im anon too SHAKDISH but maybe i can be pancake anon eh? (im craving one rn 😋) fufufu, please have a good day and week and dont mind these kind of people. believe in u and ur capabilities as a writer and author here. we really appreciate you :))
hi pancake anon i love you and you stole the words right from my mouth.
Chris and leon have so much trauma i doubt they even have time to think about women it’s FAN FICTION. for a reason.
people get pissy at me for writing about the older men i head canon and i DONT GET IT
love u sm pancake anon thank you
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thelovelybitten · 2 years ago
vera's first watch of south park -- season four (part 2)
jfc i want 2 unalive... slowly
EPISODE 6: THESE THE BOYS ARE SO FERAL BYE messing w the sub with switching names NO KYLE IS SICK :’((((( MY POOR BOY NOT BUTTERS HE’S SUCH A CUTE CARD I LOVE BUTTERS SM miss information…. bffr garrison writing a SMUT FIC BYE MDFNVIFDMIMMVS miss information BYE STAN IS TRYING 2 HELP there’s only so much natural herbs can do :’( “KYLE’S MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD” SO TRUE SO TRUE CRYINGGGGG “I’LL GIVE HIM MY KIDNEY I’LL DO IT” stan would die for kyle and that’s on god babe not cartman being the only person in south park that matches kyle SMH kenny and cartman being actual kids ofc cartman won’t give it up “how much is ur life worth to u, kyle” cartman u fucking JACKASS if kyle dies i’m gonna be pissed stan worried abt kyle :’(((((( kenny >:( rightfully so garrison just come out as gay babe it’s not that hard clyde and tacos >>>> kyle’s life this is so fucked ew oh stan is serious he’s gonna get his kidney i forgot abt cartmans pig cartman is so smart okay that kinda slayed stan DON’T CRY “nobody cares if i die” KENNY THAT WAS OUTTA POCKET BUT ALSO SO TRUE MY SON “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT. SCREW U GUYS I’M GOING HOME.” PIANO FALLS ON HIM :’( very cartman of u kenny OH THEY KILLING HER OOF wait how is cartman not dead ?!?!?!/! his whole ass kidney was cut off by an eight year old oh they defo put his kidney into kyle’s bod but faked it for cartman epic EPISODE 7 Chef winning U GET THEM KING. Ending racists PERIOD who TF is this teacher Cartman winning debates ??? Weird Oh LMAO THE CLASS AGREES HES A RAT MY FUCKING FAVE KIDS ON TEAM CHEF !!! WENDY, BEBE, CLYDE AND BUTTERS. ICONS Stan obvs on his uncles side but BIG BOO WENDY GET THEM BABY WENDY TELL UR MAN HES AN IDIOT STYLE VS WENDY AND CARTMAN ??? oh this abt to be good cartman tho… fat boo Chef schooling the kiddies (style respectfully) WENDY PROTECTING STYLE SO REAL THUMBS DOWN CARTMAN BOOOOOOOO NOT THE KKK 💀💀💀💀 THE MAYOR RLY DIDNT DO SHIT oh crap leaving it up to the kids WHACK Wendy and cartman in the same frame is just giving me the ICK NO WENDY DONT LAUGH ALL CUTELY AT HIM EW no bc cartman and Wendy together makes me physically I’ll wtf KENNY EATING THE MINTS “FUCK YOU” so real “I don’t think we stand a chance in this debate bc Wendy’s leading the other side” “Dude, ur just saying that bc she’s your gf” TRUE AND REAL Kyle so real for that omg OH SHIT KENNY NOOOO HE EXPLODED NO CRYING not Wendy & Cartman again LORD ARE U TRYING TO TEST ME I WANNA OFF MYSELF WHY IS TREY AND MATT GIVING WENDY AND CARTMAN AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS ARC HES EVERYTHING SHE HATES AND VICE VERSA STAN PLS COME COLLECT UR GF IM GONNA THROW UP MY DINNER NOT THE HAND TOUCH IM UNALIVING I CANT I FUCKING HATE IT HERE NOT WENDY FANTASIZING CARTMAN I WANNA SKIP IT SO BAD BUT I NEED TO HAVE AN HONEST FULL REACTION NOT THE ROLL DOWN THE HILL WENDY WOKE UP IT WAS A DREAM THE LORD SAVED ME FROM THIS HELL Wendy me too bc what the fuck Dunks head in water me too Wendy seeing cartman everywhere and haunting her NOOOOOO Wendy “please don’t let this be happening” I WISH IT WASNT BABY GIRL This KKK stuff is weird “BEBE IM ATTRACTED TO CARTMAN” Bebe IMMEDIATELY SCREAMS THATS MY DAUGHTER SHES THE MOOD no but Bebe is me rn BEBE NO DONT TELL HER TO KISS HIM ?!1?1!1) THE FUCK ARE U DOING Wendy PLEASE DOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT I DONT NEED THAT IN MY BRAIN PLEASE IM BEGGING WHAT WOULD STAN THINK ??!?!? WENDY ARE U DELULU STANS LOOK OF CONCERN AS HE LOOKS AT WENDY STUTTERING AND PANICKING NO WENDY ARE U FUCKING FOR REAL NOOOOOO STANS FACE NO IM BREAKING IM DESTROYED IM IN SHAMBLES HIS SAD FACE NO STAN IM SOBBINGGGGGG cartman feeling so smug abt Stan’s girl kissing him I know stan is gonna go HAM ON HIS ASS Stan still upset NO I HATE IT HERE I HATE IT CARTMAN IS ADDING FUEL TO THE FIRE TEASING STAN OH STOP IT STAN IS STILL SHOCKED STILL. S T I L L S T I L L S T I L L IM SOBBING AT STAN 😭😭 CARTMAN HAS FEELS FOR WENDY OH FUCK defo my least fave episode out of all seasons so far
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quirkle2 · 2 years ago
Would it be uncomfy if I asked you to just go ham about qpr?
Can be Ledge and Wars or just in general.
It's just the way you write it and draw it is...insanely comforting and I'd love to hear more.
Also your creativity is absolutely amazing and warm and I love your work so much
NOT AT ALL i love talking abt them and qprs sm i've got u
i think it's the little things that get me ? like,,, wars and ledge both smile when the other enters the room. when somebody mentions their partner in convo they grin at the simple thought of them. there's quick forehead kisses and mini hugs all throughout the day; little glances behind the others' shoulder, watching each other's backs; little use me as a pillows and i bought this cuz it reminded me of yous and Just Because gifts. they r in platonic love in every sense of the word and there's just smth rly rly comforting abt that
it's rly comforting to Them, especially ? in my head they're both Probably Aro but there's ? a little part of them that kinda Yearns for something similar to that? they want a Connection, but neither of them have ever felt that or had the ability to feel that (at least, romantically). neither of them have ever Met anybody they felt that close to
this might be straying vaguely into an internalized homophobia deal ?? a little bit (that might be the wrong term)?? but sometimes they couldn't help but wonder if there was,, something Wrong w them, yaknow? of course there Isn't, but when ur different from everybody around u sometimes that's how it goes. i feel like they were both maybe,, driven to avoid those things altogether, even though parts of them rly, so so badly wanted Something Like That
qprs r such a wonderful thing ?? love is not a straight line that goes friend -> best friend -> lover. platonic love can be just as strong and just as powerful, as mushy and cliche as it sounds, and when wars and ledge finally felt that ?? you've heard it before—they felt like they were on top of the world. it's ?? such a nice experience
they came to terms w the fact that No there was nothing wrong w them—there never was—and even if they had never felt that love there still wouldn't have been smth wrong w them. they r just different than most!! and that's wonderful!!!! they slowly learn that and r accepting themselves and each other :)
sometimes they both still get excited about it. wars will be sitting there and he'll suddenly think "i am in a qpr and i have a qpp and he is wonderful and i lovehim so very much" and he'll get all smiley and giddy and it'sSUCH a fucking experience . and legend ??? god sometimes he doesn't even know how to compute it. sometimes it's all Too Much (/pos) and he just wants to squeeze wars like a stress ball /aff
i rly love thinkin about the different ways they show that giddiness ? that Full feeling of like,,, appreciation and disbelief that u cannot contain. wars tends to wrap himself around legend and smooch his noggin a million times. kisskisssmooch kise kiss mwah mwah mwahkiss mwah mwah mwah. sneaks up behind ledge while he's making a sandwich and makes him get jelly on the counter because legend is currently being Bombarded w 178 Forehead Kisses
