#love this druid himbo
stormcallart · 1 year
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had to draw more flower crown Halsin/Niamh. Everyone in camp is screaming at them to get a room.
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stormcallart-blog · 1 year
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ty Larian for the slutty outfits <3
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lady-ginnie · 2 years
So, my minotaur druid is the son of an herbalist (who is also a druid) who taught him everything he knows.
So imagine my disappointment when I rolled a natural 1 to make a healing salve, and wound up PUTTING POISON IVY IN A MAN'S OPEN WOUNDS. I mean, it was hilarious (and the npc was okay), but considering I couldn't roll over a 10 all evening, it was also frustrating as hell, lol.
On a related note, does anyone know a dice cleansing ritual? I think I need one.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
merthur fic recs masterlist
last updated:  21 Sept 2024
aus and fusions
arranged marriage au, pt 2, pt 3
college/university au
different first meeting au
hanahaki au, pt 2, pt 3
high school au, pt 2
hogwarts au
modern au, pt 2
modern with magic au, pt 2
modern royalty au, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8
pride and prejudice au
regency au
social media au, pt 2
soulmate au, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9, pt 10
s2e10 fix it
wing fic
actor!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
bond girl!arthur
jealous!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8
pining!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9
protective!arthur, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7
oblivious!arthur, pt 2, pt 3
consort!merlin, pt 2, pt 3
druid leader!merlin
exhausted!merlin, pt 2
hurt!merlin, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
oblivious!merlin, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6
pining!merlin, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
royal!merlin, pt 2
other tropes and categories
00q fusion
5 + 1 things, pt 2, pt 3
accidental marriage
angst with a happy ending
arthur courts merlin
arthur finds out about balinor
arthur finds out about freya
arthur knows about merlin’s magic
arthur loves merlin’s magic eyes
arthur’s donkey ears
arthur returns, pt 2
balinor lives
bed sharing, pt 2
bedside vigils
comfort fics
coming out
crack, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
dragon dads
enemies to lovers
fake/pretend relationship, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
fandom iconic fics
fav aus
fav fics
figure skating
flowers, pt 2
forced proximity, pt 2
fuck or die
getting back together
getting together, pt 2, pt 3
getting together with the help of technology
hurt comfort
hurt no comfort, pt 2
kid fics, pt 2
love spells and potions, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
lovers to enemies
magical exhaustion
magic reveal, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9, pt 10
married/engaged merthur
meddling knights, pt 2, pt 3
merlin dies
merlin goes insane to get arthur back
merlin knows about arthur’s pining
merlin leaves camelot
merlin sleeping in weird places
merlin teaches arthur about sex/kissing
morgana and merlin friendship
not actually unrequited love
outsider pov
role reversal
royal balls
scar reveal
secret relationship, pt 2
time travel
truth potion
underappreciated fics
wedding stopping
wound cleaning
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nothing-but-paisley · 8 months
Anne Rice Vampires Ranked by What It Would Be Like to Get Chomped by Them
Armand – Hypnotic, irresistible. You’ll stray into a beautiful garden and never leave.
Louis – Tender, quick and painless. His victims always love him.
Bianca – A class act. Never spills a drop. She’ll tell you a joke right when she leans in.
Lestat – Who needs life when you have that 1,000-watt smile embedded in your jugular?
Marius – Hates waste and unnecessary suffering. 
Akasha – The primal fount can never be slaked.
Khayman – A total sweetheart. You can’t even be mad at him.
Pandora – Super sexy until she rips out your heart and sucks it dry like a Capri Sun.
Daniel – Starts out gentle then gets hedonistic and out of control. Might rip your head off accidentally. Sorry, Boss.
David – Terribly sorry, it’s nothing personal, you understand.
Gabrielle – Will take you down like a lioness with a goddamn wildebeest.
Mael – Marius is so disgusted that you let yourself get killed by this Druid himbo.
