#love sea ep10
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months ago
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"5 more minutes."
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witchindisguiseofhuman · 7 months ago
love sea ep 10
I loved the show ! Now please someone if there is an special episode.
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fortpeat · 7 months ago
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Love Sea - No regrets
Everyone has their fears, the fear of some important disappearing like dust vanishing into thin air.
Mahasamut was introduced to us as a boy who is wild and unpredictable like the ocean, living up to his namesake. He loves his island and its people, and when Rak enters his life, he begins to love this mysterious, lonely man. For Mahasamut, there was no looking back. He is someone who wants to live a life with no regrets, giving his all to everything he does—including loving Rak without holding back. He never pressured Rak, sticking to the rules and agreements set by him because he respected Rak's comfort zone. But Mahasamut also made sure Rak knew his feelings, leaving no room for doubt.
We often forget how young Mahasamut is, and yet he’s been forced to grow up too quickly, making him mature beyond his years. He respects Rak’s boundaries and never pushes them.
Mahasamut understands that Rak is scared of facing his feelings, but as the timeline he set for himself drew near—the moment he would return to the island—he knew he needed to speak his truth. He never wants to have regrets. When he finally places his heart gently into Rak’s hands, we see how scared he is, yet he still takes the leap, hoping that after everything they’ve been through, Rak might accept his love.
Returning all the money to Rak was Mahasamut’s way of proving that it was never about the money for him. He just wanted Rak to love him and to allow him to love Rak in return.
When Rak pushed him away and destroyed everything they had built together, Mahasamut knew he was done. He waited an entire night for Rak to change his mind, but when morning came, he understood that he no longer had a place in Rak’s life. He refused to let their relationship revert to a mere transaction, so he returned to the island.
He never regretted opening his heart, and he has never regretted loving Rak. The tattoo he got is proof of that. Mahasamut was ready to move on, viewing his time with Rak as a beautiful chapter in his life, even if walking away tore him apart. He knew that pushing Rak would only make things worse, so he left while he still had the strength to pick up the pieces of his heart.
When Rak appeared on the island, Mahasamut was initially shocked. When Rak asked him to tie the bracelet back on his hand, Mahasamut had every right to misunderstand. Before him stood the man who had trampled on his heart and declared that he would never love him.
Deep down, Mahasamut hoped Rak had come to confess, but until Rak spoke those words, Mahasamut wouldn’t take him back. Though young, Mahasamut has his own agency and refuses to back down from his decision.
Rak needed to prove his seriousness about their relationship, and we see him following Mahasamut around the island like a lost kitten. Yet, even then, Mahasamut remained steadfast in not letting him back in—and he was right to do so. Finally, we have the confession recording, and at the end, Rak says the words Mahasamut had longed to hear all along. It’s those words that make Mahasamut run to Rak, wanting to hear them directly from him, not through a recording.
The pain of what they went through hasn’t vanished; it still lingers. But they’re both willing to work through it and move forward together.
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popontomarnie · 7 months ago
nina really outplayed everyone in love sea
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patrycarro · 23 days ago
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TS3 - Majestic Hotel (Smaller version) (No CC)
The Majestic Hotel is a hallmark of luxury and exclusivity, offering elegant rooms and classic-style common areas designed for ultimate comfort and tranquility. Guests can enjoy premium amenities, including a gourmet restaurant, a well-equipped gym, a refreshing swimming pool, and a sunlit terrace perfect for relaxing breakfasts. Ideal for a getaway filled with charm, sophistication, and attention to detail.
When I built this hotel, I completely fell in love with it, but I soon realized that making it on such a large lot wasn’t the best idea. So, I decided to create a smaller version, making it easier to use in worlds where big lots aren’t available.
I hope this version is useful for you too! 💙
Download the large version here. 
Lot type: Community, resort
Lot size: 40x40
Location: Sunset Valley
Furnished lot value: 732.299 §
Unfurnished lot value: 159.622 §
Packs used in this build: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP06, EP08, EP09, EP10
Sims 3 Rabbit Hole Rugs and Doors Complete Collection by MrFatCat.