legend has a much harder time releasing and conveying that kinda stuff. sometimes he Does just straight up hug wars and Squeeze him but also sometimes he leans into him ? bomks his head against wars' shoulder, against his arm, very gently to his forehead . like a cat. i love you. bomk. i love you again. bomk. give me attention. bomk
they make each other snacks. they totally have that thing where like . ledge makes wars tea and pancakes and they taste amazing but if wars makes Himself tea and pancakes exactly the same way neither of them taste nearly as good. it's about the Love and Care that went into them. look it up it's true
i think i've mentioned it before but one of my fav things to think about is wars reading late at night and ledge snugglin up to him ? my wonderful adored cherished qpp made this for me that shows them all snuggled up together and i love and appreciate that piece oh so much . that is a Routine for them and legend sometimes sees wars nodding off while trying to read—eyes drooping while he's all leaned up against legend and barely holding the book up enough to see the words anyway. silly willy,,,,sleepyhead
^ if ledge wasn't awake to put his book and glasses away, they both wake up like that :) all cuddled up with the book still in wars' hand, glasses crooked on his face (lucky he didn't break em,,) the coziest of mornings . i enjoy thinkin about sleepy mornings where they both lie there and simply play w each other's hair and doze
wars gets giddy about calling legend his partner sometimes too :) he doesn't rly get a lot of chances to call him that out loud, but when he does he smiles so wide,,,,,, sometimes he says it in his head and melts. my partner,,,, legend is my Partner!!!!!!!!!ohm y hylia,,,
^ legend will never admit it but he does that constantly in his head . wow that's my partner . he isliterally just sitting there but that's My Partner. wow.wow. hyrule once witnessed him say to a clerk "yeah i'm gettin' this for my partner he loves candles" and he's got that Smile when he says partner. hyrule is sworn to secrecy and his very life is on the line if he tells a single soul /hj
i!!!!!! wanna talk about the others real quick and what They think of the qpr . they r so happy for them,,,,,,,,,,,,my god they r so happy. the chain can tell both of them are MUCH happier with each other and legend is looser and wars is more laid back,, it's just so nice?? time especially just,, loves seein his boys so happy. he takes comfort in the fact that his boys r okay and content and Enjoying themselves. he loves seein legend so smiley sometimes—Loves seeing wars loosen his shoulders and sneak through those walls. he Adores seeing wars finally have somebody close—at the beginning of lu wars had a certain,, sadness in his eyes. that went away the closer he got to the chain and to legend. the bitterness faded from ledge's gaze a little, even. they Both needed each other and now they have each other and the entire chain is so genuinely happy for them
lastly . i Have mentioned this one, but wars kissing legend's knuckles and rings in private moments has me in Tears okay . legend fully melts—doesn't know how to compute all that so he just sits there and stares and Melts. he turns so red and wars gives him such a warm smile. those r such nice moments
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
What's your favourite type of bird? I...‘ve never really had a favorite bird. How many friends do you have on Facebook? Good for you, I’m not feeling lazy to check tonight. 629. What was on the last sandwich you ate? This question was also in another recent survey I took haha. Ham and cheese. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? It was punk rock that mostly carried me through high school, but I also listened to some pop rock and alternative rock from time to time. Do you prefer gold or silver jewellery? Silver. I reeeeeeally am not into gold.
Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? Yes. How far away is the closest store to your house and what is it? There’s a 7-11 and a drugstore just across the main gate of our village, but you have to take a u-turn to get there because it’s in the main highway.