Claudia – Uncanny, plus you just know she is into some freaky shit.
Santino – That mildewy smell never really goes away.
Maharet – Hopefully she waits until you’re dead before she steals your eyeballs.
Mekare – [telepathic screaming]
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good lord I just finished the Vallaki chapter
I can't make too many solid plans because I have no idea how the party will be feeling by this point, but here are some notes in no particular order about running this for my PG-13 "don't make it too scary" group:
Vibes? Immaculate, love the desperate manic party energy.
"this town fucking sucks" *despondent party blower sound*
I'm giving Barovian religion a big makeover, which will take away from the demons & saints motif but will end up supporting the druids, hags, dark powers, etc.
the only horror note I really need is, "this town sucks, but at least Strahd can't get us here!"
the two hunters in Blue Water Inn are clearly dating, right?
the Baron's two attack dogs are secretly good boys who will not actually hurt anybody, the Baron is just bluffing
Victor is perfect, no notes
Fiona I respect the hustle and you win the award for most creative use of a spell, but h o n e y , n o
I'm not sure what they thought they were doing with Stella but I'm just gonna get in there and do a quick hand jive with her whole story and character thanks
Rictavio, great character, we gotta make him less racist.
Rictavio's sabre-tooth tiger... what if it was a displacer beast? c:
I love Blinsky and if we have a premature PC death, they'll end up in his shop in a puppet body and have to put up with his bullshit to get their real bodies back as a warning. everyone thought he was sooo weird and sad well guess what he's a MASTER OF LIFE AND DEATH NOW. because an early TPK is no fun, and is no fun, is no Blinsky
Vallaki hasn't hit its sad himbo quota yet so I think I'm going to rewrite Izek to just kinda fill that void
I'll only do the subplot where Ireena is his long-lost sister if my players like REALLY latch onto Ireena's whole deal
the vistani camp and the dusk elves are just... it's... it's fine I'll just... *makes a vaguely waving hand gesture* and then it'll be fine
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onmyyan · 9 months
Been playing so so much baldurs gate and wanted to submit DND considerations for your OCS, please share your thoughts on the vibes:
Caspian: cleric all the way baby. can hit things real hard AND won't let shit hurt a loved one, but if it does get past him, he'll patch you up <3 healing touch on darling so he can cradle their face all lovey dovey. Could also see a paladin, but maybe one with a very unique understanding of his oath to protect others. Maybe even secretly broke the oath but doesn't care; if he's sworn to protect life, surely the oath should understand that he WAS protecting darlings life by violently ending another one?
Gabe: barbarian, obvs. himbo energy, big and tall, flies into a rage when need be, likes and enjoys violence with as little armor as possible. Tries to drink everyone under the table in every town and usually wins, but also usually ends up in a bar fight when his drunk competition ends up a little too mouthy abt darling for his liking. Will throw darling over his shoulder when they need to run
Ricky: wizard pondering his orb but in the snarkiest way possible towards everyone but his darling. "Are you that fucking stupid??? Are you illiterate?? Why get in the direct and literal line of fire when I'm casting. You deserve that scar" vs "if I ever accidentally singe even a hair on your head, I'm going to throw myself off a cliff". Likes to read to you in your tent bc it's "easier to focus", but just thinks you're so cute when you're falling asleep listening to him <3
Marcos: rogue, baby!!! He's stealing shit off anyone that annoys him, pulling darling out of the way of traps and into cozy little nooks with him while the others scramble out of the way. The party gets stopped at a toll house and he pickpockets the guard, then undoes their trousers and ties their boot laces together for good measure.