Terms and conditions:
DO NOT claim my creations as your own.
If you want to use any of my builds in your custom world or save file, you are allowed to do so, BUT make sure to credit me as the original creator.
DO NOT re-upload my content under any circumstances; share it with your friends using my own links.
If you experience any issues, let me know and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.
Download it here. (Early access until 03/10/2025) 🤍
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El Majestic Hotel es un símbolo de lujo y exclusividad, con elegantes habitaciones y áreas comunes de estilo clásico que garantizan comodidad y serenidad. Ofrece servicios de primera clase, como un restaurante gourmet, gimnasio, piscina y una terraza ideal para disfrutar del sol. Perfecto para una escapada llena de encanto y distinción.
Cuando construí este hotel, me enamoré por completo de él, pero pronto me di cuenta de que hacerlo en un solar tan grande no había sido la mejor idea. Así que decidí crear una versión más pequeña, para que también se pueda utilizar en mundos donde no hay solares grandes disponibles.
¡Espero que esta versión también os sea útil a vosotros! 💙
Descarga la versión grande aquí.
Tipo de solar: Comunitario, complejo turístico
Tamaño del solar: 40x40
Ubicación: Sunset Valley
Valor del solar amueblado: 732.299 §
Valor del solar sin amueblar: 159.622 §
Packs utilizados en esta construcción: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP06, EP08, EP09, EP10
Sims 3 Rabbit Hole Rugs and Doors Complete Collection de MrFatCat.
Términos y condiciones:
NO proclames mis creaciones como tuyas.
Si quieres usar alguna de mis construcciones en tu mundo personalizado o save file, tienes permitido hacerlo, PERO deja claro que yo soy su creadora original.
NO resubas mi contenido bajo ninguna excepción; compártelo con tus conocidos usando mis propios enlaces.
Si experimentas algún problema, házmelo saber e intentaré solucionarlo lo antes posible.
Descárgalo aquí. (Acceso anticipado hasta 10/03/2025) 🤍
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bird-inacage · 2 years ago
bird-inacage's BL Meta Directory
For all you meta lovers out there, I've collated a master index where you can easily find all the deep dives I have written in long-form around BL shows I've watched or am currently watching. This is being updated in real time.
The Heart Killers Meta Index *CURRENTLY POSTING*
EP10: Kantbison Reunite (Acting Highlights)
EP8: The Significance of Kantbison's Safe Word
EP7: The Boat Scene 'Do you want to jump or do you want to fall?'
EP6-EP7: "You think I'd go on living if you died?"
EP4: Kantbison as "Partners in Crime"
EP4: Is Bison Playing Dumb?
EP2: Kant's Game of Deception
EP1: Early Hints into Kant's Backstory
EP1: Kant & Bison's Desire for Agency
Character Interviews (Kant/Bison Focus)
Predictions: Kant as Bison's Keys to Freedom
Character Styling Update (FirstKhao Focus)
Pilot Trailer: Initial Observations (FirstKhao Edition)
Love Sea Meta Index (10 posts linked)
Only Friends Meta Index (22 posts linked)
Love in the Air Meta Index (38 posts linked)
Only Friends (2023)
Bed Friend (2023)
The Eclipse (2022)
Love in the Air (2022)
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 8 months ago
Finally Ep10 literally waited past 2 days for this ep! get to see my beautiful perfect baby again missed him sm!
Not Syd actually flirting with someone I legit thought miss girl was either a lesbain or ace anti romantic after how she acted with Marcus but the way she’s giggling like a school girl with Luca please she’s so real for that actually but she better step away because that is mine and Marcus man go find yourself someone else that is pretty and hot and great chef only to reach Carm level!
laugh like that ever in last 3 years as she’s done wigh Luca this ep like ma’am gonna need you to step away from mine and Marcus man there’s plenty of chefs in the sea go get one of them and leave my/Marcus man alone thanks bestie yes I know he was also flirting back not her legit doing first dates Q&A even talking about her dad and how he’s her person stop that’s cute but plz leave our man alone he’s like the only one we have!