What is your favourite Thai dish? Pad thai and green curry. How many contacts do you have in your phone? Too many. There was a time when I used Gab’s number to sign up for some stuff online so her contacts got synced to mine as well, so it doubled the amount of contacts on my phone. When was the last time you made out with somebody? Tuesday night. What month of the year was your mother born? September. Do you have any friends that seem to know all the hot gossip? Kate, but she graduated and she’s working now and not very gossip-y these days :’( Second to her would probs be Angela. Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? No, I don’t really spend on candles. What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? Just Friends. I want to continue watching Queer Eye, though. When was the last time you went to a birthday party? I’m not sure about birthday parties per se but the last celebration I went to was the birthday dinner Angela hosted at Frankie’s. How many apps do you have on your phone? Meh, I have quite a lot and now I’m too lazy to count. What pet names do you use with your significant other? I’ll take a pass at this question lol. Do you have to wear a name badge where you work? I don’t work but some college buildings are stricter about IDs than others, yeah. Do you have a dress code or have to wear a uniform where you work? There is no dress code in UP, which is one of the reasons it’s the best (and top) school in the country. What brand is your toaster, if you have one? We don’t have one because we wouldn’t really use it if we got one. Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? I guess I am dating one now. Gab started vaping recently and I hopped on the same train not long after. LOOOOOOOOOOL I am such a CLOWN Are there any movies you've seen so many times? Two for the goshdang Road. And the first Twilight movie. What was the last thing you purchased with cash? Pad thai and this iced drink called choco coffee at a Thai food stall in school. I don’t usually treat myself to that much food but it was my last day of school before the 5-day weekend started, I had just finished a brutal workout in PE, and I just felt like I deserved some kind of reward. Can you hear anything right now? The whirring of the electric fan across me. Is there anybody else in the room you're currently in? Nope, just me. What's the name of the store you usually get your groceries? We don’t have a permanent grocery but my mom would typically go to SM groceries or in a local grocery called Freshto that’s really near our village. Would you rather travel to Japan or Scotland? Japan. Does your house have a porch/balcony? It originally had one, but we refurbished the balcony and turned it into my brother’s room. We still kept a part of the original balcony intact though because it’s where my dog got used to peeing, and we didn’t want him to lose that space. We might’ve lost the balcony but we still have a rooftop if we wanted a view. What's your usual order when you go to a coffee shop? It depends, because the coffee shops I usually go to each have different drinks that I like; like I’d get an iced caramel macchiato in Starbucks, an iced mocha from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, an iced hazelnut drink from this other local cafe we go to, etc. But I think in general, my security blanket is caramel macchiato. Have you ever seen a theatre show? Not a professionally-produced one. I’ve seen many recitals and amateur productions, though. What was the last movie you saw and who did you watch it with? El Camino. I watched it alone. What is your mother's first name? Abigail. Do you like to dance? Only when I’m super super super tipsy, haha. And even until then it’s still a hit-or-miss if I’ll end up dancing. It’s just not my thing, overall. What's your favourite type of bread? Brioche. Do you receive catalogues and brochures in your mailbox? As far as I know, we don’t.
What colour is the sky right now? Black. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Nope, my parents didn’t do that to us. We obviously all have the same maiden names, though. Have there ever been any bushfires/wildfires in your area? No. Have you ever taken a ride in an ambulance? Nope, never happened. How would you label your sexual orientation? Demisexual, which is under the umbrella of asexuality. When was the last time you took a nap during the day? Just yesterday. What did you have to eat for dinner last night? I skipped dinner last night because of my toothache, so I stuck with the potato chips that my sister had bought that day but never got to finish. Have you ever been a member in a band? Nah, I never really wanted to be in a band. I wanted to learn the drums, but it didn’t mean I also wanted to have a band of my own. Are you double-jointed? I am not. What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee. Do you currently have any bruises on your body? Not right now, no. Or at least none that I know of. Who was the last message you received from and what did they say? “Impossibleeeeee” from Gab when I told her I saw someone selling AirPods for way cheap. They were selling it for P2,400 or something like $46 lmao it’s ridiculous. What colour are your eyes? Black. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No I can’t. Do you consider your goals easily achievable or are they pretty grand? They’re pretty grand. What's your favourite kind of accent? You know how Claire Foy speaks in The Crown? That’s my faaaaavorite accent. What time does the sun go down where you live at this time of the year? By this time of the year, the sun sets preeeeeeetty dang early. It’s completely dark by 5:30 PM. Do you prefer beer, wine or spirits? Spirits, def. I hate the first two, especially beer. When was the last time you ate Mexican food? A couple of weeks ago. My mom has loved this Mexican place for ages and so we went there for lunch. Have you ever watched yourself on video? Of course. I think that’s pretty unavoidable by the time you’re 21, lmao. What time did you wake up today? I woke up at 11:30, probably because I took two painkillers the day before. What time will you go to sleep tonight? I have no clue. I still have an entire cup of coffee to finish, so we’ll see how that goes. Do you have separate emails for personal and business? Kinda? I use my personal email for social media stuff, and my school also provides us with our own emails for more academic, serious-y, professional matters, but not necessarily business. Are you the eldest, youngest or a middle child? I’m the eldest. What's your favourite vegetable? Broccoli. What colours are you wearing today? A grey sweater that’s like 4x my size. Do you have a subscription to any streaming services like Netflix? I use Netflix and Spotify but I’m not the one paying for both. Would you rather eat Italian or Indian food? Indian. Are you sitting, standing or lying down right now? I’m sitting up on the couch. Have you ever missed a flight? Nooooo no no my parents would make sure that never happens. Are you someone who always needs a coffee before you can function? No. I can do fine without coffee. Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them? I’m sure some of them do, but seeing as I don’t really talk to our neighbors, I obviously have never met their pets. When was the last time you washed your hair? This afternoon. What colour is your bedroom door? Brown. Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? Yeah, I saw the super blue blood moon last year. Pretty fucking wicked. Do you know your significant other's passwords? I know the password to her laptop, but that’s it. What was the last thing you said aloud? “Nope, I’ll do it” I told my sister when she asked if I wanted her to turn off the AC in the living room. Do you know anyone who writes huge essays when they message you? Not really. People tend to type in short, quick messages when they wanna say something long haha. What's your favourite type of salad? Spicy tuna saladddddd.