Manny: warlock but some real freaky shit, eldritch horror type beat. He's flickering at the periphery of your vision and you SWEAR he's got tentacles coming out of his face but when you look directly at him he's all :3c . his patron doesn't come around too much, Manny picked one that specifically wouldn't be too intrusive, bc he's been planning this shit out since the moment Ricky first cast a spell. He's always wanted magic but didn't feel inclined towards the scholarly pursuit of it so much as the "deal with a devil" thing. Is trying to figure out ways to bend the deal to benefit him and darling through powers beyond mortal comprehension
Diego: druid, no question. Affinity for wolves over everything else but makes a very cuddly lap dog too when the need strikes. Probably hangs out with darling as a literal stray first and then accidentally shifts one day, ending up directly in the lap of a now very freaked out darling
Ash: long-suffering ranger in a party of city dwellers. "Put that down" "don't eat that" "for the love of- no, you cannot pet the owlbear". Secretly enjoys being the only one in the know when he gets to show off for his sweet pea and may let the others do stupid stuff knowingly if it means he looks better by comparison.
Darling could be some adventurer or innkeeper who crosses paths with one and then all of the party, who just has to go with them to finish their quest or stay safe from the town that's suddenly overwhelmed with monsters. Or maybe HER party was wiped out by some shadowy threat, and she never figures out that her new pals know more about that tragedy than they let on.
This is absolute perfection??? How did you know I been playing baulders gate huh?? How'd you know this would scratch my brain in a perfect way??
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spirits-n-giggles · 3 months
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I really enjoyed being a druid on my 1st playthru that romanced Astarion (fabulous romance) buuut I loved being a druid too much, so my 2nd playthru my character just remembered that she was actually druid after meeting Halsin, talked with Withers to switch her class, and she... accidently fell in love with Halsin after he helps her re-learn some of the magic she thought she had forgotten. He'd see her struggling to herself one evening as she tries to summon something simple, and being the well educated arch-druid he is, he asks if she'd like some assistance, and... let's just say they made a connection 🥰
I was a basic bitch like everyone else and dismissed poor Halsin when I heard he was nothing but a horny himbo but by the Gods is he so much more than that. There is so much depth and nuance to his character and I absolutely ADORED how they ended his story- especially his stand alone romance!! 😍
TL;DR I came to Baldurs Gate 3 for Astarion, but I stayed for Halsin. 💖
Enjoy this WIP because its gonna be a bitch coloring this! :)
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film-score-simp · 1 year
See, I had a Thought which the Merlin fandom might be interested in. Especially the fanfic writers.
I was browsing Pinterest, as you do, and stumbled across a few tumblr posts instead of actually looking on the site… again, as you do.
And I came to a fun idea.
So y’know how with some pieces of fantasy media they go ‘oh with the amount of stupidity here this is totally a D&D game’?
Well… that, but Merlin.
Like we already have scenes that would totally fit the bill of a D&D game. The whole scene with old Merlin and the knights with the stepping stool onto the horse is just so unbelievably D&D, and I can imagine the scene with the “..reading poetry.” as just real bad persuasion/deception rolls from both Merlin AND Arthur.
Just imagine the chaos.
Here are my personal headcanons for their classes, but feel free to debate about it:
Merlin: Sorcerer. This man is too much of an idiot to be a wizard (though he DOES get hurt enough to be one), and I reckon being a wild magic sorcerer would totally fit the bill. He’s powerful, but hijinks must ensue- thus, the wild magic. Or perhaps not. People might assume it’s wild magic and turns out it’s just Merlin thinking he’s funny.
Arthur: Bard. Immediately. He’s got paladin energy as in like the ‘Chosen One’ and also he’s a knight, but he’s so stupid and also charismatic that he just gives bard to me. Like he’s so stupid and charismatic with literally everything, that Merlin ended up liking him. Like this man is a himbo that dresses brightly.
Morgana: Absolutely a warlock. She would have so much fun with eldritch blast, and being weird and spooky totally fits her vibe later in the series. She would probably be the one to sometimes have the braincell in the party and use her magic responsibly… but also eldritch blast. You gotta use eldritch blast-
Mordred: I don’t think he has chill enough vibes for the druid stereotype, but he definitely could be a druid. Giving funky nature powers to this kid would really be a hilarious idea. Like imagine Mordred with wild shape. I also think he has the possibility of being the Dionysus kind of druid… y’know, the greek god who turned people into dolphins just because? Yeah, him.