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My god the plot of the bear this szn is so mf good and so beautiful my heart actually stopped shattered at how beautiful the plot is and just to show my big huge appreciation for the amazing plot that is s3 of the bear I might have taken 100 pictures of the amazing plot!
And he’s I literally spent 20m just replaying this 5-6s scene of him and the other chefs leave me alone I love great storytelling and plots in tv had to appreciate it!
did I get teary eyed when I saw this 5s scene for sure but it could be the fact I haven’t slept all night and I’m overtired but I’ll likeee to think it’s because of him and how he’s beauty almost brought me to real tears it has happened actually a lot before but not anymore bc I’m grown adult now it would be embarrassing if I did right
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Pirate Prison Break! - EP10 of 20 - Tourist in Terrath - Can Bob escape ORC JAIL?!!
HeroesOfProvidenceEternal.com – Get free ttRPG maps, begin your own LEGEND, and become the hero you were born to be!
A dashing privateer captain, Captain Tumult Virile was born for the high seas! Having rarely met his prolific father, and raised by a mother whose heart belonged to the Ocean of Stars, poor young Tumult yearned to distinguish himself before being lost among his brood of twelve siblings. He began life swabbing filthy ship decks of the pirate lords of Brigand's Bay. Bravely saving the life of his captain by slaying a mighty sea monster using only a fork, Tumult was promoted to first mate, and eventually leader of a pirate fleet, exploring Terrath and becoming a maritime legend. After a vengeful rival captain nearly ended Tumult's life, a fortuitous meeting with Father Geno opened his eyes to a new way of life, and he replaced his flag of piracy with the Jolliest of Rogers. He now cuts a fresh path through the open ocean, baring blade and grin in equal measure, always ready for the next daring adventure!
WATCH our new weekly comedy adventure short series Tourist in Terrath! "Pulled through a portal to a fantasy land, Bob from earth is an every man, trying to get home before he gets killed, join our hero Bob for a weekly thrill!" CLICK HERE
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scribeofpnakotis · 1 year ago
Daingit I should have known it would be you 😂
Um ok here's to WIP hell I guess.
The first one is the OFMD idea I'm pretty sure you know about already but w/e. Basic plot is;
Alma runs away to sea at some point post ep10 but before the Blackbonnet reunion
She is found stowing away on a ship Ed & co are raiding
When asked what she's doing there (obviously rich kid, fairly clean and well fed etc etc) she says she's looking for her dad (just. Pretend this works with how e10 ended.)
In spite of himself, Ed is kind of invested. Life After Stede has been painfully, mind numbingly boring when it isn't just crushingly sad and he's once again desperate for a break in the monotony. Not getting attached this time though, no sir 🤡
There's a background here where since s1 Ed & Izzy's dynamic has gotten just, way more blatantly abusive, with Izzy lashing out with threats and verbal abuse (never in front of the crew) whenever he feels Ed isn't performing 'Blackbeard' convincingly enough. Most of the time, Ed's just dissociating to get through the day.
Anyway Ed decides he wants to help Alma find her dad (he has no idea who he is, she's not giving a name), with the justification to Izzy & the crew that she's obviously rich so her dad will probably pay a huge ransom to get her back.
So then there's an extended period of Alma living on the Revenge with Ed, Izzy, Jim & Frenchie & the rest of the crew
There's cute kid bonding with the crew bc I'm not made of stone, but the primary focus of this part of the story is on the dynamic between Ed, Alma and Izzy
Specifically with it mirroring the dynamic of Ed & his parents growing up
Alma= bb!Ed
Izzy= Ed's dad
Ed= His mum
So then it's Alma's POV of Izzy's abuse of Ed getting worse and eventually starting to spill over to her (Izzy generally fucking hates that there's this rando kid here now and also specifically thinks she's in the way of Ed being Blackbeard properly)
Culmination of the fic is Ed either killing or firing or otherwise doing something to Izzy to protect Alma (thematically it has to be murder but I don't like making my blorbo kill people)
This brings the parallel full circle with Ed protecting the kid he's basically adopted from a shitty violent white man in the way he wishes his mum had been able to protect him from his dad
Generic Blackbonnet Reunion Epilogue
The second idea newer and more vague but basically it's a TMA/Good Omens crossover called 'Hope, Love and Indigestion' (came up with the title first, can you tell?)