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werenzki · 8 years ago
Zach Werenski #2.2
Anonymous said: Love your mini zach werenski series sm!!!! Keep it up !
Anonymous said:Please please please pleasseeeeeee continue that zach werenski story it's so so cute I love him and your writing is amazing !!!!!
A/N: thanks for the love on the first part of this little series, hopefully i can continue to get inspiration and finish this little summer series in a few more parts. also sorry if my smut sucked, haven’t written that kinda stuff in a while .. requests are still open :)
warning!!!! there’s smut in the first half of this imagine, so sorry if that makes u uncomfortable or whatever lol
Word Count: 2,530
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You woke up to the sound of bird chirping. When prying your eyes open, the sun was shining through the curtains and filled the room with the bright new day ahead of you. As your mind woke up you could hear the sounds of people in the kitchen, the rustling of dishes and laughter from friends.
You lifted up your head from the pillow and rolled over to see Zach fast asleep beside you. His hand that was resting upon your bare hip grasped onto you while you turned the rest of your body to face him completely. You inched closer and closer till your face was in front of his.
For a moment you just stared at him. You took in the little features of his face, not only just that heart stopping scar on his left cheek, but also the few freckles across his face and how his eyebrows pulled together as his strong arm brought your body closer to him. You giggled and snuggled into his warm body.
“Go back to sleep,” he muttered.
“There’s a whole day ahead of us,” you stated with a smile while backing away a bit to look at his face again. His eyes were still shut, clearly determined to get back to sleep.
“There will still be one in a few hours when we get up,” Zach said. His morning voice still got to you, making your stomach do flips while you bit down on your bottom lip.
“You’re not wrong,” you sighed.
Zach wrapped his arm around you and then shuffled some more so his face was further into the pillow. You just laid there and watched him, knowing very well you weren’t about to fall back asleep. You were sure he knew this too. Once woken up, you were up for the day and wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep.
Some days you could stay in bed with Zach and just relax till he got motivated to get up, but then other days you were well rested enough and ready to get on with your day. Today was one of those days. And you were about to cause hell on Zach’s morning, in the name of ‘best summer ever’ or whatever.
You looked down at his lips, then smiled, before placing a kiss on his nose. Zach’s eyebrows pulled together again before you put a hand on his cheek and then kissed his soft lips. Only for a second was the kiss soft and innocent, but then Zach seemed to be wide awake and deepened the kiss till you were on his lap and his hands were up the baggy shirt you had thrown on sometime during the night.
“Shower,” you muttered between kisses. Zach nodded but kept his lips on yours, then he was holding onto your tightly and getting out of bed. You screeched but then laughed while throwing your head back as Zach kicked open the ensuite bathroom.
He set you down on the counter and then turned around to turn on the shower, letting the glass door shut behind him afterwards. When he turned back around he gave you a smug look and ended up standing between your legs. It wasn’t long before his lips were on your again.
“Can’t shower in this,” he said while pulling on the shirt you had on. Then he pulled it over your head and you were naked right there on the bathroom counter.