Gwaine: Barbarian. Or fighter. He may be a knight, sure, but with the amount of bar brawls he gets into? Absolutely. The fool definitely would fist fight someone in a dark alleyway at 2AM, it’s just what he’s like. He likes to hit people and drink alcohol- it just fits his whole MO.
Percival: Also a barbarian. His entire thing is strength, and the ‘little man’ comment just screams of a man with high intimidation. He may be a gentle giant and not going for the whole stereotype of angry rage beast, but this guy can totally scare without it.
Lancelot: Lancelot is a paladin. He’s the very epitome of ‘Good Boy.’ This guy is such a Righteous knight and just a generally cool person that I think that a god straight up WOULD get in contact to have him fight for the forces of good. I love this man so much. I also love paladins. Perfect combo.
Elyan: Elyan’s a cleric. He’s caring and loyal, as well as not bullying Merlin regularly. He’s also pretty cunning so possibly rogue there as well? I’d be more inclined to lean towards cleric the most though, cause he’s one of the most chill knights and also balances out the chaos of Gwaine and Percival as a duo… they’re nuts-
Leon: Also a paladin. Less of a ‘pure and true soul’ guy like Lancelot, but more of a ‘stands for what’s right and upholds the law’ kind of paladin. Like he’s totally a follower of chivalry with all the traditional ways of doing things- always respectful and polite but just kinda a little at arms length.
Guinevere: Stereotypical druid. Totally a tree-hugger and loves plants. Also she gets to be a Disney princess now and talk to animals in forests. Living out her best life in the forest with her whole cottagecore aesthetic. Even with her becoming queen, she’s totally still a druid. Albeit a royal one now.
Gaius: Oh he’s so gonna be an artificer. But specifically an alchemist artificer. He can make healing potions and mix weird medicines together, sure, but jesus christ the old man gets into just as many shenanigans as the main group. I mean, the whole possession fiasco with the goblin is enough proof for that-
(And before anyone tells me a character’s missing, it’s been a while since I watched the series, I’m trying my best hhhh-)
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silkendandelion · 11 months
Controversial Halsin Opinion Incoming!!
Anyone still with me? Good. Halsin is daddy—this we knew, and we love dad bods, yes we do. Halsin with a belly is so so good. But what is Halsin just as much?
A himbo. He’s large, nice, and INT is a dump stat for Druids. There’s only ducks and good times rolling around in that noggin, gods bless him.
And when himbos look like bimbos… oofta.
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stormcallart · 1 year
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theladydame · 6 days
Tea For D&D: Horizon's Call Edition!
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Horizon's Call is a nautical 5E campaign on Sword & Key. Set in a world that flooded an eon ago, this campaign is full of high seas adventure and sexy pirates! Character art by Mikyl Sandoval. Saturdays 3pm PST. As usual, all tea is from @friday-tea!
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First up, everyone's favorite Murder Mermaid, Scarlett Shours! Played by @kayemcea, Siren Storm Sorceror, a former warlock. After a run of terrible patrons, Scarlett has found new love, new purpose, and new power in herself. Tart and spiced were requested.
Introducing: Leo! "Fearless and fiercely individual, worthy of admiration"
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Acacia, the centaur rogue/druid. Fiercely loyal and tolerates no bullshit. Carrying the weight of her community on her back, she's looking for something fruity and floral.
Introducing: Happy Place! "Are you longing to return to your favorite tropical place?"
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Wynni, the Sea elf artificer/bard. The shining heart of the team. Don't let her optimism fool you, her potions are potent. Notes were light and refreshing, perky.