Current plot points include;
Aziraphale finds Pinhole Books while searching for a rare bible (leitners that are bibles anyone??)
The Boys(gn) adopt Gerry & exorcise Mary's horrible skin ghost & also get closure for Eric's horrible skin ghost
Something about how the Good Omens 'god' is the inverse of the TMA fear Entities, two halves of a whole that cannot exist without each other as per gomens themes about how binaries are dumb
Angels & demons are the positive entity equivalent of the fear avatars??? Maybe? Somehow?
Also I think Adam Young & Agnes Montague would get on really well
Mostly this is about how I like making A&C adopt traumatised children from other media
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11011001 · 26 days ago
RPDR 17 My Way (So Far)
EP1: Talent Show Pt.1
WIN: Suzie Toot
TOP2: Jewels Sparkles
HIGH: Lucky Starzzz
SAFE: Lydia BUTTHOLE Kollins, Arrietty
LOW: Acacia Forgot
LAST: Joella
EP2: Talent Show Pt.2
WIN: Lexi Love
TOP2: Kori King
HIGH: Onya Nurve
SAFE: Crystal Envy, Lana Ja'Rae
LOW: Sam Star
LAST: Hormona Lisa
BTM: Joella
DUNK: Hormona Lisa
EP3: Monopulence! (Design)
WIN: Sam Star
HIGH: Arrietty, Onya, Crystal
SAFE: Hormona, Lydia, Suzie, Jewels, Lexi, Kori, Lana
LOW: Acacia Forgot
BTM: Joella
ELIM: Lucky Starzzz
EP4: Now That's What I Call RuSic!
WIN: Onya Nurve
HIGH: Suzie Toot, Hormona Lisa
SAFE: Lexi, Crystal, Lana, Jewels, Lydia, Sam, Acacia
LOW: Arrietty
BTM: Kori King
ELIM: Joella
EP5: RDR Live!
WIN: Suzie Toot
HIGH: Onya Nurve, Jewels Sparkles
SAFE: Hormona, Acacia, Kori, Lana, Crystal
LOW: Sam Star
BTM: Lydia B Kollins
DUNK: Arrietty
EP6: The Sea Sickening Ball
WIN: Arrietty
HIGH: Crystal Envy, Sam Star
SAFE: Lexi, Onya, Jewels, Suzie, Kori, Acacia
LOW: Lydia B Kollins
BTM: Lana Ja'Rae
ELIM: Hormona Lisa
EP7: Snatch Game
WIN: Onya Nurve
HIGH: Jewels, Sam, Kori
SAFE: Acacia, Lexi, Lydia
LOW: Suzie Toot
BTM: Crystal Envy, Lana Ja'Rae
ELIM: Arrietty
EP8: The Wicked Wiz of Oz
WIN: Sam Star
HIGH: Onya, Jewels, Suzie
SAFE: Lexi, Lana, Crystal, Lydia
BTM: Kori King
ELIM: Acacia Forgot
EP9: Heavens to Betsey!