“Can’t shower in those either,” you pointed to the briefs that he had on and hooked a finger into the band. The room was starting to steam up from the hot water pouring from the shower.
Once Zach was out of his briefs you both stepped into the shower and rinsed in the warm water. Your back was to him while you picked up the shampoo bottle and opened the cap. Just as you were lathering the shampoo into your hair, Zach’s hands found your waist and spun you around. Opening just one eye, you couldn’t miss the lustful look in his.
“If I get soap in my eyes, I swear to god I’ll kill you,” you threatened while dipping your head back into the stream of water. Zach chuckled before lowering his head and kissing your neck, then his lips got lower and lower and lower.
A moan escaped your lips as his brushed over your sensitive nipple. You could feel the smirk of his on your skin. Quickly, you brought your hands to your hair and rinsed out the shampoo while Zach’s mouth wasn’t quite done. His tongue decided to join the party now, making you moan again and your back arch. His hands were firm on your back, pushing you into his body before reaching down between your legs.
“Zach,” you breathed.
“Shh,” he mumbled into your neck before kissing the wet skin again. You bit down on your lip as his hand made movement, oh so gently swiping over your inner thigh - so close it made your breath hitch in your throat.
You swallowed hard, opening your eyes then to see him staring right back at you. Then he made his next move, causing your lips to part and heart pick up pace. As his movements got faster, your eyes shut and you couldn’t control the sounds coming from you any longer. Your fingers dug into his shoulder as you felt yourself getting closer.
“Oh god,” you moaned before releasing your grasp on his shoulder. Your breathing was unsteady, heavy, as you looked back at him. He wasn’t done yet.
You grasped onto his shoulder again and then you were being lifted up, then slowly inched back down onto him. A groan came from Zach while you were biting down on your lip again to keep quiet. As the warm water rinsed over your bodies, every inch of your body felt like it was on fire. Like it did last night, or any time Zach’s hands were on you.
As his thrusts got faster, harder, you knew he was getting closer. You knew him pretty well by now. When his head tilted back, you reached forward to kiss his jawline and then he was groaning again and you felt warm inside. He slowed down, putting you back onto your feet while the water caused your hair to fall into your eyes. Zach’s eyes were still closed as you placed your lips to his. The kisses were slow and lazy now, but still just as perfect.
“That was amazing,” Zach said.
“Mhmm,” you hummed and kissed his jaw again. You felt like you were on cloud nine.
“So good you can’t talk, hey?” Zach questioned in a teasing tone.
You opened your eyes and whacked his chest, “get over yourself,” you said and stepped around him to grab the men’s shampoo that was beside yours. Zach laughed in response and then took the bottle from your hand.
As he was washing his hair you opened the glass door and stepped out, grabbing one of the large white towels on the rack and wrapping it around you. You walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, grabbing ahold of your phone before sitting down at the end of the king sized bed. After browsing on your apps and such, you got changed into your plain black bikini and then threw over a white tank and jean shorts. Summer outfits were by far the easiest thing and you loved it.
“We’re going out on the boats today right?” Zach asked as he entered the room with a towel around his hips.
“Yes,” you nodded and laid down in the bed. You continued to play on your phone while Zach picked through his clothes, taking much longer than you did, and finally decided he was set for the day.
You followed him out of the bedroom, eyes glued to your phone while editing a post for your Instagram, and into the kitchen where pretty much everyone else was. Bacon, pancakes, ham and an array of fruits were all over the counters while a line formed to fill plates.
“Good timing,” Zach said while grabbing a plate. He passed it to you before grabbing another for himself.
After indulging in a full breakfast, everyone got themselves ready and headed down to the dock where the two boats were. Zach hopped onto one and then turned around to give you a hand. You smiled at him and then took a seat in the back along side Nicole and Jessica. Zach then helped Brad with the cooler of drinks, setting it down just to your right.
Brad started up the boat, his buddy TJ at his side with the AUX cord to start bumping some music through the speakers. Dylan was the last to jump onto the boat before it went flying out into the open waters of the lake. Zach took a seat beside you and you threw your arms around him, resting your chin on his shoulder as your hair flew back in the wind and you watched the waves crash as the boat zoomed around.