Introducing: Pisces! "Brilliant strawberry lemonade magicians with sparkly minds and souls"
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Proximus, triton paladin/sorceror. If you took the Shape of Water and added a HEALTHY dose of Himbo you would get Proximus. He's still learning what life above the waves is like, but there might be one or two folks who are VERY willing to help. Sweet, salty, seaweed.
Introducing: Cliff by the Sea! "Juicy aquatic daydream"
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One of the many amazing NPCs the GM brings to the table this last tea is for Marcus Ash, Fire genasi Swashbuckler. Scarlett's beau and second in command. Very spicy, obvi 😉 He's also the other himbo on the team.
Introducing: Hearthfire! If you're in need of warmth, (or) a toasty friend"
(I'm going to add here that I'm an affiliate for Friday Afternoon Tea, and you can get 10% off any order using the code THELADYDAME, but honestly I'm just someone who really loves tea and super loves supporting this company because Friday and the team are so lovely)
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thetavolution · 6 months
oc meme
tagged by: NO ONE. I am ruled by no man.
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- Full name: Ingrid Ellen Sullenberger - Gender: Female - Sexuality: Pansexual - Pronouns: She/Her
- Family: -> Father: Calvin "Sully" Sullenberger -> Mother: Greta Bloodstone -> Step-Mother: Anna Sullenberger -> Half-Brother: Sebastian Sullenberger -Birthplace: Silverdale, Underdark - Job: Druid - Phobias: Gerascophobia and Thanatophobia - Guilty pleasures: She has a huge sweet tooth, loves cheesy romance novels, and she enjoys listening to some good gossip. - Hobbies: Tattooing, drawing, reading horror and romance books, going to the beach, spending time in nature, and bonding with animals
- Alignment: Neutral Good - Sins: She hides it well, but she's a coward. Everything scares her and she just forces herself to face her fears almost constantly. She's better at hiding it some days more than others. She does partake in mild drug use. I'd say it's the DnD equivalent of taking a weed gummy for anxiety. She's a druid, are you surprised? - Virtues: She's very sweet and understanding of others. She's patient to a fault. She's humble. Some argue that she's brave because she keeps going even when she's scared.
T H I S  O R  T H A T
- Introvert / Extrovert - Organized / Disorganized - Close-minded / Open-minded - Calm / Anxious / Restless - Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between - Cautious / Reckless / In between - Patient / Impatient / In between - Outspoken / Reserved / In between - Leader / Follower / Flexible - Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between - Optimist / Pessimist / Realist - Traditional / Modern / In between - Hard-working / Lazy
- OTP: In BG3, it's Ingrid/Halsin! In my original story she's in, I don't have a ship for her yet. I'm a multi-shipper, so she'll have several OTPs. One of those ships is Ingrid and @himbo-hunter-hadrian's Saverio. - Acceptable Ships: I'm always open to people shipping their OCs with her. I'd also say Ingrid/Karlach works well! - OT3: Nothing comes to mind, but I'm open to mixing and matching her with others! - Brotp: -> Karlach — Karlach would make her feel so at ease. They'd be fast friends. -> Wyll — Wyll was so charming she couldn't help but be drawn to him. He's now a very good friend and he's very mindful of her shy nature. -> Dammon — They aren't so different from one another. They're both a bit shy, although Ingrid is more so. They become good friends. - Notp: I can't think of one. As long as something isn't horrifically problematic, I'm good with it.
tagging: Anyone interested!
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Round 3
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Sir Caroline (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel):
Very cool mean knight lady
Alé (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel):
Snarky swordsman. So pretty he gave a knight a sexuality crisis. ACAB.
Guys please vote Alé!! He's trans he has one arm he's the best swordsman every druid ever loves him so they always help him. He's friends with the trees!! Is that not so sexy!! The giving the knight a sexuality crisis was mostly because said knight is a himbo who thought he couldn't be bisexual since his best friend/rival is bi but Alé deserves this in his own right, himbo knights aside
If you didn't vote Ale it's because you never heard his voice
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redstringraven · 2 years
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thought i'd participate in tmntvday since i've done some art of these two but haven't properly introduced them yet or whatever. OTP questions/prompts for week 1 under the cut!