WIN: Lexi Love
HIGH: Jewels, Sam
LOW: Onya Nurve
BTM: Lydia B Kollins
ELIM: Kori King
EP10: The Villains Roast
WIN: Lydia B Kollins
HIGH: Lana, Sam
LOW: Jewels Sparkles
BTM: Lexi Love
ELIM: Crystal Envy
EP11: Ross Matthews vs. The Swans
WIN: Onya Nurve
HIGH: Sam, Suzie
SAFE: Lexi Love
LOW: Lana Ja'Rae
BTM: Jewels Sparkles
ELIM: Lydia B Kollins
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months ago
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ep1 // ep10
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bakatenshii · 4 years ago
I present @theygottheircages
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*clears throat*
another one bites the dust @tetsou @mindninjax
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fortpeat · 7 months ago
TongRak Mahasamut is happening
The episode was everything I wished for and more. After Lita was over there were a lot of things I wished that we got and like a dream we got all of that in Love Sea 🥹🥹
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I am an angst addict as long as it makes sense for the series and Love Sea delivered. I did not have over the top expectations coz no matter what we are not gonna get everything we want right but the knowledge that I got the things I wished for ... I am still over the moon ! 🥹🥹
Now in Lita when Sky broke up with Pai he was never a witness to the pain he put Pai through and that was one of the things I wished we had coz I wanted Sky to see that if even Pai has a heart of gold it is still capable of pain. 🥺
And in Love Sea we got Rak truly seeing the consequences of his actions and cruel words towards Mahasamut 🥺 that kind of pain doesn't go that easily so it was liberating to see Rak realize how much his words hurt Mahasamut deep.
And I am glad that Mahasamut didn't hold back on his feelings and truly spoke his mind. He is his own person and he had feelings too and Rak needed to see that. I am so relieved that we got Rak groveling to get back Mahasamut' affection tho I wished we had more of that but not enough time 🫣🫣 but I am still happy with what we got.
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Fortpeat was so beautiful and phenomenal in the emotional sequence that you will be crying alongside them (based on a true story)
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But I have to say extra kudos to Fort here coz oh my god his pain and heartbreak was so visible in each scene 😭😭 it was breathtaking to watch his performance and Peat has never disappointed me in the emotional section. These two carried this show like nobody else. They truly brought it to life with their performance and talent !
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I wished we got more of their happily ever after 🥺🥺 but I am praying that we get that in the special episode for 2 hrs or so ! I need it for survival 🥺🫣😭😭😭
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(A sudden thought - Did Mahasamut get the tattoo on his neck - which is supposedly a painful place - also it was also mentioned that he hates tattoos so my question is did he get that tattoo in that specific place coz he needed something to take the pain him his heart even atleast for a little while. Kind of like a short time distraction 🥺🥺)
I feel like there's a lot I am missing to say but it's 2am and I need sleep 🫠🫠 but in the next couple of days I will definitely be trying to put all my thoughts one by one 🤭
Until then.
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little-fangirls-blog · 5 years ago
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This was so freakin’ beautiful 😍😍😍
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reidwritess · 2 years ago
Hotd: Rise Of The Dragon
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Summary: born the only true child and girl to Ser Laenor Velaryon and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen Y/n Velaryon is thrown into a mess of drama between the blacks and the greens and has to clear her mind from all the drama. While riding close to the coastline of Old Valyria after storming out of the family dinner y/n takes a nosedive on her claimed Dragon cannibal and reappears,as it appears to be 3 months for everyone around her it was only 3 days for her. With brother Lucerys slain by her uncle Aemond, her mother mourning the loss of two children and her father in 3 days as well as learning to come to her terms that her only daughter has supposedly risen from the dead promising revenge on those who have wronged her mother
Teaser: The birth of a dragon
Ep1:Meeting The Dragonling
Ep2:Second name day Shenanigans
Ep3:Claiming the cannibal
Ep4:Little Brothers of mine
Ep5 : A GrandFathers Love
Ep 6: The day the sea snake cried
Ep7: Dragonstone is home
Ep8:the last time
Ep9:The daughter of Valyria
Ep10:A Son For A Son
Taglist: @severewobblerlightdragon
@kassies-take @evanswife1918
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luckydragon10 · 3 years ago
KinnPorsche Ep11 Lines of Power
You know the drill by now: I'm here to talk about lines of power, staging, and framing in KinnPorsche.
D: I'm a day late. Apologies. My power went out yesterday... which, as @antique-forvalaka pointed out to me, is pretty funny. Totally different line of power.