Dylan was first on the wakeboard. You had a beer in hand with your legs crossed and Zach’s arm around you while you laughed at Dylan’s’ attempt to get up the first time. After Dylan, TJ went, then Jessica and then Zach - which you took out your phone and took a video to post on your Instagram story. When Brad got out there he was doing flips and tricks, which also deserved to be on your story, then it was switched for the tubes. All your followers were going to hate how long your story was today with the amount of videos and photos you were taking.
After tubing was all said and done, you undid the life jacket and slide out of it before brushing your fingers through your hair and taking another sip of your beer. You were on your second and already feeling pretty buzzed. The other boat had joined beside you for a moment, both bumping along the waves as the music clashed and people made moves between each boat.
“Let’s lay out on the front,” you said to the girls. Now consisting of Jess, Nicole and Kim. They all agreed and you all grabbed drinks and some towels.
Getting around to the front, you set up the towels and then laid down on your stomach. Even though you were tanning quite well already, you were more than okay with soaking up some rays in the few hours you knew you’d be on the water.
You and the girls made some conversation, but then you shut your eyes and relaxed while listening to Florida Georgia Line sing along through the speakers. You could also hear the boys laughing and joking, some splashes meaning that they were jumping off the boat and into the water now. These days were only proving why summer was the best season for sure. Besides no hockey, it was pretty damn perfect.
“Oh my god,” Jessica was suddenly screeching and your eyes flew open. Turning over you were met with a grinning Zach, and that twinkle in his eyes only meant trouble.
“Zachary,” you warned as Brad was throwing Jessica into the water. His grin only grew while he bend down and picked you up. “I swear to god, Zachary-” you shouted till you were being thrown into the water.
You held your breath and swam up to the surface, pushing back your hair and blinking away the water as you kicked your feet to stay up. Your lips were parted as you watched the boys all double over from laughter. The only girl left untouched was Kim, but she was giving TJ a death glare warning.
“I’m not joking when I say you’re not getting laid for the next week, Zach,” you seethed, shouting over your shoulder while swimming to the back of the boat where the ladder was.
As you lifted yourself back onto the boat you saw Jessica reaching into the cooler and pulling out a Palm Bay. She too was soaking wet and upset about it. Nicole was sitting at the table with a towel around her and her phone in her hand. Good too know you weren’t the only one upset.
With your eyes set into a narrow glare, you made your way back to the front of the boat and were met with a giggling boyfriend. He reached out for you, smiling now, and obviously looking for forgiveness. “Come on babe,”
“Don’t babe me,” you shot back. The guys all ooo’d around you and you smirked then, crossing your arms at your chest as Zach pouted.
“Dog house for Werenski,” TJ said behind you.
“It was funny-” Zach was trying to explain himself, but you quickly grabbed onto him and pushed him over the edge. Everyone lost it, laughing and shouting as Zach reached to surface.
You smirked down at him while bending down to reach for your towel, purposely leaning more forward to give him a show before you wrapped the towel around you and grabbed your phone. As you made your way to the back of the boat Zach was climbing up the ladder and met you before you could walk passed him and sit beside the girls.
“We even now?” He asked, peering down at you through his thick wet lashes.
You tilted your head to the side and then smiled as his hands rested on your hips. “Fine,” you muttered.
“So that whole, not getting laid for a week thing,” he said while brushing back your wet hair. You shrugged in response. “Come on, after this morning, you really think you could give up sex for a week?”
You glared at him but as he smiled you broke, chuckling and then leaning up to kiss him. He smiled through the kiss for a moment before deepening it and wrapping his fingers into your tangled up hair. You could hear the heavy steps of the guys making their way to the back of the boat.
You broke from the kiss as TJ opened his mouth again, “looks like he’s out of the dog house, and I owe you $10,” he said to Brad.
You furrowed your brows and leaned against Zach. “For what?” Zach asked, bringing both his arms around you.
“She can’t stay mad at you for longer than 5 minutes bro,” Brad stated.
You looked up at Zach and his gaze fell down to you while everyone else went on with whatever they were doing. TJ got the boat going again while Brad switched the song to Luke Bryan now. Brad wasn’t wrong exactly. Over stupid things like pushing you into the water, you forgave Zach pretty easily. But that’s because you loved him so much.
“Hey,” you said quietly to Zach.
“What?” He smiled, making your lips turn up into a smile as well.
“I love you,” you said.