[ID: a digital drawing of raph and a taller, purple-haired girl (gwyn, an oc). they're sitting on the ground in 'opposite' directions, raph reclined so his back and head are resting in her lap and he's looking up at her, smiling. she's smiling back down at him, and they both appear relaxed and at ease with each other. /END ID]
1) in which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
the 2003 iteration because that's the only sandbox i play in.
2) introduce us to your OTP.
the idiot turtle is raphael and the lady-himbo is gwyneth. raph is from 3rd earth, and gwyn is from liáfsini, which is a world of my own making/kind of a world-between-worlds or nexus situation.
3) how did they meet?
in the most blunt, nutshell and to-the-point way possible: gwyn and her twin-sister-trapped-in-a-weapon are on the run from this druid (darach) from liáfsini, and she happened to cross onto earth. one of darach's hench-critters mistook casey for gwyn, the boys got wrapped up in a fight, gwyn intervened because she was like hey i probably shouldn't let these guys get wasted, they beat the hench-critter and got a chance to talk after.
they didn't really get along at first on account of raph being protective of his family and suspicious, so he was asking questions, and gwyn being paranoid about their intentions and not liking that she was being asked so many questions. terrible job everyone. ...again, this is an extremely condensed version of events.
4) how is the relationship now?
again, i feel like i have to give a very condensed version because there are a lot of moving parts, here. but essentially they're doing great. gwyn and raph develop a high level of trust and respect for each other, which then leads into a slow-burn/careful cultivation of more romantic-leaning feelings. they don't have much of a 'pining period', it's much more small 'pebbles' being thrown at each other's windows.
eventually one night at the farmhouse they catch themselves staring at the other a bit too long and both them realize kind of at the same time "...--oh fuck", awkwardly go their separate ways for the evening, but in the morning when neither of them act differently around each other they silently agree "...okay, let's try this" and step into a relationship. how long it takes everyone around them to notice the shift is anyone's guess because neither of them are much for PDA.
5) what is each other's love language?
raph's love languages for 'giving' are acts of service and quality time. gwyn's for 'giving' are physical touch and acts of service.
raph's love languages for 'receiving' are words of affirmation and physical touch. gwyn's are words of affirmation and quality time.
quality time and acts of service are the two that tend to be the most prevalent in their relationship, giving or receiving.
their own, personal, 'love language' is taking naps together. neither of them are people who trust easy or like appearing 'vulnerable’, so the act of sleeping in the same space as one another is a big gesture for both of them. and raph’s snoring doesn’t bother gwyn that much; it actually almost tethers her to the present and makes it harder for her to slip into a night terror or experience sleep paralysis.
6) do they get married or have any kids?
no and no. i don't think the concept of marriage is important to either of them, even if they could probably do it in liáfsini. i can see them doing something to symbolize that they're together--like, the concept of rings but something different and tied to liáfsian culture--but actually going through with legal/official marriage or a ceremony? nah.
as for having kids, they can't biologically have kids of their own, and i don't see them actively looking to adopt, either. best chance of them having a kid is "what's with this sassy, lost child?" and accidentally wind up found-family adopting some snarky orphan on a mission or something idk.
7) what is your favorite thing about this pairing? (gush as much as you want!)
*just kind of stands here with my microphone* ... disaster bis on the ace spectrum. goongala. *the crowd goes wild*
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a-lilguy · 7 months
My ranger Tav gives Halsin BIG bedroom eyes whenever they kiss
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(Astarion is their other boyfriend and I fully believe he enjoys watching this dumb little nature loving himbo saunter over and turn the Very Serious Druid Halsin into a puddle on the ground)
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