This post focuses mostly on the first sequences with Vegas, Pete, and Khun Kan (or however we feel like spelling his name today). I won't be showing anything graphic, but there's some camera angle work that is SO interesting that I gotta dive into extra detail.
I have a few fluffier images later to lighten up the post, though, I promise. 😉
More LoP posts: [Trailer] ... [Ep07] [Ep08] [Ep09 Part 1] [Ep09 Part 2] [Ep10] [Ep12]
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Pay close attention to the camera tilts (aka the Dutch angles) throughout this scene. I can't even cover everything because there are sooo many shots and angles, but I'll call out my favorite bits.
The two pics above establish the tilts. Vegas's angle tilts left, and Pete's angle tilts right. Their angles are leaning away from each other, like the opposing poles of magnets.
Be careful how you watch the scene... sea sickness may occur. There's lots of tilting back and forth, and when the cuts are fast, I feel like I'm on a boat that's rocking with the waves, very discomfiting.
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Then we get a disruptor coming in. Hello, Khun Kan (Kun, Gun, whoever the hell you are).
This shot is so severely tilted, and Daddy Scarfs-a-lot has a biiiiiig thick line of power at his back with that unobstructed column in the foreground. He stepped in, took control of the room, and is like a crushing power looming above both Vegas and Pete.
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What do we have here? Vegas is the focus in this shot, and his angle changed. THIS. THIS GOT ME.
Vegas has gone from the one abusing to the one being abused. He's taken on Pete's tilt, going to the right.
I see what you did there. I SEE IT. And I am so impressed by this choice. 🤌
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Khun Namechanger takes a deep breath, cools his emotions, and returns to practical decision-making. He brings the scene into an upright position for the moment. The vertical column to the right helps steady the rocking boat that is this entire scene (though only briefly).
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After Papa Goatee leaves, Vegas resumes his left-tilt angle.
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FIRST SHOT: Oh hey, look, the column is tilting left, so that screws up the tilts from the establishing shots, doesn't it?
In the top pic here, Pete's head serves as the right tilt. If the camera were also tilted the way it usually is for him, his head would practically be horizontal, which wouldn't be any good. So Pete's right tilt still remains in effect, only with his head.
SECOND SHOT: There we go, back to normal with the pillar leaning right. Pete's head in both shots? Parallel. SO PARALLEL. Holy crap.
This is so good it blows my mind. 🤯
If anyone decides to break down every single angle from theses early VP scenes, link me, please? I'd love to see it.
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Tableaus! Beautiful tableaus once again! (I explain what a tableau is back in Ep 5 LoP.) These really look like they could be sets on a live theatre stage.
Mostly I want to say how much I appreciate what they've done with P'Chan here.
This demonstrates a great way to accomplish a lot without any dialogue, using the staging to tell a story.
In the first shot, P'Chan is off to the side. He isn't really necessary to this conversation. Then for the Porsche scene, not only is his gun out, but he's looming like an avenging angle.
Peak comedy.
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This is my freebie for this post. I haven't gotten a freebie for ages.
It's pretty. I like it. I could stare for hours.
Oh, and there's a damn reflection again. This show drives me mad.
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Tankhun is so big here, and Porchay is so smol.
Tankhun's size is emphasized in multiple ways:
Tankhun can't even fit in the frame — the top of his head is getting cut off, emphasizing his stature.
Tankhun is in the foreground, whereas Chay is in the mid-ground.
Tankhun's fluffy jacket more than doubles his width.
These details all add up to make Chay look even more child-like than usual, out of proportion to Tankhun. His smolness is perfect for a scene where Tankhun basically adopts Chay as another little brother.
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In this scene, Kim finally (at long last) makes a big breakthrough in his investigation.
Check out the background! It's an open doorway, a direction, a way forward, even if it isn't the direction he expected his sleuthing would go.
More LoP posts: [Trailer] ... [Ep07] [Ep08] [Ep09 Part 1] [Ep09 Part 2] [Ep10] [Ep12]
For more great meta from folks across the KP Tumblr fandom, please visit the Damn Good KinnPorsche Meta doc.
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