He leaned down and kissed your quickly, then bringing your body close again and kissing your head. “I love you too,” he muttered into your hair. Your heart was exploding at this very moment, you were sure of it.
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nothxnnxhbxkxrlol-blog · 8 years ago
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Never, that’s bad.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Bryce “Assbag” Walker
4. What is your favorite word?
Besides “fuck,” it would probably be “ugh” lmao.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“Why is my rash still on my face?? Ow??” It still burns and itches it’s great.
7. What shirt are you wearing?
8. What do you label yourself as?
A bitchy, yet sensitive nerd with self-confidence problems lool
9. Bright room or dark room?
d i m
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Uhhh,,, I actually think I was sleeping for once. I’m usually not asleep until like 12:30 or later wow
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
Unborn ;)
12. Who told you they loved you last?
I’m pretty sure it was my mom.
13. Your worst enemy?
My pains (there’s actually this one chick at school who I want to fight because she was abusive in a relationship with one of my closest friends and she dares to be “clueless” and acts like “oh, I’m the victim, poor me. I don’t know why you hate me.” and it’s so annoying oh my god I seriously want to fight her. ask me and I will tell the entire story).
14. What is your current desktop picture?
I don’t currently have my own computer because mine decided to shut down for no reasons and lose thousands of my photos but y’know it’s whatever. My phone’s lockscreen is a picture of flowers I took, and my homescreen is another picture of a black tulip I took.
15. Do you like someone?
Kinda? I can’t really tell.
16. The last song you listened to?
“Think About Me” by dvsn
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Uhh, Trump
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The girl I mentioned earlier (number 13)
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Monty - I’d have him love the shit outta me
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
I like my eyes?
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I would probably look exactly the same just more masculine?
And I would not be a douche bag (like Bryce “ASSBAG” Walker)
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I can make some bomb-ass fries
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Does trypophobia count?
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
A grilled ham and cheese (preferably provolone) sandwich :)
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
My bank account :) I need to put money in my savings account and I need to pay off my phone for another year and nine months or so ;) responsibility amirite
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Probably Arizona. I have family there that I haven’t seen in at least two years.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
Uhh psh idk man
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Don’t be a dick
29. What is your favorite expletive?
Still the word “fuck”
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My books
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
MmmmmmMmm save my dog Bosco from dying because he was a sweetheart
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Some unknown island ;)
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
The kid that had died a couple days ago at my school from the flu.
34. What was your last dream about?
I have no idea ?
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Clarinet? Uhhhhhhhh suure
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
No? I don’t think so?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Definitely I live in Washington and whenever it snows, I play in it (I also go to Steven’s Pass every few years,,,, I love snowboarding sm)
38. What is the color of your socks?
39. What type of music do you like?
I still have a playlist.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets because they’re always so peaceful (unless I’m doing something like chores obviously), but if I’m like at the beach then I just quietly watch the sun set over the ocean and it;s great.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don’t sports
43. Do you have any scars?
One on my knuckle from doing the dishes.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I don’t fuckin know
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My insecurity lmao
46. Are you reliable?
I like to think so
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Do I become less anxious and insecure???????????
48. Do you hold grudges?
Not really?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
All of my late-night conversations
51. Are you a good liar?
It really just depends honestly
52. How long could you go without talking?
As long as I want unless I’m mildly pissed off because then I will go off on you
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
All of them probably my third grade hair cut, it was shoulder length with straight across bangs. It looked horrible with my face shape.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Bro, I’m like a great baker and chef, of course I have. I’ve made my own cinnamon roll dough. I couldn’t finish making the cinnamon rolls because I started puking that night, but they would’ve turned out great, my mother said the dough looked good.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Nope, I’m horrible at accents.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter and a cinnamon-sugar mix. It’s real good.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
An eye
58. What would be you dream car?
I don’t know the first thing about cars so idk
One that runs well
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
No, but I would if I lived alone. I’m too shy lmao. I sing to myself alone in my room though.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
Not very often at all
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Wouldn’t a dragon be a dinosaur? Dinosaurs
64. What do you think about babies?
They’re cute if they’re not related to me/I don’t have to take care of them for free lmao I hate myself
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
I’ll just give you a fun fact about myself: I almost did roller derby (if you don’t know what it is, look it up) in the third grade.
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